r 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUBDAY , jr sE 17 , 18JM ) . Telephones CIS 6M. ! Bee , Jun * 18 , Pretty Wash Our friends tell us that : nowhere in the city do they see as varied and stylish assortment of wash waists as here so many of our lines and pat terns are exclusive v/ith us. PRETTY WASH SKIRTS WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS We ha\e provided an abundance of these Hundreds of different styles to select coot garments for ladles , In light from nt $1.00. $1.25 , $2 00. $2.23. $3.00. weight materials , but thoroughly well BLACK BRILLIANTINU SKIRTS made , at unusually low prices for such Those ladles who are particular as to goods as wo sell. the fit and shape of their skirts will Beautiful cotton covert skirts In new bo pleased with our garments as they blue , handsomely trimmed In white at arc made by first-class tailors. Our 1300 prices are $5.00 and $7 CO AOEJJTB FOn FOSTER KID GIjOVIZB AMD McCAM.'S PATTEnjf.1. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. Y. SI. C. A. I1UILDIKG , COIl. 1UTII AM ) DOUGLAS STS. CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee Single Summer Vacation coupon- ONE VOTE for the most popular young Indy in Omaha who cnrns her own living. llnm * of Young Lady. ! MISS $ WORKS FOR. CUT TI } - , CUT OUT THIS COUPON. Omaha Bee Subscription Summer Vacation coupon- qpIIIS COUPON , if accompanied hy ciish prepaying a A new or old subscription to The BJC , counts 12 votes for each week prepaid , if paid at The Use office , for the most popular young lady in Omaha who earns her own living. ( NO. ) VOTES FOR MISS WORKS FOR SEND THE BEE TO ( Name ) . FOR WEEKS ( Address ) . , . B. Tills Coupon must be stamped by the Circulation Department of Thu Ccc before it is deposited. L. .J Croatia Bee Vacation Department. SERVICES AT EXPOSITION Kcv. Vj'rjuSy Morjinn IM Compelled < o Tell Sumo Triitlin IleirnrdliiK ( he I'ropnNltloii. To the Editor : Kindly allow mo to call the attention of the public to the Inaccurate account of your reporter , whlc > appeared In your evening Iraue of June 1G. Ho says ' lhat there "was a fair representallon of ministers and others engaged In church I work. " 'May ' I stale that of all the minis ters of this town there were only four present Doan Fair , myfclf nml Revs. Mooie and Jackson ; besides those there wore about fifteen persons present. The only two of any prominence , besides the Indy assisting ( Mr. Tamlnoslan , were Secretary Willis and Mr. Iflaac Carpenter , The reporter statpa that Secretary Willis offered a resolution "authorizing the appointment of a commit tco of thrpe , which should choose another committco to solicit funds for the erection of the labornacle and lo determine the form of aorvlcra lo be hold. " This , again , Is Inaccurate and misleading ; not n single word did Hi' ' resolution contain about funds. I was the tlrat to ralso an obji-cllon lo the place contemplated by Tamlnonlan and hit ) friend' . I wanted to know who was to con duct these services , who would have pcasea- slon of the tabcrnaclo when Ihe expedition would bo over , etc. I wanted to know whether It was to bo a Syrian mission , or uliother it nag to bo undenominational. I stated that I would object to gho the move ment my moral support or to ask my church , or friends , to contribute , unices this mo\o-j mcnt was taken out of the lunds of TamlnoElan and placed In the hands of a I committee made up of delegates from each I denomination. . I did this on the ground that the Ministerial Union of this city had ! ! twice refused to endorse Mr , TamlnooHn and | I his work ; atan that If wo wcio to ralsd $400 to erect a labernaclo nt the exposition all the churches should be asked to do so , and should have control of the movement. After a good deal ot hot dlscusolon between Mr , Paul Chnrlton and myself , Dean Pair , as chairman , stated It IIK his judgment that there was no hope of having this mo\e- mt'iil endorsed and supporled by the general Ijody of Christian churches unlcw Mr Tamlnoslan aocepled Mr. Morgan's sugges tion to refer Iho mailer lo Iho Mlnls'erlal Union on Monday next. Finally , .Mr. Willis proposed a resolution that this movement ehould he endorsed on the undorotandlng that Mr. Tamlnoslan Miould hand over hU roncesslon Into the handa of n committee of the business and Christian men of Omali.i , who would have Iho solo und absolute con trol of ihls movement , Mr. Tamlnoslan him self lo bo a member of the committee. This wan the greal bone of contention and upon which Mr Tamlnoslan and Mr. Paul Charlton had finally to give w.ty. On June 20 we have to hear whether It la po 3lble lo ha\o tills concession aligned to another coimnltleo and to know who the committee IB , This was the work assigned to the first committee , and all talk ubout raising funds Is premature. I regret to have to nrlto this letter , but I do It In the Inlcrrsti of truih , as the report would be likely to mislead thu business and Christian men > f the town , and gl\o the public a wr ng Impression na to the pceiUlon of Mr. Taml- ooslan In this mailer. The question of Sun- 41f Think of Ease But Work On. " If your btood is t'tnpute you cannot even "think of eAse. " The blood is the greatest sushiner of the body And when you make it pure by taking Hood's Sarsa- parllla you have the perfect health tn 'Which even hard tvork becomes easy. day cervices , If the matter Phould mature , has not been decided and the matter will need careful consideration. In fact , nothing can bo done until wo know whether the con- cpsslon can be assigned. If It cannot then Mr. Tamlnoslan himself , and ! ! a few friends , will have to take their own course. I have no personal feeling. I only take a busincw i view of the movement , and desire to nee I the work carried out In n straightforward manner and to the credit cf th < s city and religion. Through Ihe absence of Mr. AVIllls I have not been able to obtain a copy of the resolution for Insertion. VYRNWY MORGAN. .Sale of 11 Mimlow. Rabbi Simon spoke lasl night at Temple Israel on n theme drawn from the story of the man who sold his shadow for Kortunatus' purse and who was pursued to his grave by woes of every description as a consequence. Making the shadow prefig ure the influence every Individuality must Inevitably possess , he slrong arraigned Ihose who seek pecuniary gain nt the expense of peace of mind , moral stamina and every good principle. Nor was the application of the figure limited lo Individuals. Nations which como to disregard principles for ter ritorial expansion and which Ignore their duty to God and their fcllowman , the speaker said , were numbered with the past. The shadow should bo reverenced and jeal ously guarded , for It was the Ideal and the Ideal was the only real. l.iilxn1'iilon At the meeting of the Central Labor union Friday night William Dickinson of the Horseshoers' union was obligated and a resolution passed authorizing the secretary to contribute ? 2E to the cause of the Im prisoned minors at Wardner , Idaho. The Bakers' union asked for the endorse ment of the centr.il body for their new scale of wages. It provides that the men shall not work longer than twelve hours n day , six days of Ihe week , for J10. Here- loforo they ha\e worked from fourteen lo eighteen hours a day for a salary of $7.50 a week. The endorsement given. l lth WUe The simple little charge of assault nnd battery against James nnd John Morrlsey was dismissed yesterday and the more icrl- ous charge of assault with Intent to com mit great bodily harm was ( lied The Mor- rlscys had Deputy Couny Attorney Holsley employed to defend them for misdemeanor. Judge Hclaloy , discovering lhat ho was de fending men guilty ot felony , promptly jumped the case and filed a felonious Com plaint against them. The two men , father and son , alomst klrled the wife of James Morrlsey about a week ago , beating and mal treating her Inhumanly. LOCAL BREVITIES , General George Crook camp , No. 1 , Sons of Veterans , will hold a meeting at John 0 Kuhn's olllco , 313 Sheeley block , Monday evening , Juno 19 , J. H. Grafton , night clerk nt the State hotel , charged with breaking Into the room of Perry Erwood of Shenandoah , la. , and ( stealing his watch , was discharged ycster day. Krwood was not sure that Graf ton was the man ho saw departing from the roam , although he thought ho bore the tarn appearance. The watch was not recov ered. Twenty-one alleged vagrants were nr rested near Ihe corner of Eleventh and Faruam streets Wednesday night by foil detectives. They were "rushing tli growler" back of an emplojment olllc whllo walling for a chance lo get out o town on railroad work. They showed up their hands and convinced the court tba they were laborers anxious for a chance to lca > o the city , so he told them to go , Out-of-town advices suggest that there Is some fear among the farmers along th river between Omaha and Sioux City tha the rher may gel on a rampage again by reason of the June rUe , The rise , how ever , seems to bo about over. The rlvor was falling at Sioux City and all points north and west of there yesterday. A Omaha the water has remalne-d stationary for the laal twen'y-four hours and la sill more than flv ) feet below the danger Jlne Local Forecaster Welsh expresses the opinion that the river will raii rapidly from this time on aud that there is no cauee for alarm. TRADE TREATY IS SIGNED First Reciprocity Agrsement Under Dingley Law Goes Into Effect. BARBADOES ARE FIRST TO ENJOY BENEFIT Other Southern Colonies AnxloiiN to Kireet Slnillnr ArrniiKcnicnt Term * of Comfiitloii Ant l -t AiiiioiiiiL'cil. WASHINGTON , D. C. , June 1C. A reci procity treaty between the United States and Great Britain In relation to fade between this country and the British colony of the Barbadocs wan signed at the Department of State today by the representatives of the two governments. It Is the first treaty framed under the Dingley law , and the first of the series ot treaties which the British colonies to the south ot thle country are Reeking to effect. John A. Kas on , special reciprocity plenipotentiary , signed tot the United States and the British charge d'affaires , Mr. Tower , for Great Britain. The treaty Is made for the term ot fho years , with provision for an extension unless either tarty should renounce It In the mean time. It Is made strictly within the terms of the section ot the Dingley law which provides for a reduction of not moro than 20 per cent of the regular duties on goods , wares and merchandise which may bo agreed upon In relation to the rcclprccal reduc tions given by other countries. The section further permits goods to be taltcn from the dutiable list and placed on the free list , alco for placing of goods on the free lUt for a term of years. I The act provides that the treaty Is to bo made by the president , by and with the consent of the senate and a clause Is added that the reduced duties are to apply when such treaty shall have been duly ratified by the senate and "approved by congress. " j Because this convention Is n treaty and | not a moro reciprocity arrangement and consequent - | sequent ! } ' llko all treaties must bo sub- lilted to the United States senate for Its pproval , the State department Is pre luded from making public Us terms. There- ore , It Is not possible to give with moro han an approximate degree of accuracy the cope of the Instrument. ArlluIcM AITf'ctrd Iiy Trrnty. In particular the department desires to void the discussion of special articles In- ludcd , as this Is likely to lead to contro- crsy. The Information received from of- clal quarters has shown that the chief ar- clcs of export from Ilarbadoos to the United tales are sugar , molasses and maujak , the alter being a pitch much llko asphalt. Sugar s the chief product of the islands anil lie chief export to this country , the tiado ast year reaching $2,038,610. The chief nr- clcs sent to the Barbadoes from the United tatcs arc foodstuffs , mainly flour , corn meal , salt beef , bacon , pork , bread and corn. The Islands depend almost entirely on this ountry for their food supply. On the other land they have been getting their rnanu- actured goods almost exclusively from Eng- and. Our consuls have called attention ro- ently to the market in the Barbadoes for anned goods , butter , preserves , cement , bl- ycles and carriages and electrical equlp- icnts. The treaty relating to British Guiana Is bsolutely about ready to be signed , all the ssentlal features having been agreed upon , 'he negotiations have proceeded so far that no of the commissioners from Guiana , Mr. De Jongs , has departed , Sir Cavendish Boyle emalning to wind up the matter. The amatcan negotiations began today and the fllclals express hopes that results may be ecured os lo this colony at an early day. PLAXS FOR TlIK ISTIIMI.VX CANAL. CominlHuloii Divide * the Ilctnllv Ainnni ; SPA oral Committee * . WASHINGTON , June 16. The Nlcirasuan anal commission held another meeMng to- ay and then adjourned to meet In thij city n July 6. Admiral Walker , the phs'rman ' , \as auttorlzed to appoint commit'ees to onslder the various general llia-.s of In vestigation heretofore agree ! upon , viz. : The Nlcaraguan canal , the Panama canal , xplnration of now lines , commerce and ro- orts of the franchises. Each committee vlll consider all the available Information icarlng upon the particular branch ot In- ulry assigned to It and each le expected to > e ready to report to the full committco vhen It again meels a lentative and pre- Iminary plan for the prosecution of the ommltslon's work. K.NSIOXS poii wnsTisnx v Survliorn of the CUI1 AVnr Itc-nieiu- lirrril hy the Ocm-rnl Got eminent. WASHINGTON , June 1C. The following estern pensions have been granted : lesuo of June 3 : Nebraska- Original Jcredlah Knotts , Jeatrlce , Xfi. Increase Samuel Simmons , Nellsh. J13 to $17. Iowa- Original Lucinus S. McCoy , Whit en , $8 ; Cbarfes Modhurst , Cedar Rapids , C. Increase Hugh Flndlay , Doud'a Sta- lon , $8 to $12 ; William Baumclster. Alia Vista , $11 to $17 , Alexander W. Trout , 'erry. $14 to $17 ; Samuel K. Hcrrlman , Osl- veln , $10 to $17. Original , widows , etc. . .oulsa Lindsay , Wellmnn , $8. South Dakota : Honewal Walter McPar- and , Groton , $6. Increase Joseph W. Van- daveer , Elk Point , $12 to 511. AVnxhliiKton MI HIM-I In ii y. WASHINGTON , June 1C. ( Special Tele- ram ) The secretary of the Interior to- ay denied the motion for the appeal of . . THE . . FOOD CURE Put in the Hody wlwt NATURE NEEDS , Find that in } GRAPE-NUTS ! < J > - < S > < > - < S HOW TO HUIU ) A IJODY. One of Iho most Important discoveries ol late Is the application of the right kind of food to rebuild the lost substances of the body , thrown off by the acllve , nervous work ot Americans. Careful investigation by experts In fooc and dlaietlcB , has brought out the fact tint albumen , which Is contained In varlou foodti , is acled upon by phosphate of pol ash , not such as IE found In certain parts o Ihe field cralns in most minute particles arranged In Nature's laboratory , not man's The part of the grains containing phos phate of aotash Is used In Ihe manufacture of Orape-Nuls food , therefore the active nervous , pushing brain worker can feed the body with food that goes directly to the rebuilding of the broken down gruy matter In the brain , solar plexus and nerve centers all over the body , with the result that 'he Individual who refreshes and rebuilds the body with proper material of this sort , obtains a definite result , which he can feel and know of and which la apparent to his friends. A vlEorouB brain and nervous system Is of creator Importance to any business man or brain worker , than unlimited Quantities o ( money. Charles n , Ynuney , In the CUM of Ynuncy Against Westover , Involving n timber culture entry In the Drokcn Dow , Neb . land district. Theodore Wagner " \ns today appointed pc tm § ter at Armah , Iowa county , la. , anJ Mrs. Hannah Snjdcr nt Cluyford , Jonefl county , la. L nuvimr. of Colil 12xpnrtn linn I"ni- nriiblr J'fToet on Speculation. NEW YORK , June 16 Dradstrcet's Fi nancial Review tomorrow will sny : Strength nnd weakness have alternated In the week's speculative movements. Manip ulation , however , appeared to be mainly re- sponclMe for the advances nnd hear celling and some realizing of profits by traders for thi ) ( ItNines. Professional Influences were predominant nml the public's share In the purely speculative market contlnucn lo ho smalt" , the confident points which have been In circulation about the Inrgo InterestR be- Ini ; committed to the bull nldo nnd nerving to cause n further gcperal aiUance of prices Invlng faired to bring any appreciable out side participation. The decline In exchange ri'is nnd the checking of the gold exports have , to a certain extent , affected the tone of Iho mnrkoi favorably. The U voiltnent deminl for bonds nnd pi me Investments Is of tl'o fame largo nmcunt heretofore noted. TUcra have been .idvani es In n number of hlglur grades of bonJ Itruc ? with new reiords In the quo- ( aliens for them. The same tendency nlso has nn effect on dividend-paying slocks. On the olher hand , uncerlnlnly In regard to the crops nnd the outcome na lo railroad tonnage nnd earnings Is Mlfl sufficiently prominent to exercise n restrictive Influence on speculation. The Irregularity In crop estimates Usual at this portion of the year Is rather moro pronounced than for eomo seasons past and Is In many quarters con sidered n good reason for waiting on the part of large speculative Interests. Some of the latter have , indeed , ghon support to their specialties , but others have been nc- live on the bear side , although In nil opera- lions of Ihnl character at present the dis position Is to cover for small profits. Europe has not been R factor In our inar- kolB , Iho London participation hero being small and equally divided between buying nnd Belling. There have been no surprises as to earnings or dividends. It appears that more favorable results may be soon looked for In regard to the nnthraclle coal prop- crllcs. Thu Hey llofornier. Cole Alexander IJogcland , the well known reformer among youths , Including the news boys , arrived from DCS Molnes last night nftnr n tnlir nf tVirfln ninntha In nlMosvnsf of Ihe Mississippi river. He has recently addressed the newsboys In St. Louis , In- dlnnapolls , Topeka , Hannibal , Qulnoy , Bur lington nnd DCS Molnes. Colonel Hogefand will remain over Sunday and speak In Homo of the churches , reviewing the "curfew" na n home builder , tax saver and crime re ducer. Cnrnclllnii Gocn to t.illfornln. SAN FRANCISCO , June 1C. The board nf resents of the University of California to day selected Benjamin Ide WheeFer of Cor nell ns the president of the university , to succeed Martin Kellogg , resigned. The nal- ary of the president was fixed at $10,000. It was decided lo charge all students a reglstrallon fee of $20 for Iho next uchool year. Council ! nf Tnnncrn CHICAGO , June 16. The Shoe nn ' Leather Review tomorrow will say : The 1" portnnt event of the week In leather circle. was the admission of the promoters of ; lu upper leather trust , that the organization would fall If the tanners do not consent to extend the options beyond July 1. The Impression Is general that no extension will be granted. Youthful ItobhcrH Cnnitht. Jim Cummlngs and James Campbell , lads under 16 years of age , were caught early this morning robbing H. Hardy & Co.'s store , 1510 Douglas street. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. T. L. Ackerman ot Slanton was In the city Friday. , F. H. Carroll , a prominent railroad official of Oklahoma , Is in town. Mrs. B. D. Blackmarr of Salt Lake visited friends In the city Friday. Charles Anderson Freeport of Las Vegas , N. M. , Is registered at the Mlllard. W. F. Norway , lumber merchant of Chlp- pewa Falls , Is registered at the llllFard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brooks of Sioux City were registered at a leading hotel Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Graham of Brownsville , Pa. , are the guests of Manager Lee at the Mlllard. S. L. Hlghlcyman of St. Louis , who has for jenrs been connected with the tax de partment of the Missouri Pacific , is at the Mlllard. George B. Dandy , Jr. , Just graduated nt the University of Pennsylvania , will arrive In Omaha this morning on a short visit to his parents , General1 and Mrs. Dandy. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kagan of Sioux City were guests of the Mlllard Friday. Mr. Eagan is proprietor of the Oxford hotel. He and his wife arc now on their wedding trip to the cast. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Graham of Brownvllle , Pa. , spent Friday In the city visiting places of Interest. Mr. Graham Is n well mown Pennujlvanla banker and his dlstlna- lon Is Wyoming , where he has largo mining nlerests. A. L. Towle of the United Stales land dice at Valentine , Nob. , Is spending a ouple of days In Omaha. He says the ) uslncss of bis olllce Is booming and that eventy-four bomeslead papers were filed during the month of April , this year , which \as a record-breaker. The Tecumseh bane ball nine , nccom- anled by a contingent of rooters , icglstercd at a leading hotcr last night. They will play Buck Keith's team today. The per- onnel of the nlno Is ; C. R. Buffum , cap- iiln ; Pcndcrgrast , Gorman , Stollaid , Mor- Isey , Case , Townscnd , Ross and Freeman. Coroner N. P. Swnnson returned yesterday rom Grand Island , where he attended the meeting of the stale association of under- akers , One of the things the coroner Is iroud of having had n hand In Is the ap- iroprlatlon of $25 of Ihe nssoclatlon'a money or Iho relief of the Herman cyclone mif- ercrs. Tobias Castor was In the city yesterday. Ho has been engaged for several1 months In for the In buying right-of-way Burlington the western part of ihe stale nnd In east ern Wjomlng for the new extensions now being built by lhat road , He has some more purchases to make , but they are at points where the exact route has not yet been determined upon. At the Mlllard : John Hartford , Chicago ; Charles Anderson Freeport , Las Vegas ; E. G. Griffith , Chicago ; Morris Mctcalf , Chicago cage ; Paul E. Treppcnhauer , Now York ; A. W. Warren , St. Joseph ; Oscar Lelstner. Chicago cage ; S. Jacobson , New York ; H , A , Bliss , Newark , I. Pick , Syracuse ; Fred H. Whip- pie , Delroll , A. J , Gassellro , New York ; A. D. Horlan , Coatesvllle ; M. C. Leach , New York. W. F. Quimby , New York ; King Ofcn , Chicago. Nebraskans at the hotelsF. . C Tollctt , HasllngH , A. L , Towlo , Valentino ; C. L. Mlelenz , Waboo , W H. Thompson , Grand Island , D. M. Owen , Norfolk ; Mr. and Mrs S. Ferris , Broken Bow ; George P. Sheerloy B. 0. Perkins , U. H Dean. David Clly , C W. Broalch , Norfolk , E O. Hall , Mell E Bauer , David Clly ; M. B , Reete , H B Cashford , Lincoln ; L. S. Hastings , J. Hies- lerman , David City ; I ) . McMillan. Herman ; A. R. Oleson , Fremont. W. B. Rlley , Goth enburg , A. V. Whlllng , Lincoln. At the Her GrandH. . N. Asul. Carl Res- enberger , New York ; G. D. Marlott , Alcbl- son , A H. Cahn , F. B. Lord , J. F Alwood and wife , A L Gere , Chicago , J. H Hlroes , Lincoln ; M J. Tansey. Hartford , P J Dolan , Chicago , W R. Thomas , South Omaha ; G. H. Harris , Chicago Dr. W I , Seymour , Chicago ; F G. Smith , Kansas City ; W. W. Powell , St. Louis , W A. Green , Chicago , Samuel L. Autenbach , Now York ; N. L. See , Newark. U n , Blackman. New York ; J. E , Glgson , Des Molnes , Jay Goldth. walle , Chicago ; O. S. Carl , Cleveland , W J. Miller. Hasllngs , W. H. Fogg , St Louis , W. H Cundry , Den > er ; S Maunhlnn. Kan sas Clly , C. Y Lucas , Chicago , J W. Elklns , St. Louli : R. L. Olher , Kansas car. BANKED FIRES BLAZE AGAIN Early Resumption of Work is Probabh at the Trust Smelters. GRANT WILL CONFER WITH THE COMMITTEE Shim ti to Meet Sclicilnlo I'nlil nt AFRO Snirllor mill Only UiLtreini" DiMiumdn of WiirUtncn Will r Hti > niu > M-tllrmcitt. DBNVCR , Colo. , June 16. The outlook Is favornblo tonight far an early resumption ot work nt nil the trust smellora which have been shut down since \S'ednesday , brlnfi- Ing enforced Idleness to thousands ot mlncra and railroad employes ntul threatening In calculable damage to all Die Industries of the state Steps hmo hren taken which will probably bring about a conference between James B Grant , chairman of the operating commit tee of the American Smelting and Hellnlng compan ) , and a committee composed of the Smelter Men's union. The employes , It Is believed , will Insist only that eight-hour shifts shall be granted. .Mr. Grant has said that ho will agree In this Ho has also ex pressed willingness to pay the wages th.it arc being paid at the Argo smcltei. To adJust - Just rates according to the varying condi tions at the different trust smellers would require considerable study , but It the nieu recede from their demand for ten and twelve hours' nay for eight hours' work there will be nothing In the way of a speedy and satisfactory settlement of the trouble "We are willing to commence the oper.illoti of our smelteis and pay the same scale for parallel classes of labor that Is paid at thu Hanauer smelter In Utah and the Argo smelter In Denver , " said Mr. Grant. Nothing has yet developed to justify a prosecution under the now eight-hour law , as all the men arc out of the Grant and Glebe smelters and the law Is In force nt the Argo. Over COO miners emplojcd at the Colorado Fuel and Iron company's coal mines In the Tilnldad district have struck for ten hours' pay for eight hours' work. The railroads ha\e begun laying off train crews on account of the falling off In ore shipments. CHOKED HIMSELF TO DEATH Jury KliitlN ( hat .Vein Hanson Killed with 111 * Hiinil- c roll I of. The inquest over the remains of Nols Hanson at Coroner Swanson's undertaking rooms yesterday afternoon resulted in a verdict Ihiit death was caused by a hand kerchief tightly celled about the neck of the deceased by his own hands. The tes timony \\as Indicative of suicide , and thu finding is in accordance with what was pre sented to the jury. Mrs. John Handrlck , 2C15 North Four teenth street , testified that Hanson had re mained at her house two weeks , having como there from Curtis , Neb , When ho left , her husband asked him where he was going. He responded that he did not know , but ho expected to leave the city. She said ho had a brother in the hospital for the Insane ot Noifolk , and she believed that the mind of Xels Hanson was deranged at times. The testimony of J.V. . McCardel , pro prietor of the Jefferson Square lodging house , 318 North Sixteenth street , showed that Hansen entered his place Tuesday night and retired to his room about 10 o'clock. He had no baggage and so ho paid for his room In advance. The next day , Wednesday aflernoon , the witness heard hla housekeeper pounding at the door endeavorIng - Ing to waken Hansen. She could get no response , so McCatdel went up and , after shaking the Key out , took a pass key and opened the door. He saw Hansen lying on the bed dead with a handkerchief tied around his neck and foam oozing from his mouth. Witness summoned Officer John P. Durns and the coroner. When the latter arrived an examination of the body showed that the neck of the deceased was swollen BO that It was Impossible to pass anything between It and the handkerchief , which was knotted securely. Thirty-four cents In money was found and two pieces of paper bearing the address of a couple of friends. John Hansen of Curtis arrived In the city last evening to look after Ihe remains of hlb brother. IIliulH Olin < -r Oi < > r Auruiii. Judge Gordon took another whirl at Harry Glover yesterday afternoon. This time Glover Is accused of having burglnrlrod the tailor shop of A. Vodlcka and of daylight breaking and entering. Ho was tried on the first complaint. It was shown that he had disposed of the stolen clothing nt two places. The defense offered no testimony at all and Glo\er was bound over. On ihe second charge ho waived examination und was also held on It. Glover was bound over to the di ° trlct court once before on the charge of burglary. The proprietor of a grocery store at Thirteenth and Capitol avenue caught him In the ntore Glover forced him to open the front door and let him out. Although only n boy , Glover showed by the use of a butcher cnlfo at that time that ho could be des- ) erale. Ho was arrested afterward with n stolen coin on his person , hut a jury nc- lultted him In the upper court. JiuiiiN OIF thu Street Car. Frightened by a burning fuse which canned icr to think the car had been struck by ightnlng an unknown woman jumped oft a Hnrnvy street car on Pierce street KBi crday afternoon whllo It was In motion She foil on the pavement and was bruised about the shoulders and her back sprained. She was taken to her homo near Sixth and Pierce streets , where a physician at- ended her. As she and her four children are dependent upon her own efforts the Jn- ury promise * to prove a costly ono to her. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See paoSlmllc Wrapper Uclow. email and on easy to take as < nffar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DI72INE3S. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FORTHECOMPLEXIOK CURE SICK HEADACHE. i. Makes a man equal to any emergent Dlcaa makes him unen'i-il to the ordinary duties of life ( -5 When loetriut > falls to cure whenmed- X clno Mto \ cure. RO to the st.ite. R ociro- J > Medical InitlUito nnd let [ Klei trlenl ml y Medical Hprrlul' tp pro\e to you that by r-f ] their combined < li < rtrn-nuMllcul ireatmcnt 1 they ran cure you v hn nil pUr linn Cj fnllcd. H-i Ot'R MKDICAL STAFF Inelude the f o- r > lowlnp eminent speclsll-it. grndunteg fronj rj the foremo l mwlonl colleg-e and enrh n > not il and ticknowlnlged experl In hli pai- .3 tlrulai line of treatment : 1111. M1LI-N. 1)11. SAMPSH1.L , C DIl. SAV15ANY , 1)11. COOK , & 1)11. COAXES , DK RKXWICK , 1)11. HVYLKY , mi. KKLLY. Hri In t-eekln tt-oalment the follow-lnif quail- llcitlotm fhnniii i > n taken Into consdcrat'on | -v Ability experlnioe. skill and an tstabllsh * ' ! K reputation for HDMAHIHTY ! All of which tr are possessed 1 > \ the peclnlHl of this .J inilltute. and are necessur ) for the HUC- nil. JULIJN , Chief of Stuff. cesBful and datlsfactory treatment of ( inj disease The State HIectrn.Medical Institute GUARANTEES A PERFECT AND PERMANENT CURE Hy their Combined Ulcctro.Mcdlcnl Treatment. WEAK , NERVOUS MEN trusi or deletillon ftvm work a palnles * . sure and permanenl cure Lost \ lgorandltalltj , \ \ enknul shrunken " " ' cc'e ' I" VA.KICOCHLE""jf'r ° < BW < ' organs , shnltercd nei\ou < xystem caused In . overwork , excesses nmlselfnbupe resulting of the orpans nnd glando treated with ua- In weakness of bo < l > and brain n'ght mil * . frtlllnfT success Rlons , lodges In the urine , dlzzint-Bs , falling I memory , Inrk of ponflilenor anil ambition , Contagious Blood Poison I pnliiH In the back , loin * and kldtiojn , nnd , i other tll trt'sslni ; symptom * , unnuing- one Syphilis and all ill cn C8 of the blood I for buitncRs or pleasure. Our special sys- promptly and thomuphh cured and every tern of treatment will euro YOU Rcslora Iraio of Ihi" pol im tMidlcaled from the your physical nnd se\iml health and make syslem forever , n-HtnrlnK health and purity. you once more a man among men no mat ter who or whnt has fal ed DISEASES OF RECTUM , STOftl A CHCatarrh ulcor.itlon FHtuln. I'l es ( hemorrhoids ami , unppgn. , | indiges ) . Internal or tion weakness , piln and fullness after eat- protruding. Itching cxurlatlrnH , etc posl- tlxelv cured Inp , henrlburn , elc. without the use of knife ALL DISEASES OP WO.M1JN most suc- RUPTURE Cured by their new- ccHsfullv trcaled nd promptly cured by method without knife , the Combined Eleclro-JIcdkal Treatment. S nml r ° ilMft1ni1f cnl1 511 U ) ° Ol"i'01 full > , ' l > flblnK your symptom. ° u wl" recelvo In r plain en\iuue a sclentltlo anil honest opinion of your case and a book of valuab la information free of Office Hours From 8 n. in. to 8 p. in. Sunda > s 10 a. in. to 1 p. in. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE , Omaha , Neb. 1308 FARNAAl STREET. my < U OB l\uy JUJUY 1 to Nov. 1 , 28OO. President CI OUUR IIII Scrretiirj Ut IH.UY SMITH. TrcuHiircr FHAMC MURl'HY. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ADVISORY COMMITTEE. C , J. SMYTH , Chairman. FIIAXIC xiunrnT , P. E. ILER. HERMAN KOUNTZE , WM. IIAYDUN , EMIL BRANDI2I8 , H. J PENTOLD , J. H. MILLARD , J. B. KITCHEN. H. E. PALMER. "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WFT. " GOOD WIFE ! YOU NEED v mm : &KAKKX ix TIIK SIIOK nivEs I > STA. > T in pact's nf Snolh n , Tlri'il , Smarting. Swenljrilloui and Aclilng Foet. _ ] tinoi I > P anil prei tntH all RiircnotH HIM ! oilorH of the feet. liiTAJUfibl * lor UKO about the dress hlili'lcls. Fleslir pi-oplu will thid till * prmdci cfpeclnllr i < tf ctlrn In fnollilnif chaflntr , etc. Antlueiitie. Dues not | ire\ent lieilihr in'rniilrntlnn ulinil | > iiliKii Iw It unperlor to all similar prepur. ulloilB. Keeps feet itrj Ihn } < ur 'rnmiil , prerenthiK colds and In urlnK lie.illli , Gives Instant Relief to Bailies Suffering from Rash or Chafing. Dru S'Li ' 25c per box , Purely vegetable , mild and r liable , Reg ulate the Liver and Digestive organs. Tha safest and best medicine In the world for ths of all disorders of the Stomach , Liver , How-els , KIdn ye , Bladder , Xcrxous Dis eases. Loss of Appet'tc Headavhe , Consti pation , Couth PUCES Indigestion , nilllous- neis , rover , Inflammation of the How els. Piles , nnd all duinnKcnionts of the Int'rnal viscem. I > ERFJCT DIGISTION- bo nrcompllshc-d by laklne RADWAY S IMLLS. By so dolnff DYSPEP8BA , flick Headache. Foul Stomach , will lt % avoided , an the food thnt Is eaten i conlrlbul'B KB nourishing properties for the support of til' natural waste of the bed > . Price 25 els. per box Sold by alt diug- Klsts. or snt hy mall on receipt of ptlec. HAD WAY & CO. , 63 K\m \ blrc'el , New York. ' 'Automatic" Bicycle and Carriage Lamp Burns Acetylene Gas No Wicks No Regulat ing Valves TUIs lamp la beautifully made , has a bril liant , uniform flame , and Is absolutely celt- eo\ernlng. BURNS BEST WHEN LEPT ALONE II jour druler < IOVM mil PRICE keep ( lie Iiiiiii , ur irlll $2.50 xeuil It , cnrrlnur iire- linlil , on rruelpt of iirloo. The Plume & Aiv/ood Go. , 100 LAKH STHKET. CHICAGO. Success. it impossible \\ltliout nerrq ciierg ) , strong brain jxmcr. SOXINE PILLS Insure this. They enable > ou to tlilnk clearly ; cure Nertous IJfbillt ) and banish all Impel lections rained b > pa t error * Have > ou thai boundless erirrg ) which indicate ! perfect health'l w IlooU free AJdrcsj Kuhn & Co . or New L'lonomlcal Drug Co. . Omaha. Nebraska. AMI SHMKVI'S. Till : I. AST TWO TMinS TO SUB THIS DILI. . MATINEE' TODAY Ail ) Sciit 1150) ) Children lUc. TONIGHT 8:15. : HIM > AM > inciiAiins , Ai.novr AM ) nu.novr , i. on uy. AM ) . \i.ir\ , HI MI , i. IMMITT , UI.M : . rf1.1:11 : , Prices never chunglng. Evening * , re served seats , 25c and , Vr > , KU ! | ry lOc. Jlallncen , Wednesday. Saturday and Bun- day. Anj ae.it 25c , thlldren lt c , gallery , lOc. THE TROCADERO W. W. COLfi , Lessee nnd Maiugur. Tdephon-i 2,100. ' " ANY SEAT25C CHILDREN - I0c Tomorrow Afternoon the Banner Bill of the Season Opens. Art Institute w Drawing , & Painting anil Llssm Becorallve Work. . , Hospo AndltorIumIJI3Uoualai. norni.s. THE MILLARD < . 13th and Douglnc Sts , . Oninhci. IUOA.'V AND KWUOI'IJAS I'ljA.t- CENTllAl.LY LOUATKD. j , [ 2. tiAUKUl. * S.O.N , I'ropn. .SCHOOLS. BROWNELL HALL , llunrdliiK mill DID Si'liiiiil fur ( ilrlm , Under the dlrntiun of lit Htv < lcor o \VorthinLtJi. , 8 T D , LL D Kail U-rm tommcnctg Bepl 15lh 1S93 , Bend for circular or apply personally to lrj , Louise It. Upton. 1'rln.