JL o * J THE O FATTA DATLY BEE : FTHDAT , .TU E TO , 1890. WATER STOPS THE GRADING Illinois Central Forced to Temporarily Sus pend Work on Its Extension , NUMEROUS WASHOUTS IN WESTERN IOWA ConnlflrrnMo DnninuiIlnn Horn DIIIIC Terminal Company CoiillimcN Actively fit Work In 31 ill- IliK llil | roviMiiulltn. Hoary rnlns during the ? last week Imvo resulted In temporarily stopping work on the Illinois Central line Into Omaha. The Iloycr river In western Iowa overllowed Us banks and drove the graders back to the highlands. It will be several days before the grading can be resumed. Track laying from tbo Council Bluffs end of the line U lining continued , nnd when the trestle work over the trncks of another line Is completed tbo construction train will movn out as fast as tracks can bo built for It. Another train will start from Tara before long and work westward to meet the first ono. All the contracts are well nlong and there la nothing so far to prevent the completion of the line at the tltno set by the company. TIIISY Aim MKSI.M ; jioxnv ( llllclnlH of "Kilty" I.lniliiMlnl Hxport Iliixliicnx IN Unpriilltalilr. ST. LOUIS , Juno 16. Testimony before the Interstate Commerce commission relative to shipping rates , both domestic and foreign , was begun hero today , with representatives of nearly every railroad company In the south nnd west present , ns well as ofllclals of the Kansas City and Cnlcago boards of trade. The most Important feature of the Eeasloci was the statement of F. A. Drew , general freight agent of the Missouri , Kan sas & Texas railroad , to the effect that negotiations are now In progress for the es tablishment of an Immense line of steamers to run between Onlveston and all foreign ports. ntio statement was brought out under questioning by James Haggeman , solicitor of the "Knty" road , who contended that under th' present arrangements the company's foreign export 'business was not conducted at a profit. .SoillIllVONtlTIl lllirt'lllt IMnNOlVC * . ST. LOUIS , Juno 15. At a meeting of the executive olllcors of the southwestern Hues It hns been determined to take steps for tha dissolution of the Southwestern bureau. Previous to this meeting the executive board had decided to abolish the conference com mittee after September 1 and the attitude of the Southern Pacific In sending a notice of withdrawal' and demanding the return of Its deposit now leads to the dissolution of the bureau. A meeting of the tralllc man agers will bo called at headquarters hero on the second Tuesday In July , when the cxecu- live officers will bo assembled In St. Louis for the monthly conference on the general rate situation with one or more members of the Interstate Commerce commission. * The traffic men will then adopt n plan for a ( bureau of Information , In charge of a sec retary , and It will bo known ns the South western Freight committee , similar in Its aims nnd purposes to the Transmissourl Freight committee. It Is also proposed to keep up the Southwestern Weighing and In- Bpection bureau. Terminal Coiitimny In llusy. Operations by the Terminal company con tinue active notwithstanding a multiplicity of lawsuits nnd obstructions Interposed by rival lines. The now freight depot at Tenth nnd Chicago streets Is nbout ready for the roof. It Is going to bo an attractive struc ture nnd adds greatly to the general np- pcaranco of the Immediate locality. In the same -vicinity the company Is laying a num ber of tracks , making an extensive yard for the accommodation of Its freight business. At other points along the line where the right of way Is not in litigation work Is moving along without Interruption. Sev eral llttlo houses on the company's land re main to bo moved and the contractors ore now nt work upon them. Hull' " Kvorywlioro. Action toy the Ogden gateway lines In making special rates to the northwest , to Colorado and to Utnh points during the period of the educational meeting at Los JVngeles , as a retaliatory measure upon the Southern Pacific , hns aroused the roads fur- 'ther east nnd they nre making similar rates to points on their lines to protect their own business. The Chicago Oreat Western , for Instance , has made a similar rate for the came period to Important points In Wiscon sin , Minnesota and Missouri. If these rates contlnuo to spread they will tie so general 1 > y the Inttor part of this month thnt there will remain no Inducement for the Califor nia trip nsldo from the attractions of the meeting at LOB Angeles. Tunnel. CHICAGO , Juno 16. An agreement has been reached In the long standing oult be tween the Colorado Midland nnd the Bush tunnel bondholders. The tunnel bonds , amounting to $1,250,000 , ore to bo exchanged for Colorado Midland 2 , 3 nnd 4 per cent bonds. The tunnel bondholders are also to receive 4 per cent Interest , less legal ex penses , for the period of the receivership , cqunl to from $140 to $1GO per bond. The tunnel , which Is located at Hngermnn Pnsa , has boon Idle for a number of yeans owing to differences In regard to rental , the Colorado rado Midland In the meantime building nnd operating Its own track over the mountains. ItnnilH All Overcoming AViiNlioulM. The Milwaukee and Northwestern roads , which have suffered a great deal from wnsh- outs In western lown , now have their lines open , although the trains from the cast are not up to schedule tlmo. The latter rend had several bnd washouts between Arlon and Missouri Valley , which for two days necessitated the abandoning of some trains. Wednesday night the Rock Island had a similar experience , nnd temporarily operates Its trains from Neola to Council Bluffs over the Milwaukee ) line. The damage to these roads In that portion of lown from the hlgli water will amount to several thousand del lars. IlnllrontlOI ( < M mill IVrxoiinlN. Track laying from the Union Pacific bridge to the new union depot has been resumed. The train sheds at the Hurlingtnn passen ger station nro receiving n fres.1i covering of paint. 13. ti. Lomax nnd S. A. Hutchison of the Union Pacific passenger department linvo gene to Chicago , J. O. ( loodsall , Union Pacific passenger agent , has gone to Salt Lnko City to help out the local olllco there during tile sickness of one of the attaches. Railroads nnnomico n ono faro for the round trip from South Dakota points for the republican stnto convention to be held ut Redflcld on Juno 28- The Union Pacific Land department hns Just sold to the Standard Meat nnd Cattle company of Denver a tract of land In Wyo ming embracing 12.CSO acres. Another tract of 3,200 acres In Utah has been sold to A. (5. Brim of Echo , W. M , GallagUfr of Hrjran. i-a. , says : "For forty years I have tried various cough medi cines. One Minute Cough Cure Is bent ol ll , " It relieves Instantly and cures all thrust and lunc troubles. Rnvnlry < ! oe * to AVnriliier. A detachment of 150 men of the Sixth cavalry nnd three commissioned ofllcers will be taken from Fort Rlley , dismounted , and sent to Wardner , Idaho , where It will re lieve tour troops of the Twenty-fourth In fantry , which have been ordered to the Philippines. The cavalrymen will do suard duty at tbo mines at Warduer. The contract for moving the battery of the Third artil lery from Fort Itlley has been awarded to ho Union Pacific and Southern Pacific. The troops of the First cavalry from Fort Rob inson will bo taken lo Fort Russell , via Orlti Junction. SCORCHERS CAUSE TROUBLE .Iiiitgp Oiiriloii Find * 1luI'nftt Hiding . Ordlniiiicf 11 niltU'uK l'ropi > lf Ion , Police Judge Gordon has about decided thnt the blcyclo ordinance rank * next tc the gnrbnge ordinance In furnishing the greatest number of cases for his considera tion. The first ordinance , however , has tc deal with a class of men who earn thcli bread , or what llttlo they get , by violating It , so thnt they nro always sure of the sympathy of court and people when ar rested. With the latter , however. It Is different. The men and boys arrested art either well off flnnnrlnlly ami nblo to pnj their fines when guilty of an Infraction 01 their parents will corno nnd tlelp them out Then they are able to put up a pretty fitifl story to the court , who ordinarily dislike ; to flno them. Ono of the best stories the boys have sprung on the Judge since the timem scorching arrived. Is that they wore dolnp their best to get homo before tlio storm , They did not sec the blue-coaled guardlar of the peace standing on the corner until ho yanked them off their wheels. In almosl every Instance this slory has appealed tc his honor and he has discharged the scorch ers who Insisted on beating ten miles an hour on Iho principal streets. Unfortunate ! } for'J. E , McSwcenoy and O. Kcnnlson , there was no storm Wednesday night and they had no excuse for fracturing the law. They were fined $1 nnd costs for their fast ef forts. Darwin Pcarman was given a rellel for u few hours. HOPE FOR EARLY AGREEMENT Ilcllnlte HcMiiltH i\i < -etril from Krl- Viaduct CmifercniM' Prop erty ( Mviior * to Have 11 Voice. Members of the council , city officers nnd citizens generally seem to have considerable hope that the conference of the council wltli the railroads this afternoon will re sult In some progress toward the beginning of work on a viaduct on Sixteenth street , basing their hopes on the offers made by the railways last evening to modify the proposed agreements. The situation was somewhat simplified last night , It being de veloped that the park board was satisfied , and had practically withdrawn Its formal protest , and thnt Llnlnger & Mctcalf had been , or would bo offered a suitable outlet from their warehouse. The greatest dim- cultles will bo experienced In adjusting the various Interests on Seventeenth street , fix ing the time limit for the construction ol the Twenty-fourth street viaduct , and agree ing on a course to be pursued with regard to the accounts of the city against the roads , which the latter nsk to have canceled. It Is understood by some of the members of the council that today's conference Is to bo open to the public ami that Interested property-owners will be allowed the privi lege of the floor If they wish to make any suggestions or remonstrances. Tin ? I'nflod StntoM a I'oivcr for flood. A distinguished historian writes , while re ferring to this nation's advent as a colonizing nizing power , that wo represent the "cen tury's political conscience , " and that our Influence for good over European spheres will be Immense. This result was Just as Inevitable as Is the euro which follows the USD of Hosteller's Stomnch Bitters , the great remedy which Is found In every home nnd drug store throughout the country. It cures indigestion , constipation , overworked kidney and liver , allays nervousness and tones up tha whole system. AV13STWAUD 110 ! Information for the Traveler. If the traveler , tourist or business man Is westward bound this year he must not fall to travel via the Rio Grande Western Rail way "Great Salt Lake Route. " It Is tbo only transcontinental line passing directly through Salt Lake City , and in addition to the glimpse It affords of the Temple City , the great Salt Lake nnd picturesque Salt Lake and Utah valFcy , It offers choice of three distinct , routes through the mountains and the most magnificent scenery In the world. The reduced rates to California , authorized for the National Educational Association Juno 25 to July 11 , will apply via Rio Grande Western Railway. On all Pacific coast tickets stopovers nre granted at Denver , Colorado Springs , Mnnl- tou , Leadvllle , Glenwood Springs , Salt Lake City , Ogden and other points of Interest. Double dally train service nnd through Pull man and tourist sleeping cars between Den ver nnd San Francisco nnd Portland. Through tourist sleepers Chicago to Los Angeles and Portland. Perfect dining car service. For Illustrated pamphlets descriptive of the "Great Salt Lake Route , " write E. Copraml , general agent , Owings building , Chicago , or F. A. Wadlelgh , general pass enger ngent , Salt Lake City. Den Mi t Old I.adlfN' Home. Mrs. Mary Legg , aged flO years , died on Thursday morning nt 6 o'clock. Funeral at the Home , 2718 Hurt street , on Friday at 1 o'clock. Interment at Fremont. She was a remnrknbly bright nnd lovely Christian , and though she had been blind for seven years she had made herself very dear to all who know her by her sweet patient manner , never complaining , and nlwnys having n pleasant word for all who came Into her bright nnd cheerful room. She had n liorror of being useless and busied herself In braiding rags which have been sold for a small sum to those who wished to encour age her. She wllF be missed by all who know her. K\teiiNlve nnmiiKe to Hrld cN. County Commissioners Harte , Ofurom nnd Ilofcldt have returned from n general' trip of Inspection which covered most of the bridges and culverts In the country pre cincts. Their report Indicates that the total damage accomplished by the recent heavy rains will aggregate nearly $20,000. Ono of the largo brick culverts nbout three miles this side of Ilcnnlngton was completely washed out nnd 2,000 yards of the fifteen- foot embankment was also carried off by the flood. This culvert wns constructed only n short time ago at u cost of $5,000. This Is the most serious damage , but scarcely n bridge In the county escaped en tirely. In some cases the Injury can be re paired without great expense , but In others the bridges must bo largely reconstructed. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely digests food within the stomach and Intestines and renders all classes of food capable of being nBsimllated and converted Into strength giv ing and tissue bulldlm ; subtnnccs. Snm'l nurne , 131S Farnnm , Is selling a porcelain toilet set , 12 pieces , $1.75 , Remember the stereoptlcon lecture at the First Congregational church Friday evening by Rev. Mr. Hcnnlng on "Tho Land of Scott. " Wanted , two first-class tea and coffee aaresmcn , with an established trade In these goods In Nebroska or the northwest. Large salaries paid to star men. Useless to write unless such. II. C. Fisher , Chicago , Pay your High School alumni dues at DaUluft's. The Oewey European Hotci , 13th and Farnam. First-class rooms ; tales reasona ble. Her Grand Hotel T-irkUh Bathi now open. ANDFIRSON Gertrude , beloved wife of Richmond And rson , aged 28 years , 1802 Ulnney slrert. Notice of fiuu-rnl later. M'NAiMAHA Jfrs. Emma , used 27 years. wJfo of T , MciNamarn. ilnutrhtcr of Rlr. nnd Mrs. Michael McLcaney. 701 South KlKhteentli street. Funeral from St. Pe ter's church. Fronds of the family In- vltevl to attend. HAWKl'XS ' , James II. . at Herman. Fu neral from Park Dale Congregational church Friday at 3 p. m. nojrrox sTonn UBMNAXTS. Krtrn Special llemnnnt Sale of Sra- Monnlilo Dry OooiN , Drrxn ( loodn AND SILKS. ROC REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS , 160. Alf of nur nrrumulatlon of COc drcfs goods In lengths from 3 to 7 yards , In silk and wool novelties , French Imported novelties , plain henrlettn nnd scrse , figured dress goods and cultlngs , Just the thing for capes , Jackets , children's dresses and ladles' suits , that sold up to 60c yard , on front dress goods bargain square. IBc yard. $5.00 SILK AND WOOL DRESS GOODS G ! > C $2.00 , $3.00 nnd $5.00 dress goods In silk nnd wool grenadines nnd etamlnes , plaids , ehecks , silk and wool novelties nnd cfolhs. In lengths from 2 to 5 yards , on sale In dress goods department at cnc yard. Remnants of cloths for men's and boya' suits , ladles' golf skirls , plain goods , checks nnd plnlds , In lengths from l'i to 3 % yards , on bargain square 9Sc ynrd. rOC MOUSSEL1NE DE SOIE BC EACH. New silk moussellno do sole In remnants from one-half yard to ono yard , but many to match , light nnd dark grounds , lloral de signs , an new goods , never on sale before , worth up to noc yd. , on sale nt Gc. 75C MOUSSEL1NE IJB SOIE , 16C YD. Silk striped moussellne do sole , polkn dot moussellno tie sole , In plnln colors nnd with floral designs , In lengths from a ynrd up , many to mntch , enabling ladles to make n child's dress or ladle * ' waist , actually worth 7uc , on sale nt 15c yard. Remnants of slfk tnfl'etn In plain colors , checks nnd plaids , fancy silk , In nil lengths , go nt Gc , lOc nnd 25c for entire piece. $2.60 SILKS 39C , 4DC , G9C YARD. High cost silk , In lengths from 2 to 10 ynrds , heavy black brocades , checks , plaids nnd stripes , plain taffetas , brocaded taf fetas , In skirt lengths , waist lengths , worth up to $2.GO yd. , on sale at 30c , We and G9c yd. FRIDAY REMNANT DAY IN BASEMENT. 10,000 short remnants unbleached muslin , Ic yard. Long remnants twilled sheeting , denim nnd duck , 31JC. 36-lnch-wlde percale remnants , 3ic. ! Flno corded dimity remnants , long lengths , Co yard. Fancy heavy welt plquo remnants 3'Ac yd. Long remnants dress duck , Gc yard. 32-lnch-wido Imported gingham remnants , Go yard. Best grade prints , In remnants , 3' c yd. Best grade 3G-Iuch-wldo percale , long lengths , Gc yard. Fancy drapery denim , sateen nnd ticking , 2o ynrd. Fancy striped , checked nnd plnld white goods and Swiss , nil go at OV4c yard. Short remnants drapery sllkollne , 2c ynrd. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas. Miirrlnie The following marriage licenses were Is sued .Thursday : Name nnd Residence. Age. Bernard J. McArdle , Omaha 32 Agnes Ffaherty , Omaha 30 Robert Bates , Omaha 53 Anna Scott , Omaha ' 15 Jacob P. Kirk , Omaha 22 Mary E. Knnust , Omaha ID Norman M. Thompson , Topeka , Kan 31 Delia Stull , Cleveland , 0 27 Solon C. McKee , Indianapolis , Inil 30 Mattlo F. Brown , Hastings , Neb 21 IIoiv to Cure u Spriilll. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on Bald at first It was a slight strain and would soon be well , but It grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store nnd the druggist recommended me to try Chnmberlaln's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me en tirely. I now recommend It to all my friends. F. A. Babcock , Erie , Pa. Wo desire to tender our thajiks to our many friends nnd neighbors for their sym pathy and kindness during our recent be reavement In the loss of our only sister and daughter. NICHOLAS BACKES AND FAMILY. The funeral services of James Larned will be held at his residence , 417 North Fourteenth street , on Friday , the ICth Inst. , at 1:30 : p. m. , under the auspices of I. 0. O. F. lodge. No. 10. All friends are invited. The Interment will be made at Crete , Neb. Balduff'g barrels of Ice cream will bo this week composed of the following flavors Va nilla , Mocha and Sultanna. 1IAYDI5X ttllOS. HemnrUnlilp llnrmilm for 1'rlilny. Ono case extra largf white crochet bedspreads - spreads , fringed on nir sides , cheap nt 11.60 , on sale tomorrow nt $1 00 each. 200 doz. lowpls , buck or damask , bleached or unbleached. Turkish towels , twlllfd linen towels , and large cotton towels , wo.-th IB1 , . JSc , 17c and 19c , all In one lot on center tabfe , choice lOc each ; quantity lim ited on account of low price. Special bargain In 66-lnch-wldo full blenched tnblo linen worth 7i"c , on sale to morrow nt G5e yard. EXTRA FLANNEL BARGAINS. l.GOO yards Delft Cretonne , worth IGc yd. , nt SHc. One lot embroidered flannel at 25c ynrd ; 67 pieces Scotch shirting flnnnel , worth 39c , at ( yard ) 20c ; two coses Tobnsro shirting , worth Iflc , nt ( ynrd ) Gc : one case baby flannel , worth 12'4c , at ( yard ) CVjf ! ono ease shaker flannel , worth CVic , nl ( yard ) 3'ic. OREAT REMNANT SILK SALE. Four bargain squnres fuir of silks , all to go nt 25c , 3flc , 4 ! > c nnd 6tic , Blnck silks In both plnln nnd figured , gros grains , tnffotn ? Indlns , satins , oolored silks , In plaids am stripes , 'brocades , cream silk , plain colors foulards , twill wash silks , new cords , rem nants of drapery silk , In fnct hundreds o : remnants of nil kinds of silks , worth up to $2.00 , nil on snle Friday nt 25c , 30c , 49c and 50c. HAYDEN BROS. , nig Bargains in Basement. Aiiiioiineeitientn. A handeome sum wns realized from the benefit nt the Trocadcro theater yesterday for the relief fund for the victims of Tues day night's cyclone at Herman. Patrons who usually do not attend matinee per formances wcro out yesterday for the pole purpose of aiding In the work of charity. Many others who had never been to the theater attended so that they could contrib ute to the good work. There never w-as n more cordial response for aid through the theater channel made thnn nt this time. Had the fnct of the benefit been more extensively advertised the theater wouFd have been crowded to Its utmost capacity. Everybody nbout the theater contributed their Inbors HO thnt the fund collected nt the box oflloo was In no way curtailed. The expenses at tached to the performance were borne by Manager Cole. The show was greatly np- preclated by the large nudlcnco present. Little Pauline Ferguson , 8 years old , nn Omaha girl , was n volunteer performer. She danced prettily and was richly cos tumed. She gained for herself nn engage ment by appearing. Manager Cole was struck by her cfever work and will use her nil of next week. In many respects the vaudeville enter tainment at the Crelghton-Orpheum this week Is ono of the best that has been seen at that house. The acts arc all well se lected and appeal naturally nnd effectively to nfl lovers of the vnrletles. This after noon a special nintlnee Is to be given for the benefit of the homeless and destitute people allllcted by the lerrlble cyclone at Herman and Dane Holfow. The entire proceeds Will bo devoled by the manage ment to aid Iho sufferers , The matinee promises to be nn event of some social distinction , Inasmuch ns a number of uo- clety ladles hnvo volunteered their efforts to attain a triumphant success. The regular bill wlir be given. The Escamllos , equilib rists ; Reno and Richards , comedy acrobats bats ; Lorenz nnd Allen , eccentric comedy dancers , Mile. Tyler , the Creole night- Ingare , and nil the other acts will bo given In full nnd are well worth seeing more than once. For June 25 the management of the Crelghton-Orpheum promises a big sensation In the vaudeville line. Attention , Woodmen. Members of Beech camp , No. 1454 , M. W. A. , will please meet at Maul's undertaking rooms Friday , June 1G , at 2 p. m. , to assist In the burial of Esteemed Neighbor J. E. Hawkins. FRANK WHITOIARSH , Clerk. Several superb parasols will be carried nt the Greater America Exposition this sum mer by a number of participants In The Bee's Popular Girl Vacation Contest. These parasols will be prizes given to the second four from head of list at end of this week and are to be presented by the Boston Store. In whose 'front ' window they are now on exhibition. Thov are worth seeing. For official map of city of Los Angeles and N. E. A. pamphlet call at city ticket office Union Pacific. 1202 Farnam street. Dr. Shepard Catarrh , 312 New York Life. AT BOSTON STORE , Remember , that this coining Saturday , we will give to every girl hereabout ii pair of " T ° 9 sy ° n Vici Kid Slippers forher doll's feet. No matter how big or how small the doll may be , we shall have a pair of slippers for it ( or will make them ) if you bring it to the store that day , and are ac companied by an adult. There will be no charge or condi tion of any kind other than the above. Vici Dressin ; is a preservative of leather. It prolongs the life of shoes. It makes the shoes look like new. It makes every day seem like ' 'new shoe" day. It finishes the list of clean faces and clean hands , adding clean shoes. We sell it. During this week -wo have ladles' maids at our store teaching shoo core by proper dressing. It means better wear , bettor looks , better satisfaction from shoes money In one's pocket. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES J. L. Brandeis& Sons , SHINED FREE Props. THIS WEEK OMAHA O © C Co : EAST AND WEST $18.40 Hot Springs and return June 20th , $20.60 Custer , S. D. , ( Sylvan hake ) and return June 20th , $19.00 Colorado Springs , Denver , I'ucblo and return ) ? velll ? > ' ( ? ' ! 2.00-Salt Lake City. Ogden and return ) JuTy nth. $52.00 Los Angeles and return Juno 23 to July S , $13.50 St. Louis and return Juno 19th and 20th. $22.00 Detroit nna return July 3 , 4 and 5. J2G.75 Buffalo and return July 11-13. 'Many ' other excursion rates just as cheap as the above. Ask about them , , TlL'Uct Orilic HiirlliiKtoii Station ir.lli : Fai-imm St. Kith nml BIiiHiiii Sta. T v I L-plume , Ur.O. Telephone , IHO. sunns iIIOSTOV sroun IIANKMKNT 3lor > HnrKiil ii iinitrrN , More Help More Slioo Ha run ln , Mor EXC1TKMKXT TODAY. 1-iVEUYTHINO OX HAHOA1N SQUAUES ! tnn pair child's } 1 2i > tnn shoes. 60c. 400 pair misses' Jl.f-0 tnn shoes , 7f > o. Ron imlr young Inillcs * spring heel , tnr shoos , OSo. sizes 2',4 ' to 6. 1,200 jialr Indies' oxford ties , Me and 75c SOO pnlr Indies' strap , sandals , too slipper ! nnd oxford ties , nt 9Sc. Infant' ! ! blnck kid shoes , Mo. rhlldren's blnck kid , hand turn shoes , Me , 400 pnlr ladles' fine kid shoes , worth from J2.GO to Jj.OO , sizes up to1 % . go at ! > Sc. Imnlenso tables full of Indies' very fine shoes , nil sizes , 2'/j to S , nil widths , A to UK , go nt J1.G9. MKN'S SIIOKS ON MAIN KLOOIl. 600 pair men's flno welt shoes mndo by IMielps , Dodge & Pnlmer , Chicago , to retnl nt $3-00 , KO nt Jl.fiS. HOSTON STORK. OMAHA , Ifith nnd Douglas Sis- A\.M.U. : ; MKi American liiMtllutc of lliiiiu-oimtlij AHniitlc Cll.v , \ . .1 , , ,1 ii nc iro-2-l. Faro and n third for the rounc ! trip fron Omaha , open to the general public. Onicln route nurllimton to Chicago , Pennsylvania to Atlantic City. Otllclal train Hurling ton's Vestbulod Klycr , leaving Omaha ri:0 : p. in. , June is , arriving Atlniulc City S'2 p. m , June 20. A rnre opportunity to visit the greatcs watering places on the Atlantic const. For berths nddrrss Dr. 0 R. Wood , C2 Now York Llfo building , Onmlm. And others who Intend Inking ndvnntngc of the low excursion rales made for the National Educational asporlatlon meeting n Los Angeles In July eholllil nvnll them selves of the opportunity of traveling n 1'east In one direction through Colorado nnd the Hocky niountnlns , famous the world over for their magnificent scenery The Denver and Hlo Orandc railroad , "The Scenic Line of the World , " Is the mos popular route through Colorado en route to the Pacific coast. The rate to Los Angeles and return via this route Is the same ns by way of nil others ono lowest first-class fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. All railroads will self tickets to IMS Angeles nnd return via this route In one or both directions , which will allow llbcra stop-over privilege both ways , thus afford ing a splendid opportunity to view the supe rior scenic attractions offered by this line. S. K. HOOPER , O. P. & T. A. , Denver. 'I'll All AV. O. W. , Onmlm Ciiinii Xo. 1(1 ( The funeral of Sovereign 1 ? . P. Illumennn will tnko place at Woodmnn halll. Sixteenth street nnd Capitol avenue , at 2 p. m. Friday , Juno 1C. All Woodmen nro requested to at tend. D. W. MARSHALL , , CC. . J. N. CRAWFORD. Clerk- City , real estate and'personal taxes become - como delinquent July 1st. Interest will be charged on nnd after that date at the rate oj 1 per cent monthly. Special Excursion Rates. FOR ROUND TRIP TO DENVER , Cole , Springs , PUEBLO , Glenwood Spgs. OGDEN and SALT LAKE , JUNE 25th TO JULY Hth. For full Information call at City Ticket Office , I3O2 Farnam St. Saturday will That's the ( lay wo have our SODA FOUN TAIN OPENING on this day every lady visiting our store ON HER WHEEL will bo presented with a nice BICYCLE BRUSH -Free. We don't talk so much about our Soda Fountain or our expert dispenser of soda fountain beverages but we nre exclusive dl'peiiHers of a few choice drinks for In stance HUYLEH'S CHOCOLATE Ice Cream Soda 20c Sherman's Wild Plum Phosphate Co Florida Orange Freeze lOo Sun Gabriel Frnppo ] i > c oca Celery Phosphate So [ loyal Crushed Fruit Ice Cream Soda. . 30c Swiss Cream Kumnyss per muff 5c Heautlful lloso free to every lady Satur day. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co. 1513 DODGE ST. . OMAHA. d Invaluable as a Tonic for Young Mothers As a milk producer It lias no equal : containing virtually 14o acid. I'Krug Cabinet Beer hermetically healed ill bottles for homo consumption IB unequalril as a tonic btlmulant or appetizer. Try aca > > e. FRED KRUd BREWING CO. OMAHA , NEBRASKA. calls for n gift of some kind. In a Jeweler's stock there are BO many beautiful and useful nrll- clcs that would fee kept all the years In memory of graduation day. Ilcforo purchasing look sit through our stock. Would bo pleased to show you , S. W. Lindsay , The Jowolor. 1516 Douglas Street. Ladies und gentlemen visit Leading Hair Ilazaar for latest style coifurc. llnlr niioilN , Hair .VoVflHcu. Treatment of ecalp , face , hands , feet ; corns removed by now electric painless method I'livliin llliii'K , Farimm Htrt-ct ' , -nil Ihior , Bee. Juno 16th , ISO ) . tfeac/ Won't M/s ac/ < S/cip a It would bo hard to imagine a more honest value or a cook'i' looking costume than wo are ofTer- ing you for your boy's wear , in wash suits. This season has been the banner season in this depart ment , More mothers have gathered hero to fit out their little ones than wo look for ; but the stock is the most inviting , and the prices most enticing. The cost of fitting your boy out in summer wearables is very small indeed. We've boys' wash suits at . ' 55c. We've boys' wash suits atJoe. . We've boys' wash suits at 75c. We've boys' wash suits at $1.00. "We've boys' wash suits at 81.50. "We've boys' wash suits at $2.00 and up. And the whole outfit is thoroughly well made and perfect lit ting. ' We've boys' wash pants at Ifie. : We've boys' wasli pants at 20c. We've boys' wash pants at i2fc. ) We've boys' wash pants at J55c and up. Tis a great department for boys' clothing we know of no better in America. a Opecial for forday day All made up in Hie regulation style exact repro duction of the suits worn by the famous RoughRiders ers in our war with Spain. See 15th street window. 5 Letting Down S the Prices On Ladies' ' ReadHo-Wear Garments , This sale knows no comparison. 'Tis a moment apart from the ordinary . Goods are stylish and seasonable and there Is rea son for the sale. 175 ladles sample suits no two alike bought by our Now York buyer for ono-third price , worth up to $20.00 , for $7.08. SO ladles' high cl tss suits they are beauties every ono of them You will bo moro than pleased to see them , at $8.98. Ladies' Skirts at Less than Half Price. Wo tolerate no cheap goods , but sell the best goods cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. 25 dozen ladles Crash Skirts , atinc. . DO dozen wash skirts In piques , denims , crashes and linens , new aliades , braided and trimmed In several styles , worth $2.00 , for SSc. 200 ladicB' nil wool skirls In brllllontines , serges , plaids , broken checks and golfing cloth , worth $5.00 , for $2.98. 375 ladies skirts in bro cade silks , English serges , English mohairs , plaids nnd fine checks , worth $7.50 , for $4.98. Silk Waists. 200 ladles' silk waists In taffetas and fancy silks , lined throughout , separate eollarw , now sleeves , now back , corded front , worth $5.00 any where , our jirlco $2.9. . 200 sample silk waists Imported models , from James McCrcery & C'o , None hotter manufactured , worth from $12.00 to $21,00 on cnio at $6.3S 60 dozen wrappers In percales , dimities nnd IUWIIH , worth $1.75 , for OSc. 25 dozen wrappers In lawns and percales , extra wide at the hips , at f 9c. JO dozen wrappers at 39c. The Liveliest Cloak Department in Omaha. By Request we reprint the famous hash receipt : TIM : IIIIIIHICIC , 01,0 STYI.I : , Oderiferous Hash ' 1 quart fresh milk. 1 pound creamery butter. 1 porterhouse steak. ] 'ruts | and vegetables. J'laco In old Z\NC \ llnul where oilor refrigerator the ii will thoroughly mix. Take gaino thrru times per day = = = = = = = / until you are sick. Then , IHO/II crmcuoois IU I buy a HBIUUCK ItRKKIG' > > - * - . > . . -.QN KKATOll und you will got urll , ns U does not mix odors and Is always abso Tsi * - 6r lutely dry. CIHCULATION. Imperfect circulation. WR DO Wu sell this.CIHCULATION. NOT KO | | this. They can be had at jsnvcral places In town. Squires & Smith , Gen'l ' Agents , The only exclusive refrigerator houeo In the west. Sro our lino. Telephone 1C05. 1GH Capitol Ave.