Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Vilvcrtlnrtnriitn for tlieftc f-nltiitin *
trill lie tnln until 1- in. fur the
ctrnliiK rilltlon unil until MiltO p. in.
for niornliiu mill Similar rilltliinn.
ItntcK , I 1-ai ; 11 mini lirKt limiTtlnnt
lo n won ! tlirri-nfIcr. Nothing liKn
for leu * Hi n ii Siij for tin * first liiN < * r >
tliiii. Tlirni * iiilvcrdNCiitPttl * niiint lie
run mimcmlv ! > - .
AilviTllnrr * , l y rcnrfttltiK | n TIIIIII-
liereil din-It , mil linvc nnnivrrn ml-
ilrenKpil to u numbered Ictti-r lit cure
of Tin * l\rt > , AnnucrH nit mlilrrnnnl
it III lie delivered on ) > piitiitlon of
the c-ln-ck only.
OMAHA Kmploymcnt Jjurcnti , 110 N. 1C. Tel.
1112. HP p furnlshfsd. positions procured
A 2ol
A STHNOORAPHI3R. When you want ono
please pnll up the UomlnRton typpwrltcr
otllce , 1G1D l-'nrnam St. ; telephone. 1573.
A 2o2
WANTKD-We have steady work for n few
good hustlers of Rood habits nml appear
ance , C. R Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St.
IJ 25 *
BALIC3.MEN to cell relit Ledgers. Bulnpss
IlcrordH and other cfflcp specialties ; tine
Blfle lines. PcrshlnK 51fg. Co. , Roxl. ,
South IlMid , Ind. H-131
QOOL salesman , salary or com. 11H N. 16.
n lei
wanted for Bryan's "Republic or
Umpire. " Hnlfilcnd's "Llfo of Dewcy
ready. Hlxenbnugh , Ware > < -
WANTED , ten educated men. Address n
30 , HOP. M2uii 12 *
511CN , our Illustrated catalogue explains
hliw wo teach barber trade In two "ion' ? -
mailed free. Molsr Harbcr f" " " , rA' '
cage , 111. 71 513X1 1C *
"I.1PB of Dewey , " by Hnlstend ; ,00 pages :
outllt free ; freight paid. Hlxenlmucli , &
Co. , Wore Hlock , City. II 100 JylO
WANTED-lo good carpenters Immediately.
Apply to H. L. Norrls , nsw postorllce bldg. ,
South Omaha. B-210 10
WANTED , a coatmiiker at Stodtmclster's.
107 Main street , Council niuffs. H
\VANTED-Smnll boy to travel with nnd
rend to blind man. Pay board , clothe * . $3
month. Room 21. U17 Douglas. H-3G9 11"
WANTED-200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7C.
C 255
i 150 girls , J5. Canadian olllce , 1522 Douglas.
( " 31591 J ti *
COOIC wanted at once , 102 S. 22nd Ave.
C U *
WANTED , girl for general hou owork In
family of three ; wages $1. Apply at once.
2602 1'oppleton Ave. C 5I22rt
WORKING women , domestic service. Inter
ested In wages of live to six dollars per
week , tiddress U 31 , Bee olllce.
C-235 It *
WANTED , girl to assist cook In private
dining room for large olllce. Must be
good pastrv cook. Hours. 7 a. in. to i
p. m. No Sunday work. Address Rex S ,
ho. office. South Omiilia. C--M261 12
WANTED , u competent girl for n'eond
work. 1120 Park Avo. C 51361 13
WANTED , good , slrong girl for general
housework. 51rs. C. A. Lewis , fi2S So.
19th st. C-51378 13
WANTED , a young lady about IS years old
who is accurate nt figuring to work In a
wholesale house ; references. Address R
4S , Bee. C M371 13
HOUSES. Benowa & Co. , 10tJ N. 15th St.
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 1G1H4
foncMrtm . Trtl . 1559. D-257
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
D 25S
FOIl RENT Houses In all parts of city.
The O. F Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam street.
FOR RENT Strictly modern Hat In Davldg *
nidg. . oposlte city hall.
John W. Rabbins , 1S02 Farnam street.
D 260
SEVERAL 3G U. S. National Bank Bldg.
D 2til
FOU RENT Hot" ! In Omaha , 120 rooms ;
everything modern. Urennan Love Co. ,
gouth 16th St. D-412
fe 219 7UULJI lUill kjh. -t - TIM
i . _
"V < f12 * CUMINC. St. , 9-room brick house ; fur-
f nace , bath , gaa , laundry ; very line. A. 51.
Cowle. 211 South ISth St. D 51611
SIX-ROOM modern Hat. 1112 S. llth.D
D 61S
HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the city ,
Brennan-Ixjve Co. , 21U South 16th street ,
D 202
7-ROOM house , goo < l location : 2 acres ; barn
47th and Harney. F. D. Wead , Kith anil
Douglas. D 596
FURNISHED , 2009 California St. : terms rea
. D-M663-J5-1S
sonable. - - -
MAGGARD'S van & storage. 117 N 15. Tel | 49G
D 263
NINE-ROOM brick house , modern , 271
Jackson. D 155
EIGHT-ROOM house , good reivilr. all mod
ern Improvements , fins location , 1109 South
33rd St. , $30.00 per month. Payne-Harder
Co. . Hrst floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D-923
3 ROOMS , 70S S , 17th St. D M062 Je23 *
514 S. 30TH , 7 ROOMS. $20.00 ,
131S S. 2Sth. 9 rooms , $25.00.
CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Il-nry
11. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 3016.
S-ROOM modern house , with barn. Alfre
B. DoLonsr , 437 Board of Trade.
SEVERAL choice modern Unused , fur.
nIMied , near Hanscom park and else ,
where. Henry H. Payne , 601 N. Y. Life
'Phono 1018. D-395
TOR RENT , largo house of 13 or H rooms ,
larg ? barn , large grounds , at S , W. cor
ner of 27th and Jackson Hts.
Saratoga Hotel. 30 rooms , 21th .t Ames nve ,
FOR RENT Furnished entr.tge , rxeellcn
location ; references required. Enquire r,0
S. 26th st. D-275 10'
FRONT room , private family. W > 8. 23 ave
E-M57S J14 *
ROOMS , BOc per week and up. 710 R. 14th st
E-MJo 30'
FURNISHED room , central locaitun , te'e
phone. Address B 21 , nee. E M132
MODERN room- ' , $1,50 and up ; transients
511 N 19th. E--M959 Je23 *
FURNISHED rooms , houickeeplng. 2623 S
Mnry'a. E-M221 12'
LARGE south front room ; modern. 25 *
IJiunev. E-271-23 *
TO RENT Furnished rooms for gentlemen
Modern ; close In. Address B 37. Bce.
GLENCAIRN , transients J1.23 day. 1603
Douglas , F-2CI
ROOMS and board ; referenced , 316 S. 26th
street. F-212 II"
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free ,
bath , $1.60 per week and up. Klondike
hotel , 16th and Winter Sts. F 2S3
lliJ DODGE St. , tlrat-clasa rooms and board ;
$5.00 per week and up ; absolutely modern.
F371 J17
THE Bachelor's family hotel , 2014 Farnam ;
bc t $1.60 house In Neb Good weekly rates.
ULEGANT rooms and board , 1903 Capitol
HVd. F-MS79
rt itvisiir.i ) UOOMS AMI noAiin.
ELEGANT rooms with board. 1W9 Capitol
ave. F-M2M 14 |
PRIVATE family would rent furnished
rooms with hoard : modern house , near .
Hnns < nm park. B B5. BPC. F 253
LOVELY front rooms , with board ; modern
conveniences ; on cir line. 2' ' ) o Burl St. 1
F-M363 17'
FRONT single room for 1 gentleman ; fllso
large room for 2 gentlemen. 1722 Dodce.
Poll Ill'.VT t.M-H'RMNIfKI ; > ROOMS.
5 CHAMBERS for rent , man nnd wife ; city
water ; waste pipe. 319 N. 17th
roit iinvr-.vroims AND OFFICES.
DESK roori for rent on ground lloor Bco
Building. Farnam street side : rent reason
able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Hulld-
Inc I M'13
FOR RENT-Storo In flrst-clnss location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peter &
Co. , ground lloor Bee. Bldg. 1 266
FOR RENT-A ground floor ofllc * , spncin ly
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee
Building. 1 267
FOR RENT-Hnll 41x60 feet , with no posts.
106 Su. 11th st.
John W. Robbln. ' . 1 03 Fnrnnm St. 1 693
AGENTS wanted fora special summer cam
paign. Th" Saturday Evening Post es
tablished Benjnmln Franklin In 172S
now published by The Curtis Publishing
Company , proprietors of The Ladles'
Home Journal , Is offered to subscribers ,
for one year only , for $1.00 the regular
prlc ? Is $' ' ( . This offer Is for the pur
pose of a quick Introduction and will be
withdrawn September 1st. The regular
price of $2.30 will be mUlntalned nfter
that date. We will give a good commis
sion for rvry subscriber secured nnd dis
tribute $3.ono September 1st among the 176
best agents ; $300 will be given the person
sending the largest numlur of subscribers
at $1.00 eaoh per year. At this special low
subscription prlen thousands cnn be easily
secured. Address The Curtis Publishing
Company , Philadelphia , Pn.J .
J MS12 Jy-lS
HAVE No. 1 tenants waiting for houses.
List with Henry B. Paynes 601 N. Y. Life.
WANTED , to rent , by gentleman and wife ,
.1 children , suite I rooms * furnished for
housekeeping ; or would board : highest
refernces ; terms , etc. J. P. B. . 1323 S.
32d st. K-JM35S 13 *
PACIFIC Storngo nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , Kineral storage nnd forwarding ,
OM. Van & Storage , 151P/4 Farnam. Tel. 1539.
GORDON baggage line , 214 N. 16. Tel. 1193.
M 274
WE WANT several nice residences and resl-
denc ? lots for cash buyers" . We have the
buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's
Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N276
2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged.
Boston Furniture Co. , 1411 Dodge. Tel. 223S.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In Inrr.e or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. . 1406-10 Dodge , Tel. 2020.
CASH paid for all kinds of old feathers.
1307 Nicholas St. N MD90 Je-26
STAMP collections bought , sold. MorteiiH'ln
101 N. 16th. N M9I3 Jy3
WANTED , to buy , set of fixtures for gen
eral merchandise store. 23xSO feet. Ad
dress Dr. J. H. East. Rising City. Neb.
N 51263
STEREOPTICON wanted , lime-light , with
and without cylinders. C. E. Wilkinson ,
Lincoln , Neb. IN M352 13 *
WANTED , to buy. 150 saloon tables nnd
500 wooden chairs. Address B 41. B = e.
N 51359 12 *
LARGE second-hand roller top desk. Ad
dress Frank Burman , 309 Pnxton Blk.
N 51329-13"
SEE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest
prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 111 ! Dodce.
A J. SIMPSON , maker Atkinson Spring
Buggy. Easiest rider In the world ; also
carries fuM line of Columbus Buggy Cc.'s
vehicles. Repairing , painting and trimming
at reasonable prices. 1409 Dodpe.
P-MS3S Augl
OLD buggies taken In trafle on new vcniclcs.
Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport.
FOR SALE , one of the finest carriage
horses in the city. Wm. K. Potter , at
Natl. Bk. of Commerce. P M263 12
FIRST CLASS family -horse , G years old ,
weight 1,150. Call or address 1507 South
26th ? P 51339 12 *
FOR SAMS MisriiiANiors.
FLAG POLES : sawdust ; cheapest and best
hog fcno ? . 1)01 ) Douglas. Tel. 45S. Q 2S3
FOR SALE , a 20-horse power motor In line
condition. Bargain. Address Letts Spen
cer Grocer Co. , St. Joseph , 5lo. Q 5I9SS
300 WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap.
Diamond Loan Oillce , 1315 Douglas.
Q-C57 Jyl' '
2D-HND safe cheap. Deright , 1116 Farnam.
Q 2S5
FOR SALE ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggists. On ? gives relief. Q 239
SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St.
HOG. poultry , lawn and lie ) I fencing ; nil
wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St.
COLD-IN-HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jelly ,
23c. MIddlJ of Block , Omaha. Neb.
FOR 10 days , Sterling bicycles $10 down ,
$1.50 to.00 per week , Omaha Bleyclo Co.
, x > FEET of 6-Inch wrausht Iron "Ka
llm.'n" pipe for sale. Address D. S
Hooper , Pierre. S. D. Q-5I193 IS'
FOR sale patent for Nebraska. Big money ,
Address A , Be ; ofllce , Council Bluffs.
Q-91S Je22
B. HASS , Florist. 1813 VInton St. Tel. 776
plants , cut llowcrn. boquets , hall , rest ,
dence , wedding and grave decorations
orders by mall or express promptly llled
Q 290
WHY get second grade bicycles when you
enn get high grade Crescents for $35 cash
Fl'schcr , 1622 Cap. Ave. Q 94S
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant * S17 N. 16th.S292
BATHS. 5TASSAC1K , parlors best equipped
In city. Three lady attendant * Crouniw
blk. , 119 N. leth , opp. P. O. 2nd lloor.
T-M131 27
M5IE. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths
T-510 J17"
5IME. LEE baths , massage parlors. 302 N. 1
T-M961 JC25"
FRANKES do Seutorlous of K. S. 107 N 12
T-M96C Jc25
M5IE. SMITH , room 2 , HSH Norn 15th.
T-JI/JJ3 *
HATTIE BERTRANDE , thermal baths
massage. 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1
T-5I246 23'
VIAVI Is woman's way to health , S16 Be
Bldf. U-29J
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing conllnemtnt , babies adopted. 113s N
U 23fi
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , JW-S S. "Sth.
U 2M
DR. ROY , ehlropo < llst ; corns removed , 25c
and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block. ,
_ U-333 |
MATTRESS renovating works ; tipholst rlnn '
& furniture repairing. "OO S. 16th. Tel. ISM.
JIONHEIT , lender In hftlrgoods , toilet prep
arations. Paxton blk , Farnam st. entrance.
U 145
M RPORTER , ladles' bah Open
Ings ; Douglas blk. U M245
RITTBR hospital ; confinement rases tnken ;
babies adopted. 2214 So ward , Otnah. Tel.
2233. U 51712 JM9
$152 WILL buy fine Knabo piano , rosewood
case ; easy payments. Address A 2.1. Bee.
U 51S15 J20
THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at
Louis Flescher's ; prices low. 1622 Cap. Ave ,
LIEBBN , costunvr , hair work , 1313 Hownrd ,
5IONHE1T , chlropoJIst , hnlrdresslng. Pnx
ton block. IT-130
SUPERFLUOUS hnlr , wnrts nnd moles
permanently removed by electricity. Con-
cultntlon free nnd confidential. All work
guaranteed. 51ls Allcnder , 1613 Douglas.
U 1S1 12
FACIAL iinssage. EOc : scalp treated , 33n ,
We ; shampooing. 33c , 60c. Ml s H'ubbnnl ,
415 5lcCnguo Bldg. U 51135 17
1621 DODGE , superfluous hnlr treatment for
30 dars , $1.00 only. Mme. True.
U-51910 Jy2
NATURES tropical plant food for grass ,
hotisb nnd garden ; plant kills Insects.
A k dealer or W. W. Cox. 15th and Jack
son. Tel. 1717. U 1S6 12 *
MATURES Tropical Plant Food ; for grass ,
house nnd garden plants ; kills Insects.
Ask dealer or W. W. Cox , loth and Jack-
son. Tel. 1717. U 1S6-12 *
JOMPLEXION and scalp treatment ; hair
prevented from falling out ; best manipu
later In Omnh.i ; 5Irs. Graham's prepara
tions. Dnvles , loll Douglas. U 210 Jy6
VANT good home for n 12-yrnr-old girl for
adoption. Address 5Irs. Hnrtman , 2703
Spaldlng st. U 51247 14
IRS. ARMSTRONG , specialist , late with
"Davle.V has removed to room 200 ,
Douglas block , where she will continue
giving treatments. Consultation free.
U 10S 10
IONEY to loan on first-class Improved city
property or for building purposes. Pavnc-
Harder Co. . N. Y. Life. W 299
10 AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas.
IONEY to loan on Improvfd Omaha real
estate Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. ICth.
W 301
'RIVATE ' money , 3 , 6 or 12 months , or
longer , on real estate. W. L. Selby , Board
of Trade building. W 51339
1,000 and upward lo loan on Improved city
property nnd fnrms. W. Farnam Smith &
Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 302
. .GANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 31B N. Y. Life.
W 315
VR1TE us It you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L.
IONEY to loan on Nebraska and 7owa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 316
'RIVATE money to loan , low rate. J. II.
Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. W 317
per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam.
W 320
MORTGAGES Wallace , 311 Brown block.
per ct.Chas. E. WilliamsonU.S. Bk Bide.
W 322.
PER CENT money. Bcmls , Paxton Blk.
W 31S
iVANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds
and warrants. R. G. Piters & Co. , 1702
Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 319
people holding permanent postj j
MONEY tlons on their persona ! note ,
without indorhement.
Room 119 Board of Trade Bldg.
MONEY 16th and Farnam Streets.
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own names , without
security ; easy pnyment'J. Tolman , R. 705 ,
N. Y. Life Bldir. X 326
You can pay the money back In any
amounts you wish and at any time.
" Each payment so made lessens the cost
of carr.vinir the loan.
X 323.
conlldentliilly. holding permanent i > osl-
t'ons on their own name without en
dorser , mortgage or security of any kind.
Can repay In easy weekly or monthly
payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jen-
nins ? , Mgr. , suite 525-520 N. Y. Life bldg.
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamond * , watches , etc. ; payments un
known to friends. Mergers' Loan Bank ,
H10 l-'nrnam , u put.lira. X 327
MONEY loaned on planos.furnlture , horses ,
cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. S.Barker blk
X 329
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horse ? , cows , etc. C. F. Read , 319 S 13.
MONEY loaned salaried employes holding
"permanent positions with responsible
tlrniH or companies on their own names
without Indorser or mortgage ; no ob
jectionable Inquiries tnado of your em
ployer or friends : loans returned In engy
weekly or month.y payments ; reasonable
rates ; confidential treatment. American
Loan Co. , room 601 Bee building.XillOl
WANTED A man to Invest J500 In strictly
legitimate * business enterprise with bltf
prospect ; no fake : unquestionable refer
enced given. Apply 30a N , Y Life.Y
Y 330
FOR SALE Nice , clsan , new Racket or
Bazaar store ; good town , country and
bufldlng ; good reasons for selling , Ad
dress Boston Bazaar , Paulina , la ,
Y M6'S-Je-17 *
PRIVILEGES In the Philippine village on
the Greater America Exposition grounds
for sale. Address Filipino Amusement
Co. , P. O. Box 1055. - Y-151-J-27
FOU QUICK returns Hat your barsalnst at
O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha ,
Y 331
TWO modern rooming houses for sale on
account of death. 514 North 19th.
VALUABLE patent for * uie ; capital will
do well to Investigate this. Address Wal
ter E. Haynes , Anita , la. Y M17S JyS
A SNAP For sale , Implement business In
a county seat town. Only two dealers ;
coed trade. Best of reasons for selling.
Direct answer to Lock Box 2 , Nelson , Neb.
Y-M201 20
WILL exchange for a stock of merchandise
10 acres of the choicest farm land In
Keith county , Nebraska , 4 miles from
Paxton on the North Platte river. Ad
dress ijovty Bros. , 52 Nelson Place New
ark , N. J. Y-M224 H
ONE good hotel In a good locality for bale
at a bargain. Foe further particulars inquire -
quire of J. W. Cllne , Newport , Neb.
V-M230 14
INVEST 1200 , securing large weekly Income.
Safe , conservative proposition. 2J suc
cessful year. Statistics free. II. Grllfln ,
JUO Broadway , New York. Y 312 JylO *
FOR SALE On account of death and leuv-
linr town , a mTk dairy , containing cows ,
route and t am , must sell within two
weeks. S. Bernstein , 1WS S. 13th t
GEN' , store , consisting of dry goods , grocerJ
IPS. shoes , hardware , doing } 2,000 n mo.
btilness. pc tolllee In store ; If you want
a money maker look this up. Merchan
dise Broker , 503 Brown Blk. Y-fWi
MERCHANDTSE stock HT hand. J2.SOO.
$3.500 , $4 , < wo ami J6rA > ; nil clean , well n -
sorted goods , elected for country trnde.
Ownets will sell chenp for cash , or will
tnk > farm or city property. Give legiil
notice nnd value of property offered In
exchange. .Merchasdlse Broker , fXH Brown
block. Y-3S3
roil E
PIANO to trade for nursery stock. Address
B 4 , Bee. Z-S73.J39
WILL trade piano for farm Mock. Address
II 3 , Bee. X-S71-J30
FOR SALE. Improved farms In Mnnona
county , Iowa ; will take part pay In Coun
cil Bluffs or Omaha property. T. I" . Tor-
rlson , Moorhead. la. 7. M25S 13 *
WANTED , to trade painting for a herR < ? ;
best references glvefl. W. A. Tollcs , 214
So. 59th Ave. 55 M3C8 12'
FOU SALE Five-room house and lot : ten
minutes' walk of court house , ? MO. W. H.
Russll , 616 N. Y. Life. RE M2S3 12
ElGHT-noOM ; city water , lot 60xl27H ,
pleasantly located , snap. Jl.SOO ; easy pay
ments. W. H. Rumell , 616 N. Y. Life.
RE-M2S1 12
32nd avenue , north side of Farnam street.
Directly across the street from the line
residences of Messr. ' . Kitchen , BlTbower ,
Conn and Stone. No doubt that these
are the most rtpslra-ble lots In Omaha , and
what's more , they are th ? cheapest lots In
Omaha , considering the. location.
Mr. Turner has given us authority to pell
a few of these lots at JUM half his former
price. "Just to get 'cm started" Call us
up for pnprtlel ; IARDBR ca
First Floor Now York Life Bldir.
PECK & CO. , agents and dealers In city and
farm property ; lo.ins , rentals , lot S. 15th.
RE 333
SOUTH Omaha lots. J7b up ; f25 casn. bal
ance J5 monthly.V. . L. Selby. 331 Hoard
of Trade Bldff RE M52J
FOR South Omnha business or residence
property see George and Company , City
Hall Building , South Omaha , or ir,01 Far
nam St. , Omaha. RE M991 SO
LIST your property with us for sale. Wo
have the customers. The Byron Reed
Company , 212 S. 14th St. RE 336
S. E. CORNER 2Sth and Hickory Sts. , 50x
150 feet , cheap at J700.
3016 Seward , 4-room house , barn , lots 23x150
feet , n-ot place ; jnap , JSOO.
201S Ilarncv St. , 8-roora modern house , barn ,
lot C0x34 feet ; price $0,000.
20 acres. Improved , near Ruscr s , and paved
street ; a bargain at J2.500.
Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from
J20 to $50 per acr ?
JOHN N. FRENZER , Opp. old P. O.
RE M'33
O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agncy , South
Omaha. Hcadnuarters for realty Invest
ments. RE-332
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them : let the people
know that you want lo dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE 366
Real estate bargains ; low rate loans ; safe
fire Insurance ; houses rented to good ten
ants only. List with me. 'Phone 1016.
RE 153
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire
insurance. Bsmls. Paxton Blk. RE 331
GLOVER , rsat estate broKcr , 302 Karbach ,
can safely invest your idle money. Try him
1 v Ilj " * VI 10 \
Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county land for
sade cheap. Prices range from $20 per
acre up. Will pay you to Investigate.
The Byron Reed CO. , 212 S. 14th St.
C. F. HARRISON , FARMS , 012 N. Y. Lifa.
RE 666-J-17 *
FOR SALE. $150.00 per ncre for 40 ncres on
Dodge st. . with Inrgo nous ? , barn , etc. ;
20 ncres of orchard nnd smnll fruit. This
Is ono of the finest properties west of
the city for a suburban home , and "Jie
prce ! Is J2.000.00 lower than ever offered
$250.00 per acre for 20 acres fronting north
on Dodge St. , nnd cast on Elmwood park.
$3.000.00 for W ncres Joining Pries lake , ju t
north of Florence.
$ ) .oo P'ir acre for 160 acres Joining Ben
son , N. W. of city.
$37.50 per acre for line 160-acro farm , 12
miles from Omaha.
GEORGE & CO5IPANY , 1601 Farnam St.
RE M26I 12
FOR SALE , $3.100.00 for 44 feet on Leaven-
worth st. , with three brick stores ; rental ,
$15.09 per month.
$1,750.00 for .house and corner lot In Han-
scom Place , $250.00 cash.
$750.00 for 6-room house and full lot three
blocks S. E. Hanscom park.
$1,175.01 ( or largo south front lot on Dixlp
at. , four blocks from High school , asphalt
pavement , permanent sidewalk and all
taxes paid In full.
$700.00 for two full lots In Potter's addi
tion , three blocks from Farnam street car
$500.00 for two lots near 21st and VInton sts.
$1,375.00 each for three lots on Park Ave. .
near Pacific St. , paving and all special
taxes paid In full.
GEORGE & COMPANY , 1601 Fnrnam St.
RE M26B 12
Lots In Dundee $10.
Lot 31st & Dodge , $2,000.
Next lot to this , $1,5W.
2 lots Lowe Ave. & Dodge , $2,200.
East front house , Low ? Avo. , $3,500.
2 lots 31th near Farnam , $3,300.
East front on 35th , $1.500.
KxllO on 3Sth. $2,200.
125x150 near SSth & Burt , $1.400.
2. 39th & Cal. , $1,500 far 2.
2 Dwlght & L on 32nd. $ S50.
1026 So. 22nd. $1,000.
57th & Douglas , lot 2 houses , $2.600.
2Sth & Douglas full lot house , $800.
817 So. 19th 2 houf.ffs , $1,500.
137x120 , B houses , $4,000 ( near by , )
Lot 31st & Marcy , $3CO.
44xS8 , 31st & 'Mason ' , $1.000.
Block near P. O. paying fi per cent net
on $22,000. $3.500.
Ono of the best lots Dund.'e , $300. '
Trackaga lot , llth & LeuvenworUi , $12,500 ,
Business block on Farnam , $5,500 ,
Block on Douglas St. , $15.000.
Mxl32 Douglas near 20th. ' $0,000.
00x132 , Farnam near 20th , $3,000.
2 lots 42nd ife Dodge , J900.
Lot Brlggs PI. , lies well , $300.
40 acres Sarpy Co. . $1,000.
RE-26S-10 *
HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 423 Bee Building
J. M. CHAMBERS , 1S02 Farnam. Tel. 529
LOST , large silver pin , two horse heads
Liberal reward will l > e paid If returned to
The Bee olllce. Loat-392 13
STOLEN Sterling bicycle ; from ISth nnd
Nicholas : will pay $16 for return of same
no questions asked. Dematn H. Lcilwirk
Lost 233 10
LOST , a be'.t pin ; two large horses' heodn
one silver , the other brasg. A reward o
$3 will be paid by the owner. Sirs. Charle
Test Stewart , on finder returning pin to
Omnha Bee olllce , Council Bluffs.
GOLD , silver & nickel plating , Omaha Plat
Ing Co. . Bee Bldg. Coach lamps , harnes
mounting & surgical Instrument ? replaced
NOTICE , country deaers , U hand furnltur
and stoves sold at lowest prices , carlanc
lots or less , Chtacgo Furniture Co. . 11W-K
Dodge. R-231
" "
RENT , a good barn , 1002 Cas"
DR. J PRII13 , renown'd German
dloewsr * of women , no failure * : speedy re
lief : twenty years' experience : r ferences.
161.1 Dodge , Omaha ; letters. Mnruu .
M-OB Jy9
DR. 1 MANSFIELIVS monthly regula
tor has brought happiness to hundred * of
nnxl > u < > women ; have never had a single
failure ; longest eases relieved In two to
five day without fnl' , no pnln , no danger ,
no Interference with work ; by mall or
olllee , $2 ; all letters truthfully nmnered.
The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn
street , Room 6H. Chicago. III. 317
JOHNSON Osteopnthlr Institute suite MS N
Y. Life Bide. Tel. 1R6I. J. W. Dill. M.I ) . D.
O. , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John
son. D. o. ; Mary Hobson. D. O. , graduates
of American School of Osteopathy , Kirk-
ville , Mo. GUI. E. Johnson , Mgr. 3'2
I. E. DONOHUE , D. O. . of Still school.
Klrksvllle.Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 1367.
TPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625
Fnrnnm St. Telephone 12S1. 339
VE RENT nnd sell the best typewriters
made ; Inrgest stock of supplies In Omnhn.
United Typewriter A Supply Co. , 1612 Fnr
nnm. 3(0 (
lEMINOTON Standard typewriter and sup
plies. 1619 Fnrnnm. 311
V. C. Van Saul's School. 717 N. Y. Life.
VT OMAHA Bus. College , 1C it Oouglns.
lOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ;
Bee B'dir. 349
V dwlrlng Imported spaghetti , Mexican
chlll-con-cnrne or any special dish , call
on Mnrtln Dlnuzzo , 605 N. 16th ; satisfac
tion guaranteed. M 602-JelG
CEW wheels , $13.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , $3
up ; repairing & supplies Omaha Bicycle Co
BICYCLE hospital , 16 & Webster. Tel. P90.
ei > Louis Flefchcr for bicycle repairing ,
enamcllnc and sundries. 1622 Cap. Ave.
EPPERSON Square Loan Olllce. 41S N 16.
3AGLILCMII Olllces re'lable. accommodat
ing ; all business conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas.
2 per month ; board fences , good wate-r ;
horses called for & delivered ; colts broken
and horses handled. Alnmlto Farm , West
Dodge St. Clinton Brlggs , Bee Ulclg.
M-SSO-Jy 4
DRESSMAKING in families. Miss Sturdy ,
22J6 Davenport. M 533 J-13 *
TRY the HendTson Hotel ; board and room
$4.00 per week ; gns. steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Fnrnam Sts. 355
CURED. Julia A'nughn , 130 Ramge .
SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cafes ,
Trunks'repaired. Omaha Trunk factory ,
1207 Farnam. I > ? 3 A25
W. F. WAPPICH , attorney ; practice in all
courts ; bankruptcy cases. 505 Brown Blk.
DAMAGED looking glasses resllvcred. 703
N. 16th. M231
M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 13.11.
JUST opened , lesFons given by experienced
teacher. Call at store. Omaha BIcycleCo. _
M 711
C. A. CASE , violins repaired , 416 Sheely Bk.
iiorsi : .IIOVKH.
W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave.
PIANOS tuned , $1.50 , at Rose's , 1521 Dodge.
M 902 J23 *
MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 7S1.
Uen Bldg. , Omaha , Nob.
Bend for free invent
ors' EUlde Te ! 1623.
timnlin. Neb. , May 15 , 1K99. Sealed proposals.
In triplicate , will bnc ivcd hero nnd at of-
llces of quartermasters at stations named
until 2 o'clock p. m. . central time. Juno 13 ,
1V99 , and then . opened _ i , . . . . , 1 , for , . .I ( in. furnishing * lin flui. nt oats ttfinwt ,
. . . . . . . , . . , , , , , ,
l\ii\Jin , ft t\'i * Vlt * n t' - * > * - „
for delivery at other points will be enter ,
talncd. U. 8. reserves right to reject or uc-
iept'any or all proposals , or any part
thereof. Information furnished on applica
tion here , or to quartermasters at stations
named. Envelopes containing proposals
should be marked "Proposals for Forage , "
and addressed to undersigned , or quartermasters -
masters of stations above named. F. II ,
HATHAWAY. C. Q. M. M17d4t-J12-13M
( Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested ,
as changes may occur at any tlmp. )
Foreign mails for the wtck ending June
17 m > Will close ( PROMPTLY In alfrnses )
at the General PoBloJIlco as follows ; PAR
CELS POST MAILS close on hour earlier
than closlnp time shown balow.
TriiiiMiiHnntlu .Mil I IK.
TUESDAY At 7 n. m. for EUROPE , per
e s. Latin * ! via Cherbourg , Southampton
and Bremen ( letters for Ireland mutt be
directed "per I < ahn" ) .
WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary
9 a m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St. Ixul ' .
via .Southampton ( letters for Ireland must
be directed per St. Ixmls" ) ; at 9 n. m.
( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUROPE ,
per s. e. Teutonic" , via Queenstown ; nt
10:30 : a. m. for UELGll'51 direct , per s.
Southampton and Hamburg ; at 8 a. m.
for NETHERLANDS direct , per H. s
Edam , via Amsterdam ( letters must bo
directed "per Edarn" ) .
BATURDAY-At 6:30 : a , m. for FRANCE ,
ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Touralne' , via
Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe
muBt bo dlrer-ted "per La Touralne r
lit 0:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Cam
pania * ' , via. Queenstown ( letters for
France. Switzerland. Italy , Spain , Portugal
tugal , Turkey. Egypt and British India
must be directed "per Campania j ; at s
a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s.
B. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters
must be directed "per Amsterdam" ) : at
10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. B.
Furnessla , via Glasgow ( letters must l-e
directed "per Furne ? Ia"j.
steamers sailing on Tursdays take printed
matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially
( Continued. >
addressed printed matter , etc . for other
parts of Europe. Am riran and \Vh"o
Stnr sten.lpi-s on Wednesdays. German
Menmefa on Thursdays and Cunnrd.
French and German steamer * on Sntur-
tlnys take prnm-l nn' ' " - . etc. . f r a'.l
countries foi which thev ro mlv rtbfd
to carry nml !
After the closing of tne supplementary
trana.ul.intlc mnli * IIAIIX-II aouvt addi
tional supplpinentary mail * " are opened on
the piers of the American. English.
French and German steamer * , and icmnin
oprn until \\lthln ten minuted of the hour
or sailing of stcumor
Mnlln for South nml Ci-nirnl , Viiirliii ,
Wi-p-t InillvN. lite.
MONDAY At 10 n. m. for AV.OIJES IS
LANDS , per s. s. Penlr.sulrtr : nt " .1 p.
, tu for IlELI/.E , PUERTO COUTHin.l
GUATEMALA , per sU-nmer from New
TUESDAY At I p. m fr MENMCO. per .
9. Trojn , via Progreso and Tamplco ( l -t-
lers tnusl bo directed "per Troja' ) ; at 1
I' , in. for INAGl'A and HAITI. PIT s. M.
South Cambria ; at " 3 p. in. for COSTA
RICA , per steamer from New OrlPfino ;
at 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer
from Philadelphia.
WEDXESDAY-At 10 a. in. for PORTM
RICO , per U. S. transport ; nt 1 p. m
for CfUA , via Havana , also CAM-
CATAN. per s. s. City of Wn Ungl ! < n
( letters for other parts of MP\IPO must
bo directed "per City of Washington' ) ;
at 1 p. m. ( supplementary l.Si ) 11. in. ) for
NASSAU , N. P. , per s. s. Anlllla.
THURSDAY At 12:30 : p. in. tsuppleinpiitnry
I P. til. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX.
also DEMICUAHA , per . . . Madlan.i
( letters for Grenada and Trlnldnd must bo
directed "p r iMadlntm" ) ; at 1 p. m. for
CUHA , per s. s. Cl nfugos ; nt 9 p. in. for
JAMAICA , per steamer from llo.Mon.
SATUUDAY At 10 a. in. ( supplementary
10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA
GBNA , per s. . . Adlrondatk ( letters for
Costa Illcn must be directed "per Adi
rondack" ) ; nt 10 a. m. ( suppk-mentarv
10:3J : a. m. ) for HAITI and SANTA
MARTHA , per s. s. Amir * : nt 11 a. in. for
CUI1A , per * . s. M'xleo. via Havana ( let
ters must be directed "per M xlco" ) ; nt
II a. m. ( supplemental y 11.10 : n. m. ) for
TORTO 'RICO , via Pan Junn. VENE/.U-
and CARTIIAGBNA , via Ctiracno , per s.
s. Philadelphia ; at 1 p. in. for NORTH
BRAZIL , per s. s. Horatio , via Para ,
'Maranhnm ' and Cenrii.
SUNDAY At " " 3 p. in. for COSTA RICA.
per steamr from New Orleans.
Malls for Newfoundland. y rail to North
Sydney , and thence by steamer , close at
this olllco dally at S:30 p. in. ( connecting
close here e'-t-ry .Monday , Wednesday and
Saturday ) . Malls for Mlnuclon , oy rail to
Boston , nnd thenc ; by uicnrner. close at
this olllce daily nt S.30 p. m. Malls for
Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. . nnd
thence bv steamer , close nt this otllce
dally ( extent Monday ) nt " 7 a. in , , con
necting closes here every Sunday. .Wednes
day and Friday. Mulls for Cuba , by rail
to Miami , Fla. , and thenc < by steamer ,
close at this olllce every Monday. Tues-
dnv and Saturday at * 2:30 : n. in. , con
necting closes here every Tuesday nnd
Saturday. Malls for Mexico City , over-
lend , unlo. 3 specially addressed tor dis
patch by st umi > r , close at this olllce dallv
nt 2:30 : a. in. and 2:30 : p. m. Registered
mall clones at C p. in. previous day.
ri'Klst-'rvd mall closes nt ti p. m. second
day before.
-Pm'll'x Mull * .
Malta for Cnlna , Japan * " 1 Hawaii , per s.
P. Doric ( from rian Francisco ) , close here
< lally up to June " 12th at 6:30 : p. in. Mails
for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Empress of
Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally
ui > to June " 13th at 6:30 : p. m. Malta for
China nnd Japan , p r s. s. Tneoma ( from
Tncomn ) , close here dally tip to June
"IBth nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per
s. s. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close
hero dally up to June " * 23d at 6:30 : p. in.
iMnlls for Australia O'xcept West Aus
tralia ) . Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per 8. s.
Warrimoo from Vancouvr ) , close here
dally nfter Juno " 9th and up to Juno
2M at 6:30 : p. in. Malls for the Society
Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San
Frnnclsco ) , close here dally up to June
25th nt 6:30 : p. m. Walls for Australia
( except those for AV'st Australia , which
are fcjrwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand ,
Hawaii. FIJI and Snmoan Islands , per s.
. Mnrlposa ( from San Francisco ) , close
hro dally after Jnn * " 23d and up to July
" 7th nt 6:30 : p. m. on. day of arrival of
F. s. Campania , which will probably ar-
rlvu July " 7th.
Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. "Regis
tered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day.
Postolllce , New York , N. Y. , June 9 , 1S93.
CAR I ) .
& Qulncy Railroad "Tho
Burllnston Route" Ticket
Olllce. 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 230. Depot. Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Spe
cial . a 6:40 : nm
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. . a 5:03 : prn n S:03 : am
Chicago ( Express . a :30 : .1111 a 4:03 : pm
Chicago & St. L. Ex. . . .a 7:43 : pm n S:03 : am
1'nclflc Junction Local. .alO:45 : urn n 5:15 : pm
Fast Mall u 2:45 : pm
a Dally.
neph & Council Bluffs
Ra''road "The Burllng-
toi. Route" Ticket Olllce ,
1502 Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 250. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
in > . ' ? ! ' .i'ilV aourl River Railroad
mtst "Tho Burlington Route"
General Olllces. N , W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nam Streets. Tlckel
Ofllcc. 1502 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Mason .Streets. Tele
phono. 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook u 6:40 : urn a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Colorado
rado , ( Hah , California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : nm
tlncoln , BUck Hills.
Montana & Puget
Sound a 4:23 : p m a 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local . . . . .a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah
& California a 6:30 : am
a Dally.
land Route" General OIllceH ,
N E. Cor. Ninth nml Fnrnnm
Streets. City Ticket Oilier , 1302
Fnrnam Street. Telephone ,
31 r Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Tnn Overlaid Limited"
for Utah , li'aho ' , Mon
tana , California , Oregon
gen am' Washington
points a 8:50 : am a 4:45 : pm
The Colorado Special
for Lenvei and all
Colorado point * a 11:53 : pm a CMO am
Pnclllo Express for
Dunvei , Salt Lake.
Pacific Coast and all
western > omts b 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am
Lincoln Beatrice and
Stromsburg Express.b 4:33 : pm b2:20 ! : pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk , Grand Island and
North nut to a 4:33 : pm b 4:45pm
Columbus Local b 5:30 : pm bl2 : 0 pm
North Platte Local u C:15 : pm
Soutli Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , 815 ; u
m. ; 7:00 : a , m , , 10:10 : a , m , : 3:05 : p. m. Arrive * .
10.15 a. in. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; lla : p. m. ; C p , m.
Council Bluffs Local Leave * . 5:55 : a. m. ;
C:40 : a. m. ) U-DO a. in. ; 7:40 : a. n. ; b 10:15 : a ,
in. ; 12:20 : p , m. ; 2:13 : p , m. ; 4:35 : p. m , ; 4:05 : p
m. ; 6.25 p. m. 6:55 : p. in. ; 0:20 : p. m. ; & :20 : p ,
m. : 10 : JO p , m. Arrives , C3i ; a. m. ; 7:20 : a
in. ; :15 : a. in. ; 8:45 : a , in. ; 11:30 : a. in. ; 3:16 : p
m. ; 4:03 : p. m. ; 6:16 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. in. ; 6:55 : p
m. ; 0.30 p m ; 9:05 : p. m , ; ll0u ; p , m. ; ilti ;
p. rr. .
a Dally , b Uilly except Sunday ,
PORT Railroad-Omaha. Kan-
aa City & Kantern Hall.
ARTHUR road-"Thn Port Arthur
j'oue" | - Ticket Ofllce ,
ROUTE 1115 Farnam Street Teli
, ephone , 322. Depot Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , Ci9 ,
" " 0
St. Lokls Cannon Ball
Exp esa a 4:50 : pm a 6:35 : am
Kansas City and Qulnoy
Locai a 6:50 : tun a 9:30 : nm
Ticket OHlce , 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 692. De
pot , Tenth and Maron
titrc ta. Telephone , ca.
Leave. Arrive
St. Lojls "Canon Ball"
Expreiu a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am
a Dally.
it vii , u \ \ TIMI : i vim.
oii.l & Piiittlc Railroad
Th liuftt Hock Isl-
nnJ Route. " City Tick.
ci I'lllcc , 1353 Fnrnnm
Street. TfU-phone , US.
D < pot. Tenth . < t Mason
Sir ets. Telephone , 8w.
l.eftve. Arrive.
' T > t Mi-ic : < i.tioal . ft 7.03 nm bll:23 : am
Chi. Ns1 r.xp-esa bll:15 : nm n SlO : am
Chlmgo I-'ns , Express. . n & . 00 pm a 1:86 : pin
St Paul Fast K\prvs.a 5:00 : pm bll2o ; am
Lincoln. C Dorado SPKS. ,
j Di in i r , Purblo ami
' West . nl.Dpm a 4:25 : pm
De M < , in , s. Rock IA'-
nnd anil hi. ngo . a 7:23 : pm a 6:35 : pm
Colorado Texas 1yrr n 6'lO imi n 9.W am
n Dally , b Da My except Sunday.
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket Otllce. 1501 Fnrnam
Ptrei'l. Telephone , 2M. De-
pot , Tenth nnd Mason St * .
Ti hone , C29.
Le.ivo. Arrive.
Chlc RO Limited Ex n 5:45 : pm n S-M nm
Cliiiago & Omaha Kx..bllPo : am b 3:53 : pm
Sioux City & Des Monies
Kxprens bllM : nm b 3:53 : pm
a Pally , b Iml'y ' except Sunday.
ilasni'ih' PACIFIC RAIL-
ro.iOom ral otllces nnd
1 l.-kel lillli-es Southeast Corn -
n r Hih ninl DmmlaSts. .
I'eiephonc. 104. Mepot , 13tl )
amiibslcr S'.s. Ti'lephonu.
iUW3V- ! ' > $ .
IvJyiv' Leave , Arrive.
St. Loms-Kinsas A
. Neb. Limit" ! * ! ft 3:00 : pm n12:53 : pm
I K. C. St. L. Express . . .u 9:50 : pm a 6OJ : nm
N.braski vltt
Weeplnr Water b 5M : pm b 9:45 : am
n Dal y. b Dally except Sunday.
.Men AVIm Olfi-r I'Mtyi-r He-
Icirr tioliiKIiilo llntllf.
An iCiuUlnhniantio necoinimiiled thu
Iloer army tinder General Joiibcrt In the
.Trent campaign nr.alnst M'Pefu. chief of
the In the iiorthcnslern port of
hu Transvaal , gives some Interesting de-
nils of tht ! Iloer military organization nnd
thcr mntlets. The command under fien-
ral Joubert was the largest ever nssem-
led In the Transvnal. numbrrliig. with the
intlvo allies , nearly 10.000 men. This force
\as divided Into live laagers , ench under Its
ommnndnut. The llrst Impression of a
leer army , the writer says , Is not flatter-
nj , * . There is no appearance of order nml
ho men are not uniformed , which Is In
trlklng contrast with the regular armies of
the i1 countries. But the apparent absence
f discipline Is only on the surface. Com-
unndos nro nmdo up of burghers drawn
rom vnrlous districts , each man consider-
iig himself on nn cqtmllty with nny oilier.
They are only subject to orders from their
jwn district cnminnndants , who in turn nro
responsible to the Kcnernl. In the Held nil
are alike , the commissariat knowing no
llstluctioi. . The only regulars are the
tale artillery , drawn from the sons of
jurghers , nnd paid nbout $2 n day.
One of the princl | > al features of the Boer
angers In the campaign was the religious
\sorclses cacti evening , when the men
vould assemble under their leaders for
rayer , concluding wlUi the singing of their
battle hymn , "Rust myn zlel , nev God la
Coning" ( Ucst , my eoul , your God Is King ) .
Yar with the Boers Is considered n ro-
Iglous duty and enforced by the Btate only
n Bolt-defense. The night before the storm-
ng of M'l'cfu's stronghold in the Mngato
mountains n united prayer meeting was
icld of nil the Inngers under the personal
cadcTstilp of General Joubert , nnd the
scene Is described as singularly impressive.
The day following the Mnkntcse position
vas carried , with only trilling loss , nfter
ho kranlH had 'been subjected to a heavy
artillery fire ; nnd the rcmnlnder of the
cnnipniBii wns pushed with such vigor that
several of the chiefs , with their men , sur
rendered , and M'Pefu , with about 10,000
'ollowcrs , took refuge In Mnthonnland , In
Rhodesia , across the Limpopo river. Tlio
victory of the Boers wns complete and was
a signal triumph for General Jntibert , the
Magato mountains having been considered
.mprcgnablo . nnd the strongest natural fast
nesses In South Africa.
Of General Joubert himself , known among
ils men na Slim Plot , the writer says ho
ias been uniformly successful , nothwith-
HtannliiB that his detractors have proved to
their own satisfaction , times without num
ber , that ho has neither military talents ,
courage nor backbone. That many bo , ho
says , because of his appearance on the field
of battle , which is not Impressive , his cos-
turno during the Magato campaign having
been a tweed suit with a tall coat. But
neither the general nor his men care for ex
ternals ; and although their clothes would
hardly cxclto the envy of a self-respecting
tramp , they do excellent work In them.
The writer says It Is a great mistake to
suppose that the Boers hate Individual Eng
lishmen. It is only against the government
that they entertain hatred. Throughout
the campaign he describes himself as hav
ing been the recipient of nothing but kind
ness from 'the ' general down , nnd that with
out any sacrifice of his own opinions. The
only question on which ho had to bo a little
circumspect wns as to what would happen
if war broke out between the two countries.
Discussions onthis subject were hot nnd
frequent , the general conclusion being that
the conflict would bo the greatest disaster
which could befall South Africa. Krom
what ho saw , the writer says , he could well
bollovo this would bo the case ; for , while
England must eventually win , the obstinate
resistance of BO.OOO burghers , lighting for
their hcorths and homes , nnd with a thor
ough knowledge of the country , would mean
that England could only assert her sov
ereignty over the republic after great blood
shed , and then would have to face after
consequences even more serious.
Hoiv HH OTKIIII IJrliKliT Improved
John Philip Sousa hns an Intense dlsllko
for the mutilation of his musical composi
tions. To hear ono of his marches played
out of tune or time not only sets his teeth
on edge , but provokes his anger beyond his
power of resistance. Not long ago , rchtes
the Saturday Evening Post , lie came down
frcm his homo In Yonkcrs on the Hudson
to Now York City , and In front of the
Brand Central station ho beard an organ
grinder playing "Tho Washington Post
March. " Ho was turning the wheel with
the utmcst slowness nnd extreme irregu
larity. H sounded like n funeral march.
Sousa Blood It as long an he could , and
then rushexl across Iho street nnd exclaimed.
"That's not the way to play that. Don't
do it any more. It's awful ! "
' How should I play7" aske4 the grinder ,
"Faster , faster. "
"Ah ! "
"Yea. This way. Lot me show you , " enl
he took the crank Into hlu hands and turned
It 'with so much spirit nnd vigor that ha
soon had a crowd around him ,
"Thank you , " said the organist. "Who
are you ? "
"I'm Sousa. That's the proper way to
play that march. "
"Thank you , sir , " replied the organist ,
bowing profoundly.
The next day Sousa came to town on the
same train and found the siirnn organ grinder
In the same place playing "TheVnalilneton
Post March" Just as he had been taught the
day bcforn , but with much greater tucccss.
Murmuring and evidently awe-stricken i-pec-
tatord were dozens deep circled around the
musician. Sousa forced lila way to the
front to sco the cause of the excitement.
He found It. On the organ was a large
canvas sign reading :
Composed by
John Philip flouau ,
Played by a
Pupil of Sousa.
Mr. Sousa has not given aay more inuslo