Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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THE OMAHA DA1L.Y . : 15.I5.E : SATUHDAV , JV1S E 10 , 181)9. )
Douglas County Judge Honored by Masons
at Their Annual Seuion.
ItrglMrntlnn for the Vnlrcmltr Snni-
incr School Open * ntiit I'mn
Arc ( Juoil fur n I.nmc
LINCOLN' , Juno 0. ( Special. ) One of
Iho most successful and largely attended
sessions of the Masonic grand lodge of this
rtato was brought to a close here tonight.
The next nnnuul mcctlnK of the grand lodge
will bo held In Omaha , the date to bo after
ward decided upon by the officer * of ( lie
order. Th ( ! session Just closed was at
tended by nearly 500 delegates. The officers
elected ave as follows : Judge W. W. Key-
nor of Omaha , grand master ; Judge Albert
W. Crltcs of Chadron , deputy grand muster ;
Judge H. E. Evans of Dakota City , grand
Bcnlor wafddn ; N. I ) . Ayrcs of Heaver City ,
grand Junior warden ; Francis E. White of
Plattsmouth , grand secretary ; Chris Hartman -
man of Omaha , grand treasurer.
Registration for the university summer
school commenced this morning and the
work of the school was taken up this aft
ernoon. Courses of study are presented In
ton of Hie representative departments of
the university , and r. few courses nro of-
fcred In subjects taught In the high schools
for the purpose of aiding teachers and giv
ing them Instruction In the different meth
ods employed' H Is the Intention of the
university to make It possible for advanced
students to continue In specialization , and
Incidentally If they desire , to obtain credit
toward degrees. In accordance with the
practice of the university during the regu
lar semesters general university lectures
will bo given from time to time. As the
summer session Is six weeks , or one-third of
a regular semestw , tbo maximum credit that
nny student may secure for work done dur
ing the summer Is ono and one-fifth courses
or one-third the maximum credit that he
may receive for work done during a. se
r What Is now known as the regular sum
mer session has developed from the pre
vious university summer schools and the
earlier state Institutions. Teio session cov
ers six weeks of the vacation season and
for this period puts at the service of the
state the valuable equipment/of the univer
sity. The session Is conducted primarily
for teachers , principals and county super
intendents who deslro to pursue certain sub
jects under the guidance of specialists and
extend their present knowledge In various
branches by means of the facilities which
Hie university affords. The registration fee
Is $2. H Is estimated that the summer ses
sion will bo attended by about COO persons.
Mncl.enii Will Vlolt loivn.
Chancellor MacLcan announced this mornIng -
Ing that ho would go to Iowa City Monday
to consider the offer of the presidency of
Iowa university. Until he has looked over
the field In Iowa ho will not'flecldo whether
ho will accept the position to. which ho has
\ been elected. Chancellor Mac'lcan has never
visited the Iowa Institution. The Board of
Regents of the University ot Nebraska was
In session this morning , but the probable departure -
parturo of the chancellor was not discussed ,
and will not bo until after his return from
At the meeting of regents Roberts &
Wocds were employed to draw plans for the
new , university farm bulldlrig , , which will be
constructed n | . the state farm at a cost of
about $30,0,00. * ' Thp positions of Instructor
In the art department nnd. Instructor In an-
lmal , husbandry created at thfc spring meet
ing of the * board wpro , lofj uqfjilpcl , and'will ,
' ' it.the fcuntmer
proftftbly fCoTno ' 'ii'p JtjTtUp it.-
meriting. . , . ? ' ' . ' .
Governor Poyntor today received a qopy ot
the letter prepared ecvcral days ago by Gov
ernor Sayres .of Texas for transmission to
the chief cxecutlvco of the transmlsslsslppl
states suggesting that a conference be held
nt St. Louis , September 20 , for the purpose
of considering the tnist question. Governor
Poynter has replied , accepting the Invitation
and expressing the hope that much good will
result from the conference.
Dill Gun * for Mlicoln ,
A communication from the War depart
ment was received nt the governor'
tills afternoon stating that of the condemned
and obsolete war ordnance captured In and
.about Santiago two guns had been allott'ea
to Nebraska to' bo loaned to such patriotic
organizations as shall bo designated by the
governor. The War department has ex
tended Nebraska , the option of taking cither
the ; guns from Santiago or ono from the
Philippines. Adjutant General Barry replied
nt'once for Governor Poynter expressing a
desire to have one of the guns captured at
CMnnlln sent to this city. If this request Is
allowed the ordnance received will bo placed
on the state capltol grounds.
An adjourned session of the State Normal
board was held this morning to finish a few
matters of minor Importance , the coi\sldera-
tlon of which was commenced by the board
yesterday nt Peru. It. M. Benedict of this
city was elected to succeed Prof. Duncanson
of the Peru Normal school. Prof. Duncan-
son will leave for Europe next week to pur
sue some special studies. Miss Ocean Dally
of University Place was elected teacher of
elocution nnd iMIns Ula Saunders teacher ot
vocal music. Miss Saundera will take the
place loft vacant by the resignation ot Miss
Florence Worley.
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
rlgned the contract of Blake & Co. or
building the boiler and engine house at the
Institute for the Deaf nnd Dumb at Omaha.
Secretary of State Portir Is attending the
meeting pf the 'Modern Woodmen at Kansas
Dr. B. F. Long , recently appointed nuper-
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
See Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Dclow.
, to'take na ingor.
Intondeot ot the Irstltuto tor the feeble \
Minded at bentrlce , . has nQtlfjed Opvcrnor ,
JMynter that he cjprcts- nssumo the duties
of his office In a few days. He held a con
sultation with Dr. Sprague la t night nnd ,
while the latter did not agree to relinquish
the office , It U understood that he spoke
favorably ot doing so.
Fremont Mmi Stnnilii Sponsor for tlic
I'lillnilrlptiln. < 'lerK > 'innn.
FRBMOXT , Neb , . June. 0. To the Editor
of The Bee : In an editorial In the World-
HcrnM of yesterday I noticed an attack upon
Rev. Wayland Iloyt of Philadelphia , Pa. ,
\\hlch to my mind Is unjust In the extreme.
I know of the work of Mr. Hoyt , although
I do not know the man personally , and to
compare him with Mahomet , and to oven
tupposo that "he would take huge delight
In Immersing In boiling oil all heretics who
refused to accept his peculiar Ideas of salva
tion , " Is ridiculous. I venture to say that
ono sermon of Wayland Hoyt's will have a
greater Influcnde" for good than all the edi
torials emanating from the pen ot the editor
of the World-Herald. It Is very easy to find
fault with a man , for In the very editorial
that criticised the statements of Mr. Iloyt
I noticed that the editor deducted $550 from
$1,100 In such a manner as td have a'balance
of $650.00. On this basis I could make n
statement that the editor of the World-
Herald has not advanced very far In arith
metic nnd that he- should bo sent back to
the first or sibond grade ot our public
schools to study mathematics.
If ho win Tead up hlstiry he will find that
the missionaries did not 'Christianize the
world with 'bullets ' , but that the bullets
usually catrio from the ether side and many a
noble man and woman sacHfloced $ her ! lives
In order to bring civilization to the natldns.
If the ruler of the ) universe desires tolse
a nation 'to teach a soplMclvlllzcd' people to
bo decent and nqt to , mufdcr their 'follow-
men and burn tHdjr. .houses , what has th\s \
to do with the Christian missionaries ? Did
wo send the United States troops to the
Isfands to spread the gospel ot Jesus Christ ,
or are they there to protect the lives and
property of the * peace-loving .Inhabitants ?
And If u band of guerrillas under the lead
ership of a swell-head will shoot down TICO-
plo nnd steal their property It Is the duty of
our soldiers to put down the Insurrection.
Dut to come back to the statement of Mr.
Hoyt , which was so severely , criticised , let
mo ask the editor this question : ' 'If Christ
Is not the solution for the difficulties ot the
nations , what Is ? If the Christian religion
has not brought clvlrlzatlon to the dark
continents , what has ? " Will' the editor of
the World-Herald please state If barbarism
would bo better for the Filipinos than a
stable , 'Chrlstfan government , such aswe
enjoy under the stars and stripes ? It seems
to mo that when a heathen Is allowed to
llvo in a land like oUrs ho ought at renst to
bchavo himself and be thankful If his breth
ren 'arc offered the blessings of civilization.
Our ports swing both ways. If any man
dislikes to live under this government he Is
at liberty to depart to a cllmato which Is
moro suitable to his makeup. Yours very
truiy J. R. BADER.
IiiHtltntlnn nt Grnnil Ulnnd Clemen n
I'roupcroii * Ycnr.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. . June 9. ( Spe
cial. ) The Grand Island Baptist college
yesterday closed Ha school year for 1808-99
with commencement exercises befitting the
occasion. The First Baptist church of this
city was the scene of the closing of com
mencement week. Sunday evening Rev. T.
C. Webster of the First Methodist church
delivered the 'baccalaureate ' sermon , dwell
ing upon the fact that the acceptance of the
Christian religion was a necessary pre
requisite to a successful life ; that the
highest aim In Hfo Is to be obtained only
through the gospel , nnd .that It were better
would -wo mix moro religion with our every
day affairs of llfe.and.tcst the promises of
.Hlmi-svho. directs all thlnga. , , 'v . >
On Monday the Patterson prize declama
tory contest was heard by a large audience
" ' " '
' .at. the 'vFlrslJ Baptist < 5tiurch" . There "We're
nine contestants and three prizes , which
went as follows : , JUss Wltell Payne of
Bladen , Neb. , first , $10 ; Charles J. Johnson
of Palestine , Neb. , second , $5 ; EJdwln If
Sutherland of Grand Island , third , a set
of books.
Tuesday evening was the occasion of the
prlzo orations by members of the sopho-
rnoro and Junior classes , and the six orations
tions presented showed much study and
progress by the students delivering them
Miss Cora Neff of Grand Island was given
first prlzo of $10. Her subject was "Milton's
Satan. " George W. Lewis of Broken Bow
won the second prize'of $5with "Supposed
Speech of Agulnnldo. "
On Wednesday evening the musical department
partmont of the college rendered a pro
gram by Its students and teachers which
was a. delight to all present.
Thursday the trustees had their annua
meeting and listened to the various reports
A few less than 100 students were In at
tendance during the last year , which Is n
healthy Increase over that of tb ° year be-
fpro. This college now has an endowmcn
of $35,000 , $25,000 of whlchwas , given by
the oil magnate , John D. Rockefeller. A
the meeting of the ( rustces today It was
decided to raise the endowment to $100,000
and the National Baptist Educational soclct )
has pledged Itself to give $25,600 , provided
the friends of the college will raise the re
malnlng $30,000. If this fund U raised 1
will make this college the strongest en
do\yed denominational college In Nebraska.
The commencement exercjses closed yesterday
torday with approprlafo exercises In music
presentation of diplomas to the graduates
Arthur Sutherland and Cromwell Klrby. A
reception to the students and friends o
the college was given last evening , thus Dn
Ishlng the class work for the year 1898-99.
Ilnatlnga People to tiny AVlietlier City
Shiill OfTii UKlitlnic Plant :
HASTINGS , Neb.- June 9. ( Special. ) Th
mass meeting held at the court house las
night for the purpose of discussing the ad
vlslbllty of the city of Hastings owning It
own electric light plant , attracted a larg
crowd of property owners and business men
As thcro were speakers present who fav
orcd both sides of the question , the matte
was most thoroughly discussed. The re
port of the committee that visited Kremon
and Investigated the plant of that city wa
heard. A vote was then taken for the pur
pose of ascertaining-how many present wer
In favor of submlttlmR the proposition t
( bo people of JIasttngs to vote 'bonds to
the purpose of operating an electric Ugh
plant In connection with the city wate
works. The result of the vote was unanl
mous In favor ot the council submitting tb
proposition to the people of Hastings.
Xeiv PiiNtnr Installed.
FULLBRTON , Neb. . Juno 9. ( Special. )
At the Presbyterian church last night oc
currcd the Installation of the new pastor
Dr. George A. Ray , which 'was witnessed by
a crowded house. The eorman was preachei
by Rev. C. H. Churchill of Albion , the
charge to the pastor by Rev. Clark of Grand
Island , and the charge to thfc congregation
by Rev. MHchelmore of Mtnden. There
were also In attendance Rev. Pearce o
Genoa , Rev. Patterson of Dublin and Rev
Campbell of tbo Methodist Eplscopa
church of this place. lAfter the Installa
tlon the women gave a reception In tb
church parlors to Rev. Dr. Ray am
llilllilluir iliiuni lit I.rluli.
LEIGH , Neb. , June 9. ( Special , ) Leigh
Is enjoying the biggest building boom thl
spring the town ever experienced , Amen
tjioso who arc now building residences ar
J. F. McKlnley , John F , Bahman , A. II
Wilson and William Knepke , whlli Jot a
Wagner has Just completed a new dwell
ing. The Farmers' and Merchants' bank Is
building a largo fireproof bank building ,
William Knepke a store building , 24x60 feet ,
two stories , and Dr. Alters an office build
ing. Dr. Algers will also commence a fine
largo residence as scon as he can get men
to do the work. Nearly every farmer Is
working or has made gome Improvement on
his farm this spring. Implement and hard *
wnre dealern report a heavy trade. Carpen
ters , masons and painters have moro work
than they can do. Farmers complain of a
scarcity of hands and wages arc high. This
part of the state never saw a more pros *
pcrous time.
Street ( Jlrl ( irniltmieii.
NEBRASKA CITY. June 9.-SpeclaI. ( )
The graduating exercises of ' 99 of the Ne
braska City High school were held this evenIng -
Ing at the Overland theater. The ctaes , num
bering tncnty-scven , Is the largest ever
; raduatcd In this city. List ot graduates :
lary Alrd , Bertha Andrews , Ray Atwcll ,
ilia C. Bauer , Myrtle Boydston , Ellabcth
loesc , Evalyno Casselman , Ora MElriott ,
Carryo Frohllch , Kathcrlue M , Fass , Reed
S. Hawk , Sarah C. Ireland , Catherine C.
Klocs , H. C. Leigh , Edith L. Leigh , Eltza-
> cth MaicCualg , Lulu B. JNuckolls , John H.
'etylng , Mary E. Roddy. Clye A. Thorp ,
Mary E. Topping , Norton Ware , ' Sallle E.
Vllson , Milton R. Wassel , Mary McNamar ,
Clara McTaggart , Florence M. MacCualg. j
WEST POINT , Nob. , Juno 9. ( Special. )
The eleventh annual commencement exer
cises of the West Point High school were
lord last evening. The following composed
ho graduating class : Lillian D. Camp ,
Mlnnlo L. Frahm , Margaret G. Hlckey , Mar
garet A. High , Emma M. Kloke , "vnlcdlctor-
an ; Ray G. Langer , salutatorlan ; Gertrude
E. Miller , Raymond S. O'Sulllvan , Olivia
'crson , Irene Rca'dlngcr , F. Earl Reppcrt ,
Carrie'E. Rocker , Rose Schmcla , Eleanor D.
CnUlc Hiintlcrn CniiKht.
LOUP CITY. Neb. , June 9. ( Special Tele
gram. ) On Wednesday night sixteen head
of cattle belonging to A. Button were stolen
from the Van Horn pasture In Sherman
county and were driven twenty-four miles
to Boelus and offered f'pr sale at $3.50 per
lundred. Before the deal was closed a former
lord boy recognized the cattle and tele
graphed to Mr. Button at this place. The
delay.In the final consummation ot the deal
alarmed the two rustlers andthey rode out
of town , leaving the cattle. Ono of them
sold his pony at Rpckvlllo nnd rode out west
of town with Sam Fletcher , nt whoso house
ho 'put ' up for the night. Sheriff Patton ar
rested him ibeforo morning and brought him
to Loup City and Immediately started after
the other , capturing him about twenty-five
miles northeast of where the first was cap
turod. The names of the arrested men are
W1H Chlpps and Frank Sonnenfcld.
Sunday School Convention.
FREMONT. Neb. , Juno 9. ( Special. )
The Dodge county Sunday school conven
tion met at the Congregational church last
evening. This morning reports of the
work wore submitted by Rov. S. H. Ayers ,
county Sunday school missionary for Dodge
and adjoining counties , and 'by ' Mrs. E. M.
Tarbell , county secretary. Rov. W. H.
Buss of the Congregational church , spoke
on the Sunday school leasou for next Sun
day. A paper was read by Mrs. W. A. Col
lins of Fremont on "The Sunday School the
Church's Opportunity. " This afternoon
there were one-minute reports from the
various Sunday schools throughout the
Bounty. These , almost without exception ,
showed a gratifying Increase In membership
and Interest. Prof. S. C. Wilson of the
Normal school spoke on "How to Grow a
Good Crop of Teachers. "
Cnttlc Dlaappcnr.
AINSWORTH , Neb. , June 9. ( Special. )
Last Saturday , whllo the Leahy Bros. , ex-
tenslvo cattlemen southeast of Alnsworth ,
were hero attending the races , twenty-one
head of cattle , disappeared from tholr ranch
and , though' search haa toedn vigorously In
stituted'no trace of'tho missing animals
can bo found.
P. E. Wantz , ono of the most prominent
cattlemen of this section , Is mourning the
loss of about forty head of cattle from his
ranch In tbo southwestern part ot this
Ciiltle Thief Arrcntpd.
AINSWORTH , Neb. , June 9. ( Special. )
Last evening Sheriff Murray 'brought ' In un
der arrest one Ed Jay , accused of stealing a
span cf horses from the Bell Cattle company
of this county last January. It Is claimed
sufficient evidence has 'been ' secured to make
a damaging case against him. He was
placed under $1,000 bonds , which were at
once furnished by 'Squlro Jones , a well
known and extensive cattleman , In whose
employ Jay has been for several years. The
preliminary hearing has been set for Satur
Diphtheria nt
LEIGH , Neb. , Juno 9. ( Special. ) The 14-
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hobza , living two miles north of town , dice
Wednesday night from uraemlc poisoning
tbo result of diphtheria. The child was sick
for two weeks , her mother and sister being
sick with diphtheria at tht > same time. Ii
was not known that diphtheria had again
broken out until after this death. The au
thorities have quarantined the family anc
premises and will roako an effort to stamp
out the disease before It reaches the town
Plnnn to Repair n Church.
FREMONT , Nob. , June 9. ( Special. )
The Methodist church society Is going to
make extensive repairs on Its church
building this summer. Plans have been
approved for the foulldlns of an addition
twenty-three feet In width on the north end
of the church and the Interior renovated
and new pews placed In the main audience
room. The entire expense Is estimated al
$6,000 , nearly all ot which has been sub
Siiutlny School Convention.
VALPARAISO , Nob. , Juno 9. ( Special. )
The Saunders County Sunday School asso
ciation held a delegate convention at Val
paraiso Juno 7 and 8. Fifty delegates were
present. C. M. Leraar , president of the
association , being present and presiding. An
Interesting and profitable tlmo was bad , a
number of Sunday school workers from other
counties being present .and taking part In
the work.
Will Welcome the .Soldier * .
COLUMBUS. Neb' . , Juno 9. ( Special. )
These having friends and relatives In the
First Ne-braska atX lanlla were gratled to
read ) n this mornlrfg's Boo that they were
about ready to start tor homo. A monster
demonstration will bo prepared for them.
At a meeting held last evening It was de
cided that Columbus wo.uld celebrate the day
of our Independence. In befitting style.
I'rotfroHH of New Ilallronil ,
PERRY , Nb , , June 9. ( Special. ) The
grade of the new railroad from Atkinson
Is finished to within a mile nnd a half oi
Boyd county and a large force of men Is
now engaged on the work of completing the
grade. The bridge timber for the large
( Continued on Fourth Page. )
How to Prevent Falling Hair ,
Scalp Humors and Dandruff.
Warm ihampooi with CCTICUIU. SOAP , fol
lowed by light dressings with CUTICDIU ,
purest or emollient tkln cures , will clear the
scalp and hair of crusts , scales , and dandrulT ,
Eoothe irritating and Itching surfaces , stimu
late the hair follicles , supply the roots with
onercr and nourishment , and thus produce
luxuriant hair , with clean , wholesome scaJp ,
Farnam and Fifteenth KELLEY , STIGER & CO.Farnam and fifteenth
Unusual Values in Hosiery , r wear and Parasols
triking Examples of
S How Cheap You Cun liny
Men's Furnishings
At Otir Store.
Underwear Bargains
At 25c Mcna Egyptian cotton underwear , es
pecially well made , a quality that usually
sells for 35c For Saturday
At EOc Men's fine foalbrlggan underwear ,
shirts with lone or short sleeves , pearl
buttons , strong double seat drawers with
pearl buttons , stout sizes for stout men ;
worth 7Gc For Saturday
At 60c French netted undershirts with short
sleeves In ecru , well made nnd nicely fin
ished For Saturday
At 50c Men's whlto Jean drawers , clastic
ankles , especially well made , the most
comfortable and durable drawer ever
worn For Saturday
Ait $1.00 Men's sanitary -wool shirts nnd
drawers In summer weight , patent seams ,
the equal of onoet $1.50 carmcnts , for \ f\f\
Saturday 1'VFV/
At $1.00 Flno Jersey ribbed blue silk and lisle
shirts nnd drawers , nicely finished , real
pearl buttons , worth $1.50..For Saturday
M $1.00 Men's Egyptian cotton union suits ,
THE MUNSING MAKE , lone or short
sleeves , a perfect flttlnc garment , worth 4
$1.50 For Saturday *
At $1.50 Fine Lisle union suits , high neck ,
long sleeves , nicely made and perfect flt4
ting , worth $2.00 For Saturday - *
At $2.25 Men's sllkeno union suits In light
'blue ' , a perfectly niado and correct fitting
garment , usually sold for $2.75 , for
i Saturday
c Show the Largest and Host
W Variety of All Good Grades of
Men's Hosiery
At 12l4c Men's seamless half hose , tan and
black , also fancy colors , the real 20c kind
For Saturday
At 25c. Men's half hose , fancy stripes and
plaids , In Imported German balbrlggan and
lisle thread , worth 35c for Saturday
At 25c Men's half hose In black and tan and
black with white split soles , high spliced
heels , worth to import 35c..For Saturday
At 50c Fancy Lisle half hose , In new stripes
and plaids , exclusive high grade novelties.
For Saturday
Special Agents for Butterick Patterns.
Rare Savings in Men's and
Boys' Negligee Shirts
At BOc Men's percale and Madras
shirts , ono pair of link cuffs , to bo worn
with whlto collars , very desirable pat
terns , worth "Jc For Saturday
At Me Boys' Percale Negligee Shirts , with
collars and ruffs attached , , or with two
detached collars , the 7f > c kind.For Saturday
At 79e , Men's negligee shirts , with attached
collars , la French percales , n good fitting
shirt- reduced from $1.00 ; for Saturday. .
At $1.00 , fine percale negligee shirts , with
attached cuffs , two collars to match , a
cdolco vurlcty of patterns ; for Saturday. .
At $1.00 , fine Madras negligee shirts , at
tached or detached cuffs , to be wornwith
whlto collars , new and exclusive patterns ,
positively the btsl shirt we have ever of4
fcrcd , for * *
At $1.CO , a choice collection of high-class
negligee shirts , made of finest Madras , cx-
cluslvo patterns , the equal o ! nny custom " 4
made shirt ; for Saturday * *
Summer Night Shirts
and Pajamas
Fine muslin and cambric nightshirts , made
wlltiout collars , bodies very full In size ,
trimmed as handsomely us Is usual In
shirts soiling for $1.00 and upward ; they
are real bargains nt
Men's Madras pajamas , In new checks and
plaids , positively fast colors ; two strong 4
values nt $1.00 and
You should FCC our line of men's high-grade
linen handkerchiefs ; an mi equaled stock
at 16c , 2r > c , 35c and
Fancy Silk Parasols
and Umbrellas
Wo hnvo a very pretty and choice line of
ladles' fancy parasols , stripes , checks ,
fancy borders , In all the now shades , spc- *
clal price for Saturday only t *
A big line In hemstitched , embroidered ,
chiffon , the new lovers' knot , changeable
effects , $2.50 , $3.00 , $4.00 to
Wo have a very pretty line of carriage sun
shades ; gloria silk , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 ; nil
silk. $1.50 up to
$1.25 ladles' black silk umbrellas , 26-Inch
stool rod , paragon frame , very pretty ' CI
handles , special bargain , only
BOc. Wo have a very nice line ot fancy
striped parasols , specially good for misses ,
while they last , only
Makes a man equal to any emergency. Disease makes him unequal to the ordinary
duties of life.
_ „ . , , , _ , „ . , . , When electricity falls to cure , when mcdl-
C 3 filsSP'325 ' * . X clno tn1ls to c"rcB ° 'o ' the StateE'ectro -
- * " CJ Medical Institute and let its Electrical and
55 Medical Specialists prove to you that by
Tf. their combined eloetro-mvillvnl treatment !
55 'hoy can cure you wlim nil clue IIIIN I '
H fniifii.
M OUR MEDICAL STAFF Includes the fo'-
J-j lowing : eminent specialists graduates from
r"3 the foremost medical colleges , nnd each a
p * noted and acknowledged expert In his par-
fj f.cular line of treatment :
In peeking treatment , the following : quali
fications should be. taken .nto eonslderat'on :
Ability , experience , skill and ,111 established
_ reputation for RELJAIiILITV ! All of which
( i nro possessed by the specialists of this
- J Institute , and are necessary for the suc
DR. iMILEN. Chief of Staff. cessful and satisfactory treatment of nny
The State Elcctrn.Mcdical Institute
By their Combined Electro-Medical Treatment.
WEAK NERVOUS MEN truss or detention from work a painless ,
, sure and permanent cure.
Lost visor and vitality ; weak and shrunken VARICOCFf F-'ydroro10' 8WC"-
organs : shattered nervous system caused by A.l\lv > w/Jrfi-iEint | , and tenderness
overwork , excesses and self-abuse , resulting of the organs and glands treated with un
In weakness of body nnd brain , night emis failing success.
sions , losses In the urine , dizziness , failing
memory , lack of oontid nce and ambition , Contagious Blood Poison ,
pains In the back , loins and kidneys , and
Syphilis , and all diseases of the blood
distressing symptoms , unnttinp one
other nnd thoroughly cured and
promptly every
for business or pleasure. Our special system
trace of the poison eradicated from the
will YOU. Restore
tem of treatment euro system forever , restoring health nnd purity.
your physical and sexual health and make
you once more a man among men no mat DISEASES OF RECTUM
ter who or what haj failed. ,
CiTTIM 4 f H Catarrh , ulceratlon Plies hemorrhoids
Fistula. ( ) , Internal or
31 tliHAwn and dyspepsia , indigestion protrudlnp , HehlnR. * exor'itl < mt , etc1 , posi
tion weakness , pnln nnd fullness after eat tively cured without the use of knife.
ing , heartburn , etc. Alili DISEASES OK WOMEN most suc
Cured by their new cessfully treated and promptly rured by
witout ) knife. the Combined Electro-Medical Treatment.
"IT7T ? JT T If you cannot call at the ofllee , fully describing your Hymptoms
* * -v J. _ f / nnd you will recclvn In plain envelono u sclcntlllc and honest
opinion of your cahe nnd a book of valuable Information free of charge.
OHIcc Hours From 8 a. in. to 8 p. in. Stindnjs 10 a. in. to 1 p , in.
Mormon Bishops' I'llla > ' > " Ki" > " o , r ; JCJISiy \ llic leadcrt ul the Mormon
Church . u uicu i , vi * , i'u.utivcures tne w.r.t cakct m ul > t anil yuun artfcln ; Iroro elfccts
of K\l \ U1S , diinpiiiun. cicelies , or elglrelle nnc , mf , Cures Lo t Manhood , Im-
permatorrhoea Instomnlai Pains
" ' " - " Uamo iac' < , tMervous Ue-
'W Sumoni Varlcocelo ,
5J ctiarco , Otopa Mor
. . . , -JJ3 ImiwrOi 'or anil | > oiencr to
evny function. IH nr KCt uc'.jii'nu.m. . cuts is II liiTn ; rZTTZj Ccstorcs smell , limlercluncj
orplnl SttmuUtet the bfiin an4 nerve cemen 500 4 l.ox , t rjjsob-ni I ttifllfii A i.r.lttn cuiT nlte , tocure
w mraey itfunded , with 6 Iwx-s , Circui&r - I - iodv i. . Can Francisco , Cnl.
For Sine liy MYlinS-DII.LO.V nai'O ' CO. . OMAHA.ISII. .
Dr. McGrew's Ithiglng rroclnmatlon to
Men Mrdltal Troaluient and a
llclping Hand For All ,
Only S5 a Month.
Dr. McCrOW la vroll Itnnwnthron houtthfj
FUL. SPECIALISTS l' ' tli" treatment ot
OMAHA. Cnllor\vrliD mo ( ull p.irtlciilBrs
and 1 ulll aclvlsoou. lu blrlct coutldence
jfiipic OF VHAIUSI : .
Modlclnennil treatment sent everywhere by
MullcrixireM.atnU , | | VCR A MfifJIH
the small cli rRS ot UnLT JO A IVlUH I Hi
Skill , lixperiuncoandrellable HOME TREATMENT
witliln the reach of all. MeClciuo carefully
concfali'd from vlrw.ln Bhliinlnc.
ui.r.CTisrciTV AND MKOIUAI , treatment
mont combined in nil cases wheruitisodvls-
ublo. Varlcocelo , Stricture , Svphllls in nil Us
Btnucs , Loss of Vigor and Vltnllty , caused
from Youthful Kelly or later KXCCBSBS , \ \ > nk
ness and Disorders , Kidney and IJL&dclcr
Ulsnases. nnd all Prlvutn , Nervous and
Chronic Diseases in nil forms with vrhlch men
arc aflllctiid , absolutely cured , nnd health , and
visor , mid ambition fully restored
The doctor's remaruauloHuccess in hln treatment
mont of all dlsi-a es nf men ban never been
equaled Hla rosourccs nnd facilities for
treatltiR thlfl class or dlRea es nro unlimited.
Ho la endorsed by all for bis skill and rolta
blllty. UooU Freo. Coniultatlon and Ilxaml-
nation Free. OMce hours , 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. ,
7to8r > m. SuntHvOtoia. Die. McCnEW
P. O. liox.760. OfHro N. K. Cnrni > r of 14tli
ouci I-urimui St , , OMAHA , NEB.
< fc Automatic"
Bicycle and Carriage
Lamp *
ing Valves
Tills lamp Is beautifully made , has a bril
liant , uniform flame , and Is absolutely self-
If your ilrulrr doex nut
PRICE l * ci I In- lamp , ivc will
S2.50 Kpnil K , nrrlnuc pn1-
jmld , mi ri'i'i-ljil of price.
The Plume & Alwood Co. ,
nil * I.AKI : sTitir/r. CIIIOAGO ,
Rev. D. C. Hopson , Pastor M. K. Church , Wuunotii , Neb , writes ; "Afterl
years o ( constipation and fa toinach disorder , Dr. Kay'a Renovator lian removed
the constipation mid made my Btotnach almost , new , I could not hear a watch K
tick with it close to my right ear , and but a very Bhort distance from my left
one. I can now hear ono quite a distance from my right ear , and a lonp
distance from my left one , and the thick , heavy feeling between my eyes , to my
Dr. Kay's Renovator
jov , is pone. Dr. Kay's ' Catarrh Curodid it. It ia the best thliiff I over tried. "
Wo give FREE , ADVICE and send frco Dr. Kay's Homo Treatment , an Illustrated Irok
of 114 pages , trctilntf all alTneats common . to the hutrnn . . family . Write us all about your caneV
" ° mir * - > r /l Inn don't taltu * > .u < ii.7 <
tnl th"iRUts nrl haveoujrremedies nny substitutes they * ay are "Just as pood"
lor they have Np Equal. They can bo had , prepaid l > y return ranll , liv rndoaim ; price to
us. Ur , Kay's Keno > atir S5 cts . nnd Jl.OO or W 00 worth for { 5 00 ; Catarrh Cure W cts. Address
Dr. II J. Kay Medical Co. , Saratoga Sprints , NV
Ladies1 and Children's
Hosiery and
Ladles' flno white or ru ribbed vests , low
neck , sleeveless , or short sleeves ; n par
ticularly nice garment ; special price , 15c.
2 for ,
ladles' soft finished lisle \thts , low neck ,
sleevelets , high neck , short sleeves ; knee
pants to m.itch , serviceable garments.
35c , 3 for $1.00. Ladles' silk finish llsli-
vests , high neck , long or short sleeveless ,
low neck , sleeveless ; best finish ; gives rn-
tire satisfaction ; only X-c. 3 for $1.00
COc. Ladles' silk vests ; also Swiss lisle ;
low necks , aleoveless ; hand crocheted nrok
and shoulders ; knee pants to match : an
excellent garment , dainty and desirable ;
regular 75c quality ; ono ot the greatest
underwear bnrgntns wo have e\er offered ,
$1.00 for ladles' pure silk thread sleeveless
cream , blue , pink and white , rich
In effect , of a dependable nmkc ; should -4 f\\
bring J1.50 ; In this special snip only J. " \J
? 1.00 Indies' "Munslng" union suit , the only
perfect titling union suits In market , nicely
finished with silk , low neck , sleeveless , low
neck short sleeves , knee length , high
neck , lone nnd short sleeves , knee or nnklo . _ . - -
length ; whlto or ecru , llslo thrend or line 1 OO
cotton. All sizes , 3 to C , suit only At
\Vo also hnvo the mercerized silk union
sultR , "MutiBlng" mnke , very soft nnd
pretty ; n regular $2.50 garment. Special 1
' * *
124c children's nicely trimmed ribbed vests , . .4"Jl
ail sizes , for our special sale only 1 * W'C ; ) >
Misses' flno Halo thrend vests , high neck
long or short sleeves ; low nock , sleeveless ;
whlto or ecru. A bcnutlful garment for
warm weather ; knee pnnts to match , 25 and
15c , 2 pair 25c , Indies' llcrmsdorf seamless
hose , fast blnck or tnn , double heel nnd
too , full value , only . ' . . . . . .
25c , Just received 100 dozen Indies' drop
stitch fast bick nnd tan fine hose , nn ex
cellent bargain. Special sale only
35c , S for $1.00. This line ot ladles' hose Is
n marvel In quality flno gauze llslo flno
gniizo cotton also n line of medium
weights , nnd a meet beautiful line of
drop-stitch nnd embroidered fronts ; ROc
qualities. Our price only 3 for $1.00
50e. Ladles' fast blnck silk hose , light
weight , very pretty , quality double-solo
liccl nnd toe ; special ; only
15c , 2 pair for 25c. Children's llslo finish
black , line ribbed hose , extra good for
wear , double knee , heel nnd too ; all sizes ;
Misses' extra flno quality , fine ribbed , fast
black or tnn hose , double k.nce , heel nnd
too ; all sizes , 0 to 9 ; our price only
Infants' nnd children's fancy scoks , pretty
Ince , In tan , block , whlto and red ; real
value , 35c ; our price only
[ lectricity Cures.
Most of the fearful ailments of life can
be traced to a derangement of the nervoun
system , generally originating In dl : ass3
of the cenltnl organs. Every sufferer
wants a cure that will effect a euro In the
'aslest , qu'ckest and least public manner ;
therfforf , 1 do not
enter upon a
lengthy discus
sion nnd lone-
winded treatise
as .to the cause of
your trouble , resorted -
sorted to by
quacUs , who only
do BO to confound
and frighten you.
You are probably
well aware of the
cause of your
present weakness ,
Drug and the or
dinal y courses of
treatment will
not cure you
probably you are
aware of this
fact , to your ser
row. Klectrlclty
will speed 1 1 y ,
safely and surely
cure you sound
and well again ,
and I wl'l guar
antee It , If you
will apply this
I m p o r tnnt element -
ment of life
through the
agency of
Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Belt.
Electricity Is the Nerve and Vital Force
of every man and woman , nnd without It
you could not live a moment When there
is n lack of this Electricity or Nerve- Force
in the syitem you can never be well and
strong npa n unl'.l It U a aln supplied , Na
ture will not supply It , for Nature has
been Invposed upon and rcfustH to act. I
will forfeit $1,000 If my HIectrle Unit does
not generate a genuine current of Klec
trlclty that you can Immediately feel ! B
four llmea .stronger than any other belt
on earth.
Has soft , silken , chamois-covered sponge
olectpode that cannot burn and bldjter
as do the bare metal electrodes used on all
other makes of bc'm I Buaranteo my
Bolt to cur * Henrfnnl Irnpotency , Lost Man
hood , Bparmatorrhoen , Varlcocele and Gen
eral Debility ; restore Shrunken and Un-
develonml Part , cure Rheumatism In any
form , Kidney , Llvtr and Bladder Troubles.
cuintB1"1tc" ' ny""el > sla' " " l''emno ! Coin-
Call upon or write me today nacrcdly
conndentlal- ] not delay , delay * are < lan-
Keroup-net symptom WfinkH , books and
literature. Consultation and advlco with
? r forth , < ? , cure # th ? various weaknesses
of men IR - '
, given F-riE'E to every male pur
chaser of one of my Holts. Sold only by
Dr. Bennett
Iloomn 20 nnd 21 ouicln lllc.oU.
QBipha , Nebr. , 10th anil Dodce HlrreU ,
Oilier lioni-H from HiltO n. in , to Hiltl )
p. in. HiimliiM JOittO n , in , ( o ri ii. in.
Is a preparation of the Drue by which III
Injurious effects arc removed , while the val
uable medicinal properties are retained , It
posjesaoB all tbo sedative , anodyne and null-
cpastnodlc powers of Opium , but produces
no ! lclness of the stomach , no vomiting , no
cojtlveneta , no headache , in acute nervous
disorders It Is an Invaluable remedy , and li
recommended by tbo best physicians ,
uncnii-T OK i-nin : , sou.
723 Pearl St. : Now York.
Cklchcattrt Kiguah DUm d Ilrkid.
Origin. l
re ,
Dmiilit ! for ( Vctiiltr'ttipllit / > u ,
" nj ronj la Urd ail 6'eU uxallliy
[ olhrr. Rrflttt rfanc r ( * i uilllu * v
jlonj nU f HflafiorM. AI Draff till , tr Ml 4a.
.J., ' ( * " " ! " 1f" ' ' nlH < aa
" . . "
"ii.iicr r r r.4it , "i uiur. i
Melt I V.OOO T.illKXliU. A.