10 THE 03ir ATT A DAILY UEE : FRIDAY , JUSTE 9 , 1891) ) . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAI Wheat Prices Pail to Maintain Standard o Yesterday. BETTER CONDITION OF CROP HAS EFFEC1 ln l < udc of I.n t Kenr tiny * SIM J'rcvnlln In Corn nml Onli I.neU of Support Cnuni'i Ilulllicii * III I'rovlnlnnN. CHICAGO , Juno 8.-Apprehensons ! of t bcarlth government report hung like a pnl over the wheat market today nnd Inducci enough selling lo depress prices to a poln Ho under yesterday's cla > o. Corn was flrn nnd advanced about Vic. Oats declined " ' Provisions were heavy nnd declined 714c. 714c.Only for a short time following the open. Ing In wheat wn * that market governed bj the Influences usually controlling. Th < opening wns rather weak , July itarMng ni 76HS76HO , compared with yesterday's do * ln price of 7514flWKie. Traders ovldentlj greatly Improved tone ol Jiad In mind the domestic crop advices , especially M regard ; eprltitf wheat , nnd considerable long' whoa ! the market during the llrsl was thrown on few minutes' trading. This depressed Jiili reunited to 7440. where a strong reaction Investment - and isome from free covering by fhorts vestment buying following the POKtlngol European crop reports , showing the rome condition In Roumanla and Russia to be claimed. Before - . previously fully ns serious as fore 11 o'cork : the market had "d need to 75WJ75HC. That was the high po nt of the that the day. The belief wa * quite general government report would be forthcoming derldrdl ? bearish. As the session wore or , this gradually overshadowed eye rytmnB Ivold whea unwilling to fl. p longH were imndlng the report , but found a Rood 'leal of dllllculty In disposing of their holdings , nnd the market during the afternoon was n decidedly weak one. Northwest recelpte were , another bearish factor. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported 6.T7 cars , against VX last week and 1D7 a year ngo. Chicago re- oelpta were 178 cars , seven of contract qual ity. Now York reported ntty-thrco loads taken for export. The cash demand was B'OW. July sold as low as 74&C and closed " ' rather slow but steady , though not holding the best prices. The cash de mand was the feature , 700,000 bu. being re ported nnld for shipment , half for export. Crop reports were In the main favorable. Receipts wore llberal-WO ears. July ranged from 33&ST34C nnd closed MQUo , higher at Oats wcro slow and barely steady. Crop reports wcro good nnd this Induced twine to ling by longs. Receipts were 282 oars. July ranged from 23c to 23 < 4 < ff23Hc and closed > ic lower at a'JMJ'MVic. ' ' Provisions were dull and declined s.Ightly nil around in consequence of lack of sup port Hog prices were lower nnd packers offered moderately , but the demand was nl- niost entirely lacking. At the chve Ju y pork wns 7&c lower at .17 % , July lard 2&c lower at tS.lGVi and July ribs a shade lower Estimated receipts for Friday : Wheat , 520 cars ; corn. 475 cars ; oats , 2GO cars ; hogs , 2J.OOO head. Leading futtires ranged as follows ; Article * Open. IllSh. Clone. Yest'dy Wheat. July. . . 74T.-7B Sept. . . 76MOH 7SH TfiW Dec. . . . 70H 7DH 70k 77H Corn. July. 34 33W Sept. . 31 34H 3334 ? Pl'C. . . . 33h 33K Oats. July. . . S3H 8ept. . . ! ! OM S021 ! Porlt. July . . R20 820 817 S17H 825 Sept . . R37H 837X 835 835 840 July. . . onsh ; B02W B02H 505 Sept. . . 615 BIS 515 517H IllbH. July. . . 4115 4Q.'i . . , 4fl7W Sept. . . 4 HO 480 477H480 _ No. 2. Cash quotations wore as follows : FI.OUR 'Market quiet : winter patents , JX.ffiS,75 : straights , JS.STiWS.lS ; clears. M.15T8 S.2. > ; spring special8. ! J4.35 : patents. $3.40U B.SO ; straights , J2.HOSR.25 ; bakers , J2.25@2.CO. WHEAT No. S spring , 72'/4075c ; No. 2 red , 7Ciit77c. CORN Nro. 2 , SSH'ffmc ' ; No. 2 yellow , 34c. OATS-No. 2. 2o ? 2SV4c ; No. 2 white , 29V4c ; Os'o. 3 white , 27'45i29e. UYK No , 2. nominal. 55c , HARl.EY-No. 2. 3CIT37HC. SEEDS-Na. 1 llnxseed , $1.02 $ ; northwest , (1.01. Prlmo timothy seed. J2.30. PROVISIONS-'Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.2&R ) 8,20. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . { J.87'iS5. ( . Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.4 ! > ff4.75. Dry Baited Bhouldera ( boxed ) , $4.5054,73. Short clear Hides ( boxed ) , $4.90S.OO. WHISKY Distillers' Hnlshed goods , per cnl. . J1.2G. SUGARS-Cut loaf , $6.02 ; granulated , JS.62. The fcltowine are the receipts and ship ments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls 0,000 12,000 \Vhqat. bu 106,000 3,000 Corn , bu 428,000 357,000 Oats , bu 284,000 401,000 Olye , bu 4,000 703 Barley , bu 9,000 4,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter anarkot wn firm : creameries , 13V dairies , KXiTKc. Cheese , easy , 7 % steady ; fresh , 12c. JVI3W YOHIC GENEHAL MARKET. ( liiotntlmiH for the Day oil General Cnniniodlt le . NH\V YORK , Juno 8. FLOUR Receipts , Bl.OOO . VMs. ; ( exports , 14,600 bbls. ; dull nnd barely steady ; winter patents , $3.90 ® 4.00 ; winter straights , $3.60fl3.GO ; Minnesota patents , $4.00 ® 1.15 ; winter extras , $2.6033.10 ; Jllnueso'ta ' bakers , $3.00 < i3.25 ; winter low Erodes , $2.45Jt2.Ki. IRyo Hour , mon > active ; Bobd .to fair , $3.10iS3.25 ; choice to fancy , $3.30 < l.r > 0. COR'NlUEA'I.r- ' Quiet ; yellow western , E21iMc ; city , S,1fJS4c ; lirnndywlne , $2.ir > > ff2.20. iRYiR Steady ; 'No. 2 western , 6lc f. o. b. clloiit. llARLKY-Qiilct : feeding , 37c ; malting , 43 Kfl7c c. I. f. , liuffnlo. nARUHVMAUT-Stcady ; wstern , G7SC3C. WHBA.T iRecolpts. 411,000 hu. ; exports , ' 4S.200 bu. ; sales , 2,97T > ,000 bu. futures , 422,000 fcu. spot. Spot quiet ; iNo. 2 red , 8S'ic ( , spot and to arrive f. o. b. atloat ; No. 2 red , SOVfcc , elevator ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , S2 ic f. o. 1) . alloat and to arrive. Options opened weak and lowar , followlnft unsatisfactory cables. They experienced ono or two sub- eequent rallies on covering , but were gen- rally we k all day under local liquidation , north and southwest .soiling orders , Inspired Siome- crop news and bltr spring receipts. Closed w.ak at HfC/ic netdecline. . Salts Included No , 2 red. July , 79TMSOHc. closed S0\ic \ ; September , 79 ll-160SOy-c , closed , SOc ; tDecembor. Sic. CORN Receipts , 177,400 bu. ; exports , S9.- 347 'bu. 'Spot steady ; ( No. 2 , 4flfce f. o , b. Hlloat nnd lOHc , elevator. Options opened rosy , but developed later strength on bull crop news and big export trade , closing firm nt He not advance. July , 3 ! > Vir % > ? 4c- . close < l 33Ho ; 'Soptem'be-r ' ' , 39Vi@38Hc , closeil . OATS Receipts , 2BiOO ! 'bu. ; xporU , 22- COO bu , Spot dull : 'No. 2 , ZQftc ; No , 2 white , IT.'VjC. Options quiet and steady. 1IAY Quiet ; ahlpplng , toffiGOc ; goo < l to cltnlco. "ofiSOc , HOPS Steady : state , common lo choice , 1&9U crop , 6e c ; 1S97 crop , HfTlSo ; 1S9S crop , IGfflRc. IIIDKS-Steady ; Texas dry , 20 to 30 Ibs. , 12 ? 12He : California. 25 to 28 Ibs. . 18 < sc. LEATHER Steady ; Huenosi Ay re 4 stock , homy 20 > .W21Hc : ncld , 21p22c. ( PROVlSIO.Va-Hneef. steady ; family , J9.50fJ ( 10.60 ; extra nirss. $9.00 ; beef linms. $19.50 : packeJ9.50fflO.CO : ; extra India moss , $14.00 Tir > .50. Cut meats , steady ; pickled bellies , $ I.S7 < S i .00 ! nlfkled shqulders. $1.23 ; pickled hams , fl.OrtJJO.OO. Lnrd. easy ; Hteamed , J5.27H ; rellned. weak ; continent , to. 50 : South Ameri can. $5.Si ! ; compound , $4.fi2Hr4.75. ! ( Pork , dull ; IDPKS. JS.25i7S.75 ; short clear , $10.000 01.76 ; family , IIO.6Wno.7G. Tallow , weak ; city. 47-lOc ; country , 44HSc. liUTTHR-iRece.pts. | ! ) .HS pkgs. ; firm ; "west rn creamery , 15SlSic ; factory , . C'llEKSE-Rpceipts. lfiC77 pkgs. : unwi lled ! larite , white , 7o ; small , white. 7iu ; largo. coorcd : , 7Hc ; small , colored , 7V4c. KCiOS-Recclpts , 10,100 pkgs. ; llrm ; west ern. llfT15c. KICK l-'lrm ; domestic fair to extra , 7c ; Japan. 4 iSJ5V c , MOLASSES Fin New Orleans , open liottlc. peed to choice , 32Q3tic , iMKTAlJS The local market continues In n , lifeless condition , with prices quite nom inal , Today buyers In many Instanres re- fimcd 10 rename former bids while dealers refused to grant concessions. News from the KucURli market and domestic primary ( points was not radically different from < -x- j ) ctatlons , At the clos ? the Jletal ex- changa call oil pig Iron warantti entirely nominal at J12.M ; lake copper , dull and nominal at $1S.50 ; tin , dull at J2G.13 bid nnd $23.55 uakt'd ; lead , dull with $1.43 hid und $1.50 asked , und ppclter dull and nom inal ut $ i.75. ! The 'brokers' price for lead la JI.23 and .for copper JlS.25ifflS.50. Liverpool ( irnlii und I'rnvliiloiiii. LIVERPOOL. June 8. Spot , No , 2 red Hvostern , winter , steady at 6s ; No , 1 red northern Duluth , tendy nt 6s 4Hd ; futurci nul * ; July , 5s ll'id , September , 6s. CORN Spot , American mixed , new steady t 3s 6d : old. 39 5 id. Future ! Rteady ; June. 3s 6'fcd ; July. 3s 6\4d \ ; Septem ber , Ss M , CHKESK Ordinary , new , 44s. O.MAIIA KKMitAti MAIIICI3T. Conilltlnn ot Tmdc nnil ( Inolntlonn or .Htnitlo nnil Knncy Produce. EGOS Receipts moderate ; good stock 12V4c. HUTTBR- Common to fair , lV311c ( choice. 12fHc ; epirator , ISc ; gatherec creamery , 16c. POL'LTRY Hens , live , 7Hc ; spring chick' ens , 20ii23c ; old and stnggy roosters , live , 3V4fr3c ; ducks and geese , live , 7c ; turkeys , live. Mi 9c. IMOEONS-Llve. per doz. , 75cg 1.00. VEAUS-ChoIco , 9c. KRESH AVATER KISM Cntflsh. per Ib. 12c ; buffalo , per Ib. , dresfcd , 7c ; whltf llsh. lOc ; lake trout , 9c ; yellow pike drwscd , 9c ; round , Sc ; silver herring , Sc perch , Cc : bullheads , dressed , lOc ; black bass , 14S15c. SIOA FISH Flounders , Sc ; haddock , 10o ! Columbia river salmon , 15c ; halibut , lie : liluo Hsh , lOc ; Spanish mackerel , 9c ; re < 1 snapper , 8c ; extra largo mackerels , each , SOc ; roe shncl , each , 40c ; shad roc , pei pair , 205J23C. FRUITS. STRAWHERRlES-Pcr crate , shlpplne Stock , K.00fl2.25. OOOSEI1ERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J1.7S. CHERRIES-Cnllfornla , per 10-lb. box , $1.7502.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. LEMONS - California , fancy , .60gi.75i : choice , JS.ZSiffS GO ; MosHlrM , fancy , J4.00. ORANQES-Seedllngs , $3.0033.50 ; Medlter- rnnean sweets , $4.00JI.23. IMNEAPPLES-Per doz. , $1.50 ; per crate , $4.25. BANANAS Choice , crated , largo stock. per bunch , S2.26ff2.50 ; medium-sized bunches , $2,002.25. VEQETAIlLEa. CANTALOUPE-Pcr crate. $2.00fl2.EO. WAX HE-ANS-One-thlrd bu. , S0ti90c. STRING IIEANS One-third bu. . 7 SSOc. PEAS-Per one-third bu. box , 75SS6C. PIEPLANT-H'ome Krown , per Ib. , Ic. HEETS-Ncw. per doz. , SOfitOc. RADISHES-Per doz. buncheg. 16o. TOMATOES Per C-bn kot crate , $2,76. SPlNAClf Per basket , 25ft40c. LETTUCE Homo grown , per dozen bunches , 2025c. ASPARAGUS Homo grown , per dozen bunches. 30033c. ONIONS Homo grown , per dozen bunchcw , according to size , 8@15c , CADBAOK Crntcd , per Ib. , 3c. CAULIFLOWER Per crate. $1.60. HEANS-Hand-plcked navy , per bu. . $1.50. POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked. SOflSOc ; Minnesota Hurbanks , 60gG3c ; Coorado : , B5c. CUCUMBERS-Pcr bu. box , $1.75 ; per doz. , 3550c. NEW POTATOES-Red , per bu. , $1 ; white , BOc. AIISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each , $2.25 ; gal. cnni pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half- gal. cans , $15.26 ; quart cans , $3.50. NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , 17c ; Brazils , per Ib. , opioc ; English walnuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , 12'4ftl3cj standards , lOCTllc ; fil bert ? . per Ib. , He ; pecans , polished , SfflOc ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4.00 ; peanuts , raw , 5H < 3) ) 6c ; roasted , C-4 < i7c. ? MAPLE SlTQAIl Choice. In boxes , 9c , HONEY Choice white , 12V4Q13V4c. CIDER Per half bbl. . $3.00. SAUEHKUAUT Per half bbl. , $2.Kyg2.25. ( HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7'ic ; No 3 green hides , 6Uc ; No. 1 salted hides. S'.jc ; No. 2 salted hides , 7V4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW GREASE , ETC. Tallow No. 1 , 3Hc ; tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , 1 4c ; white grease , 2' g3c ; yellow and brown grease , lliJ2 ( ? c. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 15ft 75c ; green suited shearingshort ( wooled early skips ) , each , 15c ; dry "hearings ( Bhort woo.cd early skins ) , No. 1 , each. 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas und Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4 50 ; dry flint , Kansis and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3 < 34c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4fi5c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per ! b. , actual weight , 3I4c. St. I.oulft Market. ST. LOUIS , June S. FLOUR Quiet and easy ; patents. $3.7&fi3.SO ; straights , $3.36@ 3.50 ; clears , J3.10Q3.30. WHEAT Nervous and unsettled ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 75c ; track , 76c ; Juno , 73Vic ; July , 76'/l76c bid ; September , 77c bid : No. 2 hard , 71@72Hc. CORN Shade better ; No. 2 cash , 32Uc : track , 33c ; June , 32'ic asked ; July , 32J4e bid September , OATS-Stcady ; No. 2 cash , 24c ; track. 2l&c ; June , 24Vic : July , 23c asked ; Qaptem- ber , 21c asked ; No. 2 white , 2Sc. RYE Dull nt 5Sc bid. SEEDS Prime timothy seed , quiet at $1.75Wi.lC. Clovcrsccd , $3.0ftS6.00. Flaxseed. Ktondv at OGc. CORNMEAL Steady at SLSOffLSS. BRAN Quiet ; Packed , east track , SfiU ® 7c. 7c.HAY HAY Timothy. $9.0012.50 ; prairie. $5.00 4f U OQ. WHISKY Steady at J1.26. COTTO NTI ES-Soc. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , quiet ; boxed , shoulders. J4.37V4 : extra shorts $4.S7H ; clear ribs , $5 ; clear sides , $5.25. Bacon , quiet : boxed shoulders , $3.1214 ; ex tra shorts , $5.37',4 ; clear ribs , $5.50 ; clear aides. J5.75. METALS Lead , firmer at $4.32'4 bid : spelter , nominal at $0.45 POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7c ; springs. 12JflGc ; turkeys , & 0tjc ; ducks , Mia'Ac' i springs. lOc. - RUTTER Steady ; creamery , 1519c ; dairy. K < U Kc. KOQS Steady at 10V > c. RECEIPTS-Flour , 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , 23 - 000 bu. ; corn. 118.000 bu. : oats. 28,000 bu SHIPMDNTS-Flour 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 10.000 bu. ; corn , 65,000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu. City ( irnlii anil I > rnvlnlonv. ITYXJune S.-WnSAT-Jujy G3J7 7c. CORN July , 30ic ; Sentember , Sic ; cash No. 2 mixed , 31c ; No. 2 white , 31c ; No. 3 , OATS No. 2 white , 23c. RYE No. 2 , E6C. 1.1X'XCnolce ' timothy , $3.5000.00 ; prairie , . &n. &n.BUI BUI 1'ER Creamery. 14'4fT16c ( ; dalrv. 13c. EOGS-Flrm ; fresh Missouri and Kansas t'tock. lirstH. per dozen , cases returned , lie RECElPTS-Wheat. 61,600 bu. ; corn , 71,600 I'll. ; oats. 4,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Whent , 22.200 bu. ; corn. 15.- 600 bu. ; oats. 4,000 bu. Toledo Market. TOLEDO , O , , June 8. WHEAT Lower : No. 2 cash , 7Cc bid ; July , 77Wc. COR'N-HActlve ' and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 31c.OATS OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed. 26c RYE "Nominal " ; No. 2 cash , 67c bid. SEEDS Cloversecd. dull nnd steady- prim. ' cash , new , $3.75 ; October , $4.50 asked ! 3liiiii < MiiollH Wlii-iit nnd Flour. MINNEAPOLIS , June S. WHEAT In store : No. 1 northern , June. 72c ; July. 72fc ; September , 71c , On track : No. 1 hard. 731io ; No. i northern , 72c ; NO. 2 northern , 7Sc. FLOUR AND BRAN-Unchanged. Market. PEORIA. Jun ; S.-CORN-FIrm , higher ; " OATS-FIrm , higher ; No , 2 white , 27'/4iS ' > VVHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.28 for finished goods. .Milwaukee Grain MnrUet. MILWAUKEE , June 8. WHEAT-Steady - nortliern75c - BARLEY Steady nt 40o ; sample , Ilnlutli Wheat .IliirUot. DULUTH , Juno R. WHEAT No. : hard , cash , njlc ; July , 77c ; No. 1 northern , cash. 74c ; No , 2 northern , 70 4c. London Stork < liiotntlonn. LONDON , Juno 8. 4 p. m. Closing : " ConKila , money 10ST N" . Y. Cen < ral 40it C'onmlB , ncot OS',4 ' I'enmylvunla * ; rnnadUn I'aclOo . .lot ' ' " ' ' llrlo IS Union IMo.'p'fj" ! . ! . 76H ilo Irt | > M : ' , itv ! Illinois Ccnlrul . . .llS i Oratvl Trunk Nor. Tactile pM. . . . is I < oul vllle Ht. I'nul 1M' , _ z. „ . ! , - - . - nt 27id Per ounce. , . v.v , ' MONEY ljTl'4 per cent. The into of discount In the open market for .short bills , 33.j6tr2V4 per cent ; for three months bills , 2U per cent. . Yitrli .Mining ( liioliitlnim , NEW YORK , Juno 8.-The following are the closing prices for mining shares : Chollar . . is" Ontario . , joe iMint . Opl'lr ' . 100 Con. OaU. & Va..J55 Plymouth . . . , . . . , , . . JO rwudwiioil . 60 Quicksilver . < j Ciould & IMrrlc . . . . Ik do pfd . 7M Hale & NorcroM. . . . S3 Sierra Nevada . 70 . Iron Silver Union Con . M Mexican . . . . Yellow Jacket . 83 1'oreInn Ilnnk StntrtnciitH. LONDON June 8. The weekly statement , of the Hank of England ahows the follow ing changes : Total reerve , Increase , 410- OQO ; circulation decrease. 191.000 ; bullion , Increase 2lS.a > ; other securities , decrease il.2UOO ; other deposits , decr a e , SS9- DOO ; publlo deposits , decrease , 433,000 ; notes renen-n , Increase , 397,000 , ; government se > eurltlea unchanged , The proportion of th < Bank of England's * reserve to liabilities 1 ; 40.35 per cent. Last wok It wns 38.7S pel cent. Bank rate unchnng < l nt 3 per cont. PARIS. June S. The weekly statement ol the Bank of France ? lrows the followlnp changes : Notes In circulation , decrease , 49.xa.ooo francs ; tro sury accounts current decrease. 42,075,000 francs : gold In hand , Increase - crease , 6,900,000 francs ; bills discounted , do. crease , 114S X > ,000 frnncs ; silver In hand , In crease , 2,375,000 francs. aiovcMnvrs or STOCKS AM no.vus TnUc the nrlnkncMM Ont ol the Mnrket. iNBW YORK , June 8. The market took on the appearance of vitality and strength which are associated with a ( bullish markel at ono period during .the < 1ay , but the In evitable professional realizing seemed tc take the snap out of the market , and whcr the bears perceived that th buying was nol renewed with any eagerness even nfter thr realizing offerings had ceasJd. they at tacked ' .ho market In the last half hour nm ! worked some very material recessions In prloe-s. Sugar. 'Metropolitan ' and Urooklyn Transit closed more than 2 points below tin 'high ' level , uhough retaining still good nel advances In price. A number of the spe cialties and prominent railroads also had n point or over taken from top prices. The opening of the market was surpris ingly tranquil considering the amount ol business that W.IR being done. A long llsl of Important mocks opened at unchanged prices and no stocks In tne list showed n fhnnge of nu much ns a point In the early transactions. Itwas evident that ther was a laripa bear -party In Sugar still unconvinced - convinced 'by ' yesterday's dividend dlra. tlona and It undertook to force down the Price of that very uncertain security , tty the Mm * It had fallen 2 points , however , the decline met resistance of a kind which It was not In the power of the "bears " to overcome. ThcOr experience during the re mainder at the day was not on agreeable < ip0. and the 'heavy ' block * absorbed nt the h gn levfl were convincing evidence of their distress. The advance In price of refined sugars , which was acquiesced 1n by nil Interests In the trade seemed to bring1 home to the "bears " that th competition could not be of a , very destructive character and that HIP opposing Intercuts might Tie fairly regarded as Installed In the position of Insiders re- > gardlng stock maneuvers. The vary t > uov- ant tone of Brooklyn Transit , Metropoli tan Street Railway and Manhattan added to thn dtscomllture of the bears. Later In the day the tobacco stocks took up the advance. Yesterday'si dividend declaration nn Atchl- son preferred had a very stimulating ef fect on that stock aa .well . as those of alt grain carrying roads. The western nnd southwestern stocks nearly all -rose over n point and pretty much th whole railroad list responded In sympathy , the only lagS - S- ! . ' " . -'is : a few southern roads which were affected by selling -tor London ac count. The announcement of a further shipment of Jl.OOO.OOO gold on Saturday , making a total of $3.500,000 on the move ment , wan without Influence In the market. This outward movement of gold Is now generally understood to ibe duo to special inducements offered by th , Bank of Eng- L " , ' ° secure a replenishment of Its re serve. Them are Intimations of similar iwe-saure from Russta and other continental points , though no authoritative Informa- tlon can toe secured on the suliject. The Iron and steel stocks were conspicu ously heavy a.11 day , with one or two excep tions , though thuy did not suffer materially In the latter decline. Large gains were shown by a number of railroad stocks sel dom traded 1n , Including- Iowa Central pre ferred. Minneapolis , Qt. Paul & Bault Ste. Marie common and preferred ; Hocking Val ley , EvansvMlo & Terre Haute and DCS Molnea and Fort Dodge preferred. The tone at the clos was decidedly weak. The market for bonds showed Improved strength and an Increased velum ? of deal- IS'Srt/SS ' tlne day Progressed. Total sales jj.saj.uw , par value. United , States 2a ad vanced % in the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says- The markets hero were quiet but heavy today on the TranBvaa.1 deadlock and vague rumors of ? Jr < .Chamberlain's resignation , ns well as the bad failure of the Japanese- loan offr- Ings. the underwriters getting SS per cent. A Paris canard that t/he / French premier had reslcned had currency for some time. Consols were down 3-16. Americans Idle pit/.flrV'.c'asln,51PJllfuI- ! ; 4s were 6l / ; tlntos , 4oU < 345 % ; Anacondas , io 6. Silver was slightly iha'rder. - HU u > eit.ij < tu-ivict The Board of Trade returns for May show Imports up 8 nnd exports Incneas-d 17 per cent. Both figures excluded ships built , which were not reckoned last year. The following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Ex-dividend. The total sales of stocks today were 725- BBS shares. Including : American1 Step ] nnd Wire. 25,000 ; Amsrlcan Sugar , 84,500 ; Ameri can Tobacco , 20,200 ; Anaconda , 7,500 ; Atchl- Bon , 3,200 ; AtchUon preferred , 42.COO ; Brook lyn Transit , 90,500 ; Burlington , 33.SOO ; Chicago cage Terminal preferred , 5,200 : Continental Tobacco , 14.100 ; Consolidated Tobacco pre ferred , 8,400 ; Evansvllle & Terre Haute , 6.200 ; Federal Steel , 21,000 ; Federal Steel preferred , 4,200 ; lyoulsvlllo & Nashville. 5,000 ; Manhattan consolidated. 22,003 ; Metropoli tan Street Railway , B.1CO : Mexican Central , D.100 ; Missouri Pacific , 13,800 ; New York Cen tral , 10,000 ; Northern Pacific , 7,800 ; Northern Pacific preferred , 6,310 : Ontario < t Western , 24,700 ; Pennsylvania , 11,200 ; People's Oas , 14.100 ; Reading first preferred , 8.700 ; Rock Island , 17.700 ; St. Paul , 35,700 ; Southern Rail way preferred , 3,100 ; Tennessee Coal end Iron , 6,000 ; Union Paelllc , 7,600 ; Union Pa- rdflc preferred , 5,000 ; United States Rubber , 3,200 ; Western Union , 3,700 ; Wisconsin Cen tral preferred , 4,100. 11 OK to n Stock Cliintntlnnn , 71OSTON. June 8. Call loans. ZHH n'r cent ; time loans , SVii per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds nnd mining shares : Kliuinvlnl. PARIS , June 8. There was an all-round dullne-ss on the bourse here today. In sym- lathy with the renewed weakness In Kaf- flrs. This was esneclaKy the case with Ulo Intos and Spanish 4s , At the close of the market price * were generally harder , the market being Influenced by the declarations of Messrs , Hnlfour and Chamberlain , Thrcs > er cent rentes , I02f lOc for the account. Spanish. 4s. 63.35. FBANKFORT , June 8 Buslnesj was lulet and prices were steady on the bourse icro today. HKRLIN , June 8. Foreign securities were iiriet on the bourse today , Americans were larder and there was a general tendency oward reserve. In view of the contradictory news from Bloemfonteln. Kxchango on London , 20m 44 4pfg for checks , l ONDON , June S. American seeurltl\s * opened lower , but quickly reacted and re mained otea.lv nnd about on a level with New York , UuMnoss wns very icstrlctnd. Thft close was steady. Spanish 4s , 64V4. Gold at Uuenos Ayres , 120. < 0. X MV York Jlnncj' SI NBW YORK , Junn S. MONBY On call. steady nt 2fi2'.i per cent ; last loan at 2 per cent ; prime mercantile pnper. 31JS4 per cent. STKRMNO EXCHANOB-Kaslcr. with actual business In hankers * bills at $4.87- ? 4.S8 for demand and at J4.S5si 4.S6 for sixty days ; posted rntts , J4.5fiHfi4.87 nnd J4.S9 ; commercial bl"l. . J4,85 ifi4.S.1U. S1L.VKU CBnTrKlCATES-filOfiSc. HAH SIL.VER-60i.ic. MEXICAN DOUARS-45\ic. UONDS Government bonds firm : stntc Uonds Inactive ; railroad bonds strong. Closing quotations on bonds were : I'liinnolnl Notpn. ST. LOUIS. June 8. Bank clearings , $5- 261.441 ; balances , $539,611 ; money , quiet at 4'OT ' per cent ; exchange on New York , 10 ® 2oc premium. NEW YORlC. Juno S.-Clcarlngs , $16S,33S- 7S 3 ; balances , J3.4S9.32S. BOSTON , Juno S. Clearings , $21,729,913 ; balances. $2.731,803. BALTIMORE. Juno 8. Clearings , $4,412- 101 ; balances , J635.631. PHILADELPHIA. June S.-Clcarlngs , $14- 249.4SG ; balances , $1,522,130. NEW ORLEANS , June S.-Clearlngs. $2- 044,379 ; Now York exchange , bank , $1 per $1,00(1 premium ; commercial , par. CHICAGO , Juno S. Clearing. ? , $20,782,190 ; balances , Jl,974,172 ; Now York exchange , 15c discount ; sterling exchange , $4.8704.59. Condition ot the Trenmiry. WASHINGTON. Juno S. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $271,119,631 ; cold reserve , $232,334,604. PROSPECTIVE CHOP OF COTTO.V. Prom Sciitcmher to Miiy Statement SlKMVM LnrKe Docrenm' . NEW ORLEANS , Juno 8. Secretary Hes ter B analysis of ptli state cotton statement from September to 'May places the total crop In sight at 10,880,770 bales , n decrease under last year of 91,047 bales nnd nn in crease over the year biforo last of 2,373,6SS bales. Co turn Market. NEW YORK , Juno 8. COTTON-Spccula- tlon In cotton was slack and variations were narrow , even the more , active poMtlona not fluctuating more than 4 points during the session , The market opened about steady , with prices 1 point higher to 1 point lower. Two opposing Influences were at work , with a wider scope of variations. On the ono hand calile were utlll very favora ble. The Engliph news was especially strong in the showing ion spot sales , which were ojjain very heavy. On the other hand , however , the annual report covering the cotton acreage. Issued by the Financial Chronicle , completely upset local calcula tions regarding the decrease In cotton area , placing the average at 3.20 per cent , while local views had looked for a decrease of 6 , 8 and even 10 per cent. Upon the publica tion of this report long cotton came out quite freely and would have made a weak market , but for the favorable foreign news. The average of the , day's news was there fore such as to-make shprts unsteady , but there was no particular demand to cover , the bears seeming to hold oft for the gov ernment report jfrom- Washington Saturday morning. The market closed steady to 2 points lower quotations : Futures opened quiet ; June , , "J5,9i ; July , $5.97 ; August , M.97 ; September , $5.93 ; October , J5.9S ; November , $ d.01 ; December , $6.01 ; January , $8.0S ; February1 , $0.09 ; March , $0.13 ; April , ? 6.15 : May , $5.20. NEW ORLEANS , June 8. COTTON Quiet and steady ; sales , 3,300 bales ; ordi nary , 311-16c ; good ordinary , 4 3-16c ; low mlddUng , 4 15-10o ; middling , 5ftc ; good mid dling , 66-16c ; middling fair , Gic ; receipts 662 bales ; _ stock Vi295,95r > .bales , k _ Fuitures , ' gust , tober , cemb&r , _ _ ruary , $3.815j5.S2f 'March , " "j5.S4 < 657s. . ST. ivoUlS. Juno 8. COTTON Steady ; middling. 513-16c ; sales , 2,050 bales ; receipts , 1.342 bales ; shipments , 1,659 bales ; stock , 84- 333 bales. LIVERPOOL , June 8. COTTON Spot ac tive demand and prices firm : Amesicnn middling fair. 4d ; middling. 37-16d. The sales of the day were 16,000 bales , of which J.OOO bales were for speculation and export and Included 13,300 bales American. Re ceipts were 5,300 bales. Including 3,200 American. Futures qulst with a moderate demand and closed steady. American mid dling , 1. m. c. , June-July , 3 24-G4d , ssllers ; July and July-'August , 324-64d , buyers ; August-September , 324-64d , sellers ; October - Novemb.eir < , 3 22-C4'83 ' 23-64d , sillers ; No vember-December , December-January , Jan uary-February , H22-64d , sellers : February- 'Maroh. ' 3 24 < < jS 23-64d , value ; March-April .1 23-64Q3 21-64d , sellers ; April-May , 324-64d valu ? . Oil Market. LONDON , June 8. OILS Calcutta Mn- eoed , spot , 35s 3d ; linseed oil , 2Cs 9d. Tur- pentlno spirits , 34s 3d. TOLEDO. June S. OILS Unchanged. NEW YORK , June 8. OILS-Cottonsced , s'.eadlly held , but more active ; prlmo crude , 20c ; prime crude , f. o. b. mil's , 17T19o ; prlmo summer yellow , 25',4c bid : off sum mer yellow , 2li24V4c ; butter grndey , 30 < fi32e ; prime winter yellow , 30 T32c ; prlmo white , 2930c. Petroleum , steady ; refined New York , J7-20 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , $7.15 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , in bulk , $1.65 Rosin , steady ; strained , common to good , Jl.SOffil.Uo , Turpentine , weak nt 3SW SSHc. OIL CITY , Juno 8. Credit balances , $1.13 ; certificates , $ l,13'/z ' for cash ; shipments , 67- 227 bbls. ; average , 87,731 bbls. ; runs , SS,40a bbls. ; average , 3,340 bbls. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS , June 8. WOOL Steady , with a good demand at previous quotations , LONDON , Juno 8. A sale of sheepskins was held hero today and the offerings , which amounted to 4.900 bales , wore a'.l sold. There was a good attendance and the. selections were of good quality , competition being active. Sales and prices obtained for clothing nnd combing follow : New South Wales , 427 bales , at 3H7'/4d ; Queensland , 5(1 bales , at 4WQS1W ; Victoria , 1,314 bales , at 5 % S 4d ; South Australia , 72S bales , at 3'Aff SHd ; West Australia , 728 bales , at 3'/if ' ( Slid ; Tasmania , 432 bales , at 3M < ? 8Mdj New Zea land , 9G6 bales , at 3 4 < 8 < 7d. - York Dry Cooiln Market. NI3W YORK. Juno 8.-DRY GOODS-Spot business has again been of quite moderate dimensions , but good mall demand to hand. Brown sheetings and drills sell to mod erate extent at full prices. Print cloths Idle but firm : gray goods In odd marks firm , 'With moderate * ale. Bleached cottons quiet at firm prices , Prints in good de mand for new fall fancies. Simpson's fan cies 5c per yard. Ginghams very firm. Lanc.istnr staples -idvaii-od : a * "v r nis i cr yard. Worsted dress goods linn , some lines of cashmerfs and serges advanced 2fc ! to 5 cents per yard. Codec Market , NEW YORK , Jun' ? 8. Options opened quiet , unchanged to 5 points lower : ruled easy with tame trading ; sentiment bearish under heavy receipts , weak cables , slack Bpot demand ; t'losul steady , unchanged to 5 points lower. Halcg. 12,250 bags , Including : June , $4.75 ; July , $1.75 ; August , $1.SO4.S5 ; September , $4.90 ; November , $5.00 ; Decem ber. $5.25 ; March , J5.45. Spot coffee. Rio dull and easy ; > No. 7 Invoice , J0.12V4 ; No. 7 , $6.ti2Vi ; mild inactlre and about steady ; Cordova. $8.00 13.00 , _ S n tin r Market , NEW YORK. June 8-SUGAn-Raw strong , tending upward ; fair rellnlng , 4 3-lGcj centrifugal , W test , 4 ll-16o ; molasses sugar. 4 l-16o ; refined strong and active. LONDON , June 8.-SUGAR-Bcet , June , Its 2 d. NBW ORLEANS , Juno S. SUGAR- Quiet ; open kettle , 3Uf46-16c : c'ntrlfugul , ysllow , 4iMT415-ltJc ; seconds , 3@4 > ic. MOLASSES-Dull ; centrifugal , CSHc. California lirleil Fruit * . /NEW / YORK. Juno 8. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Dull. Evaporated ap ples , common , 7iSc ; prime wire tray , SUfl1 ; 4c ; choice. SiJ9o : fancy , 9Vi$9Wc. Prunes. 3ijfi9c. Apricots , Royal , lUiHU < v. Moor Dark. HfilSc. Peaches , unoecjed. l Uailr. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light R .coipts of Oattlo , with Quality Below the Average. GOOD BEEF SELLS AT STRONG PRICES With One Uxcrptloti Thin Trot en to HP the Ills : Uny of the Ycnr , So Fur tin HIIKR Arc L'onocrn < Ml , SOUTH OMAHA. June S. Cattle , Hoffs. Shso necelpts toilny . 1,610 14 , 43 b Oniclnl Monday . 49S 4.9J-I 251 Olllclnl Tuesday . 2,35f Mt'12 ' 1,990 Uiiiclul \ \ ednesilny . 2,145 11,6 4 l,3iS Indicates Sunday. The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Ry . . O. & . St. U Ry 1 Missouri I'acltlc Ry . . Union Pacitlo system 23 32 2 C. & N.V. . Ry 2 P. , E. & M. V. 11. R 13 72 1 C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry 10 17 U. & M. R. R. R 1 53 C. , H. & Q. Ry 1 14 K. C. & t. J. Ry 1 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , east. . . , 1 3 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west 6 Total receipts . ' . . .56 203 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of hi-nil Indicated : Cattle. HOKH. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 3S l.iftj G. H. Hammond Co 431 2,179 Swift and Company 8S 3,129 131 Cudahy Packing Co 434 4,136 345 Armour & Co 7 3,709 . . . . Swift and Co. , St. Joe 230 Swift nd Co. , country. . . 4S 11. Ilecker and Degan. . . . 13 W. 1. Stephen 1 Hill & Huntzlngcr G Hamilton & Rothschild. . 115 Other buyers 43 . . . . 1CS Held over 200 200 Totals 1,462 14,619 874 CATTLE Very llRht receipts of cattle of nil kinds with the quality hardly up to the average of recent days was the situation In the cattle yards this morning. Buyers seemed to want the cheaper cattle for some reason today , their coolers probably being filled with high priced beet. As a resull the market was active on the common tc medium kinds of cattle and the markel opened strong on anything that would corm under that head at the same time the bet ter grades of cattle were only steady. While the market was uetlve as indicated on tht cheaner cattle It was slow on the bettei and hence the forenoon was w&ll advanced before a clearance was effected. Cowa and heifers were In active demand and the dry lot BtufC was soon picked up al good steady to strong prices. The grassy stuff was siow sale and OB noted yaaterdaj the tendency on that kind Is steadily down ward na the show of grass becomes more pronounced. Good fat bulls were In de mand nt steady prices. Veal calve * In some oases sold at prices that looked easier , Not enough atockers or feeders were on sale to cut any ilgure and the market or that kind of cattle , was without feature ol Importance. Representative sales : BEEF STfiiEK * . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 730 $4 00 21..112S J4 SO 15..1133 $4 90 920 4 25 31..1047 4 SO 23..1098 4 90 920 4 40 IS..1240 4 S5 21. 1WG 4 90 1100 4 50 42..1250 4 83 33. 1095 4 90 1. . S40 ' 4 50 27.J1309 4 S3 4..1207 4 90 63..1001 4 70 IS..1120 4 S5 3..130G 4 90 11..1101 475 1..1030 4 S3 4..1207 1 90 1..1500 4 75 1..1150 4 S5 3..1306 4 DO 46..1010 4 75 29..1096 4 S3 4..1315 5 00 19..1121 4 SO 20..1035 4 S3 39..1402 5 00 13..10)0 ) 4 SO IS..1316 4 90 41..1372 5 00 6..11S6 4 SO 24..1170 4 90 3G..1323 5 10 19.11132 4 SO 21..12S3 490 17..1587 5 15 10..1145 4 SO 19..127S 4 90 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 20..1224 4 90 24..1035 95 COWS. 1. . 920 2 50 1..1060 3 50 2..1205 4 00 1. . 900 250 8. . 973 3 GO 1..15M ) 4 10 1. . 830 2 75 1. . 930 3 ( JO 1..1135 4 15 2. . S35 2 75 ! ! . . 9S3 3 65 2..1340 4 15 1..1130 300 2..1116 3 G5 1. . 940 4 20 1. . 850 3 00 1..10IO 375 5..1192 4 25 1. . 9CO 3 10 1C..1005 3 S5 4..1177 4 23 870 3 10 3. .1150 3 So 1. . 810 4 23 1. SSO 3 10 1..10GO 3 90 1..12SO 4 25 5. . 944 3 15 1..1120 3 90 1..1300 4 30 1..1130 3 35 1..1150 4 00 1..13fQ 1 40 1..1060 3 40 3..117C 4 00 1..13IO 4 40 2. . % 0 3 40 4. . S67 4 00 G..110S 4 50 1..1020 350 1..1300 4 00 HEIFERS. 1. . 430 3 S5 2. . 87G 4 30 1..1120 4 50 , .1000 4 00 7. . 730 4 10 10. . 623 4 03 730 4 00 1. . 8M 4 0 52..1038 4 75 BULLS. 1. . 510 2 50 1..1340 3 90 3..1226 4 00 1..1150 2 80 1..12M 3 90 2..1233 4 00 1..1140 3 53 2. .1460 4 00 1..1810 4 10 1..1730 3 70 2. . S75 4 W 1..1760 4 10 1. . 570 3 85 1..1S20 4 00 1..1S10 4 15 1..14SO 3 90 STAGS. 1. . 550 3 80 1. . S90 4 00 1..15SO 4 10 CALVES. 290 5 00 6. . ICO 6 23 1. . 110 C 75 .TO 6 75 1. . 110 630 J * i COU'S AND HEIFERS. . 710 2 CO S40 323 2. . 735 3 40 . 940 2CO 760 3 30 1. 170 3 50 . 810 3 00 870 3 10 3.S. . SP8 3 60 . 920 3 10 790 3 W S. 1 4 10 .1010 325 748 3 40 5. . 1 STOCKERB AND FEEDERS. 510 3 50 C. . CIS 4 23 2. . 3GO 4 75 721 3 SO 4. . S07 4 25 2. . 593 4 75 3M 4 00 3. . 470 4 50 2. . 303 500 700 4 00 18. . 62-J 4 75 HOGS Today's receipts numbered over 200 earn , the largest run of the year with the exception of Wednehday , May 24 when 22U cars arrived at the yards. The market was 510c lower owing to the break In Chicago und to the large run at most mar ket points. The demand , however , was good and packers Deemed to want them all so that the market opened early and fairly active , especially so considering the large receipts. .Salesmen seemed to realize that they would have to take off and as a rule they did BO early tso that the most of the hess soul in good season. The popular price today for good hogs was I3.CO , an against $3G7'/4 ' yesterday. It will bo noted from the table of average prices that the hogs today sold at prices that were a shade higher tlmn on Monday and lOo higher than a week ago. Taking Into consideration the large rBcelpts and the unfavorable advices from other seUIng points the market hero was In very good condition. Representative Hilcs : 3571,4 - . . . SHEKP Receipts were very light nnd thcro were only three leads , all told , on pale , one load being from Kaunas City eon- slKrwtl direct to a packer. Th ? dcmnml continues good at this point nd the fcrw arrivals meet with ready K.ile nt prices that are high as compared with other markets. Quotations on clipped sheep nnd lambs : stern WeMiers , $4.7nTfS.OO ; good to choice Mexican lambs. $5.0f iTi.BO ; gxxxl to choice western lamb * , $5.ft > 5f { > .r > 0 ; fair to good west ern lambs , } 4..Wi7o.OO ; western yo.irllngi , JI.7.Vi75.00 ; choice western ewes , $4.0004.60. Representative sals : No. Av. Pr. 16S lambs , feeders , shorn 50 4 20 1 ewe 70 $4 fiO 330 western lambs , shorn 72 4 85 > > 2 lambs , wci > tern. shorn 60 6 00 2S3 western lambs , shorn 75 G S3 cmcAfio LIVE : STOCK MAIUCKT. Good Demntiil for llon nml Sheep with Cnttlc Still Slorr. CHICAGO , June 8.-CATTLE There waa no Improvement today In the demand for citt'tle and prices were no better during the morning ; later , however , they stiffened up somewhat : choicer grades of cattle sold at { 5.16'Sn.60 ' ; common to medium grades , J4.33 { Jfi.05 ; fed westerns , J4.60J3.30 ; bulls , cows and helfar.i brought $2.0095.10 and calven $4.251(6.75 ; a few Texas steers were disposed of at $ J.65i75.0i3. ( HOGS There was n fairly good demand for hogs , but receipts were liberal and sales were mostly at yesterday's late low figures ; heavy hoga sold atl J3.00ir3.90 ; mixed , $3.70 ® 3.90 ; light weights , H.70SS.SO ; pigs brought $3.30 < i3.70 and culls $1.50 3.50 ; most of the fales were at $3.S003.S7V4. SHEEP Greatly reduced receipts of sheep today Improved the tone of the mar ket and wttW a fairly active demand prices wore a little better ; choice sheep told at $4.6T , < 3'4.75. culls bringing $2.50 3.00 ; rams , J3.00WJ.50 ; ewea , J3.25iT3.i5 ; spring lambs brought $5.75iJC.60 ( ; Colorado wooled lambs , $3.755(5.85 ; clipped lambs. $3.50 )5.50. RECEIPTS-Cattle , 7,000 head ; hogs , 30- 000 head ; sheep , 6,000 head. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK , June 8.-BEEVE8 Re ceipts , 1.0&5 head ; no trade worth noting ; exports none. CALVES Receipts. 47 head ; 472 on sale ; market dull ; vealsi weak ; buttermilks lowar , 178 unsold ; medium to choice veals , $5.50p5.75 ; buttermilks. $3.25 3.624. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rece4pts , 1.5SO head ; ssven cars on Sale ; sheep firm ; lambs and yearlings higher , all sold ; poor to ex tra sheep. JS.OOTfS.OO ; medium to good yenr- llngs , J5.OOf75.87V4 ; live cars southern lambs all sold at JS.OO ; common state lambs , $6.60. HOGS Receipts. 416 head ; 23 for sale ; market steady at $4.20Jj)4.30. ) St. I.onU Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , Juno 8. CATTLE Receipts , 1,600 , Including COO T xans ; market steady to strong ; faJr to choice native shipping and export steers , $4.5095.30. with fancy worth up to $5.60 ; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.0 go.I5 ; sf.ors under 1,000 pounds. $4.00iG.OO ; stackers and fecdt-m , $3.25f ( .RO ; oows and heifers. * 2.50i.S5 ; 'bulls ' , $3.00 ® 4.50 ; canners. $2.0033.00 ; Texas and Indian steers , $3.40@4.90 ; cows and heifers , $2.30 HOGS Reclpts. 5.000 ; market steady ; pig ? and light , J3.7W3.80 ; packers. $3.75@3.S5 ; butchers. $3.8093.90. SHEDP Receipts , 2.BOO ; market steady ; native muttons , $4.005.00 ; spring lamba , $ ) .OOJiti.50 : culls and bucks , $1.60g'3.6 ; stockers - ors , $3.001(3.50. ( Kiiiinnx City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. June 8. CATTLE Re ceipts , natives. 2.700 ; Texane , 800 ; heavy na- tlv ? steers , steady and active ; stockers nnd feeders , slow ; Texans , steady ; native steers. heavy. $4.90 < Ji5.15 ; medium , J4.80Jf5.15 ; light , $4.25(05.00 ( ; Texas steers , $3.2&34.S5 ; Texaa cows. $2.85S3.fi3 ; native cows and heifers , $2.25 5.10 ; frtockere and feeders , $3.00S5.05 ; bulls. $3.WC.OO. ( HOGS Receipts , 15,000 ; market weak to5c lower ; bulk of salaz. $3.60ij3.70 ; heavy , $3.CG fiW.73 ; packers. $3.56JJ3.70 ; mixed , $3.52VS < 3 > SHEEP-iRecelpts , 2,000 : market steady ; best lambs , strong to lOc higher ; lambs , $4.00jJ'o.75 ' ; clipped muttons , $3.0004.50 ; sto k- ers and feeders , $3.001H.SO ; culls , $2.0063.00. SI. .Tom-iili Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , June 8.-SpecJal. ( ) The Journal quotes as follows : CATTLE Receipts , 700 .head : market weak to lOc lower : natives , $4.50/5.10 ; Texas and wpsterns. $4,40 5.00 ; cows and heifers , tt.00ff4.60 ; t > ulls nnd mags. J2.23R4.70 ; year lings and culves , $4.f fi5.25 ; stockers and feeders. $3.CftJ'4.85 ? ; veals , $3.23fC.75. ! ) HOGS Receipts , 6,700 liead ; market weak to fn lower , selling at $3.5303.75 , bulk at . . . SHEEP Receipts , 200 head ; market steady ; Jambs , $5.15fi0.65 ; clipped lambs. JJ.eSQa.In : cllnpfd sheen and yearllngB , $4.25 ( JH.73 ; clipped owes , 3.75f/4.25. ' Stork In Following are the recolptfl at the four principal western markets for June 8 : . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . l. < C2 11,019 S7l Chicago . 7.000 30.000 6.000 Kansas City . 2,700 16,000 2.000 St. Louis . 1,600 5.000 2,500 Totals . 12,762 64J619 11,374 IlriMVor * Ki-et OfllrorM. DBTHOIT , Mich. , June 8 , The United States Brewers' association today elected the following officers : President , Rudolph Brand of Chicago ; first vice president , N. W. Kendall , Now Haven. Conn. ; second vlco president , Joseph Theuren , Chicago ; .treasurer , William Hoffman , Now York ; trustees. K. A. Schmidt. Philadelphia ; O. S. Miller , Buffalo ; Peter Roelger , Peter Hauck , Newark , N. J. ; Fred Pabst , Jr. , Milwaukee ) . The next meeting of the association will be held in New Orleans In April or May. the exact time to bo fixed by the board of trus tees. SlllllllTN ( ill Afl.T WltllCNMei. MANCHESTUn , Ky. , June 8. Tom Baker and his brothers were arraigned today on tha charge of murdering Wilaon Howard and Burch Stores. They pleaded not guilty. Soldiers have been Bent for witnesses who fear to attend court , HRPEMNEYaCO. flOOM4Hr LIFE BLDO. BRANCH l028tU > t CKAKA ruo. uncoui NCR JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 10,30. Omahu , Neb COMMISSION , ( iUAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OP TRADE. DIrert wr * to Clilniico and .Mew Tort Cnrr Donrf nt i Juki. A u/ . * . * . Whou Traveling t Read The Bee Hero Is Where You Will Find it in the ; Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jnmm 31. Uodnril , ATLANTA. flA. Klmbnlt Ilautu A'otr * Slnnd. BOSTON. I'ublio Mbrnrj. VMMonto ! lintel Iloiton I'ron * Club , 14 Iloirrorth It. BUFFALO. Geneaoe Hotel JSewn SlnnOL HUTTK , Wm. Shield. . CAMBRIDGE. MASS , llnrviird Vn'vcmllr Mlirnrr. CHEYENNE. II. A. I.niian , 212 West lltth SI Cheyenne Club. CHICAGO. Auditorium Annex NBTTB Bland. Aiiilltiirluni Hotel Nevr * Snnd. Ornnil Pnclflo Hotel X.TTI Mnnil , tirriU Northejn Hotel Jtotr * Stud. 1'nlmtr Hoime Ncrrn Mtnml. Toatomoeevr Stnnd. No. 21T Dcur- burn Street , A oclnted Advertlier'a Club , mimew Home. CLEVELAND. tVadilell Itoune. The Hollenden. Commerclnl IVnTelerc * AoooUtloa , aiiuionlo Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. . Printer * ' Home. DENVER. llrowto Hotel Newii Stnnd. Ilamlltou & Kcndrlck , 1)00-013 1TIU at. McLnlii , IMtt A Co. , 833 Sixteenth ft. Vvutt Merounilln Co. . iniT L rtm r St. The Stiitloner Co. , IBth ud l .TTre Street * . Wlndaor Hotel Jterrn Staud. DES MOINES. I MOICB Jaoobi , HooU lalnnd Depot. \ V. 91. C. A. Hendluir Uoom. DULUTH , MINN. \VHrn A Dennett , 214 W. Saperlov Bt. FORT SMITH , ARK. 11. 0. A. HeadlUK lloom HAVANA , CUBA. .J Hotel Reading noom. HONOLULU , H. I. Uonolnlu Hotel Reading Room. HELENA. W. A. Moore , Otk avenue and Main St. Helena Public Library. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. George aibnon. HOT SPRINGS , ARK , C. H. "Weaver < Jt Co. F. C. Boring. L. D. Cooper A Co. , C2O Central A.Y . KANSAS CITY , nobert Held. 1O22 MoQ e St. CoatcH * ou eCTT Stund. tlUaaarl Republican Club , DOS Haiti * more Are. Public Library. Rlokieoker Clear Co. , Oth and Walnnt opposite P. O. Railway Y. 91. C. A. , roam 3T Union Depot , Knniac Cltr , 31 o. Publlo Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. U. C. A. Rending Room. LINCOLN. W. 0. Edmtston , 1123 O Street , DellT- cry Agent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Ilalne * , 10(1 8. Spring St. F. B. Hnnieom , 422 9. Main St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Oharle * A. GllMg' * American Hxchann 8 Cockapntr St. , Trafalgar 8 . , 8. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrew F. Solioni , Cor. Faente d * Eipana and Eicolta Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public Library. We t Hotel New * Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Fifth AvenuB Jlotol Xeira Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel llendlnir Room. Empire Hotel. Uroome Street Library. Holland House Heading lloom. llnflnian Home. Imperial Hotel \c-tr Stand. Meobaulcff' and Trader * ' Free Library. No. 18 Cant Sixteenth Street. PTCHB Clnb , 12O Naaaau St. \Vectralnnter Hotel Headlnir Room. \Vlnd or Hotel Ilcadiuir Room. Y. H. C. A. , 23d Street and 4th Arcane. OGDEN. TV. Webb , 24O5 Waahlnffton Are. W. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. NBTT York Herald Reading Room. 41 Ave. do 1'Opera. ' Thorn. Cook t Son * , 1 Ave. de 1'Opera. PONCE , PORTO RICO. - Zowe A Geitrom. PORTLAND , ORE. 'tV. G ) . Jonc , SOI Alder St Portland Hotel Nevrn Stund. PHILADELPHIA. Uercautlle Library. SACRAMENTO. Public Library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. SAU JUAN , PORTO RICO , Bet l taclaterra KimAtmg Room. SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ana Free Publlo Library. SALT LAKE CITY. L. F. Hnu > m l , Lro a o Tkeator. Salt Lake ? * eiT C * . Public Library. SEATTLE Cactern NCITB Co. , 310 1-2 Plk St. Grorne F. Ward. SIOUX CITY. narrettion Hotel Hvvr * Stand. Momlnmln lloti'l Nerrc Stand. Hotel Veiidonie New * Stand. Cuniruy & Knickerbocker. Public Library. tr-rald FltHKlbbon , 700 Fourth St. Hey Allen , 321 Center St. Y. BI. C. A. HcndlnK Room. SPOKANE. John IV. Ornbum 723-725 RIverilM Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. IJrnnrtovr' * New * Stand , 721 Edmoa4 Junt'tln'n .Nerr Stnnd. C01 Edniond IN ) Y. BI. C. A. Itrndlnw Room. f ST PAUL , MINN. 1 ' l're Club. Wlndior Hotel. ST. LOUIS H. J. Jett , SOO Olive t. Plunteri' Hotel Nem Stand. I'ubllo Library. WASHINGTON , D. C. IVIllard'i Hotel Nerr Stand. / ArlliiKtuu Hotel. V Oonitreiilunal Library. niKU" Hoax : . Agricultural Department Library , Uevublluau Nnttuual Cuiuuiitta * .