12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , , T1TNE 3 , 1899. ASRS FOR AN ACCOUNTING Affairs of ths Late Edward Oreighton in District Court , DAUGHTER SEEKS TO RtCOVER PROPERTY Mnry n , Slicllir AllcRrn thnt She linn nccn nrfrniidcil Out of n Fortune Oivnetl by Her FnUicr. The milt of Mftry B. Shelby against John A. Crfltghton , which Is a side Issue of the famous Crolghton will ease , Is now on trial before Judge Dloklnnon. This Is ono of the most Important cases on the equity docket this term and will probably continue for ecvcr.ll dayn. The suit Involves the right to the profits of a sale of the entire ranch property of the late Edward Crelghton , with herds of cattle that are alleged to have been vorth nearly $1,000.000. $ Among his other business venture * Ed ward Crolghton was'-the senior partner In the firm of Edward Crelghton & Co. , which owned largo herds of cattle In Laromlo county , Wyoming , nnd Cheyenne county , Ne braska. Crelghton died In 1874 , leaving nn estate which the petition declares was worth fully $1,100,000. His Interest In the ranch property was liked at $132,281 when the partnership was formed several years before , nndIt Is alleged that It was worth several times that amount when ho died. \Aftcr the usual proceedings In probate court John A. Crelghton was appointed special ad ministrator of the estate and on n second application ho was confirmed as general ad ministrator. Then the transaction occurred that Mm. Shelby now asserts defrauded her ot her rights. She declares that John A. Crclghton succeeded In having Thomas A. McShnrio appointed administrator of the es tate In Wyoming , and that with McSlmne'a assistance Crelghton contrived to buy the en tire property for $70,000. She declares that lit * adequate notice was given of the sale nnd that the purchase price never actually passed. Her next contention Is that soon after John A. Crelghton oold the same prop erty for $800,000 , and that In the meantime portions ot the cattle were pold for amounts aggregating nearly $2C,0,000 more. By the terms of Edward Crelghton'a will one-twentloth of the estate was loft to Joseph Crolghton , from whom the Interest de- ecendcd to hlo daughter , Mary Shelby. Mrs. Shelby now sues to compel John A. Crelgh ton to make an accounting of the proceeds of the sale of the ranch property In order that she may receive her share ot the profits. WI.VTEn-SHIEMJS CASI3 GOING OX. Ilallotn of FlrM Koiir Wnriln Are \cnrly Counted. Judge Powell has nearly completed the canvass of the votes cast for county attorney - tornoy in itho llrst four wards of Omaha at the last general election. The complete figures of the First , Second and Third wards Indicate that If cither of the contentions of Mr. Winter Is sustained ho will como out with a clear majority over Shields. The official count of the vote cast In these wards gave Winter 1,878 and Shields 2,474. The result of Judge Powetl'a canvass In dicates that 40.1 per cent of the Shields vote In these wards was not In the democratic column. If this proportion Is maintained through the county It means ithat 1,585 of Shields' total vote consists of votes that were cast for him as a populist or silver re publican candidate. If It Is decided that these votes cannot be legally counted for ithe democratic candidate the effect would tote to eliminate. Shields' majority nnd elect Winter by a decisive majority. The petition filed by Mr. Winter also Beta UP the contention that In cases In which a voter votes the straight populist pr silver republjcpn ticket by a mark In the circle at the head of tbo column , such votes can- pot bo counted for Winter , In the twenty- nine" predncts of the first three wards there ( were 470 of these ballots , or an average of 17 to the precinct. If this proportion is maintained and Mr. Winter's contention holds good , the effect would bo to elect Winter by a majority of 637. * ' * " Although the count has not gene far enough to warrant a positive forecast , there is every Indication that Shield's idea that he received enough democratic votes to elect him without counting the populist nnd silver republican ballots will not hold good by several hundred votes. Counterfeiter IMeniln Guilty. John McNomara , the counterfeiter from Junlata , this state , was called before Judge Mungor again yesterday and changed his plea from not guilty to guilty , whereupon ho was sentenced to three months In the county Jail. McNnmara Is the farmer who harbored a tramp ono night last winter and who at that time taught him to coin spurious dimes , quarters and bait dollars. While McNamara made a few of the coun terfeit colna vthey wore so poor that ho did not succeed la passing any of them. Water Company la Hin-il Aprnln. Damage suits against the Omaha Water company on account of the Patterson block flro continue to accumulate. The aggregate now amounts to over $100,000 and It Is stated that petitions are being prepared In several additional cases. The suit of Sabbla Uroslus has Just teen filed. After stating facts substantially similar to those alleged An Excellent1 Combination. The pleasant method nnd beneficial effects of the well known remedy , STJIUP OP FJOB , manufactured by the GAUFOKNIA Fie Svnur Co. , illustrate the valueof obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the , ono perfect strengthening laxa tive , cleansing the system effectually , dispelling colds , headaches nnd fevera gently yet promptly and enabling one to pvcrcomo habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , without weakening or irritating thorn , make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used , ns they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants , by a method known to the CAI-IFOHNIA Fie Synur Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations , plcaso remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FKANCISCO. OAL. touievnAS. srr. NEW YORK. N. Y. for sale by all Drugg ta , Price foe. p r bottle. t \ In the previous stills chc , demands damages In the amount of $ in,000. Minor Mnltrrft In Court , Nelllo I. Athcrton has applied for a di vorce from Klmer E. Athcrton. John Pyle , charged wllh shooting with In tent ( o kill , Is on trial In crlmln.tr court. Pylc Is a colored man and Is accused of having fired an another colored man named Mason In a saloon nt Twenty-eighth and Farnnm directs. Roie Dynilm has been found guilty ot shooting with Intent to kill because she fired a shot at a man who came Into her room In South Omaha and refused to go out when ho was told to. This was In nplte of the fact that the complaining witness could not be found to testify. In United States court the Jury In the case of Patrick Mulroy against Armour & Co. has returned a verdict for the plaintiff. Mulroy was In the employ of Armour at the packing house at Sioux City. Ho was operating a machine and one day his hand was caught by the knives. His arm was drawn Into this machine and was cut oft close to the elbow , He sued for damages In the sum of J25.000. Armour alleged con tributory negligence. Thomas Murray has sued the Sllloway Hotel company for $833 rent alleged to be due for the use of the Murray hotel since May 1. Murray asserts that In 1808 ho made a lease with Sllfoway by which the hotel company agreed to pay $10,000 a year for the building. Subsequently Sllloway turned the property over to Nat Brown , who paid the rent until May 1. Since then no rent has been paid , as the title to the property Is In dispute. Its on p"ago " B Hayden Bros. ' ad. Races Y. M. C. A. park this afternoon. AlllloiniccntclHM. Tonight brings to a close the most BUG- cessful week the Trocadero has enjoyed slnco Us opening , three weeks ago. It nlsn sees the last appearance of the most at tractive bill thus far offered. If you wish to witness this bill your last two opportuni ties have arrived. At this afternoon's per formance the bill can be seen In alt the ex cellence that marks the evening shows. The Saturday matinees at the Trocadero are al ways marked by a large attendance of chil dren. This week's bill contains many fea tures for their education nnd edification. The people making up the bill are the Mldglcys , the Grayson sisters , the Electros , Lora Llob , Wertz and Adalr , Little and Prltzkow nnd Pascatcl. Next week's bill Is a corker. It Is headed by the five Carnellas , lady and gentlemen acrobats , direct from Kostcr & Blals , New York. They are Euro peans. Today will mark the close of the great benefit at the Crelghton-Orphcum for the memorial nnd monument fund. At the matinee this afternoon the ladles and chil dren will have an opportunity of seeing not onry an unusually strong bill ot vaudeville favorites , but will have their patriotism aroused by the Inspiring Carrlngton enter tainment , which has attracted such largo audiences throughout the week. This evenIng - Ing the ladles of the Relief Corps will attend the performance In a body to grace the final benefit performance. The opening number Is by the Rio brothers , marvels on the Spanish rings , who so greatly pleased Ad miral Schley last Wednesday evening. Mel ville and Stetson have what the modern vernacular would styFe "tho swellcst" spe cialty to bo seen on the vaudeville stage11 Tachlanu has made a great Impression by his startling achievements as a female Im personator , while Creesy nnd Doyne In their sketch , "Grasping an Opportunity , " have proved themselves most accomplished artists. One Fnrc for the Hound Trip To Cleveland , O. , via Nickel Plato road , on June 25th and 26th , with return limit ot Juno 29th , 1899. Three through trains dally. Chicago depot. Van Buren street and Pa- clflc avenue , on Elevated loop. For further Information write general agent. 111 Adams street , Chicago. A small handful of silver will start you to housekeeping If you buy your goods at our store. Hayden Bros. Read our ad on page 5. Pay your High School alumni dues at Balduff's. OVER UNION PACIFIC BRIDGE McCngnc Tnlkn of Plnnn of IlllnalH Central for Entering OninJin. The statement made by President Hurt of the Union Pacific , that the Illinois Central will como Into Omaha over the Union Pacific bridge and not over the property of the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company , Is corroborated by John L. McCague , the rep resentative ot the Illinois Central in the acquirement of right-of-way. He states that it has never been the intention of the Illinois Central to come Into Omaha by any pther route than the Union Pacific bridge. "All the property the road has been buyIng - Ing on the other side of the river has led directly to the latter bridge , " said Mr. Mc Cague , "and not ono foot of ground has been bought near the terminal company's property. The differences 'between ' the ter- mltial company and the Union Pacific will thcreforo , It Is said , have absolutely no effect upon the status of the Illinois Central In Omaha. " llnltoock'n N'rtv 1'nnltlon. W. N. Babcoek , general western passenger and freight agent of the Delaware , Lacka- wanna & Western nallroad company , Is In the city for a day or two. iMr. Babcoclc Is now located In Chicago , to which place ho removed some time ago , at which time he was appointed to the responolblo position which ho now occupies. Prior to removing to Chicago Mr. Babcoek was superintendent of transportation for the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition nnd prior to that time he was general manager of the Union Stock yards at South Omaha. Since taking hold of the western business of the Lackawanna Mr. Babcoek has pushed the affairs of that road to the front , and Is In on about every con tract where Chicago roads are competing for passenger or freight traffic from Chicago to the east. In addition to the railway business Mr. Bnbcock has charge of a line of lake steamers operating from Chicago. Ilntm for the A meeting of railroad officlafs is In progress In Kansas City and another will be held next week , In both of which Omaha Is directly Interested. General Pas senger Agents Lomax. Francis and Buchanan left last night for Kansas City , where they will mtet the agents of other trans- mlsslsslppl lines to discuss the matter of passenger rates to tbo exposition this sum mer. The management of the Greater America Exposition . has not made any proposition to the roads , except that they have asked for the best possible rates. The 'meeting will probably arrive at a decision today. Next week the freight officials of the name roads will meet at Kansas City to consider the matter of rates on shipments of exhibits to Omaha. The management of the exposi tion has asked for the same rate agreement that was made Past year for the Transmlsala- alppl company , and It Is more than likely that the meeting will grant ft. Italliriiynten nnil I'crHonnlii. General Manager Dickinson took a small party of railroad men west In a private car yesterday morning , D. B. Burlelgh , general passenger agent of tbo Oregon Short Line at Bait Lake , who was formerly an Omaha man , has left for the west. The Elkhorn took nn excursion party of forty to Long Pine Friday afternoon. The fishing grounds at Long Pine are begin ning to attract attention. J. M. Johnson of Chicago , third vice presi dent and traveling manager of the Hock Inland road. Is In the city. T. S. Ilattlfi. assistant general freight agent , and C. A. Cairns , assistant general passenger agent , have come out from Chicago cage to bo present at the opening o ? the new city passenger nnd freight olfiees of the Northwestern line this after noon. The ' otficea are rapidly being put into eha'lK ) . A marble baseboard , which was a little slow In appearing , was ordered nent by express and will be out in place ( or the opening. RuLLY , SllliER & CO , Special OfTertags in Ladles' Parasols , Shirt Waista and Underwear. AGENTS FOR THE BUTTERICK PATTERN A . vr Ijlni * of Inil I en1 nnil Children' * llonlcrr nnil Unilerircnr LnrKcnt nml Mont Vnrlcil Annnrttnent u ( 1'nrnnoln ] > vor Dliplnycd Indies' full fashioned , fast black and tan hose , double sole , heel and toe , only 15c pair , 2 pair 25c. Ladles' extra fine gauze fast black and tan hose , drop stitch and plain , regular 35c quality , our price for Saturday 25c pair. Ladles' fine gauze lisle hosb , drop stitch or plain , black or tan ; also embroidered front ; this Is n beautiful line of hose , BOc quality ; our price , 35c ; 3 pair , $1.00. Ladles' silk hose , fast black , double solo , heel and too , special for Saturday , BOc pair. BARGAINS FOR CHILDREN. 12Hc children's fast black lisle finish hose , doubfo knee , heel and toe , all elzes , G to 10 , 20o line ; our prlco Saturday , 12V&C pair. pair.Misses' Misses' finest mace hose , fast black or tan , double knee , heel and toe , all sizes , 6 to 9 , ono of our special lines ; Saturday , 25c pair.Tho The now polka dot for misses , black nnd white , blue and white , fast colors , all sizes , G to 8 ; Saturday , 35c , 3 pair , $1.00. Just received , a beautiful and select line of socks for babies , lace or plain , black , white , tan and brack. Wo have marked the entire line for any slzo , 25c pair. SUMMER COMFORTS FOR LADIES. Wo have placed on our counter for Satur- da'y our entire line of ladles' Egyptian cot ton ribbed vests at a bargain , silk tops , nicely finished , low neck , sleeveless or short sleeves , white or ecru ; all sizes Saturday , only 15c ; 2 pair , 2Gc. Ladles' llslo vests , silk finished , nil styles , knee pants to match , ecru or white ; this fine Is cheap at 35c ; our prlco for Sat urday , only 25c each. Ladles' lisle thread vests , silk crocheted neck and arms , high neck , short or long sleeves , low neck , sleeveless ; also V neck. This Is an extra nlco lino. Saturday 35c ; 3 pair , $1.00. Ladles' silk vests , white , pink , blue and cream. These are genuine bargains , nil sizes , tonly EOc each. Misses' white ribbed vests , nicely made , all sizes , only 12c each. We are closing out nn odd line of boys' balbrlggan underwear , broken sizes , 40c and COc quality , Saturday , 25c each. Misses' fine white nnd ecru lisle vests , silk finish , high neck , long or short sleeves , knee pants to match ; sizes 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 25c ; sizes 2G to 32 , 35c each. LADIES' WHITE AND FANCY COLORED PARASOLS. Wo have an exquisite line of ladles' -white parasols , plain white china silk enameled handles , white frame , only $1.25 each. Fancy white ruffled parasol's , chiffon and silk ruffles , pretty handles , only $2.50. Our line of fancy colored parasols far excels any other line In price and style , silk stripes , navy , red , brown , also1 a'pretty shaded parasol , nice handles , Saturday , $1.25 each. each.A A very pretty fancy parasol , white , red , navy , green , checks , taffeta and India silk , Saturday , $2.50 each. Misses' fancy parasols , pretty colors , spe cial , at BOo each. Children's parasol's , 25c , 35c , 65c up to $1.65. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. Wo now have on exhibition the largest assortment ot Bhlrt waists ever shown In the west , ranging in prices from 50c to $3.50. KELLEY. STIGER & CO. , Corner Farnam and Fifteenth. BUFFALO AND IlETUIlFf. One Fnrc for tlie Ttnniul Trip. From Chicago via Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway. Tickets on sale June llth. 12th and 13th. Return limit may be extended to July 2. A portion of the trip optional boat or rail. Stop at Chautauqua If desired. Full particulars on application to B. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansas CUy , Mo. , or F. M. Byron , G. W. A. , Chicago. A. J. Smith , G. P. A. , Cleveland. For official map of city of Los Angeles and N. E. A. pamphlet cell at city ticket office Union Pacific , 1302 Farnam street. Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , Is closing out gas fixtures at cost. Races Y. M. C. A. park this afternoon. SCHLEY VISITS THE BEE Seen lllft liar I'ronn In Oirrntlon , nnil l.i Stiriirlnnl nt MfiKHlluilr ot The lire IMnnl. Admiral and Mrs. Schler took their de parture from Omaha on the Burlington nt 5 o'clock Friday nflornoon fol lowed by the best wishes of thousands of Omaha people who have met them during their visit to the city. They win stop at Chicago until Sunday , nnd In that city they will be the guests of the Military Order ot the Loyal Legion , which has made somewhat elaborate preparations to entertain Its distinguished guests during their brief stay. The admiral spent most of his time Fri day In packing and other arrangements preliminary to his departure. During the day ho called , with General Mandorson , on the editor of The 13ee. and spent a halt-hour In going through the various departments ot the big newspaper establishment. The ad miral was thoroughly Interested In the workIngs - Ings ot the complicated machinery of a modern newspaper. His attention was particularly attracted by the Immense Hoe press on which it ho various editions ot The lleo arc printed. The party arrived In the press room without warning and over an hour before the first edition of The Evening Boo was ready to go to press , but In three minutes the big press was In full operation throwing out twcFvo-pngo papers at the rate of 24.000 an hour. "This Is really a wonderful plant , " de clared the admiral. "I had no Idea that such a magnificently equipped newspaper plant existed BO far west. " During the trip General Mandcrson re ferred with Bomo pleasantry to the report that was sent out from Denver that a political allusion In ono of his speeches at the Colorado capital Iwas resolved with groans and hisses. The general stated that this was wholry untrue. His witticism was not misunderstood at all and evoked no response except laughter. The hisses and groans were purely a matter of Imagination. You save money when you trade nt the big store ot Hayden Bros. Head their ad on page 5. Races i . M. C. A. park this ntternoon. Vote a Bee coupon for the girls' summer vacations. B. Haas , florist , 1S13 Vlnton street , telephone - phone 776 , has a largo stock of plants for decoration and beds , Incfudlng pansles in great variety nnd the finest specimens In the market , which ho Is offering nt surpris ingly low prices. Among them also are petunias , geraniums , vurbenlas , fuchlas , cannas , Hllcs , begonias , roses , heliotropes , coleus , longlfiorum ( extra fine ) , altorpan- thcra , panlculata , agcratums , contanreas , blblscus , bcllls , alystum , abutllon , coboao , senvonsonla , two kinds of vlncas for vases and hanging baskets. Afao hardy roses and blooming shrubbery. A big reduction on cut flowers. Notice to AVlieclmcn. Reduced prices on gas lamps ; oil ramps , 50c lux Other cut In proportion. H. E. Fredrlckson. Fifteenth and Dodga streets. MODERtf AV OOn.MKX OP AMERICA. Excnmlon to Knnfinn City. Special train for Kansas City reaves Bur lington station 0:30 : p. m. WEDNESDAY , JUNE 7. Tickets only $3.50 for the round trip ob tainable of members of Modern Woodmen camps and at Burlington ticket office , 1502 Farnam street. This week , Sterling bicycles , $10 down , $1.50 a week ; lamps , 50c UD. Omaha Blc. Co. Union Veterans' Republican club win hold Its regular meeting In the Continental block Saturday evening , June- . There will bo an address by Comrade John L. Webster. A general invitation Is extended. Vote a Bee coupon tor the girls' summer vacations. * _ " , J CUy nnil Ilctnrn. ' ' From Juno 3'dlto'flth. Thtf Missouri Pacific will sell round-trlp , tlckets at ono fare. For further Information call at city offices , S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas , or depot , 15th and Webster streets. Our ad Is on page 5. Will you read It ? Hayden Bros. Races Y. M. C. A. park this afternoon. Dr. Shepard Catarrh , 312 New York Life. Her Grand Hotel Turkish Baths now open. Burlington GOOD ENOUGH I I I i I i FOR MILLIONAIRES but not too good for every day Americans , is the now equipment of tbo Darlington's Chicago Special , Every car Is fresh from Uio shops bright as a newly minted dollar clean as a pin ( i dainty as a lady's boudoir. I J Leaves Omaha 6:40 : a. m. Arrives Chicago 8:15 : p. m. Ticket Office Darlington NCTT Station 1BO2 Furnnm St. 10th and Mnaon Stu. Telephone , 2SO. Telephone , 31O. GRAND OPENING Saturday Afternoon and Evening. JUNE 3. Miisio and Flowers. A Cordial Invitation to All No Cards. a-whinnGy < C Holliday , Jewelers and Art Stationers , Successors to 0 , S , Raymond Co. , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets. A GOOD INVESTMENT Can evidently be secured at the Auction Sale of BEMIS PARK lots , Saturday , I . One P. M , , New York Life Building. Only $25 deposit required. Shirt " " " " Waists" 50 cents and $1.00 ( The best made best patterns nnd best i materials ever offered In Omaha at thcao prices. ; New Lawn Wrappers I A big variety to be opened tomorrow for I Saturday's trade , i Wash Dress Skirts Linen Unen Duck Denims and white Pique You'll agree that they are the best shapus , best hanging and most tastefully designed skirts In Omaha. Prices com mence at 75c. > New Ties Now Silk Fronts now Stocks now Collars now Kid Gloves Silk Petti coats Silk WalstB atyles and prlcea that'll please you. you.SCDFIELD : CLDAmUITCO. 1510 Douglas. LOS ANGELES , GAL. Convention , July 11-14. For the $2 Round Trip Tickets on ealo June 25th. to July 8th , good for return until Sept. 4th. For Sleep ing Car reservations and full Information , call at atCITY CITY TICKET OFFICE , Tola. 316. I3O2 Farnam St. Saturday will sell Hen's Sateen Shirts , Black nnd white striped the identical quality that soils allover ever for 50c , on sale- for 19c GUARANTEE GLOTHINC CO. , CAPITOL AVE. , NEAR I6TH STREET. Close to Ilennett's. P. S. Just received an entire line of late style suits with union label. An Express Wagon Looks 100 per cent better when treated with two coats of Sherwin-Williams "WAGON AND IMPLEMENT. " It not ouly looks , but wears better. Try the experi ment. A whole quart for 50e. Remember the paint referred to above Is made for the purpose named , NOT a FLOOR PAINT , era a IIOOF PAINT , NOR an Enamel Paint , nor a BUGGY PAINT ( we have paints made for all of these purposes ) but the Sherwin- Williams Wagon and Implement Paint is made for painting wagona and implements. It's made to stand wear ana weather. That's one of the peculiarities of the Sherwin- Williams Paints that there Is a paint made for each separate purpose , one that is adapted for that particular use , NOT ONE SLAP DASH MIXTURE FOR ALL. Como In and see our sampfe book , tell us what you want to paint and we will show you the paint adapted to the purpose. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Pharmacists , Purveyors of Paints , Perfumes , Plasters , Pills and Powders. DO < IKU St. , Ouinliu , Neb. MIDDLE OF BLOCK. Automatic" Bicycle and Carriage Lamp Burns Acetylene Gas No Wicks No Regulat ing Valves This lamp U beautifully made , has a bril liant , uniform flame , and IB absolutely self- governing. BURNS BEST WHEN LEfT ALONE If jour dealer doc not PRICE keep the ! * > ! > , we vr'lll $2.50 and it , carriage lire- paid , oil receipt of prloe. Thi Plume & Atwood G0. , 100 LAKE ] HTIII3ET. CHICAGO. SttcMUNN'S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation ot tbo Drug by which IU Injurious affects are removed , while the val uable medicinal properties are retained , It posBCESCB all the itdatlve , anodyne and antl- spasmodlol powers of Opium , but produce * no slckneva of the stomach , no vomiting , no co Uvenesi , no headache. In acute ntrvoue disorders it Is an Invaluable remedy , and U recommended by the beet physicians , SENT UV MAIL IX 1'LAI.V WUAl'l'Kll UItl2Ul ltT OF riMCIS , COc. E. FERRETT , 723 Pearl St. : Nw York. Wouldn't you think these three moat worthy points , of great importance in your choosing of clothing - ing , canst ) you to hesitate before you give up your- money ? Is there any choice between this year's man ufactured clothing or last year's ' manufactured cloth ing ? Is there any choice between good clothing made to give perfect satisfaction to a customer , and cloth ing made to catch trade ? The Nebraska is the store that sells honest clothing honestly made , and hon estly priced. We are today showin \ better dothina for less money than any other house in the United States , and we ask you to hesitate before choosing your clothing , to investigate our claim and investi gate the truth. In the furnishing department for Saturday , show ing today the most complete line of men's summer shirts ever shown in Omaha. Showing $1.60 values in men's fancy colored shirts at $1.00 all now , and today is the first showing. Men's fancy colored shirts , with or without separate cufls and collars , at 75c that bring $1.00 all over town. Men's fancy colored shirts at 45c , that bring 75c elsewhere , Men's new neckwear at 25c , that bring 50c .around town. Men's fine quality neckwear that specialty stores get 7f > c ior , here for 35c. New Bat Wing ties at 30c , in a fine selection of patterns something entirely new. People at the department who will show you how to tie them. Ladies1 neckwear , in all the latest ideas of neck- dressing , at ono half the price asked elsewhere. Ladies' ' trimmed sailors , at 85c , 45c , 66c and 90c , that bring double the price elsewhere not an- old hat in the department all 1899 styles all honest goods honestly sold honestly priced. SPLENDID VALUES IN MEN'S ' & BOYS' ' CLOTHING FOR SATURDAY , Men's stylish spring suits made of strictly all wool cassi- ineres and cheviots , worth from § 5 to $7.50 , price Saturday $3.75. Men's extra fine business suits , made of the most reliable wool , cassimeres and serges , single and double breasted styles , and guaranteed to fit as well as custom tailored garments , regular § 9 to $12 values , prices Saturday $5.00 and $7.50. Men's finest suits in imported worsteds , herringbone cas- simeres , plain and satin-faced serges , positively § 15 and $20 values , Saturday's price , $10 and $12.50. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING. Youths' all wool suits at § 2.95 , $3.25 , $4.50 and $5.00. Boys' knee pants suits in vestee , sailor and double breast ed styles ; the largest line in the city at $1.95 , $2.50 and $3.95 ; these are regular $3.00 to $6.00 values. Boys'volun teer suits pf 95c. Scientific Box Kites given away with every-boys ? suit. . HAT SALE. Men's and boys' hats. Men's derby and fedora styles , including the very latest colors and blocks , every hat made of selected fur with best silk trimmings , bargains at $1.60 and $2.00 this week your choice for 96c. Higher grade derbys and fedoras , in- eluding the Knox , Dunlap , Youman and Stetson blocks direct from the foremost man ufacturers of the country ; these hats are the regular J2.50 and $3.00 grades ; they will go at $2.00. Men's and boys' bicycle caps , golf and yacht shapes , all -wool , Bilk lined , pat terns to suit the most fastidious ; at 25c an d 35c. Men's straw bats In all tbo new elm pes and swell rough and ready braids ; the prices , run 26c , COc , 7Ec , 85c , $1.00 and $1. 25. Hoys' and children's straw lints and s allors. all tbo now shapes and the swell rough and ready braids , worth 50c and COc , g o fn'thls solo at 25c. HAYDEN BROS , Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. WHITE ENAMEL REFRIGERATORS. See our new Whlto Enamel line ot Yukon Refrigerators. Pure and white. Easy to keep clean. Perfect circulation. Pure , dry , cold air. Filled with mineral wool. Refrig erators from J5.00 up. Sold on payments or a discount for cash. MILTON ROGERS& SON Sole Omaha Agents for Yukon * - and Alaska Refrigerators. Cast Iron Stomach Is required to drink some kind of beer , but It's not so with , Krug Cabinet It's BO different Xrom the adulterated kinds. Cabinet In made of the finest Bo- licmlan ( Imported ) hops and eelected malt with no other Ingredient and has the natur al beer flavor a novelty In this day of adul teration and a flavor that may be unusual and perhaps unpleasant If you've 'been us ing doctored beer but you'll learn to Ilka It very quick and then you'll use no other. Try ono case , quarts or pints ? Always Reliable and Satisfactory. ; Premium Brand Sugar Cured Hams , Breakfast Bacon Kettle Rendered LaN. All FlUteQltu Denier * .