T Oar AH A DAILY IJEE ; FKTHAY , JUNT3 2 , 18 ! > } > . Four Popular Omaha Girls Who earn their own living now have an opportunity of taking their summer vacation , with all traveling and hotel expenses paid by The Bee. It re- mains for you to hustle for your favorite. Everybody can vote as many times as they have coupons and all votes deposited at T he Bee Office before 6 p , m. July 1 , ' 99 , will be counted. No four such trips were ever given away before. Who are They Going to Be--the Ballot Must Tell This trip Is over thn Fro- From Omaha to Chicago and From Omaha via the Union This trip will bo over nion.t Elkhorn & Mis . - , - return over the Milwaukee Pacific , the Overland Haute , to the Oreat Hock Island souri Valley rnllroaJ lethe ( MILWAUKEE } noad. the only electric Salt Lake City. This trip Ilouto to Denver , Colorado the Ulack Hills nod tint lighted train between the through the heart of Nebraska rado Springs and Man- Springs and return. The two cities , throuch the Is nn education In Itself , Klkhorn carries you vast farming districts of teaching the resources of Itou. There Is only ono through one of tlio most beautiful Iowa and Illinois. At Chicago will be a Nebraska and giving a vlow of the Hock Island and farming countries In tlio world the Elkhorn - two days' stay at the Grand Pacific Hotel , most thrlvlnc towns of our state. The everybody praises Its horn Valley , with Its fertile fields and well which has been entirely rebuilt and refurnished altitude gradually Increases until at Cheyenne splendid equipment and reliable serv built burns. Thcnco to the Hlack Hills , nished , making it second to no house In Is , feet above the ' enne one 6,050 ocean , soon ice. A night's Journey and then ono Is at Denver - both picturesque and Interesting , with Its Chicago. Then a two days' trip across plunging Into the Hocky Mountains , through ver , with three days at the Ilrown Palace gold mines and typical western towns. The Lake Michigan , with berth and meals on the grandest scenery of all the continents. ' chief r.ttraJtlon there will bo a two weeks' the magnificent boats of the Lake Michigan This Includes ten days nt the Hotel Knuts- Hotel. A day's excursion on the Union Paclllo stay nt the Hotel Kvans , the flncH and Lake Superior Transportation company ford at- Salt Lake City , the reputation of through Clear Creek Canon up to George appointed hotel In the west at Hot to Macklnac Island , fragrant with the which extends In cither direction across the town , around the famous Loop , and then the and Its romantic old back again to Denver before evening. It Is Springs , which boasts of the largest breath of plnea continent as ono of tbo finest hostclrlcs of . of Indian . Two n pleasant trip between Denver and Colorado and finest plunge bath In America. forts and remnants days. the country. When ono goes to Salt Lake This wM Include all the privileges of the weeks at the Grand Hotel , with opportunity the Knutsford Is the place nt which every rado Springs , with another taste of the baths without expense , and this Is a treat to for plenty of fishing and boating and all body stays. Salt Lake will have more than grandeur of the Hocktcs and ten days In the . drives attractions which have made Macklnao Switzerland of America at the llroadmoor bo envied. Pleasant paths and , wonderful the Its ordinary attractions this year on account Hotel famous. The Island Hotel , just outsldp of Colorado Springs. This derful caves , cascades , cnnons , flowers and and the Grand of the Salt Place festivities. Salt Lake la waterfalls go to make up the beauties which Is n wooded luxury , with drives , shaded within reach of Garflcld Ilcnch and Is at the base of grand old Cheyenne Moun nature has abundantly furnished. walks and beautiful sunsets. easy for their tain , whore Helen Hunt Jackson Is burled Saltalr , famous splendid bathing and within easy reach of the wonders of the facilities. The return trip will bo via Denver ' Garden of the Gods , Pike's Peak and all ver , with three days nt the Drown Palace that Is famous In Colorado. No more beautiful Hotel , the Just pride of Denver. It Is well tiful situation for a hotel could bo found than named , for fa Is a veritable palace. A day's this romantic spot , with Its pure mountain I CUT OUT THIS COUPON. excursion around the famous Georgetown air and magnificent scenery , combined with Loop and -then return home via the Union the luxuries of tbo most up-to-date hotel | Omaha Bee Subscription Pacific. service. Summer Vacation coupon- CUT OUT THIS COUPON. | COUPON , if accompanied by a prepaid new aub- < scriptiou to The Bee , counts 12 votes for ench week Omaha Bee Single prepaid , for the most popular young lady in. Omaha who earns her own living. Summer Vacation coupon- ( NO. ) . VOTES FOR IYII88 ONE VOTE for the most popular young lady in Omaha SEND THE BEE TO ( Name ) . who earns bar own living. Name of Young Lady. The young lady receiving the highest number of votes will have first choice of tha FOR WEEKS ( Address ) - four trips , the next highest second choice , and so on. MISS No votes will be counted for anyone who does not earn her own living. WORKS FOR. No votes will bo counted 1'or Omaha Bee employes. N. B. This Coupon must be stamped by the Circulation The vote win bo published each day In The Omaha Bee. WORKS FOB- Department of 'I he Bee before it is deposited. The contest will close at G p. m. , July 1 , 1S99. CUT THIS OUT. Deposit at or Mail to Bee Office. Otes will be counted when made on a coupon cut from The Who is Omaha Bee and deposited with the Circulation Department at / the Business Office , in the Bee Building. PLAYERS RESORT TO FISTS Jlndignifiod Senators Have Melea with the Lawless Pirates. ORIOLES TAKE THREE IN ROW AT ST , LOUIS C'hniniiloiiH Overcome a I.OIIK Iend by ( iooil AVorU tvlth tlio Stick ( iluiilH I.ONC ThroiiKli Pitcher * ' liecciitrlclty. IMttHliiirtr , 11) WnNliliiKtoii , II ) . Ilo.sloii , l | Cleveland , fi. llaltlinorc , : t | St. I.onln , - . I'lillnileliihlu , 7 | ClilciiKO , 1. llrooUlyn , H | I.CMlUvillo , 7. Cincinnati , 7)CMV ) York , It. WASHINGTON , Juno 1. Howdy ball play ing , which came near resulting In Wows be tween Mercer and Bowerman , disgusted many of the spectators nt today's ball game between Washington and Plttsburg and finally required the services of a policeman to keep the peace. The trouble was raised by Mercer apparently talcing the halt from Uowcrman and thereby preventing the for mer being out oft at the plate. The visitors yon the game by a very close shave after starting out with a lend or ten runs In the third Inning. McCarthy was knocked sense less _ whllQ hi hat by a ball thrown by Catcher Butler. Attendance , 1,000 , Score : Batted for Gardner. "Washliigtoh 0 10 1'lttsbtirg 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 11 13arn ! runs : Washington. 3 ; Plttsburg , I. Stolen liiisus : McCreery , Mercer , -Hlagle. Two-biiHu hits : Homier (2) ( ) , Hutler. Throe- Imsu hltsi Clark ( S ) , llowcrman , Donovnn , AVIllluinH. Doubls pluys : Heltz to Clark , flark to nowerman to Clnrk , Homier to TMdden to Cassldy. Klrst K-IMO on tialla : Off Baker , 4 : > off Herring. 1 : olT Gardner. 2 ; olT Leevc-r. 2. Hit by pitcher : 11 y Baker , 1. Struck out : 'Ily fiercer. 1 : by I cvcr , 1. AVlld pitch : Gurdnor. Loft on bases : Wash ington , 5 ; 1'lttsburg , S. Tlmo of game ; 2:00 : , Umpires : Swurtwood nnd Warner. lloNton , 11 ! ) ( 'Ifvoliinil , fi , HOSTOX , Juno 1. The Clcvelanders ncaln obtain (1 a good lead In the game with Has. Ion today , only to IOMO It through the bat ting of the Olmmplans , Collins' Holding nnd batting were tlio feature of the game. At tendance , 1,600. Score : IIOdTON Ct.KVKI.ANI ) . nii.oA.n. rf i a o o KtlvotU. cf o 0 0 Toi.ney , lb.l 1 13 1 0 H.irlcy , rf. . oo : o o I do not believe there is a case of dygpep- ela , indigestion or any etomuch trouble that cannot bo re lieved nt once and permanently cured by my DYSPEPSIA CUUB. CUUB.MUNYON. . At all 'druggists , 25c. n vial. Guide to Health and medU cal adrice free. 1505 Arch street , PkUa. DYSPEPSIA CURE Earned runs : Boston , 5 ; Cleveland , 1. Two-baso lilts : Collins , Duffy (2) ( ) . Stafford , Qulnn. Three-base hit : Long. Stolen bases : Stahl. Tcnney , Collins , Lowe , Stafford. Double plays : Lowe to Tenney , Sugden to Cross. Jilt by pitched ball : McAllister , Tucker , Harloy. First base on balls : By Willis , 3 ; by Sutlhoff , 2. Struck out : By Willis , 2 ; by Sutlhoff , 1. Time of game : 2:00. : Umpires : Smith and Burns. Cincinnati , 7j New York , It. NEW YOUIC , June 1. The Giants lost another game to Cincinnati today , mainly through the. erratic pitching of Colcolough. 1IU nlno bases on balls were directly re- si > onslblo for four runs. Attendance , 1,000. Score : Stolen bases : Corcoran , Beckley. Two- base hits : U'Brien , Beckley (2) ( ) , Corcoran , Wilson. Double plays : Davis to Wilson , Corcoran to Beckey. : First base on balls : Off Colcolough , 9 ; off Phillips , 2. Struck out : By Colcolough , 3j by Phillips , 3. Wild pilch : Colcolough. Left on bases : New l'ork , 9 : Cincinnati. 10. First base by er rors : Now York , 2 ; Cincinnati , 3. Earned runs : New York , l ! Cincinnati , 1. Um pires : Gaffncy and Andrews , 'lime of game : 2 hours. Brooklyn , 8 | I.oiilnvlllc , 7. NEW YORK , June 1. The Brooklyns won their fourth straight game from the Louls- vllles in Brooklyn today. Both teams batted hard and llelded loosely , but the Brooklyns bunoin-d their hlta to better effect. Maul was forced to quit In four Innings. Attend ance , 2,100 , Score : LOUISVIL.1.K. imOOKL.Y.V. It.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E. Hey , cf 3 3001 Catey , 3b. . .1 230 1 Clark * . K..O Jeeter , rf..O 1 2 1 0 IX-xt-r. lf.-l 2 1 0 0 K lly , lf..t 1400 \ \ &Knf r , .in.l i i i ' u " Oahlen , TO..2 3630 Decker , lb..l 2 17 0 OJJoneB. cf 1 1100 Kllrhey , f . .0 214 0 llcOunn. lb..l 1800 Wocxls. 2b..O 2122 Only. 2b > 2232 Klttre-lftc , c.O 1 : 3 1 Parrel ) . C..O t 0 1 0 I'lilllppl , P- " ' 0080 Maul , p 1 0031 Dunn , p 0 1130 Totals 7 II :4 21 B Totals 8 14 27 IS 4 Loulsvllto 1 03210010-7 Brooklyn 0 3 1 0 2 2 0 0 -S Kurnod runs : Louisville , 4 : Brooklyn , 4. Homo runs : Hey , Kelly. Three-base lilt : Clark. Two-base hits : Klttrcdge. Farrell , First base on errors : Louisville , 2 ; Brook lyn ' Loft on bases : Louisville , 8 ; Brook lyn 8. Struck out : By Phlllnpl. 2. Stolen banes : Dexter (2) ( ) , Wagner , PhlMppl. Sacri fice hits : Woods. McOann , Farrell. Base on balls : By Phlllppl. 3 ; by Maul , 1. Double play : Dahlen ( unassltted ) . Hit by pitched ballBy Maul. 2 , Time of tame : 2:08:00. : : Umpires : Lynch und Connolly , Philadelphia , 7 | Chicago , 1 , PHILADELPHIA. Juno 1. By bunching their hits the Phillies managed to tuko the last game of the series from Chicago. The Orphanu' eight hits were scattered through six Innlnzs und were of little benefit. At tendance , 1,121. Score ; J'HlLAUUI.riHA. it.ii.o.A.n. Coolcy , HJ..O 0 13 0 0 Thnma , cf..l 1 2 0 0 De'linnty. U.J 3300 i ijole , SU..1 J 2 2 0 cnllei , r.,0 0201 . _ . louder , 3b..O 1 I 4 0 2 2 1 M'F'rland. c.O 1 2 3 2 ( .Von. , n 1 1232 Donahue , p , .2. 1 0 3 0 Total 7 1027 II 3 Chicago , 0 0010000 0 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 ' -7 Earned runs : Philadelphia , 3. Stolen bases : Cooley , Thomas , Chiles. Two-base hits. Green (2) ( ) , McCormlck. Delehanty , Three-base lilts : Merles. Sacrifice hit : Donahue. Home run : Lajole. Double plays : Demont to McCormlck to Everltt , Donahue to Everltt. First base on balls : Off Phyle , 3. Struck out : By Phyle. 3 ; by Donahue , 2. Left on baiea ; Philadelphia , 7 ; Chicago , 7. Time of pramo : 1:45:00. : : Umpires : Emslle und McDonald. Ilultiniorc , : ) | Si. Louln , 2. BALTIMORE , June 1. The. Orioles won an excltlnr ten-Inning game today and rnado It three straight from St. Louis. Both pitchers were In fine form , and but ; for er rors behind them not a run would have been scored. Attendance , 1,473. Score- : bases : Baltimore , 8 ; St. Louis , 7. Time of game : 2:10:00. : : Umpires : O'Day and Mer cer Standing of the Team" . Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Brooklyn 40 29 11 .725 Boston 38 23 13 .C3S St. Louis 39 21 15 .613 Chicago 40 2 16 .600 Philadelphia 38 22 16 .57B Cincinnati 37 21 10 .567 Baltimore 39 22 17 .M4 Plttsburg 37 16 21 . 2 New York 3S 15 23 .393 Louisville 39 12 27 .303 Washington 40 12 58 .300 Cleveland 35 B 27 .229 Games for today : Cincinnati at Boston , Cleveland at Brooklyn. Louisville nt New York. Plttsburg at Philadelphia , Chicago at Baltimore , St. Louis at Washington. SCOUCS Olf THE IVKSTEIlSf LEAGUE. IiidliinaiinUn' IMtuhcr I.OUCH Hln Own Gnme by Temporary ColIniiMC. Mlnnennollii , 5 | Iiullniiniiolla , 2. IlufTalo , U | SIIlTVitiiUee . St. Paul , r | Detroit , -I. ColuiuuuN-KntiMnn City , no K nie ; rain. INDIANAPOLIS , June l.-Scott lost his own game In the fifth Inning. With two out he gave a pair of bases , und two HIIK'CH | followed In succession , four runs resulting. Score : n.H.E. Indianapolis . . . .0 0020000 0-2 S 0 Minneapolis , . . .1 0004000 0-5 o 3 Batteries : Indianapolis. Scott and Bovlllo ; Minneapolis , Menefee and Fisher. BUFFALO , N. Y. , June 1. Buffalo won from Milwaukee In easy fashion today. Friend was In the box for the visitors , but after two Inlnngs ho WOB replaced by Hart. The Bisons pounded Friend for seven runs In the ilrst and second Innings. Score : P..1I.E. Buffalo . 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 * -9 13 2 Milwaukee . 0 0000101 ! ! - B : Batteries : Buffalo , Amole and DIgglns ; Milwaukee , Friend , 'H'nrt ' and Spier. DETROIT , June 1. The Saints opened on Tihomas hard and took the lead from the start. AVlth the score tied In the ninth Dlllard'H error gave a life at Ilrst and Glenulvln's hit brought In the winning run. Score : R.H.E. Detroit . 0 - St. Paul . 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-511 2 Batteries : Detroit , Thomas and Buelow ; St. Paul , Fisher and Spies , Standing of ( he Tennis. Played. Won. Ltut. P.C. Milwaukee . 31 19 14 .576 Minneapolis . 32 18 II .593 St. Paul . 31 17 II .543 Indianapolis . 30 15 15 .BOO Detroit . 32 16. 18 .600 Columbus . 28 13 15 .461 IvansnsClty . 31 13 IS ,418 Buffalo . 29 12 17 .414 Ilmerve Ilime Hull Team. Tha Reserve base ball team 'has been organized with P. J. Mclntyre , 2315 South Ninth atreet , as manager. The club Is anx ious to ehow the- ball tosscrs of the city und vicinity that It Is composed of the right material and will meet any amateur team. No dates have been made yet. Ilime Hall Tenni. The Paxton & Gallagher Co. have organ- Ited a crack base ball tram called P , & O , Co. 'a Yukon Glrla. and would like to hear from HO mo of tlio amateur teams In the olty. Address challenges to Dan Gerlua. c&re Pax ton & Oalagher Co. Their initial game will bd played against the Nationals at Forty-second and Harney streets , next Sunday afternoon , with the folhvoing line up : P. & G. Co.'s Yukon Girls. Positions. Nationals. Hclwlg Catcher Small Snyder & nycberg Pitcher E. J. Welch Arnold Flr.t Mnlone Klcffner Second Ilanlon Davis Third Holmes Foley Shortstop Brady McCann night H.Welch Frlck Middle Monaphan Stlnzenberger Left Wells Dlncen Substitute UESULTS ON THE ItUNMNGTRACKS. . Affect Ciipluren Hertford StnlceH and Dim Ic Ore tin : 1'nrkwny. NEW YOniC. Juno 1. The good weather drew a largo crowd to the Gravesend track today. For the Bedford stakes Affect was the choice and she Justly won It , for ehe led from start to Ilnlsh. In spite of the fact that Don Do Ore was giving away weight In the Parkway handicap , ho was made an odds on favorite. Ho took the lead nt < he lower turn , run under a. double wrap until rounding into the stretch , when he- shot away and won ms ho pleased. Results : First race , six furlongs , selling : Ban- nockburn won , Dr. Parker second. Primate third. Time : lll'/4. : Second race , one mlle and one-sixteenth : Approval won , Glengar second , Lackland third. Tlmo : lS7i. : ) Third race , Bedford stakes , four and one- half furlongs , selling : Affect won. Flaunt second , Kitchener third. Time : 0:50V4. : Fourth race , Parkway handicap , one mlle and onn-slxteenth : Don Do Ore won , Jean- not second , Azucena third. Tlmo : 1:47H. : Fifth race , llvo furlongs : Star Charmer won , iManvllle second , Dangerous Maid third. Time : 1:02. : Sixth race , steeplechase , full course : Ollndo won , Governor Budd second , Iloynl Scarlet 'third. Time : 4:52. : CINCINNATI. Juno 1. Results : First race , ono mile , selling : Hand D won , Rollins second , Howitzer third. Time : l:48i. : Second race , llvo furlongs : Lignite \von , Ida Lcdford second , Honeywood third. Tlmo : iOCV4. : Third race , seven furlongs : Janlo Clay won , Preliminary second , Junlctta third. Time : 1:35. : Fourth rncf. ono mile , selling : Monadour won , Krlss Kringlo second , Klkln third. Time : 1:481 : * . Fifth race , flvo furlonps , selling : Phallas won , Phamoh second , Honest Run third. Time : 1:0014 : , Sixth raco. six furlongs , selling : Ilnnlon won , Lost Tlmo second , Corialla third. Time : 1:21. : ST. LOUIS , Juno 1. Three favorites and three well played second choices won lit the fair grounds today. Thn track was lumpy and alow time was the rule. Attendance good. Results : i 'First ' race , six furlongs , selling : W , B. Gates won , K.-ilhcrlne D second , Onslldo third. Time : 1:20. : Second race , six furlongs : Richard J won , Lady Oaborn second , Yo No So third. Time : Third 'race , five furlongs : Maud Wallace won. Miss Man Day second , Annls Palmer third. Time : 1.03. Vourth race , ono mlle and seventy yards : Forget Not won. Bruno second , Don Oralno third. Tlmo : 1:51. : Fifth race , ono mile and three-sixteenths , soiling ; Oarlc n won. Jimp second , George LPO third. Tlmo : COS1 : * . . Sixth race , four tmd one-half furlongfl , selling : Boundlco won. Shllllngburn second , Hoekmelstrr third. Tlmo : 0:59. : CHICAGO. June 1. Weather fair , track heavy. Results : First race , onc-hnlf mile , 2-year-olds : Sorrel rel Rose won , liurn O G second , Olive Or der third. Tlmo : 0:54-i. : Second race , six furlonga , selling : Neu- bcrger won , Ji-nnlo V second , Mr. Easton third. Time : 1:23. : Third race. on mile , selling : Mnnongah won , Bnnquo II second , Simon D third. Tlmo : 1:53. : Fourth race , six furlongs : Morronl won , Ilohart second , Boney Boy third. Time : Fifth race , six nnd one-half furlongs , sell ing : Cuirassier won , Josephine 'B second , J J T third. Time : 1:29. : Sixth race , six and one-half furlongs : Hood'a Brlgudo won , Isnlk Hecoml , Hilda H third. Time : 1OOH. : T VII ( iaiiit-N Drawn. LONDON , June 1. There was no regular round played today In the International chess tournament now In progress fn this city , but ti& two gamea lefl unfinished from previous rounds were decided s fol lows : Tolchmann and Blackburno drew their game and the contest between Pillsbury - bury and Telchmann was also drawn. AuNtrnllii I'liiyo AII-EnKlnud. LONDON. Juno 1. Thn tlrst test cricket match between All-England and Australia opeird at Nottingham today. Glorious weather prevailed and the wicket was per fect. About 150 Boectatora were orcscnt. The Australians won th - toss , went Ilrst to bat and at the close of play had scored 23S runs for eight wickets. NEIL TOO MUCH FOR GEOIIOE GIIEEX ShovrK Ui StroiiK After Tenth Hound and Almoit FlnlxhcN Hln Mini. SAN FRANCISCO , June 1. Al Nell fought George Green to a standstill last night In a rattling twenty-round go at Woodward's pavilion. Referee Walter Watson awarded the decision to Nell on the showing he made in the latter hnlf of the light. By this vlctoiy Nell demonstrated the fact that he Is a promising man In the. middle weight clns . in the first half of the fight Green had a clear ! ead and It appeared as though he would gain the decision without much more effort. After the tenth round. however , Nell berame aggressive nnd turned the tide of battle with a couple of good blows from his right on Green's Jaw. For a while It seemed that Nell would score a knockout , but Green recovered nnd made a stubborn nnd aggressive fight to the end , trying hard to end the light with a knock out , nut Nell proved to be both quick and clover and returned Green's smashes with interest In every rally. It was a hard and cleverly fought content and stamps Nell as a good one. Billy Otis gained the decision over Jimmy Lawler In the lightweight contest. Paddy Mahoney defeated Jack Grcenfled : In the Bantamweight class in five rounds. HiicliiK on 1C n ll li Turf. LONDON , June 1. The Royal stakes was won nt Epsom today bv J. B. Lelgh'a 4- year old bay colt The. Wyvern , with Ted Sloan up. Mount Prospect -was second nnd Bewitchment was third. Thirteen horses ran. ran.Tho 'betting was 7 to I against Wyvern , 100 to 8 against Mount Prospect and 8 to 1 against Bewitchment. Th ; Wyvern took the lead at the distance , nnd stalling off the challenge of Mount Prospect , won by a short head. The great Surrey Breeders' Foal pinto of 1,200 sovereigns was won by Arthur Jnmcs1 ' Lord William Beres- colt O'Drmovan Rossa , - ford'a chestnut colt Democrat , ridden by Sloan , was unplaced. Fourteen her ; s ran flvo furlongs. The betting was 6 to 1 against O'Donovan Rossa and 9 to 4 against Demo- Th'o Horton plate of 200 sovereigns was won by Goon. Sloan rode Mismanagement. the property of A. L. Duncan , and llnlshcd second. Martha Santa was third. Twenty- two 'horses ' ran. Tlie betting was 3 to 4 against Mismanagement. _ HOME FOR HEAD OF THE NAVY Such AVim the OrlKlnnl Intention of the Man Who SupcKexted tile Contribution. NEW YORK , Juno 1. In order that It maybe bo clearly understood whether It was Ad miral Upshur's Intention when ho suggested n gift of a residence In Washington to Ad miral Dewcy that tbo property purchased should become Ills personal property and pace to his heirs , or whether It was his In- tentl on that it should remain the perraa- ncnl homo of the ranking officer of the navy , to be occupied by Admiral Dewey as long as bo remains at the head of the navy and thereafter pass to his successor as time goes on , the department of history , University of the United States , which has an office In this city , wrote to Admiral Upshur asking for his idea on the matter. Under date of May 29 the admiral replied as follows ; "Your Inference that it Is my preference that a home he purchased by the free will offerings of Americans for Ilio ad miral of the navy , which should be occupied by Admiral Dewey as long as bo remains at the bead of the navy and then pass to his successors Is entirely correct , and I ngrco with you further that tin that form it would bo more acceptable to Admiral Dewey. I have not moved beyond the Initiative In ( Ills matter. Others have assumed , most kindly , the work necessary In connnectlon with tbo raising of funds nnd to them the proposition herein stated might bo made , although there 1s a posalblllty of those subscribing to tbo Dewey home being unwilling to give except to him In perpetuity. " Frustrate Attempted Jail Ilcllvcry. LBADVILLB , June 1. An attempted res cue of prisoners In the jail was frustrated by the vigilance of the officers , who had been forewarned , A man who Is supposed to be J. W. Breath of San Bernardino. CaU was seen In the darknese to scale the high fence about the jail. When captured ho fought like a tiger , knocking down Deputy Sheriff Pelter and severely Injuring Under Sheriff Lechmero by biting him In the cheek. When Lechmero finally succeeded In drawIng - Ing his revolver , he killed Breath , shooting him through the heart. SOUTH DAKOTA CROP BULLETIN Soil la Amply Moiiit nnil VcKctntlon in Coining AloiiK in I'M 110 Shape. HURON , S. D. , June 1. ( Special. ) Cll- mate and crop bulletin of the weather bu reau , South Dakota section , Issued from the office In this city , contains the following summary of crop conditions In this state for the week Juet closed : The temperature averaged considerably higher than during tbo preceding week and the latter part was warm , with consider able sunshine. Fair to good rains occurred generally and In some localities they were heavy. The soil Is amply moist generally and some fields In southeastern localities are too wet. A little hall la reported , but no damage resulted. The conditions were highly favorable for wheat , oats , barley , rye and grass , which made good growth , and stimulated growth In corn that was well started , hut there Is report of corn replanting being necessary In some fields In scattered localities because of the seed rotting. Whcro frostbitten on the 13th wheat ncd most of the oats and barley have recov ered and nro malting good growth , but some fields of oats and barley In east-ccntr.tr and .northeastern localities still show the effect of the frost to eomo extent. Corn planting has progressed slowly nnd there Is considerable of this work yet to bo done In central and northern localities , the rains and damp soil having retarded it. There Is a little report of cut-worms being active In the growing corn. Early sown flax has started well , but seeding Is progressing slowly. There Is some report of early planted potatoes rot ting , but not generally. Marked Improve ment In prairie grass Is reported generally and the condition of the range west of the Missouri river Is reported aa excellent. With sunshine and normal warmth marked progress In all vegetation may bo antlcl- pated the coming week , especially In wheat , oats and barley. The early sown Is now weir steeled and conditions nro propitious for luxuriant stoollng of the late sown. Children < o ll Cured Kor. HAl'JD CITY. S. D. , Juno 1. ( Special luii-siam. ) Miss Jowcll of the Sioux Falls Orphan homo a. rived today to taUo charge of the Bouts children , who murdert.J their father. The other ciiru ; children \vlll i.o cared for at the homo. No pro ucutluns vlll be made against the children. Co n tract Auarilril. CHEYENNE , Wyo , , Juno 1. ( Special , ) Kl'patrlck ' Brothers & ColllriH , the railroad contractors , have boon awarded the contract for grading a yard nd a number of sidetracks - tracks ono mlle west of Sherman elation on top of Sherman mountain , at which place another gravel pit will be opened In a few days. This pit will bo operated extensively In addltlcn to the pits on1 Ilio cast side of Sherman mountain. The gravel will be used In covering and ballasting the lines of the new cut-offs west of Lnronvlc ; also In mak ing a new roadbed between Percy and Fort Stcelo stations wlicro the track was washed away during the spring floods a month ago. BRINGS UP OTHER KILLINGS Murder of Colonel Fountain \ot the Only One Cliarproil Defendant * . IIILLSBORO , N. M. , Juno 1. In attempt ing to show enmity for Leo and Gllllland on the part of witnesses being used by the pros ecution , cross-examinations today resur rected incidents of sevcrni old feuds the prisoners are said to have participated In. It Is promised that before the trial Is con cluded numerous Wirings will bo brought up to Impbiich witness , pome of whom have heretofore been unattended by any nrrents. James Gould , a cowboy , testified that Gllll. land called at McNow's ranch the night he- fore the killing of Colonel Fountain and son , j& secured some cartridges and said ho was gor * Ing to Roswcll , but rode In the direction of Dog canon , where the murder Is suppossd to have occurred. Ililey Baker testified that Gllllland told him that nobody would ever bo convicted If the bodies of Fountain and his son had to bo found first. Both witnesses totd of QI111- land's expression of satisfaction that Foun tain was dead. HYMENEAL , Married hy Telephone. KEARNEY , Nob. , Juno 1. ( Special Tele gram , ) An odd marriage ceremony was per formed In Kearney late tonight by Elder L. T. Maze. The contracting parties were C. C. Fanell of Cozad nnd Miss Tllllo Inlst of Crete. The ceremony was performed through tlio medium of the telephone , the bride beIng - Ing In Crete und the groom with the preacher in Kearney. The telephone- operators nt Kearney nnd Crete were wit nesses to the marriage. The groom left on the early morning train cast to meet hl bride. DEATH RECORD. 1'rniulnciit Ciittlrimin , COZAD , Neb. , June 1. ( Special. ) John Ralston , a prominent ranchman at Wlllard Island , flvo miles west of hero , died yes terday morning. The deceased had been In poor health for some time , Mr. Ralston WUH a natlvo of Ireland nnd had lived hereabout about twenty years. Ho was qullo wealthy , being a largo owner of real estate , and was well known among cattlemen. Ho was the father of John Ralston , a South Omaha commission man. Hewer I'lpe MI-II KtrlUc. BTEUHKNVILLB , 0. , June 1. Two hun dred employes In , three sewer pipe works near Toronto , O. , have struck for 2C centa Increase per day. They have refused an offer of 10 cents Increase. NO MORE WAKEFUL NIGHTS followed by weary days , if you take at meal time and before retiring Efficacious as a tonic and decidedly pleasing to the taste. Invigorates but WIH not Intoxicate. Awarded First Honors nt Trans-Allsslsslppl and International Exposition. When you order this tonic of your druggist give its full name with emphasis on "DLATZ. " Prepared by VAL BLATZ BREWING CO.r' Omaha Branch t 1412 Douglas St. Tel. 1081.