12 TITR OMAHA DAILY BIOE : TIintSDAY , 1 , 1899. SOME MONSTER LOCOMOTIVES Pcwerfnl Engines Added to tha Union Pnoifio Freight Equipment. NSPECTED BY PROMINENT OMAHA MEN Tor Sei-Tlcn on the Mountain Dlvl- nloiii ot the Ilimil I' rfrctliin o ( .Mrclintilnin Som to llae Hecn ItrnclK'il In Tin-in. The four Immense freight locomotive * re cently purchased b ) .tho Union 1'aclflc for ltd Borvlco on the western portion of the line were Inflected yesterday afternoon at the union depot by n party of promlnont Omaha railroad and luminous men. These engines arrived last week and since then harp been in the yards undergoing the process of nd- jufttinont known as "breaking In. " Two of thorn will go wont tomorrow and two will go tha day after. Pour others of the same class arc on their way horu from Chicago. They are air from the Urookfl Locomotive works of Dunkirk. N. Y. President Burl took the mombcr of the party through the cabs of the engines and exhibited every feature from the pollshod headlights high abo\o a man's hn.id to thu air bruitos on tha drivers. The experience was a rather novel one to most of the guoat * and they oxprisst-d a great deal of admira tion for the mnx-hlnes that represented to much power. Thooo are the largest locomo tives uvor In UHO wrot of 1'lttnburg. With their tenders and with coat and water on they weigh ever 150 tons each. The weight of each engine alone Is 190,000 pounds , aud the weight on the drivers Is 1C7.000 pounds. The uuit titod driving whcela are six In num. ber and are llftseven Inches In diameter o\or the Urea. The Journala of the driving whoeln are nlno by twelve Inches. The water tank has a capacity of 5,000 gallons and the tender holds twelve tons of coal. The bollor win carry a worklnr pressure of L'OO pounds to the square Inch. It Is made of material Bovon-clghths of an Inch thick , Is twnty-nlnr foot three Inches long and sev enty-nix Inches In diameter. There are 382 two-Inch flues , each thirteen feet ton Inches long. The total heating surface of the boil ers Is 3,020 square feet. Some of the nlllclnls of the road who were present -wore President Burt , Oonoral Man-1 agor Dickinson , Auditor Young , General Pas. Bengor Agent l omax , Chief Engineer IJorry and Superintendent of Motive Power McCi n- noll. Among those Invited by President Hurt to bo prpflont wcro Herman Kountzo , H.V. . Yatefl , W. A. Paxton , W. V. Morse , Luther Drake , IMward Uosewator , Euclid Martin , E. B. Bruoe. Arthur Smith , W. II. McCord , A. P Wood , W. J. Hroatch. O. M. Hitchcock , Kdgar Allen , Guy Uarton , Samuel Roes and E. P. Peck After the engines had been thoroughly examined President Hurt took the party through the unfinished union depot , explaining In detail the Interior arrange ment and the finishing ! ) . MlnNourl I'lic-KU : IlooUlpt. The Missouri Pacific road has Just Issued n descriptive booklet on the health and pleasure resorts along Its llnefl and those of the Iron Mountain route , Beginning at St. Louis , the book traces the lines of the road by the parku and resorts along It through Missouri , Kansas , Arkansas , Nebraska and Colorado. Each locality Is Illustrated by Bomo of the finest work ever seen In rail road advertising , which moans the beat. Omaha gets several pages of descriptive matter , referring to the places of Intercut In and about the city and the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities In the fall. One of the pictures Dhows Sixteenth street looking north from Farnrnn In the direction of the now federal building ; another the lake , spouting foun tain and park building at Ilanscom park , and another a view of one of the fall Btroet parados. The Information the book given concerning summer resorts Is very valuable to the prospective tourist , while the boautl- ful pictures give It Interest even to those who can only stay at home. Another I.lne to 1C liter Omaha. The Minneapolis & St. Louis , which It Is reported Is about to conclude a traffic agree ment with the Illinois Central by which It can enior Omaha when the latter has com pleted It * extension , It ) known as the Albert Lea route. It operates 598 mlles of track , owiia Bevonty-two locomotives and 2,580 cars. The general offices are In Minneapolis. The lines of the road are Ono from Minneapolis to Albert Lea , connecting there with the Burlington , Cedar llnpids & Northern line to Chicago ; ono from Albert Lea to Fort Dodge and Angus , la. , connecting with the Rock Island ; one from Mnnkato to Red Wing ; one from Minneapolis ahnost straight west to Watertown , where there are connections for the south and west. I'oiinnrlviiiila HnlncH AKRON , 0. , May 31 The employes of the I Cleveland , Akron & Columbus railway , whl&h recently patiod Into the ownership of the Pennnylvanla company , have had the 10 per < rnt cut In wages made In 1S13. ro- tored The Increase will take effect for May. llciltircil Colornilo ItntoR. Omaha roods have announced n rate of ono-f.iro pliw 12 from Chicago. St. Louis , Omaha and Intermediate points , and from all points on the Mln- nourl river to Denver , Colorado Springs and IMioblo. The selling date * for the tickets will bo Juno 2ft to July S , and the return limit will ho September 4. It has boon customary to make tht o rates to Colorado points during the summer , as usually there are many conventions there during the summer month * . Tills yrar there are no conventions of Importance , but the ratci nro put In anyway , and while the romls deny any such purpoflo. It l be lieved the rates have been put In this year primarily to divert travel from Los Angelas on account of the educational convention. In this latter trn\cl the Omaha rondo re- oelvo a small share of the rate charged , owing to the arbitrary action of the South ern Pacific and the Santa To , but with travel to Colorado points they share much bettor. I'ncllte 'Ma 11 Klrrtlon. NK\V YORK. May 31. At the annual mooting of the stockholders of the Pacific Mall Steamship company the ictlrlng di rectors were re-elected. Edwin Hawlcy was elected a director to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Calvin S. Hrlco. JtulHviiy NotoH ami 1'crnonnln. E. H Wood , general freight agent of the Union Pacific , has gone tn Chicago. Mlas Burkott , matron at the union depot , has returned from a three weeks' trip to New York. The Burlington Is taking a troop of cav alry from Fort Mende to Fort Yellowstone , Mont. A special train was provided for the 100 officers and mm. A. B. Smith , assistant general pnssongor and ticket agent of the B & M. , hni ra- turned from Boston , where ho was called by the death ot a child. General Manager BldwelF of the Elkhorn has arrived home from hln Honolulu trip and has resumed his duties at the office , lie Is perfectly restored to health. Thomas Flcldcn has been appointed as sistant master mechanic of the Missouri Pa- olflc road , vice W. T. New , resigned. Sir. Flolden's headquarters will be at Cypress , Kan. General Manager Dickinson and General Passenger Agent Lomax went to Fremont yesterday to meet Admiral Schley'a Hpcclal train , which came In o\or the Union Pacific at about noon. A call has been Issued by Chairman Cnld- well of the Western Passenger association for the reassembling of the representatives ot western roads at Chicago Juno 7 , when , the can says , It Is presumed the considera tion of rules and regulations of the Immi grant bureau and the revision of the passen ger agreement will be resumed. The now offices of the Northwestern road nt the southwest corner of Fourteenth and Farnam streets are being nfled with the handsome now mahogany furniture that has just arrived from Chicago. The set of furni ture Is complete. Including ticket cases , desks , lockers , chairs and partitions. The offices will be formally opened next Satur day afternoon. The temporary quarters In the United States National building have been entirely Inadequate to the needs of the local officials of the road and they will wel come the removal. HIS liFE CRUSHED OUT Frank WilllniiiH Fnlla Itciieuth Wheel * of n Heavily Loaded Tuesday afternoon Frank Williams re ceived Injuries which resulted In his death a few hours later. Ho was driving a wagon on which wore Iron pipes -weighing a couple of tons. When at Twenty-first and Izard streets Williams was thrown from his scat and In falling to the ground he went under the wagon and one of the wheels passed ever his body. He was picked up and taken to the Clarkson Memorial hospital , where ho died at R:30 : o'clock Tuesday evening. Williams was about 40 years of ago and recently came hero from Ottumwo , la. Deceased has a brother working In one of the packing houses nt South Omaha. In Its peculiar ability to Invigorate tha body and give tone to the system , lies the great value of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne. Vote n Bee coupon for the girls' summer vacations. rontolllec Station C. Lafo Anderson , recently appointed poRt- master nt Station C , located at Eighteenth and Vlnton strcts , has been spending the days at his now quarters , getting ready to begin business this morning. A safe In which the money and otner valuables of the office will bo kept has been received. The first delivery from the now office will be made today , the carriers being now en gaged In figuring out a revision of the routes and assigning territory that win bo ouppllod from the station. I1OSTOX STOIUJ Ml 1,1,1 > Hit Y. Tlir Interest tn Our Croat Millinery Snip from llnrt A. Co.'n Stock Continues etlll without abatement. $15 00 LADIES' PATTERN HATS. IB.00. Elegant trimmed hats , model hats , pattern hats , snmpro hati and the Importer's copies , more than < ! 00 In all , which compare with others shown nt $ in 00 , $12.00 and $15.00 , go In olio lot , choice $5.00 A selection of Indies' trimmed hats made on wire frames , with chiffon or sewed braid , all of them trimmed with Imported flowers , ornaments and chiffon , very stylish and 'canlly ' worth $5.00 and $750 , go specially this sale at $2.08. SPECIAL SALE LDIES' TRIMMED LEO- HORN HATS. O\er forty styles to select from. These are Imported , very fine leghorn hats , trimmed with taffeta silk , chiffon , flowers and ornaments. These hare been Belling heretofore at $12.60 , In this sato at $3 98. CHILDREN'S TRIMMED LEGHORN HATS. Over 100 to select from , especially fine children's leghorn hats , trimmed with velvet ribbon , flowers and chiffon , on special sale , 60c. 60c.LADIRS' COO. LADIRS' TRIMMED SAII/OUS. Very popular , rough straw sailor hats , the now Kuox shapes , from lull Immense stock , go at just halt price , SOc. $1.60 UNTRIMMKD HATS. IOC. 40 styles of the latest dress shape leghorns and untrlmmed hats , in all colors , in mil linery deportment nt lOc , actually worth $1.50. $5.00 SHIRT WAISTS , $1.60. $6.00 black china silk waists made In the latest stjlo and tucked , every one guaran teed perfect , on sale at $1.60. 260 ladles' ( Ilk shirt waists , art of them choice patterns , both fancy and plain. These are all tucked , with stock collars and cuffs. Many of these waists are -worth from $7 f.O to $12 60 ; cholc on main floor bar gain square at 13.98. 3,000 wash shirt waists In percale , -whlto lawn , with laundered collars and cuffs , yoke and platted back , gathered fronts ; many worth $1.00 , on sale at 40c. BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor , 16th and Douglas. BANTAMS CAUSE TROUBLE Arlghliorlr HellUloim Iletwrcn Two Kiinitllen ArtIlroken l y Untimely iir of IloontiTN. A little thing will often cause much trou ble , and two bantams tinvo broken the neighborly relations existing between the two families of John McUrldo and Albert Elslcr , living at 1807 Lenvonworth and 806 South Eighteenth street , respectively. McBrldo is a night watchman and sleeps during the day. Ho had no trouble with Elslcr until the latter purchased two ban tams and cooped them up under his window. TIio birds proved themselves possessed of clarion tones and those were emitted on various occasions. Emphatic words did no good , and being a man of peaceful mind , McBrldo sought out his neighbor and asked him what ho would take for the birds. thinking of the joy ho would hnvo In wring ing thelnecks. . Elsler wanted $2.60 , but they finally compromised on $1.60 , which McBrlde paid him , with the understanding , ho says , that the fowls would bo delivered to Mrs. McBrldo. However , when she called for them Elslor declined to deliver them , claiming that McBrlde had paid him the $1.60 for removing tlio bantams from hla window , co ho could sleep. Mrs. McBrldo protested , but It did no good. Then she became angry and sought out Major Miller In nearch of a complaint for chicken steal ing. The major declined to become n party to the suit , although under ordinary cir cumstances ho usually listens with a sym pathetic car to neighborhood quarrels. Mrs. McBrlde was advised to summon a peace conference and arbitrate the matter. The KIoYt r Mlniilon. As the garden flowers are beginning to bloom , we waot to ' all the attention of those who have them to the fact that the Flower Mission is IB need ot them to carry on Its good work. Fully 250 persons In the different hospitals , and the sick outsldo of them , as we hear of them , are visited every Thursday by joung women , who add to the charm of the sweet gifts by their bright , happy faces and pleasant greetings. As we help you to make good use of your beautiful flowers , wlir you help us to brighten the lives of those who suffer ? "Flowers are messengers from God , Springing from the lowly sod. There's a lesson we may learn If we would the truths discern. Seek ye not to hoard your treasure ; Scatter plfta for others' pleasure. " Flowers may bo left on Thursday morn ings at 418 South Sixteenth street , orwill be called for If we are notified. MRS. GEORGE A. HOAGLAND. Mortality MtntlNtlcH. The following births and deaths have been reported to the health commissioner during the past twenty-four hours : Births C. Hald , 2201 South Twenty-first street , boy ; George Keebler , 1921 Leaven- worth street , girl. Deaths John J. McGlvern , Mllford , Nob. , 71 years , Walter Albert Brlggs , 131C Dodge street , 4 years ; Mrs. Catherine McCarthy , 1634 North Twentieth Btroet , DO years ; Kos- man , baby , 1212 South Sixth street. are made with Royal Baking Pow der , and are the most appetizing , healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with impure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing norwholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal , which is a pure cream of tartar baking pow der , if you would avoid indigestion. . , . BAKINQ POWOCH CO. NEW YORK. 1T1 T - A cinn.iT n.oTiitMi t\i. J. ? ( IIIM ) ( ( ) Stork of Mrn'f > nnil lto > V rtiie Snlti Solil nt lOc < " ' Dullnr. 8ALH BEGINS SATVUIUY. Strnuas , Olnver A C < > of Oblong" , ill. manufncturen of the celebrated "Kast Iron" and "Monarch" brands of elothln * . retlro from bUKinesis nnd close out their stock. linSTON STORE. OMAHA , buys the choice of the entire stock , and wllf place on sale Saturday the most sensational bargains In the clothlnp history of Omahn. Ju t to give you nn Idea how we will do thla wo mention the follow Infi few Items : All the knee punts in this purchase v.111 go nt So pair. All the $1.25 boyi' wool milts nt 49e. Hoys' J2.GO wool suits will go nt S5o. Hoys' j ; nfl wool suits nt $1.98. Men's $ g wool eults. $2.BO. Man's J7.HO all wool suits , $3 PS. Men's $15 all wool suits , J7.SO. Men's ? 20 silk nnd satin-lined worsted EttttB , $9.OS. Men's $1.50 nil wool pnnts , S5c. Remember the sale begins Saturday , Juno 3 at BOSTON STORK , N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Douglas. f See the rares Y. M. C. A park June 3. LAnir.s' 9,1.00 snor.s , IIMC. . .Timt100 Pair Iml lorn * I'Miio Stuici , Wort I , l n.Ol ) 1'nlr. ON SALE TODAY AT P C. IN BOSTON STORU BASEMENT. At S o'clock sharp tomorrow morning wo will plnce on sale In our basement 400 pair * ladles' One shoes , which wore made to ru- tall for $3.00 , $4 00 and $5.00 pair. There are only two or three pairs of a l < lnd , but altogether there nro about 400 pairs. Tor thla one day tomorrow wo will offer them at 9Sc pair in basement. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor , ICth and Douglas. wiio's Yoim Giuit IIor 1 * nil ( > i > i > or < iinl < r to Olvo Her n Yituntlnti , The Bee's generous offer to send nwny the moat popular > oung ladles of Omnha , win earn thulr own living , hna met with moro than ordinary Interest among the young ladles and their friends Of course every one wants to go and there are only four that cnn go , so that the contest Is bound to be n sharp one. There nro no summer trips that can com pare with the four which have been selected The mountain trips will take them to the heart of the Rockies , the Black Hills trip to the most famous of western springs , while the trip tn Chicago und across Lake Michi gan to Macklnao Island Is delightful beyond compare. Then , too , all traveling expenses will be paid , so that It will cost the girls not n cent for an outing , which would no doubt break a hundred dollar bill for thoae who can af ford such luxuries. The first ballot will be counted Monday ovenlng nnd the results will be published in Tuesday's paper. One 1'nrc for tlic llouml Trip To Cleveland , O. , via Nickel Plato road , on June 25th nnd 26th , with return limit of June 29th , 1S09. Three through trains dally. Chicago depot. Van Buren street and 1'a- clflc avenue , on Elevated loop. For further Information write general agent , 111 Adams street. Chicago. Snm'l Burns' dinner set reduction sale commences Saturday. Dr. Shepard Catarrh , 312 New York Life , NEW CIVIL SERVICE RULES Very Pew Pernoiin In Oiiuilia AVI11 lie AUeeted liy tlio Ueeunt Mod- llleatloiin. The new rulee promulgated with reference to the tenure oi office of parties working for the government will have little effect upon the employes in the departments here. In fact , it Is probable that there will be few , If any , changes. Department heads In Omaha contend that th6re are between 80,000 and 90,000 persons In the employ of the government , and of this vast number , not to exceed 4,000 can possibly be effected. Here , It Is Bald , the only change that can occur by reason of the promulgating of the new rules la In the office of the United States attorney , where Assistant S. R. Rush has heretofore contended that hla Is n civil service ap- polntmmt. Whether a change will be made In this office Is not certain. There are eev- eral partita seeking the position , but United States Attorney Summers has frequently stated that ho U satisfied with Mr. Rush aud sees no reason why ho should make z change at present. In the Customs house , the railway mail service , the marshal's office , and the revenue department , the chiefs declare that there will bo no changes , as all of the factory and will romaln the same as now. In the customs house , however. Collector Taylor hopes , and has reason , to bellovu that the now construction placed upon the law will permit ot the hiring of n steno grapher. In the weather bureau department there will bo no change. All of the employes are under civil service regulations , and owing to the fact that in order to render efficient service there must bo years of study and training , Local Forecast Official Welsh feels that his department Is oxempt. None of the employes of the poBtofilce are In the least disturbed ns the contention there is that none of the employos can in any possible way bo affected. This Is the opinion of Postmaster Crow. However , ho thinks that It Is possible that with the end of the present fiscal year the receipts maybe bo great enough BO that the office will be pushed Into that class that penults of the appointment of a finance clork. If mich should bo the cose , th ro would bo n posi tion to bo filled by a person outside the civil son-Ice ranks , but If this result is not attained Uiore will be no changes. AniionnrriiiciitN , Ths regular matlneo will be given nt the Trocadero this afternoon. Unusual Inter- eat centers about the bllf presented nt this threitor this week. Itp excellence ia the talk of the city and It Is endorsed by the prciento of largo audiences nt every performance. There ! n not one nrt In It that does not rlsn away nhovo the ordlnnry. The dancing and black face work of the Grayson fllatrrs nnd their diminutive pickaninny are a big fea ture. These llttjp Indies arc accounted two of the best singing and dancing young people - plo In the business Ln = t season thfv wore featured by Mo sr < . Dunn nnd Rlloy In Hoyt's "A Blnrk Sheep" company. Tlio younger Miss Grnydon was understudy to clcvor Mary Marble nnd frequently took that Faily's plnco In the company. Next Rpn mn they nro to br > featured with "By the Pnd Sea Waves , " Mathows' nnd Bulger's big farce comedy hit. The Mldgleys are another ti'am of clover ponplo They have a most original act railed "The Country Kid nnd the City Olrl " It Is made up of the series of complications Into which the green roiin- try boy fell when ho met Mm fresh city girl Sweet , pretty. Ingenious Ix > ra Men , who sang her way Into the hearts of her audlton last week , U again doing the xnmo thing this week She Is singing nn entirely now reper toire of those heart-Interest songs nho gave us fast week A really remarkable pair of balancers nnd equilibrists nro Wcrtz nnd Adalr. Their feats are astonishing and from an athletic point of view they are the hits of the hill. Miss Molllc I.ltllo and Mr. Trltzkow with their operatic singing nro big favorites. Miss Little hns n phenomenally rangy volco. Interest futhor than In nor voice centers In her from the fact that she Is a former Omaha girl Attorney Shot tiy Itcnl itntr Man. COLUMBUS. O , May 81 K O Hlfkctts a well known local attorney , was shot in the groin by David II. Adams , n real estate agent , shortly after 10 o'clock thU morning The * shooting occurred on Gay street , Just off High , and the cause Is not apparent at thla time. The bullet struck Mr Hlcketts In the groin , penetrating the abdomen. Vote a Bee coupon for the girls' summer vacations , Boo the races Y M. C. A park June 3 It V\ III51IIIOS , t IcnrlitK * < iilr ot Stior * . SCO pairs liulhs' fine tan and black kid , 11 60. $2.00 and $250 , Oxford Ues , 9Sc sizes 2 to 44 fioo palm ladles' fine cloth and kid $ .100 she nt Jl 98 420 pairs Indies' fine Vesting top luce } 3 60 aud $4 00 * hoes at 12 'JS. 310 pairs indies' fine vlcl tan and black lace $4 Oil and $ -1 SO shoes nt $3.-IS SCO pairs mines' fine kid lace and button $2 00 shoes. $1 30. 300 pairs children's fine kid POc shoos , 63c 400 pairs Infants' fine patent leather 7Rc shoes , 3Sc. f > 00 pairs men's fine * 2 50 and $ .1 00 shoes at Jl 30 nnd $1 ! > S HAMS AND BACON. No. 1 California hams. 64c , No. 1 skinned hams , lOc , No 1 bacon , sugar cured , S\c ; Miort rib corned beef , -tHc , plokled plgsfeot or tripe , -c ) ; sweet pickled pork , 6c , bolfcd lunch hfttn , Sc , initted ham , per can , Ic HAYDEN UUOS. Have > ou oaten Hnjden's Jl.OOO pure Ice croani ? Inquire nt store. See the races Y. M. C A. park Juno .1. REFUSESTOPROSECUTE Dr. Wnnlot Iiicllnril to Axilnt III the I'niilNliiiitMit < > f n 'I'll Iff. After searching thruo dajs for Ixiu Gas- Bldny and recovering $100 worth of In- strumcnts for Dr. Ward , the police feel disgusted because the doctor refusiis to sign n complaint against the confessed thief. The course about to bo pursued by them , however , promises to deprive the doctor of the u.so of his Instruments for several weeks , ns they have filed the com plaint themselves. Cnssld.iy waived ex amination nnd was bound over to the dla- trlct court. The Instruments will be held a evidence. Thu loss occurred last Saturday while Dr. Ward was attending a patient at Twentieth nnd Grace streets. The thief took the valise from the doctor's buggy. He susivected a number of people and wanted one or two houses searched. Detectives Drummy and Mitchell refused to nsk for a search war rant and requested Ward to wait until they followed eomo clews. They looked for Casslday , whom they suspected , all day Sun day and Monday. Monday afternoon they arrested him and ho cantoned that ho took the grip. HP tnld them wlmro to find It nnd wont with them to show ho had given them a straight tip. They recovered all the missing Instruments and the doctor was very profuse In his words of appreciation of the work. When Captain Donahue called him up , however , and nskoJ him to comedown down and file a complaint ho balked nnd commenced to toll about how many well drcssod men are outside prison walls. This disgusted the captain nnd he sent DetectIva Drummy to the county attorney to file n complaint. Deputy Attorney Helsloy having drawn the Information for the officer's sig nature. Casslday Is a pretty hard case and tlio warden of the state penitentiary Is very anxious to have him back. Casslday was Bent up for four years from Omnha on the chnrgo of burglary , lie was pnroled and If sent back will have almost a year of his old time to servo. MOIiit.\ \ ( ( ) ) . : . OP TJMMirnloii to ICnnn * City. Special train for Kansas City leaves Bur lington station 0 . " 0 p. in. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7. Tickets only $3.50 for the round trip ob tainable of members of Modern Woodmen camps and at Burlington ticket office , 1G02 Farnam street. THAI.NS. Oninlin to ChlciiRO. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way has Just plnced In service two magnifi cent electric righted trains between Omaha nnd Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 6:45 : p. m. , arriving at Chicago at 8'25 a. m. , and leaving Chicago at C 15 p. m. and arriving nt Omnha at 8:20 : a m. Each train is lighted thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking cars , drawing room Bleeping cars , dining cars nnd reclining chair cars nnd runs over the shortest line aud smoothest roadbed be tween the two cities. Ticket office , 1504 Farnam street , and at Union depot. See the races Y M. C A. park June 3. Notice to Wheelmen. Reduced prices on gas lamps ; oil lamps , SOc UD. Other cut In proportion. H. E. Fredrlckson. Fifteenth and Dodge streets. Four young Indies , who earn their own flvlng , will tnko vacation ? at The BCO'B ex pense. Help your friends by saving coupons. Her Grand Hotel Turkish Baths now open. 1)1 Kit. KOSMANX nobert , 14 months old , non of Henry and Ida Kosmnnn , May 31. runeral Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock , June 1 , 1600. In the up-to-dato styles Tlio rainy day Bklrta nro Just the thing to wear at the Greater America Exposition are stylish , pretty and prko within the reach of all. Our Shirt Waists Kfl Are Best ® * * aiiri.n , AND CHEAPEST In Omnha. TAILORED SUITS In newest designs waiti skirts largest line of all now htyles 75c and bet ter. CLDAK&SUITCO. 1510 Douglas. For a Torpid Liver UhO BHEU.MANS Ht'HAItB I IVER I'lLI/S Thej urn munll cany to tnko prompt In then a > tluii , They cure Iilllous- JltttB. A Ki\V : CASH PUTS. 25c IFIre's Hunt Hi < r . Ho $1 Mexican Ilulr Grower , \u- neil . 76c Jl fukti Uaiidliilf Cure , we Hull . Mr fl Undo Ham s 'loliucio f'uro , we sell . . tOc 25o Hrown Cumph , Tooth 1'owder , we Hell . 20c 23e Mennpn's Talcum 1'nvtilur , we Hell. . ICe ( juart bottle K' ' > od Port or Sheny , wo ell . BOo flood Family Syilngp , we Boll . too Jl Mnltul Milk , wo sell . 75r it Stern's C'oil Llser OI' , we Bell . 75c jl U'lnt' Cnrdul. we well . 7&c 1/irRe bar lmi > orted ( jroen Cnstllo Soap , wo sell . We ll I.i.slcrlije. we hell . 75r tl Heef , Iron and \Vlne , x\o boll . &M Mr Ijixat\u ! Hromn Quinine , wu sell . . l. > c lt\K \ cuke I'ni 1 > Snm'h Tnr Br .ip , wo Hell 5i U'rlto tor Latalouutt of druyn ami rubber Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co , 1M3 Dodge Street , Omaha lice. June 1 , 1S30 Boys' ' Boys' ' Crash Crash Clothing Clothing The luck of the seventh son is generally the old clothes of the other eix "that used to lie the caper , but it don't go now. " In this day and age of the world boys are too well posted regarding ntylo you .can't put the average boy oil' with his brother's clothes then again boys' clothing is cheaper than it used to be. There was a time when very little attention was paid to the boys and their clothes , but now , now they must have the latest and best in the land they deserve it. Nothing can take the ambi tion out of a boy quicker than to see that he is being neglected or that other boys are dressed better than lie is. Jt's every mother's duty to see that her boy ia well dressed , MI id there isn't any excuse nowadays when you can get / > # / / * ' good quality Crash Xnco Pants , 15 to 0 years , at llc. Can any mother afford to make them for lliaU 7iV//.s' / ' white duck pants , 5 to 9 years , good qual ity , strongly made , for 2Uc. VJO/AV' white duck re- gotta pants , 10 to 15 years , improved waistband , with belt strap attachment , made just like the swell summer fellow's pants are made , worth anywhere you choose to price them not less than SOe and 75c , on sale here for J55c. Jiojifi1 crash suits good ones correctly constructed just the thing to "vacation" in and save the better clothes here for 85e. 7jo//s' / crash suits in fancy patterns largo sailor collars , nicely trimmed in combination of colored crash , only 4fo. ) We've better and finer suits for Sunday and other occasions from 75c and up. It is a well-known fact and not as we are aware of disputed by anybody that the most correct line of boys' summer suits are here at the GRAND OPBNING Saturday Afternoon and .Evening. ' -V Music and Flowers , t Tlolliclay , Jcwclws and Art Stationers , Successors to C. S. Itaymoml Co. , Fifteenth and Douglas Streets. Purchase. Our New York buyer made a spot cash skirt purchase and though not the largest in quantity , wo consider it the be.st in value ior the least money we have ever made. Nice , Seasonable , Stylish Linen Skirts , That's what thc-y are. Sale begins Thursday at 8 o'clock at lower prices than you can buy the material lor. Ladies' wash skirts at 25c. Ladies' wash skirts at 49c. 100 dozen ladies' dress skirts , tn brown linen , crashes and piques , worth $1.75 , for98c. Ladies' skirts , in crash , denims , piques , white and colors , trimmed in braid and insertion , worth $3.00 , for $1.48. Ladies' dress skirts in black serge , plain and figured mohair , percalino lined , full width , worth $4 , at $1,98. Ladies' dress skirts , cut in new Hare style , in all wool serges , co verts and whip cords , in colors and black at $2.98. Ladies'dress skirts in black and navy , Sicilian , chevi ots , crepon and the new stylish plaids , worth § 8 and $0 , for $4.98. 100 dozen wnists at 25c. 100 dozen waists at 49c , 100 dozen waists at 75c. 100 dozen waists at 98c. Ladies' new , stylish SILK WAISTS , now back , corded front , all colors and black , $3.95. Ladies' Bilk waists , in finest qualities taffeta silk , in plaids , changeable and plain colors and black , at $4.98. Ladies' Wrappers light , medium , dark , 39c. Ladies'wrappers , in lawn and percale linedwell finished , 59c. 59c.Lad Lad i en' wrappers , lawn , dimity percale trimmed and lined , deep flounces , 98c. The Liveliest Cloak Department in Omnha. Just One Tootti Disfigured by ( Unease will mar ttie appear ance of a tMKUitlful mouth , and b ( l < lna it may be painful. A good filling will arrest do/my. Aa the work la done here It will last for years. The extraction of tooth Is rendered paln- lor.E by our methods. Wo wknowlodgo no ( uporlon In the mak ing ot urtlflrlftl tooth. BAILEY , Dentist , TIIIIU ) PI.OOII I'AXTON III.OC1C , 10TII AM ) VAIt.VAU STUKMTg , Tolrpliona 108,1. I.ndy Att iiditut <