10 THE OMAHA DAILY 15I5I2 : TUT USD AY" , JUTS E 1 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Tonolei 7-31-2 0 nta , Higheit Price For Smral Months. ADVANCE DUE TO RUSSIAN DROUTH REPORT Corn nnd On < Inclined in Unlcn \ Sympntliy I'rovldlon * Ilo Xot Show Much Aotlvltr * nt Decline. CHICAGO , Mny 31. Wheat rose 2'So to- cliiy. touching 797 67 i4o for July , the high est price In several months. Profit-Inking caused a reaction neur the close , leaving a not Rnln of lmc. Corn rose ' ifi c and oata ViS-Hc. I'rovlylons declined on yellow fever reports , pork closing at a decline of Me- , lard 10S12',4c ' nnd ribs 15c. Wheat opened excited nt Hie over Mon day a close. An exceptional advance nt Liverpool und rumors that the winter crop of Russia had been ruined by dry weather Htlmulnted the bulls to a hlirl * pitch or en thusiasm , which lasted until near the close , when realizing caused aic reaction from the top. An Improvement In the export du- mnnd at the seaboard and a decrease of 1- 270,000 bushels In the visible supply helped the advance. July opened Hie higher nt 7&07i > Mi' ' . declined slowly to 7se , advanced Irregularly to 79V > , fr791,4c and reacted to 7SHc at the floatMillago received 111 curs , eleven of which graded contract. Minne apolis and IJululh got 1,213 cars , compared \\lth l.lfrS for the corresponding two days last year. Western receipts were large und i lenTnlicea liberal. Torn was excitingly Indifferent at the Hturt , but It llnnlly moved upward with wheat excitement and on complaints of too much rain. A decrease of 3,248,000 bushels In the visible nlso had a strengthening In- Iliii-nee. Roi-olptH wcro 462 cars. July opened Uftftr higher at SSfoSS'/ic , declined to 3WRX\c \ , advanced to 33c and closed ut . Onts ruled llrm and higher In sympathy with other grains. Cash demand wns good. Receipts , 601 cars. The visible decreased 113.000 bushels ; July started > .fc@l c higher lit ! Tfi23e | , eased oft to 22i'H22c ' , advanced to 23V ) ( ! nd closed at 23fe'3ljiC. ! Liquidation , owing to the announcement of the uppenranctt of. yellow fever In the couth , weakened provisions. July pork opened H'/fec lower at JS.02H. advanced to IS.07',4 anil declined to J7.90 at the clotfe ; July lard opened W&ite lower nt $5.02' , < . < a > 5.05 nnd closed with sellers nt ft.92',4 ; July ribs opened ( ii7c lower at JI.57'/Mj4.60 and declined to fl.W ) nt the close. Estimated rceelpts for Thursday : Wheat , SO cars ; corn , MO cars ; onts , 490 cars ; hogs , 37,000 head. J , ending futures ranged as follows : Articles Open. High. Ltw. Close , Mond'y Wheat. Mny. . . 77 U 77 77i July. . . 78 78H Sept. . . 78 i * > t 77M 70HM Corn. Mny. . . 32i ! 32 ! < 32H3H July. . . 33 ! 32jf.ii : 33H8V , S'JM Sept. . . S3M Oats. Muy. . . 25 26 24 2-1M July. . . i3W ! 22HMJK Hept. . . 3oji SOH0U ' . ' 0 Pork. July . . 802M 807K 700 700 820 Sept . . 820 BSD 805 807W 835 Lard. July. . . 00 405 505 Sept. . . 605 DOS 617W Illbs. July. . . 467K 4 ( H ) 4 CO 4 60 407 Sept. . . 47G 475 4 as 405 480 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Firm : winter patents , $3.65 < S3.75 ; Btrnlghts , .35f3.45 ; clears. $3.15jj3.25 ; spring specials , $3.45 ; spring patents , $3.40 ? ? 3.SO ; str.ilchts , $2.8003.20 ; bakers , $2.20 ® 2.60 2.60WHEAT WHEAT No. J spring , 7G'/4f77c No. 3 spring , 72fT76Vic ; No. 2 red , 79lSOc. CORN No. 2 , R3l4c ; No. 2 yellow , 34c. OATS-"No. " 2 , 24iAf25c ; No. 2 white , 2Sc ; No. 3 white.26li&27' ' , c. .RYE-NO. . 2. x. o. i . , esgeoc. HAlU.EY-No. 2. 36 < giOc. SEEDS-iNo. 1 llaxseexl. $1.02 ; northwest , $1.01. Prim ? timothy seed , $2.25. PROVISIONS M < XSB pork , per bbl. , $7.85 ( fi''M. Ijard , per 100 Ibs. . $ l.90'if I.921Short Vlbs sides ( loose ) , $4.4MT1.65. ( Dry salted shmiMpi-s ( boxed ) , $1.37 4.62 . Short clear Hides ( boxed ) . $ I.SOfi-4.S5. u itISICY Distillers' nnlshed goods , per gnl. . $1 2li. St'OARS-Cut loaf. $6.02 ; granulated , $3.52. The fcKowlnc are the receipts and ship ments for today : \rllc-les. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. IFIour , .bbls 13,000 17,000 "Wheat , 'bu 51,000 10,000 tvtrn , bu 265,000112,000 Oats , bu 656,000 274,000 Jlye. bu 28,500 4,000 HJarley , bu 8,000 2,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter market wa * firm ; creamerlca , 1217'/-c ; dairies , lOfflik ? . Eggs , steady ; fresh , 12'/-c. Cheese , steady ; creams , SjdUc. KI3W YOUIC CKMCUAIj MAHKBT. lor the IJiiy on General CoiiiiuoilltleN. NEW YORK. May 31. FLOUR Receipts. 47.000 bbls. ; exports , 18,000 bu. Market more nctlve and stronger nt GiT15c higher ; winter pat nt.s , $3.90IT4.10 ; winter straights , $3.SO-ft > 3.75winter ; extras , $2.05(0'4.20 ( ; Minnesota 'bakers ' , $3.104(3.25 ( ; winter low grades , $2.15 < Tc2.M. Rye flour , ftrm ; g od to fair , $3.10 ti3.25choice to fancy , $3.307(3.60. ( CORiN" MBAL Easy ; yeltow western , S2fi ) S.e ! , city , SSgsic. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 western. 64&S65c f. o. b. afloat. JMRUEV Dull ; fe&dlng , 3Si45c ; maltlns , HAJRLEY MAI.T Dull ; western , 56J63c. WHEAT Rccttpts , 833.000 , bu. : exports , 410OiW bu.Spot , easy ; No. H roil , S6Hc on npot and lo rrlve , f. o. b. , afloat ; No. 2 red , 83'ac In. olm'ator ; No. 1 northern. Du- Jiilh , 86'ie. f. o. b. . alloat , to arrive ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , Sfilje. f. o. b. . ntloat , spot. Options opened Btrong and hlghe'r on bull ish home and fordgn crop newt ) and good epcculiitlvc buying. Aifter midday realizing nnd .1 slight decJIno , shorts were again runnl'ig and options advanced sharply , only to fall off again In the last few minutes under r-newed j-eolizlng. The close was unsettled at 3'M < JS1.ic ( advance ; July , K2 13-16ifii 84 l-16c , cli ) . ' .ng at S3Vi e ; September , " " K c , closing at 82V4c'December ; , S21. 'iS2T8Cl ( closing at i-2-c. CORN Receipts , S3S.500 bu. ; exports , 675- 20i ) bu. Spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 403ic , f. o. 1) . . nlloat , spot and to nrrlv * . Options opencxl flrm. with wheat , and made further gains on wet weather wo t nnd a big visible Kiip- | ) ly decrease , and closed n Shude easl T \vlth wheat at 'iifTic over Saturday ; Julv. 8SVvff39Vsc , closing nt 39V u ; September , 3ST4 733V'ic. closing at 39'ic. OATS Receipts , S7. > .000 bu. : exports , 110.- 00(1 ( bu. Spot , quiet : No. 2 white. 3Jc ; track Trillin. 33fi3"c. Options , quiet. HAY Steady ; Hhlpplng , 55y60c ; good to choice , 70 < i(82Mie. ( HOPS Quiet ; stnto , common to choice , 3R96 crop , 6Tf7c ; 1897 crop. USTISc ; 1818 crop. 3f if17c. Pacdllc coast : 1896 crop , 6f7c } ; 1897 crop. llf13c ( ; J89S c-rop , 17filSc. ( HIDES Strfldy : Gnlvfston , 2025 pounds. Jfi'ilil'c ; Texas. 2w30 pounds , 12' iffl3e ; Cali fornia. 21O2T ) pounds , ISHc. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole. Ruenos lAyr H light to heavy weights , 20"j21'Ac ; nold , 215722C. PROVISIONS Ilecf. steady ; family. $ ! ) .60 tiT10.no : extra me.ss , $9 ; lieef hams , $19.50 ; iincket , $ ! ) .50 < fi 10.00 ; city , uxfm Indian mess , J14.00fil4.f,0. Cut mnnts , dull ; pickled bel lies. f5.00ri5.75 ; pick ! < 1 shoulders , $ l.25'iT 4.37'iplcklo ' : l minis. $7.50f9.00. ? Ixird , steady ; \vesti-rn stenmed , $5.25 ; rotlnexl quiet ; con- ( Inent , $ . ) .OOTifl.l5 ; Sniifh American , $5,90 ; impound , $ I.C2'i1l.7G. Pork , steady : mecs , SS.60KS.73 : short olear. JlO.onmi.75 : famllv. Jlfl.6WT10.i6. . J'nllow. llrm ; city , 49-16jl ie ; country. 4 iiJT4T&c. & Ht'T'l'lCR-Stfong ; western creamery , 15 western factory. ll'.sIilSc ; imitation creamery. ' fTljc ; stnto dairy , 13VAiTi7c [ ; utmte. creamery , ISSlSc. CllEESE-Stwidy ; Iwrgo whit9r ; small white. 9'i9Hc ( ; largo colored , SUc ; small colored , 9i' . EOOS Harely Mtendy ; state and Pennsyl- vinr'.i. 16c ; western fresh , loQlfic ; soufliern , Il fl3e HIC'K St-adv : domestic , fair to extra , 4H Ci'f , Jairin , Iifi5'4c. MOLASSES Klrm ; New Orleans open kct- tn. | gooil to choice , 32J30c. | METALS The nietnl market 'In a general iway siho-ws continued apathy , with i > rlces jnoro or less nominal , aiuyers show con siderable IndlfTerenco at present prices , while sellers are not Inclined to glv > way. lAec-ori'ing to the New York Metal exchange otll.-Iil renort , pig1 Iron warrants closed qulot at $11.75 , nominal ; J.iko ooppfr , very lull .it H8.50. lunmlnal ; tin , very dull at J25.65'i25.7lead ; , very dull nt $4.45fl4.50 ; npelter , closed weak at $ .7R. The brokers' jirle ifor Ie.ul i $1.25 und for copper $18.25 CflS.50. llnllliiiiii-f RALTJMrmiC. May 31-KLOt'R-Qulet ; tec 'Ipts. 269 Ivbls. ; exports , 6,001 bbls. WHEAT Strong nnd iilgher ; si > ot und the month. 79i'79 ie ; June. 79ii79V4e ; July , Slji Bll.c. AiiBiist , SO-ijSffSHic ; KtMimer. No. 2 red "Iti'l'.ie ; recolptw. lOG.MI bu. ; expnrtu , tM.OOO bu. ; southern , by simple , 7ftff79Vso ; southern , on grade , 75Tf791ic. ( CORN pinner ; spot , th ? month and June , July , 37ifi37T4c ( ; steamer mlxwl , receipts , 1W.015 bu. ; exports , 111- ( Wi bu . < > . > , ( ihtrn white < * orn. 4c. ( ' yol.stv L ' , > OATS S' . ilv. No 2 white , 3 : 13e , No , 3 mix I . ij-ij.ic. re ipts , 19,478 bu . fx- portu , ( , i > ' ' ) bu , urVri.Rsteady K ( ; sKiTm at i4flHijc. CllEIiSB Steady. OMAHA < iiMit.M : , MAIIKBT. Conilltlon nf Trnde nnd ( liinlnllonn on Stnplc nnd l-'nncy I'reidncc. HOOS Receipts light ; good stock , lc. KUTTEH - Common to fait. lofille : choice , 120'He ' ; geparator. ISc ; gathered creamery ice. I'OULTRY-Hen Uvc. S5S c : spring chickens. 2ufl25c ; old and etnggy roosters , live , 4f7cj | ducks and geese , live , TtfSc ; tur keys , live , lOc. 1'IOEONS-Llve , per doz. , TocSJl.OC. VEALS-Cholce , 9c. FIIESH WATER FlSH-Catflsh , per lb. , 12o ; buffalo , per lb. , dressed. 7c ; white llah , lOc ; lake trout , 9c ; yellow pike , dressed , 9e ; round , ic ; silver hrrlng , 5c ; perch , Gc ; bullheads , dressed , lOc ; black bass , 1IH15C. SEA FISH Flounders , ic ; naddock , lOcj Columbia river salmon , 15c ; halibut , He : blue Ilsh , lOc ; Spanish mnckcrel , 9o ; red snapper , 8c , extra largo mackerels , each , 30c ; roe shad , each , 40c ; shad roe , per pair , 20QDJc. FRUITS. STllAWnRURlES-1'er crate , shipping stock , $1.7of/2.00 / ; poor stock , $1.0i > J1.50. aooSEUERlUKd Per 21-qt. case , $2.00. CHERRlES-Ca lfornla , per 10-lb. box. $2.0032.23. TROPICAL FRUIT LEMONS - California , fancy , $3.505J3.75 ; choice , JS oflS.oO , Messina , fancy , $4.00. OKA NOES Se filings. $3.KKU3.23j ( Medltcr- rnnenn sweets , S3.75. PINEAPPLES-1'er doz. , $1.50 ; per crate. $4.25.HANANAS HANANAS Choice , crated , largo stock , per bunch , $3.23Q2.50 ; medium-sized bunches , $2.OMT2.25. DATES HalKnvce , CO to 0-lb. boxes , 6c ; Salr , Gc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , lOc. VEOETARLES. WAX IlEANS One-third bu. , SOS90 = - STRINO HEANS-One-tmrd bu. . 70ff"5c. PEAR Per one-third bu. tiox. S090c. PIEPLANT H'omo-Brown. per lb. , lG2c. MEETS New , per doz. , 50fiGyc. RADISHES Pfr doz. , bunches. IRc. TOMATOES Per G-basket crate , $3.2353-50. SPINACH Per basket. See- LETTUCE Home-Kt own , per dozen bunches , 30t ASPARAGUS Home-grown , per dozen bunehoK , 40c. ONIONS Home-grown , per dozen bunches , according to size , lOtfloc. CAHIlAOE-Cratcd. per lb. , 3He. CAULIFLOWER-Per crate. $2.2532.50. ONIONS-I'e-r bu. , Wa7oc. HEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. . $1.60. POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked , 40 < 860c : Minnesota Burbnnks , 70173c ? ; Colorado , SO ® S5c ; early O'llo ' seed potatoes , 75SS5c. CUCUMUERS Per bushel box , $2.50 ; per doz. , 75c. NEW POTATOES-Rcd. per bu. . $1.63 ; white. $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cnns. each , $2.2fi ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half- gal. cans , $6.25 ; quart ciuis. $3.50. NUTS Ahnonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils , per lb. , 9TT1&C- ; English walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , ; 2V4iil3c ; standards , logilc : fil berts , per lb , lie ; pecans , polished , SJ,10c ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4.00 $ ; peanuts , raw , 5V4@ Gc ; roasted , 6',4'8'7c. ' ' MAPLE SUUAR-Cholce. In boxes , 9c. HONEY Cliolcu white , 12 4S13V4c. CIDER-Pcr half bbl. , $3.00. SAUERKRAUT-Per half bbl. . $2.0002.23. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No 1 green hides. 7ic : No. 2 green hides , OUc ; No. 1 salted hides , SV4c ; No 2 sailed hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs , 10j , No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs. , 8c. TALLOW GREASE , ETC.-Tnllow No. 1 , 3ic ! ; tallow. No. 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , IHc ; white crea.se. 214 30 ; yellow and brown grease. li ! < f2V4c. SHEEP 1'EITS Green salted , each. 15 ® 73c : green : alted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , ach , 15c ; dry shearings ( short Tvoolod early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb..ctua. ' . weight , 4S5c ; dry flint. Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3g4c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4t5cdry flint. Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3if4c. STATB.1IBM' OF VISUII.E SUPPLY. DcrrtiinrNICM | lit All the firnliDi , Niifclnlly Corn. NEW YORK , May 31. The statement of the visible supply of grain , In store nnd afloat , on Saturday , Muy 27 , as compiled by the New Yoirk Produce exchange. Is as fol lows : Wheat , 22.192.0001m. ; decrenso , 1.27G- 000 bu. Corn , 13 , 775,000 bu. ; decrease , 3,243- 000 bu. Oats , 7.SS3.0M bu. ; decrease , 140.000 bu. Rye , GS9.000 bu. : decrease , 142,000 bu. Barley , 1,455,000 bu. ; decrease , 82,000 bu. St. Loiiln MnrUot. ST. IXUIS. May 31. FLOUR Dull ; pat- ' "nts. S3.S5Jj4.00 $ . . . ; straights , $3.50Q3.GO ; clear , $3.10 (3.30. SEEDS Prime timothy. $2.15. CORN MEAL $1.8501.90. BRAN Fairly active ; sacked , cast track , 5CS57c. ( HAY Firm nnd steady ; timothy , $8.50 ® 12.00 ; prairie , $7.50. AVHISKY Steady at $1.2S. COTTON TIES S3o. B AC.0 1 NG-GfiC-lic. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $ l.37 > : extra shorts , $4.87W ; ribs. $5.00 ; shorts' , * 5.12'4. Bacon , boxed shoul ders , $3.12'i : extra shorts , $5.37 ; ribs , $5.60 ; shorts. $3.73. RECEIPTS Flour , 7.000 bbls. : wheat , 43- 000 bu. : corn. 215.000 Int. : oats. 119,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wtlat , 15,000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 69,000 bu. Liverpool ( irulii mill I'rovlnlnnn. LIVERPOOL , May 31. PROVISIONS Hams , short cut , llrrn at 40s. Bacon , clear bellies. Hfllfl Ibs. . steady at 2Cs. CHEESE American , finest white , dull at 50s : American llnest , colored , dull at 47s AVI I EAT Spot No. 2 r2 < l , western winter , firm at Gs ; No. 1 northern. Duluth , firm at te 4lJd ; futures , steady ; July and Septem ber , ( a > 4d. CORN Spot , American mixed , new , steady .it 3s BU < 1 ; American mixed , old , steady nt 3a 6d ; futures : June , nominal ; July , quiet at 3s 4dd ; September , quiet at 2a 5',4d. 1'lilliifleliililn 1'roilneiMarket. . PHILADELPHIA , May 31. BUTTER Firm ; fair demand ; fancy western cream ery , IS' -c ; fancy western prints , 19c. EGGS Firm : fresh nearby , 14V4Tf15c ; fresh western. H'/jfflGc ; fresh . 'outh western , 140 > 14'/4c ; fresh southern , 13H514c , CHEESE Easier ; full cream , New York , fancy new , small , 9Hc ; full cream , New York , fair to choice , Sifj9c ; old , as to quality , 10i2ifnic. 3lli > iirni > ollN When * llnrkot. MINNEAPOLIS. May 31. AVIIEAT Close : In store , No. 1 northern. May. 73c ; July , 74\774Uc ; on track. No. 1 hard , 75 c ; No. 1 northern , 74'4c ' ; No , 2 northern , 73'ic. FLOIIiU Patents nnd clears , lOc higher : flrst patents , $ l.onil(4.10 ( ; second patents , $3.80 G.M : : > ; llrst clears , $2.Wi3.no. ! BRAN In bulk , $9.25'S9.50. Toledo Mnrk.-t. TOLEDO , O. . May 31. AAlHEAT-Hlghcr and active ; No. 2 cash and Mny , 79 c ; July , SO ic , CORN Ensy : 'o. 2 mlx'd , 3IHi73lc. OATS-Steailv ; No. 2 mlxwl , 2Sc . RYE Dull ; No. 2 cash , Glc , KiiiiNiiN City KANSAS CITY. May 31.-EGOS-A weak feeling prevail ? and a decline In prices Is expected soon ; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock , llrcts , cases returned , lie. RECE-lPT8-AV > hient , 72.COO bu. ; corn , 63,700 bu. ; onts. 12.000 bu. SIHPMENTS-AVhent , 3,600 bu , ; corn , 1,300 bu. ; oats , l.COO. "IH\i MuUiM- ( ! rill n MILAVAUKEE , May 31.-FLOUR-MarkU IPhlcher. . AVIIEAT Mark 't HflCo higher : No. 1 northern. 79c ; No. 2 northern. 77'-c , RA'E Lower : No. 1. S7',4c. BARLEY-Steady ; No. 2 , 41c ; sample , 38 fflle. PfMirln PEORIA. May 31. CORN Firm ; No. " 31 > ,4 ' . OATS Firm : No. 2 white , C6i , < .Ji27e. AVIIISKY Firm , on the -basis of $1.26 for flnlshcd goods. Dllllllli AVIirill DULUTH , Mav 31.-AVHEAT-No. 1 mr , cash and May , 7f-c ; Julv , 7 ! < T c ; No. 1 north- nrii. cash and Muy , 76Tdi. ; No. 2 northern , Sn KIII- Murk i > t , LONDON , May 31.-SUGAR-Beet , May. Its Sjd. NEW YORK. May Sl.-SUGAR-Raw , steadv to tlrm : r lined llrm. NEW ORLEANS. May 31. SUGAR null ; open kettle. 38f4'i | ' > c ; open kettle , centri fugal , I'dfroHc : centrifugal , yellow , 414 ® 4 13-lfie ; sc-cnnds 3fi4 , c. MOLASSES-Qulet ; centrifugal , GfilGc. Cnllffirnln Dried Fruit * . NEW YORK , May 31.-DRIED FRUITS- Evaporatcil apple. ' , common. Sc ; prime wire tray. SUUS'sc ' ; choke. S ip9e ; fancy. 9Hc. Apricots. Royal , HRHHc ; Moor Park , Hf ? ISc. ' . \rool InrK-et. TOLEDO. Mav 31. AVOOL-Unchanged. ST. LOUIS , May 31.-AVOOL-Market In honllhy ion.1lt on. the demnril btmc a i'\ , < frjm miniifa t > ir < " - ; ; ? , , o u.at rs an 1 t.HKr i lns > ' > . of htiyord. and fur all grt.1 s < > f w .ol A'nlues uti hanged but < inpar M s huhcr , inl , firm , even fir mfr-ri.'r ' s-.rts , while inrtli ularlj string for strn.ght ' .OIH of tle-ar. MOVi.MK. > T.S OF STOCKS AM ) IIO.VDS. llolldn.v llnTinilrncj - In Keep llnck Triiillnu. NEW YORK , May 31.-There wns a re crudescence of b nr sentiment on the Stock exchange today In more formidable array than nt nny time hitherto since the spring reactionary period has been In force. This sentiment mc < n decisive , check nfler Mr. V.nvffr'a death , which for the most power ful tlnnnclal Interests In the country com bined to support prices nnd nvcrt M panic. U had but newly Innuguralod n campaign ln. t week when the decision to close the ex- chnngc for three days left the leaders In a rnther timid frnm * of mind about carrying short contracts over for so long n period. Today's slump In prlc-es seemed to l > p dis tinctly .i development of the day's opera tions. There was a small attendance nt the opening of the stock market nnd n S'-emlng expectation of a dull day. based partly on the fact of the running of the- Derby In England and the consequently neglected trading on the London exchange. Some of the HLock * which suff ared most severely In the later break showed signs of flrmnesf nnd even of strength In the opening trans action ! * . This wns nntnb.y true of Sugar , Brooklyn Transit , Manhattan and New York Central. But signs of strength proved to bo of short duration nnd by noon the bears were In complete possession of tha Held. Early declines were obviously due to manipulation. But the benrs gained t-onrago and assurance nnd extended their raid ; they got richer nnd richer returns and be-fore the flay wns over the general process of liquida tion ot long accounts had set In. Aside , from the spasmodic recovery of Sugar In the llrst hour there was no materhlupport ac corded prices nt nny point In the llbt. There were several development ! * In the general situation that nldcxl reaction , but the ik- cllno seemed more n general acquiescence In the view of the bear parly that prices worn as a whole unduly high nnd tint a lower level of vnlue-s must be. nccepted. The belief thnt gold exports nro un avoidable nnd probably Imminent played nn Important part In the reactionary temper of the street. AVIth slerllng exchange , at $ I.SS for denrnnd , which Is within a fraction of a cent within this gold export point , nnd still rl-'lng , while discounts In London continue to harden nnd call money loaning In New York today nt li per rent. It is not easy tepee pee how nn export movement of gold Is to bo avoided , though It Is Just ns difllcuU to understand why such a movement under the circumstances should excite alarm. The report of a case of yellow fever at New Orleans and > the resulting quarantines against Louisiana gave more substantial reasons for reaction In values and the rail roads In that section were severe sufferers. SurmlEcs as to the effect of the New York franchise tax bill and fear of encroachment on the Sugar company's divisible surplus to carry on the trade war were made much of , A sharp decline In enstbound tonnage from Chicago , a disappointing statement of earnings for the current month by Northern Pacific und of net earnings for April by the same road , the small Increase In the Bur lington surplus after charges for April nnd a denial that St. Paul's net decrease for April was due to nny Increase In operating expenses , nil served to accentuate the feelIng - Ing of discouragement over existing values. Some of the striking declines nt the ex treme low point were : Metropolitan , 13 ; Sugar. S 4 ; Brooklyn Transit , GU ; Mauhat- tnn , 5U , and a long list of specialties from 2 to over 4 points. In the railways Burling ton , the Minneapolis & St. Louis stocks , Southern Pacific vuid Southern preferred fell from 3 to 3'4 points , while n still larger number of railroads. Including members of the grangers , the PacIHc and the Trunk Line group , fell between 2 and 3 polnta. In the outside market the newly floated Amal gamated Copper stock sold at 93 , against the subscription price at par. Bonds yielded In sympathy with stocks , but were relatively Ilrmer. Total sales , par value , ? 4,4GoOCO. United States 3s , the new 4s nnd the old 4s , registered , advanced U In the bid price , while the old 4s , coupon , de clined U. Tiio 3. . coupon , sold at 1C9U. which Is record price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The markets hero were slack but firm today , except for A\est Australians. Americans opened with ojx Inclination to realizing on sales , then steaded , but Now York sent earlv sales , especially of Southern railway , 'nccoml panied by yellow fever rumor ; A sllcht rally ensued on New York's opening , fol lowed by a relapse , with the closing at the flat est. Spanish 4s were G4T4 on Paris stip- 1 , & AAnnc.ondas were 11 11-16 , being weak with Americans. Tlntos were 4S5J. Money Wnhrd on the * "lement demand. The ° buslness ln discounts and short loans Th ? . . foIlov\nB ! nre thei closing quotations 1"06118 ° " "le New do iiH fiii'4 ' Sug-ar . . . . .7i No. Aincr. Co 15'il fO pf 115 No. Paclllo 4G't T. O. & Iron M i fl" PM " 5'4 u. S. I > enthcr 6 Ex-dlv. "Offered. Total sales of stocks today amounted to C6M67 shnrn. Including : American SmeltIng - Ing Company , 3,200 ; American Steel and Wlro. 24,300 ; American Sugar , 97,100 ; Amer ican Tobacco , Gi.500 ; Anaconda , 1,500 ; Atchl- # on preferred , 24,409 ; Haltlmore & Ohio , new , 3,000 ; Urooklyn Rapid Transll , S0.43.I ; Chi cago. Uurllngton & Qulncy. 40,301 ; Confoll- dated Oas. R.MV ) ; Continental Tobacco , 21,60) ; Federal Steel. 34,200 ; Federal Steel pre ferred , 8,900 ; llllnoiH Central. 3,300 ; Interna tional Paper Company , 1,100 ; lyoulsvlllo & Nashvl'.le. 34,600 ; Manhattan , 26,700 ; Metro politan , 14900 ; Mexican Central , 3,300 ; Mis souri P.iclllc , 9.000 ; New York Central , 10.- 003 ; Northern Pacific , 21,100 ; North-rn Pa- clllc preferred , 3,000 ; Ontario & Western , 4,400 ; Pennsylvania. 4,900 ; People's Oas , 17.- 400 ; Reading tlrst preferred , 13,500 ; Reading second preferred , 8,100 : Rock Island. S.700 ; St. I.ouls-SouthweHtern , 3,200 ; St l ouls- Southwestcrn preferred , 4,200 ; St. Paul. 1S- 000 ; Southern Pacific , 11.400 ; Southern Rail way preferred. 11.700 ; Tenne-seo Conl and Iron , 14,500 ; Union Paciilc , 9,500 ; Union p.i- clflc preferred , 9.400 ; ITnlted States Rubber Company , 3,500 ; Western Union , 6,800. Sun Krniii-lNfii Mining ( iiioliitluiiN , SAN FRANCISCO , Mny 31. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were ns follows : Silver bars , 61c ; Mexican dollars , 60Vio. Drafts , sight. 12Hc : telegraph , 15c. N , Mny 31. Prices -were , firm on the bourse today and business was quiet. Spanish 4s and Italian securities were harder. Canadian PacIHc nnd mining shares were In good demand on favorable manu facturing reports. Exchange- London , 20 marks 45H pfg- * . for checks. 'L/ONDON , May 31. On the street today American securities dropped UT'8 * on rumors of yellow fever In the south , "uuth- ern preferred fell $ t. American rnllwny shares were fairly steady , but business was restricted and limited to professional tr.tlu.jr 'ihe il j re t. " > ne was tti ,1 , U n II ' .1' It i > .im A\r .s U < ! ! " Si arnsli 4s 4sf,4\ , . PARIS. M i.v : | Optra'ir on Ih. ' boii. ( ' t , AV h sititi'l unlit thitnnkiuK up "f jirnfs w is llxImme.V ! . ilcly nflirwail t'uriwas , ui ml nroun I sharp navani .mil prices t-l.ised Strom ? Spanish 4s w re In great fnvor and Kattlrs niivnit-i d on Lend > n buying which wns nttrlbuted to favorable Hloomfonteln news. FRANKFORT. Mny 31.-Prices on the bourse were tlrm today , particularly In the CUSP of Spanish * . . > ew \ irk NK\V YOllK , Mny 31.-MONKY ON CAl.L Stendy nt 2'stll4 ' I > er cent ; Jnst loan , nt 24 per cent. 1'IUMK MEUCANTILH I > Al'En-3U64n per cent. STKIU.tNO KXCHAXOK Wnk. with nc- tual buslnr.ssln bankers' Mils nt $ I.SSJI.S < iU for dcmnnil ami nt J4.S.VVM.S6 for sixty Onys ; t > oste < l rates , $4.S6U < r ? I.S7 nnd $4.S9 ; commerclnl bills. $ t.So'iQ4.l4. . -UI.VKU ( Vrtltlcntf s , 6lfit > 2c ; bnr , file ; Mexlcnn dollars , 4SUc. I1ONPS Oovornmcnts bonds , IrroRtil.ir ; state 'bonds. ' Innctlve ; railroad bonds , weak. Closing quotations on bonds were ; U.S. vs. rc .101) | M. K. AT. 2ds. . n.s. an. res . . . . .loit 1M. K. AT. 4 U. S. 3i. coup. . .nun * X. Y. C. IBIS U. t * . IIIMV Is.reir. N. J. C. os U. . . nocotiD N. C. Ill U.S. old 4s , rcf . .112 N.C. 4-t I ) . S. doconp. . . . No. Pacific1 1st * . . . , t ) . S. JV .ret 1124 No Pacific Us U. S. oft. conn. . .1124 No. P.ielfle 4s. . . . Districts , US . . N. Y. r. A9t. L 4s Ala..class A .111 ! N. * W. eon. 4s . . Ala. , cl.iss H .110 N. AW.tren us. . . . " ' .11)1) ) ) ore. N. Ists 114 A la" Currency ! . ! .1110 Ore. N. 4s Atcnlsoii4s .1034 O. S. L , lo. ) ailj. 4n an * O. S. I , is t. V . . , . , . Canada ZJVt 2dH. i i 1 * JM Uoactlnir 1" C. , VO. 44 U44llt. . W. 1st * C. A.O. fts 111) ) St. L. A. I.M.con Kt 111 C. , V N. W. con 7s..114 St. I. . A3. K. Oen. 0.1 US doS. R deb. 6s. 122 4 St. P.Conooli 11)84 ) Chi. TcrniH. . 4s lul < St. 1' . C. A. P. IStS. . 12 H 1) . i K. ( i. isis IdMl St. P.O. A P. os. .ls.4J < Offered. Iliinton Stock ( Imitation * . HOSTON , Mny 31.-Cnll lonns , . cent ; time lonns , 3U04',4 per cent , Closing prices ? for stocks , bonds nnd mining shares : We.'llnKh. Klectrlc. .0 Ex-dlv. .Neiv York MlttliiK Utio < n < loiiN. NEAV YORK , Mny 31. The following are the closing prices for mining shares ; CAR SILVER-Sloady at CS 1-lGd per oz. MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of discount In t'ho open market for short nnd for three mcinths bills , 2H © S9-16 per cent. FiiiniirlnlotoN. . CHICAGO. May 31.-Clearings. $21S37,360 ; balances , $2,358,751. New Ycirk exchange , lOc premium. Exchange sterling , posted , Jt.S7iff4.9n ; actual , * 4S7SI.SSH : ; sixty days , $4.S5fi4.S7. 'BOSTON. ' May 31. Clearings , $21,410,502 ; iKilanc.s. J3.179.324. BALTIMORE. May Sl.-Clearlngs , $3G23.- 919 : balances. $121.844. PHILADELPHIA. May 31. Clearings , $13.295.513 ; balances , $1PSO,929. NI3AV YORK. May 31. Clearings , 400 : balances , $7.799OS3. ST. LOUIS. May 31. Clearings , $5,443.547 ; balances , $328,8:7. ) . Money , 4fl7 per cent. New York exchange , 20c premium bid , 30c premium asked. NEW ORLEANS. May 31. Clearings , $ S63- 055. Now York exchange , bank , 41 per $1,000 premium ; commercial , par. Conilltlon of the Trenniiry. AArASHINGTON. May 31. Today's sta.te- m ° nt of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $272,500,001 ; gold re serve , $227,874,531. I'ottuii Mnrkct. NEAV ORLEANS , Mny 31-COTTON Fu- ber , $3.ii7if .GS ; December , $3.,0f/5.71 ; Janu ary , $3.73 5.73 ; February , $3.7Gf/6.77 ; March , $ .i.80@5.81 ; steady ; sales , 2,500 bales ; ordinary. 311-lGc : good ordinary , 4 3-lGc ; low mid dling , Be ; middling , 5y4e ; good middling , G5-luc ; middling fair , G-)4c ; receipts ! 2,820 bales ; stock , 322,219 bales. NEW YORK , Mny 31.-COTTON-Futures opened steady ; June , $5.S3 ; July , S5.92 ; Au gust , $5.93 ; September , J5.SS ; October , $3.93 ; November , $5.93 ; December , $5.9D ; January , Jfi.OI ; February , $ ( i.0fl ; March , $6.11 ; April $ B,13. Spot stendy ; middling uplands' ( JUc ; middling gulf , G'/jc , OH Market. TOLEDO , May 31.-OILS-Undhanged. LONDON , May 31. OILS Calcutta Jin- seed , spot 31s 9d. Spirits of turpentine , 33s 3d. 1 NEW YORK , May 31. OILS Petroleum steady ; rMlnud , New York , $7.20 ; rcflned , Philadelphia and Baltimore , $7.15 ; rcilned In bulk , $4.C5. Rosin , quiet ; strained , common to good , 31.40ffl.l2V < ! . Turpentine , steady nt 13i43' c. Cottonseed oil , dull ; prime oruile , 20'/4c ; prim ? crude , f. o. b. , mills , 17f19c ; prime summer , 25c ; off summer yellow , 2lc ; butter grades. SOf.V ; prime winter yellow , U0f32c ! ; prime white , 29'S30c. ' XIMV York Dry noodH MnrU > t. 'NEW ' YORK , May 31. Business In cotton goods has been on a restricted scale today , but a good mall order demand his : come forward. There has liicn HOP change In tone In any direction and prices nro , tlrmlv maintained In brown , bleached and heavy colored cotton goods , without further ad vances In prices. Prints In fair demand , but llrm. Ginghams quiet , but strong. Woolen nnd worsted dresw goods In moderate re quest nd staple lines are firm. Silk fabrics flrm , with n quiet demand. Linens quiet at previous prices. KIIIINIIN City Ilvc Stock. KANSAS CITY , May 31-CATTLE-Re- celpts , 7,420 natives , GSO Texans ; desirable light weights ncttvo at Mendy prices ; heavy grades slow to lOc lower ; heavy nntlvo steers , $5.10Jl5.50 ( ; medium steer ? , $ I.KOf/5.10 ; light wVlghts , $4.GOf/5.15 ; sloekers nnd feed ers , $4.XVI5.50 ( | ; butchers' cows nnd heifers , $3.2W5,10 ; dinners , $2.5Vr/3.25 ( / : butcher bulls , $ : t.23i.1.30 ; western steer. " , $1.755(5.23 ; Texniif , $ I.W(4.G5. ( HOGS-Receipts , 14.6SO head ; good heavy grades active nt stonily prices , others wenk to 6c lower ; heavy , $3.G5fj3.80 ; mixed , $3 65Q1 3.75 ; lights , $3.50Jj3.G5 ; pigs. $3.50 < ! i3.GO. SHEEP Receipts. 3.9SO head ; supply largely gnibH sheep that sold steady to a shades lower ; otwr grades quick fnlo at strong prices ; clipped lambs , $5.00fiG.OO ; clipped muttons , $4.5t Ti5.0 ! ; grassers , $ ) . .riOf { > fi.la ; stockers and feeders , $3.5005.00 ; culls , $2.00Q3.50. SI , I.OIllH IVI | ! SlOI'li. ST. LOUIS. May 31.-OATTLE-Rocclpts , 3.400 head , -Including 350 Texans , Market steady to easier ; fair to rtiolc- native ship ping nnd export steers , $ ) .50f(5.2i ( , with fancy worth up to $3.GO ; dressed beef und butcher steers , $4.40f5.10 | ; steem und r 1.UOO llm. , $3.73 fl4.85 ; stockers and feeder * , $3 f > < Vfi I.GA ; cuws nnd heifers , $2.COiil.Si ; bulls , M.5Sf4.50 ; onn- noro. $2.00Tj3.00 ; TCX.IS ami Indian steera , } 3.5nfil.95 : cows ami heir rs. $3.00-81.25. HOGS Receipts. 13,000 , 'head. ' Market steady ; pigs and lights. $3.7Of/3.75 ; packers , $3.70 < fi3.SO : butchers' , $3.5'ii3.87'v. SHEEP-Recelpts. 9,800 'head. ' Market steady ; native muttons , $5.001(3.65 ( ; spring lambs. $3.00Ti7.50 : culls and luicks , stockcrs , $3.25j3.75. StiifU III l-'ollowlni * nre the receipts nt the four principal w.'storn markets for May 31 : Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha 4,954 11.207 2.S2S Ctllc.lfroi 1T.SA ) 37.nO 14iOO Kansas City 7.420 1I.5SO 3,950 St. I/ouls , S.40Q 15C iO 9SCn3 Toula 83,301 77,757'3D.603 All II I II'P OTIVPIf tl < II IPT I OjlAIIA Ll\Ii \ STOCK ilARKET. . Month of May a Record Breaker at the Yards , BIG GAIN IN NUMBER OF CATTLE AND HOGS Hocelptu Arc 1'nr In Kit-end of Tlione of the Corrri > | iiiiullitK : Months During the l.ust Ten YrnrNi SOUTH OMAHA , May 31. Cattle. Hogs , sheep. Receipts today 4,9s4 11.AH 2 2S Ollli-lnl Monday 1.70S 4,2)7 ) 4J > Olllcial Tuesiluy 3-JU lii.4Gl 3ii * Three days this week. . 9.D11 31.599 7i3s Same days last week. . . . 8.3W ) 3,1. KM Same days week before. . 9,5.41) . ) 21,533 Same three weeks ngo. . . yH9 Receipts by monthti : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. May , 1 99 0 > ,3i1 220 , 4 > S 72.0it ! May , 1S9S UC.1SI Mny , 1 97 , Mny , IS9ii 3i,69i ) 121,376 60,4,0 May , ISM M.7S3 115,67 $ 9,4b Mny , 1M4 6SJ517 1S7.S70 17,04'j ' Mny , 1.V9.J 1,457 12,951 Mny , 1 9J 6J.1B 14iB74 ! 12.U13 Mny , Ml 31,576 Mny , i yo 03,051 Average pries paid for hogs the last " days with comparisons Mny 1 361 | | 3 79 , 3 i2 | 4 461 3 03 | 7 29 Mny 2 . . . 3 16 | 3 90 , * i 3 1S | 4 49 | u Ui 7 3 ] > ! " > J t > 5 | 3 SS | 3 71 | | 4 59i u 05) ) i W Mny 3 5S , 3 93 | 3 72 | 3 26 > 4 47 ; 4 97 | 7 Z4 May 5 . . . . 3 t2. . 3 M , 3 Co , 3 30 | 1 May 6 3 611 3 9l 3 61 , 3 32 4 40 ] 5 05 31 Mny S 90 | 3 70i 3 301 4 381 * May- 3 691 I 3 71 , 3 19i 4 37 , 497 7 U May 9. . . . 3 Col 3 S9i 3 16 | 4 46 > 4 92 7 60 May 10. . . . 3 62 | 3 95 ! 3 6S | * 4 43i 4 M 7 51 Mny . . . . 3 62 | 3 . | 3 67j 310 | 4 46 | 4 S7 7 IS Muy 12. . . . 3 66 , 4 19 | 3 661 3 17 4-4.1 4 92 1 29 May 13. . . . 3 6S | t 35 3 Co ! 3 20 . 5 01 7 30 ' ' ' ' i 352 | 3 61) ) 3 15 4 36 | May 15. . . . 3 Ci 3 61 3 21 4 31 | I S3 1 IS May 16. . . . 3 63 4 251 3 19 4 27 | 4 SO 7 30 May 17. . . . 3 60 4 ( SI 35- > 4 3ii | 4 76 7 33 May 18. . . . 359 4 29 3 52 3 11 4 3Si 4 67 7 16 Mny 19. . 3 G5 | 4 35 3 51 3 12 4 G'J 7 2J Muy 20. . . . 3.a 4 56 352 3 0 ? ] 4 4S 4 6S 7 i7 May 21. . . . . | 4.26 3 56 3 03 4 45 Mny 22. . . . 3 62 , 352 3 U..i I 371 4 65 7 21 May 23. . . . 3 651 4 331 3 02 | 4 3Ji 4 K | 7 30 .May 24. . . . 3 64. ' , , 4 2o , 3 45 | , 4 321 4 5'J1 9S Mny L5 . . . 3 5S | 1 17 | 3 10 , 3 vii 4 22 | I C3 | 6 7'J May 26. . . . 3 osi 4 lb , 3 39 | 2 9i * I 4 69 | < > & May St. . . . 3 bO , 4 20 3 31 2 M. 4 17i 4 61 | 6 92 May 2S. . . . * 4 Ob , 3 341 2 92 4 31 , Mny 2J. . . . 3 60 , 3 36 , 2 M | 4 3S | 4 53 7 03 Mny 30. . . . 3 57 4 10 2 93 ; I 39 4 S3 6 SI 4 11 6 S3 Indicates Sunday The ofllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOKS. Sh'p.H scs. C. , M. & St. T. Uy. . 3 3 O. & St. L. Uy 3 4 Mo. T. Uy 15 5 1 : U. P. system 46 31 " . O. & N. W. Uy 3 1 K. , K. & M. V. U. U. . 55 50 S. C. & P. Uy 7 a C. , St. 1' . . M. & O. Uy 31 16 . . . . H. AM. . U. U. U 48 35 b 1 C. , 1J. & Q. Sly 6 4 1 K. C. & St. J 1 ! ' C. , U. 1. & P. Uy. , K. . 4 2 c. . U. 1. & P. Uy. , W 1 Total receipts . . . .221 160 10 1 The disposition of the day's receipts win us follows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. IIop.s. Sheop. Totals . . . . . ' 4,977 11.177 1,343 CA'l'l'uE Large receipts and weak mar kets at all selling points was the bear fea ture today which had a rather depressing oflect upon values. As Is very apt to bo the case ot such a time the market was rather uneven. Sc'.lers as a rule were call- inc the market on fat cattle 5 < fflOc lower , at the same time there were some who thought that they got steady prices for such cattle s buyers seemed to take to. Every one reported heavy cattle lower , even If good , while In some cases cheaper cattle sold at yesterday's prices. As might be ex pected under the circumstances the trade WTIH slow , sellcM being unwilling to make nny concession and lighting over every Inch of the ground. Jt was ruther laito before anything like a. clearance was effected , though buyers wanted the cattle , and the demand was just as large as it has been for some little tlmu back. Considering the size of the receipts and the condition of the trade at other points It would have to bo admitted th.it the market hero was In pretty good shape. Cows nnd heifers were In good demand , and as the receipts were far from large the market was steady and reasonably active. Bulls were also steady. Veal calves were In good demand und the best ones sold qulto rc-.ullly at $7. Stockcrs and fcrcders were without change so far as values were concerned. There was qulto a string of Canadian stockers In the yards , some of them contracted In advance at 3.20. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. 3 67 S 00 1 170 7 < X > 1 IN 7 W 1 30 5 SO 1 130 7 W 1 170 7 00 1 136 6 75 2 120 7 00 2 130 ? O > 1 . 110 6 76 STOCKKUS ANr I-'KKDKHS 1 . K > 0 3 Oi > S. 792 4 V > 1 320 1 75 2 ( ! ( 3 75 2 455 1 40 4 W I 75 S . 511 3 75 1 . 370 I W 22 ! > 7 4 V. 1. . S10 400 2. . 4S5 I Sll 16 11SS 4 SS L. 410 425 1. . 7i50 4 fo 2..3JO 5 W 3. . 723 4 25 2. . 410 I 75 11C. 3,9 5 15 MOOS Txxlny'a market wns not materl- . ally chniiRtxl from what It was yeMrrdny , I that Is , the hogs sold prtmnilly nt M 5.VU3 < ! ( * . ' which ranee included the most of yoster- , day's arrivals. Although the receipts were liirije. the ileinnnd wns coed and the mnrket fnlrly nctlve nt provallliiK i > .Ire ? . The Wu bulk of the ofi'orlne. * lm l ch.ince < l h.imls ' soon after the middle of the forenoon. , T..iter , however , n brrnk was reprtfd In i the provision market and the tln.il wind-up was very slow and wenk. i It will be noted from the tnble of average | prices nt hem ! of column that the , hogs | today sold only 5s lower than n week npo nnd n shade lower , thn.'l two weeks CIKO. It will < ili i be noleil from the mine tnble that the m.uket this month hns been very ( -veil ' nnd thnt the range between the highest nnd ' lowest days was not wide. The high day wns Mny s. when the averuge of nil the i snles was $ .1.r 9. and the low day was May , 26 , when Hie nveragv wns $ .1.55. Another thing that will be noted from tno ; table of receipts nt hcncl of column Is the fnct thnt the recelps of hogs this motth ; liavu broken all previous records for the month of Mny. Ucprese.iitnttvo miles : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. I'r. SHEEP Llffht receipts and fair demand wns the situation In the sheep barn. Ev erything offered sold quite readily at just about steady prlcca and the mnrket wns wltihout Important chanpro. Clipped ewes brought $4.05 nml Homo little spring lambs $8.15. Colorado wooled lambii Bold nt the same figurca oa yesterday , that is , J6.CO. Quotations on wooled lambs : Good to choice Colorado Mexican Iambs. $6.50S'6.CO : fair ito good Colorado Mexican lambs , $6.40 (50.50 ( ; spring lambs , $6.00558.00. Quotations on clipped sheep and lambs : Western wethers , $5.001 ( .35 ; good to choice Mexican lambB. Jfi.00-96.35 : good to choice western Iambs. $ G.O5f6.35 ; fair to good west ern Iambs , $5.75tf6.00 ; western veairllngs , $5.40'iC.G5 ; choice western ewes , ? 4.75j6.00. ItepreseiMatlvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 1 buck 200 J4 25 124 clipped owes 81 4 CT > 108 cllppexl owes 9fi 475 26(1 ( lambs , shorn C7 fi 50 6 sheep 133 550 129 spring lambs 4S 615 519 Fort Collins lambs , wooled. . 80 6 CO CHICAGO 1,1 V13 STOCK MAHICET. Cattle PrlccH Go Down Due in Hlnck Dciiiniid Sheep Stronn. CHICAGO. Mny 31. CATTLE The supply of cnttlo today was In excess of the demand and sales wore largely lOc lower except for strictly choice beeves of light nnd medium weights , whleh sold nt nbout former quota tions ; fancy cattle brought $5.551(5.70 : choice steers , J5.25W6.50 ; mediums , $4.So'iT4.95 ' ; beef steers , $4.5fVii5.60 ; cows and heifers. $3.70j1 4.50 ; western fe < l steers , $1.75'05.50 ' ; Texas steers , $4.10J(5.00 ( ; calves , $5.00fi7.50. HOnS A too free delivery of hogy enured a decline of 5c ; fair to choice. $3.77 > ,4fi1. ! > 0 ; heavy packers , $8.50iJ3.75 : mixed , $5.fiftl3.80 ? ; butchers , $3. ( > 5'i(3.S5 ' ( ; lights , $3.COS3.80 ; pigs , $3.20i3.70. BIIUISI' There was n fnlrly active general demand for sheep and lambs at previous prices ; sheep , $3.50f5.25 ; yearlings , $ o.2oW5.75 ; clipped lambs , $ j.00go,50 ; Colorado wooled lots. $ G.tXVff6.G5 ; spring lambH , $7.0057.50 per 1W pounds. HKCKII'TS-Cattle. 17,600 head ; hogs , 37- 000 head ; sncep , 14,000 head. XIMV York llvi > Sliifli. NEW YORK , Mny 31. BEEVES Re- celptc , 3,675 head : trade slow and lownr ; common to choice st-ers , $4.50ifjf > .50 ; oxen. $3.301(5.00 ; hulls , $3.0(4.50 ? ( ; cows , $2.L 5f(4.f'0 ( ' ; extra fat. $1.40. Cables , steady ; exports , 411 cattle , 4,072 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , 175 Hheep. CALVES Receipts , 6,100 head. Mark't badly demoralized ; veala , C05775c lower ; but- lermllks. lOc lower ; almost unsalable at the clrwe ; common to choice veals. $4.00ffi.OO | ; s'cl cted lots. $ ( i.20i6.27V4 ? ; buttermilks , $ I.m ) 03.50. SHEEP AND LA.MiBS-Recelpts , 10,000 head. Market slow for sheep und year lings ; good to choice , steady ; common not wanted ; lambs , active ; common -to choice sheep , $3.7.VfJ5.00 : Inf r\or \ to choice ywir- llng-rt , $ l.37'i'(4.87H ' ' ( ( ; lambs , 5.75fS. ) . HOGS RecolptB , 8,700 head. Market slow at $1.001(4.20 ( ; choice slate hogs , $1.23. SI , .IiiNi-iili lVf ) SlocU. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , May 31. ( Special. ) The Journal quotes as follows : CATTIjK-Ilecelpts , 1.300 lir d. Market ne- tlvn .mil steady to a shade Jilgher : niillvcM , $ l.35f(5.10 ( ; Texas and wesfrnH. $ l.2.W5.iO ; I-OWH and helferx , $ . ' .5'iJri.Oi ) ; bulls and HtatM , $2.50fl.75 | ; yeurl'ngs ' and esilves , $4.75tJf3.CO ; sloekers nntl feeders , $3.W(4.S5 ( ( ; veals , $5.0 . . IIOOS RecelptK. 6.300 hrail. Murket wak to Sclowi r. selling at $3.50' < (3.75 ; bulk , $ 'J.M < f(3.fi7'/5 ( SIII-3EP--Hecelpts. 3.CW head : trains very late ; market slow > ! n - rONC 1953 HRPENMEYa CO. pOOM4HrUFEBLDa BRArlCH I03BIWT OMAHA ntO. lltlWLM MCA JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1030. Omaha , Nc'i COMA\ISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS unU STOCKS UOAHU OP TRAIJK. Ulr 't wrti 10 Chlctvii < na .New Tork. Ccrr oondeutll Jutn i. w - A \ AGame Game With A King A Kingdom for the Winning. This is the strik ing motif of ti Brilliant New Serial story Entitled Modern Merce nary by E. & H. Heron , authors of "Taminer's Duel , " Etc. , Etc. Which will begin publication in the Omaha Sunday Bee June 18th , A STORY that gallops * " * from the first line to the last , that tells a chivalric - alric and intensely dramat ic love story , that follows the intricate plottings of master diplomats. "The plot is fresh , the intrigue ingeni ous , the portraiture vivid and the treat ment unhackneyed. . . . Altogether this is a fierce and vivid ro mance. " London Spec tator. Curiously enough the collaborators , orators bear the unusual ro tation of mother and eon. G. & H. Heron Is the nom deplume plume for K. k Hesketb Prlch- ard. They have already pub lished several powerful abort stories and serials , hut "A. Modern Mercenary" Is their beet and latest novel , a story which Is attracting widespread interest in England. The players of ihis Game with a King , the prize of which is the winning of a kingdom , are Count tiagan , agriifl , unscrupulous , reck less giant , the commander of the guards of Maasau. He plays as a tool in the hands of Solpdorf , Chan cellor to the King , the "man of the hour. " And behind these two , old Major Coun seller , representing Eng land , the shrewdest diplo mat of Europe , and Baron von Elmer of Germany , play the intricate keys of diplomacy. The King of Maasau , who is weak , worn out and suspicious , is a mere puppet in the hands of those master players. The pawns of the game are John Kallywood , the Mod ern Mercenary , a straight back , fearless young Eng lishman who fights a duel as cheerfully as he makes love to a nobleman's daugh ter ; Valeria , the heroine , and the Countess Sagan , who loves the hero and ap pears as Valeria's bitter rival. All thin takes place in the independent state of Maasau , which is so small that it is hardly noticeable even on the largest sized map of Europe. i The Omaha Sunday Bee Buy it ! Read it !