Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TI'ESDAY , MAY 30 , 1800. 5
Block One.
The ten lots remaining unsold in this block will-be auctioned off This is the last of the cheap blocks , and half of it is sqld.
to highest bidder next Saturday , at 1 p. m. , at our office , in N. Y. Life Though our price is extremely low the lots are high , sightly and
beautiful 40x160 graded , sewered and surrounded by fine wide streets.
Building. If weather is favorable , will adjourn to where the lots being
Convenient to school , motor and city park , with $1,200 building limit ,
sold are located. Conveyance will be furnished.
insuring the future character of the addition.
TeriUS Of Sale One half cash , balance , one year , at 7 per
Price Only $450 each , $50 cash , , balance * $10 'per month 6
interest. $25 depost required from successful bidder. per cent intersst on deferred payments.
These lots between 33rd and 34th block south of Hamilton
are , one Special temporary inducement To those who can
ilton street , 45x120 each , on grade , sightly , desirable , free from incum- pay one-half cash we are authorized to make a discount of $50 per lot
brance , conveyed by warranty deed , complete abstract furnished. and throw off all interest on deferred payments , equivalent to a cash
price of $385 per lot. This hardly pays for the improvement
These lots belong to the purchasers of twenty other lots in this
tax now paid , and certainly does not exceed one-half the value of
block , and all must be sold to highest bidder , as per our agreement these beautiful lots.
with them. They are a good investment at $500 each , but probably
Taking the location , size of city , and price of lots into consideration
will not much than half this at auction. Investors
bring more price
tion these Bemis Park lots are the cheapest lots ever offered in Oma
should investigate at once. A carriage will leave our office for this ha. 54 lots sold in three weeks. Orily nine low priced lots left
block every hour Decoration Day and Saturday a , m. Take a ride besides the 10 to be sold next Saturday. Sesure a plat. Select a lot
out , and ask us for plat , at once.
Payne-Harder ne °
1st Floor New York Life Building. 1st Floor New York Life Building.
Pour Thouiand Places Eemoved from the
Competitive List.
to Place * Where
Ai | > llcn Principally
the Men Have liitlmiUe Pcritoiml
ItclntloiiH Trltli or Chlcfo Arc
ItcHiioiinlblc for Their Actn.
WASHINGTON , May 29. President Mc-
Klnloy today Issued the amendments to the
civil service rules which ho has had under
consideration for about a year. It re
leases from the operations of the civil
service rules about 4,000 olllces. Among
nuch places are the following : Pension ex
amining surgeons , Indians employed in the
Indian service not connected with the In
dian school scrvlco and many places In the
engineer department at large , the quarter
master's department at large , the subsist
ence department at large , the ordnance de
partment at largo of the War department.
With reference to those places in the out
side War department's service It Is pro
vided that they shall bo mibjcct to regu
lations to bo prescribed by the secretary
of war and approved by the president , thus
placing these branches of the service on
substantially the same basis aa the navy
yards service.
The following named employes or posi
tions which have been classified under the
civil service act nro excepted from the re
quirements of examination or registration
unless otherwise stated :
1'onltlonH Ilxmipt.
1. Not exceeding two private secretaries
or confidential clerks to the president.
2. Not exceeding two private secretaries
or confidential clerks to the head of each
of the eight executive departments.
3. Not exceeding ono private secretary or
confidential clerk to each of the assistant
heads of the eight executive departments.
I. Not exceeding one private secretary or
confidential clerk to each or the following
heads of bureaus appointed by the president
and confirmed by the senate in the eight
executive' departments : The commissioner
impure mood ?
If your blood It impure then yon
arowMkand Languid ; your appelito
U poor and your digestion Is weak.
You cannot Bleep well and the morn
ing find * you unprepared for tlio
work of the day. Your cie k are
iialonnd your complexion Is tallow.
You are troubled with pbnplea , bolli ,
or gome eruption of the akin , Wby
uot purify your blood Y
j will do It. Take ITa few days. You
' -trill oou fool better In every way , for
I jourblood will b pure , jouraiipetilo
* good , and your aeries strong. 51.00.
If you are billons , take Aycr'i 1'IIU.
They greatly aid the Saroaparllla.
They euro constipationalp. mco ,
I5o a box. Vet sale by all druggUU.
\Vrlto the doctor fruly all the r rtlo-
ulari In rour e it. You will wolto a
prompt reply , without colt. Addreii ,
OK. J. O. AYKU , Lowell , Mm.
of Internal revenue , the treasurer of the
United States , the comptroller of the cur
rency , the comptroller of the treasury , the
superintendent of the coast and geodetic
survpy ; In the War department , the major
general commanding the army , the adju
tant general , the Inspector general1 , the Judge
advocate general , the quartermaster general ,
the commlsbary general of subsistence , the
surgeon general , the paymaster general , the
chief of engineers , the chief of ordnance , the
chief blgnal officer , the chief of the record
and pension olllce ar.i the superintendent of
public buildings and grounds ; and In the
Department of the Interior , the commis
sioner of the general land office , the com
missioner of Indian affairs , the commis
sioner of patents , the commissioner of edu
cation , the assistant attorney general for the
Interior department , the director of the
Geological survey , the commissioner of pen
n. Not exceeding one private secretary or
confidential clerk to each of the heads of
bureaus appointed by the president and
i confirmed by the senate In the eight execu
tive departments not enumerated In para
graph Iv of this rule. If authorized by law.
C. Alf persons appointed by the president
with confirmation by the senate.
7. Attorneys , assistant attorneys and Bpo-
clal attorneys.
8. Not exceeding one private secretary or
confidential clerk to the commissioner of
0. Not exceeding ono private secretary or
confidential clerk to the commissioner of fish
and fisheries.
' 10. Not exceeding ono private secretary or
confidential clerk to the secretary of the
Smithsonian Institution.
11. Not exceeding one private secretary or
confidential clerk to each of the Interstate
Commerce commissioners.
12. All shipping commissioners.
PonltloiiH In CiiNtonm Service.
13. Not exceeding ono cashier In each
customs district , If authorized by the secre
tary of the treasury.
H. Not exceeding ono chief or principal
deputy or assistant collector at each cus
toms port and not exceeding one principal
deputy collector of customs at each subport
or station.
15. Not exceeding ono deputy naval officer
at ciwh customs port where a naval officer is
authorized by law.
ID. Not exceeding ono deputy surveyor of
customs at each customs port where a sur
veyor is authorized by law.
17. Not exceeding one private secretary or
confidential clerk , if authorized by the sec-
jetary of the treasury , to the collector of
each customs district where the receipts for
the last preceding fiscal year amounted teas
as much as J500.COO.
18. Not exceeding ono private secretary
or confidential clerk , If authorized by the
secretary of the treasury , to each of the
appraisers nt the ports of Boston , New
York and Philadelphia respectively.
19. Not exceeding ono counsel before the
Board of United States General Appraisers.
20. Not exceeding one paymaster in the
Now York customs district.
21. All positions In Alaska In the customs
and Internal revenue services.
Interim ! Revenue Department.
22. All deputy collectors of Internal reve
nue who are borne on the rolls as such and
the allowance for whoso salaries Is approved -
proved by the secretary of the treasury.
Provided , That no position designated as a
clerkship tinder a collector of Internal reve
nue , appointment to which Is made by the
secretary of the treasury , shall bo dis
continued for the purpose of substituting a
deputy coflectorshlp therefor , or for any
purpose other than a bona fide reduction of
force , and that before such reduction shall
be made the reasons therefor shall be given
In writing by the collector of the district
and shall be approved by the commissioner
of Internal revenue and the secretary of the
23. Storekeepers and gangers whoso com
pensation docs not exceed $3 per day when
actually employed and whose aggregate com
pensation shall not exceed J500 per annum.
21. Officers in charge of the Bureau of
25. Not exceeding one chief clerk In each
mint or assay ctllco who Is authorized by
law to act for the superintendent or assayer
in charge during hU absence or disability
26 , One private secretary or confidential
elcrk to the superintendent , on cashier , one
deposit weigh clerk , one assistant coiner , oa
assistant melter and refiner and one assist
ant assayer In each mint or assay office.
Provided , That appointments to the posi
tions named In this rule In clauses lo , 14 , 15 ,
16 , 22 and 23 shall bo subject to an examina
tion , to be prescribed by the secretary of
the treasury , equivalent to the examination
held by the commlsblon for positions of like
grade. Such examinations shall be conducted
by the commission In accordance with Its
regulations ; provided , that examinations
may bo waived by the tecretnry of the treas
ury for appointments in the Alaska customs
service and Internal revenue service In
27. Not exceeding one clerk to each army
paymaster In actual service.
28. Wardens , chaplains and physicians in
the United States penitentiaries or prisons.
2 ! > . Not to exceed ono private secretary or
confidential clerk to each United States dis
trict attorney.
30. Examiners.
Pontnl Service.
31. The assistant attorney general for the
Postoffice department.
32. Not exceeding one private secretary or
confidential clerk to the assistant attorney
33. Not exceeding ono private secretary or
confidential clerk to the postmaster. If au
thorized by the postmaster nt eaeh
poslofllco where the receipts of the last pre
ceding fiscal year amounted to as much as
31. Not exceeding ono auditor at the post-
ofilce in Now York City.
35. Not exceeding ono finance clerk , If au
thorized by law and regularly and actually
assigned , to act as auditor at each postoulco
wuoro tbo receipts for the last preceding
flseal year amounted to as much as $350,000.
30. Not exceeding ono cashier or finance
clerk at each first-class pojtoffice.
37. Not exceeding ont ! cashier and one
finance clerk at each poBtofilco whcro the
receipts for the last preceding fiscal year
amounted to as much as $500,000.
81. Not exceeding ono cashier and two
finance clerks at each postofTico where the
receipts for the last preceding fiscal year
amounted to as much as $1,000,000.
39. Not exceeding one cashier and three
finance clerks at each postolllce where the
receipts for the last preceding fiscal year
amounted to as much as $2.000,000.
40. Not exceeding ono clerk who shall bo
a regular physician at each first-class post-
office , when authorized by the postmaster
general , to examine applicants for sick Jcavo
and also to act as general utility clerk.
41. The superintendent of the Hot Springs
In n it nnil Indian Service.
42. Ono special land Inspector.
43. Inspectors of coal mines In the terri
44. Special agents employed as necessity
for their employment may arise for the pur
pose of protecting public lands.
45. The Inspectois of surveyors general and
district land offices.
4G. Superintendents of Irrigation In the
Indian service.
47. Superintendents of logging In the Indian
48. Five special Indian agents , as author
ized by law ,
49. Special agents for the allotment of land
In severally to the Indians , as the necessity
for tutlr employment may arise.
CO. Special commissioners to negotlato
with Indians , as the necessity for their em
ployment may arise.
Gl. Engineers to make surveys of reserva
tion boundary lines and surveys at Indian
agencies , as the necessity for their employ
ment maw arise.
C2. Examiners of Indian timber lands as
the necessity for their employment may
53. One financial clerk at each Indian I
agency to act as agent during the absence I
or disability of the agent. '
G4. All positions In the Alaska school
55. Not exceeding five special pension ex
aminers to investigate fradulent and other
pension claims of a criminal1 nature.
56. One clerk at each pension agency to
act for-the agent during his absence or dis
ability ,
57. Agenta and experts who are tempo
rarily appointed and employed In making
Invebtlgatlons and furnishing information
for the department , as provided by law or
under the direction of the head of depart
ment , which agents or experts shall be borne
OB th roll * a * < moh and ba actually encased
In the duties for which they are appointed ,
and whose payment has been authorized by
G8. Ono statistical agent in each state and
tcriltory where authorized by law.
59. The assistant secretary of the Smith
sonian Institution , in charge of the United
States National Museum.
Additional Uxccptloim.
The exemptions from the law are made In
Rule 3 and as additions to the exceptions
formerly made. The additional exceptions
follow :
Positions In the revenue cutter service
where the persons enlist for the season of
navigation only.
Any local physician employed temporarily
as acting assistant surgeon In the marine
hospital service.
Any person employed In the marine hos
pital service as quarantine attendant at the
culf , south Atlantic , Tortugas , Ileedy Island
and Angel Island quarantines , and any per
son permanently employed as quarantine inspector
specter on quarantine vessels or In camps or
stations established for quarantine purposes
during the epidemics of contagious disease
bovond the seas. All physicians employed
as pension examining surgeons , whether or
ganized In Ixiards or working Individually
under the direction of the commissioner of
pensions , but this paragraph does not in
clude medical examiners In the pension
Indians employed in the Indian service nt
large , except those employed as superintend
ents , teachers , teachers of Industries , kinder
garteners and physicians.
Temporary clerks employed In United
States local land offices to reduce testi
mony to writing In contest cases , not paid
from government funds.
Temporary clerks employed In the offices
of surveyor general arid paid from the funds
deposited by Individuals for surveying pub
lic lands.
Any person employed as officer or field
deputy In the oflleo of a United States mar
Appointments to the following positions
are to bo made hereafter on tebts of fitness
Pi escribed In paragraphs 74 to S3 Inclusive , j
of navy yard order No , 23 , revised , but pend
ing the result of such examinations the sec
retary of the navy may appoint to the above
positions qualified persons for a period not
to exceed thirty days.
All persona at the navy yards , naval sta
tions anil at the private shipbuilding and
manufacturing establishments where work Is
done by contract for the Navy department ,
employed as special mechanics and civilian
assistant inspectors of work and materials
( Including ordnance , armor plate , marine
engines , hulls , buirdlngs , dredging , etc. )
In the AVnr Department.
Appointments to the following named po
sitions in the War department are to made
hereafter on the registration tests of fit
ness to be described in regulations to be
Issued by the secretary of war and approved
by the president : Any person In the quarter
master's department at large of the United
States army , employed as trainmaster , chief
packer , foreman packer , packmaster , master
baler , foreman of laborers , superintendent of
stables or forage master.
Any person In the Medical department at
largo of the United States army employed
as chief packer or assistant packer.
Any person In the Ordnance department
at largo of the United States army employed
as foreman , assistant foreman , forage mas
ter , weigher , skilled laborer , guard or on
piece work.
Any person In the Engineer department
at targe of the United States army employed
as sub-Inspector , overseer , sub-overseer ,
superintendent , master lock manager , deputy
lock manager , assistant superintendent of
canal , chief deputy inspector , deputy In-
specter , roilman , stadlaman. chalnman , foreman -
man , timekeeper , lock master , assistant lock
master , custodian , storekeeper , fort keeper ,
torpedo keeper , assistant torpedo keeper ,
light keeper , board master , tub-foreman ,
masterer laborer , gauge reader , steward ,
dam tender , assistant dam tender , helper ,
carpenter helper , machinist's helper , quarry-
master , blacksmith's helper , climber , barge
master , recorder of vessels , trackman , gard
ener , assistant gardener , or weigher.
Any person In the national military parks
at Gettyburg , Shlloh , Chlckamauga , Chatta
nooga , VIcKsburg and Antletara , employed
as commissioner's assistant in historical1
work , agent for purchase of land , historian ,
* * nratarr rodmwn , stVialuman ftaalatant KUD-
erintendent , chief guardian , guardian , guard ,
Inspector i , carpenter , steam engineer , or
The members of the Civil Service com
mission , owing to the fact that they have
not had time to examine and study Its pro
visions in detail , are not yet prepared to
glvo out a statement of the effect of the
order. A comprehensive statement , however -
over , will 'bo ' prepared pointing out its con-
sequencea. According to figures printed In
December the largest classes Included In
the order , and thereby excluded from the
classified service , number thus :
Deputy collectors , Internal revenue serv
ice , 472 ; storekeepers and gaugors , temporarily
arily employed , GOO ; military park commis
sioners and employes , 58 ; postofllco finan
cial clerks and cashiers , 28. private secre
taries at certain postoffices , 22 ; deputy mar
shals , 201 ; private secretniles to United
States district attorneys , 57 ; special agents ,
general land office , 30 ; superintendents of
warehouse. Irrigation and logging , 20 ; finan
cial clerks , Indian agencies , 60 ; Alaska
school service , 32 ; pension examining sur
geons , 075 ; chief and financial clerks , pen
sion agencies , 36 ; special agents and experts ,
Department of Agriculture , 25.
Siir\lvom of the t'lvll Wiir Honiem-
Itereil liy ( lie Genernl Government.
WASHINGTON , May 29. ( Special. ) Tha
following western pensions have been
granted :
Issue of May IB :
Nebraska : Original Samuel S. nurohfield ,
Omaha , $6. Increase Garrctt A. Garrets ,
Brunlng , $6 to $8. Reissue George W.
Baker , Hcd Cloud , $17.
Iowa : Original Thomas J. PolFock , J5car-
ing , $10.
Nvtlft RclN lleef Contract.
WASHINGTON , May 29. The War de
partment Is Informed that the award of the
contract for furnishing fresh beef to the
army In Cuba and Porto Hlco has been nmdo
to Swift and Company of Chicago. There are
nineteen pools to bo supplied In Cuba. The I
proposals were for refrigerated beef and
freshly slaughtered beef , the latter to bo
cooled artificially or otherwise , BO as to bo
In condition for use In. mediately upon de
livery. The requirements are for first-class
meat and conform on general lines to the
requirements for beef furnished to army
posts in this country. The refrigerated beef
must be from carcasses dressing COO pounds I
or over , and the frrnhly slaughtered beef j
must dress not less than 400 pounds , The
meat Is to keep twenty-four honra after de
livery and subject at all times to rigid In
The War department Is not yet Informed
of the figured of the successful bid , The
contract Is to run during the year begin
ning July 1 , 1899.
: So Hl hl to
The woman who is lovely In face , form and
temper will always have friends , but ono
who would bo attractive must Keep her
health. If she IB weak , sickly and all run
down she will bo nervous and In liable. If
Bho has constipation or kidney trouble lie :
Impure blood will cause pimples , blotches ,
skin eruptions and a wretched complexion
Electric Hitters Is thu best mcdlclno in the
world to regulate stomach , liver r.ud kldne/n
and to purify the blood. It ghos strong
nerves , bright eyes , htnooth , velvety bkln ,
rich complexion. It will make a good-look
ing , charming woman of a run-rtoun Invulid.
Only GO cents at Kuun & Co. 'a drug store.
i Co n nljnt tin * i\iiiiHlltoii.
Mr. Ballard from Illalr came to Omahu
yesterday for the purpose of securing bpacu
for a Washington county exhibit at the
Greater America exposition. Washington
county can bo relied upon to rnako a grrpt
exhibit , as It is ono of the banner counties
of the state.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely digests
food within the stomach and Intestines and
renders all clabses of food capable of being
assimilated and converted Into strength giv
ing and tissue building substances.
C II II NlllV III I lie 'I'llllHKlllll. .
Luke Caasldy was taken into custody Mon
day evening by Detectives Drummy and
Mitchell for the theft of a valuable equip
ment of surgical instruments stolen Satur
day night fioin Dr. T. H. Ward's buggy
standing In front of a house near Twentieth
and Graoo streets. Dr. Ward entered the
house to visit a patient and when ho re
turned to the buggy the case of Instruments
left there by him was gone. The search in
stituted by the dotootlvos resulted In their
recovery In a pawnshop. Cassldy has already
served ouo term In the pennltcntlary for
burglary In this city.
Mr * , fllnry Illnck I'M r en nt Johnnie
Connor * , lint FullH to *
lilt Him.
To woman's proverbial Inability to tnko
true aim a 12-year-old fad living near Capitol
tel aAcnuo and Thirteenth street owes his
life. The little fellow's name is Johnnlo
Connors. Ho was fired at once by an Infuri
ated woman when only a few yards from the
revolver's muzzle , but the bullet How wide
of Us mark and before the trigger could bo
snapped a second ttmo ho scampered out of
Llttlo Connors with thrco companions' I
about his ago were plaguing n woman named
Maty Illnck. Mrs. Blnck has a boarding
house at 1311 Capitol avenue. In one of the
front looms of her house with the windows ,
open Mrs. Black Hstcned to thu tantalizing j I
remarks of the youngsters on the sidewalk
until she. loft her temper. Revolver In lund
she rushed to the door and discharged it at
the nearest tormentor. The boys lost no
tlmo In finding blieltcr benlnd neighboring
houses and Mrs. Black did not attempt to
follow them.
The scene In Mra. Black's room when Ser
geant WisenberK appeared to place her un
der arrest was mololramatlc to an extreme.
At first she denied hvvlng fired the shot and
refused to tell where fho pistol was hidden.
Then when the odor of burnt powder which
pet vailed the room made evasion futile the
woman drew from the folds of her gown a
Hmall flask of laudanum anil bnforo thn ser
geant could seize her , swallowed half of It ,
exclaiming : "Now you can sand for tlio
toroner ; I will never leave the room alive. "
After Mrs. Black had been carried to the
station she explained her actions In trying
i to kill young Connors and In swallowing the
poison by saying that the neighbors nmdo
life a burden to her by making vile statements -
ments regarding her character The attend
ing physician said that' Mrs. Black will re
cover from the effects of the laudanum.
Snnilll ) Hehool SlliierlntemlentH.
At the meeting of the Sunday pclinnl
superintendents and teachers of the city last
evening In the parlors of the Young Men's
Christian assoclat'on a new org.inl/atlon
was formed , to be known UK thu Sunday
School Superintendents' \BEoelallon of
Omaha. Mel I.'Ill was chosen president and
Itobcrt Wise was elected secretary.
The formation of a now organisation was
deemed necessary that the nipcrlntendeiitH
alone might get together and exchange their
vleuh of the best methods to bo adopted in
the conduct of a Sunday f-chool. Meetings
will be held , to which an teachers will bo
Invited , at some time apart from the regular
meetings of the association. It is believed
that better results will bo obtained In this
way. The teachers Imvu not attended .is
legularly as was expected , and it Is thought
that when something special Is offered all
will bo present.
A committee was appointed to ralso funds
for the bupport of the state association.
Quito a sum was secured
.Mlirrlimc UreiixeH.
The following licenses to wed w.-ro Issued
by Judge Baxter Monday :
Na'r.e and reHiiUnc-f ABO
KinanunI V. l rl- ( , South Omaha 30
Ke.lipi.Cii I/ivy. South Onnha -jjj
Joseph M UoynoldB , Omaha 20
Hannah B Swcndby , Omaha 27
' 'efrKo Miller. OI'M 2 <
Susie JoncH , Omaha y )
George CSlIck Omaha io
I'earl Jone , Omaha is
George Troltlero , NashvlllTenn 2,1
Allto V. IJrlfCB. Omahu , , . . 'M
tjSoSJsiEcJarfEomriSo !
Tlio recital given by the pupils of IMndnmo
Muenteforlng at the Flist
church last night attracted an audience com
posed of the belt known people of Omaha.
The program was ono of great inti-rcst nnil
the numbers \\cvo chosen from the best
compositions of master minds In the realm
of music. Beethoven was represented twlco
and each time In a surprisingly tulcqunta
manner. Gounod , Chopin , Grieg , Cuaml-
r.ndo , Jensen , Moskowskl nnil Godard are
names of sufficient interest to Insure earnest
attention and the modern composers of
America wuio represented by Novln ,
The students looked well and played well.
Tliey reflected much credit on the careful
preparation and serious Instruction of their
teacher , who , like a sympathetic guide ,
stood by them and encouraged them In their
work , by her presence only and not by any
manifestations of nsslblancp. This wa a
jiiotty idea of Madame Muontefering and the
pupils evidently appreciated It. It is hard
lo launch n young pianist out Into the world
of crltlclbin , tilono and friendless , nnil thcbo
I jouiig people appeared to great advantage ,
to say nothing of the older women well
known In Koclal affairs.
j I Madame Muontcfeilng appeared only In
concortcd numbers and dor excellent style
seemed to rnthuso her colleagues. These
assisting WMO Mlscps Elslo Noycs , Vera
Noyoo , Kloicnco Dovtroll , Hattlo Lamb.
Bcsslo Brady , Marlon Johnson , Ada Klrkcn-
dtill , Helen Thomas , Josephine. Daniels
Huth Weller , AIlco Weller , Suslo Biady ,
Ilelnshelmcr , Belle Dewey , Hogcm and Mis.
1'Ved Wcad. Individual comparison would
bo superfluous.
lien llnr lintrrlilIiiiiient.
The cntotalnmcnt glvi n by Mecca court No >
13 , Trlbo of lipii-Hiir. In Jloynl Arcanum hall
In The lire building Inst ovrnlng , was ono of
exceptional met It. Those who contributed | O
I the entertainment with musical and vciral
selections were aa follows. "Hon-IIur
Match. " Miss Jolnibon , original poem , Will
M. Maiipln. song , Miss Viira Hemming ,
7ithor duet , Prof. Albert 0. Mullrr and MBH !
Guglor. Others were ClmrleH HlKglns , Mr.
and Mrs. JiirKson , Miss Muller , Ml a Clara
I Ilorvoy , H. J Sclmbor , MIHS CalHon , the
> Jenny I.lml quartet and Marian Snowdeu.
In conclusion refreshments weio served ,
llo > rimr ed vtllli Ilorxe Stealing.
On the complaint of Hobcit Briiton 4021
Camden avenue. 12-year-old Sammy Btooka
was arrested for horse Htenllng The lad
Jumped .Into Britten's buggy , which ho found
hitched In front of a miloon last night
about C o'clock , nml took u ride. An hour
later ho was caught by the owner of the
horse and vehicle and placed under arrest.
"A tOu | < worm olglitncn fuel long ai
loibtciunuon thn HCWHI after in > taking two
UAsi AK1/TS This I um huro has coubcd rny
bail health for the puMlthrLoeurs I am btlll
fxlilntf ts the only cathartic worthy of
notlco by bonsinlu people "
UEO W UOWI.ES , Ilalid , Mass.
I'Jtauinl I'nlataUlo Ivium Tone Good Do
UuoU Never rilckun Uouknn nr ( irl | > v K1 &c too.
Blrillnj iliuiril ; ( u > | > m ; , Ulc > f , Uiiolrr.1 , Him Tork. 31)
HU-1 Hft ' Fl/tfj / Hold anrtrnnra itppj ty ulldrag-
Kibts lu ; UKJTobacco : lUblk