Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 OMAHA DAITJY BETS ; HAT UK PAT , MAI : u&vv. .
Davis sell * glass.
Moore's food kill * worms and fatten * .
Budwelser beer , L. Roscnfoldt , agenU
Victor hot water heaters at Ulxby's.
Judaon. Pasturage , 929 Gth avenue. Tel. 343.
Iowa Furniture tt Carpet Co. , 407 B'way.
Pictures and frames , C. E. Alexander & Co.
Thomas Mctcalt lins gene to Ohio on a
business trip.
C. B. Jacquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op-
tlclans , 27 South Main street.
Qot your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 724 Broadway , 'phone 167.
Mr , and Mrs. E. 11. Smith leave tomorrow
lor Cheyenne , whore they will make their
11. M. Heath , traveling auditor of the
\Vells-Farfto express company , was In the
city yesterday from Maryvllle , Mo. j
A special meeting of Concordla lodge , No. ,
52 , Knlghtfl of Pythias , will be held thli
ovcnlni ; for work In the second rank.
Dr. Mary Tlnley nnd Dr. F. S. Thomas
liart ) returned from the meeting of the
Btato Medical society In Cedar Rapids.
Ncleon Vandnrpool , western passenger
ngont of the New York Central , with head
quarters In Chicago , was In the city yester
Miss Beatrice Wilson of New York will
deliver a lecture this evening In Mueller's
liall on "The Analysis of the Vocal Instru
ment. "
II. M. Bexton , superintendent of the Chicago
cage , Rock Island & Pacific railway re
frigerator line , was In the city yesterday
from Chicago.
Harry Norman , aged 32 , and Lllllo Mo-
raskl , aged 22 , both of Omaha , were granted
n license yesterday to wed. The ceremony
was performed by Justice Vlen.
' ficott Evans , supervising architect of the
' Pcavoy elevator , In course of construction
nt the Union Paclllc transfer , arrived on a
short visit from Minneapolis yesterday.
Colonel W. J. Davenport left lust evening
' for Chicago , where he goes to join the party
of officials of the freight department of the
Harrington uystcrn on an extended trip over
the road.
Rev. 0. P. Fry of the Fifth Avenue Metho- j
dlst church will preach today nt Woodbine
nnd tomorrow at Magnolia. A quarterly I
/ meeting of the Methodist church Is in ses-
eion at the latter place.
The following cases of contagious diseases
wore reported to the Hoard of Health yes
terday : Jena Clausen , 534 Eighteenth nve-
v > nue , soarlot fever ; two Swanson chlMrcu ,
. J 1003 North Tenth street , whooping cough.
ii Ernest J. Hcckman wan found guilty In
H Justice Vlcn's court yesterday of assaulting
* Pete Nelson and was given a suspended
' - hcntonce ot thirty days In the county jail
V during goixl behavior. Both parties live
} . In Cut-Off
} j Owing to III health. Colonel J. C. Hoff-
3 mayr has closed the City roller mills. The
c mills were erected In 1856 and rebuilt and
F enlarged In 1881 , when modern machinery
was put In at n cost ot about $20,000. Colonel
Hoffmayr Intends to retire permanently from
Orders have been received from Judge
AVoolson of the United States district court
sitrrcndlng the sentences of George Craig
nnd Brenton Young , convicted at the last
term of federal court for bootlegging. Craig
was committed to the Avocn Jail and Young
to the county jail In Red Oak.
In order to arouse general1 Interest In the
observance ot Decoration day , Abe Lincoln
post , Grand Army of the Republic , will hold
n public meeting this evening at Its hall
on Pearl street. Music and short addresses
and an Interesting paper on Quantrell's raid
in Kansas by Captain Palmer will form the
James Sharp had a hearing In the court
of Justice V1en yesterday morning on the
charge of appropriating a hypodermic
syringe which ho had borrowed from John
" \Vest , a veterinary surge'-n. The case was
dismissed , there not being a particle of
evidence to show that Sharp had any Inten
tion of theft.
The repairs to the roofs of the city hall
nnd Jail have been commenced. As soon as
they are completed the work of painting
the roofs will bo begun. No steps have
been taken as yet to make the much needed
Improvements In the second floor of the
Jull , despite the fact that the grand jury , In
its report , strongly criticised the condition
of the place.
Colonel' C. G. Saunders returned yesterday
from Rock Island , whore ho had been on
business connected with the Modern Wood
men of America. Ho has received word from
Mrs. Saunders. who Is In Delta , that her
bister , iMrs. F. Kendall , Is somewhat Im
proved , although utlll In a precarious condi
tion. Colonel Saunders attended the recep
tion given by Governor Shaw nt the Savory
house In DCS Molncs.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2CO.
Domestic soap out-sells all others.
Fit-Ill Day at School for IJraf.
Thp annual field day at the Iowa School
for the Deaf will bo held Tuesday , May 30.
The program , which Is under the manage
ment of David Ryan , teacher of gymnastics ,
will consist of sixteen events. The opening
event will bo n bicycle parade followed by
a dumbbell drill by the girls ; run , hop ,
step and jump contest for the boys , ring
tots for the girls , sack rnco for the boys ,
necktie contest for the girls , tick pull for
the boys , handkerchief race for the girls , i
, half-eollng shoo race for the boys , chair
race for the girls , hurdle rnco , for the boys ,
striking a bag of candy with broomsticks
for the clrls blindfolded , foot relay race for
the boys , nfty-yard dash for the girls , corn-
ibreaklng contest for the boys , tug of war
for the glrla , the concluding event to bo nn
exhibition of pyramid hulldlm : by the boys.
The ofllccrs of the day will bo as follows :
President of the day , Superintendent Henry
W. Rothort : Judges , A. T. Fllcklnger , Prof.
K. n. Cllpplnger and MTU. Margaret I ,
Bolyn ; timekeepers , Robert Hojt and Miss
Mitto ! IMwards ; assistants to manager ,
Victor Nelson , iMamlo Ostrnndcr , John
O'Conncll and Mumlo Lubert.
Domestic soap whitens the clothes.
It in I KMII | | ( * TruiiNft'rM ,
The following tranbfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , title nnd loan olllco of
J.V. . Squire , 101 Pearl street :
l.pvlim Deal to Ivor fiolin , w& son
1-77-41. w , d * 2,603
11.V. . llraley and wife to Mary L.
Kvorott , lot 4 , block 12 , Williams' 1st
add , w. d BOO
F. J. IJuy and wife to Mary L.
Uverett , lot 4 , block 12 , Williams' 1st
add , ao. . d 150
Total three transfers 5 3,215
Allen's Foot-ICase , a powder for the feet.
It cures painful , swollen , smarting , nerv
ous feet , und instantly take * the sting out
of corns and bun I OMB , It's'the ' greatest comfort - I
fort discovery of the ace. Allen's Foot- '
KUDO makes tight or new shoes ( eel easy ,
U IK a c-rlnln euro for sweating , callous
onil hot , tired , aehlnK fc t. Try It 'today.
Bold t > y ill druegUts und shoe stores , ity
mail for too In stamps. Trial packuco
KHEK. Adress. Allen S. Olmstead , e
Jloy. N. V.
Kor CtiMli or l.oaufil On.
K. 11. SIIKAFli & CO. ,
{ > IVnrl Sirt-i-r , Onmiril Illutln , lotru.
JAC'UU MU'MA Kit , 1'JIOI' .
201. 200 , SOji , 210 Hroadwuy , Council llluffs.
1 tat if , $1,23 per iluy , 7J roams. FIrat-clu a
in every respect. Motor 'Ine to all depots ,
cal agency for the Cclehruted 8t , LouU
U. C. Ueer. First-class bar In cou-
Ho Will Visit Council Blnfft Next Tuesday
Morning ,
I'rlvntc I.tnicli Will UP Served Committee
mittee- Will Hold n Mcctlu * Thin
to Complete All
Arrangement MI
It la now definitely settled that Council
Bluffs will have the honor of enter
taining , at least for a short time , Ad
miral Schloy during his visit In
Omaha. Ho has graciously accepted the
Invitation extended to him by Mayor Jen
nings and the Merchants' and Manufactur
ers' association to visit the city. The In
vitation was conveyed to him1 yesterday
morning by Mr. John N. Baldwin. Mrs.
Baldwin at the rcuno time , on 'behalf ' of the
women of Council Bluffs , extending an In
vitation to < Mrs. Schlcy to accompany her
distinguished husband on his visit here.
According to the present arrangements
Admiral Schlcy will bo the gueet of Coun
cil Bluffs Tuesday morning. One of the
handsomest large motor care , placed nt the
disposal of the honored guest , nlll convoy
him and party from General Manderson's
residence In Omaha to this city , the start
to bo made at 9:30. The trip will bo made
direct to Falrmount park , providing the
weather does not Interfere , where n com-
tntttco of cltlzena will b In waiting to
receive the party. Carriages will be taken
and after a drive through the park and the
points of Interest In the city , the return
will bo made to the Grand hotel. It U ex
pected that the vloltors will reach the hotel
about 11:30 : , when nn opportunity will bo
afforded the citizens of Council Bluffs to
meet the hero of Santiago. At the oloso
of the reception , which It is Intended ohall
not last more than an hour. Admiral Schley
nnd party will foe given a private lunch at
the hotel. Following lunch the return will
be made to Omaha In the special motor. The
committee having In charge the reception
has not yet arranged all the details. This
much , however , has been decided on. A
band ot music will bo In waiting at the park
on the arrival there of the party and will
also play during the reception at the Grand
hotel , nnd both companies of the High
school cadets will turn out under command
of 'Major Butte and form a guard of honor
for the distinguished guest. The committee ,
It Is expected , will hold a meeting this
evening to complete the arrangements.
Domestic soap sold by all grccers.
Demurrer In Quarantine Cnne.
The county filed Its demurrer yesterday In
the suit brought by Finance Clerk True on
behalf of the city to enforce the payment by
the Board of Supervisors of the expenses
Incurred In maintaining the quarantine In
the recent smallpox cases.
The county demurs on the ground that the
charges eot forth do not purport to have been
made to provide the alleged patients with
nurses , needful assistance or supplies while
quarantined , which alone the Board of
Health hag a right to provide under the
statutes at the expense of the county. Fur
ther , that the petition shows upon its face
that the parties alleged to have been carea
for as quarantined patients were cared for
at the douses whore they were found ana
not by removal to a separate house or
houses , and that the Hems charged for In
the petition and for which the city seeks to
recover plainly appear to bo for guards and
matters of expense Incurred In the enforce
ment of the quarantine regulations , nnd Oo
not purport to bo charges In whole or In
part for care of the patients ; nnd It also ap
pears from ttie petition that all of sale
charges are brought against the county be
cause the Board of Health ot Council Blufts
authorized the expense and regulated the
charges therefor ; also that the charges are
matters of expense Incurred In the main
taining of the quarantine regulations vililcn
to the law are to be borne by the subdivisions
of the county In which the case of smallpox
occurred , namely , In this Instance , Council
Bluffs. As to the claim of $04 for maintain
ing the quarantine at the residence of Mrs.
Harris at Twenty-third street and Avenue
II , the county demurs on the further grounds
Unit the petition failed to show or allege
that Mrs. Harris was a , person who was In
fected with or who had been recently In
fected or sick with smallpox or other dis
ease dangerous to the public health.
Twenty tons of Domestic soap used every
month In Council Bluffs.
Davis sells drugs.
Court Notcx.
The day In the district court yesterday
was occupied by Judge Smith In hearing
the evidence and arguments In support ot
the motion filed by the Portland Gold Min
ing company to have the appointment of
Ernest 13. Hart as receiver annulled. The
company also made its showing why It wna
unable to obey the order of the court to
turn over to the receiver Its stock nnd
transfer books.
The order was made on the application of
James Doyle 'In ' his suit against the Port
land Gold Mining company , brought by him
for the purpose of trying to make his Judg
ment against James Burns , president ot the
company , good.
The company contended that ns Doyle was
no longer , as It alleged , a stockholder In the
company , ho had no claim or Interest 1n
the company's property and therefore was
not entitled to have a receiver appointed.
Further , the company contended that the
fact that Doyle hold a judgment against
Burns , one of the stockholders , was no
reason why ho should bo granted the ap
pointment of a receiver for the company's
booKs. In support of Its contention , the
company placed on the stand Bookkeeper
Blschoff , who testified that Doyle had cold
the greater part of his holdings In the com
pany in 1S97 and that he had disposed of
his last batch of stock , consisting of C03
shares , the latter part of April , 1898.
The attorneys for Doyle answered that as
the .company was Incorporated under the
laws of Iowa governing domestic corpora
tions , It was legally bound to keep Its olllco
and stock and transfer t > ooks in this state
nnd tbo fact that it failed to do BO was
sulllclent grounds In Itself for ( he court
ordering a receiver to take charge of them.
The hearing was completed just before
court adjourned for the day and Judge Smith
Bald he would take hlH decision under ad
Save your Domestic boap wrappers and get
a set of spoons.
Cinderella ball , given by Mrs. Hando under
the auspices of Unity guild , at Dohany's
opera house , Wednesday , May 24.
Funeral of TlioiiiUH II.
The funeral of the late Thomas B , Hughes
was hold yesterday morning from St. Fran
cis Xnvlcr'a cliurch. The services , despite
the pouring rain , were attended by a large
gathering of the relatives and friends of
the deceased , and the handsome casket bore
many beautiful Moral tributes , Fatbet-
Smyth conducted the services. Burial was
In the Catholic cemetery ,
Thomas Hughes , or Tom , as ho was best
known among his friends , wns born and
retired In Council Bluffs. He wan a eon of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hughes. Ho was edu
cated at St. Benedict's college , Atchlson ,
Kan. , where he graduated In 1885. In 1886
ho entered Into business In this city nna
continued hero until March , 1897 , when he
went to iMontana , where , until his sickness
sever * ! weeks ago , ho wns manager of n
large clothing establishment. Mr. Hughes ,
who wan 32 years of age , was married July
22. 1S96 , to Miss Julia Slnnott of Omaha ,
who with their bnby boy survives him.
Vflrrnn rlremen MrH.
Despite the rain the regular monthly
mooting of the Veteran Firemen's associa
tion last night was well attended nnd con
siderable business was transacted. Among
other things , the association decided to ac
cept the Invitation of the Grand Army post
to take part In the parade and exercises on
Memorial day nnd to attend the State Fire
men's tournament at Missouri Valley June
To make the necessary arrangements for
( Memorial day the following committee was
appointed : John Madden , John Bates nnd
Qua Bergman. With reference to the as
sociation attending the Btato tournament
It was derided that n. uniform band should
be ongngod to head the procession In the
parade and that the expenses of the trip
should bo defrayed by subscription. The
following wore appointed a committee on
mimic and arrangement * : Thomas Bowman ,
J. Peregoy , John Baughn , Gus Bergman and
James Bradley.
Several changes wore made In the by
laws and constitution , the most Important
being making the third Tuesday In each
month the meeting night Instead of Friday
and making five members to constitute n
quorum , Instead of ten , as heretofore. The
ofllco of collector having been dlBpensod
with , It was decided to allow the secretary
$1 every meeting for the extra trouble of
collecting the dues from the members.
The treasurer's report showed that there
was $192 In the treasury. Robert Huntington -
ton , William Mnthoson nnd Clarence Hough
were elected members of the association.
Dunlnp Prenclivr HOCM ( o Colorado.
DUNLAP , In. , May 19. ( Special. ) Rev J.
William Carson , retiring pastor of the First
Congregational church of this city , has ac
cepted a call to the pastorate of a Congre- '
Rational church at Eaton , Col. , it being the I i
only church of any denomination In that
town or vicinity. The town of Eaton Is a
bright , clean and progressive little place
forty-nine miles from Denver , with all the ; '
vim and activity of the western country.
Its population U considerable less than that
of Dunlap , but there arc many young people
In the place , and the day school , Sunday
school and church services ara well attended
by them.
Vlclory for tinCollege. .
ATLANTIC , la. , May 19. At the session
of the Iowa Congregational association to
day the flsrht that has been brewing against
Prof. Herron , the professor of applied
Christianity at Iowa college , came on In
earnest nnd resulted In a victory for the
friends of the college , who were here to see
that no action bo taken upon the Herron
controversy. It wns not accomplished ,
however , until the fact that there was a
strong sentiment against the professor and
his teachings had been brought out.
Warm Welcome for Soldlcrx.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , May IB. ( Special
Telegram. ) Thousands of people cheered '
Company C boys tonight when they partici
pated In a parade. With them marched the
veterans of the rebellion and ex-members of
the company. A public reception followed
at the opera house , at which addresses were
made by "Mayor " ReJmond , Colonel Dews ,
Rev. Frank L. Lovelnnd , Judge N. M. Hub-
bard , Judge William G. Thompson , Congress
man Cousins and others. The opera house
was packed to the doors.
CriiNlicil 1o Dentil.
AMES , la. , May 19. ( Special. ) Charles
O. Berg , whose home is at Mankato , Minn. ,
was crushed to death beneath a falling derrick -
rick 'vhlch wns nt work on the reconstruc
tion of the Chicago & Northwestern road
several miles west of Ames.
JVevmlit Illuli Seliool Commencement.
NEVADA , la. , May 19. ( Special. ) The
commencement exercises of the class of ' 99
of the Nevada High Bchool will bo held on
the evening of June' 2. There are twenty
candidates for graduation.
Conl nnil Iron IiitrrrNtH of Virginia ,
ICciitnuky mill TCIIIII'NNCC AinnlKii-
iiinte ItuIlroiiilN Iii > nlreil.
KNOXVILL13 , Tonn. . May 19. The con
solidation of a number of steel , Iron and
railroad Interests under ono management ,
which has been In progress for several
months , has been practically closed In tbo
acquisition by a syndicate of the Iron fur
naces at Johnson City and Embrevlllo , Tenn.
The syndicate has also recently acquired
the Watts steel syndicate , limited , of Mld-
dlesborough , Ky. The purchasers arc Intor-
ostcd In the Virginia Iron , Coal and Coke
company , whoso president , George L. Carter
of I'lilaskl , Va. , hns been working on the
consolidation of these Iron properties In
Tennessee , Kentucky and Virginia for the
last twelve months. The Iron properties In
cluded in the deal arc : Carter Coal and
Iron company , PulasUI , Va. ; Pulaskl Iron
company of Pulaskl , Va. ; Crozor Iron com
pany , Roanoke , Va , ; Consolidated Coal nnd
Iron company , Max Meadows , Va , ; Camden
Iron works , Salem , Va. ; Graham furnaces ,
Graham , Va. ; Hunio Iron company , Bristol , I
Tenn. The properties named Include several - !
oral thousand acres of mineral and timber ;
lands and leases. The syndicate will control '
two railways , formerly known as the South
Atlantic & Ohio nnd Bristol , Ellzabethtown j
& Noith Carolina , which are now known as
the Virginia & Southwestern , The capital
Block of the new corporation Is said to have
been fixed at $111,000,000 and headquarters
nro to bo at Bristol ,
BOSTON , May 19. The American Agricul
tural Chemical company , which Is the com
bination of several fertiliser manufacturing
concerns , announced the consummation of
Its plans today , The authorized Issue of
capital stock of the- company Is $40,000,000 ,
Divided Into $20,000,000 6 per cent cumula
tive preferred and $20,000,000 common stock.
The present Issue will be limited to $34,000-
000 , divided Into 170,000 $100 shares of pre
ferred and the same amount of common ,
leaving $6,000,000 In the treasury. The now
company Includes twenty-two concerns in
the northern and eantern states , which are
so located at distributing centers as to enable -
able them to market their products at a
minimum cost.
PITTSBUHG , May 19. The proposed com
bination of manufacturers of art gloss and
brass decorative wares has been abandoned.
Options were- obtained on twenty plants , but
the prices wcro regarded as too high and
the options have been returned ,
TRENTON , N , J. , May 19. Seventeen dec-
trio vehicle transportation companies wore
Incorporated hero today. These companies
were formed by the Whltney-Elkln-Wldener
syndicate to operate automobiles In dlrfer-
ent states. Each of the companies luui an
authorized capital of $100,000 except the one
formed for the District of Columbia , uhlch
has nn authorized capital of $6,000,000. The
capital , vlth this latter exception , Is sup
posed to to merely a nominal amount to bo
increased later. The several a'.ates ' for \\hlch
thtBo conlpanles arc formed are : Tennessee ,
Georgia , Ohio , Kentucky , Now Jersey , Louis
iana , Delaware , California , Michigan , Min
nesota , Iowa , , ( Maryland , Wisconsin , Indiana ,
Missouri , Virginia and District of Columbia.
Man Mulcted for Alienating ths Affections
of Another Mnn'i Wife ,
Uefomlnttt In he Cnnc Will Mine fern
n Xcvr Trial ICMIU ISntloitul
( iiiuril to ObncrveMo -
ill or In I DUJ- .
DES MOINE3 , May 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The sensational case of A. B. Ball
ngainat R. W. Marquis went to the Jury at
2 o'clock. The Jury returned a verdict at
3:30 : p. m. , finding for the plaintiff In the
sum of ? 1,000. This Is an notion wherein
j the plaintiff. Ball , sought to recover $20,000
damages from II. W. Marquis , a prominent
real oatnto dealer of the east side of the
river , for alleged Alienation of the affections
of ths former's wife. A motion for a new
trial will foe made.
The Bute Railroad commission today fixed
Juno 9 as the date on which It will Investigate
gate- the accident at 'Hubbard ' , la. , on Feb
ruary 17 , 1898 , whcroln two trainmen were
killed and another Injured. Senator Wallace
of Hardln county introduced n resolution
which passed the last general nnsembly di
recting -commissioners to Investigate the
Adjutant General Dyers today Issued an
order to the Iowa National guard requiring
each company of the two new regiments of
the guard to report to the commander of
the local Grand Army of the Republic posts
on Memorial day ready to tnke part In the
Memorial day ceremonies. According to
the order each company 4s to decorate the
graves of Its former members who died In
the Spanish-American war. Each now
guard company has men who areIn the old
one and each company has some former
members who have been 'burled ' slnca the
last war opened.
The supreme court handed down seven
opinions this morning , as follows : Cyrus
Baker , appellant , against W. A. Mills ,
sheriff , and Benjamin Chambers , Intcrvonor ,
Marshall district , affirmed ; Nancy Denton
against W. W. Ordway , appellant , Monona
district , reversed ; In the matter of the peti
tion of D. C. Bradley , H. G. Hanson and
others , application for drainage of lands , pe
titioners appellants , Appanooso district , re
versed ; Orn D. Pltkln , executrix , against E.
E. Peet , appellant , Jones district , reversed ;
Lola B. Daniels , appellant , against the City
of Des Molnes , Polk district , affirmed ;
George McCuena , appellant , against the
Town of Manning , Carroll district , affirmed ;
J. S. Clifton , C. E. Lange , appellant , Pocahontas -
hontas district , afllrmcd.
Colonel L. Oil. iMartln , general manager of
the Iowa Central railroad , who has been
critically 111 with typhoid fever at Marshall-
town for the last five weeks , arrived in this
city In his private car , "Hawkcye , " ac-1
companlcd by his son , George , Dr. Getz of I
Marshalltown nnd Mr. Rogers , his private
secretary , and a nurse.
United States Senator M. L. Hayward of
Nebraska City was a Des Molnes visitor to
day. He Is Interested as an attorney
In an Iowa case submitted to the
supreme court today. There are six
cases pending together and submitted
at the same time. The controversy Is ov r
something like 50,000 acres of land lying
In northwestern Iowa , most of it In O'Brien
county. The land as early as 1856 was In
the hands of one owner , an ancestor of
Eliza B. Hawley , and the other plaintiffs.
Through succeeding years Itwas Impossi
ble for the owner to keep up the land as re
quired by law and before , many years much
of It had eaten itself up In taxes. The lan.l
Is worth now perhaps $1,000,000 and tun
town of Sanborn , with 1,500 people , Is In
the midst of It. The heirs of the former
owner , who resided in Council Bluffs before
hla death , brought suit to recover from the
present holders. Judge Thomas of Storm
Lake returned a verdict for the present settlers
tlors and the heirs of the former owner
have appealed. They make their strongest
claim the plea that the former owner wai
Insane and because of that he failed to keep
the taxes against the land paid up.
Late this afternoon the supreme court
granted a writ of certlorarl In the will case
over the million-dollar estate of the late
H. E. J. Boardman , who dltd a short time
ago. The fight over the fortune Is between
Charles H. E. Boardmnn , nephew of "do-
ceased , and until recently acting trustee of
the estate , and Mrs. C. H. Conover of Chicago
cage , daughter of deceased by his first vJ.e
nnd the second Mrs. Boardman.
Wnoilmuii to Celt-limit- .
FORT DODGE , la. , May 19. ( Special. )
The Woodmen of the World are to hold n
grand convocation here May 28 , at which
representatives of the order from Iowa Falls , i
Webster City , Pomeroy , Corwlth nnd other I
points are to be present. The occasion will I
bo the unveiling of a monument of the late
Hon. J. D. Flanagan , who was a prominent
member of the order.
After a Ilnllroail.
NEVADA , Ta. , May 19. ( Special. ) The
most Important and definite step yet taken
by the citizens of 'Nevada In the matter of
the location of the proposed Duluth & New
Orleans railroad wns taken last evening
when a petition was circulated which asks
the city council to grant a right of way for
the proposed road through Nevada on Ninth
Trnln KHUN Doun JVilpntrlnii ,
HIGHLAND FALLS , N. Y. , May 19. A
man , presumably on his way to New York on
$10 to $15
* * * * * *
All Outside Piping
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
Council Bluffs
Gas & Electric Co.
26 Pearl Street.
foot , as killed by n West Shore train nt
Port Montgomery toddy. The body wna
hurled Into the nlr nnd one of the victim's
less became entangled In 'tho ' telegraph
\vlrcs , the body swinging there until re
moved by the coroner : On the hotly \\ns
found a certificate of discharge written July
G. upon which appears the name of Peril-
Innnd Frclmuth , private Company n , United
States Infantry , at Fort Qnston , Colorado.
also a Ulble , jm the fly leaf of which was
written : " ( lift of Mrs. Clnrk. 1'aclflo Gar
den Mission , to Carl Ilorgor , Chicago. " The
man was about C5 years of age.
A Nnrri v
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hnrt of Oroton , S. D.Vas : taken with n
bad cold which settled on my lunga ; cough
set In and finally terminated In consumption.
Four doctors gave mo up , saying I could live
but a short time. I gave myself up to my
Savior , determined It I could not stay with
my friends on earth I would meet absent
ones above. My husband was advised to get
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption ,
Coughs and Colds. I gave It a trial , took In
nil olght bottles. It has cured me , and ,
thank God , I am saved and now a well nnd
healthy woman. " Trial bottles free at Kuliu
& Co's drug store. Regular size EOc and
$1.00 , guaranteed or prlco refunded.
Klect Olllrrr * .
LOUISVILLE , May 19. The International
Journeyman llorseshoers' union of the
United States and Canada today elected the
following officers : President , Fred Hazoly ,
Cincinnati ; first vice president nnd general
organizer , Thomas Orlllln of Chicago ; second
vlco president , George W. Llndsey of To
ledo ; third vice president , William Mulr-
head of Newark , N. J.j secretary nnd treas
urer , Iloady Kcnohan of Denver , re-elocted.
Providence , R. I. , was selected as the next
place of meeting. The convention will ad
journ tomorrow.
IJIct Mectn Kvcry Knur Ycnm.
HELSINGFOUS , Finland , May 19. An Im.
purial ukase just Issued directs that the Fin
nish Diet hereafter must only meet every
four years.
Mnrvelniinprvr Force Iniimrlcil liy
n IVeiv ami SlurtlliiK Discovery
13 v rry AVenUITMIUJI or Kii-
Man Should
Give It a Text.
Will He Sent Freton Thirty Ilu > - '
Trial So All 3Iu > - KvpcrU-ni'i-
Wonderful Sriiimtlou of Ile-
Htorvd Vljtor Without Cont.
A well known professor made a
fortunate discovery that what 1ms here
tofore been known ns Impotency or lost
manhood IB due to paralysis of the nerves.
As It requires a vigorous condition of the
nerves to control the muscles , the professor
ser ha& found a wonderful power that In
stantly awakens the nerves and thus re
stores complete musculnr strength. Ho
says : The marvelous power exerted by re
cent additions and Improvements to my
electric belt and appliances Induces mo to
send It on 30 days' fre * trial so certain am 1
that It will cure and that the wearer will
Kindly pay the small prlco asked after the
30 days 'trial.
To men who have battered their stomachs
with drugs I want them to xerclse their
Judgment and consider that electricity Is
the greatest power on earth. Its unseen
current puts life and force Into whatever it
touches. The constant , steady life ex
tended by my new Electric Appliances
Elves Instant lellef and never falls to cure
rheumatism , backache , kidney troubles ,
early decay , night lossas , lack of nerve
force and vigor , nervous debility , undevel-
opment nnd lost vitality. You may not have
faith in It now , but wear It for 30 days and
you will then realize why I have such confi
dence in It as to send it to you on trial.
I receive the most wonderful testimonials
( lay after day. HCAS. . U. Stephens of
Derry Station. Westmoreland county , Pa. ,
say.s It cured him of a terrible disease , that
had deprived him of happiness. Hla nerves
wsro In a bad condition of weakness , but
In three , days after putting on the bull and
Fusensory | he felt wonderfully Improved
and now has the full strength and vigor
of every member of the body.
George A. Johnson , box 112 , Painted Post ,
N. Y. , says that while he never practiced
excess except when young he found himself
nt 40 , a permanently old man , but the belt
and suspensory have completely restored
J. V. Spencer of Graf ton , W. Va. , says he
spent hundreds of dollars In medicines and
the old style of electric belts , so widely
advertised , bull received no bsneflt. Al
though 6G years old nnd for 12 years a
suffertr of lost manhood my belt cured him
sound and well and ho Is now strong and
A. Zalhaus of Sharpsburg. Pa. , wore my
belt and suspensory for unhealthy organs
and emissions and has regained perfect
strength and health.
A gentleman of high standing llnanclally
nnd socially , who wished me not to use hl"
name , writes : "I am now CO but feel as
vigorous as nt 35 , Was confronted with
seminal \vpahiiess for many years , and as
an act of Justice I must say your belt and
Hiisiiensory have restored my 'pristine
" "
He says ho will gladly answer all Inquiries.
I Ills address Is P. O. box UJO , Lacon , Ills.
I John H. UardHley of Gunnlson , Colo. , bays
the belt and suspensory hnvo entirely curd
i him und he * will Kindly explain what hi"
i trouble wns to all who cure to Inquires as
ho Is very much cnthuhed by his recovery.
S. I , . Fry of Redding , la. , says the bflt
saved his llfo nnd he will gladly tell other
sufferers his experience.
Thousands of others write In the name
grateful manner , nnd should the reader de
sire to write to any of these Bontltmon ,
pleuso send a stump for reply ,
, ? ? , not fnll to write to Prof , A. Chrystal ,
fi3S Post Olilce block , Marshall , Mich. , ns he
Is anxious to Imvu every man wsar hla new
und marvelous bolt and tnispensory for 30
days and try 1t fully before spending a cent
for It. ( Remember after giving the bolt a
trial If you are not perfectly sutlmUd , re
turn It to us ; It costs you nothing to try It.
Write today , before you forgot It ,
iffiTl IBSTATI3l Il5'
On Improved Farms In Iowa
For Rent or Sale The 10. H , Odcll prop
erty on High Bchool avenue , S rooms , mod
ern. Rent , J30. Salt , $4,000.
One stable for rent.
Wo have a cuetomsr for a well Imnrored
farm of go to 120 acres within 7 miles of
Council Bluffs. AVI1I pay cnbh.
For Hern House of 8 rooms , bath , hot
and cold water ( soft ) , good stable , one aero
land and fruit. J' i pur month. For sale at
$6,000. No. OJ9 Franklin avenue. Can not
rent to family with children.
For Rent-Flat nt 221 South Seventh ; modern ; ISO ,
HOURO of 5 rooms for rent. No. 320 Plai
ner street , J12.
Hoiibo of G rooms , city water , 2C3S Ave-
nut it. Rent , * S ,
\\'n are now agents for the Liability De
partment of the Travelers' Insurance
rompany of Hartford. Conn.
List your proprrty with us for sale ,
or rent.
LOUG1315 & IXUG 13 B.
No. 102 South Main Street.
Council niufffl , 7a. .
Telephone 312. ' v
is hastened , ( he patient strength
ened and appetite increased , by
( he use of
tbe greatest food tonic.
As desirable for ( he well as for ( he ill. Uncqualcd in ( he world of tonics
for all. young and old.
Prepared only by
Brewers of the purest and most famous brands of bottled beer
for family and club use.
Every mother tlint looks thrhroush our line of Vesteo Suits Is
surprised ivt the oloputco nnd extremely low prices. AVe ex
orcised a great deal of care In selecting our line for spring
nnd are anxious that every mother In western Iowa should
take .advantngu of It. As a further Inducement we will offer
nil of our
51..V ) suits for. ? 1.00 $ : { . ! . - . suits for.
.v.0 ( ) suits for. Lfirt ii.0 : suits for.
? ' VJr > stilts for. $1.00 suits for. : t.oo
'J'.r.O ' suits for. 1.7 l.t'O suits for. 15.50
? U.7. ( suits for. 12.00 ! ? r > .00 suits for. . : ! .75
Wo will cut the price of every Vesteo Kult In the house.
Take Advantage of This.
Successors to Metcalf Bros.
o .
g IO Cents. 5 Cents.
Inhn Pi Distributors , 3
JOim U. Biurfs.
, council . fi
Jan. 6.
Friends said I was in the last
stages of consumption. I wns as yel
low as gold and very black under
the eyes. 1 couldn't walk more
than two blocks without sitting
down. I felt my time to die had
come. Then 1 began taking Wine
of Cardui and Black-Draught. Ohl
what relief they brought me. I feel
like going to the end of the earth
to tell every afflicted woman about
them. My skin now is so clear and
fair my friends hardly know me.
A woman cannot have a fair skin or fine figure if her wo
manly organs are weak or diseased. Such a thing is utterly im
possible. On the other hand , a woman with strong , vigorous ,
perfectly healthy organs cannot be homely , emaciated or unat
tractive. The minute you drive disease out , the features , the
skin aivi the figure will show a wonderful change for the belter.
Beauty in woman is nothing but the outward indication of
health. Wine of Cardui does for women what cosmetics and
powders cannot do. It is for the cure of all feminine ailments.
It doesn't matter much what the doctors call the trouble. Wine
of Cardui is the remedy. No suffering woman ought to delay
in curing herself with It. Her * ,
pains and aches and drains
For ulvlca In case * requiring tp -
can be stopped just as soon elal directions , ' , oddreasKlTlngnjrop- ,
torn ) Lailin' ili-ttorv lltvarttntnt
she Is ( take the The Cbattmnoocn M illclno Co.
as ready o Cbattunooga , Tenn ,
one remedy that cures her sex. '
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.00.
One-Half Our Regular Prices Until the 1st of next Month ,
If we can see you at our offices long enough to fit our
scientific support ( truss ) and give one 1 reatinent , we can cure
your rupture. Our new and wonderful discovery in the
treatment of nil forms of rupture enables us to do this with
perfect satisfaction.
In 7 to 10 Days , by one Painless Operation ,
Without the use of Knife , Ligature , Clamp or
Cautery. Rectal Diseases and Rupture a Spec
"We refer by permission to more than three hundred
prominent business men , bankers and others in Omaha
and vicinity ; also thousands of others in Western States.
Circulars and list of references sent on application.
031-932-933 N. Y. Life ,
- - Bldg , OMAHA. NUB.