Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 rrrra OMATTA DAIT/T BEE : SATTT-RDAY , KAY 20 , isno.
Nine Roads Operated by tha Company Under
Lease Bought Outright.
O TIIOPJ of Uie llnrltiiKtnn Will Con
tinue Tliln I'o I Icy mill Outlier
Otlirr llnniln Into the
1'nront I'olil.
CHICAGO , May 10. Nine railroads that
the ChlcnRO , Durllngton & Qulncy company
_ . , - ' ' lias been operntlnR under lenses for years
have been bought outright by this corpora-
tlon nnd hereafter they will bo parts of the
lilg system. Following nro the roads whoso
Block and franchises have been sold to the
Ilurllngton : Illinois Valley & Northern ,
Gnlcsburg & lllo , Chicago & lown , 1'corla &
Hannibal , Ottawa , Oswego & Fox Itlvcr Val
ley ; Illinois Grand Trunk , American Central ,
Qulncy & Warsaw , St. Louis , Hock Island &
Chicago. The purchase of those roads solidi
fies tbo system cast of the Missouri river.
It Is said that thu owners of the Burling
ton ilo not Intend to stop with thcso pur
chases , but will pursue the centralizes
policy until nil of the auxiliary lines now
operated by them under leases or otherwise
nro absorbed. Recently the Chicago , Bur
lington & Northern was taken in this way
nnd Itio next line booked for sale IB the Han.
ulbal & St. Joseph.
Jlny llrenk .Sntitlirrii I'ncllUMonopoly
Ilnllroad men are looking with Interest on
the prospect of a breaking of the monopoly
of Dm business In the extreme southwest
which the Southern Pacific bns always cn-
Joyod. Tbo Santa Fo has progressed so far
tis to bo able to announce the approaching
opening of a through train service from
Chicago to Stockton , Cnl. , and a probable
direct entrance In San Francisco by the end
of the Bummer. When these things have
been accomplished , thcro will probably bo an
end to the discussion which has gene on In
California and the far west for years , as to
whether tha Southern Pacific had done a
great deal for the region or had selllBhly
pursued Its own end . All residents of that
part of the country , 'whether friendly to the
Southern Pacific or hostile , welcome a corn-
gating road Into tbo territory. It Is certain
that more of thorn nro glad to sco the road
como In than nro sorry the Southern Pacific
will lose Its Kolo control of the country.
Tbo Santa Fo got Into the country by
purchasing a controlling Interest In the San
Jonquln Valley railroad , < bullt north and
Bouth through the elate by Spreckels
Brothers nnd ' .Mayor Sutro. To connect this
with the terminal of tholr own line , they
liavo had to lease trackage rights of the
Southern Pacific through the Mojave desert.
CInlin AKontN to Meet.
.T. II. Manchester , general claim agent of
the Union Pacific , will leave this week for
Coburg , Canada , where ho will adjust a
claim , wndwill then proceed to Buffalo , N.
Y. , where ho will attend the meeting of the
national association of claim agents. This
Is an organization which Mr. Manchester was
Instrumental In having formed , being among
the 11 rat to suggest It. It has become ono
of the strongest bodies of Its kind in the
country and has proven of great value to
the members. The claim agents of all the
largo roads of tbo country are members of
It and attend Its nnnual sessions regularly ,
iwhcre they discuss methods of settling
claims , Improvements In the service , newly
discovered means of defrauding the com
panies and kindred subjects. Addresses nro
inado by eminent medical and legal authori
ties ; by the former on the nature of Injuries
nnd diseases produced by railway accidents
and the various devices by which the symp
toms are simulated , nnd by the latter on the
legal phases of claims against railroad com
panies. Every year the association pub
lishes the results of the mooting and the ad
dresses made before it.
Kows from the Chicago meeting of pas
senger officials Indicate that thcro Is a good
chance of securing the Union Pacific for a
member of the now western association
when It is organized. Heretofore the road
lias refused to < be a party to the discussions
of passenger Interests In tha west or to
these of th'o advisability of reorganizing tbo
nssoclatlon. But In the present conference
It has been represented all the time. So far
It has given no indication of Us Intentions ,
tout Its representation at the meeting is
counted for much and is looked upon as a
result of the action of President Burt In
consenting to bo present at the meeting of
beads of western roads In Chicago the other
tiny , at which the Immigrant clearing house
question was tnkcu up.
From all that can bo learned no agreement
satisfactory to nil the roads represented has
yet been drawn up. Olio has been consid
ered , but certain sections have been found
to bo objectionable. The meeting will ad
journ this week ,
Iliillwny JVoli-N ami riTm > ii < il .
N. Vnnderpool , traveling passenger agent
Of the Now York Central , is in the city.
J. A. Mouroo of the Union Pacific freight
traffic manager's olllco has returned from
D. W. Hitchcock , general agent of the
Union Pacific at San Francisco , Is in the
city , on his way back from Chicago. While
in the city ho lost his pocketbook containing
nil his railroad passes , but recovered it
within a short time. Ho says bo can got
lioino oven if the passes have been bulle
tined ns lost , and shows a bunch of passes
issued by tbo Treasury department of the
United States , which ho says will transport
liliu anywhere.
Money to 1'iiy City AVnrrnntH.
City Treasurer Edwards has called In
about 725,000 of outstanding warrants on
vhlch Interest will cease next Monday. Of
this amount. $5,000 will bo used In taking up
pinking fund warrants and a similar amount
in canceling water rent warrants that are nt
present hold by local banks. Other warrants
to ba taken up bear the following reglstcicd
numbers , the figures being Inclusive : Police
fund , -1,420 to 4,459 ; fire fund , -1,500 to1,561 ;
light fund , f83 to liSI ; street cleaning and
sweeping fund , 27 to 42.
"We null Our Tour IJiMiiinmli' "
Is the title of a very charming nnd enter
tainingly written story which has just been
issued In book form by tha Passenger De
partment of the Lake Bhoro & Michigan
Southern railway. The Intending numiner
tourist will find It not only interesting but
instructive. It will bo sent free to nny
address on application to F. QI. Byron , O.
JV. A. , Chicago , or U. P. Humphrey , T. P ,
'A. ' , Kansas City , Mo. , or A. J. Smith , G. P.
'A. ' , Cleveland ,
First of the MIMIHOII.
Excursion to Buffalo via the Nickel1 Plato
road , at one fare for the round trip. Tickets
on sale Juno llth , 12th and 13th , good re
turning to anil Including July 2nd , 1899 , pro-
vidlng they are deposited with Joint agent
in Buffalo on or before Juno 17 , 181)9 ) , Do
not miss this opportunity of vltsltlng Buffalo
and Niagara Falls nt a very reasonable ex
panse , City ticket oillce , 111 Adams st. ,
Chicago. Depot. Van linren street paspcnger
elation , Chicago , on the elevated loop.
Wanted , two first-class tea and coffee
salesmen. Useless to write unless you have
a trade In thcso goods. salary to right
men , H. 0. Fisher , Chicago.
Iron , brass castings. Ind. Iron Wks. Tel 1449
Her Grand Hotel Turkish Baths now open.
Hayden Bros. ' big store ad is on page 6.
Tuylor ( ioi-s ( u llulTiilo.
Prof. K. W. Taylor of Lincoln has been
elected superintendent of concessions and
tiding director.of exhibits of the Pan-Amer
ican exposition to bo held at Buffalo and will
ubsume the duties of that position June 1.
'Prof , Taylor Is u member of the ( acuity
of the Stntc university , nnd for sevcrnl years
'jns bad special charge of the conduct ot
farmers' Institutes. I iit yenr ho was mi-
ncrlntcndcnt ot the horticultural dppnrtment
of th TrnnsmlMlsslppl Imposition.
Dun ! Hole In I'lnjcil for r. Short Srn-
min liy .lumen llor cr , MMV
Undi'iArreM. .
An Interesting modern Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr.
Hyde career wns brought to nn ignominious
end Thursday afternoon when Detectives
Keysor and Sullivan placed J nines Berger
under arrest for grand larceny.
As Dr. Jekyll , Berger was an ofllco nsslst-
ant In the employ of H. B. Wilson , M. D. .
1106 South Tenth street. His duties were
not arduous nor exalted ; ho had only to
clean up the ofllco nnd wait on the door.
As Mr. Hyde , Berger posed as Dr. Wil
son's confidential clerk. He drove the doc
tor's fast horses , went to the doctor's friends
nnd borrowed money , asserting that his em
ployer sent him , and then ho had parties of
his own wayward companions visit him at
the doctor's home. There they held high
carnival with things to eat and drink , and
when the companions departed In the small
hours of the morning their pockets bulged
with the doctor's personal property. All
these things happened while Dr. Wilson was
out of the city on a vUlt. I/ast week ho re
turned and the orgies ceased. So did Bor-
ger's term of service In the ofilce.
Dr. Wilson began to miss things nnd finally
suspecting bis former clerk he bad detectives
detailed to search for the stolen articles ,
some of which were recovered. The sequel
was Borger's arrest for grand larceny.
Berger pleaded not guilty In police court
Friday. Ills examination was set for May
13. Ho is accused of taking an assortment
of clothing valued nt nbout $190.
Page R Is where you will find the big
store's ad.
Ciijitnln IIutclicHOii , Acting AmiUtatit
Adjutant General , AiinniinccH
Sentenced of Conrl-Miirtlnl.
The following sentences of court-martial
have been announced by Captain Hutchcson ,
ncttng assistant adjutant general :
Private William C. Brown , Troop B , Sixth
cavalry , guilty of conduct to the prejudice
of good order nnd military discipline , to be
confined at hard labor for two months ana
the forfeit of his pay for tlio same period.
Private Joseph A. Mullen , Troop D , Sixth
cavalry , same offense , to six months' con
finement at hard labor nnd to forfeit $10
per month for the same period
Private John II. Cain , Troop Ij , Sixth cav
alry , drunkenness nnd resistance of a non
commissioned officer , confinement nt hard
labor for six months and forfeiture of $10
per month.
Private Frank S. Jones , Company B , Fif
teenth infantry , guilty of absence without
leave for more than ninety days , to bo dis
honorably discharged , forfeiting all pay and
Private Joseph J. Halney , Troop F , Sixth
cavalry , guilty of quitting guard , two
months nt hard labor and forfeiture of $10
per month.
The general court-martial at Fort Robin
son , convened by orders from the licadquar-
ters of this department , has been dissolved
by drdor.
Omaha Blcyclo Co.'s riding school opened.
Before you throw this paper nsldo read
Hayden's advertisement on page 5.
Central Labor Union.
Attendance nt the meeting of the Central
Labor union last evening in Labor temple
wns unusually light , owing to the unpleasant
weather , and very llttlo business of impor
tance was transacted. The presiding ofilcer
was W. H. Bell.
A motion was offered and passed authoriz
ing the appointment of n committee to ar
range the exchange of fraternal1 delegates
between the central unions of this city nnd
South Omaha. Those who were chosen to
servo were J. B. Shupp , George J , Klcffner
and J. H. Ryan.
A proposed change ot the constitution was
announced providing that the day of meet
ing bo changed to Sunday. The alteration
will bo voted upon at the next meeting.
The secretary was instructed to request
Mayor Moores to ask business men to close
the doors of their stores Memorial day.
The committee on the labor directory was
Instructed to annul the contract with the
publisher of the directory , for the reason
that the tlmo had run out.
Dent's Toothache Gum Is sold everywhere
by all first-class druggists. 1C cents.
Only T o AVnllc Out.
The report that n strike had been declared
among the worklngmcn on tha exposition
grounds is not as serious ns It indicates
upon Its surface. Rumor had It that nil
the union labor on the grounds went out
on the strike , nnd while this Is largely true ,
the sarlousnefs of the situation Is abated
by the fact that only two men walked out.
These were cfectrlcnl workers employed by
Electrical Superintendent Hustln. This Is
the result of a difficulty which has been on
for some time. Mr. Hustln has persistently
declined to discharge non-union men in his
employ , and the matter was carried to the
exposition executive committee. The com
mittee hns tried to compromise the matter
and went even so far as to pass a resolution
directing that In the future none hut union
laborers shall be employed on the grounds.
This , however , did not cover the small force
of men who have been working for some
time and do not belong to unions. This
wns not satisfactory to the unions.
A miiiiiju'rniciit * .
The peat sale for MansPeld will bo enor
mous. All day yesterday and nil through the
weary hours of last night stood hundreds
f men nnd boys In fine In Boyd's lobby nnd
partly out doors some of them were , nnd
Some were entirely BO In the heavy rain.
This line will bo maintained , with nil tbo
attendant discomforts , until the box office
Is opened this morning at. 9 o'clock. There
were scores nnd scores In that line who
had not tasted n meal for twcrvo hours. The
crowd began to cluster nbout the box as
early as 11 o'clock yesterday morning. U
wns n rnco to the window between the
A. D. T. boyw nnd the 0. M. E. company.
Frank Baker lead the race for the 0. M. Es.
nnd secured a place nt the window Just .is
the A. D. T.s' leader bounded through the
door. Then ensued a struggle between the
two for the right of lino. Baker , with his
wedge behind him , maintained his place nnd
held It with his supporters. After these
two factions were straightened out a most
motley crowd filed In behind them nnd after
some struggling fell Into place. At midnight
the line had extended out Into the street ,
where Its members , with turned up colr.irn ,
stood and took the rain and fatigue like
veteran soldiers.
The very largo number of applications for
tickets show that the women and children
nro taking an unusual Interest In the matl-
ni'o performance at the Orpheutn this after
noon. This Is largely due to the fact that
Manager Uoscnthal's Tittle proteges , Frances
McMlllcn nnd Mnrgnrct Stcphnn , the two
pretty nnd talented children from the Madi
son Avenue school , Council Bluffs , nre on
the bill. Thcso charming tots sing nnd
dnnco themselves Into the hearts of all nnd
compare favorably with many of the most
famous professionals. Billy Clifford nnd
Maud Hiith nro the bright particular stars
of the show and present n sketch which ro-
surts In hilarity from beginning to end. Fred
Nlblo , the splendid story-teller ; Bronson nnd
Scrvls , In an up-to-date specialty ; the gifted
Lo Monts , and Gardner nnd Gllmore nro nil
cFovor nnd Irresistibly entertaining. The
last performance of this most successful bill
will be given at 8:15 : tonight.
The regular Saturday mntluco will be
given at the Trocadero this afternoon with
all the pleasant features that go with it.
Women and children are Invited to attend ,
as special features will be presented for their
edification. Llttlo Vunltn , one of the clever
est child performers In the work , will pre
sent her pretty songs nnd dances for the
Ultra ones and llttlo Ben Mowalt will show
his talents as a fancy club swinger. If the
day bo pleasant the children have the
flower-laden garden to romp in during inter
missions. Tonight will bo the last oppor
tunity to sea this week's very strong bill
aud It has been the unanimous voice of the
people all week that it is worth seeing.
Next week Carl Smith , who , ns leading man
with that popular organization , the Wood
ward Stock company , was so popular hero
last summer , win present the comedietta ,
"The Hypnotist , " assisted by Beatrice Lelb ,
late leading woman with the Woodward
company nt Kansas City , nnd her sister.
Both nro tnlented women. Fllson and Erral ,
the leading exponents of farce comedy on
the vaudeville stage , will bo seen in the
funny sketch , "A Tip on the Derby. "
"Hob Hoy" will be presented by the Bos-
tonlans on their opening night at Boyd's
next Thursday. This opera needs no oecond
Introduction to amusement-goers. It has
long since reached its 3,000th performance
by this popular light opera company and it
has been voted by critics to be ono of the
best examples of native composition. "Rob
Roy" was produced some yenrs ago nnd hns
been played the length and breadth of the
rand ever since. Some years ago , when the
Bostonlans made a tour of the northwest ,
"Rob Roy" was rendered here , and Judging
from the many Inquiries already made , it
will find as many partisans as oven Brim
ful of engaging ballads and bright melodies ,
it is sufficient to say it will have a warm
welcome. Such favorites as Barnabee , MacDonald -
Donald , Jessie Bartlett Davis , Helen Bert
ram and others lead the company. On Fri
day night "Tho Serenade" will bo given
nnd nlso at the Saturday matinee. Saturday
night "Robin Hood" will bo sung.
Omaha Blcyclo Co.'s riding school opened.
1'rlzt'H for KNMiiy" .
Hon. Elbrldge" T. Gerry of New York of
fers to the pupils of the public schools of
the country three prizes for the best essays
on the "Life , Service and Work of Henry
Bclgh. " A gold medal1 valued at $50 will
be given for the best essay , a sliver medal
valued at $25 for the second best and a
silver modal valued at $15 for the third best.
All essays must be sent to Dr. Albert Lef-
flngwell , Aurora , N. Y. , on or before Sep
tember 15 , 1S99. Announcement of the suc
cessful students will be made through tha
press of the country. Francis II. Rowley
of Fall River , Mass. , wlir furnish informa
tion to all who communicate with him.
If you have piles , euro them. No use un
dergoing horrible operations that simply re
move the results of the disease without dis
turbing the disease Itself. Prace your confi
dence in DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
has never failed to euro others ; It will not
fall to cure you.
LooUliii ; for a Lost ItroUior.
The police hnvo been requested to watch
for n missing man , Jntnes F. Bradford , who
disappeared suddenly from his homo near
Hardy , Neb. The information of his depart
ure comes from his brother , C. F. Bradford ,
of Hardy , nnd was sent from Superior , where
Jnmes Bradford was last seen. Mr. Bradford
says ho fears his brother is mentally un
balanced. Ho was accompanied , when last
seen , by Harry Wells. Bradford Is described
as a man of dork complexion , black hair nnd
mustncho. The forefinger on his i ght hand
is crooked.
I )
f >
are yours If you are a sleeping car passenger on the Burlington's e
Daylight Chicago Special , which leaves Omaha at 6:40 : a. m. dally
for 1'eorla nnd Chicago. 8o
You will find them In the buffet smoking library car Just o
ahead of the sleeper easy chairs , a sofa , a well stocked buffet , o t
a writing desk , the illustrated weeklies , and all the popular 11 i *
Tlukct Olllcc Darlington New Station
ir.Oi ! I.'urnniu SI. 10th and MIIKCIU Sin.
Telephone , SJ5O. Telephone , 31O.
( ! lrl < lrnilun < r * OvcrwIiplimMl liy it
Sniilt CliiNM MfrtliiK Which Kli-otn
n lln > rrrililcnt.
"It Is nothing but n , downright mean
trick. "
That Is the unanimous verdict of the
girls with the exception of some half-score ,
who help to make up the graduating class
of the Omaha High school on the election
of Fre-1 Sweelcy to the class presidency to
succeed President Lawrence Underwood , re
signed. The senior boys , on the other hand ,
think their stolen march was the neatest
piece of political strategy ever worked la
the old school , famous for Its class lights.
Student politics , -which were stirred to
tholr deptlm by the stormy " 09 class meeting
Wednesday , culminated In a suddenly called
mooting Friday afternoon. All the boys'
candidates nnd their adherents were plainly
In on the deal , while nothing but nn
eleventh-hour noticewns given to the fair
opponents , whoso forces had scattered homo
nnd these remaining refused even to lend
countenance by tholr presenceto the snap
As a consequence only forty-thrco seniors
were drummed up , hut this was Just three
moro than the necessary quorum and three
was as good ns thirty for the purpose. Presi
dent Underwood's delayed resignation was
promptly forthcoming. On ballot for his
successor Fred Sweeley wns elected by
twonty-nlno votes , the other votes being di
vided between Sherman Smith nnd Newton
Buttlcy. Not n girl received ft single vote.
After performing thta coup Uio meeting
mndo seine minor changes In the- constitu
tion nnd adjourned.
What the glrlo who constitute an almost
two-thirds majority ot the class will do has
not yet been disclosed. They are mad
though , and they don't care who knows It.
The teachers of the High school have re
fused to Interfere , on the ground that the
controversy Is n purely class matter.
Follow the crowd to Hoyden's and you
will find the bargains.
Oiiinhn. In Ohlcnuro.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has just plnced in service two magnifi
cent electric lighted trains between Omaha
nnd Chicago , leaving Omaha dally nt D:45 :
p. m. , arriving nt Chlcngo nt 8:25 : a. in. , nnd
leaving Chlcngo at C:1B p. in. and arriving nt
Omaha at 8:20 : a. m. Each trnla Is , lighted
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining
cars nnd reclining chair cars and runs over
the shortest line nnd smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket office 1501 Farnara street and at
Union depot.
Oeiitrj-'n DOK mill 1'oiiy Show.
Gentry's nnlmar actors , comprising his fa
mous dog nnd pony show , to say nothing
of the monkeys , who add much to the humor
ous part ot the performance , are booked to
appear under a largo waterproof tent nt
Eighteenth nnd Douglas meets nil of next
wool : . Performances will bo given every
night nt 8:15 : nnd matinees Tuesday , Thurs
day , Friday nnd Saturday at 2:30 : p. m. ,
which , by the way , are given with every
attention to detail.
The professor's entertainment this year is
all new nnd original , tha old acts that
amused us years ago have been replaced by
up-to-dato features and now possess tha
charm of novelty.
Aside from the cleverness of the seventy-
eight dogs and forty-flve ponies , twelve
monkeys and a small baby elephant , the
professor also has a show of animal beauty ,
for all his animals are handsome.
The military drill Is now executed by
twelve ponies , and In a manner that would
delight even so old and critical a tactician
as Major General Miles.
B. Haas , florist , 1813 Vinton street , tele
phone 77G , has n large stock of plants for
decoration and beds , Including pansies in
great variety nnd the finest specimens In
the marker , Jcb he is ottering at surpris
ingly low prices. Among 16S < also are
petunias , geraniums , verbcnlas , fuehlns ,
cannas , lilies , begonias , roses , heliotropes ,
coleus , longlflorum ( extra fine ) , alternon-
there , pnniculata , ageratums , centanrens ,
hibiscus , bellis , aFyslum , abutllon , coboca ,
sonvensonla , two kinds of vincas for vases
and hanging boskets. Also hardy ro&es and
blooming shrubbery.
noscnthal , the world's greatest pianist ,
will play a return engagement with an en
tirely new program at the Congregational
church next Monday , May 22. Advance sale
now open at Chase's , 1G18 Farnnm street.
Got your tickets at once.
Mercer hotel , 12th nnd Howard
Omaha. European plan , 50c to $1.00.
$4,95 and S7.50
Thcso nre good cct-ts now ones fresh from
the hands of the makers and the prices
we make nt
nro away below real value. You'll find
them as great bargains us the JIuslin Underwear -
dorwear samples we an soiling and they
nre so good and cheap that many huvo
bought to lay away for future use.
PUT YOUH Funs AWAY right now In
ono of our ( Moth Proof Bags two slzes-COc
nnd COc.
lc for Slatcfi.
tic and lOo for shaving.
25c to 35o for scrubbing ,
COc to $1,00 for carriages.
Eo to ICc for washing baby.
25o to 35o for builders to wash bricks.
JOc to 25o for surgeons and gynaecologists.
20c for aurlluves ( washing the eara ) ,
The above nre small sponges fitted to B.
bono handle.
lOc to 15o for washing show casca and
lOc to ICc for keeping moisture In cigar
25c with silk string attached for surgical
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co ,
1513 Dodge direct , Omaha.
Always Reliable and Satisfactory.
Swift's '
Premium Brand
Sugar Cured Hams ,
Breakfast L'ocon nnd
Kettle Rendered Lard.
All Firt-ul > * Dculert.
i Bee , May SO , Utt. t
Special jxtra Special
for for
a 'tors
Two hundred dozen Ladies ? Straw Sailor * at ono-half nnd less than one
half regular price. The unexpected always happens , they say , and true it is.
Our Now York buyer sends us fifty cases ladies' straw sailors that come to us in
a way that wo can oflor you the boat selection of summer headgear yon can find
in Omaha , at one-half anc1 less than one-half dry goods and millinery store pri
ces. We have divided these hats up into three lots to sell at 45c , G5c and ( , )0c. )
Hats that bring elsewhere § 1 , yon can find here for 45c. Hats that bring § 1,25
and $1.50 elsewhere , you can find hero for Gf > c. Hats that bring elsewhere $2
and $2.50 , we offer you for 90c. Some of these hats are trimmed with line
silk , pleated bands with quill ornaments and rosette , bands come in a good as
sortment of colors. Some of these hats are rough braid , some of combination
of rough and plain some with blue , black and velvet bands the assortment
is complete in every respect , and the prices away below anything offered by
any house in Omaha. We want you to visit this store today and save one-half
of your hat money. Near by a fine and complete line of Ladies' ' Neckwear
at one half dry gools : stores prices. All now , crisp , stylish neckwear. We'd bo
pleased to have you visit this dep't today. Many things hero to teach yon
economy in your buying.
City Ticket Olllco it)2 : ( ) Kariiiini Street.
Telephone : tlI.
Natural Gray Egypt
ian Combed Yarn
Shirts or Drawers ,
ClONi : to Ilcimclt'H.
P. S. Before buying n man's suit
you "had better look and sco how
much wo cnn eave you. Respecta
ble Men's Wool Cheviot Sulta from
$3.00 up.
Wo cell the celebrated
The best guaranteed Mowers at
prices $2.45 up.
Wo are exclusive agents for the N. Y.
Belting and Packing Co.'s Hose. Our |
warranted brands are : "Comet , "
"Double Diamond , " "Falcon , " "Car- |
bon " " " " . " Prices
, "Spider , "Electric. ,
from Sc foot up.
Climax Galvanized Poultry Netting |
All widths from 12-Inch to C feet.
For doors and windows. Wo have i
green , black nnd drab , in widths from
24-inch to 48-Inch.
c *
Cor. I4fh and Farnam.
3181-2 South fifteenth Street
J. S. bTU\VAIIT , SI'HCIAb AftU.Vr ,
t _ Ouiuliu , Null ,
Ready to Wear Spring Suits
A review of our magnificent offerings is in order. New
stripes and checks , made by leading clothing manui'acturerg
in America. Satisfaction and lit guaranteed or your money
back always.
-AT $5.OO
Wo are showing the largest and most exclusive range of .bright , nobby , abso
lutely all wool cnsslmero and fancy chovlots , in every conceivable pattern the ex
cellent tailoring , fit and finish of thcso suitings at the price make them positively
the best values wo have ever offered.
Wo are showing the newest and most desirable styles that will be seen this
season. These garments contain all the little kinks nnd now ideas that can bo found
only In high grade clothing. The fabrics are ot high grade , solid casslmero and
lancy worsted , Venetian suitings and club checks.
Wo particularly call the nttcntlon of gentlemen who have their clothes made to
order to the extraordinary offerings at these prices. This line contains all the new
est and most fashionable fabrics that are shown only by the swell merchant tail
ors. Wo will fit you perfectly nnd with less trouble than If you had your suit
made to order. YOUR SAVING WILL BE FROM $5.00 TO $10.00.
EXTRA SPECIAL SALE on boys' and children's clothing for Saturday. The
elegant new Naval Box Kite given nway with all boys' suits.
s for Saturday Only.
23 dozen children's Tarn O'Shanters , In blue , brown , green , checked and white ,
worth 35c to 50c , will go at 15c.
15 dozen children's Straw Yard Hats , in white , blue , green and brown , worth
from 23c to 35c , will go at l."c.
25 dozen children's fancy Straw Yard Hats , with satin trimmings , In red , green ,
blue nnd white , worth 3oc to 50c , on sale nt 25c.
10 dozen men's Straw nnd Crash Hats , regular 35c nnd 50c values , will go at 25c.
12 dozen men's Straw Hats , Canton braid , regular 75c and 11 values , will go
at 50c.
Also a full line of men's finest grade Straw Hats , regular $ l.fl ) and $2.00 values ,
will go nt 75c and $1.00.
A complete line of men's Fur Hats , In all colors and newest block , from
COc to $3.00.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
WG Don't Talk Much !
We JJo Not IIcivo To !
The Baldwin piano talks for Itself. What Is better still , It
makes friends that do the talking for us.
Every ono who sees the Baldwin piano tolls every ono they
know what n wonderful piano It is. A piano different to nny
other they have over seen. They tell about the magnificently
handsome case designs. The beautiful , rich mellow tonca , The
exquisite touch. Then they tell about the great advantage to bo
derived by purchasing the best piano , direct from the factory ,
saving money and securing liberal terms. That Is tbo reason wo
do not talk much and "always look pleasant. " That Is the
reason the now piano store Is selling so many pianos The
"Lucky Baldwin. "
l.'ACTOHV Hi : I'H
17 IO Farnam Street. Bee Building.
rod h on els
Persons with red hair are far less llkoly
to become bald than these who have hair of
another color. Hair of dark color Is generally -
ally much liner than red lialr , and three
dark hairs cover as mud ; space u a single
red hair. Ited hair denotes a sympathetic
and passionate nature ,
Cahl not
lager beer Is a tonic , stimulant and appe
tizer for either blondes or brunettes , In
valids or well people. Its purity and
strength are unequalled. The flavor that ot
unadulterated beer n very rare thing nowa-
dajri. Made of tha finest Bohemian dm.
sorted ) hops and selected malt with no
other Ingredient , how could It bo any
thing but pure. But Cabinet beer matches
red hair , all right , all right. Try a case.
FltKD KHtC ; UltliU'JMJ CO. ,
Telephone 420. 1007 Jackson St. .
Is a preparation of the Drug by which It *
Injurious effects are removed , while the val
uable medicinal properties are retained , H
possesses all the sedative , anodyne and antl-
spasmodic powers of Opium , but producei
no sickness of tbo stomach , no vomiting , no
coatlveneea , no headache. In acute nervous
disorders It Is an Invaluable remedy , and U
recommended by the bent physicians ,
ox m : < iii'T or nuns , r.oe.
723 Ponrl St. : Now York.
1'iiiMT c O\JII : < ; . \TIO\AI , riiritcii.
Advance mile , 1618 Farnam St. , now open.
Tickets bought In advance , 11.00. Admit-
eJou evening of recital ,