1 TTTE 031 ATT A DAIT/T TUESDAY , ] \IAV \ ! ) . 18JW. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Buffalo Strike Again Haa Weakening Effect on Wheat. LATE LETHARGY IN CEREALS UNBROKEN 1'rovlnlonn Ilccovcr Sllntitlr from JUiHt VVeck'n lietrenilon | mill Slmiv Slntcrlnl Ailtnnrrn In Smnll Ilc- cclptn I.nril nnit Hltm Hull. CHICAGO , Mny -The practical embargo on RhlppliiE business os a result of the grain sho\clers' strike at Buffalo weakened the grain markets toilay. ravorablo se ding conditions stimulated the selling movement. Wheat closed 4ft4c lower , corn % o and oats % c. Pork lost 10 , lard 7'4o and rlba 2 4fi6c. Uiiltlsli state crop reports nnd a belief among traders that the government report would show u harp decllnj In the condi tion started whtnt llrm. Trade was dull , however , nnd the market turned weak under heavy realizing. Tavorable weather and the blockade at Buffalo accelerated tha de cline July opened unchanged at 72l/lft72'litC advanced to 725' c , declined to 71"V071c " nnd closed with Imjers nt 71 > tc. Itucolpts wcro comparatively light Chicago recelv d 6i dug 1 of which graded contract. Mlnnv- npoiU and Uuluth got 319 cars , compand wItli 60Sn year ago The aggregate at west ern primary mailiets was 4ux.OOO bit. , against WS.OoO bu. last > car. World's shipments to jurop vvero S.WO.OOO bu. and wheat on ocean pnnsage shovv.d nn Increase of 2,112- 000 bu for the week. The visible supply de- crua ed 678OU < > bil. , compared with 73oou0 bu. decrease lait yenr Cash demand poor. Prospects of nn Immense acreage and th tleup In Inko navigation nt Buffalo weak- itu < l corn The visible decreased 3iCSOOp bu. llceelpts , 220 cars July opened a shade lower at 33 ifl33c. touched 33\Q33"4c nnd declined to .lit at the close. Largo receipts and the weakness In wheat and rorn cnuitii the downfall of oats. The visible decreased 1,622.000 bu. Receipts. 410 cats Jtilj started unchanged at 23 > 4o and dfrllmd to Ci'/ic. , Covering In oonsequenco of comparatively ttnull hoc receipts strengthened provisions onrlv. The ndvanco was all lost , however , on piollt taking. July pork opened 2'/4o higher at JS 724 , advanced to * S.7.,4 and de clined to JSCO. sellers , at the close. July lard started unchanged at $5.1ii4 , rose to 65 2J and dwjllned to $510 at the close , atlbs were dull within a narrow range. Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat. tz cars , torn , 230 cars ; oats , 600 cars ; hogs , 21,000 head. landing future * rans rt a followi : Artlclus open 71 70 70 S I lit 71H3X 1M iU 71 71W iU.uu .uu m 31 MM 'h ' 33 > | 3-Us 20H 20H JtU 2V4 21H 21H aiH < W 8 CO 87'JMi BOO Rin 870 HOI ) 81)0 ) 887M 87S 8874 cno C 10 RIO S02 620 CIO A 10 * UO 402K ' ' 4 70 'iTo' 470 4 76 187 h , 1UU as 487H No 2. Cash ntiotnt.'ons were as follows : FLOUR Quiet and unchanged : winter patents $3500360. straights , $3200330 ; clears , $3000110 ; spring specials , $1100425 ; patents , Si 3003 70 ; straights , $28003.10 ; bak rs $2200250. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 71072c ; No. 3 epilng. t)7ff(71c ( ; No. 2 red , 74Q7bc. CO UN No. 2 , 33033Uc ; No. 2 jellow , 33Vs0 > c OATS No 2. 263J027c ; No. 3 white , 30c ; { No 1 white , 29c , JlYINo 2 5SV4c. BARLEY No 2 , 36041C. SEEDS No. 1 llaxse d , $1.11 ; northwest , 51120113 , pilme timothy , $235 ; clover , con- Hr.ict grade , $6 45 PROVISIONS Pork per bbl. , $ S 5008 55 SMTH. per 100 Ibs , $5050510. Short ribs Bides ( loose ) , $4400470 , Dry salted shoul ders ( boxen ) . $4.J5CI.BO. | Short clear sides < boxcd ) . $4 S5fT4 95. WHISKY Distillers' nnhhed goods , per cal , $1.26 SUGARS Cut loaf , $395 ; granulated , $545. Th following are the receipts and ship ments for today. Articles Receipts Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls . 11,000 14,000 Wheat , bu . 56,000 330,000 Corn , bu . 172.000 1,130,000 Oats bu . 407,000 199,000 RJP. bu . 4.000 1S7.0CO Barley , bu . 12,000 6,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter miukPt was steady ; creameries , 120) ) 16c : dairies , 10014c. Eggs , steady ; fresh , ll'ic. Cheese , -weak ; creams , lOV&dllc. RUW YOHIC GOUIlAlj SIAIIKHT. for the Iny on General ConiiiioilltloH. NEW YORK. May S FLOUR Receipts , I3.90J bbls.exports ; , 17,567 bbls. ; weak and nominally lower , winter patents , $3750400 ; winter straights , $3530365 , winter extras , 12600300 ; winter low grades , $2.450253 ; Min nesota. patents. $3 S304 10 ; Minnesota bakers , f3 0003 20. Rye Hour , dull : good to fall. $300 K J 15 cholco to fancy , $ J 2003 40 CORNMEAU < } ulet , yellow western , 84 ® 65c. cltj , MCrtS6c , Urandywine , $ . ' 030220 RYE-Dnll ; No. 2 western. 2Sc f. o. b. afloat BARLEY Easy ; fJedlng , 4U,042i,4c ; malt ing , 47050 c c. 1. f Buffalo , opening navlgd- BARLEY MALT Dull : western. 510t > 1c AVHEAT Receipts 46,250 bu ; exports , 208- B4 bu Spot easy. No. 2 red , SS c bpnt f. o b alloat nnd 9c nlevator ; No 2 red , S2tc to arrive fob alloat , No 1 northern , Duluth - luth , SO c f o , b alloat to arrive. Options opened steady on the bullish Illinois state report , but developed heaviness that lasted nil dn > and left the imiket weak at 80SHC net decline- . Wall street unloaded consld- trnble vvlutit and local houses sold on fa- loinblo crop weather and light export busi ness , May. 7SVVfJ7l'c ' , clos d 7i > 'ie , July. 767-16 If Ml. closc-d til' " ! . , Septembci 75'4076V ' \ c. closed 75Hc : December , 701fr7714C { | , closed COP.N Ilccelpts 2W COO bu : exports 125- 199 bu Spot weak. No. 2 , 40J4Unc f o. b illo.it to airlve nnd spot Options opened itMilv with wheat , but turned weak und r i tree llnuldntlon and closed heavy at { ? ' / _ < . ! not 0 ( line. Maj SSVfTSS'JiC. closed SS'SjC , ' kulv , JS'tfiSSftc , closed , 3SHc ; September , ISMi Ill-No , closed 3M4c. OATS-ItoeolpK 2DG.00 ! bu. ; exports , 112- 111 bu , Spot dull : No 2 whit" . 35V4c ; No. 3 ivlilte , 3l'ic , tr.ick. mixed western , JPffSSlfcc ; Irack white , 3n.tI3S'Ac. { Options dull 1IAV StiMidy : shipping , JoOOJiGOO , peed to [ holce. $ fi50iT7.50. common to choice. DP HS(13c ; 1SOS crop. 1K9G crop , ( , B7e , 1S07 ' 17 < flSe. H'llVKS Steady ; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lounds. lCViiri7o ; Tejina dry , 21 to 25 > oun < ls , 12'4ffl3c ' ; California , 21 to 25 tounilp liV.u LKATlinil rirm : hemlock sole. Buenos Hvres llslit to heavywciKhts , SO * f)21V4p' ) PROVISIONS Ileef , st adv. family , JJ50 bll.fiO ; extra mess $100 : bief hams , J19M U200i ) ; nacUot. J'l DOfl 10 00 ; city extra. India > iefs. MlfOlilSGO. Cut meats , steady ; tickled bellies $5 OOfft ! 00 ; pickled shoulder1" , .125W4 BO ; pickled hams. $7.2" > ? iSOO. Lard. , seak ; western st ameil. J3 3JH : rellned. \ lasy ; continent. $1 Tfl. South Amerlein , JO.OO ; 1 ompouml , $125f4.s2i4. | ; Pork , quiet ; mess , ISoOfi'lOO : short clear , $1025 1200 ; family , aOBOffll.OO Tallow , steadier ( } 200 per pack- igo ) nt 45Tll-16u : country ( pickages frao ) , [ r4i.ie : city , 4 l-lC Wc , as to qmllty. HUTTIJH Stf. d > ; western creamery. Hff 7o ; westcvrn factory , 12ftl3o ; Imitation irtMinery. ISiilSc , CHUnisll Old. steady ; largo white , 12e ; Imall white , 12fT14c ; largo colored. 12o ; fniali colored , ISfll.'lo : new choise , steady ; nrt-'p , I'jWHo ' : small Oc. KOQS Klrm ; western fresh , ISUSflS'iOj toiitliorn , IS'iJil Uc , OILS Petroleum , dull ; refined New York , ti,8J , Philadelphia nnd IJaltlmoro. 6.W ! ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , In bulk , tl 40 Rosin , llrm ; strained , common to good , a.45iTl 50. Turpentine , llrm nt 4ljr4Hc ( lotions ed oil , weak and lower nt old prices ; ( rlmi ciude , 22525c ; prlmo crude f. o b nllla. ISJilSo ; prime summer vellow , 25Hi ? Co ; off summer vpllovv. 25If'5Hc ; better frndes , 30W32c : nrlmo winter jellow , 3vjf32c ( ; irlmo white , 30SSU- HICU Steadv : domestic , fair to extra , 4a | 7o ; Japan. 4j i5\40. JIOLASSUS-St ady ; New Orleans , open let tic good to choice. S2il3l > p , MCTALS The market showed a certain ( mount of bnftnrss under lack of demand Ind larger nlforlnps. Changes , however , ara lot of bpoc'al consequence. N ws from irlmary points and nbroad avoiaged up jrcttv much ns expected. At the close the ile4nl exchange called pig iron warrants inlet at HI Oj , nominal ; lake copper , dull nt a00 : tin , dull anil low r with J.'SCO bid Hid 12570 askedleid. . quiet bu tlrm with 45 bid and $150 asked ; snelter , quiet wlih 076 bid and 7 00 abked. The brokers' price br lead Is II 20 and for copper 119 (0. 11 a III m f > rr MnrUet. BALTIMORE , May S FLOUU-Qulet but Irm , western supcrftne , J225Q2W ; western , $2 SOUS W , western family , $33Bf3W ; winter wheat pat nt * . $175 190 , spring wheat paimts , $190 (10 ( , spring wheat utrn'ght$165i3 ' SG , receipts , 19,203 bbls. , ex port * , 11,011 bbls. \ \ HEAT Dull nnd easier , spot , the month nnd June 7M/76i4c , July , 75 > ic asked ; Hlpamer , No. 2 red. 70070 < ic ; receipts , 100- 368 bu , flotith rn , by sample , 70J76c ; south ern , on grade. 70'Jf(75'ic ' COHN-En ler , spot , 37 > i03Sc : the month nnd June , 37 > v S.aio . ; J lV , 3Hc bid : steamer mixed. 380S6'4c. receipts , 115.S98 bu , ; ex ports , 2&I.J50 bu , southern white corn , 42c , "outhern yellow corn , 3.S'4039c. . OATS-Uull nnd easy. No. 2 white. 35c ; Nn 2 mixed , 12JJ32Mc , , receipts , 37,473 bu. BUTTEH-Stend > , fancy creamery. 180 l c , fancy imltntlon , 16ffl7c ; fancy ladle , 14 # 15c ; good ladle , 13Ql4c ; store packed , llS12c ; rolls . EOOS Stcady at 12c per doz. CHEESE-Qulet ; 60-lb. large , JO&c ; 37-lb. medium , lO-'Hc ; 23-lb. email , lie. OMAHA < ii : > r.lt\l , MAIIKHT. Condition of Trnile nnil ( Inotntloim on Sdiil < - anil I'lincy Produce. EGGS Receipts light ; demand good ftt lie. BUTTER-Common to fair , logilo ; choice , 12@Uc ; separator. ISc ; gathered creamery , ICc , POULTRY Hin * . live. 9c ; old nnd staggy roosters , live , 40Sc ; ducks nnd eese , live , S09c , turkevs , live , lOc , broilers , dressed , per doz , $4 50 I'lGEONS Live , per doz , 75c0$1.00. VEALS Choice , Oc I'RESH WATER riSH-Catnsh , per lb. , 12c , buffalo , per lb , dressed , 60ic ; white Ilsh , lOc , lauo trout , 9c , yellow pike , dre sed , 9c ; round , be , illvcr herring , 6c ; perch , 60 , bullheads , dressed , lOc , black bass , 145715C. SEA FISH Flounders , So ; haddock , lOc : Columbia river salmon , 15c ; halibut , Ho ; blue fish , lOc ; Spanish mackerel , lOc ; red napptr , lOc , extra large mackerel , each 30c. rou shad , each , 40c : shad roe , per pair 20025C. FRUITS. STRAWBBRRlES-Per crate. $2.75. APPLES Ben Davlf , per bbl. , $3 00 ; Gen- Itons , $475 ; Now York Baldwins. Greenings nnd others , choice , per bbl. , $550 ; western boxed , $2 00 $200. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California , fancy , $1.5003.75 ; choice , $3 J503 50. Messina , fancy. $4 00 ORANGES Navels , fancy , $4 : choice , $3.7504 00. seedlings , $3.00 , Mod. sweets , $3 25 BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch , $2.250250 ; medium-sized bunches , DATES Hallowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Go ; Salr , Co ; Ford , 9-lb. boxes , lOc. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS-One-thtrd bu. , S0c0l 00. STRING BEANS-One-thlrd bu. . 60&75C PIEPLANT Homo grown , per lb , 2V4Q ) SV.c. BEETS Per bbl . $1.20. PARSNIPS Per bbl. , $1.23. RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 35040c. TOMATOES None In market. SPINACH Per basket , 75c$1.00. LETTUCE Homo grown , per dozen bunches. 40c. ASP VRAOUS Homo grown , per dozen bunches. 40060c. ONIONS Homo grown , per dozen bunches , according to size , 15020C. WATERCRESS-16-qt. cases , $1.00. CABBAGE Crated , per lb , 4c. . CAULIFLOWER Per crate , $2 2o02 50. ONIONS Per bu , 90c@l 00 , BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu , $1 50. POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked , 50 ® 60c ; Minnesota Burbanks , 75c ; Colorado , $1 00 ; curly Ojilo seed potatoes. $1 00@1.10 MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLD SYRUP Five-sal , cans , each , $2 50 , gal. cans , pur , per doz. , $12 ; half-cal. cans $ b 23 ; quart cans , $3 50. NUTS Almonds , per lb , 17c ; Brazils , per lb . 9010c ; English walnuts , per lb . fancy soft fhe'l , 120l3c ; standards. 10011c ; Al berts , per lb , He ; pecans , polished , S@10c ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 ; peanuts , raw , 54@6c ; roasted. 6V407c MAPLE SUGAR Choice. In tootes. 9c. HONEY Choice wnite. 12V2013C. CIDER Per half bin. . $3 SAUERKRAUT Pir half bbl. . $2 OOS2 25 BWEET POTATOES ncr bbl . seed , $2 00. CUCUMBERS Per doz , $1 50 NEW POTATOES Per bbl , $5 50 ; per bu , * 22 ° ' HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Hie ; No 2 creen hides , 6Vlc : No 1 salted hides SVJc ; No 2 salted hides , 7Hc ; No. 1 veal calf ,8 to 12 lb = > , lOc : No 2 veal calf. It to 15 .bs , 8c. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , SUc ; tallow , No 2 , 3c ; rough tallow , l c ; white grease , 2H03c : yellow and brown grease FUHS Mink. 100 > 75c : bear { black or brown ) . $5 00020 00. otter. $1 5008 00 : beaver , $1000600 ; skunk , 15075c : muskrat , 3010c ; raccoon , 15050c ; red fox. 25cft$125 ; gray fox , 25050c : wolf ( timber ) . 25c < jM250 , wolf , ( prairie ) , coyote lOSoOc ; wildcat , l&H2oc ; badger. 5040c : silver fox , $3000075.00 SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , epch. 15 ® 75c , green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shear'ngs ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb , , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint , Kan as and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. actual weight , 304c ; dry flint , Colo- jade butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 40oc ; dry flint , Colorado murrain woo. pelts , per lb , actual weight. 34c. STATKMUVr OP VISIBLE SUPPLY. Dcoreatie Aoteil In AH the Grnlnn , E - DL-elally Corn. NEW YORK. May S The statement of the visible supply of grain In store and alloat on Saturday , May 0 , as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange , la as follows : Wheat , 27,466000 bu. ; decrease , 678,000 bu. Corn , 22 005,000 bu. ; decrease , 3,821,000 bu. Oats , 7,750000 bu ; decrease , 1.027,000 bu. live , 906.000 bu , decrease , . ' 13,000 bu. Barley , 1,601.000 bu. ; decrease , 69,000 bu. KIIIIMIIM City Ornlii MnrUet. KANSAS CITY. May S.-WHEAT-Fu- tures weak and lower ; May closed 644c : July opened 657Bc. sold betwein 6Si and 66itc. closing e5 8ccash. ; . No 1 hard , steady , weakened to the close ; soft dull and lower ; No 2 hard , Gl' 'Oc ; No. 2 red , 78060c ; No. 2 spring , 66c CORN Futures lower ; July opened 3034c , declined to SOl.c. closed 30 < 8c. September opened 31".c , went to 31Uc , closed 31 > 4c : cash , demand rather 1'ght ; No. 2 mixed , 31'/i S3.'c. No 2 white , 33H034C. OATS Demand rather Indifferent and prices about steid > , No 2 mixed , 2i',402Sc ; No 2 white. 29i29V6c. | RYE St = adv , No 2 , 51c HAY Demand fair and prices barely steadj , choice timothy , $9 0009 50 ; cholco prairie , $77508.25 , . , - , HUTTI3R Lower ; creamery , 12015e ; "EG6s-ODecldctUy " flrm ; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , In new rases , cases included , 'lO"c : cases returned , lOc. RECEIPTS Wheat , 3S.OOO bu. ; corn , 43,000 bu : oats , 1,000 bu SHIPMENTS Wh'at , 10,200 bu , ; corn , 20- 800 bu. ; oats , 10,000 St. I.oulN MnrKct. ST. LOUIS , May 8 FLOUR Dull ; with out change. Patents. $3750385 ; straights , $ J 35(773 ( 4i ; clear , $3 0003 20. SEEDS Prlmo timothy feed , $225. CORNMEAI , $1.S501 90. BRAN Quiet , sacked , cast track , 60c HAY Steady to flrm. Timothy , $9 DO 01300 RYE 50o. WHISKY-Stendy nt $1.26. COTTON TIES-S5C , HAOOINO ( ifti 4c. PROVISlONS-Dry salt meats , boxed eh uli'ois , $ ) ' . ' 5 ; extra shorts $ ) .S7V. ! ribs , $50' shorls , JS.li'i Bicon boxjtl BhouMers , $500 , extra hhorti. , { 5 37'4 , rllw , $550 ; I short ; . $375 RECEIPTS Klour. 4,000 bb's. ; wheat , 11,000 nu ; corn , 92.000 bu ; oats 74,000 bu , SHIPMENTS Flour. 5,000 bbls. , wheat , 4,000 bu , corn , 18,000 bu ; oats , 15,000 bu. Cincinnati MnrKpt. CINCINNATI , O. . May S. FLOOR Dull , fancy. $1100325 ; family , $2330210. WHEAT Dull. No. 2 red. 71072C. COKN Dull. No. 2 mixed , 36V4c. OATS-Oulet : No. 2 mixed , 29VJC. RYE Quiet. No 2 t3c. PROVISIONS Hulk meats , easy. $480 ; lard , quiet. $190 , bacon , easy , $56505.75. WHISKY Steady , $1.26. HUTTKH Quiet EGGS-Qulet. lie. CHEESE-Flrm. To If do Market. TOLEDO , O. May S.-WHEAT-Dull , weak ; No. 2 cash and Mny , 74o bid ; July , ' ' ' C'O'RN Active , lower ; No. 2 mlxed. SIc , OATS Active , easy ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc. RYE-Dull : No. 2 mixed. 5Se bid. SEEDS Cloverseed , active , steady ; prlmo new , cash and May , P.70. October , $145 luked , > IliiiiiMHiollH AVIirat MnrKi't. MINNEAPOLIS , May 8-AVHEAT-In store ; No 1 northern. May./C c ; July. 70ic ; September , lA\c. On track : No. 1 hard. 71lfcc : No. 1 northern , 71ic ! ; No. 2 northern. C9c. FLOUR-Fiist puteiits. $3.7503.85 ; second patents. $3,7503.85 : winter patents , $3.55 ® 3.K3 : llrst clear. $2.7002.SO. BRAN-In bulk , $ a.00q3,25. I.lvtriool Or u I u and l'rii > Ixloim , LIVERPOOL. May S PROVISIONS Lard , American retlned , In 2S-lb , palls , steady , 2Cs 9d ; prime western. In tierces , bteady , 2bs M. Bacon , long clear , 30 to So lbs > . ( dull , 29a ; short clear backs. 16 to IS lb , < < nr , 2 s. elenr bollle * ' 14 to 16 lb , dull , 29s i l Tallow , Australian , in London , stondv 23s 9d. A HOPS At London ( Paclflc coast ) , nomi nal , CORN Futures quiet ; Mny , 3s BVid ; July , 3s 64(1. ( September. 3 * find. WtlEAT Futures dull. May , 6s 9d ; July , 6s 7 id ; September. 6s .Hd. I'lillndrlplilii rrodnrc Mnrkct. PHILADELPHIA. May 8.-HUTTER- Steady ; fancy western crtamerv. 10017'4c ; fanov western creamery prints , 20c , EGGS Steady ; fresh western , 13'4c : fresh southwestern , lie : fresh southern , } 2ic. CHEESE Unchanged. I'oorln Inrkrt. PIXRIA , May 8-CORN-Steady : No. 2 , S2\c. OATS-Steady ; No. 3 white. 2S'2Siic WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.2 for finished goods. Milwaukee Cm In Inrkot. MILWAUKEE. May S.-WHKAT-Easler ; No. 1 northern , 73'4074c ' ; No. 2 northern , 72c RYE-IIIgher , No. 1. fOQeoHc. BARLE\ Lower ; No , 2 , 41c ; sample , 36 © 41c. Diilntli Wltrnt Mnrkct. DULUTH , May 8 WHEAT-No 1 hard , cash. 75c ; May , 75tjr : July , 75 < 4c ; No 1 northern , cash , 72c ; No 2 northern , 6Sc. MovnMn > Ts or STOCICS AND IJOMJS. Llinildntlon nnd Doollnrn Main Pen- tiirrn of Stock llnrkrt. NBW YORK , May S-Liquidation was qulto general In the stock market today and material declines prevailed. There was no news of any Importance and disappointment at the bad showing of the bank statement on Saturday seemed to color speculative sentiment. Sterling exchange was about steady and money decidedly easier. Such rallies as took place were fceblo and In fach Instance brought out further sales , leaving the market at the end weak at about the lowest for the rallwn > s , although some of the specialties In the late selling movement retained part of the advantage derived on nn afternoon ra'ly Arbitrage broker's purchased some 20000 shares during the forenoon's weakness. The market continued feverish practically all day. There was forced liquidation of mar ginal accounts by commission houses. Some Important Interests let go stocks on the as sumption that rather large responsibilities have been taken by certain underwriting syndicates. The talk of the formation of a new Steel trust with a tremendous capi talization caused uneasiness In. some quar ters , resulting In declines of over 3 points In Federal Steel shares and over 2 points In American Steel and Wire. The Flower stocks were sold for oth western nnd local account , Brooklyn Transit losing S'J ; Pee ple's Gas 3 , and Atchlson preferred li. The tenor of the crop ad vices was con flicting , but the Grangers receded smartlv , Burlington lo'lng over 2 points and St. Paul and Northwest about half as much. Among the coalers Delaware & Hudson nnd Jersey Central were down over a point each. New York Central suffered a lors of 2'i In connection with Its unfavorable showIng - Ing for April compared with last year , al though this Is partly explainable by the earlier date at which navigation opened last yenr. Other weak spots In the railway were Baltimore & Ohio , Pennsylvania , Union Pa clllc. Cleveland. Cincinnati , Chicago & St. LouK Northern Paclflc and Missouri Pacific. Sugar and Lead were among the heavy industrials. Amalgamated Copper sagged on the "curb , " which caused Ana conda Mining to be without .support. Gen eral Electric , which rose over a point was the conspicuous exception to the market's weakness. The deposit of $10.000,000 in war rants against the treasury in a local bank which is managing the transfer of the Spanish Indemnity was taken to be tha cause of the easier tone In money , ns this operation had not been expected until late this week. Some sharp declines were effected today In active bonds , but the higher grade Issues only receded moderately. Total Sales , $2,750,000. United States new 4s , registered , and tno old 4s , coupon , advanced > J and the new 4s. coupon , and the 5s nnd the 3 ? , H in the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram : The markets here were quiet and Irregular today on the eve of the settlement beginningtomorrow. . Americans opened flat , hardened s'ightly. and then relapsed Into dullness New York refrained from supp rtlng them and the close wrs heavy at the worst particularly for Central Paclflc and Union Pacific. Cop pers were weak. Tlntos opened at 4914 nnd clo'ed at 49V4 Anacondas opened at if ral lied on New York buying to 12'8 , and fln- shed at 12. Utahs were 8'4 It Is said that insiders are depressing the price in order to take up all th * shares for the United States. Bostons were 2 % Silver was harden on Indian bujing nnd bearish covering. Money was easier. The following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today ; AtehlBon 17'4 St. L. & s p icia do pM 64 % , do 1st pfrt 6S Biltlmore & Ohio . 6SW do 2d pfd Sit ! Canada Pacific . . . . SS St. L. i SV. . . . . 13U Canada. Southern . .53 do pfd 31 Central Pacific . . . . 47U St. Paul IMU Ches & . Ohio So1 , , do pfd 170 Chicago & . Alton .160 'st ' P. & 0 9314 C. . B & . Q 1JW , , do pfd lv Chicago & E. I. . . . 764'o. ' . Piclflc . . . . " 0 ilo pfd. . . . 120 so Rall ay llij Chicago Gt W. . . . 13'4' ' do pfd 50 Chi Ind. & L . . . . 9'i.Texas i Pa-ldc. . . . 21 do pfd 40 Union raoinc 41 > t Chicago i N.V..li3 do pfd do pfd 152 C. , C. , C. A. St. L , 54Vi do pfd „ Kut do pfd OS W. d L. 13 101 , Del & Hudson. . . . 116Vs do 2d pfd . . . . 10 Del L. & . \V . Adams Express . . .112 Den . Rio G 214 American Ex HO do pfd 75 "U S Express CO Erie ( nen ) . . U'i Well -Fariro Ex . li'i do 1st pfd S3',4 ' A Cot. Oil 3j',4 Fort V\a > m IS ! ilo pfd 81 Gt. Nor. pfd 1S4 American Spirits , . 12 Hocklnc Valley . . 10 do prd 34 Illinois Central . . . .113& American Tobacco. 23'1 ' Lap lJil < . W. . . 1C do prd . . 143 do pfd V- Consolidated Gas . .1&8 L/ike Shore . . . .IW CU.TI Cduic Co I'l Iyiul & . Nash. . . . C4 i Colorado r. it. I 4 < t Manhattan L . . . . 113 do pfd 10S Met fat. Ily S30 Hen nici trio . 119 Mich Central . . . 113 Haw Com Co . l'2'.i Minn. & hi L . . ot nk. Rap Tr 10 < * do pM ICO Int'n'l raner , . . MU Ml v > url Pacific . 44H do pM 0 Mobile & Ohio . . . . 40 Ticl"de Gas . . . v M , K. & . T ! ! ' Lead 31't do pfd . . . 3J' , do pM 112'j N. J. Central . ,1H'2 ' Nat Lin Oil . I N V. Central I' . " , P , -inr Mnll 41 N Y. , C. & St. L. ! ! > , I'etple's Gas 150' do 1st pfil . . . f Pullman Pli . K6 cto 2d pfd 31 ' 'Iher certificates . . MJ4 I Nor & . West 18 > J StHnd ird R & . T. . , S4 do prd . Cfi htifrii .lr ? 4 No. American Co. . lO'/i do prd IW , No Pacific Wide Tcnne ee C S. I. . f > 's ' do nM ' "U U S L nther . . . r"i Ontirlo & W Si's do r > M 5S < 4 O. n. & N pfJ f7 U. fi. R'ltber 1 ' fo pfd . 114 do 1st pfd . SIde , rn Villon do 2d pfd . . . . 17 Amu leap = s & \V i Plttsburu 1S4 do pfd j < v" , i d/i 1st pfd . do pfil R. G W . 31 Coin Southern do pM . . . 7S 'o 1st pM Hnrk I'UnU . . _ l' ! do 8d pfd New stock. ' The total sales of stocks today were 1,005,554 shares , Including : American Smelt- In ? , 4,900 , American Steel and Wire. 4S,0 < jO ; American St el and Wire preferred , 4,003 ; American Sugar. 44.700 : American Tlnplate , 8,400 ; Anaconda , 27,200 ; Atchl'on 9000 , Atchison - son preferred , 81,000 ; Baltimore ? & Ohio , i 6,000 ; Brook'.vn Rapid Transit , 185,700 ; Cen- . trnl Paclflc , 7 400 ; Chesapeake A. Ohio. 3W Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy rights , 5.COO , I Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy pieferred , 6.700 ; Chlcntro Consolidated Traction , 2,700 ; Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & . St Louis , 4.100 ; Colorado fuel and Iron , 8,000 , Consoli dated Gas , fi.500 , Consolidated Tobacco , I 27.200 ; Consolidated Tobacco preferred , 4,000 , nenvr & Uin Pr. n' < > 1200 Denver Hlo Grande preferred , 4,200 ; F deral Steel , 59,400 ; 1'edernl ritcel preferrtii , 21.0W , Internatlonil Paper , 3,800 ; M > ulsvi le & Nashville. 14.100 ; Manhattan Consolidated JO SOO ; Mexican Central. 3.700 ; Missouri Paclllc. 20,200. Na tional Steel , 11,300 , National Steel preferred , 3,000 ; Now York Central , 8,600 , Northern preferred , 5,900 : North American , 6,300 , Northern Paclllc , 17,300 , Northern Paclllc I preferred , 17,300 ; Pacific Mall , 5,800. Penn- . sylvanla , 4.SOO ; Heading flut preferred , ! " 6,100 , Heading second preferred 3,900 ; Itock 1 ' Island , 14300 ; St. Louis Southwestern pre ferred , 7,000 ; fat , Paul , 31.800 ; Southern Pa- cllle , 8.00) ; Southern Hallway , SOW , Southern preferred , 9.000 ; Tennehsee Coal nnd Iron , 8.400 : Texas Pacific. 6.300. Union Pacific. 11 700 ; Union I'aclflc preferred , 14 500 , United States Leather preferred , 4.900 , United States Hubber , 5 300Vabash ; preferred , 5,000 , Western Union , 4,000. York Wining ; Oiiottitlnn * . NEW YORK , May. S-Tho following are the closing prices for mining slnres : Ctollar SO Ontirlo , . . soft Cro\vn Point . . . IS Ophlr 115 Con Cal. Va , , HO I'binoulli 10 Dcadwood (0 Qut'lisihcr ' I'll Gould & Currle , . 31 do pfd . COO Hale H Korcrosi , . : t Sierra Nevada 95 IInnitftuKe ) , . , . .VX'J Mandard . . JM Iron Silver . , , , . , . .v. I'nlon Con . 41 Mexican M Yfllrw Jacket . 40 In ( lijrir -l rn riuniivlnl "VVurlil. BERLIN. May 8 On ths bourse today In ternational securities were firmer on mi- vices from western bourses and the antici pation of a reduction In th * bank rate. Americans were dull and Canadian Pacifies vvero maintained. Bank shares wer good and mine shares vvero steady. Exchange on London. 20 marks 44 < prgs PARIS , May 8. Prices on the bourse to day were tlrm , but Inactive. International securities were irregular. K Mites and Ital ians were dull and Spanish 4s and Brazilians improved In nrlco Tlntos declined on hn\v realizing nnd finished Mcndler Kafllrs re- covpr'O , purchises being mn le In the belief of a Rntlsfactory settlement of theAnglo - Transvanl differences. Three per tent rentes , 102f 40o for the account. Spanish 4s , 6117& . TRANKroilT May S Prices were flrm on the bourse today. Spinlsh 4s nnd Italian securities were strong. American sccurlths were Inactive. LONDON Mnv 8 American securities op ened depressed on the decline In New York Saturday nnd prices remained down , with next to nothing doing , the market being obedient totho lead of Wall street , anil clo od Irregular Spanish 4s , 60H : gold nt Buenos Ayrcs , 12720. Ai-vv rk Sloncy MnrUot. NI2W YORK , Mny 8. MONEY ON CALL Steady nt 2'4g4'4 per cent ; last loan nt 3U per cent. I'KIMn MERCANTILE PAPER-3401'i per cent. STERLING EXCHANQE-Steadv. with actual business In bankers' bills nt tl S7'l ® 4 S ' 4 for demand nnd nt 14 < 3Mifl " H for sixty divs ; posted rntej > , $ t S6 < 4 nnd $4.8S' ; commercial nllls $1 < 414'f4 ' ! < > 5 SILVER CERT1PICATES-C11S062C. HAH SlLViR-613c. MEXICAN DOLLARS ISUc BONDS Government bontfs strong ; state bonds firmer , railroad bonds weak. Closing quotations on bonds wtre : U S vs , rep . . . H4 M. K. , VT. lids. U * SB , roc .10S M K A T 41) . tl S Ss , coup. IDS N. Y. O. ISIS U. S now 48 rer .U9 N.J. C < is . lin U do coup . 1 ! W N. C ll . IV" tl S old 4s. rer 112M N C 4s . 104 U b no coup . . .11 ) ii No.l'icino Ists ofd.lVO u S J , rer . . . . nui No Picillo 3s . 87 ts AR.conn . . .ll lli No Piclllc 4s . .104 District t.llfia 117 N Y C A. St. It 4s 100 Ala clvn A. . 110 N AW con 4s . . 04 Ala clait U . . . Ill ) N. A W. iron , us . . ISO Ala. clios C . HID Ore. N iHta . .114 Ala Currency . . 100 Ore N 4s . . . . . 103 Atunison4s . . . . lot O S I , Os t r . .111 Do ad ] 4s 82 O S. L os t. r , , . lin ( CanidnSo arts .111 Kendlnpis . . 8(1J ( ( C. .to 4V s in U G.V lain . . . . 07 o &o n * . . . nun Ml. L A I M con 5s 110 ? ( C A.N W con 7s 1-u St L A3 K Hen C ' Mi doS P deb 6a 181 St. 1' . Consols . IDS CM Terms , 4i. . . .nil st. P.O. AP i t . iaa < 1) . i.11 G. Uts . . . . llinlj St. P. C. & P SB . 12 I D. i. H. a < s . . . .inji So IlT. 6s . Ill ) KnstTcnn lit * . . . losvj s ll.&T.lls . 87 > KrlftGen. 4s 71 Ten n nrrr tot Js . . 07 F. VV A. D. Ists. t. r. 84 T. P. IBIS . 110 Gen. Eleo.68 117 T. P. 2d . B4Ji G. 11. A. . .A.On Ill ti. P. 48 . lOBki O. H. JLS A. 2d . . HIM Wai ) Isl8 . 114H II. &T. Cent Bs . .lid Wab. 2rts 11. 4.T. O.uoii.Os . .11'-1H VV. Shore 4& lowaO. IBIH . . . .11) VV'la. Cent Ints . 70 K. C P. & G. lats . . Htl V.i. Centuries , . . . 84 La Nnw-Con. 4S..110 VH deferred . u L.&N. ( Inl. 4n . . . . IWf ColoridoSoulh'tiO PU9 { Hiintoii Stock Qnutnttniin , BOSTON , May 8-Call loans , Wiii per cent ; time loans , 3Vt@4 per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : A , T. & S. F ITS HOHton L 109 tl pM . . . tS Md. UIcc 111 . 1'S do 4S lOO'J Gen. niectrlo 5s..114' > i Amcrlcoai Sugar 1H } Alloucz Mln. Co. . . 9 % do l > f < l . . lib Atlantic . 33 Dell Telephone . 339 Boston & . Mont 3.0 Bfllon Albany. . 2V > Iluttp S. lloston SS lnvtpn & . Maine . "W CXilumct 1 Hecla sg C , U & Q 1J1 4 Centenntrfl 37 ritchinire 116 Prnnklln -1 Ocn. ni otrlc . . . . 119 Old Dominion . . . 414 federal Steel . . . TO'4 Osceola S6't do pfd SI Qulno K'2 Mexican Central . 13 Tamarack C i Old Oolcny Wi \Volvcrlnr 44 Rubber . - 49 Parrott M I'nlcn Pncino 4211 , Adventure 11 West nnd 01 fnlon T Rnd i ! \VeBt. nioctrlo . . 49 % Humboldt I'l \V 1 s Ccntnl 1' 1 Wlnana . . 1 Snii FrnnclNcn llinliiw ( liiotntlonn. SAN FRANCISCO , May S. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Alia 9 Justice 21 Afrlm Con 7 Kentucky Con 4 Andes i Litl } Wn h On . 1 Ilelcher 37 Mexican 61 Best . Belcher . . . IS Occidental Con . . . S3 Bullion C Ophlr 12J * 3S Caledonia ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Challenge Con 35 1'otosl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chollnr 31 SaVBRO In Con Cal & . Va , . .165 frap Belcher 2 Con Imperial 1 Sierra Nevada M Crown Point 20 Standard 2S. > Gould & Currle . . 36 Union Con 41 Hale . Xorcross. . . 26 Utah Con IS Julia . . 2 Yellow Jacket 4i Sliver bars , "Oc ; Mexican dollars , 50c. Drafts , sight , 7'/4c ; telegraph , lOc. London Stock < lnotntlon > . LONDON , May 8 4 p. m. Closing ; Conol" , monev .1101-16 . . Y. Central 1".S Consols , awount . 110'J renns > lvanla fi7 Camddan rullle . .UWi Reading lrS ( Eric 13H U. P pfd 7SS do 1st pfd . . . . 56 Atchlson 11 * Illinois Cential . . 117 LculsUlle C7H No I'fulfl" ifd. . . . 10 4 Anaconda 12'4 ' St 1'aul. common 127U Grand Trunk . . . 8 BAR SILVER Uncertain , 2S 3-16d per ounce. MONEY Ono per Cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , 2H < i2Vi per cent ; three months' bills , 23-16 jyer cent. rllinnclnl > < > tcn. NEW YORK , May S Clearings , J9S- 6S4 423 ; balances. $5,512 517 ST. LOUIS , May -Clearings , $4,906,0 4 ; bt'ances , $1,050059 Mone > , 4@G per cent , New York exchange , par bid , lOo premium asked BOSTON. May 8. Clearings , $1CS20,3S3 ; balances , $1.7 1,311. PHILADELPHIA. May 8. Clearings , $9 957,557 ; balances , $1,630,231 BALTIMORE. May 8. Clearings , $2- 756 S21 ; balances , $173437 CHICAGO , May S Clearings , $20G 1S76 , bilnnces , $2,37J,743. Now York exchange , 510c premium. Sterling exchange. Posted , $4 SG&fo4 SSy- : actual , 54 S5V4.S71 ; sixty da > s. $4 84 ( ff4 S6H. Condition of the Trennur ; . WASHINGTON , May S. Todaj's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows ; Available cash balance , $202,003,532 , gold re serve , $241,018,876. Vool Market. LONDON , May S The wool auction sales were continued today with a large numbei of bujors present. Competition was \ ry active , with the continental buj era operat ing freely In superllne merino greasy wools , which realized 20 to 25 per cent above the March series. These , goods also met with a strong demand from all directions. The German representatives vvero more promi nent toda > , their operations showing a marked Increase. Crossbreds vvero harden ing and iccelvcd a strong homo tiade sup- port. The offerings numbered 14,217 bales and Includ d a line show of superllno merino greasy The dally withdrawals aveuged only about 125 bales. Sales In detail : New South Wales , 6,600 bales ; scoured , S'/idifTls HV4d , greasy , 6Kd01s2V&d. Queensland , 2600 bales ; scoured , IsSdffls lO'.fcd , greasy. S' . 1 ( Jfls. Victoria , 1,300 biles , scoured 9df(2sld ( , greasy , 6d < ffls Id. South Australia , SOO Mlts ; gr asy , "dills. Capo of Good Hone anl Natal , 52 biles , scoured , 10'idyls ' O'/id , greasy , S > di9d , NE\V YORK , May S WOOL Dull. ST. LOUIS. May S. WOOL New clipped receipts light , but increasing nnd meeting a healthy rmiket , the d mand keeping pace with the offerings and full quotations being realized , medium , ISfTlS'sc ; ght line. 12015C , heavy line , ! > & 13c ; tub washed , 17Q2Gc. Codec NEW YORK , Mny S. COKrEK Options opened steady , unchanged , to 5 points hlnh- er ; ruled fnlr'y active with Him undertone on bullish Europenn news , small receipts healthier conditions In spot department and fnvoiable view of weekly statistical changes ; warehouse movement exception ally IlKht ; bpeculatlve publlo stl 1 hesitat ing Closed barely steady , unchanged , to 5 points lower. Sales , 12,750 bags , Including May , $315 ; June , } 5 255T5.30. July , J5 30fi533 , September , fa 53 ; October. $560 , November , $565 ; December , $580 3.85 , March , $3 85CT 600 , Apill J0.10 Spot coffee , Hlo , stcadj , No , 7 Invoice , $ G.37'A ; No. 7 Jobbing , $6b7l2 , mild , steady , ! \ < MV Vorlc Dry Cumin .VlurUi-t. NEW YORK , May 8 DRY GOODS-Thc effect ct the large transaction In print cloths is seen in the confident undertone today in the general market for cotton good3 , Prices are declded'y llrm nil nround. In heavy brown cottons a fair demand Is reported at full prices and bleached also nre llrm with average sales Prints show a hardening tendency on the staple stuff Ginghams scarcely steud } A good business is teported In joblng circles , Cotton , fancy in good request. Oil "Market. TOLEDO. May S OILS-t'nchangcd. OIL CITY , May S-Credit balances , $1.13 ; certitlcates , no bid Shipments , 104,153 bbls . av-Tago shipments , SO.KM bbls , ; runs , ao.'JIS bbls : average runs , S0.303 bbH LONDON. May S , OILS Calcutta lin ed spot , 31s 7Vi < l. turpentine spirits , 34s Cd. LIVERPOOL , May S-OILS-Hu I rellned. Mny and August , dull , 15s 3d. SiiKiir llarl.cl. NEW YORK , May 8. SUGAR Raw , firm , refined , llrm CINCINNATI. May S-SUGAR-FIrm NEW ORLEANS , May S-SUGAR- Strong ; open kettle , 3V04'ie , open kettle , centrifugal , 37tJ4'to ; centrifugal , > elloiv , 4hii44c , secondb , 36t\e. Molas-cs Quiet , centrifugal , CfilCc , fallfoi nlu IJrliMl rriil N. NEW YORK. May S-CALIFORNIA DRIED rRUlTS-Firm. Evaporated ap ples , common , 75S'tc ; prfmo vvlr tray , Sft flc ; choice , 0' J(9Hc ( : fancy. 9'4fllOc. Prunes , 4 < ififl4c. Apricots , royal. ] 3'4B14c ; Moor park , 14tiSc. Pcuchta , unpceled , peeled , 5Q28c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattle Receipts Are Unnsnally Heavy for a Monday. SEVENTY CARS CORNFED STEERS OFFERED I'oir HOKI Arc on Snlc nnd nl the Clone l'rlL e Cio Unit n Dime * Above TliONP of Limt Snttirdn ) . SOUTH OMAHA , May S Cattle. Hogs Sl.otp. Receipts today 2.2G3 3olS 1,557 Ono week ago 1 6 4,48 5,041 Two weeks ago 1.724 4,411 6.7GS Three weeks ngo 2,413 2os3 ! 3.73J Averngo pricv pniu tor nogs tor the lust gcvornl dsjs with comparison ? : I1&93.I1SSS.I1SJ April 20 Ap-ll 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 23 April 2G Aptll 27 April IS April 29 April 30 May 1 . . May 2 . . . May 3. . . , Ma > 4. . . May 5 . . . May 0 , May 7. . May8 _ . _ _ „ _ 3 CO _ Indicates Sunday The olllclal number of cnrs of stock brought in today by each road was : Cdttle. HOBS. Sheep. C , M & St P. Ry. 6 O & at. L Hy 1 Union Paclllc SjBtem IS 6 * C. & . N. W. Rj 1 * r . E \ . M. V. R. R 15 10 2 S. C. , t P. Ry 6 C , bt P. , M & O. Ry. . . . 25 , 5 U. & . M. R. R. 20 10 2 C. , B. & Q. Ry 3 1 C , R. I. Ai P. Ry. , cast. . 4 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west. . . 1 Total receipts 97 39 7 The disposition of the davs receipts was as fo'lows , each bujer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle Hoes Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Ill US G. II. ll.unmond Co 447 579 25 Swift and Company 3s3 511 253 | Cudnhy Packing Co 03 731 14. ! Armour & Company 471SO 521 693 Swift fiom country SO ' 442 Armour & Co. from K. C. ' 633 Lobmnn A Co 'sifi Hill iV Huntzlngcr fi Huston . Co 4 Livingstone & Schnl'er. . 48 Hamilton & Rothach Id. . . 3J Other buyers 560 Held over 15 ! Total 2J ! > 3 3,025 2,115 CATTLE With one exception , that of . April 17 , todaj's run of c.ittle was the best | for a Mondav of the year to date. Stl.l It was not a ver > large run nor was It any too large to supply the demand. All told there were clo ° e to seventy loads of corn fed steers In the jnrds , all of them on sale exceotlns only four loads consigned direct lo a packer. The trade was a llttl slow- to open and packets first bids were In many cases lower. It was very apparent , how ever , that packers wanted the cattle and i when the trade was once under way It was fairly active at ptead5 prices , the close being strong. Everything was sold and weighed ui > In good ssatcn. As usual the llEht cattle were the most sought after. Cows and heifers wer * in good demand and the offerings changed hands at just about the same prices as last week , As was noted several times last week the cow mar ket has not shown an > material change In some time Bulls , stags , etc. , sold In just about the same notches a * last week. Stock cattle were scarce and In good de mand , so that the tew here brought good strong prices. Some good light jearllngs 1 that had not been on feed nnd were pretty well bred , brought $510 It Is safe to say | that the stocker market is as high as It has I been any time this season. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. uniruns. L. G10 3 73 1 11JO 4 25 5..114G 4 35 2. 625 4 CO 15. S50 4 30 b . 7SG 4 33 1. 1030 4 00 10 . 815 4 30 1..1070 4 40 10. 10W 4 25 DULLS 1. 1000 2 G" 1. 1550 3 25 3..1780 3 55 1 1220 2 So 1..1100 3 J5 L. 740 3 55 1 1200 a 85 1. 14JO J 10 1..12SO 3 GO 12 11,5 , > 2 80 1..12bO 3 45 1C 1507 3 GO 1 1-bO "J 05 1. 1570 P - > 0 1 1430 3 G3 1 11W 3 15 1 1470 3 50 L.llbO 3 63 1 1350 3 15 1 . 950 J 50 1..11SO 3 b5 1..1520 3 20 1 1S50 3 55 1..1120 3 S3 CALVES. 1 . ISO 4 53 1. . 250 5 25 1. . 146 650 3. . ISt ) 4 50 STAGS 1 .1000 3 CO 1 .1150 3 75 1..1370 4 00 1 .1670 J 65 1 13JO 3 75 2 .1520 4 10 STEEKS AND STAGS 1G. 1200 4 a : STOCKEItS AND TEEDEHS 5..120G 275 29. * 417 4 15 J2 bG3 4 C3 1 . 7X ( ) 2 75 4 810 4 23 U. 416 5 00 L. 55J 3 35 S75 4 25 9 364 5 10 1 . 840 4 00 2 i 810 4 0 21 431 510 1 . 490 4 00 2 . 313 4 CO 41 511 6 10 WESTERNS. UTAH , No. Av. Pr No. Av Pr. 1 steer C90 $3 00 79 feeders G13 (4 10 HOGS Light iccelpts of hogs were In sight this morning , ah tiBiial on the llrt > t d v of the week. The maiXet , however , was slow , though higher , but the reason wab not haul to llnd At the opening buy- eis were bidding $3S0J70. ( while sellers a- a rule , were asking $370j375 AH both parties to the trade were pretty determined the movement was slow and the morning well advanced before much buslnss was done. In the end Hellers had to come down i u little and bujerH had to raise their llrst blil.u , so that the hots so d ' - " Qjc higher , largely 5c higher , than at the close of last week. ' 1 ho most of the hogs brought M t,7li. < f'3'il > , an agaliibt $3 G2VjQJ G3 on batur- dai It will be noted from the table of -rage.prices ut head of. column that the uverazt. of all thu bales was < -lo.se to Oc hlghei than lust S.Uurdaj s market. Thu WCCK opens with the mirKet just about 7'it higher than it was at the open- in ; * of la.t wesk , a hade higher than two wtcks IBO , but n shade lowu than three v\ecKs afjo Representative Baku : No. Av . , Sh Pi No , Av. Sh. Pr. 2JJ' . 3 63 I A " " SO 3 70 23s SO a 071,4 Lb 2JO SO 3 70 22S 120 3 b7 % "U 40 3 70 20J 40 3 C7V ; Cl . 2W . . 370 255 C7'/J 71 2J7 . 3 70 . . . 40 3 ( ,1'y . .23 3 70 lib 100 3 Ci s 78 . 270 SO 3 70 25S ICO 3 C7 3 CO 25 * . . J 70 233 120 3 67' , 59. 270 1U1 3 70 2J7 SO 3 C7' 70 .232 200 J 70 253 fcO 3 67Vi 71. . 257"LO 1 70 25S 40 3 B7k C5 . .290 SO 3 70 240 40 3 C7 > 5 SO . . 231 i. . 370 . ,212 40 3 C7'/s . .207 , . . 370 2M EC ) 3 C7'/j 09 . . .311 SO 3 72V4 235 . . . 3 bi" . CO. . 270 . . 375 210 . 3 70 70 2o2 . . 373 .M5 40 3 70 WAGON LOTS-PIGS 1 . . . 250 . . . 223 3 . 1S3 . . . 3 C2V 1 . 320 . . . 2 DO 4 . . . .Sli , . 3 C2V 1 . 220 . . . 2 U7J 6 . 312 40 3 W' 8HUip neclnt * todav were \ery light and consisted of two loads consigned direct to n packer nnd six loads of lambs. The market did not show much change , values being about tha same as at the clo o of last week Owing to the fact that arrivals' nt nil market points consist largely of lamlrt the fceltnp on that kind of JtufC K If nnv- thlnp , a little week On the other hind receJpts of sheoep are light and the feeling strong. There were no sheep hero today to make a test of the market , but It Is safe to say that hnd there been anv they would have biought good strong prlceo and would have met with readv snlc Thete was one rnrload of clipped Angora goats which brought J125 Quotations on wooled sheep and lambs : Oood to choice fed western < \ethers , $500jf 5 25 , fair to good , $4 S3SJ5 00 , Mexican y nr- lines. $520&o3 > , choice western jearllngs , * T 155i5 25 , peed western yenrllngs. $ iKVfSlO | , good to choice western ov o" , $4.501)375 ) , fair to good western ewes $42ofplfiO , good to cholc' nitlvo lambs J5 5005 70 , good to cho'ce ' western lambs , $5501(5.75 ( , Fort Collins Mex ican Icmbs , good to choice. JSTPffSSO , fair to good Port Collln Mc-clcan lanibs , J3 M > f J 6 iO , feeder sheep , $4 25 4 50 ; feeder lambs , J4 fOJiS 25. Quotations on clipped sheep and lambs : West rn wethers , J4 6MJ4 SO. western e1r- llnes J47BST500 , peed to choice western lamb * . J5 ooff. . 15 ; fair to good western Iambi , } 47Mi500 , western ewes , JICKKg'lij. Hepresentatlve s-nlcs : No. Av Pr. 142 Angora goats , shorn 110 fl 2 > 25 Mexican lambs culls ( X ) 6 00 41B .Mexican lambs . . . . 71 fi fiS 164 Fort ColllnB Iambs 81 B 75 69 Tort Collins lambs 81 575 ciiicAco LiviiSTOCK MAiucirr. Medium Supply of Cut lie CntiNrn ralrl > AeMvp ncmniiil. CHICAGO , May 8 There was n fairly active general demand foi cattle today nnd as the supply was not excessive , the vvc k- nest shown In prices last week received a decided check. fancy grades brought J5 40 fffo.60 , cholco steers , $5.055(5 $ 35 , mediums , $4 M5T4 75 , beef stcert , $4.00f4.BO , stockcrs and feeders , $4 001:6.15 , cows nnd heifers. $3 50S4.25 , bulls , } 2.COjf4.15 , western fed steers , l.20S55.20 , Texas steels , $3.9034.30 , calves , $4.00 (6.85. ( The market for hogs was active and strong , w Ith prlcea on an average So higher , 3.80. 3.80.There There was nn active demand for sheep and prices ruled strong , with pi line Hocks of Colorado wooled lanibs "clllng Sfnoc higher , sheep sold at $3.50ti5 25 , chlelly l4.50fio.lS ; heavv exporters , $5.00 ; lamb" , } 5.00MO 00 per 100 1U ; Colorado w ooled lots , $5 90S6.20 , Unshorn grades , $1 50 (5.55. Uectlptt : Cattle. 1C.500 head , hogs , 26,000 head , sheep , 21,000 IvniiNiiM City IU e S < ook. KANSAS CITY. Mav S CATTU3 Tic- cclpts , 2 , ICO hold ntith s SSO head Tc\-ins ; active trr lo In the natlvo yard * he.ny steers seillng at st < Md > to shade higher with the lighter grades lOo higher , light supplv of Te\ans that sold qiilckb at 10 ? higher prices , no choice mtlva steers offered , me dium steers. $4TOff500 , lightweights. $160 ® 485 , stockcrs and feeder , $3900505 , butcher cows nnd heifers , $1 OOiT'4 SO , canners , $2.40 ® 300. butcher bulls , $3 0004 00 , western steers , $4 00-at r,7'4. , Towns. $4 1501 60. HOOS Receipts. 6,300 head , trade In hogs was brisk nt an average advance of 6c , heavies. $3 7003 85 : mixed , $3 6503 SO ; lights , $3 55R367H , pigs. $3300360 SHKBP Receipt , 1,440 head ; light supply of very good qualltv that sold readllv nt strong prices , wooled lambs $3.00 575 ; clipped lambs $1 S00vi 00 , jearllngs , $5 OOff 5 35 : wethers , (4 7505 25 ; clipped wethers , $4 10 0500 ; ewes $3500440 , feeding sheep and lambs , $3 5005 00 ; culls , J2 2503.25. St. Lonln Lite HtcicU. ST IjOUIS , Slay -CLVTTLE Receipts , 13.000 head including 700 Texans. Market steady and higher ; fair to choice mtlve shipping and export steer , $4500520 ; with fancy grades worth $ T Kftn 50 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , $4350510 ; steers , under 1.000 pounds , $4000475 , stockers and feeders , $3 10fi4 70 , cows and heifers , $25004 SO ; bulls , $ .1 Com 65 ; canners , $2000285 ; Texa * and In dian steers , $3500475 ; cows nnd heifers , $2 ofrfM 50 HOGS Receipts , 4,600 head. Market strong to 5c higher : pigs and lights. $1800380 ; packers , $3850395 : butchers , $3950400 SHCDP Receipts , 2.000 head. Market steady ; native muttons , $4400500 , culls and bucks , $375'f423. lambs , $5500576 ; spring- lambs , $50001000 , Texas sheep , $450. York 1A\c Stock. NDW YORK. May S.-BDEVES-Receipts , 3,872 head ; active and a shade higher ; bulls steady : common steers , $430 4X0 ; medium to choice , J4.750540 ; bulls $3000400 ; cows , $2 OOfi-3 SO Cab'ea higher ; live cattlell ? 12c. OALVES Receipts , 5,111 head ; active and higher ; common to prime veals , $4500662 . ; tops $ c 7507.00 ; fed and mixed calves , SHCCP AND LAMBS Receipts , 10.652 head ; active and higher ; common wooled sheep , $450tfi5CO ; medium to choice clipped sheep , $437' < .0540 ; good to prime wooled limbs $6900725 ; common to choice , clipped , $5250650 , piling lambs , $2750600 IIOGS-Rocelnts , 11,155 head ; higher at $4 Io04 35 ; choice- , state hogs , $4 40. St. JiiHeiili Ilvo Stock. ST JOSEPH , Mo , Mav -Special. ( . ) The Journal quotes as fo'lows : OATTLD-Rece'pts. 700 head ; market steady to strong , natives , $4000153 : Tex.is and westerns , $4 0004 65 , cows and heifers , $2 2504 25 Bulls and .tags. $2 5004 00. Yeail- Insrs and calves $4 500i$5 10. Stockers and feeders $3 5004 75 HOGS Receipts , 2,200 head ; market , 5010 o nts Higher , selling at $3.7003 90 , bulk , $3 75 03 Sj SHEEP Receipts , 500 head. Market steady. Stock In Following arc the receipts at the four principal western markets for May S- „ , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . 2.2R3 3 018 1,557 Chlcigo . 16500 26,000 21000 Kansas City . . . . . . 2460 6300 1,440 St. Louis . 13,0001,600 2000 Totals . 31,225 39,918 25,997 Cotton jtliirkct. ST LOUIS , May 8 COTTON-Quiet and unchanged ; no sales reporUd ; middling. 513-16e ; receipts 1,300 bales , shipments , 1,253 bales , stock , 87,990 bales. ARREST FAITH CURE HEALER Atlfniplcil to Cure CJaiiKrrcnc by ( lie Lll > IllK Oil ( if JliinilH Viflliu LIKcI } to Die. NBW YORK. May 8 President Mlclmtl C. Murphy of the Board of Health ordered the arrest today of Mrs. Maria Miller , a faith euro healer , who Is accused of being responsible for thq critical condition in which Lllllo Krnnz , a 12-year-old child , now IB , ns a result of gangrene In the foot. Tlio child was first attended by n pi ! > slclan , whu said the affected member would have to bo amputated. The parents refused to consent to this and called in Mrs , Miller , who , It Is alleged , Bald she could cure the child by laj Ing on of hands. The patient grew rap idly worse under this treatment and a phy- slclan was again called In. He ordered the Uilld to a hospital , where the left leg was amputated , but the case bad gone too fat and It Is feared death will ensue. A coroner's Inquest Into the death of Mr Charlotte Hargot , who died of dropsy in Mount Vernon after treatment by a Chris tian Scientist , was begun today , MUST STAND BY THEIR FOLLY IlcfiiKen lo firiuit DM or CM ; of Union IlroiiKlit Aliont liy .Matrl- iiionlnl Paper. DONIPHAN , Kan , , May 8. District Judge Stuart has refused to grant a divorce to Ellen Plillllps from I' 0. Phillips because their marriage was brought about by nn advertisement In a matrimonial paper. Mrs. Phillips came from Arkansas , "This court will not lend its power In dis solving a contract brought about by a mat rimonial paper , " said Judge Stuart , i II H a I'll I r WICHITA , May S The State fair man- agemcnt here has offered General Tunston and bis swimming comrades $1OUO to repeat their brilliant Luzon act here in October. The little Arkansas river will to fortified and the general and his men will swim act DBS , attack and take the fortification. Ylolfiit Slorni In I'null u nil If. DALLAS , Tex , , May 8. A report from Benjamin , Knox county says a terrific storm with rain approaching a waterspout euept over the country about thirty miles \\est of that place and that the family of George Humphreys , composed of four per rons , was Orowncd by the sudden overflow of n branch of the Ilrazon rlvor Other dis asters arc believed lo hnvo happened In the Panhandle , 1ml the section Is almost with out wlro communication , GOLD OUTPUT OF KLONDIKE Tvtpntj- Bullion tinIXInuMr , tint homr Put K nt 'I'M Ice that riuurc. SAN FRANCISCO , May 8 A letter from Dawfion dated April S snjsTho Yukon Sun estimates the total output of the Klon dike region for the winter of 1S9S-19 at $20.000,000. It Is doubtful If thli cillmato li up to the mark , which may mich twlca that amount. Notwithstanding the predic tions of last fall to the effect that tin Canadian rojalty would stop the work , more dirt has been taken out this jcar on crocki outshlo of El Dorado and Bonanza than was taken out In the whole district list > oar. There has been n general cxotlus to the creeks of men seeking work , ami tha trails where dump * are thickest are lined with the tents of those seeking omplo > incut during the cleanup. v ' I'nurr In KANSAS CITY , ilo. , May S. The author ity of S. W. Kord > co nnd Wobslor Wltheri , rcsclvcM of the Kansas OIt > , Plttttburg Oulf railroad , now cxtenrts over the entire sjstcm from Kansas City to the Oulf of Movlco. The recelvern and their nltorncvs returned today from a trip to Te.a3 and Louisiana In the Interest of the rerelver- t-hlp. On the trip the federal courtn of the a states changed the former receivers they had named and appointed Mr. Pordjco and Mr. Withers In their stead. United Statra Judge John R Phlltpps accompanied the party. The receivers , who Inspected the road and also the ship canal at Port Arthur , c\pre a themselves as satisfied at the present condi tion of the property and Its buslnoFs I'ollco I'mlri-tlnu' Kcnrrvolr. NEW YORK. May S. Several hundred Italians nt work on the Jerome Park rcser- Milr went on strllco today. The contractor asked for assistance and 100 policemen vvero sent to the rosoivolr. The strikers number 1 200. They had struck for $1 50 In prace of f 1 2"i a ili > . A n.uantlt > of djnamltc is stored around the reservoir nnd It was to protect thla that the police were called. HroUcriiKC IMrm HctlrcN. CHICAGO , May S. midwln , Guorney & Co. , brokers In stocks , bonds and grains on the Chicago Hoard of Trade , have decided to close out all their deals and dissolve part nership Juno 1. The firm Is In good stand ing , but Mr. Baldwin , who has been n prom inent member of the board for nenrlj twenty > ears , Is nuxlous to retire from active bi'al- ness. N Druvv tint In Plooili. WEST POINT , Ga. , May S. A report reached here toilay of the death of Bcvcr.il negroes In a storm which swept over Cham bers county fast night. All wires are down This storm heie unroofed the car slups of the West Point & Atlanta railroad nnd cre ated a panic In n negro church near by. I'oinuT Hotel Man I'allH. CHICAGO , May S William R ? Kcrr , for mer commissioner of the city health depart ment , filed a petition In bankruptcy todij. His liabilities were placed at $149,000 , and assets $10,000. Mr. Kerr was connected with the Grand Pacific hoter as manager until last October. tiliiNH AVorl.N Iteniiinc. ALEXANDRIA , Ind , May S Work was resumed In full today at the American PHto Glass works. Neither side will state the conditions on which over t00 ! men resumed work today , but it Is understood that the men abandoned the union. Orlziilia Ileai'lii-M I'or * . NEW YORK , May 8. Cable advices from Havana announce the arrival there of the steamer Orizaba. This sets nt rest any anxiety caused by the finding of a life preserver marked "S. S. Orizaba , " off Kitty Hawk , N. C. . .Thtv are ns much like COATED ELECTRICITY ns science can make them. Kncli one produces as much nerve-building substance ns Is con tained In the amount of food a mnn consumes in a week. This is why they hive cured thousands of cases of nervous disc-lies , Mich as Debil ity , Uizziucsi , lusoranin.Vtiricocelc , ? ' " ; TIlevr , enable jot to think cleir- ! JrbXd.ev = ' 1 ° plnRbraiumatter ; force healthy circulation , cure Imliges J ou > nlld Iwpart bouiKlliig vigor 10 the whole sv stem All weakening nnd tissue dc-stroi ing drains anT losses permanently cured Delay ma mca" Insanity , Consumption K3 . l'ncc.i per box ; ste boxes ( with K\ \ } KM iron clad ginrantce to care or retfl ) " fund money ) . J ? . HooUaantilnlng & ' " . . no ! urrwf , . A * ITS , Kuhn & Co. , or New Econuml U Drug IS WEALTH , DR. E , C. WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , I'ICORIGhAt , AIL OriltHS IMIUIIOSS. Is sold uniler ( M"'l TO Written Cuarnntoo t > j .luthoilzrd 3-rtun . < my toiurxYoik Mc.morr , Ulrzlncag , VVnkc : ihuhe Fits H > tuli ( juloK- IIPHD , Nlcht Lo * eH Evil Drcama , I.itk of OoiiU- deuce , I < pr\ouHiiegH , ! , ' > Bltiida .ill Urnlni Youth- ( nl Krroru or KxvebR , n Via of Tul'icoo Opium , or Liquor \\lillh k.ul 10 Mlturj OuiiNuinptlun , 1.19 mil } anil u < ath Al xioro or l > y mail if 1 .t box ; nix for e5 ; with written Ktiarnntoo to euro or refund money. Sample pack- ago. contiltitnx Ihf duvh' treuinieiii. with full Instruction } , 'Sci'iita Onunimnlo only sold to each pcrtton At oturo or by mall Label Spc Kxtru fi 'I'or ' Impotenoy , Ixiss o ( 1'onur , Ixit Mnnhnod , MorllHy or lUrroncsi , tl a IKIX ; six ( or 45 , with ! Iwrltton Kuara 'to cure in 30lav * Alj ! bv mall , aiyom , lllllori Druii Co , , Sole lUtb auU Paruuiii , Doiulia. Net ) . rent isiu ROOM4 MY LIFE Bird. BRAMCH I03BHAT " OMAHA nta UMCOU1 HEP E. QOYD & 00 , , Tclcplionu loW. ; Oiniili.t , Xeb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS ami bTOCKS UOAIJI ) OH THADH. Direct wiren to i.lilcatd ami . - > w Ycrk. Corrnpundtntii Jobn A. VVarrec A Ci.