THE OMAHA DAIT/T BEE : TUESDAY , MAT 9 , 1801) . BARTLEY CASE BOBS UP AGAIN Attornsy General Files Affidavit Supporting Motion to Dissolve Injunction ) INSISTS INJUNCTION IS NOT SUSTAINED i Fin- 1 a In ( lie Cnac , lie AllrKfi , Ilo Not 3iiiiort Move Iiy lIuMilniucMi Coiilriillnii Xut XCMV. LINCOLN , May 8. ( Special. ) Attorney General Smyth filed a long aindavlt In the district court hero today In support of his motion to dissolve the Injunction obtained by the Hartley bondsmen to prevent the further prosecution of th case against them on the bond until after utale firm prose cutes nnd determines the liability of the Omaha National bank on Its depository bond for $201.884 of Hartley's shortage. In the nflldavlt filed tho'ftttorney general Insists thi { the Injunction Is not sustained by the facts In the case. He sayn a num ber of the allegations In the petition for a permanent Injunction uro untrue , especially wherein It Is alleged that the principles and the sureties on the depository bond cvur agreed to Indemnify thu sureties of Hart ley on his Individual bond from loss , damage - ago or liability by reason of the conversion , diversion or loss by embezzlement of the do- .poslts In the Omaha National bank. Ho also denies that the petition tells the truth when It says Hartley's bond' was never ap proved by the governor. Air. Smyth further overs that neither the governor nor him self bus over claimed , nor did they ever claim , that thu Omaha National bank Is liable on the depository bond for the whole or any part of the money embezzled by Hartley. Neither IH It true , he ndds , that the bondsmen of Hartley nro not able to plead , nor are they wholly remediless , ex cept by tha Interposition of n court of equity , to sue at law nnd get justice In that way. In fact , says Mr. Smyth , there Is not enough truth In the allegations contained In the petition to justify the Issuance of any In junction by the court. The contention raised In this suit , the at torney gonornl explains , Is by no means a lr new one. Hartley's bondsmen raised It and argued on the point before Judge Dickinson during the trlnl In Omaha of the milt when It was nt Ilrst brought. Judge Dickinson has held against the contention In a written decision which the attorney general says he will submit to Judge Krost , before whom the Injunction ( null Is to be tried In the district court hero. The same question was nrgued at length In the briefs tiled by the bondsmen when the supreme court passed on the case and the attorney general points to the fact that the euprcmo court decided the case generally In his favor as rather Indicating what Its ntnnd In the matter was. Adjutant General Harry of the National Guard today Issued orders providing for an election to be hold by the members of Com pany H at Wllber , at which time a captain will bo elected to fill the place of Charles L. Tnlmadgc , whoso commission ns captain of the company was withheld by the governor on the recommendation of Judge Advocate Neville , after an Investigation of the charges against htm. Talmntlge failed to appear tit the time set for the hearing of his case , and after hearing some of the testimony Judge Neville decided to sustain the charges and order the confirmation of his election and his commission withheld. This was done , leav ing Company U without a captain. Adju tant General Harry will preside nt the elec tion , which will be held May 15. ConnrPKHdoiinllNlN to MiM-l. The Lincoln association of the Congrega tional churches In this section of thaistato will begin a three days' session In this city tomorrow morning. The following Is the program for the meeting : Tuesday 0 n. m. , organization , business and reports ; 10 a. m. , devotional hour , Hov. P. C. Hurhnns ; 11 a. m. , "The Tastorless Man the Minister nnd His Devotional Life , Hooks and Methods , " Rev. George W. Crofts ; 2 p. m. , "Relation of Philosophy nnd Re ligion , " Prof. IS. L. Hlndman. Ph. I ) . ; 3 p. m. , women's missionary hour1 ; p. m. , mis sionary address , Prof. G. I ) . Swezey ; 8 p. m. , address , Rev. George M. Hoynton. D. D. , of Hoaton , Mass. , secretary of the C. S. S. nnd P. S. Wednesday 9 a. m. , business ; 11 a. m. , devotional hour , Augustus Nash ; 11 a. in. , news letters and reports ; 2 p. m. , "Cate chetical Instruction , " Rev. A. Farnsworth , Rev. W. J. Isaacs ; 3:45 : p. m , , "The Deacon's Ofllco. " Mr. K. H. Chlckorlng , Rev. G. I ) . Spang'er. ' SecV ) ( Assistant Postmaster General Shal- lenbarrfor was In the city today , having como west on a tour of Inspection. The pur pose of Mr. Shellanbargor'n visit was to as certain the condition of all the various di visions of the railway mall service. Its pres ent equipment and Its needs , the facilities of the different roads for handling the mall , the location of depots nnd other matters. Mr. Shallenbargcr has Immediate supervision of the railway mall service , Its routes , ar rangements and equipment. Ho was taken In charge on his arrival in this city by John M. Duller , chief clerk of the railway mall .service. This afternoon he was tendered an Informal reception by the business mqn of the city. Ho travels In General Manager iloldrege'x private car. He left this even ing for Denver and from there ho will go to Texas nnd later to the Pacific const. Capital City \OCN. The building cominltteo of the Hoard of RogcntK of the State university held a meet- In this afternoon nnd proceeded to take pre liminary stops toward the erection of a now building provided for In the last legislative appropriations. An Invitation has been extended Governor Poyntcr to address the grand lodgn of the Ancient Order of United Workmen tomorrow evening In representative hall In the state capltol bulldlni ; . Governor Poyntor Is now at Albion , whcro his father Is very 111. W. J. Hryan Is on thu program ns ono of the speakers , The military authorities hero have heard nothing further from the discharged mem bers of the I ' ! rat regiment who telegraphed Governor Poynter last week that they ' .voro titrnuded In San Francisco without means of securing transportation to their homes In this state. A message Instructing them to report to the army authorities In San Fran cisco for travel pay to their homes was sent The foods we eat furnish energy for the body just as burning coal makes steam for sin engine. The experiments of Prof. Frankland , Ph. D. , of Lon don , shows that cod-liver oil yields two and one-half times more energy than starches or sweets. Scott's Emulsion is pure cod-liver oil combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda. It forms fat , gives ( strength , enriches the blood , invigorates the nerves , and repairs tissues. joe. ind ti.oo , ill druggists. dCOTT & BOWN % ChtmiiH , New Yoik. last week , but wag not delivered , as the soMlers could not bo found. Information was received at the governor's ofllcc from the War department concerning the death of Private John Hoover and Ser- gcnnt Stearns of the First Nebraska volun teers. Hoover was ,1 member of Company r. He died May 4 from the effects of .1 gunshot wound In the abdomen. His near- mi relative la John P. Hoover of DAttlo Creek , Neb , Myron O. Stearns , Company B , died as the result of an accidental gunthot wound received April 30. O. U. Stearns of Fullerton Is his nearest relative. ' Over 300 Ilusslans left Lincoln this mornIng - Ing In company with about the same number from Adams county to go to work In the beet fields near Peorln , III. A new beet sugar factory has been started In Pekln and the Russians who left the city this morn ing have already been engaged to work for the concern. Nearly 300 delegates to the grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen arrived in the city today and a hundred more are expected tomorrow. The Grand lodge will be In sosslon here for two days and possibly three. Tomorrow evening the visiting delegates will bo ten dered a reception In representative hall In the state capltol building. Mayor Wlnnott , W. J. Hryan , Grand Master Workman Behultz of Ucntrlcu nn.l possibly Governor Poynter will address the Workmen. Articles of incorporation of the Arcadia Co-operative Creamery company of Arcadia , Neb. , were ( lied with the secretary of state this afternoon. The capital stock of Ilio company Is $4,400. The principal Incorporators - ators ore W. S. Delaney , Frank Ohmes and M. C. Moon. 1J. II. Slzer , who Was recently offered the position of collector of customs at Havana , has decided to accept the position. He has been In Havana several \vockn and has al ready entered actively upon his duties. He hopes to take his family to Cuba In a short time and make Havana his permanent homo. Mr. Slzer has resigned the secretaryship of the Union-Commercial club. Postmaster Hushnell left today for Wash ington , where he will confer with Assist ant Postmaster General Perry S. Heath on the need of moro help In the Lincoln post- otllce. He goes well prepared with facts nnd llguree bearing on the volume of business handled by his office , which has been stead ily Increasing for the last two or three years. IICAVV HAIXS OVKIl TIII3 STATE. All Sri'doiiN K < - | > < > r < n I.iirKO 1'rcclii- Id-.tlon. GOTHENBURG , Xob. , May 8. ( Special. ) A splondld rnln of an Inch nnd a quarter fell hero last night nnd this morning , put ting the ground In splendid condition for corn planting. It will ba of great benefit to the small grain , ns consldcrablo grain In some localities not visited heretofore with local showers has not como tip. TUKNTON , Neb. , May S. ( Special. ) This section of the state was visited by a splendid rain last night nnd the growing crops are now In excellent condition. Wheat Is mak ing a good growth , a great deal of corn Is up and growliife , potatoes and gardens doing well. Cattle are doing well on the grass and without feed. LOUISVILLR , Neb. , May 8. ( Special. ) Rain began falling hero early Sunday morn ing and continued for moro than thrco hours , during which time two Inches of water fell. Creeks were out of their banks and low- lauds covered with water and mud. Some damage was done to ploughed Holds and roads by washing. ST. PAUL. Neb. , May 8. ( Special. ) West and north of here there were good showers yesterday which will bo of great benefit to crops. At this place the showers were light. REPUBLICAN CITY , Nab. , May 8. ( Spe- Ciy | > The drouth In this section was broken last night by a goo.1 shower. Nearly two Inches of water fell. It came just In time for small grain and alfalfa. Winter wheat is looking fairly well. Farmers have their corn nearly all planted. Oooil IVcwM from Nortli Plnttc. NORTH PLATTK , May 8. ( Special. ) Not for eight years has this city witnessed the erectlpn of so many now buildings as are now in course of construction , and before the close of the year fully $50,000 will have been expended In this direction. These Im provements , together with the fact that there arc absolutely no vacant residences In the city , have had a tendency to stiffen prices on all classes of realty. The pioba- blllty of both the B. & M. and the Union Pacific railroads building lines up the North Platte valley Is accepted ns a hopeful sign for future prosperity for the section pro posed to bo traversed , and North Platte Is firntty certain to materially share In the benefits accruing. While It Is said the Union Pacific will not build up the North Platte valley unless forced to do so by the building of the B. & M. extension , yet the former company Is not delaying the preparations to build. The season Is fully two weeks late In this occtlon of the state , nnd ns a result the farmers nro working overtime to catch up with their work. In the few precincts of tha county whcro fall wheat was sown It Is practically a failure and the ground Is beIng - Ing plowed up and planted to corn. Spring wheat , particularly that In the valley. Is doing fairly well. Early planted corn Is up and though a llltlo yellow In color Is mak ing good root. The freight receipts nt the Union Pacific depot for March were flfty-onn per cent greater than for March , 1S98 , and the In- crcnso for Innt month will show up almost as satisfactorily. The deposits In the two city banks are exceptionally heavy and de mands for loans arc few. Since the Ilrst of February nearly 5,000 head of cattle have been shipped Into the county and sold to farmers and others hav ing small herds. George P. Marvin , the Beatrice editor and ox-pCBtmnBter , has been In town for a week organizing a Court of Honor lodge. North Platte has two cnndldaU'H for the fusion nomination for congress to succeed the late W. L. Greene In the persons of M. C. Harrington , n prominent and popular merchant , and Judge William Novlllo. Thi > democrats Insist that they bo given the right of having the candidate , but as they are In the minority It Is not probable that the populists will accede to their demands , KlrNt Xi'liriiMlcim AVoiinili-il. ST. PAUL , Neb. . May S. ( Special. ) A tel egram from Governor Poynter to W. II. C. Chlnn announced the news of the severe wounding In the knee of his son , Grant Chlnn , serving In Company K of thn First Nebraska regiment In the Philippines. Young Chlnn enlisted In Company 1C from Columbus. Ho Is a brother of ex-County Clerk Chess Chlnn , lately of this city , now of Elba , Neb. , nnd Ell F. Chtnn , traveling salesman. Ills father , W. H. C. Chlnn , was one of the earliest settlers of St. Paul. llrror In ( iovi-riimt-iit I'l-rmlt. HASTINGS. Neb. , May 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) A deputy United States marshal of Omaha was In Hastings this morning and took ( ieorso Brandt nnd Charles Autzen to Omaha to appear before tbo grand Jury. " The trouble is over n clerical error of a notary public In making the government stamps for Autzen to sell boor at Republican City lust August durlug the old soldiers' reunion. The stamps were made to read that the permit was for Hastings when they should have read for Republican City. < > f 1'oNltluii , i WYMORB , Neb. , May 8. ( Special. ) C. D. Hagerman , who has held the position of chief clerk In the superintendent's office -at HurllUKton headquarters lu this city/ de parted the ilrst of the week for Plttsburg , Pa. , 'Where bo goes to accept a position as passenger agent far the Hurllngton. lilrlttriuptn Sulolilf , WILCOX , Neb. . May S. ( Special Tele gram. ) Friday evening Cora Uloss , the 17- year-old daughter of John Hloss , living three miles west of the tpwu , attempted to commit suicide by taking parts grten. A physician was summoned In time to save her life. She then gave as her reason for the not n charge against James Olfford , a married man and cousin of the girl , of a - sault and said she had attempted sulcldo rather than llvo through the disgrace. Git- ford denies the charge. Ho was today ar rested for the crime and will bo taken to Alma tomorrow. Ho will give bonds. His attorney Is here looking nfter the case. \Htrnnkn Killtorn In Scnnltm. WAYNE. Neb. . .May 8. ( Special Tele- gram. ) The seventh annual convention of the Northwest Nebraska Press association wag held here this afternoon and evening nt the club rooms with a fair attendance. Judge W. F. Norrls "Welcomed " the newspaper scribes. President E. Cunningham re sponded. Matters of Interest to the asso ciation were discussed , nfter which the as sociation adjourned until 7:30. : The follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President , D. H. Cronln , O'Neill Frontier ; vice president , W. F. Hartlett , Jackson ; secretary , G. L. Nelson , Hartlng- ton ; treasurer , W. M. Warner , Lyons. The meeting was a success. Randolph was se lected as the place for holding the semi annual meeting. The following members were present : Alice Hart , Dakota City Eagle ; Harry Hammond , Randolph Re porter ; George L. Nelson , Hartlngton Her ald ; Z. M. Balrd , Cedar County News ; J. F. Mills. Laurel Advocate ; J. H. Kclley. Wlsner Free Press ; U. H. Cronln , O'Neill Frontier ; E. Cunningham , Wayne Repub lican ; W. E. Power * . Pierce Loader ; W. F. Uartlett , Jackson Criterion ; W. F. Browster , Oakland Independent ; C. S. Heebo , Wayne Hurald ; M. W. Murray , Ponder Times ; W. M. Warner. Lyons Mirror ; W. H. McNoal , Wayne Herald ; S. E. Cobb , Emerson Enter prise ; S. W. Kelly , Sioux City Printing Company ; Frank Rohm , Sioux City News paper union ; S. Shopardson , Norfolk Jour nal. SoolcHc ' Plnrnl Tiny. REPUBLICAN CITY. Neb. , May 8. ( Spe- clay. ) The Ancient Order of United Work men and the League of Honor celebrated day yesterday. Members of both or ders met at the hall and marched to the Presbyterian church , where they hold exer cises. Rev. P. A. Tlnkham delivered the memo rial address to a crowHed house , atfer which they all marched to the cemetery and deco rated the graves of the deceased members of both orders. Mtiiilnlpnl Appointment * ill IIimtlnK * . HASTINGS , Neb. , May 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) At a regular meeting of the city council tonight L. J. Capps was appointed city attorney ; A. L. Martin , chief of police ' lice ; James Rupp , J. E. Brewer , William Wldmcler , patrolmen ; Will Hoagland , chief of flro department ; Lincoln Brlnkley , David D. L. Dreed , Walter Kent , city firemen ; Charles Pratt , water commissioner ; Dave Barlow , fireman nt water works. AdclreHs liy SoverulKii C. Farmer. WAYNE , Neb. , May 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Flvo hundred people listened to an able address at the opera house tonight , delivered by Sovereign C. Farmer of Omaha on the subject , "Fraternal Insurance and Protection In the Woodmen of the World. " Judge W. F. Norrls delivered an address of welcome. Music was furnished by the Wayne Corn Palace band and Prof. M. S. Davles1 Glee club. Ilnln Delnyn KarmurM. MEAD , Neb. , May 8. ( Special. ) About an Inch of rain fell hero yesterday. The planting of corn Is lute this year , many farmers having only begun and others nro only getting ready. Spring wheat Is fine , as Is rye and oats , but the acreage of winter wheat is exceedingly small. I'loiieorH of Clny Coiin < y I'lonlt ; . BUTTON , Nob. , May 8. ( Special. ) The Pioneers of Olay county hedd their first an nual picnic here today. The city was deco rated with the national colors. Owing to bad weather the exercises were held at the opera house and consisted of reminiscences from pioneers and music. N'oTVfipiiper CliniiRe nt I'alln City. FALLS CITY , Neb. , May 8. ( Special. ) The Journal of this city changed hands this morning , George W. Marsh becoming editor and proprietor , Martin & Martin retiring. The politics of the paper will continue re publican. Fourth of July Celebration. HUMBOLT > T , Neb. , May 8. ( Special. ) A mass meeting of citizens has been called for Saturday evening to perfect arrange ments for the grandest Fourth of July cel ebration over witnessed In Humbolrtt. Sccoml Suicide ut IJoeincr. BEEMER , Neb. , May 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Joseph H. Ruby committed suicide by shooting himself through the head with a revolver at the house of Miss Mary Vlnch , who shot heraolf Saturday last. Hurt In n nuimwiiy. OSCEOLA , Nob. , May S. ( Special. ) Otto Alqulst was on his way home from town when his horses ran away , throwing him out. Ho was badly bruised and his right leg broken below the kneo. DEATH RECORD. MnmililK Force of Ohio. SANDUSKV , O. , May 8. General Manning Force , commandant of the Ohio Soldiers' homo , died at the home near this city this afternoon. He entered the army In Ififil as lieutenant colonel , was promoted to briga dier In 1663 and breveted major general in 1864. Ho was appointed colonel of the regu lars In 1865 and declined. He served on the bench over twenty years at Cincinnati an Judge of the superior court. He was fre quently mentioned for governor , member of congress and even senator , hut declined all other honors as long as he was able to nerve as a jurist. KiiiKTiil of Kx-Rovprnor OKlrilw. SPHINOFIELD , 111. , May 8. The private funeral of Former Governor Richard J. ORlcsby was held today at the chapel In Oglehurst , near Elkhart , where the remains have laid In state since the public funeral on April 2K , guarded by a detail of Company H , Fifth Illinois Infantry. The services were attended only by the family nnd Inti mate friends. The Interment was made In the cemetery near the chapel. I0\-f"oiiijitroller Iiuivrpnre. BELLEFONTAINE , O. , May 8. . Judge William Lawrence , ex-comptroller of the treasury of the United States , died at his country homo here today. He was prof Klein of the National Association of Wool Grow ers and prominent In various business en terprises ns well ns In politics. llarly Net tier of SI. Paul. ST. PAUL , Neb. . May 8. ( Special. ) Adam Larkowskl of Farrell , ono of the best known early settlers of the Polish national ity , died Saturday from cancer of the stomach ach , aged DS years. He leaves a widow and five grown children. Dili HfHlilrnt of Illllilbolilt. HUMBOLDT. Neb. . May S. ( Special. ) Mrs. Wahe , an aged woman redding In this city for many years past , died Saturday night at the home of her son , Sidney Wahe. The remains were sent to Illinois for burial. Major Overman , I' . S. A , , Iti-llrcil , NANTUCKET , Mass. , May 8. Major L. C. Overman. U. S. A. , retired , was Instantly killed by falling from a staging on which ho was at work nt his summer home hero today. At ono tlmo he had charge of government work In Cleveland , 0. Ilolinrl ( JnliiM StreiiKlli Slowly , WASHINGTON , May 8 , Vice President Hobart spent a comfortable day and is re ported to be Improving slowly. TIMELY HIT OF WOLYERTON Obicngo Third Baseman Brings in Three Tallies in Ninth Inning. BOSTON FIELDER GUARDS TERRITORY WELL Dully 1'iitn .Six Men Out li.v Sti > lM > t"K IllRli IMIri-Ulntita Win the Third Coimcputlve finiiic from the S HnNlon , r | IlrooUlj-n , O. \cv York , ( I ) AV'iiMhlnKton , - . I'lttMhnrK , Ml l.oiilMvlllc. , - > , C'hlciiKO , 8 ( Cleveland , 7. I'lilliiilrlplilii-Ilalllinorr , no unine ) rnln. CHICAGO , May 8. Wolvcrton planted the ball over tlio score board for a homer In the ninth , driving In three runs nnd win ning the game , after the locals had been out played nt all points. McCormlck was knocked out by n pitched ball and Cross was ordered out of the gnmo for too much talking. At tendance , 1,800. Score ; CHICAGO. CI.BVra.AND. U.II.O.A.K. n.n.o A. * . . Hyan. If 1 2 3 0 0 Doivd , cf..l 1600 Oreon. rf..l HaKfy. lf..o 1 & 0 0 Worton , 3b..2 1241 Qulnn , Ib..l 1120 I-uigo. cf . .43300 Crops , 31 > I 1 1 1 0 lJrttl. . lb.,0 2 11 1 0 thickhead , a.O 3121 Dcvnont , HV.O : 1 2 1 Xltnmvr , c.,0 0 3 3 0 M'O-m'U , lli.O 0230 Tucker. lli..l S 8 D 0 Donahue , c..O 0 3 0 0 Hill'van , rf-3.3 3000 onmtii , P..O o i o i SililholT , i > . . . .0 0 1 3 0 Connor , Jrb..0 0 0 0 0 -lUow. rf..O 1000 NlolHiH , o..0 0 0 0 1 Merles 0 0000 Totals 7 13 M 10 1 Totals 8 10 27 11 COne Ono out when winning run scored. "Merita batted for Donahue. Chicago 0 10102013-8 Cleveland 0 00013130-7 Earned runs : Chicago , 4 ; Cleveland , 8. Left on hasten : Chicago. 6 ; Cleveland , 8. Two-huso hits : l nng f. Tucker , Sullivan , Hrlstow. Home run : Wolvcrton. Sacrlllco hits : Demont , Lockhead < 2 > . Stolen bases : Ryan , Lunge , Lockhead , Sullivan. Double Ulny : Green to Donahue. Struck out : Hy Sudhoff , 3. 1'itsfied ball : Xlmmer. Hose on balls : Oil' Sudhoff , 3. Hit with ball : Me- Cormlck , Wolvorton , Urlstow. Time : 1:50. : Umpires : Hums and Smith. \ MV York , It ; WtiNhliiKtoii , - . NEW YORK , May 8. The GlnntH won their third consecutive game from the WnshlnBtons today by peed hitting In the eighth li\nliiK. Attendance , 50U. Score : NH\V YO11K. AVASH1NOTON. H.H.O.A.K. Vhaltren , cf.l 1 t 0 0 . . . cf..O 0 t 0 0 < 2. Davis , 59. . 1 3 2 2 0 Geutnun , lb.0 0 S 0 0 lb..O 0 1 0 > trrccr. lf..O 2 0 0 u ( Jracly , c. . . 0 2 6 1 0 Ctiisildy , b..O 2 2 1 3 Ulna on , Sb..l I 3 3 0 Hulen , M..O 0110 O'llrlon. K..1 1 2 1 1 Krwinnn , rf.l 1100 Hartman , 3b.l 1 2 1 0 MefSutre. C..O 1 5 2 1 Ko ter , rf..O 030 OlMcKarl'cl. p.l 1 1 1 0 Doheny p..l 1 1 1 0 I'adilen , Ib..O 2 2 C 1 Totals 6112710 l | Totals 2 9 24 11 6 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 -6 Washington 0 0003000 0 2 Earned runs : New York , 3. First base by errors : New York , 1. Left on bases : New York , 8 ; Washington , G. Hase on bal's : Off Dohcny. 4 ; off McFarlnnd , il. Struck out : Uy Doheny , t ; by MoFnrlnnd , 1. Two-base lilts : Davis , Glenson , Doheny. Stolen bases : Davis , Glcnson , Hulen. Sacrl- llco hit : Foster. Wild pitches : Doheny , 1 ; MeKorlnnd , 1. Umpires : Gnffney and Andrews. Time : 2:10. : I'ltlHhiirK- | I.oulnvllle , r > . PITTSUURG , May S. Sparks kept the hits well scattered up to the eighth when Leever wa tmbstltuted. The first man up was Cllncmnn and the third ball pitched was a territlo one. H caught Cllngmnn on the head nnd laid him out cold for n time. Ilo was helped to the dressing room and Woodi went In the game for him. Cun ningham relieved Maseo In the sixth and SM.VS live hits and four runs , but refused to help the home team any afterward * . Attendance , SCO. Score : IMTTOHl'KO. / LOUISVIII.K. 11. H.O. A.K. ) H.H.O.A.B. Donovan , rf.3 4 1 0 0/lIoy. / cf 1 1201 M'Carthy. lf.2 330 0 Clarke , U..O 1 S 0 0 M'Orcery , cf.O 2000 llltchey , 21).Q ,2460 ScJirlver. tt > .0 110 0 1Wanner , , 31).1 Oil \VllllaniB. Sb.l 1 S 4 1 Docker. rf..l 1 14 Ilow'innn. c.l 2 3 3 0 Cl'sTiian , s..O 2020 Ely , MI 1 2340 Woods , sa.,0 0000 Ib. . . .0 044 HlClitredKP , u.1 0 3 0 Sparkf * . p. .0000 0 M 8 c. p 0 0000 L.eover , p. . .00010 Hnrlzeil . . . .00000 Ciin'lmm , IL.I 1 o 2 o Totals S 15 27 1C 2 TotnlB 0 S 27 14 1 Batted for Magee In fifth. Plttsburg 1 1 0 0 2.4 0 0 ( i-S Louisville 001101200-5 Earned runs : Plttsburg , 3 : Louisville , 2. Two-base hits : McCreery , Ely. Three-base hits : Donovan. Hoy. Home run : Decker Sacrifice hits : Ely (2) ( ) . Double plays : Kltt- r-dpe to Decker to Wagner ; Rltchcy to Decker. First base on balls : Off Sparks , fi ; off Leaver , 1 ; off Magce , 4 ; off Cunningham , 3. lilt by pitched ball : By Leever , 1. Struck out : Hy Sparks. 1 ; by Leever , 1 ; by Cunningham , 2. Paused bull : Bowcrman. Wild pitch : Sparks. Time of game : Two hours and twenty minutes. Umpires : O'Day and Brennan. IloHtoii , R ; Urooklyti , O. BOSTOX , .Mass. , May S. The Champions shut out the Hrooklyns today , Willis keepIng - Ing the hits wfil scattered. The Bostons won through hard batting in the first and third Iniiinga and after that made but little attempt to score. Duffy's tine running catches In cpnt'r Held proved the feature of the game. Attendance , 2,000. Score : I1O5TOX. HH.OpK.LiYI : . R.II.O.A.U IM1.0.A.M Stnhl. rf . 1 1 1 0 0 Capoy. 31).0 1130 Tenner. lt > . .l 1 10 0 0 Keelfr , rf..O 0200 ns , ss . I 1 331 Kelley , lf..n 2 1 o o Mi. . .1 2 240 Dahlen , . . .0 0040 Duffy , cf . 0 1 8 0 0 And'son , of. .0 1 1 n 0 I/nve , 3b 0 0 McGann , lb..O 1 II 0 0 Stirfor.t. lf..O 0 200 Hilly. 2I 0 0400 C..O 0 1 1 Farrell , O..O 0 1 2 0 WllllB , p 1 2 0 i Hughes , p..O 0 0 5 u Totals S 82712 1 Totals 0 B 14 14 0 Boston 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * -5 Brooklyn 000000000-0 Earned runs : Boston , 5. Two-base hits : Long. Collins. Stnhl. McGann. Double plays : Willis to Long to Tonney ; Collins to Long to Tenney (2) ( ) . First base on balls : Off Wil lis. 2 : oft' Hughes , 2. Hit by pitched ball : Farrell. Struck out : Hy Willis , 1 ; by Hughes , 1. Passed ball : Fnrrell , 1. Tlm of game : Ono hour and forty-two minutes. Umpires : Kmslle and McDonald. StitnilliiMT of tli < > TLMIIIIN , Played. Won. Lost. P.C. St. Louis 17 12 5 .708 Chicago 20 14 C . .00 Philadelphia 1 U g * Brooklyn 20 12 8 .COO Cincinnati IB 9 7 .fiCl Boston 20 11 9 J < M Baltlmoro 19 -3 10 .4,4 New York 17 8 0 .1.1 Louisville- 10 8 H .22 Pltt.Hbu.rg " 7 10 .42 Washington 19 4 IE .211 Cleveland 1" 3 H .1.0 Game * for today : Washington nt New York , Baltimore at Philadelphia. Cincin nati at Plttsburg. ST. PAUL WINS RECORD GAME ( iPli-r'H SliiKle III Srvcntrrtitli IniiliiK ItrliiKH ill tlio Dcrlnlvi ; Hun Aflr Two Onto. roliiiuliiiN , . " > ( Drlrnlt . .MIlilieuimllK , l'l | ICiuiniiM City , -t , .SI , I'llill , Kt MIHvilllUec , lliitriilo , 11 ImlliiiiniiollN , II. ST. PAUL , May S.-Todny's game was the record gnmo of the Western league , in the last hnlf of the seventeenth Inning , with two men oui ana u man on third , Geler hit for a single , scoring the winning run. Both pitchers settled down after the third Inning and received beautiful support. Score : St. Paul . . . .02200000000000001-5 Milwaukee . .20100100000000000-1 Base hits : St. Paul , 15 ; Milwaukee. 0. Errors : St. Paul , 5 ; Milwaukee , 2. Bat- tccles : Bt. Paul , Denzer and Splea ; Mil waukee. Retlger and Speer. COLUMBUS , O. , May S. Today's gome was one of heart disease for the fans , It waw anybody's game from the time the ball was pitched up. There were a num ber of i-eiuntlonal plays. Genlns , by n long run at a critical stage , cut off a ( hrec-bag- ger by a grand stand catch , and Ulllen , ut trlrd , played a great game , accepting ten chnnrps. Score : Columbus 10.t 00000 1 510 6 Detroit 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 11 2 Batteries : Columbus , Waddell and Buck- Icy ; Detroit , Guez and Andrews MINNEAPOLIS. May 8-Parkcr was In- vlnclblo itodnv and held the Blues down to two hits until the ninth , when he eased uii and let In three runa. Abbatacnlo played the star game for the home team. Score : Minneapolis . . 0 13 iti 3 Kansas City . . 451 Batteries. Minneapolis , Parker and Dlxon : Kansas C ty. Friend and Wilton. fiUfVALO , N. V. , May s.-Tno Western league pan opened here today. Orfy's pit.bins for the home team ws phenomenal , not a hit bclnc made off him during the game , lilt-key * error In the wconil was responsible for Buffalo's ony ! run. Attendant * . 2.WO. Score : H.H.E. Buffalo . 0 1000000 * ISt Indianapolis . 0 0000000 0-0 0 1 Hattorle * : Grey nnd Digging , Foreman and Kahoe. < > ' tttf * Train * . Plnyed. Won. Lost. P.O. St. Paul . 10 6 4 .600 Buffalo . 10 6 4 .600 Detroll . 11 fi S .S Kansas City . 11 B R .546 Milwaukee . 10 5 5 .5tt > Indianapolis . 11 5 6 .433 Minneapolis . 11 5 6 . * Columbus . . . 10 4 C .403 . . - . o.v TIII : IM'.VMMI TUACKS. 1 III ) ex' KnlrlfN Win I In111 inSriiMft Slnlir * u ( Cliiirchlll Dent MM. LOflSVlLE. May S.-Th < - Hayes entries , Hurrlcnno and St. Wood , ran one , two , In the Blue Grn n stake. , six nnd a hnlf furlongs , the star racing piece of the pro- cram , at Churchill Downs this afternoon. The pair were liberally played at S to 5 and considerable moiwy want In on Prlnru McClurg. The race was held safe by Hurri cane all the way nnd hln stable companion easily defeated McC'lurg for the place. Two favorites won , two uell-i > lnyrtl second choices , ono long shot , and ono outsider. The finishes were close -nearly all of thoraces races and the day's sport was exciting. Results : i First race , one mile : Samovar won , Duke of Baden second , Jolly Roger third. Time : U4CV4. Second race , seven furlongs : Oacuro won , Barney F. second , Florlzar third. Time : :52'4 : , Third race , one mile nnd a sixteenth , sell ing : Monk Way man won ; Don Orslno second end , Traveller third. Time : lioHj. Fourth race. Blue Grass stakes , six nnd one-half furlongs : Il'urrlcnne won , St. Wood second , Prince McClurg third. Time : 1K. : Fifth race , five furlongs , selling : Dick Furbcr won , Harry l.ucexco second , Hun- sell R. third. Time : lOC'i. : Sixth race , six furlongs , < ellln r : Treopla won , Simon D. second , Sir Blaze third. Time : 1:1SV4. : SAN FRANCISCO , May S. Inglcslde rnco results. Clear , fast. First race , tlve-elghtlm of n mile , purse , 2-year-olds : Hnm'boula ' won ; Rachel S. second , Devereux third. Time : 1:02H. : Second race , eleven-sixteenths of a mile , Belling : KonUiso won. KuMlco second ; Pom- plno third. Tim ? : 109U. ; Third race , one nnd one-eighth miles , sellIng - Ing : Stamina won , Ado'iih Sprcckels second end , Morops third. Time : 1:55. : Fourth race , six furlongs , maidens , sell ing : faioepy Jane won , MnreMlus second , Catnstropho third. Time : 1:10'4. : Flftn race , six furlongs , .selling : Sly won , Alarla second , Horatio third. Time : 1:114. : Sixth race , seven furlongs , purse : May \ \ . won , Roseormondo second , Lagolcta third. Time : 1:2SU. : CINCINNATI , May S. Results : First race , four furlongs : Grace Phillips won , tMy HutUrlly second , Miss Hudson third. Time : :52'4. : Second mce , one mile nnd a sixteenth , soiling : Vlctorlno won , Howitzer . ocoml Hush third. Time : 1:57. : Third race , four and one-half furlongs , sellln : Amaranth won , Sue JohnHoii second end , .Miss Fonsoland third. Time : : r,3. Fourth race , ono mile and fifty yards : Kenmore Queen won , Helen II. Gardner second , Loat Time third. Time : lKO. : Fifth rare , nix furlongs , selling : Car- lotta. C. won. Tobe Paine second , Banner third. Tlmo : 1:171. : Slxtn race , one mile nnd a sixteenth , sell- ngj Baiuiuo II. won. Agitator second , Rockweed third. Time : 1:53. : mi ; > o.\T ( Ji.v ) OPEMXH. IIIt-or-Mlxn I'l-cci-aiii oil HitOrounilH AcroNN tilt- Hirer 011 Sniulny. The Dupont Gun club held Its opening shoot of the season on the. grounds across the river on Sunday. On account of the threatening aspect of the wcathor the turn out was not a good as It would otherwise have been , but n , satisfactory crowd was nevertheless on hand. The. day was spent with a hlt-or-mlfs program events being put on the card as demanded by the shoot ers. The high score in the club shoot , 19 out of 20 targets , was made by "Sandy , " who thereby carried off n special prize con- slating of a shell case. "Jones" and "Grant" tied for second place and on a ton-bird shoot-off the former won out with a straight score against nine smashed by his oppon-nt The two received n ckimlng rod and liW shells respectively as special prizes. The score of the club event was as follows : BlHhop 01111 11100 01000 11000 10 Rem . 01111 11111 01011 10110-15 Welsh 00111 10110 10110 10011 12 Goodrich 11110 01010 00101 00011 10 Watt 10000 11011 11111 00101-12 Townsend 11011 11111 10001 00010-12 Sandy . 11111 11111 11011 11111 19 Curtis 10101 11101 11111 11001-15 Jones 00101 11111 11111 11101 10 Brucker 1011010111 11011 00011-13 Berlin 11101 00110 00011 11111 13 Grant 11101 11111 11010 11011-1U Jackson 11111 10101 10111 10101-15 .Spvpiity-Twn-Iloiir Trump. NEW YORK , May 8.A seventy-two hour go-as-you-pliu e race began at 1 o'clock this afternoon In Grand Central palace with fifteen starters. The men will be on the track twelve hours a day unHl Saturday night. The starters wore : Oliver llansen of Norway , John Click of Philadelphia , George Barn-s of Fitchburg , Mass. , Thomas Cox of Chicago , Patrick Igo of England , Charles Demmlng of Lak'woocJ , N. J. , Samuel Day of London , Peter Hegclman of New York , Philip Martin of Greenwich , Conn. , Gus Guerrere of Minneapolis , George Noremac of Philadelphia , John Craig of Newburg. N. Y. , Thomas Dawson of Eng land , Martin Geary of Allegheny , 1'a. , and Peter Edwards of New York. HUMP Hull ill VaiiUloii. YANICTON , S. D. , May 8. ( Speclal.-The ) base ball game here this afternon between Vermllllon university and Ynnkton < ollr-M was won by Vermll'.lon. Score. ID to 10. This bars the Ynnkton team from ball games at the intercollegiate meet at Mitchell. Krninlc'llittN In u Ituce. BURLINGTON , In. . May K.-fSpecial Tele gram. ) The n'.ne-hour champion bicycle race for women started tonight nt the ColU-cum In the presence of 2,000 spectators. The race will be- run one hmr and .1 hilf : ii-h night this tx-'fk , Ho-nilt ! > tonight : Tlllo Andr un. 31 mile * 9 lnp . .11 m'.le ' * 9 laps ; Ol\v. 31 mile * S Inns ; l.l i > tte , .11 mile * S lain. In the inn KM > Llwtt * cid- IMed vdth Anderson nd was thrown against a post , breaking her collar bone. YIH'MJ DKStTHOYS MAXY TAHIJIM'S. HrpnliK World' * Itfenril 1i > - HrcnUlni ; iMI Ilium lu .SIUT NOII. | PE01UA , 111. , May S-Charles A. Young of Springfield. O. , broke $11 straight Innnl- mnto targets , unknown angles , hero today , thus breaking the world's record. The | > rvlous record was liHrt by J. J. Hollowell , who broke 1S1 strnlplit nl the Philadelphia shoot last year. In the twin shoot another world's record was established. S. M Pow er * . Decatur , III. ; ciwrles Youne. Spring- Ili-ld , O. : Fred Gilbert. Spirit Luke. la. ; Hello 11 Ikes , Dny ton. 6. . and K.I Fulford. ftlcn. N. Y. . broke 193 stinltjht. The former record of 100 straight was made by Younii nt Lincoln. Neb. , last week. This squad only missed two out of 200 targets and only clevpn out of 800 inanimate targets and niiRlrg unknown. The tournament beglno tomorrow nnd the bnsllr ss meeting of the association will be ht-M Int-r. U. C. Rice of Chicago will be chosen president. All of the champion shots of tbo country are here. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Cltniilliipm Vroillctetl for .NelirnxUn , I'otlmveil hy MioMer * anil lo er Tem'iieralure. WASHINGTON , May S. Forecast for Tuesday : For Ncbraskn. South Dakota and Kansas Increasing cloudiness Tuesday , showers nml cooler Wednesday ; southerly winds. For town Fair Tuesday : Increasing cloudiness Wednesday ; southerly winds. For Colorado nnd Wyoming Partly cloudy and cooler Tuesday ; probably fair Wednes day ; variable winds. l.iicnl Iteeord. OFFICE OF THU WKATHEU'lirnHAl * . OMAHA , May S. Omaha roi-ord of temper ature nnd preelpltntlon compared with the corresponding day of the 1nt three ycnrs : 1SS.1. 1KH. 1S9T. ISM. Maximum tcmpornture. . . . 70 70 7G S7 Minimum temperature . S.1 60 5S Average temperature . IB CO 7 < Precipitation . o T ,7S .0 Hecord of temperature nnd prerlnitntlon nt Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 1S99 : Normal for the day . ci Kxcess for the day . . . . . i Accumulated ilcllclency since March 1..2I9 Normal rainfall for the dny . Winch Dellclency for the day . in Inch Total rainfall slnee 'Mnreh 1 . 3.01 Inches Deficiency wince March 1 . 1,73 incite * Deficiency for. corresp'g period 1S9S..1.01 inch Excess for corrcsp'g period 1S37..2.25 liu-hcw Iluiiortfi front StHtlotin nt S p. in. STATIONS AND STATE OP WEATHER. Omaha , partly cloudy 70 ; .00 North Platte , partly cloudy 70 | .00 Snlt Lake , clear. . Kill .DO Cheyenne , clear r > S | .00 Huron , clear 71i .00 Wllllston , clear i. . . 741 .00 Chicago , partly cloudy co .0 : St. Ixiuls , clnr 70 | .00 St. Paul , partly cloudy 741 Davenport , cleiir 711 Helena , cloudy , 6S Kansas City , clear 74 Havre , cloudy 74S4 lllsmnrck , partly cloudy GalvcMon. partly clouddy 7C | S0 | T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast OfllclaL Genuine Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of See Fac-Slmllo Wrapper liclow. Very nmnll and os easy to lake as ugnr. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DI7ZIHESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIIJ. FOR THE COMPLEXION . oicrwirfn 2 ! p I cinh I Purely V ffetaDle.//Wa > CURE SICK HEADACHE. For Infants and Children. i/- * IThe Kind You Have . .1"VJg' f. Jj' -wl . tpi Always Bough ! AveBelablcPrcparalionfor As similating UieFoodandRcguta- llng llic Stomachs antlDowels of Bears the Signature Promotc3 Digcslion.Cheei ful ness andRest.Contains neither of OjiuinMorphine ) nor Mineral. NOT NAKC OTIC. m Sail' stnite Stii H'mfte4 * l Sugar Apcrfcct Remedy forConslipa- liorv , Sour Stoiuach.Dlarrhoea , Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish- ttcss and Loss OF SLEER Tac Simile Signature of EXACT COPVOF WRAPPED , . . THi CtHTlUn COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. IN A WORLD OF WONDERS. Grant Chesterfield's Strange nnd Startling Powers. Ho looks nt your polnis nml your dl ense. If th ncr\e structure Is In volved ho can restore you unit you Milt remnin restored. He will examine your hnml nml icll you more about yourself than you enn pofalbly retain. Ho pliinges Into jour business matters with the familiarity of n business associate , nnd he becomes juil as fnmllliir with your homo or social life. Me tells you whether or not joti shoulj mnko change. * . If you will be successful hi your henrt nftnlrs. If you will travol. H you will meet your obligations , nnd hid rending of your palm Is a thorotiRU Ufa reading Those living nt n distance many mnll tha Imprints of their palms , enclosing the fed for n written rending , which Is $1.00. L1M readings nt his pnrlors nro SOo. All eommunlcntlons should bo nddrciscJ to Ornnt Chesterfield , 17U Dodge St. Sun days the looms close nt1 p. m. Week day nt S p. in. Searles & Searies SPECIALISES. " W * Mwoor.ifnllr trent nil NI3HVOU OlinONIO AND rillV.VTi : dUeaa a of moil and TIOUIRII. SYPfflLI8 flffiXUALLT eur d tot M < Nlpht ICinUilonti Loil Manhfcoil , drocal * . Verleootlf , dononrhea. Glut , Or ; fun. Stricture , PI1M. FlMMla and RH Ulcwm. Dltbttei , Brleht'i DIiMoo curtd. CON9UI/YATIOU FRHEJ. and Cured nt homa try new method without p tn r cut Call on or addrec * with jump. Trea by mall. DR. SEARLES & SEARLliS J&tr , ' 4. DUFFY'S PURE MfiLT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. Most of the fearful ailments of Ufa can bo traced to 4X derangomcnt of the nervous system , generally originating In diseases of the ci-nltnl organs. Every mitforet -vants a euro that will effect a euro In tha easiest , quickest and least public manner ; therefor * , I do not enter upon a lengthy discus sion and longwinded - winded treatise as to the cause o your trouble , rc- sorted to by quacks , who only do BO to confound nnd frighten you. You nro probably , well aware of thct cause of your present weakness. Drugs and the or dinary courses ol treatment will not euro you probably you ara awnro of mis fact , to your Mor- row. Electricity , will spped I 1 y , safely and surely cure you txiunil and well ngnln , nnd 1 will guar antee U , If you will apply this 1 m p o r tant ole- " m o n t of 111 through t h q ngcncy of Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Belt. Electricity lssthe Nerve and Vital Force or every man and womhn , and without It you could not live a moment. When there Is n lack of thin Electricity or Nervv Force In the Hystem you can never be well ana strong again until It I.s again supplied. Na ture wli : not supply It. for Nature hag been Imposed upon and rpfuuos to act. 1 will forfeit Jl.OOO If my Klectrle Belt does not generate a genuine current of Elec tricity tlmt you can Immediately fool Is fuur limes .stronger than any other belt on earth. Has soft , sllkn , clmmols-covcrcd sponge olectrofles that cannot burn and bll&tcr tin do the buro metal electrodes used on all other makes of belts. I guarantee my Holt to curt- Seminal Impnteney. Ixist Man hood , Spermatorrhoea. Varlcorelc nml fnn. oral Debility ; restore Hhrunkon and Un developed I'nrts , cure Rheumatism In any form , Kidney. Liver and Hladdpr Troubles. Constipation , Dyspepsia , all Fomnlo Com * . ] : ! , , etc. C'nll upon or write rne today sacredly confidential do not de'ay , delays nro dan * goroiip get Hymptom blankH , books and I'lf-mtiTu. Continuation and advice wltlv- out cost. My ELECTUICAL SUSPEN- sory for th < - cure of the various wenknesssa of men. Is given KRKE to every male pur chaser of ono of my Helta. Hold only by Sennett Electric Company , ItooniM SO nn.I 1U OniiRln * Illook. Oiunlmrlir. . , 1OIU mill Dodee Strnet * . CURE YOURSELF ! line Hie for unnatural ( llnrbarrcn , InflainiuH'.loni. IrritulloiiH or ulcrratlopi of in u c uu pjcmbrauei. I llllllotdf , fUl ] Jul ; Ultljl } * fil > nt or poitwom. or trnt In plnlu wrapper. l/ , ' PreM. rrrpald. lot JI.W. . ur .1 tnttf | , U.7J , l.ircuur icac ou reijutiU 3 Patronize Home Industries ItI'lirrliimliu ; OI.OIH | at dm Kolloirlnu ; FLOUR MILLS S , F. ( ; il.M.\\ . riour , Meal , I-'ecd. riran. 1013-15-17 North 17th strjot , Omaha , Neb. C. 13. Tele-phono 5S2. DAVIS , Vt IOU'lilI.1 , IH ( X WnillCH , Iron nnd HI-IINM FoiinilrrN. Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of Machinery. vJenoral repairing a specialty. 1501 , 1003 and 1605 Jackson tHrcet , Omaha. Neb. LINSHKD OIL. WOODMAN l.l\.Siii : ) Oil , WOltlCS. Manufacturers old procos raw United oil. k'Ulo boiled Unseed oil , old proem * ground linsued cakes , Kround and screened flaxseea for druKt'lsts. OMAHA. NEil. HRKWURIKH. DM MIA lllli\VI.M : ! ASSOCIATION' . Carload HhlpmentH made In our own frlgcnitor cars. Dluo Itlbbon , Kllto Kxpc Vienna Export and Family Export del tred to all parts of th city.