Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1899, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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I ;
Davln stlln glati.
Mooro's food kllli worms and fattens.
Uudwclser beer , L , Rononfeldt , ngcnu
Furnished rooms , 14 South First street.
Judson. Pasturage , 020 Cth avenue. Tel. 34S.
lowa Furniture Carpet Co. , 407 B'way.
J. C. Blxby , heatlnc. ptumblnc. Tel. 19J-
Jensen & Mortcnscn , 231 Dwny give "Stars"
Pictures and frames , C. 13. Alexander & Co.
C. n. Jacriuemln & Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street. '
Ot > t your work done at the popular Eagl
laundry , 724 Broadway , 'Bhnne 167.
The Ladles of ( ho Maccabees wilt meet In
regular session Tuesday afternoon at the
usual time and place.
Mrs. C. H. W. Urown of 1415 High
Utreet has been called to Tell City , Ind. , by
the Rcrlous Illnew ) of her sister.
The ThooBophlcnl society will hold Its rog-
\ilar public mooting at 3 o'clock this after
noon In the Odd Fellows' temple.
11. 8. Strykcr of Omaha will sing nt the
Congregational church this morning the solo ,
"There Is a Land Mine Eye Hath Seen. "
Leslie Mvcrs , corner Thirty-seventh street
tui'l Broadway , was reported to the Hoard
of IluiiUh yesterday as having diphtheria.
The banks of the city have united In put-
ling In electric burglar alarms and the wires
nnd batteries are now being placed In posi
T. J. Lannlng nnd wife are In Now Or
leans , wbero Mr. 1aiming attended the con
vention of the llrothorhood of Hallway
Nora Fields , the negrcss wanted In Omaha
for the robbery of a man named Moras ,
was taken across the river on requisition
import jestorday afternoon.
O. It. Scott represented the letter carrier
of this city at tlin second annual convonlli
of the owa Letter Carriers' association i.
les ) Mnlnoi Friday and Saturday. ,
F. 13. Weston , who for n number of years |
1ms been running between Council Hluffs and
Sioux City In the railway mall service , has
been transferred to the run between hero and
Dr. C. A. Woodbttry hrts'roturncd from the
meeting of the Iowa Dental society nt DCS
Mollies. Ho waH made a member of the
executive committee of the society for the
ensuing year.
Yank Newell , In advance of Kate Emmet In
the "Wnlfa of Now York , " was In the city
yesterday arranging for the appearance of
Ills company at the Dohany Saturday and
Sunday of next week.
Mrs. M. L. Ilratnunl will give a free lec
ture this uvonlng at the Odd Fellows' tem-
l > lo under the auspices of the Thcosophlcnt
society. Her subject will be , "Man , the
Maker of His Destiny. "
Frank H. Kiiepher died yesterday morning
nt the Woman's Christian association hos
pital of mountain fuver , aged 27 years. The
funeral \\ltl be held this afternoon at 3
o'clock from 1326 Avenue J and Interment
will bo In Falrvlew cemetery.
The adjourned meeting of the Pottawatta-
jnle County Bar association to have been
licld yesterday afternoon for the purpose of
taking action In the matter of a minimum
Tee bill was , owing to the small attendance ,
ngaln adjourned to next Saturday.
Duwey , the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas LaFay , 212 Thirteenth avenue , died
yesterday morning from congestion of the
lungs , aged 1C months. The funeral wlir
bo hold from the family residence this aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock and Interment will bo
in Falrvlew cemetery.
The State bank has leased the building
on the northeast corner of Broadway and
Slain street formerly occupied by the First
National bank. The building will bo thor
oughly overhauled and repaired and the
Jinnk expects to occupy Its new quarters
about the llrst of the month.
The case of William Lewis , charged with
stabbing 0 W. Hays , was continued In Jus
tice Vcln'e court yesterday by agreement
until next Saturday. This was to permit
of the grand Jury , which reconvenes tomor
row , to Investigate the case. It is said that
Hays Is not willing to prosecute.
Ilulldlng permits were Issued yesterday as
follows : Ed Cook , 3f > 0 Avenue F , two-story
frame addition , to cost $500 ; Charles Homer ,
corner Avenue 13 and Seventh street , a two-
Ktory frame addition to cost $800 ; Omaha
Brldgo and Terminal railway , depot at Ninth
nnd Union avenue , to cost $8,000.
Ceorgo Shivers , charged with robbing II.
S. McCormlck , had a hearing before Jus
tice Farrier yesterday. The evidence went
to show that both had been out on a spree
together , but was not suinclont to con
vince the court that Shivers had robbed
lila companion , so the case was dismissed.
Charles Banther. assistant city engineer ,
who left hero suddenly last Thursday week
somewhat under a cloud , has returned. The
threatened proceedings against him have
liocn called off nnd ono of his first actions
on reaching homo was to square the ac
counts ho had contracted for borrowed
money before leaving. Ho hopes to resume
his work In the engineer's olllco and once
inoro become a model citizen.
W. S. Wllklns of Washington avenue re
ceived a telegram yesterday morning convey
ing the sad Interiigcnco that his son , Lewis
J. , had been killed In an explosion nt Flnola ,
Cil. Beyond this the dispatch contained no
further particulars. H Is believed that young
Wllklns was working iu the government
j > owder factory , where the explosion oc
curred. Ho had but recently returned from
Alaska , where ho had been for the last
three years. The remains will be brought
hero for burial.
N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Get our prices on lawn mowers , J. Zoller
& Co.
Wanted , girl for general housework. Inquire -
quire L. Itosenfcld , 029 First avenue.
Before buying call nnd examine our gnso-
Jluo stoves. J , Holler & Co.
For rent , the Squlro's modern home , 203
Story street , $35 per month.
Host facilities for storing stoves. Cole &
Colo's now warehouse. $4 and up.
Lawn mowers , garden hose , screen doors ,
window screens and panel netting at J.
Eollcr & Co.'s.
Ilfiil KHHI % TrniiNfvrn.
The following transfers were Hied yes
terday In the abstract , title and loan of-
flco of J. W. Squire , 101 1'earl street :
llnuimh May Hair and husband to
-Myru A. KolU'iiB , part of lota 4 and
D , Auditor's bubdlv. , nwV4 ne > i 12-
75-4W , w. d $ 100
J , 1-3. Bender and wife to name , part
lot C , Auditor's ) HUbdlv. , nwfc neVi 12-
I 76-10 , < | . P. d 1
Jklvru A. Uollens and husband to J.
! : . Ilemlcr , part lot D , Auditor's sub-
Ulv. . mvlt nifli 12-75-40 , u. c. d 1
Comity treasurer to W. W. Loomls ,
lot li , block 7 , Jlcurd' aubdlv. , Coun
cil ItlulTf , tax a B
HJino to game , uncllv , 9-10 of lot 5 ,
block 7. Beers' subdlv. , Council
lllutts , tax d 1
Baiuu to Hume , unJIv. 1-10 ot lot 5.
block 7 , lieurs' HUbdlv. , Council
mult * , tax d S
l.uvv A. Hotilnscin and husband to
J , L. Caldll. . lol 1 , Auditor's uub-
illv. . nw'i Bo5i 12-75-40. w. d 2,650
l iiureHton M. Jlannett to Georcoi
Oudorltlrk , lot 10. block 3 , Bubdfv.
of Uliidlo tract , w. < 1 1,450
Jlnry lntman to 1. , . I1. Kevins , lot 4 ,
block 6 , Bqulro'a add. , Council Uluffa ,
\v. d 100
MtiKClo ! Nicholson nnd husband to
ClurlBa Kmarine. lots 9 and 10 , block
11 , HlulMiiun's 2nd add. , Council
Ulutta , W. d 1.300
Ten transfers , total ) SC1'
Attend the last of tbo series of illustrated
nrt lecturon , Monday evening , nt n. A , ball.
Sir , Pitch states that lie lias extra line
views for this lecture.
Lawn mowers and garden hose nt J. Zol
ler & Co.'s.
Km' fit nil or I.oiuicil un ,
K. H. SIUiAFli & CO. ,
G IVtu-1 Street , Council lIlufTv , Iowa.
nninrv PII no ITO < vniiTpn
Another Feature Added to the High School
Injunction Suit.
Moduli to IHnmtlvp Triujtornrjllc -
fttrnlnliiK Orilc-r IN I'lli-il , tlir Alt < > -
Kiillon Hi-Inn Hint Triiiier .No
tice Wim Not Olven.
The answer of the Board of education to
the Injunction suit brought against It by
Slack Peterson was filed Saturday In the
district court. A motion to dissolve the tem
porary restraining order Issued by Judge I
Urocn was also fllod. |
The board In Its answer , after admitting
that the Oakland avenue property had been
purchased nt ) n site for the now High school
and that n contract for the grading had been
entered Into , gives Its reasons for desiring
to pay the purchase prlco of the property
out of the school house fund Instead of out
of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds.
The election nt which the bond proposition
was voted and all subsequent proceedings
relative to the board locating the school
building are referred * ' * at length.
The grounds on > whlch the motion for the
dissolution of the restraining order Is made
are practically the same as these contained
In the answer nnd on which a dismissal of
the suit Id asked. In addition the > board
lieges that the restraining order was made
Ithotit notice being served on It.
Try Klein's summer drinks.
Our line of brass and Iron bedsteads Is
ho finest over shown In the west. A little
noney goes a long ways In our furniture
lepnrtmcnt. Peterson & Schoenlng , Mer-
rlam block.
Make your own Ice cream this summer
n 314 minutes. The Peerless and JJero
'reczors at Cole's.
Davis sells drugs.
Have you found out about that grape
fruit at Klein's yet ?
Many Weil ill UK * Crlclirntcil Dtirlnir
tlio Merry Month of MIIJ- .
Ono of the prettiest weddings of the early
May season was celebrated Wednesday evenI
ng at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McKeuzle on the Chautauqua road
when their daughter , Miss Grace Elizabeth ,
was united in tnarrlago to ( Mr. Shirley Brooks
Prouty. Elder F. A. Smith of LamonI , la. ,
performed the ceremony. The bride -was ex-
qulslto In a gown of white bengallno ullk
with bodlco of liberty silk. She carried
bride's roses. Mrs. Edward Hess , as matron
of honor , looked charming In a toilet of lav
ender with garniture of red roses. Mr.
ileas acted as best man. The parlor and
Ibrary wore profusely decorated In red
roses and carnations. The bridal party cn-
tored to the strains of 'Mendelssohn's ' wed
ding march and stood before a bank of
palms with festooning of smllax and red
carnations overhead. During the service
; ho orchestra played softly the "Angels'
Serenade. " A delightfully Informal recep
tion following the ceremony was held. Mr.
and 'Mrs. ' iMcICcnzIo nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed
ward llees assisted In receiving. The dln-
ng room was west artistic In pink roses
nnd carnations. Miss Jacobs and Miss Wil
liamson were a&slstecl by the Misses All-
worth , Lyons and Hepford , all of whom
wcro gowned In pink In perfect harmony
with the decorations. The presents dis
played In the hallway on the second floor
were numerous and beautiful. During the
evening Miss Dora Gras nnd Miss Wagner
of Omaha favored the guests with roeal
solos. Mr. and Mrf. Prouty left amid a
shower of violets and rice for an extended
trip through the south. They cleverly eluded
a number of young folks who had gathered
at the depot to glvo them nn appropriate
farewell. Among the out of town guests
were Messrs , and Mcsdames Lloyd Prouty ,
D. S. Hubbard , Mr. Lovejoy , Misses Wagner ,
Ida and Otto Wagner.
A pretty homo wedding was celebrated
Tuesday evening at the homo of Mr. nnd
Mrs. John II. Carse , when the daughter.
Miss Jennie D. Carso , and Mr. Walter
Charles Potts of Omaha were married. The
nuptials were performed by llov. J. M. Wil
son of Omaha. The brldo was lovely In a
gown of sheer white over cream silk. She
carried a boquet of lilies of the valley. She
was attended by her sister , Mrs. A. J. Faul ,
and Mr. Faul acted as best man. After the
ceremony a collation was served. In the
parlor where the bridal party stood pink
and whlto carnations with festoonlngs of
smllax and whlto ribbon were effectively
used. The back parlor and dining room
wore prettily decorated In white and green ,
the tables 'being ' dainty In hyacinths and
ferns. A number of beautiful presents were
received. iMr , and Mrs. Potts will bo at
homo to their friends after May 15 at
Twenty-fifth nnd Corby streets , Omaha.
Mr. Samuel Bowley of Denver , Colo. , nnd
Mire Emma L. Carothcrs were married
Wednesday evening at the homo of the
bride's sister , Mrs. Henry Robinson , 412
Broadway. Rev. Phelps of Omaha , of whose
congregation Mr. Bowloy was formerly a
member , officiated. Only relatives witnessed
the ceremony. The brldo was stately In a
handsome gown of white. She were lilies of
the valley and diamond earrings , the gift
of the groom. At the conclusion of the cere
mony an elaborate repast was served , The
parlor was artistically decorated in Ameri
can Beauty roses and palms. In ono corner
of the room , where the bridal party stood ,
palms and potted plants wcro banked with
splendid effect. The table In the dining room
was especially pretty. Pink carnations ,
lilies of the valley and ferns were tastefully
combined and the whole waa lighted by
candles In pink and green shades. Mr , and
Mrs. Bowley left for Denver , their future
homo , where for the last few years Mr.
Bowley has been extensively Interested In
gold mining.
Dewey day was celebrated by the musical
auxiliary of the Council Bluffs Woman's
club on the evening of May 1 nt Masonic ;
temple. The hall was pally decorated In
flags and bunting nnd A picture of Admiral
Dewey occupied n place of honor. An orchestra - |
chestra from Omaha gave a number of mill- ,
tary pieces which were cnthtislastlenlly re
ceived. Others taking part In the program
were : Misses Nellie Haworth , draco Barr ,
Mclntyre , Mrs. Mullls , Mr. Illgdon and Mr.
Altchlson. The accompanists wcro Misses
Officer , Witter and Olwson. The second part
of the program consisted of an exhibition
drill by the High school cadets. The boys
looked tholr best and the frequent applause
of the audience was n compliment to the
perfection with which It was executed.
After the drill dancing was enjoyed. The
music waa furnished by s the Dlmlck or
Ono of the features of lost \\eck In social
circles wns the May polo dance given on
Monday night at Odd Fellows' hall under
the auspices of the paraphernalia committee
of the order of triple links. The number of
guests ran close to the 300 mark. The hall
waa tastefully decorated nnd nn elaborate
dance program In the colors of the order
was Issued as a souvenir. During the even
ing A Juvenile cake walk , a May polo dance
and n cake walk for the elder guests were
given. The prizes In the Juvenllo cnko walk
wcro carried off by Pansy Otto nnd Jack
Cady. Supper wns served , by n committee
, from the Kcbckah lodges.
I Mrs. E. E. Hart entertained a few friends
In delightfully Informal fashion on Wednesday -
day morning In honor of Miss Prlco of Chi
cago. A dainty lunch was served ,
The Hamilton Whist club met Tuesday
with Mrs. Cook and Miss Dullard nt the
home of the latter. The prizes for the
month wcro distributed. Mrs. Cummlngs
was the winner of the first prize nnd Mrs.
Shugart of the second. Mrs. Maurcr and
Mrs. Cummlngs will entertain next Tues
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Estcp of Oakland nv-
ontio entertained at dinner Friday. Covers
wcro laid for nine. The decorations were
carnations and roses.
Professor Chambers gave n May party
Friday night for the younger members of
his dancing classes , which proved ono of
the pleasant affairs of the past week.
Dr. T. B. Lacey returned Wednesday from
a visit to Chicago.
Mrs. L. Patterson Is enjoying n visit from
her mother , Mrs. G. H. Williams of Mis
souri Valley.
Miss N. D. Morghon visited the past week
with Miss Cora Curtis nt Logan.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Southard have taken
apartments nt the Fonda residence on Bluff
Mr. and Mrs. Dell G. Morgan and family
have moved Into their now residence on
Oakland avenuo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown nnd Mrs.
Ella Scoflold have moved to 423 South First
I I street.
j ' | Mrs. Nellie Janney returned Wednesday
from a throe-months' visit with friends and
| , relatives In Ottumwa.
j Word has been received of the safe arrival -
! i rival of Mr. Ferdinand Wlcs nt Bremen ,
Germany. Mrs. Wcls , during his absence , Is
located at C07 Willow avenue.
Mrs , George Crane nnd daughters , Misses
May and Bessie , leave this week for Port
land , Ore. , on a visit to Mrs. Crano's daugh
ter , Mrs. Will Peasely. Before returning
they will take a trip through Southern Call-
The young women of "Tho Pedalors" Cy
cling club wcro the guests Wednesday even-
lug of Miss May Culdwell. Mcsdames Wal
ter C. Spooner and Tom Farnsworth were
the chaperones for the evening run.
Mesdames Joel L. Stewart , John N. Bald
win , Vereua J. Huletto and Lulu Ilardman
and Miss Caroline Dodge returned yester
day from Burlington , whore they attended
the biennial meeting of the Iowa. Federa
tion of Women's clubs.
Mrs. Victor E. Bender nnd children have
returned from a visit with relatives In
Galcsburg , III.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolz of Philadelphia
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore
and family of South Sixth street.
Palm Grove , Woodmen circle , gave ono
of Us pleasant series of socials Tuesday
evening. A dance concluded the festivities.
I Mrs. II. B. Jennings and son Henry are
I visiting relatives In Now York. Before returning -
' turning they will visit In Toledo , O.
Miss Andrews of Avenue D entertained
the last week Miss Grace Anthony of Ne
braska City.
Miss Agnes Lund of Omaha was the guest
last week of Miss Daisy Bllnn.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Howe have moved Into
! the Travis cottage , 740 Mill street.
I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Atkins entertained
| over Sunday Mr. E. C. Blackmar of Bur-
i Hngton.
I Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Robinson and family
have moved from South Seventh street to
the Stillmnn homo , C07 Willow avenue.
Mrs. Snider , who spent the winter with
her daughter , Mrs. Karl Mayno , left for her
homo in Mount Pleasant last Wednesday.
Mrs. T. J. Bishop , after a two months'
visit with her father , Mr. J. W. Blanchard ,
returned to her homo In North Plntto last
Tuesday ,
Messrs. and Mesdames J. D. Edmundson
Ono to ECO horse-power. Send for cata
logue and price.
n.vviu iiitAUkKY .t co. ,
Council IIluDN , . . . Town.
Hetwc'oii Council It I ii ft H mill Oimilin.
Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council muffs ollk-p. No. 8 North .Main
street. Telephone 123. Omaha olllc re
moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Telephone -
phone 130S.
Connections made with South Omaha ,
Big Brown , Bouncing Bed Bugs Bit
Beautiful Betty Bycrs Badly. Betty Bettor -
tor Beat Bugs By Buying Big Bottk-
"DI3AD SHOT" from
Successors to Gilbert Bros. Established 1SSS.
Taxidermists and Tannery ,
1.-.01 AVi-Ht IIroaIn ay. Counull IlIufTfl.
Take Care of Your Teeth
Gol.l Klllluir (51.011 ( mill up
( iolit Alloj Kllllnc 1.00
( iolil CroTrim n.oo
Si-t iif IVrth B.OD
. . . ,
Ilc.l Teeth " " ( )
DR. A. O. fttiUDCE ,
; tilI-itS : : : IlnmiUviir , Srvniiil Floor. COUNCIL IIIU1 < ' 1'.S.
g IO Cents. 5 Cents. g
i John G. Woodward & Co. ,
nnd Brncst E. Hart attcndcl the reception
given Friday at Des Molnes by Mr , nnd Mrs.
S. II. Hyers In honor of Princess Snlm-S lm.
Mips lludlo entertained Friday evening the
SlMorg of Bothnny nt her homo on South
First Btreot.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Mullls nnd family
hnvo taken up their residence nt the Bcebco
home , 120 South First street.
Miss Wilson of New York Is the guest
of her nunt , Mrs. Hyerson of the Woman's
Christian association hospital ,
Mrs. K. H. Mathls Is In Pueblo , Colo. , vis
iting her daughter , Mrs. Chambers.
Mrs. Clarence Hough of Stutsman street
Is entertaining Mrs. M. C. Hnrford of Cres
cent City.
Mrs. Ynogor and daughter , Hhucy , of Lin
coln nvenuo nro spending Sunday with Mr.
nnd Mrs. Smith at their home , about five
miles east of the city.
Mrs. G. A. Mntlack of Laramlo , Wyo. ,
former/ ! this city , la visiting relatives
nnd friends in Council UIulTs.
Mr. J. D. Yaegcr Is visiting in Hastings ,
llor. nnd Mrs. S. Til. Perkins on their re
turn homo last Wednesday -were treated tea
a surprise party by the members ot the First
Christian church. The affair took the nature -
turo of n "pound party. "
Mr. Don Ilono returned Friday evening
from n four months' trip through southern
California and other points on the Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. True had as their
guest the last week Mr. Charles Dowers of
llov. Duncan M. Buchanan of Mnuch
Chunk , Pa , , was the guest last week of Jlr.
Victor E. Bender.
Miss Caroline E. Bowman has returned
from an extended visit In the cast and is
making her homo with her niece , Mrs. C. C.
McChesney on Fifth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. fillers have na their
KUcst Mrs. Ooorgo Sellers of Plpestone ,
Mr. John Keating left for his homo in
Portland last Wednesday. He expects to re
turn for nn extended visit with relatives
hero In Septembor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. 11. Wadsworth entertained
at dinner iMonday in honor of Rov. Sir. Det-
wcller of Kansas City.
The Misses Robinson of South Sixth street
entertained Mr. Henry W. Bcal of Plain-
Hold , N. J. , the Inat week.
Miss .Mamie Robinson and her sister , Miss
'May , have returned from a vlelt with friends
at Coresco , Neb.
All , the best fruits In the market to bo
found nt Klein's , 112 Broadway.
There is more painting , improving and
general repair work going on In Council
Bluffs now than has been known for years.
Harrison's paints are the most generally
used. We have the largest stock of lead ,
oil and painters' supplies In the city. Davis ,
the drug , paint and glass man , 200 Broad
Remember our gasoline stoves nre abso
lutely safe. No smoke , no smell , no ex
plosion. J. Zoller & Co.
In ( lie Clutclicn of the Police.
Robert W. Larson , the young man who
gained n 'little ' cheap notoriety In Omaha by
causing Uio arrest of a negro named Frank
Burt , came to Council Bluffs yesterday de
termined to emulate the famous Hawkehaw ,
( Continued on Ninth Pago. )
Buggies and Other Spring Vehicles.
They nre of Hie latest design. Slroti } ; enough for nny use. Kino enough for n nillllonnliv.
"SVrlte for catalogue niul prices , or call nt our repository , Hromlwiiy , lieiul of IVnrl street. AH motor cars stop
at our door. Motor cars to and from Omaliii every ten minutes.
You cannot appreciate a good thing till you see it. I have the
line the Missouri river. None .
most complete up-to-date on equal.
My line consists of the COLUMBIA VEHICLES. No better
made in the United States for the price. My prices are right.
Send for Catalogue and get the best vehicles built for the money.
Henry H. Van Brunt ,
You know down there you "Kalnt tell 'cm nuthln you've
got to show "em. " And If you are that way about your shoes
wo would like to see you for a few minutes. Wo might tell you
how good nnd how cheap our shoes are till "tho lion and the
lamb He down' together , " but If you are "hard of believing" It
wouldn't put you on the road to saving money on your shoes.
But If you bellovo your own eyes wo can convince you mighty
quick. If you haven't time to come Insldo Just take a peek
Into our windows.
Hamilton's Shoe Store ,
412 Broadway.
We were always taught to respect
old age. A little boy should do that.
We are sorry we tooted our horn in
the old man's ears. Truths are some
times painful , especially to people not
used to them. When you want good
shoes go to
toargent's. .
The bear is still chained.
Awake nights thinking up schemes to fool the people but
wo keep on selling the best carpets ever shown in Council
Bluffs for the money. One thing about our carpets is that
they are new not shelf-worn. Our HUGS , PORTIERES ,
LACE CUKTAINS , MATTINGS and other things in thu
carpet line are up to the standard. Upholstering done to
order. Carpets taken up and relaid by expert workmen.
Our prices are always right.
Stoekert Carpet Co. ,
205 West Broadway - - Council Bluffs.
With dust is on in earnest. House-cleaning time
is at hand and the old time-worn carpets must come
up. We want to impress upon your mind that the
time and money spent on the'old carpets could be bet
ter utilized by investing in new ones. Carpets are not
high , like they were a few years ago. Do you know
that the money invested in cleaning up the old car
pets will make a nice payment on new ones ? Wo
have just received a new line or choice patterns in
CURTAINS , 13tc.
are equally as low. Come in and see us.
Odd Fellows' Temple , Council Bluffs.
Oman 15 w , n-7-lM ) .
Wo carry Ilie niC'l'IlOIT VA POR the simplest and best vapor
stove made. Lights like gas only ono valve , wlileli IH easily reg
ulated. The burner Is so simple that a child can lake It apart.
If you want something nice In a Gasoline Stove , 1m sure and see
the Detroit. We also have the MICHIGAN , with the Jot cone bur
ners. Knell jet makes u lUmc one-half Inch In height. The most
economical gasoline stove on the market. A full line of two and
three burner cheap stoves nt very low prices.
PAT 17 Jr PAT 17
L/UJjJu / Oci v/UJuii
Council Bluffs , la , 41 Main Street.
Remember the place
Address is 504 Broadway ,
The stove that has had seven years trial here in \ y ; i
our city and is indorsed by hundreds of our citizens. j
Gasoline whim used in the Insurance is as safe if j
not a safer fuel than coal or wood. Herrick's Refrigerators -
frigerators require no scrubbing , uses one-third
less ice. No poisonous zinc lining no mould |
F. C. DJE VOL. ' !
rJCho old rollnhlG htirclwnro store.