Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1899, Editorial, Image 13

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The entire wholesale jobbing stock of Segwick & Blair , New York City , invoicing nearly $200,000.00 , bought for $87,550,00 spot cash , goes on sale. The great
est purchase ever made by one house. Not another firm got a dollar's worth of these goods. Stupendous bargains in new , perfect merchandise. An unequalled ,
unparalleled array of big bargains. Your highest expectations will be surpassed. Everything goes not a dollar's worth reserved.
$200,000.00 ITOCK The Biggest Bargains in the Basement. $200,000.00 T
at 33ic on the dollar , The Big Store will be one grand series of bargain counters , The most sensational sale of the century. TV UK M. irnilTKItKI TUB DOt.l.All. ) .IT . ' | 0 O.V
The Great Bankrupt Sale Begins at Hayden Bros. Monday Morning at < I'Cloek.
Choice of any Ladies' Suit
in the house for
This is undoubtedly a golden opportu
nity for our customers , and more so in the
cloak department than anywhere else. The
bargains that we quote you , to speak mod
estly , are the greatest we have ever given
you. You will never have such another op
portunity. While you are buying your
dry goods give a few moments to the cloak
department. AYe assure you once again that
you will not bo disappointed.
Ladies' tailor made suits , well made and
well lined , in black only , worth $7 , S. & B.
sale price only $2.98.
200 sample suits , new all wool materials ,
jackets silk lined throughout , skirts ' perca-
line lined and interlined , in modes , tans ,
blues , greens and blacks , worth from $12 to
$18 , your choice for $6.75.
Our $10.00 suit was always the talk of the town , but now wo have 375 suits , some
oil Bilk lined throughout , the choice of any suit on our rack , suits worth $20.00 , $30
and $40 , your choice In this great S. & II. sale for $10.00. They como in checks , plaids ,
Venetian , serges nnd broadcloths ; blues , tans , modes , browns and blacks. Any ladles'
suit In the house during this S. & 0. sale for $10.00.
Ladies' Dress Skirts
From the S. & B. Stock.
250 Ladies' Dress Skirts , in
duck , serges , black figured mohairs ,
plain brilliantiues , all wool checks
and plaids , plain blues , some slight
ly soiled , worth § 5 ; S. & B. sale
price 98c.
275 Ladies' Dress Skirts , in
line brilliantiues , mohairs , checks ,
and plaids and brocade silks ; cut in
the new styles with button backs ;
worth § 7 and $8 , for $2.98.
Silk CapeS From the S.&B. Stock
100 ladies' black gros grain silk capes , trimmed with jet ,
lace and satin ribbon , worth $5.00 for $1.48.
230 Capes In mixed lot of silk , clay worsteds and Golf Capes ; In. elegant variety
of styles and patterns , worth $10.00 and $12.00 S. & 11. Sale price , $4.08.
IfiO Ladies' Spring Jackets , In tans , blues , and browns , silk lined throughout ,
worth $10.00 and $12.00 , your choice of any In this S. & B , sale for $5.00.
, Washable Dress Fabrics
From the S. & B. Stock
Everything conceivable in this line. Unequaled varieties
and at absurdly low jrices in this ( /rand sale.
Boat grade wide Gorman Indigo calicos
S. & B. sale price
f Fine Madras lawns
S. & B. Pale price .
American silver gray and black and white prints I
S. & B. sale price .
Thousands of yards imported organdies A I
S. & B. sale price
Extra fine ttO-inuh corded Madras
S. & B sale price
40-inch i'anc > Batistes , worth 15c
S. & B. sale price
1,000 pieces Shirting prints
S. & B. sale price
1 case white wool flannel ; wholesale price 25c , i SZf *
S. & B. sale price , per yard . J.OO
1 case embroidered flannels ; wholesale price 63c , S.
' & B. sale price .
5 cases Henley's double warp cheviots , worth 20c ,
S.1 & B. sale price , per yard
4 cases Shaker flannel , mill price 7c , S. it B. sale
prico. per yard
10 cases yard wide outing flannel , wholesale price /7 1
12 ic , S. & B. sale price , per yard . *
7 cases cotton flannel , mill price G c , S ife B. sale
price , per yard .
1 case all wool white flannel , wholesale price 30c ,
S. tfe B. sale price , per yard .
6 cases Truoworth outing flannel , regular lOc , S. & B.
sale price , per yard .
8 cases Tobasco and Victoria shirting , worth 12Ac , S.
it B. sale price , per yard .
6 cases Osborne outing flannel remnants , mill price
7ic , S. tfe B. sale price , per yard .
5 cases Assyrian heavy black twill shirting , wholesale
price 12Ac. S. & B. sale price , per yard .
5 cases Lone Star bed-ticking , mill price 12-ic , S. & B.
sale price , per yard .
5 cases fancy cotton bed blankets , worth 85c ,
at pair
2 cases Australian rose wool blankets , mill price
$4.25 , S. & B. sale price , per pair .
m ! 5 cases 11-4 Silverino wool blanket , mill price
* * * $ S' 25 S' lt ] 3' Sal ° ljric ° J 1)01 < Pa'U % .
19 dozen Silkolino covered Pure white cotton filled Bed
Comforts , worth ? ! . 50 , S. it B.
i A
Dress Goods l 3tthB s'
S. & B.'s Novelties , Dress . & B.'s 4G-in. double warp
Goods , that jobbed at 50c , Henrietta that sold for Sfic
75o , tSc ) our price will go at one price ,
Monday will be only
S. & B.'s Novelties that sold at S. it B. 's extra heavy cheviots
81.00 to § 1.25 will in all colors sold at $2.50
go at only our price will be
S. & B.'s Tailor Suitings
that sold at 75c , 5)Sc ) , S. & B.'s Broadcloth , Venetians -
81.19 will go ut only tians , Velours , Whipcords , etc. ,
S. & B.'s Fancy Plaid that and other goods sold up
to $2.50 per yard ,
sold at 85c will goon
our price
on this sale at
' S. & B.'s Cashmeres and 44-
S. & B. 's all wool Henrietta ,
all wool Cheviots , all wool Serges , silk and inch Serges sold at 35c
wool plaids and 1,000 other will go on this sale
weaves , sold up to $1.00 , will
go at at
Black Dress Goods
S. & B.'s Blnck Fancies S. it B.'s Crcpons that sold
jobbed atlOc our price 19c at 75c will go 35c
will be lit . -
S. & B.'s all wool -12-in. Dross Goods- S. & B. ' Crepons that sold
Bold everywihoro at "Sc at $1.25 will go on this sale
our price will be 25c at .
S. & n.'s nil wool Henriettas all wool S. & B.'s Crepons that were sold at
Serges all wool Fancies $ ! . ! > < ) , $1.75 , $2.00 , $12.25
that sold : it 50c , 7. c , 9Sc will go 011 this sale
will go ut at
S. & H.'s Mohairs , Serges ,
etc. , that sold up to $1.10 , 1,000 other Dross Goods bargains too
will go ou this sale at only numerous to mention.
will fill mail orders at these prices so long as the goods
will last. Selection must be left to us. Satisfaction
" ' "
" " * '
guaranteed or money refunded.
Furnishing Goods
From the S. & B. Stock.
Children's Hose worth lOc Men's Underwear worth 35c
at , for . . 19c
Children's Hose worth 20c 8s Men's Underwear worth 50c
at , . for i
Children's Hose worth 25c Men's Suspenders worth 20c lOr-
at , .124c for 1UU
Ladles' Hose worth lOc Men's Suipenders worth 25c 15c
Men's We Suspenders
Ladies' Hose worth 15c 10c IQc
at , .
Men's Sox worth lOc Ar >
Ladles' Hose wortll 25c 124c for
at Men's Sox worth 12Hc Kp
Ladles' H'ose wortll 12'ic ' for'w
at , Men's Sox worth 15c Qf.
Ladles' Vests worth 12 < / > c 5c for
at . Men's Handkerchiefs worth
Ladles' Vests worth 20c
8c '
at . Men's Shirts worth 25c IQc
Ladles' nt Vests worth 25c , .124c Men's at Shirts worth BOc- . .29c
Men's and Boys' Sweaters- 35c Men's Shirts worth "Sc 39c
worth 75c for . at
Men's and Hoys' Sweaters 49c Men's Shirts worth $1.00 AClr
* -rw
wortll flSc tor for -
Men's Underwear worth 23c 16c Men's Gloves wortll 50c 25c
for . tor ,
Muslins and Sheetings
from tlie S & B stock
2G-lnch Bleached Muslin , any of the well known brands , Lonsdale , Fruit of the
Loom , Hill's , Atlantic , Trident , Barker , Cumberland A. A. and Alexandre , wortll GVio
to lOc at the mills , S. & B. sale 4 % . i
Kxtra heavy LL Muslin , 68 bales , coat at the mills 5o yard , S. & B. sale price
2Ts cents.
100,000 yards of 36-Inch soft finish Muslin , bleached. In the following leading
brands : Sunflower , Vigilant , Compass Mills and Ivanhoe , worth nt Hie mills Gc , In
this S. & B. sale for 3T c.
23 cases of Lockwood and Pepporell Sheeting , 9-4 or 81 Inches wide , cost at the
mills 16c , S. & B. sale prlco llc.
Bleached Sheeting.
All the best brands , Uttea Steam Peq u t , Atlantic and Pacific- Mills , costs at the
mills 20c and 22fec per yard , S. & B. sale prlco 17c yard.
Towels .and Crash ,
from the S. & B. stock
9 rases of heavy plain and twilled Omen , mill prices 4c , S , & B , sale price
3V4o yard ,
500 dozen Turkish Towels , double warp , woven selvage , size 25x52 , mill price
$2,50 per dozen , S. & B. sale prlco 14c each.
In the S. & B. block wo find GS3 dozen Satin Damask and Huckaback Towels ; tbo
wholesale price on them ranges from $ s,75 to $6,00 dozen ; all go In one lot In this
S. & B , sale at 19c ,
Linens and Spreads ,
from the S , 6c B- stock
A few Items out of thousands ,
,600 yards Turkey Red Damask , cost nt mill ICe , S. & B. sale prlco lOe.
1,600 yards GO-lniti Turkey Red Damask , fast colors , worth 22J o at the mills , our
S. & B. sale price 17'/jC.
OS pieces 60-Inch Double Satin Damask , cost $1.10 to Import , S. & B. sale price
7 o yard ,
325 dozen ? 4 Blzo double satin damask Napkins , cost to Import $1.50 per dozen ,
S , & B. sale prlco $2.98 dozen.
61 pieces 66-inch all linen bleached Dainusk , cost to Import 62Hc , S. & B. sale
prlco 49c.
None to peddlers or dealers.
Millinery Sale
Selling a sur
plus stock of what
Is admitted the
choicest nnd mos :
extensive line of
seasonable mill
inery In the west
nt prices that rcc-
ognlzo no compa
A splendid
showing of Trim *
mcd Hats to se
lect from.
f > 00 choice Hats ,
trimmed \v I t li
( lowers , Kronen
foliage , chiffons
nnrt fnnc > ' ribbons
nctunl value $3
and $ I.RO , will go
hi this sale at
$1.50 and $1.08.
Great reductions on Pattern Hnts. Copies
of pattern Hats worth $10.00 , $12.00 nna
$15.00 go In this sale at $3.9S and $4.r,0.
Imported Pattern Hats on sale at $3.95.
The pteatpst vnrelty of these goods over
shown by one house. The "Now Knox"
Sailor for 4Sc , 7Cc ami Sc. Walking Hats
1n all the new blocks at190 to $ J.OO.
Children's fancy Trimmed Ilnf. OSr , In
flower effects and Jlallno rosettes. Trim
med Leghorns , $1.-IS. Children's Lace Caps.
ICc , 25c , 39a. Flowers In endless variety at
out prlcevs. Vloletn , 2 bunches for Be.
Largo bunches French Violets. ir > c , 25c.
Hoses , 9e bunch. French Lilacs , very
swell , for 27c.
Furniture Sale
At $5.00 you can take your pick from a lot
of Rockers that range In prlco fiom $7.50 up
to $12.50. This offer Is to you now and you
will admit the value IB unheard of when you
see the Rockers. Your choice of 3 Iron Beds
at $2.95 , in blue , green or mahogany en
amel ; keep this in mind also. The largest ,
strongest , heaviest Iron Bed wo have eve *
offered we put on sale at $2.75. 24x24 Dale
Table , with lower shelf , fluted legs , 95cj
same table , brass feet , $1.25. G-foot Oak
Table , $3.85 ; S-foot Oak Tablp , $4.85. Din
ing Room Chairs , cane seat , Coc. Oak Hall
Trees , 4 styles , at $6.85 , $7.85 , $8.23 and
$8.50 ; golden oak flntib , French plate mir
rors , solid brass hooks , box scats and high
arms. 1-shelf oak Book Case , $1.95. Wo
are offering a. very fine Oak Rocker , high
back , nicely carved , ihas cano seat , large ,
heavy arms ; price while they last $2.50.
Large Blzo Baby Carriage , steel wheels , foot
brake , upholstered , with parasol to matcn
upholstery , $3.00 , arge Go-Carts , $2,50. Just
In , Oval Phtto Frames , in green , gilt , black
and silver mouldings , fitted with mat ans
glass , at 50c. Remember wo carry a fine
line of Suits , Dressers , Sideboards , BOOK
Cases , Desks , In oak , mahogany bird's-eye
maple and Flemish.
Curtains and Draperies
Tim mtuAT s. & it. STOCIC.
Runted Swiss Curtains , -13c pair , 05c and
75c ; worth up to § 2.00. Imported Hullled
Swiss Curtains at $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 ; well
north $3.00 per pair. Nottingham Lace Cur
tains at 75c and 05c ; worth up to $2. GO-inch
Curtains , 3'/4 yds. long , $2.50 for one day only
at $1.19. Colored organdy Cottage Curtains ,
$1.00 pair ; worth $2.25. Point de Calls Cur
tains , $4.50. Renaissance Curtains , oir.y
$5.00 ; considered n big bargain elsewhere in
$7.00. Brussels Not Curtains , never sold be
fore less than $6.00 , go nt $3.S5. Rnfllca
Net Curtains at $1.95. $ Rullled Point
d'B prlt , $2.85. All colors Swiss for sasn
curtains nnd Fish Nets ati price.
New effects In Rope Portieres nt $2.CO up ,
The greatest assortment of Sllkolines over
shown by any house , 1,000 yards 3C-ln i
Sllkollne at 4ic per yard. A very special
value in Sllkollno at 7'XiC n yard , worth 15c.
500 pairs Chenille Curtains at $1.C5 and $2.25 ;
worth $3.50.
Oarpefs and KflaHings
I'llOM Til 13 S. .t 1) ) . STOCK.
Inexhaustible assortment of most dcMrable
goods at such prices that people must buy.
A great bargain In Mattings at 9c. Regu
lar 20e Mattings in this S , & B. sale for 12'/4u.
Cotton' Warp Mattings , regular 25c and 30o
qualities , In thla great S. & li. eale for only
15c. Union Ingrnln Carpets , S. & B. saiu
prlco Sc. All Wool Ingrain Carpets , S. ft
11. sale price 35c. 75c quality nil wool In-
gialn Carpets , S. & B. sale pi Ice 45c. Briis.
Kbls Caipct , S. & B. Kale prlco 33c. All ( lie
best Brussels Carpet , in this S. & B. sale
for 49c and EOc. 50 line Smyrna Rugs ,
9x12 , worth $10 , In this sale for $20.00.
Wall Paper
Carloads of now designs at cut prices In
this sale
Cut prices on Paints nnd Mouldings. See
the bargains we otter in these goods.
Most important and bifwcst silk deal in the history of our
business in point of sensational values SJ763 yards of finest
silks bought from the world's leading markets comes into our
possession throuuh this purchase. Wo have no room to place
them and they must be SOLD QUICK.
Underskirts from
the S. & B. Stock
10 dozen ladles' Underskirts , with flounce and fac
ing , worm $1.25 , for Stic.
137 ladles' Silk Underskirts that have never sold for
less than $7.00 , S. & B. > ale price $2.00.
100 dozen ladles' Percalino Underskirts , worth $2.DO , for
98 cents. .
Shirt Waists
from the S. & Stock
Wo were over-crowded with Shirt Waists nnd now this stock gives us 1,000 dozen
more , making 2,200 dozen all told. We start this sale with 50 dozen ladles' Waists ,
sizes 32 to 40 , for 15c5.
150 dozen ladles' Shirt Waists , worth $1.25 , for 49c.
173 dozen ladles' Waists , percales , ditnltlos , ginghams , embroidered fronts , all made
up In the newest styles , worth $2.00 , for 9Sc.
10 dozen ladles' White Waists , In exclusive designs , -worth $2.00 , S. & B. sale prlco
Ladies' tine White Waists at $1.50 , $2.00 and $3.00 ; worth double.
from the
S. Stock
Ladies' Wrappers at 25c each.
50 dozen ladles' Wrappers , in light and dark colors , worth
$1.CO , for 59c.
150 dozen ladies' Wrappers , in percales , dimities nnd lawns ,
light and dark colors , with or without flounce , worth $2.00 , for
S8 cents.
Ladles' all wool Mackintoshes , single or double cape , blue or
black , warranted worth $6.00 ; S. & B. sale price $2.75.
Silk Waists from
the S. & B. Stock.
150 Silk Waists , worth $5.00 , for $1.98.
300 ladles' Silk Waists , in plain taffeta and fancy allkB ,
worth $7.50 , S. & B. sale price $3.98.
250 ladles' Silk Waists , In high class patterns , plaids
and checks , wide nnd narrow stripes , worth $10.00 and
$12.00 , S. & B. sale prlco $4.98 ,
From S. & B. Stock.
Never in the history of dry goods prices has anyone been
able to quote such prices as these :
200 yards perfect Machine Thread lc spool
Barbour'H and Marshall's Linen Threads , full 200 yards ,
black or white / 5c
100-yard Linen Threads 2c spool
Adamantine Pins , full count , S. ifeB. sale price , 0 pkgn. for 5c
4 packages Needles , 14 Darning Needles , 5 Hat Pins and
Veil Pins and 80 Pins , all in one package , worth 25c ,
S. tfe B. sale price ,
Think of It ! In the S. cfe B. ealefl
you can buy for * - '
5c Aluminum Thimbles. fie Val Laces.
48 yards Best Silk Floss. lOc Hair I'lns.
5c I'lpcs. ICc Curling Irons and hundreds of other
tc Handkerchiefs. f > u , lOo and 15c articles at only lc each dur
lOc Elastic Weba. ing the S. & B. Sale.
For 5c You Can Buy
25c Dress Shields. 25c Pearl Buttons.
lOc Corset Steels. 25o Dress Ttlmmlngs all go at EC In this
25c Stamped Linens. gicat H. & 11. Sale.
76o All Silk Chiffons S. & B. Sale Price 39o
76o All Silk Maussellnc- Sole S. & 11. Bale Prlco 39c
60o Satin Belt IIoso Supporters S. & B. Sale Prlco 2Gc