TUT : OMAHA DATLV TJEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY n , is ! > n. fECIALJOTICES .Aill rrllininotit * for tlirseculuiiina will lie ( nkt-ti until lli in. for tin- * rnlii : cillHim nml iititll St.'tOi , in. f moriiliiir nml HnniliicilKlonx , . Riilm , 1 l.ttn n oril Ural ItiMi-rlliini Ic 11 norit Ilii-crnrti-r. > olliliiK tnlcrii for ICH Hi n n U..ifur tinJlrnt limi-r- tl'lll. TIlf-MI- -rtlKIMIIC-lltN IIMIHl III' run c-oiinreiilH < ! > . Ailt ortlxi-r * , li > - rri | lie-nil UK n iniiii- d 1'ln-nK , I'll n bniiiiitiirN nil- soil In a nuiiilM-rc-il li-lli-r In e-nri- [ InI I Ice- . A unit ITS HII nililrcNNi-il IncliIH c-rc-il on ) iri-MC-nnl Ion of r lire * It mil ) . \ \Vmi > SITIATIO.N * ) . AHA Employment Bureau , 119 N in , 1 > l. 1112 Help furnished , positions procured. A 571 A STEXOORAPHER. When you vvnnt ono lib ase call up the Remington typewriter olllcc. IMS Fnrnnm St , telephone , 1573. I | | A-C72 iVAvrnn MALE 111:1.1 : * . WANTED , we- have nlondy work for a few- good hustlers of good habits and appear- anie C F. Adams Cj. , 1619 Howard St B C73 TWO salesmen , milnry or com. I Ware Blk. IB-G7I MEX to le-arn barber trvli * Write for free cnta'ogu. ' Western Barber Institute , Orr-iha. | | B-M7H WAXTED , three thoroughly experienced hardware and tinware men ; must have had several years' experience ; will not talk with men unless they understand this business perfectly ; must lit good stoek kepperr , pleasant anil affable 'ales- men want men who aie looking for Steadyemploytnent In tills line , good snl.irl s afti-r your ability and worth Is demonstrated , names and addiessc1 * of rpfeicnces must accompany your applica tion or no attention wll' be paid to Fame. Addioss W G1 , Bee olllce- B-M79S SALESMEN to sell Petit Ledgers Business Records and other olllro specialties ; tine sidelines Pcr'hlng Mfg. Co. , Box L , South Bend , Ind. H-tlt WAXTED. man In every coiintv to sell the "Best" Incandc'scent gas light tlxture1 * , makes own gas. ICTi rnndle power light 7 hours fnr 1 ci-nt Th Best Incindrscent Light Co , 318U S. 15th St , Omaha , Nrb. WAXTED. youns man , desirous of studv- Ing law , to perform limited amount of steiiofraphlc- work In exchange for desk f u > m and use of well selected library. Addres X .15 , Bee. B M575 WAXTED , young man , desirous of studyIng - Ing law , to p'-rform limited amount of stenographic work In exchange for desk room nnd IIM.of well selected library. Address X 33 , Bee B M.'i73 WAXTED , men to learn birber trade , $ GO monthly ciinrnnteed after two mouthy practice , can pledge llfly graduates at once have contracted to furnish barbers for trains running to Xew York nnd San Francisco ; 300 needed later ; last year we pliced 500 In hos.iltals , $15 weekly , write in time to compete for these positions. Moler Barber Col'cge , Chicago , 111 B MG31 I * WAXTED Experienced entrv e-lcik and oftlce man. must bo rapid at llguies , stat > age and reference * . Address X 67 , Bee B-911 3 W A X TED Experienced architectural draughtsman. Address J , Bee ofllce. South Omaha. B M 3ti I INTELLIGENT men of good address de- iilrous of making more money examine our Jl.OTOOCO production ; exclusive- ultorv , weekly sett'ements In full. Funk & Wag- nails , 311 McCaguc Bldg. , Omaha B-M931 3 SALESMEN wanted a f'W men e > an Iml ! gooil opening with permanent position guaranteed , experience not necessary. Western Nursery Co. , Liwience. Kin B-9CS 14 * TAILORS wanted at the P.intorlum B-931 WANTED 3 experienced shoe salesmen ; must understand lilting and selling shoes thoroughlv. liOhtuli Store , Omaha , B-971 4 WAXTED and rut- first-class carpet liyer - ter ; state ref'renres "ilnrv , etc Pclle- tler Dry Goods Co , Sioux City In WANTED , pants maker at one" Gardiner The Tailor , Falls Cltv. Ntb. TJ M'lSO ' P' WAXTED. man thoroughly familiar with the subscription book buslnc" ) foi general - . eral agent , an excellent opening for "it man of this kind. Addrcsw , Conquest Pub. Co. , 516 Vine st. , Cincinnati , OBM974 B-M974 3 WANTED , 200 girls. 1321 Doelge. Tel S7G C GS9 WANTED A competent laundress ; good reference' recjulred Mrs. Arthur C Hmlth , 1201 Patk Ave C M757-2 * A GIRL for general housework In G-room mod'rn hou ° e , small family ; very easy- place. Apiily nt my olllcc , 211 S ISth st. C-011 WAXTED girl for general lioii'ework. % Al > rlj' 11 > S. 2th St. C M963 4 GIRL for geneinl housework , faml y of 3 ; 2G03 Plorc * st. C M93I 3 AS'ANTEI ) gli' to do second work In fam ily of three , 312 S. 37th st. C M9I3 4 * AT OXCE , gill for general housework 1112 Sherman Ave. C 969 2 WAXTED , competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Cartel , 1210 Burdette st. C-983 2 GIRL for general housework at onrc 1031 South 21th st. C'-M'MG ' WANTED an experienced erriii'l girl. E H Terrlll , diessmaker. ? 'd ; | nir 1'ixfim Block C Al I7ii 3 * WANTED , ghl for housework , two In fam ily 511 S. 25th ave C M975 1 FOR KENT HOI'MIS. ' FOR RENT Xln'-ioom brick dwelling , 57S S. 23th si. , every modern convenience ; in elegant repali , $33 00 DiO S. 2Slh St. , newly pnper d ; woodwork rubbed down : very desirable $4000 M. J , Kcnnard & Son , 310 Brown block D-717 HOUSES Bcnewa & Co. . 106 N. ir.th _ St ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , iSllVa Farnnm. Tel. 1559. D 677 6-ROOM house rtnd barn , Inquire 2o > De. catur. D MCtQ HOUSES , ftorcs. Bemls , Paxton block FOR RENT Hous's In all parts of city The O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam St. D-6SO MAGOARDVnnS. Storage. 117 N. 15. Tel Hty D-6S1 12-ROOM modern brick hoiiRo at 116 N. 25th St. Inquire next door south. D 6S2 FOR "KENT Strictly modern Hat In Davlilgo bldg , , . opposite ) city hall. John W. Robblns , 1SOJ Farnam SI. D-459 HIX rooms , city water , llth and Marcy St. , $10.00. 1915 8 10th St , 10 rooms , entirely modern , new furnace , now being put In thorough repair ; papered nnd painted. $ JOOO per month Will r-nt to ono family only. 70S 8 2Jth St. . largo house , will repair to suit tenant , $30.00 per month 2912 Seward ; city water ; $ lOtX > 9-room houso. all modern , good location , rlino In ; rent , $33. Incoming tenant can buy furniture OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D-MI16 MODERN. 10-room. brick , hardwood II ) tab and floors ; laundry : full cellar ; first-class In everv respect. 1031 So. 30th Ave. W D. Mead , Jr D-M6o3 6-ROOM house bath , furnace. $20.00. 314 1st . .nt'l Bank Bldg. D-G79 HOUSK8 for rent In all parts of the city. Uwnnan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th St.DC83 D-C83 FOR RENT-H-room hous . 43d & Cumlng Stu. ; suitable for two families A p. Tukey , Board of Trade. D 551 FOR REXT A new G-room cottage with modern Improvements. 24rd and Boulevard Stu. Apply at Carpenter Paper Co. . 12th and Howard Sts. M-S52 j FOII HEM-llOt M5S. 2116 CALIFORNIA S-room hou'e moelern. Key at 301 North < 1 D NIC tJ six-room modern cottftue , corner. near motor , $ H 00. 2710 Parker at. at.DSCfl D-SCfl FOR RENT-s r > m . rnmlurn , W27 Chicago tro t $25 no brlrk flats , 28th nnd Culnlne , city water Ring-wait Bros. , BntkT blo k. U-MMI 1VII RENT , f.n tin summer furnished modern house , rrntrnllv located Rln - w ill Hri > s , Barker bloci ? D M93.1 FOR RENT Ft IIMSIint ) IIOOM8. 3 NICE rooms ; housekeeping. 1112 S llth. L AVi FRONT rooms , modern , $1.50 up Ml X. 19th. E-MI78-M-12' THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping : mnnaml _ wife ; rent trtk'n In board. 119 TWO nicely furnished rooms , 2013 Cass TWO pretty summer bed rooms , Just fur nished , rea'onablo lo quiet buslnes s men. 607 X. ISth St. E-M577 FURXISHED ROOMS ; hou'ekecplm : 2 St. Mary's. E-MSO'J 3 LARGE front room with private family. COO Ho. 2otll nve. E M330 G * DESIRABLE room. $12 1020 Capitol avo. E-MgiG ' ELF.GAXT rooms , with board. 1100 C'Tpltnl avc- . | 1 > -M9CT S' _ _ THREE nice rooms , hot nnd ci'd bath. 191P Dnujrlis st. E-170 S * _ 2 FURXISHED rooms for light li-jim'k"f pIng - EM'j77 S * Ing CIS 3 16th. _ - FI HMMir.l ) HOOMS AM ) IIOAI1I ) . NICELY furnished rooms steam h nt , free b ith. Jl 50 per week and up. Klondike hotel. IGth nnd Webster Sts. F GSI OLEXCA1RX. transients $1.25 day 1GOO Douglas F G n DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con veniences ; best location In city. 21J S. 23th St. I' Csr FURXISHED rooms , modern. 521 S 2fl Avc. F-M091-M-3' THE Birhelor's famllv hotel. 2011 Farnam ; best $1,00 house In Xeb. Good weekly rates. F 5G2-M-2I IDOS CAPITOL avenue elegantly furnl'hcd rooms with line table board F-3S2 M-3 roit itr.vr t MTiiMMinn ROOMS. 3 ROOMS , 70S S. 1711) St. G MIG7-M22' FOUR rooms. 1021 S ISth St. . In rear G-913 7 * I UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. Light hou ekectlncG1S S Kth. G 720 2 * SEVERAL , private bath modern , w-l'k'g dl't , private family. Address Y 2 , Bee. G-M"3S I POM HUNT STOKES AM > OFFICES. DESK roum for rnt on ground floor Bee Building. Farnam street side , tent roison- able. Apply R. C Pc-ti-rs Co. , Bee Build ing I-M413 FOR RENT Store In llrst-class location ; rent reasonable. Applv R. C. Peters & Co , ground lloor Bee Bldg 1 687 FOR RENT A ground floor ofllce , specially suitable for real estati , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use. of city tr'nsurer Ap- nly R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bee Building. I CSS OXE good olllce of 2 room' to rent In Con tinental Blk. , 15th nnd Douglas , J23 Phy- sdclan preferred Will arrange to suit Omaha Loan & Trust So. , IGth & Douglas. I G89 A < sivrs "EL SEXOR Filipino do Manila" Cigars , greatest run of th aceS unples postpaid , leglstered ; 45i-lnch , $7.30 ; 4V4-Inch , $ G W ) per hundred Acents wanted everywhere. Ephinlm & Kline , 19 Montgomerv St. San Francisco , Cay. J MG3G-M-4 * AGENTS make $ r to $10 a day selling the cheipest and most perfect water ( liter over Invented Retails at $1 50 Big profit tn agents Exclusive territory , Seneca Flit r Co . Seneca , Mo. J M.772 D RELIABLE man to hand'e agents for Tele phone Tnblets and Specialties. Pavs $5000 < i year. Inclose stamp. Victory Mfg. Co Cleveland , O. J M973 3 * Il TO IlKNT. MORE hous's to rent. Wallace , Brown Blk. K-690 .STOItAfiE. PACIFIC Storage and AVarehouse Co. , 903- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. G91 OM. Van & Storage , 1511'i Fnrnam. Tel. 1539. STOVES ttorcd during summer , 1207 Doug las. Tel. 900. Omaha Steve Repair Works. M-219-M-7 WAvrnn TO III Y. SECOND-HAND books bought for cash. Antlo.uarlan Book Store , 1519 Farnam HIGHEST PRICES paid for good goods. Variety Furniture Co. , 110-112 S , 14th St N-C9I WE WANT several nice residences and re - Idenco lots for cash buyers. Wo hnva the buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Real E.stato Agency , South Omaha. N-G93 STAMP collections bought , sold. Moitenson 401 X. IGth N-993 M3 Al A , kinds of household goods , hotels , etc In large or small quantities Chicago Fur- Iiltura Co , Tel. 2020 , 1400-10 Dodge. N M151 M3 BOSTON FURNITURE CO. pays hlgheU prices for good second-hand furniture. 1414 Dodge. Te' . 223S. N 090 WANTED , fed supt. Prospsct Hill cemetery , N-9-,0 4 I.-OH SAM ; Ki NEW and 2nd-hund furniture , stoves , etc- , pMd at "mail profits , best prices paid for good 2d-hand goods. J. Lewis ,104 S 14th. 0-937 M3 RANGES , coff o uiiifl , water tanks , Ice bo\es , counter- tables , chilrs , cot ? , side boards , dressers , commodes. Iron beds , springs nnd mattresses at less than fac tory east , for cash at 615 N. IGth St. O-M852 M21 GREAT BARGAINS In row & 2d-hand fur nlturs , stoves , etc. Boston Furniture Co , 1414 Dodge O-C97 rou si.i : iioiisis : AMI VKIIIUI.IS. CARRIAGES , phaetons , buggies , road wagons , hnrne's Anderson Buggy Top Co , loth and Dnvenpoit. P C19 M15 2 SECOXD-HAND phaetons ; 3 top buggies new iv painted and 2 good rubber tire top burgles. Diummond Carriage ) Co , isth and Hnrnev P 317 M22 A J. SIMPSON has ( In connection with his work ) the exclusive agency for the cele brated Columbus Buggy ( \j. vehicles , also 2d-hand phaetons & Concords HOD Dodge. P-M640 Mil FOR SALE , a nice assortment of hand made vehicles , painting , repairing , tiim- mlng a specialty , hrlnu your carriages for lubber tires ; prices low , woik guaran teed Wm. Pfelfer' * txirrlago works , cor. 27th nnd Lcavenworth. P M352 MS SMALL saddle pony. 1911 Cass. P-MS75 G A SOUND lively young horse , city broke. Address X 63 , Bee. P " 52 FOR SALE , cheap , a new llrst-class car riage Cash or time , liuiulro 10J Main st , Council Bluffs. P MJ04 6 FOR SALE , atandaid bred stallion , weight 1,150 ; will irado for iwlr of good 1,200 lioraca ; U'RO two brood mares In foal for trade. W. W. Mace , 171S Cas St. P M915 6 M : STOVES. GASOLEXK utovcs cleaned & repaired J207 Douglaa Tvl. 9t > 0 , Omaha Steve Rspalr Wk > 2JO-M7 S Mltriil.Ii VNEOl S. FOH ll.i : . . PURE I'lymouth Rock er for BUIng , SO- , rooster" . $1 00 < m X. i th Si Q-6M 1OO , iwirtry , Inwn anil field fewelng ; nil wlr . Wire Works. 1817 HownrU St. 99 SAWDUST hnrduood crlbblnsr nnd hog fence nt lowest prices. OH DouKlns St Q 700 ' Ca'.nrrh Jell- COLD-IX-HEAD. Sherman's , 25c. Middle of block , Omnhn. Xeb.Q Q 701 II. HAAS. Florist , 1513 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flower * , boquets , hall , rcsi- dence , wedding nnd gnvo dccorntlons , orders by mall or oxpre-'s promptly filled. Q 702 2D-HND safe chenp. Derlght , 1116 Farnnm. j Q-703 | SAFES , buy. Ml ! , exchange. 114 S. nth St. Q-701 HORSE clippers nnd ropilr t for all stand ard makes. We grind clippers , racers , shears , etc. A. L. Undelnnd , Omaha.Q703 Q-703 ORAMOPHOXE talks talk. Catalogue. Western Gramophone Co , Council Bluffs. Q 70u VEHICLES , harness , revving machines , at wholesale prices. Western Mercantile Co , 10th and Farnam. Q-21S M7 AT GREAT sacrifice , line cabinet Grand piano , good ns new. Address W 67 Bee. Q-013 M15 FOR SALE 50 catalpa trees. Address Mrs. Lucy Hller , Irvlngton , Neb. Q-M62 < 5 M4 HERD 20 high-grade Jerseys , mostly froi > h : 13-year record for butter nnd ml'k : 2 miles Bouth of Papllllon. William A. Bell. Q-MG30 5 FOR SALE for 5 cents nt , ten R-I-P-A-N-S druggists Ono gives relief. Q 710 FOR SALE Ono fresh Jersey cow with calf by siiie for sale or trade for dry cows. 7is S. 2Sth st. Q-71C 3 GET our prices of the Cleveland \v"heels. Louis Flescher. 1622 Cap Avo. Q-MSGT ONE DOLLAR per bushel rash with oid T ecurrs sack lots best Colorado and Im ported Ohio seed potatoes delivered , lall- road , free. E D. Harris r"o , .29 Ninth 12th street , Lincoln , Nebraska Q-H173 D MISCELLAMJOl'S. NOTICE , country dealfrs secomlhaiid furni ture fi stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co , 1400-10 . M152-M-5 Dodge. R - - CIjAIKVOY\ . MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 817 N. IGth.SS07 S-S07 MME GYLMER , genuine palmist , 1G03 Dodge. S S07 MASSAGE , MATHS UTC. HATTIE BERTRANDE. thermal baths , massage. 1613 Howard , 3d lloor , room 1. T-M3il-M-S MME. AMES , R. 2. 607 S. 13 ; massage bath" . T 751-M-17 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric bath parlors , first class assistant. 417 S. llth , upstairs. M773-M-1S > MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118 % North 15th. T 753-M-17 * FRANXES do Scutorlous ol 1C C. . 107 N 12. 24 T-5G4-M MRS. BERRY'S newly equipped bath par lors ; massage ; expert operators 119 N. IGth , 2d floor. T M62I M27 l'iHSONAI , . VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bee Bldg. U 803 BATHS , massage. Mmc. Post , 319 4 S. 15th. SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrinkles.moleswarts , freckles , blackheads , pimples removed for ever Jjy electricity ; bust developed ; neck , arms. cheeks made plump. Mme. Payne's hnlrdresslng parlors , 2301 Leavenworth. Tel. 1863. U 215 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before. & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-S10 N. Y. CLEANING CO. . frescoed and wall piper cleaned ; Chenille curtains , carpets cleaned , laid , etc. 140S Farnam. Phone 1375. U * 754-M-17 DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed , 23c and upward. Room 12 , Frenzcr block U M32S HORSES clipped with electric clippers. Omaha Stables , Cor. 14th and Howard. U-811 LIEBEN , 1313 Howard , all kinds hair goods U S12 WALL paper cleaned , r. E. Goff. 1834 N. 22d St. U M439-M-11 * nTsTRASSHOEFER. 1G17 Howard street , cleans everything you wear ; lace curtain" done up like new ; also dry cleaning of draperies , portieres rugs , etc. , dyeing of every description. Tel 917. U 5T3 M-23 DO YOU ivlsh to marrv ? Call or address Corresponding club , 204 Douglas block , Alllo Turnoy , manager. Ruth A'lard , sec- retirr Stamn. U MSGS C * A RELIABLE homo and treitment of all troubles peculiar to women nnd for ladies before and during confinement. Address Box 757 , Omaha. Neb. U 702-M-15 * BUY through Omaha Purchasing Agency. 1312 Davenport St. U-69G-M-15' SHIRT WAISTS to order. 303 So 17th. U M744-M-17 MATTRESS renovating works : upholstering & furniture repairing. 706 S. 16th. Tel. 1593. U-S27 ZIEGLE/R / , lace curtain cleaner , 1SOS Calif , U-S63-M-21 * - - - I HAVE doctored In the city nearly one year nnd nine months nnd have not lost a patient I doctor all human diseases. Prof D. W. Johnson. 1711 Vlnton street , Omaln. U 623-M-ll * I'RII.SOMIj. MRS. PORTER , ladles' baths. Open even- Ings. Douglas block. U M549-M-2I CRESCENT bicycles , best In the world , for $35 FlcHohci , 1622 Can. Ave U MS6I LADIES In trouble find prompt relief. Ad dress with stamps , Box 4 , Omaha , Neb. U M541-M-14 FACE massage , 50c : scalp treated , 35c , 50c ; shampooing. 35c , 50c. Miss Huhhard , 415 McCnguo Bldg. U-MkSl 13 * $10 REWARD If party who took watch , cha'n ' and ring from S22 S. 19th el will return the same to 322 S. 16th he will re- tolvo $10 and no questions asked. U-91D 3 SALLOW complexion cleared , wrinkles re moved llesh hardeivcc ) , by a specialist with Davles , 1511 Douglas. Consultation free. U-93S M31 MO.M2Y TO IOAIIUAL K&TATE. $100.00000 special fund to loan on llrst-rlnsi Improved Omaha properly , or for building puriKises. Fidelity Trust Companv. W-S13 $100 AXD up. F. D. Wead , IGth and Douglas. W-S14 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In I own eastern Neb or Mo. ; it will pay y ou. Anthony Loan & Trust Co , 315 N. Y L , W-S18 $10.000 PRIVATE money , lowrate. . J 1L Sherwood , 423 N Y. Life. W 819 LOANS , Pottcr-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Llfii. W S20 C per cent loans , Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam. W-S21 5 pfr ct , Chas , E. Williamson , U. S. Bk Bldg. AV-S2J 5i ! PERCENT money. Bimls , Paxtou Blk. W-815 $50,00000 CHEAP money for Invesflient : agents wanted Inve-tors' lists fo.salo. . Investors' Dlrectoty. N. Y. W 816 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co , 219 So 16th ' W-817 MOXEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest ratea. Brennan-Lovt * Co. 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 523 MOM5Y TO IOAUF. \I. F.ST1TI5. WANTED ehole * farm nnd city loin R. C. P- trrCo . 1704 Farnam Bee IMdjt * V " * T6 I $ lflflO tip to loan on Improved city property and fumis. W Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1Mb Farnnm. W MS $1,000 tip to loan on Improved city property it farms. W. Farnntn Smith & Co. , 1380 Farnam. W 7js MOMJY TO 1.0 VN I'll VTTKI.S. MOXEYTO LOAN OX MOXEY HOUSEHOLD FURXITURE. P1AXOS , HORSES , CARRIAGES , WAGONS. ETC. I.O\V RATES-EASY PAYMEXTS. You can pay the money back In any amounts you w'sh and at any Urn * . Hath payment o made lessens the coat of carry the lo.in OMAHA MORTGAGE l.OAX CO. , .103 SOUTH IbTll STREET. MONEYMONEY x sal MOXEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C , F. Reed , 313 S n J X-27 _ _ MONEY- LOANS MADE TO SALARIED people holding permanent posl- MOXEY tlons on their personal note without Indorsement. MONEY-LOW HATKS , EASY I'AYMCNTS Room 119 Hoard of Trade. IJUlg. MONEY IGth and Farnain Strccts _ MOXEY loaned salaried people holding per manent po-ltlon with responsible concerns - cerns upon their on n name , without secur ity ; easy payment's. Tolman , 11. 70S. N Y. Life Hldg. X-S:0 MOXEY loaned to salaried people confldon- tlally , holding permanent position * , on their own name without endorser , mirt- gigo or security of any kind. Cin r piy In easy weekly or monthly pMnunU. Omahii Credit Cc . C. E. Jcnnlnr"1 , n'an- nger , suite 525-5V Xcw York Life HIiLr. MOXKY loan d on pianos , furniture , her < os. rows , jewelry. Duft Green , R. S , Marker Hlk. X.-7'G ' MOXEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc ; payments un known to friends Herders' Loan Hank , 1118 Farnam , upstairs. X S31 ULSI.MSS CIIA.\CES. FOH QUICK returns list your bargains at O'X ill's Ucal istato Agency , South Omaha. Y 532 IF you have Idle money and wnnt It busv sco Glover , Heal Kst. Broker , 302 Karbnch. Y-M31I IF YOU vvnnt a light , pleas-ant , paving business without competition call 301 Xcw York Life. Y MGG3-3 WANTED Miller \\lth capital to put In mill , $1,000 bonusi and mill site to right man ; must bo taken at once ; best location N B Xebraskn. Address 1" . E Baxter , Petersburg , Xeb. Y MGI9 4 * CIGAR store for sale , with large factory behind ; business established 15 years ; llx- tures and Rtock $1.000.00 ; rents reasonable. Apply to F. lioelim , Cheyenne. W\o Y M793 5 * DRY goods and clothing stocks , hardware , groceries and drugs for sale or exchange ; we can find you u buyer or cin sell you goodi "U'rlto Slerchandlso Hrokcr. 503 Urown blk. Y MSS3 WANTED Location for drug store where one Is needed ; Iowa or Xebraska. Address Druggist , 1512 Davenport St. , Omaha. Y 012 3' OLD established restaurant , 103 9. 14th st. Jnqulro nt Hubermann's jewelry stole , 13th and Douglas. Y M953 C INVEST KM , Bccurlng large weekly In come. Safe , conservative proposition ; 2nd successful yai. Statistics free. II. Grlf- lln , 11SO Broadway , New York.YMS72 Y-MS72 J2 FOH. TOR EXCHANGE , $400.00 stock new drugs for real estate or horses. Address w 30 , Bee X M5I2 A FINE modern 12-rooifi house west of High school on motor lllr . In exchange for farm or other property. Address \V 31 , Uee. X M543 2 EXGIXES. GO horse power Westinghouse , 100 h. p. Ide engine , also 100 h. p. electric generator to exchange for real estate. Address W S2 , Bee. / Mo 14 FIXE high grade piano , will exchange for lumber. Address X 69 , Bee. Z MS96 FARMS In eastern Nebraska for balu or would exchange for good clein mercnan- dlse. Address box ' . ' 47 , Wavcrly. Neb K-M979 7 * MEDICAL. DR. PRIES , renowned German specialist ; diseases of women ; no failures ; speedy re lief ; twenty years' experience , references. 1513 Dodge , Omaha ; letters , stamps. 100-MS DR MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a slnglo failure ; longest cases relieved In two to flvo days without fall ; no pain , no danger ; no In terference with work. By mall or olHce. $2 All lette.rs truthfully answered The Mansfield Remedy Co , 107 Dsnrborn St. , Room C14. Chicago , 111 741-C * FOH SAI.K HEAL INSTATE. FARM for sale , In Dougl fl county. 320 acres Woodworth farm , by Mlllard. Imiulro of Dexter L. Thomas , 419 Bee Building IlE MC39 5 * FOR SALE Cholco lots south of Ames Ave. neur 24th street car barn.eiy cheap. Will furnish money to build w N. Nason , 1C24 Caas St. HIS M733 6 FOR SALE , nicely located S-toom hou ° e , modern , 8 blocks from P. O ; small pay ment down , balance In monthly piyniMits : good location for physician. Address X 43 , Bee. RE-G42 THE CHOICEST RESIDENCE LOTS IN OMAHA. Thirty-second n\c. , north side of Tar- nam st. Dlrectlv acre = 3 the street from the line residences of Messr . Kitchen , Illerbow , Cohn and Stone. No doubts tlmt those are the most desirable lotw In Omaha , und what's more , they are the cheapest lots In Omaha , considering the 'ocatlon Mr Tut nor has given us authority lo sell a few of these lots at Just half his former ; > rlce. "Ju-t to get 'cm started. " Call ua up for particulars , PAYNE. HARDER CO. , rirst floor NL w York Life Uldg. RE-M370 DO YOU think of locating In Oregon , the land of P'd npples and famous strawber ries ? Write to The Hood River Trading Co , E. E. Savage , secretary , Hood River , Oregon RE M531 Mil" TOR SALE , 113 acres , 3 miles north of Tlor- SEIJ Cnas E , Wllllnmfaon , 20 U. S. Nat'l Ilk Bids UE M&00 O'NEILL'S Real Estate Ascnoy , South Omaha. Heudriuarters for reultv Invest ments. RE SJ3 NOW IH the time to buy , CO\13J ft. at 17th und Douglas Sts , Bcmls , I'a.Mou block HE-MWO FOR SALE , modern nlne-i-oom brick , 242 South Seventh street , Council Bluffs , or addrMs 120 South Eleventh street. Omaha. RE-M1U HAVE you some lots to bdiv Now Is the tlmo to dispose of them ; 'et the peopio know that you want to disposes of them. The Bee rciches the people who have the money. HE SCO FARMS1 FARMS1 ! FARMS1 ! ! Over 2,50" ) ucies of Douglas county land for ualu cheap Prices range from $20 per aero up Wll' pay you to Invostlgato. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. llth StRES37 RE-S37 LIST your property with UH for sale. We have the customers. The Uyron Reed Company , 21. ! S. 14th St. RE-S30 PECK & CO. , agents and dealers In city and farm property ; loans , rentals. 101 S icth. RE-WJ 433J CHARLES ST. . a nice six-room cot tage , city waUr. small barn , lot 50x140 ; onlv half u block from the car and one block from Walnut Hill school Look this over then make me un offer on It. with terms to suit you. A. M. COW1E , 211 South Eighteenth Street. nn-77s roit s\iu HUM , UKAL e" tite In Omaha nnd ? n Omitu it very U > w prices. H R. Bull , ! X Y Life Trl UOS UK-2.S LOGAX Vnllov flirm lnr in nnd stoik i mncht . W. II Cleiwntn , Lyons Xeb HAROA1X3 rin lot on Fnrnfim near "Kth i St. , JOxlSI ; will ff\\ \ \ this lot chcnp Pcxk ' .V : Co. . sale Kent * . Room 4. Frrnzr bloik ' CASH I mutt linvo ISO acre f rm Antelope I county' , J8BO , clear tll'e. Lymnn Water- i miui , X Y Life Hldg RB D37 2 * _ NO 1S FA RN AM ST. C rooms , bath , In I goml rrpnlr , $15. M95 Capitol n\c. , 9 room- , modern , good re pair , $27.50. 71S No. 3th st. , 9-room house , barn line rirem ! e. . across street from Mr. Nash s residence , $33. 190fl North 2Sf.li st , 9 rooms , 0 rlos-m , bath , good barn , tine premise" . This plate will be nrwlv ttnlntfd outside and put In lli r- < lass reimlr. Rent reduced from $ V ID * i"i R C , PKTERS .1 CO. . 170J Firnam Ht lleo Hulldlllff I'honc Sts RE MR3 ! HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loan' , n so llro Insurance , Urmls , Paxton blk UK si I C. F. HARRISON , farms , nil N , Y. I. Ri : M53G Mil * M MEXP.RAY BROS , nur'orymen , of Crnt- t nt City are hero In Council Bluffs and Omaha with their line line of fruit trees , raif > vines , etc. and all kinds of line shade trees. Honoring shrubs and ro-'ps their sale giounds nio loriU'd nt ( IIS East Broadway , Council Bluffs , and cor. Kith and Cumlng S'H. < and al o 21 t find Far nam Sts. , Omaha , where vou will be waited jn at all times with pleasure. Ae pel ! all goods \ cry cheapind guarant'e all goods llrst-class Omaha tel , 1G2G , Council HltUT" tl , JJ1. 480 Mil * HICYCLES. NEW wheels , $1150 up , 2nd-lnnd wheels , $3 up ; repairing it supplies. Omaha Blcy cl Co * > I7 BICYCLE hospital , Ifith and Webster Tel. ODi ) . M-COS TRHU'XE , thi > best that money can buy , $15 cash , Louis Flcscher , 1GJ2 Cap. Av e. I'AAVMIIIOKnilS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Onicc. 118 N 16. 197 EAGLE Loan Olllcw , IIIOM. reliable and ac- ciommodatlng In the clu , all business conlldentlul. 1301 Douglas st. 017 LOST. LOST or stolen Fox toirler dog with blown snots Return and get rewaul. 527 South L'5th avenue. Lost 9)3 ) 3 STAR-SHAPED garnet breastpin , near Bennett's. Return to 3307 Dewcy a\e. u- vard. I/ost M9IS 3 * SIIOHTIIAM1 AMI TYl'UWIIITIMJ. A. C. Van Sant's School , 717 N. Y. Life. AT OMAHA Bus. College , Iflth & Douglaa. S10 BOYLES' bchool ; court icportcr principal ; Bee Bldg. b4l OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopath ) ? Institute , suite B13 N Y. Life Bldg. Tel 1GG4 J. W Dill. M D D O , consulting ph\'lolan. Mrs Alice John- fcon , D O , Mary llob.'on , D O. , graduates of American School of Osteopathy , Klrks- vlllc. Mo. Gld. E JohnsonMgr. S12 T1 I'EWHITEHS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1 00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , IWj Farnam St. Tel-phone , 1284. S43 WE RENT and sfll the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplier In Omaha United Ty pew rlter& Supply Co , , 1G12 Far nam. SI4 REMINGTON Stondard typewriter and sup plies. 1019 Farnam. S45 siiwnii PLATING : . NOTICE Omaha Plating Co. . 1302 Farnam , will after JIuv 1 be located In basement Bee bldg. All kinds of plating neatly done. 302 I'OI MJ. FOUND , on 30th street , near Farnam. pocketbook - etbook containing money. Dr Hippie , IJeo Bulldlns. Found 910 1 * TAKEN UP , straved Into Union Stock yards , South Omaha , on Friday last , sor- ic | mare , 7 years old star In forehead , weight about 900 pounds ; mare wore Jock ey saddle and bridge % vlthout iclns. Owner mav have same by piovlng property and paying charges. Found 907 2 KCIIOOI , OF I.A FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chate-laln , 301 Boyd thsater. S46 MCIvEI. PL.VTINC. . Anything. Sterling Plating Works , 323 N. 1G. 203 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room } 4 00 per week , gas , steam heat and bathb. Ninth and Farnam Sts. SIS i TO IIOUHOW. WANT TO BORROW , $1,200 nt 0 per cent ] good real ostito B'curlty , Applv TiJ2 Fiank In St , Oinilm. 7J1-3 * VIOLINS ItEPAIUEU. C. A. CASE , violins repaired , 41G Sheclv Blk M-75S-M-18 IIUESSMAICI.NO. DRESSMAKING , Miss Sturdy. 2216 Daven M 1JI-M-C * port. - - TAILOHIVO. LADIES' tailor made suits and Jackets nl- tcred and repalied. Max Fo0'd , 307 S 17th. -SCC-M-21 MORAND'S for private lessons , day or cv n- Ing , ball room or stage , assemblies Wednesdays. 23c M-957 Jl MATTHI3SS Ili\OVATIMJ. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumins. Tel 1331 , -SI9 FEATIIEIt Iti\OV.\TOH.S. : MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S IGth. Tel 7S1 ST.\MMiiu : > n AMI vn TTIRIN ( ; . CURED , 303 New York Life. Julia Vaughn -651 hTATl'AHV 1MCTOH1. MANY new designs Just from Pills , orin- mental work a specially. Gomi'lla , 317 S 10 190 HOI SH 3IOVEU , W. COY , located at 171G St Mary's A\c -093 CT OK TITLES. ilARRlS' Abstract Co. 423 Bee Building -At-75'J SUES & CO. PATENT UWUItS AND SOLICIIOIIS Bee Uldg , Omilid , Neb. Eend for free lavent- ir ' guide. Td 1(23. H \II.-\V\Y TI1IK I'MUI. CIlU'AOrt. lU'RLIXGTOX v utiltuy Rnllrofld - Th' Uurllnitton Route ' -Ticket ( II ! r , IMffi Pnrniih ) St Tel 250 Depot , Tenth , t ? Ifton Street * Tele- phorc , 310. _ -xfi-IOnin Chi A < < Mh. to , ! a 5-05 pm n S-TO am Ch l.xt r.ss n n 30 nm a 4 OB r'n & St I Et a 7 45 pm a S 05 nni Pa < Ilk Jun tnn L.id alO 45 nm a 5.15 pm FtiM Mall a 2.4i Dully b D.tlly Exrent * umlav. IJURL1XOTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Routn" General Olfices. N. W. Co'iier Tenth and Far- nftm Streets. Ticket Olllco , isoj rnrimin Str ct Telephone , 230 Mnson Streets. Tele- , , a Sl ! ° nln n " : < 0 P"1 Lincoln I D/ < n\er Colo- Lin , ' t.1 t < lh Blick ' 1lfor ! Hills l'i a < 23 Pi" n 3:53 : pm M > ni jn-x & Pugct Llm , > in Local . . .a 7:00 : pm nlOS5 : am Lincoln Fist Mnl . . * 3.00 pm alO:33 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah. & California . P a. Dally b Dally Except Sundiy. KANSAS C1T1 , ST. JO- s ph .t Council Bluffs Rnllrond"The Hurling- ton Route" Ticket Olllco , 1502 Fc-nam Street. Tel ephones , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel- cphinc. 310 ' Arrive , Kansas CHy Dfiy Ex a y'"n nm n S-45 pm Kansis city Night EnlO.13 pin .1 6.30 am St Louis Fiver tor Si Joseph and St Louis a 4 55 pm nll:15 : am a Dally CHICAGO & NORTH- wp urn Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Onicc , 1101 Farnam Street. Tele phone Ml. Depot Tenth und Mason Streets. Tel- epUone. 629. Leave. Arrrlve. Dnyllght Chicago Spe cial . a : C.40 am allS3 : pm TUo. V.i lev , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneap olis a 5:50 : am all:00 : pm Mo Valley , Sioux City u 7:45 : am a 9:10 : pm Carioll Local b D.25 urn blO.10 am Ea tern Express. DCS Molnes , Mifshnl'tovvn , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage nll:05 nm n 4:03 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chlcaco , und East a 4:53 : pm a 4.05 pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha n 2:15 : pm Northern Expicss . . . .a K:23 : pm a S 40 am Omaha-Chicago Special a 7.05 pin a S 15 am Fast Mall . . . . . S.45 am a Daily , b Dally Except Sunday. jFREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail- load "Tho Northwestern Line" ' .Jenera : Olllces United States National Hank Illdg , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Street ? . Ticket Ofllce. ! I01 Farnam Street. Telephone , 6G1 Depot , 15th and Webster Streets ? . Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrive. B'nck Hills , Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3.00 pm n 5.00 pm Wvomlng , Casper and Douglas d 3.00 pin d 5'00 pm Ha.itlngH York , David City , Superior. Geneva Exeter and Seward. b 3.00 pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO5 : ! am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b 7:38 : am blO:43 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Dully Except Saturday. IIICAGO. ST. PAUL. Mlnneapollc & Omaha Ral'way "The North western Line" General Olllces. Nebraska Divi sion , 13th and Webster Sta. City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Furnam St. Telephone , 3G1. Depot , 13th and Webster Sts. Leive. Arrive. Norfolk Pas , c-jer a C:10 : am a 7.00 pm Blair , Emersion , Sioux City , Ponca. Hartlng- ton and Iiloonifleld..b 1 00 pm b2:15 : pm No. 2 , Twin City L'fd..a 5:33 : pm No. 1 , Omaha Limited. . a 9.00 nm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North- vvostein Line1' Genera' Ofllces , United States National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele- phone , 5bl. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & Paul , Minneapolis . . a 5:50 : am a 8:40 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato te Sioux CUy.n 5:25 : pm all:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7:45 am a 9:05 : pm a Dally. UNION PACIFIC--TIIE OVERland - land Route" General Ofllces N E. Cor Ninth and Farnan'i Streets. City Ticket Olllco. 1302 Farnam Street Telephone , ? 1G. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , fi29. Arr'VC' ' "Tho Over'-nnd Limited" ' for Utah , Idaho , Mon tana , California , Ore- go i and Washington points . . . . . . . .a S:50 : am a 4:15 : pm The Colorado Special for Denver and all Colorado points all:55 : pm a 6:10 : am Pacific Express for Denver , Salt Lakt. Pacific Coast and all western points b 4:33 : pm a 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express .b 4:35 : pm b2:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk. Grand Island and North P atte a 4:33 : pm b 4 43 pm Columbus Local b 5:30 : pm b2 ! 20 pm North Platte Local n 0:15 : pm South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , G:15 : a m. : 7.00 n m ; 10.10 a. m ; 3:03 : p in Ar rives , 10:45 : u. m. ; 3.10 p. in. , 4 15 p. m. ; G p m. Council muffs Local Leaves 5:51 : n m , ; 0:40 : a. m. ; C:00 : a , m ; 7:40 : a. m. , b 10-45 a in ; 12 20 p. in , ; 2:15 : p , m. , 4 , ! 3 p. m ; 4 55 p ! m. ; 5 25 p m. , 5.53 p m. , G 20 p. m ; S.20 p. m. , lu-30 p. m. Arrives G:35 : a. m ; 7.JO a m. , S 15 a , m , R 43 a. m ; 11.30 a. m. ; 3:05 : p' m , ; 4 OS p. in , 5 15 p. m. ; C:30 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p m. ; 6.30 p. m. , 9 05 p. m. ; 11:00 : p , m. ; 11:55 : P m. a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , ROCK I PL. ' and & Pacific Railroad "The Great RocK Isl and Route. " C'ltv Ticket - ot Olllcc. 1323 l-'arnnm Street. Telephone. I2S Depot , Tnnth & Mason Btieeta Telephone , (29. ( , . , " . , , . . .Leave Arrive. ica Molnes Local b , Oi am bit i > am Chlcaao ExprctH . . bll:15 : am 3.10 am Chit .IKO Fist Express .a 5 M pm a 1:23 : pin 3t Paul Fast Exptoss .a 5:00 : pm bll.25 am Lliuon , Colorado Bpgs. , Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . a 1:30 : pm a 125 ; pm Den Moines , Rock Isl- * anl anu t'hlcaso . .a 7 IS pm a S 50 pm Colorado Flyer , . .a G'20 pm a 8.50 am a Dallv b Dolly txcopt Sunday OMAHA S. ST. LOUIS Railroad Omaha. Kan- Bos City & . Eastern Rail- road-"Tho Port Arthur " Route- Ticket Olllce. 1413 Farnam Street. Tel- phone , 3.2 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Tele- St Louis Cannon Bally " < : M Pm a SM : am Qulncy" y and Local . . . a 0:60 : am a 9:30 : pm a Daily. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-General Olllces and Tltktt Ollice-i , Southeast Corner - ner 14th and Doug'as 8ts Ttleohone. 104. Deoot. istl ! and Webster Sts. Telephone , 1'iOOt Arrlvo' Neb Limited . . .a 3 00pm a2 to nm K C tit L Express a 9:50 : nm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 0.00 pin b 9:45 : am a Daily b Dallv Kxceut Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & 8t Paul Ra I' way-City Tlekci Olllce. 1501 Farn.xm Street Telephone 281 De- cot , Tenth and Maton Sts. Telephone , C29 Chicago Limited Ex . .a 5 43'pm a'fl 20 am Chicago A. Omaha Ex .bll.OO am h 4.00 pm Sioux City & Des Molneu Expreaj . . bll.vO w b i a Daily , b Dally except Sunday. u VIIAV vTIMI : tun. . \ \ A H wr. . H HAILROAD- tlcket omcf HIS Farnam Street Telephone. S9 ! Ue- Dot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 62 ? Leave. Arrive. 8tixiuls "Canon Ball" Kxpn ss . a 4 30 nni nS So am 1'osrorrtrn NOTUT. . ( Should bo read DAILY by all Interested as ihaiiKea uvi > occur at ai > \ time ) Foreign malls for the w < ck ending May C 1W w.ll close ( PROMPTLY 111 all ca ox ) nt the Geneinl PostotlKe as follows- PAR CELS POST MAILS close on hour curlier than closing time clioun bt-low. 'I'riiiiiiitlntitlo Mnlli , WEDNESDAY Al 7 , \ m ( supplem'nlary 9 a. m ) fol EUROPE , per . s. St. Ixjitls' . Ma Southampton ( lettois for Ireland must bo din ctrd "per SI I/ouH" ) . at 9 n. in. ( supplcnicntan 10 At a. in ) for EUROPE , per s. s Majestuln yueenstown ; nt 101) n in foi lliLOIUM direct , per s s. Xoiirdlandla Antw rp ( letters m\ist \ bo tlltPttotl 'per Xoordtand ) . THUKSDAY-At 7 a in for EUROPE per s ? F iti-mnnk * . MxCh'tbourg ' , Southampton - ampton and Hamburg SATUIIOA\ 7 a , in for FRAXC1J. IT/.ERLANO , I'l'ALY. SPAIN. TUR KEY. EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. La Nnrmniullo * . via Havre ( letters for otht r parts of Europe must be directed "per La Normnndli- ) , ill s a in for XETHERLAXDS dlr < t. per s s Rotter dam , \u Riittrrdam ( U-tUrs must be dl- recteil "per Rnlterd un ' ) , at S' ' a m for ITALY , per s Eni . via Xaples ( letters must IH- directed "per Ems" ) ; at 10 a , in , fur SCOTLAND Olri-i t , p r s Alichorli , via Glasgow ( lethrs must Im directed "per Anrhoila ) , at 10 a. in ( supplementary 11 10 a in ) for EUROPE , per s. . Lucanla * , via QuceiiHunui. PRINTED MATTER ETC German steamers silling on Tu sdays take pilnted matter , etc , for Germany , and specially addressed printed matter , ntc. . for other parts of Kurope. Ani'rican and \Vhto ! Star st'-a.ners on Wediiedavs , German oteamers on Thursday. , and Cunnrd , French and Oerinall steamers on Satur days lake prtntml imt' - . etc. , fcsr nil countrliM foi which thc-y are aJvertlted to rarry miiH Aftci the closing of ( ho supplementary transatlantic mailHA in oil al > ovf , addi tional supplementary mails aio opened on Iho ple rs of the American , EiiRllsh , Ft > nch and German stertineiH. and remain open until within ton inlnutcj of the hour of sailing of steamer .Iliitln fur Siiutli anil ( Vlitrill Allll-rlon , AV < vlinllcx. ( . Etc. WEDXESDAY-At 10 a. in. for PORTO RH'O dlrn t. p r U. S. Transpoit , at 11 n in ( "Upplementary II 30 a m ) for VEXE/.UELA and CURACAO , also SAV- AXILLA and CARTI1AGEXA , vln C'urai-ao per s lllldui , at 1230 n m ( supplementaly 1 p. m. ) for ST THOMAS , ST CROLX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS also DEMERARA , per s s. .Mndlana , at 1 p m fin CUBA , vl.i HiiMlia. aK ) UA.MPECHE. CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s .s. Oriraba ( lotleis for other parts of M'xieo must betllrri till "per Oiizaba ' ) THURSDAY-At 1. in. for SANTIAGO DE CUHA. OIANHAN1LLO and CASILDA , per s. s lls nsti'ln , at 9 p in for JAMAICA , per steamer from Boston. FRIDAY At 'l a in. for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES per s s. Burton , via. Pernambuco , liahln , and Rio Janeiro ( letter' for Brazil must bo dliected per Billion ) , at 10 n. m. for HAITI , per B H Oianje Nassau ; ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must be di rected "per Ornnji1 Nas au" ) , at 1 p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per P s. Bernard , vl.i Pat a , Maranham and Ccara , at 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per s s. Aidanroso ( lettem f r Belize , Pueito Corleir. mid Guatemala must be directed "per Ardan- roso" ) SATURDAY At 10 a. m ( supplementary 10 TO a. m ) for FOHTUXS ISLAND , JAMAICA. STVAX1LLA and CARTHA- OEXA , per s. s. Allegheny ( letters for Costa Rica must ho directed "per Alle- ghany" ) , at 10 a. m ( 'Upplementarv 10.30 a m ) for HAITI and'SAXTA MARTHA , per s s Alp1at 11 a m. for CUHA per s s. Sefuranca , via Havana ( letters must bo directed "per Seguranca" ) , nt 11 a m. ( supplementary 11-30 a m ) for VENE ZUELA and CURACAO , also SAVAN- 1LLA and CARTHAGEXA Curviio. per s. s. Caracas. Mall- for Xew foiimlland by rail to North Sydnev , and thence by steamer , close at this olllce dally at 8 30 p. m. ( connecting clo'-u here every Mondav , Wednesday and Saturday ) Malls for MUiuclon , by roll to Boston , and thenc > b\ t < .amor , close Ht this olce ! ! dally at S,33 ,1. , m. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla . and thence by steamer , close at this Olllco dally ( cxcent Monday ) at " 7 a. m. , con necting c-los H hen > every Sunday. Wednes day and Friday. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla , and thenc * by steamer , close at this olllrc everv Monday , Tues- ilnv and Saturday at ' 2 30 a in , con necting closes here every Tuesday and Saturday Mails for Mexico Cltv over land , unless specially nddre scd for dis patch by steamer , close at this office dallv nt 2:30 : n. m. and 2.0 ! p m Registered mall clo-'es ut G p. in. previous day. irgNtered mall closes nt u p. m second day before. TrniiH-I'm-lllr MiiIlM. Malls from China and Japnn , pfr s s Em- nr ( " < s of China ( fiom Vancouver ) , close liere dally up to Mav * * 2d at G.iO p. m. Malls for China and Jap in , per s s. Olympla ( fiom Tacoma ) close here dally up to Mnv 4th nt G 30 p m. Malls for China and Japan , per s s. Rlojun tMaru ( from Seattle ) , close here dally up to May llth at G ! 0 j ) m Malls for AustialU ( except Iho'-o for West Australia \\hlcli nrn forwarded via Europe ) , New Zetland , Haw ill , FIJI and Samo.in Islands , per t H. Moana ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dallv nflrr April " 2X111 and up to May " 12th at G.30 p m on day of arrival of s H. Campania wh'rh will probably arrlvo May "I2th Malls for Hawaii , per a H. Australia ( from San Francl co ) , clos- here < lally up to May * * 23th at G 30 p m. Mallt for the Society Islands per ship Galileo ( from Sun Francisco ) , close here dally up to May * * Jith at G TO p. m Mill- for Aus tralia ( except West Australia ) , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per f s. 'Mlowrrn ' ( from Vancouvm ) , close h'le da'ly afti r May " 12th and up to May " 26th at C 30 p m Transpacific malls uro forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of the4r uninterrupted overland transit "Regis tered mall closes nt G p m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT Postmaster. Postoitlc-p , New York. N. Y , April 23 , 189S. .NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of tha Interior , Ofllce of Indian Affairs , Washington. D. C , March 30 , 1899 Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals tor blankets , woolen and cotton goods , cloth ing , etc , as the case may be , and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , NOH 77 and 79 Woostor street , N < w York City , All ) be received until 1 o'c'ock p. m. of Tnivduy. May 21 , 1899 , for furnish ing for the Indian Sc-rvlce blankets woolen and totton goods , clothing , notions , hut a and caps Bids must be made out on Gov ernment blnnkw Schedules giving all neccs- suiy Infoimatlon for bidders will be fui- nlshcn on application to the Indian Otllcv , Washington , D. C ; Noi , 77 nml 79 Wooster strort , New York City , or 1G02 State street , Chicago 111. ; the Commlnwrles of Bub- sistenco , U S A , nt Cheyenne , Leaven- worth , Omaha , St. Ixuls , St Pnu' nnd San Fr.inelsco ; the postmasters at Sioux City Yankton , Atkanr.iM City , Caldwell , Topcki * . Wichita nnd Tucson. Bids will bo opened at the hour nnd dny above stated nnd bidders nro Invited to bo presc-nt at the opening The > Department reserves the right to dctcrmlnn the point of delivery nti'l to reject any and all bids , or any part of any Did. W. A. JONES , Commissioner Acr 23 d 2Gt CoiirMu IH < 'rlfIcliteil. CHICAGO , May 2 Tlio action of Presi dent Hogeis of Northwestern university In presiding as chairman of the nntl-c'xpanalon muss meeting nt Central Music hall last Sunday has been the subject of general dis cussion on the part of trustees , faculty , students and filends of the Etanston Institu tion. Whllo the trustees would not nay that ofllclal notice would be taken of Mr. Rogers' public expression of views , yet a number of members of the board deprecated the fact that Dr. Rogeru * course has placed the university In a position of seeming hos tility to President McKlnley and the policy of the national government In the Philip pines. Kjilxcoiuil Clmrcli In I'urlo Hh-o , CHICAfJO , May 2. To repr Bentatlve of the Chicago diocese of the Protestant KpU- copal chuich belongs the honor of planting the first church of that denomination In the Islands of the West Indies that recently Imvo tome under tue rontrul of the United States , The congregation will ho org.uiUe , ! at Han Juan. Porto Rico , with n membership of thlity-dx , under authority conferred by Bishop Mc-Laren of Chicago , In docunienta ho fernurded to Son Juan , appointing Rev. George 11. Pratt to assume charge of the new congiegrttlon as u-ctor Rev Mr Pratt , for merly of Chicago , Is now In Porto lllco , cn- lu rcllelouaorL ,