Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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I TTTE OVA1IA DAILY "HEE : "PHI DAY , APT1L ? 28 , 1899.
Wonderful Sot of Children Being Reared to
Garry on Society ,
Muilfitl Ili-aux Who Mnttr Plnr Ittin-
iiliiK tin tun for the llrlli's M > -
vlnl Herrent Ion * for Che
Siiiiinirr SCIIMIM ,
NEW YORK , April 21 ( Cnrrcapnndcnce
of The lice. ) I.nst whiter amateur theatri
cals were given In various smart New York
houses niul when the Noivport Benson Is
fairly Inaugurated draw Ing room playg anil
plajers will out no small llguro In the sum
mer's pleasure The plnjom will all bo re
cruited from the ranUu of the moat exclusive
set and some of the joung women who will
tread the nnmtcur boards are perfectly able
to do professional roles with n IIno Intensity
and finish. This condition In a all been
evolved tliroiiRli the fashion firm ailing last
winter for drnwiiiK room declamations.
There were n half doen jouns women who
Inausuratqd thl custom In order to display
their rich voltes , Rraccful llguros and emo
tional temperaments. In thu drawing room
after dinner , Instead of a gifted damsel's
Buffering heisclf to bo uitio"atcd to sing or
piny , she expected to bo asked to declaim
At first It wan astonishing to IInil how well
they acquitted themselves of the dllllcult ,
not to say dangerous task , for without
backgrounl or nccofiinrles n slim thing In
whlto Eatln would rlso and proceed to really
stir your focllng-j with a poem.
Miss Kdlth Olnpp , for example , who Is ono
of the most gifted of this declaiming sister
hood , prepirod herself for her drawing
room efforts by stud } Ing under Jane Hading
and the masters of the Theater Trancala
until she could trill her French R's and coo
licr Trench u's to perfection. The Misses
Bobo and Lulu Oucrnec , when they neclt
to go In for histrionic honors , indiii
Hojnno to give them Instruction and tl
no lew a person than Coquclln to lay on
polish. The specialties of Mlsa Clnpp i
the ( Misses Gucrnco mo dainty rroi
monologues , such as "Autour d'un Dercei
or the rendering with suitable nation
sentiment nf the very last verses that h ;
dropped " m Coppqe's pen.
Miss j * j Mltcholl IB another mclodl
drawing luom voice , but she prefers dial
and the newest English verses Klplli
"Truco of the Hear , " Henry New bolt's
hjmns and IMIlh Thomas' sonnets , am
troduced by her to society that is lee h
to read. Mrs. Hugh Almerlc Pagct Is
other accomplished dcUnmateuse , who
all her training from an American actr
Of course It was entirely natural t
declamation alone could no\er satisfy
cravings of these accomplished girls ,
when Miss Harlnnd came over from Wt
Ington and showed what fame and appla
could bo got out of n drawing room i
n season at least of amateur theatricals
inaugurated at once.
IN ! U-mit > llrrnlUnrj f
This serious question was opened to
cusslon at the Metropolitan club the ol
evening , and ono man set out to piactlc
and unconfutably estibllsh his absertlon
a handsome mother Is very llhcl ) to 1
handsome dauchters
"Let us bend the list with Mrs He
Clews , " ho began. "A lovely blonde , ku
rivaled In feature and coloring by
daughter Clalo ; and Mrs Hullo Nell
who , llko Mrs. Clews , cnjojs a f"ic
boaui > well bpvond the bounds of her etali
N the mother of Mm Ocorpto Kemp , whos
portrait made uch a scnMtlon at th
"Pair Women" exhibition lust autumi
Now let us Itemise ag well Mrs Frederic
Grant and set down very much to he
credit her young daughter Julia , and I
would be more than Solomon could do t
t'hoone for good look * between them.
"Mrs Alfred Test and Mrs Stevenn , th
latter , you know , one of the famous beau
ties of New York u generation ago , are th
mothers re pecthely of Miss Po t and Mn
Clnni llloodgood , than whom there nr
mighty few handsomer women In our towt
Hero Is William Waldorf Astor , Just OVP
from Knelnnd for n few weeks , with hi
young daughter , who Is as prcttj as a PK
turc , and has played the part of hosuss t
Queen Victoria. Her lovely c > es and dell
cato features recall her mother win wa
MIsa Paul of Philadelphia , and a super
woman Miss Helen Morton Is rlghtfi
heiress to the stately beauty of her mothei
Mrs. l.cvl P. Morton , who Is ono of th
most striking hostesses In Now York , an
next winter the debulnnlo who will lend th
rest for unusual perfection of cr lorlng an
featuru will bo Mies Gladvs Orostn , Mn
Walter Crosby's daughter , and llko Ml'
Julia Cooper , Mrs Charlis c opcr
daughter , she gets her beauty frrm hr
mother Mrs Lorlllnrd Spcncor , who wi
and Is rcg-mled ns the most faultless 11 nil
who over came out In New York siring 1
the cliUflt daughter of Mrs. ( Joorgp Bo r )
man , who , In her turn , hal a reputa' o
for beauty as a debutante that got e'en '
Lo the other eldo of the water Hero nr
ten namei at random and I have a scoi
more on the list , but It seems to me th.i
for a ctnrtcr wo have enough here to prov
that It Is something distinctly tn a girl
credit and advantnga an well as her prou
reputation In ( society to be nblo to point t
lier mother ns the author of tli3 fluur
and fen tin CH that win her widespread ad
miration ,
MiiNlrnl 'Men.
A hnlf-doron > enra ago , If vou had nskc
v\hat the New York man of leisure did , th
list of hlo attainments would bo llmltc
chiefly to sports Recently though his pas
slon for manly exerc BO hrs not in the lea
declined , ho has been lispired to aid mus
to his list of charms All the email boy
c\cn nro put at the piano , and no youn
man Is considered fully equipped unless h
Is able to nt least play dnnco miec an
chant the latest coon song
Thrso nro merely the musical ll'ht
weights Thcro la fully n store of g n\j
Inely earnest amateur artists , nnd To-
Thorno may be satclj put nt their hca 1. II
Ins studied -with Massenet , nnd when on
of hU friends marries ho Is apt ii.- < not t
send the Inppy pair n bridal cirol n marc
or a little chanson composed In thtlr hone :
The two leading pianists unionp the nnn ;
cnl men nro young Otis nnd fro gh o
Webb Mr.Vchb Is a Wagnorlte , nnJ eve
professionals concede that ho can more fu'l
interpret Wagner's mocd nnd passions o
the piano than nny jinn In America L i
Ing Hlldrcth Is the violinist of the grou ]
while the llncst voltes aio those ptissesac
by Alexander Hadden and Tom Kel y
bisso Is the lliht nnd a brilliant toner
the second.
Pianos , violins nnd compositions n1
well enough , but the man who sings ! > tl
man whom the women fianklv almlic. a
In consequence a good many men are rd 1-
vocal to their instrumontil ability ar
thereby Increasing the grate and interest i
lifo In snnrt society.
TinA tAorl. . ( lillil.
The Xow York thild of wealthy and s
tlally ambitious parents Is n wonderful c
ample of the inlluonco "of modem v\calt
Mothers , ire raising up their youngsters
be ornaments to socletj , and directly lei
clotheb arc put off the education begins. :
plaj In the rational childish way with mi
cakts and at prisoner's base , dolls and sai
castles is considered a sinful waste of tlm
Uv01 j thing must contribute to the socle
exactions , and every Interest must ma.
mental or phjblcal Improvement. H fair
makes one's bones ncho and one's brain re
to record the number of classes that for
the routine of dajs for jouth in the Va
derbllt , Gould , Kane , Lorllhml nnd Ooel
set. In winter they go to dancing , ililln
swimming , skating and badminton class (
Take singing to develop the voice , clocutl
to acquire diction and gesture , the viol
is studied with the piano , and now they a
all being taught Spanish as well as Germ
nnd Trench , to enable them forsooth to tate
to their new fellow conntrvmen. When t
chicks are taken to walk In the park a gc
erness accompanies them to give instructl
in the names of trees , nature of plants , f <
mations of clouds and habits of birds a
In bummer a governchs dogs their ste )
In order to prevent use of slang to contln
their natural history lessons , to read nlo
fiom the classics , the girls are put throu
courses of fancy woik nnd with their broi
crs study accurate golf under a ptofesslon
also sclentlllc fishing , and nro obliged to i
up herbal linns nnd little museums of m
ernls during these bo-cilled vacation mont
Uut the education of the fashionable vou
folk does not end hero Manners must
polished ns well ns minds , nnd to do t
the Now York mother early familiarizes 1
Infants with the customs of society. Lit
girls especially nro taken to the opera mi
nccs , allowed to give elaborate lunchc
nml breakfast , riding nnd theater parti
oven bully their own dicssmakers , run
bills nt the dry goods , Horists and confcct :
shops , enjoy crodlt at the livery stable n
In mlnlaturo llvo qultu llko their mam
who encourage them in acquiring the art
entertaining , dressing nud spending nion
You might as well ti.y to bestow a 25-ci
tip on Huron Hothschlld ns attempt to i
thebo children's pulses with any ordlni
treats. "Raudlnty nnd Virot dress me , "
marked an 11oarold miss the other da )
when some one admired her now spring
suit She did not mean to boast , the poor
crcntuio had ni'\tr worn simple home-made
pinafores and checked glnglnm sunbonnets
She looked icslgncdl ) bored when an opeia
box was offered her for n mntlueo of "Oat-
mcn , " and went out with her walking gov
erness to tiy to make up among her friends
n party to 1111 the box. The effort was a
allure. "You have ) ou box back again ,
namn , " she repoited , "for Borne of the girls
iad Important engagements , and others hid
ccn "Carmen" no often thcj really illdn I
mo nbout It , so I think ) ou ma ) as well
end jour box to somebody olt > o '
This ) ou see Is the way our future deb
utantcs and glided jouths are prepared
the ornamenta of society in the
CAi.irouMA" ri.ovTiM. o vimr
TinMarv floiis Kflp GriM\Mi
" IlarlHirH iiiul lla > N.
liar > liin >
Not only the mainland , but the Island
California , which rise from the sea
submerged mountain peaks , have won
ful floating gardens , through which vc :
often flow with dllllculty In entering
small harbors which dot the coast
Santa Harbara , sn > s the New York Obsei
the entrance of the bay Is a ma e of n
Ing vegetation and the Islands off the c <
especially Santa Catallua , arc more or
3 The floating gardens are formed of
streamers of kelp , which , attached to
bottom , grow upward to n distance of
to 500 feet , throwing out broad leaves
alr-'bulbs ' , which act as so many ball
I to support them. Iho effect of this I
give a perfect forest of broad green let
1 rising upward and presenting a sharp
trast to the blue water In which they g
Graceful In appeal nnco , they turn at e
whim of the tide , now floating directly
i ward , their leaves high above water
ii caught by the brcezo , ngaln reaching :
id In long streamers , they are among the ;
striking nnd beautiful objects of the
of marine world. When in shore the
plants assume n vertical position and
como floating gardens In reality. In
bay of Avalou they present so many
tractions that boats have been constn
especially to lloat over them and affoid
occupnits an opportunity to observe
wondtrs of the ocean world.
Thcso boats are all provided with 1
plate glass windows , bet In the hot
> o the observer can alt In the boat
gaze down through the window and
Intensified small animals. Seine of I
lioats are propelled b > oars , others
double catamarans , which bear a soi
house and hold twenty people nud are
pelled over the floating gardens by an
. 'lne The glass , as suggested , magi
objects and In lluatlng along ono can ul
Imagine himself under the water nnd n
Ing at will In these gardens of thu
With the face bent down over the wli
a series of marine wonders meets thu
Kiuh leaf or frond Is tovercd with pal
of color , which represent varied anl
or plants , some nro purple , red grve :
jellow. Hero nro delicate sea nnemi
which so resemble blooming flowers
they can scarcely bo distinguished
the true flowers of the laud , At
slightest noUo they close up , withdra
their many-colored tentacles , then si
blooming out again
Hero nro minute plant-like creatures
nro really nnlinals , though growing I
shrub llko form , nnd among the vvonde
this Moating garden are eomu that
birth to minute juung which bccomu
fishes , to float uwny and at night fill
ocean with u wondeiful pbobphorei
light Strungo shells crawl upon the i
leaver , crabs that mimic their colors
focth , and Hides of the exact tint clli
them , safe In this resemblance from i
enemies The long leaves when unatCi
by the current , rise directly upward
form n maze of arches down among v
many strange forms are to bo
Directly on the bottom a large oci
comes limping nlong , throwing out
eight sucker-lined arms , moving
strange fashion , waves of color pa
slowly over U , that boom to adapt It t
color of the bottom over which It U pa :
Near b > wo catch n glimpse of a cc
Hie argonaut or nautilus , crawling a
holding l' dtlu-ato shell over Its beat
lu the crevKua of the roiHs are L
lined crhnl , n perfect maze of bristling pi
ami needles which wnvo to and fie and i
sent the intrusion of nn > inem > Tin
nro the ground dwelling of this garden , 1
there nro other forms , fishes whkh vie w :
ono another nud the birds of the land
their beauty of color. They poise nmo
the leaves , nnd present strnngu contras
One is of n brilliant gold hue , with hi
flns , n gold fish whoso grateful movemei
constitute nn attractive feature of the g.
den Scores of Httlo lltfips glide by tl
nro veritable gems In the brilllantj of th
rinamentatlon , bright Jewel-like spots f
pearlng hero nnd there over their surfac
Suddenly the small fry luili away ns
might ) form glides EOW ! > through the gi
den H Is the king of the Inss. n fish f
feet long , of n rich mahogany tint , win
homo Is in these gardens of the sea 1'
lowing we ahall see n silvery llsh with
jtllow tall , and u stripe along its sides
Perhaps the most rcmaikablc denizen
the floating garden Is a flsh nbout a fi
In length , bo grotesque in shape that it
almost Impossible to distinguish It fr
the wood. Its head and bick are covei
with tentacle-like growths , while Us co
Is nn exact imitation of the weed. T
curious ttsfi builds , a nest In the kelp
winding the weed In and out , formlnp
ball in which the eggs are doposl
and the > ouug reared.
Thcso gardens nro not nlwajs the sen
placeb of refuge wo now sec them ,
night the seals and sea lions from
various rookeries swim along shore , en
the gardens and fceiS upon the fishes , da
ing in and out among the arches , and m
ing eager to capture pies' . At night
6ceno Is often a strange one down throi
the glass window , ns nearly all of
animals of the garden ate llght-glvi
whole during the day the sun's rays llli
them now mjstlc lights on an inll.
variety of forms piny , and the ktlp-l
nro sccncb of light nnd beauty be )
powfr of description.
I'ortrnlt of I'liciilicinlii.s.
Henry S Wellcome , formerly of Indl :
and no\v the leading chemist of London
thp firm of llurroi.ghse1Uomo & Co hai
tvndfipil to the senate of the Lintel Siaui
th portrait of Pocahontnn which hung It
the wtinans ImtldlnfC during the World i
fair The portrait to be prc nted Is , n topi
of AH original pnlnlpd of Pocnhontas n
IfilG when she wan 21 ) cr s old , shortly nftc :
her marriage with Thomas Uolff and hoi
conversion to Chrlstlnnltv The original , b :
lie Psp'o nu eminent nrtl t of the tnille
part of the seventeenth rontur ) , now hang !
In Horton hall In Norfolk England , whltl
was tht- former sent of the Uolff fnmll ) Tin
prliipogs Is shown ns a line looking woman
with a dark complexion , high cheek bones
flerj i > es nnd other characteristic feature
of 1 rr rnco , nnd thp rinvas is Inscribed
Matoika llobockn , fllln potentls Prluc
riwlintnnl Imp. Vtiglnln " On the plate below
low Matoakc , alias Hpbookn , daughter o
HIP inluht ) Pi Into Powathnnl , Kmpcrour eMi
Mi imniRh Ki monoU of Virginia , n Chris
Man innvrrtpil nnd innrrlril to the Wor
Mi Thnms Holtf Aged 21 , 1616"
AMI rovvim i MI 'u > rri ) .
iil Ti-lnl Il in nil % Aorl
stiifiuiHoiiils ,
Thi > first of the air-power cars for th
Tvpnteighth nnd Twenty-ninth street llti
of HIP Mplrtipolltaii rend In New York Oil
made nn experimental run over the Twcnt )
third street line one tiny last week.
The new cars hive the same general ar
pearancp as the standout electric cars use
b ) the Metropolitan road , sas the No
\uik Sun. Some of the experimental cat
> it tun on uptown lines among the clcc
nit cars and passengers never noticed th
difference The compiosfod air bottlrs ni
tarried under the seats , throe on a sldi
The p bottles are made In Germany of
speclnlb pieparcd nickel-steel after
protess similar to that used by Kiupp I
linking armor plato for battleships Tli
Hist bottles were made to withstand
pleasure of 1,000 pounds to the squnio Incl
This loft n mnrsln of snfoty of only 1 5C
pounds. The now bottles can withstand
prposuro of 13 000 poun Is to the squii
( nth The maximum woiklng prosaure wl
bo 2 " 00 pounds , nnd the normal presbUl
will bo 2 200 pounds
In the new powerhouse nt Eleventh nv <
nuo nnd Twcnt-fourth street Is the 1,5 (
hnrsp-powpr nlr compressor , which has muc
the appearance of a marine engine. Th
vertical compressor Is n great Improvomci
ovpr the horizontal comprpe&or now In in
and will do Its woik much moro cconomli
nllv The coiuprcs or Is nbout sixty fe
high nnd Ins n 11)wheel twput-two fci
In diameter It Is a four-stnge comprcsso
The air Is taken In at the rate of hlxty-foi
cnblo feet to n stroke In the fln.t con
pressing o Under It Is under a pressure <
llfty pounds to the sqmro Inch. In the sei
end compressor the pressure Is * nlscd to 1
pounds nnd the orlglml bulk Is rfiluced
eighteen cubic feet. In the third compre
ser the pressure Is fiS9 pounds end the bu
Is reduced to flvo cubic feet I'lnallv ,
the last compressor , the pressure Is rnlst
to 2,000 pounds and the bulk reduced
ono nnd one-half cubic feet This Is r
done In four seconds Compressing air i
rapidly holts it to a high degree of ten
pcralure , and so after each compression tl
nlr Is cooled by passing over cold-wnt
The capacity of the now compressor ,
the cars were charged directly from
would bo eighty cars By establishing
reservoir nf compressed nlr bottles the r
raclty will bo Increased Indefinitely. Trn
the comiiressoi bottles the car bottles ci
bo charged In two minutes
A car will run sixteen miles on a ship
charge , nnd the cars , ns built , will have
speed capacity of from ten to twelve mil
an hour. They will be run at from fl
to six miles nn hour nnd will bo charg
after every other trip
The mechanism of the new' nlr motors
very simple Unlike the first air-pow
tars. In which thorn was a great numt
nf moving parts , the engines now to bo us
hnvo very few moving parts. The runnl
gear moves in a bath of oil.
The motors are controlled by the mot (
men Just as the motormen control the eh
trie motors now. The platform controlli
nro only slightly dlfleient In appcarai
fiom those used on the electric cars.
, The now cars rim very smoothly. Tl
are started with very little of a Jerk 1
aim of the Metropolitan's engineers 1
been , In fact , to produce a car which she
bo as much llko the standard electric i
f as possible , so that the running of th
I n
Bivt ,
clly A very dainty design for transparent drees fubrlts , a pattern of which Is Issued
the the current number of Hiuptrs Uaiar. where the gown appears , represents 01
cent the many varieties of eklits now In vugut , nnd u thuimlngly Hlniplo bodlco will
fronit the rcut of the upper part ol
rcat worn with a Ikhu The skirt has a gore ,
circular lints but with thin difference A
per- garment being fashioned to keep the ,
g to blight fullness Is allouod , which may be gathered lu the tenter of tlm bath or ti
Ttila circular back o ! the skirt Is
inny Inward nt the pluckut In two single pltuto
cted n llttlp longer than a ) eke would bu , but atnchcd to it and sloping upward from :
and one-third of the length of the front gnro is u flaring rulllo which assumes the dl
htch Elons of a short train In the back The seam , which U formed b > thu Jolnlr
ecu. rulllo nud circular tup skirt. Is hidden under n full rulllo of point d'csprlt , '
jpus not only curves around the hips , but extends down the front scams and arnun
Its full ruflle. An allowance of ten Inctuti Is mndo In the batk of the pattern fo
n n train. The back of the bodlco Is EhirnM ut the waUl-Uno , and the front U fltt
sing the same manner. A flehu , hero rendered In batiste and edged with point d'ctprll
the which may bo made as etfoctlvo If done In whlto mull or immstcllne. Is thu
ling. garniture of the bodice , except the peuu do t > ole ribbons which are tmploji
waist nnd collar. The easy titling sleeve a are slightly gat lit red ever the thnu
the fullness being distributed between the two notihtti which appear on the
tern The wrists ure flulshe4 wiih a sharp point funned over the upper part i
a k- baud , and a full of lace IB uaat'J , but thl a luuy Lu ooiutt-a if dcbired. . _ _
woull n t nfuso the intpl vcs Th <
whlih nmdp the pxiifilnipiuil run vnnrd.i
was hailed aovpral tlmpg b ) prr ons wl
thought It wss onp of thp rrosMown elpi
trie cars Ovpr In Paris thp nlr-power cm
ar * built on locomotive dpolgns
Thp new rnrs for the cro town line wl
bo the nmt P rs to bp regulnri } run on
street railroad In this couutr.v
Tiioi' AMIS or SONUS ruii KII.III
I InlllriN llavtSiilIortMl scvrrrly tli
l'a < 4 ( Atutor. .
IJIrd lovers will flnd , this ) pnr , an tinusu
scnrcll ) nmoiiR the moro common vnrlelli
of birds , especially among the ordlnnr
parly spring migrants Thp tmprcci
dpiitpdt ) cold wpnther ot rchruary , leper
the lloston Tinnscrlpt , has decreased tl
numbers of the birds b ) thou.sinds ni
legislation looklnc to their prcsprvntlon v\i
never more iifoiled thin at the prcsci
The birds of the north of Canada and >
the northern tier of states were not tl
greatest sufferers from the p\cesslvc col
Through the Mississippi valley and tl
south generally the cold wave of rebruai
S to 11 was unprpcedeiit-ed In spvorlt ) ,
the Ohio and Middle Mississippi vallps tl
mercury registered from 24 to 10 dcgici
below zero , rahrunhelt , whllo through tl
south the motcury was lower than ov
known before/ The low temperature vvi
accompanied by high vvlnds nnd snow ni
the combined effect was dUastious to tl
lu the middle states thousinds of tl
winter lesldents weio fiozen or starved
death Cardinals , song spirrows , go
Ilnches , gold-crowned kluglots. chltkide
and other familiar varieties died by hill
dreds , quail welo frozen to death , huddli
together in little bunches In the vain eftn
to leslst the cold , blue Jnvs , ordinarily 01
of the most dlstiustful of the wild bin ]
sought Bhcltor in sheds nml outhouses m
could bo picked up , benumbed with col
about the doors of farm houses ; even t !
hnrd ) milled grouse suflercd bovciel ) .
It was lu the south , however , thu t
destruction of blid-llfe was groUest. He
the cold met the first wave ot the norl
ward ppilng migration and fell with dl
effect on those summer icsldcnts of t
north which winter from lenupsseo soul
wnid Hoblns , bluebirds , cardinals , mai
lly- < niche
spnnows , thrushes , gracklcs ,
suffered terrlbl . It
and mail ) other kinds )
ports from many points In the south , fir
Tlorlda to Texas , show that the destructl
of blrd-llfo was enormous Pirtlculai
was this the rase along the Atlnntlc a
gulf coasts and along the course of t
Lower Mississippi.
Ono point of the South Atlantic co-
will servo to show the extent nf the 0
structloii among the birds At Clnrlcstt
S. C , It would have mndo .1 4 > lrd-lov
hcaitslck to see the destiuctlon and t
pitiful struggles of the wild blids The ct
wave , at that point , wtw accompanied
four Inches of snow and a driving 'g ,
from the northwest. The birds were dilv
Into nnd over the city by thousands. Wo
cock were caught In the eticets llko chic
ens Cardinals , painted buntings , will
crowned , whlto-thioitcd , vtspcr and fc
sparrows , many other flnchos , wit hlo
robins , iblueblids , thiushes nnd other bli
weio driven Into ontrywns , under pla ? ;
nnd Into the lee of the houses for bhelt
nnd died , starved and frozen , In the enc
Thousands were blown out to sei nnd Ic
The f-indy islands of the main coiht vvi
crowded with woodliml iblrds. Ho)3 el
strings of sulpo and plover among the doi
nnd the shipping.
It was pitiful to see the birds light
against the gale , nnd to watch their i
availing struggles to keep from 'being ' bio
out to ben. Hundreds fell Into the sea
fore the onlooker's oes , struggling-
I3t4. Some , warmed a little from the plo
lug cold toy the warmth of the water , wh
! > ' mi. \ III > n 1 "li a M i- - . < ! fiin h
\ ! < M if I Wll O II' 1 \ > W III' SIIU > 4
onio tn 10 a ft w nf lh T i < a hi 1 the t i M
and burled then ) plv In lltilp huddle * In
the sand , or oowored behind rwk . ou'y '
to die thrro stftrvpd and fnixrn. HuniludJ
of the helplpfs fugitive * wprc murderr 1 I'y
the riobrrt rillss nnd rubber slings of ihi
hparilws bov . The ( vfoplo of Ohnrlp1 n
put out ft o l. rice , fliio hominy , bml
crumbs corn nnd onts , but the lurxl rf iho
Write were too nearly'ilpad to take ndvan'
IIRP of this Many < were taken Into lions >
but were HO bomiuibwl ns to bo booml 10-
icovery '
' Hpports from v rlou points say that as i
result of thp oold thp bluebird Is almost i \
llnot In luntiy locnlltlis. This vnitctv hM
been growing fowpr In numbpis for ) enrs ,
bpforo Iho fitimu there weto not mail ) ipfl.
nnd In the oold they nppenrpd to sutTor
more than nlmost nny other variety iho
ranks of the robins , nl o. wilt be grra ly
thinned liurlng the last two or tlm-a
) enr thry have been shot ns table bird * in
the eolith , nnd there has been n dlmluutl ti
In their numbpis which will bo moro i r.
ceptlblo than ever after the recent diwtrn < - -
Ion by cold. So It U with most of the Mru
and now. If over. Is the tlmo for thn pmirt-
Ing of laws , and thp enforcing of ihoss
already enacted , for the protection of iht
birds , and for blrd-loveis to put forth rvory
fftoil to retard cr strp the alarmingly rapid
decrease among our native blrls.
KNOW i.r.ixii : IN siAM : .
Tcnolicr ( tin l.cai-u from I'lillilieit
NlMV llllll'H III Sliot'l'll.
A trarher lu n public school Is often tha
incipient ns well ns the liuparlei of knowl
edge Sonic of the Hiunll folk under her
tuition occasional ! ) astonish her with tluir
supcilor knowritlgo of the modernl ) devel
oped iPbOiirops of tlu English languiigo
A lectuio on hKlenohid : bivn Ineliuled In
the piogrniu for the dn ) , and she had taken
care lo ho\\ the effects of alcohol and to
bacco upon the s\-stem She Impiesspd her
teachings by means of niiatoiultnl ihnrt * ,
which KIIVO lopeolal lucidlt ) to hei romaiks ,
when ho inmo to v\nrnlng the llttlo gills ,
) enrs In ndviinto of niiv piactltal nted , or
the dangers of tight lacing.
Ono of tlio Httlo gills whose home sitr-
loundlngs nro of thu sou lu which catu
lather than clennnco of ovpresslou li
( -ought , listened with piofound losjiert
"Now , Margniet , " the teacher said , " ) ou
may hco how vu.l ) ou lemcmbcr v\hat I
have nalil nbout tight lacing , and loll iu
why It IB Injurious "
Hhcio was no ichpwise
"I menu jiiu , Miggle , " the tcnclier added ,
and the gill jumped to her feet as she recog-
nl/ed the moic fnuilllar name
"Tight lacing , ma'nm , is liijutioui
' "
She ( ipsltatcd , and the teacher smiled en-
couiaglngly , and bald , "Go on. "
" 'Cos , ma'nm , Its llnblo to twist jour
slats. ' '
In Chicago nt the Grand Paclllc Hotel rin-
est In the west Scivlco nnd culslno unsui-
passed. Write for rates
Oh Doalli. AVIifrc IH 'I'll ?
The boycotting of the luckless
ainlnssadnr b ) ippiesentatlvt's of the other
powers nt Washington sn)8 thu Loiilsvlllo
Times , recalls an anecdote of a iccentl ) de
ceased clubman lit- was present one evenIng -
Ing nt a Ilttlo musical gathcilng when nn
iibpliant foi honoiH as n pianist seattd him
self nt the plnno and began phi ) Ing one of
the national nlih ot Mexico. ' ha Pnlomn "
His execution was deadl ) nud he banged nud
thumped the liiHtiuiuciit until It was n lit
object , for the Intel ference ot the humnna
boclcty. rinnll ) ho whirled mound on tha
stool nnd said , ' Did jou notice HIP nlr I
was phi ) Ing7 Well , when the ) led Muxl-
inlllnn out to be shot the ) nsktd him what
tune ho would llko to be bhot b ) nnd he be-
lected 'La Pnloma ' Do JOH know wli ) ' "
' i "Yes , " replied the clubman ns he glared
I nt the exci utlonei of the limp " 1 supposa
i It robbed death of half Its terrors. "
'ho followed by weary dajs , if vou , take .it meal time and before
Ffficacious as a tonic and decidedly
: ar
om pleasing to the taste. Invigorates but
not intoxicate. Awarded First
emI Honors at Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition.
I When you order this tonic of your druggist give its full name
with emphasis on "BLATZ. "
Prepared by VAL BLATZ BREWING CO. , " Milwaukee U. S. A.
Omaha Branch : 1412 Douglas St. Tel. 1081.
E. Bruce 6 Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Quwa Dee" Spccliltlei ,
Clr rtV Win and Brandies ,
Corno ? lOtb * od Huroer StrM .
Creamery Machinery
And Supplies.
[ 3ollern , Engines , reeil Cookers , Wnod .
leys , Shafting , Belting , Butter Puck
uses of all kind * .
Krt-009 Jones St. - - - - - -
Electrical Supplies.
filpotrio Wlrlnsr Bollb and OIIB LU
O VV JOHNSTON , Mer 1510 UowurJ St.
424 South 15tli St.
lib or L ee-Giass-Mlreeson
nefl Wholesale Hardware.
nly Ulcyclca and Sporting Goods , 1219-21-23 lUr
ney Street.
the the 'he ' Omaha Safe
I but In and Iron Works
at G. ANDItKKN , Prop.
ers. Makes a. specialty of -
I"1" API SAnd
> ai-
the And Uurclur Pmof safi luii i \ mill' ' im.oti
010 b. UIU U. . Uutuliitj
W * '
Jl'fr *
lUKNEfS , ttAUDKl' * AN1 > COl.LA.nB
Jobber * of feather , baddtet'u Hardware , KUt
W * Bolltit jour oidT313J15317 S IJth.
rH AVIImiu C IlrnUp.
Manufacturers bolltrs , smoke Blacks nnU
troechlngs , vressure , icndorln/f / , sheep dip.
lard and .rater tanks bolloi tubes con-
( tantly on hnnd , prcnnd hand bullcra
boiicht nnd Bold Pnrrlal nud prompt to
repairs In city or country 19tb nnd I'lerco.
M'frs I Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Buuifjau Hubbor Oo ,
Rubbers and Muckintoshes.
( of. KIcttMilli V. I'arnaiu bin , , Oniiilin.
Grower ! nnd manufacturer ! of all foraii ot
Chicory Oinatia-Kremont-O Nell
E , Smith I Go.
Importers nd Jobtoriof
Dry Goods , Furnishing Good's