Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TTTE ( XMATIA DATTA" BEE : OTTUDAT , APIUTj 128 , 1890.
Davis selln glasi.
Mooro's food kills worms and fatten * .
lludwelscr beer , L. noscnfcldt , agent.
Kurnlshed rooms , U South First street.
Metal frames. C. K. ALEXANDER & CO.
owa Furniture it Carpet Co. . 407 IVway.
J. C. Ulxby. heating , plumblnc. Tel. 193.
Jensen & Mortrnsen , 331 llway give "Stars"
C. 13. Jaceiuemln A Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Myrtle ) lodge- . Degree of Honor , wlfl meet
In regular session this evening.
Got your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 724 Broadway , 'phone 167.
S. M. Johnson , postmaster of Carnon , was
In the city yesterday calling on friends.
Mrs. 1'etor Hopley and elaughter , Elela , of
Lewis , la. , were ' In the city yesterday
A nicotine of the Sisters of liethany will
be > hold this evening nt the residence of
MI3H Arkwrlght , C04 Myimtcr street.
Thomas W. Hart of Now Bedford. Maos. .
Is visiting his son , E. W. Hart , manager of
the Council Bluffs Water Works company.
A jnarrlnge was Issued yesterday to Lnroff
O. Bradley , aged 42 , of Uellevue , Neb. , and
Umma R. Cook of Oil City , Neb. , aged 34.
Three carloads of Imported goods from
England were received at the Council Bluffs
port of entry yesterday , consigned to W.
A. Maurer.
All members are requested to be present
tomorrow night at the called mceHlng of
lenlgo No. 3 , Daughters of Ilobckah , for
drill.Mlko Smith and Lymnn Kennedy were ar
rested last evening for violating the cltj
ordinances by dumping refuse within the
city limits.
Hev. Myron C. Wnddolf , pastor of the
Broadway Methodist church , will address
the children at the DeLoiiK Industrial school
tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock.
Major W. II. Spera has received a large
consignment of seeds from the Depart
ment ot Agriculture for the use of old
Holdiurs , who can obtain them by calling at
110 North Fifteenth street.
William Wise , charged by Mrs. Mary
Krnnchl , n neighbor , with disturbing the
peace last Sunday by using obscene nnd
blasphemous language , was fined $1 and costs
In Justice Vien's court yesterday.
Hon. C. G. McCarthy , ex-auditor of state ,
was In the city yesterday to meet his son
Albert , a cadet on board the Iowa , who Is
on his way from San Francisco to the Naval
ucaelamy nt Annapolis to pass his examina
tion May 10.
The following cases of contagious diseases
were reported to the Board of Hemlth yes
terday : Vcrnon Wiley , Ml ! Avenue D ,
measles ; Paul'lno Schneider , 829 Seventh
avenue , whooping cough ; McQuInn child , 024
Tenth avenue , measles.
Contractor Wickham made the dirt lly yes
terday on the grading of the Oakland tract
.elected as the site for the now High school
building. Fifty teams were at work and nt
the rate the work progressed yesterday the
grading will' bo completeel by tomorrow
During the thunder storm Wednesday
evening the residence of El. II. Ott at 'Mil
Fifth avenue was struck by lightning. Tlis
bolt struck the front end of the roof tearing
a small hole , but did not enter the house.
Mrs. Ott was In tho. . kitchen at the tlmo
preparing supper and received quite n shock.
Word was received here yesterday of the
death at Ottawa , Kan. , of Huy , the 11-
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Groves , formerly of this county. The body
will arrive hero this morning nnd Interment
will bo In the family burying ground in
Garner township.
The funeral of the late W. W. Chapman
was hold yesterday afternoon from the fam
ily residence on Vine street nnd was at
tended by n largo number of the friends of
the deceased and the members of the Royal
Arcanum , under whoso auspices the funeral
waa held. The services were conducted by
Jlov. George Kdward Walk , rector of St.
Paul's KplKCOpal church , assisted by Rev. T.
J. IMackny. rector of All Saints' church ,
Omaha. Interment was In Kulrvlew
The Commercial committee will hold Its
regular monthly meeting this evening at
the city hall. Chairman Test will submit
Ills report , which will be spresented to the
city council at the regular meeting next
Monday night. A number of prominent busi
ness men have suggested the propriety of
giving a supper to the representatives of
the different railroads on the occasion of
the meeting next Tuesday night called by
the Commercial committee to discuss the
Union depot question.
The meeting of retail clerks and business
men at the Kiel hotel last night was well
attended nnd the sentiment of those pres
ent was unanimous In favor of early clos
ing. But few rotall stores are holding out
ugalnst the movement nnd It was eloclded to
appoint a committee to wait on the Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' association with
n view to securu Its aid In Inelucing all the
principal stores to close at li:30 : p. m. every
evening In the week except Mondays and
Saturdays nnel except during the month of
Wo store stoves , from $4 to $ , " . Best
facilities. COLE & COLE.
N. Y. riuuiblng uompnny. Tel. 250.
I ,
S. M. Williamson soils the Standard , Do
mestic and White sowing machines. 10G
South Main ntrcut.
Have you seen the latest ?
Wo Just rocelvcel a Targe shipment of
League bicycles with the now tan color. It
Is decidedly swell and quite popular with the
wheelmen. COLE & COLE.
Wanted , a good pants maker. Steady work.
J. T. Oliver , Council mutts.
Dell G. Morgan , the drug man , 142 Broad
way , will continue lo Imndlo the well nnel
favorably known brand of DeVoo mixed
Court lleniN.
Judge Smith will Instruct the Jury this
morning in the damage suit of W. L , Whit
ney against the Odd Follows' Hall associa
tion. The trial came to a sudden termina
tion yestorelay afternoon by the attorneys
for the defense waiving their right to make
nuy arguments to the Jury. By so doliig
they TCort-d a point em John N. Baldwin ,
vvho , with Mlns Cnrollnu Dodge , appeared
for Whitney. Ml s Dodge made the open
ing argument. It being arranged between
thorn that Mr. Baldwin cleme. The attorneys
for the defciwe waiving their right of argu
ment thus shut off Mr. Baldwin , much to
lils chagrin , ns ho had reserved his heavy
artillery for the fliml argument.
In the importer court yesterday D , J.
Fognrty brought suit against John Albright
and wlfo of Grlswold to recover $550 for
alleged brencli of contract to purchase that
amount of fruit treus and nursery stock
from J. R. Rico.
Judfip Aylenworth sustained the motions
for new trials In the caeca of E. E. Schurz
ngatnst K. Wilson and J. R. Mcl'herson
M. Berry et nl.
For Infanta and Children.
Tito Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars th <
( signature i
I'oiCnnh r Limited ( In.
E. 11. SJlHAFli & CO. ,
6 I'cnrl Ntrcct , Council tlluffu , IIMVU.
Notorious Negress in Custody on the Charge
of Robbery.
'IVII * ( lie Police He IK nn IiiHiirnncc
.Mail from .New Y irU liluutllluH
the Woiunii In the
Ida Mitchell , alias Ida Trucsdale , the
notorious ncgress , IB once more under ar
rest on the charge : of larceny from the per
son , with evidence against her sufficient to
send her to the penitentiary , but with , every
chance of her again escaping punishment ,
owing to the unwillingness of her victim tc
Her victim In this Instance IB on Insur
ance man , who gave the police the fictitious
tin mo of W. R. Urunner and Bald ho was
from New York. According to the story
told the police by Hrunncr , who said he was
stopping at the Grand hotel , the Mitchell
woman accosted him on South Sixth street ,
near the postolflce , about 11 o'clock Wednes
day night , and asked him for 10 cents tc
pay her faro to Omaha , Hruuner took out
hit ) pocketbook and was In the act of giving
her the dime when the ncgress brushed 111 :
against him , ostensibly to allow a person tc
pass by. The woman then ran down the
alley between Sixth nnd Pearl streets ami
disappeared In the darkness. Urunner fell
In his pockets and at once discovered thai
his note book containing J3C1 was gone
Ho gave chase to 'the woman down the tUlcy
but failed to find her. Ho then repartee !
the matter to the police , who , from the do'
scrlptlon furnished by Urunner , at once
came to the conclusion that the thief waj
Ida Mitchell.
Urunner's version of the robbery was dig'
credited by the police , and the former , or
being questioned , admitted that the womar
had Invited him to accompany her to hoi
room , but that he had declined. He latci
told the police that he had accompanied the
woman part way down the alloy.
Ida Mitchell was arrested soon after Ir
rooms In the second story of a building or
Pearl street occupied by Charles Jones , t
colored porter employed In the federal
building. She was in company with Ton :
Sawyer , another colored man , known to the
police as the woman's lover , nnd they wore
both placed under arrest , the charge placet
against Sawyer being that of a suspicious
Money Heoovered.
Search for the money resulted In the dis
covery of $321 wrapped up In a roll of news
paper at the foot of the stairway In the nllc )
leading to the rooms occupied by Jones. The
pocketbook and the remaining $40 nre still
missing. Brunner , who accompanied the
police while searching for tbc money , dls-
ceivercd the paper containing the bills ant !
Captain Denny allowed him to retain It ,
When Chief Blxby learned of this yestcrdnj
morning he was much voxeel as he reallzofl
that now that t/\e man had recovered the
greater part of his cash he would not be
likely to prosecute , lie says Captain Dennj
should have taken possession of the monej
and turned It In to the proper officers 01
the court so that It could bo used If neces
sary as evidence against the woman.
nrunner , It Is understood , paid his bill al
the hotel yesterday morning Immodlatelj
after breakfast nnd left the city. A sub
poena for his attendance before the granc
jury wan issued and Dotectlve Weir ami
Ofllcer PInnell were sent to Omntia yesterday
afternoon to serve It on him nnd try to so-
euro the return of the money , the police
having learned that Brunner had gene across
the river.
The Mitchell woman after being arrested
was Identified by Brunner as the negrcss
who had robbed him nnd an Information
charging her with larceny from the person
was filed yesterday.
The negresa Is the same woman who was
arrested about two months ago for robbing
a gambler named Galbralth under similar
circumstances. She was Indicted by the
grand Jury but , owing to the peculiar tac
tics adopted by the police In the case , she
escaped trial. Galbralth was given hla
money back nnd ho at once Jejft town. Con
siderable surprise Is expressed that the po
lice permitted the woman to remain in the
city after the Galbralth affair , especially
when it was known tlmt she had been driven
out of Omaha after committing a number
of thefts , but escaping punishment In every
Instance owing to her victims being loath
to prosecute.
See our line of Automatic refrigerators.
The line Is complete and prices reasonable.
You are going to paint your house this
spring , aren't you ? It costs no more to
spread good paint than It does poor. Call
on Dell G. Morgan , the drug man , 142 Broad
way , and get DeVoo's paint , the best made.
I nllce llrllrve Tlu-y Can Locale
Cluirli-H II. llatitlier.
If Charles H. Banther , who until a few
daya ago tilled the position of assistant city
engineer , returns to Council Bluffs In the
near future It will probably bo In the cus
tody of an olllcer of the law and not of his
own free will. Prom evidence In the hands
of the police there seems to lie llttlo ques
tion that Danther has gone to New York ,
where the young woman with whom ho be
came so Infatuated Is now living. Chief of
1'ollco Hlxby yesterday morning telegraphed
the authorities of New York City to arrest
Handier and hold him until an olllcer could
bo sent for him. The arrest , If mndo , will
bo on the charge of obtaining goods under
false pretenses , Pawnbroker Snyder being
the romplulnant.
A few months ago Danther purchased n
ring from Snyder for the young woman ,
who Is naid to b responnlblo for hid down
fall. U was a gold band with a email diamond
mend eettlng and waa valued by Snyder at
$22.50. Ilanther later fell short of ready
money nnd the ring found Its way back to
the pawnbroker. The morning that Htlu-
tber la supposed to have left the city he
went to Snydur and secured the ring , rep
resenting that ho bad an opportunity to ell
It to advantage to a friend. At the name
tlmo Hanther borrowed $15 from the pawn
broker , giving him nn order to the city
auditor on hla salary for the present month.
After It became known that Banther had
left the city for parts unknown Snyder took
his order to City Auditor Evans only to
Icarn that It was not worth the paper It
was written on. The city auditor already
hold orders on Banther's salary In pxcesj
of the amount coming to him. This waa
more than the pawnbroker cared to stand
for , so he hastened to confer with Chief
Blxby , and the result was the dispatch or
dering the arrest of the erstwhile assistant
city engineer.
Except for the homo In which they live ,
which IB mortgaged , the missing man's fam
ily la left destitute , A few day before ha
loft the city Banther pleaded with his wlfo
to join him In placing a mortgage on their
household effects and furniture. Mrs , Ban-
ther at tlrst was not -willing to do so , but
Bauther declared lie had to have the money
to keep him out of prison. At the panic
tlmo ho promised to turn over a new loaf
and fomake his erring ways. On this con
dition the wife finally consented nnd ac
companied Banther to the olllcp of n local
money broker , where a loan was effected
by placing a chattel mortgage- for $90 on
the furniture.
Feeling that he would make a better ap
pearance In Gotham's gay metropolis If nr-
rayed In a new suit Banther the morning
ho left town went to Beno & Co.'s store
and fitted himself out with a spring suit ,
which he had charged to his wife.
Before leaving Banthor omitted to destroy
a number of letters , nnd one has come Into
possession of his wife , which la strong evi
dence of his Intimacy with the young woman ,
whom he Is supposed to have followed to
Now York. The letter la from the young
woman , nnd In It she asks Uanthcr , whom
she addresses ns "Dear Charley , " not to
Hlgn himself any moro as "hubby , " as It
might arouse suspicion. She also tells him
In this letter not to come to New York until
he hears from her again , so that she can
know "where she Is nt. " The address o (
the young woman In New York Is known to
the police , nnd Chief Blxby 'believes ' that
there will bo no difficulty In effecting Ban-
thor'n arrest.
There is no doubt nboat Williamson having
the finest line of bicycle * .hnt has ever been
In the city. Call and see for yourself and
get his prices and terms. Ho also has n
first-class repair shop. 10B South Main street.
Wolsbach burners at Blxby's. Tel. 193.
"XVIII L'pliolcl ( In. Covcrtimritt.
At nu open meeting of the Union Veteran
legion last night , hold to discuss the -war
In the Philippines , the following resolutions
were adopted :
Whereas , An organization Is about to be
formed to denounce the government for Us
efforts to establish a republican form of
government In the Philippine. Islands In lieu
of the anarchy that now obtains with the
people In the territory occupied by the
Insurgents ; and
Whereas , It Is well known by all Ameri
cans that the sole purpose of the adminis
tration Is to obtain order , to establish
justice nnd lay the foundation for those people
ple to rule themselves when they have at
tained to the capacity of serf-government ,
and that they shall enjoy all the liberties ,
rights and privileges wo now enjoy ; there
fore bo It
Resolved , by the people assembled In open
meeting of the Union Veturan Legion , That
we condemn the utterances and declara
tions of nil American citizens that tend to
give aid and sympathy to the Insurrection
now In progress In the Philippine islands.
That we deem the proposed meeting to
condemn the government as not only un
patriotic , but dangerous In Its tendency.
National honor compels us to finish the task
tht' war has given us , nnd when order Is
restored and peace reigns the status of the
people involved wllF be dealt with honorably
and humanely.
That we unconditionally support the gov
ernment In the discharge of the duties now
Incumbent upon It , to establish peace , and
that all powera be used to that end that
the same may be speedily obtained.
That we call upon all patriotic citizens to
stand by the government in carrying out
the work of civilization the government
has now undertaken ns one of the results
of the Spanish-American war.
For rent , the Squire's modern home , 203
Story street , $35 per month.
Wanted , girl for general housework. In-
qulro L. Rosenfold , 620 First avenue.
Dnlley .Not Ilend.
The dispatch from Des Molnes published
In yesterday morning's papers announcing
that Robert L. Dalley of Company L. Fifty-
first Iowa , had died of his wounds received
in battle before Calumplt appears to be
without foundation. Inquiries addressed tc
the DCS Molnos morning papers elicited the
Information that the dispatch had first ap
peared as a special from Council Bluffs In
the Capital of that city , an afternoon paper.
No cablegram has been received hero an
nouncing the death of Dalloy , neither -was
any such dispatch sent from this city to DCS
Judge Walter I. Smith of the district court
telegraphed to Adjutant General Byers ask
ing him to find out by what authority the
DCS Molnes papers had published the dis
patch. Adjutant General Byers wired back
as follows1
"Reported death of Robert Dallny was a
special to the Capital from Council BIus.
Seems to be wlthoi * * foundation. "
General Dodge , who had been telegraphed
to by friends of the family asking him to
ascertain from the War department the
nature * of Dalley's wounds , replied that as
far as ho could learn , the wound , while
serious , was not considered dangerous.
Mrs. Hondo's May party tomorrow after
noon nnd evening. Whaley's orchestra.
For sale , established wholesale business
or un Interest. Now capital to push the
business. Good opportunity. Address Broker ,
Bee ofilce. Council Bluffs.
Iloal I
The following transfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , tltlo and loan olllco of
J. W. Squires , 101 Pearl street :
B. M. Winters and wife to Edward
IBogcrg , lot 8 , block 7 , Mynster's
add. , and part block 16 , IJayliss'
First add. , w. el . $1,000
J. W. Scnilro , trust e. Pt nl te > A. N.
Sxvaln. lot 7 , block 1 , Mornlngsldo
ndel. , H. w. d . 1
J. P. Allensworth and wlfo to N. M.
Smith , n',4 seVi n\v'A nett 33-75-11 ,
w. d . 150
Charles N. Ollmorn to Fort Dodge &
Omaha Railroad Company , part w',4
RW , i lfi-77-44 , w. el . 600
County Treasurer to A. J. Henman , lot
5 , block " 'J , Central subdlv. , t. el . 6
Same to n.'inio , lots fl and 10 , block
IB , Hayliss' Tblrel add. , nnel lot 10 ,
block U. Ferry uelel. , nml lot 33 ,
block C , Twin City Pltiro mid. , t. el. . 9
flame to sain ? , lots 1 , 2 anil 16 to 24 ,
block 22 , Omaha add. , t. < 1 . 10
Snmn to same , 11 loU In Council
Hluffn , t. d . 57
Same to samn. lot 2 block " ! . Ferry
mid. , nnd lot 22 , block 7 , Howard's
add. , and lots 3 and 10 , block D , Potter -
tor & Cobb's Second aelel. , t. el . U
Rama to tuimc , 1 > tH 10 , 17 and IS , block
7 , Wfbtter's First adel. , and lot 7 ,
block 13 , Wright's artil , , t. el . 10
Snino to same , lot 25 , block 22 , Ferry
add. , and lots 10 and 12 , block 4 , and
lotH 22 and 23 , block 12. Wright's
add. , t. il . 10
Same to same , B-G of lot 27 , bloe'lt 33 ,
1'Vrry adel , , and Iotf > 2. 7 and S , block
6 , and lots 2 nnd 5 , block 30 , How-
ard'H add , , t. d . , . 21
Total 12 transfers . $1,953
Best facilities for storing stoves. Cole &
Colo's now warehouse. $4 and up.
Wanted Several gooo lady solicitors for
city. Good pay and nice , pleasant work.
Call at Bee ofilce , Council Bluffs.
Davis sells drugs.
W. A. Mauror paid duties yesterday upon
thrco carloads of Imported chlnawiiro , ro-
celved at the Council Bluffs customs house
from Hngfand , amounting to $1,000.
Ki'ttli'N Dflllliilli'llt
CHEYENNE. Wyo. , April 27. ( Special. )
S. W. Downov , county attorney for Albany
county , returned today from Omaha , where ,
he succeeded In making a settlement on be
half eif thu county with the Union Pacific
Railway company In the matter of a claim
for delinquent taxes. The amount duo the
county Is $5,000. The property on which
the delinquent taxes were duo was recently
gold under foreclosure of mortgage nnd pur
chased by the rcorganliatlon committee ot
the Union Pacific. At the time of the sale
Albany county filed a claim and by virtue ot
this the settlement was effected , Several
ether counties along the main lluo of the
road have similar claim * for unpaid taxc .
nM ' S
Grant Olub of Dea Moincs Honors Nation's '
Heroio Warrior
Thin Mnrnliiu ; l Hie Time Set I.'ur
Umiiluyinciit of .Non-l'nloii Mull In
the Mine * important Hullnu
In .Mul'iit-luiul CIINC.
DES MOINKS , April 27. ( Special Tclo-
gram. ) The Grant club of DCS ilolnes held
Its annual banquet this evening in com
memoration of Grant's birthday , nnd 300
prominent Iowa politicians and citizens sat
down to the banquet board nt the Savery
hotel. For thirteen years the club has given
a banquet of this sort on Grant's birthday ,
but uuver before have so many prominent
citizens been present and such honor shown
to the dead hero. Hon. John A. McCall of
this city presided as toastmaster and Hon.
Henry D. Ksterbrook of Chicago delivered
the principal address of the evening , In re-
sponbo to the toast "Grant. " A half-hour
reception was hold In the parlors previous
to the reception , and shortly after 8 o'clock
the banqueters sot down at the table.
Among the pronilnents present were Gov
ernor Shaw , Hon. A. B. Cummins of Des
lolnes , prominent ns a candidate for the
united States senate to succeed Gear ; Con
gressmen Lacy of Osknloosa , Hedge of Bur
lington , Hull of Des Moincs and Haugen of
Northwood , Supreme Judge Thomas of
Storm Lake , Rector J. Everlst Cathell of
Des Molnes , Paul McLaln , editor ot the
Creston .Gazette ; J. T. Walto , editor of the
Burlington Hawkcyo ; A. W. Leo , editor of
the Ottumwa Courier ; Victor E. Bender ,
editor ot the Council Bluffs Nonpareil ; II.
L. Rahn , editor of the Manchester Press ;
David Brnnt , editor ot the Clinton Herald.
Tomorrow morning Is the time set by the
big coal mine operators as the tlmo for
putting hundreds of non-union men to work
In the mines If the union men ou a strike
do not give In. The strikers have been
holding secret meetings nil day and tonight
and It Is hard to say what their decision
will be. Some say they will make trouble
tomorrow and others say they will not , but
will stick to the strike.
The executive council of the state ot Iowa
of the year 1894 was responsible for the
Irregular mode In which the census of 1893
was taken and that the greater portion of
the excessive cost which was entailed upon
the state of Iowa by reason of the fact that
the census was not taken according to law
was caused by the action of the council.
This was the ruling of Judge Holmes this
morning nnd virtually wins the case for
McFarland and his bondsmen. Nearly all
the money which the state claimed was
spent wrongfully was expended In this
census In the work In the secretary's ofilce
In making the abstracts from the returns ol
the assessors there , Instead of permitting
the auditors to make them as the law re
quired. This decision , sweeping as It Is and
Implying that the council has full charge ol
the census , takes everything away from the
Jury except two questions on which the
state may be enabled to recover a very small
portion of the money claimed. These arc
the questions ns to whether McFarland gave
the clerks continued employment on their
agreement to give him a portion of their
salaries and thus virtually appropriated a
portion of the money of 'the stnto for which
ho was acting as agent and whether money
was paid to M. A. Rainy from the funds ol
the state for personal campaign work done
for McFarland. The testimony of the wit
nesses who palel McFarland money showed
altogether that he had got from them less
than $1,000 and the money paid Rainy -was
about $150 , so that If the Jury should bring
In a verdict for the state for an amount based
on these two questions it would bo but a
very small portion of what the state has
claimed from the defendants. It will take
the attorney general a half hour tomorrow
morning to finish his closing argument and
then the case will go to the Jury.
Clover Croolc Ciiiiiiiroil.
CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , April 27. ( Special
Telegram. ) II. B. Laux , alias John Brcn-
nan , nnd believed to have a dozen other
aliases , nnd a clever < rook , who has been
operating over the western country for
some time , was arrested hero today and
has boon turned over to the authorities of
Newton , la. On Wednesday ho was at
Newton , registering ns John Brennan , Bur
lington , la. Calling on Frank Fallor , a
prosperous farmer near there , ho bought
$3,700 worth of shorthorn cattle and con
tracted for $12,000 worth to be delivered in
the fall. He claimed to bo the owner of
.1 big ranch near Holdrege , Neb. , and when
ho wont to Newton ho drew n draft on the
Holdrego bank for the purchase price of the
cattle and $50 more , stating ho had run out
o' ready money , The cashier did not like
the looks of things nnd telegraphed to Hold
rego and found ho was a fraud. Ho followed
the fellow up nnd ho was taken this morn
ing while eating breakfast. Hero ho went
by the name of II. E. Laux.
The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the
Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of
the Northwest closed this afternoon. The
following officers were elected : President ,
Mrs. H. II. Forsyth of Chicago ; recording
secretary , Mrs. W. B. Jacobs of Chicago ;
treasurer , Mrs. C. B. Farwcll of Chicago.
with Mnrilor.
DUNLAP , la. , April 27. ( Special. ) The
funeral of A. Chevalier , who wflfl brutally
nspaulted at this place a few weeks ago by
three Dunlap young men , occurred yester
day. An autopsy of the body Tuesday re
vealed the fact that the dead man had suf
fered from the fracture of six ribs , ono of
which punctured hl right lung. In acrord-
unco with this report a coroner's Jury later
rendered a verdict pronouncing the eaueo of
death duo to Injuries received at the hands
of the three young men , Mlze , Wood and
Mitchell. Information was Immediately filed
by the prosecuting attorney , charging the
boys with murder. They were placed unflor
arrest and taken to the county Jail to nwnlt
i trial at the August term of court. Tomor
row they will 'be ' given a preliminary hear
SIxNoii an lvn l Hoy.
HARLAN , In. . April 27. ( Special. ) Lieu
tenant Slsson of the First Nebraska , who
was kllloel In the battle of Saturday , was
born In Shelby county. His parents lived
on a farm In Polk township eighteen years
ago nnd were known by many of our people.
K > if ClirlHlliin ( 'liiirrliiiie-n ,
ST. LOUIS , April 27. The third and last
[ lay's session of the National Congress of
the Christian church was taken up with the *
rci'idlng of papers nnd their discussion. At
the morning session the subject discussed
was "Theology. " nnd In the afternoon the
lelegates gavu their attention to the subject
of "Church Organization. " This evening
"Christian Worship" was discussed In all Its
phases. It has been decided to hold the
second annual1 congress of Christian
churches about this tlmo next year.
IttiriiUii for ( li Army ,
CHICAGO , April 27. The Tribune rays :
rho War deportment expects Chicago to
supply 5,000 recruits before ) January 1 , 1000 ,
For service In Cuba and Manila. About
: ! fty men a day are examined at the re-
: rtilting station , 82 West Madlaon , and ad-
lltlonal stations are to be opened soon.
oniclnl Stnleiiirnt nl Merlin on ( In
CiiKlilnit ami Sainoiui
UEIILIN. April 27. The follow-In ? ; stntc
monts nre made on authority : "Kcspcctliii
Cnptaln CoRhlnn , no correspondence hn
been exchanged between the United Stntc
embassy nnd the German Kovcrninent nni
the Inrldcnt Is considered entirely closei
so fnr us Germany Is concerned.
"llcsardliiK Samoa the dispatches of Cap
tain Schocnfelder , commander of the Falk
( detailing the nmlcnblo relations oxlntlni
between the German oHlccrs In Samoa am
those of the other powers ) hnvo been wol
received , though they will doubtless cans
somn annoyance to the sensational journal
which have souRht to stir warlike fooling
hero by representing Admiral Knutz as i
rough , overbearing boor. The general feel
Ing Is confidence In the newly nppolntoi
commission and the foreign ofllpe , as wel
as the American and British embassies , express
press satisfaction at the fact that they cai
now have time to dcvoto to ether questions
"lletrardltiK the transferrenco to Ilorlln o
the negotiations for a reciprocity treaty
nothing has yet been received at the Unltee
States embassy. "
Commenting on President McKlnlcy'i
statement to Dr. Von Uolleben , the semi
odlclal North Gorman Gazette says :
"So far as Germany Is concerned , < h <
Coghlan Incident Is closed , "
The Vosslscho Zcltung remarks :
"Far more Important than the Idle tall
of the American captain In the fostering o
the friendly relations which the America !
government shows proof of desiring will
Germany. Wo hope the good will endure
for the solution of the Samoan question. "
Aiiu-rtiMiii SIIHCO at 1'nrlN.
PATHS. April 27. Ferdinand W. Peck , tin
United States commissioner to the Parh
exposition of 1900 , was ofllclally notified to.
day of the allotment of tiO.&OO square fee
In the Vlnccnnes annex , divided as follows
Twenty-one thousand five hundred square
feet for railroad exhibits , 4,300 for auto
mobiles , SCOO for bicycles , to be housed Ir
a building erected by American manufac
turers ; IS-100 for operating machinery am
2,300 for llfo-savliiR exhibits.
This makes a total of 300,000 square feel
of space allotted to American exhibits , 01
double the amount of the original grants
Mr. Peck Is confident the exhibition will
bo ready In the tlmo Indicated.
Italy I'nntpntiPN > nval Piirt-IniHO.
HOME , April 27. The Chamber of Deputies
today , after hearing the explanations of the
premier. General Pollavleux , on the subjecl
of the proposed purchase In Great Brilnlr
of the cruiser Halohal , built for the Chinese
government , out of the proceeds of the sale
of the Italian war ships Garibaldi one
Varachcsl , offered a motion , which was ac
cepted by the government , to suspend all
purchases of war ships abroad until the
Italian navy estimates had been discussed
In the chamber.
I'ri'Mldoiil Kxi > r < > NHi > N FrleiulHliIn.
BERLIN. April 27. It is announced here
today that President McKlnley received the
German ambassador. Dr. von Holleben , ye S'
terday , expressed his disapproval of the re
marks attributed to Captain Coghlan of the
United States cruiser Raleigh at a rccen' '
dinner and requested the ambassador to as
sure Emperor William and the German gov.
ernment of this country's friendship.
Ior Anirrleiiii Hill Discarded.
LONDON , April 27. The .Daily . Mall says
this morning It understands the Amerlcar
tender for the ' 10,000 tons of rails for the
railway to bo constructed by Cecil Rhode *
In Africa was many thousands of pounds
below any English tender , but It was nol
accepted because delivered. In an Irrcgulai
Ainprlfmi HlHliiiiiH Ttmiilc 1'ope.
ROME , April 27. The Ossorvator Romano
the organ of the Vatican , today publishes c
letter from Rev. P. L. Chappelle , nrchblshoi
of New Orleans , and nine bishops , thanking
the pope for his letter on "Americanism. "
Vlriil < ii < .Smallpox In Gornmiiy.
BERLIN , April 27. Virulent smallpox has
appeared simultaneously In various parts ol
Germany , notably at Izerlohn and Mocsadlo
The Prussian authorities are taking prompl
steps to prevent its spread.
ItuliaiiH ISiiJoy u Surplnx.
ROME , April 27. In the Chamber of Dcp-
utlc today the minister of the treasury , Dr ,
Vacchclll , announced that there would bo n
surplus In the budget of 1898-S9.
Von RiH'liMv I.fitvoN .Samoa.
AUCKLAND , N. Z. , April 27. Von Due-
low , the former German lieutenant , who
organized the forces of Mataafa , has left
Samoa for the Tonga Islands.
IJiirii Ili'Nlro.vcel.
ALMA , Neb. , April 27. ( Special. ) Light
ning struck and sot flro to the large barn
known ns the Havens stock farm barn at
the northeast corner of town during a heavy
rain last night , consuming the building and
contents , constating of 4,000 bushels of grain ,
a buggy and eve > r | 3,000 worth of farm Im
plements , etc. A fine thoroughbred short
horn bull was alto burned. The barn cost
$3,500. It was owned by William K. Calvert
of Tuscola , III , , and was Insured for $1,200.
X MV York VIlltiKt * IluriiM.
HATAVIA , N. Y. , April 27. Fire In the
village of Corfu , ten miles west of here ,
did $30,000 damage tonight.
Si'lliumr I'ci-lH tliul riiiuel Iliumo
l.miU'T Over AllKlo-SllMMix.
LONDON , April 27. The Karl of Sol-
borne , under secretary of state for the
colonies , addressing a conservative mass-
meeting this afternoon nt St. Albans , HereFord -
Ford , said that he thought If any justifica
tion of Lord Salisbury's policy were re
quired It was alforded hy the present rela
tions between the United States nnd Great
"In the present trying time , " sold his
lordship , "tho government preserved golf-
jontrol nnd waited for coolness and self-
lioESCEBlon to assert themselves. Now the
lark gloom so long hanging over the Anglo-
111x011 pcoplo bus drifted off. It Is only n
tow days Blnco Ilrltlsh nnel American olllcers
ind men fell ou the eamn fluid of comiucst.
rhey were not engaged In fratricidal strife ,
lint were fighting shoulder to shoulder , and
iinall though the Incident was , It will bo of
importance In the history of the world. "
All must regret , Lard Selbourno said , the
lamentable caueo of the Incident , but the
inly three nations concerned were what
night bo termed the "thrco cousin nations
if the world. " He remarked ho had no
loubt America and Germany , In this mat-
; cr , would prove as amenable as Great
Hrltaln to the dictates of common sense.
SliiiulN Trial for Killing TlirnAVIviN
anil Tivrlvr ( 'hllilrrii.
HKKLIN. April 27. A sensational trial
, vlll begin tomorrow nt DreElau , where a
u/in / named Herrmann Is charged with mur-
lerlng his thrco wives and twelve children
> f his second marriage. Ho Is also charged
vlth a whole series of other murders. It is
illcged that Herrmann , after murdering his
vlvffl , walled their bodies In the cellar of
ils houBo. The children all died young nnd
t Is asserted they were poisoned with
janldu of potaulum.
Orilt-rN Minn ( 'IIIIIIHKIIIHTH | | ,
SAN KIIANC1SCO. April -After the
L'nltcd Slates steamer Badger Bulled yea-
crday for Samoa with the Samoan com-
ulsgloucra aboard , important orders ar-
only strengthens and puts in t
prime order the liver and kid *
neys , but also purifies and en
riches the blood.
That is why it has gained such
a world-wide reputation for its
remarkable curative effects.
Bee , 4-2S .
- ; 4-30.
Just a Minute ,
Wo want to say a few words In regard to bicycles. In selecting your mount for
this year don't decide hastily. Look around , examine nil the wheels on the market.
Let the dealers explain their good points and features , then stop Into our store nnel
ask to sco
V i
The fact that we sold over 100 of these wheels here In Council Bluffs last season
nnd that wo have over 100 satisfied League riders his season , Is conclusive evidence
that wo have the popular wheel with the riders , and at the popular price ,
Wo don't handle jobbers' wheels. Wo buy direct from the manufacturer and you
buy from us. Remember , when you buy a jobber's wheel you put $15.00 In the
Jobber's pocket. Can you afford to do this ?
Wo handle Leagues , Columblas , Imperials , Patco Crest and Pathfinder bicycles.
Carry the largest stock ot sundries In the city , and will not be undersold.
41 Maiii Street , Council Bluffs , la.
\l \
May fight , but only ono cnn lead. We are the ? loaders. Those acute facul
ties that devlso and foresee tlie > drift of popular wants and i rovl < lr > acconl-
liiRly , make "commercial generals. " Our new SPUING SUITS AND
OVERCOATS have arrived , resplendent in all the glory e > f exquisite work
manship , handsome patterns , artistic oll'ccts , exclusive styles. In the latc-st
natterns and noveltloo.
Fine all wool clothing has never been sold so cheaply before , and we
are ready to make the prices about ten notches lower than you have any
Idea of.
Successors to Metcalf Bros.
B n
< >
IO Cents. 5 Cents.
Distributors , m
1a 1 Council Bluffs. HV
rived , A boat was Bent after the steamer ,
but was unable to overtake It. The trans
ports Ohio and Senator sail today , and the
latter will try to reach Honolulu before
the Hadger leaves.
Cxti-iiMlnii Decree.
NKW YOHK , April 27. A dispatch from
Havana says : Major General Chaffeo , chief
of staff tei the governor general , ami Senor
Des Vornlnp , necrotnry of the ) treasury In
Lhe Insular cabinet , returnee ! today from
Washington , nnel their appearance at Vcelnelo
was slgnallzml by the promulgation eif the
long-looked for mortgage ) extension degree.
The now order Is brief , simply announcing
that two years' tlmo from .May 1 will b
granted for tbo payment of mortgages em
realty now duo or which may boe'emio du"
within that period. General Hntlsfuotlim
lias been expressed with the government's
action in granting two more years of grace.
SeeK-H Illvoree freim Millionaire ,
CHICAGO , April1 27. Mrs. Mary A. Davis ,
wlfo of Kdward A. Davis , Is Milng for a
divorce In the superior court here. The
defendant , who is the son of an hrlr to
the $10,000,000 Davis estate In Montana. Is
charged with habitual elrunke'iine-ss nnd .ex
treme nnd repeated cruelty. Mrs. Davis
was formerly a telephone girl and says slio
hafi resumeel her former vocation to obtain
n livelihood.
lliilnirl IIKIIIIH | IIN | lleallli.
WASHINGTON , April 27. Vice President
Hobart sat up twice during the day and Is
now able to go from one- room to the ether
ou the floor on which his room Is locatt-d.
The physician , however , mill enjoins con
sideration of any business manors and In-
e'.Ria on alitolute eiilei | and real.
If not , drink Graln-O modes from pur '
drains. A iady writes : "The flrst time I
made Graln-O I did not like It. but after
using It for one wee < k nothing would Induce
me to no back tei coffee. " H nourishes
and feeds the. system. Ttie children ean :
drink It trcoly with jfroat b rvc-flt It IB the
PtrenRthfuIni : nubstonca of pure grains.
Got a package today from your grocer.
follow the directions In making- and
you will have a delicious and healthful beverage for old nd younir , Uo
and Xc.
204 , Vf , i'K ; io Broadway , Counrll Bluffs.
HateJl 25 per day "i ruuins Flm-flu
In every rtsperl Motor < ia. to all depots.
lx > cal tiruuy for the t't'l linut i Kt Louis
A B U Ucer. l-'Jrst kiut.a bar m con-
On Improved Farms In Iowa ,
a I'Ell f'UNT.
With a Small Commission.
Wanted We have u eusteimcr for n well
Improved farm of 40 to SO acres within
three ) or four miles eif a fjoud town In
western lowii. .Mum he wood liind ami
( "joil IniprovemontH , U'lll jmy u rcnxonahln
lirlew. cuili payment eif fbM ; balance on
Ono stable for rent.
For Httit House of S rooms , bath , hot and
rol < l water fsuft ) , wonel stablP , one acre land
nnd fruit , $ irp PIT meiiitJi. For onie at JO.OOO
No. KI ; : iTfinklln avf. C'nnnot rent to fam
ily with children.
House' of fi ro.ims for rent lay 1 , 320 Plai
ner nt. , IPJ.
A liui-Kiiln In business property on central
Broadway , J2KK ( ) .
For Huff or Trails Fruit farm ef C ncres
nn iii | | > ir Jironelwiiy ; KOoel 0-room brleik
house. Wlli trade for Insldfj reslilencu of
C or 7 rooniH.
\Vo are now aKtnts for the Liability elei-
partmi'iH of thu Travelers' Insurance com
pany of Ilartfonl , Conn.
List > our uropurty with us for ntlu or
rent ,
LOUO1313 & 1.0UG 1213.
No. 102 Sc , ith Miiln Street ,
Council IllulTs , la.
TcliiVhono 312.
12-noro fruit farm n'ar city limits of
C'ouncll ijlulfH , la. lltiH wood itvu-room
house , barn , well , 4/0 | grano vine ? . ; o ap-
plu trepj ) . yit plum troop , 2WO blackberries
and raspberries. This la a ( jnoel ft nit farm
und ni'Hr to u market.
4-.iciv fruit lot with house , barn , we | | , Hi
ncros In blackberries , Ibearlnft ) crapu
vltien. apples , iilurn nnel cherry irees. It Is
1'lone to street car line nnel pa veil street ,
hiiH ( In * ( hudnml nice lawn Thin tract in
dPHlruhly limited anil BUltnblei for platting
Into lots and would brlnr ; double ) what Is
a kcel for It If pluiti'i ) .
Mi-ucrn farm. 7S inrcf can bo oultlvated ,
KOOI | 4-room houne. Kinall stable , well
.Miung orchard , we-ll fenced. 1'rlce , (23 pr >
Mi-ncrp farm In Jlanlln township , I'otta-
wattarnlu ruiinty. Can all Iw ; cultivated :
honni' . bani. crlba. Kranury. applps , plums.
Good iiPiKhb'irh'jnil. ' ' 1'rlee. (10 per acre.
40-rfcro fruit anil iiinlun farm n.-ar Coun
cil Illuffci. 13 nere > n buarlnn vineyanll1 COO
apple tree , 450 cherry trc&H. 10) ) plum trees
2 acrc.H of blackberries. All the fruit con-
H' IH of th lxnt seleotrid varieties and U
just comliiK into H prime.
Johnston & K'err. Council Jlhiff * .
FI ) | ( KALE , .it a bargain , my coitus * resi
dence m Fourth uve , six rooms hath
r < om pas water < i price J1.200 , jl 2W
< . ' 'h liilnn : > o raw li-rins Kf" II O Me >
ti < ! t' , C 1'curJ 6i. , or Joim G , "Woodward.