TTIJ3 0 1 AHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , AIMUL 21 , 18 0. of iptn'n ' In the regular nrmy. killed In the re onnul8 anre rt Quongui W H born In In- ' fliana November 24 , 1SIC. ind appointed a cadet nt the Military academy Juij , 1877 anJ ( grflduated number forty-one In his cln a lie wnH appointed second lieutenant of the Sixth cavalry In 18S1 and became a captain , December 14 , 1808 Ho cr\od with Mi rcgl- | ntenl In Arizona and New Mexico from 1881 to WO , to the elo c of the latter year , pat- tlclpatlng In the Sioux campaign In the ac tion \Vaumled Knee. He was at Port Nlobrara from 18&1 to 1891 and tlion served for a few months at Kort Mjcr. near Washington , going thence to the Infantry and cavalry school at Tort heaven- worth , where he graduated with distin guished honors. Colonel Stotsunbeig then forved with his regiment at Port hoavonworth until Decem ber lift" , ana from that tlmp to the fol lowing \prll wai profensor of military iclonco end turtles at the University of Nebraska. lie wan mustered In at major of the Plrst Nebraska on May 9 last and ns colonel November 10 , 1898. He sailed with bis regiment for Manila Juno 1 > . He hhd rather an ascetic countenance , partly due perhaps to the fact that ho was alwn > H n very studious man , He was n itilct disciplinarian and the recruits he had to break In during the early months of his command of the First Nebraska resented his methods so blttoily that the ) procured the passage of a resolution of censure against him through the Nebraska legislature Cnca they became engaged In actual warfaic , however , his course became so apparently correct that In response to a very strong demand of the utnte end the soldiers thcm- solvoB the resolution was expunged from the legislative records , Sltolfh of ( 'ololH-l SlolNfiilH-iK. Colonel Jflhn M Stotsonborg was In com mand of the rirst Nebraska volunteer In- f.intiy , ah the result of the Illness of ono ofllccr nnd the detachment of another. The rirst Nebraska wont to Manila In command of Colonel Ilratt , and under his command took part In the operations south of Manila against Mnl.ttc fort , anil the attack and cap- tuio of Manila on August 1.1 In the selection of officers for civic posi tions In the organisation of the govern ment for the tlty , planned and put Into execution by Major General Mcrrltt , Lieu tenant Colonel Colton of the rirst Nebraska wag made deputy collector of the pott. Later Colonel limit became 111 and was condemned by a medical board General Otis ordered him homo and then , as ho did not care to take Colton out of the cus tom house , where ho was doing excellent work , decided lo select some other ofllccr for the command of the regiment. The choice fell upon Stotscnbcrg of the Sixth cavalry and he was named. At first there was strong opposition from within the command , many of the other olllcors thinking that those In regular line should bo promoted , but that was soon over come. Colonel Stotscnbcrg endeared him self to every man and officer In the ranks end brought the regiment to a high state of efficiency. Lieutenant Colton still holds his commission with the regiment , but is now colloctoi of the customs , having suc ceeded General Whlttler of Now York , when the latter was relieved ns collector. IIlN Work. a th < - liiUerxlO. In December , 1897 , the Hoard of Regents of the Unlvotslty of Nebraska employed Colonel Stotscnbcrg as Instructor In military tactics , which position he held up to the time of receiving his commission from ex- Governor Holcomb , In the university he was very popular with both professors and students and was conMdcred n flno discipli narian. When the war broke out he had a talk with Chancellor MacLean and was given permission to quit his duties nnd go out and assist In the work of organizing a regiment. Ho soon gathered about him the ( lower of Nebraska and by the almost unanimous vote of the boys was elected major , because of his thprough military knowledge , In addition to Instructing In military tac tics , Colonel Stotsonberg taught some classes In mathematics and other branches In the university , for which ho received the sum of $500 per year , the last Installment of which wan sent to him at Manila only last week. Flint ut Half Mnnt. When the news of the death of Colonel Stotsonberg was received at Lin coln the flag on the university building was placed at half niabt. Today appropriate services will bo held In the chapel , orders will bo read and the cadets of the school will go Into mourning. Mrs. Stotsonborg Joined her husband In the Philippines last December , sailing from San Francisco November 23 last. Deceased leaves two children , both girls , aged S and 10 years , respectively , both of whom are now with friends at Leavenworth. The probable successor of Colonel Stet sonborg will bo Lieutenant Colonel Colton of David City , who has occupied his present position almost ever since the organization of the regiment. Ho Is very popular with the men and IB regarded a thorough fioldler. Ho stands over six feet high and weighs 223 pounds. Colton was chosen deputy collector of the port of Manila 'by General .Mcrrltt nfter the surrender nnd rendered excellent eervlco In the post. Ti-lhtitoN lo Hit * On account of his bravciy , care and kind ness for his men , Colonel Stotsenbcig won the admiration nnd esteem of almont every man In tug regiment. Speaking of him , Ed. H. Gibson , n member of the I'irst Nebraska , n riling under date of March 6 from Manila to bis parents at Nelson , Nob. , says : "Colonel Stotsuiberg Is the best comman der on the Island today nnd the men have implicit confidence In him. Colonel Stolsen- hers has brought thu regiment up to Its picsent standing , the men have been forced to lake care of themselves nnd today out regiment has the leant sick In the hospital , Our camp was always the cleanest nnd the men always wore clean uniforms nt the dif ferent drills and the clothes were nhvayi clean In the tents , After much drill \vc wore put in shape for the work that wo nre engaged In nt present If It hud not been for all that drill the Nebraska regiment , nftor going through what It has In the last mouth , would have all been In the hospital , " \Vhon wo nre called out the Ilrbt question the boys ask one iiuather is. 'Is the colonel out today ? ' nnd If ho is able ho Is out , "Tho colonel bns been tick for some time nnd Htlll ho Is on his feet ut the crack of a llflo , rwdy to go out nnd head Ills men. Tin boys have confldcnco In him becauee In ( lees not got back u mlle nnd say : 'Go on bojs , I am coming , ' but ho BO' ' " in frocil and sa > s , 'Coma on , bojs , I nm going. ' Ant' ' ha ttlwavg goes and the niggers KO afro Now , Uicio is no use of people ( rjlut ; tt kick on our colonel , for It won't go. Am : tlioso who have kicks to register had bettci do to before the regiment goto home Colonel StoternberK U the best friend w < hau > , nnd If the people at homo kno\\ when they are well oft they will let hlu : nlono. " ( lie Iluniiliiw. 1'runK Johnson , In a letter from Manila dated February 25 , and published In thi 1'lntlstnouth News of Ayrll 7 , has this ti uay of Colonel Btotsonberg's ocllon In i Mlrmlsh ; that took place on the day before "Some of the bo > s darted to run , bu Colonel Stotseuberi ? stopped them might ] quick , I wiuit to uay right hero Hint then Is not a braver roan on the Islands thai Colonel StottcnborKUack where the In ] Iouilacheblllou8ne8sleartburnlndl- , ] ii , and all liver ills are cured by Hoot ! * ® Pills Epld by all druggists. 29 cents. dlann tried to make n stand behind the hill , nnd no thought they were Company U the colonel cnmo up and hcnnl fomcone ny they vvcro Company I * He said , 'To h 1 with them , flro on Idem. ' Hut It n too Into , they were gone. The colonel knew vvhcro Company L wns. Whenever ono or two companies KO out ho h alnays with them , nnd when n fight U going on ho ! rlKht In It. We'll , when wo left tbo river VNO started for camp. The Indians followed us and kept firing on us Company quietly- - Iny down behind some rice ridges nnd waited until they got ilgdl up to them , nnd Ihen opened on them Indians could bo sceti Kolng in every direction We were not bothered with them nny more" DEATHS IN MANILA HOSPITAL Otlw ScnilM IN | | of Victim * of nnil Wound * lleoH oil In Iln III r. WASHINGTON. April 21. fho following wccki'y death report from General Otis was rcu'l\cd today. MANILA , April 23. Adjutant General , Washington follow Ing deaths Blnco last weekly report Prom wounds In action : JOSnt'II GHAUOtt'SKY , prUate , Company C , Pourth cavalry. AKCIIin A ALDHICn , prhatc , Company E , Plrsl Colorado. IlHUOU L MACnV , prlvntor Company C , Plrst Nebraska Drowned , accidental JOHN MONTGOMERY , sergeant , Company K , Third artillery. JACOB HOYD , sergeant , Company K , Pourth Infantry , vntlola. SAMt'EL , J PEimUAItY , private , Com pany I , Twenty-flrsl Infantry. THOMAS GAUULU. private , Company D , Third Infantry , diarrhoea JOSEPH GOMPMAN , private , Company G , Eighteenth Infantiy , malarial fever 11 C CHANDLER , private , Company C , Second Oregon CHARLES M PARSONS , private , Com- lany M , Plrst Washington , tuberculosis. JAY E. TAYLOR , private , Company I ) , Second Oregon , peiltonllls. M RYAN , sergeant , Company A , Pour- eenlh Infantry OTIS. YORKTOWN PARTY STILL LOST DIMM' ) In Still I nliifornicit UN ( o tin * 1'ato or ( InMlNNhiK Iloatloail of Sailor * , WASHINGTON , April 23. Prom a dis patch received by Secretary Long from Ad miral Dowcy today , It Is evident the latler Is still In the dark respecting the where abouts of the party ot the Yorktown , which Is thought was ambushed and captured by a party of Plllplnos while on n voyage to reacuo Spanish prisoners near lialer. The admiral says ho Is endeavoring to as > cer- < nln Ihe situation of Iho lieutenant and his party The dispatch Is In response to nn Inquiry sent by Secretary Long yesterday , not because the lattci thought the admiral was not making every effort to icscue the men , but lo show the friends of the pils- onois that the department was not Indif ferent to Ihelr fnlo or remiss In lls en deavors lo assist them In regaining their liborly. LIEUTENANT SISSON'S RECORD I'lntte Count * Hey , AVlioso Ilonio AViis nt ColninliiiH , nod a 1'rlntiT 1 > Trad i * . COLUMIJUS , Neb , April 23. ( Special Telegram ) Lieulenant Lester E. Slsson , killed today nt Manila , was boin In this county and his parents reside at St. Ed ward , Just over the Doonc county lino. Ho had resided hero for nbout five years before leaving last April with Company K. He vns n printer by trade and was working on the Times In this city when the call fet volunteers was made. He was 23 years ot ago. Ho was a mcmbor of the Whltmeyet- Rifles for two years before enlisting. He has ft younger brotdcr In the service. No MHII of TroiiMon UlNuloNPil. WASHINGTON , April 23.r-Secretary Algcr has received from Majoi General Otis , commandlnu the troops in the Philippines , a report regarding the alleged treasonable communications which It has been asserted have passed between people In this country nnd the soldiers. The secretary felt from Iho flrsl lhal there was no ground for the sensational statements made , but as a mat ter of public policy took Immediate steps to learn from General Otis what , If any , foundation existed for them. The latter's icpoit shows that ono of the regiments under his command received some cablegrams lending as follows. "Don't en list , boys. ' > One or two of these was signed "Committee" or "The Committee , " while others had , no signatures. The secretary dlil not.mako public the name of the organi zation to which the dispatches had bean sent rillpliioNiu > Well Ai-incd , LONDON , April 24 The iladrld corre spondent of the Dally Mall says : A Spanlbh prisoner recently iclen-scd by the Plllnlnos says that the Insurgents have 50,000 rllles and plenty of ammunition and 200 pieces ot artillery , some of them the latoH pallern of qulck-flrlng guns. Accord ing lo his description of Iho sltuallon Ihey have established two laigo cartridge fac tories and as It Is impossible for the Amer icans to blockade such a coast on that ol Luzon the Filipinos can easily procure from abioad everything they requlio. The In formant asserts that Chinese , European nnd even American merchant doing business In China are helping the Filipinos In this way FOREIGNERS IN BAD FAVOR t'Uliii-xo Cm i-rniiii-iit Aillu-ioH to Ilnr- liuroiiN airtlioiln mill J'IIMMIN on Civilization. PEKIN , April 23 The reactionary ntti- ludo of Ihe Chinese government low era foi- olgnera Is creallng for them nn intolerable situation , which cannot be prolonged Promises made by the Taung LI Ynmon uro ot no value unless approved by the giand council , n majority of whose members are bltlcrly hoslllo to foreigners nnd foreign In fluences Unless some change take's place soon It Is believed the powers will re monstrate directly to the empress dowager As an Illustration of the Ignorance of the grand council that body has Just given Its enthusiastic approval to a new Invention by the general commanding the troops In the province of Pe-Chl-Ll , General Kangsu which IB n sharp Bhovol-shaped Implement capable of decapitating an enemy at a single blow. There seems little likelihood that LI Hung Chang will return to power. I'nncrnl of Cnlniirl ClnrlcO. MEMPHIS , Tenn , April 23 The body o Colonel M. LovvU Clarke , the widely ] > nowi turfman who committed suicide yesterday li Ihc Gaston hotel , was taken to Louisville to night on Ihe Louisville. & Nnehvlllu railroad The train will arrive at lls destination cuily tomorrow moinlng , and It is understood n public funeral will occur In that city shortly before noon. J H 0 Clarkp of Chicago , son of the dead bportsuian , C T. Ilallard of Louisville , a cousin , nnd Charles F Price , secretary o the Louisville club , an Intimate friend am associate , arrived In Memphis thlb morning nnd took charge of the remains All of the party , icturned to LouUUllo tonight uccom panlcd by n delegation of Mrmpblans lepro settling the Memphis Jockey club and other friends. Jury I'liiiU Tulilm liullt } . SIOUX PALLS , S. D. , April 23. ( Specla Telegram ) The jury In the case of R. A Tubb * , mayor of Alecster , charged will sending obscene literature through th malls , which retired at 7,30 yesterday after noon , at f > ; 55 this evening returned n ver dict finding the accused guilty on ecvei out of eight counts in the Indictment. /HMM/MIln 1M I P 1 tl'P l' f V Ol'MUALS ' TAKE LH'fc L\S\ \ \ Relieved from the Strain of Pretending to Bo Overworked , , OME OF THEM ARE AWAY ON VACATIONS i-ii AVIio DurliiK l.oKUIntlvc Srisl Mild Tln- Unit Mine Work Than 'llu-j Could Do .Ni > 'laKo a Host. LINCOLN , April 23. ( Special ) The otTl- his nt the state house are relieved from ho Mtrnln thai was ao noticeable during the eglslatlxo session nnd things now go on In u easier manner than they < ild n month or 0 ngo. It Is ulwnjs n custom frr the de partments lo pretend to bo ovcrworkca \hllo the legislators arc here , helms n * ort f plea for Increased wages , additional ofllco iclp and more money for contingent c\- icnsia The ofllclals now nt the state bulld- ng v\ro not slow In adopting this Idea wo years ago and last winter they per- 01 mod the part so well that they fooled all ho fusion members and not n few of the opubllcan" . Now that the scfslon Is snfely over n bongo has come , ns usml. The midnight 11 Is no longer burned by clerks , except It o In taking part In the functions of eo- lety. Some of these who wcro supposed o have been overworked nro out of the tty having a pleasant time nnd Iho dcptrt- molita which wore apparently so busy n uonlh nijo are1 disturbed now only by the fllco-seekers nnd by the men who nro lay- ng elegant velvet bruosoU cnipets on the Hlco ll"ois. In fact , the bright now carpels nro nbout the only lemnlndir around the nilldlng that n legislature has been In soa- lon this year. Many of the rooms which uro allowed to look ns shabby ns possible tiring Iho tlmo of visits from Inquisitive members of ways nnd mean * committees are low being renovated , re-papered nnd re- arpelcd a not result of the- liberal appto- prlallons. The building under the Influence if the blight now furnishings 13 fast losing ts appoirancc of shibblncss nnd pretended effersonlan simplicity. ItiiNtlt * tinAoinlnatloiis. . The rustle for Iho nominations In the next ninpilgn In Lancaster county will be lively , or the reason that most of tba prcsenl In cumbents are second-termers , thus giving low men a chance to enter the field. While here Is no dearth of candidates for any of he pliccs , the office of clerk of the dls- rlct court will be especially sought nftor , icc.uiae the recent agitation In the leglsla- n ro has convinced the politicians that It Is ho best paying office In the lot. It was not generally known that the Income of the clerk of the court In this county woilh ! 7,000 01 $8.000 a year , and Iho $3,500 n .ear lo which it was cut only served ns a notification to the public thai It was a good office to havo. There Is also a lingering tope that the new bill passed by the legls- aluie may bo Invalidated In some way , and this Is serving to whet the appetites of the candidates. Ono of them who feels now that 10 hat n good chance for the nomination las already employed an atlorncy lo atlask the validity ef the now law , and it Is gen erally supposed that the expenses of the itlnck will be shared by Iho clerk of Ihe court of Douglas county. Soon after July 1vhon Iho new law goes inlo effect , It Is expected that th ? attorneys will atlompt to Inlsh the Job that was t > o earnestly at- templed by Iho paid lobby Isls during Ihe There is a lush of applicants for the position as superintendent of the Lincoln city schools , tbo place left vacant by the resignation of J. P Saylor , nnd the ovl- dcnco is that the board will not lack for good Umber lo fill the place. Among those most favorably consldoied nre C. H. Gordon of Cnlcago , C. E Shelton of Burlington , P. P. Smith of Lawiencc , Kan. , J. Ii. Heniy of Warsaw , Ind. , and J. A. Hca- coclc of Chicago. All of thcso have strong recommendations The salary of the olllce is , $2,000 per annum and there Is a rumor tfiat the board will Increase this to $2DOO. It Is expected that tde board will make selection this week , Lincoln I.ocnl 'Yolc-M , Yesterday two crooks ntlemptod to work Lho shoit-chanto plan on a grocery man at Second and F strcols. They enlored Ihc slore nnd ono of them asked for change for n S5 bill. A bill of low or denomination was offered ll'o grocery man , but ho savi the game In tlmo to grab the man nnd call officers The other man escaped In spite of a hoi chose by Iho police. Roy , tde man under nnest , covertly throw away everything In his pockets , but bicyclists following picked up several postottlce money oidcrs and checks. Ho Is believed to bo the man wanted for stealing such papers at Pueblo , Colo. The Woman's Patriotic league of this city met yesterday and took , stops tow aid ar ranging a home-coming reception for Iho Third reglmeiil. Committees were ap pointed to perfect plans , but no date has yet been set. The schools I.eld no formal celebrnllon of Arbor dnv , Salurdoy , Iho board having failed lo secure Iho ifees In lime , There will bo some Ireo plnnllng later. Arbor day progiams were given in several of the grade schools on Prldny afternoon. The funeral services of Mrs. James C. Cowderv , mother of H P Cowdcry nnfl sister of Mrs G. M. Bartlolt , took place ut the fahilly residence today. A large number of friends of the deceased wore In atlendanec. Struc-U. li > a Train. KEARNEY. Neb , April 23 ( Special Telegram - gram ) The wcblbound freight on the Unlor Pacific picked up n man three miles thU sldo ot Gibbon lying near the tiack In nn unconscious condition , Ho was tnkon to the city hospital and nn examination showcc that ho was Injured on the head , temple also on the knees , right hand and the spine Ho Is rational at times. His name Is Alex ander S Skinner and was tiavellng frorr Cleveland , 0 to Denver , Ho says ho vvni druggcd\at Grand Island and foil off paa < songer train No C that arrived here at I this morning. He is SJ years old. His in juries nro liable lo prove fatal. rattle KriMlliiK ImtiiHtrj , IMPI5UIAL , Nob. April 23 ( Special ) - Last night a special train containing COO o COO hpad of young cattle was shipped Int Imperial to bo ranged during the summer They are owned by lion A C Shallon berger of Alma , Neb Milton Earl has als received several carloads In the last da ) or so and County Clerk McClelland leave Monday for ArUona to purchase sevcra thousand head more. Thu ranges of Chas county are the finest In the state and ar ample for thousands of head inoro Th new grace Is already furnishing good feed , 1'ort e'rooU NOH-M. POUT CIIOOK , Neb , April 23. ( Special The target practice during Uio last wool was successfully executed. Notwithstanding the largo percentage of recruits and tin strong wind the shooting In general was re markable. Second Lieutenant J. 1) ) . Gowcn , Companj 11 , Sixteenth Infantry , has been examined a j'iij.iMM ; . Too much of sweet 01 fat or regu'ar uio o tea and coffin clogs the liver and shows U some form of ailment. ColTce seriously rf fects many highly organized people. ll payv to live simply and bo healthy Well peoplu can do things. Pottuiu Corca Coffee looks and tasios like coti'ee , but U i I pure fooj drink and highly nourishing In It : I effect on body. Oioccrs furnish at 1C am ' 5 ccnis. Port Leavenworth for promotion ns first i lieutenant \\llford 0 Thompson , principal muMrlnn f the Twenty-second United Ptfl'es Infantry and , left here last Thursday to join his eglmenl in Iho Philippines The women tendered n reception to the ( Tlcotu at the otnecrs' club rooms last ovcn- ng. ng.The The followni | ; promotions were undo dur- ng the week. Corporal Shea , Company H , Sixteenth Infantry , to be sergeant , and Prl- ales Martin , Mosley , Smallwocd. Hummcll nd Hnnsberry , to bo corporals < f that com- mn ) , Pi hates Delias Self nnd John M. Clark , Company K , to bo corp ls. James W. Davis nnd H. F Pollen. Com- lany 13 , Slxlcenth Infantry , wcro dlschntged by order of the adjutant general. Quartor- nnsler Sergeani Alborl Chappcl , Company ) , Sovonlh Infantry , was discharged upon expiration of service , April 16 , and rein- IstiM April 17. The following from the Twcnty-Keeond In- nntry detachment wcro discharged Ser jeant James Hayes , Privates George Uusch , S Plttson nnd Martin Urannan. There are till tout teen members here awaiting orders. Anotlnrlcllm or VIcnlnullN. SOHUYLEH , Xob , April 23 ( Special Tel egram ) Miss Ella Long , the 18-year-old liughter of Dr nnd Mrs. Vrlah Long , icalthy nnd strong unlit Into Saturday aft ernoon , wns stricken and died with icrebro spinal meningitis nt 6 o'clock this evening This Is the second dealh from the same1 nalndy nnd other cases nro existing. The icople nrc In almost breathless suspense. The IJoard of Educitlon Friday evening dc- 'errcd acllon on closing Ihe schools until Monday morning , when , without donbt , they will bo closed Indefinitely. Ilcv. C L Lemon , brother of Edllor Qnim , Just homo from Diow Theological seminary , occupied the Methodist pulpit to- ilghl. Ai-ti'Hlnn WHI at Pri'inonl. FREMONT , Neb. , April 23. ( Special ) The Standard Beet Sugar company , whllo Hilling down n well nt the site of the fnc- 01 y , struck n lion of water at the depth of 233 feet which Ilowod out fully len feet above the suiface. This Is Iho first niteslan tvell thai has been opened up In Ihls part of .ho Platte valley , although geologists have 'or ' some tlmo been of the opinion that hitch wells Avere a possibility. The company feels nuch elated nt the well , 03 It will save t considerable expense In the way of mwcr. If two or three more wells of the Bamo kind can be bored they -will supply lh the Sugar Heel company and Ihe Cattle tlo company with water. Hint In a Itnnimnj. SYRACUSE , Neb , April 23. ( Special Tel- cgiani. ) As Henry Rogers was driving away from church this morning his horse bccamo unmanageable , running away , throwing him and two women out , nnd de molishing the vehicle. T'ho f lightened ani mal ran squnicly Into Dr. Ashton's ilg , Ihrowlng out Iho doctor and Injuring him severely about the head. Ho was earilod Into Mr. Lockhnrt's house , close by , and his injuries atlcnded lo. While not of a very serious nature they nr'o yet veiy pain ful. The doctoi's flno buggy was ulleily ruined. Two A IllauiHoards. . EMERSON , Neb. , April 23. ( Special. ) Emerson now has iwo village beards of lius- tces and a conlcst in the courts Is prabnblo. The newly elected boaid has organl/od by electing Loulo Schwartz chairman , Joshua Leonard clerk nnd attorney and demanded the books , papers and property Of the vil lage of the old board , but -were refused. The old board claims the election on April I was Illegal on account of n change made by the legislature In the village election laws and at a meeting recently held de cided to hold over. School IlullilliiK. LYONS , yob , April 23 ( Special. ) Lyons Is to have another school bulldfng. It was so decided last evening after several meetings had been called nt the High school building. This building Is to bo of frame and built for the lowest contract price and Is to bo locnled down lown near Ihe Catholic chuich or thereabouts. iMrs H. P. Young of Hebron fell fiom a step ladder and broke her leg. Nebraska papers arc showing moro signs of prosperity this spring than for many yeais. Snrpy county fruit growers report a fine lirospoct foi npples. Peaches are all killed , aowevei. Spring wheat In NebrapKa Is now about nil In the ground and much of the oils has also been sowed , Duncan Clark's female minstrels , manager and all , wcro arrested nnd fined nt O'Neill tor Immoral conduct , Andrew Ryan of Wlsncr killed a largo otlcr ono day rcccnlly. He did not know what It was until told bv n man lo whom he exhibited It. The Clarks board of truslecs decided not lo accepl Iho walerworks system In Its present condition. It claims tint the plant Is not in compliance with the contract. H. I ] , Atkinson has has been appointed head clerk at the Winnebago agency to fill the placu vncntod by the transfei of W. C. Slrong lo an agency In Now Mexico. The Methodist chuich of Allen has hit upon a plan of raising its chuich debt. Forty acres of land have been routed which have been sown to wheat , the time , labor and seed being donated by mcmbcis. Catllemen In Ihe tcctlons burned over bv Iho recent prairie files arc having a lively tlmo securing cither range or feed to keep their cnlllo until the g-nss starts In the burned district , The veleran Ponca Journal man , Deison Htisy , and who has been cnniieclcd with that paper for over twenty-fivo yours , will teen ictlio from thu worry of his print hop and will be succeeded by n South Dakota man. Gordon has the crack hunter of the cntlro Btnte. Fad Heywood n few days ngo , shot , killed and brought home , flvo wild geese , the result of one shot. Now , can any other gooeo hunter In the stnto beat or oven equal this iccord9 Don't nil "squack" at once. The annual meeting of the Western Ne braska Stock Growers' association will beheld held on May 0 next ut Alliance. The sub ject of Inspection will como up for sulllo- mcnt at this meeting , nnd 11 IH desired that there be n fu'l ' attendance , A llllle son of C H Aldrlch of David City swallowed Ihe contents of a bottle of cough syrup nnd had a close call for his life A physician wnu Immediately called , and after a few hours' skillful treatment the llttlo fel low was pronounced out of danger. The Grand Army of the Republic post of McCook has contracted for a largo twelve- foot monument In memory of our dead heroes Standing on the base will bo n sol dier , tlx feet high , In the position of "atlen- tlon " The unveiling occurs May 31 , and up wards of 6,000 wllnesses nre expeeled lo bo on the ground , Including the Third Ne braska regiment. During the thunder shower at Hmerson Wednesday lightning struck C , A Johnson' ) ! house In tha west part of town. The house ivas badly shuttered. In every room except ono bedroom tin- plaster was torn oft and window lights broken. The family was seated nt dinner , and although all were somewhat stunned none of them wns seri ously hurt. The North Platte river Is bankful al ready The river usually does not rise so high until May The prospects now for big Hoods uro good though not pleasant With an unprecedented fall of snow In the mountains and the usual spring raiim the residents ot the valley will need to bo careful of how they ventute into the river for fear of drowning W J. Scott , a stockman from Mexico , Is looking over the grazing land near Wallace , and has concluded to bring up nbout 10000 bend ot cattle to bo herded In the sand hills north of Wallace. Mr. Scott la the repre sentative ot large cattle Intereuta In Mexico , .and means to utilize borne of the many ft ueand acres of land In Lincoln county The cattle will be driven up by men hired .hue , or at least , partly , and tula-u caiu of iiuu Uiulr iLTXJiat bv jaea Jura. NEGRO IS lOJiEl ) AT SI ARE Hob Tortures Snra Hose to Doatli for Murder and Assault. HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WITNESS SPECTACLE l t'HIrciiN Dlxi iKiiriliituulM fur IHcrullon of Iin * mill I'.MU't I tlcrinont Pcunlt > llrfoic .Mllltln Cnit A Ni\VNAN ! , On. , April 21 In the presence of nearly 2,000 people Sam Hose , the negro who assaulted Mrs. Crnnford , wns burned nt the stnko In a public road ono and ono-lnlf miles from hero this nfteiuoon. llefore the torch wns applied lo the pro the negro was deprived of his cam , lingers nnd other per- UOIM of his anatomy. He pleaded pltlfull > for his lite , but stood the ordeal of fiio with surprising fortitude. Heforo the body was cool It was cut to piece * , the bones wore ciushod Into small bits nnd even the tret , upon which the wretch mot his fate wns lorn up nnd disposed of ns souvenirs. Hose haa been on the farm of the Jones brothers between Mncon nnd Columbus slnco the da > after the murder nnd assault lls mother l rmplo > cd on the farm and to icr little cabin he fled ns a sife icfuge. She ed him nnd caied for htm , but It Is not jelloved thai she knew ho was being hunted or by Iho nuthoiltles. Iho Jones biothers wcro not awnro of the crime until n fc\v dajs ago nnd weio not sure thai Hose was the much wanted man. Satuidny morning one of the Jones bojs not llciic ami p < ; he vcrf talking to htm lotlcod lhal his "glngei" fate wns ebony black nnd Hint just below the collar of his shirt the copper color was discernible Convinced that the negro had blacke- ' * : : ils face to cwpapo detection , Jones became convinced tlul ho was the negro for whom : ho authorities , assisted by bloodhound' , had been scouring the country foi ton dnvs , and In company with his brothel determined to ntrest him Sunday morning the Jones brotheia brought the negro Into Mncon and put him aboard a train with the Intention of bring ing him to Atlanta. At Grinin someone recognized Hose and sent word to Ncwiinn , Iho next station , that the uegio was on the train bound for Atlanta. When Now nan was reached a great crowd surrounded the train and poured Into the cars. The Jonea brothers wore told that the ncgio could bo delivered to the sheriff of Campbell county and that It was not nccessarj lo take him to Atlanla This was assented to and the negro was taken off the train and marched at the head of n jelling , shouting crowd of whltecaps to the jail , Thcj turned him over to the sher iff , taking a receipt tor the prisoner , thus making thoni'-elveo sure of the $250 icward for the arrebt and dcllvorj to the oherifl of Campbell countj of ono Sam Hose. hlu-rlir Milken .No ! li-xlNtliiict > . Ill some way the news of the niiest leaked out , nnd ns the town has been on the alert foi nonily u\o weeks , Iho In- trlllRence spiead i.ipldly. IVom overj house In the little city came Its occupanu and n gcod Bled crowd was soon gathoied about the Jail Shcilff Ilrown was Impor tuned to glvo up the prlsonei , and finally , in order to avoid nn assault on the jail and possible bloodshed , he turned the wiitch over to Iho waiting crowd A procession was quickly formed and the doomed negro was maiched at Its head through several streets of the town. Soon the public square , was reached. To-mer Governor Atkinson of Georgia , who lives here , huirlefl upon ttic scene , and htandlng up In a buggy , Impor * tuned the crowd to lei the law take Us course. Governor Atkinson said : "My follow citizens and friendsI beseech vou to let this nffnlr go no further. You are hurrying this negro to death without an Idcntllin- tlon. Mrs. Cranford , whom ho Is1 said to I ave assaulted and whoso husband do Is sale ] , to have killed , Is sick In bed and un able to bo here to say whether this is her assailant. Let this negro be teturned to jail. The law will taUo lls course and 1 pTomlbo you It will do so quickly nnd er- feclually. Do not slain lie * honor of Hit slnto with n crime such as you are about to perform. " Judge A. D. rreeman , also of now man , spoke In a , similar strain , Imploilng the mob to relurii ( do negro to the custody of the sheriff and go home. The assemblage heard the words of the two speakers in silence , but the In&tanl Ihclr voices had died away shouts of "Oil to Pnlmetlo ! " "Burn lilm1" "Think of his crime , men ! " arose , and tbo uiaich was resumed. I'llNoiuT IN Iilentllleil. Mrs Crnnford's brother nnd sister nro clllzens of Ibis town. The mob went In tho" direction of their home nnd In a short time toadied it. The negro wns marched In the gate and Mrs. McElroy called to the front door. She nt once Identified the Aft lean , nnd her verdict was agreed to by her tuisband. "To the stake" wns again the cry nnfl several men wmiled lo burn him In Mrs Mcelroy's ynid To Ibis eho objected strongly , nnd the mob complying with hei wishes started for Palmetto. Just ns they were leaving Now nan word wns broiiRtil that the li 10 train from Atlnnla was hi Ing- ing 1,000 people to Palmetto nnd a regi ment of mllltlu , and the mob at once de cided to burn the prisoner nt the mosl fuuirnblo place , raider than have to sur- lender him when the mllltlu put In Us appeal nnco. Leaving the llttlo lown whoso Sunday quiet had been so rudely disturbed tin mob , which now numboicd nearly 150 ( people , slnrtod on Iho load to Palmetto A line of vehicles nnd their drivers followed Iho pioccbBlou , at the head of which , closely guatdt'd , mnrcdcd the negro , Ono nnd 11 dalf miles out of Now nan Hit place btlioved to bo fnvorablo for the bum- Ing WIIB reached. A llttlo to the side nl the road wns a plno tree. Up to this the ncgio was mnrthed , his back placed tc the Irco and his fnco to the crowd , whlcr jostled closely about him. Hero for tlu first time do was allowed to talk. Ho said1 "I am Sam Hose. I killed Alfred Crnii' ford , but I was paid to do It. Llgo Stride land , the negro preacher nt Palmetto , gavt mo | 12 lo kill him " At this a roar went up from thu crowd The Intelligence imparted by the wrctcl vvn8 spread among them. "Let him go on Tell all you know about It , " cnmo from UK ciowd. The negro , t > hl\crlng like u leaf continued his recital "I did not outrage Mis Crnnford. Some , body elect did that I can Identify them Ghc mo time for that " .Hull LUti'iiN .No riirllu-r. Tdo mob would hem no more Tin clothes were torn from tbo wretch In an instant. A heavy chain was produced nno wound around the body of the torrlfleO negro , clasped by a. now lock , which dangler ! from Ilobo'g neck. Ho gald not a word tc this proceeding , but nt the eight of three or four knives Hashing In the hand * ot several members of the crowd about dim , which scemod to forecast the terrible or- .rf * M ffxs * ssiu / < Xk ijgr * . R H CASTOR IA Per Infants and Children. Vno Kind You Have Always Bough ! Boars .ho Signature of ihul he w is nbout to bo put i > In M nt U | n yell whlrll tould bo hinrd for n in , < nstanlly a hnnd grasping n knife ht t out nnd one of the negror s pnra dropicd In'o n hand rend } to re elve It The shrieking tegro was qulrkly deprived of other potIons - Ions of his nnatomy , nnd HIP word "Comr on' with the oil , " brought n huge cnn ot \rroFone to the foot of the tree. His body rom homl to foot was covered with oil. The can was lifted o\er the negro's head by three or four men nnd lls contents > ourod over htm. Dy this time a good supply of brush , pleec * of fence railing and ether flrowoul had been ilHed nbout the ncRro's feet This p > ro wns thoroughly satutnted and a ntitch sp illed A llatno shot upward and spread quickly over the pileof wood. Per half a mile on encu side of the iiesro tMiri blaJt with people and Iho teal tnpassable Veil after yell vcnt up niul the irogross of the names wcis repoited to those in the reir by the shouting mob In front. The torch was nppllul about 2 30 anil nt 3 ) 'cloek the body of Sam Hose wns limp end lifeless , his bond hanging to one side. The iiody wns not eut down ; It was cut Jo ilccea. The chain wns severed by hammers. the tree was chopped down and , with such liloces of the firewood as had not burned , were cat i led away as souvenirs. THIi , or t-m : vciiint. Ni'Ut-o nlil lo HIMI > Iiii'lli-il Mi-lil ( o VMSVXT l > > Vlnli. PALMHTTO. Oa , Apill 23 P.lljah Strlck- and , n negro pieachrr who Is accused by- Sam Hose the negro binned to drnth near Nc'Winan today , of paying htm ( Hose ) $12 o murder Parmei Alfied Cranford wns eapluied by a mob of people In this vl- clnllj ihroo miles out nf town tonight. Ho was brought to Palmetto nnd 'it midnight was placed on tilal for his life by n eouit composed of those who had arrested him. Speeches for nnd against him were made nnd the trial Is In progicss nt this hour (12 ( 30 n. m ) . GOES UP IN FLAMES ( Continued from Plrst Page ) on the roofu of neighboring buildings nnd wedge 1 themselves into all the cross fctrecl ? In that poitlon ot the city The police kept Iho ciowd biek from Ihc fliunion and Iho bulldlim , BO lhal Ihero was no one hurl In Iho cuish. I.liliililn for Uic ' 1 IiliNt ) . The paint on some of the buildings was bllbtered , a nuillnglon freight car vva par tially burned and a few pniua of glass In the depot were cracked , but aside fiom this nothing but the doomed building sustained any dnmigc. Althbunh 11 was Sunday and saloons nrc supposed lo bo dosed Ihoso around the south end of the Tenth streel viaduct did a rtuh- Ing business People were thirsty , their thirst presumably having been caubod by the heat and saloonmen kindly thiew open their doors and pa'scd the foaming HqiiH over the bars. Olio man did so great business that In order to ac-ommodato the crowd he had to prcsb sl\ assistants Into the service Another party who sold liquids , In order lo stimulate trade , gave a check for a scat on the veranda to each person buying a beer. Ho soon had his veranda filled and still kept on selling beer. Klremcn complained of Iho lack of pra > - sure. There were limes when 11 was Im possible lo get a slrcain above Iho second slory of Iho burning building. This was only Iruc so far ns It referred to the hy- diant pressure. The dcsliuctlon of Iho Klngman building Ihrows some fifty men out of employment , as this many were employed In Ihc local house. There are nbout scvonly-live sales men Iravcling out from Omaha , looking after silcs and collections. These men , however , will not bo out of work long , as It Is ex pected "They will bo transferred to the ether branch cslabllshnrents It is not known whether the Klngman company will rebuild , but It Is thought a building will bo leased for the tlmo being and a new block of goods shipped here Omaha has been icgardod as ono of the bct.t cllles In the Klngman circuit and It Is not probable that the field will bo aban doned. nut ono casualty occurred at the fire. John C. Wilson , driver of engine No. 1 , was struck by a falling brick and badly bruised. Ho was taken home. His injuries are not serious IIIHIII niii'i * Am-nlH Will Contest. AUSTIN , Tex. , April 23 H wns learned todiy from one of Iho leading flie Insurance ngonts in the state that the insurance men Intended enjoining the nntl-lrusl bill now pending In the Texas legislature within forty-eight houro after It becomes a law. It Is stated that the lapcis for Injuncllon proceedings are now bdng prepared In order lhat they may bo In readiness. TUMOR EXPELLED. Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. JIr-3. EI.IKAIIRTII WHIKI.OCK : , Mngno- lin , lovvn , in the follow-ill } , ' letter de scribes her iceoveiy from a very criti cal condition : " Hr.AU jSIu . Pj.vijirAM : I hnvc been tnlcing your Vegetable Compound , and am now icady to sound its pi-nibes. It lins donu won ders for mu in relieviiifj1 me. of a tumor , "My health bus been poor for tin eeyenib , GhniiKu of life win vvoi Icing upon me. 1 wnbcry much blonted and \vas a bur den to myfelf.'nn \ tumbled with hinotlici-iiiK bpells , nlwj palpitation of the heart and that bemlndown feel- irij , ' , nnd could not bo on my fret much. ' I was plowing1 vvorso nil the time , until I took your medicine. "After talcing three boxes of Lydla 13. I'inUhamS Vegetable Compound Lo/ongcs , the tumor passed from me. "My health has been better ever bincc , can now \vallc ( juito n distance and am troubled no mote with palpita tion of Uio heart or bloating. lice- ommcnd jour medicine to all bufferers from female troubles " , It is hardly reubonnblo to suppose that any ono can doubt the eillciency of Mrb. l'inlcham'8 methods and medi cine in the fnco of the trcmcudous volume umo of testimony llntliern ! MoUiern ! V-itlii-rx ! Mrs. Wnelow B Soothing S ; run has been Ubcd ( or over fifty > -ar3 by million < o/ mothers for their children while tcelhlnp with perftit success It soothe-s the child boflons the gums , allays ull pain curu nlnd colic and Is the best r niedy for niurrhoia Sold by dniKKlhts in every itirt of the world ny sure nnd ask for ' .Mrs \VlnBlou 'a Sootliltih' Byrup" and take no other kind J ( cuts a bjttle BUY THE GENUINE . . . MANUKACTUUEIJ BY . CALIFORNIA FKi SYRUP CO. tV.NOl'U TIIK .VVMi : . WHAT OTHERS SAY. Mir \\onli of rrli n l lire mill llrllnl'Io It U rasv for poopU' lo t lk nboul Ihom- * rlvn nnd MMP whnt they mny hive (1oI10 ( lint It It fur better to hn > p oilier pcoplo speak for yru the \vord which follow nro the frank ovptcralon * of people who know of what they penk. Mr. John K Chnsp. AniMbury. MOM. , } 'T < i sonic * K year * pint i > "a lins I'pcii Mini-ring fiom nprvoin pro * I ra tion. Tor ycnr * iilio w * troubled with in- Foinnh niul nnthln ; leeommendpd b ) tha meet eminent physicians \\o\i1d \ Inducts sleep. fndfr the advice of phyalcl'iiH aha recently tilrd Duffy's MnltVhUVy In sniijl iiuantlilrii utulltli the most nl ! - faotory re ultsVhlli' Mrs. Chase has nlwny's been atnunoh In her tcmtieraneo principle * unit cois' ' trnt In practice , , shii lina no hcMlntlon In recommending to In valids who nre.l n Kt'Ullo itlmnlant Unfty's Pure Malt Whisky. " R C. A\lli of the llwoUvn Association for Improving the Crnillilnn of the I'osr , SIDE- " 1 have used Duffy'i Mult WhIMty fir the last t\\o ytnrs , having suffered front ( M errhetilaehru niul nervous prostration. 1 hmo been very much icllevcd by the usa of iho whisky and ha\c galiicil seventeen pound * In weight. " The aho\o stntcnicnts spoils for them selves There nro only ( ivo unoccupied rooms left iu the If you want the best office rooms in Omaha you should see R. C. Peters S Co Ground Floor , JiccUu I ding. TONIGHT. TONIGHT at the First Methodist Church "Daughter of Jairm" Tlio intihtoi piece of Staluor , will be sung , under dlicctlou oC THOMAS J. KHI.iI.iY. Third Subscribers' ' Concert , rillCI > SOU anil 7.-10. BOYD'S ' THEATER Mrs M. D , Longshore-Potts , . , "HEALTH AND DISEASE" THIS APTUIl.tOON AT it O'l LOCICt I'ltnii TO AVOMCN OM.,1. ra ( Ieel lire ToniorriMi Afternoon at ! t p. in. Subjects 19 jo A.M ) no cuvrs. All lectures lllustrnl&d by sloreopllcort views. Mrs Polls hopes to llluHtrato her ln 0 lectiuo with X-ray photos fiom life Alrw. Pottb treats women only. ResidenceMIU lartl hotel Hours , 9 to 12 on lecture duja. Other diys , 9 to T Consultation free He * main In Omaha noon of Wednesday Mny 3. PAXTON & nuiioiss. TOMIillT AM ) TOMOHKOW MCiHT ] The Extraordinarily Funny rnrcc , 'S ' HONEYMOON llo > I'M TIiiitiT SIIUVCNH , A company headed by Iho eminent faiccur , wi.Ti3iiviKin. . EVENING PRK'iS-Jl 00 , 75r oOc , 33e , 25c. PAXTON & nunCJESS , Only three- performnnrct1Vedn I'Uny nncl Thursday evenings , April 20-27 Spec'al matlni n Thursduv Extraoidlimry uventl JAivlES-KlDDER-WARDE COMBINATION. WcdiiPHdnv Kvu and 'Jhuwlay Mat , ' THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAU.V Thin pilny Evening , "OTHELLO. " Evrnlntf prlf ( * 1 60 1 Vie , 60c25i Mill * line luitiH , 1. We , 2Sc w CroigljJRpiEOEa } B ! .J53L Sofl - j Thf People Vcnllit "THISVEEIC S lllblj UETTUill THAN UASf Parked to the < leer and Jiundrcds turned a\\iiy , as usual TOMC.IIT , Sll.1. StiliidHi nixl KloiKiuiMoilillll , 111 "KOH IIEKOKM " AVnli > rliiir > lliolhi-i-M mill Ten in- ) , IREt .MuHlc-al Act on thu KtULC. i'\vr/.in TIIIO. JJcconlric drolea < iu and Contortion Act. , IVMIS iiiciMioM ) ( .ii\iiov , Kept New York LuuRhliiK for hix Month * . VVM.S N AM > ll\ll'l > , In "C'ASI.Y AND Till ; THA.M1' . " A lJ : Ki\winc : , Thu I'opular Vocalist and 1) incur. I'JilU'Y 1IUMII , AVorld'H CJieati t < 'oncf rtlnlst Hy Hpirlil rr | tn > Ht IMIAKhEH HlflCHNS , OinuhuVi OVMI violinist , nn oiniuiilcd by lib HlHtt-r , Daisy. Ono night only , Trlday , AMll 2S. Till i H never chaim'lnK Hunilng , ro Horvud HU.IIH , Ac 4ind Mi Kull-iy , 10c. iniiliiutH.edniKdiiy. . Katurday and Bun * day , any scat . ' 3c , ihlldren lo < , gal cry lOc. II OIK 1 THE MILLARD 13th and DougliiH StsOmiilm , IOA.-V AND UUIIOI'UAN l'bA.Y CKNTHALLY LOCATED. J. K. WAIIKK1 , The New Victoria M nUHNKTT , Prop. HTI3ASI lliTM : > HATH HAIKS-l.OO to yi.RO per 1508-10 Dodi'o St. . Uctwocn 13th aud