Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1899, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    G Tim OVMAITA DAILY an , i nn.
Defeat Wwhbnrn Oolloge Plnyors from
Topeka by Score of 0 to 8 ,
At r.nil ( if r.luMli InnliiK Sroro l n
Ilr. IMI < In ln- Ninth HIP > -
lloj * .Muko n
UNTOIX. April 22. ( Spcclnl. ) The Hrat
pnllfRo game of the senHon wan played on
Hi" university campus this afternoon , the
Mining tanrn being the Washhurn collesu
team from Tnpeka. The game attracted
R' mo Interest from the fnct that the snmo
( einifl plnyed n very close contest Hst jcar ,
re lUtliiR In a victory for Ncbrnflkn by a
re of 10 to 11. Thl yrar each team had
) .la\ed a name and non. Nebraska had de-
fotfd , Tccumaoh In nn cnfiy Ramc a week
ago nml Wnshnurn defeated Mnnhattnn ,
Knn , by a score ot 11 to 7 Inot Thursday.
In the opening the Kaiifiana went to
tH" bat nnd throtiRh a series of errors L
Siahl ambled around the diamond and
out. Tor No-
--rid before the side as
Ijraxku Hpedcr took a base on balls , stole
SP. . end and reached third after being hit
In thn 1 > ack by the return of Moore's short
hit Ullss and ( lord on died at first and
M Di-nnott How out before Hceiler could got
In tlm second Washburn got one whack at
the ball , -which Hecdor fumbled and then
threw over Ilrst , allowliiK Iho runner to
rr ioh third Then two Kansas men died
.it Ilrst and ouo struck out , so there was
i > i score. Two files nml an onsy one to
tU pitcher retired Nebraska
in the third KaiiH.m got two men on
1 > i m tin oiigh fiimblCM by Oordnn and a
1 i k' lilt Illled the bases. Then a grounder
tnu Ileeder ought to have stopped sent two
n n home. Hero everybody got rattled nnd
ni it her man scored before the Topcka men
1 fined
Kin a fanned out , but Kceder made n
i < an lilt nnd stole second. Moore struck
rut Itllss made n long hit to right and
I n ler scored. Gordon flew out.
In the fourth Washburn got two runs as
t > net result of Dames' home run hit over
l < f < nee. When the NeLrntikna got to the
1 if Kansas took 11 turn nt making errors ,
nnd , in overthrow nt Ilrst on Hhca'R little
1 U allowed Holln and Rhodes to score.
( Jordan's erior allowed Dotweller tel
l u-li Ilrst .is nn opening to the fifth Inning ,
1 lit later a neat double from Keeder to
h i end to ( list put Dctweller and C Stahl
out Campbell flew out
Moore struck out , Hllui flew to pltclier
, id Gordon died before reaching Ilrst
In the sixth Prlsby made a base hit ,
I ickenstoco fanned , L Stahl hit a grounder
between Ueeder's feet and was safe. Prisby
h ored on Ocphart's hit Ilarnes died nt
iltst Giamlej's hit brought In Stahl. Det-
wcllcr got hit by the ball and the bases
vro full again C. Slnhl hit a dllllcult ny
tr > left field , whl-h Heedcr caught , nnd the
dangerous situation was rellexed
McDonnott vent out at first. Klngsbury
made n beautiful two-bagger. Holln sacri
ficed , nnd Klngsbury scored when Detw oiler
muffed Rhodes' long Ily. Hhea reached
tl'lnl aided by a little hit and a couple of
urors , nnd Rhodes scored. Reeder died at
Campbell flow out to Reeder , Krlsby died
nt first , n.icKcnstocc made a two-bagger ,
L Stnhl walked to Ilrst and then Gephart
llew out
Moore flew out to first and so did Illlse.
Gordon readied second on n high one to
left. McDcrmott walked to first. A wild
throw- lot Gordon home , then Klngsbuiy's
] it brought .McDcrmott in and Holln How
out to first.
Hames died at ( list , as also did Crumley
1'ctweilor ' flew out to MclJcrmott.
Rhea died at first. Rhodes made n hit ,
HI IP third and reached homo on Reeder's
1 ng Ily , thus tleing the score. Moore died
at Ihst.
C Stahl fouled out nnd Campbell flew to
ft end Frlsby hit safe. Ilackenstoco hit an
. sy one to first.
Nebraska tame to the bat In the last
1 ah of the ninth with the store tied. Bliss
i ok four balls. Gordon struck out. Mc-
1 -imott made u hit and Hllss scored on n
1 Kh thiow. Score , 0 to 8 In fa\or of N"c-
1 i > ka.
it H n Jt H i :
or si 1 1 I SUihl , Ib S 1 1
i ) 0 lnrl , 111 . . . . 1 ! 1
It . . . . too a , cf . . J 1 0
101 rirumih ! 001
U imntl , Jb. . 1 0 1 Dctnillcr , If 101
llu If 000 r suihi. c . . . o o o
I.H Ib 3 1 I CimT > licll , 11) ) . 010
i P 000 Prlfliy , rf 1 U 0
1 i it l > iiry , e.r . . 2 1 0 HiU kenstex'e.Hi. . . 010
nils . I 9 Tonli . 8 17 3
I lir.iska 0 0 1 2 0 2 2 1 1 9
] Hiisiia 101102000-8
\ \ iiir. : HIM irvrs A KYTAI , in.ow.
' vein IIIfrlenu < 'j e-leini' " Mn j 111) * from
Itfllll \lfll C"M II IIIIIIUll ,
"ITTSmmn. Apill 22-"Kid" Ln-elle of
( Hi r. Pa , known ns the "South Afilcin
i lone " Is lit'lle\eel to be living at Hemet -
t- ul fre m the effects of a knockout lilow
c 1l\ii e | li\ John ( 'avanaugh of this clt >
i u Ing a pilzc > light lust night Livelle was
1 miked out In the twelfth round and il-
tiiiiugh tinco phjsli lans h INC been woiklnlu
i'H him c-\or finco tlKir efforts tc revive him
hnvo proved In vain. Colonel Mu. i > y , nmn- I
nger of Lfivelln ; J mM Mnson Cnvnrt itih'ii I
mnnaitor ; Captnln Hennott , TiinnnitT of the
nr dter Plttnburc lub anel .loVin f'nv-
anntigh. tlv pUKlllst , wern locked up pend
ing the re.iult of Lftvislln H Inlurlet ,
Clrii'lanil rinnllr Slinun UNlillllj -
In AVI n n lintiH CilnntK'
riclele-r IICM-M Closer Weirli.
St , Iem In , , - , | Pltlxliiirtr , .1.
( liie-liiiinll , l | ( hle-nuei , 1.
Neneirk , S | IliiKlniiirp , 7.
I lr % i-liinil , ( l | lonlxt Illf , r ,
liiiulnt Illr , 15 | ( . lciluiiel , ii ,
I'liltnelcliililn , r | llremUl.i n , ! ! .
llei-iliill , \VllNlilllKlein | , I ,
LOUISV1LLI3. April 22 The Clpveilnndg
outpla > ed the Colonels In the first snmo ,
which was a very Interesting ono , Clarke
anil Ixcklicad came to blows , at second
base in the sixth Inning nnd were removed
from the gnmo by Umplro O'Day. The visi
tors had a walkover. Pllchers Wnddell ,
Altrock and Morrison have been farmed out
to tlio Columbus , 0. , Grand Haplds nnd Ot-
tnniun , In. , teams , respectively. Attendance ,
2,500. Score , first Eamo : j
Dowel. Sacrlllco liltsClarke. . Dexter First
base on ballsOff CtinnlnKhlm , I , off.
llutjhey , 1 , off Cnrspv. 1 Double.plav SUK-
de'ii to Sulllvnn lilt by pitched ball :
Cleveland , 11. Time of sam3 : One lioiir nnd
( Ifty-elRht minuter. Umpires : O'Day and
l.oulNi Illo. lfi | CleM e-Iiinil , 2.
Second Kiitnc , Score :
1/juisvn.i.i :
H ii o A.K U 11 O A.D.
Clnrke , IT. . 32 1 10 Dowrt. cf . 0 1 3 1 1
llov , af . . 21100 Uiirlov. If . . 2 3 1 0 1
Dpxter , rf 11300 Oulnn. 2h . . 0 3 3 3 0
Aaimer. . 1b 1 1 4 1 0 Ciws , ,1b . . 0 1 1 1 0
I.M ke-r , 1I > 1 2 U 0 1 IXK k'll , -ii 00000
ltllrhp2b 1 < i 4 1 : HujplPti , o 00210
Cllnmn n , fi 3 'J 1 3 0 Cloinoivtp , c 0 0 1 0 0
KlltivdRP , P 1 0 1 2 0 Tiirki r. Ib 0 0 10 0 0
, , > i/ls p i 0 1 3 0 Sull'ii rfs 01211
Hill , p 0 1 0 fi 0
Totals . . .IB 9 27 13 3 HtU'ttn. p-rf 01000
I'otiH . 2 13 S ! 15 3
De\ter out for hitting ball while out of
batter' ; ) box.
UoulHVllIp 0 0 3 4 G 1 1 ' -15
Cleveland 00100100-2
Karnwl runs : Ixiulsvllle , 4 , Clowland , 1
Sto'em baff * . Hey , CIIiiKman Clnrki' , llnr-
lev Tnobasehit : Dooker. Threo-bnse
lilt- Hey Sacrifice lilts Dexter , KlttildKO.
Klrst bn i > on Inills : Off Woods , 1 , off Hill ,
5 , off Stlvettb , 3 , off I'Ockh'ad , 2 Slruck
out Hv Woods , 1 Double plnClInBinan
to Ultehey Hit bv pitched ball : IU Hill ,
1 Wild pitches. Sthetts (3) ( ) . I > oekh nd.
IvOft on ba es. IxmLnvU'o 0. Cleveland , 12
Time of same- One hour and llfty minutes.
Umpire" * : O'Day and-Urcnnan.
\ < MVeiiU. . H : Ilnltlineire- .
NHW YORIC , April 2J ror four InnlnB
toclm tin1. . New Yorkers played poorlj
After that , hjv > ci\it the- Giants braced up
ntiel won .in lute rent In if Bnme by KOOC ! ami
tlme-l > batting A notable feituro of the
Kameuas the playing ot O lliien , the new
llcldui He went to bat tour tlnwB , mak-
liur us many Uase hlU and scorlnt three
runs Holmes Vtas lined and put out ot the
iramo In the sixth Inning for abunlvp Itin-
cuaec to Umplie Andrews. Attendance ,
4,200. Scotv
R II O A R H 11 O A E
V nlla'n , Ib ei 2 0 0 0 MMSrnw. 1b 1 1 2 3 1
Oiiulj , c-lt ) 0 1 13 2 2IIolimi | > s , If. 1 0 I 0 1
Gli-aron at > 0 0 J 4 0 Kinter. If 0 1 J 1 0
\ \ llw.n. Ib-c 0 J 10 1 1 . cf . 0 0 0 0 0
T O'lli n If 1 4 I 0 Q Shockanl rf 2 0 2 0 0
Ilnilman , 3b 0 0 0 1 1 O , Ib 00200
roster , rf . . 1 2 0 0 0 Ijiohii'po , Ib 2 3 17 0 0
1 IM\K ss 0 1 1 1 1 MaHoem , FS. . 11030
Uolieiu , p. . . Ilvan. c . 02310
MtKtnna , p 0 0 0 2 0
TntalH 8 14 27 13 C
Totals .7 7 21 12 2
New York 02201 120 S
Haltlmoro 01210003 0 7
n.irneel runs : New York , " > ; n.iltlmore , 1.
Mist base on erroia. Ilaltlmore , 1. L.ft on
bases New York , 7 ; Baltimore , fi First
baseon balls. Off Doheny , 1. off lIcKcnna.
.1 Struck outI5y Doheny , 7 , by ilcKcnna ,
2 1'wo-bise hits- Foster , I/iclmncc , Itynn
Stolen lusts. VatiHallren ( J ) , Wilson , JIc-
Oiaw , Holmes , Sh cknrcl ( ' . ' ) , l arhance ,
Hjan Double phi,1 Davl tu AVIlson Hit
bv pitched ball. Wilson , Holmes , Sheckard
Wild pitches Doheny , 1 : McKenn. % 1.
Passed balls ftrud > , 1 , Iljan , J Time of
ffame Two hours and se\c-n minutes. Um
pires : > > and Andrews
Iliislon , ; WllNlllliKtiiu ,
WASHINGTON. April 2S-We > hlng had
th Kami- well In Innd In the e.penlnu In-
nliiKs , hut went to pieces in the eighth ,
when six successKe hilt , were made off his
eHil\PT > . The Senators hit Hickman nt In- '
tcrvals , but not clfectlv 1 > Slow lilelellnR
on the part of the home team was n factor
lu loslnjr the K.IIIIO Attendantp , 400. Store :
. . v > ni s , i ON IICHIO.N'
It 11 O A K. 11 II O A B.
HlnRlp , cf 0 0 t e ) 0 tlnmllt n , cf 0 l 400
Cuivy. > . 0 1 1 3 0 Itnncj , Ib 0 2 9 1 0
I > UH I ) , 0 0 R 0 0 I in > t. HI .
llujfii , M . 0 1 4 i > 0 Dulfj If. . 0 0 J 0 0
O'llii.Mi , If J 2 0J - . ' CollliiH , ll > . 1 1 0 2 1
l-'n-cm in , rf 2 2 0 0 0 stahl. rf . . 1 1 0 1 0
MiiKiiln > , c l iw , 2)i . . 1 3 4 S 0
\ \ > hln * ; , p 0 2 0 3 0 Ilertten , < . . 1 .1 4 1 0
I'acld.-n , 2b IIIcKiniin , p 1 1 120
TotiiN 4 9 21 H Totals . . . 7 11 27 14 1
WnshlnKton . 0 2 0 1 o 0 0 1 0 1
Uoston . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 7
Unintd runs. AVaHhliiKton , .I ; Boston , 4
Stolen bn-us : OHilen. I.OIIK Two-base
lilts Huleii. O'Hrlen , lleisen Hntiblo
plays. I.OIIB to IM\\B to Tonn > , lone to
I'OUK to Tcnn > First bsse on balls Otr
\\oyhliifr , 5 , off , ' ! Hit by pitched
ballrroeimin (2) ( ) , Collins. Struck out : By
\\t'.vhlnK , I. by Hlckmiin , 1 Koft
AVashhiKton , 7 , Boston , 9 Time
Free Medical Treatment .
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Sirs : As per statement in Omaha Bee , you may mail to
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Please wrlto very j
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One hour nml flfty.Heven minute * . Urn-
j'lrw : Ktnrilo nnd Nctt .
riiie-liiiiiitl , It ( lilniKO. 1.
CINrlNNATl. April 22-Hnwl y wns Invincible -
vincible today nnd n result the Heds i\nn
tliMr rlrat game- from Chicago Uallahfin *
VilldmiM COHI dearly. Kwlrw HU Itched hlH
buttlnc order mid bcenu&cnf McTnee
limn nnkleIrv n vvfis brought into the
Kiiine Attendance , 5,236. Score-
It II O \ i ; II II O A I *
MIlrl * > , If 0 1 1 0 0 , If I 1 .1 0 0
tviUich , ft. 1 3300 Own rf ei n n I o
Ml.l-r. rf . 10300 V.'n\\ \ I n. 1h n J 2 0 0
lloke > - , Hi 0 0 13 0 0 t/ilrme of 0 1 1 1 l
Strlnfo t , ! li 1 2 2 3 0 Iv i U , Hi 0 0 7 0 0
Irwin , 3b . . 0 2 0 2 0 l > ni'tr If.5U n o 3 4 n
Ooreiwr'n , SB 0 0 1 8 1 Myinle , Ib 0 0 4 40
1'H'z o . . . 0 0 4 0 0 Ciianoo. . . 0 0 C 1 0
Hnwley , p. . 1 2000 Oflllnlinn. pO 1 1 3 1
Totals . . .4101713 1 Total * . I I ! 27 11 Z
Clmlmmtl 0 0021001 0-1
Chicago loooooooo-i
learned runs : Cincinnati 2 , Chlmeo , 1
Two-base lilts. Me-HrMe. Stolnfoldt Tim o-
bn u lilts- Irvilnohrrton Double
plnjH : McCeirmlck to PetnontrellU > tel
l verott. Corcoran to Slr-lnfe-ldt 1'irst b.ise
on ImlH : Uy Culliihnn , B Struck nut Ity
Cnllnlutn. 5 , by llmvley , I Wild pltche's :
Callalmn , 2. Time ot Knnie. Iwo hours
nnd lUe minutes Umpliea : Hums and
St. l.nnl * , r.i IHItKltiii-K. ! t.
ST LOUIS , April 22-St. Ix > ul won the
llilid Knmtof the scrips with I'ltttburi ; in
a rainstorm The -\lHttors Ipd up to tti < >
fourth Inning. Vvhe-n iho seme.i n tic In
the llfih Inning Chlldn' MltiKle and Me Kcnii 9
ilnuldo litought In thp VilnnliiK tun The
Kume Vviift called at the mil uf the slMli
Inning on account of rain , Attenilnnco. 2,5w.
Score :
R H O.A B It H O A U ,
IlnrVctt , If. . 0 0 1 0 0 McCn > ey , of 0 0 S o 0
ClilliK Zb . . 1 2 1 4 0 il-mtm't Ib. 00701
MrKrxn , si. 0 1 0 3 0 IVmov'n , rf 0 0 o 0 0
W.illioc , , fb I 0 0 2 0 McCarthy. If 3 2 0 0 1
Ste-nzel , rf. . I 1 1 1 0 llcm'rni n , r 0 1 3J o
IVbcvui. Ib. . 00300 M1ell < ni , ki 1 2 0 3 1
Crletor , c. . . . 1 1 6 1 0 Ilcltz 21i . n l 2 0 0
Illnkf. cf . . . 1 1 000Vllllnmp , 3b 0 1 0 4 0
Jemew , p 01040 lrcr , p. . . 00140
Totnln . . . B 7181 * fll Total * . . .8 7 IS in 3
St 1olllq 0 0121 1-6
I'lUsHmrg 0 2010 0-1
tt-irneil runs : St I-onl" , 2. 1'lttsburi ; , 2.
T\\o-baip hits. MC-KPIIU , Stenzpl , Jonp' ,
JliC.irthy , Hovtorman. Williams \\llel
pitch : JotK"i HaHO on bulls Off l.coxci J
Htiuck out : Uy .lones. I Time of Ramc :
One hour and fortylivemlnutos. . I mplres :
Swnrtviood and Warner.
IMilliulclplilii. rs llriuikl ; ii , ! t ,
1'IIII.ADKU'IUA. Apill 22-It was nip
and tuck between the Phillips nnd Hrook-
hns today Kennedy and 1'rnrer weio In
the points and both \\CTO efftctl\p The
homo tt-atn broke DIP tie In HIP fifth and
wns never hended. Attendance , ii.018 Score.
UUOOMN i MiiiLvni.i.riiiA
H II o A n. It ll o A i :
Kclloy , If . . 1 0 4 1 O'coolpy ' , of
Koclpr , rf 0 0 0 n OlThmuns , Hi 1 2 11 00
Million ) , HI 0206 llleleli't > . If 0 1 2 0 0
MrGann , Ib 1 1 14 0 1 LiUolc , 2) ) '
Atilers'n , cf 1 S 0 0 Olrilok , rf .
llaly Sb. . 0'I.iUiltr. ' .1b
Catsldy , 3b. 0 102 OlDoiiBln * , c . 1 2 n 0 0
Smith , o. .01300 Crir > , us. .
Kennedy , p 0 0 0 1 0 I'rnrcr. p . 0 0 1 2 1
Orlmm . . . 00000
Tolali . . . f. 10 27 12 1
Tntnll . . . 3 8 24 14 2
Brooklyn 1 0020000 0 1
Philadelphia 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 * -5
learned tuns : Brookl > n. 2. Philadelphia ,
3 Stolen ba ci : Kelley , Anelerson , Cooley
Two-base hllsDahlen , Crois Double
plays Kellr-y to Daly to I ajole , Cross to
Thomas First base on balls. Off Ken-
nclly , 2 ; off rrasror , 3 Struck out : By
Kenncdv , 1 I , eft on bases Brooklyn , b ,
Philadelphia , S Time of pa me One hour
nnd llfty ml nut us. Umphes : Hunt nnd
StanelliiK of fluTtaniK. .
IMajed. Won Lost PC
St. Loui-s 5 5 0 1.000
ChlcaKO 8 C 2 .7,10
Phllailelphla 8 6 2 .750
Boston 7 5 2 .711
Balllmoro 7 4 3 .071
LiOUlsvlllo S 4 4 .fiiH )
Brooklyn 7 3 4 .428
Cincinnati 7 : ! 1 .42S
New Yeirk 7 I ! 4 .4iS
Plttsburp C 1 5 .lb > l
Clevc-l.iiid fi 1 5 .lliG
Washington S 1 7 .IS
Games itodny. Chicago at Cincinnati ,
Cleveland nt St J ouls.
uvn.vrs o\ : Tim HU.VMNO TU vcics.
Mt-rry liny AVIiis u ltnc-c In ILII Altrni-
( t llttii utr.
CINCINNATI , April 2)The feature of
the racing at Newport today was Merry
Daj's sparkling r > = rformance in the fourth
race. Merry Day cut out his own pace from
start to finish , and won In most impie.sslvo
style He went the. distance in l'13'i. Merry
Day Is owned by Starter Curley Brown ,
whose stable has won live straight races at
tli3 meeting Jockey Chenault wa ? thrown
from F.IMII ii In the .second race at the. half
mile post , but luckily escaped serious In-
jui > . Weather pleasant , track last. At
tendance , 1,000 Kesults
rirst race , seven furlongs , selling : Clara.
! MJado won , Fiiendshlp second , Tappin
third TJme. 1 2SH.
Second race , four and one-half furlongs-
Hone\wood won. Wig second , illghlaiid Kid
third Time. 05 4.
Third rice , mlU nnd a quarter , Celling :
dllllo won , Hemv l aunt ccond , Donation
third. Time. 2 07.
Fourth race six furlongs , handicap :
Merry Day won. Our Clcrtl second , Ken-
inoio Queui third. Time : 1 13H
Fifth race one mileFarandel won ,
I'leanor Ilolmea second , Vanessa thiid.
Time. 1-42
Sixth race , one mile , s'lllng : I < obenguela
won , Sue Nell second , Victorlno thlicl. Time :
Ni\V YOUK , Apill 22 nesults :
rir t race , about seven furlongs , selling :
Miizarlne won , T\ishena second , Oicleal
thlld Time1.2G13
S'cond rate , f jur and one-half furlongs :
Pupil won , Peaceful second , Mike Stiaus
third. Time : 0M : 2-S
Third race one mile and seventy yards :
Ulew A\\a > won , Lidj Disdain hecond ,
Judge McOee th'rd Time 1 4S.
Foiutli lace , Avern' st.ike.s , about seven
fin longs : Tnmor won , Dr Parker second ,
llostorer third. Time 1 il 1-5
1'lftli i.iccj , four and one-halt furlongs ,
selling. The Ama/on won Albonlta. pocond ,
laureate third Time. 0 : < i t-5
Sixth race live and one-half furlong , sel
ling : Chenille won I'rlnce of Wnlo second ,
CM * chnnuH third Time1 O'J
MUMPIIIS. TPIIII . April 2J Results :
First race , four and one-half furlongs :
Dr. Hlcldl won. Trlndltyn second , Joe
AVh eler third Time : 0 fi7 > < , .
Second race , four furlongs , 2-yeai-olds :
Aberdale won , ainpj t'h'ea seconcl , Hello of
Oileans third. Time 0 31
Third race six furlongs , selling : Hnirv
Floyd won Katherln D second , Free Hand
third. Time : l:17'j :
Fourth race , one mileHoliart won. Sea
] < Ion second , Ueo Planter thlid. Time :
I I4'4
Fifth race , tcepl chase full course ,
nbout two milesI'Torlda Hosn won , Jack
Hns second , Hid Duchess third. Time :
4 41 > 4
Sixth rice , one and a quarter miles , pel-
ling Jac kannpi.s won. Forget Not second ,
'Hra\eler third T'nici ' : 2.12
SAN FHANCISC'O , April 22 OaKlnnd race
rpsulls ; el'ar , fast :
I'lirtt race , onlmlf mile S-yoar-olds :
II imboulla won. Mnv Geitrudo feconil ,
Mush of Gold third. Time : 0,4Sj.
Second rnc-e , l uturlly course , selling :
Prornplo won , Heigh Ho second , Sly thlid.
Time : 1:11 : Vi.
Thlid nice , nno nnd one-eighth miles sol-
ling. Dilsy r won , Grady second , Jennie
HI Id Ihlid. Time1M" : ,
Fourth lace , mile and a half handicap :
M crops won , Dim second , Ollnthus third.
Time2 : . " . ' %
rifth nci' , one mile nnd a sixteenth , eel-
ling : IMille Jones won C'astnke second ,
Pol-nte third. Time- I7 l.
Slxlh race. lx furlnng ? . free handicap :
Allyar won. I < a Goleta second , Hosotmond
third Time : liiau
TriiliN < linniiliiiinllll | i-IUcd.
LONDON , April 22 In the lawn tonn's
championship game at the Qneon's club to.
ilay W. V. Haves holder ot the champlon-
Hhlp , beat H , S Mnlionoy. tlu former cliaiu- ,
In'tho doubles R K nnd II. L Dohfrtv , ,
holders of Iho championship , defeated G. !
Orovlllo and 13 W. Lewis
In the womm's singles MI& ? Austin , !
holder of the championship , beat Miss
( ) u ml I ( i MM anil AiiNMi'iN ,
PORTLAND Oio April 17 , 1S99. To the
Running Kdltor of The Heo. Did John I. ,
Bulll\an ever play the part of blacksmith
or horsoshoor in any thent r play shown In
Omaha , some live , or six years ngo-M. O
AIIH Yes In "Honest Hearts and Will
ing Hands. "
rORT CHOOK Neb , April 22 , 1S11 To
the Snorting Kdltor of The Hee Will you
Klndlv Inform mo through the columns of
The Sunday UCH how muiy Btatoa thTB nro
In the union ? Also , Is Ok shomu a Htalo ?
Ifo , when uduiltted F. C hansf. Com-
iianv U SlxU-e-n-h Infantry , Fort ( 'rook
Aim--Port-ll\t bt ua. Oklahoma U not
u st tc.
AM133 Neb Apill 10. 1W To the Pport-
liiK IWitor of The llec : Kindly Ut mknow -
In IKM Bunduy'H IHHUU of > our pap r if
IVter Jlnlu'r and ( ! UH Huhlln fought tuentv
p ind. " uu 'In ' llth in t ind If o Mhlill
WITO tin \ | > rH * I wr in o P ttli s
Aim Thi ) ar ti u i tj ii at l murruw
n0ht ,
Week on
l.Adlcf' black
Silk Shirt
fronts , nil
cut on
piUUrn ISO1 *
thin ( geol
< eel \alue
i ' shown In
Jo CO ( lot
boforft ftll nra
gone , at
Immense Millinery Sale.
. . . .No. 1113 nl''oly trimmed hats In every shade , with Rhinestone buckles , ornnmonU nnd 81.2-4
tloivoravo"th 12 50 , on sale nt . -
Hill-gull ! No 2 90 handsome Imts , trimmed with chiffon , lace , fcrithors , oto. These nro extraordi 82.24
nary vnlui'9. worth S4.)0. on ftilo nt .
Hargaln No. tt 100 Ladles' Beautiful lints , trimmed with French llnwors , foliace , Imported orna § 2.98
ments , lueo , ehllTon. etc. , worth G.OO , on Bale nt .
H irgnin No. 4 62 bontttlful pitttern olTect hat' ? , fuchsia , violet nnd jrrnv shades , not one worth less
than # 7.50 , tomorrow only .83.98
Bargnin No. 5 160 of the most beautiful hats over shown in Omaha. Kxnot reproductions of the
highest trrado imported pattern huts , not one worth lc s than $12 , on sale tomorrow at .84.98
Hundreds of Other lint-gains in Huts Which Spiico Prevents .Mentioning.
1 Ladies' Big Hosiery Sale.
Lndlsg' lisle thread hose In fancy drop
( itch , In black and tainorth 75e for 3oi
turtle * ' llnle thread h ( * > e In fast colors ,
black * tind tans , worth Me , for 33c
LndlnH' double pole fast black cotton hose ,
worth etc , for Iflc
l.aiVtblack ! cotton bo- ) " Special , 5c
chliirens lisle thread ho-se In Scotch
plaids uorth f.0 ( o at a c
rMldrcn s cn'ton ho c In black nnd tan ,
\\orth 2oe at IBc
Hoys blcle hwe , spliced knee and heel ,
worth 25e , for 19c.
1J irgiunWeekln Boy's Gloihiiig
Boys' all wool
Crtshtnoro Suits ,
ages 4 to 14 , well
tailored , peed
quality linings.
Cheat ) at $3.50.
Your choice of
Victory in Evenly Contested Ohess Match
Lies with Britons.
mll Turn nf I'eirtiinc AVoulil Unit-
Th r em n UKIteNiiK tinOtliir
AViij Drill MX of Hie .Six
NEW YORK , April 22 The first Inter
national chess match between American nnd
Hritlfih students , which wns begun ycstcrdiy
morning at 10 o'clock , ended tonight In a
victory for the Oxford and Cambridge com
bination by 3j to 2"- games , as will bo
seen from the appended table :
Great Britain :
Tattcrsall , Cambridge Vi
George , Oxforel 0
McLean , < 'nmbildgo 1
Hulbcrt , Oxforel 0
13111s Oxford 1
Softlaw , Cambridge 1
Total -i'i
United States :
Talk , Columbia 't-
Meyer , Columbia i
Aren'borg , Harvard 0
< 'ook , Yale 1
Young , Princeton 0
Clilchlngs , Harvard 0
Total 24
Although most men cemvpotent to judge
cx-pectett to see n elefcat of the American
plajers , tlie play of the Americans on the
whole was a biirprl&u to all the oxpeits
present during the match. With ei llttlo
moro care they could e\on have won nnd
thereby greatly upset the calculation of tlio
Initiated ones. Today they gno their Brit
ish fellow students a gewid light and aory
pleasant contest as won by the BCOIO given
At the conclusion of the > match the fol
lowing messages wore exchanged :
l"ioni the Amcilcun umpire. Lord Craw
ford , the following was received"Three
cheora Just given for American unlNcisltlea.
lla\o thanked cheoreis for us. "
Umplro Ulco replied"Tho Anglo-Saxon
victory has done as predicted and we aio
all happy o\cr it. "
Ii-Mi > rlilliii | eif ( liefinmeN. .
The details of the play follow :
On the first table Folk hold moro thnn
his own nnd when , after fiftj-eight mo\es.
hit ) opponent < -ableel that ho could demon-
Btmtu a draw , the Columbia pln > cr accepted
ihla olfer nml iho gnmo was drawn.
The game between Opcrgo and Mojer was
cniicltuied jcatcrday. Mpycr won after
twenty-four niovcb.
ArunsberK had a bad game against Mc
Lean this morning. Uy subsequent line play
thu latlur forced thu resignation of the
Hancird man after forty moves.
Cook of Yale played remarknlilo chess
against Hulbert. This afternoon ho won
a plcco nnd after fifty men03 the game.
The Princeton representnthe , Young , who
really ought to have won Ills game against
13111s , Oxford , wont all to pieces In the
morning's play and while wishing to save
the losb of iho exchange ho lost a whole
piece an 1 thu game after thlrty-sc\i'ii
C'atUiings of Hannrd had a hopeless
Jiciore him when ho resumed play against
the Cambridge man , Sofilnw , this moinlng ,
tlicso plajrrs being engngcrl on Die sixth
table. Catchlngs made a great up-hill light ,
but he llnallj biiccumbed after llfty-ono
Plllhlinr > Plii > H Che-.SH.
LINCOLN. April 3.-The chess tourn i-
imMU h nwhUh ci mmcmud l.i t night , huii
cre-ute-d much interest on ucount of thu
] da > lng of H N PllUtmo. thech H ex-
jxrt from the eaat Lust nUht Plllhbury
iduypil lmultaneou l } twtntv-ht ! Hume * nf
eh HH anl IK n eni's uf < Inke rs , ino\lng
ripi'll ) f > m uii' ' t l > 'iij n ih r H w j | >
ne vrlN n'lhe ' , c um s a" ! juh i1) n wire
c rio'r 04iiJ aUwUt the tubic-t , tnimu of tliu
' ! Gut This Coupon Out ,
In order to test the merits of this advertisement wo will accept
thii coupon as ffood for COc tomorrow on nnv purchase of $5 00
or over , or for 31.00 on any puichnso of $15.00 nnd over if pre
sented at time of purohn o only
Sale of ,
Nobbv tnllor-mucio suits , handsomely lined , In nil the new
shades , none of them worth le s than $10 00. tomorrow '
Elegant tailor-innde suite * In gray and blue ll > front , lined through
out with near silk , circular cut effect skirt , perfect llttlncworth JIG
Ladles' o\eiul8lte tailor-made sultB In tana , blue blnck and mode shades , nil
Ires , jae-kels llneel throughout with tafleta silk ( Jltn C\Q
None \\orth lasa than $20 . . ipIU.VO
Ono lot cleg-ant tailor-made suits Just arrlM-d , tight lilting or lee o effects In
Venetian , serge or herringbone cleith C\ery one guaranteed b > us jilO flS
None worth lens than 12250 Tomorrow . . fpl a'
ladles' tnllor-made aults , In hen liisbone and broadcloth , tnffeta lined through
out , tight fitting , copies of Imported gowns kO < l Sii\
Worth JMOO . . . . i.pAy. 5U
Liclles' tilloi-mnde suits , In broadcloth , fancy braid , trimmed full , taffeta lined ,
copies of highest Rrade 1'ailblnn gowns1 Gin * 7Ci
Worth $6600 , tomorrow . . qJOy.jfO
2S3 of the handsomest spilnp Jackets > oti ever s.iw elegantly silk lined , tnllor-
rnado. veiy jaunty In eu\ert . mulstons , kersc > s , serges , etc Ql , {
Worth esery cent of $1260 Tomoirow ip' * .
34t ladles' handsome tklrts in all slze- < with or without braid , not oneffif
In the lot worth Ic s thnn $400 Tomorrow . . ! pl >
18D ladles' blnck taffeta silk skirts trimmed wlthi live rcnva velvet
bon , clrculai tut , worth $1000 Tomouow
All Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
l "st chess plnj ers In Uie state. Some ot
the players tested the export by making ex
tra moves In his absence , but he lnstnntl >
dctceted It when he nxt cime to the. table
Tonight a good crowd of chess cranks
githercd at the senate chamber to witness
the supreme test , wh rc Pill-bury was to
plav eight simultaneous games of chess he
tci be blindfolded Just liefore the opening
of the games th3lsltlng pl.oei wan pre
sented with a c me ibv the Lincoln pln\c rs.
Th ( > t ibles foi the unique gillie were ar-
langej In a low across the.cMiat3 chamber
and Plllsbur > sat up at the sec n tai \ s desk
with his back to the other pla\fis nnd
twenty feet distant fiom the nearest table.
IP smoked a cigar most of the owning and
hositatpcl MTV little In announcing his pla\
Sometimes he1tuclled awli'lu with his
InnclH o\er liN p\es The jla > s were calle-d
bv C Q Detrain' of the state fensuiei s
olllce. himself om of the best plajcrs in
the statc > . The leaders at the- tables were :
No. 1 , n H DaLincoln. . No 2 M L
, Io\co Lincoln , No. 3 II J2 Nawbraiicne
Lincoln , No 4 P J Han on university. Nei
r , iimer Holben. unlvt.rsltNo fi , F D
C'ointll. Lincoln , No 7 , J 11 Mockett , Lin
coln , No s. o W Corrl , Haveloek. In cou-
HUltntlim witii eai h of thei.e were four or
live other pl.ners , forming an Inter sting
group around each table
At midnight onlv four tables were run
ning , the plajers at Nos o , \ 3 anel 2 liming
either been cheekimtecl or found their pieces
In such bid shape that they i "slgneel to the
lno\ltnble. In each case. Plll-binj falle-d
out the position of everv pieceoi the board
when the game ended At this point all th"
best plavers ! n Hie room seemed to be con
centrated around tables NnJ 1 and ( In an
e-ffort lnsi\e > tiles' two iriunf-s.
At 12 OT the pi i\cr& at No ( ! in knowledged and at 1 iO 'No ' 7 was lieati u on the
fntt-hPtond ! moAt 2 o'clock the pla > -
ers at No. 4 quit In dlstres * on the lifts - second
end pla > , whllu Inose at No 1 were plajlng
for a eliaw game.
TouKNlnirv of IN'iin > M iinla
UiilKlii-N MliiiNi-ll In 0 aril Hun.
PRINf'F/rON. N J April - > 2 The annunl
spring handicap game's were holel at Prim e-
tem this afternoon , with a number of prom
inent athletes from coll'ges anel uthk-Hc
clubs competing
No records were broken , but T'wkshurv of
PeiuiHjlxanla pijiialled the lnte reolUglite !
and world's r ° corel time by running the.iO
> ards i un In 21 1-fi Hicouel- The wuithei was
line ami a large cruwd attended. Results-
10(1iuds ( dash : Won lij J II. Towksbury ,
Pe nns\l\.inla seratrli Time : 0:10. :
ssOjaiels run : Won by J M Perry , King
school , " , l yaiils Tlmei. 1 Ki 4-5
120 jnids liurellc- : Won b ) A. C Knonslln ,
I'piinHvlvniiln , scrile-h Time : 0 Ifi 2-3
4lrt vards run. Won by J MoAn ny , Co-
lumb'a , 2S yard' Time0.1925. .
Onemile - i un Won 'by ' G O. Chambci-
lain. Prime-ton 7."i jards Time. : ! .3 < i-5 : !
J. ' ' ) jaiels hiiidle : Won by A. C Kiai-iih-
lln , Peiuihj Ivanl.i , fleiaUh. Time02435
J20 jarels run- Won bv J W. It. Towks
bury , Poniih ) Ivanla , pciateh Time. 021 2-5
Two-mllei inn hanel'eap'on : by O. W
Orton , uiiattae he > d , bcritc h. Time : 10002-ii
Invitation h.imme r-thr < nv : Won b > John
Flanagan , Ni'Yoik Athl tie club , scratch
DistanceUS fee-l P , Inches
Putting ib-pnund shot : Won by S. G
Wilght , Pi line ton. Distance : S9 ftot 4 i
Polcv vault : Won by I" . Doming , Cornell
Height' 12 feet 11 Ini lus
Running high jump , hnmllcnp : Won by
n Ii. Conklln. I 111 ! school , ! ' { - hichof ) .
Height. C fc-ct fiVs Inevhes
Running luoad Jump : Wmi by Henry Vcn-
krug Princeton , M Irichcu. Distance : 10
fent 7 inches
Throning 18-pound hammer : Won by J.
IVWIti , Lawienci-vlllt ; , 40 foul. Distance :
159 foot.
11ulii-HN III Teiull.
Matt > " 'Mnthows ' , n lightweight pugilist
of caHtcrn fame , spent last night In the
city , having miiela this ono of thnn itops em
the trip from I'ltulmrg to Denver , lluwus
nceomp-inl d by his trainer anel backer ,
Geoigo Fox , and nfter srcurinrf training
quarteri nt Denver HIP two will tnkcu
course * of work piepaiatoiy for the llstlc
encounter he two n Mathews nnd Frank
Uaitley , to d e ido the welte-rwe Icht chain-
pljiishlp of the middle webt Thft loiitPkt
will bo a twenty-round bout , at 140 poumlfc ,
In tip arena of the Denver Atht-ltlc club
The date will bo May C and the purs { 1,200
It In a sporting event that locnl en-
thu-lasts aru anticipating with as
the winner will be take-n on for a mutch by
the "M > Hterlous" IJIIly Smith , to dec-lcli who
shall hold the lightweight champloiiHhlp of
the country.
.Mathews brings from the onti a. long
Htrlng of recent % lc-torleti , among tile luttles
fought and won being those with Tommy
R > an of Phlladi'lphia , at YounKHtown ,
Pidd > Fcnton of Ifouion , at Yonkcru , uml
Gt-ejrjjo Kerv.ln of Chicago , at Toionlo. nil
in the lant thr monilm
Spi.iklng of liU fuiiiio plans Muthr-wB
s.iiil "I txpwt to win the llartl-y bout
nnd If n > t disappoints ! I will arriingc a
in it < ) ) u ih Un wtiiii , r of the < > u n < { li-gle r-
t h irhi lluinniiii ) M t > 1. H'Ui m < ii an
fjr iho mauh ti 1 1 < l > i been
tnat th winnora of the ji.t < ai- will
have a battle I wJll train for the ev ntst
Denver and wo will lea\o for there Sun
day. "
UlN llnc-Ue-ris Dreip e'liiiNleli-rlllile' Menii-j
( Cop\ right 1S99 , by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON' , April 22 ( New Yoi k Wen lei
Cablegram Special Telegram ) Ted Slo in
his not been Miccessftil this week anel the
bettors who follow him thiougli thick ami
thin haNe" been \eicly hit Indeed. It Is
Kiiel lu the ling SloanV following lost all it
won last "week nnd nnwarel e > f fTO 000 mme
At Hpsom last Tuesilaj Sloan had a gooel
cliiiuo on ralimlle In tlw Mttiopolltau
.st.ikes. But the Ira > k Is so Intilcate- - ellel
not el.iTO m.iKj theiiinnlng , he was com
pelled to wait anel nexei got nc-ai the fiemt
But theerj ne\t davv he got off with a
runaway win on Sir James iMIIIl'r s Koroske
> Te\er was more clashing , elarlng riding
| S'en The w.i > in which Sloan huggeel the
rail. . " coming around the dangerous T.ittHi-
ham coroner his ne\er been e-etialleel | ex
cept , pet haps b > the latelred Arrhei th1
gr atest horseman the Kngllsh tmf e\ei
That s mie day , last "Wednesday , Sloan
was eliseiualllled on Hen d'Oi ill tha lace tor
the Tlelworth plate Then he steereelMlel
Irishman In the Cltanel Siibuiban , and
was unplaced. Tor this race th > Ameilciii
hael wnstce ] elown to nlnc-tj-nine pounds ,
only four pound * o\er w Ighl lie- Is ! n
poor weight ami afte wasting , a el mgeieius
process , jmrlle ulaih In this weather was
no weik that the cell neirlv thnw him In
the prelliiilmir\ .inter anel In the rate was
well b'ateii half a mile Irom home
It w is probably because of his coiiellllnn
that iSloan both da > s at npsom , rode al
most like the English Jeicke > s , 111Htlrrup
leathers wern lengthened , he snt neirly up-
I'ght but next el.iy at Saiidowue- i everted
to Ills own st > le and promptly seciiiid the
vihmhlo Walton pinto for ear-olds on
Vlcc-n a
But Sloan's followers weie haidest hit
o\er the Tudor plate In which he reel JIi.
IluggliiH' Illlv. Jollv Tar , i hot favoilln
Klo.m'.s bickers dropped meire than ? J"i OW
-mil his tiding \ ii-tlv dluappolntPil them. I In
got shut In ami Inste-ael of m.iking a null
lei get aroiinel on theoutside - he walled
nbout unlll h > was hopcle-silv heileu To
Iho nmii/emint of his friends the IOM-IS
Sloan exphilneil by nnyltig , indlffeie-nth "I
thought the ntlie r Jockeys wuillel lot me
through on the Inside "
Te > th KngllMi Jockcj * the Ameile-nn's de -
feats are verv grateful But thec miplnlii
moreef what they cull Sloan'H "alls" 111 in
of his wins. If lie Is "ali\ " he Is en "aliv"
In devfeat as In victory , llo hllll kei-ps up
extraordlnarv Htle 11 ° Ineik a Hpe-e'il train
to the- Lincoln races , although the bigge-t
eiwneii found the orellnaiy triln heixiee
gnenl enough And he e-ngat'cd ele\en rejnms
at th- principal hotel nt tri-me ndoiis late-s ,
for hlm.self and 'his ' tmlte
Thn coming week will be a c-rltle nl anel
Impoitant one feir Hugglns' stable Ileeeui-
lldt ntly expects In makr a strong bid feir
thei Hist two of tin i-lasxli met l.n\ \ < [
Her sforel's Caiman hael been llrct riveirlte
fi - the201" ) gii'neiis But a fortnight agei
there were dlsciui. ting minors Unit < 'ilium
has not grown eir Impro\e-el nine > list He i-
FOII So tin Duke of WcfllmliiMK r Fljlng
Fox IB now hackr-d against ( he 11 Id , anel 3
to 1 Is offered against Calm in
ivrniici.AVt ATiiiiivrirs" VAII : .
.IllllleirH \\\i\ \ HieI'lrxl I'll/e- t\llb
I-I > | OI-N n i IIINCSriciiiel. .
N'I3\\ ' 7IAVI3N' . Conn April 2--In the
YuleInterelJHS athletic games today the-
oompe-lltlon , e-spectally In the raee-a , WIIH
e-xc-o dlngly gooel in the 'i0-y ! rd dish
llnaielmiin ian 'n 21 ' 1-5 t.c ends but thl < uau
not allowed to stand because of a strong
favoring wlnel
The games were won by the- Juniors , with
d total si am of 30 to 31 foi the seniors , 21
for the sophonmre-H and 2.1 to the fr'shmcn.
Individual cups wcro ghcn to the winners.
Mllu imr Won by H P. Smith. ID'/O. /
Time : 4 IS.
100 yards dish : Won by F. W. Bloult , 1900.
Time : 0-101-5
12) > arils hurelle- Won byV. . M. Flne-kc ,
1501. Time : 0 10 J-5
10 jards run- Won by Captain Thomas
R Fli.he.-r Time 0613-5
* so yaidH run : Won by J. P. Adtuns , 1001.
Tim : 3'iis :
2-0 > ard dash : Won by Dion Bunrdman
I'lO. T mi- O''II-S. ( Not allowed )
2JQ vards liurello : A\'on by H. S. flmoad ,
15W Time , : 0271-5
One mlli > relay : Won by 1900. C. F. Hie-e ,
J P Adiims , C. J. nicaacm , c. J3. Ordway.
Time 3 31
Polo vault : Won by 8 O. Clnpp , 'M.
Height11 feet 0 Itichm
Running high Jump Won bv 13 C. Wal
ter ' Height. 5 fc-c-t 7H 1m hen
Putting Ifi-pound shot- Won by D. R
Frames , 1'tuo DI tiim-e. 1g feet u Inth-n
Running tironel Jump Won bj H Clil-
helm , 1 ! > 1 DlHtance20 fc-c-t 8 Ine In s
Hammer-throw toy SI A. IJergon ,
19-jJ Distance100 fi e t
( illinium SliiMtH lle-in-r I'lirm.
N13\\ YORK , Atirll 22 'Jim C a lahan ai.el
ttivi , 'J > LV J 'm I'aac : afi3&
Bargain Week on Petticoats
Lndio ' colored -
od Silk IVtli-
conty , n 12-
inch Hngdad
ruille , c'\ii t'x-
tra full tvg-
ulnr price i0 ,
this. Q
week ii )
- - - SfiLE - - -
j KID ( ii.nxns , snc.
100 dozen ladles' real kid plo\es. In all the
finhinnal'le hades , on h ind every pair
HitidNOI h e\crj tent of Jl Bo. tomotrow
only S9i
S'.MIO SI1.K VMllltni.l.AS , SC.
Ladles' Olorln , silk umbrellas , pnrnpon
ft aim , \\ltb Oresden Inndle , eold\\hfre
for J2 00 , tomorrow OSc.
Broken lotq ofotnen' < shoes In blnck nnd
tan To close quick OJ2.- ,
worth fJOO . VOC
Klegnnt lines of Indies' black nnd tan lace
shoes , with the new fancy vesting lace
stay , would be cheap UJ
Our great value women'- ' shoe , regular - < <
ular $250 ciualltj , i educed lei AP
Women's genuine vlcl kid bhoes.ffi'
the $ JSO kind , at $1 ! IS and W *
Special Itnolce of liellts- line tan Oxfords ,
bought to sell nt $1 75 Critical nCr-
bujers will pick them up eiiilck at .VOt
A very handsome Jlne of Mlsrss' tan ( K-i tlK
vesting top shocN worth $200 kP' '
Child ? bright dongola , patent tip and fifli- .
trim , a beauty . . \J\fC
Infants soft sole Shoes O1- .
the f.0c kind JC
joung Pluto of Australia fought twentyi
loilliels at 120 pounels be'foie the Pelle ill
Athletic club tonight Call than hael the In t-
tei of the argument throughout and
thu cleUsion.
I'eiNliillle-c Miirncel.
nnAVI3R CITY , Neb , April 22 ( Special
Telegram ) The poslofllce at Yeager , eight
miles soulli of Hea\er Cllv , was burned ,
with IK entile contents , ontly this morn
ing The loss was $1.800 , Insured In tha
Cenlial Mutual of Hastings for $1,100. The
postolllce was localcel In tlio store of Post
master , the family ll\lng In the
E ( > cond slory Ycager was awakened bj >
the flrn at 2 o'clock. The names had gained
ennsleli-iable head nay anel ebcapo by the
stall way was cut off. Ho jumped from a
window , nnd seeming a ladder , icscucd Ins
wlfo anel children just as the ( lames were
upon tlie-m He hael lime to rush Into the
postodlco and fa\o the postage stamps and
ipcordb. The jiostolllco was established at
Yoager about two months n o.
Kuril lluriipil.
CIinirillTON , Neb , Apill 22 ( Special
Telcgiam ) A small him belonging to 13m-
pllne Ilonnctt was buineel hero nbout .1
o'clock today Hiis being used by Sam
HooK , who lost some hay and grain. Total
about ? 2.riO , with no Inaiitance.
I'lllill iir n Small lleiy.
NORTH PLATTI3 , Neb. A-iill 22. ( Spe
cial ) Yc-Hleielny aflermum n liatn buineel
to tlui Kioiinel In Ihe Tlilnl ward , havlm ;
lien het on lireby a Hinnll boy Two horses
were eontuimci ! hy the llamcs.
CeieilVnrl. . of MlnlNle-r.
I'ARKI3H.SHUltr ; , W Va . Apill 22 At
Spanlshbiirg two inoiinttilnceis wcie nircfitcd
In church by themlnlKtci ThemlnlBler wan
nlHo a ele-puty Hlieiifl Dm lug llic hcrvlcen
ho baw twn mountaime-is for whom he hail
wnnanta In llm e ongiegatlon. The iiiliiUtor
drew his re\ l\ ( > i anel liamlciiffe-el lhe < men.
Ho then placee | them neai the puljill lln-
iHhe-el the beiIIPS uml took his prisoners to
Till.HemI ItPinnrlfiililillrmeilj of t
for til \\lui AnWi'iili , Ner
> < ilhliiK to Ti > .
It Vein Hn > - Vll > of MilKiil
H ) nii < < tiuit Sc-iiel tour .Nil memiel
fur a Pi 1-1- Trial
Do you fee1 f-tneinlly m'uerable ' or suffeJ
llli a thotiB-imi and one Indetcrlbnlile ba/J
Reeling * , both nutital and phynIcMl , amone {
the m low Mpliltn , n-i xouHne 3 wtMrlnehi * ,
HfeletiHiiCH' , nenkneHB , e1lz7luc- forllncn ot
fiilliiHTeir bloating afUi.uliik' or -tmo
of "noiie-nMv" or emptlneHH of Htoinarh in
momlnit , ( Irj'h ' noft unel lurking nrmnr-HH ,
liou'l.ichf lilurilnp of e ye-slghl pee U floii t-
| ns hcf-/ro the nyfia , nervoun Irrltahllltj , poop
inc'iiinl ilillllneHS lUlermiilnt , with hut
Jlun'itm landitude throbbing /urgllng or
rumblliiK smsitlon In IIO-AC-IH with hint
and nipping laltm oeeu-l nilly piliiltatlot )
of he-art , Hliort breath on e r ilion hlow e r.
culullon of lih'Od , fret , imln and op-
lirotiBlon In che < it tend bin ) : pain around tlio
loins arhlnj ninl v > < niln nB of the lower I
Uml" dron IniAi uftct nie.jlB hut ncrvcum r *
I w-ikefulnei8 al ni ht unguor In tliemorn -
Ins , nr.el a eonaianl fec-llr.jr of dread as if
bomethln < awful wax about to lin/tinrn / *
If > ou hnvn liny or all of the e H > inploma
HPml vum name nnd ii'Mrem to Haven &
Coin , E < Hull rildu , Dolrolt , Mleli . anil
the will L'ladlj He-mi > ou a free trial hoz
of l > r plx Tnnlf Table-in TliB meiHt
foct i mert > kne > wn You will ln > de-lluhieei
T.lth the-m and they niu > isiiv- your ! lle > ,
They nro put ui > In t , bltfeirm iilciimint to /
take and uui\ illriotlonv.lilch If you lu - I
low nil. p'XlHolj- ' and e ffee-tuull > cure In , \
a short tlnip IM matur how bud ve u nmy
bo er If > ou pr fer } cu can K" ! a full-n. ed
bux at jour dru.'glatH for enl ) ii ( c-tnla.
\ \ don ; nbk > cm to tuko e/ui word for
wh t Dr Olx 'lonle Tiiblri * will do lend
for th fr. e jiKk sc nml clvi them a If it
Ven ml n a after lou take Hie Ilrstublolj
i t-u t\a feet beau- .