Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1899, Image 17

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    EDITORIAL. jij A * -e 1 * i , PAGES 17 TO 26.
j I ui -DJ H
HST AP LI SI I ED JirNK U ) , 1871. OMAHA , Sr HXINfi. APltLL JJ ! , 1SJ)1) ) ) . St XULK COTV FIVI3 ( MtJNTS.
SS5 * y ° u wondered at the immense "bargains we have so far given in this sale , what will you do tomorrow , when you see how we
' ' sacrifice everything ; the choicest of the whole , entire Chicago department store stock that of
ESS ? !
The immense crowds that filled every aisle in our great establishment yesterday , and every day since this sale commenced are living tributes to its immense and
sensational bargains , which will be even more sensational tomorrow.
I'lio bisl nnil llni- > i > C t ntlix o 1 ; of
llio cliolce ot the entire stock ot
Igfh and SBoyglas
" ' JW
< ! il. i ml M'tiroi St" Phi. it , > Ms
Stale ntiil Monroe Fits , riilonKO , Till . .
\ nill. it l"'i t n Si > n. nmnU
Nowon * nlr iit ' Knutrn Store. Omah . '
IFRANKBROS I from Frank Bros. ' Chicago Bankrupt Stock ,
Wo have bought the cream of thlF sink at prices that will enable us to glvo
our patrons silk bargains such an Omaha I idles have n < t known for many a long day.
For Monday's wile , beautiful All the wash silks from this
Frank Urns' oOo
taffetas In combinations of colors
harmonizing Immense sale , goods that
fip'iti'h nn- ors , stripes and checks , In the new blue sold In Chicago up to KOr
biuac-hoil nil
grounds , violet grounds navj > ard In stripes , plaids nnd
linen tnblo
nnd black grounds These corded silk , for this
( ItuimHk , yud : vorc bought to sell In Chicago Monday's sale HIC
cage at $1 00 jard \ < ml
'j on rale Monday at
, l o'.ic > nnl All Hie odd lots of Frank
FruiiK Hroa'7-J. llrog ' silk that they sold up
inch Scotch vui- tn "iOc and GOc yard , wash
bliitichc'd fide silks , taffetas , satins ,
table UiimaMr , china silks , etc
j yivtl , all at IOc
1UO piet es of black ( Miinu s-ilk ! J11"1
39c In plain and brocaded pat
terns these are actually Frank Bros. ' $2 silks invaist
75c iiiallt
] > patterns , taffetas , stripes and plnlda , many
' " nn sale at 2oc
Frank Bros' 7."c e\clusi\e designs , also brocaded black silks
ill lilll'tl Cii'l1- jard
ami gios grains for ladles' skirts. Fold In
inan lab'o damask -
ask , yard , Chicago up to $3.00 , on sale at 5'Jo and Glc
75c quality foulard silks on'jam. '
black grounds , royal blue
grounds , with handsome
sninll woven figures ,
on Bale at 39c and
All best grailu < )
dainiisk from
tlio Frank Hros1
sUick , no matt or
what tlio price , 81.00 Taffetas 4ne. Yard wide black China silks ,
yard , \ All of Frank Bros. ' $1 00 guaranteed not to spot , never
taffetas for waists or lin si Id at less than $1 00
C ings , extra hea\y \ard in
qu.illty , on sale at this sale In bilk department
partment at E9P
Frnnlt Bros' rod 5 jard
tublo ilaiiunk ,
Imported und do-
nn" > tli- , win Hi J.V ,
Mis and Mi- , tie at
Exceptional values for this waek from the Frank Bros , ' Stock ,
Prniilc nro3'
napkins < xo at Black wool grenadines and 100 pieces of checked and
98c$1.25 , ctamlne cloth , BO stylish for brocaded plaid effects , these
this season , Frank are merceilsed silk and wool
$1.50 &
, Uros' T.'JC
price dress Roods , never bold at
$2.00 jard , on sale at less than iOc yard
ilo/.cn. 21lc yard on sale at 15c
EEcrm33 jard
Frank llros'7ie § 1 and 81.50 Drees Goods , 4flc yard.
crash toweling , 10-Inch bilk mixed novelties , Venetian cloths , covert , vlgereaux In
the popular shades of gray and tan illuminated cloths , all wool
cheviot , plain black Moh.ilr and brocaded mohair , black Llzzards
2c cloth , they sold In Chicago at > 100 and $150 jard , on bargain
square at I9c yaid
Frank Urntil ) 14-inch Mohair crepons , black ! $ ? > .00 imported French crepons
i linen Inii-k and colored , just the thin , ; in blister clfects and
towoN , tlioir for skirts ot entire | othpj new designs
lirUo 12jc , mil' irstumc * . sold In Chl- on sale at
Jt ) leu , CMKO up to J-.50 yaid , $1 OS
on sale at OSc jard
7c yard
All the hair pin cabinets
from the Frank
Brothers' stock
their price 13c
go at 8e
Character Sketch of Senator George F. Hoar
of Massachusetts ,
IO CH lllH Illlilo , .Vilmlrt'N Izimk Will-
Inn , mill llri.ikfiiNN ( on CoilllNh
llllltN KlIllH Illlll l''lllllfH ,
III.I'M Illlll niNllKOH.
. WASHINGTON. April 20 ( Correspond
ence of The Iteo I Senator George F. Hoar
Is n rare character Ho haw strength , ripe
citltuio , wit , Inclslvenesa ; he Is wise and
subtle , yet nt times Ingenuous as a child , he
1ms had marked succcts us a polllldun , but
ho caroa little for polltlclnnn or their wajt. ,
ho 1 * a lawyer and a man of affairs , a
scholar and n classicist , ho has been almost
continuously before the public for half a
century ; ho has played a consplcuouK part
In ninny great events , jet he Is today as
Innocent of certain phases of politics as
though ho has spent these Illty years In
lib * closet among his beloved books.
A man of courage. U has never troubled
him to be In n minority even In n minority
of ono. Ho entered politics as a member
( if the free soil party when It was little
more than n party name , and now In the
livening of his career , with his party In
power , he has spoken out In opposition
to his party's mrwt popular policy. When
the A. 1' . A. was u dreaded force In politics
and others hold their tongues , ho went out
of his way to publish a letter denouncing
the order. When his state was defeating
republican candidates for congress In Ar
thur's administration , because they hail voted
for an obnoxious river and harbor bill ,
ho again wont out of his way to publish
a letter defending river and harbor appro
priations on pilnciple , and this bill In par
l.u\fN llii < Illlilti iiiiil UiuiK Walton ,
Senator Hoar has a finer literary scnsa
than almost any other man In public life.
HIM Illblu and hi * Shakespeare and thu
Oakslca uic dear to him Ills table runs
In channels sumewhat out of the ci'iini' n
that nppruls to him especlall ) which has
| h tUvor and the eneotueEu uf the paU
llirlnrt , isaak Walton , Dr. Doutio
All the ball fringe
from the Frank
Hi-others' .stock , their
price TJC , go at Ic
are among his familiars. He loves to ram-
bio through the byways of literature. Kor
him to visit England Is a delight. He Is
not much of u collector of hooka , Ho has
at homo In Worceitei four or live thousand
volumes , fondlj chosen , it Is true , but con
taining few iue editions or choice bindings
Ho takes pleasure In gathering autograph *
und manuscripts of certain sorts. Ho has
a flno collection of Webster manuscripts ,
and never lets anjthlng relating to the ex
pounder of the constitution escape him. Ho
cherishes every reminder of his grandfather ,
Itoger Sherman Among his treasures Is an
old copy of the Altkcn Dlhlo , which his
grandfather owned The copy lacked a few
pages , nnd ho supplied the lack from an
other Imperfect copy which he picked up
somewhere. Ho loves to fondle this vol-
uniu and tell how much money somobJdy
would like to pay foi It , If U could only
bo bought. In Washington he has only a
few books just enough to cnabln 'aim to do
hln work nt homo.
Senator Hoar lives In a boat ding house
in Wntlilngton. It Is a substantial old place
on K street , nnd the family with whom ho
lives are Cubant > . There are no others In
the house besldi's him and Mis Hoar. Thin
Is In a fnhhlomihle and convenient part of
the town , but there Is un old boarding
house nn an unfashionable street whcro the
senator lived for years boon after ho came
to Washington , vvliich is moro of n home to
him. It is kept by an Ohio woman , whose
single weaknetas In the senator's oyt'b was
that she could not bake a New Hngland
bland of baked beans , nut she puts to
gether n fumoiiH codfish ball , the only ai It-
do of diet of whlid ho Is Inordinately fona.
Ab rtgularlj as Sunday morning comes the
senator appeals nt his old boarding place
for his breakfast of codfish balls. Ho never
misses It. He sang praises of this codfish
ball In ii letter ho wrote when somebody
charged him with being n monopolist and
a f i lend of the trusts.
A flrrat TalUor ,
Senator Hoar's mind is aUuos nt work.
When ho has nothing eUt > for it to do ho
settles himself In a big library clialr and
reads. He U fond , too , of talking anil noth
ing pleases htm more than to weave n chap ,
tor of reminiscences with a congenial friend.
His casual talk Is full of literary and his
torical allusion and of discriminating hu
mor. Ho very rarely writes with hit. own
hand , oven the briefest of notes. Ills pen
manship is su Illegible that there U tcally
| llttla of it In ixlstence aside from bin
counties * slKiiatuies to letter * . Ho keeps
Elegant Stylish Millinery
Hnsln ss lii tlili df-p.ii tnicnt lm boon gv > -
ItiKlth u in b Him i- tin approach nf weathor. inul our irlinmul hats hav *
w n the Jiialin ol all tlio Uin ill.i lidlt <
'Ihr gland niilllniiv dlspliu Is now , il its
host , nnd for .Miuidij and all this v\o .lt
c pei Lilly low pi U i > s
riMJ i.nuuoiiN n VTS
Trlinin tl with cliirfntl , gauze
dc sole , vehit ribbon ,
aigrettes and Mowers
run NOW so port i.vit / \ / \ " n \T
fvo stvlMi In Now Vork Cltv. tilmmul vv'th '
sHt , i lilftnii , wings. llov\er nnd otiiani ills ,
In all beautiful hni moulzing-
> hadeH of viol't. ijiano ,
bluetto and blink f'ir
Monday and all
this vvtfMc at .
sn.oo 'riinninn
fashionably gotten up , with
ililffon. intillnt llmvirs ,
wings and luiekki
rimiiitivs AM )
Titnmun i > nciion\ HATS
Tastofnllv trimmed with
llnwers , ribbon and
UilflVn ,
llntrimmed Hats ,
Tim " !
In white iind all tllo new
shades , sold o.irly In the
RC a on at 51 CO on
sale at .
SALE etsand
It is a well established fact in Omaha and vicinity that \vo do tlio drapery business.
A reading of this advartiaomont anil thini a Blanco at our tjoods will cuoily convince yea
why this is so. Tomorrow wo soil Frank Bros. ' Drapury Department.
$5.00 CURTAINS $1.98 SIO.OO CURTAINS $3.98
We will soil tomorrow all the. Lace Curtains
At this quo uniform price wo will oll.aU the
that Frank Bros , on State struct , Chicago ,
bad marked to bell up to $5.00 pair. There real lai-o Buis-suls Curtains , all the best
are Nottingham Curtains there are Irish grade Irish Point Curtain" , all the line tam
Point Curtains , there are em bour heavily bordered Curtains , all those
broidered Tambour Curtains , soft , lacy Nottingham and heavy Fishnet
also Derby T.ipestry Portieres , Curtain * , alss heavy Portion. " ) , Draperies
. all
Hagdad Couch Covers , etc. ,
and all the oriental eftect
Fiank Bros. ' $ S.OO goods , go at
S19S pair Couch Covers everything
that Frank Bros , sold
All U.elr rutlled Dobinet and milled
Swiss Curtains that sold on State St , up to $10.00 pair ,
Chicago , up to. $2H5 pair , we offer to- HoatS.VJS
mcrrow at $1 50 pair . .
Oinaliii'N IliiHli'Ht Curie ( DI ill * Wnmlrrflll Spi'i'llll
roinorr < MOiilj. .
50 rol's bo t jtrailo Moquette nnd Axmlnster I One snwll lot. 12 rol's , nigelow Ilodv
Caniet. .ill new ISM patterns , hold In I c nriPt there is no better Hodj Itrus-
many storeat $ l.-j y.ird .is a b.ntain sels Carpet mnde , but to clo o It out
wc > offer them tomorrow at we offer tomorrow , as long as It Lists
S5c yard choice at ! " > 9e yard
All the Tapestry Brussels Carp1 t , 25 rolls all wool \trn. heavy C'ntton
worth 75c nnd S3c yard , all new , desir C'huln IiiEr.iln C irpet alw.ijs ti.lls
able patterns. KO tomorrow at at TiOc > aid go fomotrow
4'Jcyard at I9c ! yard
2" > rolls Hartford Ingrain , strictly all S > rolls very heavy t'nlon Ingi.iin
woo i artiet - tlurcIs none bettor at Carpet tomotravv at
nn > prlci w otter tomorrow at
Dm- would bo clie u > at 75c , . 25r yard
All of Frank Brothers"
Wash Embroidery '
it le skein
n Etenogroiiher constantly with him at Ills
hoiiKO and at his committee room , and ho
dictates intormitently as the occasion arise ! ? ,
going from 0110 thing to another in a be
wildering VVIIJ.
llo reads two or three daily newspapers
carefully and watches closely for anything
that Is said of him whether In pi also or
denunciation. He keeps a series of scrap
hooks In which all these tilings n're care
fully preserved and his future biographer
will have ready at hand an unbiased collec
tion of contemporary opinion.
Ho loves the fields and the woods , lie
has a country pluco ut Asnehumsktt , Just
outside of Worcester , where be spends miinj
days of the summer. An eagle 'which hov
ers over this spot he lias coma to regard as
almost his personal property. It was he
who secured legislation for the protection ot
song bllds from the Massachusetts legisla
Senator Hoar's trails have como down to
him from the sturdiest Now England an
cestors. Ho Is the grandson of Iloger Shor-
linn , who signed the Declaration of Inde
pendence. Ills father , Samuel Hoar , waa
driven out of Charleston , S. C. , In 1811 ,
when ho went Kicre us the representative
of Massachusetts to guard the Interests or
free negiocs. Ho Is proud ot Ills ancctary ,
proud of his state and imbued with the tra
ditions of both.
He IB ono of those who grows old grace ,
fully. He Is fond of alluding In a half Jest-
ful way to the past-Ing years.
Ilm IroinniMil ,
Detroit Journal : "I wonder , " mused the
Lady Figure , "why It Is that the Irian are
seldom two-faced ? "
The Unconscious Imbecile simulated a thin
pretense of calmness.
"Well , ono face Is enough for the map of
a small country like Ireland ! " ho urged.
As for the others , they were very angry ,
yet they could not deny the profound effect
of phjsteal environment upon character.
Cleveland 1'laln Dealer : "Aim high , "
cried the clerical visitor as be endeavored
to reuse the moral ambition of the bright-
faced Sunday school lads und lassies before
him. "Aim high ! "
"Not much , " Interrupted a small boy on
the front bench , "that's what th' Spaniards
did , un' bou what happened to them ] "
All of Frank Brothers'
Darning Cotton
five cards-
for 1 c
Growing Industry on Several Islands Off the
South Coast of Alaska.
NNfil I In- i\prrliiii-iilnl Stagp anil
IN lli'tMiiuliit ; I'riilllalilt * Hi-tiiriiH
fiom tln > llliic Kmri > I'rin-
IIIK .SatlNfarlory.
Inci easing demand for flno fur fiklns ,
taken with the decreasing supply , has led to
the establishing of now Industries in thu
nature of raising the animals from which
these skins are taken. The great value
of the furs , offering rare opportunities for
piollt , Is the motive which prompts men
to enter Into this nuw Held , which to un
extent is untried , with results problem
Ono iff these companies Is the Somldl
I'ropagatlng company , with olllcrs In Now
Vork City , while Its Held of operations
Is on the Iblands off the south coast of
Alaska. The president of this company
Isv , D Taylor of Omaha , who might
truthfully bo said to have been the organUer
of the concern. M. L. Wnshburn Is vice
president and manager , with headquarters
at Kodiak , Alaska , and Byron Andrews of
Washington , D. C. , Is secretary and treas
urer. The company's main object Is the
propagation of blue foxes , although It has
nlEo been experimenting with the silver
gray fox.
The company has secured a perpetual
lease from the United Slates government
of five IslandB North Semldl , South Semldl ,
Ukahmok und Long Island , devoted to the
blue fox , and Marmot to silver grays. The
three first named ore from sixty to eighty
miles wc t of Kudlak Island , off the south
coast of Alaska , and the other two are from
six to twelve miles from Kodluk.
dux ! Vriir' fulrli ,
The total catch of blue foxes In the world
for IStib was -1,173 sklna. The parent Islands
for the blue fox are St Paul's and St.
George. In Bering Boa , belonging to the
I'nited States and '
government C'opper and
lienug Islands in the west portion of Her-
Ing sea , in Russian terrltoij They aio
the only seal breeding inlands In the world.
Prom these four Iblands Is taken fine-half
the blue fox catch In the woild. The rosi
of It comes fiom the Hudson Ilav coun
try and the noithuin petitions of British
America , and fiom the propagating Islands
off the Houth coast of Alaska.
In 1881 , while Mr Tnjlir was acting as
special agent for the Treasury dop.irtment
on the neal Islands of Alaska , he had fre
quent conferences with a representative of
the Alaska Commercial company and with
.Mr. Iloardman , editor of the 1'Itlslmrg
I'enny I'riss , and they conceived the Idea
of transplanting the blue fox from St. George
Island to the Alaskan archipelago.
In the fall of IkM they transplanted thnlr
lint lot They took Uvcntj-one blue foxes
from St. Geoigc and tinned them lorao on
North Seniidl Island Nothing moro was
Uono with them until 1SS7 , when they began
to propagate for thu furs. They engaged thu
natives to c-.iro for thu anlmuiH. The next
year-they transplanted more to South Semldl
and two years later transplanted to Ukah-
mok and Long Island. Slnro that tlmo they
have been feeding the animals and giving
them considerable attention , erecting build
ings of all kinds to care for them properb.
The first killing was In 1S91 and then only
male foxes were taken of sutllclent s\ec \ to
Infiuro good pelts. Ono out of every Bovon
was liberated for breeding purposes None
of the females were killed. The animal
catch haa steadily Increased until last year
2'J3 blue fox skins \\cru taken , nnd a nmall
number of silver grajn. The value of the
latter Is shown by a sale made a few weeks
ago at the London auction house , where one
silver gray was sold for fl.700. ThU skin ,
however , was tint one of thc o shipped by
the Semldl company.
When thu company flint took possession
of the Island * , they were almost barren ana
were worthless for any other jntrpojo except
that for which they are now used The
government of the United States about ten
years ago , to encourage the Industry and to
give employment to the natives , who are
virtually wards of the govcininent. gave the
company the exclusive privilege of the uae
of tluao Islands. The Icatu Is of Indefinite
duration , and in consideration therefor , the
company pay * the government a curtain sum
every jear
When It became apparent that the Industry
was to be a success thu native * , nnd many
of the whltu people. purcha cd young blue
foxes from this company and traii > j anu < 1
thorn to other UlluuJs iu thu neighborhood
THE GREAT BIG SHOE Pot Kninl. ton Un Hmk s '
TowrN ,
IX THK p o
Ml the 2V Turk
Isli low eh from
Pi .ink Hros
MONDAY stuck , go at
Knot ted l-'rlngcil
D.nniiKlv Towels
from FianK Hros.
Btoi K worth up
to fiOc
Inc. lc ! ) & 25c-
! > i IIKOS Lonsdale
m Muslin from tlio
' *
I'mnk Hros
i toi k full pieces ,
no remnants ,
buy all > ou want
at , juid
6,000 PAIRS
All Table Oil
v cloth fiom the
v BHHwiD
} rrank Bros. '
5 stock as long as it
lasts , > ard.
All the Fancy
White Goodn fiom
ON BARGAIN SQUARES Block the Frank , Dimities BIOS , '
striped , checked
and plaid Nain
seek , o\orythliiB
at , yard
Frank nros. ' No
200 Long Cloth ,
thulr prlco $1 10
bolt , our pi Ice ,
bolt 70c
-10-Inch White
Lawn from the
Frank Hios '
stock , their price
10 j-ards Calico
DICSH I'atteniH
Four Dollar Quality fiom the Trank
Urns ' at < uk , pat-
Bicycle Ecols urn
Any si/o any width black or tan.
All the dress bli _
from the Frank
Bros' stock , go at
'Jc a set , Frank Bros'
price 1 So
until ilfteon Islands are now exclusively
uud In propaKatliiK the blue fox. Thi
ciiti-h from all the Islands last jear v .ls
about , ' )00 Hkiiib. one-eighth of the world's
tntch. The uitch this year vxlll piobably be
Incteased J' jier cent.
IVdllllK tillAlllllllllM. .
The matter of fi ed for the fo.x was one of
thu great nn blenib nlilch confronted the
company. It ie < | iilred a largo amount of ex
perimenting and tlio spending of miien
money. It u.-i.s determined after many trials
that Halted salmon and slums made the most
satisfactory food , They have a cooked food
which In pi i pared evury day. The animals
me only fed thiotigh four mouths of the
> ear , belrg able the rest of the time to take
care of theii.sclvm. Food Is given them nt
I o'clock overjnf tot noon. U U put Into
troughs and the animals tome after It us
regularly as do rattle , hoi'j or sheep. As
many as 200 hnvo been cjunted fettling HI
one tmo. |
The trapping heason Is Interesting. A box
trap is used with , i dead fall. Homo .iro
largo enough for thieo or four foxes , and
others will take twelve. The trapping Is
done In the months of December and Jiuiu-
ar > - . None but prlmo eklns are taken. They
arc hung up In warehouses , cleaned and
dried until the following aunitnerhcn they
are shipped to Kodlnk. From there they
are shipped to Kan Francisco , and then to
an auction hniiKO In London , where they arc
sorted as to tilze , color and quality , placed
In corrcspi tiding bundles and ' .atulogucd and
numbeied for the annual fur sales In Mai oh.
Furriers from all over thu world attend
these Bales.
The fckln of the blue fox Is used prln-
clpall ) in Ruhsln and Franco , where furs
are more popular In trimmings nnd decora
tions than in other countries. Their prin
cipal nte Is for cloak nnd dreKB trimmings
nnd they are nuld to bo the most beautiful
fur In the world for that purpose. Few of
them are sold In this country , owing to thu
great expense The value of this fur In
creased - ' " > per cent last jear and hag In
creased 110 per cent this year.
Thu Industry has passed thu experimental
stage. Mr. Taylor , pinaldent of thu com
pany , says It haR been proven that the blue
fox can bn cultivated , and while It means
an cnormoiig expense , the fur U of emh
value that the roturiu are gatlnfactory. The
experiment * with the bllver nray fox. how
ever , have not been a miohg They cannot
bo domesticated and will not breed when
i removed lr m their native Ibland This
I company baa spent thousandu of dollars ox-
All llio line rubber
dressing combs from
the Frank Bros'
wtock , their price
\\as 2fu , go at
perlmenting with this fox , and has about
abandoned that Held to give Us until o lima
and attention to the blue fox.
I , \ IIOIIM > 1MU STin.
Japan has TiO.OOO women cotton opeiatlvoi
Advances In wages lontinilu to bo tlc | older
of the day. concerns In the Iron In
dustry have made a second advance
Wo have now In this country over 27.000
power looms for broad Hllk weaving and
( i.OOO power looms for ribbon weaving.
The Canadian Dry ( loads Kovlou sa >
American maniifuctuierH of silk nnd felt hata
are cutting out thu Kngllsh goodu in the
American silks mills now supply tun-
thlids of thu homo mnikot. It Is alho sufo to
say that thu American mills now coiiHiime nt
least 25 per cent iinmmll ) of the untlio
world's surplus prodmtlon of raw Hill.
The linentlnn of a imichlno whlih will
automatically fold , wiap und address HOWH
papers Is annoiinied It U.IH rcconily tested
in Ncnv Vork and fouml in ho a phenomenal
sumKs. Two men can operate six nuiuhinoa ,
theieby doing the wolii of twenty-four men ,
Thu machine will MHIII bu put on the maikct
Notwithstanding lulvamed priicb heavy
contiaclH for the export of steel lails are
announced from day to day. A Halt imon
dispatch announces that the Miuyland .Steel
uoik.s aru to innko 7r.,000 . tons of rails foi
the Manrhurlun branch of the gieat Slberimi
The Jiipaneso have of late years becnmo
laiger COIIHUIIIITS of our wlie n.illu Our
fiu tinles nn the 1'aclfh' coaut have bien kojii
busy milking nails Hperhilly .idnpled to Jnp-
iiiif o retiulinmcnts Only Herman inanu-
fiii'iiiiPiH have iompoied for this trade but
this country has sold n hundred tons whuie
the ( jurmans have been .thlo , to bell ono
The rmont Inirciibc * In tfio wages .if tlio
cotton opeiutlvim of Now England in but oi > u
of.thu many Hlgns thin ptoupeiouu tlmeH am
ahcail of us The Imroauo of tuigis In this
Industry will amount to more than ? 7 ouu
weekly In Now Ilnglund , writes M A Mur
phy In the Now Kngland Printing Tiado
Journal. This inonuy will not be Idle it
means the immufHcturo of more iloiluog
shous , in fact , everything that tends to iu < il.a
the living of the wugu-oarner more Lumfort-
The output of raotulB In Canada for 18i8 !
has been reported to thu Slate depaiinicnt nt
Washington. The total la put at | jt ( . ; . : ru.
The gold amounted to JKUOO.ouo ir nhui !
$10,00(1,000 ( fumu fiom the * Yi k' n dlBtn t
Silver caino to lib ml f'j , < , ou,0uii topixr ,
2Si,5Sfl ] ! ; nickel , ! lt > 20,83K. load Jl 2 < H ; T < 'i
and Iron { 152MO The production of coiijirt
luis incrtahed lonuldi i ibl > but llui it t j'l
h.iH filli'ii orf bu hua th uuiput uf bihvr
ud u&bi atu .