THE O FATTA T > ATT/V NEE : STT-TDAT * 2H , is . SPECIAL NOTICES I VilM'HI * < 'iiii'iit * lor tlirsr Milt In- nl < rn iitilll IB in. for ( lie cvrnlUK rdltluti mul niilll KiIHI p. ! for tiiiirnliiK nnil Mn nil ny Mlltlonx. ttnlc * I l-ir ! n wiinl llrnl limcrtlotn i Ic' n iroril Ilii-rrnflrr. > otliltiK InUen for Irs * tlinii a..i for tinHrl In . ! - ( lon. 'Mime mil rrllsniH'iitH iniixt lie run t'Oiiii'i'iillvi'l- . \ lv Tlli'r . li.v r < * itirlliiK | n tiiiin- ln-roil i'li M'l. , i > ii ii lunr iui trr nil- ilr < " .nrd lo n iitiiulii-rril IctK-r In Purr of TliiHIT. . AIHHHTM u nililrrniii'il 11 III lie ilcllrrrrd on prrnotiinllaii of I IKI'll IT U only. I WA.VTni ) SITiATUt5. ; | ' MAIIA Employment Bureau. 110 N. 16. Tel. ; .u. Help fu.-nished. positions procured. A 6S3 A HrRNtOcTlAl'HRTl When you wnnt one ! r.'i- . call up the H mlngton typowrltcr I ofl ! < p , 1C19 Farnam St. , telephone , 1573. , | A CSo I \ \ \NTED. slluntlon on ranch by Intel'lgent mini 32 yearn old. Address August Hebe , l > .i.lwood. H. D. A-MMC 24 * _ \VANTED. Hltimtlon ns housekeeper by in- Hlgent middle ag d Oprinan widow ; good 'iik ' ; ranrli preferred. Mrs. Rot-Mur , -adwood , S. n. A MS3i 24 * .SITUATION wanted by single man , ngod .TI university graduate , rpllable , hustler , ' " > experience ; any honorable employ- nn > nt. XS/Ucp. A-390-23 * INGLE man. aged 30. university graduate. tiltured. going'to ' Calfornln , serks method lo clear traveling expenses ; would accom pany Invalid. X 3. BN. A-359-23 * YOfNO attorney wants position with estab lished law llrm. Begin on moderate com pensation. References Riven. Address X i : ( , Hoe. A-3SS 23 * l.AI > Y stenographer wants permanent em- I'l'-vment ' ' - or piece work. Hoom 58 , ( Central lintel , 15th and Dodge A-G03 23' VKUY competent Indy stenographer , with hl hPMt rrference , wishes a position. X ji Hoe. A-4S023 * C'lMPETMNT ' Gorman girl want * work by th- ' day ; any kind of housework ; Rood M-fVranciS. 311 So. SSth St. . In rear. A--M171 25 * ANTED-Sltuatlon by roistered drug . h rk. eight years' experience. Phnrma- i , Care It. W. Walton , 16th and Webster S'i . Umnlio. Neb. A I3C-23 * \ \ \NTliD. a plarc to do bousework by a I.L lj with a girl 4 years old. Address Hex UmHrwood , la. A 027 23 iJD MAI.K III3I.P. WANTED , we have steady work for a few K "id bustlers of good habits and appear- on. . P. C. F Adams Co. , 1610 Howard St. B-346 SALESMEN for clears , $123 month and ex- P-nsns ; old llrm ; experience unnecessary ; Inducements to customers. C. C. Bishop & Co , St. Louis , Mo. B CSS WANTED Sinn In every county to sell the "Host" I-can-lescent Gas Light Fixtures ; mikes own gas. 105 candle power , light i liour.i for 1 cent. The Best Incandescent Light Co. . 31S'S So. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb. B M413-A-23 TWO salesmen , salary or com. 4 Ware Hlk. B 775 MHN to learn barber trade. Write , for free . ii.iloguo. Western Barber Institute , Omaha. B M713 AVANTED. three thoroughly experienced li.irdware and tinware men ; must linvo Ind several yenrs' experlpnce ; will not t.ilk with man unless they understand this nuslnPHU perfectly ; must bo good tock keepers , pleasant and affable salPS- m-'ii : want men who arc looking for -ii-idy employment In this line ; Rood salaries after your ability and worth Is demonstrated ; names and addresses of references must accompany your applica tion or no attention will be paid to same. Address W C3 , Bee odlce. B-M79S PANTSMAKER wanted at once. Gust Abr.ihamson , Holdrege , Neb. H M787 23 * AVANTED Experienced salesmen ; those h.ivlnR had wuccessful road experience only. Good olinncc for Rood men ; IBTBO ami reliable , business hous' ' ' . Answer , Rlv- IIIR IIRO , pxpTlonco and salary expected. Address W fi > , Bee olllce. B SOI 2G AVANTBD , men sellltiR charts and school Riinplii-t In Nebraska to write the Diamond mend Publl.'blnff Co. , 100 N. 2d St. . Min neapolis , .Minn. B-M78G 2G" WANTKD , pants , kne < pants and child's Jftcketmakfrs ; also baHters for ready made c-lolliliiR ; work steady ; work thi ) year iiround and union wapes. Wrlto or apply Colorado Clothing MfR. Co. , 1229 15th Bt. , Denver. Colo. B-MS1S 23' A GOOD coat maker wanted at otice. Ad dress Mumby & Harrison , Atlantic. Ta. B-MS172S * WANTKD Two Rood aRentR. We pay sal- und commission. 415 Sheely. J. II. Smith. 11-825-27 * MKN to learn barber trade. AV1I1 assist with transportation tills month , Rive com- ] 'eli > ntitlH of toolf , allow commission and i-iy $15 weekly when competent. Two months comleteH. | Two years saved. C'an't fiipply demand for Rradnates. Write nt mice. Moler Barber CollcRf. Chicago , 111 n-MSIB 27 * WANTKD. plasterers , new Capital building , Santa 1V , New Mexico. Lennox & llalde- imin. Santa Fe. New Mexico. Tl MSI I 2.1 * WANTBD A irood man to take clmrRO of the work and management of a llrst class fntcrnn ! bi'iicllt Horlety in Nebraska. An A No. 1 cuntrart to the rlglit man. Ad- dre H W. K. Von Dusko , General Manage ment. AVInnnbago City , Minn. H-396-2U * BOYS In eVerv city and town to pass bills ; ROIM ! pay. Jtoynl Gum Co. , Chicago , III. H-335-23 * OiiVKRNMBNT positions. Don't prepapf f..1 . . any civil service examination without "iilng our Illustrated catalogue of Infor- nittlnn. Sent froo. Columbian ( -"orrespond- ' lu't' C'ollt'ue , Washington , D. C. H 391 23 * KNIOHOHTIC saldMiian. Scliool supp'.les. ' niiitry work ; $ IOi ) wilary and extras. It. o. KV.IIW & Co. , Chicago , 111. AN EXPERIENCED saUxman , knowing H'imetliing ' of medical matters preferred , i' res > resviit the Inlprests of an old- t ibllsliPd llrm ; good Income ; iKrmnnent ng.igement. Full iiartlculnrs lo Box 1552 , Pbilnilelphln. 11-392 21 * H\I.I' > .MKN. to SpllTotlt LedRPrs. It'fiiriU ' nnil other oillc- specialties : line > il line. * . I'cM-Hhlnn CMfg. Co. , Ilnx li , South 'Bend. Ind. B 131 \ \\TKD. . Wo will pay any gentleman or i niv for llvp hours' work , Introdnc- tnu niir spei'lal cut prlcn sheet miiKlo to niflr friends ; no money rpiiulreit. Clark iMui-.r < ( ! . , 21 ( Jlilnry St. . Chlcairo. H-130 23 * WANT to pstabllsh agency In your city for I.tkko. the only cleaner In tht world that li'-nrn "Sapollo.1 I.ekko Mfg. Co. . Chicago. 11-4.13 H * WANTUD Nainoi op rupturfsl pee | > lp.'e . i in- rupture fivu to Introduce our niPtliod. IT. Splurs. CO Main St. , WcHtbrooh. Mt > . \ \ \NTHO , up-lo-iliilp , luistllng , Hporl.illy milkman : bv a largp Concern ; good tcr- niuiy and big pay to the right man. Ad- ' . T 30. UPC. B ANTED , englneerH and ( lrvmn send 23c r > r ii 21-pngH pamphlet containing a llxt < ! quuBtloiiH asked by 1111 iixiuuliilnu- board < ' miglneertt. Addrews Geo. A. Xcller. liniikst'llpr. IK S. Ith tit. , HI. Louis , Mo. M ntlon Beo. B AVANTIID-fioveral trustworthy persons to maniign our luminous in their own and nearbv countlPK ; mainly odlcn work , con ducted at homo ; salary straight , i9'H ' ) u M'-u and PMICIIHIcllnlir. : . bona tide sal ary , no more , no Irs * nalary ; references ; The Dominion C-ompany , Depi. R , c'hicago' ANTED , bnkur. J. O. Bnhdp , Walino , Nob. B-MIS7 S9 \ \ AN'TI'JD. good upholHttiror and onrpot lay 'r Apply to Ktorkert ( Jnrpet company , I * West Broadway , Council Bluff * ll-M&U WANTWD. Omnhii mamiKer .tuporlntond- CIM Ibis diptrlct HlPiidy position , unlurr uromptly. aiH'onlliiK to nbi'lly. Onv hun- < lr u | dollar * niianiiitu * . ' rai > ltal rr < iulri'.l. X . Bc. B- 4 M AVANTED. reliable man with live to ncven hundrtrl to romplrt my enterprise. Money doubled 4 timed llrst year. Guuntnt-o < i XM , " B-62J AVA\Tin MALI : 111:1.1 * . i BOM3S' SHOHTHAND FC1KK > I , , HKK HL'ILDINIJ. IN fF5SRION ? AM. SUM.MKH. DKI.IOMTFL'1. UI.ACi : To ? Tt'DY. Til" m < ifl popu ar ami sti < "ce 'ful frhool dp- s. . 'i-d exclusively to yhnrlhind nd ty | > * - wrltms. Cull and * ef our equipment nnd special fn- flllilPH for th rnpld tralnliiK of llr. t class sti noKrapher. " . Ask to ci"- list of cnlls for st-noRraphers from Omnha'a lewdlng bu.l iii-rti mf.n during last rnw months. Four falls Monday of thin week. Hcwtillt * . speal : : oudcr than word . Get circulars and par- llrulars. H-391-S8 * THAVBL.1NO men deslrltiK good side line will do well to correspond with I'eop'.o's I'ub. CM. , 3913 Market St. , I'ttlwdelphlo , LEARN sign painting In two hours ; good paying business ; no fraud ; samples , in structions , etc. , lOc. City Sign Co. , Spring- Held , Ohio. B-3S1 23 * WANTED , nn experienced millinery traveling - ing nnlMmnn to work Nebraska. Addres * * Box 1127 , DOS Molnes , In. U-M1M 25 INTELLIGENT men of good address , If you want to make more money call nnd examine our l.OOO.O&O reference work ; ex clusive territory to right part lei ; get your money every week In full. Funk ( t Wag- nails Co. , 311 MnCaguo Bldg. , Omaha. B-472 23 * 6AI.BSMBJC $4 < X ) a month nnd all expenses guaranteed selling merchants Arctic Hi- frlgeratlng Machines for cooling refrig erators , KUnraniect ] 76 per cent chnper than ICP. Kxcluslvr territory assigned. Arctic Hefrlgpratlng Co. , Cincinnati , O. It 131 2J * 1IUSTLKHS u-nnted everywhere to tack Blsns , distribute circulars , simples , etc. ; no canvassing ; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau. Chicago. B 137 23 * IIOMn work , J7 week salary ; 20c silver for work to begin with1 at once. Address V. L. Co. . box 855. Fullcrton , Neb. B-50G 23 * THAVELING salesman to handle good sldo Address X 30 , Bee. B-M520 29 n iini.r. WANTBD-100 Rlrls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S78. C CS9 WANTED , a good girl to wash and Iron In small family. Mrs. G. K. Prltcbett , 2121 Cass Bt. C MS23 23 WANTED , girl general housework , small family , modern hou. = e ; wages , $4.00 week. C.1 I 314 S. 33rd St. C-MM9 23 * WANTBD Experienced salesladp | In the Jewelry department at Boston Store. J. L. Brandels & Sonc , proprietors. C S2S 23 COMPETENT second girl immediately : Jl per week. C3l Paxton blk. C 1S2 23 WANTBD. middle-aged woman ; good pay for faithful services ; wholesale houses Ad dress X 5 , Bee. C MSl2I ( ! WANTED Good cook. Call 2001 ! Sherman avenue. C ? C2 2,1 * WANTED Two experienced dining room girls at the J3oyd hotel , I lncoln. Neb. C-SGO 21 * URL , general housework. 2020 St. Mary's ave. C S5.1 WANTKD Girl for general housework. Apply Monday. 2407 N. 22nd.C C 400 23 * AT UNION Depot Hotel , nn experience * ! second cook. C 399 23 * WANTED Good girl for general house work. 521 Williams , Mrs. H. Hopkins. C SOS 2.1 * WANTED Ivarty with long hair to assist with new toilet article. X 12 , Boo. C 297 23 * IjADY agents wanted for a line of quick selling , profitable ladles' specialties. Jos eph Co. , manufacturers and Importers , 325 Broadway , Now York. C 3S2 2,1 * CORRESPONDENTS wanted to furnish Items of Interest ; also M s. L/lbora' pay. Enclose stamp for instructions. Register Company , Chicago. C 383 23 * 10 NEAT , ofllclent Rlrls , with references , for Reneral housework ; no others need apply ; wages J4 to $3. C3L 1'axton blk. C-4S1 2,1 SICIRT and waist hands and apprentices. Lowdell & Darrlngdale , cor. Park ave. and Leavenworth ; over dniR store. C 175 23 * YOUNG girl to do errands and assist some in honsQ : must Bleep at homo. Lowdell & Darrmgdale , I.euvenworth and Park avu. ; over drug store. C 174 23 * YOUNG ladles employed In stores , factorin and public places can learn of a pleiiant way of IncreasliiR Income without leaving present position ; no canvawslnK. Address Carr & Company. Stelrtway Hall , Chicago. 111. C IC.1 23 * LADIES everywhere as prlvatn local cor respondents , to collect addresses , etc. : good pay : permanent engagements ; will not Interfere with otlvr work ; enclose stampwl envelope. Addresi Mrs. Predn. May , Supt. South Bend Sanitarium ( Inc. under state laws ) , South Bend. Ind. C 131-23 * WANTED One or two .ndlce. well ac- ilimlntfd , to assist In forming reading clulw. Addrens X 17 , B"o. C 130 2.1 * WANTED , experienced waist hand. 2217 California. Apply Monday. C 510 23 * uni.p WANTED , men and women In every town to work for us at their homes ; J9.00 to $15.00 weekly ; no canvassing ; splendid op portunity ; write at once. Standard Mfg Co. . 142 Woat 23d St. . New York City. FOIl HKXT IIOUSRS. CHOICE houses and cottages nil over city. f5 to J75. Fidelity , 1st lloor N. Y. Life D-C43 HOUSES. Bcnpwa & Co. , 100 N 15th St D-690 ALWAYS moving household goods nnd planon. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511V. Fnrnam. Tel. 1559. D C91 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D-C92 8-ROOM house , bath , furance , $20.00. 314 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D S25 : ? OH RENT Houses lu all parts of city. Tlia O. F , Davis Co. , 1505 Farnnni St. D 93 HOUSES for rent ; a specialty made of looking after property of non-residents. J. II. Sherwood , 423 NY. Life. D-ftH MAOfJARlrS Van and Storage. 117 N. 15th. Tel. 110-1. D-C97 FO R RENT , X027 Chicago st. , rooms , mod ern $30 ; BSI S. 2.sth KU S rooms , modern , S2S ; smaller houses , $2 up. Rlngwalt Bros. , Barker blo-k. D-.MMG 12-ROOM modern brick house at ifi N. 25th at. Inqulro next door aouth. D M172 MODERN brlclt 10 rooms , laundry and overv oonvcnlencc , clstorn , full cellar , luird wood doors and llnlsh. No. 1031 S. SOtli AVP. W. D. Mead , Jr. D-SCT-i.l * EIGHT-ROOM moilcrn house nnd barn ; U > ain heat ; newly lilted up. Price $ iu P-T innnth. Apply to J .A. Scott In Omaha National bank. D-410-23 FOR RENT , strictly modern lint In Davldge 4ililg. . opponlte city hall. May 1. John Robblnx , UffJ Farmun St. D 45S HI.WOAiNT C-room cottage ; no modern Im provements ; 2117 Davenport jit. : large yard and stable. Inquire Jos. Goldsmith. 1UM Douglas st. D-PiTO 28 FOR IUNT-3-room cottage for fG n month , No. 1407 South liith trcet. Inquire .loj , ( ioldHinlth , 110:1 : Douglas nt. D-37n 23 7-HOOM house , gas , bath , SSth and Popple- ton live. Thou. H. Fell , 313 Brown blk. AFTER May 1 to Hmall family without children nicely furnished S-room house ; choice location : walking distance ; ta.0 ( per month. O. H. Schon biiHlnpss olllce , Ili'O Pub. Co. D-MI97-.J5 * WHILE the Inmlly are abroad the fur nished homo of J. W. Squire. 203 Story mrcwt. Council Bluffs , will bo for rent for years. House has nine roomi * . heated by hot water. Every modern con venience. DJ37 1IG9 SOUTH 17th t. , 10 room , city water In v.iid good condition : $20 per month. OfO. Forgan , S16 N. V. Life nidg.D D M415 FOR RENT. 14-room house. 4.1d & Cumlng Six. ; gultnbh ) for two families. A. P. Tuktiy. Hoard of Trade. D Ml TO RENT Until July 1st. to small family without chllitrfii , four room * and bath , fui'iilwliod for huu.'okvopliig ; central ; do- Mli-Ablf. J20.0D. Address with refer ! ' ' , X 1. Bee. D-629-23 * itr.vT HOI n i. NINE-room modern house , n wly papered And wt xl revarnlshed. $3S ' > per month , i M . J. Kennurd & Son , 310 Brown block. ' D-M3TO i MfiDERN 9 or 10-room brick house ; close , In ; vacant May 1st ; JM.uu. J. II Sher wood , 43 N. Y. Life. D-731 NINE-room house , modern In every re- i spect. xcr iient repair , J40.00 per month. M. J. Ktnnard & Son , 310 Urown block. ! D-MSSl LARGE , handsome home of A. V. Hopkins , n a. 21st , large barn , lease. 36 V. S. Unk. bids. fo M77224 FOR RENT , at SIS So. 2 th M. , rooms fur- nlshPd or unfurnished , without baird ; east front. Telephone 153" " ! . E 61S 23' TWO nicely furnished rooms , at 2013 Cass slrot. E-R2S FOR RENT , one of those benutlful Nor- mandiu npartmcntt can be rmtrd ; 7 rooms ; everything modern. Payne-Harder Co. D-MSIS 23 MINK-ROOM house , 4007 Webster , modern , perfect repair , $13.w. Inquire nt 4S2fi Cans. D-SS4-2J * HorSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Bronnan-Lov * Co. , 919 South 16th St , D-638 _ iR MODERN ; water ton. nnd gas. $20. 1 F. D. Wead , 10th and Douglas. D S71 2S i FOR RENT. 3027 Chicago St. , S rooms , mod ern. J3rt ; small r houses. $2 up. Rlngwalt Bros. , Barl'-r block. D-M146 I NEW C-R modern cottage ; S. front ; near motor , $20. 2710 Parker. D-S69 ! 3.10 NO. 35th. S-r. nnd barn , mnd. , $26. 5 3 Sio. 2Sth. 11 r. , mod. , hr. J3o. Store rooms (2) ( ) , 33d and L av nworth. 3G U. fl. National Bank bldg. D-492 2S 6 rooms , cdty water , llth and Marcy st. , $10.00. 1915 S. 10th st. , 10 rooms , entirely modern , now furnace ; now being put In thorough repair ; par.ered and painted ; J3000 per month. Will rent to one family only. 70S S. 29th St. . Inrg- house ; will repair to suit ; $50.0-1 - per month. 2012 Seward ; city water ; $10.00. 825 > S. isth st. , I rooms : J'.mt. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 16th and Douglas Sts. D M416 M416Co. HOUSES for rent by R. C. PMors & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. Elegant 0-room house , lot 90x170 , with barn , line , natural shade trees , J35 per month. Eight-room modern houpo , furnished , vicinity Hnnscom park , J50. Nine-room modern h'ouse , at 2S26 Capitol avu. Good condition. Only $27,50. Eight-room house , with barn , at 2116 Calif ornia st. , $30. House will be painted. 6-room flat , at 2912 Farnam St. , newly pa pered , only $15.00. 4-rOom lint , corner 5th and William sts. , only $5.00 per month. R. C. PETERS & CO. , 1702 Farnam SL , Bee Bldg. Tel. SOS. D-521 23 FOR IlKXT KimXISHEIJ ROOMS. 3 NICE rooms ; housekeeping. 1112 S.ll. E 3S6 ROOMS , modern. KSO Harney st.E . E M393 23 * FRONT rooms , modern , $1.BO up. 514 N. 19. E M17S M12 * ELEGANT furnished rooms cheap , with or without board. 118 So. 26th St. St.E E 424-A30 FURNISHED room ; everything new nnd first-class ; 1811 Cass. Mrs. Reed. E M763 26 * TWO pretty summer bedrooms , Just fur nished , quiet business men ; close in , Ka. < , bath ; reasonable. Inquire oftloo 16 , second lloor Crounso Block. E 782 190G CAP. AVE. , rooms. E M7S3 26 * 1S1G DODGE , choice front rooms with board. E M796 23 MAKE the undersigned an offer on lot 9. block IS. Orchard Hill. Omaha. H. C. Choyney. Sioux Olty , la. E MS47 2S THREE furnished rooms for houwkeeplng : man and wife ; rent takeh In board. 319 N. 17th. 13 861 FURNISHED room for 2 respectable , gentla- men or man and wife ; board If preferred. 2021 California. E-M17024 * KORone - gontl iman , walking distance , modern. X 25 , Bee. E MI95 27 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2MB Douglas.E . E 402 23 * NICELY furnished room for gentliMimn ; modern ; private family ; no children ; can have use of 'piano. 22.13 Farnam street. E M402 > LARGE furnlshfd front room , S7IO Howard St. ; reference required. E M312 2-1 * FURNISHED rooms , with or without board ; best location. 204 S. 2Cth st. E-611 23 FOR RENT. on < or two furnished roomo , bath , gas , no children. Addivi s R Roe office , Council Bluffs. E 52fi 23 I-'llltXISIIRIl HOO.1IS AXn IIOAltn. NICELY furnished rooms , Bteam heat , free bath , $1.50 per week and up. Klondike hotel , 16th and Wbster St * . F 69S GLENCAIRN , transients $1.25 day. 1C03 Douglas. F 699 DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con veniences ; best location In city. 212 S. 2oth St. F 431 REASONABLE rntes , Clover Hotel. 1618 Harney F S27 A30 * FURNISHED rooms , modern. 524 S. 26 Ave. F M991 My3 * LARGE front room , furnished or unfur nished. Utopia , 1721 Davenport.FMS31 F-MS31 2S * A HANDSOME large front room with board ; references. 202 N. IStli street. F-MR30 26 PLRASANT room , wither - without board , modern house on car line , near llnnncom Park. Address W 4R , Bee. F IS3 23 FOII nnxr uxi Tit.\isiii-i > noo.iis. MAY 1 , entire second door , 3 rooms , nlcovo and horcolaln bath ; modern ; tileph'one ' ; doUicliPd brick ; no children. Addrep * X 13. Bee. f ; _ i- . ; ! SUITE unfurnished front rooms ; call Sun day or evening. 2215 Howard. G IS2 23 FOUR very desirable unfurnished rooms on Pnrnnin car line ; gns and bath ; low rent. IGlfi S. 10th i-t. G 476 23 * 3 IROOMS , 70S S. 17th St. O M467 MC2 * FOIl HP.XT STOIIKS AM ! OPPIOHS. FOR RENT , store In flrst-claso location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C , Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bee V > ldR. 1 701 FOR RENT , n ground floor olllce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply It. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Boo building. 1-702 ONE good odlce of 2 rooms to rent In Con tinental Blk. , ITith and Douglas , $23. Phvsl- clan preferred. Will arrange to suit. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16lh & Douglas. I-S19 FOR RENT 'Basement ' room with complete equipment for butter working. P. C ? . Ur- lau , EttJ S. 13th st. 1-10.1 2.1 * AiiXTS WAXTKI1. DRSK room for rent on ground door Bos Building. Farnam street side ; rent reason able. Apply R. C. Pntcrs Co. , Bee Build- Ing. J M413 AGENTS , ladles for chlrt waist and klrt supporters ; outllt free to agents. Other article * . L. Nltschelm , t783r.l ! ! . . < 'hlcugo. J )6l ) 2J * $5 TO $ S per day to exnerlonced traveling salesmen by a reliable old established house ; references required. Anie-rlcnn Novelty Co. . Cincinnati , O. J LADY agentH. If you want the bsst money maki-rs. you muat have our Hygela BUT- trie CorsetH and Skirts ; the smndard for twenty year * . Addrw AVwturn Comet Co. , St. LouU. Mo. j- AG10NTS I jdy OKPIUH ; free wtnple outfit nnd catalogue of our AOO Nvoiucn'ti nnd chlldren'ti nccL-t ary i > pe < NUltle8 : our agenu make .is high j { tu : woeUly. Vtiuu Mfg. Co. . Chlcauo. J A\ 1'OHTRAIT agpiits ave big money gtttlne nur wholesale prices on portraits and fr .m ! . The Grove. Art Co. . 29S Fifth nve. , ( "hlcnso. J AGENTS wanted ; Japanese Transparent Photo Pocket Mirrors. A picture hidden from nil tyes except vour own. Sample IfV. Terry Mfg. Co. , 1 W. Rulidolph St. , Chicago. J AGENTS-For BrllHant Gasoline Gas lamp , $2 to JS prollts Mcli lamp. Brllllnnt Gas Lamp Co. , 4S Clark St. , Chicago. 111. SAMPLE case free ; agents sell our big line itrt chcmlRraph't nnd pastel facsimiles , pictures , figures , landscapes , dowers and fruits , new fntnllv record , memorials , etc , Write nt once for catalogue , patriotic Art and Book Co. , 120-122 Randolph St. , Chicago. J 1lLr ! ' _ AGE-NTS wnnt'il. Ten first class Insurance acents can make $110 per month an < l com mission reprf sent Ing old reliable beni/ilt / society. J. \ \ . Cooper , Union Trust Bide. , St. Louis. Mo. .1-433-23 * LADIES nro making J2 to $5 per day sellIng - Ing Dylene ; the wonderful householii dyes. They dyp cotton , silk and wool at one tln-.c : won t tnln the hands or vessel ; < XC'.U. | VP territory : we furnish attractive advoftl'lng matter bearing your name ; wrlto for full particulars. The Dylonc Company , C'hic.igo. 111. J 134 23 * MAUA'EI. r.f all that la desirable In vapor baths. 20th Century Bath Co. , Nashville. Tonn. J-401 23 * AGENTS Greatest selling specialties ever Invented : overylxxly buys ; Indlspenslble In ovpry house , olllc * and store ; exclusive territory given. Aluo want general agent for Nebraska , Kansas and other stauw. Kulxw-Perry Mfg. Co. , 6S4 W. Lake St. , Chicago. J 142 23 * AGENTS wanted everywhere on aluminum card cases ; 100 cards printed and name e.n- . graved on a handsome aluminum case , 2H cents ; cheaper In quantities. Wo are man- ufnctu-ers : cases for sale to the tmd . American Aluminum Novelty Co. , 2311 Lo cust St. , St. Louis , Mo. J-M143-24 * AGENTS , slate and local ; patent frying pan covers ; no greasy stoves ; best frying ; terms liberal. Kitchen Specialty Co. , Reading , Pa. .1-115-23 * WE WILL employ one g-ood specialty sales man who has hnd experience ; permanent : lucrative position for right party. Ad dress Eastern Mnf. Co. , Manhattan Blilg. , Chicago. J 117-23 * AGENTS , sell your own goods ; wrlto for list of secret receipts nnd formulas. Cres cent Supply Co. , Denver , Colo. J 109 2.1 * LADY ciuarvil$920 man $1,1S2 last six months canvassing "Marvel" self-shining waterproof shoe polish , russet ami black ; why not you ? Samples free. Hollnday it Co. , 632 1&2 Dearborn St. , Chicago. J 110 23 * AGENTS Luminous siRiis , name plates and .street No's. Readaiblo darkest night. Sam ples free. Right Supply Co. , Chlcatro. J 106 23 * $200 PER month for Inexperienced agents Introducing patented shaving soap which sharp-ens the razor and keeps It sharp ened iix long as used ; exclusive territory. Twin Bros. Co. , B. A. Cincinnati. O. J 444-23 * WANTI5D Agents everywhere to sell our Dewey , Jr. , Camera and complete outllt for 2 by 2 pictures. Samples prepaid. .10 c.cnts. Sells at double. No toy G. Fel- senthnT , t Co. , ilfgr . , 230 Jnctoon. St. , Chlcairo. J 3S3 23 * AGENTS Wanted , 150 per cent pro lit on our quick-wiling kltchon specialties. Proflt- ublo employment all Rummer. Write for i-atalosue. Illinois Cutlery Co. . Decatnr , IH. J-SSI-23 * _ AGENTS We will pay $100.00 per month and railroad expenses to any man who will faithfully represent us In taking orders for the most reliable portrait copylnR hous ? In the world. We pay strictly salary. Address - dross at once , Dppt. I2 , G. E. MartPl. New York City. J 146 23 * MEN and women , good address , to travel and appoint agents ; salary $73 month ; ex penses ; rapid advancement ; unusunllv brilliant opportunity. Address -with ref erence , Butler & Algcr , New Haven , Conn. MUST .havo agents at once to sell Sash Locks and Door Holders ; sample Sash Lock free for 2c stamp ; Immense. ; ( better than weights ; burglar 'proof ; $10 a day ; write quick. Address Brohard & Co. , Dppt. 42 , Philadelphia , Pa. J "HISTORY and Conquest of the Philip pines , " life of Dewey , Otis , Agulnaldo ; big book , retail JI.OO ; send 15 cent. for postage on frep outdt. IllfC & Co. , 110 Walmsh av. , Chicago. j-i \VAXTISIJ TO MORE houses to rent. Wallace , Brown Blk. 1C 9SO WANTED , to rent. 6-room cottage or 7- room house. Address , stating particu lars. W 53 , Bee. K M752 23 * GIDNTLEMAN and wife , no children , want completely furnished house , six rooms or ever , In Hanscom park territory. Refer ences. Addre'fl AV 89 , Bee. K M767 23 * WANTED , address of private families who will board nnd room students for S.1.50 per week or less. State exact terms. Boylrs' School , Bee. K MS14-23 * WANTED , dr.t-closs board , front room , well located ; all conveniences ; gentleman nnd wife ; references required. Address X 4 , Beo. K MS34 24 * SIX-ROOM cottage , or seven-room house ; must be on car line. Address * X 6. BPP. K MS32 23 * WANTED By gentleman , two unfurnished roomr , in good locality. References given and required. Address X S , UPC.K . K 857 23 * "WANTKD , board and room In private fam ily by a young f.iuly in business , within walking distance of P. O. Prlcp not to Mxceed $12 ] x > r month ; or would like Ihrpo furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address X 16 , Bee odlce. K 119 23 * WANTED , to rent , modern house In vicin ity of High school or iPark avcniti ; state number of rooms and rent. X is. Bee. K 4 GO 23 * WANTED Two or thrpe rooms for llRht housekeeping ; unfurnished. X II , Be ° K-407 2.1 * WANTED , by lady , furnished room with largo closet , where br iWast ami Hundiiv meals will .IIP . .IPI-VIM ! ; within walking dls- laneo of 10th and Douglas. Address x 22 , Bee. K 193 2-1 * SToit.un. : PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , ! > OS- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding 701 O.M. Van & Storage , 151H4 Farnam. Tel. 1559. 701 GORDON baggage line , 2H N. Ifi. Tel. 1193. M M173-30 STOVES Ptored during summer. 1207 Doug las. Tel. 900. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M-219-M7 WAXTHII TO IIIIV. SECOND-HAND books bought for cash Antiquarian Hook Store , 1519 Farnam. ' N-703 HIGHEST PRICES paid for Rood goods. Variety Furniture Co. , 110-112 S. Hth HI. N-Y93 WE WANT several nice residences and res idence lots for cash buyers. We have the buyers , whut have you to offer ? O'Nclll'H Itc-al Estate Agency , South Omaha. N "K SECOND-HAND typewriter , Densmore pro- f rrecl. T 9. Bee , N-627 STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortenson , 404 N. 16th. N-955 M3 HOUSE nd ? 4 lot ; 4 or B rooms ; walking dlHlanco jwstodlce. Price , $500 lo } W/0 / ; $150 cash ; $12 to $15 per month. W 61 , Beu. N-77S 20 * BARGAINS In real estate or housOH to move , F. D. Wead , 16th & DOURI.ID. N-Wi 26 * ALL kinds of hout-ehold goodi > . hotels , etc. , in large or small quantities. Chicago Fur- ntturo Co. , Tel. 2020 , IIO'MU ' Dodge. IS' MISI Mj WANTED , to buy. n business lot on Far nam or Dousrlas hot ween Twelfth and Slxte-nth street * : advise , with full par- tlculani , by mall only. C. N. Dlj-tx. WANTED Lot or ' ( . lot ; vacant ; muut bu cheap ; iielween 8uth nnd 8ith , Lfaven- worth and DuJue. State lowest price ami term * . Addrens X S. Il-e. N-37S J3 (1OOD fa t or foulh front lot on xraile. be. twten Wild and 40th sit. , norili or south of F.irnam , muat bo -barauin. - . A-Jdrrt-n X 2C. Keu. N 4lj 2.1' VN'I'i : TO lit Y. BOSTON FL'RNITtIRE co. pays highest , price * for good 2nd-hand furniture. 1414 i Doilga. TeK 32ftS. N-707 wanted. Hav ? a party who wishes to buy a ten or twelve thou- fliid dollar slock of good , clean merchan dise. ( Must be in good town and party fays will pay iash. Address Henry C. Smith. Falls City. Neb. N-15 } 2n _ WILT , tiny SO cents on the dollnr ensh for Omaha Savings bank nec't until April M. Hicks , 326 Chamber of Commerce. N-oOO 23 * GOOD sfcond hand carriage harness , or trade heavy hack harness for same. X 7 , Beo. N-MM1 23 * WANTED , Parker or Lefover gun , 2d-hnnd , Bond repair. Addrcs.t Box No. lOfl , Dlxon , Neb. N-M4W 27 * HALF lot between Hurt. Leavenworth , 20th , W'h st. ; give price , street numb-r. X 20 , Bee N-16323 * s.\ii-i'tiu.MTtJiin. : NEW and Id-hand furniture , stoves , etc. , sold at small pr-idts ; best prices paid for good Id-hand goods. J , Lewis , 101 S. Hth. 0-297 M3 GREAT BARGAINS In new and Siid-hand furniture , stov.s. etc. Boston Furnlturj Co. , 1414 Dodge. O-44S FURNITURE live-room cottage. Pour days onlr. 1520 N. 25th. P 114-23 * FOR SALE Furniture nnd good will of a Ural-class boarding house , situated in the best part of Omaha ; prollt good ; poor health reason for selling. Address X 19 , Hue. O 454 23 * ANTIQUE oak wardrobe ; good condition ; costfcO ; will sell for J15. Call at 3UM lo cust St. O 40S 2.1 * RANGES , coffee urnp , water tanks , Ice boxen , counters ) , tables , chairs , cots , sldp- boards. dressers , commodes , iron beds , springs and mattresses nt less than fac tory cost , for cash nt C15 N. 16th st , O MS52 M21 FOR SALE , furniture and good will of a 50-room modern hotel at South Omaha ; very low rent : spl. n-lld - opportunity for nn up-to-date hoti-1 man. O'Nedl's Real Es tate Agency , South Omaha. O I ? ! 23 * FOR SAI.K llOItSC.S AMI VKIIICI.I2.S. BUGGIES Visit our repository ; ask for iirlceswe'll do the rest. Omaha Imple ment and Transfer Co. , 9th and Jackson. 1' 1S3-A-21 FOR SALE , a nice assortment of hand made vehicles ; painting , repairing , trim ming a specialty ; bring your carriages for rubber tires ; prices low , work guaran teed. Wm. Pfelfer's carriage works , cor. 27th and Leavinworth. P M332 MS A. J. SIMPSON has ( In connection with ills work ) the exclusive agency for the cele brated Columbus Buggy Co. vehicles. nlno 2-d-hand phaetons & Concords. 1409 Dodge. P M540 M14 CARRIAGES , phaetons , buggies , road wagon" , harness. Anderson Buggy Top Co. , 13th and Davenport. P 619 M15 FOR SALE A line Columbus Buggy Co. two seated earrings ; platform springs ; ex tensive full leather top shifting rail : cloth lined ; been used two months : cost $475 ; will soil for $2 ! < 0. Call on A. J. Simpson , 1109 Dodge st. P 113 23 * DRIVER for sale : brown mare , 7 years old ; wvlghw 1,000 ibs. Inquire 1017 Howard St. P IIB 23 * 2 SECOND-HAND phaetons , 3 top buggies nv.wly palntrd and 2 good rubber tire top buggies. Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Harney. P 517 M22 I 'OIl SAI.I3 MISCRI.I.ANBOUS. ALL kinds harness ; old harness In exchange Drummond Carriage Co. , IStli .t Hartley ' Q-454 A24 * PURE Plymouth Rock eggs for setting , 50c : roosters , $1.00. 932 N. 2Gth St. Q 719 HOG , poultry , lawn and deld fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St StQ711 Q-711 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , at druggists ; one gives relief. Q 710-A. 2S * SAWDUST , hardwood crlbblnc and hog fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St. Q-703 COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jelly , 25c. Middle of block , Omaha , Neb.Q713 Q-713 B. HAAS. Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ; plants , cut dowers , boquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly rilled. O 709 2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam. Q-71S SAFE1. buy , . < 51l , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-714 HORSE clippers nnd repairs for all stand ard makes. We grind clippers , razors , shears , etc. A. L. Undeland , Omaha. Q-715 GRAMOPHONE talks talk. Catalogue. Western Gramophone Co. , Council Bluffs. Q-397 VEHICLES , harness , s wlnR machines , at wholesale prices. Western Mercantile Co. , 10th and Farnam. Q-218 M7 AT great sacrifice , due cabinet Grand piano , good as new. Address W 67. Bee. Q-64S M15 GOOD surrey at 2221 Lake street , cheap. TO BE movcri. Osthoff building , Ifith nnd California. F. D. Wenil , 16th and Douglas. 0-872 2.S FOR SALE Elegant 'walnut bed room set ; cost originally $125 : will * cll same for $ M. Call at 410 North 23d st. Q 112 23 * THE Pl ° gant furniture and carpets , mostly new , at 1122 S. 30th ave. , offered at private sale at bargains , the house having b en sold. Q-411 23 * EXPENSIVE rug. nearly new , large sl/.e. Aildreiw W fW. Bee. Q-117-23 * WANTED Orders for seed potatoes , nny variety , early or late , furnished in any ouantity ; our Red River Valley Early Ohlos guaranteed strlct'.y pure. C. H. Mul'ln & Co. . IIS S. 11th St. Cl M416-23 * FOR SALE 13x16 upright gasolene engine , llrst class condition. $350. Also 40-horw power boiler , HO-horso At'as center crank piiglnu' , National f < i water heater , ntcam pump and ilttniRs. Complete outllt , $ ! t3D. Cummins. 151 E. Division St. , Chicago. Q-m-53 * NOTICE , country dealers , 2d hand furni ture & stoves sold at lowest prices , car load lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co , , 1400-10 Dodge. R-M132 M5 CI.UHVOYAVr.S. MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , S17 N. 16th. S-722 MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist. 1C03 Dodge , 1 S-U90 MME. LEWIS , clairvoyant and palmist. Card readings. 25i' . Transient Hotel. 15th nnd Capitol av * . S 4t'9 23 * "TIIA'F WONDERFUL WOMAN" So all Omaha speaks of the famous M.ME. GYL.MER , PALMIST AND LIFE READER. Thin m.irvolous woman IIIIK the power to lift ih < - mystic veil from gft the future , to expose tlip hidden mys teries < > f thepant. - . In the simple llnps f your hand nlie HOOK your entire Ilfci ; i-an tell you thlngB that liuvp li-cn , that are , and arp in be. Her advice. baHcd upon this knowledge , Is uf Inculculable brii'iflt. I'ljuaull her In .strictest rnnlldenci' . Mme. ( Jylmer has Ixjin here more than 2 yearn , the public know- her , the pr < s Indorse her. She Is no htr.inger-no fakir. Money refunded If nut nutlHf.irtory. Hours , 9 lo 7iO : : : Sundays , 10 to I p. m. Parlors , 16nf > Dodge , opp. new P. i > . H 610 2t : .IIASSAIili , MATHS , I5TP , HATTIE BERTRANDE , thermal baths , 1615 Howard , 3J lloor. room 1. PRANXE3 do Seutorlous of K. C. , 107 N 12. T-457 A2t * MRS. F. BERRY , bath , massage. Attend ants. 119 N. 16 , 1 $ . ] 2. 2nd lloor , opp. P. O. T-MOSO A27 * MME. AMEB. R. ' , ' . 7 H. 13 ; innRniKo baths. - MME. SMITH. Room 2. as 4 N. J3th. T-753-.M17 * MIIS. DR7 LKO.N . mectrlcTiath parlor aa > Utunt. 417 S. lHi ; ! , uj.Blairs i'ritso > \ V1AVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Bee UMc. r-7 : . BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 31916 S. IStli. U 721 i sri'EIlFLUOtTS halr.wrlnkles.molrs.warts. 1 freckles , blackheads , pimples removed for ever by electricity ; bust developed ; nook , arms , checks made plump. MmPayne's hairdrp slng parlors , 2-301 Leavenworth. Tel. , . < . U-215 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before * dur ing confinement ; babteaadopted. 11M N 17. U 729 N. Y. CLEANING Co. . frescoed mid wall palter cleaned ; Chenille curtains , carpels cleaned , laid , etc. 1IOS Farnam. Phone 1375 U-751-MI7 * MONHE1T. chiropodist , t hair dre-slm ? , Douglas Blk. . opp. ilaydeil's. U-fdl A2o * DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed. 23c and upward. Room 12 , Fronzer Work. U-M32S HORSES clipped with electricellpnors. . Omaha Stables , cor. 14lh nnd Howard. U-9M \ I i LIE-BEN , 1313 Howard , all kinds hair poods. U-72- . WALL paper cleaned. P. 13. Goff ism N. 22(1 St. U-MI39 Mil * LADIES ill trouble dnd prompt relief. Ad dress with stamps , Box 4 , Omaha. Nrb. U-M311 Mil HOW to win nt poker : n nitre system ; tu'\ \ particulars , BOc. Address Box 321. Omaha. U M539 29 * MON1IEIT. lender In hair goods nnd toilet preparations. 200 Douglas Blk. . opp. Hayden - don s U 512 A2R * SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts nnd moles permanently removed by electricity ; con sultation free nnd conlldentlal. All work guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1724 Dodge. U 7SO-23 * A RELIABLE home nnd treatment of all troubles peculiar to women , and for ladles before and during condnement. Address Box 757 , Omaha , Neb.U702 U-702 Mi : * I BUY through Omaha Purchasing Agencv. j 1312 Davenport St. U 696 M15 * ' SHIRT WAISTS to order. 30,1 So . 17tir U-M744 M17 BIO pay to men of character , push and ability to represent a work which means much to the state and which Is being pro duced by the best men in the statii. Ad- dresi W 62 , Bee olllce. U M797 23 MATTRESS renovating w'ks ; upholf'torliig .t furniture repairing. 706 S. 16th. Tel. 1593. U-S27 HYPNOTISM , healing and medlumshlp taught by Prof. Barn Il. Call or write , 320 N. 16th st. , room 23 , Omaha. U MS40 2S * HIEGLER , lace curtain cleaner , 1SOS Calif. U-S63-M-21 * - - - CRESCENT , be t In world , for $ .13. Fletcher , 1622 Capitol Ave. U S36 2 WANT everyone to know rtiat W. II. Green and C. R. Glover have leased the Arling ton park. All arrangements for picnic partlps , Including special transportation , can ' 1)0 made direct with them. ; ! 02 Kiir- bach Block. Omaha. U S73 24 CHILDREN for adoption. A little girl , nearly two months old. with dark blue eyes ; mother's request is that she should go into a Catholic home ; and another little girl , nearly two months old , with dark brown eye ; and two little boys , ages two and four months. Child Saving Institute , 504 S. 18th fit. U-S3S 21 * CLEVELAND ohalnless , a perfect machine $75. Trills Flcscher , 1622 Cap. ave. ave.US51 2S IF MAimiRD or about to bo rend "Na- turo" for either sex ; 112 p-igfB Illustrated lOo. Loa & Co. , Kansas City , Mo. XT-151 2.1 * PETER TULVIORMOCHK-R , about 13 years old , Is requested to send his address to his folk * 1n Roxbury. Crane Co , WIs. on account of last will and testament of his parents. \ ' ALTHOUGH very wen 1 thy , widower , middle aged , quiet disposition , lacks chance to find domesticated wife Gentiln'o ' , 210 K 79th St. , New York Citv. IT I0'1 "J * ' ATTRACTIVE , wealthy widow , rollned and g-eneroui * , with sweet disposition , seeks protection In kind husband. "Ideal " l' ! 7 Lexington Avo. , New York. U l"l ' 3 * BEAUTIFUL young widow. 23 , worth $73- 000 , weks marriage- with nhl" and genuine gentleman. Mrs. Johns , Care Stnhl. .16 Ave. A , New York. U 120 " 3 * GENTLEMAN of culture and RpnTO.sltv , Independently wealthy , will appreciate graclou' , sensible wife "Commodore , " 3125 Forest Ave. , Chicago , 111. U-119-23 * LADIES Your bust enlarged 6 Inches ; fall- urn impossible ; harmless ; $100 cash guar antee ; proof free , Leonard Medicine Co. Kansas City , Kan. u 150 " 3 * A RESPECTABLE young Citholle man , aged 2-i , school teaclre/r , wishes to correspond spend with redned , young , educated Cath olic lady. Object matrimony. Send photo graph with llrst letter. Address X 27 ljoe- U M4S9 2.1 * DO OU wish to marry ? Call or address Corresponding club , 201 Douglas block. Allle Turner , manager. Ruth Al'ard. SPO- rv-tnry. - Stamp. U M 1SS 29 * HOSSACK'S Sarwaparllla , 1712'2 Jackson. 1"-M515 Ml * A GHNITLEMAN of means wishes to meet lady In good circumstances. Object matri mony. No general delivery. Box 2.13 Omaha , Neb. IT 014 23 * ' PRK1T } eastern women with means want lumbands : select descriptive llsls , 2c ; best innthod. Jlutual Exchang > s Kansas Citv Mo. " WOULD like to make the acquaintance , of Rood-lcJokltiR Christian young ladv of about 25. X 31 , BPP. U M519 ' 4 * MOM3V TO IOAltiI. : . USTATK. $100,000.00 special fund to loan on drst-class improved Omaha property , or for btil'dlni- purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W-733 $100 AND up. F. D. Wcad , 16th and Douglas W-731 1'lvR CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk W-710 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or .Mo. ; It will pav you Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. lj ' W 733 WANTED , choice farm nnd city loans R c Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam , Bee Bldg' ' W 739 $1,000 up to loan on Improved city property & farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co , 1,120 Farnam. W M f7pr. Ct. Chan. E. Williamson , 0. S. Rk bldgT W-737 $50,000.00 CHEAP money for Investment ; agents wanted. Investors' lists for sale. Investors' Directory. N. Y. W-2C9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate , Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 So. 16th. W-73S $10.000 PRIVATE money , low rate ! J. 11. Sherwood , 423 N , Y. Life. W SCO LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. ' Life ] C per cent leant. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam , W-820 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and lowii farms ; lowest ratp . Urennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. , Omaha. W 741 MO.MV TO LOAN rni.vrriii.s. MONEYTO LOAN ON MONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , * HORSES. CARRIACJF.S. * WAGONS , ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. You can pay the money back In ; my * amounts you wleh and at any time , each payment HI made , lessens the * cost of carrying the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , * 30fi SOUTH 1GTH STREET. MONEY- -MONEY X-796 MONEY- LOANS MADE TO SALARIED people holding permanent pogl- MONEY tluns on their pcruonul note without Indorsement. MONEY-IX > W RATES. EASY PAYMENTS Koom 119 Board of Trade. Hldg. MONEY ICth and Farnam Streets. X-793 TO I.OIN-I \TTr.l.X. . LOANS TO JSALMUKP PF.ol'I.F. , , . IF Vir ARK A SALARIED EMI I.OMO holding n permnli. nt piwlllnn w.wl I loan you nny Amount . \.uir slnmll-'ii - will Justify without pirK | > ror , tunrlgflBe or security oi nn > kind . . : h < r thin youi name. The fuel cf vour holdliiR n | > osltlon N midldcnt gua'r.intec ti u- that > ou will rnrry out ny ngreiinent Into which you may enur ! < " \N REPAY'IN EASY WpJKLY OR MONTHLY INPATLLMKNTS. TUP. STHICTKST PRIVACY WILL HH itialnliilncd In all our irjuisuctlons with you , and you will ncr-lv-f the same cour teous consideration that Is accorded your r.mployiT at his bunk. , OMAHA CREDIT Oil. . fR JrnnlnKS. Jiianager , suite oii-SW N w \ ork Life Bid ( ? . MONEY loaned salarle.l tiOP > holdlllB per- innlnnt position with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without.secur ity : easy payments. Tolmnn , 11. iW N , \ . Life UUltf. X-i4. MONEY loaned conlldentlnlly to high- classed salaried people , without endorwr , inortgnRp or security of nny kind other thnn their own nnims ; can repay In In < - u will ilONEY , loaned on plano- , furniture , hor-'ps. cows , Jewelery. Duff Green , R. S , Itarkef blk. X-i46 _ M"6N13Y loanei' on pianos , furniture. Jew- elry. horses , cows , etc. C. F. mod. 319 S. 13. MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Bergcrs' l.oan Bank , 1116 Farnam. upstairs. X I1J IIDSIMISS CIIAXCKS. FOR QUICK return * list your bargains nl O'Nelll'H Real Estate Agency , .South Omaha. .45 IF you have idle money and want It busy see Glover. Real Est. Broker , 302 Knrbach. 13. M. CLARK , signs' . Tel. 1704. 1J3JN. IBtlJ DRUG STORE for sale In Rood town In northeastern Nebraska ; line opjKirtunlty. Adlress T 41 , Boo. Y-M1I2 ATTENTION , MILLERS ! For sale or rent , the Anchor Mill property , a 75-bbl. Im proved roller mill , water power , situated I miles from South Omaha and 7 lulled from Omaha , close to .the Rock Island and riilcm Pinlllc roads. For further jiar- llculara address Box 215 , 1'apllllon , Ne braska. Y-M50S 2i UNUSUAL opportunity to Invest $200 or more , H curlng large permanent Income ; capital safe : prollts sure. 11. Grlllln. 11SO Broadway. New York. Y-M792 M2 * DRY goods nnd clothing stocks , hardware , groceries and drugs for sale or exchange ; wo can dnd you a buyer or can sell you goods. Write Merchandise Broker , 503 Brown blk. Y M795 23 WANTED , business man with some money to take position as secretary and treas urer with controlling stock In well estab lished and prolltablo business In Chicago. Address H. A. Knnstelncr , 35 ! ) W'Jst Mo l- ison St. , Chicago. Y-MS33 23 * TO EXCHANGE , 15 acres clear , vacant , In- sldo city limits , Omaha : to exchange for desirable Nebraska stock ranch , well stocked and equipped. AV 51 , Re . Omaha. Y-MS3S 24 * FOR SALE , stock of drugs and llxture s Best stand In the city. Invoice about $6,500. Finp soda stand ; no dead stock ; good prollts ; small expenses. No cutting1 reason for selling. Big mining boom here. lAm Interested in mines nnd desireto glvo whole iittontlon to mining. Address 20ij So. Main street , Salt LaUu City , Utah. Y MS33 23 * AVEKKLY prollts Don't lese the ohanco. Money can bo doubled every month In wheat , stocks and cotton. Wo pay profits every dfteen days to clients. Our plan of safety is unequaled. Write for full par ticulars , free' ' to any address. C. 13 , Macfcpy > t Co. . 29 Broadway , N. Y. Y AVANTED , man with $500. Theatrical busi ness ; success assured. Call between 9 and 2 , or address 11. L. , Midland Hotel. Y MStl 23 * FOR SALE , small drug store ; good location for a young doctor that wants to handle drugs : must sell ; poor health. I hav ? also a very line young horse now In training ; horsemen , tnko notice. Address Box 321 , Schuyler , Neb. Y M.HB2I * STOCK speculation , by my systematic sys tem , aflords an absolutely snfi ; and easy way of making money. A small invest ment will earn big money. References furnished. Write for particulars. J. J. Ca8. Idy , 93 Wall St. , New York.Y Y 133 2.1 * $060 PER year ; good business ; $25 security required ; "opportunity open 3 days. Caller or addrexs Hoom I , No. 1623 , Corner Doilgo and S. 17th SI. Y 12.1 23 * "SAFETY In Speculation" $100 Invented by my "Sal'p Method" In grain or Blocks has paid $ IWi ( prodt within 30 days ; references * furnished ; write for particulars Immcdl- at 'ly. Richard Oliver , Banker and Broker , Chicago Stock Exchange , Chicago Y 3 C 23 * ANY Information regarding proposed Worlrt'fi fair , Louisiana Purchase Centen nial , furnished on receipt of 10 < ; in stamps ; correspondence solicited. Address Brad ford's Bureau of Information , World's Fair , Commercial bids. , St. Louis , Mo. HAVE secured control group rich ruining1 claims , gold and cupper , in Arizona ; want party lo Join with mo ; send some one to Investigate. If found rich tis representi-cl furnish1 Kinall amount money to develop them. Addresj X 2S , Boo odice. Y 199 2.1 * AVANTED. active partner In good paying , old established ; best location ; $ .100 required. Address X 21 , Bee.A' A' l i 2.1 * FOR SALIC. 23,000 bu. cup elevator , lumber , and coal business in eastern N'-braHka. An opportunity of a lifetime. No tra-l-x will answer uness : you havecash. . Ad dress X 23 , Bee. Y 19023 AVANTED Physicians , case lakers , to se euro notes among farmers for medical ln Atltute ; only llrst-plass experienced niPti ] state salary and experience. Addro-s How- H' M'Tllcal Institute , Auditorium Bldg. . Chicago. Y 121 2.1 * Till ; new Streets of Cairo nt Greater American Exposition has the excliislvn' prlvllcg- for everything Oriental. For privileges of any kind write or apply 'Nlncl ' , 'Ml Mptchant'B National Bank Bldg , Y 125 Kl * BAKERY , confectionery nnJ Ice creum par lor , well establMiod business , best lor.i- tlon In Omaha , to exchange for iirjully In hrtiifl. ' and lot. 10. 13. I-'reneh A Hon , : iii : Ramgo Iniliillng. Y 426 21 * FOR SALE , only photograph gallery goocl county seat ; "imp If sold iminodlnti'ly. Address Box 91 , Gri-lcy , Neb. Y-509 2J * i.vciiA.\n. : FOR EXCHANGE , $100.f)0 ) stock now drugu for real cst Ue or horsuti. Address AV 31) ) , Boo. X.-M5I2 A FINE modern 12-room lieu e west of 11 lsli school on motor line , In rxdmng' > for farm or other property. Addrcs , W SI , He-- . K--MCI ! 2 13NGINES. fX ) horup power Westlnghoii-fe , 100 h. p. Jdc engine , alHo 100 h. p. electrlo Rf-neriitor to exi'liniiBu for real estate. Address W 32 , Bee. 7.-M5H AVI I.L exchange good hoiuo and lot near oxpoaltlon for luniJ , wr.te I'ur full jmr- tlcularn. Adilrpus I5ia Puvi-nportf . flttt tut WIIAT havu y u In NcbraHka lo exchiiiigo for California , or in California to ex change for NebrifUii. 1512 Davenport m. ' M iisnit v. MENERAY BROS. , nur i-iyinen. of Cres cent City arc here In Council Hlufft ami nam HUH. umiinn , WIHTU you will bo walt--d on , < t all tiiiit-a with pleasure. Wo w-ll nil goi-drf very cheap , and guarantee all good * lifhi-i I.-IHH. Omaha u-1 . 1S26 ; Counct : IllullH ti-l. . 321. _ 400 Mil * AVA. > THD TO IIOKIKIW. LADIES' tul'or inuilo xullH anil Jackets ul- terod and repaired. Max J''o > il , 8" " ) ; H. 171 h. -itW-M-1'j ll.prfl iipjin a flioli-t ) , flinar. Imiirovcd renl- tlonco property 1n Omuhu ; will pay 6 per cent ; nn . 'iinmlnalon ; iirctur irrlv'ito m ney. Addrtaa X 11 , Bte. Jo'J Zl