Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1899, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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Weather Too Cool for Best Interests of
the Rotaileri.
I'ronpcctN of a SOIIBOII if 1'ro prrltj'
CniiiMry 'Meri-linnti til
Jluy Krilj I'rl Arc
HiililliiK t'P Well.
Htiftlncss In central Is In a very satisfac
tory condition. Un pleasant days the local
rotnll BtotY * have bWJi thronged with shop
pers who h.avo b-ouKht freely of all spring
ami ca.rly summer merchandise. The week
Just olostd was about the best so far this
mouth. Howov.r , , the weather Is Stl'.l too
cool for the best tnturesta of the dealers In
warm weather goods and ovoryotio Is hop-
Inu lor the ayccdy nrrlvnl ot 'hot weather ,
whleh would undoubtedly cr-'nto d much
lir-tter demand. With the Jobbers every
thing appeals to bo moving along In an en-
tlrriy satisfactory manner.
Wholesale grocers report trade during
the last w , < ; k H being most watlsfaetory.
Thorn Is a good healthy demand for prac
tically all lines of goods and dealers nro
looking for a good , steady trade to continue
unbroken ; The Htrongth of th ? general
market IB also it good Indication that th *
trade outlook Is very favorable and cotuv-
riucntly local Jobbers express themselvi-s
HP being well pleased with prevailing con
Reilned sugar Is In tlf , same position It
win a week ago , but raws uro 1-lCc higher.
In view of the fact that the period of heavy
consumption Is close at hand. It H thought
thajt reilned sugar imtfl tnko an upward
Jump In the near future. On account ot
the backward spring a short b-Try season
Is predicted , which mean. ' that there- will
be an enormous demand for BUgar during
that time which may lead to a shortage.
In that lovent the price would not be the
Important factor. The only changv In fari
naceous goods since last report Is that ot
taploea and fago , which are being quoted
u little higher on account of Bhiirt supply.
October Ohees-e i mid to be well cle-ined
un and the IKW full eivnm Kood- * , which
are being offered on the market are held at
fancy prices. A drop In the market Is not
looked for within two or three weeks , when
Hnw cniM3 cluese will bu offered.
Canned goods of every description nro
just as llrm as ever und an advance In
c'.tiiion | standard corn Ife announced. The
consuming demand Is still very heavy , even
though prlce.q are all the way from 5 Ho 20
per cent higher than they were a year ago.
The dried fruit situation Is about the Fame
ns It wns a week ago , with the exception
of r > run'cc , which are much llrmer In tone.
Holdurs on the coaflt are asking from l c
to % o more than they did a week ago , but
so fur no advance has born made on this
market. The upward trend of prices Hi-ems
to liavn but little fiffect on the amount ot
dried fruits consumed , as Is Khown by the
heavy shipments being made at the present
-tlmo. This Is larue-ly dun to tbo fact that
the fruit crop -n ! t year as a. general thing
was "mail and consequently a smaller
umount thnn usual was put up by the con-
Biimers. Tills naturally had a tendency to
Increase the demand for dried fruits at a
time when tlu" supply was short. Prices
con ; nuently are much higher than they
were a. year ago. It l claimed that the general -
oral market will average , over 60 per cent
higher. The greatest advance. Is In raisins ,
which nro 100 I T cent hlg-her , and the least
Is in the ca.o of raspberries , which arc
lower , being qulto plentiful.
Ilnriltrnrc Vnlues Slroiincr.
Hardwaremen. . ns usual , are talking
higher prices. The principal advance la
that of nails and barbed wlr ? , which arc
Jielng quoted irblgbcr than they were a
week ago. An advance , .howe-ver. ot 2i pet
cent Is announced on spelter , which affects
galvanized Iron and all lines in which it IP
used. These are the more important
changes , but the whole market Is In a very
Ktrong pa-ltion , "with indications favorable
for still higher rather than for lower prices ,
Locally trade conditions are not materially
different from what they were a week ngo ,
ThtTO Is no great rush for gjoek on the parl
of retailers , but at the same" tlmo thre Is-
a good stuadv trade which , Jobbers say , It
more satisfactory thnn to have the businw- :
como In spurts and starts. The general Im-
5 > resslon soiins to fee that there is not fiolnj
to ibo any great rush this year , for country
merchants are pretty well supplied and wil !
only buy as they need moro good. * , whleli
will keep a. steady stream of orders comlnj
the rest of the season.
Dry < ; DIIIM Kulrly Active.
There is nothing new to report regarding
the dry goods trade. Local jobber * arc hav
ing a nice run o > f bilslnJRS. but It la doubtles ;
true that a little warmer nnd moro settler
weather would holi > matter. . * out consider
ably. There Is , however , a good active mark -
k ° t and jobbers say the amount of business
transacted so far this season compares very
favorably with previous years. Traveling
men are vnry enthusiastic regarding thi
outlook 1i 10 country and prophesy ai
enormou.w . .1 trade , provid d crops do noi
fall. There nro no now features to the mar
ket worthy of mention , as there Is the same
Btrong feeling all alonir th" line wh'eh has
been characteristic of the situation through
out the season.
Hoot and shoo men report a very fall
run of business during the lust week ani
say that trade is as good as they rearonabl.v
could expect. Traveling men are on tin
road with fall goods and are meeting wlti
good success for HO early In the season
Retailers se-'m to be confident rogardlnf
their future trade and consequently are neBO
BO cautious as heretofore.
Little or nothing is being done 'by rubbei
good. . in-sn at the present time , as traveling
men are still waiting for price * .
Vi-lliMV rimIlluber. .
The demand for lumber at this point i >
fitlll rather light , owing to the fact tha
farmers are too bitty 'with ' their spring worl
t to glvo their attention to building. Retailers
ors out through th country are. hoavllj
stocked with Unit little chance of their be
Ing able to unload much of It for some tlmi
to como. being the case Jobbers , o
course , expect trnd' to bo pretty quiet fm
the next month or more , when there ttmj
bo quite Jin Improvement , providing crop !
an1 In good shape. The f.iillng elf in tin
demand , however , has not ( prevented tin
yellow pine pe.iple from making the ad
vance previoti-ly , announced and every Indi
cation HI cms to point to a malntonance o
present iprlcc-s Local Jobb'rii have also ad
vanced 'their UsH. so thnt lumber loaded on
of Omaha coils the same as when bough
direct from the manufacturers.
The hide market is peiluips a trill
stronger than lai't week , -but quotations an
gradually Increasing.
l-'riiK mill Produce.
Trade with commission men was a llttV
ibctter lam we k. as 'fresh ' fruits and vege
tables are beginning to arrive In large
quantities. Tln > prices on most lines , however
over , are , tlll lee high to make them s !
readily , but -v big drop Is mire to take plan
noon. The sup-ply i > f strawberries was mor
I'deral last week and Hold , it fj.fiOTjtf.OO pe
oiaU und plntH brought K.OO.The latt.--
part of the week some MlK lH > d | > pl berrle :
arrived and were In good condition. Arkau
ran berries are expected on thf market b ;
( May 1 and , as the crop l-i exceedingly large
the prlco ought to be low.
Pieplant Is coming In qtiltn freely and Fell
rapidly at Jl.MTlI.SO Tier .10 to 33-lb. box am
thn fiO-lb. 'bring ' 11.73. Asparagus i
also In good demand and Is worth Mil IS-
String .beans are lirglnnlng to come , 'th' '
on'-thlrd bushel boxes selling at fl.iKXrM.2.
Radlsinv , onions , lttuce. etc. , are all 4i
good supply and sell rapidly at quotation
given below.
The egg market , under the Inllucnce o
llcht receipt * and < i good utroug demand
advanced to 12"-c. Poultry Is also very tlrm
as retii'iotH are rather light and the domain
good. Huttor. on the other hand , is rathe
we.ik , owing to 1h declln ? in eastern mar
Kresh water Huh an- still very i-cnrce , bu
quotation.- remain about the f.imc The1
art ) still in good demand , although the hlsi
price naturally cuts otf consumption to om
llnHlinorc Miirliet.
changed : recolpts. 331 bbls. ; exports , 25
bid * . ; sales. 700 bbl .
WHKAT Hull and easy. Spot nnd montl
TTKdiTWo ; MwXi " 'i , l77V ; steamer. No
red.72J > ; O72'.iie : receipts. IG.'Ofi bu. ; exporti
lOi.OtX ) bu. : southern , bv lample , 71i7S' | i
southern , on grade. 73f7Se. |
CORN -Lower. Kpot. 40filOUc ; montl
39 * Q'.19i < . ( > ; Mny. SSUiiSSHc ; January. : iN'ai
eteamrr"mixed. . 3S { | SS'/hc : receipt * , 2.W.MO bu
exports , iio.iw bu. ; southern whlti4Ji
southern yellnw , 42c.
OAT8--l-'lrni- . 2 white. 3ori35VC : No.
mixed. 32'sr < i33c ; recHpts , S.Siii bu. ; export !
l.lveriionl ( J nil u nnd l'ri 'li < liiii .
MVUHJ'OOI * April :2.-\VHHAT-Spf
llrm : No. 1 ml northern. Difulh. iv 44 > l
'No. ' 2 red western , winter , * k V4d : No
Oillfornl.i. ) ' - stock ; futures hteady ; Ma ;
f * 7iid : Jlrs' . T > 8 ' .id.
CORN Snoi bteady ; Amerloan mlxei
new. ? * md ; Ainvrlean mlxnl. old , 3 * fl-ii
futurv . April , nomlnnl : May , qulft
SF I'-l- July , lllll i' at SH
J - t. I.-HI'I ' fun j \\lni r tlrm : i
15 vdul ixlra Indl
prinu > me - , Pork dul
uhort cu
14 tn I" , ii.Him -it ? . M. H n " > n.
1it > d MM , . ! io : in \ \ ) * , nrm HI ' ! * , short
rtlis , is to 20 Hm. , ttrm at .11 , lun * ' * ir
middle ? , llzht. 30 to Xhf. \ . . nrm at 23 M ;
nhopt clf-ur backi , 16 lo IS Ihn. utron ? at
2 M ; cl ar brllK * . 14 to 16 Ibs. firm at
30s fid. Shoulders. f > ipiar < > . 12 to II Ib * . , llrm
HI 2.V. . Ixird , prime we tprn. In tlercw ,
Ft wuly nt 27 8d ; American refined , 2S Ibs. ,
Hteurlv at 2S * .
HOI'S At 1/ondon ( Paelflo coast ) , llrm at
IM 1os C4 ins.
PKAS-Cnnadlnn , 5 "d.
l-lneat United Slate. , S4s ; good ,
. .
I'M HKSE Klrm : American tlnest white
nd colored , 6Ss fid ,
TALUJW-I'rlnv city , stendy nt 22 6.1 ;
AiiMtrallan , In lx > tnlou , dull at 2,1 * SHI ,
OlUS-Cotttmseed oil , dull ; rellnwl , Mny
nnd Augu. t , e sy nt Ifi M ; turprtntlna
Bpirlt. ' , iirm at 31s 3d. Rosin , common ,
steady nt 19 ; petroleum , rellneil , 6d ; linseed
oil , l a Od.
_ _
OMAHA mjvniiAi , MAiucnr.
Condition of Trade nnd ( Innditlnn * on
Stuplc nnd I'lUlcy I'rnilnee ,
EOOS Receipts light ; demand good ;
market firm nt I"1 * ? ,
UITTTI5U Common to fair , Ifrfflle ; choice ,
12)illc ) ; separator , IS'fill'c ' ' ; gathered cr am-
POULTllY Hens , live , 8'A 9c ; dressed ,
lOc ; old and staggy roosturs. llva , 4M7c ;
dressed , Gp'c ; ducks and KCCSC , live , 'MTf
Sc ; drts ed , lOr ; turkeys , live , 0310c ;
dressed , , lightweight , 12i013c ! ; heavyweight ,
PIUlCoNS-I.lve , per dozen , 75fitt > 0.
VHALH-Choice , P-
OYSTBUS-Uulk Standard , per gal. . J1.10 ;
mediums , per can , 15e ; Slnndurd. ixr : can ,
20c ; ICxtra Select , per can , 26e ; New York
Countfi. per tan , SOc.
PR1-BH WATKR KISH-CatllMi. per lb. ,
12e ; buffalo , per .b. , dressed , 7e ; white fish ,
lie ; lake trout , lie ; yellow pike. He ; silver
herring , 5c ; perch. 4c ; bullheads , dressed ,
l&e : black bass , Ibe.
HHA KI. SI 1 Flounders , Sc ; haddock. 3o ;
Columbia river sa'.mon , IBe ; halibut , Ilo ;
blue llsh , lOcj Spanish mackerel , lOc ; red
snapper , loc ; extra largo mackerel , each ,
30c ; roe shad , each , tOc.
STRAWnKRRHCS-Pcr crate , Jfl.BOgG.OO ;
pints , $3. ( A ) .
APl'LHH lien Davis , per bbl. , J5.00 ; On-
Itoin , $1.75 ; New York Baldwins. Greenings
and others , choice , per bbl. , $3.50 ; western
boxed. J2.00.
CRANUKRRIKS-Jerseys. per bbl. , $7.50.
STRING UKANb-Onc-thlrd bu. . Jl.ttW )
1.23.PIKPLANTPcr SO to Sj-lb. box , J1.33S
.50 ; per 50-lb. box , $ l.'i5.
H HUTS- Per Ubl. , J1.30.
PARSNIPS- bbl. , fi.75.
HAIJISIIKS Per bu. box , 11.2501.50.
TOMATOKS None in market.
SPINACH 1'er basket. $1.
LKTTUCK Homo crown , per dozen
bundles , 4051 13c.
ASPARAUUS-Pcr lb. , ICgiSc.
ONIONS Home grown , per no : , bunches ,
according to size , 135j2jc.
WATl-JUCRKSS ljt. l . cases. $1.(0.
CAHDAGH-Crated , per lb. , 3.c. ! (
CAl'LlFLOWlilt-per er.ite , J2.50.
ONIONS Per Int. , D0ci$1.00. (
1110ANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.B (
POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked , 70c ;
loorer stock , COc ; Mimu-sota Uurbanks , S !
jOOc ; Colorado. $1.00 ; early Ohio seed po-
allies , $1.001/1.10.
SWI-IIiT POTATOKS Per bbl. . seed. $2.
UOMONS California , fancy , $3.BOTI3.75
jholce. j.25(83.50 ; ! ( ; Messina , fancy , $3.751/4.00
ORANGUS Navels , fancy , $3.7J'u4.00
choice , J3.7o ; seedlings , J2.7J ; iled. sweets
HANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
> - ! bunch , $2.00&2.23 ; medium sized bunches
DATKS llallowee. CO to 70-lb. boxes. Go
Sulr. Cc ; Fard , U-lb. boxes. lOc.
NUTS Almonds , nor lb. , 17c : Brazils , pel
b. . OlilOo ; Krgllsh walnuts , per In. . ? anc :
sott shell. 12M(13c ; standards , lOIJllo ; fll
berti. per lb. , lie ; pecans , po'.Ished. 8W10o
cociianuts , per 100. $4 ; peanuts , taw , S'/aOGc
oasted. 6V-i(7c. (
CIDKR Per half bbl. . $3.
HAl'lCRKP.AtTT Per half bbl. , $2.0052.25
HONKY Cholco white. 121 130.
MAPL1Q SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each
2.50 ; gal. cans , pure per aoz. , $12 ; half-gal
cans. $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
MAPLE SUGAR Choice , in boxes , 9c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No.
green hides. Gc ; No. 1 salted hides. bHc ; No
taltert hides. 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , ij to 1
Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 13 Ibs. . So.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1
-c ; tallow. No. 2. 3c ; rough tallow , l'/4c
whlto grease. 2'iti3o ' ( ; yellow and browi
re-ose , Ittii-l&c.
FURS MlnH , iOff75c ; bear' ( black o
Luowr. ) . $5.i" " > ri20.0Q ; otter. $1.50 8.00 ; beaver
$ l.OCKi.uu ( ( ; skunk , lofT'oc ; muskrat , SCilOe
raccoon , IjfiCiOc ; red fox , 25cffi$1.25 : gray fox
2 u50e ; wolf ( timber ) , 2Jc'ii$2.50 ' ; well
( prairie ) , coyote , lOflSOc : wildcat , 1023c
badger. fi'iMO ; silver fox , $30.00fi 73.00.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , * ach , 15i
. ' 5c : green salted shearings ( .short woulc *
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( shor
wooled early fkins ) . No. 1. each , 5c ; dr ;
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher woo
pelts , per lb. , actunl weight , 4'n3o ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts
per lb. , actual weight , 34c ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actua
weight , Ifi5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrali
wool pelts , per lb. , actual wolirht. jglc.
( luolnUniiH for ( be lnj- oil Goiiern
ceipts , 17,14o bbls. ; exports , 411 bbls ; dul
and lower to sell ; winter patents , $3.73tT4.20
winter straights , $3.GOft3.73 ; wii . "r
$2.WIiH.OO ) ; 'Minnesota patents , $3.00'jr.23 !
Mlniuvsotii bakers. $3.00Jj , ! .20. Rye , dull
good to fair. $3.00If3.13 ; choice to fancy , $3.2
( i/3.40. /
CORiN-MICAL-Qulet ; yellow western , S31
Sllc ; city. KGfi7c. / .
RYE Klrm ; No. 2 western , M' c , f. o. b ,
I1ARLEY MALT Dull ; western , CS'ffCSc.
WHEAT Rcc Ipts , 34,223 bu. ; exports
175.UIS bu. Spot easy : No. 2 red , S2"e , f. c
b. , allnat ; Ts'o. 1 northern , Now Tork. Sfi c
f. o. b. , alloat. Options opened steady o :
bctur cable news than expected , but subae
queiitly weakened under predictions of gen
eral rains. Closed weak at 'Afi'le. ' decline
May opened 77Ttf(7iC. ) . closed 77T c ; July
7ialfi7S ( 1-llic ; closed ii-lje ; Septmber , 7RTW
77c. closed 70'iiC ; Dect-mbur , 7SV107.S ; > i <
cloned 7h'ic.
CORN Receipts , 30.175 bu. ; exports , 40 bu
Spot easy ; No. 2 , I3'MI37te , f. o. b. , afloat
new and old. Options opened easy and sol
off with wheat and under May liquidator
latter option closing 'i-e nit lower and Jut
unchanged. May opened XV i lOc , clase
SliH'1 ; July. Klifi31iiclosed | : S9 4e.
OATS Receipts. lw,2K : ( ) bu. ; exports. fifl.lS
bu. cjpol dull ; No. 2. ! , ! ' ; No. 3. : .2c ; No.
white , ; tV ; track , white , S'iiaOc ; Nil. 2 whlti
3lic ; track , mixed , western. 325i3lc : tracli
white , 33l39c. | Optlnns dull ; shipping , 445
Me ; good to choice , ( ; 5ij7c. (
iKil'.iI'ommon to choice , 1S90 crop , S'i
7e : 1V.I7 crop , I14fl3c ; 1K ! > S crop. lGf17c | ; Pa
elite , IbM crop , i/7c ( | ; 1S97 crop , lli (
JSc : lv' ' cion , 174b'c.
HI DBS Steady ; Gnlvrston , 10 to 2fl Ibs
liiV'ii.e ' : 'leN'idry. . 21 to 30 Ibs. , 121T13i. . '
C-ilifiirnla 21 to 2.1 lb.IKfflSU.c. .
LEATIIKR Steady ; hemlock , Iluenc
Ayres , light to heavy weights , sic.
WOOL Steady ; fleece , 17fl''lc ; Texas , 115
i-lloVISIONS Heef , ptfudy ; family , $9.f
flll.OO ; extra mess , $9.00 ; beef hams , $19 W
l'j.50 , p.icket. * 9.30fllO.Oij ; city , extra Indl
me.s > . $11 no'if 13.50. Cut meats , steady
pickled belll-s , $3.m > 05.73 ; pickled Ahoulilurt
$1.5i ( ; pickled hams. 7'slitMiC. Lard , easy
western steamiMl , $ ! ) . ! > 21 ; rellned dull ; con
tlnenl , $5.75 ; South American , $ U.2. > : con :
pound , 4 ic. Pork , quiet ; mess. $ S.75f'J.5 (
clear , $10.2ofl0.73 ( ; family. $10.5mj'11.00.
IUJTTBU Dull and weak ; western cream
cry. 15filSc ; western factory. 1311 U'ie ' ; 1ml
tation creamery. 1 If/lfi' / ' . : state dairy , 111
13c ; state creamery , ISIdSc.
I'll HUSK Receipts. MS pkgs.i old. qillel
largo white , 12il2'4c ( ! ; small white. 12liftl3c
largo colored , 12(12ttsmall ( ; calored , 12i <
13e ; new. slow : large , lOc ; mnall. lOfjlO'ae.
EC1GS Rt-ctlpti , 7,110 pk s. : tinner ; wesi
ern , l.lVi'ltc ; soiilhern , 13iiKmc .
TALI.uU' Weak ; city , 4' ' ? ( I'.ic ' ; countrj
l'i ilVas to quality.
OILS Petrolrum , dull ; refined. Ne-i
Y--k. * ' ; . ! : > . Phllad Iphla and Haltlmon
J'l.W ' ; Phll.idi Iphla and Jl.iltimore , In bull
Jl.ln. Rosin , steady ; common to good , tl.3i
Turiientine , Kiumlv at K\yii \ 12-Vic.
RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 41
( & 7c ; Japan , SfaS'ic.
MOLABSKS l-lnn : New Orleans , njx !
kettle , good to choice , 33f37e. |
co'rro.NHEEn Ollfontluunt very dul
prime crude , Kl4e ! ; prime crude , f. o. b
inllU ISjildc ; prim * summer yellow , 2G'j (
27c ; off Hummer yellow , 25"j'i(2iic. '
I'lillnilcliililii I duel'MarUel ,
Hull and weak ; fancy western creamer ;
IViilS'-r ; fancy western prints , 21c.
I-MG.S Half cent lower : frri-h nearby , ISi
fr MI westein. lIMill'sc ' , fresh huuthw-'Hteri
13'ul3'-e ; fresh southern. 13e.
ilioIlN Wlii-iit .lliirKt't.
lur - : Nu I norlhern. April. 7l' > , r ; Ma ;
"oVi'o1" ! . July. 71V * . September. VJSic. O
trail , . Ni 1 hard , 72W ; No 1 northc-n
71c , No2 northern. CD c.
MHiMiiiUce tiralii MnrUel.
.MII.U ATKEH. April 22 WHEAT No.
unr ii 'n ' 7.i7 ; | , \ ( , 2 northern , 7Ui71iC.
ItYIJ L-ittir Nu 1 f-v
UARLt.i-tull ) , .Nu : , Wsv , aoiuplc , 3V
Short Selling on Prospects of Rtiin Make ;
Wheat Decline.
All llrnnclirn of Hie Market
Sjmpulliy HIM ! Corn , Out * anil
1'rovlNliin * Arc ; All
CHICAGO. April 22-T.lquIdaUon ant
short selling today on prospects of rait
caused a decline In wh.-at. At the close Maj
and July both showed a loss of Ittc. Con
declined ? io and outs Ufi'Hc. 1'ork lost ft
and lard and ribs 2'if5c | e-nch.
\V'h at opened steady on bettor Llvorpoo
cables than cxpccUd. There was a lack o ;
outside trading , however , and prices sool
twised off , thu weakness becoming qulto pro
nounced on predictions of general rain ,
where badly needed In the south and south
west. Liquidation was 'heavy ' and there wai
a good deal of short selling. May startei
He higher at 73uc and d 'ollned steadily ti
i2'/4c at the cJoso. JulV opened at 743ij'ci4lHii
and sold off to 731ii/7Jijc ! , the closing price
Prlvato crop damage reports were less nu
merou * than heretofore. Chicago riciilve *
ra cars , of which 7 graded contract. Mln
neapolls and Uuluth got 281 cars , against 21 !
for the same day a year ago. World's ship
ments to Europe for the week were e.stl
mat"d at 6,000ouO bu. Atlantic port clear
ancos. in wheat and Hour equalled 512,000 bu
Corn decllne-d under moderate liquidation
Increased country offerings and heavy re
ceipts. There was a. fair shipping demand
Receipts , 240 can-i. May started a sh.uli
lower at 3l ic , sold sparingly at 3c ! , thu
declined to 3lc at the close.
Sympathy with other grains and free rea
llzing by longs cans'd a decline in oats
There wns n good cash demand from I hi
east. Ri ceipts , 173 cars. There was a KOOI
cash demand. May opened a shade hlghe
at 2B4iand declined to iiPsO at the do. . \
Free dellvrles of hogs and the weakn-si
In grains dt pressed provisions. May port
opened 2l ie lower < it $ ! UG. rose to $ .20 , thei
rac'ted to $ ! > .12'4 , sellers , nt the close. Th
range Jn lard and rib- was small.
Estimated rec Ipta for Monday : Wheat
72 ears ; corn , 227 cars ; oats , 200 cars , am
hogs , 33.000 head.
i > i.udliiK fuunes ranged at followr :
Arllolen. open L n. OIOM ) . VeBil'y
May . . 7.W31J 73H 72 > <
July. . . 74 * .
' " 74 73U-7J
Mar. . . St 54 34'
July. . , ar .ID
Sept. . . 3SH
May. . , 2flJ < JfiK 28
July. . , 'JIM
Bopt. . , ! ! ! W B24 ! 22U
May. . . 913 oao oni
July . . Ill2V : oin : ons
Sept . .10 9 45 04S sou
May . . 5 27 K
July. . S4I ) 585 BH7V
Sept. . , 5 no 5 45 B47H 6521
May. . . 477 477H , 4 72H 476 477"- "
July. . , 400 487H , 4 na
Sept. . , 6U.i COO 500 6 05
No. 2.
Cash quotations wore as follows :
KlAJliit Steady ; winter patents , $3.U ( > i
3.70 : straights. $3.30 3.40 ; clears. .10T3.2l | )
spring specials , $4.25 ; patents , $3.30tc3.7a
straights , $2.80fi3.10 ; bakers , $2.2072.50.
WHHAT No. 2 spring , 72T < 72e ; No.
spring. GSQGSHc ; No. 2 red. 7&1,2ff77'/4c.
HA RLE Y No. 2. 4Vffl7c. (
SKIDDS No. 1 llaxsecd , $1.17 ; northwesl
$1.21 ; prime tim'othy ' seed , $2.32V4p-.35.
PHOVISIONS-Mwis pork. p-T bbl. , $9.104
9.15. 1-ard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.22 4f3.25 > 4. Shor
ribs sides ( loose ) , t4.50fr > l.90. Dry salte
shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.50fc I.G2'short ; clca
side. ' ) ( boxe < l ) . $3.005(0.10.
WHISKV Distillers' finished goods , pe
cal. . $1.2rt.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $5.D6 ; granulated , 53.41
j-'ollowins are the recelptH and shipment
today :
Articles. Receipts. Ship'ts
Flour , bbls 9,001 10,0 (
Wheat , bu 77,000
Corn , bu 15S.OOH L".I2 0 (
Oats , 'bu ' 179.00 * 172X (
Rye , bu 24,000 4i >
Barley , bu 23,000 12c <
On the Produce exchange today the bin
ter market was quiet nnd easy ; cramei
leu , 13ffl7c ; dairies , lli15c. ( ICggs , steady
fresh , ht ; 1240. Cheeswi weak ; cream :
H'.4fil2Vic. Dressed poultry , moderate dc
maud ; turkeys , lliI21/.o ( ; ducks , atflOc
chickens , 9Vse.
svr.s r STOCKS Axn noxn ;
CliuiiKCM Arc Only Trivial , lint 111 ( b
Way of InipriM eiiienl.
NEW YORK , April 22. The market toda
was almost wholly professional and the ne
changes were trivial , although in the wa
of improvement. Tlio specialties tnonopc
llzed attention except for activity In sum
of the Internationals. In the early tradln
an expected favorable bank statement wa
discounted , nnd on Its appearance gener :
realizing followed , the apptunoce of a su ]
ply of wtoek from large holders giving ei
courngement to the bears to put out shoi
lines , and the market closed with n raid I
progress. The bank statemept showed
largo Increase in loans and deposits and
consequent heavy gaJn In surplus reservi
London sold freely of Louisville & Soutl
orn preferred and Denver & Rio Grandi
but those stocks were well taken and a
closed at good advance * . Norfolk & Wesi
ern uhares were the only other particular !
strong railways. Sugar was strong throng-l
out and Rallied 2 i. Brooklyn Trail-
moved IrreiKUlnrly , fllehtly above yentui
( lay's figures. Among other specialties Coi
ilnental Tobacco was pressed for sale cnil
on the Increased capitalization , but nilllr
on supporting orders and closed with a gai
of 2 polntB. Tonfieirvoe foul and Iron wn
wenk , Undue a point. New Jersey Ccntn
waf helped by the announcement that eei
lain high rate bond.i uould be refunded b
the Issuance of stock to be subscribed f <
by present stockholders. The market clo.-c
The level of prices for the week was nc
much change , ! , declines only slightly o
ceedlng In number the advances. Tindea
Ing-n were of n highly professional clmi
acter , thu public being rather indisposed t
lot go Its present hulillng. or to take on m.
lines , nnd prices of Individual stocks as
rule rose or fell only at the will of man-ipi
lators. The trade rejiorts for the wee
Showed no marked abatement of prosperlt
in vnrloim lines of industrial activity. Tli
Imports for March were the largest I
nearly two years. Nevertheless thu exec-
of exports reached nearly $ : ! 3i'nMnjo. ( large !
duo to a gain In manufactured products , n
the exports of eeronlK. cattle and raw in :
terlal full oft about $ < tooo. sterling- )
chnngo was strong , with an Insulliclency c ,
commercial bills. It win , thought tin
preparations for the payment of the Spat
l li Indemnity figured in flu- exchange nun
ket. Money on call showed a variable tet
dency , alternately easy and llrm. with eit :
generally prevailing. Loanable funds wei
Increased by receipt * of money from Hall
moro nnd Philadelphia. The bank elearlnti
of the United States , reflecting the con
paratlvo apathy in speculation , decreasi'
for the week over $ ) l,000ooo. but were nil
greatly In excess of those ! ot last year. Tl :
grain market's strength , supposedly rellec
Ing an expectation of a hhrlnkage In tl
cereal yield , wan watched narrowly for 11
effect on the grangers. Thin gioup of tUocli
moved within compressed llmlls , will
Ilurlinglon advanced about 2 points on tl
iiihurrlpllnn privilege extended to stocl
holders. The professional elemenl showed
frequent disposition to bo bearish , will
real lioldeM of stock generally i-lun
tenaciously to their favorite- , but the llqu
dallon of .speculative bidders wan not lacl
Ing. The dullness of the week seemed coi
duclvc to an Increase In the short lull rest
which acted UH a support tn values on cm
cessions. Krequently , afler a long per t
of Inactivity , business xuddenly Increase
an though It had been prearranged. Tl
moro notable chuimes In pi Ices for tinwi i
were : Declines : Third Avenue , fl'.i ' ; llnul
lyn Traiinlt , 4 ; Manhattan , 3T ; People
< Sai , 3 * ; New York Central , 2 , and Uucki
wanna and NorthweHtern each. The a' '
vancpH Include : New York Air Brake , 1
Colorado Puol , lO i ; Colorado Fuel prefern
and New Haven. 7 each ; Anaconda Mlnln ,
S ; National Steel , 4 ; New Jersey Cuntrn
Delaware \ HudFon and Louisville , over
each , and Southern preferred , 2S . Thi-i
was talk at one tune of n recurrence of ill
crimination In loans against the industrial
but IOSM was heard of this with the caslr
of money. There were sales for westei
account on several occasions which wei
ituken to bo connected with Information c
crop prospoctH. Railway earnings thnt ni
pc-are < l during the week were general
Considerable favorable comment wi
arouatid by the keen Investment Inqulr
for bonuH. which Includtil mlddle-clatis i
well as prlrriKividen. . The m.irk it Uli
played pniiinunced MreiiKth throughou
moving Inih i > endtntly of the stock murke
I'nlled StaKs-'s. reglut-red. 3s , r < gint rei
and new 4s. rtfftateri d. advanced ' - 3
c < mpon. and I'lcl H reglstertd.i4 , an < l eli
i couiKin , and m w H , coupon , ' -i In tl
} The ConunjxclAi Advwuters Ix > iulc
flnanl.V cabl > i.rim KI\S : The lnirk'-9
hi re wire K'ncrully qu | , t and llrm todi > .
but AmcrUnin were moro active than re-
oMttlv. harilvininvf dlllnetlv. The clu e was
n Mha.le over pnrtlty. The chlt fenture
was arbitr.iiro buylnp of Louisville & Nash
ville. Southern hallway and Norfolk &
Western preferred. There was nctlviH oX'al-
Ins in topper chares. Anacondas rflnpiwd
to 11 1-16 ; Tlntos recovered tn 4t. ; discounts
were n shade firmer , but niton ; y was very
en. y almost unlflldab'e. There were JCSS-
OKI jcold In bars bought by the bank nnd
.Cin.ow arrived from Australia.
The following nr th < > cla.Mng quotation.
for the lending stocks on Iho Now York
exchange today : ' n S0i I , l/nuls A S. V. . . ll't '
il < pM > . 61 do pM 70'J
l > Mlmorp A Ohio. . 72' * il < > JpM \ "i
81. IjHIls & S , W. . 13S
iVinadtan SmitliM-ti. o" do vM W ,
Oniral IVc-lllc Si's ' f . 1'nnl liS
CImt. & Ohio 'i < tn pM 110
nil. & AHotl 188 t. P. ft Om 01
C. IJ. A Q l-i ( to tiM ll > " >
O. * 11 111 7H So. r Htlc . . . . . . . . Wi
do pTJ I2J < i > . lunwwy 13
till. O. W 15'i Oo | W Ws
nvi. 111 & 1 Temui A : P-ACltlc. . . . XU *
ilo 1 > W . , 4G < k Union Paclllc 4 ii
Oiil. & X. W 161 do pM d. . . "S1 !
IM U. P. O. &
O. i' . . ' ii & 'St. ! . . M > ' 4 \VnJiB U . S
do pM J SI rto"pU I3V
Del. . \ : Hudson . . . .131 % n H
i Ivl. U & \V ITS1- * do pfd HI' *
I DM. & Illo Q 2tf Ailnms Ex 1W
' " Anvrtann I t 140
Erto ( new ) . Wt UnlirJ Suites . . 53
| do lut pM 37 3 \\iiln Fat-fro . .127
I ri.Vnylvc IM A. Cot. Oil . . 3S
i Ut. N\ir. 'pM 193 do fCd
I HarHIng Valley . . . . 10 Amrr. ' *
Illlnnl * i' . . . .ll.'i'i
L-iko CrloV. . . . . 17'i
do t-M W ili > pM . . . . .113
I.ikiShnrc a l"ms. Ofts . , .MO
Ix.nls. ft Nash . Com. f .blc Co
Minluitlnll 1 , l&l'ii Iron
Met. St. Ity SVi ! < Vi pM na
IXHidli. Oiit. 111 Oen. nicclrlc UMi
Alum. * i W. H. . . WHile Hnw. Onnin'l CO..1CU
ilo pfd . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 Hmoldyn It.
Int'n'l I'atHir
Moiillo & ) ' " ! ! 43 M ipfd
Mo K. ft T lisi Ui CloJo One . fil'i '
tin prd D9Tj , .14 a
N J. I'vntral 1JJ do i > M , . . . .11.1
NY. . ( Vntral J ! 4 Nn.t. l.ln. OH , 4
.V. V. . St. I. . 14CIS IMl'inc Alnll
ill M pM CISM People's r.\3 :
iln IM r-M M I'n I in nil I'alaoe . . . .
Nnr. .V. Weft . . . . 1 "I * Silver L'crtllle.itPif. .
.V. ATV. . | < rd . , K. H. & T
N . Ami'r. Co. . . . i nii
, r.2' , < V > prd
T. I * . & Iron , . f.l
Onioirlo . < o \V 'S7 , U. S. l Mthcr
Ore. II. & N'nv. pfj 70 ilo pTd
' ' ' t" . S. Uiibbor .
1'apltle ( Viart . . . . . 40' tin pfil IIS
1'nn < ? oost 1st pfil. . S3 \Voxt. t'nlon , 02 %
do I. ) iiftl r.S A. P. fc W
I'lttsbun ; 1SI do pfil
IlKiilliiK 24 1-Vil , Steel
da ll t ) if\l CGH ilo prd
u a.v r.t Col. Smthorn . . . . .
ill pfd . . . 78
HIK-U Islnnrl Ub'i i5. )
The total sales of stocks today were 303-
714 shares. Including : American Steel and
Wire. G.t'i'X ' ) ; American Sucar , IC.fiOO ; Ana
conda. 7.WO ; Atchlson preferred , S.100 ; Itur-
llngton. 4.700 ; Chicago Great Western , 3,500 ;
< 'olorado Fuel and Iron , . " > , 100 ; Continental
Tobacco , 2S.400 ; Denver it Hlo Grande , 15.-
M)0 ) ; Des Mollies & Fort Dodge , 2,700 ; 13. S. K.
& A. preferred. 2.MO ; Federal Steel. 5,300 ;
Louisville , t Nashville. 5.3.W . ; Louisville &
Nashville preferred , 7.MO ; Manhattan Con-
Kolldated. 2,500 ; Manhattan Ileach , 22.SIX ) ;
Al-xlcan Pentral , 10.200 ; i.Ml sourt Paclllc ,
, 4..00 ; National Steel. S.SOO ; New .HTSey On-
I tral , H.fiOO ; Norfolk & Western , 3WO ! ; Norfolk
I it W stern preferred , S.Mo ; St. I.ouls &
1 Southwestern , 2,000 ; St. Louis & Southwest-
I ern preferred. 2,200 ; St. Paul. 2.200 ; Southern
Hallway. 3,700 ; Southern preferred. lii.DOO ;
Tennessee Coal and Iron , 12,000 ; Wheeling
& Lake lirle , 5W. !
XCAV York Money MnrUot.
CALL Nomlnnl ; no loans.
pw cent.
with actual business In bankers' bill nt
$ 4iM.87 ? for demand 'and at $ < .Sl i@4.M
for sixty days ; posted rates. S4.X.v4f4.S > .i and
14 b7l2ti4.5S ; commercial bills. t4.Slfil.S4U- .
HAH SILVER 50i < .e.
I5ONDS Statvi bonds inactiverallroaO :
bonds llrmer ; government bonds llrmer ;
tl. 8. Ss. reg. , 100 ; 3s. reg. . 10S ; coupon ,
1U9 ; new 4s , reg. , 129 : coupon , 130 ; old 49 ,
reg. , 112Vi : coupon , 113" ; ; Os , reg. , llli ;
uoliDOn. 113.
Cloeine quotntlons on bonds ware :
lii ( he I-'oeeluii I'liiniiclal AVorld.
i LONDO.V , 'April 22. American seeurit'e '
openeil bettdIn symptahy with Iho im
pruvomcnt in Wall street yesterday. Th
notable feature was loulsvlllo. The linn
tone waH ilrmer. Oold at lliu-nos Ayre- ,
nj.W. Amount of bullion taken Into th
Hank of KiiKliind on balancj today , i'S.oiX
lllCHLIN , April 22. Hu.slnefis on the hours
toduy was IrreKtiliir. KorelKiiers were dpi ]
thouKh Turks and ATKontlnes were llrm' i
Amorlennn were nefltcted. ; Loc-al share
were Htronpr , especially Iron shariwhlel
advanced considerably on bear eoverlnn
ICxi-hunso nn London , 20 marks 41 pftrs. fo
FIIAN'KKORT , April 22.-IrreKular bus !
nens prevailed on the bourse today am
fnrelKii mouritlcH were dull. American
were malntaltud.
PAULS , Anrll 22.-On thn bourne tnll- :
bUHlno's at llrst hesitated , became dull nn <
mtJr reeoverod. The closing was Irrcsulai
International securities were fairly llrm. i-n
liecl.illy Siidii-iBli 4s and Turks. Hlo Tlnto
mudup tin Ir yesterday's loss. Kalllrs Im
proved .ind securlllo.f the lirltlsi
cli.irtend South African romjiany w re tlrn
on the re.purt that l' cil niiodi bus seruT < > (
the funds necchsary for thi > projumcd < 'np
Id Cairo rallrjad. Three per c nt rente. "
102f 7'se ' for the account. Spanish Is. 6010.
IVIIIINIIM Clly ( irulii nnd I'rnvUlnim ,
KA.VSAS t'lTY. April 21 WI I RATTti
turts low-r Jlay IOB d at t V Ju ,
opened un haiitseU u.t dcullned io GC ;
tf ! i lo e ; i-.iMi. 1 i8c lowr-r ; NO. 2 hard.
< * , No. S. iM'in.Tr. No. 2 red. . " ( rM , . No.
. , No. 2 > nrlnt. | W-'liWi . No .1.
( 'lHN 1/ower ; M.iy. itlSe. July , SJ'ie : No 2 mlX'-d. 3 > ; No. 2 white , SI'te ' ;
No S , Sic.
OATS-Mwer ; No. 8 whiteXflte. .
nYUSleHiUNo. : . 2. MV\
HAY. IJC'ltlJU AND UiiUlS-Strady. un-
St. I. mil" MnrUct.
ST. T.OUI8 , April 22.-VLOUU-ntlll , tm-
\ \ liKAT-tiull nnd lower : N'o. 2 red rH h ,
elevator , 7iV : traek , 775J7S'8e ; April , 7fie ;
May , 77e bid : July , T2Uo bid ; No. S hnrd.
6 ! > ' HT7lo , nominal.
t'oUN Hull and lower ; No. 2 oftsJi. 86a
bid : traek. SCr ; April , 3Co ; May , 324c ; July ,
aTiiffSl e asked ; September. aUje.
oATS-Kasler : No 2 cah , 2 'je bid ; tfftek ,
We ; April , : < .4r ; May , 2Sc ; July , 2140 bid ;
No. 2 white , sfe.
UYE Nominal , BCC.
SRKOS-Vlussced. nomlnnl , { 1.13. I'rlmo
timothy. JS.2.V
. . .
UHAN-KaMer ; saeked. onst traek , Ko.
HAY Timothy , stronK , JS.BOji 11.60 ; pfalrlp ,
steady. JO.SMi8.00.
IM'TTICHSteady ; creninery , IBITSOc ;
daltA' , 13fJ17e.
r.OtlS-Lmver , ! U4e.
WHISKY Steady. 11.16.
MKTALS-Lcnd. dull , f UiHftl.ZO. Spel
ter , steady. JiiPJ ) .
I'llOVlslnNS Pork , steady ; standard
nief ! ' . Jobbing , $ ! ) .2o. Lard , easier ; prime
sleam , JS.rei ; eholee , Jo.lO. Dry Palt meats ,
boxed shoulders. $1.25 ; extra fhorts , J1.S7H ;
rlb. , y " , ; aborts , $3.2. > . Haeon , boxed shoul
ders , $ fi ; extra shorts , ? 5.37's ; ribs , JJ.fiO ;
shorts , K < 75.
UKrKirTS-Klnur. l.WO bids. ; wheat , 7.0 <
bu. : corn. 34.000 bu. : oats , 23,000 bu.
SJUPMKNTS Klotir. fi.OOO bbls. ; wheat ,
12CiOi ) bu. ; eorn. 19 , ( < ) bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu.
CMiti-liinittl > Inrlet.
rtNTINNATI. April 22. KLOtW Steady.
WlIKAT-Qulet : No. 2 red , 74e.
CORN Pleadv : No. 2 mixed. rt7o ,
OATS Dull : No. 2 mixed , UOVfcc.
UY10 ynlet : No. 2. PiKifiSe.
PltOVISlONS Lurd. quiet , W 07' * . Hulk
meats , slrndy , JI.W. llaeon , steady , J3.73 ,
\VIIISKY-Steady , .2 J.
HfTTKRnll. .
HOOS Klrm. HHe.
Toledo Clarke * .
TOLnilO. April 22. WHKAT Lower ,
easy ; No. 2 cash. 74'ir- .
N Knsy : No. 2 m'xed ' , S
OATS null ; No. 2 mixed. 2Se.
HYlO lnaetlve : No. 2 ca li. .ISe.
CLOVUHSKRn Aetlvn : prlmo cash , old ,
J.1.G7'i ; new , ensli and April. $3.7ii.
( Jriiln Il - < - -lplH nt PrliH-lpnl MnrUot * .
'ST. ' LOl'IS , April 22. Receipts : Wheat ,
C.700 bushels.
KANSAS City , April 22. Receipts : Wheat ,
CD ears.
CIHTAnO , April 22. Estimated cars for
Monday : Wheat , 72 ; corn. C7 ; oats , 200.
PEO1UA. 111. . March 22.-CORN Kasy ;
new No. S , .tt'le.
OATS-lnaetlve ; No. 3 white , 2SVifT2SiP. (
WHISKY Klrm , on the basis ot Jl.23 for
finished Boods.
poIlN l-'liiur Mil fleet.
ontv > , lower : tlrst patents , S3.7olj3.S.r : serond
patents. JS.tTi'iiS.ra ' ; tlrst clears , j2.7."i'02.S3.
HRAN In bulk , $10.25 < ffl0.50.
Diiludi AVbi-nl MirUct.
DULtTTH. April 22. WHEAT No. 1 hard ,
eash , 7 c bid ; April , 74c bid ; May , 7r.e bid ;
July. 7Sc bid ; No. 1 northern , cash , 70jc bid ;
No. 2 northern , Car.
Wool Slnrlt - < .
LONDON , April 22. There- was n. strong
inquiry for wi il In thti trade durhm the
week and 3,000 bales were sold. Merlnofi
so'.d lOfllH iier cent above the lost sale.
I > ewer grades , wttllo llrm in tone , were In
much reuuest. Th arrivals for the series
which will open on June 27 number 101 , SOJ
bales , Ineludlni : 'W.OiO bales forwarded di
rect. The Imports for the week were as
follows : New South Wales. 102021 bales-
Quc-uiisl-and. 2U9 bales ; Melbourne ,
bale * ; South Australia , CSC biles ; NPW X.ea-
Innd , 1S.3SO bales ; Cnpe of Good Hope nnd
Nntal , : ! , SOO bales , and elsewhere. , 240 bales.
onnrriKs i.v POHTO IIICAX MKK.
Mi-tliodN of Uic Xnllvc Fire
ami Police lcMiriiiciit | ( .
The Porto means , our new fellow citizens
by act o congress , are small of stature ;
the American soldiers are slants In com
parison , relates the New York Sun. The
upper classes are Spaniards and dwell Ir
houses ; the middle classes live In shanties ,
and the lower classes the peons cxlsl
where convenient. Their children so arouml
without clothes of any kind until they arc
10 or 11 years old , and oven grown-up per
sons of both sexes bathe together In purif
naturallbtiK where the water Is no hlghei
than the kneo. The bulk of the people are a
composite race Spaniard , Indian and negro ,
As regards religion they are Uotnan Cath
olics , although the rules ot the church dc
not bind them overmuch. Indeed , very fen
of the men go to mnls.
The churchis are not Inviting , for , al
though universally painted yellow on the
outside in accordance with the Spanish law
the Interior Is rather bare. Thrco rows ol
seats stretch In front of the altar and par
allel with it , but the rest of the space Is
bare , nnd worshipers who do not bring theli
own conveniences have to stixnd or knee
during service. The Spanish women of tin
aristocracy may he seen going to mass or
Sunday preceded by n negro carrying r
chair nnd followed by another with a prlo
flleu. The men crowd the churches on gram
occasions , the grandest of which Is the teas
ot the "Three Kings , " which wo call tin
Epiphany. That la the Porto Ulcan Christ
mas. The country folk come down from tin
mountains to San Juan and Pence , and aftei
drinking rum , compared with which Bowerj
whlttlcy Is a mild beverage , they go to church
In church when they meet old friends the ;
embrace them effusively ; when they meei
old enemies mnchotes are drawn and usei
with skill ; but nil the tlmo the scrvlci
goes on.
Tlio flro department In Porto Rico Is Ir
rather a primitive Ftnte. Thorn Is nc
\vntor available In summer fresh water Ii
sold by the barrel , bucket , and even by th <
glass and when a flro Is discovered 1tit
firemen take their axes nnd chop up the ad
joining houses to save the block. As tin
houses are mere ( mantles , a few board !
Jlirown together regardless of nrcliltocttira
'design , nxes may not bo necepBary ; a fov
kicks do 'Iho business. The peons do no
llvo In houses nt nil ; they Just Ho dow :
when they are sleepy and go to sleep. Tlio ;
are lazy , but the climate Is to blame I'o :
that. They work about four months In tin
year , thnt Is to say. In the sugarcano-eut- -
'ting season , and spend the other clgh
months playing "loo" and other games , In
eluding a sort of rouletto. They nuarre
frequently while gambling , nnd then tin
nmdictc , which most of them enrry unde
their uhirts , mines into piny , nnd they BlntO
ouch other without mercy , nut ns n rule tin
Porto Kleau Is Inoffensive. When tin
Korty-Beventli Now York wns nt Cnguns
Ilutnncno nnd other towns the regimen
found no dlillculty In ruling there. Two o
U.TCO of tlio boys regulated a town.
The police department Is still moro slngu
lar than tlio lire department. Uoforo th
American occupation a detective departmcn
existed under a chief. The detectives , Ii
hunting a criminal , wont around in detach
ments disguised ) as doctors or priests , rcac
ing books nnd looking so tincaclous thn
every one knew what they 'vere. Of cours
they never captured the criminal. On on
occasion a man stele $5,000 worth of Joiv
clry in San Juan .nnd went to Humacnn fo
concealment. The chief thought this was
case that demanded the ability of a mnste
mind , so lie wont In quest of the thief him
self. Ho had on Ills person two revolver *
a dagger , a mnchrto nnd u carbine , nm
thua equipped ho went to the house wjier
the thief wus In hiding.
"If you don't como out , " thundered th
chief , shoring n pistol through the opai
window , "I'll blow you Into tlio inferno
regions. "
Thcro WHB no answer and the chief crop
tied all his pistols nnd rarhlnci through th
window , the thief all the tlma lying on th
"Will you surrender ? " slioutod Iho chlul
"I have 150 rounds more. "
Ki.r answer the robber got up fiom th
floor , went oui by the tiaik dui.r . .nun oiini
to tlio veranda , und taking the > hif pris
oner , bound him font and left bun there.
Hardly Enough Cattle in Sight to Establish j
a Prica , I
Deiiiiind Cooil mill Ilie YnriN Arc Soon
t'leureil , \ < iMvllliNttiiilltiK ! be
1'net lint Viiliii-i limp
) ir n l'r IViilit
Total receipts 19 142 S 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as followsi , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Cattle. HORS. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co 7 ! > 0
O. 11. Hammond t'o II 2.145
Swift and Company. . . . . . . M r > m ' W
Cudahy Parking Co 127 I.MS SI/
Armour .t Co 5S 1,923 S67
Swift , country u
H. lleekcr & Detran 25
Hamilton & Hothschlld. . 221
Other buyers 43 271) )
Totals 577 10.3SC 1,933
CATTUJ Not enough cattle were offered
on the market thl mornltiB to really estab
lish prices , In oilier words , there was about
the usual Saturday's run and the usual Sat
urday's market. Values were not materially
changed and the. trade as a whole was with
out Interest. A half-dozun loads of eorn-fd
st era were offered and sold In about the
same notches as yesterday. The few . ut-
terln r lots of yews and heifers werd picked
up at steady prices. About the only Interest
of the day centered on a bunch of calves or
yoarllnff stockem from Ontario , Canada.
They were fairish stuff , rather small bones ,
of all colors , and of mixed Durham breed
apparently. They met with ready sale at Jo.
Hecejpts of cattle this week have 1 > enlarge
largo as compared with previous weeks , and
the biff bulk of the arrivals made up of
corn-fed steers , offerings of cow stuff , stock
cattle , .tc. , lulnsr very light. Owing to the
largo run and the lower prices quoted .it
other markets , the tendency of prlc s at this
point nho first half of the week was lower.
During the latter part of the well values
held their own , but did not recover any of
the loss to speak of. At the clo'e of the
week It Is safe to say that values on corn-
fp < l steers are on an average 15c lower than
at the close of last week. Choice , handy
Httlo cattle were 1n the best demand all the
we k , and accordingly the ( Incline on thnt
kind was the. least , the loss not amounting
to over lOc on them. On the other hand ,
heavy ca.ttle . were not as free sellers an the
light cattle , especially if they happened to
bo coarse. It is safe to say that the heavy
cattle , even 'the best , arc all of 15c lower for
the week , and In extreme cases 20c lowor.
Cows and belters were In light demand nil
the week and the demand was good , HO that
the market was active and strong tvery day.
The arrivals met with ready sale every day
of the week , In spite of the decline cm steer.- .
Hulls weri also In very light receipt , and for
that reason the prices paid were a little
better than the low days of thn previous
week. Stock cattle were in small supply
all the week and good demand. Values wo--o
steady to strong nnd everything re-culvert
sold high. Feeders aold at fully steady
prices. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. NO. Av. Pr.
l. . IO$300 2. . 813 $1 IS 7. . S > 83I50
2..11S5 : uri 2S. . 773 115 2..1175 450
1. . 9MO I ! S ) J..1220 125 r..HM 4 E5
1..112(1 ( 400 2. . SoO 425 S..11CI 455
1. . USD 400 ] ( ! . . S 3 430 13..1270 4
1..1010 410 21..120I ! ) in J. . JSO 4 CO
3..10T ! 415l.lllin 4 1C. B..1I13 4 CO
2. . SIO .115 n..lOL'2 410 11..1201 4 CO
2..1010 415 20..134U 445 1S..1172 4 < T
2..1035 4 75
21..11C5 4 40 17..1019 4 GO
2. . 775 200 1. . 970 3)0 ) 1..1240 375
1. . 9.0 ( . 275 2..1HiO 3 BO 1..C70 375
1. . 9I8 ! : ' . 00 1. . (170 .1 50 1. . SIO 375
1. . 1170 I ! 00 1..1110 355 1. . 890 375
L.IO'JO 3 10 1..I120 355 2..1315 375
1. . 9V ) a 15 1..1210 II C5 4..12110 395
1. . 930 II 15 2. . 9HO 3 fiT 2..1235 I ( )
1..1200 a 33 1..1230 ! ! 70 1..1320 400
1. . SSO 3 40 1. . fcCO 3 75 1..1290 4 20
12. .1007 4 20
1. . 500 375 3. . flfiii 405 3..1010 420
1. . SIO 3 75 5. . 94 4 15 3. . 7bO 4 23
1. . 7SO 200 1..13SO 350 1. . 700 3 K >
1..13IO 290 3..11W 340 1..1C20 355
1..1C90 320 1..1610 .110 1..11110 3 CO
1..12.'iO 320 1..10HO 3 10 1..1540 30) )
2..17UO 32" . 1..KOO 310 1..1CSO 3 C5
1..13IO 3 31 1..1550 3 55
1. . 310 500 2. . 110 CM 2. . S5 C BO
1. . 150 6 25
1. . 420 3 00 48. . 757 4 20 35. . 700 I 7T ,
2. . 1250 3 75 2. . CCO 4 CO 133. . 410 5 CO
C. . 410 1 00
HOCS-Values were reported Co lower at
all the leading market points this morning
and this marital did "ot furnish any ex-
ccptlun lo the general rule. The fact that
the receipts weie exceedingly largv for the
Kist day of the wevk did not appear to cut
much of n llgure , as the demand was good
and buyers all 'com 1 to want a gooil
many IID H. The trade waa fairly active ,
thuuuli Homo buyer.s were a li'.tlo ' bearsh ,
whll" Fellers weie unwl'llng to take off.
The trade ilnally developed Into a $3 70iji.75 :
miukot , almost everything Hi'lilng wltliln a
rniiK'i of 6c. Vesterday one of thii largest
droves bought In Kansas City cost only J3.70 ,
as against $ .1.75 for the corresponding drove
Hogs nave brought g'ood prices this wv 'k ,
as will bo noted from the table of average
price * . After opening on Monday at good
strong figures the market slumped of | a
; ittlo on Tuesday , but the loss wa IIIOIM
than recovered by Thursday and on Friday
thn high point of the year WUH readied.
In fact the hogw sold on Friday at the
highest average price , touched slue.- Sep
tember of last year. The demand was good
all the week at the prevailing price * ami
the arrivals of each day nifit with rcudy
purchasers. Kepresc-nlHtlvo sales :
3 75
0 sn ? so 87 : .
3 7' .
* ? : : : : : : lift 3 7\
eo 05 s 7 : >
06 sro ' a ! .
ft , 30fl 'so a 7.- .
. . . $ i 78 S73 so a 7- .
SO 3 TilVk 77 KM 40 a 7.- .
. .257 SO a 784 M. . . . ,318 . . . o so
1 , . .520 2 ft 1. . . .210 3 1C
' a & ' ' . .w 3 I'T'- '
1. .310 2 ! . . . .SM S 7'i '
' .BIO 2 fill ft. . 8 70
l' .111(1 ( 270 a. , 3 7i >
' § IS. . 3 70
S. 215 2
StlKKP Htvelpts today wt-ro llRht m
the market without rhancc. Port ivhiiii
lambs sold at 15. W and Mexican yonrlliiiM
at } S.2o. Four 9lnalv > decks weiv < (
direct to Swift and Company and were not
otTerod for . ilp.
The market has been In good sham1 ai' |
tl'ls week that Is , the demand has l < n
fully I'qual In or In vri - . < uf Iho arm ill
an.l value * fully steady. In f.ict tlnni
haixlly been any quotable change '
In over a week.
Quolatlnns are : ( ? oed to choice fed w v t.
evil wethers , $ l.7IWt3.Xi ( ; fair 1,1 ( good , $4 'ill ' , )
4 7fi ; Mexican y 'ar'.lnR ! , Ji.2Vfre.ST. ( ; rhot , o
w.'Hlern yearlings. $3.00115.10 ; peed \vi'-.t ru
yearlings. Jl.Sfi'iiS.W ; good to cnolce Mriiorii
ewes. } I.S55if4.fiO ; fair to Rood we-'tern ewi s ,
f4 flOff1.2"i ; good to rholcc nitlvo lambs. $ in
8 < 5.40' Good to i holoeM'Sl < -rn lambs. * . - li i )
o.ot ) ; Port Colllnt Mexican lambs , goi'd < \
choice , } , " . ( Xv.ri.70 ; fair to good Korl l'i l.
lliis Mexican lambs , $ VoOiS.W } ( : f.-eder nhep. .
$4.2-ifl.BO ; feeder lambs , fl.Ct io.25. Jlei > rc *
f ntatlvi' salra :
W cull western ewea . Si .1 ir.
25 western wes . ST 3I )
2o > ) western ewes . W I , C >
533 Mexican yi'.irllngs . 7S f. r.
ItlMII'llllll III l'rlCtN llf IllIKH Il
III it Di-Hliic.
cmcVVOO. April S2Xot enough catllo
were received today to make a. market and
l rlcen ruled nominal.
There was a reaction In the price of hors ,
buyers Insisting on concessions , and thu
average salen were at 10o decline. Kew
fancy lots wcio no lower , selling agiln n't
$1.15 , but other consignments sold at S3 ( Iiij ( )
1.10. the greater part bringing $ a.ii55j"l.0'i.
The greater portion of the supply of shopp
wao consigned direct to .slaughtering and
prli--s ruled nominal.
HICCHirTS'nttle. . 200 head ; hogs , 17,000
head ; sheep , 3.5UO head.
ICutiHiis CHv 1,1-t * Stool ? .
KANSAS CITV , April Sa.-fA.TTr.K-Ilc.
ceipts , f > 50 lu-ad. Tlwi supply was light nntl
prlce-s about Bloady ; trade for the woelc wnu
satisfactory , offerings of chfilce quality sellIng -
Ing fairly netlvo at steady prlPCH , Xvhlln
common stock was slow to lower : lieuvy
natlvo steviw brought $ . > .00fii.30 { ; niitliiun
Hteers. Jl.loriTi.OO ; light wolglits , Sl.aHfliSi ;
Ktockers and feeders. $3.M'cri.r > 0 ; butdirr
ci > vvs < ind heifers , J3.OOTi4.7ri ; eanners , $2 STifi )
3. ' : butch.T , $3.0')1H.15 ' ; western steen * .
.r.oril.N5 ; Texans , ji.r.iwj ; I 75
HOGS Receipts. 4,700 head ; the demiuul
today was rather Indifferent and value. )
were a jthndc- lower ; iles were slow ami
extreme cas.H f > o lower ; heavy , $3.70'ii3.bO'
mixed , * 3.GOft'3.75 ; lights , $3.0/3.70 ; plgy >
SllUKP Receipts , 2.S50 head ; liberal sup
ply for Saturday ; trade was steady at un ,
chaiiKi-d prices : fed Iambs , $5.lOjrf > .IO ; clip. .
p.UIambs , $4rOTi'l.K ' > ; yearling1. * . $1.SK5.10 ! { :
Wi-thers , $1 liniifi.OO ; owes , { li.Siii-I.W ; ellppul
inuttonw. JJ.2:1(1(1.05 ( ; stoekcrs and feeder * .
W.OOffl.60 : culls. $2.00'u3.00.
S < , l.iMilx l.lvc Sdn-U.
ST. IOUIS. April 22. CAnn'MRccoh > tfi.
300 Iio.ul ; market steady ; fair to choice native -
tivo shlpplni ; and export Htoers. $ I.DO'itu,2 ! ! ,
with fancy siMllnp : nt j"i.r.O ; dressed be < l and
butcher steers , $ : l.Wiir > .oi : ; sti rs under 1 OX )
pounds , $3.331/1.10 ; flockd-rti anil feeders. $300
( fiS.OO ; cows and lielfers. $2.ftMr .00 ; bulis ,
$2.7."iffi.OO ; eanners , l.7iV 2-.7r. ; 'IVxa.s and In
dian Ktoers , J3.SOff4.bO ; cows and heifers ,
$2.7f.'f71.00. '
1IOC1S Receipts , 2,900 head ; nrnrkvit Ta
tower ; pigs and lights , $ t.s5'ii.fl5 ; ! ; packern.
$3. i > fM.O- > ; butchers , ? l ( KVn-l 12U. ' .
( S11I-J1-JP Hccoli > ts , 0,000 he.'id ; market
sti'suly ; natlv muttons , fl.nOfir.,15 ; cu'ls AmA
buck- , $3.107/1.00 ; limbs , jl.fiM/C.UO / ; tiprlnif
lambs , JS.OftiiS.50 ; clipped Texan lieep , $1,45
Xoiv Voi-lc | , lvi > HlucU.
cclpt ! < , 4LVa head. all consigned for
slaughter and export ; feeling Hteady ; ( ix-
ports. r.OO cattle , 7'J whoep and 5 , 22 ciuurtera
of beef.
OAIA'liS Receipts , 1CI head ; steady ;
good veals , $ ( ! .
SIIKBI' AND LAMBS-Rwplpts , G90 head ;
no sheep ; Iambs , 25c higher , two cars hoi'd-
ing for hlghur prlocei ; clipped lambs , 10 ;
unshorn Kilo ycsturdiiy , ( ITS.
IIOC3S Retfi-nts , S.nn.i head ; one dock on. .
sale ; hlj-her at Jl.'jjral.CO.
S . .lose pli | , | vc S < oel.- .
SOUTH ST. JOSIOl'II. Mo. . April 22.-Spo- (
claD-CATTLK-Hecelpts. 'JOO head ; ma > : k.0t
Htendy ; natives , JI.OOl/a.10 ; Texas and wi\su
ern * I.OW/4.Si ( ) : cows and heifers , W.LWjM 4d :
bulls nnd stags , $2.2r > ? i 1.23 ; yearllnes anrl
calves , SI.GWiVJO ; stockcrs and feeders , $3.00
( ff4.7 .
lions iReoelpts , 3,000 head ; market wealc
ffmo lower > Btil""B at ? 3- i''ui.S7',6. ' : imik $
SI IKKI' Receipts , none ; lambs , $3.30ii-r , 70 :
' " ? ' 5-M : Wit'"irs' ' " " ' " ' -91)i )
Cliiclnutltl llve Slni-k.
CINCINNATI. April 22-IIOfiS-Actlva
n < l l ady ut M.I5UI03.
, , -j < : llt " "fi" . 0.
SllKlCP-ftrong at S2.7.W l.fiO.
l AMBSStnily at * l.2rUC.7'it
Sdicli In .
Fo-'lowlng are the recelnu at ( he four
principal western markets for Aprl1. 22 :
, Cut II" 1 III-IB
O'- . (12.S ( 10,315
Ohleago. . . . zw 17.000 15(10 (
City . r-o , 4.7CC 2 S'CO
r.WIJ (
1.C78 & 75 11,023
Sliliiiii-iiN. | |
flllCAOO , April 22.-l-iiHl bound ship.
ments for tbo week were KI.KfiS tons , again < C
S.,1II ! IOIIH for UK- previous week anil 1'J.UCJ
toni for ihn eorreKponillng wenk last Vrnr.
Lake Shorn ed Ih ir.r,2.The Allcbipiiii
Central earrled 7,12.U'.iibiish. ; . I. I'm | . ' , , rt
\ayno ,'ll ; I'linliandle. irlS2 ; Iliiltl'n.m
* Ohio. , iliIrinnl ! Trunk. IfiMil ; NI , Unl
Plate , 5.7S1 ; Krle , T.cai. and I1IK Tour , ll.liai.
niiv Minii.i ; ( it. n. T. ) KIIII 10 I'oivrH
in v v.\jit.\vr ( ( r. s. ro.ii. )
I'MIt ) II ! I > OI\TM.
Refer to the columns of this paper of Sunday and note If thin IH
A HIM * sii.'irr.
Do you want a good onu for Monday.
April L'Uli ?
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