Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE O FATTA DAIT/V TtEE : TTiritSHAY , Al'lUT , 20 , 18JW ,
MIXOH ain.vrio2f.
Davis Eclln glass.
Moorr- food Mllg norms and fatten * .
Hu'l ri rr bter , L Iloponfeldt , ngont.
rurnifcliid rooms. 14 South KlMt street.
M-inl frames. C E. ALEXANDER & CO.
lo u rirnliuro tt Carpel Co. , 407 Il'vmy.
J r IHxby , hpatln. , plumbing. Tel. 193.
J' n-.i-n & MorteiiRen , 311 IJway give "Stars"
3 * Mnpj ftt Anamnsa vvaa In the ( Ity
jr --iliiv vlnillng frlcmls.
\ imm R Miller of Idi drove was a city
Vlan > r VfHtPidaj on btislneps
r II Jnccinemln A Co , Jewelers and op-
tlr nn . : ? SJUth Main street.
MiJ T. Pugh has been called to Ixigan
\ > \ HIP sortous Illness of her mother.
Got your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry. 721 Broidwn > . 'uhono 157.
I M Lane of the Milwaukee road re
turned ytstcrday from a brief visit ( o Chi-
rnp"Mii 12 ( ' Lalnson , who has been visiting
HI Ida Grove , In. , will rctum home this
12x Deputy City Marslnl Frank Towlcr ,
who moved to Wisconsin , Is in the city visit
ing friends.
The regular meeting of Harmony chapter.
No 25 , Older of 12aatern Star , will bo held
this evening.
(1 ( R. Morrison , trainmaster of the Mll-
w.iukee , with headquattciB at Perry , was in
the city yesterday.
A hmall barn on the premises of C. B.
\Valte at Seventh street nnd Sixth avenue.
vis burned about midnight Tuesday.
Mlas Kthol Smith , who has been visiting
\i HU her aunt , Mrs. liland Rlshton , leaves
this evening for her home in Michigan
Ilev S. M Perkins , pastor of the First
Christian church , has gone to Logan , where
In Is holding a series of revival meetings.
Mrs M lj Hialnard of Chicago will de
liver one of a course of lectures on theosophy
this evening at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows'
The Council llliiffs Republican club has de-
cldtd to remove Its headquarters from the
rooms on-llioadway to the Metcalf block on
I'earl street
The imiHluilo to have been given by the
young pcoplo of the ( jecond Presbyterian
church tomorrow evening has been indcll-
nliely postponed.
Two new cases of measles wcro reported
to thn Hoard of Health yesterday. They
were Bessie Annls , 2211 South Seventh Htitet ,
nnd u McDonald child , High street nnd
Ninth avenue
Charles Hranson and Miss Lena E.
Whalej , both of this city , were married
ycsteiday evening at the English Lutheran
chiiri'h parhonage , the pastor Ilev. G. W.
bnydcr , puifoimlng the ceremony.
E Deal , a former member of the Council
IllnlTs polite department , now living in
Donlbon was In thu city yesterday to uu-
durgo an examination for nn Increased pen
sion an u veteran of the Civil war.
Fred Liirouclic , charged with stealing n
set of harness , the piopuity of W. More-
honso of Gainer township , has been bound
over to thu giand Jurj bj Jnstlco Forrler.
Lurouchoas arrested In Omaha.
A. Southwell and E. F. Sales were ar-
icsted jesterd.iy charged with violating thu
city's ordinances by dumping rubbish within
the city limits. They both gave bonds for
their appearance before Judge Ajlesworth In
police court this morning.
The Union Pacific la laying n double track
on Union avenue. Since the passenger
trains on the Sioux City branch are run to
Omaha the falngle track Is not snlllclcnt to
accommodate thu trafllc nnd blockades at the
tiansfer are of frequent occunence.
J II Cecil of Galvcston , a member of
Compuiy M First Texas Volunteers , re
cently uuihieied out , wan In the Uty jes-
teid.iy on his way to visit relatives In Sioux
City Cecil saw bervlco In Cuba and has
with him a Mauser rllle which he purchased
fiotc a Spanish soldier for $10.
The tcachurs of the State School
'or the Dcnf , accompanied bj Superintendent
and Mrs. Itotherl , vlblted the Madison avenue -
nuo and Second avenue schools yesterday.
SiipeiIntendent II I ) . Hnyden nnd wife , and
'ho teachers , were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs Rotheit at dinner at the Grand hotel.
Mrs CV. . of Hot Springs , S
I ) , has been elected grand matron of the
Eastern Star In that state. Mrs , Hargaus
w is n former lesldent of Missouri Valley ,
ami h.ul many friends in Council Bluffs. She
Is the wife ot Dr. C. W Hargans , sou of
Mr and -Mrs. Henry Harg.ins of Mlssouil
Rpbldcnts along Indian Creek are com
plaining that the city's sewer gang is dump
ing the refuse taken from thu sew ere into
tlii cirok A quantity of noisome smelling
blink mud extracted from one of the sewers
was dumped yesterday Into the creek at the
fnot of llry.\nt btrcot. The dumping of any
jpfiibe matter Into the creek Is a violation
ol the ilty's oidlnances.
Prlvatu Mulligan , one of the soldlurs who
passed through hure Tuesday night on thcli
way to the Philippines , Is at the Woman's
Christian association hospital sulTering from
11 severe nttaik of typhoid pneumonia.
Mulligan Is ono of a number of recruits from
' > dumbus , O , and became sick while un
route lip was conveyed from the train to
he In the ambulance.
In aiooidance with an order from Judge
Oii-en the following extr.l venlro of petit
lurors for the district conit at Avoc.i was
drawn yesterday J. C Rnyburn and Giant
I'llllng 'Macedonia , J. I' Held , G A. Bloom.
II Hageboui Kc , and Henry Schninan of
'aibon , 1' ' O Johnson and Piank Robinson ,
it Oiklnnd , Jiulson C. dishing , John T.
lla/.Pii and Ehlcr Hoist , Avoca , Mark 0
Lynun of Walnut.
Theodore Balchelor , ch.iigod with illegal
timing In Uike Munawa , had n partial hear
ing before Justice Vlen yesterday. Batchelor
hi'i up In defent > i < thu tUestlon | of jurisdiction ,
ilaimlng that the part of the lake where ho
was allt'gi'd to have si-lnud Is In thu ( Unto of
Nebraska nnd not In luwn The .iigumonts
will be submitted this morning Pi ice Glb-
n > n ehaiged with n like offense , will have u
Inuring in the same couit this afternoon
X Y. Plumbing ( .oniD.iny. Tol. 250.
\\ good lady solicitors for
city Good pay and nice , pleasant work.
Call at Beu olllcc. Council muffs.
I'l-iM * Ilrt'iiil.
Five hundred loaves fresh bread clvon
away free jit our nturo today and tomorrow
lo Introduce our Daisy Patent Hour. ? 1 per
100 West Broadway.
The Modern Woodmen will glvo a dancn
Thursday eu'iiliiR , April 20 , at Knights of
Pythias hall.
LIceiiMt , to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following perMHm.
Nimie and residence. Ago.
J \V Alderman. Omaha . , . 21
Linda Anderson , Omaha . ] g
] < , irt > Poterfen. Pottawattnmlo . 33
Mury Laison. Pottawattnmle . 3 >
1'dunrd Graham , Pottnwattamlo . , . 27
BesBle Clark , Pottawattamle . 27
Waller Tlbtdts , Omaha . 2
Phoebe E Hnlnes , Omaha . is
Charles Branson , Council Bluffs . 21
Lena Whuley , Council Blurts . jg
Thorn Is no doubt aboj' Williamson hnvlm
the tlncst llnu of bleyclct has over bwi
in the city Call and sen for yourself ant
get his prices and terms Ho also has t
Ilr i-i1abb repair shop 10t > South Main street
S M Williamson sells the Standard , Po-
me-Mio and Whlto btmlng machines. 10G
South Main street.
For < null or l.uiuifil on.
H. II. SIll-APK A : CO. ,
K 1'cill-t sirtTl , Council lllulU , lomv
Now High School Building is to Be 150 Feet
Long and 120 Feet Wide ,
Selection of 41ie Onklmiilrimr Site
hcM-inn to I'lfiine tlio > InJ rltj
1'lciit } of ( iriinnil for nil -VI-
IniotUo CiiiniitiN.
The new High school building to bo ,
erected on Oakland avenue will not be as '
largo as was nt first contemplated , as the
Board of Education has practically decided i
that the funds nt Its disposal will not permit )
It. According to the plans submitted by. .
some of the competing architects It was at
first thought that a building In the neighborhood -
borhood of 200 feet square could bo erected I
for the money that the board will have to !
spend. A building , however , of this size I '
would have exhausted the entire fund nt
disposal and left nothing with which to
equip the school.
The board now proposes to put up n
building with a frontage ot about IflO feet
long and 120 feet deep. This , It Is believed ,
will provide ample room for present needs
nnd the building will bo so constructed that
when occasion arises It can be added to
without marring the architectural effect of
the structure
In cutting down the size of the building
the main features of the Intoilor , as at first
decided on , will be maintained , although
there will be fewer rooms The b'llld a. ?
Is to consist of a sub-basement , bascmcin
proper , most of which will be above ground ,
nnd two stories above that. The subbasement -
basement will be used solely for containing
the heating pipes. In the basement proper
will be the armory or drill hall for the
cadets On the main or first floor the large
assembly hall will be located , where the
graduation and other school exercises are
to bo held In all there will be about
twenty rooms , Instead of twenty-four , as
at first proposed , The heating plant will
be placed , as originally decided , In a small
building at the rear of the main structure.
The outsldo design of the school house ,
while handsome , will be somewhat plain ,
as the board docs not Intend to lavish any
of the money on external ornamentation.
The design that the board has at present
In mind Is of a style severely classic , which
will glvo the building a decidedly hand
some and solid appearance.
The Oakland avenue piopeity , selected ns
the slto for the new High school house ,
will nflord a large campus on all four sides
of the building. The tract has a frontage
of 234 feet on Oakland and 227 on Scott
street on the west. On the south side ,
fronting on Ross street , the tract Is 308
feet , and on the north side , adjoining the
McKesson property , it is 313 feet. It will
thus be readily seen that a building 150x120
feet will leave a large space available for a
campus or playground. This the board in
tends to set out in trees and grass and the
grounds It Is expected will piebcnt a very
ornamental appearance
The cost of grading the lot will bo com
paratively small , as Contractor Wlckham.
who needs the dirt for the grade of the
Fort Dodge & Omaha railway , has made
the board a very advantageous offer and
as soon as the title to the property has
been secured In the school dlstilct a con
tract will be entered Into with him. Presi
dent Sims stated yestciday that It was most
fortunate to llnd a person who required thy
dirt , ns the grading would not cost more
than ? 300 or $400 The tract will not re-
qulrn much grading , about the only vvoik
necessary being the cutting off of thn crest ,
which will have to be loweicd some six feet
or so.
The selection of the Oakland avenue
property meets with almost universal favor
and those who formerly were opposed to
the school being located north of Broadway
have come to the conclusion that after all
the board chose for the host.
The special committee , consisting of the
president of the board and members Stewart
and Hess , has prepared a contract to be
entered Into with Schoentgen & Cox , the
architects , nnd It will bo submitted at the
next meeting of the board for approval.
The contract provides that the architects
shall draw the plans , prepare the specifica
tions and superintend the constiutclon.
The remuneration has not been decided on
and will not be until the board meets , but
it will bo . - < given per cent of the contract
price. Several other architects who weiu
bidders for the work offered to do It for
2'A per cent and it Is presumed that this
will be about the figure th.U will be al
lowed Schoentgen & Cox
Best facilities for storing stoves. Cole &
Cole's now warehouse
Hi-ill KNtiitc TrnnnriTK.
The following transfers were Hied yester
day In the abstract , title and loan olilce of
J W Squlie , 101 Pearl street
. r * "t im > tiini * 111 ; iu \ \ | J ,
\\ood , Din luoictlons to lots 1 nnd
. ' In I-7I.-H , $ 700
Olc l-niHon to Meln Mlkltdsen , n' < . lot
. , ? bloik 7 Havllhs' 3d add. w. < l . . 67
" 111 I' ; hlerlentiipt and vvlfo to W II.
\\opd , lot \ . In l-ih-ll , q. o. d . . . . 1
lii > i , t > Maun and vvlto to W II.
Wood , ! ot I in 4-70-U , i | c. d. . . . , 42S
Total four tran.sfeia $1,187
ciTiin FOII COVI'IMI > T OP rouiiT.
mill riiiiuoll . .VriCulliil to
Anrmor MICMI'M ( * oniilllIn | ) ,
.Mayor Victor Jennings and the eight mem
bers of the city council wore on hand yus-
torday morning In the district court .IB the
clock struck ! ) ,10 to aiih\ver before Judge
Smith why they should not bo deemed guilty
of contempt of court on complaint of J , J.
Shea. City Attorney Wadsworth
was pre
pared to mnko n show Inn to the court tint
the major and LomiLllmon had not violated J
the decree of Judge Towner In the suit of
Shea against the City of Council lllulTs.
Judge Smith , however , was bnsj In try-
Ins the Larlson divorce case and both sides
agreed to have the hearing continued until i
Monday. May 1. City Attorney Wadsvvorth ,
on behalf of the nm > ur nnd councllmen ,
promised that no further atejis would be
Uken by the city to IBSUO the icfundlng
bonds complained of by Shen until the
tontompt proceedings had boon disposed of
Ananswer to the Information charging
the mayor nnd counclltnen with contempt
of court was illcd yesterday morning by
the city solicitor. In the first place the
city olllcliils admit passing the resolution
providing for the refunding of the outstand
ing general and water fund warrants , but
claim that In the decree and opinion ot
Judge Ton nor In the case of She.i against
the t'lty of Council Ulutts , which had boon
pirt of the records of the tourt , said water
fund and general fund warrants wore
deemed to be valid outstanding Indebtedness
of the city
It la further fct up that the action ol
the city olllclals was no violation of the In
junction granted In the case of Shea against
the clt > nnd that they wore willing to con
form and have conformed to all the require
ments , orders or Injunctions contained in
the decree rendered by Judge Towner
It is also set up that the action of the
counrlltnon In this ca o touching the1 mati
torn cnmplalurd of by Shol wan done nnd '
performed upon the advice of counsel , and
that the mnvor and members of the coun
cil have dnne no act In connection therewith -
with without being flrat advl od by coun
sel that they had a legal right to do the
In conclusion , It Is asked that the In
formation filed by Shea bo dismissed , and
the costs ot thu proceedings taxed against
TII icr.s oi' TIM : IIXMC
I'dllCC SlM'MIM * t'lllclMMN llf WOl'lv < > f
> lun \\lio Shot llrouii.
The police secured evidence ycstcrdny
evening which H.itlsdcd them that they only
mlesed capturing the desperado who at
tempted to rob the State Savings bnnx
Tuesday afternoon bv n mere elmncc. A
few minutes nfter Assistant Cashier Browt *
had been shot nnd tile bandit had made his
cfccapo from the bank through the alloy nt
the rear the ery was talsed that the fellow
had been seen to enter the cellar of n va
cant building fronting on Fourth street.
Chief Illxby. accompanied by nn officer ,
lushed from the bank to the liouse named
and icvolver In hand made n searcli of the
cellar of the building whore It was Raid
the follow was hiding The search , how-
ever , failed to reveal the dcpcrado. The
building In question Is nn old one-story
flame structure owed by D. C. Bloomer ana
wan formerly occupied by n man named
Jensen ns a carpenter Miop. From the cel
lar entrance to the shop could be had by n
hole In the floor. The bandit evidently
found this hole nnd gained the street by
climbing through the broken window in
Last evening two small bovs playing In
the building found an old mackintosh coat ,
n new cloth cap and n Htcel chain on thu
floor"behind a door. There seems to bo lit
tle doubt that both the mackintosh and the
cap belonged to the man who nttompted .to
rob the bank. In the pocket ot the mack
intosh were two 3S-callber Smith & Wes
son cartridges , the bullets of which art-
Identical with the ones picked up In the
bank nftcr the fusillade Most of the de
scriptions given of the man ns ho was seen
to run down the allev had dim wearing a
dark mackintosh , and Mr Blown also do
I scribed him ns wearing either a long ovei-
' roat or n dark mackintosh. The cartridges
In the pocket however , stem to be almost
positive proof that It was the garment woin
by the desperado
The cap Is a cheap cloth affair of n rather
light drab colot and IB quite new. The
mackintosh Is old. worn and torn In places.
Ilie chain Is such as fanners frequently
use to place around a gripsack. At ono end
of It a key was attached.
\ i air of cho.i'i binoked spectacles were
found In the alley a thort distance from the
anlThsso are believed to have been
thrown away by the bandit as he rushed
from the yard at the reni of the bink. Sev
eral persons who saw the man through the
window from Uiondvvay elated he wore
glasses , but Mr Brown said ho could not
remember whether the fellow did or not.
It now looks ns If the attempt to rob the
bank was a deep laid plan of probably two
professional crooks and that they had pre
viously investigated the surroundings and
had thoroughly learned the lay of the land
ho as to easily make good their escape after
the hue and cry had been raised. It is now-
thought they were aware of the vacant
building where the mackintosh was found
and had arranged to use It as place to throw
off their dlHgnlscs. The police think it not
at all Improbable that the fellow was In the
building while they were searching the
All but three of the suspects gathered In
Tuesday night were let go yesterday mornIng -
Ing The three men who are still In custody
pending Investigation gave the names of
lohn Magnlro , C. P. Walker and L W
Browncll. None of the three , however , is
thought to have beeu Implicated In the rob
Chief Blxby received word from the mai-
shal at MInden yesterday morning thnt three
mon , ono of whom answered the description
of tlie fellow who shot Mr. Brown , had been
arrested theio for stealing clothing from one
of the stores recently burned Chief Blxby
went to MInden and last evening brought
the tineo men 1 > ack with him , as they had
each been sentenced to ten days In the
county jail hero These three men reached
'Mlndin ' early yesterday morning and were
shortly after arrested for stealing So far
neither of them ha been Identified as the
man wanted , and It Is not believed that
either of them is the man who attempted to
rob the bank heie.
Mr Brown , except for the pain of thu
wound In his arm. was feeling little the
worse yesterday foi the expedience he had
undergone , and he expects to IK ! uble to re-
sumu his place at the hank In a few days
The dlic'ctora of thu bank held a meeting
last night nnd decided to offer a ivward of
$500 for the capture of the man who hot
Mr. Brown.
.lllNNCIjll III till' Oty.
B S Jowly n , superintendent of the
northern lines of the Poit Arthur route , ar
rived In the city yesterday from n tour of
Ihu lines. Mr Josselyn's tenure of olllco
as geneial manager of the Omaha , Kansas
City & Eastern and the Omaha & St. Louis
loads WJH a very' brief one Robert Gill-
ham , when appointed receiver of the south
ern lines of the Port Arthur system , re
signed as general manager of the northern
linen. His leblgnatlon has not been ac
cepted and Mr. Josselyn resumes 1,1s former
position as superintendent All the ap
pointments made by Mr. JoFhclyn on being
made gonuinl manager have been icuikcd ,
olid General Managar Gllllmm has I Kill CM !
a circular to the olTect that the organiza
tion of thu dlffeient departments which
existed on and prior to April 11. ISM , Is
hereby restored This means that G. M.
Kntrlken will not come to Council Bluffs
ns general passenger agent of the northern
lines , but for the present nt least will re
main In Omaha as assistant general freight
Unless the reorganization of the system
will effect another change In the manage-
iiH-nt of the northern lines , Mr. Josselyn
hopes soon to bo able to transfer his of
fice force to this city from Qulncy. The
offices In the Wood bury block arc all ready
. for ocnpanci and Jlr. Jobselyn has already
put of the rcq-lslto olllie furniture and
stationery nnd other necetsary supplies
Woman ( ioi-x IIINIIIII > ,
A woman giving the name of Mrs. Mary
13 Tucker was taken care of at the city-
jail last night , as she Is thought to bo men
tally unbalanced. She was found lafct even
ing during the rain sitting by u fence near
the Rock Ibland tracks on the load to the
Sihool for the Deaf. The pollen were noti
fied nnd she was brought to the city Jill
in the patrol wagon , u is thought the
woman's home Is In Omaha , nnd she said
she had a daughter working In the Bruns
wick hotel there She told the police that
her head was full of eloctiIcily and It
hurt her so that she could not stay at home
She was unable to glvo any account of
how she cumo to bo at the placu where
she was found.
Mullein for V\t Trial Ov crriiliMl.
The deireo of Judge Thornell , overruling
the motion for a now In the damage
suit pf Fred I ) Wcad , administrator of the
estate of the late FranK II Wead. against
0 R Hannan reitlvor of the Lake Manawu
Railway company ns received yoMerday
The case was heard befuro Judge Thornell
about i a year ago and resulted In a ver
dict for the railway company. Frank I' .
Wead , about two yenia ago vvhllo lolurnlm ;
with n party of friends In a carryall from
the I lake , was run down by .1 Manawa train.
Wead wn fatally Injured nnd died at the
Woman's Christian Association hospital In
this city. His brother , as administrator
of Ills estate , brought suit against the
Manawnv Railway company , hut nt the trlil
It was shown thnt the driver of the carryall
had been drinking nnd that the party was
making so much noise that It failed li
near the train approaching. Wead .1
single mill nnd lived In Omaha , where he
was engaged In the real ostrtto and Insur
ance business.
Str < Mt l
Supervisor Avery has Inaugurated a sys
tem of cleaning nnd repairing nt the same
tlmo the streets paved with cedar blocks
thnt Is being subjected to severe criticism.
Ills plan Is to have nil the dltt ntid refuse
matter that has collected during the winter
along the curbing nug out and scattered
over the street wherever theic la a hole.
As mnaC ot the stuff dug out from the gut
ters Is manure and similar refuse , the icsl-
dents along the streets BO treated are pro
testing and Insist that the stun , bhould be
hauled away nnd not used to fill tip holes.
They claim that as soon as the stuff be
comes dry the first wind that comes along
will blow It all with attending bacilli nnd
disease germs Into their houses. Complaint
was made yesterday to Mayor Jennings , but
no steps were taken to stop the work ,
although the mayor himself stated ho
thought the plan was n bad ono from n
sanitary view. Alderman Casper , chairman
of the streets and alleys committee , said
he thought Stiect Supervisor Avery's scheme
was a good and economical one. as It saved
the city the expense of hauling the dirt
away and at least temporarily filled up the
holes In the streets. The streets so far
"repaired" are Bryant nnd North Main.
II u si I'll I r. ii ( IT ( nl ii in cut.
The musical given yesterday afternoon nt
the club's roems on Broadway by the Mu
sical auxiliary of the Council Bluffs
Woman's club was vvoll attended. The fol
lowing was the program , arianged by Miss
Julia Otncer :
UnbbMng Spring" . Ulv-King
MLss Mi'Hnmald
"norousp" . Chopin
. Mrs.
' 1'ompellan Lov Sonw" . Vincent
Miss Birr. ,
"Two Skylarks" . . . . Leschotlsky
Ml s Travis.
"Rondeau Billll.uit" . \\eber
Mrs Joseph.
Accompanist . _ _ Mrs. Kcv" >
ICMVIl ANMIM-llltlOII llolllN 'IV II Ml Alllllllll
Convention mill
mrnUQUB , la. , April 19. The tenth an
nual convention of Iowa Sons of the Ucvo-
lutlon was held hero today. Officers were
elected as follows President , S. F. Smith
Davenport ; secretary , n. S. Hammott. .
Davenport ; treasurer , K. S. Rallard , Daven
port ; chaplain , Rev. O S. Rollins , Daven
port. registrar , H. M. Hlllls. Davenport ,
historian , M. M Cady , Dubnque
Reports of olliccrs show the society pros
At the banquet tonight the speakers were-
H F. Smith , Davenport ; Mis C. L. Currier
Iowa City ; Rev G. S. Rollins , Davenport ,
Mis. B. L. Heustls , Dubuque ; Miss May
Rogers , Dnbuque ; P. S. Webster , Dubuque
J. K. Doming , Dubuque.
i' Illliltrn AVorU Sumlny.
I SAC CITY , la , April 19 ( Special. ) The
Milwaukee Railroad company Is now a
work on its proposed line from Rockwel
City via Sac City to Storm Lake Last Sat
urday morning the company , with a force
of men and teams , began grading on the line
where the survey of the Milwaukee Inter
sects the surveyed line of the Northwestern
road , about one and one-half miles north
west of town. Nor did the Milwaukee btoj
for Sunday , but kept at work with an In
creased force.
The Northwestern line was first survcyci
' and of course had prior rights , but the
Milwaukee was not going to bo prevente (
fiom crossing the Northwestern and there
fore while the officials wore hero last wcel
bought the land at the place where the two
lines Intersect and took possession am
possession Is a good point , even In rallioac
law A Northwestern olllclal or two were
bore Sunday taking in the situation and 1
was rather expected that a force of North
western people would come to the scene
of action nnd delay or disarrange matter
somewhat and the people here rather ex
pectcd to sec some fun , but the e\pectc <
attack his not yet been made , all Is wcl
and the work of the Milwaukee still goes on
llri < lll > III-CM i\ll-I-IIK * VltMlN.
FORT DODOH , In , Apill 19 ( Special. )
Prof. George D. Herron delivered a lecture
hero last night on the subject of "Ti lists
Monopolies and Conscience" The lectur
abounded In the things that have como tc
bo known us "Hcironlsm. " He fiercely at
tacked the existing order of society am
Indicted the entire civilization of the pros
cut day. He assailed the supreme eotir
nnd the constitution of the United State
and impugned the motives of the govern
ment In Its acquisition of the Philippines
He thinks the United States Is on the verg
of a revolution , unless the public resource
and utilities are placed In the hands of the
government , which ho believes will bo a
panacea for public evils.
Tfiii | > liii-M 1111 p rot I ni ; TlioliI'nrk. .
SPIRIT LAKH , In , April 19 ( SpeUal. )
J Morton of Cedar R.iplds. Alt WIngato
nnd Mr. Beaver of DCS Mollies , Di. Lacy
of Council Bluffs and Mr. Hrcionbrock o
Anamosa , composing the Templar com
mltteo of Knights Templar , came up Sund.iy
motnlng In Mr Morton's private car to lool
after park matters In general nnd seem
a competent man to take charge of thol
grounds the coming year. They founc
the man in the person of W. W. Murray
of this town , who Is well qualified to make
the park grounds blossom as the rose. Th
knights aio making quite a number of Im
provemcnts in their buildings and arc plan
nlng to Improve the grounds of the already
by nature , beautiful park.
Nnrtliu I-N | < TII'N Munich | o Hurl
IIARLAN , la , April 19. ( Special )
Twenty-five leading business men met till
moinlng to consider the Northwestein's
proposition to build a line to Hnrlan fron
Klrkman. Kx-Muvor W L Baughn wn
appointed chairman of a committee , w-hlc ]
is now at work , to see what the right o
way and depot grounds will cost , the 10,11
promising the extension In sixty days I
thcso two things are given It Is cstlmatec
that about $8,000 will have to be raised. A
number of men have signified their willing
ness to give fiOO each It seems probabl
that the road will come.
< 'iin\ Icli-il of , J'rrjno anil Tlifl. .
HARLA.V , la . April 19. ( Special )
George Sutton was today ecntonrcd by Judg
Green to five joirs' Imprisonment nt hai <
labor In the state penitentiary t Fort Mad
Ison ( , , igt year he was arrested on th
charge of stealing hogs In the trial whic ]
followed he gave tustltnony resulting in hi
being convicted of perjury The first Jur
Illuli < * < < ) i < iol I'riiiioNlllon Cnrrlrx ,
nn.N'ISON. la . April n. ( Special Tele
giam ) At a special tdcctlon held today th
pr ipc-dUoi ) to build a new $15000 high
p heel carried by a largo majority Nearly
jflfiy wumcu voted.
tate Sues to Recover 35,000 from Ex-Secre
tary MoFnrland.
Viitl-Siilixin I.oitumIn on llninl llonil-
to llctcln Mi CruMiili
thu DrlnU IIUiicii
of lion MoliH'.i ,
mS : MOIN'KS. April in. ( Special Tele-
ram. ) The famous ea ° o of the State of
own against ex-Pecretary of State MeKnr-
ninl to recover $ * > , eon came on for trial
odny. A Jury was selected and the state
iojnn the presentation of the e.ise , Attorney
General Ilcmloy roprearntlUK the state. The
aso Is ono of the most sensational ever
jrouRht In Iowa. It prow out of the fa
mous scandal connected with the publlca-
lon of the last Iowa census , which was the
alK of the town durliiK the winter of IS'iC.
\t that lime the newspapers of the state
sere 11 lied with the stories of ex-Secretary
of State McPailand's methods of doliiR 'otno
> lnds of business , partlouluilj the rumplU-
lon of the Iowa census , In which he was
aliened to have mulcted largo sums from
; lerKs who did the work and not only this ,
nit that during a portion of the tlmo sov-
ral clerks drew compensation as employes
n the secretary of state's olllco as well as
census clerks.
McKnrlnnd asked that the case bo brought
ip this week , statliiR that he ileslred to
get It off his hands before ho leaves for the
Clnndlko region , where he Is said to bo
going within a week or two A Hrgo num-
icr of witnosies h.ivo been summoned for
ho state , whleh ospeda to pro\o se\cial
charges against the defendant. Most of the
witnesses wore census clerks but a few
which ha\e been Mitnmoned were not. O.ip-
taln hamlets ofVohster ( Mty , cloik of the
executive council under MeKurlnnd , one of
hn chief witnesses before the Investigation
committee , will be ono of the chief witnesses
at the tilnl.
Supoilntondcnt Abrams of the Antl-Siloon
aRiio will arrhu In the city tomorrow.
It Is expected that \\lthln twenty-four hours
the ball nRalnst the saloons will be started
lolling. A number of the members of the
league were seen this mot nine They arc
sanguine anil declare that the Inference
Riven out that they have taken back water
Is all bluff. They are determined and from
their talk will at once Inaugurate n fight
against the saloons. It has been given out
by the baleen men that this fight would
not be started until a decision of the case
against I.oieiu III , now pending in the
fcilpiema coilit. Is settled. Theio Is at this
tlmo no hope for the case being advanced
on the calendar and the league Intends to
disregard that case and go ahead with the
piescnt one.
Papers In a big damage suit were filed
today. The Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific
railold ] Is made the defendant In an action
for $ .10,000. William V. Gordon is the
plaintiff. Ho alleges that he sustained per
sonal damages hlle In the employ of the
company on or about January 20 , ISflS , at
Mlnco , Indian Tenltorj. The original no
tices were served today.
The Iowa Socletj of the Sons of the
DR. E , C. WEST.
Is sold under pcVtvo Wrltton Cunrantoo
bv : iutlio > l7i it airtDtu . > nlj to curtVViMk Memory ,
Il7lnfB ) VVaUcnincin. Fits. HjatPrln. Qutefc-
no-8 , NUlit Lon ( H K\ll Drcimn , Lack of Coiifl-
iloDCo , I.pnouem BH iMtuiic all Drains , Youth
ful Krrors ol IJxcfHS < o Isr of Tobacco , Opium ,
orLlmior wlilcb IfiidH to Mleerj Consumption ,
Inainltj and Dp. th At stole or by mill * 1 a box ;
six for * n , with written guarantee to
euro or refund money. Sample paok-
aCOi oonlnltilnc live days' treatment , with
fuTlIiiBtructlons , 3d emits Oncivnpla only sold
to eirh P'TBon At storu or by mall
Keil Label Spe-
[ Extra Strength./ /
Tor Inipotcu y Loss of (
Power. Lot Manhood , '
storllltv oV Ilarroness , ?
* 1 a box ; six for $5 , wlthfc
Iwrltton auarantocr
to cuio in 30 ! ivs AIJ
_ < itor' ' or l > 7 ' " " 'I' '
Mj-om , Dillon DI-IIK Co. , Solo Anenti ,
lOtb and Karnuui , Oinntin. Neb.
. .ic on MI i vv iit ,
201 , 201 , , J s J10 liioidvvii } C'uunoil IlHlffs
H.itr - , $1 J1 ) n r < l.iv 70 room- * I"list-i-las" !
In evci > ns-iiiit Motoi tintn all dppots
l.ocnl .iKiiuv for tbp Ol biati'd St Louis
A H C IteiT Klist-d.iss bir 111 con-
lieuiui )
On Improved I'nims In Iowa ,
.1 I'iil CUNT
With a Sinai' Commission
Wanted U'c have a cuitoinpi for a vv ll
Iminovod fin in of 10 to SO .HI us within
thipo or four miles nt n BUOI ! town In
vvohtern Iowa .Must lie fjood 1 nid and
good Improvement ! ) . Will P.I > .1 iiiisoniiblp
prler. Ca'h pajmu'iit of ? MA > , balance on
Ono Vtublo for lent.
Klfhtj acres fiult land In Mills county ,
Iowa , JliJ per .it 10.
Nine .a ri'M garden land , all under culti
vation ItiHldo city limits , 31W )
\\Y have hoveml iiistotners for coutially
loratul ri-sldi in c piopuity , ? 1 ( XX ) to $ . ' ,5W ( ,
In C'oiini 11 Ululfs
StocK rum , Ail linen. In Harrison county ,
loiva. $ J1 5u per acre.
Tor sale or trade , fiult farm of G acres
on uppei liioailwaj ; food G-room brick
liiitiht' Will trade lor liiblde losldenco of
U 01 7 rooms.
Money loaned for local Investors nt 5 per
Wn ( ire nowafrotilH lot the Liability de
partment of the Tiavoleis' insurance com-
jiaiiy of llaitford , Conn.
List > our t > roiierty with us for BJO ! or
< iouoii : & i.ouGun ,
No. 102 SfUtli Miilll Street ,
Count II liliiriH. la.
Telephone 312 ,
llS-acro farm 15 miles from Council
UlulfH and Wj mile- * from It. II. mntlon ;
small buildings , well , etc- , Hue corn land ,
level nnd smooth. I'rlc-o only 10 per arr > - .
Will tnKo n rtbldcm-c In Council Illuffw
or Omiihtt ns pail pajment.
113-.UTO farm 7 miles fiom Councl Uluffs
and ono mile from 11 II station 90 ac-ios
In cultivation , two set.of building , well ,
ote 1'ilco , J27 per acie Johnston &
( GO-acre furm 3 miles from a good H. H.
town In wcstein lovva. all bottom land ;
' ! huts of liulUIIilKH in Kood < oiidlliiin ,
houw f > huvo t > looms each KOO ! lir-arliiK
orchard , J75 aims In cultivation , bill
pixture and meadow , vvr-ll watered
1'rice , } A"i per oire. The owner wll ton-
tdder JI.OOO in good city propuly us part
IW-atre farm in Harrison Co ! > 0 anes of
bottom land , U' inns of meadow. 7 ucrta
of IIOK p.iittilK , good 5-room hoin-o , lurn
corn crib wt-llf all feiuul and t-roi > s
touted 1'rlie , JH per ucro
A line stock farm of about Jio acr s In II ir-
U jn Co la , good 10-room huuse turns ,
slietU. fred yards , cribs , gianiry Is on
main road rrli o , $11 per .n n-
JOHNSTON & KI3HH. Oil iiroadivay.
roil SAl-i : , .it u birKelii my lott.igi rM
demo 'J'J ' 1'ourth avi fix rojins built
room K. vv t < r < u prl t f2W ! ( I 2tW
i ih tn'iin-i ' t KIJ u rmSe" II ( J AU-
tiic C 1'csirl rt . or Jolm G \ \ ujdvvard.
American Hcvnlutlon met In nnnnal no ion
hero today , thr tncetltiR tcrnilnntlnR with
n lil ? banquet this ovrnliiR Oillocri were
olortod ns follows- President , I' . 11. Ixirlni ?
\Vntptloo , flrM Alco president. W 11 tlnlh ,
DPI Maine * , second vice prenlilctit. Herman
Knapp , Ames ; secretory , 15. llndlej , lea
Molnes ; treasurer , Wllllsrd Srcor , forest
I'unM' * ii form-it ClHM'U.
NK\V LONDON' , In , April 10. ( Special. )
\V. 11. Jackman , proprietor of the Jurktunn
house , vv.n the victim of n forger Momlny.
who not only heal him out of SPVCM ! dnjs1
bo.trd , but secured his Indorsement to n
forged cheek for $27 75 nnd lustily de
camped The tunn rogl'tori'd lost week ns
.1 11. Mulr of Omaha nnd elalmed to he
rcprc ontltiR n life Insurance eotupiny Ho
was 111 for a few dava nfter hU arrival nnd
was attended by Or. P. C. Mehler , whose
professional services ore likewise unpaid.
Mr , Jnckmnn's Rui-st went to the bulk with
n chock for $27.73 , drawn upon the rirst
National hank of Hnrlltlgtoti nnd purport lug
to have been made by Copelaud & Martin
of that city. The cashier would not honor
It without nn endorser , which Mr. Jack-
nun consented to become This occurred
Just nbout the time the landlord was pio-
lailng to leave town for n fo hours on
msiiicss When ho returned the culprit
lad slipped out of town on the afternoon
train cast.
Miit-hMltm or ll < iu Ilin-liiu tinViU
l Itriuii t 'il In Ho of M into rule
l'MiMM | (
O1NVlYl.tirll in ( Speclnl Toln-
grflm. ) 1'rKo current * av The marki'lln ?
of Itona was of moderate propirlloin the lnt
tpk. Western packing * are 310,000 , com *
pared with 3 5,000 the preceding week and
tor.,000 last yenr. Prom March 1 Uio toln ! U
2f > GOono , agiiltiM an cqtwl mimtipf ft $ onr
ORO. Prominent place * compare as follows !
IS ! " 1S9S.
I'lllrnBO . . . 7iS. K > S70.KO
Knn n Oly . Vnxino
Oinntin . 2oo , X >
St IXIIIIH . 2tn. < xx >
Ittdinmipnll * . 104000 .
MMwnukeo . . . . . . titf.nno lt7.n
cimMnnntt . 79.XX ( )
St JtvsoMh . no ( WO
ntttunua . csooo ,
Cedar ItitpldM . ix.ftM r > 2ux >
Sinn's City . 5.1000 4 : IKK )
St. 1'uul . . . . 47OC 1(1,000 (
rmc\no 111 , April "iJudRp liuneort
entered nn order t dn ronwudliiR to the
custody of the sin-riff Tl. . kol UinKers Albert
( ! ( Iris 11' Kin ( ' hv mid Hav Id Wassor-
ninn , who were Indlilid In .Mutch , ISflS , for
volition of 111" ll > Kit ii-nlpeiH net. Tllli
dlsposr * of the third of I lie h.ibrns corpus
ploroodltiKs brought up In ivvi-on the i.illlondu
mid the IliUet brokrls hire.
Each package dyes all fabrics quickly nnd cheaply ; cotton
Roods In less than ten minutes , without any boiling. Choice
of all the fashionable shades. 10 cents n package. Sold by
nil Druggists and General Dealers. Booklet free at stores.
Built Like a Watch
See the Quick Meal Gasoline Stove at our Store.
II lend * till ollicr.i.
Crescent , SKY HIGH
The SITKA Is the best refrigerator on the market. Call and
examine it before buying.
We carry the Whiloley Exerciser , which is
the Standard Exerciser oi' today price from
Look for the Owl Stan.
34O Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Did You
Ever Notice
that our Children's Shoes wore
better for the price than those
bought elsewhere ,
The reason is , we use boys'and girl s shoes as
an advertisement to make ns trade on other goods and
sell them comparatively without profit. Yon pee if this is
not true.
Look forthe Bear
May lifrlit , l > ut only ono can load. Wo arc 11m loaders. Tlnno ac-tilo fauitl-
lies that ilovlso and foresee the drift of popular wants and pun die amird-
liiKly , make "conuneiclul seiier.ilH. " Our now SPltlNC SUITS AND
OVI3KCOATS huvo nn Iveil , resplendent Jn all the plory of oscitiiHIe vvntK-
inaiihlilp , handsome patterns , artistic effect * , oxcliiblvi ! Htyleu , In the latent
uatleniH and novoltiew.
I'lne all wool clothing has never been holt ! HO cheaply hnfoie. and wo
aie icady to iniiko the pilco.s aliutit ten notches luvvur than jon have any
Idea of.
Successors to Metcalf Bros.
' < *
| 5 a
' aH
'Ho H
'HHi . IO Cents. 5 Cents. I
HI I John 0. Woodward & Co. ,