Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    Til 15 ( VM.MIA DAILY DEE : Al'IML 'JO , l JW. r
Although Obeerving Union Rules a Plumbing
House u Called Down.
I'or KndcrlilddliiK on Ciiiitract , Act
I'lijlnu I iiliiu A\nicK anil WurUliiK
Union Hour * ) u I'lrm ( Set *
Into ' 1 roulilu.
A possible sensation In local labor circles
IB Impending In the threat of Local
Plumbers' union , No. 16 , to secede from
the national plumbers' organization as a
conien.uen.ce of a fight that has been on all
this spring between local plumbers ami a
plumbing' houao Hhlch was established In
this lty last spring. Th6 situation Is lu
ftiany respects the most peculiar In the his
tory of local labor organizations
The peculiarity In the case lies In the
fact that the ftKht did not arlso from con-
jelitlonnl reftaons. Ordlnarll > n strike or n
bojcott In rteclnreil because nonunion men
arc emplo > ed or nonunion wanes are pMd
ornotiUnldn hours of labor are rcijulred.
Hut the local plumbing house observes nil
union rules and still It Is bojcottcd nml a
strike lias been declared amoni ; Its em
ploye1 !
The actual cans * of complaint Is that the
plumbing houee persist * In charging for Its
plumbing work le-n than the other extab-
llnhments In Uie clt > This In unsatisfac
tory to the Journeymen plumbers , although
ttcy are being paid ai much ns If tlie prices
charged vsero doubled or trebli > il
The local house Is a branch of a St Louis
firm. The light upon It as far as Omaha la
concerned started before It came to this
city. Lust fall the Omaha plumbers declared
n bojcott upon Its goods because It per
sisted In rolling thorn at a lower figure than
other houses In retaliation for this boj-
cott the St. Ixiuls flrm In January last In
stalled a branch house In this city and com
menced to prosecute an aggressive war upon
the bo > cotters
Its plan of cimpalgn succeeded It is
flRiirad generally by conservative plumbers
that the new house has secured CO per cent
of nil plumbing business that is being done
or his been done In the city this spring
It has secured this business slmpl > bj un
derbidding other firms A strike has been
declared among Its emploves those plumbers
who stajed by It ha\e been suspended by
their union and it has been declared an
unfair shop , but all of this has failed to
stop the prosperity of the new house or to
Increase Its prices for plumbing work
About two weeks ago the matter -was
brought to a climax The plumbing estab
lishment decided to fight the bo > cott and
the strike. The local plumbers' union was
willing to lock horns with it on the mitter
As n consequence the case was carried to
the executive committee of the national
plumbers' organization This committee
could not be gotten together and delegated
authority , with power to act , upon Presi
dent Kelly of the orginlzatton to decide
the cate. After listening to both sides
President Kelly decided In fa\or of the Iccal
union. The plumbing establishment nevertheless -
theless declined to charge more for Its
plumbing work and carried the case over
President Kelly s held to the executive
committee This committee has displa > eden
on Inclination to reopen the case and the
local union has threatened to secede If It
Other labor organizations have so far
stool by the plumbers' union. But the
plumbers are likely to stand alone if they
secede from their national body.
ft Is"certalnlj gratifjing to the public to
know of one concern In the land which IB l t
afraid to be generous to the needy and tut-
forlng The proprietors of Dr King's Now
Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and
Colds have given away over ten million trial
bottles of this great medicine and have the
satisfaction of knowing It his absolutely
cured thousinds of hopeless ca es Asthma ,
Dronchltls Hoarseness anil all dlneases of
the Throat Chest and Lungs , .ire surely cured
by it. Call on Kuhu Co . druggists , and
get a free trial bottle Regular size "Oc and
Jl Kverj bottle guaranteed or price re
Koscnthal. the eminent pianist , was the
attraction at the Bojd tUeater last night
The house was not overcrowded , owing
probably to the fact that those who would
Imvo been willing to hear the greatest pian
ist of modern times hestltatcd when they
considered the unnecessary Increase in
Km .1 musical critic to attempt a criti
, | cism of Ro ntbal's work would be some
what like unto a schoolboj shooting wltn
a slingshot at Jove's thunderbolts , for the
man Is bejond the criticism of the every
day mus'clnn's mind Ho Is great. Is
Roscnthal , and his greatness Is unim
Ho came from the stage to the piano In
the manner of a man of Intellect entering
Into his own Ilbrars , for Mich the scenery
depicted. And when he had seated himself -
self at the piano the hush was Intense wlille
the opiiilng striins , of the old-fashioned
but uev"er otit of-'latc Mozart sonata floated
through the listening space.
The poetrj of llosenthal enthralled the
audience and he was pronounced the mon
arch of the pianoforte at once. Then In
tlie Chopin sonata the vlrllitj of the artist
wa apparent , as the scherzo and the finale
were bandied with a force lufflclent to In
dicate Inherent dramatic force and ability.
And what shall be said of the other gems
In the evening's diadem * Nothing , except
that the crowning glor > was the display or
the platers capacity and capability as a
composer and ah nn arranger
The climax of this part of the work was
probablj tbe ' Carnoval based on Straus
themes In this the man the plaver and
the creator were visible und the audience
was willing to be appealed to for several
hours but as all things must sooner or
If jour blood Is impure then you
orevrnLand languid ; jonr appetite
U poor and your digestion U * rak
You cannot bleep well and the morn
ing tlnds you unprepared for the
work of the day Vour cheeks are
lule and jour complex km U willow
You are troubled with plinnles , U > iU ,
or earns eruption of tut ) &kln. V by
not purify your blood ?
will do It. TaVa fTa few dayi. Yon
will BOOB fcellwtter inevrr way , for
your blood will U purejour ppellte
good , and your nerve * strong. (1.00.
If youarol lllras , UUcAyrr'e ri'li.
They greatly aid tta SarvkpirilU ,
They cure conMlj alien , aUo , ,
2&o A bos. Tor als bj all dru glits.
Write tb doctor f rtelr all the partlo-
uUn la jour nue. You will r ctlr
1 pttej * . unbent con Air ii.
law come to an end , so the program oh
this occasion wa * closed with n gracious
response on th * part of llosenthal , who
contributed a most happy encore selection ,
Keeping the people In their feats until the
doors were closed again , pending the strik
ing of the last chord.
HoMfttha ! U now a memory , but a pleas *
not one. His pitying has been recorded In
history us one of the most phenomenal BC-
complrshments of the century and Omaha
has beard him
A word In pralto of the excellent sj nop
als nhlrh. wag delivered to thp patrons of
the theater for a nominal price This \i \
not enl } n convenience , but a ni'cessltj at
I a modwn recital and they will doubtless be
furnkticd fro * narge In time
ArrniiKcinrnts Xri * IIMnu ; Mndito
Hull ) n l'tililli < ll < > < -citlin | In
UiiNnir rtiturc.
The heads of thy departments In the gov
ernment building hell a meeting jcsterday
afternoon In the oince of Survejor of Cus
toms Taj lor to talk over the details for
the public reception that Is to be held In
the building In the near future Locil Fore-
j nst Official Welsh and Revenue Agent
Whealock were appointed a committee on
I decorations , and It was decided to hold the
. reception at some date between May 22 ami
June 1 , the exact time to be agreed upon at
some subsequent meeting to be called by
Chairman Taj lor. The hours for the recep
tion will be between S and H o'clock In the
evening The plan of reception wns discussed
In a general waj L'pon the occasion the
rooms will be open to the public and all
wilt be brllllantlj Illuminated
Pneumonia la grippe , c mghs , colds , croup
and whooping cough readily yield to One
Minute Cough Cure L'se this remedy In
tltn" and save a doctor's bill or the under
taker s
"Spud Farrish while being one of the
best fellows Imaginable is considered
among his friends as being chock full of
nerve ind capable of backing up any bluff
he might see fit to make He made an offer
recently while In Kansas Cltj , however ,
that kept himself In breathless suspense
for a moment and fairly shook the glasses
from the nose of Mark Lewis a Chicago
newspaper man , who accompanied him
'Spud" was crossing the street at the
lunctlon one day and while boarding a car
lost his pocketbook containing some passes
and something over ? SO In cash He did not
discover the absence of the book until an
hour later Then he hied himself to the
office of an afternoon paper where he re
lated his woes Of course the bojs vvho knew
him said "You're ea j , " and "That's a good
story to tell , " but this did not deter him
from writing an advertisement offering a
liberal reward for Its return.
A couple of dajs later when he had about
given up hope of hearing from his book
again he received a note from a youv ;
woman asking him to call Accompanied bj
Lewis he went to the house. They were ad
mitted bj a very pretty girl who asked
"Spud" to describe the book he had lost
Ho related briefly a list of the contents ,
vvhl-h the joung woman evidently found
correct as she handed him the lost article
Taking the $ SO from the book "Spud"
handed It to her and said It was no more
than right that she should have a suitable
reward for her honesty. This was too much
for Lewis , vvho knew that he nnd his friend
together possessed Just $1 "T with which to
resist the wiles of the citizens of Kansas
City ' 'Spud" was game , however , and al
though hi * hand trembled he did not appear
to care a snap for the cash. The mother of
the girl came to his rescue by saying she
could not permit such a present for the mere
return of the book. The pair gulped down
their hearts and left the house thankful that
they were again flush , and breathing all
kinds of blessings upon the head of the
finder of the monej' .
1'iTxiniiil I'arncrnnhN.
F W Polk of Lincoln was a guest of the
Mlllard Wednesdaj.
Marj Rosenthal , Vienna , was a guest of
the Mlllard Wednesday
E C Sheppard loft jesterdaj for a few
dajs' visit in Fort Dodge. la
Morlz Rosenthal of Vienna the celebrated
pianist , Is at the Mlllard hotel
Albert Laurence of Catsklll , N M . Is
registered at one of the leading hotels
Colonel J W Pollock , proprietor of large
mines near Hermo a S D , is In the city
R H Weatherlj of St Louis stopped over
In Omaha Wednesday to see some old
H Lyman White of the Hammond Tjpe-
wrlter company , New York , was a guest of
the Murraj Wednesdaj
R W Baxter , generil superintendent of
the Union Pacific railroad , returned yester-
daj from a trip through the west
Mr Dan Oarber of Red Cloud , nephew of
ex-Governor Garber was In the city jester-
day He eajs the farmers In his neighbor
hood are all prospering and expect a largij
crop this season
At the .Murraj S L Hopper. Chicago
A H Mlchclbacber New York C H Zlnk
Philadelphia H A Taylor Chicago. J D
Draper Marlon F A Seaman. Sioux City
J R Wilson. Papllllon , J A Sullivan , Val
ley , A W Peterson Waterloo. A Heremen
West New Brighton J D Youngeman Chicago
cage , George Cox St Louis
Sir Tatton Sykes whose troubles over his
wife's gambling debts occupied considerable
space In the newspapers a jear ago. passed
through Omaha on his way to England after
an extended visit In Old Mexico where he
was sceklrg health He has a valet with
him and a private secretary , the latter
guarding his master from the rude public
and Inquisitive reporter
At the Her Grand C C Carj Kansas
City , S Bloom Albert Frank and wife , San
Francisco , Charles W Ljford New York , J
B Jones Chicago , D D Bubblt Minneapo
lis M A Doran Chicago H N Pillsburg.
New York , W Wallace Canton , la , A. J
Alll&on , C. W Muacham , Chicago W Cham
berlain. Red Oak. J C Mcserell , New York ,
Kent K Chambers Philadelphia
Nebraslans at the hotels Walter J
Lambo Lincoln , A R. Talbot , Lincoln ,
Captain A John on , Fremont , Mitt Paugh-
ertj , Ogallala Theo L Pllser Loup Cltj ,
Mrs GcorgoS Hurford George Berrj , Bat
tle Creek , Mr and Mrs A C Steele Ash
land. Mrs J C Walrodt Hastings , Joseph
Osier , Madrid. Harrj Philips , Tccumseb , Kd-
ward Oroman , O O Gelet Ravenna , F R
I'lark. York W II Ollderslicve. Wajne.
\\llllam Blthop Jr. Nebraska Cltj W i :
Sharp Lincoln , L J Harrington , Orleans ,
John Heir , West Point
At the Klondike R C Ray Alfred
Hiilmberg Bancroft Neb , H II Saunders.
\\uhoo Neb M Dotson. Blair , Neb ,
< harles i : Babcoek Decatur , Neb : H C
Plttengcr. Council Uluffh la . Fred St
Pe'cr S.oux Cltj C K Frank. Davenport
11 F M Strickland Klrksvllle Mo S W
< 'lark Chicago , F S Carpenter. Fremont ,
Nfb George Bennett , Extra , la . E J
\\ooilv\arJ. Chicago. C Edwards Denver. J
M Houser , Tekamah , Neb , W L Farrlng-
ion Council Bluffs la Frank Vincent ,
unawa. la , F Voss H Shoening , H Reher ,
John Hansen A Me * er mlth , Kmeraon ,
Neb C. D Crutchfleld. Hubbard , Neb
At the Mlllard Albert Sacks , St Louis-
R Livingetcn St Louis H F Moeller ,
r hii ago , 0 L.iHk S'ew York K G George ,
Boston , M rurks Now Yprk , S. S
lnu n Detroit. George S Cullman. Chi-
jgo George H Hummell , LjuUvltlc. Dan
lei Rojsi Chlcagp. J S French Cincin
nati K Merak. W. W Bell \ew York c
t. I pham. Detroit A r Scarls HHlsboro
Thomas F Howe. .Sework W H Turner
W K M < 0lunet > * . N'e * Yortt , L Zeiiler
Clilctg" , C \ Goodman New York ; J M
Tower * Chicago O C Krndurk city H
\ \ aribi rger J Kaufmau \ \ IllUni K ly F
l > L'pdik" ChK go Fnnk Dane by Stork-
vllle. J \ COV.UDB. jr , Chicag > , J Kauf
man. Chicago.
+ - + - * ' -
Many sidewalks In different portions of the
clt ) are In \er > bad condition an 1 the
city authorities will be called upon before
long to , take some decisive action In the
matter. A resolution was Introduced in the
ctt ) council several wefks ago calling upon
the city attorn ? } to draft an ordinance for
permanent walks on the west side of Q street
Irom the viaduct went to the end of the
street car tracks This ordinance has not
been presented as jet , although residents
In that section are complilnlng dall > about
I the dilapidated condition of the walk * There
I Is not a vacant house or store room on
West Q street at the present time anl hun
dreds of people dally traverse that thor
oughfare A well kept walk Is me led anl
If the wishes of some of the propert > owners
had been compiled with permanent walks
would have been laid some months ago It
Is expected that walks of a substantial char
acter will bo ordered in all the downtown
portions of the cltv before long ns .Major
i Ensor favors the placing of cither brick or
'stone walks In front of everj building of a
permanent nature A new walk Is badly
needed on Twenty-fifth street from the city
hall building north to M street and It Is ex
pected that the council will soon take up
this matter and pass nn ordinance compell
ing property owners on both sides of
Twenty-fifth street between M and X streets
to Inj durable walks. Work of the stmo
kind Is needed In other parts of the city an 1
It Is thought that propcrtj owners can bo
Induced to supplant board walks with brick
or stone during the coming summer. If this
Is done It Is believed that fewer accidents
will occur and the cltv will not so fre-
quentlj be held liable for damages.
MUNI Pile ( .ixiil Iliinilo.
Acting under the Instructions of Major
Knsor , City Clerk Carpenter vesterday
served a written notice on Chief Carroll to
the effect that all policemen would be ex
pected to file a good and sufllclent bond at
once Out of the present force onlj nine
policemen have filed bonds according to law.
All bonds require a revenue stamp of the
denomination of 30 cents and this the police
olficers will be compelled to furnish , as
there is no appropriation available out of
cltj funds for the purpose In connection
with police matters it might be stated that
several extra policemen hove been put to
work In order to enforce the recent order
of the major in regard to midnight and
Sunday closing Just who will paj for these
extra policemen Is a question , ns the fund
for police maintenance Is exhausted and no
expense bejond the limits of the fund can
be incurred except in emergencj cases
* -uiI'l | > < > t Do if Tat ; * .
Five hundred dog tags were received bj
Cltj Clerk Carpenter jesterday afternoon
The annual dog tax Is due on Maj 1 and all
owners of canines will be expected to call
at the clerk's office between this time and
May 1 and procure a tag The rates will be
the same as last jear $1 for a male dog and
f2 for a female Last jear the policemen
made an oarlj morning tour of the citj and
shot all dogs found running loose. In sev
eral Instances mistakes were made land an
imals with togg were killed It is more than
likely that this jear the killing or capturing
of untagged animals will be left to the gar
bage master and his assistants. The new
tags are in the shape of an acorn and are
made of aluminum , with the name of the
city , the date and the number of the tag
stamped thereon
! nioUcd lout Truili > IniiroInjr. | .
The packers report that the trade In
smoked meats Is Improving. In fact there Is
a better trade In this
line than there was a
year ago at this time One of the managers
of the provision department of a prominent
packing house said jesterdaj tfiat the pros
pects for higher prices were good on account
of stock in the hands of the packers being
low and the demand constantly on tbe In
crease. All of the local packers are doing
their best to accumulate a surplus , but this
cannot be done as long as the demand con
stantly Increases With all the demands at
the present time the requirements are not
equal to those of a jear ago and owing to
the shortage reported In live stock the mar
ket for packing house products will un
doubtedly go higher.
'I-iUr n Wat eh.
Two men entered the depot Tuesdaj
night and proceeded to go through the
depotmaeter , whom thej found alone They
made him elevate tils
hands and take mai
lers casjas thej did not care to hurt him
When the transaction was over the met !
were a valuable gold watch better off
They left the
depotmaster In an exceed-
Inglj III humor , as he said he did not ap
preciate such guests
Mllttlc Cllj ( .IIKKlp.
Councilman Kelly has gone to Chicago for
a few days' visit
C L Saylor , auditor of the Armour com
pany , IB away on a vacation
James Jones of the Live Stock exchange
has gone to Texas to visit relatives.
L J Simmons Is taking the place of Re
porter Richmond while the latter is awaj.
Mrs D J Farrell , Twenty-third nnd O
streets , has gone to Logan , la , to visit rela
A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs
Arciile Campbell , Tbjrtj--scventh and Q
Mr and Mrs Henry Beat. Twentj-fifth and
Rallwaj avenue , report the birth of a
P J Cuff , an emplojo of the Cudahj
Tacking companj Is confined to his home
with brain trouble.
The Eastern Star will initiate candidates
Saturdaj night Omaha and Council Bluffs
lodges are Invited
D Cameron has been sent up to the county
Jail for ten dajs for stealing a p-'Ir of shoes
from A H. Parker
R C Price general manager at the Swift
plant , returned jesterdaj from a business ,
trip to Kansas City.
Tom Hector is reported to be slightly Ira-
proved He U surtering from a severe at
tack of rheumatism.
Street Commissioner Hess cleaned several
of the paved stieets in the business portion
of the cltj jesterdaj
Superintendent Cameron of the Cudabj
Packing compnnj Is expected homo from his
southern trip on Friday.
J O'Herne , who was Injured at Armours
a week ago. is rapidly Improving. Dr Kellj
hays that O'Herne will be out in a daj ot
The Woman's circle of the First Methodist
KuiBCopal church will give a luncheon and
nuifilcal at the home of Mrs. George L Dare
this evening
Miss Mabel Barnhart was agreeably sur
prised at her home last evening bj a party
of friendsn cnjojablc time was spent in
dancing and game *
The new ice machine at Armour's was
started yestcrdaj for the first time This
machine has a refrigerating capacltj of too
tons everj tweet-four hour *
Peter Bochus , who was severely Injured by
a Union I'arlrtc train n day or two aso. wient
a comfrnable riaj jeiturdaj ami Ins pin -
fclclans expect that ho will entlrclj recover
from his Injuries
Al Tjnan is doing well at the hospital , but
as be has no funds an effort will be made
to have him transferred to the countj ho -
pltal where he- will be cartd for without
expense to the clt )
At a rot. nt meeting of the Independent
Order of Oood Teraplarh tha following olb-
crs were elected Homer Pejton chief
trroplar , .Miss Nettle Hice , vice templar ,
William Larkin. stcieurj. Molten lilo-
financial aecretarj Karl Birge , treasurer.
Oljde KelU chaplain , Mfu Marj Burneu ,
guard. Ora Pane run sentinel. Miss Mable
Aintnon superintendent Juvenile
MIonliiK JrMi'lrj I' < IIIIH | ill a Mm - .
Sam Kline 1315 ( jp tel avenue reported
to the police jeste'Jay that hti wife bal
been rob * " ! of one r > < r of dlar "tid ear
rings , cue diamond nrg , and ont flam gold
r ng the alleged robberj occurring Tursda < .
afternoon whtl she was asleep He stated
thit a woman who had been working for
them took the key to the trunk from Mrs
Klines 'locking and purloined the article *
As considerable liquor had been used around
tbe house that afternoon , Detectives Savage
and Dunn who were working on the cise
were suspicious They were not greatlj
I surprised when they discovered the missing
articles hidden away In the kitchen stove
Thej were so tarnl'hed that they looked ns
If thej had been there a month.
' otitlivv I'ot Improv rlm-ilt dull.
The Southwest Improvement club listened
to a report of Its committee on n Twcntj-
fourth street \lnduct last evening , which
roused considerable enthusiasm among the
members The committee , consisting of C
W llaller. W H. ( Jreen D. W Shull nnd
H J Pecnan reported that \lslted Ron-
cral Manager Holdrege of the Burlington Ir
Saturday He assured it that some nurvcr-
1 Ing was being done In the bottoms , and he
did not care to tell them what It was for
He talked of an underground crossing at
Bancroft street , and then requested them to
call on him again Tuesday. He said In the
1 meantime he would see Mr. Burt nnd learn
his Intentions.
On Tuesday the committee again met Mr
I Holdrege He told them that hi * Interview
with Mr Burt had been very satlafactorj
i nnd that he could assure them he would
be able to give them a definite answer vvllbln
the next ten dajs
The commute reported further that they
Informed Mr Holdrege that they had the
money for the approaches and If the viaduct
Is not to be constructed soon they wanted
| the street opened and hoped he would do
i that much for them nt least
I A committee composed of Fred Zotzman ,
W H. Orcen nnd Henry Rohlf was appointed
to confer with the members of the > council
concerning the repair of paving on Leaven-
worth street
VilotliiT "Hop" IK Itiildril.
"Hop" Joints are finding the climate of
Omaha nnjthlng but salubrious these dajs ,
owing to the nctlvltj of the police in run
ning in the operators and frequenters An
other was added to the list now waiting dls-
position when Ofllcers Mltihell and Drummy
arrested B Moselj , 12H Uivcnport street
Thej found him In bed putting away at his
pipe as If hl life depended upon the ap
pearance of dreams within a verj short
time Belle Jones , a small colored woman ,
was seated on the bed beside him , and when
Mosely was arrested he Insisted that the
' hop ' outfit belonged to her The police
think dlfferentlj however , and will prose
cute him for vagrancj.
Aiitl-liiiiu-rlallst Mri'tlne 1'ostiioncil.
Owing to'the Inclement condition of the
weather and the rain that fell during the
earlj evening the town meeting called for
Crelghton hall last night was o sllmlj
attended that the affair wns postponed until
some date to be announced later. There
were some seventy people present , but these
Individuals did not care to air their views
on imperialism expansion , politics and the
numerous other questions that might arise
unless the attendance was greater. Laurie
J Qultnbj , Clmer E Thomas and Asa Tav-
lor were appointed a committee to fix the
date for another meetln ? and work up en
lllirr Hnllrttim.
Local Forecaster Welsh announces that
beginning with Thursday the dally weather
report will be nccompanled by a river bulle
tin and forecast The issue of these bulle
tins will continue until all danger of flood
Is past
Reports from Sioux Cltj show that the
river went up six Inches at that point Tues
daj At Omaha the rise was a foot and
sK inches This leaves tbe water still three
feet below the danger line The rise from
Omaha to Kansas Cltj' was practlcallj the
same though at St. Louis onlj a rise of one
Inch Is reported
CarrliiKton I'njK 111 * Chpi-k.
Upon receipt of the $ S 10 duo him for a
worthless check issued bj John C Carrlng-
ton Yolehl Xawa appeared in police court
and requested the dismissal of the assault
and battery complaint he had filed Nawa
stated that he thought Carrington ought to
be punished and did not care particularly
about the money he had been defrauded of ,
but he was advised to dispose of the case
bj dismissing It
LluirK < Ml v ltli Giinihlliiir.
A complaint was filed Wednesday after
noon In police court charging Sig Kohn with
running a gimbllng game In his cigar rtore ,
107 South Fifteenth street He entered a
plea of not guilty and his case was con
tinued until April 24 at 3 o'clock for trial
The half dozen men taken from his place
will p-obablj be discharged as the county
attorney did not file a complaint against
DI mIi.cMl Him to Get Itld of Him ,
\Vry anxious to advertise the salve he was
selling Daniel Patton occupied the attention
of the police court fifteen minutes while
dilating upon Its virtues He was charged
with stealing $20 from the money drawer of
Thoraflfi Hart. 501 North Thirteenth street
during the absence of the bartender He
talked of salve so long that Judge Gordon
finally discharged him to get rid of him.
Notice has been received by the clerk of
the district court that Governor Pojnter has
commuted the hentence of Thomas Morris ,
sent up for five jears from this district for
burglarv His term is cut down to one jear
A building permit has been Issued to J J
Muller to erect a $2 000 one story brick
store at 2S01-6 Lenvenworth street. An
other permit has be n issued to J A. Rylen
to erect a two-story frame dwelling iit
Twenty-sixth and Dodge streets to cost
Captain Baiter , acting chief quartermaster
for the Department of the Missouri , has Is
sued advertisements for bids for the remod
eling of tbe old postofllco building for the
use of nrmj headquarters. The necessary
work Is divided Into four contracts The
bids will In opened at 2 o'clock Saturdaj
afternoon of next week
For the last day or two the street railway
companj has been at work on North Six
teenth street fixing Its track From Cumlng
to Webster street the old ties nnd tracks are
being removed nnd now oak ties and rails ,
of the latest and heaviest pattern are being
put down It IB expected that the entire
two blocks of rails will be swung into place
by this evening
Finding the horse of Fred Gllle , 1722 South
Seventh street , hitched In a place where It
would be easj to steal , Charles Lundstrom
unhitched the animal , got In the busty nnd
started to drive off Mrs Gllle came out
and caught him , and as he was drunk and
could not make a very sharp resistance she
held onto him until her husband arrived ,
when Lundstrom was turned over to the po
lice He was lined JJ and costs
This evening the board of trustees of the
Institute for the Deaf and Dumb In this
city with the members of the Board of Pub
lic Lands and Buildings , will meet at the
Institute to consider plans for the new
structures authorized by the last ledelature
The visitors will remain at the institute over
night nnd finish up their work on Friday.
This will bo the first visit made bj the Board
of Public Lands and Buildings In its tour
of inspection preparatory to letting contract -
tract * for the various now buildings to be
erected by the state
Hon. John Galvln of Cincinnati , exalted
ruler of the Klks , will arrive In Omaha
this afternoon from the west on his way
home from a tour of Inspection of the west
ern lodges of the order The Omaha Klks
will hold their regular weekly meeting
this evening instead of Friday In order
to have tbe pleasure of a visit from Mr
Galvln , and all Klks are requested to attend
Mr Galvln is accompanied by his wife , and
at > i 15 tbej will be given n reception and
dinner at the Her Grand by members of
the order nnd their wives
At the cltj hall Tueudaj afternoon a num.
ber of committee * representing the Grand
\rniy of the Republic and Women s Relief
Corps met to make arrangements for tbe
proper observation of Memorial day Rep
resentative from the Daughter * and Sons of
Veteran * were also present The otllcer *
elected were J B Saw hill prenldent MUs
Clara Feenan , secretarj and L S Skinner ,
treasurer J B Drtltbaib. John Jeffcoat
Mm AskvUth. Mrs J T Patch and Mrs
P tronette were appolnied i co-nnilttee 01
flnan e Messrs Spallii a and Hh 4"j will
look after s > I-abla grounds an ! L S Skn
ner W S Askwi'h and .N. U , Helm were
celected as speakers.
srr \ < Fmvs3jnn
Life as a Fine r
A Study of the Ideal Character
s & < P ! By Newell Dwight Hillis
Sv J8L/ / "Toire ccHlfnl rrt'l * 'mall mrani ; n ivt flffantv relftcf
than /M * n , < i < f trtiHftxcnt mlAt-r ( Anxiinniixi ; l < fee trrrlliy ,
net mfvcla'ile , anil trca/fA ) , nol uti , to Hiten la tlan anil tittli ,
bat + 'i ad niffi trilh optn It nl ; M ilui/t haul , to think quitlly ,
act frankly , lilt finltasnill vttiitiom , kurfv ttrrtrin a itwtit ,
tJn cetntttvrf thu it tny ijtupJiott ) "
"Looking ont upon his age , he
beheld young men crazed with a
mania for money. He saw them
refusing to cross the college
threshold , closing the book , neg
lecting conversation , despising friendship , postponing
marriage , that they might increase their goods. Yet
he remembered that earth's most gifted children
have been content with small means , performing
their greatest exploits midst comparative poverty. "
See this week's issue of
Founded A ° . "D ? a ? Z 8 fiy BenJ.Fra nkl i n
Dated Saturday , April 22. '
To be had of All Newsmen at 5 Cents the Copy
Halt I.Ilartcll of the ilnrnt DNtrlct
.11 ilk CM Two t ii-uu-rpNHfnl At-
teinptN tit Sulclilc.
Tired of a life of Eharne and without
hope of an opportunltj to better her lot ,
Hattie Bartell , living at IIS North Ninth
street , made two unsuccessful attempts to
put an end to her existence Monday night ,
having purchased a quantify of morphine ,
she swallowed a large portion of it on re
tiring , but it proved an overdose and med
ical attendance prevented death
Tuesday night about 10 o'clock the girl
disappeared A companion fqund In her
room a note Implying an Intention to kill
herself and giving directions regarding the
disposal of her effects. Including a con
siderable sum of monej Five hours later
she reappeared at the resort but refused
to tell where she had been About mid
night a watchman In the railroad jards
found a woman walking along the bank of
the river As she would not answer his
questions ho feared an attempt at suicide
and compelled her to leave The description
was that of the Bartell woman Her real
name Is Peterson and her home Is Marshall ,
l' illi > < * us llcfrrrc.
Charles Johnson , a laundrjman , and Wil
liam Anderson an electrician , became In
volved In a dispute last night and to decide
the question at Issue thoj agreed to fight
In an eight-foot ring according to the Mur-
aula of Queensberrj rules The ring was
marked out on th pavement it the cor-pr
of Sixteenth and Farnam slrectb and the f o
men , having discarded th > lr ooaU , called
time and b ° gan to battle Several policemen
saw a crowd gathering and when thej
reached the scene of the encounter the light
ers bad abandoned scientific sparring and
[ had resorted to slugging Johnson was prov-
Ins himself the winner having closed both
1 his opponent's eyes , when a policeman pHcj-d
i th m under arrest At the station they were
'charged with disturbing the peace by fight-
ItiMt nt n Ken Purtj.
The police were called upon to quell a
small sized riot last night at the corner of
'Fourteenth and I.ea\ew\\orth streets It was
a neighborhood war and n pretty woman
was the cause The Bradshans the RIIejB
nnd the Morrlssejs live In adjoining houses
Members of the three families held n keg
partj last night at the home of Mrs Morrissey -
rissey nnd becauen Hank Rlley paid more
attentions to Rose Bradshaw than to his own
wife his actions precipitated n battle between
the two women and the neighbors took
sides As a result of the conflict four
women were arrested but the men Impli
cated escaped The names of those locked up
are Eve Rilej , Annlo Reed , Rose Bradshaw
nnd Mrs Marj Morrlsspj
Vlnrrlnuc I.lri'iiii'x.
The following licenses to wed were granted
by Judge Baxter jcsterday :
Name and Residence Ago
WIllHm A Tajlor Omaha 31
Mattlo Wardlaw Omaha. . . . . . . . . 21
Irving Louzenhagon , Omaha 21
May Carroll , Omaha IS
Joseph W Lew IB , South Omaha 27
Mrs Florence Caderette , Newark N. J. . 21
Edmund J Dalmon Chalco , Neb 21
Ella Schmidt. Chalco , Neb 21
George Plunherk , Mlllard , J > 'eb 21
Cecelia Hailing Oennlngton , Neb. 25
Wilhelm Parop Irvlngton Neb 28
Beatrice W Rain Colhoun , Neb 21
\ I.nod ( on nil Mi-illclno ,
It Is difficult for the average newspaper
reader to distinguish between tbe good and
the bad cough medlrined A fair trial however -
over will convlnco any one that Cham
berlain s Cough Remedj la perfectly reliable
and that It is pleasant and ente to t&ke
Those who use it always upcak well of I'
and often recommend it to their friends. If
vou have u troublesome oough give It a
trial and jou are certain to get relief
Caiilllrril ill KIIIIHIIN ( II } ,
George Wodell. wanted in tbls city for
burglarj was carturnd > n KatiEan Citj jes
terday Wodell broke open a Union Pacific
freight car standing on tidetrack near
Tenth and Nicholas trec < u and stole a large
aunntity of cower which va sold to second
hand men Detective Dempsey will go to
Missouri today to bring Wodell back
Mnrllilll } Miltlollc-k.
The following births and d atti were re
ported to the health commissioner during tbe
twentj four hour * ending at noon jesterdaj
Binh * Charles Kirkland li > oe North
T cn y f'unh bo > Albert \\augti lais
? 'U h Twenij ninth hoj Ole J rt = en
Twer-j cig'-hnnd Ienvei > w nn girl .lob
ert Grass lO-JS U'tj .Niueit-.Dvb , loy , W A
Peterson 2118 Grace , girl Isaac Simpson
Fiftjthird and Francis , boy James M Bat
I ten 1026 South Twentjthird , twin ; , , boy and
Deaths Helcne E F. Maxwell " 013 C ali
fornta 2S jears Frank Dona 410 Sou h
Fourth. 32 years Ralph A Beardslej 1S1SU
St Mary's avenue , -11 years , suicide Wilson
Hoyc , 110 South Fourteenth Ci vears
Firm AUt'en * ST.O.OOO
I , own at Ilanilx of Mnxtt-r Mc-niu
I'lltcrs' AxHoc'lllllon.
CHICVGO , April 10 The bulUIng and
contracting flrm of Marvin & . Brown began
suit today for ? 50 000 damages against the
Chicago Master Steam Fitters' association
and numerous officials and members of thit
bodj- for alleged "blacklisting "
It Is alleged that the defendant association
has nn understanding and agreement with
the Chicago Journejmen Steam Fitters' ass -
elation to the effect that when the first party
considers that it has a grievance against any
contractor or person whom It maj desire to
"blacklist" the second partj will withdraw
all its members at the order of the master
from work on any contracts held by the
' blacklisted" party
As the result of the agreement mentioned
It is claimed the Jotirnejmens association
ordered Its members not to work on the
buildings In question and the plaintiffs wen.
unable to complete the work contracted for ,
suffering a loss of t > 0 000
DnKotii Hanker VHiluo" .
COLUMBUS O , April 19 \ petition in
bankruptcy was filed here todaj by William
M. Lloyd of this cltv , manager of the Llojd
National bank at Jamestown. N D previous
to 1SS3 The liabilities are $166 Ouu all but
{ " ' ,000 of which are unsecured loans made to
the bank.
i HI : nni.TuiKivr. .
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes
daj , April 19. J89'i
J. K Tlf > trlck and w'fe to J H Din-
leU , lot 20. Clarke PHc- j ZM
1 H Oo n y and wlf , ta S L De en
lot S block 131 South Omaha IK
Jo eph Novi'le and wifeto Harold
Krown lot 20 , "block " u. Drakes add 30
Hi nr > Hitll and wife to 'f J : I'r'ce '
lots 0 and 7 , block 31 Dorr me &iO
It It Judah and -wife to K A iiit ( > r
lot 3 and # i- lot 2 , Ulork 2 Hascall a
sub . . 00
G W A e'ramer to C. W. Skinner ,
lot 7 Pruvns sub . ] ( y/ )
G W ? klnn r and wife to O A. C.irl-
eon 0.1 nl Hume . . . . 750
WMllun Uuslin jr to II D Carter , a
, tiuct at Thlrtj-third and C nter
stree.a . i & * )
M F Harris to H M JJond , lot 21 ,
blixk 1 Cibcrne AJ II add 425
Brtll Loevy .tnd husband to Ljdla.
? eveko lot 11 , block 2. t'nlon 1'lic * 1100
Anna Uwyer to S M. Sudler. trustee.
1 > art of Jots 7 and S , b.ock 3 Pirk
S M Sadler. tfuste , ' to J.'j Ujrne > ,
same- f , ( ,
J ( ' llavomtjcr and vvlfp to \ \ t'
Iluchen lot 9 , Godfrey's sub . . . 2 (
W n .Morris to E r FMI. lot l > ,
bl. ck 1.1 West Hnd add . 1,500
Hdinburir Lombard Investment Co to
Mrs Antonln Mn < h , lot 12 , block I ,
Kountzo Third add 1,100
Sheriff to Omaha National Hank , part
of lot T , CVipltol add , vv 1-3 of lw fl ,
block 153 , Onmhnind tax lot 0 , in
Frank Thompson , executor , et al to
L av nport Hiivtn a Dank , c 23 feet
of lots 1 and 2 , blork 0. Klrkvvooc ]
Total amount of transfers Tl
DHOSTE-Erne tlnfwife of Edward L
Dro-ie , asred 39 vtars
Funeral Frida/ 2 30 p m from real.
dem- nil South Eighteenth street
BOSTWlc'K-Il ; Shlrltj. aged * v ar , eon
of If N Ruitwlik
Uric * funcTdl trvlct will bt held nt the
- of II ( ' IoBtn. < k 37
av nue , at 2 t > m. Friday Interment at
Mon < ro j. < 'olo Keokitk la Montrotu
Cole , and t'hfjenne , Wyo , iiapr-rs nleabf
CALLAHAN E.ther Lillian Jnfant daugh
ter of J f faltuhan Funeral fmm r *
lil < n < e J21o Harnej trc < , at J i < nt Frl-
da >
Brings back the strength you
usedI to have. ' TiLno bub .
\vnn > oinrn -
Searles & Searles
< - nncorinfallr trrnt \L3KVOUIL
of men aud women.
BEXUALLT cured for lift.
Nlglit EmUlloii * Lost Manhood. H * >
drocelt , V rlroc lo , Qonorrhr * i laJt. Byphi
till , Strletur. , Plica Flctula and HecUJ
Ulceri DlaJjotn , Bright s Dlrrnxa cured
and HeelS1"1
br new method trlthout pain cr outtlnn
Oall on or address with tamp Tr tmrn |
by moll.
RflcCRSW ,
Trt Jt lli Fermi ci
12 YfJri in Om jtu. { rit Beck frtr ,
cM1Farnam ! ! St
/nil strength health , ton *
ntid d vrloprutit to every
| irt on nf the tx Jy KlTi'Ctl
oi'di.-'ne overwork worry ,
i tin fnliira of Youth utl'l ' ox-
xsol inanliocxl ' | Uir'y )
ir d A | plntuc ati 1 rcrn-
edic feni on trtiu v >
tin nfy in nil yncf Mnli l
I irtli \.lart. frrc cnrr *
p > nl > IK < rrnfil/ 1 tial
Home Industries
11 } I'uroliuNliK ; dociilN Mndf nt ( he foU
t NclirunUu Factorlrxi
Flour , Meal , Fred. Rran , 1013-1I-17 Nirth
17Ui street , Omaha , Nen C L Uiajc ,
Manager. Telephone tVi.
n vi ISA ro\\ttii ; , , mov. . emus.
Iron und Ilrnto I'ouiuliTi
Manufacturers and Jht > crs if Mm t i.try.
General icpalrlng a specialty id i ul
nnd lrpi JocksoK fc'rret. On.alia NVb
\\Oif ( > M\ > I.INMJI > onvoaivs ,
Manufacturers uld process nw I'nccrd '
Ml kettle boiled Unseed oil. old pro en
ground HDSIDU CBKCB Around ami i i cre-d
taxs ! . ( ) for dniKKlsti. OUAH4 NCfJ
OMUIV nitr.Avisr , tisoc IATIO >
Carloarl fhlpmetitfc made in our own re <
frlncrutor can Blue Hlbbon. Klite Fxport ,
Vienna bxixirc and Famlh lixpurt clehv
ercd o all purl * of the city
.1011N It r.OvVIim. Prop ,
Boilers. Tanka and Sheet Iron Work ,