THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : Til IT USD AY. A PHIL 'JO , 18 ! ) ! ) . 11 < SPECIAL NOTICES Ad VCI'tl-tC-IIICItlK tor II If HICOllllltll * Mill lie tiiki-it until 1U in. for the iMt-nliiK oilltlon mill niiHI MiilO \ > . in. for iitornlnu mill Siitiilny editions. 1 Ilitlt-x 1 I--C- 11 tvoril IIml lii-o-rtlott ) It * it uoril tliciriader.otliliiK ! tnUi-ii fur II-NK limn a- for tlir Itrnt lii-ter- tlim. TliCNK lulvertlnciiii-iit.H taunt li run -oiiNce.-iitlvi-l > ' . A < lvi-rlls rn , lij- ITIIICMIIK | | n iiiiin- Itci-pil i-lipi-li , i-nn IIIMC niiHWi'rn ml- ilrc < iN < - < l lo n iiuniliorcil li-Hcr In can- Of VltP IIIAllNtVITH Mil IHldreNKI-d lll ilcllvc-recl on prcicntitloii ! of tbnlnel only. SITI ; vrnxs. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 10. Tel. 1112. Help fuinlshed , positions procured. . A-5S3 _ _ _ A STENOGRApTrEIt When you want one p > ase call m > tbc Rcmlnclon typewriter olllce. 1GI9 Farnam St. , telephone , 1573. A G5r WA.vriin-MAi.n HIII.P. WANTED , we havn steady work for a few good hustli-rs of good habits nnd appear- once. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. B-3IG SALESMEN for cigars , $125 month nnd ex penses ! old llrni ; experlfiiiCH unnecessary ; inducements lo customers. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B-CSS WANTED-MnrTTn ( vi-n coiinty to s"ll the "Best" l"caiuk-scenl G Light Fixtures ; makes own ia.i , 105 candle power , light < hours for 1 cent The Best Incandtweiit Light Co. , 31SV4 So. 15th St. . Omaha. Nob. PROGRESSIVE positions for Industrious men tan bn found by applying to the Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. , 411 New York Llf UlrtK. n-3 < 7-A-20 * _ TWO tialesmen , salary or com. 1 AVaro Blk. B 775 "WANTED , men to 1'nrn bnrbrr tr.ide. We offer advantages that cannot he Ind ol i'- where. Constant practice furnished by free shaves. No other eltv offers tngos Chicago docs In this line. Two y nr-t daved. Wrt nsHlst with tranfiportallon , pre sent tools nnd positively guarantee I > OF- | tlons. Wrlto for catalogue today. Moler Bnrber College , Chicago , 111. _ _ . . . . , „ „ , , MEN to learn 'barber ' trade. Write for free catalogue. Western Bnrber Institute , Omaha. B M74I ! TENOR singer wanted for choir : first class Instruction given In return for service. Addresn W 54 , Ben. H-7515-19 * W'ANTED , three thoroughly experienced hardware and tinware men ; must have had several years' experience ; will not talk with men unless they understand this misliicss perfectly ; must be good stock keepers , pleasant and affable sales men : want men who arc- looking for Mendy employment in this line ; good salaries nfler your ability and worth Is demonstrated ; nanvs and addresses of referi'ticeH must accompany your applica tion or no nttontlou will bo paid to same. Address W 03 , Bee otllce , 15 M7US PANTSMAKER wanted at once. Gust Abr.Uinmson , Iloldrege , Neb. B M787 23 * BIG pay to men of character , push and ability to represent a work which means much to the state and which Is being pro duced by the best men In tbc state. Ad dress W 02. Bee olllce. B-M797 23 WAiNTED. physician registered In Ne braska since 1S93 ; experienced In advertis ing specialty ; good salary to wide awake hustler. Address W CO , Bee. B M791 22 \VA.\T13I1 KKSIAl.n IIHII' . BOYLES' SHORTHAND SCHOOL , BEE BUILDING. IN SESSION ALL SUMMER. DELIGHTFUL PLACE TO STUDY. The most popular and successful school de voted exclusively to shorthand and type writing. Call and see our equipment and special fa cilities for the rapid training of llrst class f > tnographerfl. Ask to sco list of calls foi stenographers from Omaha's leading bus. ino's mon during last few months. Fout calls Monday of this week. Results apcal < louder than words. Get circulars am particular C 51701 22 * WANTED 100 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S7G , C GS9 WANTED Hotel cook ; female preferred Commercial House , St. Paul , Neb. . Franli Gruber , pro ] ) . C-M5SI 22 * MILLINERS WANTED-Makers. prepar ersi nnd millinery trimmer * at Bostoi Store , J. L. Brnndcis & Sons , proprietors C 739-19 WANTED , girl for general housework 2222 Miami St. C 779-21 WANTED , experienced girl for genera housework. Small family. 602 So. 27th st C M802 ALL ladles having spare > lme can can money making patches ; $ H to $10 weekly reply envelope for partlcu'urs and sample Foster Co. , 525 W. 29th St. . New York. C M7S9 20 * HHXT IIOUSHS. CHOICE hous's and cottages nil over city $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st lloor N. Y. Life. D-G4S BOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 100 N. ] 5th St D-G90 ALWAYS moving household goods nnc plnnoa. Omnhn Van & Stornge Co. , 151H Farnnm. Tel. 1559. D-C91 HOUSES , Btores. Bemls , Paxton block I > G02 8-ROOM liouso. bath , furance , $20.00. 314 Is Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D-S25 FOR RENT Houses In Jill parts of city ThQ O. F , Davis Co , , 1505 Farnain St. D-693 HOUSES for rent : a specialty made o looking after property of non-resident ! ' J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-G91 SL\cfcAUD'sVniTnnd Storage. 117 N. 15th TV | . 119'i. ' " D-G97 H7)lSElTfo i tit In all art of the city Brennan-l.ovo Co. , 219 South IGth St. D-C90 WHILE the family arc unrond ho fur iiiHhed homo of J. W. Siiulre , 20J Stor ; Htrei t , Council Bluffs , will be for rent fo several years. HOUHQ linn nlno roomn hented by hot water. Every modern con vcnlence. D G37 12-ROOM modern brlek house nt in : N. 2511 st. Inquire ) nt-xt door south. D--M172 FOR RENT. 10-room house nnd barn li good location , with Inrc.o well shadei lawn ; low re-nt. Strictly modern flat In Davldgo bldg. , op poslto city hall , May 1. John W. Rabbins , 1S02 F 'nrnam ' , St. D-M43I [ 5TEA.M heated store nnd lints. 1 rowan Runi-k , Agt. , 1U10 Chicago Birec-r. D-M313-A-20 FOR RENT. 3027 Chicago st. , S rooms , moil eni , $30 : ES4 S. 2Sth st. , 8 rooms , moden 523 ; sinaller house's , $2 up. Hlngwalt Bros Barker blo-ik. D-M14G 1025 FARNAM st. . 7-room modern Hat ; ver nice. A. M , .CowU. 211 Sp. ISth st. _ lir.n SOltTH 17th ft. . 10 rooms , city wnte In yard , good condition : $20 per montl Geo. Forgiin , 313 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.D D Milo FOR RENT , lt-ran'in ' house , 43d Cumin HtK. ; suitable for two families. A. I Tukey , Board of Trade , D 5ol THE largo handsome home of A. P. Hoi khiH. k20 So. 31st , largo barn , lease. Ml S. Nafl link , building. D-M7rj 21 MODERN 9 or 10-room brick house ; clos in ; vacant May 1st ; J35.00. J. H. She : wood , 123 N. Y. IMo. P-781 12oT\Vlllinms st. , good Hat. city water , $5.0 6 rooms , city water , llth und Mnrcy et $10.00. h 2304 izurd st. , 7 rooms , city water In yan $18.00. 1915 S. 10th Kt. , 10 rooms , entirely mo < leri now furnace ; now tiring put In thoroug rt'palr ; pai.ercd and painted ; $3000 ] n mo nth. Will rent to one family only. 0S 8. 2 ! > th ft . luru house ; will repair t mil tenant , $50.00 per mouth. 2913 Howard , city water , $10.00 , S:5 > . s. isth M 4 rooms , f * . OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. , ICth unil Doub'lws Sts , run nnvr-Ft HMSIM-.II IIOOMS 5 NICE rooms ; hougckceplng , 111J S. 11. K 3 o ROOMS , modern. 28SO Harney ft. FRONT rooms , modern. 11.80 tip. 514 X. 19. E M47S M12" ELEGANT furnished rooms cheap , with or without bonrd. IIS So. ! 5th St WALKING dlHance , choice , nt only $ G. Tfl. 14.17. K MCiG W FORRENT\furnished or unfurnished ; housekeeping. 1712V& Jnclwon. 10 M775 21 * FURNISHED room : everything new and first-class ; isil Cuss. Mrs. Heed. K M7G3 25 * TWO pretty summer bedroom * , Just fur- nlihcd. iul | ! business men : close in.a. . , l > nth ; reasonable. Imiulrc olllco 1C , second lloor Crouivo JJlock. K 7S2 1900 CAP. AVE. . rooms. E-M7S3 2G * 1S1 ( ! DODGE , choice front rooms with board. K M79P 13 FntMSHKI ) 11OOMH A.VT1 IIOAUI ) . NICELY furnished room1 ! , atenm bent , free li.ith , $1.50 per week nnd up. Klondike hotel , IGth nnd Wibster SK F G3S GLENCAlhN' , tranlTonts { 1.23 day ? iw ! Douglas. l'v ODD DESIRABLE rooms with nil modern con veniences ; best location In city. 212 S , 23th St. . K 151 tEASONABLE rates , Clover Hotel. 161 ! Hartley F S27 A30 * "URNISIIED rooms , modern. 521 S. 2rt Ave , F MM1 My3 003 CAPITOL iivelitte , elegant furnished roms , line table hoard. F 187 ID * V HANDSOMElargefront room will board ; reference.1) . 202 N , ISth street. F-M74S 21 lOOSt nnd Innrrt for private fnmlly ot two 713 South ISth. F-M7G1 21 * FOR HR.VT UXFUHMSHRn IIOOMS. ROOMS. 70s s. nth st. O-MSSS A22 * NICK rooms. S. E. front. COS N."l3th. G MSS3 20 * FOll HUNT STORES AX1 OFF1CKS. FOR RENT , store In flrst-clnso location rent reasonable. Apply II. C. Peters rf Co. . ground lloor Bee Wdg. 1 701 roil RENT , a ground lloor ofllcc , speclall ; suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendh vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply K. C. Pttors & Co. , ground llonr Bei building. 1-702 ONE good office of 2 rooms to rent In Con tlnental nik. . lath nnd Douglas , $23. Physl clan preferred. Will arrange to suit Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , IGth & Douglas 1-813 ' 'OK HUNT. large storeroom , suitable fo Kroeery. hardware , restaurant or feei store ; also good storeroom with Hat above good business location , Lynmn Water man , S22 N. V. 1,1 fo Bldg. 'Phone 1S)2. ! ) I M7SS 21 * A < : i2\TS AVA.NTKI ) . DESK room for rent on ground floor He Building , Farnain street side ; rent reason able. Apply 11. C. Peters Co. . I3eo Build Ing. J 11413 V GENERAL ngent ; "Life of Ailmlra Dewov" nnd "America's New Posses slons ; " superbly Illustrated ; sample 25c Htnmps or coin : catalogue five. V. Tenny son Ncely , 114 5th ave. , 'New York. J-M700 20 * AGENTS , our clear lighter If the bos quarter article that ever happened. Th Gem Introduction Co. , Milwaukee. WIs. J M731 20 * \VAXTI3D-TO HEXT. MORE houses to rent. Wallace , Brown Bill X-SSO WANTI5D. to rent. C-room cottngo or " room house. Address , stating partlcu lars. W 5.1 , Bee. K M752 23 * JENTLEMAN and wife , no children , wan completely furnished house , six rooms o over , In Ilnnscom park territory. Refer cnces. Address W 69 , Bee. 1C M7G7 25 * WANTED , to rent. 3 or 4 unfnrnlshc rooms for llBht housekeeplnp. or sma cottage. Address W 57 , Bse olflce. K M7CO 22 * STOHAGR. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding 70.1 OM. Van & Storage , 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 155 ! VM GORDON bagguge line , 214 N. Ifi. Tel. 119 : M M 17.1 30 STOVES stored during summer. 1207 Doup las. Tt'l. 9CO. Omaha Stove Repair Work ! JI-219-M7 \VAXTRn-TO 1IIIY. SECOND-HAND books bought for casl Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Farnam. N 703 WE WANT several nice residences and resIdence Idenco lots for cash buyers. We have th buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Nolll' ' Real Estate Agency. South Omaha , N 7 < W SECOND-HAND typewriter , Densmore prc Krrcd. T S , Bee. N f,27 HIGHEST PRICKS paid for good coed : Variety Furniture Co. , 110-112 S. 1Kb nt. N-793 STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortensoi 401 N. 10th. N-9S5 M3 AI.I' klnda of household goods , hotels , etc In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fui nlturo Co. , Tel. 2020. 1400-10 Dodge. N M151 Mo BOSTON Fl'RNlTURE CO. pays hlghei prices for peed 2nd-band furniture. 14 : Dodge. Tel. 223S. N-707 WANTED , several hundred yards of earl at SCth & Chicago. A. P. Tukey. Board < Tr.idn. N 550 WANTED , to buy , a business lot on Km mini or Douglas between Twelfth an Hlxte-nth streets ; advise , with full pa tleulars , by mall only. C. N. Dletz. N 755-23 HOl'SE and ' , < lot ; 4 or fi rooms ; walkln distance postolllco. Price , J5"0 to $800 ; $1 co h ; $12 to $15 per month. \ \ ' lit. Hee. N 77S 26 * If { III SAI.H I't'HMTIUIIS. ' NEW and 2d-hnnd furniture , stoves , etc sold at small protlts ; best prices paid ti good 2d-lmml good * . J. Lewis , 101 S. 14tl O-9S7 M3 GREAT BARGAINS 111 new nnd 2nd-har furniture , atovs , etc. Boston Furnltm ' Co. . 1111 Dodge. O-I1S AM > viiucin IJUOaiES Vlalt our repository ; ask fi iirk'cse'll do the rest Omaha Impli inniit and Transfer Co. , pth and JnckHoi P 133A24 FOR SALE , a nice assortment of hani madi ! vehlclpB ; painting , realrlng. | trln mlng a Hpeciulty ; bring your carrlagi for rubber tires ; prices low , work guarai irwl. Win. Pfelfor'a c-arrlage works , co 27th nnd Leav nworth. P-JI352 MS A. J , SIMPSON 1ms ( In connection with h work ) the exclusive agency for the eel bruted c'olumbus Buggy Co. vehlcVu. alt 2-d-hand phaetons it Concords. 1409 Dodg P-M5IO .M14 CARRIAGES , phaetons , tiuRKlm n > wagons , liunifMH. Anderson Hu gy Tc Co. , 15th and Davenport. P 19 M15 FOR SALE. 1125 phaeton for $ UO i-aah. li qulru 20J.1. Fifth nvunuf , Cuundl Bluffn. I' MSOO W KOU .SAl.i-Mi3CiiIAXROUS. ALL kinds harnefs ; old harness in exchani Drummond Carriage Co. . ISkh & Harn Q-464 A24 * PURE Plymouth Rock eggs for setting , 50 roosters. Jl.OO. BS2 N. 20th St Q 718 HOG. poultry , lawn and fit-id fencing : 1 wire Wlru Works , 1017 Howard St StQ711 Q-711 FOR SALE , ten R I P A N S for 5 cents , j one elves isllcf. Q 710-A , 2i t'oit < \ii : iis < r.i.i.MOI s. SAWDUST , hardwood crlbblne and hog fence at lowest prlcs. Ml Douglas St.Q703 Q-703 COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh" Jelly , 25c , Middle of block. Omaha , Neb.Q713 Q-713 B. IVAAS. Florist , 1913 VlntollSt.7TV.r77G ; plants , cut flowers , boriuets , hall , rcM- donee , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or cxprews promptly Illled , O 700 SND-hnnd safe cheap , Derlght , 1116 Farnam. Q 71S SAFE" ? , buy , tell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q ill HORSE clippers nnd repairs for all stand ard makes. We grind clippers , razors , shears , etc. A. L. Undelnnd , Omaha. . Q ilo GRAMOPHONE talks talk. Catalogue. Western Gramophone Co. , Council lUufffl. GREEN House , also cash register. BR. Ball. P25 N. Y. Life. Tel. 150fl. Q-KIO _ _ NEED cash. ' $210 will buy line $150 upright piano , standard make. Address W 41. Bee , Q 048-Mlo OR 9AL1'2 , SO.CKV ) hrlck for Immediate de livery. C. B , Havens & Co. . 15th am ! Webster. Q-MG7S 22 JNGLISH ferrets for sale. Address C. p , Greenwood , Silver City , In. Q-M7I721 SECOND-HAND sewing machines , $5 up , Nebraska Blcyclo Co. , 15th and Harney. Q Mm 21 VEHICLES , ha-ncss. swlng machines , al wholesale prices. Western Mercantile ( o. 10th and Farnam. Q 218 Mi NOTICE , country dealers. 2d hand furni ture. & stoves sold at lowest prices , car load lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , HOMO Dodge. R--M152 Mo WANTED , men selling charts nnd schoo supt > lp | In Nebraska to wrlto the Dla. maml Publl-hfng Co. , 10(5 ( N. 2d St. , Mltv neapolls , Minn. R-M7SG 2G * V1LL ship 14 carload o furniture to Chicago cage on April 25 or 2G , Parties having ' carload or 'less to ship will sav ? moncj by calling on Albert Cahn , 1322 Fnrntim. II M 801 L * CI.AIHVOYAXTS. MRS. FRIT/ , clairvoyant , 817 N. IGth.S S 722 MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist. 1G05 Dodge S 89G 3 , MATHS , KTO. FRANXES do Seutorlous of K. C. , 107 N 12 T 137 A21 * MRS. F. BERRY , bath , mnssngc. Attend nuts. 119 N. 1C , R. 12 , 2nd lloor , opp , P. O T M620 A27 * IIATTIE BERTRANDE , thermal bnths mastago. 1G15 Howard , 3d floor , room 1. T M351 MS * BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage baths , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leaven worth St. T MG3G-22 * MME. AMES , n. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; mastMge baths T M7S1 M-17' MME. Sitmi , Room 2 , IIS'4 N. 13th. T-753-M17 * MTIS. DR. LEON , electric bath parlors first-class assistant. 417 S. llth. upstairs T M773 MIS 1'EHSOXAI , . VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 31G Be Bids. U 723 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319 S. 15th U-724 SUPERFLUOUS hnlrwrinklesmolcswartf freckles , blackheads , pimples removed fo ever by eleotriclty ; bunt developed ; necl ; arms , cheeka made plump. Mme. Payne' halrdre-sslng parlors , 2301 Leavenworth Tel. a8G3. U 215 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 113G N ! i U-729 MONHE-IT. chiropodist & hair dressing Douglas Blk. , opp. Hoyden's. U 511 A25 * DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed. 25 and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U M323 HORSES clipped with electric clippers Omaha Stables , cor. llth and Howard. U-901 GIVE your order for cut Mowers and plant to B. R. Ball , 925 N. Y. Life. Tel. 150G. U-229 _ LIEBEN , 1313 Howard , all kinds hair goods U-725 WALL paper cleaned. F. E. Goff , 1S34 N 22d st. U M439 Mil' LADIES In trouble nnd prompt relief. Ad dress with stamps , Box 1 , Omaha , Neb , U M541 M14 HOW to win nt poker ; n sure system ; fir particulars , 50c. Address Box 324. Omnhn U M539 29 * MONIIEIT. leader In hair goods nnd tolle preparations. 200 Douglas Blk. , opp. Hay den s U-512 A25' A RELIABLE home and treatment of a ! troubles peculiar to women , and fo ladles before nnd during conflnemcnl Address Box 757 , Omaha , Neb.U702 U-702 M15 * BUY through Omaha Purchasing Agencj 1512 Davenport St. U COG M15' WASHING nnd Ironing ; moderate prices Mm. Jones , 2S12 Hnrney. U 737 19 SHIRT WAISTS to order. 303 So. 17th ! U M741 M17 N. Y. CLEANING Co. . frescoed nnd wn paper cleaned ; Chenille curtains , cnrpet clenned , laid , etc. 110S Fnrnam. Phone 13 ; U-751-M17 * SUPERFLUOUS hair , wnrts nnd mole permanently removed by electricity ; cot sanitation free nnd conlldentlnl. All wor guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1724 Dodge U 7SO-25 * .MOXKV TO I.OAX HKAI , HSTATK. $100.000.00 special fund to loan on llrst-cln improved Omaha property , or for bui'dlii purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.W W 735 $100 AND up. F. D. Wead , IGth and Dougla" W 731 5'/- PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton BII W 740 WRITE us If you want n loan on your fari In lown. eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pa you Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N Y i W-733 WANTED , choice farm nnd city loans R c P tera & Co. , 1702 Farnam , Bee Biclg' W-739 $1,000 up to loan on Improved city propert & farms , W , Farnam Smith & Co , 13 ; Farnam. W 7CG 5 Pr. Ct. Chas. E. Williamson , T ) . S Bk blJi W-737 $30,000.0) CHEAP money for Investmem aucnts wanted. Investors' lists for sail InveMora' Directory , N. Y. W 2C9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha re : estate , Urcnnun-Lovu Co. , 219 So. 18th W-73S $10.000 PRIVATE money , low rate J 1 Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. W-S09 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and low farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co 219 S. IGth. , Omaha. W 744 MORTGAGES. Wallace , 210 Brown Blocl W-742 LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. L'.fi W-743 6 per cent loans ) . Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnan W-SM MOXHY TO I.OAX CHATTlil.S , MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES , CARRIAGES , \VAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. You can pay the money back In iiny amounts you wish anrtat any time , each payment BJ made , lessens the cost of carrying the loan OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . I : W SOUTH IGTH STREET MONEY- -MONEY i ' ! . ' MOM3Y TO I.O W ( "li VTTr.t.S. MONEY loaned salaried prop > holding per m.innt position with responsible c. > n- cerns uixm their own name , without .oecur- Itv : enny payments. Tolman , H. 70 ( ! N , Y. Life Bide. X-743 MONEY- LOANS MADE TO SALARIED people holding permanent posl- MONEY tlons on their personal note without Indoisement. MONEY-LOW RATES. EASY PAYMENTS Room 119 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY 16th and Farnam Streets. X 793 MONEY loaned conlldcntlally to hlish- classed salaried people , without endonvr , mortgage or security of any kind other thnn their own names : can repay In In stallments : c.ill and see me and you will receive courteous treatment. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E. Jennlng" . manager , suite ia5-52 < ! New York Life Bide. X-73G MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horcs , cows , jewelery. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk. X-715 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Rted , 3t& K. 13. X 39G MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payments un known to friends. Bergcrs Ixian Bank , 14IG Farnain , upstairs. X 112 MUSIXHSS C1IAXCHS. FOR QUICK return' ' * IHt your bargains nt O'Neill's Real Estate Agency , South Omaha , Y 743 IF you hivve Idle monev and want it busy see Glover , Real Eat. Broker , 302 Karbach. Y-M514 13. M. CLARK , slgnsv Tel. 1704. 115 N. Kith. Y 701 M2 DRUG STORE for sale. In good town In northeastern Nebraska ; line opportunity. Adlress T 41 , Bee. Y Ml 12 ATTENTION , MILLERS ! For fnlc or rent , the Anchor Mill property , a 75-bbl. im proved roller mill , water power , situated t mile's from South Omaha nnd 7 miles from Omnha , close to the Rook Island an'il Union Pacific roads. For further par ticulars address Box 215 , Papllllon , Ne braska. Y M50S 27 UNUSUAL opportunity to lnvo t ? 200 or more- , securing largo permanent Income : capital safe ; prollts sure. H. Grlllln. ItbO Broadway. NPW York. Y-M792 M2 * BIO chance for a hustler with a few hun dred dollars : largo prollts ; big future , 309 N. Y. Life. Y-M7S3 22 * DRY goods nnd clothing stocks , hardware , groceries and drugs for sale or exchange ; wo can find you a buyer or can sell you Roods. Wrlto Merchandise Broker , 503 Brown blk. Y M795 23 KOU FOR EXCHANGE , $400.00 stock now drugs for real cst Ue or horses. Address W : ! i ) . Bee. X.-M342 A FINE modern 12-room hou o west of Illsh school on motor line , In exchange for farm or other property. Address W 31 , Bi . H-M513 2 ENGINES. 50 horse power Westlnghouse , 100 h. p. Ide engine , also 100 h. p. electric generator to exchange for real cftatc , Address W 32 , Bee. Z MS 14 WANTED To exchange new piano foi board. Address W fiO. Bee. X 731 19 * von SAM : HEAI , KST.VTE. LOGAN Valley farm lands and stock ranches. W. II. Clement ? , Lyons , Neb , RE 7SG PECK & CO. , agents and deaters In city and farm property ; loans ; rentals. 101 8. loth , Re 247 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is UK time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE 8GG FARMS ! FARMS ! ! FARMS ! ! ! Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county land foi sale cheap. Prices range from $20 pei aero up. WK1 pay you to investigate , The Byron Reed eo. , 212 S. 14th St.RE RE 750 LIST your property with us for sale. Wt have the customers. Tho. Byron Reet Company , 212 S. J4th St. RE 751 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; alse lire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block. RE 752 O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , SoutI Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest' ments. RE 753 SIGIITLIEST. choicest residence corner It city , south and east front , n. w. cornel SSth & California sts. , 150x130 feet , $4.51)0. 22x132 feet , with brick building on Farnam near 13th St. , price , $11,500. 11 per cent gross * investment N. W. cornei 15th and California , sts. , taxes fully paid can be ust-d for trackage purposes , $ G,500. 132x124 f et. narthwest corner Park avenm nnd Ilarney sts. . submit offer. 8 full sized lots within 7 blocks west of Ex position grounds , for all , $1,000. Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha fron $20 to $30 per acrc\ John N. Frenzer , opp , old P. O. RE-M44G REAL estate In Omaha and So. Omaha , n very low prices. B. R. Ball , 925 N. Y Life. Tel. 150G. RE 22S NOW Is the time to buy. Coxl32 ft. at 17tl and Douglas Sts. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE-M350 DO you think of locating In Oregon , thi land of red apples and famous strawh-ir rles ? Write to The Hood River Triidlm Co. , E. E. Savage , secretary , Hood River Oregon. RE M531 Mil * C , F. HARRISON. FARMS. 913 N. Y. L RE M53G M14 * FOR SALE , modern nine-room brick , 21 South Seventh street. Council Bluffs , o address 420 South Eleventh street , Omaha RE M1S3 1334 CHARLES ST. , a nice six-room cot tage ; city water ; small barn ; lot 50x141 Only half a block from the car and on block from Walnut Hill school. Look . over , then make me an offer 01 It. with terms to suit you. A. M. COWIE , 211 South Eighteenth Street RE-M77G ROME BARGAINS : $4 , . " > riO for east front modern house , wit ! steam heat , nenr Hnnscnm park. $2,750 for east front residence on N. 2511 stron ; worth , $ ; l,500. $3,100 for modern east front 7-room lions nnd barn , near Hnnscom Place ; rents fo 0. $900 for G-room house nnd % acre of land worth , $1,500. Flno private- residence , splendidly locate nnd within easy walking distuneot th buslne-n center ; barn and large groumlt This Is a runs opportunity to get n fin homo at a bargain. Inquire for pnrtlcn lars. $1.230 for full lot In Hnnscom Place , wlthl : 300 feet of park , street Improvements nl mad ; and paid for. $1.000 for benul'ful south front lot nea Ilanscom park ; just the place to build nleo cottage. $1.5iO for larco | n on 10th fit. , near Browne ! hall ; small IIOUHP. renting for $7. Other bargains In every part of tbc cits JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM _ R1 FOR . , . .ivE , several nice vacant lots , cle.c land and n fe w bonnes ami lots fhe-a.'i will.take snvlngH bank nccounls nn nar nnvmcnt. J. A. Lovsren , room 91 ? N. V Life bldg. RE-M793 25 IMWXIIIIOICIOH.S. EAGLE Loan olllces , removed to S. AV. coi 13th and Douglns. We- are now ready fo business and wo promise to continue ou reputation , ns has alwnys been known , n the- most reliable and nccoinmodutini ; 1 the city. All nrn cordlnlly invited to In sped our new store. Sol. Brodkey , proi GI9A27 _ J E FFERSON Square Loan Oillce , 418 N H 197- SIIOltTll.VXIt AXI ) TVI'UWIUTI.NG. A. C. Van Sant'8 School. 717 N. Y. Lift759 759 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth ( 7fO BOYLES' Bchoo' ; court reporter prliKlua Bt-e Bids. 701 A IOMVS HKI'MIUII ) . O. A , CASE , violliu repaired , 410 Sheely bll DR. PIURS. renowned German specialist , disease. * of women ; tin f illiiros , pe < x1y r-- llef ; twenty ymm' experience , references. 1513 Dodge , Omaha ; letter * . ftnmp . 100-M-3 DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regul.iti.r has broiiKnt happiness to hundreds of iinxlnti * women ; hnve never had u . .Insle- I > bin . longest cases relieved In two to il\- d.i > .without fall : no pain ; no danger ; no Int' ' r- feretiee with work : bv mall or oillee , $ . : A'l It-tiers truthfully answered Hie Mnn IMd Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn xi . room Gil. Chlcaget , 111. 3712. LADIES' rhlrhester's Enellsh Peunyroyil Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the bcs < ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; HP ml 4c tatnps for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " in letter by return mall ; at druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. xi nsr.nv. KVKNERAY BUOP. , nur ervnirn. of Cres cent City are hero In Council Bluffs nnd Omaha with their line line of fruit trees , irrnpe vims , etc. , nnd nil kinds of tln < - shade trees , ( lowering shrulw and ro fs. their snip grounds are located nt (115 ( Ens ; Uroadwcy , Council U'ulTs nnd cor. Kith mid Cumlng Sts. , and nlr > 21st nnd Far nam st * . , Omaha , where . \mi will In- waited on nt nil times with pleasure. We yell nil goods very cheap , and Runrantce all goods first-class. Omaha tel. . IKM ; Conner. Bluffs tel. , 321. -IGO Mil * I'VPUWIUTKIIS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1123 Farnam St. Teh-plume , 1281. 753 WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omnhn. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1G1 ! Fnrnnm. 75G REMINGTON Standard typewriter and suppllc. . 1G19 Farnam. 757 THE Oliver type-writer Invites comparison ; see It. 11115 Farnnm. 'Phone. 353. SOS OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Ohtcopnthie Institute , suite 515 N Y. Life BidsT.I. . 1GGI , J. W. Dill. M. D. , D , O. , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John son , D. O. . Mary llobson , D. O. graduates of American School of Osteopathy , Kirks- vlllo Mo. Old. E. Johnson. Mgr. 929 KIUM SALE. THE entlte stock ot furniture and stoves left from the lire Is now on sale at a sacrl fU'eJ price ; must bo sold within 30 days Don't fall to see this stock. Wolf Xach . urla , 1207 Farnnm st. l > 74 A29 1JAXCIXO SCIIOOIi. ADULTS thoroughly master the wnltz nm' two-step in private lepnons , $3. Singe dancing taught. Jinny pupils of this school nre on the Binge now. Morand's , . 5'J4-A25 1610 Ilarnev st. - I1ICYCM3S. NEW wheels , $13.50 up : 2nd-hand wheels , $ : up ; repairing & supplies. OmahaBlcycle Cc t U7 XICKI-I < Anything. Sterling Plating Works , 323 N. 16 209 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel : board and room JI.OO per week ; gas , steam heat and baths Ninth and Fnrnnm Sts. 7G7 DRESSMAKING , Miss Sturdy. 221G Daven uort. M 134M5 * SCHOOL OF I.AXOirAOI3. FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 7G2 JIATTUISSS UI3.NOVAT1XR. M. S. WALKL1N. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 , K12ATIII3II HEXOYATOIIS. MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. IGth. Tel. 781 7Gli AM ) STUTT131UXO. CURED , 30G N. Y. Life. Julia Vaughn 9S1- STATL'AHY l-'ACTOHY. MANY new designs just from Paris ; orna mental work a specialty. Gonnclla , 317 S. 10 19G- l.OST. LOST , Metropolitan Inspection book. Re turn to Metropolitan olllce415 N. Y. Life Lost M7M 20 * HALF SOLES. 33c. J. Pulone. 511 N. IGth. 786 A 30 SII.VKU PI.ATIXO. GOLD & all kinds of plating , 1302 Farnam 41S IIOl'Si ' : MOVKII. W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave. G93- I'JXIi STOVES. GASOLENE stoves clenned & reparled. 1"0 Doug. Tel. 9GO. Omaha Stove Repair W'kf 220 M7 AI1STHACT OF TITLES. HARRIS' Abstract Co. , 4211 Bee bldg.M799 M-799 SUES & CO , PATENT LAWUI1S AND SOLICITOR ! Heft Illdcj. , Omnlio , Nab , Banel for free Invent ors' EUlde. Tel 1G23. HAI.\VAY TIM 13 CARII. CHICAGO. ROCK ISI. nnd & Pacific Hallron "Thu Great Rock Isl nnd Route. " City Tick et Olllce. 1323 Farnat Street , Telephone , 42' Depot. Tenth & MUHO Stroets. Telephone , C2 ! Leave. Arrive. . . . Jl t U M t * ( * " fc + * tf i vn" f * Llnco'n , Colorado Spgs. . Denver , Pueblo and West al:30pm : a 42C ; pr Des Monies. Hoik Isl and ami Chicago n 7:15 : pm a 8:50 : nr Colorado Flyer u G:20 : pm u 8:50 : ai a Daily b Dally except Sunday. CHICUlTor MILWAUKEE i St. Paul Ral'.way-CIt Ticket Olllco , 1501 Fariini Street. Telephone. 281. DC i > ot , Tenth and Mason Sts Telephone , C29.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 5:15 : pm a 8:20 : ar i Chicago & Omali.i Ex. . . 1 > 11:00 : am h 4:00 : pi I Bloux City & Des Molnes Expresn bllivO m bJAi : a Daily , b Dully except Sunday. . . . . . . - - "RAH" mad General OlllccH an Tlfki't Olllce ? , Southeast Coi ner 14th and DOUR'.US tilt Tck'iihonei , 101. Deuot , 151 and Webster Sts. Telephone 145S. , , . Leave. Arrive , St Louls-Kansaa Si Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm u 12:53 : pt K C. St. L. Express..a 9:30 : pin a U00 ; at Nebraska Local via Weeping Wattr b 5:00 : pm b 9:15 : ni a , Dully , b Dallv Except Sunday. i OMAHA & ST. LOUI Railroad-Omaha , Kari sas cay & Eastern Hat ; road "Tho Port Arthu Route" Ticket Olllci 1415 Farnam Street. To ? phone , 3J2. Depot , Tent und Ma on Streets , Tell pbeilH , U29 , I-eave Arrive 8r Louis Cannon Bal1 Express a 4 50 pm a S.35 ai 1"iih'is C'uliel Qumty i Local . . . . . , , . , , a 6,50 am a 8.30 pi I u Dull } ' , \II.W VY THIi : ( 'Aim. Ut'RLtNOTON AMIS - fcourl lllver llallroad "The Burllneton lloutn" --General Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far- tiam Streets. Ticket nnii-p , 1502 Fnrnnm . - - - r : = = t Sir et. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mnson Streets. Tele- pl'one , 310 Liii'-oin. Hasting and McCook aSlOnm : n 7:40 : pm Lincoln Denver. Colo- nd , IMuh ( 'nllfornla .a 4.23 pm a 3:53 pm Lincoln Bla.-k Hills. M.'Htnna ft Pupet Soiind a 4:25 : pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Ixjeal a 7:00 : pm n0:33 ! : am i.n ( r.iii | . , i jtii : . . . .n s:00 : inn nlO:35 : am Uouvor , t'nlfrndo. Utnh , & California . . . .a 0:30 : am Except Sunday. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Outucy Ballroad "Th ° Burlington Route" Ticket olive , 1502 Fnrnam St. Tel. 150. Depot , Tenth .t Mnson Streets. Tclo- phone.310 , --T Leave. Arrive. Chicago Spc- - - - - - - iwottvs ' | > V- Mc al - a CIO : am viiiia.TOoHtlbuled Ex..a t > : ftS pm a St : > 5 nm Ch cage Expros a 0:30 : am a 4:00 : pm Chicago & St. L K\ . .a 7:15 : pm a 8:05 : am P'ttinv Junctl..n Loral.a0:43 ! : am a 6:45 : pm F'ast Mali a 2:45 : pm a P'llli b Dilly Exeect KANSAS CITY , ST. JO- s pli & Council . lllulTs Railroad"The Burling- ifefiKANSAS " Ticket Olllce , ifefi 1502 Fnrnam Street. Tcl- rphonn , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason - Hlt-ceta. Tel- oplnne. uio. , , Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . . a 9:30 : am a 5:45 : pm Kalians City Night Ex.olO15 ; pm a fi:30 : am St. Louis Flyer for St Joseph and St. Louis a 4:55 : pm all:30am : n Dally FREMONT. ELK110RN .t Mlss'iurl Valley Hall- road -"The Northwestern Line".iincrr ! Ollle-ea United States National Bank Bldg , . Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nnm Streets. Ticket Olllc" , 1101 Farnam Street Tclcpbone , CGI. Depot , loth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Dcadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming , C.ispcr nnd d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm Ha.otlngx York , David City , Superior. Geneva Exeter and Sewnrd..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am b0:4o : am Lltu-olii , Wahoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:43 : am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Daily , b Dally Except Sunday , c Sun- day only. d Dally Except Saturday. MHC AGO. ST. PAUL. Mlnnenpollc & Omaha Hallway "The Nortb- weitern Line" General Olllces , Nebraska Divi sion , loth nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket Oillce , 1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 5G1. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Norfolk Pas-.e-gor a 0:10 : am a 7:00 : pm Blair. Eme'-son , Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlng- tou and Hloomlleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:13 : pm No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..a 5:53 : pm No. 1 , Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a D'Ulv b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Lino" Genera' Olllces , United States National Bank Building , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofllcc , 1401 Farnam Slreet. Tele- phone , 561 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & Paul , Minneapolis . . . .a 5:55 : am a S:40 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux Clty.a 5:25 : pm nll:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7:45 : am a 9:03 : pm n Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket OlUce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel ephone , C29. Leave. Arrrlve. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all:53 : pm Mo , Vallcv , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneap olis a 5:50 : am all:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City a 7:10 : am a U:10 : pm Carroll Local b 5:25 : .pm blO:10 : am Eactern Express. DPS Moines , MarshnKtown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage all:05 : am a 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer. Chlcaso , and East a 4:63 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha a 2:15 : pm Northern Express n 5:25 : pm a S:40 : am Omahn-"hlcago Special.a 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mall 8:15 : am a Daily. b Dally Except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General Olllces. M. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnum Streets. City Ticket Ollice , 130 ! Farnam Street. Telephone , 31 ( J. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 029. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overnnd ! Limited" for Utah. Idaho , Mon tana , California , Ore- go-i and Washington points a 8:50 : am a 4:45 : pm The Colorado Special for Denver und all Colorado points all:55pm : a G:40 : am Pacific ) Express for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific Coust and all western points b 4:33 : pm a GIO : air Lincoln , Beatrice und Stromsburg Express .b 1:33 : pm b220 ; pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Island and North P'utto a 4:33 : pm b 4:4. : pir Columbufi Local b 3:30 : pm b2:20 ! : pir North Platte Local a G:15 : pn South Omaha Local Pass. Loaves , G:15 : n m. ; 7:00 : a. m ; 10:10 : n. m. ; 3.03 p. in. Ar rive , " , 10:45 : a. in. ; 3:15 : p , in. ; 4:15 : p. in. ; G p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 5:53 : n , m. G:40 : a. in. ; G:50 : a. m , ; 7:40 : a. m. ; b 10:43 : a m. ; 12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:33 : p. m. ; 1:53 : p m. ; 5:25 : p m. ; 5:55 : p. m , ; G:20 : p , m. ; S:20 : p 1UW : P. m. Arrives 0:35 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a m b:15 : a. m. ; 8:43 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. in , ; 8:05 : p m 1:05 : p. in. ; 5:15 : p. m. ; 0:30 : p. m. ; 5:6.i : p m G:30 : p. in. ; 9:05 : p , m. ; 11:00 : p. in. ; 11:51 : p. m. a Dally. b Dally except Sunday. W A B A B H HAILROAD- Tlckot Olllce. 1415 Farnarr Street. Telephone , b92. De. pot , Tenth and Maser Streets. Telephone. C29. Leave. Arrive , Bt ouis Canon Ball" . n 1:50 : urn a 8:3. : air 1'osTOKFicu NOTICE. ( Should bo read DAILY by all IntereMei ns changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mall-- for the week ending Aprl 22 , 1KQ9. will cIciHo ( PROMPTLY III all cases nt the General PoHtolllce an follows : PAR' ' CELS POST MAI1 < 8 close on ; hour carllei than cloning tlmo shown bulow. TriiiiNiitlimtli ! SATURDAY At 7 it. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT UGAL , TURKEY. EGYPT and B1UTISI INDIA , | , er s s. La Touraino * , via Havn ( lotion , for others parts of Europe must bi dlroetCJl "per La Tuuralno" ) ; at 8 a. in. fo , NETHERLANDS direct , per H. s. Ma s dnm. vlu Rotterdam ( lUterH must lie dl rrotwl "pi-r Mii.isdam" ) ; at a a m. fcj ) ITALY , per B s. A Ili-r , via Naples dctti-ri nm. i iiirected "pi'r Aller" ) ; at 10 n. m for SCOTLAND direct , per s. H. Ethiopia via Glasgow ( letters muni dlri-cted ' ' | x > ! Ethiopia" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( suppleint-ntarj 11:30 : fi. in. ) for EUROPE , per s. . * . Cam panin * . via Queonstown. PRINTED MATTER ETC. Germnt HtiMtners sailing on TuiHduys tak iirlntfi matter , etc. , for Germany , and speclallj addressed printed matter , etc. , for othei iwrtH of litirope. Am rican and Wl ! n Star stea.ners on WednewdayH , Gennni steamerH on Thursdays , and Cunnrd French nnd German nit-amors on Satur day l.iko prlntcvl matte1 , ? tc. . for nl countries foi which ihe- are nJvcrtltec lo c'arry mal ! After the diwlng of the supplementarj tranantlunttc inniln namitl anovt. nddl tlonnl supplementary mails are opened 01 the piers of the American , English French and German Bteamero , nnd remali ripen until within ten minutes of the hou of sailing of steamer. MullN fiir Niiutli anil Central Ainc-i'lcii Wl-Nt Illdll'N , Ulf , TIH'RSDAY-At S a. in. for BERMUDA per s s Pretoria ; t 8 ain. . for HltAX.II. in r s. 8. Wordsworth , \ la Pcrnamlmeo Bunlii and Rio Janeiro iletu-rH for N.irtl llrn/il , KII ( 1 ; , Plata cJuntrlen must l > d rei ted "per ordawurth > at 1 i > m for Gl'ANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO DI CLIJA , iur a. a , fcJuntluL-a da Cuba , at ( Continued. 1 > . in. for JAMAICA , per stcnmfr from lillStuil. rilllJAY-At 10:30 : n. in. for HAITI , per s s. Prlnlll.m IV. ( letters for V. tn- Siuela , rurncmt. Trlnldnd. Brlllsh nnd Dutch Guiana itinut be directed "per Pnmi Wlllrin IV. " ) ; at 1 p. In. for .lAMAU'V. and CAPE UHACIAS. per s , s. Ardnnhu ( letters for Belize , 1'uerto Cortez nivl Gii.itrninln must bc > directed ( "per Ar- dntidbu" ) . HATURliAY At 9:90 : n. m. ( gupplemcntnry 10 a. mI for ST. THOMAS. ST. CRiMX , LEEWAHDnnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. s. rarlblve ( IrttPtu for Grenada and Trinidad miiHl bo dlr vted "per Carlbbeo" ) ; ut 10 a. m. ( s iipplemeninry l : .1rt n. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA. tUVANMl.LA and CARTHA- GENA. per s. P. Adirondack ( letters f. . < r Costa Rlea must be dlr.-ctcd "per Adiron dack" ) ; ot 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10 10 a. m. ) foH''T ! n ! " ! AMTA MARTH-V , wer s. s. Andes ; at II n. m. for iTHA. per s. s. Clt > of Washington , via Hmana ( letters must be directed "per Clt > , .f Washlngion" ) ; nt 11 n. m. ( supplemen tary 11:31) : n. in. ) for PORTO RICO. \ ui San Juan. VENE'/.UELA add CURAOU ) . also 8AVANILLA and CARTHAGENA , via Cimieno , per s. s. Philadelphia. SUNDAY-At 2:30 : a. in. for NASSAU , N. P. , per Mteam-r from Miami , Fin. Mail" for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by stenmer. close nt this olllco dnlly at 8:30 p. m. u-onnecllng close here every Monday , Wednesdns and Saturday ) . Mnlls for MuitiPlon , by rn'l ' M Boston , nnd thenc by reamer , close ut this oni.-u dully at 8:33 : i > . m. Mnlls r > r Cuba , by rail lo Port Tampa , Pin. , nnd thence by stcnmcr. rlnie nt this otlli a dally ( c\fept Monday ) nt * * 7 a. m. , con- nectlng closts here every Sunday. Wedne.1'- day and Friday. Mnlls for Cuba , by rail lo Miami , Fin. , nnd thetieby Meamrr. close nt this olllee cverv Mnttdny , Tues- dny nnd Saturday nl * * 2vi : : n. m. . cjn- tii'ctltig clones here every Tuesday nnd Saturday. Malls for Mexico City , ovr- land , unless specially addressed for dis patch by st amor , clown at thli oilier daily at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in , " 'Registered mall clones at G p. m. previous day Registered mall closes at G p. in. sivond dny before. TrniiniiiioItU * Inlls. Mnlls for China nnd .lapan. per s. P. Glen- offle ( frnin Tncoma ) close hrro d.illy up lo Ann1. * 17th at G30 p. m. Malls for chlnn , Japan nnd 1 In wall , per s. s. Coptic ( from San Franclscn ) , close here dnlly up to April 22d nt (1:30 ( : p. in. Mall * for the Society Islands , per .ship City of Pnprill ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to April ' " 21111 at 11:30 : p. m. M.ills t r Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( frnm Snn Frnncii < co ) clopo here dnlly up to April " 27th at 0:30 : p. m. MnlH for Australia , ( except West Australia ) , Hawnll nnd FIJI Islands , per s. H. Aoranttl ( from Vnn- couver ) , close here dnlly after April * * * 13th and up to April " 2Sth nt C : ) p. in. MaU ! for Chlnn nnd Japan , per s. s. EmpresH of China ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to May * " 2d nt (1:30 ( : p. m. Mails for Australia ( except thcww for West Australia which arc forwarded via Eu rope ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per . s. Mnann ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dnlly after Anri : " 2Sth fliul up lo May * " 12lh nt 0:30 : p. m. on dny of arrival of s. s. Cam- pnnln , which will probably arrive May " * 12tn. Transpacific ! malls are forwarded to port ol sailing dally and the schedule of closing is arranged cm the presumption of thcitr uninterrupted overland transit. ' Regis tered mall closes nt 0 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postolllce. New York , N. Y. , April 14 , 1893. OOVHIIXMICXT XOTiriSS. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES nnd Transportation. Department of tli- > Interior , Office of Indian Affairs , Washing ton , D. C. , March .TO , 1S09. Sealed proposals Indorsed "Proposals for beef , flour , or transportation , etc. . " an the case may be , and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , 1G02 State street , Chicago , III. , will bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. . of Tues- dny , April 25 , 1UI9 , for furnishing for the Indian Service , beef , Hour , bacon , beanw. coffee , sugar , rice , tea , and other articles of subsistence ; nlso for boots nnd shoes , groceries , soap , baking powder , crockery , agricultural Implements , paints , oils , glass , tinware , wagons , harness , leather , shoo findings , saddlery , etc. , hardwure , school and medical supplies , ami a long list of miscellaneous articles ; also bids for the transportation of such of the articles , goods and supplies ns may not be contracted forte to bo delivered nt the agencies. Sealtd pro posals , Indorsed "Proposa's for blanket-8 , woolen and cotton troops , clothing , etc. , " as the case may < > . and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Affnlrs , Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster street , New York City , will bo received until 1 o'clock p. in. , of Tuesday , Mny 23 , 1S9'J , ror lurnMHng for the Indian Service , blankets , woolen nnd cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats and caps. BldJ must bo made out on Government blanks' ' , Schedules giving all necessary Information for blddt-rs will bo furnished on application to the Indian Olllce , Washington , U. C ; Nos 77 and 79 Wooster street , Nuw York City ; or 1TO2 State street. Chicago. III. ; thu Commissaries of Subsistence , U. S. A. nt Cheynne , Lenvenworlh , Omaha , St. Loul * . St. Paul and San Francisco ; the post masters at Sluux City. Yankton , Arkansas City , Caldwel' , Toprkn , Wichita and Tuc son Bids will be opened at the hour and days above stated nnd bidders are invited to bo present at the opening. The Department reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids , or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES , Com missioner. A3 dlftt m PROPOSALS FOR. FRESH BEEF AND Mutton. Hendciimrters Department of thu Missouri , Olllee Chief Commissary of Sub sistence. Omaha , Nrb. , April 17 , 1SI9. ! Sealed proposals , in triplicate , accompanied by written guarantee bonds , In duplicate , will be received at this ofllce until 11 o'clock a. in. , central standard tlino , May 17 , 1S93 , at which time and place they will be op-necl In presence of bidders , for furnishing such cntantltloH of fresh beef and mutton for Issues. u may be teiiulred by the Sub sistence Department , U. S. Army , at Omaha , Nebraska , Fort Crook , Neb. , Jef ferson Barracks , Mo. , Forts Leavenworlh , Knn. , Logan H. Roots , Ark. , Nlobrnra , Neb. , Ror.o , O. T. , Ulley , Knn. , Robinson , Neb. , and Bi ! : , O. T. , during the period commencing January 1 , 1SH9 , nud ending June 30 , lk'J. ! ) Proposnln will also be re- c-Ived until 10 o'clock a. in. , mountain I'tundarcl tlmo , at the post of Fort Robin son , and until 11 o'clock n. in. , standard time , at Jefferson Knrracki , Forts Leavenworth , Logan II. Roots , Nlnhrnrn , Runu , Rlh-y and Sill und up tied nt thu posts by the respective post Commissaries of such posts , each rum mini iry lee lvlng jiropOHul' for his own punt only. Proposals will ultfa be received Htntlng the price at which the bidder will deliver fre.-ih beef or mutton of the ehnrnctrr stated In the si > - > elllrntlous and to be delivered of tem perature not greater than DO degrees Fah renheit. Full information furnished on ap plication here or to commissary at any poft authorized lo oppn proposals. Government reserves right to reject any or nil pro posals oi any part of any proposal. Envelope velope- ! containing proposals should bn marked "Proposa's for Fresh Beef and Mutton" and addresped to undersigned or Commissary nt post authorized to reeeh j proposals. J. H. DUVAL , Capt. and C. S. , U. S. A. A17d4t M15-1IHM ) OFFICE CHIEF QUA RTER.M ASTER , Omaha , Neb. , April 12 , id'J9. Sea' ' cl pro posals , in triplicate , will be received nt th'a olllco until 2 o'clock i ) . m. Saturday , April 211 , IS'J'J , kind then opened , for the labor and mate-rial required to remodel and ndnpt the o'd poHtolIIco building , this city , for use of beadciiartor | , Military Department of thu Missouri. The work will bo clnsHllled nnd separate lilcln may be made : First , "for thu propos-d alterations , additions nnd new construction iiroper ; " Focoml , "for the new plumbing and steam hf.itlng system * torn- plote ; " third , "for the general renovation and painting iniulred ; " fourth , "for the r nuwal of dralnagu and pavement In tin ) basement and basement court. " The specl- llcntlonH for the nbovo will bo Huniirni" . The right IH reserved to reject any or all bids. Sp-cillcatlotiH and gem-nil Instrui - tlmiH lo hidden * wll ! bo furnished upon ni > - pllcullcm to this olllco. Envelopes c-ontali - Ing propo-nlx to be marked n mieh and ad dressed , "ActiiiK Chief Qunrtennastor , Omuhii Neb. " , Apr20-21M INNOCENT OF THE MURDER Hurry HIIJ-CN TIiouulil ( u Hi * Xol ( iiillly of Killing HU liriiniUoii at Pellcnii Point , 1 tab. SALT LAKE , Utah , April 19. A pelltlot ban been filed IICTO for tlio pardon of Hnrrj llaye'a , who was convicted of the munlei of Oila stepson nt Pelican Point , Utah , twc yearn ago. Ilo was uontcnccd to ho Imngeiil , but Inter hlu nentcnce was coinmiiteU te lifo IinprlBonmcnt. IndlcutioiiB now are that ono ( J. It , WrlKhl , ullua CUHO , In probably Hie gulltj man nnd It was on tills theory that nppll * cation Una been inado ( or tlto pardon ol Hayes. Wright Is known to hnvo been ID the vicinity of Pelican Point about the Unit of the miirdtr Ills whereabouts mo nul known at present The Iloiird of Pardons has eel May ti ai tbc dale ( or hgunug tlio catu.