HE EE , ISO ! ) TWKLV K VAC US. SINGLE OOl'V FIVE CENTS. ESTAHLISIllSD .TtTNJD 10 , 1871. OMAHA , THURSDAY MOKXTNG , APHIL 20 T\r\T P ATVP 1t TVrPTP DOLL OUT DAIS IE Twentj-Fite Bnll Oarta Oarry Joy to N braskans in the Field. OVERDUE GIFTS ARE LESS SWEE Two Months' ' Tardiness Easily Forgiven UNDAUNTED SPIRIT OF QUARTERMAS Parcels Delivered to Soldiers Ssittered Alor the Firing Line. CARAVAN IS CHEERED ALONG THE ROU1 .Imli-d I'nlntrx nnd Tlinfcd Mmltn Il < Ili-ti-d ! > > ' Home-Cool. < 'il .Mornrln nnd llninc-IloiiKlit I.lticn AI' tunded li.i 'tinny finoil AVlNln-x. CAMP SANTA MHBA , near Manila , Mar 1 ! ) . ( Special Porrcapondenco of The lice. ) There was much joy In the regiment a coui : of weeks ago while It was nt the pumpli Btntlon , cnusod by the arrival of the lei looked for Chrlstimia boewhich had be delayed In San Francisco. The boxes n rived on the Scandla nnd Llcutcnnnt M Laughlln , the regimental quartermaster , once delivered them to the companies. Tt vvn not very easily done on account of t ( ompanUs being an scattered along the lit But nothing daunted Lieutenant McLaug lln secured twenty-Ilvo bull cartu , on vvhl were loaded the big boxes of homo cook food , and slatted the long train for t front under thu guidance of lU'glmenl CJuartermaBtcr Ryan. It was an Insplrl sight to see the long cirnvan piled 111 , with boxes coining over the hill of t pumping elation. As the train rolled each company Its portion was dropped < amid the cheers of the men. The boya for n while were as checrf ns though they wcio on a picnic excuralo thouf.d there was n fnr-uway look on mm n lad's face as IIP carcfuVly picked out prc cut after present Hint had been packed 1 the band ot someone at homo. One boy o traded from his package a do/en whlt tt which he fe-aiod ho would not be able u o to proper advantage- the field But a rule ever } aitlelo was of use'to ' the me and no better taste could have been us In Iho selection of the gifts For t\vo three dajs t'leio was a gland feast Call candy and all oorts of good things we plentiful In celebration of the Nebras : boys' second Christmas after a two montl Interval. a. B SCRAMBLING. SHOUT HKST KOK > UIHAStvf\ HcKlnicnt ItcciiiirrnlcH In IIU < or lllocUlioiiNi-N Afrr i\crlloiiM. : CAMP SANTA MESA. Near Mcnl March 10 ( Special Correspondence of T , Bee. ) The First Nebraska and tl c Fli Colorado hnvo exchanged positions on t firing line , the Colorado troopa relievl the Ncbrpskans at the water works. Color . . . - * t < " ' lilm"re lnftrcemenis ) or- relief \as hla m wore In need of n chance to rest , havl Tiecn almost continuously on the move sin Februaiy I. The regiment not only had cleaied t country of Inaurgenta from San Juan i Monte ' , to the Maraqulna valley , but h held Ita positions by .continued Ilghtli forcing back the Insurgents In their i prated attempts tO | rccaptuic the pumpl station. In accomplishing this the regime f had to use the greatest vigilance. It w necessary to call upon the men every oth night nnd sometimes every night for gun nnd outpost duty. Owing to the nmount territory wo vvero protecting It cnllod I a largo number of posts. Taking this conjunction with the other hardships whi are bound to appear In the field of nctlc I the men needed a chance to recupeni ( ioiioi.il Halo thus ordered the change i the Nebraska bojs' benefit. The Nebrnskans nro now stationed blockhouses Nos. 5 , C and 7. The bio , . houses nro situated close to the old N braskn camp , Santa Mesa , and about thi miles from Manila. It will be remember that the fight with the Insurgent an started fiom these blockhouses The I Biirgents In blockhouse No. 7 fired up our outpost after wo hud killed ono of thi sentries who had refused to halt at t ( command on the night of February I Blot houses Nos. ( i nnd 7 were captured by t Ncbrnskans the follow Ing moinlng. T headquarters ale stationed at Camp Sar Mean and nil the business of the regime Is transacted fiom that point. ( 'iiiniini'Hl l > < ( liilc-l I'rrtnllN. Theie IB llttlo firing done on this pi of the lines , for nearly nil of the Insurgei hnvo been driven to the noith for a numl of miles. The boya now have an oppi tunlty to sleep with both rvca shut , not r pee-tlng ovcij moment to be louted out n call to aims , or ordered to fall In i-vi tlino np Inauigcnt la seen , aa was the c , nt the pumping station , where n shot coi , bo heard , as It seemed , ovciy live inlnul which might have been a signal of batt But UK soon UB the boju are again recupi at cd they vv.ll bo restless for a chance a aln get Into action. The re-glmont la anxious to get Into t inovo which Is to bo mndn on Maloloa , all , twuntytlvemiles distant , fiAm Maul Mnlolos la the atronHhold and headquarti of ARiilmildo and thu e-aptuio of the pit Is expected to break the last hold of t Insurgents. Whether the First Ncrunaki lucky enough to bo a part of this gia attack remains to be. Been. Major Snyde report shows that the wounded nnd si men In the hospital are progressing spb dldly. With careful attention and gr treatment a number of them will soon able to report to their company for duty G 11 IKMIAMBLING JUNTA TELLS GLOWING TALE Allcufd Mi'NHiiKc from ( ii-m-rnl l.n < il\ -N Afconnl of Ilrllllnnl l < lxt Of MICCI-NNfN. LONDON , April 19 The Filipino Eu pean junta claims lo have received a cab eiam from General Luna , "commanding i Manila district , " direct fiom Manila Friday , dec-luring thnt General Law I "whoseobJcHt was to proceed to ilaler r e'ffcct n Junction with the Yorktown , " v Inveigled by the Filipino tactics I "perilously extending his line with the suit that a column , consisting of 110 oltlc and me-n , on reaching a place cal JiliiutiRonan , was amlnislml by n la : Filipino force , communication with the m force was severed and thu entire coin was captured , " Tlio Filipino advices further assert t : General Law ton , who was at Laguna de B on hearing the news , "retired to Man slating thnt ho had been recalled by Ma General Otis on the ground that a nat rising lu Manila was Imminent. " The fere-going U said to be a separate afl from thf disappearance of thn hint's ere tf the Yorktown In the vicinity of llaler The Filipino * also claim that they hn\ occupied the town of Hambonngn , In tt southern part of the Island of Mlndana whlih waa recently evacuated by tl Spaniards , only a few of the Inttcr rcmnlt Ing to band over the plnco to the Amer cans The Filipinos are also slid to bnv captured 7,000 Matter rllles , all the an munition and several Spanish gunboat whi h thn rebels say they have navigate up the Rio firnndo and out of reach of tl Amf-rli an * . WASHINGTON , April in The War At jpcnt does not credit the Filipino ns IIni contained In the dispatch , bsoaus believed Ocncrnl Otis would have cr my such disaster. It U further state M u Ixiwton could not possibly have bnd I mind a Junction with the Yorktown , as thsi Is an Impassable range of mountains hi ovvccn i he points ho traversed and the sen. MORE ABOUT THE YORKTOWI Vilnilinl ! ) < < > Si-nilH u > i-u III' Unit-It ron < M > riliK ( I tic Vinlinsli of ( illinoiMnnd .Men , WASHINGTON , April 19. The Navy At pirtme-nt , having requested a conectlon i the portions of Admiral Dowey'a dispatch i yesterday which were not decipherable , vvi today able to furnish the full te-xt of the dl : pitch , whleh U as follows. MANILA , April 18. Secretary of tli Navj , Washington The Yorktown visile llale-r , Liurn , east coast of Luron , P. 1 Apt 11 12 , for the purpose ot rescuing an bringing away the Spanish forces , consist ! ! ! of eighty soldiers , three ollleers and tw priests , who weie sill rounded by 400 Ir surge-ills. Some of the Insurgents wei armed with Mauser rllles , aa reported by tl natives. Lieutenant J C. Gllmore , whi : making an examination of the mouth of tl iher In an aimed boat , wns ambushed , nit upon and captured Fate unknown , aa It burgenta refused to communicate afterwari The following are missing The otlker pr < vlously re-fened to , Chief Quartermaster V Walton , Coxswain J. Kllsworth , Gunner Mate H J. Hygard , Sallmakera Male Vem git , Seamen W H. Ujndera and C W. Wooi burj. Apprentices D. W. A. Vein tlio and , Peterson , Ordinary Seamen F. Urisolt-se ai O. IJ. McDonald. Landsmen L. T. Edwaid Anderson , J. Dillon and C. A. ilorrlssoy. DI\VCY. MANILA , April 19. 4.33 p. m. Admir Dewey has been notified of the strange dl appeainuce of J. C. Gllmore and fourtei members of the cr-u of the United Stat gunboat Yorktown. On Batutday last tl Yorktown anchored olt Baler , on the c.i coast ot the Island of Luzon , and about 2 miles fron. here , where there was a Spanl : g.urison of about fifty men , which had bei defending Itself againot e.eveial hundn Filipinos for months past. Lieutenant Gllmore , Ensign W. H. Slam ley and n boat'a crew were sent up the rlv fiom lialur bay to communicate with tl Spaniards , the town of Hilcr being situati some distance inland Knslgn Standley , w ) landed at the mouth of the iher , repor that he beard three volleys , a bugle cs and cheeis fiom up the river , but that tl automatic gun which was part of the equl ] ment of the boat was not heard llrln Standley later paddled to the Yorklown : i canoe. A search was made for the Yorl town's boat and its crew , but no trace them waa found and the Yorktowu salb for Hello , from which place Its command cabled to Admiral Dewey his theories , th thi , FyjPirtfs 4ld.captures oravpk , tj 'b3alrbmhat''flie Spaniardshad rescue'il tl American 'party. A scouting party of American troops ti day found a rebel skirmish line more thr a mile long east of Malolos. A sharp fuslllat followed but no losses weie suatalncd Brigadier Gencial Charles King , who hi been taken suddenly ill , and who la unab to continue In command of his brigade , h : been i el loved of further duty and has be ( ordered to return to the United States < the Hist transport sailing fiom here fi home. ( oed Trrildnrnl In I2\iiccd-il. The officials of the Navy department a confident that sueh of the men of the Yoi town as escaped being killed outilght In tl first ambuscade will be well treated by tl Insurgents Some time ago the War depar incut made Inquiry as to the number \merlcnn prisoners held by the Flllplnr In reply General Otis referred to the soldiers nnd said that they were being fair tieated by the Insurgents , he supply ! ) funds to defray the cost of their food. Tl reports made to the Navy department 1 Paj master Wllcox of Dewoy's officers , wl made a trip across the Island of Luon fro Manila to the noith coast , described tl condition of the Spanish officials who we the prisoners of the Insurgents ns ve comfortable. In many cases , he said , the officials we only nominally in confinement , being lowed the liberty of the towns. The ollicln are hopeful that Gllmoro and his men w ! survived the ambuscade will some day r gain their llbeity. The department has sent no Instructlo to Admlial Dewey as to the course ho sh. puisne , believing that he Is fully compete to deal with the situation nnd icstli secureIn the assurance that he will spa no effoit to rescue Gllmuie and his men they .no alive. ENEMY'S ' FORCE SHATTERE rilliilnoNrc Si-niti'i-i'd and llcly c Hopeof Aini-i-lcniiM Ica\- lif iNlnnd , WASHINGTON' April 19 The followll cable ) has Just been received from Gencr Otis : MANILA , April 19. Adjutant Oenen Washington Liwton returned fiom Lai country April 17 , bringing captuied vessel IiiBUigents much scattered , rclicat befo our forces , await opportunity to attack d tachments Better cliisa of people tired war , doalro pence Knemy build hope on ictuin ot our troni to United State's. Its army much demon ) lcd and IOSB by drsertlonH and death la IK Will probably prosecute gucirllla warfai U < oi ing and burning country which It o iupled , health and splrlta of troops good. Volunteers' i tuiii will eommi-nco nbo May 6. Will lender willing service urn return transports available. Embarkatk will continue through Juno and July. Repoita from Yisayau Islands rontlm very encouragingIntcrlslund comme-r hcavv , customs receipts Increasing. OTIS. Inipi t' 1UROKLONA. April 19 El Dlarlo , eul Kl/lng the Spanish garrison , conslatlng a captain , two lieutenants , n doctor a foil-eight men , who hid been defend ! Baler against the nilpluos , aiys "General Ulna recently sent Captain C medo to order the garrison to , evacuate , Baler no longer belonged to Spain Olmer after great dlfllcultlos , got within III metres of the house lu which the Spanlar we-ro fortified HP managed , however , deliver his instructions , but the Karris simply continued to flie from Its fortlll quarters and Captain Olmedo was compell to return to Manila without a reply. Iiit-ri-riM- WIIKFN to 'J.dlHI MI-II. LOUI8VLLE. April 19 The American C nnd Foundry company at Jvffcrsonvtllo a nounced an Increase of wages to its ei ploji-s toda ) to go Into ettft nt dice Tl i Increase U understood to tie 10 per cent. J affects 2i/QO emplo ) ea Pn t i T p I'lin vrvfN / | i n i t'TA 1'EilALL ' HlIhNDS 01 ( SAXFO Bones in Canton's Dark Olosete Sot Shakir by Evidcnco in George Trinh MURDERESS1 RIVAL IS WIDOW ALTHOU ! .lln ( ptntMitn of Xccdxril ( in Putul ! ) ( ( > thnt ( 'rendDuiititH of Her ( Itillt. CANTON' , O. . April in. The defense the trial of Mrs. George today attempt ! to Introduce other women Into the case ai to show Snxton's relations to them by pro' Ing their presence In his block nnd at h office. The court barred out nil such te tlmony , except In regard to Mra. Althous sajlnt ? that Snxton's relations to oth women were not competent In this dcfena This , It Is believed , will have n tclideni to shorten the trial , ns It kcejo out the tr tlmony which a number of witnesses ha' been called to present. Prosecuting Attorney Pomcrene cann find In the court records of the dcposltloi of Mrs. George < and of two women Hanoverton which were taken for Samp ( ' . George's case against Saxtou for dan ages for the alienation of the affections the former's wife He claims Attorno ; Sterling and Welly , for the defense , ha1 them and he baa appealed to the court have the papers brought Into the com claiming that they arc a part of the offlcl court records. Seventeen mbro witness were called today , Including the conn commissioners , who are wanted to testl on the question of a reward for the flndli of the levolver. Mrs. Huth was cross-examined In regal to the delay to the street car on whli Mrs. George rode the night of the tragcd Jacob Adams testified to passing a mi oh" Lincoln nvcnuo near the Althoueo les dcnco shoitly before the shooting. Fu ther south ho'pnssed Saxton nnd bpoko htm. htm.Adams Adams on cross-examination was som what confused on the time of Incidents 1 related , but explained this awny by the dl ferenco between sun and standard Urn Ho also said ho had talked about a dori times with Andrew Wleland about tils test mony. Wleland la a pilvate detective. Former Major Ilex tfbtlfled to observ tlona allowing that a cherry tree Intcrfer with the line of vision between the wlndr where Mrs. Cckroat claims she saw t' shooting and the Allhouse hteps. Kd Bomberger testified to the same effei George Fox testified legardlng the aar observations nnd measurements. Frank Hlldenbrandt said he was the fit to reach Saxton's body. He said the nig was daik and misty. An electric globe sh light on the upper part of the steps , b none on the body. He said people cou not be recognized. Upton Shutz testified to the darkness the night. He said the foliage on the tre was heavy and that btmlock burs were n merous along a vacant lot In West Tu carawaa street. Former Constable Adam Jackson said : had been asked to put Mra. George out Saxton's block and also that ho was preae during ono of the conversations when wl nesses .for the-sstnte atd-tbreatrti were uu > and that no threata were made. Jackson told of replevlnlng goods In Sa Ion's block claimed by Mis. George , ai Saxton'a objection to her entering the roe to Identify her goods. Seeking to show disposition on the part of the defendant annoy and harass Saxton , the state ask Constable Jackson If the replevin aults f Mrs Georgo'b goods In the Saxton bulldii were not eommenccd the very day th President McKInlcy came home. This 1 qulry was excluded limltor of Sn\toii mock. Thomas Shepard , colored , was Janitor the Saxton block some time previous 18ifi ! He saw Mrs. George In the Saxti block a number of times and once win Saxton was away opened his office door f her. She emptied the paper basket into newspaper and carried the contents awi with her. In cross-examination he to about Mrs. George hanging around Saxtor office , forenoon , afternoon and evening f alor eight days before the Injunction w Issued against her visiting that place. Dr. Douglas SehwarU testified that t : night of Saxton's death was so dark th he had trouble In recognizing the house which ho was called Charles Summers , colored , was Janitor the Saxton block from 1S'G ) to 1SOS. He sa he often saw Mrs. Althouse there at Sa ton'a olllce as often as three or four tim a day and at all hours of the day , and HOI times late at night. He saw her In Sa ton's room and ofllce and said she aomotlm went there and remained from Saturd , night till Monday morning , when ho won remove the dishes and bottles In the rooi Ho was not allowed to tell about oth women he had seen there. Mrs. Lena Llndeman had taken care Sa\ton's room for Rome time before 1 : death and was familiar with all of its a polntmcnts , but the court would not allc her to tell anything about the woapo there unless the defence would say th they expected to follow the testimony wl Homo theory of gelf-ilefcnse or accident shooting. Otherwise , Saxton's possession a revolver would not count for any thin Mia. Llndeman also testified that Ml George often visited her and that on t day of the murder she was at her hou from early In the afternoon until B:30 the evening. During thnt time she h trimmed tidies. The witness did the was Ing for Saxton. Mrs. George told her s loved Saxton and expected to marry hi within a few days She was In good splrl and heemed to be happy always , aa s talked about Saxton. The witness said Mi George had called her attention to t dress she wore , which had been made ov and which Mrs. Geoigo bald she was goli to give to the witness as soon as she ma rled Saxton. The witness examined t dress closely , feeling of the material a : how closely It fit Mrs George , the examin tton being such that had there been a r volver about it she must have found It. ( ! ( ' < N HiirrN on ll ( > r Dri-nx. She also said that Mrs. ( jcorgo went In the back yard several times while the and that the back > ard was full of Spanl needles and burdock hurra. In crosa-e amlnatlon she Insisted upon the same stoi even Including the hour of c SO for leavl the house , which la over two miles frc the scene of the tragedy and over a in : from where other people testified they EI Mrs. George between 6 35 and 6 o'clock the night of the tragedy She had not noticed In her oxamlnatlc she said , that Mra. George u&cd fore I matter to Improve her form , but said ill oven If she had missed such material , b know she could not have miased any j volver had It been there. J. 0. Moore , an Insurance agent nnd cc lector , testified to having called at t Llndeman hotel the day of thu tragedy n : of having seen Mrs George there' . Jacob Llndeman a brother-in-law , tea fled to the presence of burrs In ihelr ba yard Charles H Trazer told of the night be ) : so dark that whrn hlz hit fHl off he hate to gel on his hands and knees to find nnd also that Mr . Kokreat , the r > f-w" ncr3 , had consulted with him about takln a cure for the morphine habit CATCH BIG COUNTERFEITER ItlimlciuliTK ( if tiniiuiu ( tint Mnl.c ritinoiin tonriiillciul lluudrril Dollar I cHIUcntc Arrt-Mlcil. WASH1NUTO.N. April 19. Probably tl most Important capture In the history ( the secret service was made yesterday I Philadelphia bv Chief John K. Wllklo an his agentK when they arrested Arthur Taj lor and Unldwln S. Uitdcll. the maltoi of the fninous counterfeit "Monroe head $100 silver certlflcnte Those arrests Vtei followed todnb > the capture In Lnneaste ; Pa. , of William M Jacobs nndVllllnm I Kendlg , two prominent clgAr.mauufaeturori and Jnmes Hums , who \UH in Jacobs' em ploy There were nho capt'ired the orlglm plate from which tbo silver certlllcates woi printed , a now $100 counlrtfelt plate nnd new JtiO plate and also thrae sets of plait for the printing ot counterfeit rovonti titnmps , rolls , other paraphernalia and uhoi IIvo tons of paper ami a largo amount ( counterfeit stamps. f The "Monroe head" plalo nnd also th stamp plates and the otheir materials wet found In Lancaster , whor < 5 the printing wa done The plates for the now $100 nete an the $ , iO note were found In Phlladelphli The officials have taken possession of th factories of the clgarinalo'Ts and have nls attached their bank acco int Taylor nn llrcdell , It Is nald , were Odptnred while nc tually nt work on the mv plates. Thu are voung men who w.'re employed 1 Philadelphia by different flrnm , but sou ; time ago started In business for themsulve They are aald to bo o\pnt engravers nn never before have been under suspicion. They nro said to have confused lodaj th , less than $10,000 ot the famous noli were put Into circulation. The silver ce : Uflcate , which w first discovered a jer ago last fall , by an otllcinl of the subtreai ury at Philadelphia , wan probably the ma dangerous counterfeit ever put In cliculatlc and even the export of tUo government fi a le-ng time was undecided whether the no was genuine or counterfeit. After a mo ; careful < -earch. however , a dlstlngulahli : mark was discovered which decided tl qur.tion and enabled the officials readily i distinguish the genuine from the apurlou Secretary Gage recognized the veiy gre , danger of this new note and at once cnllc In the entire IPSUO of many millions of do lars. At the same time ho sent warnlnt to all parts of the country fully dracrlblr the note. This prompt action balked tl counterfeltcrn at the very beginning. A though le 3 than 100 notes wore Issued on ! about twenty-six have been dhcoverei Plans were set on foot to apprehend tl counterfeiter * ) nnd , actlnc on the advice i Assistant Secretaiy Vandorllp , John C. Wl klc , a newspaper man of Chicago , who wt known to have done sorco Tery clever d ( teeth owork , was sent for arid placed I charge of the Secret Service Bureau. li Immediately laid his plans and on Februai 1 , 1'9S , found the clew 'Which resulted ] jesterday's and today's Important capture From the very first appealanco of the noti Secretory Gage and Assistant Secretary Vai derlip have taken a gri .j , Interest In tl capture of the "culprits , 1 during the la : fourteen uionUia hav-fc Ifei ttc close touc w 1th. every move that has been made ar have materially assisted Chief \Vllkle In h long hunt. PHILADELPHIA , April 19. A senaatloni arrobt was made In this city tonight In coi nectlon with the capture of the counterfpl Ing gang. Harvey K. Newltt , who was n : ststant United States district attorney In th city during the administration of Preftldei Harrison , was taken Into custody by seen service men on a warrant sworn out 1 Chief Wllklo. clnrglng him with bribing Di teethe McMnnus of the Philadelphia otlic Ho was given a private hcailng bcfoi United States Commissioner Edmonds ar held in $ lfi,000 bail , which was furnished 1 a wealthy friend. It was shown that at tl hearing on aiarch 6 Newltt gave McMam $50 as a bribe and on March 2S $ ,100 mnr This money was turned over to Mr. Wilk ns soon as it was received. It Is stated here tonight that enoug counteifelt stamps -were captured by the d < tectlvcs in Lancaster to cover 110,000,01 clgais As nearly ns can too learned abet $110,000 woith of bogus stamps have bee iibcd on clgarr > thus far bent out fie Lancaster. RECEIVERSHIP IS TO STAN' ' -i'lv < T Trimble nnd llv-l'rrsliloi Mllu.'ll of ( InK. . ' . , I * . .V , ( i. Jt'ii } .Moro HcportN. KANSAS CITY , April 19. J. McD. Trlir ble , ono of the recehera of the Kansi City , PIttsburK & Gulf railroad , and A. 1 Stllwi'll ex-president of the road , roturnc fiom tlio e ast today. Both said they woi hlghi'y pleased with the outlook and declaic that If the vvlbbea of the majority of - , ( bondho'deis ' are granted that the presei rtccivcisblp will remain undisturbed. A Ne v York special declaring that tl rumored compromise ) iK-twccn the New Yoi and western Interests would bo effected 1 tlio letliement of Robert Glllhnm as manat ing lectlvcr and the appointment of V P. Itoblnson , Jr , to the vacancy , was denlt both by the receiver and Mr. Stilwcll , .M Robinson is manager of the Grand Islai railroad. Ho la now In Now York and Is sal to bo the cliolco of those of the bondholdei not In ajmpathy with the old management In relation to n atatcmeret bald to ha\ been made by Seciotaiy Krreh of the reoi ganlzatlon committee In New York that ni duly oiganl/ed committed appointed to ta ] a hand In the re-organl/atlon of the jiroprrl would lx ) In ni-Lord with tlio rcpresentathi of the Now York holding a high olllelnl i the Plttsburg A. Gulf lailroad , whoso heui quaitera ur < - In Philadelphia , said today "The Dutch bondholders have pledge themselves to co-oporato with the Phils dolphla protective committee. " WADE REPORT TO BE BRIE I'rohiilillllli-N viilluil n l.'InilliiK tin III * Hl-III'lM-d ll > ( III- ( | ONC Of ( lie \VocU. WASHINGTON , April IU The Wade cou of Inquiry waa engaged steadily today going thiough the testimony which has n cumulated as the leault of the three month investigation ami In the preparation of tl report of Its findings. The re-port will 1 comparatively brief , but the work of ce lecting the esacmlal facts Js a task of i small magnitude and will icriulro tove-r dajs' time. There Is nn unanimous dele mlnntlon on the pait of the members of tl court to dispose of the subject with tl greatest possible dispatch and the itat ment was made today that U wan posalb a finding might be reached before the clo ; of the week. Colonel Davis , recorder of the court , si today that more witnesses might be cnlli and their examination would delay the fin conclusion , but be hoped this would not 1 dife-ned to any great extent There are son upuria cull to be read but these will 1 taken up when < hc ) will nut consume uiui of [ ho court s time. "OLD MIW RAPIDLY RISIN Turbulent Strenm Goes on Iti Anntnl Ran page in Its Uppsr Course DWELLERS ON THE LOWLANDS MOVE OU Motit < "l lln-c So mo Collnr * ( > nil Inlliix of Wntrr Unllrond TracU WiinliPil tint In South Dnltoln. SIOUX C1TV , April 10. ( Special Tcl ( gram. ) Tfio Hond of the Missouri tlvi lines not seem to bo abating , but Is gottln woi si ? . It Is the highest over known i Sioux City , nslde tram the- flood of 1S8 which was caused by an Ice gorge brenklni Vhls ono Is fiom naturttl cnuues , snow moll ins and tributary streams. Some liasi 111011(8 ( In Sioux City hnvo been flooded 1 ; buck water. At Meckllng , S. D. . the water Is with ! fitly feet ot the principal business slice Several miles of the tiack of Iho Chlcagi MlhvmiKou & St. 1'aul lallwuv liavo bee washed out on the YnnUton line. Two feet ot water Is on the lowlniu' about Vetmlllon and farmers nro removln goods lu boats. At Elk IV tut water surtounds the towi but no Immediate danger I1 * npprohende. . The river Is full of lloatlng debris nnd mar dead cattlu and hogs uro In the water. The greatest loss IHlth tbo fnimorp o the lowlands , many ofliom will lose a this > car's crop owing to the nllt beltlln nn the Inuds N'o Ice Is running or moi damage would be done. Se\eial of tbo olhei rivers In this vlclr Ity which empty Into the Missouri hav nvcrllowed their banks , doing a Rreat del of damugo to fnrmcis. IMERRE , S. r > . . Aptll 10. ( Special Tcl < Kram ) The river showed a. rise of fl\ ( tenths last nlfiht and Is stationary toda ; The steamer Jim heighten went down ilvi fifteen miles this evening and took Wlllla ; Alrhait and his stock off an Island on whlc there was several feet of water. MOnUAHA , Nob. , April 1 ! ) . ( Specll Telegram ) The rher at this poUit Is stl Using and continues to do damage. All 11 settlers on the bottoms liavo been taken o In boats , some losing all their possesslot and a few ( laving narrow escapes , fioi drowning. With more water coming dow from the north the stage of water In tl liver at this point threatens to reach tl point of the great Hood of 1S81. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Api II It. The Ml ! scuil rher IB rising rapidly at this poln The rise last night was Buvcn-tenths of foot. Families are moving out of the low lands opposite St. Joseph , feailng a repot Hot. of the Hood of 1881. LEAVEN-WORTH. Kan , Apiii in TI Missouri .it tills point baa ilsen two fei since last night. Today the cm rent vv < ; so strong that n barge loaded with lock hate to be cut loose from the governmei steamer Hugo to save the Menmev. Tl : barge later struck the teimlnal bridge I the middle of the channel , wrecking tl baigo and tearing a three-ton piece of coi ing from the pier. The stage of water at Omaha has m reached tbo dimmer 'jt\o ' \ 3el , ultbpugh tl river has i Iscn quite rapidly during tbo la : twenty-four hours. Loss than three fei now remain to be overcome before the dar gcr point ' reached. Whether the In menso Hood coming down from the noit will be sufficient to cause trouble hero an open question , but present Indlcatloi seem to point to a pretty high stage i water before the flood passes. The currci under the Douglas street bridge is vei swltt and strong and rushes by a turbulcn swolle-i mass of coffee-colored liquid. Tl leport tf'at the Illinois Cential grading o the Iowa side abo\o Council liluns Is i iJ.mgei hah not been full ) substantiated , a though a rise of two or three feet woul undoubtedly do much damage to the worl The local lain of last night was not su liciently heavy to cause anv rise. Ilea\ rain is reported in the tllack Hills region ( Fouth Dakota. FORCE OF QUEENSLAND STORF four lliliulrcil Colored Tli'li Drovvllci MllllJ \ CNFlclK I.ONl II Oil StOIK'H IIII- lirddi-d In Trrt-N li.i Wind. VANcorvnu , B. c , APIII n Mali R < vk-es fiom Australia give full pnrtlcula of the teiilblo hunlcano which &wept tl northeast const of Queensland early I Match nnd in which four white and aboi 100 colored men were diowned. Eighty luggers and six schoonera wo wrecked. The damage Is estimated ? 2.r,0,000. The Channel Island lightship m four men weio lost nt Douglas spit. A co nrcd man reached shorn with two womi after swimming four dtivs. Many pcrpois were found at tlio height of fifty feet. Tin were thrown up by the sea. Stones were Imbeded In tires to the dep of six Inches and rocks weighing tona we tin own up. Two colored women swam f ten hours vv'th ' their children loaded t tholr backs , but the children wore do , when they landed. The height of the storm seems to ha1 been experienced on Pllndeis nnd Mclvll Islands , whcio the Sagltu , Sllvciy Wave ni Admiral weie nil lost , onlv ono llfo bell saved. A huge number of boillcn have bei found and burled. The full extent of tl Ions will never bo known. The force of tl gale must have been awful , as all ( re v\eio cropped of leaves and branches Lnr , fishes and a number of boats were tbrov up on the dlffa many feet high The beai la strewn with dead ( lab and birds LEAK IN ST. LOUIS TREASUR lnrn < - CoriiornOoiiN Alli-Koit to ( i Pr - ( ! In binder of flt TIIXI-N , in- : tnllliiu l.nruc I.ONN. JEFFRRSON CITY , Mo. . April 19. Tl majority repot t of the Major Invostlgatli committee of the Missouri state seimt which recently looked Into affairs of sta and municipal oflleca In St. Louis , was mai today. It criticises the methods in vogue some of the municipal ofllecs nnd recnn menda that tbo Investigation be contlnui to nil departments. The most startling finding of the rcpo was thnt the city and state annually lo $ JC9ono through the cstapo from taxatli of Btroet car pioperty tilono nnd that < rr-al estate and personal property the lo aggregated $1,130,760. The report tins n endcrtcd by the two republican membe Of the committee. It was found that more ihan half of t : manufacturers pay no state or school tn that there Is a loss to the city of $320,0 annually through the department pormlttli short returns to be made by merchants ai manufacturers , and that $20,000 more Is la thibiiKh the noupajincut of annual llcens en street cars Ric.imnieridatIons are made by which t lummitiio snjt , the state ieve-uuo derlv frm saloon license's may bo imreased $4. 000 a ) car Tha commitico advises that t I CONDITION OF THE WEATHE Fore-oast for N lin Ua - Fn-i. Colder. Northwest Wind Uonrd of Kngliipcrs be abolished nnd en surcs It for granting 11 onses to Incomp tout engineers. THIRD NEBRASKA AT AUGUST , Colonel \ ir < | iiiiln nnd | | llo.io Vi rt ( < nt < ; ri > rnln'w ( 'upUiil nnd < ( Into ( 'nnii. | AUGUSTA , Ga. . April 10 ( Special Teli gram. ) Colonel Victor Vlfqualn with h Cuban Ill-roes arrived at Camp Mackcn/ todaj and the Third Nebraska Is encamp * at tbo place forme ) ly occupied by the Fir Maryland. The men left the quarantine st tlon vvbere they had a hard time In tl pouting lain vesti'idav mornlt'g going \ to Savannah anil taking three sections i cnisr for Augusta t'pon leaching here they were tiansferrc to the Georgia load and eairlcd out lht miles to n station near camp. They icaolu the station at 10 n. in. , having to HP ovi hero seveial hours. Wagons were In wal Ing and eairlcd them up to the camp whoi tents with iloors , mess halls and cvorythlr needed weie awaiting them. The health i the regiment Is excellent , enl > two me being left blck behind , Lieutenant Gun mlng of Company F and Lieutenant Tu : ron of Company H. The leglment has a splendid treat Ion thr < miles fiom the clt > and SOO feet above I Thevars run within 300 > ards of the cam The commander of the post called th afternoon and preparations for muster-oi will commence at once. If the books are ! good condition the icglment should be mu teicd out by Maj 12 The men are dellghti to return to Ameilca. Colonel Vifqualn w\irlng the diamond ling presented to hi b > the enlisted men of the legiment. NEW PLANS OF SPEAKER REE Vniioiim-i-iiiciil ( lull lie Will .loi .NtMVorU luh' I I'm nnd Hi-slRii .StMlt III NOW YORK. April li. It is announce heio t tint Speaker Thomns B. Heed has m copied the offer to become a member of tl law firm of Simpson , Timelier & Barnu In this city. It Is undeiatood thnt M Ueed will resign his seat In congress ar icmovc to New York The statement h ; been made that Mr. Heed Is guaranteed > caily Income of $30,000. Before settlln down heio Mr Heed will make a protracte visit to Kurope The Mall and Kxprcss says that M Barnuin of the law firm said that Mr. lice had already piactlcally become a inembi of the firm , but would not enter active upon his new duties until after he lit taken n brief vacation In Europe. The flu eleclslon was not made by Mr. Ueed unt all the details ot his nricer'apce ' ot the ofter'vvere arranged. Air. " barnum could ni bay e-xactly when the speaker would lea' for his European sojouin or Just bow lei ho would remain. He was to have sall < with his family today on the Paris , but h stay here will not be much prolonged. 1 all likelihood , his friends say , he will rema on the other side during the summer UTICA , N. Y. . Api II l'i Congressmi James S Sheiman was told today th Speaker Heed had enteied a New York la firm. Ho heard tbo newa with evlde pleasure. "If that is true , " ho said , "I am a cai dldate foi the bpeakershlp " FOUR IN THIRTY-TWU PAS Miilt of I2\nni I mil lora nt Port l.rm - iiorlli for Second l.lrnli-iinn- < - | < * N In Iti-Kiilur A nil.i. LnAVBNWOHTH. Kan , Api 11 19 Tl examination at Foit Leaven noith of tl class of applicants for llcutenantles In tl icgulnr army has been pi net-ally ! completi and It Is known thnt at least four of t tblity-two applicants have passed. They a aald to be Charles Dostcr , son of the chl justice of Kansas ; H. M. Chamblas of Sclm Ala. , R. H. Westcott of Shnwnno , Wls. , ai Corporal Norvlll , Fourth cavnliy , son Colonel Norvlll , retired. Both Doster ni Chamblss had been schooled at West Pol and both held commissions during t Spanish wnr. Only thirteen of the origin thlrt-two appointees remain to tnko t full mental and physical examinations. CHAPLAIN OF IOWA TO IWARR rili-rlrU P. llrimn nnd MINN Mill 12n < oii ( n ! > < AVnlih'il .Sltlurdliy In Trlriro. SAN rilA.VCISCO , April 19 The Evenli Post saya that Chaplain Fiedeile-k F. Broi of the Iowa la to be married In this1 on Saturdn ) next to Mlsa Millie Eat > n Mlddlcborough , Masa , and that rhapla Brown baa gone to Pasadena to niettl I bride-elect , who Is visiting iclatlvea thei The voung couple will remain In tl city until the Iowa Is ordered clscwhei Chaplain Brown going with his ship a his wife to New York. KANSAS WHEAT A FAILUR Tunl > -Sl\ ! ' ( ! Ci'lit of I'riilort | l < Sown Mill He IMoM.-d I n nnd Oilier CroiiN I'lanli'il , TOI'BKA. Kan. . April 11 Secretary C burn of the State Board of Agrlcultuio ted Issued bis Ilret icpirt on the condition winter wheat In Kansas. The report shows that for the state per cent of the proportion sown , on Ing the soveio winter , the protracted spring a other causes , now beems a fnlluie- , und likely to be plowed up and devoted to oth causes 'I'll ICI'NIllllllll ( 'II HItO ( illlllll .IIT > NKW YORK , April l'i The Indletmu chaiglng Itdland It. Mollneaux with t muidt-r of Mrs. Kate J Adama was ted formally dismissed by Justice Wllllnnm the supreme court. The order provides f the subn.liisluii of Iho C.IHO again to the grn Jur > , but dois not provide for the dlsehnr of Mollneau\ from prison I HKM > clloo Tnx on Ili-i-r. JEITERHON CITY , Mo. April 19 T Missouri house today piHt > i'd the senate b levying an Inspection tax of 1 cunt i g'tllon and - cents foi c-ath package of be aold In the state The bill passed by a f Jr vet of sevontv-ono to llfty-ono after a Ji light No e-huige la made for Innpettlng be shipped from the state llr , Soir ( i > Hidl on vliirliiiNii. SAN \Nrisro. . April lit -Dr Bolf. w la to Biitce-ed HenROHC as German eons at Apia Humua It buuke-d to aall on t ateurner Maiiposu , Hihe-dulcd to sail fr here for the Anipods | by wa > of llonola' ' The Mnrlposa should arrive at Apia In abu two weeks , VIOLA WILL RETURN Miss Horlookcr is Due to Arrive in Hasting ! Today or Tomorrow ! SHERIFF SIMMERING IS AT SHELDON Young Woman May Go with Him Without Requisition Pnpera. WILL BE ARRAIGNED WHEN SHE RETURNS Her Attorneys Say Her Bond Will Bo at Qood as is Obtainable. SHERIFF AND COUNTY ATTORNEY IN A ROW nilTci-cni-o AI-INCH ( Ivor fluMullind o | AmHt of < lu Vim u R AVninnii Attorney Mcrrcnry Mnli-a UN Cnto. SHELDON , In . April 19 ( Special Tele- giam. ) At S 30 this moinliiK Sheriff Hudson recehed n telegram from Shcillt Slmmcrtnq at Sioux Olty stating that ho would bo bora at midnight afar Miss Viola Hoi locker. Tha joung woman IB lead-- and willing to gi and sa > s that aho came bore tbroUKh thu advice of her nttoine\s nt Hastings nnd much agalust her own will , lly having her come heio they huvo made her a fuglilv fiom Justice and made a bail matter worao , and it will not surprise the S'joldon pec pl < i and her friends If Mlas HorlocUer doesu t inaKo some of the Hastings bloods hard to catch The girl snja llttlo and U la tha opinion hero that she should have the sym pathy ot all good people when they nro fully Informed on the wnv the case has been con ducted fiom the \ciy start. After being pulled down and around for two weeks II Is wondciful thnt she Ihes todty. Thirty- sK tiouia ha\o passed slnco Simmering Knew she was here nnd Sheiitf Hudson still stands guard at the expense of Xubraska. Miss llorloeher will not be In condition to leave hero before tomorrow evening am ] Dr. Dilley will go with her , as Hho Iseiy 111 and not able to travel without a doc tor Sbt > sas "Oh , If they had not MM ( In me l nvo Has tings I would ha\p been better oft. " Advices from ll HASTINGS , Neb. , April 11) ) . ( Special Tele gram. ) Thcio la no longer iny doubt In 10- gaid to Miss Viola Horloekor being brought back to Hastings , foi It Is only a question ol twenty-four or forty-eight boura whem bhu will nirho in this citv blierllt Simmering arrived in She'Moti , la. thla afternoon and it lequlsltiou papers are not neccssaiy ho will return tomonow morning with his prisoner , otheiwlso ho cannot leturn to Hastings before - fore Filday morning. The Ueo coi respondent Is reliably in formed th t as soon us the accused uirlvoa In Hastings cho will bo taken bcvfore. County Judge How en nnel glvo bond for her pre liminary hearlliR , which will bo bet foq Itio flret ot nejtt Tfvj'rtjr ; in isc hw ftHnrboja should change iln.tr 'piafts end wnlvo eif- ainlnatton she will be bound ovtir to the May term of the district court. Jiut It la not genenlly believed they will do this , as It Is said tliej rely upon evidence to acquit her. Tlio attorneys of the accused say the bond that will be furnlthed foi SII a Hoi - rocker will bo absolutely safe , ns It will bo bignod by some of the very wealthiest and most respectable people In Adams county. Shei'ilt Simmering suid last night that County Attorney McCieary roasted him to a finish n\cr the telephone because the anest had been made without having first ctti- btiltcd the county attorney In rignrd to Iho nuftei. The sheriff informed Mr. McCreaiy that he had stood by his agreement in not aitvlng tlio wanant before Monday , when It was promised the gltlould beIn Hastings , but , 's the attoine\s had not Ihed up to theii agiwinent ho proposed to do his duiy Immrdialelj and tncrefoie no had Mlna Hoi - locker .11 rested in Sheldon , la. The sheriff fialU . lr. McCrtary repllexl that ho would keep him jumping for what lie had done and llnlhlicu by accusing thu sheriff of having nad the ghl nnested In Iowa simply to get u good-sl/cxl fee out of It. I'ulilli * rumors the ShcrllV. The public takes sides with the sheiiff In rcg.ud to this mutter , but criticises him quito seveiely for not havliiR made any effoit to secure the glr ) and hene the w.u- laut as soon ai the papers weio put In hla hands. The pcoplo upbraid him for having let the girl lea\o the city and censure - sure him for not giving Immediate chahu when he bowline apprised of her sudden do- parttuo It la thought that the haul fnil- Ings that , ire bound to glow out of thla matter are Habitto bo the cause of some unlooKcd for o\oaure. | The attorneys for the accused say the enl > iniifion why MHs Horl ckor was not bioii/'ht / buck to Hast Ings Monday , as had hron promised , w.iu because Mr. Hayes , brother-in-law of tin acouseil , overslejit himself Sunday mornlntj and did not get out of Hastings until 10 30 Sunday , when ho should have taken the early morning ti.iln that loaves at 1 11. Mr. Hayes was to lmo accompanied MIBS Horlncker nnd her mother h.irk to this c-ltj Monday mornliifi. This Is the only > xcut otfeieil for the non-urrlval of the girl al the time agreed upon. County Attorney JRCrcary was Inter. \lewrd this afternoon by The Heo < orro- spondent and In npcaklng of the sheriff In terfering with bin jil.ins he Mid : "Tho stops that Sheriff Simmering ! oU yesterday In having the girl arrested in terfered with my plans to this extent , thai It delaya her homecoming just ono day. mi I was ontlruly iinneeussniy , bccauso the girl would ha\n been hero thli mornlny as agreed. A3 1 am the resp imlblo jiarty In tills casa I must bo allowed to manage i completely. [ IR the people hold mo rp-tpim siblo for the conviction of the guilty pi rauii In this case , > IIIH ( HIM it III * ( MmVii } . "When the Bt.Uo goes to law with a criminal It bus got to ga fully piepaitil f r It , before It goua before tweho men who do not know a slnglo thing about theaa \ , and ono In my position la often cnmpulinl to do thlnu * which may not please tie public , but ut the H.uno tliuo intiHt b < > > ) < i.a In oide-r to secuio a firm chain of cv.- denco , which la generally cotton by pii o- meal. I Inslbt that as I am tlio um a prosecute tlio caeo 1 must bo allow i I o exerclso my own JmlKinent In icgaid 10 how and when ti pioceeil. I will duoie ( all my time and ability to punh tins i mete to tbo very pud. 1 ntn positive I lm\t sulllclcnt nrldoncu to hend Viola Hurlurhpi to the penitentiary and 1 Intend to foul the law. " The chemist of the Stutu university Inn flnUhod his analysis of the candy and n > e county attorney brought the proof and t | > g rf.uiilu home with him luat night Mr M - 1'rnary suyw tht analywis proved the < m > / ( uiitatp < d u uulfUiL-nt itinount of ttrKi'iuc IxiC ho derllmd to naj liuw nuuh or iu what way It was mixed nub thu