n TTTT ? OArATTV T A FT/V AVTnvVn'.tan A V AT > TTT. 1 f . 1Rf n. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS- MBVTIOX IBVR ) | aelln glass. Mooro's food kills norms anil fatten * . Uudvtclser beer , L Ilosenfeldt , agent. ruriilkhed rooms , 14 South Plrst street Metal frames. C U AIjRXANDKK &CO. Iowa rurnlturp K Carpet Co. , 407 B'war. J. C. Illxby , heating , Dltimblnc. Tel. 193. J > non ft .Mortensen , S11 Hway give "Stars" c S I.efferts nml I A llonhnin loft for Joplln Mo , last evening C I ) Jacqucmln & Co , Jewelers and op ticians , 27 South Mnln street. Got jour work done at the popular Eagle laun'lry. ' 724 IIro.edvvn > . 'Dhono 1E7. The Christian Scientists will hold services thin evening nt S o'clock In the Sapp bUlld- IHRTho The degree cninp , Woodmen of the World , will not meet tonight ns previously nr- ranged. roundmnstor Dobson will Bdirt out * ftor lilx annual ruundup of unlngged tanlncs un May 1. A L I'nyno took out a building permit jesterday for the erection of a one-story frame cottage on lot 12 , block 6 , Street's addition , tti cost $800. The hearing of the contempt proceedings Instituted by J J Shea against the major and city aldermen Is set for this morning at 0 3(1 ( o'clock before Judge Smith In the dis trict court. The ( .itio against W. D. Klrkland , the Jeweler , charged with the embezzlement of u watch by Hermann lluntfichko , was con tinued In Justice Vlen's court yesterday for two weeks The regular meeting of the .Musical aux iliary of the found ! niuffs Woman's club vlll ho held nt the club rooms this after noon An excellent program tins been pre pared and Mrs. Ke > s will act ns accompa nist \ , C Ilinwn , a Huillngton switchman , wan Injuied while mailing a coupling In the juidh last night and was removed to the \ \ Oman's Christian Ansociatlon hospital Hrown lives on Stutsman street. His In- Jiuloh wore not regarded ns likely to prove fiit.il The commercial committee has extended an Invitation to the general managers of the ilUfe-rent railroads entering Council muffs to meet with the committee , cltl/ens and business men Ttltbday evening. May 2 , at the Or.iiid hotel to dlsuiss the question of n union dipot Tin- financial report of ( he Christian Homo for the last week shows the receipts In the general fund to 1mve amounted to $378 60 , being ? 17S.bO above ) the estimated needs for the current expenses of the week. The re- cclptH In the manager's fund amounted to J2 ! ) > 0 , being $5 ! > 0 below- the needs of the week A number of teamsters cmplojcel by Wick- ham Ilros on the grading of ( he Fort Dodge & Omaha load have quit after having made a demand for $3 a day Instead of $2.f > 0 , which was refused Several teamsters who wcro working for Sonerii Wilson hauling dirt for the Illllng at the Hock Island yards have quit for ( lie same reason. The Jurj of apptnlsers In the Fort Dodge R , Omaha Hallway company's condemnation proceedings , which was to have met yester day , has adjoin neil to Miy 2. Of the original suits commenced only four remain unsettled and It is expected that the railroad will acquire the title to the property Involved In thcBO In the meantime The funeral of Henry C. Hamann , who died Monday morning at his home , 1111 South Twenty-second street , Omaha , of pneumonia , will bo held this afternoon nt . ! o'clock from the German Lutheran church on Seventh avenue The remains will betaken taken from the residence of his brother-in- law John Hcagan , 1124 Sixth avenue , at 2 30 , to the church. Interment will be in Falrvlew cemeti'iy. Deceased , who was a butcher by trade , was 25 years of ago and had only been sick a few days. He was Iho son of Clans Hamann , who was drowned In Spoon lake Sunday , April 0. A Murat , the stranger arrested with a number of razors and knives In his posses sion , which the police say were Btolen. nome- wheic , Isj being held nt the city Jail pend ing InvcHtlgatlon. It now develops that llurat when he broke from Detective Weir and ran , was captured by J3el Duquette , manager of Cole & Colo's bicycle depart ment Weir Is no sprinter , and Murat would hnvo easily got away had not Du quette happened along , and seeing that the ollli-or was winded , borrowed his revolver and gave chaae after the fugitive , overhaul- 11K him after ho had run a couple of blocks Jr BO N Y. numbing company. Tel. 250. Wanted Several good lady solicitors for illy ( jooil pay and nice , pleasant work , " all at llee oilier , Council niuffs llnr A < < > < I n tin H Iti'iirKimlzi-n. The reorganisation of the I'ottawattamlc "Vjiuitj Har association was completed yes- inlay afternoon by the election of the fol- Irwiiig olllci'rs : President , Hon. I ) . C. [ ( loonier , llrstIeo president , rinloy llurkc , second vice president , Spencer sinltti , third vice president , Jacob Sims , itore-tary , Clyde II. AltchlBon ; treasurer , Mlsn Tarrlo L. Dodge. The following were tlectcd as thu grievance committee : "harles M. Harl , chairman ; George S. IVrlght and John M Oalvln. The first vice ( iiesldont appointed the following commit tees Finance Oeorgo H. Mnyno , Ozro S. lllanclmrd , John J Ilesi. Couit A W AskwiUi. A. S. HnroHon , Jolyi N" . Ilalelvvln. lAiglsliKive W. H. Ware , N. M. Puse ? , S Wndsvvordi. The question of ( ho advisability of adopt ing n fee bill and UN character was on mo tion refericd lo a committee of five. There we'rei appointed on this committee tlio fol lowing W. II. Ware , A. W. Askvvitn , ( JeorRii S. Wright , S II. WadsHorth and C. M Harl. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday ( o thu following persons : Name and residence. Ago Hi-ill ) Dullhelmcr , South Omaha . 22 Mary McMahon , South Omaha . 18 David Huffman , Slanton , Ncl . 37 Anne I1 Wells , Slanton , Neb . 23 Ill-ill 12xtat The following transfers were filed yester- < 1i : > In the abstract , title and loan olllc-o of T W Squlio , 101 I'eail street- C II SuundiTs and wife and Jnne Ann Pillin 10 Joseph Abel , nvvU e' 31-70- II il i- , el . . . . $ 1 Trunk S HUIIH ami wife ( o George' .Monism , p.ut ueciotlons to sections 70-41 i | e- el . 1 1'itiii' nlwti-iiHi'ii mid wife to O. 1 * . \VI11. . uh'jn , lot 10 , .block 13 , How-aid add vd . 300 ( Wmelnor S iv IIIKH bank to J. W Squire , 'nt ' 1 ! minimi ! plat Cumuli Bluffs , M 13 Itnsiell and wife to 1 * .M lleiw- eii lot C , bliic'U 1 , Hit , ' ( jrove add , w el 1 hunger iV Jloliiilf C'o. to ( ieorge I ! KlKliui anil i : Faiiey , Inlti 9 , 10. n and ] . ' blin k 0 , Undo wood , w. d 711) ) Total transfers CASTOR IA Per Infants and Children. Viio Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT For Ciiili or l.nmioil ein , K. U. SIIKAFK & CO , , C l'eui-1 Mlreul , Couiu-il IlluirN , lomi. POLL TAX FOR YEAR 1899f Collector Atwood Declares that No Person Shall Escape. MUST EITHER PAY OR WORK OUT THE TAX Hi * Ixunei a Clre-nlnr Letter In IJtory 1'crnnii l.lnlilr to I'll ) the 'I'nx Hnjn Ho PropnHPH tn Tr % nt All AllUr. John Allwood ( he city poll tax collector , started out > esterday to collect the poll tax for 1890 , and he Intends that no person Ha- bio to pay the tax shall escape from cither putting up the cash or else working It out this year In order to facilitate the col lection and to give the people n better un- dcrstandlng of the dudes of the poll tn\ collector , Mr. Allwood has Issued the following - lowing circular letter , which he Is sending to every poison liable to pay the tax- "In ( lie fulfillment of my duties as poll tax collector this season 1 ask for the hearty co-operation of all that the work may progress as smoothly and rapidly ns possible. I expect to ( real all alike , fairly und courteously , and ( o show special favor to none. That you may understand what the law requires of you , the substance of It Is printed in the notice , which please read My duties ns collector being pre scribed by law and oidlnancc , do not expect mo to deviate theicfrom. "You will please understand also that a slight disability ( lint might exempt } oti from military service , such as the loss of a linger or too. will not exempt you from poll tax. If you are between the ages of 21 and 4s ; and are reasonably able to perform manual labor , joti nio not exempt and will not bo excused. "Also please note that a notice left nt your residence with n member of your fam ily over 11 years of age is In all respects as valid as though served on you personci ally. I Intend to bo reasonable with all who nro fair and straight-forward vvlth me , and realise that It may some times happen that to appear on the dnto named in notice I might work nn unusual hardship If sued should bo the case and you will let me know at once , In person or by letter , when > ou can better give It attention , If your re quest Is not unreasonable limited aeldl- t'onnl tlmo will bo granted , but no delib erate and unreasonable ! dallying will ba tolerated erated "When notice has been served on you I have done nil that Is required of me , hcnca do not expect mo to come tlmo after time to see you. The law makes it your busi ness to settle the tax or furnlfh proof of exemption , and 1 shall expect jou to dose so , and If , knowing the facts , you refuse or neglect to give the matter proper at tention and penalty and cost are added you have only yourself to blame. " Uest facilities for storing stoves. Cole & Cole's new warehouse. The 'Modern ' Woodmen will give a dance Thursday evening , April 20 , nt Knights of Pythias hall. Court otrn. Thomas J. Nuzutn , a farmer of Allen township , Harrison county , filed a petition In the United States district court yester day asking to be declared bankrupt. He scheduled his liabilities at $772 , of whlcn amount $310 was for doctors' bills. His as sets he lifted at $292.13. In the superior court Lydla S. Joslyn was granted a decree of foreclosure by default against Andrew J. Howe et al. motion for a new trial In the of 13. 13 , Schurz against Eel Wilson was ar- KUed and taken under advisement by Judge Aylesworth The Larlson divorce case occupied the entire day In the district com t and the end seems as far off as over. There Is no doubt nboz Williamson having the finest line of blcycle hat has ever been In the city Call and BOO for yourself and get his prices and terms. He also has n i llrst-olass repali shop 10i South Main street. S M Williamson sells the Standard , Do mestic and White sowing machines. IOC South Main street. II ill I lit ; Pn orH IliinU riiitN. FORT DODOK , la. , April 18 ( Special. ) An Important ruling has been made b > J. A. O. Yeoman , referee In bankruptcy for this district , in the C. F. Wennerstrum bankruptcy - , ruptcy case which has Just cloned. The ruling Is relative to the clause In the code which exempts fuel and provisions for the bankrupt for six months. Referee Yeoman held that Inasmuch as very few men , If they were honest In their Intention to turn their f property over to their creditors , have laid i In J. supply of provisions and fuel for six months , that an cnultnblo Interpretation of the clause would necessitate the allowance of money in lieu of the provisions that had not been kept In supplv IOIMI CIIIIKI i-uiit lonnl ANNiirlntloii , ATLANTIC , la. , April 18 ( Special. ) The sixtieth general association of the Con gregational churches and ministers of Iowa will bo held in this city on May 17 to 21 , Inclusive , at which ( line many of the promi nent ministers and cltlzens'of the state ) will bo In attendance. The meeting will be of great Interest to the members of the Con gregational church nml all Christian people of the city. The coming of so many repro- scntulve ( ) church people ( o Atlantic Is quite an honor to the city and the citizens gen erally will no doubt Join vvlth Dr. Hill and his congregation In extending to the dele gates a most hearty welcome. I Mil e-IT Hi-turn * Ilium * , SIOUX CITY , April IS ( Special ) Majjr Jonns M. Cleland , additional payniatter for the I'nltod States nrm > , and formerly ma > oi of Sioux City , has been musteied out of ! I ( ho service of the government. He wlll'h J ' return from Washington to Sioux City. Major Cleland was appointed to this otlice last summer and leaves the seivlcu ulth a very good record behind him. Ills clerk , Mel J. Smith also of , Sioux City , will le- uru here as soon na hU work Is closed up ' s Itl-Hllll nt V-llUOl ilfl : > tlllll , OARHO.S' . la. , April IS ( Special Tele- ° gram. ) At a special meeting of the Hoard of Education the following teachers were „ elocleel for the Independent district of ( his r place : Duy Llnvlllo , Klhet Osier , Nellie Hemsted , Ora Clifford , Mabel Starr , Olllo Oiton. The present principal was not an applicant for re-election , as he was offered larger salary In another city. 1 until Arrmti'il for Illulivni } llohlii-ry. KORT DODGK , In , April 18 ( Special ) Otto LUt. a young man whoso parents live In this city , has been arrested on Informa tion from the sheriff of Appanoose county In charging him with hlghwa ) robbery. An olllcer of Appanoose county was hero today for the purpose of taking the prisoner back to Centervlllc . ATLANTIC. Iu. , April IS ( Special ) The special ( rain carrying the Des Mulni's whole salers jabber * and bublnc s men arrived hero ( hit afternoon at 1 o'cloik and was test by n Irtr/o / number of citizens wlh ( ho At- lanii ri'i band The pnrtj wm taken n ( once to the Windsor nnd Park hotels and dim eisn served nt the expense of the At lantic merchants , after which the business ! i houses of ( he city were visited The train 1 later continued westward nnd stopped at nil stations between hero nnd Neoln. Trumplil < > * ( Purl Dfiiluc , DOIUit : , In . April IS , ( Special , ) Fort Dodge seems to be the Mecca of nil tramps and how to get rid of them U every day n more puzzling problem. This morning twenty specimens appeared before the mayor nnd received the usual attention. They were escorted by olncers outside the city HmlU nnd warned not to return. Vr ! ! < t of Illicit \ 1'inlort. ATLANTIC , in , April 18 ( Special. ) Under Indictments returned bv the grand Jury Inst week the rheilff yestnrdny took Into custody seven alleged "bootleggers" who have been selling Intoxicating llquorfl conrnry ( o law. Only two of tbo e arrested j were nblo to furnish ball and the others are In the countv Jail Vlrcmlj "VVi-ll I'rm lilcit. , PORT DODC1U , In , April IS ( Special ) I From Information recently received It seems ] that Wllllnm Snellson who killed himself nt Lchlgh because a 15-year-old girl refused to return his affection was a married man ! and has n wife now living. Her residence Is f ' 'not known nnd the authorities nro endeavor ' ing to find her. The Rev-low's census of Denlson has been completed , It Rives the town n population of 2,507 A training school for nurFcs has been opened at Des Molnes as an adjunct to .Mercy hospital. | "Iowa has more Innkers nnd rnlncs more hogs thnn nny other state In the union , " ob serves < the Sheldon Sun. A man nnmed G Ullsworth of Ilenton , county wns killed by being thrown from his | bliggy while Intoxicated. James Cooney. employed nt Iho Iowa iron works at Dubiuiuo , lost his right cjo by .t splinter of steel living Into It Congressman John F. Lncey , nccompinlpd by his daughter , Is traveling In the south western states. They will visit the Indian territory before their return. Mis. Helen M Chaplin , who died nt Mus- catlno on Friday last at the ago ot 72 jcara , had lived In Muscatlne since 1SI2 Her hus band Charles Chaplin , Is still living , at ( he ago of S3 > oars. Ux-Congreflsman linger nnd family hav-o | returned | to their home In ( lieenfleld , Adalr county , from the south , where they have been touring since the close of the congres sional | session. The Rock Rapids Reporter said that Inst Sntuiday night would see practically all the wheat sown In Lvon county , the farmers having been lushing the work. Another week will complete the sowing of oats and bnrley. The total receipts of the Waterloo post- office * . - - - during . the . . last flsenl vcnr were $27- 318.52. Singularly enough , the quarter endIng - Ing March 31 , and of course- Including the short month of Tebruary , showed larger ro- celplB by over $100 ( ban the quailer ending December 31 and Including the big business incident to the holiday season. Congressman Lane escaped drowning In MUbc-aJine lake recently to meet a worse fate. A Muscatlne man has written some verses descriptive of the misadventure and the Clinton Herald says that George Metzgnr of Davenport Is writing music to the lines and that Vinegar Smith will sing them during the next campaign The Keokuk Gate City says the verses in question are , worse , If anything , than Congressman Lane's experience after his boat capsized. DEFENSE READS DEPOSITIONS ConiiMt'l for MI-H. G 'i > rK ' ProilnccM E lili-ni'o SliiMtlnpr 1'iu-lM ItoK'irel- iiiK HIT .Sonh ( Dakota Trip. CANTON , O. , April IS. The 'defense In the George trial spent the first half of the day reading depositions regarding her trip to South Dakota to get a divorce from Sam ple George , her life while there and the vis its Saxton paid to her. The remainder of the day was occupied in examining wit nesses on matters connected diiectly with the homicide and in answer to the testi mony Introduced on the part of the state. The attoineys for the defense now talk i of finishing their testimony this week , but | if the } do so they will not call all of the 100 or more witnesses subpoenaed. i . , The opening houn > today were devoted to j t the reading of depositions j : ; taken In Sioux I Falls , Canton , S D , and Inwood , la These i covered Mis. George's residence In South Dakota when she wab there to get a divorce from Sample C Georgo. Objections were made to homo matter nnd there was a great deal of controversy between attorneys. The depositions read ma } be sunmrl/cd ns fol lows. Charles M. Sceley testified that during the winter of 1891 and 1892 Mrs. George stopped at his hotel In Canton , S. D. , and that Sax- ton . ' came there for a week. They were on friendly terms nnd were often seen together. Cashier llrovvn of Canton cashed several checks from Saxton for Mis George. Robert Hunter and T F. Uonajeur of Sioux City testified that Saxton nnd Mrs. George registered as man and wife nt tljo DOORO hoiibP , Sioux City , robrtiary 16 , 1892 , and occupied the same room. The signature was afterward cut out of the register. Lesley M. Toote , clerk of a hotel at Jn- wend , In. , had cashed checks from Saxton to Mrs George. i The ( list witness for tlu > defense v\as ; o local weather observer. He testified to seven i and a half hundredths of an Inch rainfall jj on the day of the tragedy i Com Tripe testified to hearing the ' t fatal shots fired and fixed the hour at fi W. tl She said the night was dark nnd misty. Joseph Kekroat , keeper of a grocery op- c poslto the Althouse home , also heard the shots. Ho saw n crowd nt the Althouso steps , but It was too dark to recognize nny of them. August lloron , n clerk In the grocery fitore , Bild ho could not recognize people acrcss the i Htrcot the night of the shooting and that' ' r only a small hand lamp was burning in the grocery Htnro. Ho also testified to more or less oMtructlon of the scene from the win- dow from which his mother-in-law claims to have eee'ii nnd Identified Mrs George on ac count of the tmw. but on tro3s-e\nmlnatlon he said how much could bo seen depended on j ] > how fnr the observer leaned out of the win dow i ils Charles Iluth nnd his wife testified ( o the ' ! g | stioet car which was delayed by a Valley j | lr train on the night of the murder. The one ! ( . on which Mrs. George Is fluid to have gone [ ' of to Hazlett avenue did not cross the tracks until three or four minutes after C o'clock The state evidence was that the ) car had reached , Hazlett avenue about 5-ftj , NASHVILLE COMES UP RIVER i.utiiriniihiiiii which iMi-i-ii rii-Ht j f > Mini of tin- War to Vlxlt I UI st , I.oiiU , I te ( teg g < ST. LOl'IS ' , April 18. The United States j J gt gunboat Nashville , which fired the first shot | , lo Iho recent wai , has been ordered to j H proceed up the Mississippi river to St. Louis , i tl Thu ilver maiks fifteen feet at this point i and river men agree that thin siege will be j maintained for tome , lime. The Nashville | draws about fourteen feet and will have no ex dllllcult ) in raining this far up the river , r. Ma > or Kclgenheln vvlll declnie the ) day the , st Nashville urrlvca a holldu ) and the olllcerd ( just vvlll bo entertained h ) ihu city uud a gen-j pi cral domonstratlon held , gi SMALLPOX IX CEDAR COUNTY Faulty Quarantine of Zimmerman Family Spreads the Disease. BETTER WEATHER THROUGHOUT THESTATE ( Jniiil 1'ronrc K | n llolliK Mil lip III nw Wheat mill On IN Youthful Mi-ntli ShailoMx lloi".o Thief mill CIIIIM-N UN Arri-M. DHS MOINls , April IS. ( Special Tele gram. ) The township clerk of Pioneer township , Cedar coiinly , has reported ( o ( ho State Hoard of Health that there nro ( hree cases of smallpox In Pioneer lenvushlp ns a result of exposure from the Xlmmer- man fnmllj. One Is In the town of Median- Icsvllle , which is strictly iiunrnntlniel In Greenfield ( township , Jones county , where the Zlinmcrnians live , ( hero me said lo be a large number of cases , but all me quarfi antlned nnd Isolated. No word has jet been received ' from Mount Vernon. Dr. Kennedy Is hoping that the situation ( hero Is not so serious as was enpected but ( hero seems to ( have been hardly tlmo jot for the ex posure to show Us full effect. A committee of striking miners of the Des Molnes district waited on Governor Shaw nnd presented to him the petition which ; they have been ell dilating asking that the j Importation of laborers from Paim and else- vUiore bo stopped. The governor received ( he men klndlj and promised ( o do all In his power lo pievent men being brought Into | , the district to lake the place of the stilkeis. The petition contained over 1,000 names. The wceklj bulletin Issued by the Iowa Weather and Ciop Service elepaitmcnt today says : "Last week brought n decided Impiove- mont ' In weather conditions. In the north ern and central districts much progress has been made in seeding wheat nnd oats , and the bulk of small grain will bo planted within the coming week with generally fall- conditions of the soil. In poitlons of the southern districts the work of seeding has been retarded by excessive moisture In the soli. The acreage of spring wheat heeding In the northern and "eiUral dlstricls will not ! be materially less than last jcar and about the usual area of other .small grain will probably be gown The extensive killIng - wIn InPi of clover will probably necessitate plowing and planting more than the usual amount i of meadow and pasture land. He- ports < as to condition ot winter wheat mo geneially < unfavoiable. " Forron Case , a real estate man , turned the gas htopcock too far last night and as a , result was found neaily dead in the morn- Ing. Ho wns unconscious for six hours after being | { found , but the phj-slclans now think ho Is bej-ond danger. James Hutchlnson , aged 17 , tracked nn alleged horse thief from Kansas City to Des Molnes and pointed the man out to an officer who made the arrest The accused goes by . the name of Fritz , but his real name Is said I lo bo George Flick. Ho is wanted at Law- rcnce , Kan. It Is said he took two horses and a wagon fiom George How man's barn on February 20 , went to Kansas City whore he engaged young Hutchlnson to watch the | were so suspicious that he was watched and | In order to avoid arrest ho left the team nt a livery stable. Hulchlnson got on his trail and will bo entitled to $100 reward accordIng - Ing to Sheriff Myers of Lawrence , who ar rived this morning to take the prisoner back to that city , having secured requisition papers from the igoveinor's office. ALL WHISKY CONCERNS UNITE I'lmiN Vliout IN'rfoi'tril fur < 'oniinn | > to Control r.nllrc ill T 111 tl'ri'Ml LOUISVILLE , April IS Alfred Austrian' and C. H. Stoll haves leturned fiom Chicago , where they went to consult Lev ! Mayer con cerning the formation of the Rye Whisky trust and the ultimate consolidation of the whisky Inteiests of the country. The rye whisKy combine will probable bo effected this ] week. The consolidation of the five liquor trusts , It Is thought , will follow shortly after the ro interests arc pooled. Messrs. Ausdian and Stoll were In con ference v > ilh Mr Maer , chief counsel for the big concern , all day Sunday in Chicago. That the work of the three attornejs will result in a pool of the companies is not denied by any of the men Interested. Mr. Austrian was seen at the local olllco of the Kentucky Dlstillciles nnd Waiohouso com pany. Ho refused to talk except to sny that the Chicago conference was an 1m- pnitnnt one. He said , however , that Mr. Mayer had been interviewed on the subject I of the consolidation. CLAIMS ON STRONG'S ISLAND OIIP of rarollnc Croup , Olsrovrroil lij- American I'liptalii Crii/li-i- , " \Viuitoil Ii > ( : criiian > . SAN FRANCISCO , April 18. A letter has been received from a resident of the Island T of | Kusalc , or Strong's Island , ns It Is someI I | times called , of the Caroline group , telling | , of the reported deMro of Got many to buy I GE the Island for a coaling station. 01 The writer of the IcUcr suggests that the I pi United States ban some rights In ( ho matit ter . brought about by the early occupation In 0. ( lie Island b > American missionaries , who hi civilized ] the place , nnd nlso by the discov ery of the nets of Captain Crozler , an Amer of ican , who ( ook formal possession of the place in ISO I The Island Is sunounded by a lecf nnd has three deep-water , land-locked harbors. 'FARRIS BILL BECOMES LAW Mi'iiNiirt * Will ScrlitiiNl ) lITci't tlio In. Niirnni'i * Mi-tlioilH of. ICaiiHiiN CII ) mill SI. l.oiilM. ST. LOL'IS , April 18 A special to the I'ost-Dlspatch , fiom Jefferson City , Mo. , says : Governor Stephens returned the Far- , Insurance bill to the senate today , having signed It This measure make-a the antl- | trust law apply to St Louis and Kansas City and will practically destroy the boards ( fire underwriters of both cities. It will become a law In ninety days. FIRE RECORD , 1'orlloil uf Mlinli'ii. DKS ' MOIN13S , la , April IS. A special fiom' Mliiden , la , says fire starting from unknown cause caused jr.O.OUO damage jea- day. Losses are Horwlch & Hcrnsteln , general btore. William McKiidree & Co , geni'rnl store ; Auguat Karen , hotel and sn- loon , William Rnsch , billiard hall , and J Heslcy , saloon Most of the business portion tion < of ( lie little town uas dcstro > ed. , } Depot at Mien Scorchcil , the ALLIES' , Neb . April Id. ( Special I The euploulon of a gasoline slovo at n W Farrell'a nome over the depot damaged that structure tcday. Luckily Mrs. Farrell had stepped ou ( of the room when the ex plosion occurred , and the lire ua& i-xtlu- at gulshcd with a small lusa. ELECTIONS IN SOUTH DAKOTA Hi-lniltUi'MiiN \ \ In ii \ lctor > In Mouv fa 1 1 , r.lcctliiK I'onr Oat of Six VIlllTIIII'lll SIOl'X FALLS , S D . April IS. ( Special Telegram ) The tegular annual flection hero today resulted In n republican victory , Hint 1 ! party electing four out of lx nldermun , ns follows R 12 Woodworth , Rlcker , j Imrnsldo nml Ira Sonic. Fualonlsts elected Mark Ilrldge nnd Hurst. The following 1 were \ elected ( o ( ho School Hoard : Rev. J. O Dobson , a ( large , K. II. Snnford , Alex [ Stern. S. T. Roberts , W , A. Griffith , 0. C. Cndwell. J. W. Pnrker MITOHILL s. D , April is ( Special Telegram. ) At ( he cit } election hero todny (1 ( hree license nnd one temperance aldermen (1w were elected , logoUicr with four members of (1 he School Hoard and school treasurer. The (1II license question wns the main Issue. I.l- ense i carried by seventy-six majority , fifteen more than lns ( } enr. The election wns quiet and n light vote wns polled , , DHADWOOD , S D. . April IS. ( Sprclnl I l Telegram ) City elections occurred In most , Hlnck Hills towns today. The $30,000-wnter , ( bonds , the mnlii Issue In Demhvood. cnrrled i bv twenty-live innjorlt } Spenrfish cnrrled $10 000-vvnter bonds b } a small majority , The fuslonlsts cnrrled evorhlng nt Rapid City. Cliauncey L. Wood was elected inn } or by ) woho mnjotlty nnd the council has ono fuslonlst major ! ! } . The main question wns one of reform. At Lead the election was ( i very quiet. IVilrrnl Court nl Monv Pnlln. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , April IS ( Special Telegram. ) The jury In ( he case against H. A. Tubbs , mayor ot Alcestor , Indicted bj the federal gland jury for sending ob scene llteiadne through the malls , was se cured today and ( ho afternoon was takeii up with ( ho direct examination of Clai- > SaltnoFs , the lSearold girl to whom the letlors were nlleged to have been written. Klght letlcis wcru offered In evidence She Identified them nil ns being In Tubbs' 1'andwrldng , told of Intimacy with Hie de fendant , having loved him not wisely , lint too we'll. The letters nlleged to bo fiom 1 Im ndvlsed and Imploied her to commit nuotliei crime to cover up her Indiscretions The taking of her testimony was frequently Intermitted bj objections on the part ot Tubbs' attomejs , Judge A ikons and S. 1) ) . Van Dunklik , ex-assistant attorney for Soulh Dakota , who arc fighting the case stoutly at every point. Her direct exam ination was not concluded when court ad join ned nt 5 o'clock Bad 171k , the Sioux found guilty jester- day of murder , was taken before Judge Carlniul today for sentence. His attorney raised the point Hi.it through nn oversight em the ) part of congress the federal judges had no power to sentence Indians for climes committed on the Indian rescrva- tlonn and the matter wns taken under nd- vlbemcnt until 10 o'clock tomorrow. To Vtteiid a .siililler'N Knncral. PIUUUi : , S. D. , April IS. ( Special Tele- giam. ) Congressman Burke and Rev. Ly- mnn left this morning to attend the funeral sorv | Ice of Lieutenant Hnrtlng at Fond Du Lac , Wis. Rov. L > mnn goes to conduct the ceiemony , being pastor of the church In which Lieutenant Ilnrting was nn active vvotkcr while in this city State Auditor Reeves left hero this morn ing for Chicago , where he will tomorrow be mairied ' to Miss Hello Taubman. Ho was clcl.oocl In getting away } esterday morning by high wntcr and will be a half hour late In reaching Chicngo. At the city election there wns no contest on any position nnd a very light vote was polled. The pnitles elected were E. 1' . Fnrr , treasurer of school board , school board members , J. H.Mallorj , R Brandhubcr , Ida .M .Mead , Maud R. Carter , J. H. Starkcy , membcis of the council , R. II. I'roudfoot , i W. G. Yates , A. W. Wheelan , John Gcltz. | .llcctiiiK- state 12i\t < rth Irallies. HURON , S. D , April IS. ( Special. ) The annual assembly of the South Dakota Kp- worth leagues will be held hero from Au gust S to 15 , Inclusive. A beautiful grove within a quarter of a mile of the city has been secured for the camping grounds and for ( the general exercises. The program has not yet been completed , but It Is known that nr Prof U. 0 Hxcell of Chicago will have charge of the music. A male quartet from Chicngo has also been engaged and other musical attractions aie being negotiated for. Special days with good attractions are being arranged for and several noted speakers are expected ( o bo present. Including Dr Cdwln 13. Schell , secri'tary of the Kpworth League of the World , Mr Quale , the noted railway Young Men's Chilstlan association worker ; Dr C H Mitchell and others equally prom inent in Chautnuqun circles. Iliad ; IIIIlN Colleiie'oiiiiaciiccnici > t. HOT SPRINGS , S D , April 18. ( Special ) Black Hills college of this city will begin Its commencement exercises next Sunday vvlth n baccalaureate sermon by President Lymer , D. D The annual sermon will bo preached in the evening by Rev Pearson of this city On Monday evening , Apill 21 , the Plillomnthenn Literary society of the college - lego will give Its anniversary entertainment. Tucsdny evening will rccm the commence ment recital and Wednesday evening will be given over to the academic nnd normal commencement exercises , the address lo bo given by Rev A. R Julian of Chadron , Neb The ginduatlng exercises of ( he senior class will occur Thursday morning. Wnlii'iirl < N fur lliM\nril. 1IOWAHD , S. I ) . , April 18. ( Special ) Howard will build waterworks this spring. The cash In the village treasury , vvlth the > license | re\cnucs for the next year , will lack but i a few hundred dollars of covering the estimates This amount will bo raised at once by popular subscription nnd the plant H put in nnd paid for without bonds or debt ' will bo followed by great activity in building. There Is alwnjs a demand for , business rooms nnd tenements here but men have he.sltated to build chlelly on account ' Inadequate fire protection. This action removes the objection without burdening i the property with n bonded debt VJI-MN f ii Hind * IIIIlN. HOT SPHINOS , S. D , April 18 ( Spe cial ) From repnits received from various portions of the state It is nou estimated that there will be fully 1,500 people In at tendance at thu Grand Army of tlio He- public encampment in this city In June The Black Hills counties have decided to hold a joint teachers' Institute at Ho ; Spilngs from July 21 to August 1 Inclusive , just prior to tlio meeting of Uie State ) 1M- iicatlon.il association nt ( his place The corps of liibtructoiH vvlll bo mode up of prominent educaloix Trllmli- Ill-nil Soldier. HOWARD. S D , April IS ( Special ) Special service wns held In 'ho Methodist KplBcopul ohurcli Sunday memorial of Corporal Wilson M Osbon of the FlrtU South Dakota Volunteers , who died at Manila February 10 Wilson wan univer sally known and beloved and all united In honoring his memory The church wns draped vvidi the national colors and the B altar decorated with roses nnd Haster Miles Hev. W. L Mulnger preached ( hei memorial sermon. On llo > lllimn from llorxe'i * llacK. HILL CITV. S. D. April 18 ( Special ) I Onu of ( he most ttcvero snow storms of Iho J pee ear prevailed all day } esterday , the wind prc blowing n gale. A bo ) riding to school from country was til own from his horse and sustained a broken arm IIUir Itlni-x .V mi I n " 1 I'lrrrr. mu PIL'KHi : , S I ) , April 18 ( Speclul Tele mil gram ) The river has been stationary ( oday J j r , a little over fifteen feet , but IH be'Elu- , jUe nlng to rise again thu evening The higher car " A GUARANTEE. M ! To Every Person Suffering From Catarrh , Catarrhal Deafness , Bronchitis , Asthma , Colds , Coughs and Hay Fever. "HYOAVEI" the New Australian Dry Air Cure the Guaranteed Remedy The Only Rational Treatment for These Diseases. Since the Introduction of Booth's "Hjomel " some months ngo , ( hero has been it complete revolution in Iho method of tientlng diseases of the air pissages. Heretofore but FI2W. If ANY. tegular physle'latis could be Indueed to treat these discuses locally , knowing tint nature never Intended the nlr passages for the Use elf Sl'HAYS ! , VAl'OUS , liquids , douches and atomizers , also that sueh tomcdlcs not ouly fulled lo reach all parts affected , but proved In many e.lses POSITIVELY \NinteOU3. ( . Todav there nre over TH1HTY-S1X HUNIHiD : PHYSICI VN8 throughout Iho conn- try who are prescribing llooth's "Hjomel , " and have testified to ( his facl , claiming Hint U Is the ONLY rational treatment thenbive ever known nnd that Us lisa la ALWAYS productive of ASTONISHING HKSt'LTS. ' IT CURES BY INHALATION. CATAHHH In the treatment of this disease , "Hjoiuel" Is quick , sure and poimanent. CATAKHHAL DAKNiSS ! : "Hjotncl , " cures mote people of this ailllctlon thnn all other methods combined ' COUGHS nnd COLDS arc broken up In one night ASTHMA is relieved Instantly , nnd per maneiitly cured bv "Hjomel " Wo will refund the money to nil persons purch.iBlngBooth'n ockot Inhnlor outfit nnywiioro jndio United Stntos who will ' hns clone thorn no Koocl , on condition " " " thnt ' ' " ' they npplydM root to'tho h6nd"lbo"N"6ri8 Wo'st'f lTi"ry-'foirTh'Btroot Now Yo SU/notl , THE R. T. BOOTH CO. "HYOAIEI" CURES BY INHALATION. It Is nature's own remedy cm rlcd to all pnrts of the head , throat nnd lungs by ( ho nlr } oit bre-ndie. It can be taken nt nil times and in ate plate Thi'ie Is no danger , no risk. YOUR MON13Y IS RnFl'NDI31) IF IT FAILS TO RI3L1I3V13. Homol Trial OiltfH , We "Homel" Inhaler Outfit , $1 on. i\tia : bottles "H > omel. " fiOc. "Ibomel" Halm , a wonderful healer , Hoc. Hvomcl Dspepsla Cine , the new guar anteed cure for D.vspcpslu 0c. Sold bv ull druggists , or sent liy mall on receipt of piico , Til ] } K. T. miOTII CO. , Auditorium Have all the style , elegance and serv ice usually found in higher priced goods. Don't be fooliph with your money and. pay high price for your shoos just because you have done so before. You can save money at Hamilton's Shoe Store 412 Broadway. And give the > job to one who will do It neat ) } and at a moderate ceiht Wo can suit } ou both ways Oni leput.ulon Is built upon the work done light hcie at home Then after painting let us flgiuo on paper , ing the loonib In jour home. We can glvo } ou an ebtlmato em both jobnt the sumo time If > ou so dcslie Wo have the tlncst line of wall paper in town. GM I LA LA El R , M3AV I.Dt ATI < . ; | O7 llriuiil nn.1 , C iiiiuoll llluirH. ! . r. VIM.i.nit , VIIIIIIIKIT. \ KMOOO ) HllllH lo Niilil nl silton Hu ilolliir , e-oiiiiui-i nt ; Honda j , \prll I ' | IN IN ii IIIHIII liiliNiili * mill > iiu innli I' II llllNlM ! . II .11111 ll-l II lilt ll > . inlriir > lo iiNiinl i-iiNroiii nl IIM-I-- unlN < - HIMKol ' Ulv < - our I-IIH- lllllllk-N till * lll-lllllt III II Mll > ( -llll NllH- JUKI nl ( In- Mini- Ilicj mi * iiiosl In iici-il of UK KiioilN mill nut iillcr tin- J. I ) . CROCKWCLL & SON , III llroiul HIM. ( onni-ll MlullN. p-o-o-oo-o-oo-o-oo-o-o- o-aoo oo-o-a o-oa-6 IO Cents. 5 Cents. TWO JUSTLY POPULAR CIGARS. I A Si fi ( Tn Histribntors , Jonn u. ? lest Dining Car Service. nly Deoot In Chicago on the Elevated' ' oo0 > iter from ( ho vicinity of Illamiirck l ex- icted to reach hero by morning nnd will obably send it up u foot iMVln li > l Ill . April IS Tim large-Ht le ever known here wax tat > ( at toda > 'u Jiilclpa ! elc'don The ilvmoiralH iioml- led only oim candldatii , ( Ivorgo Sladle r , major , leaving ull othvi ollleeu to Ihei imbllcanfl by default 'Iho prlndpai estlon at Issue Is the onfclement of mbllug laws. Ono to 250 iiornc-jiotter Send loguo and price i ) vu > mini.m .v. ro , , ( Illllll'll HIllllH , . . . llMVH , WH , WELCH TRAMSFERTlNE llcl iicn t iiiiiii'll HIiillM nml Iliniiliii. Ita > It' IH < II ibli H iiUI n linn ( iiianintceid , Onimil llliirtM lll . Nn s North .Main Kin e-t T li'phom U Omiihu olllco re- liuucil lu i. . ' .SuiiHi Fliu i-iilh Hirii't Telij. jibi tin lilts e iiinci ( iuiiH in , i < li wiib Suinh Uiimlu. ItlK IlroVMI. Ilolllli IllK Ite-il Mill's lilt licmitlful IIe-ll.v Hyi-irt Ifnilly. Hetty Hot. K-r Hi-llt Hll s H.v Hiiilnj ; Hli ; JJottlu "DISAD SHOT" fioiu o. R. oiinrnT COMPANY , Siiifi Hois io ( illliit llrn IvUtabllslmil 188 ? , Ti\ili'inilMM ; ( .mil jr.oiihi iiiiiiiiHii > . VIiiMii-rx ! lotlii'i-iit . . .Mii.rN | | ! Mrs Wlnulow Soothing Hjrup ha.-i been lined for .vtr Uly jllrH | ) y , 'nilllons o" muiliLm fuihilr rhlldrejii whll.j teethlni wltl ptrfnt KUIC.UKM II snothea the. thllil , HofloiiB the uma ulluya all pain , cureii wnd eulle. and Is tlio be-Bt inedy for niarrli'iiu Hold b > druijgiBta In every nart of the worlJ Hi HUH- aim uuk for " \lrt ' \Mnnl lu'Hfiuotlilri ) : Hyruii" eind take nj othcj kind IX , tints u battle.