Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    o TII13 OaLATTA DA ELY BEE : WEDN BSD AY , AIMUL ii , 1800.
Tetoplibnes 61S- < . Bee , April 1 , 1S9J.
French Challis
Ladies are unanimous in
saying- that we never showed so much of ele
gance and beauty in these handsome French
Challis as we are this season , Nearly as many
as all Omaha put together.
40o find 50c a yard.
And sudi beauty ! as though the very b lush of nature's blooms lind been caught In
the soft woolen folds. The ground r abrlo of wool being run with n narrow ,
dainty , satin etrlpc. We nro show-In g them In nil the new colored figured c-
fcctB. TGc a yard.
Solid colored satin striped Trench Clm Ills , Just the material for nn elegant shirt
waist it wanted of some handsome , s oft , clinging material ; no mussing , no cut *
ting , no cracking. All the new aha dcs of pink , Nile green , new blue , brown ,
navy , etc. , 7uc a yard.
La Vida Corsets.
Wo Invite tlio ladles of Omaha to call and see these Corsets while the Demonstra
tor Is tilth us. She will bo hero this week only ,
Bon , chairman of the state central commit
tee of the gold standard democrats. Ha was
beaten by 1,000 after the warmcstt campaign
the city has known.
JOLIBT , 111. , April 4. The republicans
continue In power with a clean sweep at to
day's township election , electing every man
on their ticket , the majorities ranging from
200 to 700.
SPR1NGF1CLD , 111. , April 4. Loren E.
Wheeler , republican , today was elected
mayor by 127 plurality over John M. Strlf-
flor , the democratic nominee. The contest
was a bitter ono and several outbreaks oc
curred at the polls during the day.
GALESDURG , 111. , April 4. The repub
licans carried Gnlcsburg by n majority of
1,153 for the head of the ticket , Carney , re
publican , defeating Griffith , Independent.
The republicans elect six of the seven alder
I'EOniA , 111. , April 4. In the township
elections hero today the entire republican
ticket was elected by pluralities ranging
from 200 to 1,500.
PANA. 111. , April 4. The entire demo
cratic ticket , composed of union men and
pympathlzers , won toy majorities ranging
from 150 to 400. George C. Cravens , presi
dent of the miners' union , was elected col
lector. The nonunion men's ticket was com
posed of republicans and democrats antago
nistic to the union miners' cause.
City Olllcen of St. Louli * Are I'rctty
Ktcaly Divided Council Sol
idly Ileiiubllcaii ,
ST. LOUIS , April 4. Specials to the
GlobeiDcmocrat regarding elections from
the state are as follows :
Jefferson City The republicans elected
tholr entire city ticket today "by majorities
ranging from 30 to 236. IA. P ; Grlmshaw ,
republican' , won dver H. Mellenry , democrat ,
for mayor , by 123 majority. * !
Carrollton The city election toddy re
sulted In a democratic victory. AVlllIam
Burby , democrat , was re-elected maypr by
a majority of 183. *
Jackson1 AVlllIam Parr was elected mayor
today and tha election passed off quietly.
Monctt Pat Martin , nonpartlsan , was
elected 'mayor.
Elsborry H'ho nonpartlsan ticket was
elected1 today ; AA' . L. Martin , mayor.
Humansvlllo The election passed qultoly.
the republican ticket being the only one In
the flold.
Centralla AV. A. McCalllstor was elected
ST. LOUIS , 'A'prll 4. Six members of the
city council , which Is the upper house of
the mUnjclpal assembly ; twenty-eight mem
bers o ; the house of delegates , which Is the
lower bouse of the municipal assembly , and
four school directors wore elected hero to
The republican council ticket was elected
by about 10,000 majority and that body will
etlll continue to bo solidly republican.
In the house of delegates nine democrats
wore elected , making a democratic gain of
five metnbers. Two democratic and two re
publican school directors were elected.
In East fit. Loula , III. , Mayor M. M. Stev
ens , citizens' party , was re-elected by over
1,000 majority.
In Tuivii nnd Cltlrx Out In State Tlum
Fur ItciiulilluiiiiM Lend Iniiiii -
l er of Vlutnrlcii.
JIILAViAUKEE , AprI ) 4. Municipal elec
tions were held In nearly all Iho towns and
cities In AVIsconsIn outside of Milwaukee
today. The republicans load In the number
of victories , whllo In several towns the
mayor and council nro of a different com
plexion ,
The republicans carried Lake Mills. Elkhorn -
horn , Baraboo , Black River Falls , Dolavan ,
Berlin , 'Marlnette , Monroe , OranUburK. Barren -
ron , Hortouvlllo , Tomahawk , Edgarton , Fox
Free Trial I'aekiiKU of a Ileiniirkable
Spring I Feu Uli lleHiiu-er .11 a 11 oil tu
Uvery PITHOII Wlm Will head
Their Xnine and AddreNH.
Do Hot Fall to Write at Dace Tout
Til In Muni-Ion * Itemed- That AVIII
Ilene.iv Yf iir Xerv * , .SlreiiKt
Anil HevldilUr Yuur Illoud ,
Evi-rv person whoIs nervous , or whose
Wood lucks the nourishing ability to keen
thu bodv In repair tihonld write to Hayes &
CWoh. Hull UulUIlnir. Detroit , Mich . for a
frts-i trial puukOKO of Dr. Dlx' Tonlo Tub-
let * . AVn nil know that with unstrung
nerves there Is closely following n lonjr
freilfH of ilUordcin. The blood getn HUI- !
fc-luli , becomes Mirclmrtftxl with pol&onoup
acids and ferments and ut last u vital orvun
breaks down and the miffnrcr trees to bed ,
actually dlneaaed.Vliy not arrest the prop-
iesn of dlHC-usp and prevent serious pomp I-
futlons ? Tha world is * filled vvlth medlclneu ,
'tin true , l > ut there are very few tlilnuu
which the human body can utlllz , only
fourteen. They nro called elementu nnd
their proper use constitutes H natural tonic.
U IH this compotltei character of Dr. Dx' !
Tonlo Tablets that bus made the remtdy so
Inilurntlul upon the nervous system uiid the
blood circulation. And a abort trial will
produce such oonsclouanea * of renewed
Urensth an to be n source of eonRrutula-
lion that man's Ingenuity IWH enablftl him
to eve : til * problem of exact remedial
treatment. Do not fall to try these tablets
Ihey uro sent to you absolutely free ami
ehould you bo fully awoktneil to their won-
Uerful inlluciicu yon can purchaue uni ijddl-
t tonal and rwtular flze package.ofniy local
ilrued t at W centh a box. They ure oUo
supplied direct from the laboratory of Ha yea
& Coon. SIS Hull Uulldlnr. Detroit , Mich ,
who are tln > BO' proprietors of thin famous
tonlo. They preter. however , that the public
lociire them ut the druc stores. Tna retru-
Ur * Hco la W cents u box.
Lake , Prnlrle Du Ohlen , Sturgeon Bay , Cum
berland , Columbus , Fountain City , Fort At
kinson , Glenwood , Now Richmond , Vlroqua ,
AA'aupun , Appleton nnd Janesvlllo.
The democrats carried Oshkosh , Hacliic ,
Sheboygan , Elroy , Cllmnr , Chlppcna Falls ,
Manltowoc , Plymouth , Tomab , Portage , Jef
ferson , Arcadia , AVest Bend , AVnUkesha ,
AVatertown , Hartford , Madison and Beaver
Nonpartlsan tickets wcro elected nt
Durand , Rast Troy , Fennlmore , Hudson ,
Morrlll , Klpon , nhlnclandcr nnd Kcwnunco.
Klkhorn , Sparta and New Lisbon elected
n democratic mayor and n republican coun
cil , and AVausau and Honlcon , democratic
mayor and council n tic.
Outside of Milwaukee there was only ono
contest for circuit judge , the fifteenth cir
cuit. Judge Pnrrlsh Is running for re
election nglnst Mr. Thompson , an Ashland
attorney. Returns are Incomplete , but Par-
rlsh is probably re-elected.
SUPERIOR , AVIs. , April 4. Harvey AV.
Dietrich , republican , was re-elected mayor
over Charles S. Starkweather , by nearly
900 majority. The republicans elect the
rest of their ticket , seven out of nine alder
men and eleven out of fourteen county com
missioners. The vote was unusually heavy.
Election * TliroiiBlmiit KIIIINIIH Gener
ally Show SiillMfnetorjr Vle-
lit the TomiN ,
TOPEKA , Kan. , April 4. The elections
held throughout the efato to3ay bivo been
very quiet , and partisan lines were not
sharply droiwn and local Indeperidbnt Issues
predominated.Specials to the Capital from
fifty small towns , while she lng'republlcan
victory In meet tSases , emphasize the con-
diflon/slaAcif , ( * , , i"
In T'opofca tiff ? entire republican llbkof Is
elabtea 'fiy''j ? ,000 majority and' the proposl-
tlb'il to/-vsjp"1b'onds { for nn audltoriilip carried
XfJUmvenxjorth C. F. Neeley , democrat. Is
elected. . The"re-publicans elect .a majority
ol the council -members.
A't-AV&hlfa , ( the republican qandldnto for
mayor , Rcea , waa elected \yltK'practlcally
the whole republican ticket.
Lawrence elects the straight republican
ticket , headed by Qquld for mayor , by the
uaual majorltlffl ,
Lawienco elects the straight republican
ticket , except AV. T. iMoCarthy , democrat ,
for city attorney. II. D. Morse waa elected
KANSAS CITY , Kan. , April 4. At mid
night the result of the election In Kansas
City , Kan. , 13 largely In doubt , .but the In
dications are that the normal republican
plurality of about 1,000 has been overcome
and that Mayor Marshman , the republican
candidate , has been defeated for re-election
by Ducheltor , the democratic candidate , uy
a narrow plurality. The republicans will
Btlll control the council. Tbo democrats
probalbly have elected tmo of thethroa
police comm'lflsloners. The weather was
very aloppy under foot nnd of the C.003
women who registered only about 1,000
went to the polls.
Ticket .Siieeemtfnl In the llu-
tnriiN TlniM Par Recorded.
PLAINVIEW. Neb. , April 4. ( Special
Telpgram. ) The village election renilud In
n sweeping victory for high license. The
old board was re-elected by a ratio of 2 to 1.
SILVER CHEEK. Neb. , April 4. ( Special
Tclogrnm. ) W F Gilbert , M. A. Roth , M.
K. Yeoman , A. P. Button and F. C. Caulton
were elected vlllago trustees. A majority
of the board Is for license.
FORT OROOK , Neb , April 4. ( Special
Telegram ) The vlllago of Fort Crook on
Tuesday elected A. P. Bu'ttcrfle'M , H. N.
Eby , A. Kaa , Jr. . F. Shatfo61c and J. J.
Duchcr an trustees. They are all repub
licans ,
HASTINGS , Neb. . April 4. ( Special Tolo-
tram. ) There was but JUtlo Interest taken
Inthe city election hero today , In fact It
boemed as If but fosv people know an elec
tion was on , and those who were aware of
the fact did not care to exert themselves.
The entire republican ticket was elected ,
with the exception cf police Judge and coun
cilman In the First ward. Judge Reynolds ,
citizens' candidate , was ro-clccted by about
llfty majority , The councllmen elected
were : J. H Etgenburg , First ward ; H. C.
Kerr , Second ward , C. K. Law son , Tljlrd
ward , R. V. Shockey , Fourth ward Mem
bers of the school board : J , C. Hedge ,
Chris Paullck and J. A. Rose.
nROKDN HOW , Neb. , April 4. ( Special
Telegram ) The city election passed off
quietly. There were two tlrkets , rnpubllcan
and citizens' . Ed Royee , the republican
candidate , was elected over J. J. Wilson ,
citizen , by SG majority. The entire repub
lican ticket was elected , except council In
thif Second ward. License was defeated by
1C majority.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb. , April 4 ( Spe-
clal Telegram. ) There was a small vote
polled In the' city election today , The en
tire fusion ticket was elected as follows :
H , U. Young , J. J. Cardwell and O. AV
Hawko were elected members of the Board
of Education. The following councllmen
were chosen : First ward , Walter McNa-
mara ; Second ward , Andy Stuart ; Third
ward , II. Y. Ulrkby ; Fourth ward , E , D.
Marnell. The tight was between the demo
crats and populists on one side and the re
publicans on the other.
KKARNBY , N b , , April 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Henry * C. Andrews , F , M. Hallo-
nell , Jolin N. Dfyden , re-publican nominees
for the school board , were elected without
pposttlon. William Fay Is elected council
man In the Firtft ward nn a petition ticket ;
V. C. Chase , republican , In the Second ; C ,
H , Gregg , rvpurbllcan , In the Third , and L.
JJ. Cunningham , republican In the Fourth ,
The \otps on city marshal were thrown out
In the First , Second and Fourth wards by
the Judges for the reason that the law was
passed too Into to mnXo nominations within
the time prescribed by the statute for
printing the ballots and that the offices
were not printed on the ballots. The Judges
In the Third ward counted these votes. Over-
mlcr , candidate for city marshal , and N. P.
MacDonald for city attorney received a
majority. License was defeated by twenty
majority In the city.
LINCOLN . April 4. ( Special Telegram. )
The city election hero was very quiet to
day and resulted In the election of the re
publican ticket with the exception of ono
exciseman and the councilman In the Second
end ward. Winnett , for mayor , receives 1,000
majority. The majorities for members of
the school board are even larger. The elec
tion Is very discouraging to the fuslonlsts.
BEATRICE , Neb. , April 4. ( Spoclal Tele
gram. ) The entire republican city ticket
was elected here today. In nomc of the wards
the vote Is being counted with exasperating
slowness and the totals will not be known
until very late. H. W. Jackson , for mayor ,
has n majority over G. P. Marvin , citizens'
candidate , of 335.
BLAIR , Neb. , April I ( Special Telegram. )
The following city ticket was elected-
Mayor , John McQuorrlo ; treasurer , Tred
Kenny , Jr. ; city clerk , Henry Mciicke ; police
judge , I. C. Ellor ; councllmen , John C.
Schmallng , Victor Wolff , D. Fnrnberg ,
Henry Fnber ; school board , II. W. McBrlde ,
Thomas Wilkinson.
YORK , Nob. . April I. ( Special Telegram. )
The republicans carried the city election
by an Increased majority. The majorities
are : N. V. Hnrlan , for mayor , 2t2 ! ; George
Cook , treasurer , 293 ; George Newman , clerk ,
2CO , A. C. Montgomery , councilman , C3 ;
Gcorgo AV. Post , councilman , 7 ! ) ; C. A. Mc-
Cloud , councilman , 121 ; S. E. Mansfield ,
councilman , CO.
WAYNE , Neb. , April 1. ( Special Tele
gram. ) 'Three ' bundled and fifty-eight votes
wcro polled In the city election. Henry Ley
was elected mayor , Everett LaURhlln , clerk ;
' Lambert Roe , treasurer ; James lirltton , po-
llo judge ; William Plcpeiistock , councll-
man First ward , R. A. N. Frazler , Second
j | ! ward ; Charles Craven , Third ward. The
fight was over the electric light plant and
management , Major Ley being Indorsed by
a handsome majority.
FROMONT , Neb. . April 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) There was n big vote cast here to
day and the result showed that party lines
did not cut much figure. The republicans
carried the city by reduced majorities. The
following were elected : Mayor , F. AV.
A'aughn ; treasurer , J. C. Cleland ; clerk , J.
AV. Hjatt ; police judge , C. II. Coman ; city
attorney , R. J. Stlnson ; marshal , AV. .
Lydlck , councllmen , C. S. AA'llson , J. M.
Shlv'eloy , E. E , Boggs and John Fuchs ;
school board , Mrs. M. K. Reynolds and C.
A. Manvllle , all republicans except C. H.
Coman and Fuchs. A'aughn's majority , CO.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , April 4. ( Special
Telegram. ) The city election was quiet In
the extreme. There was little light except
for the city marshalshlp. The democrats
elect Slater to that office by a largo major
ity , over Murray , republican. Allen J. Bee-
son , republican , Is elected city attorney by
a fair-sized majority , over Leyda , demo
crat. The democrats elect four of five
councllmen and the entire school board.
The proposition to take up city bonds to
the extent of $103,000 which had been drawIng -
Ing C per cent Interest and reissue at 5 per
cent , cairled without opposition.
PALLS CITY , Neb. , April 4. ( Special
Telegram. ) The municipal election today
was ono of the most hotly contested ever
held. Two tickets were In the field repub
lican , headed by AA' . S. Leyda , and citizens ,
headed by J. Prank Clegg. Clegg was
elected by fourteen majority. The balance
of the ticket elected Is : AV. AV , Abbey ,
treasurer ; K L. Beaulleu , clerk ; B. D. Po
land , police judge ; councllmen , A. Neltzel ,
G. L. AV'lndle. and L. A. Ryan. Kor members
of .the Board of Education , J. C. Yutzy and
P. H. Jesacn. 1
( if Hoi SprliiKM. r
HOT SPRINGS. Ark. , April 4. George R. t
Beldlng , straight democratic candidate , was t
elected mayor of Hot Springs today. He t
was supported by the AVIlllams faction ,
which classed In deadly combat with the
opposition , when flvo men -were killed.
LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , April 1. Municipal
elections were held throughout Arkansas to
day , but outside of Hot Springs , where there
were four candidates for mayor , there was
no contest ivorth mentioning.
City Hleelloii nt YaiiKton.
YANKTON , S. D. . April ! . ( Special. )
The city election which occurred hero yes
terday resulted in a tuccess for the silver
ticket from beginning to end , with majori
ties ranging from 14 to 231. Those elected
were : Mayor , A. 51. English ; treasurer , S.
S. Buckwalter ; marshal , AA' . L. Bailey ; city
justice , S. AV. Swift , and four aldermen. !
City Hleistlon at Huron.
HURON , S , D. , April 1. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The election resulted In the
1'eenllnr ISITeetti of ( In-
Unfortunately I was the unwilling pos
sessor of n hopelessly torpid liver , which
kept growing raoro nnd moro hopeless as
the years went by. It finally became Impos
sible for mo to obtain sleep at night unless
absolute stillness reigned.
Living In the city. I was disturbed many
times at night , so that finally I was sent
to the country , and there the least bark of
a dog or the bound of a cow bell broke up
my light repose nnd put mo Into a desper
ately nervous condition. Matters grow rapIdly -
Idly worse nnd finally culminated In a se
vere Illness. AVhen I was convalescent the
doctor positively forbade my using coffee and
recommended I'ostnm Cereal Food Coffee.
This was n terrible blow , ns I was a coffee
fiend , but I was weak enough to be sensible ,
nnd so I determined to try Postum , although
I went at It very unwillingly. I determined
to know that It was made right , so 1 read
thu directions carefully and made the first
cup myself. I was amazed at the rich brown
liquid that steamed forth from the coffee pot
at luncheon that day and ( still more amazed , "
vi hen upon tasting It , I found I had a most
delightful beverage , with delicious coffee
It Is needless to say that Postum appeared ji
upon my table from that time on. As the , n
davs wont by , I gradually noticed n change (
for the better. In point of health. It took j
sonio tlmo to recover from the rack ot the f
nervous system , caused by coffee , but I be-1 g
came moro and more conscious that I was
sleeping soundly and Improving steadily. r
Naturally my Irritability disappeared. I find F
mjself now with tnlcu , yes ten times , the ,
ability for enjoyment that I previously hud. |
Ono of my friends upon learning that I > j ,
had been healed by leaving off coffee and t
using Potttum , exclaimed and wondered how g
I could drink "that stuff. " I replied that wo
( )
wore very fond of It Indeed , actually pre
ferring it to any brand of coffee , whereupon
she remarked that coffee was such a beautl- ,
fill clear liquid and had such a delicious
taste , while Postum wus muddy and Hut. I . .
saw at once that my friend bad failed to
have her Postum boiled properly , and deter
mined to give her eomo good Pcetum , She 8
Is very easily prejudiced , so , shortly * :
after when she came to visit mo at the lake ,
I asked her to try some now coffee , and for
two weeks I served Postum to her , she be
lieving all this time that she wan drinking
a very high iprlced and expensive brand of o
coffee. AVhen at the end of her visit I told ci :
her that she had been having Postum Food it
Coffee two , and Bonietmen | three times a "
day all cf tbo period ( t her visit , she took ' '
the joke In Koo , ! part and said , "If that IB
true , I am already a member of the Postum "j
army nnd I will never resign" Anna M. jj
Chamberlain , Minneapolis , Minn. i Cl :
choice of J , A. Cleaver for mayor ; H. M.
Rowley , clerk ; O. C. Fullenweldcr , treas
urer ; T. J. Ohlwlnt' , nnscesor ; L , C. Kemp ,
Justice. The new aldermen are : J. N. Shelton -
ton , First ward ; Joseph Daum and AV. L.
Miner , tlo In Second ward ; H. D. AVhorton ,
long term , and C. M AA'llson , short term ,
Third ward ; J. C. Cogswell , Fourth ward.
For members of the Board of Education the
following were chosen : A. AV. Longitrocn ,
AV. S. Doniarco , C. D. Joy , O. S. Hutchln-
son ; at large , J. J , Casolmanj treasurer ,
Miss Cook.
Water "VVorkN l > ro | > onltloti Defeated ,
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , April 4. ( Special
Telegram. ) The special election today for
the purpose of voting upon the proposition
to Issue bonds to the amount of $130,000
for the purchase of the old water works
plant or the construction of a new one , re
suited In the defeat of the proposition by n
majority of 103. Out of n total of 2,200 In
the city there were only SS4 votes In Its
favor , the total vote cast today being 1.2C9.
t Smallpox Hliitn nt I.ureilii
I'lii ) I'llrt In the l.oi'ul
LAREDO , Tex. , April 4. In the municipal
elections today A. iM. Vldaurrl , a progres
sive Mexican , was elected mayor. Mayor
Christian headed the other ticket In tha
field. The Issue was that the present city
administration had not used sufficient vigor
In the treatment of the smallpox edldcmlc
which led up to the recent riots and the
existing quarantine against the city and
HOUSTON , Tex. , April 4. Municipal elec
tions were held throughout the stnto today.
There were no general Issues and only local
questions were Involved. Democrats gen
erally hnd members of their own party to
beat and did It.
Mnjor ) IuIClNN n IMNIICN n Drlef Sute
nient Olly.rM Give Their
CLEVELAND , 0. , April 4. Mayor Mc-
Klsson has made the following signed state
ment concerning his defeat :
The Hanna bolters and corporation Inllu-
OIICCB , through lavish use of money , elected
Farley and defeated the head of the repub
lican ticket yesterday. That Is all I care to
say at present. ROBERT McKlSSON.
MayordeiFarley , In an Interview , said :
"My election simply means that the people
of Cleveland want honest government ; that
they are tired of McKlssonlsm , and are op
posed to pillage and blackmail. "
Congressman Burton , who supported Mc-
Klsson , sald : "Tho defeat of Mr. McKlsson
can bo attributed to a factional fight In our
party. Of course the charges of corruption
had much to do with It , but , after all , fac
tionalism did the work. "
"What Is the cause of factionalism ? " was
"Oh , there can bo but one answer , and
that Is the Columbus episode of a year ago.
Mr. McKlsson made the mistake of his llfo
In trying to thwart the will of his party. "
TOLEDO , O. , April . The election
board did not complete the official count of
the municipal election of yesterday till late
this afternoon. Complete returns from the
sixty-eight voting precinct ? of Toledo show
that Major Jones has received a plurality
of 13,310 and a majority over both his op
ponents of 10,017. The democrats liavo
elected n police commissioner , city attor
ney and police prosecutor by small plurall-
tlesT'the remainder of the republican ticket
pulling through by 2,500 plurality. The city
council will bo republican on a joint ballot ,
giving the republicans control of nearly all
the city offices/
LOirAINnO.V\Vril ; I. It developed today
that MondO-191'eJoctlon In this city was Il
legally conducted and that none of the mie-
cessful candidates can take office. The law
requires the publishing of notices of elec
tion-ten days before the election. The no-
tlco was not Issued until five dajs before
the election. No solution of the predica
ment has been proposed.
DeinoerntN Have Mmlc Lively ( ' 11111-
1 > "t hneecHH oT Iteiiiiullc'nii
Ticket IN ANNiireil.
PROVIDENCE , R. I , April 4. The state
election will take place tomorrow and the
democrats have made their liveliest cam
paign slnco 1894.
Notwithstanding this , all Indications point
to the re-election of Governor Djcr and the
rest of the republican state ticket , but by
pluralities decreased from that of a jear
igo. The republicans will control the as- ,
somfoly. The democrats look for largo galas
In the delegations from the cities , but It Is
tloubtful If their expectations will bo real
ized. Their efforts will probably result In
giving them a slight gain over their present
very small membership In the house of rep
resentatives. .
IteimbllcaiiN Win at Maryvllle.
MARYVILLE , Mo. , April 4 , ( Special Tcle- !
srum. ) The clo.tion in Maryvlllo today re
sulted In the success of ono democratic and
three republican nldurmen , as follows-
Henry Westfall , democrat , First word ; C.
D. Bartlett , republican , Second ward ; Har
vey Hall , republican , Third ward ; and Alva
llanna , republican , Fourth ward. The li
brary tax proposition was carried by a vote
cf 355 to 2CO. R. E. MeCan , democrat , was
ro-olected county school commissioner. The
result was regarded as a republican victor } .
la Peanitylvanlii I'nlle
I'nnn ' Another .Senatorial
POHNll.lllt ) . ;
HARRISBURG , Pa. , April 4. Judge John
Stewart of Chamberbburg Is the present
choice of the anti-Quay republican bcnators
and members for United States senator.
Ho was agreed upon at a meeting of the I
"Insurgents" this rooming before the bes- t
slon of the Joint assembly. Judge Stewart I fi
was the Independent republican nominee for ' v
governor In 1S82 nnd Is one of the loading v
Judges In the state. Ho has been the favorIte - l
Ito of several anti-Quay legislators Blnee ,
the beginning of the senatorial deadlock , "
Ho was among the "favorite Hons" voted
for , until lust Tuesday , when the "lusur- K
sunia" united on Congressman John Dalzell *
of Plttaburg. At no time , however , ban ho '
received the votes of the two members from
Franklin county , both of whom the supporters - , ] ,
ers of Senator Quay. i
There was only ono absentee at the meetIng - !
Ing of the antl-Quayltcs , It was ngreod to r
transfer their votes from Dalzell to Judge v
Stewart. Senator David Martin of Phlla- "
delphla made a speech In favor of ballot
reform ' and tbo Few registration bill. Iloth v , ,
measures will be taken up In the bouse to- !
lay for third reading and final passage , and .
in motion of Mr. Martin U was decided that . , .
Ihe "Insurgents" should vote for them. .
A conference of democratic members and |
senators will bo held this evening to con-
elder whether It would be proper to cull on . .
the joint caucus to vote for some democrat , ,
Dther than Gcorgo A. Jenks.
Mellin In "KuiiMl" at KIIIIMIH City , '
KANSAS CITY , April 4 , The Bills ( irand
Dpera company , vvlth Madame Melba as the ri
entrr.l figure , gave a production of "Faust" d
tbo Auditorium tonight to nn audlcmco o
.liat for site VMIB limited alone by the ernt-
ng capacity of the house. It was Kansas . ,
L'lty'a most Important musical event of the
icanon The strength of the company was "
shown to good advantage and each m"nber , , j
Melba aa Marguerite In particular , van re-
lv d eutbuBlautlcally.
is Worth a ag of Gold/ '
This applies < with great propriety to the i
glorious Spring time that moves all verdure to life
and brings around the day < when people can have
an opportunity to cleanse their blood and thus put
into operation all the health and vigor possible.
Everybody at this time naturally turns to
America's Greatest
Hood's Sarsaparllla , to prepare the system for the
joys and pleasures of summer. 4
Remember , impure blood makes nervous
troubles. Hood's starts at the root , purifying the
life blood thereby controlling the nerves. It ads
promptly for both sexes and all ages.
Rheumatism "A few bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparllla entirely cured my sufferings
from rheumatism. Later on It ntoppcd
dyspepsia fiom which I Buffered Intensely.
I can eat anything now. " AV.A1. A. I1UCK-
LEY , 344 Summer street. East lioston. Mass.
Running Sores "Wo foiuuil our Iltilo
brother would bo a crlpplo from a running
sore on his foot. He grow worse under
hospital treatment. Mother KHVO him
Hood's Snreapaillla and now he Is entirely
cured. " MISS MARY MASCAR1E. Aurora.
Three Troubles "I lind iheumatlsm
weakness of the heart and Btomach. with
scrofula. Nothing helped me until I took
Hood's Sarsaparllla : It relieved me In short
time. MRS. R. P. AVALLIS. AVlnnlsciuum.
N. H.
Hood's Pills cure liver tftsj the non-irritating and jinly cathartic to take 'with
Hood's Sarsaparilla , America's Greatest Medicine , the Best that Mpney an Buy.
ULiLi L/lJl LJJnulJO Julljll 11O1
Medical Expert Finds Ration an Offense to
Nostrils and Palate.
\aturiil I'liifur l De tro > od mill De
fective Cold Mornne ConuileteH the
UitlltiiexM of llatloii fur UHC
of TrouiiM.
AA'ASHINGTON , April 4. Dr. AVlllIam H.
Daly was the first witness before the beet
Inquiry court today. He was a medical mem
ber of General Miles' staff In Porto Rico
nnd had previously testified before the court'
and was recalled to complcto his testimony
then begun. After relating the extent of bis
service-with General Miles , Dr. Daly stated
In icbponso to questions from Major Leo
that ho had been made president of various
national medical societies of the United
States and a member of foreign societies In
recognition of scientific investigations by
himself and without any asking on his part.
Dr. Daly's testimony dealt on this occa
sion , as on his first appearance , especially
with the beef supplied 'to ' the army. Ho had ,
ho said , madd sufficient obscivatlons to war
rant him In submitting an official report ,
ind after that tlmo he had made an analysis
which had confirmed his suspicions as to
the meat. His first observations had been
made on a transport at Tampa before the
Balling of the expedition to Santiago , when
Colonel AVcston Invited his attention to a
quarter of beef hanging on the deck , Colonel
Weston'a only remark was : "Here's a quar
ter of beef which has been bunging hero for
slxtj- hours In the sun ; we are going to see
what It will do. " i
No reference was made to preservatives.
His ( Dr. Daly's ) attention had Immediately i
been aroused. "I was rather pleased , " ho |
said. "I felt that If the beef could bo preserved - ] ,
served ao long U was a good thing. " i
He then cut off a picco of the beef and
ookod and ate It next day. After that he
Docamo sick at the stomach , but ho had not
Felt convinced that the meut had caused the i
.lli'iil IN ThriMtii Ovcrlinard ,
After some reference to his stay In Poito
Itlco , Dr. Daly detailed the particulars of
the trip north en the transport Panama last
3eptcmb r , which was In Ills charge. Tbo
vessel had been provided on setting out
A 1th the best obtainable refrigerated beef ,
but tbo vessel had not gonu far before It
became evident that It was not good. Ho
lid all that ho could to quiet the complaints ,
Jut they Increased and the stench soon
jrow so stiong that It pervaded the whole
hip , The odor was indescribable. Ho at
ast ' buggested a board of survey and ono
being ordered It had condemned the meat
eft ' , about l.COO pounds , and he had It
ihrown overboard. I
Hero Dr. Daly took occasion to pay his !
TupectB to the war commission , before
ivhlch ho had appeared. Ho said the com-1
nlsslon had given out the Impression that
ho deterioration of the beef on the Panama
\aa duo to want of Ice. This was contrary
o ' his testimony and the truth could casllx
mvo been ascertained. As n matter of fact
ho Panama had on excellent refrigerator' '
md . It carried ten tons of Ice 10 ono of beef. ,
lo also referred to the criticism In the war
ominlsslon of bis use of the expression In i
ils report that the smell about the beef was
Iko the odor of boric acid. 'It Is , " he said , I
'as difficult to say what a smell Is Ilka as
t Is for an aitlst to paint a d > lng groan ,
f the phrase was offensive , " he added , "I
night have adopted the language of the eol-
llors , some of whom said it umelt llku the
levll , while others compared It to a bouquet
if cesspools "
Dr. Only ald ho had vlnco made ex-
lerlmenta upon beef nubjected to treat-
uent by boric acid and had found U gave
ortb about aa foul a smell as could -Hell
10 Imagined
( Major Leo then read various reports made
Norvoiionoss "I was vvonlr , IIPMOUS
and very dellcato , staggered In attempting
to walk. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's
Pills made mo well. I feel like another
duit Street E.xt. , Annapolis. Md.
Eczema "Wo bad to tlo the bandi of
our tvu > jcar old son on account of eczema"
on face and limbs. No medicine even
helped until we used Hood's Saisaparllla ,
which soon cured " MRS A. A'AN AVYCK.
123 Montgomery Street , Patterson. N. J.
Impure Blood " 1'lvo yoirs I sintered
with pimples on face nnd bodv. Hood's
Sarsaparllla cured mo permanentlj. It also
cured my father's carbuncles. " ALBERT
E. CHAST. Tustln Cltv. Cal.
by Dr. Daly concerning official Inspections
of the beef nt the camps nt Jacksonville ,
Lexington and Chickamuuga11 these
stated that the moat ucNl generally looked
well , but there was a universal complaint
of its smelling badly. Ho had found the
fresh beef to bo apparently prceeived by
the Injection of some chemical which de-
strojed Its natural flavor and which must or
necessity have been injurious to the health
of three eating It. It was to his mind
Impossible to preserve the meat without
the use ot ucldts and apparently the meat
had been preserved by the Injection of
ohemlcaU to aid iho work of defective cold
storage. "
In one ease he had found the odor similar
to that of a dead human body , nnd In an
other , speaking of the odor , ho bald : "It
was unnatural , mawkish , sickly , like that
of a , buman cadaver after an undertaker
bad Injected his embalming preservative. "
He was satisfied that the beef had been
chemically prepared that It had 'been ' em
balmed , In fact. After hU reports had
gone In he had , In order to satisfy hU own
mind , made a chemical analysis of n resi
duum from the beef used on the Panama
and had found distinct evidence of thp
presence of boric and salyclllc acids. Hu
then referred again to the report of the
war commission. In vvhloh reference bad
been made to the use of these drugs , the
Intimation being that a trace of them would
not bo Injurious. Replying , Dr. Daly ns-
fccrted 'that ' the chemicals wore detrimental
' to health and they could only bo used at
the peril of these taking them.
O'lieniluiilN Are Unmife.
"No matter what authority sa > s these
chemicals are safe they are not safe , " said
Dr. Daly , emphatically.
Hero Dr. Daly Introduced a Joint report
made by Dr. Clark , chief chemist , nnd Dr.
Hlldcbrnndt , chemist of the geological survey - i
vey , on an analysis made by them of '
residuum from the beef used on the Panama. [ I
In this report they sold they had examined
the powder furnished by Dr. Daly.
"Both the Ilamo test and the turmeric
paper test glvo distinct evidence of the
presence of boric acid , " they eald , "We 1
also obtained good reaction with ferric I
chloride , showing the presence of bullcyllo
acid. "
In response to a general question , Dr.
Duly said ho had como Into much Informa
tion confirmatory of what he had testified
to , but which hud come to him In n confi
dential way , rendering it Improper for him
to glvo thu names of those supplying the
facts. In truth , a ban had been placed
upon thu Information. Ho thought that
some .forty or fitly persons had spoken to
him In corroboratlon of what ho had said.
These viere the proprietors of slaughtering
houses and the manufacturers of chemicals.
One manufacturer had told him that ho ,
would have been compelled to go out of
business but for the patronage of the beet '
men. Ho said after sonio questioning that
ho would ascertain whether ho could glvo
the names of these people to the court.
In a cross-examination 1jy Colonel Davis ,
Dr Daly said he had heard nothing when I
ho had made his first observation at Tampa '
In response to Colonel AVcbton's remark to
the effect that any chemical had been used
on the beef which the colonel had hung In
the sun. Ha said ho had preserved the
specimen frum tha beef on the Panama In
an aerated brittle , locking It In a port- |
manteau. Ho had given the specimen no
treatment except to reuiovo thu fat by
filtering through raw cotton. Asked If ha
was still aa much convinced as when ho
made his report of the quality of tbo beef ,
ho Bald : "I am strongei In my convictions
than I ever was , from the unsolicited evi
dence that has como to me since thu report
was madu. "
Mlli-H OITerMiiiu * and li lilence.
After Dr Daly had completed his testi
mony Major Leo submitted a written re
quest from General Mlloa for the admission
ot the clilclal reports of 147 men , represent
ing twenty-six regiments , as testimony It
was said theze reports all bore upon the
question of the character of tbo beef sup-
jjll"d to the army and were pertinent to tbo
Llvor nnd Kldnoys "My mother won
very sick with congestion ofl the liver anl'
kidney trouble. Nothing helped her unUl
wo got Hood's Sarsaparllla. which showed
Its effect with first dose. She Is well and
heart } . " MRS. D. A. STONE. AVlnthrop.
Cntnrrh "Jinny years sulTerlnif from
catarrh makes mo appreciate Hood's Surea-
parllla , which cured mo ; also of Indigestion
and kidney trouble. It gave me strength
and good appetite" MRS. 0. J. PHIL
LIPS. Poutlac. Mich.
Dyspepsia " -My husband had dyspep
sia and Hood's Sursauarllla cured htm.
Our little boy was neivous nnd tbo babr
hnd ulcerous sores. It cured both. " MRS ,
EMMA BEBE. Portage. Pa.
Inquiry. It ivas also stated by Major Lea
that General Miles had at yesterday's bcj-
slon of the court submitted the names ot
123 o Ulcers and enlisted men whom bo Jo-
sired < to have the court summon as wit
Dr. Udvvln I. Nlcod mus of Philadelphia ,
a surgeon In the Porto Ricau campaign ,
testified that both the canned roast and
refrigerator beef were very unsatisfactory.
Dr. W. S. Devoo of Chicago , an Inspector
of the Agricultural department , who In ,
1S94 mndo an inspection of Uio packing
houses of Chicago on complaints , was called
to testify concerning ihls report , which
could not bo found.
Ho proved a very unwilling -witness , sayIng -
Ing that liej saw no reason why statements
concerning facts of four nr live years agu
should bo brought out hero to the detri
ment of the business of a firm , which baa
since , so far as ho knew , obeyed the law.
The court Insisted , however , nnd ho said '
that the firm of Nelson Morris & Co. was
the ono which had been especially investi
gated. The testimony lind been given
mostly by discharged and dlsgi untied em
ployes and wus to the effect that the car
casses of caUlo had been taken from the
tanks nnd placed on the local market.
CoiiHlder Mllrn' ReiJiieNt.
During the afternoon the board sent a
reply to General Miles saying It would take
tlio matter of his proposition to supply
moro witnesses under consldciatlon , hut In
timating that the board did not require
further testimony relating to the canned
roast beef.
I I Goneiol Mil sent niioUior letter In an
swer to this , In vvhloh ho called nttentlon
j I to tfio letter lie wrote early In the proceed
ings of the board , saying that the Inquiry
| I ' wan hot only of great Importance , Involv
ing tha .health nnd llfo of the army , but
that the honor of the Bcrvlco was at stake.
Ho added that 25,000 men , nnd no doubt
many moro , could glvo evluonce substantiat
ing the assertion that the meat wus unfit
to cat , and he expressed the liopo tliat out
of this number 131 whoso * names ho Ima
HUhmlttcd , would bo allowed to testify ,
General -Miles suggested that men who lias
eUdonco to give might answer a set of In
terrogatories prepared by tbo board If It
wcro found Impracticable to hear them
M ally ,
IiiNllfiiHon IN No ( AlmllHlied , lint No
holiller C'nii Sirllefrmli -
laentM Tlieruln ,
WASHINGTON , April 4. The secretary of
wur ru ently requested the opinion of tha
attorney general ua to whether section 17 of
the act paused at the U t ( session of congrcsa
"Increasing the efficiency of the army" pro-
hlblta the continuance of the sale of Intoxi
cating drinks by the government In the
canteen i sections of the pout exchanges , which
are organized and maintained at tua various
army posts and encampments throughout the
United States.
The attorney general , In hlB reply , holds
that the section In question dues not pro
hibit the continuance of tlio sale of Intoxi
cating drinks through the canteen uectloim
as heretofore orgunUul and Curried on , ex
cept that no ofllccr or enlisted man can bo
detailed for duty In the canteen section to
do the selling.
N -n IndlaaKinl Appointed.
"WASHINGTON. April 4. Tlio president
hag appointed J Blair Shoenfcldt of Douglas ,
AVyo , as agent for the Indians of the Union
agency In the Indian territory , vice D , M ,
Wisdom , resigned.
For Infanta and Children.
THO Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears * hb7Jr x/ > ?
Signature of C a TUc (