Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    7tz. ? . rw * * * -
\ilvprlUotiiriitn ( or 11ir e riiluniiiit
Mnlll lie ? InU.-n nplll 11 ! in. for Ilic
r-f r\cnlnif rilltlun , nni ! until KlllO p , ni.
tor inoriiliiR nnil Similar rtlHIoim.
ttntr * 1 l--o n iMiril Hr t Inncrtlont
ic n word Ilii-renrtrr. XnthliiK taken
for leu * tlmn U. c lor the IIrut Inser
tion. Tht-No advertisement * muni lie
run roiiHrctitlvelr.
Ad > ertlvrrn , liy ro < | tic lliiR n niim-
lirreil check , cnii linvo iimmern ixl-
ilrrnnril to a niiiulicrcit letter In cnrc
of TinHep. . Aumi cm no mlilrcMiieil
will he delivered on jircucntiilloii of
tlic ch IT k iinlj- .
OMAHA Employment Bureau" 119 N. 16. Tel
1112. Help furnished , position procured.
A 383
A STENOORAl'HER-When you want one
please call up the ItcralMRton typewriter
office. 1619 Farnant St. , telephone , ! 373.
RELIABLE married man of sober habits ,
experienced as clerk and bookkenw-r ,
must have and will accept any respectable
work. Addreu T 19 , llee. A 793-3 *
VOUNO IAN desires place t work for
board and room and go to school ; any
kind of work. Apply Uoyk-s school.
A M913 5 *
IJY experienced stenographer , moderate
salary. T 30 , Uee. A 375-5 *
WANTED. position as bookkeeper ; single.
or double entry ; moderate salary age 33 ;
best references. Address 15 , 317 So. 15th at.
- &
WANTED , we huve steady work for a Irw
good hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1613 Howard St.
SALESMEN for cigars. J125 month and ex
penses ; old llrm ; experience unnecessary ;
Inducements to customers. C. C. Bishop
.t Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B 3JS
DRUAIMERS wanted ; also Al solicitors for
fine pets ; new arts , on new book. W. A.
Hlxenbaugh k Co. , 14 Ware Dlk.
MEN to learn .barber's trade. Write for
free catalogue. Western Barber's Insti
tute. Omaha. B-M130 A1C
WANTED , man In every county to sell the
"Den" Incandescent Gus Light Fixtures :
makes own gas , 103 randla power , light
' hours for 1 cfnt. The nest Incandescent
Light Co. , 31&H So 15th St. , Omaha. Neb.
B M413 A23
"WANTED , men to learn barber tmde.
We offer advantages that cannot be had
eUewhero. Wo guarantee positions at
$15.00 weekly ufter only eight weeks' prac
tice , .allow commission frpm start and as
sist wlUi transportation. Just removed to
our new building , where we have 100 spe
cially designed chairs and furnish con
stant practice with expert Instructions for
all. Write at once. Moler Barber College ,
Chicago. 111. B-M479 A6
FIRB Insurance solicitor wanted. T 3. Bee.
B 591
WANTED , window trimmer ; must be dry
goods salesman : state salary. Boston
Store , Fremont , Neb. B 618
PROGRESSIVE positions for Industrious
men cnn. be found by applying to the
Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. , 414 New York
Life BIdg. . B-317 A20'
INSTALLMENT men , safary & com. 4 Wnr
Blk. ' ' ' B-775
WANTED , experienced fire ln urance so
licitor ; state experience. T 31 < Bee.
B-M932 4'
AGENTS wanted tor the "LJf i and Achieve
ments of Admiral Dewey , " the greatest
naval hero of all ages , by Hon. Murat
Halstcad , the life-long friend and admirer
of the Intrepid commander Jind recently
returned .from the Philippines. Contains
an olllrlal history of VOur War with
Agtilnaldo , " with his battle Hag ,
persDnally presented Mr. Halstead
by the Insurgent chieftain and re
produced In. all the original colors.
Gorgeously Illustrated with 90 pages -u-
pcrb hailf-tonos , Contains 076 pages ; plze
7x10 ; 4 maps In colors ; only S1.50. Outtlts
free and ready this week. Address The
Dominion Company , Dept. L , Chicago.
B-M993 4-
WANTED , several active men : paying busi
ness. Reference , required. Address T 37 ,
Bee. B-M9S9 5
WANTED. 100 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76.
WANTED Women to scrub floor and gen
eral cleaning. The 99 Cent Store. 1519
Douglas St. C S3 3
LADIES .to make sample patches at home ;
J ( ! to 110 weekly ; no canvassing ; reply en-
vMope for sample and particulars. Fostpr
Machine Co. , 525 West i9th St. . New York.
C M9I 4'
WANTED , any one who can do plain sew
ing can make 41.00 to Jl.SO per day at home
working for us. S nd stamped addressed
envelope for samples. Box CSS. Brooklleld ,
, Mo. C M9M 9
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St.
ALWAYS moving household goods and
piano ? . Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 15U'4
Farnam. Tel. 1539. D-352
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
S-ROOM houre. hath , furancc , $20.00. 314 ! st
Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D-S23
! i
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city
J5 to 175. Fidelity. 1st floor N. Y. Life.
FOR RENT , houses Irj all parts of city
The O. F. Davis Co. . 1503 Farnam St.
HOUSES for rent ; n specialty made of
looking nfter property of non-resldentu.
J. H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. D-355
HOUSES. Chan. E. Benson , 310 Ramge bldg.
HOUSES for rent In aM parts of the city.
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 16th St.
MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 117 N. 15th.
T l. 14S6. D-361
FURNISHED house. 2112 Emmett. from
May 1 to October 1 , or November 1. Ap
ply at house or SOO Paxton blk D 633
WHILE the family ar abroad the fur
nished hoins of J. W. Squire. 203 Story I
street. Council Bluffs , will be for rent for
several ytais. House has nine rooms ,
heated by hot water. Every modern con I
venience. D C37
6TEAM heated store nnd fiats. Howard i
Ranch , agt. , 1610 Chicago street.DM333
D-M333 A20
FURNISHED house , central. F. D. Wead.
D-MSN2 All
HOUSES Chris Boyer , J2nd anil Cumlng.
D 770 A-S
C-ROOM house. S34 S. 2Sth St.
D-667 4
1915 S. 10TH ST. . modern , 10 rooms , hard
wood tliilih , barn , largo yard , JJi.
Ill S. : ilh St. . 9 rooms , modern. J .
US S. 24th St. , 9 rooms , modern. JW.
The above two houses will be put In complot -
plot * repair for good tenants ,
maha lyoan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas
6t . D-774
FOR RENT. 120 room hotel In Omaha ; all
modern conveniences. Urennan-Love Co. ,
219 South 16th St. D-M956 S
COTTAGE , also furnished rooms house-
keeplng. 1718 JacK iii. D-MS51 4 *
ROOMS , best location In city , with or without -
out board. 116 So , 2th St. E 4U-A.-J3
THREE rooms , modern. 2210 Farnam.
E-423 Ap-S
FRONT rooms .housekeeping. 514 North
Wh. , K-M779 A'.Q'
S NICE rooms , nous keoplnp 7ll2 B. It.S&3
E -S&3
NICELY furnished rcim f r one or two
gentlemen , modern , close In , prlva'e fam
ily. : # s Douglas. K-MJT : i
KOH nijxr rriiM. nin HOO.MS. j
( Continued. ) j
NH'ELY ftwn-ishe * ! room , modern. J1C8
L nvenworth. B MW2 S
fwrn to working Klrl. prlv-
Urges of klichpn , J3.50 per m > nth. Re r
SOU Nicholas St. K-M9 4
NICELY furnl hed rooms , steam heat , frfe
bath. 11.50 per wjek and up. Klondike
hotel. ICth and Webster Sts. F 382
GLKNCAIRN. transients $1.25 day. 1 09
Douglas. F-M419
DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con
veniences ; best location In city. 212 S.
K'.h st. F-IS1
THE Bachelor's family hotel. 2014 Farnam ;
best J1.50 Louse In Neb. Good weekly rates.
F-11S A16
l.Al'.Oi : , alrv room , with board for gentlc-
mon ; modern. " 100 Locust. F 6C6 4 * i
1SS CAPITOL nv ° . . r-legant furnished
room ? , fine table board. F M773 A6
RE A SONABLE rates , Clover Hot l. 161S
Harney F-S27 AW
FURNISHED room with board for two
gentlemen. 29S4 Woo'.worth Ave.FM59
F-M59 * 4
FURNISHED rooms , modern. 324 S. 26 Ave.
F MP31 My3 *
3 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th St. G M3S3 A22
ONE good office of 2 rooms to rent In Con
tinental Blk. after April 1st : J25. Physi
cian preferred. Will arrange to suit.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th & Douglas.
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor Bee bldg. 1 422
FOR RENT , a ground floor office , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. . ground floor Bee
building. 1-423
PROFITABLE work offered ngents In
every town to s < re subscriptions to the
Ladles' Homo Journal and the Saturday
Evening Post. Good pay for good work.
We want agents to work thoroughly and
with business system to cover each sec
tion with our Illustrated little booklets
and other advertising matter. How well
some of our agents have succeeded Is
told in a little booklet we would like tea
a nd you portraits of some of our best
agents , with the story of how they made
it pay. Th Curtis Publishing Co. , Phila
delphia. Pa. J-MS56 A1S
LADIES to sell McDonald's Extracts ; big
commission. 211S No. 17th St. . Omaha.
J M5S1 A4
AGENTS make fS to 510 n day soiling the
cheapest and most perfect -water filter
ever Invented. Retails nt J1.50. Big profit
to agents. Exclusive territory. Seneca
Filter Co. . Seneca , Mo. J M390 A4
MORE houses to rent. Wallace , Brown Blk ,
K 950
SEVEN or eight-room house , modern con
veniences , between Cumlng and Wool-
worth. 600 South 2Sth St. K-9S2 3
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90J-
910 Jones , general storage and forwardlny.
OM. Van & Storage. 1511H Farnam. Tel. 1559.
GORDON baggaue line , 214 N. 16. Tel. 1195.
M M473 A30
SECOND-HAND books bought for cash.
Antiquarian Book , Store , 1519. Farnam.
; N M7S2
WE WANT several nice residences and res
idence lots for cash buyers. We have the
buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's
Real Estate Agency , South Omaha.N
N 219
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co , Tel. 2020 , 1406-S-10 Dodge.
N 693 AS
STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortenson ,
404 N. 16th. N-M520 A3
SECOND-HAND typewriter , Densmore
preferred. T 3. Bee. N C27
I prices for good 2nd-hand furniture , 1414
Dodge. Tel. 2238. N-447
I HIGHEST PRICES paid for good goods.
Variety Furniture Co. , 110-112 S. 14Ui Bt.
GREAT BARGAINS in new and 2nd-hand
furnllure. stoves , etc. Boston Furniture
Co. . 1414 Dodge. O US
BUGGIES Visit our repository ; ask for
prices ; we'll do the rest. Omaha Imple
ment and Transfer Co. , 9th and Jackson.
P 453 A24
FOR SALE , a flne driving mare , perfectly
gentle and sound. Call at 2110 Ohio.
P-M 829-4
FINE all around matched bay team. 1030
Ib. each ; one flne bay mare , . > afe for lady ;
one tough Iron gray horse , 1,000 Ibs. F. M.
Tremain , 13th and Bancroft , City.
P M953 4 *
AT OUR regular horse autclon at the Union
Stock yards on Wednesday , p. m. , we have |
three carloads of well broken young horses ,
consigned to bo Bold without re ? rve. Big
utock of horses always on hand for sale
at market prices. Walworth-Proctor Co.
SAWDUST , hardwood crlbblnr and hog
fence nt lowest prices. 901 Douglas St.Q7&
Q-7& ?
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , at
druggists ; one glv s relief. Q 710-A. 2S *
HOG. poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St.Q711
HARDMAN pianos , slightly u. ed. 214 S. IS.
I SEED sweet potatoes. $1.00 to $1.75 per
1 ' barrel. Address Theo. Williams. Omaha ,
Neb. Q-M970 A13'
ALL kinds harness ; old hnrncsu in exchange
Drumraond Carriage Co. . ISth & Harney
, Q-454 A2I *
PURE Plymouth Rock eggs for letting. Me ;
roosters , $1.00. 9J2 N. 25th St. Q-719
25 PIANOS upright and square. $50 to J1S5
$5.00 per month. Schmoller & Mueller. 1.113
Farnam. Q 929
COLD IN HBAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jolly ,
20c. Middle of block , Omaha , Neb.Q713
B. HAAS , Florist. 1513 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers. bo < iuets. hall , resi
dence , wedding and grn\v decorations ;
orders by mall or exprws promptly tilled.
O 709
PIANO cost 2 months ago $150. sell for $195
cash. Add'ess O , 55 , Bee. Q 92 $
2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam.
SAFES , buy , fell , exchange. 114 S. ISth et. '
HORSE clippers and repairs for all stand
ard makes. We grind clippers , razors ,
shears , etc. A. L. Undeland , Omaha.
, GRAMOPHONE talks talk Catalogue
i Western Gramophone Co. , Council Bluffs.
| Q-397
FOR SALE. 2 reg. St. Bernard dogs ( male
and female ) orwill trade for r&g. Cocker
Spaniels , P. P. Miller. 1545 So. 2 th.
NOTICE , cc'jntry dealers. 21 hand furniture
& sieves s'"d at lowest rrl's , carload l la
1 cr less , Ct-1' ago Furniture Co , 14 KMoD dKa
VIENNA tortuns teller. 15 years here 1411
Howard. S-375
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. S17 NrietiT
M AY WILSON , masnse. baths. R. 15. 302
N. 16th. T-M655 A4
MME. AMES , R. 5. 607 S. 13 ; massage baths.
T M114A15 *
MRS , DR. LEON , electric bath pariori" ,
first-class assistant. 417 S. llth. upstairs.
FRANZES de Scutorious of K. C. 107 NTlZ
T 457 A24 *
MRS. F. BERRY , bath , massage. Attend
ants. 119 N. 16 , R. 12. 2nd floor , opp. P. O.
T-M620 A27 *
MME. SMITH. Room 2. 1UH N. 15th.
BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage ,
bath' , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leavm-
worth St. T-MSSO-S'
VIAVI Is woman 8 way to health. 346 Bee
Bldg. U-376
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319H S. ISth.
LIEBEN. costumsr , 1313 Howard ; cata-
lougei ) sent. U 378
LAME back , rheumatism. Indigestion and
many IIl.i relieved permanently by the
eaectro vibratory health method. Proofs
at rooms 404 and 405 N. Y. Life.
U-932 All
WE WILL sell high-grade Elgin and Wai-
tham watches , tilted In Boss , Fahy or
Crescent 14-carct gold F. cases , on
monthly or weekly payments ; all goods
. old fully warranted. Chicago Credit
Jewelry Co. , Paxton blk. , cor. 16th nnd
Farnam sts. ; room 421-422. U S3S
PRIVATE hosp'tol for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17 ,
ZERKOWSKY. violin teacher. 321 S. 15. R. 20
R1TTER hospital ; confinement case.s taken ;
babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha. Tel.
2233. U-3S2
SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrinkles , moles ,
warts , freckles , blackheads , pimples re
moved forever by electricity ; bust de
veloped : neck. arms , checks made plump.
Mmc. Payne's halrdresslng parlors. 2301
Leavenworth. Tel. ISO. U-M750 AS'
DOCTORS. ( VntlsU. lawyers , pharmacists ,
undergraduates ; proving proficiency ; soon
graduated. Box 196 , Chicago.U .
U M7S4 A9
MONHEIT. chiropodist & hair dresulng ,
Douglas Blk. . opp. Hayden's. U 611 A25 *
MONHEIT. leader in hair goods & toilet
preparations. 200 Douglas blck. . opp. Hay-
den's. U-512 A25'
DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c
and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block.
U M32S
NUDE In French art. Imported from life ,
photos , bookc. cards , etc. , 25 cents for
sample and Illustrated catalogue. Bert
Co. , 724 Green St. , Philadelphia. Pa.
U-SS3 3 *
SECOND hand mwlns machines from $5.00
up. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor. loth & Harne.y.
HORSES clipped -with electric clippers.
Omaha Stables , cor. 14th and Howard.
U 904
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity. Con
sultation free and confidential. All work
guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1724 Dodge.
U 927 3 *
WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Missouri ; It
will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. ,
315 N. T. Life. W-3S9
$100 AND up. F. D. Wead. 16th and Douglas.
W 330
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. U. C.
Peters & Co. . 1702 Farnam , Bes Bldg.
W 3S4
$100.000.00 special fund to loan on first-class
Improved Omaha property , or for building
purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.W
W 3S3
6U PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
$1.000 AND upwards to loan on Improved
city property and farms , W. Farnam
Smith & Co. , 1323 Farnam St. W M7
$50.000,000 CHEAP money for Investment ;
agents wanted. Investors' lists for sale.
Investors' Directory. N. Y. W M9
6 Pr. Ct. Chas. E. Williamson , U. S. Bk bids.
W 326
$10.000 , PRIVATE money , low rate. J. " * ' H.
Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life W 509
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co , 219 So. l th.
MORTGAGES. Wallace. 213 Brown Block.
LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. T. Lifo.
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rate * . Brtnnan-Love Co. ,
219 S. ICth. Omaha. W-391
C per cent loans. Garv'n Bros. , 1C13 Farnam.
people holding permanent posl-
MONEY tlons on their personal note
without Indorsement.
Room 119 Board of Trade Bldg.
MONEY 16ih and Farnam Streets.
I MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent -
manent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without secur
ity ; ca. y payments. Tolman , R. 70-5 N. Y.
Life Hide. X-745
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , hor-ies ,
cows , Jewelery. Duff Green , R. S , Barker
blk. X 74C
You can i iy the money back In any
amounts you wish and at any time ,
tvich payment so made , lessens the
cost of carrying the loan.
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S-13 ,
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment * un
known to friends. Bergers Loan Bank ,
141C Farnam. upstair * . X 112
UNUSUAL opportunity' to invest $ ZOO or
more , securing large permanent Income ;
capital safe ; profit * sure. H. Griffin. 11V )
Broadway , New York. Y 236 AU *
FOR QUICK return ? list your bargains at
O'NeHl's Real Estate Agency , South
Omaha. Y 745
E. M. CLARK , nignsv Tel. lfC4. 115 N. 15th.
Y-791 M2
FOR SALE or leas * ? . Farmers' home. J5H-
15 Webster st. , Including large birn ; sale
preferred. Apply before April 1 at 5W N.
Y. Life. Y 924
BUSINESS openings , all kinds. In corn belt
country. W. H. Clements , Lyons , Neb.
I Y 7S7
I RESTAURANT stock for aie with oven ;
I Invoice , $500 ; railroad center , cheap rent ;
reason for selling , poor health. Address
I T U , Bee. Y-MT50 A13'
MANUFACTURERS and packer * of grocery
articles , "standard * , " do you want your
goods Introduced to the New York City
trade ? If so. write A. W. Hunt , 713 E.
133th that city ; inferences , Y M9S7 6
WANTED. J2.500 to lake an Interest In a
| mine of great promise. Address T 3 * . He ? .
I Y M956.6'
, CHILDREN S skirts pleated , U 13. 303 B. 17.
J -1)7 A16
MODHUN . housp. barn , good lot. good
locality , clear , worth $ ) .SOA to trade f r
something Urger and tetter , will a ume
Modern S-r. home , full lot , M.OOO. clear , tetrad
trad > for fruit farm , 10 to 40 acre * .
House ml lot. worth S2.SOO , AS part pny-
ment on good Improved SO.
Good re > al estate for Omaha Saving * acots.
George G. Wallace. 313 , J. J. Brown Blk.
LOGAN Valley farm lands and stock
ranches. W. H. Clement * . Lyonf. Neb.
C. F. IfARRISON-Farms. 913 N , Y. L.
RE K > 5 Alt *
PECK < fc CO. . agents and < ln > rs In city and
farm property ; loan. " ; rental ? . 101 S. 15th.
Re J47
CHRIS BOYER , 22nd t Cumlnit. Bargains.
K-m AS'
HAVE you pome lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them ; let the people
know that you want to dlfpos * of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE $ )
SEVERAL houses and lots on Dodge. Dav
enport. Chicago and Cass Sts. . near High
school , very cheap Indeid ; of 111 * 20 hou. >
to be sold at cut prices In Clifton Hill S
are now fold ; only 12 remain : make'your
choice of a home at the low prlc * . A. P.
Tukev , Board of Trade. RE GM
Over 2 > X > acres of Douglas county Innd for
sale cheap. Prlcts range from $20 per
acre up. Will pay yon to Investigate.
The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE750
LIST your property with us for pal * . We
have the customers. The Byron Reed
Company , 212 S. 14th Bt. RE-751
HOUSES , lot * , farms , lands , loans ; also
lire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block.
FOR REN'i , a fruit farm of ten acres ,
with house and barn. In northern portion
of the city. Apply to Alf D. Jones. 201S
Wlrt St. RE-M5S9 V
SNAPS-S full sized lots within 7 block wfet
of Exposition grounds , for all. 51,000.
66x173 feet , south front , near 24th and Burt
sts. . very che-ap for tl.POO.
332x124 feet , northwest corner Park avenue
and Harney sts. , submit offer.
110x322 feet , near Mth and Burt Bts. , fronts
ontwo _ streets , with 6 small hous.-s , price ,
12 per cent gross Investment , with 4 flve-
ronm cottages , east front , 10 < lxl32 feet.
near 20th and Leavenworth sts. , price ,
$6. < X
11 per cent gross Investment N. W. cornr
15th and California stp. . taxes fully paid ;
can be used for trackage purposes ; price ,
22x132 feet , with brick building on Farnam ,
near 13th st. . price. $12.0W.
Farm lands within 25 miles of Omaha from
120 to $50 per acre.
John N. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O.
KOUNTZFJ PLACE lot. 19th and Emmett ;
will trade. Ed T. Heyden , 323 N. 16th.
REMS13 A10
O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency. South
Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest
ments. RE 753
FARMS for sale In Sarpy county , near
South Omaha , Belkvue , Gllmore , Spring-
Held and Gretna : Lancaster county near
city of Lincoln : Furnas county , near Edi
son. Send for list or call and s ? H. T.
Clarke , 219 Board of Trade building ,
Omaha. RE 751
24 ACRES near Ftorence , frill trees , etc. .
very cheap ; can divide. SC U. S. Bk. Bldg.
RE M939 4
N E. COR 23d and Chicago , 10 rooms
modern $5,000
Ono of the best houses In Kountxe
Place 3.500
7 rooms , all modern , corner 2.a
5 rooms 19th. near Lake , rent $13. . . . 1,5 < X )
N. E. cor. 27th and Woolworth , 50x127. . 7W
S. W cor. Hickory and Georgia Ave. ,
50x150 1.5CO
Lot on 22d. near Lake SO
W. H. GATES , CIS N. Y. Life. Phone 1294.
RE M935 4
Modern S-r. house , 31st , .nr , Farnam. $3.230.
Modern 8-r. house. 3S , nr..Leavenworth , J3 000
7-r cottag ? . fine lot , 'SteU. flr. Marcy , $2,500.
Doubl 2-story flat , nortn ? rents JG5. J3.000.
5-r cottage full * . front lot Hanscom P'l $1.SOO
Acre fruit & building , nr. D. & D. Inst , } 1,600
30x140. N. 20th. rent , $14. JI.400.
Dupont. near 29th. l lot , 'house. $ C50.
Finest wholiwle corner In the city , $13,200.
Another. 33x132 , $7,603 ,
Beautiful e. front. Hanscom PI. paved , $1,500
Chicago , nr. 27th. 33x142. $000.
Farnam , west of 42nd. $600.
Goad lots , near 15th AVlnton. . JiOO.
Best'lots ' ! n Stsvens PI. 2Sth & Merldlth. $350
Fine lots. So. Omaha , nr. CSth & B , J650.
George G. Wallace. 313 Brown Blk.RE
RE 978-5
LOST , a pair of diamond screw earrings ,
weight 2Vi carat. A reword of $50.00. no
oueBtIon.7 asked , if left at A. Mandel-
berg's leading jeweler , 18th and Farnam
St ? . Lost 612
STOLEN , horse nnd black rubber tire
buggy. Pfeiffer make ; horse dark brown ,
age 10 years , height 10 hands , weight 1,2M
Ibs. ; thief short , heavy set. red face , dark
eyes and hair mixed with gray , j ompa-
dour ; wore a cap or brown derby hat ,
dark mackintosh with cape. $73 deward
for arrest and conviction of thief nnd re
turn of property. Lxavenworth Stables ,
Omaha , Neb. Lost 6S3
SATURDAY morning an 24th between
Charles and Webster , lady's gold watch.
Reward , return 609 New Y6rk IJfo.
Lost-984 4
LADIES troubUd with suppressed men
struation , nj matter what cause , or other
disease of uterus or ovarlen , should con
sult at once experienced specialist ; delay
dangerous : quiet home during sickness or
confinement. Call or addrtss Dr. Pries ,
1513 Dodge. Stamp. 516-A3
DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has
brought happiness to hundreds of anxious
women ; have never had n single failure ;
longest cases relieved In two to Jive days
without fail ; no pain ; no danger ; no In-
t -rfer nee with work ; by mall or olllce ,
$2. All letters truthfully answered. The
Mansfield Remedy Co. , 1C7 Dearborn St ,
Room C14 , Chicago , 111.
LADIES' Chlchester's English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; fate.
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps for
particulars. "Relief for Ladles. " in letter
by return mall : at druggists. Chlchester
Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa.
NEW wheels , $13.50 up : 2nd-hand wheel * " , $5
up. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16th & Chicago.
1893 BICYCLES down to $5.25. Men's and
wo-nen's new 16 model bicycles are now
being offered at $ S.25 to $23.75 and sent to
anyone anywhere for full examination
before payment Is made. For catalogue
und full particulars , cut this notice out
I and mall to Sears , Roebuck & Co. . Chi-
I cazo. 4i > 3 A30
NEW wheels , $13.5oHp ; 2nd-hand wheels. $5
up ; repairing & supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month.
I The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , less
I Farnam St. Telephone , 12S4. 755
I WE rent and pell the best typewriters
made ; largx t stock of supplies In Omaha.
I United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612
Farnam. 750
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
Bupplle ? . 1619 Farnam. 757
TITE Oliver typewriter Invites comparison ;
see 't. 1116 Farnam. 'Phone. 353. 503
EAGLE Loan offices , removed to S. W. cor.
13th and Douglas. We are now ready for
buslnef * and we promise to continue our
reputation , as has always been known , as
I the most reliable and accommodating in
Die city. All are cordially Invited to in
spect our new store , Sol. Brodkey. prop.
61 ! ) A27
A. C. Van Sant's School , " 17 N , Y. LU *
AT OMAHA Bus. College , ICth < t Douglas ,
BOYLES" Brhoo ! ; court reporter prln'-loal ;
Bee Bide , 7Ji
\-\CIM ! 5CIUHII. .
ADUI/TS UicTOiiphly master the wnltz ami
two-step In private lrwins. . f& . Stage
dancing Uupht , Many pupils of this
fcohool are on the singe now. Mornnd's ,
1510 Hurnev st. W4-AK
YOU are Invited to Mornnd's Raster Mon
day ; f embly S:30 : p. m. ; 36c will admit
you. Dlmlck's fu'l orchestra. SKI i *
Till : tntlte stork of furniture and stoves
left from the tire l now on sale at a ssrrl-
llced price ; must be sold within ! W days. !
Don't fnll to see till * stock. Wolf X.Mch- ,
urla. 1 > > 7 Farnam fl. 671 A29 I
FRENCH , Oermmi. Spanish. $2 per month.
Prof. Chatelnln. VI Boyd theater. 7SJ i
CAPT. P. MOSTYN , private detective , 211
Karbach Block , 15th and Douglas.
324 A 19"
M. S. WALKL1N. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
JOHNSON Osteopalhlc Institute , suite 515 N.
Y. Life Bldg. T I. 16S4. J. W. Dill. M. P. . P.
O , cinsultlng physklatt. Mrs. Alice John
son. D. O. , Mary Hobson , D. O. graduates
of American School of Osteopathy. Kirks-
vlllo. Mo. Old. E. Johnson , Mgr.929
MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 7S1.
TRY the Henderson Hotel : board nnd room , i
J4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnnm Sis. 767
I. K1EGLER. lace curtain cleaner : all work !
Guaranteed ; references. 1SOS California St.
SSS-A11 *
CURED.Toa N. Y. Life. Julia Vaughn. !
Oil !
1 HALF SOLES. 35c. J. Pulone. 311 N. 16th. '
7SG A30
C. A. CASE , violins repaired , 416 Shcely blk.
152 A 17
BICYCLES and tableware replated. 1302
Farnam. 415
( Should be read DAILY liy all Interested
as changes may occur at any Ume. )
Foreign mall ? for the week ending April
S. 1SOT , will close ( PROMPTLY in all cases )
nt the General Postotflce as follows : PAR
CELS POST MAILS clo. e on ; hour earlier
than closing time shown below.
TriiiiMiitlnntlc Stalls.
TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , per F.
p. Trave * . via Southampton nnd Bremen
( letters for Ireland must be directed "per
Trave. " )
WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m. ( supplmentary
9 a. m. ) Jor EUROPE , per s. s. New
York * , via Southampton ( lett rs for Ire
land must be directed "per New York" ) ;
at 9 a. -upplmentary . 1030 a. m. ) for
EUROPE , per ? . s. Majestic * , via Queens-
town ; at 10:30 : a. m. for BELGIUM di
rect , per s. f. Frlesland , via Antwerp
( letters must be dlrecUd "per Frlesland" ) .
THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for EUHOPE , per
a. s. Auguste Victoria * , via. Cherbourg ,
Southampton and Hamburg.
SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE.
I9II INDIA , per s. F. La Champagne * .
, via Havre ( letters for other parts of Eu
rope must , be directed "per La Chfim-
jwgne ) ; at S a. m. for NETHERLANDS
dlrsct. per . 5. Amsterdam , via Rotter
dam ( letters must be directed "per Am
sterdam" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND
direct , per s. s. FurnesslH , via Glasgow
( letters must be directed "per Furnes-
sla" ) : at 11 a' , m. ( supplementary 12:30 p.
m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Lucanla * , via
steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed
matter , etc. . for Germany , nnd specially
addressed printed matter , etc. , for other
parts of Europe. AmTlcan and White
Star steamers on Wednesdays , German
steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard ,
French and German steamers on Satur
days take printed matter , etc. , for all
countries for which they are advertked
10 carry mall.
After the closing of the eupplementary
transatlantic malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the pl&rs of the American , English.
Frmch and German steamers , and remain
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Mnllx for Sontti nnil Central Amrrlcn ,
Went IndlcH , Etc.
LAND , per i. F. Portia : at 12 m. tor
PORTO RICO direct. p-r : e. * . Arkadla :
at 1 p. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI , per
a. s. Saltrnin ; at 3 p. m. for COSTA
RICA , per steamer from New Orleans ;
at 10 p. m. fur JAMAICA , per steamer
from Philadlephla.
WEDNESDAY-At " 2:30 : a. m. for NAS
SAU. N. P. , per s. s. Miami , from Miami ,
Fla. ; at 8 a. m. for BARBADOS direct
and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para and Ma-
naos. per s. s. Hilary : at S:30 : a. m. for
RRAZIL. via Pernambuco. Bahla nnd
Rio Janeiro , per s. s. llevellus ( Inters for
North Brazil and I > a Plata countries must
be directed "per Hovellusat / ; 10 a. m.
for PORTO RICO direct , per U. S. Trans
port : at 10-30 nm. . for HAITI , per s. P.
Prlns WUIem II ( letters for Venezu'la ,
Curacao , Trinidad. British and Dutch
Guiana must be directed per Prlns Wll-
1 lem II" ) . at 12 m. for SANTOS direct.
' per E. s. Roman Prince ; nt 12 m. ( sup
plementary 1 P. m. ) for CENTRAL
AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) and
llanca. via Colon ( lett = rs for Guatemala
must be directed "per Alllanca" ) : at 1 p.
m. for CUBA , via Havana , also CAM-
CATAN , per s. * . Seguranca ( letters for
other parts of Mexico must bo directed
"per Gegoranca" ) .
per K. s. Pretoria ; at 9 p. m. for JA
MAICA , per Bt'amer from Boston.
SATURDAY At 9:30 : n. m. ( nuppl rnentary
10 a. m ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. ORDIX.
aJso DEMBRARA. per s. s. Fontabelle
( letters for Grenada nnd Trinidad must
Be directed "per Fontabelle" ) ; at 10 a. m.
( supplementary 10-30 a. m. ) for FOR.
and CARTHAGENA. per a. s. Alleghany
( Irttcrs for Costa Rica mui-t be directed
"per Allt'phany" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supple
mentary 10:30 : a. m. ) for HAITI and
SANTA MARTHA , per s. s. Alps ; at 11
a. m. for CUBA , per c. s. Yucatan , via
Havana ( letters must be directed "per
Yucatan" ) : at 11 n. m ( supolementary
11:30 : n. m. ) tor PONCE , P. R , VENE
. NILLA and CARTHAGENA. via Cura-
. per s. s. Caracas : nt 11 a. m. for
GRENADA and TRINIDAD , per s. F.
SUNDAY At " 2:30 : a. m. for NASSAU , N.
1 P. , per steam T from Miami , Fla.
Mall ? for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , i-c l thence bv steamer , close at
'this office dally nt 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting
( lose here every Mondav. Wednesday and
Saturday ) . Malls for Mlnuelon , by rail to
Boston , and thencby steamer , clrae nt
i < hls office dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for
! Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. , nnd
thence by steamer , close at this olllce
daily ( except Monday ) at * * 7 a. m. , con
necting close here every Sunday , Wednes
day and Friday. Mall * for Cuba , by rail
to Miami. Fla. . and thenr = bylearner ,
close at th ! office every Monday , Tues
day and Saturday at " 2:30 : a. m. , con
necting rlosea here every Tuenday and
Saturday. Mnil * for Mexico City , over
land , unices specially addressed for dis
patch by sf-amrr rJose nt this offi.-e daily
nt 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. " 'Registered
mall rVvM at C p. m. previous day.
"Registered mall closes at fi p. m. second
day before.
Tran > ] inrlflu Mull * .
Malls for China. Japan and Hawaii , per
e. 8. Nippon Maru ( from San Francisco ) ,
close hero dally < > p to April C at C:3p : ,
in Mallu fir China and Japan , per * . s.
Empress of Japan ( from Vanrouver ) , clo - >
here dally up ti A ril ' 11 at 6 30 p , m
Ma1 * fr Au8''a la ( ex-c-pt the e fir
Weil AuiJ'rti > lv whl-h are forwarded via
Fur r1 New /caland , Hawaii FIJI and
flunaan Islands. pr e. Marietta ( from
( Continued. *
San Francisco1) ) , clos * here dally nfter
March * ) up to 6 : * ) p. m. on d > of ar
rival of . . * . Cnmpjnlii. which will pr b-
bly arrive April 15. Mails for CMn atul
Japan , p-r s. s. Glenogili1 ( from Tn. < > ma >
ole < > here dully up to April * 17 at 6 W p
m. Mrt ! * for the Society Islunds. per ship
City of P < u > eltl ( from San ,
close here nally up to April 2t at f.-TO t >
m. MnUs for Hawaii , per s s. Australia
( from Sun Francisco ) , close hero daily up
to April 27 at 6:110 : p. m. Mails for Aus
tralia ( except West Aii.Mr.illn > , New ' -
land. Hawaii and FIJI Island- , per s.1
Aorangl ( from Vancouver-i. close here
dully a/tor April * 15 and up to April ffi
at 6:30 : p. m.
Transpacific mails are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of thc-lr
unlnl rrupteJ overland transit. * Reeis-
tereJ mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day
Postofllcc , New York , N. Y. , March 31 ,
and Tr.inciKirlBtlon. Depnrtmrnt of the
Interior. Olllce of Indian Affairs. Washing
ton. D ( ' . . March 3i > , I * ? ? . Sealed proposals
Indorsed "I'ropcsals for beef , Hour , or
transportation etc. . " a the vast may be.
and directed to the Commissioner of Indian
Affair * , l' Plate street , Chicago , 111 . will
bo received until 1 o'clock p. m. , of Tut -
day. April 25. 1SJ9. for furnl hng ! the
Indian Service , bref. Hour , baivm. lu.inf.
coffee , sugar , rice , t n. and other article * of
subsistence ; a'so for boots nnd shoe * ,
groceries" , yoap , baking powder , crockery ,
agricultural implements , paints , oils , glass ,
tinware , wagons , harne . . leather , shop
finding.iiddlery. . etc. , hardware , school
and medical supplies , linn n long list of
miscellaneous articles ; IIIFO bids for the
transportation of such of the article ? , goods
nnd supplies as may not be contracted forte
to bo delivered nt the ogeneies. Seal0 pro
posals , Indorsed "Propoja . for blankets ,
woolen nnd cotton goods , clothing , etc. . '
as the case may be , and directed to the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs , Nos. 77 and
79 Wooster street , New York City , will be
received until 1 o'clock p. m. . of Tuesday.
Mav 23 , 1W9. for furnishing for the Indian
Service , blankets , woolen and cotton good * ,
clothing , notions , hats and caps Bld-i
mu.-4t be made out on Government blank1 * .
Schedules giving all necessary Information
for blddtrs will be furnished on application
to the Indian Olllce , Washington. I-.1'-
Nos 77 and 79 Wooster street. New \ork
City ; or 1602 State street. Chicago. 111. ; the
Commissaries of Subsistence. U.S. A. nt
. .
son Bids will be opened
day's above stated and bidders are Invited to
be present at the opening. The Department
reserves the. right to determine the point of
delivery nnd to reject any and all bids , era
. W. A. JONES .Com.
a , , v pan of any bid. .
mlssloner. _ A3 d9t ! m _
Omaha. Neb. , March C , 1S9) ) . Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate , will be received hero
until 1 o'clock p. m. . central standard time.
April 6 , 15.19 , and then opened for furnishing
transportation , drayage and for bundling
stores In Department of the Missouri dur
ing fiscal vc-ar commencing July 1. 1'99. U.
S reserves right to reject or accept any or
all proposals , or any part thereof. Information
mation furnl'hed on application. Envelopes
containing proposals to be marked Pro
posals for transportation on Route No. .
and addressed to JOHN BAXTER , Jr. . Act
ing C. Q. M MchS-9-10-11 Apr4-a
sourl Ttiver Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
General Offices. N W.
I ! Corner Tenth and Far-
nam Streets. Ticket
, ,
uwimni r
I t xWl'Jl x8 office , 1502 Farnam
Sir et. Telephone , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Lincoln , Hasting * and
McCook a S:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln. Denver. Colo-
ado. Utah. California..a 4.23 pm a 3:53 : pm
Lincoln. Black Hills.
Montana & Puget
Sound a 4:23 : pm a 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Local'a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
l.inroln Fust Mail n 3:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah ,
i , & California a 6:30 : am
a Daily , b Dally Except Sunday.
S'ph & Council Bluffs
Railroad "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Office ,
1502 Farnam Street. Tel
ephone , 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tel
ephone. 310.
Leave. Arrive ,
| Kansas City Day Ex a 9:30 am a 5:45 pm
Kansas Cltv Night Ex.alO:15 : pm a 6:30 : am
St. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:30 : am
a Dally
& Quincy Railroad "The
Burlington Route" Ticket
Office , 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
DayllgEt Chicago Spe
cial . . . . a 6:40 : am
Chi- ago \ estlbuled Ex..a 5:05 : pm a SM : ama
Chicago Express . . . . . . 9:30
w..iu w * J-.Li j _ a o.uv am a 4:00 : pm
Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 8:05 : am
Pa.-'fl- Junction Local..alO:43 am a 5:45 : pm
Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm
a Daily b Dally Exceni Sunday.
and & Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl
and Route. " City Tick
et Office. 1323 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 42S
Depot. Tenth & Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.
. , , - , , , Leave. Arrive.
/ies Molnes Local b 7:05 : am bllM : um
i Chicago Express bll:15 : am a Slo : am
j Chicago Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm a 1:23 : pm
. St. Paul Fast Expre ? . .a 5:00 : pm bll:25 : am
Lliuon , Colorado Spgs. .
I Denver. Pueblo and
! West . . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pm
Des Molnes. Rock Isl
and and Chicago a 7:15 : pm a E:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer a 6:20 : pm a 8:50 : am
a Dally b Dally except Sunday.
road General Offices and
Ticket Office * . Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Doughs Sts
Telephone. 104. Dcjiot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone ,
lik > C
. . . . . Leave , Arrive.
St LoulB-Kantaw &
I Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2D5 : pm
K C St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am
I Nebraska Local via
Weeping Water b 5:00 : pm 1)9:45 : am
a Dally , b Dnllv Except Sunday.
land Route" General Offices ,
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam
Streets. City Ticket Office. 1302
Farmim Street. Telephone.
316. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , 62S.
_ . _ Leave. Arrive.
"The Over'.and Limited"
for Utah. Idaho , Mon
tana. California , Ore-
go i and Washington
PolntH a 8:50 : am a 1:45 : pm
The Colorado Sueclal
for Denver and all
Colorado points all:55pm : a 6:40 : am
Pacific Express for
Denver. Salt Lake ,
Pacific Coast and all
western nolntu b 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am
Lincoln. Beatrice and
Stromsburg Express .b 4:35 : pm b2:20 : pm
Frtmont. Columbun ,
Norfolk. Grand Island
and North P'atte a 4:35 : pm b 4:45 : pm
Columbus I/ocal b 5:30 : pm b2:20 ! : pm
North Platte Local a 6:15 : pm
South Omaha laical Pass. Leaves , 6:15 : a.
m. ; 7W : a. m ; 10:10 : a. in. ; 3:05 : p. m. Arrive
rive10:45 : a. m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 : p. in. ;
0 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 5:5j : a. m. ;
6:40 : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:10 : a. rn. ; b 10:45 : a.
m. : 12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. in. : 4:55 : p.
m. ; 5 : % p in. : 5 6 p. m. ; 6:20 : p. in. ; 8:20 : p.
m. ; lu:30 : p. m. Arrlvts 6:35 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a.
m. ; 8:15 : a. m. : 8:45 : a. m. ; 11.05 a. m. ; 3:05 : p.
m. ; 4OT : > p. m. ; 6:15 : p. m. ; t:30 : p. in. ; 6:55 : p.
m. ; 6:30 : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. in. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:55 :
p. m.
a Dally. b Dally except Sunday.
St Paul Ral way-City
Tlckel Office , 1504 Farnam
Htroet. Ttlephone. 284. De-
not , Tt-nth and Mason fits.
Telephone , 629.
_ . . , - - Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 5'45 pm a 8:20 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:0 : > j am b 4:00 : pm
Sioux City & De Molnea
Expre j bll:00am b4:00pm :
a Daily , b Dally except Sunday.
Tlckel Office , 1416 Farnam
Street. Telephone , IM De
pot , Ttnth and Maaon
Street * . Telephone , C2S.
Leave. Arrive.
Louis "Canon Ball"
b , . . a 4.50 pin as CO am
IIA1I.WAY TISli : CAIll ) .
( Conllnued )
A MlMourl Valley Ran-
romi "The Northwestern
l.lne" r.ener . ' Oll\- \
United Stale. ' Nntlotul
Hank Bide. . Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far- Siree.s T'-ket ' Office. HOI Fitrnnm
Si ft Telcpli > nf. 5S1 Dfpot. 1Mb and
U i-bst- Strei tp Telephone. 14&S.
Leave. Arrive.
Hack Hills Deadwood. . . ,
Hot SpririEs a 3:00 : pm n 5:00 : pm
W > omnig Casper nnd . . _ ,
Douglas . . d 33 pm d 6:00 : pm
Hastlne ! " . York. David
City , Suptrlor , Geneva
Exeter nnd Stw rd..b 3M : pm b 5fr3 : pm
Norfolk. Verdlgre and . , , .
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO5 : ! am
Lincoln. Wahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO(5 : ( am
Fremont I/ocal . . . . c i:30 : nm
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday , c Sun
day enl } . d Dally Except Saturday.
iClHCAGO & - - . - -
western Rnlhvny "T.-
Northwestern Line -
City Tli-ki-l Office , 1401
Farnnm Street. Tele-
phone. Mil. Dclot. Tenth
and Mason Streets , lel-
ephone ,
Daylight Chicago Spe-
all:55 : pm
Mo ViilYevl'siotix City ,
Ht Paul & . .
: ( )
Mo."v.iiicy."sioux' u 7:10 : nm a 9:10 : pm
Carroll Local b o:2o : pm blO.10 am
Hastern Express , Des
Molnes , Mnrshnl'town ,
Cedar Rapids nnd Chicago
° K pm
AlUnllc Flyer. Chicago ,
nnd East n 1:5 : * Jim n 4:05 : pm
Fast Mall. Chicago to
Omaha n 2:45 : pm
S a S:40 : am
Northern express K : - ; pm 5 . ; , ;
Omaha-Chicago Speclnl.a 7:06 : pm a S.15 am
F'lst AIllI
a'Dally , 'b Daily Except Sunday.
Mlnneapollo .t !
Rnl'wny "The orth :
western Llne"-C.enenU
Offices. Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th and \\fcbm-r
SU City Ticket Office.
1401 Farnnm St Telephone , 661. Depot , 15ln
\\ebsterSts. . Arrive
Norfolk Passenger a 6:10 : am n 7:00 : ptn
Blair. Eme'son. Sioux
City. Ponca. Harting-
ton and Bloomtleld . . .bl'COpm b2:15 : pm
No. 2. Twin C'lty I/I'd..n Bioo pm
No. 1 , Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Rallroad-"The North
western LinGeneral
I Offices. United States
National Bank Build ng.
S W. Corner Twelfth
Fnrnam Streets.
- and
Tickotuillce. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele
phone. Ml. Depot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.
u. . . , . . , . . .vu , . . - . : a 8:40 : am
St. " ' '
Mnnkato & Sioux"lilty''a 6:25 : pm allW : pm
Sioux City Ixjcal a 7:45 am a 9:0. : pm
a Dally.
Railroad Omnha. Knn-
P2SI HBB City & Eastern Rail
road "The Port Arthur
ARTHUR Route" Ticket Office ,
1415 Farnnm Street. Tel-
'Phone. 322. Depot , Tenth
and Maeon Streets. Tele
phone , 629. .
Leave. Arrive.
Si Louis Cannon Ball
Express : .a 4:30 : pm a S:3j : am
Kansas City nnd Quincy
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LcnvcH from < ho -oonlii of European
Mr. Edward Atkinson of Brookllne. Maeo. ,
has published a pamphlet on "The Hell of
" with special refcr-
War and Its Penalties ,
euce to the penalties of demoralization , debt ,
taxes nnd disease which our acquisition of
tropical "colonies" must entail. Particu
larly fearful to contemplate , comments the
Baltimore Sun. Is the penalty of disease ,
which , according to statistics of BrltUJj ex
perience In India and French experience In
Madagascar , troops quartered In hot climates
are bound to pay. The conditions In India
arc not nearly BO bad , according to Prof.
Worcester's descriptions , as the malarious
conditions In the Philippines. Great care
has been taken in India to employ at each
elation all the sanitary precautions known
to modern science. The climate is , as n.
rule , dry , and many stations are designedly
placed In the hill country , which is compar
atively salubrious. As compared with the
Philippines , India Is a liealthy country ,
being for the most part farther from tnn
equator and civilized. Then , too , the Eng
lish troops quartered there nre regulars ,
who can be compelled to observe precau
tions which volunteers would disregard. Yet
the havoc wrought by various diseases
among the 70,000 British troops is distressIng -
Ing to contemplate. For the 70,000 officers
and men the yearly average of admissions
to the hospitals ds 97,738 , or 1,386 admis
sions for each 1.000 men. The average num
ber of days each soldier U sick Is 34.35 ; the
number In each 1,000 constantly sick U 92.S5.
The figures indlude the healthy stations In
the hill country , as well as those In the nior
malarious plains. For comparison with our
damp and malarious Ppillpplno Islands , tbo
stations in the plains of India , must be taken.
A sample of the latter Is Abmedabad , where
the admissions to the .hospitals arc 3,417
per 1,000 men which means that each
admissions to
man averages over three
the hospital. Of tne diseases that affect
the men about one-Cjalf are malarial fever ,
whllo n loathsome constitutional disease
accounts for one-thlrdi Of the 2,493 men
quartered at Allahabad the number suffer
ing yearly from smallpox , enteric , cholera ,
yellow and other fevers Is 031 ; from ma
larial fever , 381 ; from the dread constitu
tional disease , 1,228 , and -from other dis
eases , 1.375 , making the total of admis
sions to the hospital yearly 3,615. Taking
various regiments we nnd that the Royal
Fusiliers , numbering 931 , have 118 con
stantly sick ; the First Royal Welsh , num
bering S77 , have 140 constantly sick , and so
on. Having regard exclusively for the con-
etltutlonal disease already mentioned which
saps tbo vitality of those who once con
tract U we find that In 1896 112 In each
1.000 were treated In hospital In Scotland ,
123 In Ireland and 153 In England. But on
going to tropical countries the cases at
once become vastly more numerous , becom
ing 314 for each 1.000 men In the West
Indies , 333 In Ceylon , 359 In China , 479 In
the Straits and 622 in India. In Rohlkhanil
district the number of such cases was 711
per 1,000 men , and In 'Newgons 1.013 , Our
troops In the Philippines , being In ft worea
climate , without sanitary eafeguardu and
under less experienced officers , can hardly
escape llko experiences , and It becomes a
serious question whether wo are witling to
pay so largely Jn the lives of good Ameri
cans for any advantage possession of the
Philippines might confer on UK.
The experience of the ; French In the con
quest of 'Madagascar ' should have been r.
warning to President McKlnley. In a cam
paign of toil months tbo French army of
12,650 men , without any 'bloody encounter
with the enemy , lost 4,189 men , or 325 ot
every 1,000. The average of deaths for tb
eoldlera was nearly 40 per 100 , nhlle In
some commands it wai over CO per 100.
One 'battalion , which made a forced march
upon TuuiuEotra , was annihilated by die-
ease , not 0110 man of their number reaching
tbo capital of Madagascar. On the other
hand , ( but 209 of the 2,000 men recruited In
Reunion and West Africa died. The moral
of all which IB that tropical climates are
deadly and favor the ravages of certain dig-
cases , especially in the case of men who
go to them from temperate climates.
For frobt bites , burns. Indolent gores ,
eczema , gktn diseases , and especially I'llt > 8 ,
Do Witts Witch Hawl calve stands first
and beet Look out for dl Uonest people
who try to Imitate and counterfeit It. U'l
their ccdoreemcut of a e ° oj article ,