Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : TTE1DA.Y , APRtJj 4 , 180JT.
After Early Advanca of a , Cent May Wheat
1iiHT of TrndlnK In ( irnln , but I'rox *
lici'tn or 3lllder Wenther CHIIHCM
LIMIKH to Hurry to I'nlond.
CHICAGO , April 3. Heavy receipts today
In association with prospective mlldfr
\vcather caused longs lo llquldalo freely to
day In the wheat pit. After nn early nd-
vanre of Ic , May closed with a net dcrtlna
of1iB"4c. . Corn lost VVB'/ic. Ontn arc a
ehade lower. Pork declined 2V4Q.V : . Lard
nnd ribs left off prncllcally unchanged.
Thtio was a decidedly strong lone. In Iho
wheat pit at Iho start. May opeiml % ftT4c
higher at from "V t/iVAc and during the
llrst few minutes trading advanced to 73 4c.
The strength at the opening was the consn-
cnicnco of an olllclal report from Missouri
estimating the crop condition In that stale
at CC , a drop of 14 points from the condi
tion a year ago. The weather throughout
the northwest was Mill unseasonably cold ,
but there wore predictions of springlike
weather for tomorrow. Under the Influ
ence of a prospective modification of the
< emperaturn speculators forgot all about
accomplished damage and they sold on the
lulvance. AH the session progressed visions
of uproullni : .ieeds nnd budding trees rose
in the minds of traders and heavy liquida
tion ot In. This solllivg changed the mar
ket from t1u > extreme ot buoyant llghl-
Jicgfl to heavy depression. May wheat
clipped off quickly to 71 ? < c. The heavy re
ceipt * also encouraged selling. Chicago re
ceived S9 cars , of which B graded contracl.
ailnnennolls and DulutJi got Ml curs , com-
paroil with 857 the some day a year ago.
The total receipts ut western primary mur-
kelH were 8&2.000 bli. , whereat ) only 37JC ( > 00
liu. were received last year. Atlanllu port
clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to SI7.000 bu. . The domestic visible chewed
11 decrease of but SO.OOO bu. Instead ot about
COO.OOO bu. as exp-icled. Covering by shorls
nl Ihe decline caused a. slight rally near the
end and May closed at 71t4S72c ,
Liquidation by bull concerns weakened
oorn. The bears who have bc-en on Ihe
lookout for it favorabio opportunity to buy
In thulr short corn look advanlage of Ihe
decline , however , and part of the loss was
regained. Receipts. HO cars. May opened
He higher at 3JV fp3r > Vic , soM sparingly at
5',4c , sold ot ! to 3\c \ and closed with buyers
at 34c.
There was an excellent demand for both
SMiiy and July oats , Hie latter option being
( fpuclnlly wanted. Receipts , 213 cars. May
began Uif4c higher at 2Cic , declined lo
CCe nd ill 261. e.
Provisions were suslalncd under the weak
ness of Ihu surrounding grain markets nnd
ljtho revelations of the monthly .stock
taking , which showed apparently that the
great receipts of hogs are no mora tilinn suf-
Jlclent lo satisfy current requirements of
the foreign and domeallc consumers. May
Pork opened a shade lower at $9.1214 , de
clined to $ ! > .074 ! and closed at J0.10. buyers.
The range In lard and ribs was narrow.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : wheat ,
70 irs ; oorn , 376 cars ; oata , 2T > 7 cars ; hogs , head.
.Holiday tomorrow city election.
Leading futures ranged as follows
Articles. Open , filch. GioMSat'd'y. .
7SM 5 , 71N 71TJ-72
_ 36C4K
3B3U ! 3D 35H
-is MH
2SM 25H0H
812W 9 10 015
BUS 025 9JO U'JS 17H !
S27 S30
r. 45 S4& HO
ess 565 * - . ! J.55
4 76 47fi
490 4HI > 4 00
CUD 600 500 SOO SU'JH
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Moderate demand and steady ;
patents , W.GOfTS.tiO ; straights , W.20iff.3'0j : !
clears , J3.0oif(3.1o ( : spring specials , $1.10jf4 2T. ;
Vatenls , $ l.2Vfi3.CO ! ( ; str.ilghls , J2.70y3.10 ;
bakery $2.20f : ! . 10.
\\-M13AT-No. 2 spring , 69V4 l7Hc ; No. 3
pprlns. C5W70o ; No. 2 red , 74&7I.C.
CORN No. 2 , 34Ac ! ; No. 2 yellow , 31'ic.
OATS No. 2 , 27S27Uc ( ; No. 2 white , 30 ®
60ic ! ; No. 3 white , 2S-i020-4c.
IIY15 No. 2. ic.
UARLKY No. 2. 39ffl7c.
SB13DS No. 1 llaxseed , $1,21 ; northwest ,
$1.21 ; prime timothy , $2.35 ; clover , contract
crade , $5. CO.
PROVISIONS MOSH pork , per bbl. , JO.OOTJ )
U.03. Ixird , ner 100 Ibs. . $3.20fl5.22V4. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.50tfl.90. Dry saHed
phoulder.4 ( boxed ) , $ l.37'Af4.50. Short clear
Hides ( boxeil ) , $4. ! > Tifi5.o ; .
a > IM5SS15T ) POULTRY Steady ; turkeys ,
aiifi3c ! ; chickens. OliJIlOo ; ducks , lOITllc : .
U'HISICY DlsllllerV llnishod goodrf , per
gal. , $1.2 .
St'GAR Cut loaf , unchangeil.
Receipts. Shipment ! * .
Flour , libli 10,000 21,0X ( )
" \Vheat , bu 32C X ) 2ti,000
Corn , bu ll ,000 311,000
Oats , bu 237,000 182,00) )
Jlye. bu 0,000 2,00)
Uai-ley , bu 3I,0 ( ) S.OOO
On the Produce oxchnngo today the but
ter market waa llrm ; creameries , 141i20'-o ' ;
dairies. HHQlSc. ICggs , steady ; fix--ah , 11-TiC.
Cheese , llrm ; creams , 11 12140.
MOW YtniTc CI < : .M-UAL :
liiiitatloiiN for tin ; DM > tin fiLMierul
CoiitnuHlIt IPM.
NEW YORK , April 3.-FLOUR-Rccelpts.
Cti,36 : ! bbls. ; exports , 10,719 bbls. ; quiet and
easier on the choice grades of spring and
winter flour.
COUNMRA.L Dull ; yellow western , S3IJ
84f. Uriinilywlne. $2.10iT2.20.
RYE Easy ; No. 2 western , 61'.4c , f. o. b. ,
HAULEY MALT Dull ; western , G0fi70e.
WHEAT RecplplH , 35,200 bu. ; euvporls , 15-
fl : > S bu , .Spot weak ; No. 2 red , SOMc , f. o. b. ,
nlloat. Options oponcil slrong , but became
top-heavy and under suhHeiiuent vigorous
licar attacks declined sharply. Attendant
IIPW foatuivs wore light export demand , n
< lUappolntlng visible supply reduction anil
BiniUI clearances. ClOHCd weak nt I' ' ftlOic
( Ict'llno from Saturday' olllcial close. Sales
Included No. 2 rod. May , "CUifT'S'dc , closed
7fi'jo ; July. TtHiSTJTii : , closcil 76' , c ; Septcm-
lier , TI'itlTT ic , closed 74'4c.
CORN-RecPlpls , 73,125 bu. ; exports , IC4-
r.01 bu. Spot easy : No. 2 , 41rtfl.1iiC , f. o. b. ,
iitloat , new and old. Options opened tpady
with wheat , declined under llcnildallon ,
rallied Inter on covering , but eased off
iiiraln and closed barely steady at ' , * < ; not
dpclliip. ' .May , : ViflOc , closed 39T4c ; July ,
40fflO'.M % , closed 40c.
OATS Receipts , 110,400 liu.j export. , 1,250
lil , Spot easier ; 'No. ' 2 , 33i\ Track , mixed.
weslPrn , SMiSlHt'i track , white , wpHtnrn and
til to , ; S03Sc ; No. 2 white * 36c. Options
dull.HUTTER Receipts , 8,270 phgn. ; market
ptoady ; western creamery , 17Q21'tc ; 1'X-
Blns. 21 c ; factory , 12itl4Vic.
ClIEESE-Recelpts , 745 pkgs. ; market
steady ; largo white , 12ii'14c ; small white ,
12iCf larKo colored , 12iilic ! ; small colored ,
'l'AljXW Easy ; city , 4c ; country , 4W
'HOPS Dull ; state , common to choice. 1 90
crop. G577o ; 1B97 crop , 13o ; 1S9S crop. IGfclTo.
rucltlc coast , 1690 crop , C87c ; 1W3 crop , HW
lilDBB Steady. ICViOlTo ; Texas dry , IZVilJ
JSc ; California , 130Uc.
WOOL Quiet ! some , 20ff21o ; Texas , 13 ®
lirCE Firm.
RlOLASSES-Flrm ; New Orleans , open
ItPttle. good to choice , 33li < 037e.
METALS Pig Iron warrants dull nnd
nominal ut Jlu.50 ; lake copper , strong ut
$18.00 ; till , fjulet with $24.00 bid nnd fcl.2 ! ( )
asked ; IrmJ , uflsy at $1.35 ; Bpelter , firm with
ij 10 bid and t.60 ! askeil. The brokers'
prli-o for lead U $4,25 and for copper $18.W.
flm-liinnll 3lnrUrt.
CINCINNATI , April 3-KI.OUn-Qulctj
fancy. 3.10H3.2o ; family. $2.45512.65.
WUUAT-'EailPr , lower ; No. 2 red , ! 3'ic.
COHN-Actlve , llrm ; No. mixed , JJj/jc.
OATS StroiiBt'r ; No. 2 mixed , 3 < Ku.iOttc.
RYE Quiet ; No. 2 , iWc.
PROVlSIONS-Lnrd. easy , $307 c. nulk
miUs. strady , $ I.S5. llncon , ( uilet , $ j.,5. ,
WHISKY Sternly nt $1.2 > J.
ni'TTER 'Firm.
fit'OAR Finn ; hard rJflncd , $ I.4105.S5.
IMOS-Qulet ; lOc ,
f'HMBSK Finn ; good to prime Ohio flat ,
HALTDIORE. April 3. FLOUIt-Qulet ;
ri-coltits. SS.uss libls. ; exports , 2,9 V bb'.s.
WHBAT Dull nnd easy ; spot. 75 lo ;
nionUi , 7oM275ie ; M" > ' . "SUflTCVic ; re-
oelptg. 14 , $91 bu , ; exports. 16,000 bu , ; southern
wheat by nample , TOijTC'ic ; southern , on
. .
COItN-Bt .tuly ; spot and month ,
35 < 4c. May. K'iftJJe : Juno. J9'iP ; ntcamer
mlxpil. 3Jr , rerclptn. 2G2.212 bu. ; export ! " ,
120.000 hu. ; southi rn white porn , 40y-K > 4c ;
Bouthertr vellow , 315 < Wr.
OATS-QulPt ; No. 2 white. SS-flnSe - ; No. 2
mlxpd , 324 ; 33r ; receipts. 11,151 bu. ; exports ,
none. , . it4
flt'OAU Strong : granulated , $ . ' -IO'-4.
CIHSKSB-FInn nnd nrtlve.
Coinlltliiii nf Tmilr mill ( Inntntlonn nn
Slnplc nnil 1'nni'jI'roiliipp. .
KGOS-Rccelpts light ; demand good ;
market lie.
HUTTER-fominon to fnlr. UTtl2p : choice ,
915c ; separator , We ; gathered creamery ,
POULTRY Chlpkens , Hvc,7l4tjSc : < lrcFscil ,
S'4l9c ' ; old and fltaRKV roosters ,
live , 4fTflr ; drp.ispd , 507c : ducks and goece.
live , T41Sc ; drpsseil , flfltoc : turkeys , live ,
9fllOo ; ilrpfKeil , llfiht weight , IS'jQlSc ; heavy
wplcht. Il < nt2f. . _ .
PiriEONS-Llvp. ppr dozen , "rf Ouo ,
VKAICliolce. . Sfl9c.
OYSTEliS Hulk fttnnniirn. per gai. . $1.10 ;
mediums , per can , 15c ; Stnndard , per can ,
20c ; Extra Sp'.crt. per can , 23r ; New \ork
Countr. i > cr ran. 30c. , , ,
FRESH WATER FISH-Cntnsh. per 11 } . ,
12c ; ImlTalo , per Ib. , dreascd , 7c ; white Osh ,
9c ; lake trout , 9c ; smiill trout , Rrct-n , He ;
yellow pike , Sc ; silver lu-rrlng , 4c ; porch ,
scaled and drcsned , 6c : northern crapple ,
10o ; bullhcailp. dressed , lOc ; black bass ,
very scarce , lEfilSc. . . .
HEA FISH Flounders , So ; haddock , 9c ;
Columbia river salmon , liic ; halibut , lie ;
No. 1 smelts , lOe ; blue llh , lOc ; Spanish
mackerel , lOc ; red mapper , loc ; extra large
mackerel , each , 30c ; roe shad , each , < 0c.
APl'LES-Hen Davis , per bhl. . $4.itxg5.00 ;
Oonltons , $4 ; Now York Baldwins , Orecn-
Ings nnd othprs , choice , per bbl. , $3.2ug < i.60 ;
wpstern boxed , $1.90fl2.rK ) . .
CRANBERIllES Hell nnd Bugle , { 9.00.
RADISHES-Per doz. , 30 < S33c.
TOMATOES None In market.
SPINACH None In markPt.
LETTUCE - Homo grown , per dor ,
bunches , 45fi50c.
ASPARAOUS-Callfornln , per Ib. , 1201oc ,
ONIONS Home grown , ucr doz , bunches.
according to plze , SSflSoc.
WATERCRESS IC-Qt. cases , $1.60.
CAHHAOE Crated , per Ib. . 3 > \
CAULIFLOWER Per cratp , J2.50.
ONIONS Per bu. , IWc0$1.0S.
HEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.50
LEMONS California , fancy , $3.75if4.00 ;
choice , $3.50"73.75 : Messina , fancy , $4.00
ORANGES Navels , fancy , $3.503.Go ;
choice , S3.23 ; seedlings , $2.50M2.G3.
BANANAS Choice , craled , large stock ,
per bunch , $2.0032.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
DATES Hallowpe , CO to 70-lb , boxes. Gc ;
Salr , Cc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxps , lOc.
POTATOES Choice Iowa , sacked , 70c ;
poorer stock , GOc ; Minnesota Uurbanks , Sole
90c ; Colorado , $1.00jJ1.05 ; early Ohio s d
potatnpM , $ ] .004il.lO. _ ,
SWEET POTATOES-Pcr bbl. . $2.25 2.40 ;
seed sweets , $2.00
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , 17c ; Brazils , per
Hi. . 9filOi' ; English walnuts. i > eir Ib. , fancy
soft shell , 12f12'ic ; standards , lOo : nibcrls ,
per Ib. , lie ; pecans , polished , SSJ'lOc ; cocoanuts -
nuts , per 10f > , } ; peanuts , raw , SVfcgfic ;
roasted , ti'/4ffT7c. '
CIDER Per half bbl. . $3.
SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. . $2.
HONEY Choice while , ' .iOUUc.
MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each ,
$2.50 ; gnl. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal.
cans , $ C,25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
MAPLE SUOAR-Cholce , In boxes , 9c.
FIGS Imnortcd , none ; California , 10-lb.
boxes. $1.4CS1.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c : No. 2
green hides , Gc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8 > 4c ;
No. 2 salted hides. 7'/c ; No . Ivcal calf , 8 to
12 Ibs , , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 ,
34c ! ; tallow. No .2. 3c ; rough tallow , l o ;
white grease , 2' < [ l3c ; yellow and brown
grcas ; , 1ll5T2'/4c.
FURS Mink. 10if75 = ; bear ( black or
brown ) . $5.00020.00 ; otter , $1.60(38.00 ( ; beaver ,
$1.0006.00 ; skunk , 15'(175c : muskrat , 3'rflOc ;
raccoon , 150300 ; red fox , 23cR$1.25 : srray fox ,
25JJ50P ; wolf ( timber ) , 25cS$2.50 ( ; wolf
( pralrio ) , coyote , 10050c ; wildcat , 1025c ;
bndcer 5040c : silver fox , $30.0075.00.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 ®
73c ; green salted sluarings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1. each , Be ; dry
flint , Kansas a'ld Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. ' , iH5o ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per Ib. , actual weight , 3i4c : dry flint. Colorado
rado butchsr wool pelts , pev Ib. , actual
weight , 4j5c ; dry ( lint , Colorado murrain
wool polts. per Ib. . actual wc.Jght , 34c.
St. LoulM Market.
ST. LOUIS , April 3. FLOUR-Flrmer ;
patents. $3.6003.70 ; straight , $3.2503.33 ; clear ,
AVH EAT Options fractions lower ; spot
steady ; No. 2 Ted. cash , elevator , 74c ; track ,
75 < ii76e ; April. 74' c ; May , 76c ; July , 71 c ;
No. 2 hard , C9071c.
CORN1 Easy for options and lower for
-spot. No. 2 cash. 33UC : track , 3l',4035c ;
April , 33'ic ; May , 33V4033Uc 'bid ' ; July , 34Hc
> bld.
OATS Steady to Pasy ; No. 2 cash , 2Sc ;
track , 2S > , Ac0i29c ; April , 2Sc : May , 27Tic ; July ,
2C'/iC asked : No. 2 white , Sl'.AffJl c.
RYE Lower ; 55ii' .
SEED Flaxsesd , nominal , $1.13. Timothy
seed , primes $2.15.
CORN.MEAL Higher : $1.8001.85.
HRAN Scarce and firmer ; sacked , east
track , 5S0'3SVic.
HAY Strong ; 'timothy , $8.00011.00 ; prakle ,
$ C.OOfl7.00.
EGGS-FIrm ; lOVic.
AVHISKY-Steady : $1.26.
MJJTALS-Lcad , dull , $1,12 04.15. Spelter ,
drm. Jli.1506.20.
PROVISIONS Pork , easier ; standard
mess. Jobbing , $9.12' , . I < ard , quint ; prime
steam , $3.00 ; choice , $5.10. Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulder * , $4,25 : extra shorts , $4.S7'/ . ;
ribs , $5.00 ; shorts , $3.12Vi. Bacon , boxed
shoulder. " , $5.00 ; extra shorts , $ o.37'/4 ; ribs ,
$3.50 : shorts. $5.fti ! ,
RECEIPTS-Flour , 5.000 bbls. ; wheat , G.OOC
bu. ; corn. 43.000 hu. ; oats. 44.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 12,000 bbls. : wheat ,
35,000 hu. ; corn , 47.000 bu. ; oats , 43,000 bu.
KIIIINIIM City Crnlit mill Pr vlHloiiH.
opened ' 4c up at il' c , closing weak at 6Kcj
rash , No. 2 hard , GofrfiSe ; No. 3 , GSgfific ; No.
2 red. 7l073c ; No. 3 , 70073C ; No. 2 spring , 640
die ; No. 3. C10 lc.
CORN May. IP lower , at .Wic ; cai'h. No.
2 mixed. : t2 032ic ; No. 2 white , 33 < i033iAc ;
No. 3 , 33c.
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 white , 2S14029C.
RYE- Firm : No. 2. 51c.
HAY Stpady ; choice timothy , $8. ( S8.50 ;
cholpp. prairie. $7.0007.25.
HUTTER-SK-ady ; creamery , 140019c ;
dairy , ICc.
EOGS-StPadv ; fresh , lOc.
KEClCIPTS-Wheat , 72,000 bu. ; corn , 37.00C
bu. ; oats. IS.ono bu.
SIIlPMENTS-WhPat , 17,400 bu. ; corn , 16-
200 bu. ; ontek 4,000 bu.
VlNllili' Supply of nrnln.
NEW YORK , April 3. The slatement o (
the vLMblo supply of grain In Htoro nnd
alloat as compiled by thu New York Produce
exuhaiiBO on Saturday , April 1. Is as follows :
Wheat , 29.9S7OTiO bushpJs ; decrease , SO.OOC
bushPls. Corn , 3J,897OOH bushels ; decrease ,
500.000 bushels. Oats , 11,272,000 bushels ; de-
creaxe , 101,000 bushels. Rye , 1.4S3.000 bushels ;
Increase , 39.000 bushels. Hurley , 2,320OOC
biU'hcls ' ; decrease , 60,000 bushels.
Toll-do MiirUi-t.
TOLEDO. O. . April S.-WHEAT-Lower ,
weak ; No. 2 rash , MUc ; May , 73T4o.
OORN-Qiilct , lower ; No. 2 mixed , 35c.
OATS-Dull , strady ; No. 2 mlxe < l cah and
May. 2Kp.
RYE Dull , ntoady : No. 3 cash , 67c.
CLOVER8EED Active , sleady ; prlmr
cash , old. TJ.25 ; new , cash and April , $ l.07Vs
MliiiiuupnllN Wliout Mnrlcrt ,
1 northern , April , 69'4e ; May , 69Tjc ; July ,
71c : on track. No. 1 hard , 70c ; No. 1
northern. 69c ; No. 2 northern , 69'iiC.
FLOUR-Qulet : llrst nntents , $3.S003.90 ;
second patents , $3.6003.70 ; tlrst clear , $2.7C
BRAN In bulk , $10.251(10.60. (
< J ml n llfiiplptn at I'rlnuliuil Mnrkptii ,
ST. LOUIB. April S.-Recedpts : Wheat , !
KANSAS CM TV. April 3. Receipts
Wheat. 120 cars.
CHICAGO. April 3. estimated cars for to <
morrow : Wheat , 70 ; corn , 373 ; oats , 257.
uLrc nrnln MnrUut ,
Lower ; No. 1 northern , 72ijOJ No. 2 north-
em. "Ic.
RYE-Easler ; No. 1. 6Cc.
1'fiirln . .
PKpIUA. ill. . April S.-COHN-Kasy ; new
> .o. 3. SJ'lc.
pAa'S-lrrpKUlar ; No. 3 white. 2S'gM c.
WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.2ii for
flnlshcd goods.
Kluln llntter Murki't.
KLGIN. 111. . April 3.-BUTTER-Steady ,
nt M c ; nil offerings oold ; 133 tubs. .lnrU | < > < .
Dt'LUTH , April WHEAT-No. . lhard.
cash , 72-ic ; April , 72Hcj May and July ,
71Hc : No. 1 northern , cnnh , 69'c ; No. 2
northern , SS'jc.
Orlrnnn Mnrkot ,
Pork , standard mefs , J9.25fl9.50 ; lard , rp-
nned tierce , $ . .C2i4 .7S ; pure lard , $5.47HW
6.00 ; boxed meats , dry salt i-houldcrs , $4.50 :
sldtw , $ S.tO ; bnron , clear rib Bldps , * 5.75w
5.S < ! 4 | hams , choice sucar-curpd , $ S.50i9.5n.
COFFEE-Qtilet ; Rio , ordinary to fair ,
6 7-1607 3-16C.
RICE Steady ; ordinary to good , 304 ic.
FLOUR Extra fancy , $3.5003.60 ; patent ,
$3.WJ4. ( I.
HAY Prime , $11.0)012.00 ; cholc k $13.50 ®
CORN No , 2 sacked , white , 43l3Uc ;
mixed , 42042 c ; yellow , kV.
OATS-No. 2 sacked , 3 < c.
I'lillnilpliihln I'roilnop > lnrlit. .
Dull and He lower : fancy western cream
ery , 22e ; fancy western prints , 23c ,
EGOS-StPady ; fresh nearby. 125ri2 > ic ;
fresh western , ' e ; fresh southwestern ,
12'4c ; fresh southern , 12c.
DenllimM OIH-II on a 'rri-iiit-iiiloni
Scnlr Srn NII I In nnl AilTiincfM.
NBW YORK , April 3. The usual accumu
lation over Sunday of "buy at the market"
orihrs caused n buoyant opening In many
slocks. The dealings were on a tremendous
ifcale , particularly In the morning , nnd the
total transactions were over 1,250,000 shares.
The most sensational ndvnncos were
among the specialties , many of which main
tained gains to .thu close , although the rail
ways eased oil. The legal rule , G per cent ,
was thu prevailing figure for call money
on good collateral , but the 'range ' for th * day
was from 6 to 8 .per cent , with the closing
at the lower llgure. Although thu London
market was clon-d because of the Easter
holidays , arbitrage brokers put out some
HnH of stock In the expectation of getting
them bnck cheaper In London tomorrow.
Iho market throughout was highly specu
lative , with rapid advances nnd declines.
Manhattan , on the tremendous dealing- ' .
maintained n udvanco of G points. The
stock was apparently controlled by pool op
erations , support toeing extended on declines
and much realizing appearing nt thn high
llguro ? . Federal Stoe.1. on transactions second
end mly , to those of Manhattan , sold early
at the highest figures yet reached and then
receded sharply , leaving n net loss of 1H
points. The preferred advanced about ns
much. American Steel was pushed tip 3
point" . Missouri Pacific , on trading of over
100,000 shnrus , advanced 3 points on buying
by n pool said to Include some of th ? Insid
ers. Kansas & Tcxus preferred at the same
time was marked up over a point.
The announcement of the privilege to sub
scribe for mw stock In Brooklyn Transit ,
together with an erroneous report of n cash
dividend declaration , unused the stock to
sell up 13G. but It receded 6harply , leaving
n not decline of over 2 points nt the close.
The trading In some hnJf-dozen specialties
nearly equalled the dealings In all the rest
of the list. The most conspicuous advances
wt ro Third Avenue 9 points. North Ameri
can S 4 , International Paper 7 % , Tin Plate
% . Tennessee Coal 4 J and Sugar 3.
Paclllc IMnll , Delaware & Lacknwnnna ,
Mexican Central and Western Union were
spots of strength. Crop advices were as-
Mgned as the reason for realizing Jn the
standard western railway stocks. Burling
ton , Pennsylvania , New York Central nnd
Northern Pacifies suffered declines of a
point nnd o er. Kansas City , Pltlsburg &
Gulf and .Melropolllan were weak. The
closing of the general mnrkt was weak. It
developed after the close of btulncss that a.
deal had 'been effected between Manhattan
ami Third Avntio Railway companies.
Considerably Irregularity prevailed in to
day's bond mnrket , with the more promi
nent Issues sagging. Total sales , $3,455.400.
United States 5s advanced U per cent , but
the 3s lost > 4 per cent in the bid price.
The following are the closing quotations
for the leading stocks on the Now York
exchange today :
The total sales of stocks ( today were
1.272.100 sharps , Including : Atchlson. 3,740 ;
Atchlson preferred. 60.235 ; Central Paclllc ,
3.300 ; Burlington , 17.110 ; Delaware & Hud-
POII , G.055 ; Louisville & Nashville. 5.730 ;
Manhattan , 1GC.951 ; Metropolitan , 4,010 : Mex
ican Central , 8,260 ; Reading first preferred ,
6.MX ) ; MI.-Hourl Pacific. 113.K : . ; Missouri.
Kansas & Texas preferred. 14,175 : Jersey
Central. 3,393 ; Now York Central , 10,250 ;
North American , 22,720 : Northern Pacific ,
Kl.l&S ; Northern Paclllo preferred , 4,695 ;
Reading. 3.000 ; Rock Island , 10,012 ; Union
Paclllc , 12,310 ; Union Pacific preferred , 13.-
310 ; St. Paul , 11,898 ; Southern Railway pre
ferred , 8,730 : Southern Pacific. 3,770 ; Texas
& Paclde , 1,200 ; American Steel & Wire , 5S-
320 ; Paper. 22.215 ; American Spirits , 4,260 ;
Federal Steel , 141,500 ; Federal Steel pre
ferred , 43,624 ; Ppoplp'H Gas , 30.295 ; Colorado
FUP ! & Iron , 1,360 ; Brooklyn Transit , 62.295 ;
Continental Tobacco. 18,703 ; Paclllc Mall ,
10.4IH ; Sugar , 45,115 ; TonnefRee Coal & Iron ,
22,890 ; Leather preferred. fi,370 ; Rubber ,
3.420 ; Western Union. 14,190 ; St. Louis &
Soutlnveslern , 4.6fO ; St. Louis & Southwest
ern preferred , 15,150 ; Chicago Great West
ern , 11,145.
llnntoii Stock Cliiotntlnim.
BOSTON , April 3.-Call loans. 301 per
cent ; Mme loans , 3'i04V2 per cent , doping
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
shares ;
Klnnnt-liil .Voti-x ,
CHICAGO , April 3. Stocks were active
and strong. All * > - L , 7S ; Biscuit common ,
60K ; Illscult preferred. 101 ; Diamond Mutch ,
US 4 : Strawboard. 30 < ii North Chicago. 2J8 ;
Wet't ' Chicago. 102l , Clearings , ja.117,123
lialunroi ) , J1.S53.1D5 , New York exchange
10 > > discount. Sterling exchange : Posted.
, , .8flsa4.SG4i sixty days ,
. . c
ST. IXDUfa , April 3.-ClcarinB8 , > 5SM,596 ;
balances. $1.031,77.1. Monty. 4fi per cent ,
Now York exchange lOe discount bid. par -
CINCINNATI. April 3.-Money. S.Vfi per
cent. New York exchange , SMJ&c dlscotinj.
Clearings , $1,000,750.
WASHINGTON. April 3. Today's slate-
ment of the condition of the treasury
how : Avallab'p cash balance , $2S5tf > 2G2i > ;
gold reserve , $24 , BCVS2. )
NBW OliLKANS . April S.-Clrnrlngs.
$2,535,912. New York exchange , bank , $1
premium ; commercial bill ? . 2.1c premium to
par ,
PHILADELPHIA , April 3. Clearings ,
$17,211 , 3 ; iMlances , $2,3ir7IO .
RALTI.MORH , April S.-Clcnrlngs , U"07-
S7fi : balances , 'JS.SIO. '
NBW YORK , April 3.-Clcnrlngs , $131-
231,503 ; balances. $13,426.128.
\ < MV York Slonoy MnrUp < .
Nominally ; : .fifi per cent.
per cent.
actual buslneiv In bankers' Mils at Jl.So'/i'ir '
4.Siii * , for Oemnnd , and ut W.SIUIM.SI'S. for
sixty ilnys ; ivo-tcd rates , ? 4.S.Vf4.S.i'4. ' and
$4.R7'ii4.S7U : commercial bills. JI.S3 4..S3',4.
5IBX1CAN DOLLAllS 47 .4c.
OOVKUNMI3NT RONDS-lrregulnr ; fts.
10S ; new 4s. r.-g. , 129 ; wnipon , 123 : 4s , US ;
coupon , 112 i ; 2s , 9'J'A ; 6 ? , reg , and coupon ,
Cotton MnrUct.
NEW YORK , April 3. Cotton futures
opened quiet , 1 to 2 points lower ; April ,
JS.S7 ; May , J5.01 ; June , ? 3. ! > 5 ; July. $ .00 ;
August , W.OD ; September , $5.97 ; October ,
$0.00 ; November , $0.00 ; December , JG.02 ; Jan
uary , $0.06.
Spot ruled quiet : middling uplands ,
C 15-16c ; middling gulf , fi 9-lGc.
cotton ; future. ? closed quiet ; April , $ n.SO ;
May , $ o.So ; June , $ " , .90 ; July. $3.91 ; August ,
$3.91 ; September. $5.93 ; October , $3.9 > i ; No
vember. $5.9fi ; December , $3.99 ; January ,
ltf.02 ; I'Vbruary. $ G.Oo.
ST. IXDUIS. April 3.-COTTON Dull. Ull-
changctl ; middling , S'iiC. No sales ; receljits ,
1.9C3 bales ; shipments , 1,522 bales ; slock , 79-
097 bales.
\ < - > v York Dry ( ioiidM JlarUot.
NEU * YORK. April 3.-ThM' < > has been no
change of Importance In the dry goods mnr
ket today. The spot demand has ruled
quiet. .Mall ords of about the average vol
ume. The weatner Is still too cold for full
seasonable business and jobbing trad ? Is
quiet also. The tone of the market con
tinues quite steady. No leading lines of
merchandise are being offered at easier
prices In Hirown , bleached or heavy colored
cotton or In prints and ginghams. Print
clot'hs ' In both regular and wide goods are
steady. Dress goods for fall In both cotton
and woolen lines are In good rsqucst. Men's
wear fabrics are quiet.
Cof > ' MnrU .
NEW YORK , April 3.-COPPKI3-OptIons
opened quiet and lit unchanged prices dur-
Jng the greater part of the session , in ab
sence of Havre and Hamburg cables , with
Brazilian advices i featureless , only local
trading ; near the 'close made a sharp upturn
on demand for aborts ; closed firm , fi to 1C
points net higher. Sales. 9,750 bags , includ
ing : May , $5.00 : July , $3.15 ; September. $3.35 ;
November , $3.50 ; December. J5.C5 ; March ,
$5.85. Spot Rio. steady ; No. 7 , Invoice ,
71-lGc ; No. 7 , Jobbing , 69-lCc. Mild , quiet
and steady ; Cordova , S@14c. Small jobbing
Oil Market.
OHj CITY , April 3. Crelt balances. $1.13 :
certificates , no bids. Huns , March M and
31 , SO.Mn bbls. ; average runs for March ,
80.558 bbls. ; shipments , March 30 and 31 ,
178.591 bbliv. ; average iJilpmentH for March ,
79,958 bbls. : runs April 1 and 2 , 81,461 bbls. :
average , 42,231 bbls. ; shipments , April 1 ami
2 , 149.G52 bbls. : average , 74,821 ! hbls.
NEW YOUIC , April 3. Standard Oil closed
closed at 171 > iff472'/L. ( .
SiiHIir Market.
NEW YORK , April 3. SUGAR Raw
strong , tending upward ; fair refining ,
IMS-lOc ; centrifugal , 96 test , 47-I6c ; molasses
j mmiir , 313-16c ; refined strong and active.
Qulet ; open kettle. 3ti % c ; open kettle ,
centrifugal , SO-lGlfl c ; centrifugal , white ,
I 13-lCc ; yellows , 4'/i'ff4-yie ' ; seconds , 2-iTj (
1 3-lfic ; molasses , quiet ; centrifugal , KIP
U 1-1 Cc.
California Dried Kriilfx ,
D.R1I3D FRUITS Steady. Evaporated ap
ples , common. 7 < fi8'ic : prim" wlro tray , 85J
JPSTjjo : choice , 9fi Uc ; fancy , DMilOc , Prunes ,
4li i V4c. Arlcots ] ) , Royal , Istfllc ; Moot
Park , 13Vjf(17c. ( Peaches , unpeeled , Sj/llc ]
peeled , 23f(2Sc. (
IlrriviTM Hold Si'c-rct SoNHlonV
ST. LOUIS. April 3. Reprosantathes o
the United Hrowery Workern' of Amrilci
from nearly every state nnd terrHo'y it
the union are holding a conventloi
here , behind closed doors. This urganizu
! lion has a membership of over 110,0'iQ. '
Jacob fSablemun of IJrewurs' and MaUtors
union , No. C , who Is president , called tin
meeting to order. Important action will
bo taken by the convention relative ( o tin
employment of non-union labor by brow
cries In San Kranclsco and New York. Ibi
constitution and by-laws will be amended
radical changes In the conduct of the na
tlonal union will bo proposed nnd olllcen
for the ensuing year will bo elected.
I'oltlT.v Triint In llpiiil.
RAST LIVERPOOL , 0. , April 3. Tin
American Potteries company , the name giver
to the proposed $27,000,000 trust to Inclmli
the potteries of the United Slates , Is dead
The projectors , It is said , spent $250,000 ii
trying toffoct an organization , but fallec
because of over-capitalization. They couli
not pereundo Investors to buy Block. H Ii
said the property to bo Included was In
trinsically worth $7,000,000 , but had been ap-
pjralsed for sale to the trust at $12.000,000
The trouble aroeo in convincing Inventors
that dividends could be paid on $ lii,000,00 (
more than the highest valuation. The op
tions here expired at midnight Saturday nnt
will not bo extended.
Oi'pimltlun In I'liNi-ii.
TALLAHASSKB , Kla. . April 3. Thn gn >
cral assembly which meets here tomorrow
will choose a successor to Senator Samuel
Pasco , wlioao term expired March 4 last. It
Is believed Senator Pasco will succeed hlm-
self , although considerable opposition 1ms
been shown to his rp-olcctlon. The latest
gosMp Is tbnt in case Senator Pasco IB not
re-elected on an early ballot the place will
ho given to Governor Illuxlnun. The session
of the legislature will continue sixty days
and an enormous amount of work IB awaiting
llrynii'M VI > VH of Sllvt-r Dinner * .
NBW YORK , April 3. Part of a dispatch
from William J. Hryan , recalv.jd oil J'itiprda >
by Eugene V. Ilrowuler. but withhold by him
until today , reads as follows regarding the
double movement for Ilrynn silver dinners on
April 19 :
"Think the two meetings should be held
on different nights BO that all democrats and
worklngmen can attend botb. "
The first part of the meseage Is kept back
because It Is held by Mr. Drowsier to be
"personal and strictly confidential. "
Hill lo L.unlUilloxliiK. .
DENVER , April 3. A bill to promote
athletic entertainments , which legalizes Inx-
IIIR contests In this state , patu > cd Iho Benatu
today by a vote of 18 to 0. It had previously
pasued the house. It Is said that the gov
ernor approves the act.
Everything in Cattle Soon Sold and
Weighed Up.
Iliiotntloni 1'Mvo Cents Illnlipr Tlinu
Ihi1 OienliiK | f Laxt AVeek The
Miipply IM Sold ICnrly
l.lviSlock ( ioN lp.
Cnltlc. HOBS. Shoe" .
Hocclpls toilny 7f > s 2too ; S.lio
Olio work njo 1,013 2,051 4toO !
Two works URO 1,831 1,7,1'J " , ' . > : * )
Tliroo weeks ago 1,157 2.WS S.liV ?
Avernfiu price paid rc.r IIOK * for tlic last
CGVcrnl days with conipa.'lsona :
Jl > 9a.lS."S. | _ 11597. | l3ii.lS95.HSU4.lS93. | |
March 20. .
Mnrch 21. .
March 22. .
Mill-oil 23. .
.March 24. . . . . . . -
March 23..I 3 5S , 3 tiSi 3 MI 3 591 4 Tl | I 7 09
Murch 2H. . 3 Ml 3 Oi | 4 S6 | 4 17
March March 27. . 3 COJ n'f _ | 3 , 3 71 , 4 71 4 45J 7 OS
2 ?
March 29. . C DO
March 31.
April L. . .
April 2. . . .
April 3. . . .
* Indicates
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Catlle. Hogs. Sh'p.
Union Paclllc System ! ) 5 12
F. , K. .t M. V. R. H ' I S 2
S. C. .t P. Rv 0
C. , St. P. , M. .t O. iRy 7 :
U. & iM. 11 , R. R 9 13 12
O. . H. & Q. Ry 1
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , K . .
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W I
Cripples and driven In 11 103 5
Total receipts 30 33 32
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing Ihe num
ber of head Indicated :
liuyers. Cnttli1. Hogs. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co 1 3SO 1&3
Thu G. 11. Hammond Co. fil 320 G67
Swlfl nnd Company S7 614 1,925
The Cudnliy Packing Co. . 2.10 GDI 1,433
Armour & Co 113 062 747
Swift , from the country. . 3S . . . . 270
Vansant it Co 2 . . . . . . . .
libitum * Co SB
W. I. Stephen 23
Livingston ? Sr Schailler. . . . SI
IMcVlcker , t Co 73
Other buyers 10 . . . . . . . .
Totals 7G3 2,682 6,303
CATTLE There were not catlle enough In
Hie yardof / any one kind lo make anything
like u test of Iho market , but thure was a
good demand and Iho buyers seeimd lo be
glad to et what there were , so thai every
thing was sold and weighed up In a very
short time. As there were so few here the
local packers bought the sleers nt strong
prices and sellers without exception were
well pleased with r = i = ults. There was nolh-
ing choice lo put a top on the market so
that sales do not look particularly high on
Tin- few cows and heifers In the yards
brought good llrm prices , the same as at
the close ot last we = k , and buyers were not
long In clearing the pens. Hulls , stags , etc. ,
sold tit about the same prices as prevailed
the last of lust week and the market was
without change of Importance on that kind
of oattls.
Stock catlle and feeders were In very light
supply and there were not enough lo make
any kind of lest of Ihe market. It would
be wife , however , to say that the market
was fully steady , with -n very fnlr demand
for desirable kinds. < Representallve sales :
3. . SW 4 2.-
HOGS The few hags In the yards sold
early and 2Hu higher. The sale * were
mostly at $3.92b13.70 , ns against $3.W03.70 (
on Saturday. The proportion of sales at
$3.63 was somewhat greater than at the
close cf Inst week.
It will be noted from thp table of average
rtrlrps above that the market Is now 5c
higher than it was at thp opening of last
week. It might be added thai Ihe hogs sold
today at the highest point touclKtl on a
Monday since Ihe middle of February. The
market is now ju t about where It was
thn 1st of April ot last year , but It Is Hue
lower than It was two years ago. Repre-
scnlallve soles :
Blsted principally of lambs. The market on
sheep was Just about steady and the offerings -
ings of desirable muttons for the most part
sold In good season. U'lth lambs the situa
tion wa. " entirely dlflVrenl. Buyers Heemt-d
to fi--l that this market wtiu too high as
compared with other markets and In con-
HequeiK'e they wanted tile lambs ; it lower
lirlcPS. Hollers could not sec It thai way
and , on Ihe contrary , wrro holding for
stmdy or even strong prices. The result
was u very .Mow .mil dull market ami the
mnrnlng passed with very few lambs chang
ing lunds. Thu situation could perhaps
bust bu described UK a xlinv , dull and lower
lamb inaiket. At the sume. time some lambs
whli h wen- wanted f ir Immediate Hlnmshtfr
sold early ut prices that looked fu'ly steady.
Quotations are Good to cholcu fed west
ern wt'thers , $ I.GO4-70 ; Inlr tl > good , $4.40'l ( (
460 ; Mi'XliMii yr rllngH , $3.1(105.23 ; I'llolcu
light wi-lKllt western yearIln H. $ l.90ri6. ( ;
good heavy weight western yearlings. tl.Wa <
4 M ) ; good to choice western ewei ? , $ l,2Vf/l.4S ( / ;
fair to good western ewfi * , S3.90fi4.2U ; good to
cholco native InmbH. $3.5frf/5.V / ( ) ; good to
choice western Iambs , f5.500o.65 ; Fort Col
lins Mexican lambs , good to choice , ,
{ | 575 ; fair to peed Fort Collins Mexican
lumbH , f5.4&'uf..CO : fecdt-r sheep , $1.2304.50 ;
feeder lambs , $1.6005.20. Representative
Kalc > :
No , Av. Pr. .
100 old Mexican ewes 82 $ : i : u
CI7 old Mux'.cun ewes f-- 4 23
419 western wethers , 10S I Ci
f.ul western lainhx , shorn "I 5 10
r n Colorado lambs , G2 5 15
" ( / . ! Mexican lambs , CS 5 23
4.Vi wt'Slern lumbs SI 550
uvi : Culorado lumbs 75 6 ir ,
2U-I western mixed , 71 4 ( K )
301 wuslern lambs Cfi S 05
215 .Mexican lumbs H 5 iV
\i-\v Voru l.lvo SdieU.
NHW YORK. Aprl1 Kl5VKS-He- -
c.ljits. 3,343 hrtiil ; market fairly active and
llrm : t-ows llrm to lOc higher , medium to
choice stcti'H. $1.6005.40 ; oxen , and stags ,
$3,73 4.60. bulls. Vl.0ua4.30 , cown , $2W(4.W. ( (
active ; tirlmo vtuls firm , others shmlo
lower , common to prime veils. $ | ( vtffiy ) ,
tops. $6.7f , fed calvps. $1X ( ) . * outliPrn calv. ' ! < ,
$3.0 , ' ,
9HHBP AND LA lHS-Re < plpt. 10.621
head : market nctlvp and t Ady ; common to
choice unshorn .ihccp , $4.00If.V37'4 ; clipped.
$3nos4.25 ; unshorn Inmbu , $5.6 ( > fTG.fiO , clipped
lamb ? . Jl.lMiC.35 ; clipped culls , U50U500 ;
spring : mbs , $2SOJJ'l.2 each.
HOGS lUcflpln. 13,822 head ; market
hlcher at )4.10il.25.
Cnttlp Trnilr Improve * , llo Hlindo
( I IT nnil Sliroit Act Ho.
CHICAGO , April 3. Owing to Iho light
receipts lant week , buyers of catlle today
were prepared to take hold freely and
trade showed a decided Improvemenl from
the start , prices ruling largely lOc hlpticr.
Fancy enttlo brought J5.70ft5.90 ; choice
Moors. $ j.3oi5.o5 ; meillum steers , Jt.7iVii4.n3 ;
beef steers. Jl Oivjn.lVi ; stnckers and feeders ,
J3..V > 1i4.S5 ; bull" , $2.fiOff4.GO ; cows and heifers.
JX4fyi4.S : ; wtvtern fed deem } 4.50'fi3.50 ;
Texas steers. $1.15513.10 ; calves , JI.OOW'.OO.
There wan an active local and shipping
demand for hng , but prices ruled n Rliado
lower , sales being largely at I3.7MI3.M ; fnlr
tn cliok-e grades. JJ. Ofl.l Z't : heavy packing
lotH , 3.6 j3.774 ; mlxod , } XV.'ii3.S2''i ( ! ; buteh-
erx. $1.STr3.S7i4 ( ; light , M.CaitS.W , ; pigs.
Triidu In sheep was active nl steady
prices , but lambs comprised the great bulk
of olVcrlngs and sold on an average of 51ilOc
lower ; fair to prime sheep brought tl.2.W
5.0expoier ; ( J4.76H5.05 ; yearling ! " , $4.6.VJ
5.1 ; lambs. $5.00ij5.9o.
RF.CKIPTS-Catllp , 14,500 ; hogs , 30.CK.X ) ;
slwcp , 1S.OOO.
City MVP Stuck.
celpt.a , 2,760 head natives , 2.700 head Texnns ;
good genpral demand for nil sliiUKhtertng
trades ; trade was active , the most de
sirable lots selling lOc higher , with plain
lots active nt llrm prices ; heavy native
sltcr * . $5.0005.30 ; medium sleers , $ l.65Ii5.10 ;
llKhl wplghts , $4.6305. W ; stockers and feed-
prs , $3.7305.00 ; butcher cows and heifers ,
$3.1003.75 ; calmer ? . $2.5003.10 ; butcher bulls ,
$3.10Ti4.1 ; western steers. $4.000 1. S3 ; Texnns ,
HOGS Receipts , 5.SOO head ; tradd was. nc-
tlvc , with prices stronger and in some cases
2 ! c higher ; heavy , $3.630'3.SO ; mixed , pack
ers , $3.&f.03.7S ; light , W.R003.G7'ii ; pigs , $3.25
SHBUP Receipts , 6,700 head ; liberal sup
ply of good quality ; slaughtering grades
very active ; good lambs lOB'loc higher ; mut
tons and feeding grades active at steady
prices ; Colorado and native lambs , $5..W
5.03 ; yearlings , $1.6004.95 ; wethers , $ l.0oy >
4.75 ; stackers and feeders , $3,2501.00 ; culls ,
$ $2.2303.00.
St. I. mil * l.lvo Stock.
ST. LOUIS , April 3.-CATTLK-IUcelptw.
2,000 head. Including 1,300 Texans. Market
strong for natives , with Texans steady.
F.ilr lo good native shipping and export
steers , $4.60Jif .30 , with fancy grades worth
$3.75 , Init few here ; d rested bJef and Imlcher
sleers , C4.000i.60 ! : steers , under 1,000 Ibs. , $3.75
104.50 ; stockers and feeders. $3.6004.70 ; cows
1 and heifer.- . $2.001M.60 ; bulls. $2.2504.00 :
Texas and Indian steers , $3.3305.00 ; cows and
hHfers. J2.450M.25.
HOOS Ilpc-flpts , 7,900. MarkPt steady ;
heavlps. $1.700 3. SO ; packers , $3.7503.83 ; butch
ers , $3.S3B3.y2'i.
SIUCEP-RPCpJpts , none. Market steady ;
native muttons. $3.8S04.50 ; culls , $3.0003.50 ;
lambs , $1.0006.7C.
St. Jimrpli I.lvc Stork.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , April 3. ( Special. )
CATTLE Receipts. 1,100 h id ; market
steady to strong. Natives , $4.1005.25 ; Texas
and weslorns , J3.750 I.S5 ; cows and heifers ,
$2.2304. 25 ; yearlings nnd calves , $ ( .5005.00 ;
slockers and feedea * , $3.6304.70.
IIOGS-Rpceh > ts , 1 , SOO head ; market steady
to HtronB ! nuiillty poor , selling at $3.GOS3.75 ;
bulk. $3.62',403.72H.
SHEEl'-Recelpts , 300 head ; market
Clituliiiinti I.lvc Stork.
CINCINNATI , April 3.-HOGS-Actlve ;
CATTLE-Qulet ; $2.7505.00.
SHEEP-Strong ; $2.500-1.75.
LAMBS Strong ; $4.0005.75.
Stouk In
Following < re the receipts at the four
principal western markets for April 3 :
Catllp. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 788 2,600 8,140
Chicago . 14,500 30,000 18,000
Kansas Clly . 5,460 5.SOO 6,700
St. Louis . 2,000 7,900
Totals . 22.738 46,300 32,840
Snrrlvorn of < lie Civil Wnr ncmpm-
liercd by llif Rpni-rnl RoVoriiiiient.
WASHINGTON , 'April 3. ( Special. ) The
following 'western ' pensions have been
granted :
Issue of March 22 :
Nebraska : Orlglna George P. Dean ,
Grand Island , $6. Original widows , clc.
Emily T. Rankln , Indlnnola. $8.
Iowa : Original Special , March 23 , special
act , Albert Putnam , Sandyvllle. $12 ; Thomas
Egan , Des Molnes. $8 ; Nathan G. Dye. Mon-
moulh , $6. Additional Thomas McClelland.
Shannon Clly. $4 to $ S ; Loran L. Edwards.
Lorlmor , $6 to $8. Restoration and supple
mental Domlnlck Maas , Hoaper , $8 ; Aaron
W. Harlan , Croton. $ S. Increase Wjlllam
Kldd , Ottttmwa , $12 to $17. Reissue and In
crease James Ellison , Wavcry. $8 to $10.
Original widows , etc. Julia A. Miller. Cot
ton wood , $8 ; Jane Farr , Newton , $8.
Colorado : Original Harmon Varner , Lake
City , $6 ; Thomas Hooper , Central City , $8 ;
Delphi H. Georgia , Elherl. $10.
DeniuiKlx nnninKPn of Corpft.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 3. According to
advices from the OnUnt , Count Knlserllng ,
a retired lieutenant commander of tha
Russian navy , has lodRed a claim against
the Corcan government for 34,000 yen dam
ages for the Ruliure of one of his whaling
vessels , which was caolured In walers under
the control of a Vladlvostock company. It
Is said that the Russian minister has en
dorscd the claim.
Iron WorkiTH C.i-t n It nine.
HELLAIRE , O. . April 3. The employes of
the Aetna-Standard Iron and Steel com
pany's works at Aetnavllle and Mlngo , O. ,
will today ho notified of an advance In wages
of 10 per cent , to BO Into effect Immediately.
The Aetna-Standard was lately purchased by
the National Steel company , by which com
pany the advance Is granted. This was
voluntary on the part of the company. About
4,500 men are affected.
CiMiNplriilorx ( . 'iinfi'NH < o Murder.
ST. LOUIS. April 3. A special to the Post-
Dispatch from I'nxlco , Mo. , says : Oliver
Logan , William nurs. "Nep" Stewart and
Taylor Hicks have acknowledged that they
killed John Sullivan , whose mysterious
death at Hatcher's Switch was ascribed to
white-caps. They have given bonds to ap
pear for preliminary hearing noxl Saturday.
There la considerable excitement over the
crime ,
in-own McclN Di-iilli rnlinly.
CINCINNATI. April 3. A Tlmes-Star spe
cial from Glasgow , Ky. , says : Hob llrown
was hanged ut 0:33 : a. m. loiluv and was pro
nounced dead In twelve mlnutps. Ho made
no Htatemenl on Ihe senlTold and died wlth-
oul apparent fear. His crlmo was thn mur
der of his aged father-in-law , Lowlw Mc
HiintliiKliiii lliiyN Iron Mliicx ,
SAN FRANCISCO , April 3.--A special from
Dnrango , Mex. , soyt1 The great Sierra do
.Merer d I moiinttiln of iron , adjoining Ihls
clly , han been purchased by C. P. Hunting- ;
ton. The purclmne price. Is placed nt $800.000 .
In gold. The Mexican Internallonal railway
Is built to the foot of the mountain. It 1.1
said exteiiHlvo steel works will bo estab
lished here.
KxciirMloiilniH CunitMU HOIIII- .
NE\V YORK. April 3. The. American liner
Paris was sighted south of Long Ilranch nt
8 30 this morning , hound In from Us criilso
of thirty days In the West Indlen , with over
400 passengers.
Telephone 10IW. Oinnhu , Neb
Dlro-t wire tu i.mcu < u jnu \ w York.
CorrtispondrnUi Joku AVarr r. L. Co.
(700H4 ( HY. UFE BLOa BRANCH l03a > iSt
a.x " unccui nc&
When Traveling
Read The Bee
Hero Is Where
You Will Find it in the
Principal Cities.
Jninp 91 , ( loilnnt.
Klmlinll HIIIIM.Noun s
Pulillc l.llirnrj.
Vonilomn lintel
II on I on 1'rcnK Club , 1-1 Ilimrrorth it , ,
Genonoe Hotel \iMtn .Mnnil.
BUTT- ! : .
"Win. Shlcliln.
llnrvnril flavor nit > I.llirnry.
i : . A. I.UEIIU , 212 Wc l Kith St.
Club ,
Auditorium Annex Ncvrn Stniut.
Auditorium Hotel MfMtH flnmt.
Ornnil PmIIUllolrl > r > Mimil.
Jrcat Northern Hotel ? dtm Stnml.
I'nlinur lloucrrw < § Stniul.
l'o ti > nii ! < > \I > TTH Stniul. Xi ) . 217 Deiu *
linrn Street.
Amiiii-lntnl AdvrrtUcr'n Club , 1'almeV
VVeililell Homo.
The Holleiiilen.
Commercial Travelers' AmiaolntloM ,
Masonic Temple.
Printers' Home.
IlroTrn Hotel \eiT Stniul.
lUmlltou A Kemlrlck. IMHI-D12 I7 < h nt.
Jlcl.nlii , i'ltt .k Co. . srtr. Sixteenth St.
I'rntt Mer.-niitlll- . . 1B17 UlTlmcr St.
The Stationer Co. , IBth n d Lnnrou , .
\Vlnd or Jlotel Xerrn Mtnnd.
Jloic. JncohR , ( look Inlnud Depot.
Y. 31 , C. A. I ten ill n if Itooin.
Wltz A llennctt , an W. Superior St.
II. S. A. Hemline Ilooni
Inglntcrra Hotel Ilcnilliii ? llooin.
Honolulu Hotel Ilmdlnff nooiu.
\V. A. Moore , Oth avvuue and Main St.
Uelenii IMihllc Library.
Ueorgc aihnon.
O. H. AVen-rer Jt Co ,
F. C. HovlnR.
Ii. D. Cooper & Co. , OZO CentrnI Are.
Robert Held. KliJi ! McQec St.
CoRten . OUMG .N'erra Stnud.
MUiioiirl Republic-nil Club , 005 IlnltU
more Avo.
I'nbllo Mbriiry.
Illckieckrr Clurnr Co. , Otu and Walnut
oj > iio lte I * . O.
flntlTrnr Y. 31. C. A. . , room 27 UnloM
Depot , Knimnn City , 31 o.
Public Library.
Y. BI. C. A. HeadlnR nooiu.
\V. S. EilmlHlon , 112:1 : O Street , DellY-
ry Agent.
Oliver & IlnlncN , 1OI ( S. Spring St.
F. D. HaiiHcoin , 422 H. Main St.
OharleB A. GllllK' " American ISxchanKfl
2 Cockniiitr St. , 'I'mfnltfiir Si ] . , 5. AV.
Aiiilr MV F. Selioim , Cor. lneiite do
Knpaiin nnd Uncoltit Street * .
I'nbllo Library.
AVeat Hotel \CTVK Stnml.
Cooper Union Library.
rifth Avenue Hotel Nen-i , Stand. I
Fifth Avenue Hotel Hemline Iloom.
Empire Hotel.
Uroouie Street Library.
llBllitnd Home ItefiillnuT Hooin.
HofTinnn Home.
Imperlnl Hotel \CTT Mnnd.
Mechanics' nnd Trudvrn' Free LIbrnry
No. 1H Hunt Sixteenth Street.
Press Club , 120 .Viiixau St. " . .
Wmtinlnntrr Hotel Iteiidlucr Itoom.
Windsor Motel ItfiidlnuHoom ,
Y. 31. C. A.Jtcl Street nud 4th Aveim ,
W. Webb , 2-105 XViiahliigton Ave.
IV. G. Kind.
Nerr York Humid Iteitdlnw Iloom , 41
Ave. IB 1'Opern.
Thou , rank & Noim , 1 Ave. de I'OncrB.
A OeHtrom ,
'IV. 10. Joues , litll Alilnr St
Portland Hotel \e > vn Stand.
Mercantile Library.
I'ubllo Library.
I'ablle Library.
Hotel IiiKlnterru HeudliiK Hoitnt.
Hanta Ann Free rnbllu l.
IF. . Ilninniel , Lyceum Theaten ,
Salt I.nKi.Venn Co.
Public. I.lbrui-j.
inni-rii XIMVH Co. , : tll ( l-'J I'llce 81.1
A , T. l.iiiulli-r ,
( Jeorije. F. Ward.
Rarretlitoii Ilotfl Xewrn h In nil.
Mondiimlii Hotel \I-TV Sluiul ,
Hotel Vciulonieiim Mluiul.
Oouivii- KiiloKerbiickpr.
I'nbllii l.llirar ) .
( JCi-iild Flt ullilioii , TOO I'ourtli SI.
Hey Allen , ! IUI Ciinlrr SI.
V. M. O. A. HfiullMK llnnni.
John W. Rrnlium TM-TM Hirer.IH (
llronilotT1 * > en Sluuil , 721 Udroon *
JiliH-tlim > Slunil. r.01 Edmund Mb
Y. BI. C. A. llrnillni * Iloom ,
I'rriM ClulJ.
K. J , .left , SOO Olive St.
I'laiiterK * llottl .Vevr * Stand.
I'ubllo Library. V
Wtlliiril'n Hotel NI-TTB StnuU.
Arlington llolrl.
Ponareiiiliinnl Library ,
Itlcu * llouie.
Aurrloultui'ul Iepartiii nt Llbrnrfji
Itcpubllonu National Cuuiiulttt * .