Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1899, Page 17, Image 17

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    TITE mrATIA 15 ATT. V HEEi SVXDAV. APRIL 2. 18(10. (
is can essential in a truss. We
have a complete line of trus
ses , single or double steel
and elastic , in all tbe modern
designs. We guarantee satis
faction. Electric Belts
quite an assortment juices ,
$3.00 to $10.00.
f S. W , Corner Inth and Furnani.
Removes all
germs. P r o-
vides perfectly
pure -water for
all domestic uses at a cost of less
tban Ic per barrel. Has the
capacity of a § 100 filter , Price
§ 10 put on. Sold only by
Nebraska Plumbing ami
| { /\r\--Jfi ] < i f r1316 UotlJjlfS
llUdUliy l/.Ui , 'Phone 2070.
I'd man
The only piano which
improves under usage.
Sample pianos $138.00
Square pianos $15-00 up
Organs S5-00 up
We celebrate our forty
year ? iu business this fall
established 1S59.
214 So 18th St. Tel 1098
Established in 1886.
Steam Heating
Telephone 1146
403 South 15th Street ,
"Keeping is keeping on sale the
Cj best goods in the mar-
OllOp ket is keeping t h o
best workmen that can bo procured is
keeping promises when made is keep
ing customers satisfied. All of which
you will find at Free & Black , 1SOG Far
nam street telephone 1049.
Repairing promptly attended to ,
Plumbers and Gas Fitters ,
Telephone IO49.
Cinderella in Rags the Heroine of the Fancy Dress Party. .
or rv
There -was a chorus of delighted O's ! and
Ah's ! among the Gray girls when > Meg
burst In with the news that the Jocelyn
party was to 'bo a fancy dress affair. "And
I know what I'm going to be a flower girl , "
Meg wound up. Ada nodded. "And sell all
tho. flowers on our last aummer'fi hats.
You'll have a big- stock in trade , Meg. I
think I shall be Diana. "
"You're tall and lanky enough , goodness
kno > \ . " .Helen .said. She liked to bo
brusque. To her own mind It favored of
oriclnallty and daring. "l'-m going as
Queen , "Elizabeth. " ehe went on. "As for
riillllppa , she has no choice. She could not
p'ojelbly bo anything but Cinderella. "
"Cinderella In rags ! " Phlllippa said with
n fcrave laugh. ( Helen had hurt her , but
, she -would have died rather than show it.
"And I don't Uilnk LMamrna Jocelyn would
Ilka the rags , Helen. Certainly not on a
cousin to Frank's sweetheart "
"If you mean ine , I am nobody's sweet
heart. Sweethearts are vulgar , " Helen
said loftily. "Of course I shall have beaux
when the time comes. I'm too near grownup
uplC you know. I leave all that
nonsense to Meg and Ada. They are Just
eighteen months younger tout twins al
ways take longer to grow up "
, "Cs'0 such thing ! They don't ! " 'lies : and
-Ada protected in 'the sanio breath. Helen
.lauched disagreeably. "It would be. un
lucky for Phil if they didn't , " she said.
"You know you have always grown so slow
my old clothes never would fit you. They
did flt Phil , who Is exactly your age. "
Philllppa got up with a lump In her
throat. "I must run homo now , " she said ,
"mother will bo waiting. Let us know ,
Helen , when you want help about the
dresses. I know you'll have a perfectly
gorgeous time. "
Phlllippa was a Gray , too , but her father ,
people eald , bad married beneath himself.
He had been as ehlftleae as his brother , law
yer Gray , was thriving. Still his brother
had been kind and brotherly while tbo ne'er-
do-well lived. He had died whan Philllpp.i
was 10 years old , leaving to bis widow only
the cottage home and a few hundred dollars.
Still she managed to live without greatly
taxing her husband's rich brother. At
Christmas be always gave her J10. at New
Ycar'3 a load ot coal. After that he con
tented himself with saying :
"Remember , Angela , when It comes to a
Free to.
A trial package of a new Rheuma
tism Cure.
On the theory that "soelnff is believing , "
Kuhn & Co. , 15 and DcwiBla.s , the popular
ilrur'l of this i-ily , xra authorized to
preeem to any pervoa aulYerlut : from rbeu-
matUm a trial imckage of Gloria Tonic tr-e
of cost , it is done for the i > urp Mte to en
able every p-ron suffering from rheuma
tism to test into rwnedy lirot and be con
vinced tliut U is a sure cure.
Gloria Tonic rec ntly cured a lady In
Puiiham. Ind. , who then cured IS ot her
neighbor * . Iu Kenterville. Idaho. It cuml
as unfortunate person who bud been bedrid
den for 16 years. Mr * . Dora Klrv-y at 12
Mountain St. Hx-kvllle , Ooun . wag i-urfd
aft r nufrirlrKvrfly for 15 jvara. If
tlier la amth ' . ut li-r ttai > n i'i ' n < m
'tru rhruin I'-m T p * n OUST t < try . ' ,
i i mtr t w if > " " r r ' ii a n : \ *
t I' " 1 , R > - r e z p lent * - 1 " i
Tf o1 i" ' t Kuhn & C"1 a Ji i n1 J U -
at * i / or U en ao ar pa-k'jea i r
pinch , when there is anything you really
need for yourself or the child , you are to let
me know without fail. " Angela always
answered that he was quite too kind. Still
his wife said Angela was ungrateful. Why
else did she spend time and Btrcngth _ In
making over for Phillippa Helen's beautiful
frocks ? You would not know them for the
same when sbo was through with them and
they might have been worn without a stitch ,
beyond sewing on a ibutton or putting a
braid In place.
"Soewhat I lave got for you ! Frank
brought It himsslf , " ( Mrs. dray said , hold
ing nut a square cream-laid envelope as
Phllfippa came in. " .He says he will come
Siie Fell
In Love
With that elegant
Nothersole Bangle
Bracelet he had
made to order by
The workmanship was perfect ,
And th * ensravlnu Jt'ST DIVIN'E ,
The Idea was so purely new
That I really wished 'twere mine.
Her chum told ns this , and do you know
WD enjoy such appreciation ?
1520 DOfGUAS ST.
SOl'TII OMAHA STOItn Ulth fc M St .
Catalogue Free
Seed that will grow and
produce a crop that is
worth harvesting.
Insist on having
Nebraska grown seed ,
130. ' ) FAKXA31.
Henry G. Wlndhelm. Manager.
Ladies !
with a hard running vibrating
shuttle Sewing Machine when j
you can get the new No. 0 ,
Wheeler & Wilson , rotary
motion and ball bearing. As i
this is the beginning of the
summer season , have one ;
placed on trial. Sold only
1620 Capitol Ave. i !
the light ( basket strapped upon her head ,
and still others showed in the ewlss muslin
apron gathered up in her left hand. Ex
cept the flowers , the apron was her only
ornament. It had a dainty ruffled bib
caught on each shoulder with a knot cl her ,
own flowers , and broad ruffled strings tleJ |
jauntily In the 'back. ' Underneath it was a
plain stuff frock , severely plain and of dull ,
non-committal tblack. It came just well
below the knees and was .met by black
stockings , which ran down into curious
wooden abocs. A thin black mask covered '
eyes and forehead , with a fall cf deep lace
below to ehade mouth and chin. Except
for the flowers and the sabots it was a
costume any girl in Strathley might easily
have achieved. But where were violets and
sabots to ibe found In a prosperously com
monplace suburban settlement ?
"You are amazing ! Upon my EOU ! you
are ! When did you leave Paris ? You might
be fretti from the boulevards. " Judge Jocelyn -
lyn , Frank's traveled uncle , said , stopping
short. He bad Helen on his arm , a gor-
TII T < AT > I T PET iv THIS nv < 5k'Kn' A vii Tin'
for you unless we agree to go up early In
; the Afternoon. 1 wlh.wo . had kept the Ian
| Christmas , money , PhD then you should
look as well as anybody. But I can hatch
up something. Depend upon that. I might
even ask your uncle "
"No ! No ! " Phllllppa burst out. " .Mother
dear , I had a bundrud times rather stay a'
homt > . I shall stayat home Indeed , unleis
O Ma sun > 1 have * uch an Waal Listen
then My It you are sorry bout the 510 ! "
Th party c-aoig off In mid-vMarch upon a
clear cold night when the ground was
! crustbd over after the day's thaw and the
' stars shone like poinu ot fire In a tsky
of trteol. Theru was no bint of spring In the
air. Kven the erqcut * * end tbe hardy Jon
quil * had but JUit begun to r * P up In the
* tinnievt jardens. So there waa a genuine
s > n all throtiih ; the Jwelvjj parlors
wVn a el'.zht ' fg Tp > fj tip aui down
* V-n z- " < y - , OR > ) - } ' SA-ce' vl K'e1"
a-yi k" j-g | oti'p'hcs cf Fiir e Hoosi ,
U' > h aM frsg-TL" ' a * > - e- s > ' 8 l
' OUirr foun ics pc'petl over tbo edge of
geous Queen ElliaUetii , and prouder than a
IK acock over mowing hericlf thus beside i
the judge. He heW out his hand ( or some
violets , asking "How much ? " The violet
seller answered very low ; "One dollar , ,
please. "
"Keep the chance , " the judge Mid with a '
bow. HS he slipped a five dollar gold piece In
her band. She dropped Mm a little courtesy
and moved away. "I wonder who she can
be ? " ho said , looking after her. "Of course
I eannot judge Among all you queens ana
shtpherdesses and eodd M s you are all
Elmpiy and utterly entrancing--but tiers Is
tlio best carried out ot any coat u me here. "
"I thluk It't tbe ugliest. " Helen sals
quickly. "Heller that , though , than like our j |
Jleg. Such a me * * ! Site look * a tlower girl. I
Satin slippers. an < 1 tlounreu to the waist ' '
and that i-reel , like a hrasa bird cage full of
"O' N-VCT rrlrl- ' the ju'gc sill -She
can rK a''i a'-T * ;
r- t o wnng ! , acl
TJo Mc'tt B > rl CJ-JB bk. 'Jlrrcl 1 ,
We are showing this year a new ,
neat , artistic line of Easter Cards
and Booklets , ranging In price from
5c to 75c. Wo also have an unique
line of Easter Novelties , Ducks ,
Chickens , etc.
Megeath Stationery Company ,
130S Fnrnnm Street.
'Phone 234.
Our store is full of delica-1
cies for your Easter dinner I
we mention a few
Spring Lamb , Spring Chicken ,
Strawberries , Cauliflower ,
' 9
24th and Farnam Sts.
Phone 1511 Phone 1509
Tor Meats For Groceries.
Every Business Day
In the year we hear a compliment on
Four men declared to us last week that It '
was the best cigar 'they had ever smoked.
No five-cent cigar on the market has given
such Rood satisfaction. We'd like you to
give it a trial.
Paxfon Block Cigar Store ,
Jacob Jaskalek , Prop.
16th , near Farnam.
don't keep change , " she said. "I made the
price as high as my conscience would let
me. "
"Give me the flowers for It , then , " the
judge said. As she huddled them Into his
hand. Frank came up. "That's not fair.
Uncle Lenox you're a monopolist , " he said.
"I tried tobuy some violets to send my sweet
heart. She Isn't hero tonight you know-
but this tyrant would not part with them. "
"You may have them now. How many ?
I didn't like to have you ruin yourself away
from your guardian but if the judge knows
all about It , " the violet girl murmured.
As she made a tentative pause. Frank caught
her'hand. ' "I want all that are left in the
basket and the basket beside , " he said.
"Ah , ha ! Who's a monopolist now ? " the
judge asked. Ran Bowling , who had come
up to them , made a grimace as he said : "
must have one bunch If no more. Must ! Do'
you hear , Frank ? You , " nodding to the
violet seller , "are my guardian angel. You
gave me an excuse to escape from that dangling -
ling Diana. I have been stuck with her ever
since I came In. "
"Shut up ! " Frank said , hastily shouldering'
Randolph aside. "Diana is Ada Gray , " ho
eald in his ear. "And Queen Elizabeth
Helen. "
Randolph whistled softly , "I'd better cut
before the unmasking , " he said. "But say ?
Tell me who that cute little thing with the
flowers Is ? "
' 'Ask mo something easy , please , " Frank
retorted. "Blest If I know if anybody
knows. You'll have to stay to flnd out and
let your sins flnd you out. " Randolph said
"I will. "
But he did not flnd out. Neither did any
body else. The violet girl vanished almost
as soon as she bad sold her last bunch of
blossoms. Half an hour later Philllppa was
telling her mother : " 0 ! it v\aa the greatest
fun ! I shall love that 'blessed ' mask all my
life. At first I was hot and cold nil at once ,
whenpver I had to speak , but when I found
they did not know , everything grew easy. I
felt as 1f I walked on air. I did not quite
like to take the money but Frank kept
whoring : 'Keep it ! It's all right. ' He
must have suspected , but lie kept bis face
like a wooden Indian. And I have $20 ! Do
you know what I shall do with it ? "
"No ! Only that it will bo something
nice. " Jlrs. Gray said , stroking Phlllippa's
hea < } . Philllppa laughed and cuddled closer ,
saying : "I shall Rive 'back ' the $10 you lot
nio spcml for cold frames to go over my
violet beds. You were an angel to do it.
Nobody else \\ould have believed I could
raise the flcr.vers for market In our little
garden. The other ten I mean to put Into
Castor gifts for Helen and Meg and Ada.
They shall not know who sends them , either ,
I'll make them Just 'From Cinderella. ' I'oor
dears ! Cinderella had a better time than
they at the grand ball. "
I'hIIIlppa's first violet sale was by no
means her last. She never again sold in
costume , but she wore out more than one
pair of sabots pattering about her cold
frames. The frames spread and flourished
amazingly so amazingly that when their
mistress married Frank Jocelyn. one Easter
day , her rloh uncle was not caJleJ on to fur-
n.Va the trou&jeau.
TO iMtisiitvi : v.\ HOOKS.
llnnilkiiiiie ( 'morn | 'IIN | | > - Mmlc for
Family . .
Books of value that are kept haudy to show
to vUltora and which are too large to go
In a bookcase soon become boiled and dU-
colored from lying exposed to light and dust.
A method for preserving such books is the
Idea of a veteran who prize * several pic.
mrial war histories anj a favorite bible.
H < * maks imitation ticks cf wood , .whl"b ,
uhcn opened are rcilly taxes just large
" agh to to1 ! a t"rk. He has fcund a de-
rani fr then , awl le-e'va ' good prJ"ss
for all he mitca. 'Elaborately finished , they
Do Not Get
Summer will surely come and
when It docs you will want us to
leave Iceat your residence. He-
member we sell Armour & Co.'a
Pure. Silver Lake Ice. We are
now prepared to give. South Omaha
people good service , as well as
Consumers' ' Ice & Goal Co
211 S. 14th St. P. W. Tlghe , Mgr.
Telephone 1DSO
Telephone 963
The Red
Cross League
is an organization furnishing
medical and surgical attend
ance to members and their
families for 81 a month. The
physicians are the best ob
tainable in Omaha. Funeral
'expenses paid. For further
information call or telephone
804 New York Life BIdg.
Car rington& Karling ,
TelephoneOltl. .
I present a neat appearance on the library' ' '
table , are easily made , and will be ( ound of I
value to everyone who may have costly
b. . ok3 to preserve.
With any good quality ofwood , begin by
cutting two long strips for the four sides , |
to be made a trlllo higher than the book ;
to 'be covered Is thick. The strip from j
which the two curved sides of the bookare ,
to bo made should be of double thickness ,
as It Is to be cut to the curved form of the
j I binding , as seen In the end view. No. 1.
The hollow side may 'be ' cut out with a nar-
rcxw plane or a curved chisel. .
The length for the flat sides may bej I !
marked off trcm the 'book and then cut to'
fit the curved sides , as at a. In cutting ,
the curved side representing the binding , ] !
an allowance will be made at each end , \.o
I ' project , as at b. The four sides can then bo.
glued together. To give additional strength , I
a few brads may also be used , well driven
| ! In , and the holes plugged up.
! I The two cover pieces .will bo exactly alike
! In size and thickness , and when glued in
I ' place will project over the sides exactly as1 j
j book covers , fitting evenly with the extended
] ends or the binding Bide. j
The completed wooden book Is now to be
'that It Is even used as a bridge for the trains
of the trans-Siberian railway. The tics are
laid directly upon the Ice , and the locomo
tive , with a loaded train , steams across.
Fancy a thousand tons' weight crossing one
of the largest and deepest rivers in Siberia
merely on frozen water !
The Incident I am going to tell occurred
on one of tie coldest nights I have ever ex
perienced , for the thermometer stood at |
twenty-five degrees below zero. In order i
to prepare for the long ride to the sta
tion I had swallowed three or four glasses i
of hot tea at the yemskie quarteer , or sta- |
tlon , and strapped on a heavy reindeer pelt j
over my huge Russian overcoat. On reachIng -
Ing the sledge or tarantass , which was waitIng -
Ing , I saw on the driver's 'box what ap- j
pcared to be a. solid toll of fur , but on closer ,
inspection I found that the bundle con- '
tained a tx > y not more than 14 years of age.
His extreme youthfulness surprised me , and
I Immediately returned to the keeper of the
quarteer to remonstrate with him against
detailing a more boy for such an arduous
duty on such a cold night. Ho assured me
that the boy referred to bad made the same
journey many times before and was , indeed ,
a full-Hedged ycmstchlck , or tarantass
driver. Although inwardly protesting , I
cut In half and hinged together. A guide
line ( c ) should be made all around the box ,
as it must be eawed evenly. The email
hinges and clasps , such as are used on al
bums , will cost but a few cents each. The
| hinges will be placed on the side representing -
ing the binding , and by cutting away the
i space for them the box will close tightly.
The clasps. If ot suitable size , arc easily
If plain wood Is used , the case should bo
j stained. Inside and out , and then varnished ,
but If a good quality of wood Is used , var-
I nlehlng will be sufficient. Small rubber pads
glued on the t * > ttom of the box will keep
It from scratching whatever It may stand
Tlirlr Ilo Tcr iif IJniluriuiPP Are Some
time * A" ry HfiimrUnblf.
J have often witnessed the brave endur
ance cf the Siberian boy. says a writer In
St. Nicholas , but never to such an extent as
while on a sledge journey from Krasnoyarsk
to Minusinsk. The road between these two
points during the winter Is nothing more
than the frozen surface of the Yenisei river ,
for the Ice ia over a yard In thickness , and
although the swift current of the river
rrowds 1' , up into ir.all h-jtnruxks during the
early winter ycwl' the pocking of snow
jarl lha r cr'ant weir of iho clelge cara-
va' " ! . H af'rils a r-"Tara'tvely tinhorn acd
1 sol'd ' roaubed. Tto ice Is considered to
And the reading public In general can
flnd everything now , as soon as It
comes out. on any Bubject In which
they may bo interested lu
Subscription 1'rlt-r , fiOu 1'rr Vcnr.
Single Copies , 5c.
For sale by nil newsdealers and book
sellers. Published at Omaha , Neb.
Trade supplied through Omaha News
Experienced Collection Agency Solicitors
to solicit membership contracts for the
Western Commercial and
Adjustment Co.
Suite 42J Bee BIdg. , Omaha.
Telephone 2260.
Good territory ; liberal terms.
Merchants , publishers and others having
accounts for collection plcaso write us for
terms and references.
We Cannot
Read Your Palm' '
even if there is 85.00 in it i
vre are not in that kind
of business. Our busi
ness is Sign painting
But You Can Read
our signs whether they
cost you 5c or $5.00 , they j
are always clean cut ,
neat , properly spaced and ,
109 South 14th Street.
Phone 43.
could do nothing but accept the situation.
I gave the word to start. Crack ! went
the UUle fellow's whip , and away dashed
th troika ( team of three horses. ) Our horzes
were already Impatient with the cold. The
night was black and threatening and the
roadway among the hummocks of Ice on the
river was almost , indistinguishable. As the
darkness Increased we frequently missed It
altogether , and the ponderous sledge went
bumping and toppling over the icy hum
mocks , while our poorly-fed peasant horses
strained every nerve to keep it in motion.
Two hours jxisacd toy , when suddenly the
pledge stopped , half tilted on a huge hummock - |
mock of Ice. "Tho horse Is own. barln" i
( master ) , shouted the little yemstohick. I \
leaped out at once and ran to the horde's j
head to assist him to rise , tout he did not
move. I placed my hand over his heart.
There was not a beat. The horse wan dead.
The ponrly nourished animal had succumbed
to the excessive cold and the strain. We '
. took off the harnore , backed the sledge out
' of the way and then started oft again with
the two horses remaining. The little fel-
j low on the frox , I could see , wan shivering
I with the cold , as I myself -was - by tbi time.
I ' for the expoiuro necessitated 'by the accl-
deal had chilled mo through. 1 offered to
, take and even Insisted upon tuk'ng his
ji'are ' frr a > lme so that bo might warm up ,
but he ntwn'H this Intrusion as al- .t au . (
Indignity to his tilling. Vet a munnur |
cf dlsron'ent pasiH his lips. On we rode
through the darkness , but how long I know
s yw/w % v
never know
whether wo do good
Printing or
till yon plvo us n trinl.Vo are
pleasing hundreds of customers in
Omaha nndvo know we can plcnso
< I'lnp 1'rliitrrntiil liltliOKrniihcrfi.
1111-1116 Farnam St. Omaha , Neb.
Strictly Thbcsl ° f fvcry
Pirct Place thtn * afa > ays
on hand.
Theater Parties a Specialty.
The finest noonday lunch in
the city for 250.
1Gth nnd Hnrncy Sta
J. E. HIMES , Proprietor ,
L J you torget to come in ?
We said we had all
kinds of delivery wagons
from § 45 to $85.
Drummond Carriage Co.
Tel. 035. IStn and Harnoy Sts
Opposite Court House.
not , for , exhausted by twenty-four hours'
constant traveling , I fell Into a doze. From
ihls I was finally roused by a sudden shock.
\Ve seemed to have collided with eomo-
Lhlng. I looked out and eaw that 'we ' had
eached the next village and that our steam-
ng , frcat-covered horses , eager to get into
shelter , had run the shafts ot our vehlclo
headlong into the gate.
"What's the matter ? " 'I called out to the
"Please , barln , I couldn't hold 'ein , " cama
the reply In a chattering voice.
That admission was sufficient ; I know that
the little fellow's hands must be either
numbed or frozen , and for that reason ha
could not pull on the reins. I jumped out ,
opened the gate nnd led the hordes in , but hi
did not move from his box ; his legs were
too stiff with the cold. I picked him up
and carried him bodily Into the hou- . A
banln cf snow was Immediately ibrought to
thaw out his frozen fingers , while 1 removed
his clothing to rub a circulation back Into
his stiffened limbs. With this and a glaia
or two of hot tea wo finally restored him to
animation. Even then he never uttered ono
word of complaint , and when I slipped a
ruble Into his glowing fingers he looked as
cheerful as though nothing unpleasant had
If this , I thought. Is the stuff the Siber
ian soldiery are made of , then Russia need
never fear a rival to her title of "ruler of
the east. "
Oeorge Frederick Watta , the Kngllsh
artist , who Is now 82 , wa Ellen Terry's
first husband , a fact not generally
Doctors Can't
Cure It !
Contagious blood poison Is absolutely
beyond the skill of the doctors. They
may dee n putient for yenrs pn their
mercuriul and potash remedies , but ho
will never bo rid of the disease ; on the
other iiund , his condition will grow
steadily worse. S. S. B. is the only euro
for this terrible affliction , bccuuso it i
the only remedy which goes direct to >
the canto of the defense and forces it
from the
I wa cElctfd with Blood Poison , ind lh
best a oc torn did me DO KIX * ! . though I took
their tmument faith
fully. In Uct.I eeme4
to Kettort * all the
uhilf. I took a line * ft
every co-call od blood
remedy , but ( hey did no V
seem to reach llie dis
ease. and hid no r.C ct
whatever. I was d Is-
lictrl ncd , fur H t vmad
tliitt I w..uld never bw
cured. At tliti advice ot
a friend I then toot
K. S h , and taun tolm- .
, . " ' ' ' prove. I continued the
mediolDo.and it cored win completely , build * .
Ing up my health end Increasing aiy appetite. .
.Althoean Mm was ten yi-aru UKO. I liavw never/ /
jo' h&d a cignof the d'deut * to retcru
W. It
It is like self-dost rue. ion to continue
to take potash and mercury ; beaidea
totally destroying the digestion , they
dry up the marrow in the bones , pro
ducing a stiffneMi and swelling of thai
these dangerous minerals , It in
Purely Vegetable.
Book on selftrea'nsfiBent free br
Swift bnecillc Company , Atlanta , GU. '