Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1899, Part I, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OlSfAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , APTITL 2 , 1890.
Again Iho season of Lent hns reached nn
end and again the annlvorsary of the rcsur-
roctlon of Christ Is at hand. Today
Kaalcr Sunday , IB observed ns a day of re
joicing In nil of the Christian churches the
world over. It IB n day when the Interior
of each church Is beautifully decorated with
flowers nnd plants. In this connection ,
Bpeaklng of flowers and their tise , Ucv. T.
DoWllt Talmago says : "Flowers have no
grander use than when on Kastcr morning
vo relebrate Iho roanlmatlon of Christ from
Iho catacombs. And so 1 twist all of the
festal flowcr.1 of nil of the churches of
America with nil the festal flowers of chapels
nnd rathodrals of all Christendom Into olio
great chain , and with that chain I bind the
Kasler mornings of our lives with the clos
ing Kaster of the world's history of the
Insurrection. "
In Omaha Kaster will bo observed much
nftor the some fashion as In the past. All
of Iho churches will observe the day. The
pulpits will bo decorated with lilies nnd
short addresses and music prepared for the
occasion will bo the order of the day.
This year the music will bo better than
heretofore , ns most of the church choirs have
been giving Bpcclal attention to the anthems
that nro to be rendered. The announcements
nnd programs published In this department
will give an Idea of how the day will bo
observed In this city.
Holy Family. Cntliollc.
The beautiful nervlcca of the- Catholic
ritual wcro observed with great solemnity nt
Holy Family church on Thursday , Friday and
Saturday mornings , and will bo brought to a
close with solemn high mass this morning at
10'30. As the devotion of the forty hours
will open at this mass the services will be
most solemn. Ttio following is the musical
program :
Kyrln Farmer's Mans
Gloria Farmer's Mass
Credo Farmer's Mass
Rr lna Cooll Werner
HancUis Farmer
llpiindlrtun Farmer
AKIIUS Del Farmer
Soprano soloists : Misses Nlles. Danahey.
MrCullagh. Alto : Misses Danahey , O'Brien ,
Gentle-man. Tenor : Mr. Miller. Haws :
Mns.--s Jarobsoii , Walsh , Srhall. Organist :
Miss Emma Gentleman. There will be a
chorus ot forty voices.
Saereil Henri Catholic.
The 10:30 miins will be a high mass , cele
brated by Rev. Phillip Rees , S. J. The ser
mon will be preached by the pastor. Rev. P.
.1 Judge Subject , "Bearing the Cross
P'atlently Brings a Glorious Resurrection. "
The senior cliolr , under the direction of Miss
Cannon , will sing Marza'a second mass In
V Musical program :
Kvrle BytheChoIr
Gloria By the Choir
Bass Solo Laudamus Te L. Gutting
Gratlos Aglmus Miss Carroll ,
Mlsa Klyle , Messrs. Cannon and Gutting
Qul Tollls Miss Mamlo O'Brien
Cum Saneto By the Choir
Credo Hy the Choir
D -iim de Deo..Misses . Knlcht and Cannon
Kt Incarnatus Mlsa Margaret Flynn
Cruelllxim Miss Jennie Jacobberger
Kt Resurrexlt By the Choir
Offertory Reglna Coell BytheChoIr
Jlenedletus Misses Flynn and Long
Agnus Del Misses Long nnd Cannon
Dona Nobls Miss Hornbcrger
Organist , Miss Cannon.
St. Plillotiiriiii'N Cntliollc Cntlifilrnl.
Pontifical high mass will be celebrated at
C a. m. by Rt. Rev. Bishop Scannell. Low
masses nt 7 , 8 and 0 a. m. , followed by a
solemn high muss at 10:30. : Rev. James
Btenson will act as celebrant , assisted by
Rev. S. F. Carroll , deacon ; Rev. John Jen-
nette , subdeacon , and Rev. P. McOovern ,
master of ceremonies. The sermon will be
Jlcnrt Failure , 1'uralynlM , Nervou *
Tremor * , ShortiicwH of Ilrciiih anil
All Ulnt'iiftes Due to I'oor Cir
culation of Illood Cured liy
u Short UMC of Dr.
Ills. ' Tonic TalilctN.
I."ree Trlnl liy Mall to All Who Write
( ilVf N liiff to the XervcH , Tone to
tinIllouil , CiiroN KlieuiiiiitlMin ,
Kidney DlNutiHu mill All Illood
mid \ervc AITeelloiiH
Wrltt * Today for
Frp Trlnl.
There Is a remarkable remedy called Dr.
] > lx's Tonic Tablet. ' ) that lias a marvelous
nction upon' the nerves and blood. It will
give quick relltif in all cases where the
nerve pressure causes pain and unsteadiness
ot muscle and has the further en'ect of
caiiKliiir the various oxcrementory organs.
Mich as the skin , liver , lungs , bowel.i and
Kidneys to jtepnrato the poisonous salts and
acids from the blood and east them out of
the body. Any one who Is sick or ailing
nhoiild try this wonderfti. remedy. A free
trial package IK mailed to a'.l to show that
It. is a palatable , agreeable and effective
remedy , perfectly harmless and combining
only thobo elements from the garden of na
ture which the human body can utilize In
its upbuilding process ,
A ip'out many promliKlit ninn and women
have been led to try this splendid medicine
eoluly bncatiio of its absolute compatibil
ity with bodily conditions. No one who has
ever used the remedy bus failed to obfervo
their marked Inflm-nee , and many u stub-
barn Illness Im.'i been overcome In a t < ur-
prlflngly short time.
If you ihnvo any or till of tlic symptoms
ppud your name and address to H'.iyes &
Coon , KIT Hull Hldg. , Detroit , Mich. , and
they will gladly sunil you a free trial box
of Or. Ulx Tonic Tablets. The most per
fect remedy known. You will be delighted
with them nnd they may save your life.
They are put up In tablet form , pleasant to
itnko ami < y direction * , which , If you fol-
low. will positively and effectually cure In
n. short time , no martur bow bad you may
lie , or If you prefer you can get u full Hlzod
.box . at your druggist far only 50 cents. We
don't ask you to take our word for whni
Ir Dlx Tonic Tablets will do ; send for the
frco package and glvo them a test.
. E. A.
Pastor Huptist Church , Mt , Ayr ,
Town , WrlteH :
Jlayo * & Coon , Detroit , Mlrh. , Gentle.
HHMi Allow mo to eay In behalf of Hiiffurlni :
Immunity that Dr. 1)U' Tunlo Tablets arc
all that you rlulm and I heartily rccommom
tlrm IIH a boon to the mulcted and mlvlst
mi hoiiMt trial of the same by tboso thai
dpslro to recover their health , il.iy Uoc
Wess you Is my prayer.
Yours thankfully , U , A. Spring.
vnd Brand.
la UBpi ( or j'AMUo'.ar ' , . intlisosltli ta4
" U IUr far r.dln , " In Inur. tr rliir
U4 ! k ; * ll t
prcaclred by Father Mcdovorn. Musical
numbers are :
Kyle OIlMnn
tJlorla GIlBlnn
Credo Jterradantc
( a ) AVe Maria. Mlllard
Offertory. . Violin Obllcato , K. lloffman.
( b ) Rcglna Coell
Sanetus Mcrrnilnnto
Agnni UP | Mercadnntc
Venl Creator La Hachc
SI. Pntrlclt'n Cnlliolle > lornlHK.
Lamblllotto's Mass , Accompanied by
Orchestra . .
Mr. K. Nordln. Leader.
Prelude to Kyrln . Orchestra nnd Organ
Kyrle . - . Cbolr
Christie . Mrs. Frank Morlarty
, Gloria In Kxrolsia .
] Mrs. Morlarty and Mlns Ilrcnnan.
Kt In Tun Pax. . . .Mrs. II. Yociim , Mr. Rush
( Jratlas . Mls.t A. Rush
Flute Solo Prelude to Quonlam .
. Mr. Peterson
Quonlnm . Mr. P. Hrennan
Credo . Choir , Orchestra and Organ
Kt Inrarimtim Kst. . . . Mrs. Frank Morlarty
Crueinxus . Mr. James Rush
Hanetus . Choir
Agnus Del . Messrs. Rush. Mc
Millan ttrcnnan and MHs G. Rush
Offprtory . Mrs. Frank Morlarty
Miss O'Rork , organist.
SI , .loll ii ' ( 'nlliolle M
Solemn high mass nt 10:30 : ; sermon by
Very Rev. M. P. Dowllng , president of
Crelghton university ; Rev. Martin Brons-
geoBt , celebrant , assisted by Rev. J. Scnn-
hause , deacon , and Mr. George Dlneen ,
deacon ; Mr. T. J. McShanc , master of cere
The choir , under the direction of Mr. John
A. Schcnk , will render Haydn's second mass.
Mr. Harry Murkeley will sing the "Susclpe , "
which occurs In the "Gloria ; " Bach's "Ave
Maria , " as a violin solo by Mr. Alvln Huster ,
will be accompanied on the organ by Prof.
A. E. ninufuss.
St. IlnriinliiiN KpUeopnl Morning.
Processional Hymn No. 100 ,
Anthem Christ Our Passover Tours
Proper I'snlms * 2 , B" , III
To Ueum. . |
.Jubilate. . . | Slnart's Service in G
Hymn No. 111 ! ,
Kuejmrlstlc Ollloo Ilaynes In K Flat
Gloria Tlbl Tib1
Nlcene Creed
Hymn No. 121
Anthem O , Give Thanks Unto the
_ I-ord Watson
Sur.MJm Corda.
Uenedlctus qnl Venlt
Agnus Del
Communion Hymn No. 223
Gloria In Kxcelsls
Nunc Dlmlttls
Recessional Hymn No. Ill
Processional Hymn No. 109
Proper Psalms Nos. 113 , 1H. 118
Masnlflcat I
Nunc DlmltUi..WestfleId's | Ssrvlca In E
Hymn No. 112
Hymn O , Give Thanks Unto the Lord. .
" ' ' ' " ' *
Recessional Hymn No. Hi".I' . . . . . . . .
St. Joliii'M Kplncopnl Morning.
Processional Hymn Jesus Christ Is
Risen Today Carey
Introlt , Anthem O , the Golden Glowlnp
Morning- G. F. LeJune
Kyrlc Klelson Crullcshank
Credo Baruby
Hymn At the Iximb's High Feast Bach
Offertory Anthem Christ Our Passover
Sanetus Crulkshank
Henedk'tus Crulkshank
Agnim Del Crulkshank
Hymn A Savins' Victim Mason
Gloria In Kxcelsis Crulkshank
Nunc Dlmlttls Barnby
Recessional Hymn , 121 The Strife Is O'er
Is ; v en Inn.
Processional Hymn Hark , Ten Thou-
Kina Voices Dykes
Magnificat Beethoven
Nunu Dlmlttls Barnby
Anthem Christ Our Passover Chappel
Hymn No. 122 Jesus Live ? Gauntlet
Sermon 1C Chrlbt Be Not Risen Your
Faith Is Vain
H'yinn Angels , Roll Away the Stone..Roper
Offertory Why Seek Ye the Living..Manley
Recessional Hymn He Is Risen Monk
Trinity Ciillieilrnl MornliiK Service.
Organ Prelude Entre de Procession. . . .
Alonzo Stone1
Processional Hymn Christ , the Lord ,
Is Risen Today
Hallelujah Chorus Messiah Handel
Christ Our Passover W. Crouch
To Deuni in C ( Festival ) Dudley Buck
Jubilate In D Dudley Buck
Introlt King All Glorious , Solo and
Chorus J. Barnby
Communion Service
ICyrlo Elelson
Gloria TibI
Sancluo J. Eyrie
Agnus Dei
Gloria In Kxcelsls
Offertory I Know That My Redeemer
Llveth Handel
Anthem As" " It Began to Dawn
Whitney Combs' '
Recessional Hark Ten Thousand Voices
Organ Postlude Fanfare S. Gilbert
( 'Iiureh of ( lie nooil Sheiinril MornlllRT
Processional Hymn , No. 121
Kyrlo Klelson Elvcy
Gloria Tlbl Garrctt
Hymn , No. 112
Gloria Patrl . .MendclsHohn
Offertory Solo Selected
Mrs. M. L. Learned.
Siirsum Corda and Sanclus
Communion Hymn , No. 225
Agnus Dul Gounod
Gloria In Excelsls
Recessional Hymn , No. IIS
K veil In K.
Processional Hymn , No. 115
Gloria Patrl , Anon
Magnificat Garrett
Niiue Dlmltis Anon
Hymn , No. < H5 ( Sung kneeling )
Hymn , No. llfl
Gloria Patrl Anon
Offertory Anthem Break Down for Joy
_ Hurst
Recessional Hymn
Church of St. Philip , ( he Deacon
Mo ml ii K.
Processional Hymn At the Lamb's High
FPIWI We King . Klvey
Anthem Christ Our Passover . Chappie
Gloria Palrl . Bunuctt
Te Doum . Caryl Florlo
Rcnrdlctus . Aldrlch
Hymn 112-Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Intrt 'idi-Tho 'st'rVfo YsVo'er.
Hyrin - . . .
. Paloslrltia
Kyrlc . n , Taylor
Gloria TIUI , Gratia Tlbl and Nlcene
Creed . Plain SOUR
Offertory Anthem Ho Is Risen . Clare
Sursum Corda and Kanctus . Cumldge
licnedletus Qul Vcnlt .
Agnus Del . pln | , SOUK
Gloria In Kxeelsls . Old Chant
Nunc Dlmlttls . Turtle
Rei'esplonal. Hymn 450-A11 Hall the
Power of Jesus' Name . Coronation
All SnliitH' Kplncnpiil Moruluu- ,
Processional Hymn No , 614 Barnby
"CbrlHt Our Passover" Shepnerd
Te Dciim. . |
Jubr.ato. . . . ! in B Flat
Solo-Hymn No. 155
Mra. G. W. Manchester.
Anthem As It Began to Dawn. . , ,
Myles B. Foster.
Sanctus Harris
Gloria In Kxcolsls . . .Old Chant
Kcccselona ! Hymn No. 39G Dykes
iveuliii : , TiilO ,
Processional Hymn No. 514..Barnby
MaEHltU-ut I
Nune Dlmlttls. . ( ln n Flat
Anthem Blessed Be the God and Father
Recessional Hymn No. 396 Dykes
St. Auclreiv'x Kplncopiil Morning.
Christ Our Lord Is Risen Today Morgan
lutrolt CliriHt Our Passover..MornliiRtou
Kyrle Gounod
Gloria Tlbl Gounod
lum Christl Gounod
Hvmn At the Lamb's High Feast W
Sing Balzburg
Anthem Hallelujah , He Is Risen
Kurxum Corda , Barnby
Hunctus Gounod
Agnus Del , Gounod
Retiedlctus Adams
Nunc Dlmlttls , Barry
Gloria In Excelsls Old Melody
Hymn The Strife U O'er Palestrlna
Walnut Mill MrtboilUt UuUonpul
dm roll Moruluir ,
Anthem The Trua Easter..E. C. Elliwortli
Hymn Awake My Soul
Apostles' Creed and Gloria Patrla , l d by
Iho Choir . . . .
Prayer and Scripture Reading .
Solo-1 Am Ha That LIvMh . . . .
Ml n Carrie Robertson.
Recitations .
( a ) EaHte-r Chlm s .
( b ) The Lord Is Risen .
( c ) An Raster Rainbow , by Seven Girls.
( d ) Who Shall Roll Awny the Stone ?
( e ) Primary CInss Exercises .
Song Down from Their Homo on High. .
Mlsolonary Catechlm , led by J. M. Olllan ,
Missionary Hymn .
Address . . . . . . . . C. W. Miller
Hymn The Morning Light Is Breaking. .
Conere ( ration.
Singing-Onward Chrl tlan Soldiers .
Sc.rlpiuro Rending and Prayer .
Anthem Hnllelujah for the Cross .
Hymn The Prince of Salvation. . S. F. Smith
Baptismal Service and' Reception of
Members .
Song He Arose . Robert Lowry
Recitations , with Chart Illustrations .
Song Tell th Whole Wide World .
. K. 13. Hewitt
„ , . , . Concregatlon.
Recitations .
( n ) Only n Penny .
( b ) A Rac of Wishes .
( r ) Lord Save the World .
Quartet I'll Awaken In the Morning. . . .
Short Address by the Pastor .
Singing Jesus Hall .
Klrnl MctlmillM lOplNeopnl MornltiK.
ymn No. 275-Look , Yo Saints , the
Sight Is Glorloili
Prayer , '
Choral Response The Strife Is O'er
, ; ; Pnlestrlna
Chant Christ. Our Passover Various
Scripture Lesion
Hallelujah Chorus from "Tho Messiah"
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Offe'r'torv 'Sol'o-i' 'kiiow''Tlia't'My R > -
deamer Llveth Handel
Mrs. Kelly.
Gloria Patrla
Anthem-Unfold. Ye Portals ( from "The
Rcdemtrtlon" ) Gounod
Il'ymn At the Lambs High Feast Wo
K veiling.
Organ Prelude
Hymn All Hall the Power
Choral Re.iponfe Lord's Prayer ( Chant )
Anthem Now on the First Day of the
Week Lahco
Hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns. . '
Easter Hymn CavalJerla Rustleana
Hallelujah Chorus from "Tho Messiah"
HniiMCom I'urk Mcthoillnt ICplm-opnl
Processional March , ,
Prelude Orchestra
Easter Song By the School
Praver Mrs. F. M. Sifison
Recitation Planting the Seed
Song By the Juniors
Scripture Rending1 Frank I. Clark
Recitation An Easter Object Lesson. . . .
Gertrude Ellsworth. Luclla A'lerllng ,
Francis Warner.
Song of Spring Primary Department
The Easter Morning By the School
Offertolre Violin Solo Selected
Miss Hlldrcth SIsson.
Down from Their Home on High
Double Quartet
Recitation IJrmn. Picket
Easter Lilies By the School
Recitation Kastcr Stories
O Death , Where Is Thy Sting
By the School
The Lord's Prayer By the Congregation
Miss Josephine Thatcher , Accompanist.
I-'I rut I'renbylerlnn Morning.
Orsran Ka&ter Chorus from "Cavallerla
Rustic-ana. " Ma.scagnl
Quartet Awakp Up , My Glory Barnby
Organ Spring SongMendelssohn
Contralto Solo Eye Hath Not Seen nnd
Holy City Gaul
Miss Brown.
Violin Obligate
Mr. Martin Brown.
Organ Triumphal March Gullmant
Cantata for Eastertide Christ the Vic
tor Dudley Buck
Organ Cavattna Raff
Bass Prophetic Prologue.
Soprano and Alto The Eve of the Sab
Tenor and Bass The Night Watch.
Quartet The Easter Dawn.
Bass Reappearance.
Tenor and Baas The Report of the
Bass The Questioning of Simon Peter.
Contral'to ' The Ascension.
Quartet Epilogue and Finale.
Organ Hallelujah Chorus from "The
Choir : Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm , soprano : Miss
Estella Brown , contralto ; Mr. L. C. Hazel-
ton , tenor : Mr. L. B. Copeland. bass ; Mrs.
Howard Kennedy , jr. , organist and direc
Central United I'resbyterlnn Morning
Organ Voluntary
Anthem Now Gladness Fills My Soul. . .
Responsive Scripture Reading
No. 77 , Psa'.ter
Scripture Leson
Anthem Praise Ye the Lord
No. 308 , Psalter
Sermon Theme , "The Heavenly Mes
sage at the Sepulchre"
No. 45 , Psalter
10 ven I ii B.
Organ Voluntary
"Hallelujah" Bible Songs
Invocation : . ; " ; , "
"Sing a New Song" Bible bongs
Scripture Leraou
"Let Earth Be Glad" Bible Songs
Responsive Scripture Reading
"How Blest thn Realm" Bible Songs
Scripture Ld'son
Anthem Let Us Kneel Before the Lord
"O Praise Him" Bible Songs
Sarmon Theme , "The Believers Shout
of Victory"
"Blessed Be Jehovah" Bible Songs
Lowe AvonmPrcHbylPrlan Clmrcli
Organ Prelude . ,
Anthem-Hall. Easier Morn . Blcrly
Scripture Lesson and Prayer .
Solo The Holy Oily. . .Miss Rose Mncumbor
Offertory .
Anthem-Calvary . . . Babrlrl
Sermon The Refmrrectlon..By the Pastor
Anthem There Is a Green Hill Far
Away . , .
1C veil I UK.
Anthem The Resurrection . Leslie
Anthern The Lord His Life Did Give. .
. Lesl le
Solo The Resurrection . Holden
Mrs. Jackson.
WenliulnMer I'rrnhytrrlnn MnrnliiK.
Prelude Evelng Star . Wagner Eddy
Anthem This Is the Day . Lynra
Solo The Resurrection . Shelly
Miss Edna Williams.
Offertory Invocation . Ollinant
Anthem Christ Is Risen . Lansing
Postlude Processional . Batista
SI. Mnry'H Avenue Co
Organ Introductory . H. H. Allen
Invocation . The Pastor
Anthem Unfold Yo Portals Everlast
ing . Gounod
Chorus , Prof. Keck , Director.
Solo Hosanna .
Mrs. A. G. Edwards.
Prayer . The Pastor
Gloria . . . Choir and Congregation
Announcements and Easter Offerings. . Alt
Organ Offertory . II. H. Allen
Hymn . Chorus and Congregation
Ordination of Deacon. . .Pastor and Dsacons
Reception of Members .
Anthem Awake Thou that Sleepest .
. Stalncr
Sarmon . . Dr. Butler
Anthem They Have Taken Away My
lx > rd . . . . * . . .
Chorus ,
Organ Introductory . H. II. Allen
Anthem To Him Who Left Ills Throne
on Hleh . Stalner
Trio and Chorus.
Scripture Lesson . . . . . .The Pastor
Solo The Lord is Risen . Lansing
Mrs. A. O. Edwards
Announcements and Offering . All
Organ Offertory . H. II. Allen
Anthem Gloria Cliorus . Farmer
Chorus and Prof Keck.
Theme The First Easter . Dr. Butler
( Illuminated by projected light displaying
numerous reproductions of scenes historic ,
artistic and Idealistic , Illustrative of the
theme. )
II I ! ! Ill r ronirren tloiuil Moruintr.
Ortan Voluntary .
Doxology .
Invocation and Lord's Prayer
"Christ Is Risen"
ReHponslvo Reading . , ,
Gloria Patrl . . . . .
Anthem Rejoice. Oh Rons of Earth' .
F. L , Kyer
Scriptures . . . . .
Prayer . . .
Solo-I Know that My Redeemer LlVPth
. Handel
Miss Schrlcber ,
Offering . . .
Sermon . . . .I .
Hymn . . . . .
Benediction . . . . . . . . . . .
Organ Voluntary . . . . .
Hymn .
Prayer . . . . . . . . . . * . . . .
Anthem-Christ , Our Passover . McPhnll
Rp < > ponstVfl Reading . . >
Solo-Alone My Savior Stands . Parry
Mlsa WInspcar.
Scripture . .
Solo .
Dr. It. J. Wallace.
Offering .
Sermon . .
Hymn .
Benediction .
First CoiiKrc-Knlliinnl Clmrcli
A ! or n In tr.
Organ-Cnnzona Gullmant
Chorus-To Deuni Rui olpbson
Solos by Lovell Dunn , Luther Tate.
Response ; : . .
Solo-1 Know That My Redeemer I <
, ) ( ,
' ' ' ' " '
' '
' ' '
Mrs. c''Y : . SnYiire's' .
Chorus-Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Postlude-Halleiujali Chorus Handel
I ] veil I UK.
Organ-Easter March Merkel
Chorus-God Hath Appointed a Day . .Tours
Solo-At Sleep Takes Flight Shelley
Mrs. C. 13. Sciulros. Violin obllpato by
Mr. Lovoll Dunn. . ,
Quartet-Christ the Lord Has pn..Burk
Organ March Pontificate Lcmmens
St. .lolin'n Afrlenn MiMlimllit I3ilwoo-
pnl I3vrnln r.
Prelude Rink
Hymn. No. in Hymnal
Anthem-Awake. Ye Salntf Schneoker
Anthpin Jesus Lives Srhneckcr
Quartet Christ , the Lord , Is Illfcm
Again Adams
Paper A Man of Sorrows..R. W. Freeman
Solo The First Begotten of the Dead. .
Paper Resurrection Mrs. Bolcr
Solo Easter Day Marzo
Recitation Finding of the Cross
Mrs. K. Wilson
Anthem Speak Yc Comfortably..Shackley
Postlude March from Tannhauser
Cnlvary Hiiptlnl Mo rill UK.
Organ Voluntary SelectedMrs.
Mrs. C. N. Rowley
Hymn 314 Crown Him Thomas Hastings
Choir and Congregation.
Anthem Now Is Christ Risen
Dr. S. B. Jackson
Scripture Lesson
Anthem Jeans Hath Triumphed
J. Wcslcv Hughes
Soprano and Baritone SoloiLadles' Trio
and Chorus.
Hymn 312 Dnrwell Dr. L. Mason
Choir and Congregation.
Sermon The Faith for the Fight ,
I Cor. 15-32
Hymn 33J Bennlngton Perclval
Choir and Congregation.
Evening ; .
Voluntary Selected Mrs. C. N. Rowley
Anthem Glory to His Nams
Charles H. Gabriel
Hymn 321 Cincinnati Dr. L. Mason
Anthem Joyful Eastertide A. Bclrly
Hymn 333-Rothwell William Tansur
Sermon The First Resurrection
Anthem Who Is the King of Glory ?
Charles II. Gabriel
Hymn 939 How Long. O Lord J. Leach
Choir and Congregation.
Quartet Choir Miss B. Poff , soprano ;
Mr. E. A. Evans , lenor ; D. Snell-
bercor , alto ; Earlo Styles , baritone ;
Xi. Johnson , assistant In trio.
Metli-Klleil Ttnpttnt.
A quartet , composed of Mrs. L. T. Sunder-
land , Miss Cora Chaffce , Mr. A. Delmore
Cheney and Mr. Ralph E. Sunderrand , will
render the following musical program :
Morning ; .
Anthem Christ , Our Pasrover Bartlett
Solo Ifosanna. Granler
Mlse Cora Chaffee.
Anthem The Day of Resurrection
Sermon Topic , "The" Living Hope
K veiling.
Anthem Christ , the Lord , Is Risen
Mrs. L. T. Sundcrland.
Anthem Jesus Lives Schnecker
St. Mark's Ijiitliern MoruliiK.
Organ Voluntary Selection from Remsberg
Miss Anna M. Wetzel.
Kyrle Norrls
Responsive Scripture with Apostles' Creed
Gloria Patrla Rcmsberg
Scripture Lesson Gospel , Luke IS : 1-12 ;
Eplstlp , First Corinthians 15 : 1-14.
Hymn 249 Ltecher
Prayer Pastor
Anthem He Is Risen Danks
Sermon Significance of Christ's Resur
Rev. L. Groh.
Anthem Ho Llveth Herbert
Preparatory Service to Holy Communion.
Administration of Holy Communion
Bnc < llctlon
K vn n Ke 11 en 1 Iu I h erii n Mor n Inc.
Introltus Holy. Holy , Holy la the Ixrd
of Hosts
Confession of Sins
Gloria In IJxcolsU Dee
Gospel for Easter Day
"He Known It All" Lyon
, Choir.
Sermon "The Living Savior"
Eiister Hymn Franck
Prayer According to the Church Book. . .
( irnee l.ii I derail Morn Inc.
"The S-n-lor Is Risen" Wllllama
Gloria Patrl Nclthardt
Kyrlo Norrls
Gloria In Excelsls Old Chant
To Deuni , Thomas
"Christ , Our Passover" Danks
Duet Crown Him , Buchanan
Offertory Easter Song Van de Water
Sanctus LnyrU
Nuno Dlmittls Persian Tune
t'nlty Clmrcli.
Prelude Festvorpplel Llebeg
Solo llo.ianna J. Granler
.Miss Reno K , Hamilton
Offertory Serenade Moskownkl
Solo The Holy City Adams
Mlsa Hamilton.
Postlude Hallo'.ujah Chorus Handel
CIillil .SavliiK IiiNtHiite.
The Child Saving Institute Sunday school
will be held at 3 j > . m. Since Dr. Henry
offered cash prizes amounting to $25 new
Interest has been awakened among the pupils ,
Rev. A. E. Keablcs will conduct the Sunday
evening service , beginning nt 7:30. : The
various classes and club meetings will beheld
hold during tbo week , as usual. Kinder
garten every forenoon. Singing classes Sat
urday at 1 p. m. , sewing school at 2 p. m. ,
physical culture drills at 3 p , in. , cooking
school at 3:30 : p , m. , also cooking school
classes Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Next Tuesday evening an entertainment will
be given at the Institute by the young pcoplo
of St. Andrew's church for the benefit of
the sewing school department , which Is very
much In need of funds , and should receive
liberal patronage. The following excellent
program has been arranged :
Port I Trial by Jury.
Judge Mr. John Huyward
Ueher Mr. Howard Judon
Counsel Mr. Guy Snow
Defendant Mr. Ken -Muckley
Plaintiff Mlsa Selmu Kpeneter
Foreman of Jury Mr. Fred Sleverling
Witness Mlsa Naomi Epcnntcr
Bridesmaids Misses Annie Hauler , Nellie
' Hauler , Mamlo Sprague , Nellie Sprague.
Eva Harto. Blanche English , Carrie Snleder.
Myrtle Adam * , Yates , Nettle Trott , Naomi
Jurymen Messrs. Sieverllng , Reynard ,
Beck , l ancaster , Norton , Brunette , Ander-
Part II.
Instrumental Duet Mifaaes Steeme
Recitation Mla Mercy Miller
Solo , Miss Burnhum
Recitation Miss Surah McFarlan
I Selection . . . . . .Male Quartet
and Periodical Wholesale MJ Retail Books = iij Stationery
Subscriptions received for nil
Domestic aiul Telephone 231. 1308 FAUNAM STREET.
Foreign Periodicals.
OMAHA , NEJ } . , Aprils , 1S99.
Dear 7iYtff/m You are cordially invited to join our Encyclopedia club. Upon payment
of one dollar down , and a small monthly payment thereafter , wo will immediately deliver to
yon a complete set of the now Werner Edition of the Encyclopedia Britutinica , in thir
ty large octavo volumes , including Now American Supplement , bringing the work down to
The subscription price of this great work has been held at 804.50 for the cloth bind
ing ; 81)4.50 ) for the half morocco ; and 898.50 for the full Law Sheep. Hy a special arrange
ment with the publishers , wo are able to oiler our patrons all the advantages of Club Kates ,
as follows
The cloth set in thirty volumes for $45.00 one dollar down and three dollars per month
The Half Morocco set in thirty volumes for $60.00 two dollars down and four dollara
per month thereafter.
The Full Law Sheep set in thirty volumes for 875.00 three dollars down , and five dollars
lars per month thereafter , until the amount is paid in full.
You will get free
1 Upright , Oak Book Case.
1 Guide Book to Systematic Reading.
The Encyclopedia Britannica is now on exhibition in our store , and you are invited to
call and examine the same. This is an unusual opportunity to become possessed of a valua
ble work for a very small outlay. It is well worth your while to consider it.
Respectfully yours ,
Special Meeting Held for Purposa of Passing
Appropriation Sheets.
Proprietor of Vciulnmc Hotel ( lint
AViiN ( I ii n run fined DuriiiK Small-
KpliH'iiilc I'reneutM a
Claim for
Councilman Bechel occupied Ills desk In
the council chamber at a special meeting ot
the city council yesterday for the first
time for several months. His long Illness
has left him rather pale nnd thin , but he
informed his fellow councllmen and others
of his friends In the city hall who grceteil
him that ho Is In better health than ho has
enjoyed for a long while.
The meeting was called for the purpose
of passing the appropriation sheets for the
payment of liabilities of the city and sal
aries of the city employes for the month of
March. A number of Items were strlcketi
out , among them being the salaries of Spe
cial Agent Robertson of the city legal de
partment and Street Commissioner Beverly ,
who ave drawing a salary from the Btate
during the legislative session. The usual
( Inanco committee recommendation that the
Items bo disallowed was adopted , but some
thing out ot the usual order was sprung
when one of the members moved that Coun
cilman Stuht's salary bo stricken out of
the appropriation sheet.
"Councilman Stunt Is a member of the
finance committee that has recommended
that the salaries of other city employes be
disallowed because they have spent their
time at Lincoln , " the councilman explained.
"So far us I can learn Councilman Stuht has
also spent a good portion of tils time at
Lincoln lobbying for or against bills to the
detriment of his service to the city. What
is sauce for the goose Is sauce for the gan
der , and therefore I think that Stuht ought
to be docked ns well ns the rest of them. "
Turns Out to ] ! < a .lokc.
The Incident was turned into a bit of
pleasantry and was passed. The finance
committee , on recommendation of the city
attorney , also struck out of the appropria
tion sheet Items In favor of the Barber
Asphalt Paving company and the Grant Pav
ing company of $8,466.12 and $2,008.4 : : , re
spectively , for repairing asphalt streets all
over the city < lurlng the last six months
of 1S9S. Some question hns arisen recently
whether the cost of these repairs should be
paid out of the general fund of the city or
should bo assessed up against adjoining
property and the proposition was submitted
to the city attorney. The latter gave It as
his opinion that under the city charter the
council Is required to assess the coat of re
pairs and recommended that the matter bo
more thoroughly considered at the commit
tee of the whole meeting of Iho council
next Monday afternoon. This recommenda
tion was adopted. If the view of the elty
attorney prevails It Is said that no asphalt
street In the city will bo repaired , unless
the property owners adjoining petition for
It and pay the coat through taxation.
The appropriation sheet also set aside for
use ? 500 out of the $2,500 allotted to the
Board of Public Works for street repairs
during the year. It also appropriated $750
out of the road fund for street cleaning pur
poses. City Engineer Rosenvatcr will iwo
this money as advantageously nt possible as
soon as the weather will permit.
Ono of the Interesting watteiM that came
up during the meeting > WIH a bill from A.
J. Ilattery & Co. for damages sustained by
the closing of the Vendomo hotel from February -
ruary 2 to March 3 , when It was quaran
tined for smallpox. The bill Is Itemized as
follows :
Cost of operating hotel ( fur ? 20
K--nt of building 1ST SO
Ixjss of business during iiuaralitlne. . 225 00
Dunmgo to furniture resulting from
fumigation 17500
Damage to good will and business of
hotel 2,00000
Total $3,251 70
lliidcrj'M Claim IN Referred.
In addition to the bill Proprietor Hattery
stated that during the ( juarantlno his wife
was so badly overworked In looking after
the guests locked up In the hotel and In
acting as nurse that her health Is seriously
Injured and that she has good grounds for
a claim of damages against the city.
In n communication accompanying this
bill Mr. Ilattery stated that the city took
his hotel , converted It Into a hospital , re
tained possession of It for a month and re
quired him to operate and supply It , and
destroyed considerable property by process
of fumigation. Ho admitted that the city
has a right to take private property for
public purposes , but Insisted that the law
required that such property cannot be ap
propriated unless just compensation Is given.
The matter was referred without comment.
The ordinance vacating Chicago street
from Tenth to Eleventh to enable the
Omaha Brldgt ) and Terminal company to
erect a freight depot was Introduced , read
a first and second time and referred. The j
tnmo action was taken on ordinances creat-i
Ing the following paving districts : Thirty- )
ninth street , from Farnain street to Oewey
avenue ; Dewey avenue , from Thirty-ninth ,
( i In Curio
Only Line Takiiiu Passengers Through
Without Tedious waiting for Connections
4O Hours Quicker to Portland Than Any Other Line.
CITY TICKET OFFICE , 1302 Farnam St , Tel , 316 ,
For Everybody
in Omaha will be < mi
You Choose
Any Make
Htrcet to Fortieth ; Patrick avenue , from
Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-nev'iith ,
Twenty-fourth Ktrect , from the Holt Line
to Am s avenue. Other ordinances Intro
duced .provide for the opening of Forty-
firot avenue from Howard street to Patrick
avenue , and for the grading of Eighteenth
street from William street to Lincoln avenue -
nuo , tiho city to pay one-half the cost. City
Knglnecr Rosewater reported favorably upon
the scheme to lay a sewer on California
from Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth ( street
and submitted the required ordinance. The
final ordinance for the repaying of Capitol
avenue from Eighteenth to Twentieth street
wa passed on the third reading.
The resolutions adopted by the Dulldlng
Trades' council , In which the city
council Is scored for alleged lax enforcement
of 'building ' regulations , wag received and
City Blnglneer Rosewater submitted an
estimate of the amount of money npent on
wooden sidewalk repair * and construction
during September , October , November and
December of last year. The amount was
Hub * Without
NOIUUSTONS'N. Pa. , April l.-Edwln
Munehawer , a discharged letter carrier , was
caught In the act of robbing the NorrU-
town postofllco this morning. The olilef
of police and Postmaster Hrownback made
the capture. The prisoner Raid he had
robbed the postofflce thirteen times during
the month of ' .March and six times < ln Full-
Searles & Searles
We .uorr..fully trrnt nil MSHVOUIj
ciiitoMO AM ) run ATI : di
of jurll und Mumrii.
BBXUALLT. cured for life.
Nlflit BmUiloai , Ix > it Manhood , Hx
droctlt. Verlrocel * . Gonorrhea , Ol t , Byt > h >
I1U. Blrlctur * . Pile * . Flitula and Hct J
UTc r . Dltbitet , Drlght'e Dlie. & e cured ,
br niw method without pain or outtlnr ,
O ll on or ddr with itimp. Treatment
by malt.