THE OMAHA DAILY ISEE : SATUTCDAV , APlUTi 1 , lvSJH ) , REPORT ON SUPREME COURT Legislative Committee Finds No Irregu larities Worthy of Ocnaure. VALUE RECEIVED FOR ALL MONtY PAID OnljT to KPIIIS Wlilrlipprnr Ir- mill Tlifxt- Are l'\plnlnril i' Ilixi * Mrfirrtiic tit nr nl iinil Siillltnn , Ll.VCOLX , March 31. ( Special Telegram. ) The majority report , signed by I inc and Uetwellcr , of the committee appointed under thu resolution ot March 16. to Investigate the nllcged Irregularities In the offices ol Judges of the supreme court nnd supreme court commissioner * , was filed today. It la tin follows : Wo lm\c examined under oath each of the members of thn supreme court now serving , nnd of thu late nuprcmc court commissioner besides numeroiiR other witnesses. Including Kuveral who have * cr\ed or ar < > ser\lng n.t clerks or asslstantH to said Judges. Ail of ttnld witnesses appeared voluntarily before the committee at our request and answered fully and freely all questions put to them touching the matter under Investigation , which evidence. Is hereto attached and sub mitted herewith. We bare also during the limited thru1 nl our command examined the ii'cord of claims and vouchers In the ollkes of the state treasurer nnd auditor , so far as fcnme relate to the subject nf this Inquiry. From the evidence before us we llnd the following facts 1. That since the enactment of portions S2a , 2ib , 22c nnd 22d. chapter 1 ! > , Complied Statutes of iss ? ( chapter 32. session laws 1SS7) ) , each judge of the supreme court , and , during the oxlMence of the supreme court commission , ench member of said commls- hlon , has employed constantly one clerk or assistant , whiru clerk or assistant has been paid from the state treasury upon \ouchers duly signed hy them as required t > > law , by varrnntB payablu to their Individual order. I'rrcedr it Sft h > " . That the employment of said clerks or usnlstants was and is authorized by law , and the scr\lces rendered are of sub stantial benefit to the court , enabling the Judges thereof to accomplish about one-third > nero work thnn would otherwise be p ° "lble The evidence discloses that with few ex ceptions said clerks ha\e not been stenog raphers. It also appears that none of the Judges of said court or commission ha\e been accustomed to make use of dictation In the preparation of their opinions , and that the value of th services rendered by their said clerks would have not been Increased from the fact of their being stenographers. 3. That beginning In 1S8T , with Judge Samuel Maxwell , who .employed as his clerk successively bis two sons and daughter It lias been the tommon practice of the Judges of the court , and of the supreme court com mission , to employ ns clerks members of the lespoctlve families or relatives of the Bald Judges. Fourth. The committee finds from the evi dence that said practice was adopted and ha been continued by said Judges largely ns a matter of convenience , the greater part of the work of said Judges In the preparation of their opinions being done nt their homes. So far as your committee hns been able to Inquire , the clerks so employed have been In every case fit nnd capable persons and the services for which they were employed liavo been faithfully nnd conscientiously per formed. CliniiKon Ciilnpciinilt Inn. 3. The committee finds that prior to 1S96 the appropriation for the payment of clerical assistance to the Judges of the supreme court nnd commission was In a gross sum. and that sama was drawn from the treasury upon An Excellent Combination. Thu pleasant method nnd beneficial effects of the well known remedy , Svittip OF FIOB , manufactured by the CAUFOIINIA. Pto Svitur Co. , illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste ami-acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive , cleansing the hystcm effectually , dispelling colds , headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance , and its acting on the kidneys , liver and bowels , without weakening or irritating them , make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants , by a method known to the CALIFORNIA Fie SYRUP Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations , please remember tlie full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO , CAL LOUISVILLE , KY NEW YORK. N. Y. I'or sale liy all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. DR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS * ro the emir positively tunrantwd remtxl ) for Ihij UrliiKlUhli , Jirnoiuneu anil MclaucJiolrciawxl bjilrnuizilrink \\'K ( VAKASTni * Ktic IMkXKH tacuroanrc MMtnnHltliii | tiMi < .iiii r. niil.-o orrrtunU ihe mnnty , owl to dotrwj ifco Bpr tUi < lor luioxIriiliiK liquor * TUB TBLETS CAN BK OIVFN WITHOUT K > OMLEDOE OF TIIH HATIE.NT. QTPnVIC llCilJV rHiiM-iiMUrrj , 1'oirrly olnUNa Unlnrxiintl U-alli. Vpnn rrceliTt jt 111) ) CO no will mull i u fuiir [ r ( HUM nnd | x | . " -i u rlitriii stunniiiii.M 1,1 cnr in reiuuO 3tjr , Dillon liruii Co. , Sole Aeeuu , lllli mill Kiiriiiiiu. Oitinha , .Nt-li. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. EVERY MAN who U physically perfect , poKs - an a bun. nance ofital force and u usually uccesful in business and happy m tiouic. SE.XINE PILLS build men up to this condition , maVe the nerve * tingle niul the skin u'ov ' wjttApetfert lirM ) i 11 oo. Ilook free. Knhu * f" . or New llconamlral Drug Co. . umalia. vouchers based on services at the rate of $4 per dsy. In nciordance with the provisions of ae-tion 22a. chapter 1 ! > . aforesaid In lfr ! > 5 the legislature changed the form of the appropriation so as to read as follows "Salary of Judges and supreme court cotn- m4ssloncrs. stpnogrnphlf assistant * , per annum. C1.IW each. " Bt the same time and * by the same net provldlne that all salaries should be pnld quarter ytarlr. A similar appropriation uas made bv the legislature of H97. but the further orovlslon was made that "all these salaries made pay able quarterly by law or by the constitution shall be paid quarterly , and all other salaries shall bo paid monthlv " The committee flnds that Immediately after the net of 1S9S above referred to be * . came a law the auditor of uubllc accounts ruled that the palarlra of rlcrks to the su preme court Jtiilpes nnd commissioners re payable quarterly and not otherwise , and riVufcd to Issue his nnrrant upon voucher * haspd upon ptr diem BTVCP na theretofore. Snid ruling has been adhered to bv the present auditor. That neltner the propriety nor IcRallty of said rullnc have heretofore bcrn quest lonrd , and that > ald npproprla-r lions have- been dra n In accordance there with. Irrruulnrlitft I'xi | B The evidence has disclosed no IrroRUlar- Itlps In the collection or payment of the sal- nrlrs of the raid Judues or their assistants except thf following Instances , both of which are fully explained. A. On December 31. 18M. ! Judge T. L. Norval , one of the judges of the supreme1 court , received the warrant OHSl from the stntc aud'.tor for his salary for the fourth quarter of 1S94 , amounting to J62.V On the same day the said warrant was left with J. S. Hartley , then state treasurer , who ad vanced to Judge Norval the face of Bald war rant , said Hartley stating at the time funds so advanced were his own private funds and It was so believed by Judge Norval. and said warrant was retained by Hartley as security for said advance. Afterwards , on October IB. 1835 , upon notice from the state treasurer's omce that said warrant had been reached In the regular order for payment , the same wns paid In full , the Mid Hartley retaining the amount previously advanced , and Judge Nor- val receiving the balance , being the Interest thereon , amounting to $34.63. H. That upon Judge Sullivan becoming n member of the supreme court. In January , ' ! SriS he appointed as his assistant Miss Maud Parker , his wife's sister , who on the 1st of November of IS'JS performed only n portion of the duties of the position , but drew from the stnto the full compensation for period , nnd the larger portion of the amount so drawn by her was paid by the pensonal check of Judge Sullivan to others who as sisted on the work The committee further finds that In neither of said Instances was there nnv intentional violation of the law by cither of said judges or their assistants. All of which is respectfully submitted. WANTS NORVAL IMPEACHED KniirpiiMilnllvo Shore lloldn tlint the .1 nil WTO linn Hern Utility of n Polony. LINCOLN , March 31. ( Special. ) Following - ing is the minority report on the supreme court Investigation , signed by J. H. Shore : Mr. Speaker : The undersigned mlnor''y of your committee appointed to Investigate charges of irregularities In connection with the supreme court , being unable to agree with the majority report , begs leave to re port as follows : It appears from the examination of the Judges and ex-commissioners , together with testimony of the parties employed In the capacity of assistants to the court and an Inspection of the records In the otflces ol the stnto treasurer and state auditor , that it has bean the custom to employ in the capac ity of assistants members of the families of the Judges and commissioners. The wives , sons and daughters of the members of the court have been so employed , and they ha\e been paid either J4 per day or a salary of Jl.OOO per year , according to the interpreta tion placed on the law from time to time by the Interested parties. There can be no doubt that the Intent of the law was to place at the disposal of the members of the court the services of assist ants that would materially aid In the dis position of the business of the court , and not for the purpose of creating sinecure posi tions to be utilized as n medium of In creasing the compensation of the Judges in direct violation of the. constitution , which provides that "the Judges of the supreme and district courts shall each receive a salary of J2.500 per annum , payable quar terly. No judge of the supreme or district courts shall receive any other compensation , perquisite or benefit , for or on Account of his ofllce In any form whatsoever , nor act as attorney or counsellor at law in any form whatever. " In the matter of work performed by these assistants there has not been an adequate quid pro quo for the large amounts of money expended for the purpose. In some in stances the evidence shows that the work of the assistant consisted principally of type writing the opinions of the Judge , a service thai would not consume the time of a com petent operator a month In a year. In other cases the assistants have carried law books from the library shelves to the judges' table. It seems to the minority of your com- mlttco that $4 a day is an excessive price to pay for messenger service ot this kind. Other members of the court have testified that their assistants performed the work oi blocking out their opinions nnd picked out of the evidence in record such ns was perti nent to the points at Issue. The idea that the wives , sons and daughters of the mem bers of the court were competent Holely by reason of this relationship to pick out perti nent testimony and block out opinions to be handed down as the decisions of the supreme court of the state has caused lawyers to smile. Should this Investigation result In no other good It will have cleared up all doubt as to how some of the hitherto Incompre hensible opinions of the court were pre pared , and the Judges will be relieved ol the adverse sentiment that has uncharitably attributed these opinions to be their own pro ductions. It Is manifest that the law contemplated that theM assistants should themselves have soniu knowledge of law , but members of the court have evaded the plain intent of the constitution nnd of the statutes , and hn\e construed appropriation acts that would lll > admit of such straining so as to make them contribute to their personal benefit at the expense of the slate. The minority of your committee , therefore , recommends that this house strongly express Its censure of the practice that has been In vogue , that has resulted In a continuous and unwarranted raid on the public treasury , and that this bouse demand , ul the hand of the supreme court , more careful consideration of the rights of the taxpayers nnd abandonment of th seemingly cherished idea that n seat on the most exalted bench In the state makes of Its occupant a ward of the common wealth , entitled to special perqulslte-s and privileges in violation of the constitution. Hut the meat serious dcvclcpments brought out by the testimony before your committee affect Judge It apppars from his own admissions , as well as from documen tary evidence found In the record , that thr1 state treasurer , Joseph S Hartley , on I lie 31st day of December. 1S9I. accepted flora Judge Norvnl his salary warrant for the last quarter of 1S9I. In the sum of $025. and that the state treasurer paid Judge Norvnl there for the face of the warrant. This warrant , owing to the condition of the general 'mull was not payable for about ten and a halt months after the data of such advancement. The check by which this money watt paid was signed "J. S. Hartley , State Treasurer , by 0. M. Oartlett. Deputy , " and was deliv ered to Judge Norval , who held It In fa IB pos session fiome two days and then personally presented It to the Klrat National bank of Lincoln , on which it was drawn nnd it wan ) paid. When the warrant became payable { come ten months after the transactions lust recited the state treasurer delivered to , Judge Norval a check for { 31.63. this check being for the Interest due on the warranty In question. This check was also glgued by J S Hartley , treasurer , and by G. M. Barf lett. bis deputy. One of two conclusions must follow from these facts. These checks showed upon their face that they were drawn against the ttate funds on deposit in the First National bank of Lincoln It Is true Judge Norval Kays he did not notice the denature on the check * . The minority of your committee is unabk to accept this statement of Judce Norval and mitit conclude that he has foreotten tbo fact. Judge Norval Is a lawyer of ability. He hai had many years' experience on , thcj dlhtrlct and supreme benches. He Is ac customed to examine carefully legal papers ) placrd before him. When these checks were bunded to oltu he must have noticed how they were signed. Not only that but the law charges him with notice of wha these checks contained , na we learn from his own opinion In the case of Hartley against the State. In that ease tfce warrant In question had written upon Its face the words. "Tor To reimburse the sinking fund " That warrant ran to J. S. Hartley , not ns state treisuror , but In his Individual cHtmcltv There wns nothing on Its fare to notlfv the Pheml fll National bank of New York , which pur chased It. that Hartley did not have the right to fell It except the statement that U was drawn to "relmbure the olnklne fund " Yet , regarding that. Judco Norvnl used the following language In his opinion , which stands as the opinion of the court : 'Nor was the bank an 'Innocent purchaser' with n the meaning of that term as applied to com mercial paper. Isnsmitch ns the warrant dis closed on Its face the purpose and.ohlect for which It was drawn , nnd the bank was bound to know , at Us peril , that .V de fendant had no title tn the Instrument ' The t-amo must hold true with reference o the present case , where the check Is nd- mltted by Judge Norvnl to show on its face that It wns drawn ncalnst state tu.vU nnd he "wns bound to know at his nenl" ibat he was receiving state funds If he chose to accent It. Following this line of ress'inlnc. the conclusion must he that .luile. Norval did see the signature did know that the check wns drawn ncalnst state funds im t knew that the monev he rece'vpil ' then'on was state funds. If. therefore , the tnniMr- tlon by ( whlch he received the chrrt ? to' ' } 82 on the 31st dav of December. JSi | . M to be treated as n loan , as he savs It was. he Is guilty of knowingly receiving a loan of state funds from the stnto treasurer for his own use nnd benefit , nnd thus Ue aided1 and abetted In converting the sum of JCI5. and under his own decision In the C.ISP of Mills against the State became himself an embezzler of state funds. If. however , we are to treat the trunac- tlon wherein he received the J625 as a my- mcnt of the warrant , then he wns not enti tled to receive anv Interest on the vnrrin and the payment to and receipt by him of the check for $34 63 as Interest on the war rant were Illegal nnd constituted embezzle ment on his part. I regret that I must come to this con clusion , but under the evidence nnd the Oe- clslons of the supreme court of this stnte there can be no escape. People may If ok with some Indulcence on violations of the plain letter of the law bv men not versed in legal matters and unfamiliar with the pro visions of the statutes , but when these violations lations are met with on the Dart of members of the highest court of the state , that fact In Itself Is sufficient to call for speedy re buke and Impartial Justice. Judge Norval has been chief justice of the supreme court and for more than nine vears a member of that court. His conduct has been Inexcusa ble and there can be no palliation. This house should have no hesitancy in applying the constitutional rcmeilv. From the evidence adduced before the committee It appears that Judco Norval Is guilty of felony. But it Is not necessary that this house find him so culltv In order to Impeach him The constitution provides that "all civil officers of this state shall be liable to Impeachment for anv misdemeanor In office. " That Judue Norval has been guilty of a misdemeanor Is clear and thn minority of your committee therefore recom mends that the house entertain the follow ing resolution Resolved. That articles of Impeachment be prepared and presented to the district Judges of this state , sitting as a court of im peachment , as provided by law. for misdemeanor meaner in office acalnst T L. Norval. as sociate Justice of the supreme court. PAINTERS WANT MORE PAY If Tliclr IJeninnil Is Not Granted The } .Mny Iiinuiriirntc n Strike Today. This Is the day set for the approval of the new schedule asked by the painters , who if their request is not complied with , will strike to enforce their demand of an in crease to 35 cents an hour. Last nlghl representatives of employers nnd employes said no agreement had been reached , al though the painters seemed to be of the opinion that the change in the schedule would be made. Painters at the present time are drawIng - Ing 30 cents an hour , while the more skillful are being paid 35 and10 cents , This docs not appear to be satisfactory tc the workmen ; so they have agreed that a stipulated minimum of 35 cents ought tc be paid to all men. The employers object tc this because they do not think It is fall to good workmen to place them on ac equality with unskilled laborers who have not become proficient In their trade and are incapable of becoming so. They claim they are paying 30 cents an hour now foi eight hours work , and 45 cents an hour foi all over time and Sundays. It Is tbclt busy season and the necessity for steady , competent workmen is greater than at any other tlmo during the year. On the other hand , they state that there are a num ber of nonunion men in the city , or mem bers of another union , who have worked for themselves , ns they were unable te obtain employment with union painters , These men. It is claimed , will be available and they will be put to work immediate ! ) In ca = e there is a strike. The union Which has asked the increase of the schedule tc 35 cents numbers about 225 men. Although many of the painters are pleased with their work and do not want to htop , the union will bo solid when the demand for the new schedule Is refused The painters claim that some of the wall paper men will agree to the Increase and this willingness on their part will neces sarily leave the dealers , with a less formid able front than If they were united. The painters struck about eishteec months ago nnd succeeded in Inducing the dealers to agree to employ only union mer in their stores or upon their work. Thej also asked for piece work but this was de nied them. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST l-'ulr SUIcMRiilll , lint Still thr .North IVInilk for .Nt liriiNliii iinil Im\n. WASHINGTON , 'March ' 31. Forecast foi Saturday : For Nebraska , Kansas and the Dakotas Fair ; ncrthvlnds. . For Iowa and Missouri Fair Saturday ; wcfiterly winds ; conditions favorable for fair weather Sunday. I.oi'nl Iti-fiiril , ntJRKAU. A. Mnrth 31. Omaha record of temperature - perature and precipitation compared with the cprrebpondlng day of the last three . , , 1S33. 1SSS. U07. 1550 Maximum temperature.It ! ; 5 $ 71 ; Minimum temp raturo _ 14 31 4s > A\erape temperature . -3 40 53 4 Precipitation . ni T , fi'j Hecord of temperature and precipitation ai Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 165S : Normal for the djy . " i rX'tlrlr-m-y for the d.iy . . . A'-i-urnulatfd delU-lenry clnco March . . . . Normal rainfall for the day . 07 IncV Deficiency for the day . w inch Tota' rainfall tlnre March 1 . Ollncl U tli-lriu-y since March 1 . v ; Inrl Dcllclency for the < or. peiwid , l 9S. . .35 Inch Deficiency for thu cor. period , 1 97 . , J Incl Hi-'iiirlN from .SlntloiiM in s | > , in. STATIONS AND STATE Or WEATHER. : 3 E Omaha , clear . . . .T j sn , North I'lnttc. clear I y 30 o Salt Uike ftty. cloudy . . 51 50 ! o Cheyeiuu' . jiartly cloudy Ibl 20 .0 Rjplil lt , clear 16 , 22 .0 JIIIIU1I , 1.4144 * . . * > , . , . . . . , , , , , - , J I ' " l WIHUton. i-lttir -.i jg' ' 30 n CldcafiO. clear , 30 * 3' St. I.onis , partly cloudy ' 30 , 3S < o 1 St. J'aul , | Mrfy cloudy M , 30 ' i Davenport , cloudy | s so ' Helena , partly cloudy | j | 30 .0 ! Kuii > aa City , clear | S8 j i Havre , cloudy 10 1" ft IlUmarck. claar i is1 2 ; . < Oalvuston. cloudy . . . . . . . . . | Q $ | 7 ; , f , ItidleaUs trace of precipitation L A WELSH , . . . . 1 Locul Forecast Ollktal. DEATH RECORD. runrrnl of Simon II. Arnionr. KANSAS CITY. March 31. The funeral of the late Simon n. Armour , hcnd of the local pncking plant of Armour & Co . who died Wednesday of pneumonia , w s held from the family residence this afternoon. Several hundred people viewed the remains and at tended the services , among them employes of ( lie Armour company , many of them I gray-haired men who had been In the "etn ploy of the dc > ended for the l. t qunrte. , of n centurj H O Armour , a brother , ot I New York , and his niece. Mis * Alice Chapln ' of Chicago , were present. P. U Armour of Chtengo. who Is 111 , was unable to bo here. llnrnrx MnUrr llr nt Ills Ilrncb. K\Llfi PITY. Neb Mar.-h -iSpe.Mal TelegramIlert \ Warren a young harness- j maker In the cmpl > y of rvuil Hessler tlle > 3 very cuJdenlr t U 15 this morning of hemorrjiage. cf the "brain. He was working , at the iben.-h and seemed In the beat of p-pirlt-V Ho nns A single man nnd mndo Hrnervc. Kan. , his home. Mnlor 1) . C. Pillion. ' CHICAGO. March 31. MaJor P C. miton of Hudson. Wls died of heart trouble at the Polytcchniqup htspltal lodsy He was 61 years old. prominent In pollttis and very wealthy Beauty Without Health uickly Fades. CATARRH DISCOVERED TO BE THE GREATEST ENEMY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY WOMEN. Pe-ru-na Cures Women's ' Catarrh of Some Organ the Causa of Most Ills Diseases by Removing of Womankind. the Cause. Miss Barbara Shoelnole. rS2S Wisconsin nvenue , St. Louis , Mo. , writes "I had suffered with catarrh for over three years. At last I got so bad that I could not fulfill my duties. I not only had the catarrh dur ing the winter , but all the year round. I never could get over a cold In the head. 1 rend about I'e-ru-na and cave it a trial. After taking the first bottle I was very much relieved. I took it for over a month and was happy and well again , but not quite cured , to I wrote to Dr. Hnrtmnn for advice which he very kindly gave me , and , with his help and Pe-ru-na , I am now quite well. I recommend It to everybody with many thanks. " In glancing at this group of handsome , healthy women one can scarcely make 'him self believe that they had ever been Inval ids. Their letters reveal , however , that such was the case. Miss Shoelpple of Missouri suffered three years with catarrh of the head , nose and throat. Only a lady of refinement and delicacy , can understand the full horror of three years' servitude to chronic nasal catarrh. Of course , this lady was trying her best all the time to find a cure , but was unsucce sful. Her attention was called to Pe-ru-na , whirt promptly re lieved and finally cured her. Miss Llnnle Wiggins of Ohio had a very similar ex perience , as her letter reveals. .Mr . IIr.villit of MI l xl | i | > l. Mrs. S. B. Bryant , Crawford , Miss. , writes : " 1 suffered about six years with chronic catarrh. It was so bad I could not breathe through my nose for weeks at a time. I took two bottles of your Pe-ru-na and now I am entirely well : It Mrs. P B Bryant. has been two years since I took the Pe-ru-na and I cannot bay too much for it. My father Is still using Pe-ru-na with great success. " Mr * . Tj-iipr of North Carolina , Mrs. H. A. Tyner , Four Oaks , N. C , sa > s : "In January , 1S93. my daughter was taken sick with pain In her chest and right shoulder blade. A cough soon developed , which neither of our resident phyf-lclans seemed able to remove. She had Mrs. L. Keene. c.-ery symptom of consumption suppresses of menses , night sweats and great emacia tion. She was so low the April following that none of our neighbors thought she could llvo but a few months. In May Mr. C. R. Adams of this place , who had taken Pc-ru-na , told me if anything would help her Pc-ru-iia would. Her Improvement was very rapid during the third bottle. I feel that I'e-ru-na saved her life. My daughter's name is Mrs. L. Keenc. " - Mrx. C'irMiit | < T of Oklahoma , Mrs. John Carpen ter , Perry , OKI. , writes " 1 took a bottle of Pc- ru-na and received great benefit from It ; could feel every dose I tool : co to the ends of my flnsors. I suffered greatly from nervous headaches and 'my nervous sjstera was completely broken Mrs. J. Carpenter , down. I felt so much better after I had ta'ker one bo-.tle that I stopped It , but I have begun - ; gun ajain now. I can truly recommend Pe- ru-na to nervous people " Mrx , < ; nllltz of Mrs. Sarah Gallltz 1 of I.uton , la. , writes ' as follows in regard , to Pe-ru-na nnd Man-a-lln : "I was suffering with the i-hango of life. I had spfllB of flow-Ing ev ery two or three ! weeks , which would | leave me nearly dead. Mrs. Sarah ( iaiutz I had ghen up hope of .being cured , whet I heard of Dr. Hartman's remedies am began to use them. I am entirely cured , am give all the credit to Pc-ru-na and Man-a lln. " Mr , DIIUNOII of TI-IIIH. "Mrs. Helen Daw-son Lampassg. Tex. , writes "I recommend you medicine * to all I hea complaining. I kno\ them to be good. Man a-lln Is the best reraed for Indigestion I hav ever tried. I find al Mrs. Helen Daw sen.'our medicines good rpeak from experlenc and trow what I bear others lay also , " Miss Llnnie Wiggins. Berlin Heights. 0. , says : "I send my photograph and testi monial. 1 suffered from catarrh of the head , nose and throat for three years. 1 could get no relief until I began taking Pe- ru-na. Independent of curing my catarrli it has greatly Improved my general health , I cannot describe the change. Any one suf fering from catarrh , and knowing that It can be cured , would be very unwise not to take Dr. Hartman's advice. Follow directions , Pe-ru-na does the rest. " Mrs. O. V. McHargue , Bozeman , Mont. , wrHea : "After I received your advice lc regard to the supposed polypus , as I ther cculd not afford to have it removed , 1 be gan to take Pe-ru-na , thinking I might ai least get some temporary relief. Hy thi time 1 had taken one bottle the polypus had disappeared , and three bottles cured the ca tarrh nnd throat trouble. I have recom mended the medicine to several friends. As a minister's wife I come tn contact with all classes of pecple and shall always speak a gcod word for Pe-ru-nn. 1 have given trial bottles to a few friends. 1 wish you abun dant success , so long as you merit It sc richly as you have heretofore " . ( Jriflllh of > elira Wn. Mrs. L. M. Griffith. Mrs. L. M Griffith of Cambridge. Neb. writes"Your Pcru-na did me a wonderfu amount of good It cured me of barrenness I am 30 years old ami had never borne an ; children , but since beginning your raedlclm I gave birth to a 10-pound baby girl. Shi Is now fix months old and weighs 25 pounds I am stronger than 1 have bern since I wai quite young. God blpss you and your medl clno forever. I cannot tell all. I nevei sawor heard of anthing half so good. : can never thank you enough for ) our kind ness. In mses of la grippe It works like . charm. It cured my baby. " Mr * . Uiioliof Inilliiun. Mrs. Nora Wco- ley. Wallace. Ind. says : "I sufferer for a jcar with sev eral diseases , whlct ca.iucJ amenorrhcpa I saw an advertise ment of Dr. Hart- man's wonderfu ! medicine. 1 Imme diately wrote to bin describing my cast „ as near as I could TJ l Jf hut I will not at- Mr * . Nora Wooley. tempt to give a do- Ecrlptlon here , it was so complicated. He advised me to take Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lln , which I did , and am now well and enjoying good health. I weigh more than I ever did In my life. I cannot praise your Pe-ru-na enough. " Mrx.ultiriiiiui of foiuii-i-tli-ut. Mrs. Pauline Aulter- man. Box 411. Taflvllle , Conn , writes : "I had catarrh of the head and throsit for twelve years and had read that Pc- ru-na was gcod for it. But my hufaband ' > sMrs \ult- opposed to patent medi- crmnn clues and would not allow me to use it About a year ago ho died , and 1 determine ) that I would at least give Pe-ru-na a trial I had the druggist order some for me , ai j he had none in stock , and I took nix bottles It completely cured me. My catarrh | a al gona and I have no more trouble with m : throat " AUIONH of ( irorulii. "I feel like a new woman AVhen I commenced takini Pe-ru-na I could hard ) : walk across my room ; nevI I am doing my own work tun walk a mile and a ha I to church. I shall ne\e : cease to thank you for pre scribing for me. I had beet under the treatment of twi doctors , but never received any benefit untl I commenced ( aklng your medicine. I an now well and able to do m > own work. ' - Mrs. H. D. Aiuois , Greensboro , Ga. Mrs. C. C. Naeve. 3S8 Morrison street , Portland , Ore . says"I began to take Pe- ru-na when I lived in Columbus. O. , In 1SS7 , and have used U an' the Man-a-lln ever since whene\er 1 needed medicine. I have never found an equal to Pe-ru-na for regu lating the menses , nnd before I began to take It 1was never regular and always had more or lees pain. I had tried many different medicines before I saw Pe-ru-na , but without success. " Mrs. Naove of Oregon has found Pe-ru-na to be , what so many other women have dis covered , a perfect panacea of the ills pecu liar to women. Dr. Hurtman was the first to point , out to the medical profession that the peculiar ailments of women are nearly always due to catarrh of the pelvic organs. Pe-ru-nn cures catarrh wherever located. This explains why it is that so many women have found Pe-ru-na such a permanent cure for their special ailments. Pe-ru-na cures just one ailment catarrh. But catarrh as sumes a variety of forms. The letter from Mrs. MrHargue of Montana should be read and heeded by every sufferer from chronic catarrh of the head and nose. Ml KB ( iuli"iitlr > of IlllnnlK. Mits Belle Gunsalls , 141C SMMh avenue , Hcc'.i Island III , writes "I can thank your medi cine for curing me ol chronic catarrh , affect ing the head , nose and throat , which I was af flicted with for five ot six years , growing worse all the time , Miss Belle Gunsalls until I began taklns your Pe-ru-na , with a marked Improvement frcm the first. Independent of curing my catarrh. Pe-ru-na has wonderfully Improved my general health. Pe-ru-na Is a wonder ful medicine. I cannot speak too highly of It , and 1 recommend it as being one of the very beat medicines in the world for coughs , colds. f-Atarrh and all diseases of the throat nad lungs. " Mi N lluncnkral of AVIxconxlii , Miss Alvlna Hanen- krat. Rib Falls. WP | , says : " 1 was troubled for ten years with chronic catarrh. I used Pe-ru-na and La-cu-pl-a for about eight months and must say that I am perfectly cured of the Ml" Alvlna disease. It will be two Ilntienkrnt years next June since 1 was cured and I have not been troubled with any symptoms ol my old trouble during this time. " Mrs. Turner of MNNHPI | | | > | . "About fifteen year ; ago 1 was taken wltt catarrh of the head. 1 tried several doctors and all the patent medicines I could heai recommended for ca tarrh. I spent severe hundred dollars , bin found no relief. Was not able to sit up Mm M.itjtr'f ' Turner Nine bottles of Pc-rtt- na cured me permanently. 1 feel as well as I did when I was Ifi years old. " Mrs , Maggie Turner , Holly Springs , Miss. Mrs. ItejnolilH of Ohio. Mrs. J W. Reynolds , Hex 46 , Klkton. Colum- blana Co. , Ohio , says she has suffered with con gestion of the lunjs. < n- tarrh of the head and was troubled with .1 had cough. She had tried a > number of physicians , t > ut they all failed to cure her. After using Mrs. J AV. Reynol Pe-ru-na her cough ceased , and In a short time her other ill I mcnt 3 were cured. She It now- completely restored to health and give ! all the credit to Pe-ru-na. Mrx , drc > - of Kentucky. MM. Cornelia Grey 829 Broadway , Padu- lah , Ky . hays"I had been sick foi three years with sc- \erc pains In the l > reast and constant headache. I thought 1 had consumption I bad been taklne medicines from doc- Mrs Cornelia Grey. lorH tjOlh here and | r St. Ixule. and they did me no good. I saw Dr. Hartman's advertisement and flnall ) decided 1 would write to him. I folio wee his treatment and now I an ) well. I feel belter than I have for a great many years I cannot express in words what good Pe-ru- na did me. 1 can't say enough In hi praise. " For tree literature on the subject of ca tarrh address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manu- fauuring Company , Columbus , Ohio , GIVE THE CHILDREN A DRINK culled OfAln-O It Is a d. Ikliui r > p t'J ' > tr\K \ , nourlMilnr t t > A dMnk so take th ? place of coffer Cold l y nil grocers nnJ liked by all who have used It becaus * when properly prepared It taste * like th rtneit coffee , but f § fr * from all Us In jurious properttin , Qraln-o Bids digestion and strengthen * the nerves It Is not t stimulant but health builder and chil dren , as well a * adults , can drink It Ti-HU great benefit. CnMs nbjut one-fourth as much HI coffee. Uc nnd lie. Face to Ipace. With DUpn c n Mnn llnrdly KnniTi Which Wny to Turn Uriin * DoNot Cnrr 1'hr ) fIliiiuliiti- . ItrnnrlC * I'lrclrlo Hell I2iitlt | | * \ OM With n \Vrntoii | to I'lKht lllsrnm * Tlintan Cnn Trim ! The I nrc I * ( iiinrnntr il , I worked so l nf ; mil asslduousl ) to prr > fert my Mlectrlc llelt nnd so well do t V ow Its wonderful xirtun ? that I un tatliiKly gunrnntre i our * In \ ernst \ . .iere 1 recommend the treatment of my Helt It hns .inlonlshed ph ) lclnns anil scientist * whn now Indorse It Mv Uelt ! rrcsmmwvlcd by mnrr than lOfOO cur d pa. tlenti It Is Nuture't remedy Drus * wt'l not cure you thev lnipU stlmulAtr fiider Its potent llame the c\e become clenr the skin cienn. the muscles hard , the step l < e. comes e4a llc nnd the bowels retruUr Tn dlrf.stlon will become normal , the nppetiii will Increase , and headache , flushing nn I nervous dliorders disappear. Newred. . rich blood will course through your velni whirl will mantle the cherttK nnd lips nnd plo them the rosy Blow of lieslth. The dark clrcltw around the eyts will fade awoy and the weak man or woman Is made new bclnr : restored to health and sexual power. I nm the Inventor of Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt And know exactly what It will do Klec- trlclty Is the Vlttil and Nerve force { every humnn b'lns- When ther U a lack of this Force , ElectricIty - / Ity must foa supplied , f J My belt Is to supply I > this LO9T HLEC- \ T1UCITY. It Is a food > - for blood , brain mtls- cles and nerves. 1 Sexual Impotency , . occle , Sp'rmatorrhorn and all svxualciik - nessps In either sex , restore shrunken or 'undeveloped o r IT n n s and vitality ; cure Rheumatism In ever ) Eiilse. Kidney. Liver and Bladder Troubles , Chronic Constipation. Nervous ami General Debility. Dyspepsia , all remale. Complaints etc. etc.It Is nurd for some people to think they can be cured now. be cause thsy have tried the old drug remedies of years ago and found them failures ) . It IH necessary for these people to think n little. The vxotld moves this is an ag of progrr. n. The man or woman who has suffered for year after year with out relief , who has tried everything wise In vain , may consider their case hopeless , and for that reason hcs'tale to begin treatment with my Klectrlc Hell. Such hopelesincss 1 > almost as bad as disease Itself It p-tts one beyond the -ach of health and hn , . ' - ness. You takeno chances whun you b il ; treatment with my Belt , what It has done for thousands of cnherf It will not fall to defer for you. If It will not cure you I will frankly tell you so. My Uelt has soft , silken , chamois-covered sponge electrodes that rannot burn and blister. as do the bare met al electrodes used on all other m'skes of belts. I have entirely don * away with this frightful burning , and still my Uelt will give four times tht > current of any other belt My Electric Suspensory for th cure of the various weakne sr of men Is FREE to every male purchaser of one of my Beits. Dr. Bennett's Klectrlc Uelt can be" renewed when burned out for 75 cents ; no other belt can b renewed for any price. Call upon or writn me today do not put It off delays are dangerous Get my new Heel : about EUctrlclty. symptom blanks nnd literature , which will tell you about the beM treatment In the world. Consulta tion and advice without cost Dr. Bennett rtoiiuin 2O and -1 Dnnnlus ItlooU , OmaliHcbr , . IGtli ttnil Dudurc Stroctn. Open front Si3 ( > n. in. < < > < ! 1 > . in. Rvcn- IHB * . 7 p. ni. < o SirtO p. 111. 3nndilj , 10 . ni. in n p. m. Subscribers Only , at The Bee office each CALL month between the Kt and the 10th , pay ono month's subscription to the Daily und Sunday Bee nnd get a copy of the Woman's Home Companion FRK3B To Bee Subscribers Only. $ City Circulation Dent ? Only the Choicest Are Thus Branded Ask for CUDAHY'S DIAMOND - HAMS BACON LARD THE TASTE TELLS. CLlebutcr > < Krc'.l't ) inatrcud ISriuia. 'ENNYROYAL PBILS la iumi'4 t > t pi "Ifcllof fur I. dlr.M < rt ( fur kr re llnll. in. < > OUTritl > n > Dl 'l 1 lIILAD/i' you views Of UlG a Ji s in i s si s sippi Tlio J3GG 72ns Snap Shots lOc. J h o togrn vares JO for 2 Reproduction of JCey 's l a in ting- Q o p Gr copy.