10 THE O3I AHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , AfTUL 1 , 1890. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET About ETerything Offered is in Qooc Demand , PRICES CONTINUE TO RULE VERY STEADY MOK II reel pi i I'alr for n I'rldiijvltli Off llnir n. Dime on Ac count of Decline at Other SOUTH OMAHA , March ,11. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , today 1,414 7,402 OIHclal Monday 1,045 2.0T.1 Oniclal Tuesday 3.232 8.3.K omclal Wedn.-tday 2,15 9.S33 unirlal Thursday 1,713 7,101 Flvo day this week 9,570 3. ' > ,672 2ii , < 52 ; Hnmn dny last week. . . . 10,0'U 33,77. . M.32.1 Hamo days week before. . S.fiOS S3.S9J 31,111 Same three weeks ago. . K.707 31.4.1S 29.68.1 T .tnl March , 1W 40,877 169,740 W2M1 T'lial March , 1S88 65,236 13 , OSS H2,79-3 T.itul March , 1S97 r.2,917 110.448 77.30C Total March , ISM 37.R12 W.,697 17.S8I 'J'olal March , 1KK" ! > 10.730 M.S75 21,6 > "iS Totnl March ISM 66,39(5 ( 148,631 21,151 Avcrnpe price paid for hogs tor the last several days with comparisons' Indlc'iites Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.irses , C. , M. & St. P. Ky 6 2 O. Se St. L. lly 2 Mo. Pacific Ry 8 Tnlon Paclllc system. . Ifi 19 11 . . i' . & N. W. lly 2 4 F. . B. & M. V. R. R. . . * 26 S. C. Sr P. lly 3 2 . . O , St. P. . M. & O. Ry. 8 7 B. * M. R. II. R 10 ST. - 2 < ' , B. & Q. Ry 1 1 C , n. J. & P. Ry. , E. . Crlpplea and driven In 97 SO TotaJ receipts 56 101 15 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huyera Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oniahu Packing Co 76 492 . . . . The G. II. Hammond Co..1,012 1,302 . . . . fiwlft and Company 217 1,036 776 The Cudahy Packing Co. . 31S 1,999 G70 P. D. Armour 273 2,085 892 Vanfwnt & Co- 20 J. L. ( Jarcy 6 Swift , country 40 . . . . K0 Livingston and S.- ID . . . . . . . . L. F. IIusz 2 CMcVloker 43 Cudahy P. Co. . K. C IIS Other buyers 09 . . . . 207 Totals 1,313 7,831 2.543 CATTLE There was not very much change. In the market for fat cattle this morning. Handy light and medium weight cjuttle. such ! ii > are In the beat demand at lh ; present tlmo sold at steady to strong prices and the. most of the offerings changed hands early. Coarse , heavy cattle , on the other hand , wore Inclined to be a little slow. Uuyers n.ro very much Inclined to discrim inate against heavy cattle , especially If they nrp coarse nnd not overly well finished. Cows and heifers were In good demand Jind the offerings all changed hands nrly at llrm prices. The marke.t on this kind of cattle Is very high and cow stuff sold today as well as any time this season. Fat bulls are not bringing as much as last we.ek , but good stock bulls have heon good sellers all the weelc.owlng lo thtre being liberal orders for that kind of stuff. Rtockers and feeders .were In fair demand , with speculators doing about all the buying , and as there were only three or four full loads In the yards , ths trade soon came to tin end for the want of more cattle to sell. The country demand at the present time Is of very little account , owing to the very iinplciosant and unseasonable weather , but ns there are so few cattle coming the market keeps right up and Is as high ns ever. Rep- rescntflitlvo sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. TIM WOO 1..1220 $4 35 IS..1199 $4 55 730 3 00 0. . BOO 4 40 IS..1333 4 55 910 3 BO 28. . 907 440 1..13GO 460 $10 390 32..1144 440 IS..1305 460 .1140 4 00 I0..3JSG 4 45 J8. . 9061 GO .1000 4 10 1..1S50 4 50 19..12S5 4 65 900 415 2. . 9.TO 450 20..12W 465 .1S50 4 25 1. . 810 4 50 19..10(50 ( 4 65 .1300 4 23 1..1110 4 50 7..1257 4 70 .1100 4 2T 1. . 00 4 50 1B..1119 4 70 . 902 425 29..1240 450 2..1246 473 .112fi 430 29..109G 450 8..1376 485 . .100 * 4 X. 4G..119S 4 50 B1..1416 J 85 .101S 435 3..1250 455 28..131/7 490 . S9G 4 35 STEERS AND HEIFERS. . 750 3 90 1S..U41 4 GO 7..1321 4 G5 4 935 4.4G cows. 2..1010 c < r 6..1038 3 36 2..1040 3 75 S70 2 75 3..1013 3 35 1..1270 3 75 CM i 75 1070 3 10 1. .1430 3 73 S40 'i 75 , . 810 3 50 1. .1200 3 75 UI5 3 00 , .1140 S W 0. .1011 3 80 10SO 3 (10 ( .1320 3 50 .1415 3 SO 915 3 00 . . 935 3 50 1 .1380 3 80 9SO 3 00 .1134 3 50 1 .1230 3 RO 1000 3 00 . sso 3 50 15 . 9GO 3 80 1100 3 10 .1(160 ( 3 50 1 .1180 3 85 1003 315 .1210 3 GO 1 .1(120 ( 3 90 1..1150 3 In , .1105 3 60 J3 .1160 3 90 1..11SO I ! IS , .1370 3 60 9 .1155 3 93 1 3 20 , .1070 3 65 1 .1240 4 00 .1 23 , .1130 3 63 1 .1270 4 no 1010 3 23 .10M ) II 65 1 .10SO 4 00 , R30 : ; 25 , .1136 3 65 1 .1200 4 00 1010 It ' . ' 5 , . 933 3 63 4..1(195 ( 4 CO ,1210 : t 25 . .1281 3 65 0..1217 4 PO . 800 3 30 , .1228 3 65 1. . 900 4 10 926 : t 3D 1110 3 70 21..1120 4 10 , 9SO a r.i " . . . 1200 3 ' 1..1C90 4 23 COWS AND HEIFERS. 17. . 924 ! SO 2..1175 4 00 11. . 951 4 10 STOCK COWS A'ND HEIFERS , 1 510 2 60 1. , 840 3 dO 760 3 75 1. 510 3 00 A ' 9.10 3 15 520 3 90 r. 1 RIO 3 00 . . 760 3 75 KM .1 no 1. 900 3 50 o S40 3 75 3o5 4 00 1 , 840 3 50 T ! ROO 3 ' 460 4 20 1. , S30 350 a. . 7GO 3 ' 405 4 25 HEIFERS. 09 , . 760 3 in 1. MO 4 00 2..1010 I 20 1. . 610 3 73 1. . S 0 4 00 450 4 23 1. . 910 3 75 1. ,910 4 00 915 4 25 1..1000 3 90 12. . 7M 4 20 .1210 4 50 RULLS. 1..1370 2 25 1. 1550 3 25 .1210 3 50 1..1530 275 1. 12SO 3 23 .1300 350 2 90 1.r . ,1509 3 SO 1..1240 3 50 fil5R4 ! ! 3 M r , 1400 3 85 .1730 3 55 . B90 3 W i. ,1140 , 3 10 .1290 375 .1H5 3 IS 1070 3 40 .2300 373 . 890 3 25 l.1720 ! 3 45 830 4 ! > 0 CALVES , , . SO 4 00 t. . 110 8 50 . 2. . 213 6 75 MO 4 75 2. . 235 8 50 2. . 230 6 73 310 D 00 B. . ISO 650 STAGS. .1 0 3 73 8..13(7 4 00 1..1410 445 , .12SO 4 00 BTOCKISRS AND FEEDERS . 907 3 ( V ) 703 4 00 2. 500 4 50 . ( ISO 5 25 4. 6S2 1 10 1. . 700 4 50 . 350 3 23 1. 770 4 25 22. , 873 4 55 .1090 3 50 13. S14 4 35 3. . 566 4 70 .1120 3 75 4. 4 < i3 4 40 11. . 4S3 I " 3 710 n 75 1. 820 4 45 28. . 70S ISO 2. . 343 I 00 Iions The market opened 2Hp lower this morning and rlotud 5c lowor. The ileimuu ! was good and packers wanted the hogs , but thenmiltnt was lower on account of the reported deellno at other gelling points , The hogs sold very largely nt } 1.77'.fc13.W | ) , while yesterday thp bulk went at $3.G2Ufj 3.65. Considering that the market war lower the trade wan not In such bad shape after all and everything was disposed of Tn reasonable twuson , Toilny'H deellno wiped out the advance of yesterday , leaving the market Just about where It was on Wednesday iincl Monduy It will be noted from the table of average prices nt head of column that the market BO far this week hus nyeragod higher than last week nnd as high us any tlmo this innntli. Representative sales : 75 250 . ,1 57 < 4 23 . 245 520 3 CO SJ 219 M ,1 57' * 43 213 SO 3 60 71 2"i 2M S R7U & 2 . . 240 80 3 TO 77 ,224 IfiO 3S7U ff 272 . . . 300 W 222 W ) .1 B7 < 4 (12 ( 294 120 3 TO JO OS 1WI 3571 , 74 271 120 360 48 226 40 357H 60 273 120 SCO S7 22S . . . 357 < 4 2S7 120 360 74 223 M 357'4 ' ( " 2.16 40 SOT 60 217 . . . 3 57U 67 272 120 300 77 210 M 3 B7 < 4 75 217 80 3 CO 12 3Yi ( . . . 3 fi7'4 ' 67 2 7 120 3 CO M 2.12 40 3 S7I.4 62 274 . . . 3 TO 79 2 3 . . . .1 57'/j ' G6 295 . . . 360 70 19S . . . 3671/4 69 2.14 40 360 61 250 10 3 57' ' < . 76 197 . . . 3 CO 64 2flO 200 n o7's ' 21 3-tJ . . . 3 TO 51 24 . . . 3 57 < ! S3 248 10 360 S3 2.11 M .157(4 ( 71 2KS 120 360 87 223 3 , " i M 229 . . . 3 TO 69 253 ICO 3 : > 7 < i 74 243 SO 3 621.4 107 2 < i3 SO 3574 * 62 29.1 . ' 0 .1 62M , 72 217 120 3 57'4 ' It 284 SO 3 62V4 S4 201 120 .1 67U G7 22S . . . 3 BZU 10 2S1 . . . 3 60 79 273 . . . 3 62-4 fill 279 240 .160 10 225 . . . 3 C2'4 ' 78 243 40 .1 ( VI 73 24810 3 62U. 64 241 . . . 360 1,3 2 ! > 2 M 3 C2-4 * 60 H4 . . . 360 66 262 120 ,16214 7 ? 252 120 .1 TO 61 253 40 3 621-2 6S 2SO . . . .1 M 72 117 M ) 3 f2' ! ' * 2Ti 292 . . . .1 TO 63 PA" W ) 3 G2H 61 257 120 3(10 ( l',4 , 26 . . . I ! C2'4 SI 2.1.110 360 63 2G- , . . . 3 62',4 ' G9 2H7 . . . .160 6.1 253 . . . 3 62'4j 64 273 . . . 3 TO ' 54 270 200 .1 G2'i 31 2ftM ) 360 32 223 40 3 fB C8 2.12 120 3 TO 3.1 2S9 . . . ,163 61 2iU 1TO H 60 70 247 . . . 3 IB 63 JIB . . . ,160 25 ; m . . . 3 63 ( ' 1 ? < " ' . 3 liO 12 J5) ) . . . 363 76 2SO 20 360 02 812 . . . 3 UJ 63 272 M ) 3 60 WAC.ON LOTS-PIOS. 1 170 . . . 223 6 240 . . . 3 57',4 ' 1 320 . . . 225 5 216 . . . 360 1 200 . . . 260 2 1 5 . . . 360 G 9B . . . SO ) 5 331 . . . 3 G2' ' , SHEEP Today'1" receipts wcro rather light , while the demand was good , the re sult being that everything In S'lght wtis ills- posed of In a very short time- and at prices that wcro entirely satisfactory. The Rhepp market could bp quoted ns ac- tlvo and steady nnd the lamb market ns a little stronger , some would say 6rjflOc highpr. and at < he mime tlmp active. Some western himbs fold at $ , " > ,73 , the highest price paid so far for westerns. As'compared ' with Chicago the lamb market - kot hen ; Is very high and the lambs sold here today would have brought little , If any. moro In C'hlrngo. This Is a point for sheepmen to consider. Quotations arc Good to choice fed west- prn wethers , $1.60fi4.70j fair to good , $4.4011 4.60 ; Mexlran yearlings , $5.00@5.10 : choice light weight western yearlings , $4.S jf4.90 ; good heavy weight western yearlings , $4.M > ( ) ) 4.io ; good to cholcp western cwea , J4.20tT4.45 ; fair to good western ewes. J.1.90W4 20 ; good to choice native lambs , $3.3.VT < 5 50 ; good to choice western lambs , J5.40J75.55 ; Fort Co'- llns Mexican Iambs , good lo I'lioloe , $565 ( ? r5.75 ; fair to oed Fort Collins Mexican lambs , $5.40Ti5.CO ; feeder sheep. $4.23fl.50 ; feeder lambs , $4.60JjG.2S. Representative sales ; No. Av. Pr 215 southerns , mixed 90 $4 20 501 western ewes 113 4 40 441 western wethers Ill 4 IS 227 western yearlings 113 4 75 1 lamb no B 60 419 western lambs 77 5 62',4 473 western lambs 81 6 7G- CHICAGO 1,1 VIS STOCK BIAllICET. Gnnil HCC.VCH Arc Scnrrc. HORN I. o IT or , Slu-i-n llcU > r. CHICAGO , March 31. Trade In cattle was fairly active , but there was paTtlcular changa In prices. The. greater part of the offering. * sold at low figures , as'good beeves were scarce. Fancy cattle brought J5.70S > B.ST > ; cbolco steers , $3.3505.65 ; medium steers , $1.7OS4.95 _ ; bulls , $2.60Jf4.00 ; beef steers , $3.90(1 ( ? 4.tvstern : 'fed ' steers , $ l.23Zi5.50 ( ; Texas steprs , $4.00 < f5.JO ; calves , $4.Kf7.00 ' There was a fairly active general demand for hogs.i but prices were , weak and largely 2140 lower. Fair to choice. .1.75S'3.S7" , : heavy packing lots , $3.5off 11.72' { . ; mixed , $ .1.60 oc"- ' ' ' -re. $3.6003.8216 ; bulls , $3.SO ; pigs , , , Owing to thie supply of sheep , prices were stronger and prime Colorado lambs brought JO.OO , a further rise of 30c. -imbs sold from 56.00 for prime , down to $3.2ofr5.GO for the " commonest qualities , with culls"it $4.25fi5.10 Poor to prime sheep sold at $3.0035.10 , with no good offerings selling ibelow JI.CO. Year lings were Inactive demand .it $4,7505,25. with shorn lots S-llIng at $4G5i4.Sj UECEII'TS-Cnttle , 2,000 head ; hogs , 21,000 head ; sheep , C.OOO head. New Yorlt 1,1 ve Stoclc. 'NEW YORK , CMarch 31 , BERVKS Re ceipts , 1,731 head ; thlrty-scvan cars on sale. Market slow ; teers and cows weak to lOc lower , hulls nrm. al out nil sold. Steers , $1.701(5.30 ; top' , W.57'i ; stags , $1.50 ; bulls , $3.2o < 54.4 ( ) : cows , J2.OOtf3.SO. Cables slow ; live cattle , llMJ12c : tops , 12 412i4c , dressed weights ; llvo sheep. 13 14c ; lambs. l4V < ' > c , , dpjssed weights ; refrigerator beef , 9Tic p'er pound. Exjiorts today , 4.V ) cattle ; tomorrow. 270 cattle , no sheep nnd 2,000 quarters of toeof. CALVES Receipts , 440 .head. Market lower , all sold. Common to prime veals , HOOifffi 50 ; little calves. $4 00. SHEEP AND LAJinS Receipts , 2,7C,3 hr > ad : eleven cars on sale. Sheep weak lanibs dull and lOffiloc lower ; two cars un sold. Common to good sheep. $ .1.504 75 ; medium to cholo ; lambs. $5.75 < ffG50 ; culls J4.50 ; clipped lambs , J3.00ir6.25 ; spring : lambs , M.2oi(5.cu ( ( each. 'HOGS-Recelpts , 1.95G. ( Market flrm at IvniiMiiH ClljI.lve Slnclr. KANSAS CITY. March 31.-CATTLE-Re- cetats , 2,650 head natives. 470 head Texans The supply of cattle today was too mal' to satisfy the demand and prices were slightly higher. H > avy native meers. $5.10'a5.25 : medliiin steers , $4.C5 < Ji6.10 ; light weights , $4.305i5.00 ; stocknrs and feeders. $360fi525- butcher cows and heifers , $3.104 25 : butcher ibulls , J3.10ir4.00 ; western steers , ? 3.C55f4 15 ; ' Texans > , . . , ' HOGS ltec1aU . 7,010 head. Tim light supply stimulated the demand , trade was active at strong prices. Heavies. $3.C054.75 ; mixed. $3.62V43.70 ; light , $ .1.45Q3.C2Vj ; pig ? , SHEEP Receipts , 3,7)0 ) head : moderate supply of good quality that sold very nctlvo at steady prices. Kambs , J5.30J5.50 | ; year lings. $4.COi5.00 ( ( ; wethers. $3.00114.75 ; owes , J.504.25 ? ; stockers and feeders , $3.004 25 ; culls , $2.00fi3,00. SI. l.uulN I.tve Stock. ST. IXUIS , March 31. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.100 head. Including 700 head Tex ans ; market steady for natives to strong for Texnn.a ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , $4.6.V35.70 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , $ l.006.03 ; steers under 1.00) ) Ibs. , $3.75Q5.40 ; stockers and feeders. $3.50fi > 4.50 ; cows and heifers. J2.0Kff4,50 ; bulls , $2.fij 4(3.70 ( ; Texas and Indian stcei-3 , $3.COfj0.25 ; cows and heifers , $2.3 < > TVM.30. HOGS iRecelptM , 6,500 head ; market easy to 5c lower ; pigs and lights. $3.7Vf)3 ( ) 80 ; packers. $ : ! .70Jf3.75 ; butchers , $3.7Gf3 S7' . SHEEP Receipts , 300 .head . ; market nom inal , for the lack of receipts ; native mut tons , $4OWi4.75 ; lambs , J5.40U5.50 ; spring lambs , $0. < JOfrlO.OO , St. .Io i > | > U Live Slock. SOtnni ST. JOSEPH. March 31-Speclal. ( ) CATTLE Receipts , SOo , Market strong tea a shade higher ; quality fair : natives , $4.10 fflJ.OU ; Texans nnd westerns ; $ .1.75JT1.S3 ; cowii and heifers , t2.10f'l.35 ( ; stockeTS and feeders , S3.ififft.C5 ; yearling * and calves. $1,50 5.00. HOGS Receipts , 3.000 head. MarkPt steady ; sslllng ill J3.55JfH,75 ; bulk at $3.550 3.70. SHEEP Receipts , 400 head. Market wat ) strong. Stork In Slulil. Following arci the receipts at the four principal western markets for M arch .11 : Sheep. 3.1SS efxv ) 3740 300 13,236 QuiitiitloiiH for tlio lny on CJeiii-rnl ( 'iiiuniiiilltli'N. NB\V YORK , March 31. FLOUR Re ceipts , 26,312 blJls. ; exports , U',513 , bbls. Mor- kut dull but steady. WHEAT Receipts , 28.000 .bu. . ; sales , 893,000 0)11. Spot quiet ; No. 2 red , S2c , f. o. b. , allniit and to arrive. Options opened low r , under light local and foreign spiling and absence - sonco of support of any diwcrlptlans ; ruled uxccptionnlly tame and fcturclem. In b- Bt-ncci of imimrtant crop news or cablet * from abroad , and advices from western markets. March closed nominal and other months JftUic net lower. RlarcJi , 79'fiSOHc ( , ; May , 7CM < 77 l-l c. closed at 77c ; July. 7 Hff 77c , clofiod at 7 c ; Septomber. 74'4Q75Hc. ' ClOBtMl at 71',4 < ' . CO UN llocelptH , fil.OOO Ini. , exports , C23S ' ' . ' , ' Sl"'it ' , (1"ll't ; Novv ! ' | 2 ? W1 < 3e. f. o. b. . ulloat , old and new. Options opened a wlmde lower , with wheat. Unit failed to show ani mation. Cloned dull at Ike net lower. May closed at Wic ; July , 40 i5(4UTiCl ( cloied lit WTsC. OATS-Ri'celpts , 1S1.200 hii. ; export * . 6,620 Bl1" ! 'Ulll ; , NoMH . S3 4e : No. 2 white , SfiOSto i' ; < rack , mlxid , western , U2i/4i34Uo ; track , white. 35fiX c. Options nominal ; ' " UOPh Strudy ; tat ( > . common to t-Jiolce , ISM crop. 64i7o 1897 crop. UiUlSc ; 1S95 crop. ICO17c ; Paclrtc fonst. U9il crop , 6i7c ; 1S37 crop. lliim > : 189S crop , 17fU8c. HIDES-Klrnr Golvi-ston. iC lTc ; Texas dry. 12 .4 | 13o : calf. . WOOL Dull ; ilunii-stlo lleucc , 16fl2lc ; IH'TTKn-Recolpts. 3.C3I nkgs. ; uteady ; wwtirn creamery , a7ii22e ; Klglna , acfac ; - v A WoEiderful Cure of Editor of tlie WEEKLY WORLD - HERALD. Ho writes : "For several years I was troubled with Indigestion BO severe ns to make It Impossible to take moro than two meals n day -without suffering. I grow worse gradually until July , 1S9B , I was sud denly attacked with Increased pain and sore ness over the pit of my stomach and sharp pains in my right side , which rapidly In creased until 1 could scarcely get my breath. A physician WRB called for Immediate relict nnd hypodermic Injections of morphine were resorted to for relief , t was able to bo out In about a week , but had n second attack the following August , moro Intense than before. I wan reduced from loC to 134 pounds In nine days and left wholly unable to take any nourishment. I lived on lime water nnd a very little milk for several days after. For one year I carried morphine pellets In my pockets , ready for an emergency. All this tlmo my stomach was sere and very sensitive. I discovered that what would agree with my stomach this week would probably not next week , and that I was Rotting nearer and nearer to a final col lapse. I consulted three of the best physi cians in the state and two agreed fully 03 to my ailment , but failed to give me relief. Having utterly failed < o obtain relief , I finally made arrangements to go to Chicago to be treated , when my little boy chanced to got a sample package of Dr. Kay's Reno vator , which ho brought to me , I was Induced to try It , not having the least faith in Its virtues , I thought the sample relieved me and I purchased a 25- ccnt box. Before It was all used I had so improved that I was taking three meals a day , which I had not done for years. I than used ono package of the large Dr. Kay's Renovator nnd one moro of the small size. It Is eight months since I commenced using Dr. Kay's Renovator , and I now have no symptoms whatever of my old trouble. I have recommended It to many of my f 'nds for stomach trouble , and I think all have reported relief. " GEO.V. . HERVEV , Omaha Nob. Worth Its Weight in Gold , For Constipation , Indigestion and Sleepless Nights. "I have been troubled for the past 20 years with constipation , Indigestion ami sleepless nights , but since taking your Dr. Kay's Renovator I can sleep like n child and am not troubled In the least with the above named diseases. Your Dr. Kay.'a Renovator Is worth its weight in gold. I am an old lady 67 years old. " Yours , MRS. D. A. McCOY , 711 So. 27th St. Omaha , Neb. yOW Sy8tcm nec < ls renovatlne- The internal organs nro inactive. The waste matter Is not eliminated but absorbed , thus contaminating the blood and debilitating the flQ ! ! ! QPflCSflll lUia 9tM ? 9wll entire system. The nerve force Is not replenished , consequently you are tired and have no energy. Tbeee symptoms are present In the Spring and after an epidemic of La- Grippe. To renovate the system nnd remove nil bad effects of La-Grippe or Spring lassitude use Dr. Kay's Renovator. It certainly has no equal. Send for proof of It. It is a ported renovator nnd regulator of nil Internal organs , curing the very worst cases of stomach troubles , Indigestion , 'headache ' , constipation and obscure liver and kidney complaints. Try It and you will wonder at Its mar velous effects. Write us describing your cose carefully and we will give you valuable advice free and send you a 116 page Illustrated book of receipts , etc. Sold by druggists but if they do not have it don't take any substitute they say Is "just as good" for It line no equal. It can he had by return mail from us. Price 25c and $1. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co , , Eantcrn office , Saratoga Springs , N. Y. tory , 12Q14i,2c ; Imitation creamery , 13V4S ? . . . CHEESE Receipts , 7,460 nkga. ; steady ; larcc , white lifiia'Ac ; small , white , 12i- large , colored 12(012'4c ( : small , colored , 12 % EGGS Receipts , 19.39S pkgs ; easy ; west ern , \ta ; .southern , iniyil ic' . LARD Easy ; western steamed , $5.53 ; March. J5.57H. nominal. Refined easy , TALLOW Dull ; city , 4ic ; country , . COTTONSEED OIL THilI : prime crude , 22c- , nominal ; prime yellow , 23Vi'R2Gc. ' RICE Finn ; domestic1 , lair to extra , 4'A 4l7c ; Japan. 5 CUc , MOLASSES Firm ; Ne-.v Orleans open kctfe , good to choice. MOTc. METALS-iExchangft closed till Monday noon. London market also closed. Brokers' prlco for lead , J4.15 ; for copper , $18,251(19. OMAHA C.HXKUA1. MAltlCIST. Conilllloti of Trade anil ( InntnUonn nn Staple mill 1'uncy Produce. EGGS Receipts light ; demand good ; market ll'zG12c , nUTTER-Common lo fair. nftlZa ; cholco , 14fl15c ; separator , 20c ; gathered creamery , 1741 ISc. POULTRY-Chlcksns , live , Sc ; dressed , 9Ic9',4c : old and stHggy roosters , llvo , 4U6c ; dressfcl , 6fi7c : ducks and geese , live , T/iQSc ; dressed , ! < 7rjt > c ; turkeys , live , 9jtlOe ; ilrrwei ! , light weight , H-ffUc ; heavy welBht. HftflSo. PIGEONS-Llve. per dozen , 75g90e. VEAICholce. . Sfi9c. OYSTERP-Bulk Stnnaara , Tier gni. , $1.10 ; mediums , per can , 15c ; Standard , per can , 20c ; Extra Se > ct. per can , 23i ; ; New York Counts , par can. 30c. FRESH WATER FlSII-Catllsh. per 11 ; . , 12c ; buffalo , per lb. , dressed , 7c ; white fish , 9c ; Ihko trout , 9c ; small trout , green , lie ; yullow plkft , be ; sllvur herring , 4c ; pcroh , scaled and dressed , Cc ; northern crapple , lOc : bullheads , dressed , 10c ; black bass , very scarce , IGfflSc. SEA KISH Flounders , Sc ; haddock , 9o ; Columbia river salmon , 15c ; halibut. Ho ; No. l smelt. * , lOo ; blue ll b , JOc ; Spanish mucki-rel. lOc ; red cnupper , lOc ; extra large mccltprpl. pnrh. SOo : roe shad , each. 70e. iit U" ITS. STRAWIlERRIES-SOffSJc. Al'PLEa-Ucll Uuvitf. per bbl. , J4.75f)5.00 ; Genltons , J4 ; New York Baldwins , Green ing. ! and others , choice , per bbl. , { 5.2305.50 ; western boxed. ll.S3 < 02.00. OIlANBKUniKS-Hell nnd Bugle , J9.00. VEGETABLES RADISHE8-Pe.r doz. 30 < u40e. TOMATOES-Nono in market. HPLMACH Nona in market. LETTUCE Homo crown , per doz. bunclKB. 4bc. ASPAKAOUS-Callfornla. per lb. , 12i15e , ONIONS ) Homo grown , nor doz , bunches. according to size. SOJj-Joc. WATERCRESS-16-at- , $1.60. CABBAGE Crated , per lb. . 3c CAULIFl.OWER-Per crate , J2.60. ONIONS Per bu. , ! Wc0 1.0C. RKANS-Hand-plcked , navy , per bu. , $1.50 01. GO. POTATOES-Choire , sacked. 70o ; poorer stock , UOo ; Minnesota Rurb.inks , SofiSOo ; Colorado , $1.0461,05. ; Early Ohio net ? < l potato - to . Ji.OOQUO. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , $2.25 ; seed sweets , JV.OO. JV.OO.TROPICAL TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California , fancy , $3.75@4.00 ; Chun. D , lion. Goo. P. Tlcmlii , Proprietor of the Chns. 1) ) . Thompson Omaha's Moat Popular Mayor , In of- Newspaper Advertising Agency. flco from 1892 to 1836. \AjTe take pleasure in commending the virtues of the remedies prepared by the Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. Having known of some remarkable cures of Omaha people effected by the use of Dr. IQiy's ' Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm , we believe that these great remedies are worthy of the confidence of the public. " Signed by the following : Hon. W. A. Paxtoti , Omaha , Neb. , President Union Stock Yards Co. , and extensively engaged in various large enterprises. He is , no doubt , more widely known than any other citizen of the state. Hott. A. U. Wyman , Omaha , Neb. , Ex-Treasurer of the United Slates. Now President of the Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , the largest and most prominent nego tiators of western farm and city loans. Hon. Geo. P. Bemis , Omaha , Neb. , Ex-Mayor of the city of Omaha. He has long been interested in real estate and has been prominently identified in the prog ress and growth of the city. He is now doing a large loan and real estate business. Erastus A. Benson , Omaha , Neb. , Pres. of the Omaha Heal Estate Exchange ; one of the largest owners of real estate in the city. A. Churchill Omaha Neb. Ex-Attor Hon. S. , , , - ney Genenil of Nebraska , One of Nebraska's promi nent lawyers. Hon. W. J. Connell , Omaha , Neb. , Ex-Congress man , and at present City Attorney of Omaha. John McDonald , Omaha , Ndb. , Sheriff. George Heimrod , Omaha , Neb. , Treasurer of Douglas county. John Westberg , Omaha , Neb. , City Comptroller. Beecher Higby , Omaha , Neb. , City Clerk. A. G. Edwards , Omaha , Neb. , City Treasurer. Hon. C , J. Smythe , Omaha , Neb. , Attorney General o'f Nebraska. Hon. T. S. Clarkson , late Postmaster of Omaha. choice. $3.50'H,75 ; : : Msslna. fancy , . . . ORANGES - Navels , fancy , $3.40-ff3.6o ; choice , $ ; ! .L'5 ; seedlings , $2.50'Jf2.G5. BANANAS Choice , crated ! large stock , r bunch , $2.00j2.25 ; medium sized bunches , 755J2.00. OATHS Hallowop , CO to 70-lb. boxes. Gc ; Salr , 59io ; Fnrd. 9-lb boxes , lOffllc , MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17u ; Brazils , per lb. . 96flOo ; English walnuts , oar lb , , fancy soft shell , 12Q12l4t ; standards , lOc ; filberts , per lb , , lie ; pecans , polished , 80 > 10e ; cocoanuts - nuts , per 1f \ $ l ; peanuts , raw , 5V4QUc ; toasted. G'-ff7e. OIDEn Per half bbl , , $3. SAUEHKHAUT Per half bbl. . $2. HONEY Choice white , nu.fflSl&c. MA I'MO SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each , $2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal , cans , $ ii.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. MAPW-3 SUGAU-Cholce , In boxes , 9c. FIGS ImnortEd. none ; California , 10-lb , boxes , $1.4031.50 , HIDES. TAIiI-OW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No , 2 green hides , Go ; No , 1 salted hides , S'Je ; No. 2 salted hides , TUo ; No . Iveal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 10o : No. 2 veul calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . 8e. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tullow , No. 1 , IHo ; tallow , No .2 , 3c- ; rough tallow. ! < < .u ; whlto grease. Z &c ; yellow and brown rcusi. Ui'dS'XiC. ' KURS Mink. 10Q7oc : bear ( block ( prairie ) , coyote , 10ft5nc ; wildcat , 10f(25e ; badger SftlOo ; silver fox , $50.00 > fi75,00. SHEEP PELTS-Oreen salted , each , 15-ff ioc ; gn-on salted shearings ( short wooled early nklns ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No , 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butohfr wool pelts , per lb , , actual weight , -IflSi ; dry Jllnt , Knnnna and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3O4o : dry ( lint. Colorado - rado butcher wool pelts.wr \ lb. , aotual weight. 4Jfoc ; dry ( lint , Colorado murrain wool polls per lb , , actual weight , 3ft ! e. ICiiiiNnM City Or n I n mill I'rovlNloiiN , KANSAB CITY , March 31.-No grain mar ket todav. rlUTTER ! Klrm ; creamery , Hft20c ; dairy , EGOS Steady ; fresh Missouri and Kan sas Hloc-k , In new cases , cases returned , lOc ; Included. lOUe. JlUeiSIITS-Wlieat , M,000 bu. ; corn , 1S.SOO bii. : oats. 10,000 bu SmPMKNTS Wheat , 7,200 bu. ; corn , 41- 600 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. Clili'iiKu Cm I n null I'm CHICAGO. March 31. mJTTKn-Klrin ; creamery , Hj/21c ; dairy. llU-iilS * . EfifJS Firm ; fresh. llK'12r. DRESSED POULTRY Moderate demand ; turkeys , lll < 13c ; ducks , lOQllc ; chicken * . 95ic. PlillutlHiililii Produce MnrUel , PHILADELPHIA. March 31.-I1UTTER- l-'lrm : fiincy creamery , 2JHi\ EGGS Weak and lAc lower ; frpsh west ern , 12ic ! ; fresh southwestern , 32-ji' ! ; fresh southern , 12c. S | , I.niiU .MnrKH , ST. LOUIS , March 31. WHKAT-Tlipro was no regular session of the ( Merchants' exchange today , but the purb WHH tictlva und speculative Interest well maintained. In wheat the July option alone engaged public ; attention , early sales for that de livery ranging from > , * $ < % < lower to an Ir regular Hose , a good-sized order being Illlfd at 711-lGo , with even 71ii < fi71Vic asked ; but the price soon hardened and touched 71o and 7171ri ! ' ; > i : bid , let down to 71nde. ml- vanced to 71c , on up to 72'nc ' , dropped back to 71f/"l ic by 12 o'clock , or ' , { , c short o y < fterdiiy'H late t price. May was offered curly for T7'/iC , with 76ie bid ; neg.ected aflcr-'ard. CORN Utterly stuijnaiit. lower and weak ; May offered for ! % 5/3U' . a sale reported at 31'Ac ; .Inly nominally Hl i1i4' ! ! f. OATS \Veru Ignored ; no olVers or bids beard , IliiUliuorc .llarUct. BALTIMORE , March 31. CH14ESB Firm iimi active , EOGSVeak : I2e per doz. XKW YOIIICMOXHV AXI1 STOCKS. ' llnliHV1II I'rolmlilr I'lrunT I n I ITCH I llnli-H Ili Only 'IVimioriiry , NEW YORK , March 31. Expectations of a moro favoraiblo condition of the market was fated , money having touched 12 p'T cent thin week , whll * much of the borrow ing of money nt the t'tock exchange 1ms bopii at G to I ! per cent. These tendencleH , however , have b'en no nbstiu'lo to the de velopment of a strongly bullish speculation In Htoi-kH , with iidvanocs In dlffprcnt parts of the list carrying prices In omo Instances to the hlghpHt levels yrt reached. The Iciuli'is In thlh movfini'nt wore the VnndiTbllt stocks , togctlu : with c rtain spo- claltleH and Indut-trlal-.s , though other portions tions of the market were more or less favor ably affected. Signs of active- manipulation by large Interest * were abundant , but llin fact that thi'-m.irlcr't' had taken nn upward course and tlnit 1 nder * ofVnll street were quoted * saying Unit fears about tight money were needless hud a good effect on the spcrulntlvo public. Europeans wcro largo buyers and the dally volump of 'transactions ' , swell n us It wns , ! ) > the In- croaHcd public partlclp-itlon , was consid erably over l.OnO.OW share.on Monday ami the two Biiccei'dliig days. This evidently In- viilvoil the traiiHfer of Inrgo holdlnsp of stacks Into tliu- hands of tnnrgln.il specu lators and prepared the mark't for a reac tion. Money naturally 'became ' harder as thennd of the month drew near , nnd the fact that the stock exchange * arc doped on Krlduy created a disposition tn wait. On Thursday mnnay rn-o to 12 per cent , wllll" the news of it ho troubles at Samoa caused come temporary f ar of International com plications. The result was a decline , which In * emi ctocltH almost took HIP foitn of breaks , though before the day ended the leading manlpulatlvo i-torks were rallied sharply and the close was generally steady , nt a recovery. London ini. . Hhown a disposition to pur- chuso tbti Vanderbllt htock and other spe cialties , but has not b en a prominent fac tor In the speculation here. Our market bun dlsregardwl the dec'ded advance In forclirn Hxclmngo riitm , and preparations are mak ing for tliH r rnlttaiK'o uf the K-O.OuO.O" ! which the United States Is lo p.iy Sjmln for the surrender of the Philippines. As for the money market , the. prevalent Imprestdon In Wall StriH-t has IKJSII that ( Inner Intercut ratu1 are temporary und next week will bo marked by the return to N w York of the fundrt whlrii nn the completion of the April < Unbur enunts will no longer b required Rev. Ghas. W. Savidge the famous preacher , also author of "Shots From the Pulpit , " "Arrows" and "Tho Way Mndo Plain , " nnd founder of the Peo- ple'n Church , Omaha. Neb. , writes : " 1 take great pleasure In commending Dr. n. J. Kemlall und his work. Dr. n. .t. K Is well known In this and many other states In the union. I bollovo him to be an honest nnd honornblo man , one thoroughly worthy of the confidence of the people. Those Bonding money to the Dr. II. J. Kay Medi cal Co , may rest assured that they will rocMvo the mwllclno ordered. Ho is a pro- fcaned Christian , and I bellovo n true ono. Ho has been Justly noted for his philan thropic nnd Christian work. Ills glftft at different times through life have been al most princely. I have good reason to bo- llevo that the medicines which ho makes nnd sells are valuable to those who need them , as I Imvo seen thpm used with ex cellent results. Mr. Oeo , W. Ilorvoy , editor of the Omaha Weekly World-Herald , nnd quite a number of olhor Omaha people have been cured by thesu great remedies. I write -this testimonial because I actually believe it Is deserved. " CHARL15S W. S.VVIDGE , Pastor People's Church , Omaha , Nob. founder of the Omaha Rescue Home , noted philanthropist and worker among the poor , had suffered for years with nn advanced case of lung trouble. Ho writes : "I have bean troubled for several years with a. bad cough. I bad lung chills and slight hcnior- rhago of the lungs and was threatened with consumption. 31y mother and two sisters having died with consumption , I expected the same fate , but I tried Dr. Kay's Lung Balm and two 25-cent 'boxes ' entirely cured mo of n > y cough and soreness of lungs. That tired , sleepy and drowsy feeling Is gone and my appetite Is good. I feel well nnd full of life. I can 'work ' night and day and not f el tired. Praise the Lord for the help It baa given me. I write this hoping if any road it who are similarly afflicted and have been unable to get relief from any other source , that they will try this excellent remedy , which I bellevo to be the best cough remedy of which I have any knowl- . edge. I would add that it has completely cured meof catarrh of long standing. " N. J. SMITH , 2340 So. 10th St. . Omaha. , Neb. there. Among the Incidents which contrib uted to Increase the 'bullish ' feeling was the fact that the February ifveiiue. statements of a numibtr of Important railways , while exhibiting decreased In net earnings , fall to show such heavy IOSHCS a.s have been ox- pectp.d , and on which moro or less bearlsh- in'HS. principally In connection with tb" granger stockn , hud ibeen iMsod during the preceding fortnight , ST. LOUIS , March 31. ClearlngH. $1,068- 216 ; balances , JM9.443 ; money , 4f(6 ( ( per cent ; Now York exchange , lOc discount b * < i , par asked. NEW YOHK , March . .l.-Bnnk clearings , $2SH,9ii,020 : ; balances , $12.118,788 ; exchange rate nominally unchanged BOSTON. March 31-Bank clearings , $260- 193,199 ; balances , $2.703,668. CINCINNATI. March 31. Money , 214&G r > r.'r ' cent ; New York exchange , 50c discount ; clearings , $2,150,900 , COMHTIO.V 01' TIIH tVOOI. MARKET. Snlon niiil llclli-r Tour ( if lli < " MnrUft. BOSTON , Mnrcb 31. The ComniPrclal Hul- lotlli will H.iy tomorrow of the wool market ; The stciidlly Improving tone of thp mnrki-t Is evidenced by the lncri > iiHlng .sales. Tli ? big IncrcaKo of stuck on hand still hangs over the market and Is only dlspellrdby the liicroasp Insales und dccri'u.s In n > - i-elpls to duto from ISM. More Austr.illan hus been t'xporte < l thl- week , arid ( he trust mills have bcon buying lliis and lorrlory. ( The f.ict . that wiirc-housomcn urc Hnllcltlng woiil for storage , und that moat of the pub lic warehouses are bare of It Is good ovl- ilwifo thn big slock of 1& 7 wool stored by mills IIUH at last b en consumed , Ti ) sales of the wenk nro 3O.T5iOO pounds dome tic ami fcSO.dOO pounds foreign , n Total of 3,813- W 'l poundH , aralnst 2,3(19,000 ( poundH last week and 833WW pounds for the same week ln.it year. Sales to date show nn Incrcasi ) of li.lks.iou pounds domfstlo and H d cr-aso of 3.020,700 | i iiiiil foreign from the sales to the clato In 1S9S. The receipts to dntehow an IncriMBC of I7.1GS Imlps of domestic nnd a dccrcatto of 10,667 b.ilcs fortlgn. TARIS , March 31. Prices on the 'bourse ' toiluv wt-ro tlrm In spite of contango new * Stocks closed weaker. ( Jald mliKH wer1 well maintained. Thr'n pi r cent r nti > n. loir 23c ICxchongn on London , 25 f 22c for checkn. Spanish 4s , Co. I. Sunnr Mnrlcct. NEW YORK , March 31-SUOAR-Raw. strong and moving upward ; f lr rcllnlng , ; ! % c ; centilfuual. 9G test. 4ift47-lGc. Mo- sugar. 3ic ; refined Htoady. NEW YORK. March 31.-COFFEE-Snot Rio dull and featureless ; No. 7 Invoice. 6-16c ] ; No. 7 Jobbing , parcel , 6-160 , Mild , ste-ady ; Cordova , 8lo. ( JAMES E BOYD & 00. Telephone 1039. Oinulia , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD OP TRADB. Dlrcrt wlrsn to CHIcugn inj Men Torfc. Corrupundrnt * ! John A. Wtrrcs A Co. RHEUMATISM NEW ORLEANS , April 10 , 1897. DR. RADWAY & CO. : I have- been a sufferer from Rheumatism for more than MX months. 1 could not raise my bands to my head or put my hands behind me , or ev n take off my own shirt. Before 1 had tlnlched thrpp-fourths of a bottle of Railway's Heady Keller I could use my arms as well as ever. You can sue why I Imvo such great faith In your Relief. Yours truly W C BAKER. Engineer at A. Montelonc'a Boot and Shot Fnrtorv , Julia Street Radwny's Rondy Relief Is a sum cur . Bruises Pains In for every Pain , Hpralns. , the Back , Client and Limbs , Taken Inwardly tllere In not n remedial audit In the world that will cure FCVIT and AKUP and nil other malarlouy , billons and other fevfrs , aided by RADWAY'H PILLS , no quickly ns RAP-WAV'S READY RELIEF. Hold Iiy DriiifltlHlx. HAUWAY t CO. , KB Klin SI , , JVVvr Vorlf. Best Dining Car Service. Only Deoot In Chicago on the Elevated l RRPEHNEYaCO. SrStKS jgrS * \c , to&sixfa f CHAttA tlta.