12 THE O IAITA DATLV HE 13 : FRIDAY , MATUMT 1 , 181)9. ) JH'PID'S ' ' CNTIHELY DEATH Universal Sonow Both In nnd Out of Iho Methodist Church , PECULIARITIES OF THE POPULAR PREACHER < txnrlntr nml I'rlpnil of llii lnri Men. ! > > Wlmin lie Mont II luhl y IJMpt'iiiril for I Inl'n ill-nil. Atinng the 1)UBlnoss men of Omaha there Brutus lo * n unlvoienl feeling of Borrow of tliti untimely death of Uov. John Mc- Q n > t. It Ifi held tn bo next to remnikablo Hist in iho three nhnrt years In which this untile' T lived In the city , coming hero n complete trntiKor , ho should have gathered nroun'l lilm so many Tvarm friendships iimnni ? that class of people who nro not counted ns church-goers. Thews regarded Mr. Mc-CJuold ns .their friend oiltnldo of any Hies of church nmoelatlon. The extent of his following In this par ticular line wns not known until Lho news of his death spread over the city , and one man came to another to recount the per sonal lora ho ibcllovcxl hnd befallen him. IMany of these attended the pastor's church Init rarely. They bad met him socially. 3Io had called nt their oflleo or place of IniBlncra. > llo came not In hl ministerial capacity lo talk of spiritual things , but as n neighbor. H dr-velnped that this ivna Ills only rccro- nllon from his church work nnd his l > ool(3. At these limes he would talk of the affairs of the world and of the ( business Inwhich the man upon whom ho wn calling was cn- laRCil. llilt through it nil , It Is said , there was an unconsciousness that bo was really norompllshlng results In the line of his pro- tfi-sfilon. It was a sort of diplomacy not snapped out In advance , 'but ' coiiHtautly with him In his manner and wtylo. Those Intimately acquainted with Nov. John McQuold say ho was a. man of moods , yet always kindly and approachable. In thcso nioodH he sought oul Iho nssoclallon of siieli of his friends Whom ho thought would morn fully appreciate his feelings at that particular time. It wna thus thai lie dro\v to him men with widely different tant.cs nml dispositions antagonistic. Ho onjoycrt u clear , and on these Incursions Inlo the retreat - treat of his acquaintances commercially en gaged ho frequently announced his presence by saying : " 1 have not come to talk busi- ntss , but lo Imvo a smoke with you. " H Is not recorded that lie was ever unwelcome. Mr. McQuolil was a great lover of books nnd possessed a valuable library. His Judg- jneiit of the character of any literary worK la nhl to have been unexcelled. Ho pos sessed also a love of art and architecture , nnd could discuss Intelllgenlly and proflla- Wy either of these subjects. That he 1iad something of nn executive mind Is shown by the fact that lost year ho personally raised two-thirds of the $10,000 needed to make n payment on Iho church debt. Ills friends say that lie least of all under * ntood and appreciated his ability ns a preacher. When the First church wns loft without a pastor three years ago J. II. But ler of the Adams Express company sug gested Mr. 'McQuold. ' whom he had heard several time while visiting at Olatho , Kan. Three delegations from the Omaha congre gation went to Olatho and heard the man preaoli. Their reports wore unanimous In favor of culling him to this church. It was done , and ho came. * Tbo rcrcptlon accorded 'him ' socially and in the pulpit overwhelmed him. He couldn't understand there wns that In Ills sermons which could make his hearers so cnthusl- nstlc. It Is alleged ho was unmethodical In Ms habits , yet that Hie never entered the { pulpit unprepared. Ho never wrote hlb scr- auons , and none of them have been pre- Borved. This Is the greatest source of regret to many of his warmest ad.mlrers. Sulijrot * from Unity InclilciilN. Subjects for his sermons were taken from Incidents In bis dally life. A member of his congregation came to him one day and Raid : "I have been told that I am not n Christian , Imt 'that I must be 'converted' before I may 'become ' one. " "That Is the sheerest non sense , " replied Mr. McQuold. "Ho who loveth Is Tjorn of God , " ho continued , and striking bis band on the table he repeated , "Ho who lovotn JB born of Ood. " With ( hat ns a. text ho preached two or three dif ferent sermons. Again n woman of his church , one of ex traordinary zeal in Christian work , said to liltn she thought Uioro was too much decoration and ornamentation In the First church. She complained of the cushions nml music , nnd other features of the service nnd church furnishing , and added she didn't ftcllovu It was n Christian church. "My dear woman. " lie replied , "St. Paul said : 'Thero arc many voices In the world , each with Us own particular significance. ' " She doubted that St. Paul used the words and lie took her bible and showed them to her mid that quotation furnished him a text fern n scries of sermons. Jlln I.ll.crnl ViciVN. The liberality of tlio man as n minister was shown last fall during the congress of llhnral religions In this city. Ho opened his pulpit to many of the visiting clergymen of faiths contrary to bin own , among them Dr. ai.V. . Thomas of Chicago , and It Is said that wns the first time Dr. Thomas had occupied a pulpit In the Methodist church aluco ho left the denomination. At Ar- Kfiitlne , Kan. , where Mr. McQuold was sta tioned for a while working , among railroad men his moat Intimate , associate was a Catholic churchman. Ho saidVo wore working for the same end. " In hla pulpit lie has said ho did not think It essential that persona should belong to n churcli to ho Christians , although ho thought It would .bo . ( bettor If they were members. Ho did not think H necessary to 'belong to the Methodist church , although too tboughl thnt organization was the brat , and for that reason ho became n Methodist preacher. Personally , ho uald , be was a member of that organization , but mentally be was un fettered fby creed. ArriiiiK Mii ; nU for HIP I'niirrnl. The remains were transferred yesterday from the hospital to the church , where they will bo kept until the funeral next Saturday nfteruoon ut 2 o'clock. From 0 until 12 o'clock on Saturday the church will bo open , that nny who wish may 1uko n final look upon the familiar face. While the body IB In the church U will bo In the care A punt onitpr CRCAM or TARTAR POWDTH NO ALUM > NO AMMONIA DR ; Superior to ull other * in purity , rlclmcu unit IruvrnliiK tr nti. | Highest Honors , World's Fair Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair f A Rnanl of honor from the "KnlRhtsf > mplnr , of which organization ho wn ft lumber. A similar guanl will accompany 10 liody to the cemetery , although the com- rnnndcry will lake no other part In the ervlcefl. Thc > remains will he placed In aj ecolvlng vault nt 1'rospect Hill ccim-tory ntll such tlnin as Mm , McQtiold can be onmtltotl as to their final dlftpofritlon. Mr. .McQuold requested thnt In the event f his denth Kcv. Dr. Tlinrlw II. Mitchell Minneapolis nhould bo Invited to prenc'i ' 10 funeral Kermon. Hu anld Mr. Mitchell ns his most Intlmnto friend. A telegram tut lioen cent to Mr. Mitchell , asking him 0 eomo to Omaha for that purpose. Another Rrnm linn been Bent to Uov. Frank Crane f Chicago , Mr. Mcliod's } ! predecessor In tbn lr t church , nsklnR him to como and nsalst n the services. Mr. Mitchell responded soylns ho would ; -hero - to take part In the funeral service , ill .Mr. Crane has not been heard from. ellbur baa the father of Mr. McQuold re- ponded to tlio telegraphic announcement ' the death. Bishop Kltzgcrnld , who Is now presiding 1 a conference at Kldorado , Kan. , has tele- raphed his condolence to the members of 10 church , The following hnvo been chosen to bo the rtlvo pall hearers nt the fimcrnl : J. H. illlor , A. T. Austin , J. II. McConnell , J. O. ortelyou , Dr. A. H. Hippie nnd II.V. . reckcnrldgo. These are all officers of the tmrch. The following will IMS the honorary pall carers : Allen II. Smith , J. O. 1'hllllppl , elm Davis , Charles A. Oons , D. M. Huv- rly , C. P. Urcckonrldge , Henry nrown , Jchard Stevens , K. 1' . Swccly , Erasing ouiiR , C. C. Ilclden and G. P. Dlotz. . W. Ijyman , W. V. ( Morse , Ooneral Charles ' . Manderson , Chnrlcs J. Orcene , William ' . Otirloy , 0.V. . Mningcr , J. 11. Mlllard and . R Wcllor. Mr. nicQuold carried a life Insurance ollcy for 12,000. lie bad other policies , tit nllowod them to Inpic. Mrs. McQuold was acqiinlntcd yesterday lib the fact of her husband's death ml there la considerable apprehension mong her frleniln an to the effect the sad civs will have upon her In her weakened omlltlon. SEVERAL BIG LAND DEALS liiM-p .11 cn Arc I'llrcllllMlnn Triie < Fi from ( lie t iiloii I'm-1 lie Imill I > i > | iurtiuii ( . One of the largest lann deals closed by the nlon Pacific land department has just been iado with Cosgrove Bros. , sheep raisers nt ort Stcclc , Wyo. These men have bought 8,000 acres east of the Fort Steclo reservti- on , for which they paid $12,750. nnd have vised for one year 81,920 acres west of the cficrvatlon. They are Ihe most extensive ileors of fihccp In the western country. P. C. Miller , also a sheep man , has pur- lased C.OOO acres north of Fort Steele and as leased about 20,000 acres In the same ocallty. Negotiations are now pending for largo racta of land with P. M. Stortzol. J. G. Mas- ey and the Slamlnrd Meat nnd Live Stock ompany of Denver. 'In ' the purchase and leaeo of this land lese sheep raisers nro carrying out a big chocno lo turn Iho western part of Wyotn- ig Into a grazing country exclusively , heretofore they have only leased the land ceded for their ranches , but they now buy irgo tracts for n homo ranch , for which a ow price Is made , and lease what other creagu they may 'want. ' They are behind selie-mo to have the government cede Us and In 'western ' Wyoming to the state for raring purposes , and It Is understood that hen this Js accomplished the Union Pa- iflc company In willing to reserve Us lander or Iho same purpose , giving Iho ranchmen 30 whole control of that part of the state , t IH then also possible the ranchmen will ouiblno to provide themselves with means f transportation to haul their stock to omo 0110 of the trunk lines leading to nn astern market. ARK COMMISSION MEETING Vo atonry ( n I'ny for Work of the AViiNhout 011 tlio Flor ence Ilouleviiril. The work of filling the .washout on the 'lorenco ' boulevard , just south of Miller ark , still remains undone , although the card of Park 'Commissioners has ordered t. The diniculty lies In the fact that no chomo of repairing the boulevard can too ound which will not call for a considerable utlay of money. Either a bridge or a ulvort will 'have to bo constructed In or- er to allow the creek to pass under the oulevard , or el o In times of heavy rains : io water will back up and cause damage o surrounding property. Iloth plans will est considerable money , nnd the park board s therefore In a quandary. Xo work will bo one until the city engineer looks over the rounil. This wan ono of the matters considered t the regular monthly meeting of the Hoard f Park Commissioners , which otherwise as occupied mainly In routine business , 'he Central boulevard scheme was In- ormally discussed , 'but ' no action was taken , 'ho Hreator America Kxpooltlon company ailed to have anybody on hand to make rrangomeuta for the use of Kountzo park his year. DiiyH of tln > Home .Vimilirrcil. The greatest electrician In the world de- larcs that the days of the horeo nro num- > ored , nml that In a slvart time electricity vlll completely supplant man's most useful nlmnl. In twenty years , he asserts , the lorso will bo a curiosity. Diseases of the toimich , liver , kidneys nnd blood would also )0 ) a curiosity If all sufferers would take lostetto's Stomach Hitters. There would hen bo praotlcnlly no dyspepsia , norvous- imss , sleeplessness , Indigestion , constipation , malarial fever or ague. MlirKUST AMI .SIIOHTKST HOl'TK ' P ( . l.oiilH vlii Omiiliu .t S ( . l.nulH nml AVnliiiNli limit , ' . .enve Omaha 1:50 : p. m. . Council Uluffs :10 : p. m. . arrive St. Louis 7 a. in. llo- urnlng leave St. Louis 7:30 : p. m , , arrive Omaha 8:35 : a. m. , dally. Ilest llnu to south mil east. No bus transfers In St. Louis. lomescekers' half rate ( plus $2.00) ) . Uxcur- stons on sale first ana third Tuesday each uonth. All Information nt " 1'ort Arthur louto'ollke , UlC Pnrnam street ( I > axton lotol block ) , or write Harry i : . Moores. Oand T. A. . Omaha. Neb. nu I3AT iiioni r'no.v i > KATHS , Vlii "lliK-U iitliinil Uouo , " To points In Utah. Idaho. Montana. Wash- nijton , Oregon and California. Call at city Ickct olllce. 1323 Farnain street. SlullHllfx. The following births nnd deaths wii i- reported - ported to the health commlssloni'iiluriiiij 1 | . twenty-four hours ending nt noon yesterday : Illrths Schtiyler Qulnii. mo South fcixth l > ov ; C. L. Larson , 3200 South Tueniy-lhlrd Klrl ; Leon Lohm-s. 1037 South Tw-Butlciu ! boy : Ud Krcth. 1227 South Kleve.i H , bov Albert lloppeiihovor , 2224 South Kluhteonui. Blrl : Mnloy Streeter , 1911 Cuinlng , girl ; frank Welner , 4701 North Thirty seventh. boy ; Frank Illrd , 210S Miami , girl : Mike Mornvcc. 1227 South Fifteenth , girl ; JJugono \\obstcr. l > 22 South Twentieth , , 'lrl. Death Prances \Voodbrldge. 2CH Cupllol avenue , 1 year , pueumonla. Happy Is the man or woman who can eat n good , hearty meal without suffering after ward. If you cannot do It. take Koilol Dy . pepsla Cure. It digests what you eat. and cures all kinds of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Nordln's Hoyd orchestra nt Schlltz roof garden Saturday night. April 1 , from S to 12 p. in , Admission free. ni i : i ) . SANrOKD-H. If Mur < "h 30. Puneral S.it- " 'al ' " Nortfr 17th Bt" ' 'BOSTON ' STORE REMNANTS ( ; ; Remnants Today Cheaper Than Wo Ever i ; Sold Them Before , ! I j ( ! i IMMENSE LOTS OF NEW REMNANTS i ' | , t\-ci-.v : It < MIInnn < \ < MV In Our lloiiie thillV llnvc Alri-iiily llnil on Snlo Will ( in Tiiinorrim- Alum ! Unit i , Price Formerly Sola For. 2.-.C DUKPS OOODS. BC YAHD. 2,000 yards of Kngllsb and nil wool , double width henrletta nml cashmere In dark colors , actually worth 25o yard , In remnants at fie yard. sic rmisss OOODS. isc YARD. 3,000 yards of silk mercerized dress goo.Is In checks , plaids , etc. , lengths from 3 to S vnrds. actually worth S5c , oil sale on main lloor nt lf > c yard. $ : t.fiO MKN'8 CASSI.MKU15 , J1.IR SOO yards Imported casslmere , all wool mixed suitings , blue and black sorgos , lcr- soys , meltons , black clay worsteds and striped worsted pantlngs , nil double width , fit-Inch goods , every yard worth from $3.r > 0 to $5.00. In remnants from three to ten yards , go In this sale on front bargain Bquaio at Jl.'JS yard. IMPOIITKI ) RHMNAXTS THAT MATCH. A new lot of remnants that mulch. Ihreo and live pieces of u kind , enough to enable a lady to make a waist or child's entire dress ; goods worth from $1.50 to J2.00 yard , In remnants at 15c and 25C for entire vleco. 11KMNANTS OK SILK. Thousands nnd thousands of yards of silk that have accumulated during our Immcnso sale from the Spencer stock , In lengths from 2 .to 12 yards , In taffetas , brocades , Ktrlpes , checks , etc. , worth up to $2.00 , go In two lots at fitfc and -ino vard. RI3MNAXTS OF SILK MOUSSELIN'DESOIB A new lot of mnussulln do sole , four vnrds In n pattern , many of them silk striped , worth 7Cc yard , just the Ihlng for airy supi- mcr walslB , or evening walstR. light nnd dark grounds , floral designs ; entire pattern , tic. ! FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY. 1.000 yards 35-Inch percale , light nnd dark colors , worth llic , go at 3c yard. One big counter all kinds drapery denim , cretonne , satccu and ticking , DC yard , worth luc. luc.One One Immense lot short remnants allkollno Ic yard. One big counter 36-Inch French percale , ducking , etc. , GV c yard , worth 20c. One Immense lot 40-Inch India llnon , 3'sO { yard. One big table all kinds of remnants whtto goods , India linen , nainsook , pique , etc. , slightly mussed , go at Fie yard , wortb 12M-C. One counter chanibray gingham , G4c ! yard , worth ] 2i c. One counter fine dotted Swiss nnd new spring dlmillos , 7',4c yard , worth 20c. One counter very finest grade of new fancy white goods , SVfcc. none worth less than 25c. One big table print remnants , an long ns they last go at 2c yard , worth 7c. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA , 10th & Douglas Sis. A1111 on n ( ? o mi'11 IM. Musicians will unquestionably take great Interest In the coming grand opera produc tion by the Ellis Grand Opera company , Thursday , April G , because H will once moro bring to our cily a musical orgauizatlon which has In years past , both In opera andi concert , aroused greal enthusiasm and done much toward advancing high art In this city nnd community. The New York Sym phony orchestra of fifty musicians bas made a name for Itself In nearly every city < u America. During the present season It lias been conducted by Slg. Armcndo Seppllll , one of the brlghlest and best liked of the younger Italian conductors. A large , well drilled chorus and culclent ballet are im portant factors In the success of the com pany , which la headed by great singers o1 liilcrnatlonnl fame , several of whom are well ltno\yn to our people. nYtelnning with a matinee next Sunday nfteruoon nnd continuing Sunday and Mon day nights Charles H. Yale's "Devil's Auc tion" company comes to Doyd's theater for1 u reproduction of that standard spectacular1 fUvorlte. with now costumes , new and ex travagant ballet effects , new scenic novel ties , many now and talented people and all of the old favorites. The entire piece had been renewed and greatly Improved nnd beautified. The Elks enjoyed themselves in their own genial fashion last evening at the Crolgh- ton-Orpheum. They thronged the theater to pay the trlbulo of their affection and respect to Milton Nobles nnd Dolllo Nobles , his wife. Mr. Nobles was at his best and in his owil bright and witty way told his follow Elks , what ho thought of them. Tomorrow afternoon - , noon will be the Baby Lund matinee , when' she will give her photographs to every one1 in the audience. Miss Edith Crnske. the transformation dancer ; Lew Bloom , the tramp , and Jane Cooper , his partner , in comedy ; France ! ! ! and Lewis , the operatic duo , are specialists seldom met together on ono stage. Music at Brldcnbccker. 1312 Fnrnara. MAti.VlFJCKXT TIIAIX3. Oninlin to ClilcfiKO. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way has Just placed In service two mag- nlflcent electric lighted trains between Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dallv at D:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m. , and leaving Chicago 0:15 : p. m. and arriving Omaha 8:20 : n , m. Each train Is lighted thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smoking cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dining cars and reclining chair cars and runs over the shortest line nnd smoothest roadbed be tween the two cities. Ticket office 1504 Farnarn street , and nt Union depot. lloiiillnl AVIM Konl Tin-ill. Houdlnl , the famous illusionist , who IB to appear nt 'tin' ' ' Orphcum next week , arrived ! In the city yesterday. He will givenn ex hibition of his skill at the nollce station' this evening.'at C o'clock , when nil the Ily cops of Omaha will be Riven an opportunity to shackle him. Ho claims there Is no handcuff Simdo from which he cannot free himself with perfect ease. ( 'lillilriMi for Ailoplloii , A girl 2 months old , with dark brown eyes. Another girl 3 weeks old. A Imy nearly 2 years of ago ; a boy 5 weeks old and another 3 weeks old. Also two other girls , ages one week nnd three weeks. Inquire nt Child Sav ing Institute. 501 South Eighteenth street. A ton-word want art costs you but 85 cents for 7 days In the Morning and Evening Bee. iiAvnn.v niiox , A frtr linn * I'lckni n < llMtulntn from the l.urKi'M nnil lilvclli-nt CLOAK DEPARTMENT IN OMAHA. Our J10.00 suit is the talk of the town. They come In nil shades , nil styles , all ma terials ; worth S1S.OO to J20.00 , for $1000. Just received by express from our Nov York buyer 200 suits In high class materials , worth J23.00 to $30.00 ; they po on sale nt Jli'.OO. Also n shipment of 7 , " > ladlcif walRls In plain colors , all new shades , Iho $ G.CO quality , Filday nt $3.1'S. ' One lot ladli'tr serge nnd brllllantlno sklrt. , pcrcallnc lined , cordurov binding , every thread all wool , worth $ . " .00 , for $ l.3S. Ono lot ladles' wrappers , In light and dark shades , rulnVi ! nil around buck and front , ex'r.x waist lining , the tiSc quality , 59c. ChlMicn's and in fants' Jackets at ! > Sc , $1.23 , S2.00 ttn.l up to JS.OO. EXQUISITE EASTER MIU-INEllY AT PLEASING PRICED. DRESS OOODS. Tailor suitings almost cut In two for llns week only. Only n few more left. Lans- ( lownc to line tailor suitings this week lit $1.00 per yard. Another arrival of Priest- lev's new orcpons.Vc sell them ono-lhlf.l cheaper than you cnn buy the Inferior grades. Ciepons from ) ! ) c to $7.50 yard. Special sale on new novelties for children's school dresses at Oc to 4ic ! yard ; worth up to $1.00. $1.00.DRESS DRESS OOODS IN BASEMENT. Half wool cashmeres , ic ) yard ; extra heavy , 3S Inches wide , llic yard , flnlest line of uov- c-llles In the city , all new , nt lOc , 15c , IPc vnnl. 44-Inch storm srrge , In nil colors , only inc. BH3 SILK SALE NOW IN FULL BLAST. Host silk bargains over offered. Figured Indlas , surahs , Cblnns , foulards , nil In ono lot at 23c. Clinngeablo silk nt 2He ; wash stripes corded silk at 2'Jc ; fancv silk In all styles nt 49c ; plain and changeable lafTcla In best 75o quality nt only 6c. ! ) Mrs. Fenses , 1C23 Fanmm st. , one of Omaha's lending dressmakers , says that \Vlnslnw taffeta ! ? the best ellk for linings nnd that It Is pttferrod both for Its width nnd wearing , qualities. Ordinary taffetas only 10 In. wide \Vlnslow taffeta 27 In. Special silk bargains In the basement. New lots every dav. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES. CHEESE AND BUTTER. Beardslcy's shredded codfish , per can , 7c. 3-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes , 71/fcc. 2-lb. cans white sugar corn , Gc. 12 bars laundry soap , 2fic. Schepp's uocontnit , large , package , fie. Largo new Valencia raisins. 5c. Now California prunes , 6c. New evaporated rasp berries , 15c. Fancy high grade Minnesota flour , ! ) Sc. Good whltn pastry flour , 7.r > i3. Snowflake flour , Cfic. Hygela creamery but ter , 18c. Best Elgin creamery , 19c. Very best country butter , 13c and 14c. Strictly fresh eggs , dozen , 12'/4c. ' Red Cloud Cana dian cheese , 1 Ic. Hcrklmor county double cream , Me. Fancy domestic Swiss cheese , 32' c. Neufchatel cheese , each , 2Vic. Hand Kase , each , 2c.Vc \ have a llg sale on meats in our meat deunrtment. HAYDEN BROS. After the long nnd severe winter just ex perienced nnd the largo demands for as sistance made upon our association , the treasury Is not only exhausted , but our In debtedness Is considerable. AVe nro com pelled to appeal to our generous citizens to help us to clear this off nnd lo give us suf ficient funds to enable us to carry on our work with elllclency. We therefore ask you to patronize nn entertainment for our bene fit to take place nt Boyd's theater on Mon day and Tuesday , April 10 and 11. It Is a very Interesting two-act musical comedy entitled "The Rough Mr. Ryder , " and will be participated in by n large number of our best known ladles and gentlemen , assisted by professional talent , all under the skillful direction of Mr. Thomas P. Getof "A Night In Bohemia" fame. Wo can safely guaranlee It to equal. If not excel , any thing ever given In this city. Tickets to bo had of A. Hospe , Clement Chase and our ofllcc , 1810 St. Mary's avenue. JOHN LAUGHLAND. Secretary. Attention , Sir The Sir Knights of Mount Calvary com- mandory No. 1 , Knights Templar , nre re quested to moot nt their asylum April 1 , 1S99. at 1 o'clock p. m. to furnish escort at' ' the funeral of our late frater. Rev. Sir John McQuold. Per order JAMES W. MAYNARD. Commander. The Dewey European hotel , 13th and Far- iiam. First-class rooms. Reasonable rates. Her Grand Hotel Turkish Baths now onen. Today. If you don't dye them today , buy the color today or tomorrow. Every package of German Easter Dye bar six different colors of dye and six sheets of calico jraper , aill for 5 cents ; by mall , 7 cents. SOME CUT DRUG PRICES. $1.00 Wine of Card ill wo Bell . TCc Jl.OO Malted Milk wo sell . 75f 60c Malted Milk , we sell . 4 < y Jl.K ( ) PentOKonlc Milk Powder , we sell. . 8 < V 7u Mnllln'H Food , we sell . f v $1.00 Lorlng- Inhaler , complete , we sell MV- 91 M bottle old 1'ort or Sherry , wo sell We frtfysorlte Soap , per cake , Be and . iiic lie cake Uncle Sam's Tar Soai > . 5c $1,00 Heel" , Iron nnd Wine . 4- ! ) So Packer's Tar Soap . ] 5c $1. ft ! Plnkn-am'H Compound , we soil . 75p $100 Yalo's Prppnrnllons , we sell . 7. , ( . ' $1.00 Miles' Nervine , we soil . 7Jc Write for Catalogue of Cut IVTces. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co. 1513 DODGE ST. , OMAIIA. NEB. Hot Cross arc extremely popular on Good Friday In some cllles In the cant. It's tlio only iliiy in the year they rirc used lliongli. It's different with withKrug Cabinet as It's used every day In tlio year as n tonic , Htliiiiilaut , appetizer or bovcriifjc , for Invalids , convalescents and well persons. It's pure nnd wholesome. Try a caw > i'iun KHifi iuti\vi\c Co. , Telephone . 1007 Jaekflon St. Fotir Hours Quicker than any other line to Seattle and Tacoma. To Spokane the saving in time is still greater. Only line out of Omaha operating daily sleeping cars to Butte and Anaconda. Tourist sleepers to Seattle and intermediate points along the Northern Pacific Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ticket Olllee IliirlliiKtcin Sfnlluii 15(11' I'lirnuni St. JOIh anil .MaHUM SIM. Tfli'liUune , irO. iHO. A WHEEL CONTEST FOR 011AIIA The Bco Will Giv * Away Higb Grade Bicycles , YOU MAY CHOOSE ANY MAKE Tlio Content Itrclnx Momln.T Gel to \VurU , fur ( lie I'.urljIllril ( loin ( tin Wheel \ omiur nnil ( Mil Mny Hide lloe There never was so much boxed-up wheel enthusiasm as this spring , but as soon ns this Is thawed out by a little respcctablo weather there will bo more rases of wheel fever than the doctors can nttcnd to. There Is only ono cure for Hie wheel fever nnd that Is n brand new wheel , the latest moilcl nnd the only make that you would ride. The Bee Is about to start n series of wheel contests nnd the plan Is BO simple that any body who has enough push or energy to make his , or her , wheel spin cnn get nny wheel they choose without costing n cent. Everybody knows that The Bco Is the best newspaper west of Chicago. We want to give everybody nn opportunity of reading and becoming familiar with ibis great dally , nnd this Is the ranarknblo offer which wo make to those who nro willing to bring us In lists of names of trial subscribers at our regular rates. Now hero Is the plan. Wo will give away any standard make wheel the winner may choose for each 300 orders handed Into our olllce. As soon us the llrnt 300 orders have been received the first contest closes and wo will award the wheel to the ono bringing the most orders out of this 300. Then con test No. 1 closes nnd contest No. Z opens on the next SOO orders. Wo expect to give nway dozens of whoelsl for Jusl see how easy this la. If only thirty people start out to get subscribers they will only have to average ten apleco to make the total , BO that the winner will not have to got very many orders , you see. The way to do is to start early nnd hand In your onlrnl nt The Bco olllce as soon ns possible. Now about the orders. Each order must bo for an actual new subscriber. Each sub scriber must take The Bco fur nt least three weeks and pay for It In order to bo counted. It Is bolter , but not necessary , to pay In ad vance , only no order * will be counted until the subscription Is paid for. If the sub scription is paid for In advance it will count one on your score for each three weeks for which It Is prepaid. For example : Ha sub scriber pays In advance for six weeks it counts 2 ; If lie pays for twelve weeks It will count 1 ; If ho pays for ono year It will count 17. On orders which nre not paid In advance it will count only ono on your score , no matter how long he continues to take It. The contest begins April 3. OMAHA DAILY BEE. CIRCULATION DEPT. N. B. Call at The Bee ofllco to rcglBtcr and got sample copies. No one connected with The Bee will bo allowed to enter this contest. Mercer hotel , 12th and Howard streets , Omaha , ? 2 per day. F. J. Coates , Prop. TO SALT LAKE : , IU'TTI3 , HRI.K.VA , I'OHTI.AXI ) , SEATTLE , TACOMA. f San Francisco , ! ? - Los Angeles , B" " " " You can stay nt home from twelve to tweuly-'four ' hours longer Uian those who use an3r other route to the Pacific Coast and still reach your destination nt the same time. Through Sleeping Cars Dally on Ihe Over land Llmlled , 8:50 : n. in. , and the Pacific Express , 4:35 : p. in. rity Tlfket Olllce , 1 OU Fnriiani Street Relying on Some Watches Is to ' .can on a broken reed. Any watch that ever bas bfen or IB capable of keeping1 rep- ular nnd eor- n-ct time can ! made tone no s > o In our r < * | ) nlr < le- p.irtment. U'e guarnn- too skillful handling and moderate charges. ( j/ IM.VGS AMI J'lXS Our tock of riiig % and pins Is constantly - stantly replenished with new ilenlgns nnd unique effect.H. Our assortment of tlioso two favorite articles of Jewelry Is always found siitl.sfuctory for Be- lection. ot'll ' TWO LKADIXfi SPECIALTIES Diamonds and Wedding Rings the largest line of well sflecfd diamonds In the city. Prices always right. AND THE EAST Chicago , MHwaiiUfo .fc Ml. 1'uul Ily. SHORT LINE Klrutrlu l.liililril Trnlii * . DliiliiK Cnrn. Mraln u In Carle. Tli-licl Olllri * , J.1OI Fnriiuni St. Oiniiliii. Reinforcements .j There are some thlnRfi * " " * X\ besides urmlcH that g- I need reinforcement * . Kycs , for Instance , get worn out and over worked. The proper qlasses furnished at the right tlmo will prevent nny ilaiiRcroua reiiults from ovor-tax. There IH no possibility of a inletako by our method. Wo succeed every day where others liuvo lulled and can help oven you. DR. MCCARTHY , TIII ; mi : si'ici.vj.is'r , 413-414 KARHACH DLOCIC. Examination ! OMAHA. lice , Mnrch 81 , ISM. 4 Only o 0day besides today lo gel your Easter we've only one day besides today to f hovr thorn to you. Tf you delay \Csiionr fault if we fail to pleaeo you that's our fault wo take the chances. You may roam the city o'er for a bettor clothing ytore but the prices hero are lower than elsewhere that sentence don't rhyme but it's a fact our business was built on just such principles. We'ro showing today moro JJoj/s1 Vcstce and tiro-ricco suits than any house in this section showing them at a fas price showing better styles and better quality Take our y > V > //.s1 Suite in fancy gray suitings , large square cut sailor collar , two si/oa pearl buttons , trimmed in blue body and fancy braid trimming , steel buckles , improved waistband , free from the give-a-way trouble that you find in many boys' suits our price for this great wear resis tor only $1.75 , y Vy/tf1 JHack Confirmation Suits , in any style , in three and two piece and long pants all si/.es , Ilojiff Waists in all the now styles , white , fancy and colored. Jiojid Ncd-ircar , Jini/i ? Jfatx , Boyx1 Shoes , and tomorrow we'll bo busy so como as carln in the day as you can we'll have extra help and make an effort to give you all prompt attention. A new showing of Easter Neckwear being opened up and marked today. \ Grand Cttt , Price Sale On Easter Suits for Men and Boys , Tf you think it sai'o to invest in a spring suit , wo will give you an opportunity to do so at a great saving , Friday and Saturday. An/ivay , wo want you to see our magnificent line of serges , in double and single breasted , satin faced and plain style. Also the grand assortment of suits in fancy worsteds , herringbone , stripes , eassimeres and cheviots. We can suit every taste , every purpose and every purse. For Friday and Saturday we place on sale three special offerings Offer No. 1 A strictly all wool casshnore suit , in neat plaid effect , or a strictly all wool silk mixed worsted , made up in the newest styles , dependable , good looking suits at § 5.00. You cannot buy them in any other store for less than § 8.00. Offer No. 2 We will place on special sale six beautiful new patterns , in ( he new 4-but- lon cutaway sacks , and the new double breasted styles in serges and cheviots , with or without ADMIRAL CCO. DCYVCV satin facing other stores are asking $12.50 for these suits Friday and Saturday here special at § 7.50. Offer No. 3 We have selected several of Iho newest and nobbiest patterns iii our finest suits , the very best fabrics , handsomely tailored , in all the very newest styles , in all sizes , we guaranteed to fit every man , not a suit in this lot worth less than $15 to induce you to buy Friday and Saturday the price will be $10.00. MOTHERS should BCD the nobby line of strictly dependable up-to-dnto boys' suits now on special sale. See the now snllor blouse suits , the beautiful vcsteo suits and the latest double breasted styles. , Wo show an elegant assortment of vcstee suits at $1.23 to $5,00 , that we want every boy and his mother to see be fore buying n. suit. Sailor blouse suits at $2.50 to $5,00. The new double breasted suits for boys at fl.lc to $5.00. HlK values In Wen's nnd Boys' now liats and caps. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. ORCHARD & WILHELM C3RPET GO. Draperies seem to bo in every lady's mind we have been busy preparing for the time and were never so well prepared. Our drapery buyer has been i'or months looking , selecting , preparing and now we offer you the result. 60-Inch Persian Tapestry , very swell for straight hangings this scaton , only yard 8375 50-Inch Silk Prou Prou , double faced , for straight hangings , very choice colorings , $2.60 a yard. These are the same qualities we have ilitTotoforo sold at $4 to $5 n yard Ibis Is tlio great advantage of buying now goods 8250 Now Hungarian Cloths , 86 Inches wide , at 35c and 25c New Summer Draperies Orass Cloth , made in the Hiigdad and Turk ish stripes , the only light weight double faced goods that will keep thulr hhapc , only , a pair 8350 Window Shades 7-foot shades , water color clnlh , opaque , on patent spring rollers , ready to hang , each 25o Heal lead nnd oilcloth opaque Shades , will not fade , C-feet , 35c , 7-feet 40c Wo make our own hand made Opaque and Linen Shades , In all sizes , and thus are able tn make the lowest prices. ISstlmnlcs taken and measurements made. ! > 0-lnuh Saddle Iliig Damnbk , In Iho OrlenUl cffecls , for porllcres nnd hangings , at , y'11 8105 Plain ( lordop Repps , full 50 Inches wide , In all the now colors , only , a yard 65o 50-Inch real reproductions of Robclln Tapes try , In all colors nnd designs , extra heavy weights , at , a yunl 8175 Special on Crepe Stand Govern , finished with edging a 1)lg ) lot to close 25c kind- reduced to . . . , , , 15o The Largo size Mantel nnd Piano Drapes , to close ut 25o Ottoman Tapestry , full line of color/ ! , three yards long , very heavy knotted fringe 47 Inches wide , pair 8300 Negus Curtains In the newest denies and ( olors , full 60 Inched wldo , 3',4 ' ynnlB long , never sold less Uian fG.UO rrdwril from < 6 to , a pair 85 00 LOOI'S FRKB As n special Inducement for thlH week , a pair of Loops -with - pair of Tapestry Porticrei. _ Orchard & WiSiielm Carpet Go , 1414-16-18 Douglas Street. The Bee Prints daily The most complete Sporting news. The Sporting department Of The Omaha Sunday Bee Is unexcelled. The Bridge Xot the ono you utanil on , hut ono to oat with when part of your teeth nro gone. 1'ubllc Hpcukcm nnil singers ubould bava briilgo teeth Instead of n , plato they ur IInn nnd Kollil as your own teeth. Ilrldgo Teetb , JG.OO to JS.OO. Bailey Dentist , 3rd Tloor Faxton Illk. , ICth nnd Karnaia Sis. Tclcphouo 1085. ld Attendant.