THE OMAHA DAITjT TVEE : STTSTDAT , rATtCTI 20 , 1899. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA ST.VTI3 M3WS ON VAOK O. Ait.\cm MK.NTIO.I. Darin sell * gUs , Moore's food kills worms and fattens. C. 13. Alexander & Co. , picture frames. Iowa Furniture K. Carpet Co. , 407 B'w r- 3. C. Dlxby. hcatlnc. plurablne. Tel. 193. Judge Lewis of Glenwood was In the city yesterday. C. 1) ) . Jacquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op ticians , 27 South Main Ktr et. Got your work done at ( he popular Eagle laundry , 724 Iiroidwnj. 'phono 157. County itcconlcr Ulmcr K. Smith left vcs- tcrday for llloomlnnlon. 111. , to be Rene a week. Council camp. Woodmrn of the World , de cree team will meet on Wednesday evening , when nil members are requested to bo orea- ont. ont.Q. Q. C. Smith , one of the now proprietors of the Grand hotel , accompanied by his mother. Mrs. 1) . C. Smith , arrived from Kan sas City Inst nleht. In thr district court yesterday Judge Smith Kranled letters ot atlmlnlBtratlon In the estate of the late Mrs. Kll/.ahcth Fodlsch to the husband , Ernest Fodlsch. Frank W. LOURCO of 215 Avenue 0 has re ported to the police the theft of a largo quantity of paint and other materials from a hoima which ho was rcpalrluc. The members of the Thcosoiihlcal society will meet at the residence of George Lake , corner of Twenty-third street and FlftiV ovcntio at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Three cases of whooping cough were re ported to the Hoard of Health yesterday. They were Hutu Gorham. 810 Seventh avenue , and two Lnrecn children , 127 McGco avenue. Rnv. W. S. Barnes , tiastor ot the First Presbyterian church , will discuss "The Re generation of Our Cltv" at the ministers' libeling tomorrow mornltm nt St. John's Lutheran church. All members of the Ladles ot the Macca bees nru reuupRted to meet at th corner uf I'earl street and llroadwav this aftornooti at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wil liams , The regular mcetlnc will bo held Tuesday afternoon at the usual hour and place. The case of John Clark , who fell Into the clutches of the law by reason of mistaking Deputy City Marshal Stockdalo for a fellow "grafter , " was continued lu police court yes terday to allow the authorities an oppor tunity to make an Investigation as to Clark's antecedents. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ernest Fodlsch will bu held this afternoon nt 3 o'clock from the German Lutheran church. Hov. Von dor Auo oniclatliiK. Interment will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery. The pallbearers will bo Charles WittlniPler , Joseph Hauncrth. Joseph Martin , John Gilbert , Fred Dlngol and 11. Grlmmclman. City Engineer Etnyro has revived an old flclioino of his to divert the water In Indian creek by a tunnel from Bryant street to Hlg lake and has asked the co-opuratlou of the railroads which have bridges across the creek. To carry out the plan would neces sitate an outlay of anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000. The engineers ot the different rail roads will meet with the city engineer Tuesday to look into the plan and talk the matter over. Friday and Saturday last the millinery parlors of Stork & Crisp , 341 Broadway , were crowded with people Inspecting the pretty pattern hats and latest Easter novel- tics and designs In millinery. It was one ot the llnest displays over given In the city. Now York styles predominated and the store presented a charming scene. The decora tions for the occasion wcro rare and beauti ful and the display rcllccted credit upon the enterprlbo of the proprietors. Frederick Kuhn has lllcd an Information In Justice Vlon's court charging Mrs. Eliza beth J. Smith with "breaking an entering a dwelling house. " Kuhn rents two rooms from Mrs. Smith and alleges that In his ab- nonce she broke Into the rooms and barred him out. Assistant County Attorney Kim- hall will inovo for a dismissal of the case when It comes up for hearing next Satur day , as ho says a person cannot bo deemed guilty of breaking Into their own house.Uus- tlce Vlen required Mrs. Smith to furnish ball In the sum of $300. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Ono of the most artistic displays In mil linery ever seen In Council Dluffs was that of ( Mrs. Mlnnlo Pfcllfcr , 202 Broadway , Fri day and Saturday. The pattern hats were the latest stylus of the Metropolitan cities of America. The array of beautiful roses and flowers made the scene a very pretty one. The store was thronged with visitors both days nnd the line of millinery for this season is unwcellcil In Council Bluffs , DkTls sells drugs. Big , One oranges at Klein's. Court Not I'M. Tn tflio case ot T. J. Fnrnham and John Wilson , the two men found guilty In the federal court on the charge of robbing the postofllco at Gray , la. , Judge 'Mungcr yes terday overruled the motion for a new trial ns to Fnrnlmin but granted It ns to Wilson. Ho sentenced Farnham to one year nnd ono day In the penitentiary at Fort Madison and ho TVBS taken there last evening by Deputy Unltod States Marshal Richards. Judge iMungor beard the arguments In the replevin suit of the 'Minnesota Thresher Manufacturing company against the Union Transfer company 'but ' decided to turn the case over to Judge Woolson for a ruling. Lost , March 2.ri. $50.00 , between North western cltv ticket olllco and Cross street. Finder will bo rewarded by returning same to Flnley Burke , attorney , Brown block , or J , C , Mitchell. Northwestern city ticket oflloo. Council Bluffs. Telephone 1C1 for oysters. That's Sulli van the grocer. Hi-ill ixtn : < r Ti-niiNfYrN. Tlio following transfers were filed yester day In the abstract , title nnd loan office of J. W. Squlro , 101 1'carl street : County Trwipurer to John M. Oalvln , lot 26 , block M , and lots G and 7 , blook S3 , Central mibdlv. . t. d . ; 9 Same to Pottawattamle limstiwnt Company , lot i. block 17 , itldille'a mibdlv. , t. il 8 1 John Hutchison nnd wlfo to Kort ! Dotlgo .t Omaha Railroad Company , part neU IIP U U-77--H , w. d y > ( Sanii > to mme. part se'i ni'U 0-77-11 , \v il 210 IJdward S. Coatn and wife to A. N dlullailiu' , nortli 31 feet of pouth 7i feet lots 12 to 16 , block C , Hancock , W. d 400 IS. V , Jaine.s to John Heklna , lot 3 , block M , Kerry add. , w. rt to N. H ChrlHinan nwt wife to August C'arUwn and wife , part out lot 3 , Noo'a , and part eu nw'i 21-77-42 , w. d 75 John Albright and wlfo to Janim Holler , eswW \ nnd be',1 mv'.i 15-75- 3S , w. < 1 f,300 I aac G. Carter nnd wife to A. 51. Ifuff , lot 1 , block 2 , Carter's Third udd , Hancock . d CO Robert D. Itusacll , receiver , to George W. Neldlor , lot 3 , block 8 , Potter & Oobb'n ailu. , w. 1 350 K. l > . Shutrart and wife ot al to Al- inlra C , Mlllurd et al , wo-t Ol'i acres c'i. lie i 12-71-H , a. c. il Uobcrt U Hunks to Kmlly H. Pren- lots 9 and 10 , block 7 , Everett's add , , q , c. il Pan' KWer lo W. H. Klnihull. lot 3. block 6 , llMdle's mibdlv , , w , d Fttiincrfl' and Trust Company to 8 , P. James , lot 3 , block 3G , Kerry Qeortrb A. ibavla I'o Ida S. iiobortsonl lots 1 to 12 , block C , and lots It ami 12 , block 7. and all block 23 , Railroad COO Prank' s ! Hu'uV'aYid wife'Vo" . " ill Wood , lomls In township 76 , ranso 11. . w. d < Total , sixteen transfers , J10.931 Illuff City laundry , Thono 3U. Fine work guaranteed. Sullivan has Select oysters. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT I'or Lauli ur l.oiiuuil on. III. . SHI AFF & CO. , B I'ciirl Strttet , Cuuuull lllutfK , Itmu , SITES FOR A HIGH SCHOOL Twontj-One Locations from Which a Selec tion May Be Made , PROPOSALS FILED WITH SECRETARY ROSS Iliila Arc to Ili < Oin-ni'il .Nc'xt Tiic-mlny iK. XV lir n the llonril tit llotiln KM When the Board ot Education meets Tues day evening to decide on a location for the new High school 'building It will have offers of twenty-one sites to silect from , that num ber of proposals having been filed with Sec retary lions. Many of the properties offered will form excellent sites for a high school , 'being centrally located and affording ample ground fur a building such as the board con templates erecting. As all the proposals nru scaled no Information can be secured as to the prlco at which the properties are offered , but this will cut n big figure when the board comes to make a selection , Al though most of the sites offered have been looked over by the members of the board none of them have expressed any preference nnd all decline to do so until ths meeting Tuesday night. The sites are ns follows : Parts of nut lot 5 , Jackson's addition , sit uated Immediately north of Story street and east of Third street , with frontage of 175 feet on Third street and either 200 or 300 feet on Story street as may be desired. A tract cast ot lot 1 , being lot 2 , or the Houth 200 feet of out lot Folsom , having a frontage on Park avenue cf 209 feet and being on east side of said street. A tract across the street east from the John T. Stewart residence , having n frontage on Bluff street nnd on Third street of 206 feet , and on Fifth avenue of 21G feet. The J. L. Stewart homestead with n frontage - ago ot 150 feet on Story street nnd 125 feet on Fourth street. The old Folsom homestead , being lots 1 , 2 nnd 3 , in the subdivision of out lot 1 , Jack son's addition. This ground lies immedi ately west of present High school site and has a frontage on Third street of 237 feet , a frontage on High School avenue of 355 feet. Its south line is 560 feet In length. The north part of out lot 1 , Jackson's ad dition , having a frontage on Third street of 169 feet and a frontage on High School avenue - enuo of 363 feet. The old R. P. Snow homestead , being lots Hi to 20 , Inclusive , Auditor's subdivision , west 498 feet , out lot 3 , Jackson's addition , having a frontage of 201 feet on Bluff nnd Fourth streets and 215 feet on Fifth avenue. The west part of lot 13 , Keller's subdivi sion west part lot 238 , original .plat , having a frontage of 200 feet on Bluff street and running east 200 feet deep. This Is situated between the Wallace residence and St. Peter's Catholic church. The II. D. Ilarlo homestead on Fifth nv- ontio and Seventh street , with a frontage of 112 feet on Fifth avenue and 180 feet on Seventh street. Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 8 , block 5 , Jeffries' sub division , situated nt the southwest corner of Fifth avenue and Seventh street , having a frontage on Seventh street of 181 feet and 1G9 on Fifth avenue , Including the alley , which Is twelve feet. Lots 4 to 10 , inclusive , block 15 , Hyatt s subdivision , situated at the southeast corner of Seventh street and Eighth avenue , having a frontage of 131 feet on Seventh street nnd 284 feet on Eighth avenue. Lois 4 to 9 , inclusive , block J , Curtis & Ramsey's addition , situated on the West side of Ninth street between Sixth and Seventh avenues , having a frontage , Including alley on Ninth street , ot 272 feet and 165 feet on Sixth und Seventh avenues. Lots 4 , D , 6 and 7 , block E , Curtis & Ram- soy's addition , situated nt the northeast corner of Sixth avenue and Eighth street , having a frontage on Eighth street of 136 feet and 177 on Sixth avenue. The W. C. Jnmes homestead , having a frontage of 140 feet on South Eighth street and 200 feet on Third avenue. The Woodbury and Battln lots on First avenue and Seventh street , having a front age of 100 feet on First avenue and 192 feet on Seventh street. The F. A. Blxby homestead at Second ave nue and Tenth street , -with 130 feet on Tenth street and 132 feet on Second avenue. In connection with this bid Is offered the two lots adjoining , comprising the D. B. DaJIey homestead , having n frontage on Second ave nue of 132 feet. The aggregate frontage on Second avenue of the four lots in this bid is 364 feet. The Maynard homestead on Washington avenue , next to corner of Sixth street , 200x 100 feet. Property at the southeast corner of Bryant and Vine streets ! frontage not given. The tract on Oakland avenue directly north of W. F. Sapp s residence , having a frontage of 234 feet on the avenue , 324 feet on Ross street and 209 feel on Scott street. This property lies directly back of the Washington avenue school. The south half of block 5 , Mill addition , \vlth n frontage on Avunuc F of 204 feet und 136 feet on Little Curtis street. IjiiNli-r l < 'liM\iT 13ntcrtiiliimeiit. To the little girl selling the most ticket n prize of a doll. To the boy , a prize of a mrilc lantern. See prizes In Crockwcll'rt window. Secure tickets nt Crockwell's Mon day afternoon at 4 o'coclt. Sullivan's oysters , best of all. Finest candles at Klein's. The boy or girl who wants n good wheel should call at thr ortlcc and register and join the third Bee wheel contest. It has lust be gun. Store stoves nt Colo's new warehouse. Best facilities. For drugs , medicines , perfumes , toilet articles , toilet paper and nil the popular patent medicines , cough syrups , blood purl- llcrs and nervous tonics , go to DoHaven'a drug store. Fresh goods and low prices. < Orriit Min And Famous Women and all kinds of maga zines bound by Morohouso & Co. noiax inis i.v MANILA. Council III n IT x Holilli-r Hey n Vli-tliu of Smallpox. Word was received yesterday of the death from smallpox of Corporal Wallace Bolln cf Company L , Flfty-flrst Iowa volunteers , at 'Manila. The Information was contained In a cablegram received by Captain L. B. Cousins from Captain Pryor and was aa fol lows : "MANILA , March 25. L. B. Cousins , Council Bluffs , la , : Bolln dead. Smallpox. T ll folks. Others well. PHYOU. " Wallace Bolln was ono of the original members of Company L , Fifty-first Iowa , and when he left here for San Francisco was attached to the regimental headquar ters nnd It Is not known whether he was with his company or not at the time of his lllnesH. Letters from him had been recently received by his relatives and none of thorn contained any Intimation of his sickness , to the news of hU death comes as a great shock to them and bU many friends In this city. Corporal Bolln was a eon of J. J. Bolin , who la at present an Inmate of the Iowa Soldiers' home at Marsnalltown. His mother died while the Fifty-Unit Iowa was In camp In San FruneUco. Other members of the family arc three slsiera Mrs. W. F Vie Hey , who is now In Chicago ; iMlui Florence Bolln of this city , and married sister liv ing In DM iMolncs and ono brother , Fay Bolln , who Is emplolyed In Keys Bros , car- rlngn factory In this city. Bolln's death makes the Btcond that hoit occurred In Company L , Prlvnto Tucker having died while the regiment Tvns In San Franclwo. Attend the Art club lecture Monday even ing. March 27 , at Royal Arcanum hall. The VMWS , Mr. Fitch states , nro the finest over exhibited In this cltv. Sullivan sells rnoro oysters than anybody. Buy your fruits of Klein. It doesn't cost anything but n little work to get a good wheel In The Bee contests. SOCII3TY HAS A'NOTIIKIl I1USY AVRUIC. KntcrlnliiincntK mid riirtlrn llolp to While thr Time Any. . The Calico Carnival given nt the Grand Army ot the Republic Qiall by the Women's Relief corps of Abe Lincoln post Friday evening was In every way a sucoi > ffi. The cnstum , to begin with , were decidedly fetching. The women nil wore calico gowns and the men calico neckties. Elgin mem bers of the post distinguished themselves by their extremely elaborate neckwear , each one wearing eight yards of calico , which was afterward presented to the relief corps. Much fun was had Indlng partner * by matching bits ot calico , Aft-ir tuts the entire company diligently sowed carpet rags. Miss Corn Gi'etzer gave several reci tations. Refreshments were served , every thing on Lho bill of faro commencing with the letter O. The rest of Uio evening was spent In dancing. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. II. Jackson were de lightfully surprised by about twenty ot their friends Friday evening , the occasion being their SOth wedding anniversary. The evening was very pleasantly spent with cards nnd music. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson worn the recipients of a very handsome plaque , Judge Walter I. Smith making the presentation speorh. All of the guesU were members of the Eastern Star. Miss Marlon Benton entertained vtry de lightfully at dinner last evening the- fol lowing guests : Misses Maude Bryant and Georgeno Bebblngton , Messrs. IWnurlce le- Kny , Dwlglit Odoll nnd Tom Lacy. Arrangements nro being made by Mrs. Charles Test Stewart and Mrs. W. F. Sapp for a subscription ball which will bo given Thursday , April 13 , nt Royal Arcanum hall. It promises to bo a decided success. Miss May Waltc , 523 South Seventh street , was the object of a delightful surprise Fri day evening. Games were the older of the evening. Elaborate refreshments were served. The conspirators were Misses 7oe HI1.L Edyth Thomas , Genovluvo Wlckhnm , Corfhiio Albright , Maude Beasly , Madge Hollenbeok and Gertrude Davenport. One ot the Jolllest affair * of the week was tiho masquerade given by Miss dmma Williams of Stutsmau street Friday oven- Ing. About twenty gueata wore entertained. The costumes wore most original a ; > d the source of much fun. Dancing and cake walking were Indulged In. The dnnticst of refreshments were served. Mr. and Jlrs. E. H. Ott of 2011 Fifth ave nue were treated to a genuine old-fnuhloned surprise party Wednesday evening by about forty of their friends. The evening was pleasantly spent nt cards. Mrs. Kiser se cured the woman's first prize , whileMr. . Brill won that for the men. Dainty refresh ments were served. Masters Georgle and Leo Shrove enter tained at their homo , S20 South Sixth street , Wednesday afternoon a number of their young friends In honor of Georgle's sixth birthday. Many beautiful presents were received and a thoroughly good time had , Delicious refreshments were served. The young people o Trinity Methodist church entertained their friends Friday evening at a measuring party. Each guest brought a tiny silk bog , which had acconi- panlcd the Invitation , containing 3 cents for every foot of his or her height nnd 1 cent for each extra inch. The church was very prettily decorated In iialms. A most interesting musical and literary program was rendered. Delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tibblts were pleasantly surprised Saturday evening by about forty of their friends , who came en masque and took possession of their home. An im promptu musical was then held. Light re freshments were served. Mrs. W. W. Sherman entertained n few friends very delightfully nt crlbbage on Thursday evening. The Hamilton Whist club was entertained by Mrs. Shugart last Tuesday. There will not be another meeting until the Tuesday after Easter , when Mrs. Howell will be the hostess. The Euchre club has discontinued its meetings until after Easter. The women of St. Paul's church were en tertained nt n Lenten tea Monday afternoon by Mrs. McConnell nt the home of Mrs. Robinson , Miss Anna Anderson of South Ninth street left Wednesday on a visit to friends In Chi cago. She will also visit friends In Wiscon sin before returning homo. uMr. Chnrles E. Walters of Mynster street entertained the last week his brother-in-law Mr. T. M. Wright of Fairmont , Nob. Word has 'been ' received from Mrs. H I Forsyth that she and her daughters are much Improved in health by their trip through the southwest. They have recently returned to Galveston from a gulf trip to old Mexico. Mrs. John T. Mulqueen Is visiting her sister - ter , Mrs. Kirk , in Chicago. Prof. Edwin Southwkk and family Intend giving up their residence In this city und removing to their fruit farm about six miles east of town Mrs. McCrary Is entertaining her mother , Mra. J. II. Hershey of North Platte , Neb. Mrs. Pfelffer had as her guest the last week her uncle , Mr. John Fedcrmoyer of Chicago. Miss Sylvia Messmore will return to River Sioux the Hrst of next month , where she will resume teaching in the public schools , Mr. Ephralm Lewis of Falrbury. Neb , , who for many years was a resident of Coun cil Bluffs , Is hero visiting relatives nnd friends , Mr. Thomas Askln was the guest the last week of Mr. S. F. Henry and family. Ho returned Wednesday to Tabor college. The Misses Nora and Mabel Bates enter tained the hist week Miss Rose Gottscho of Hamburg. Mrs. Hlggeson , 921 Avenue A , entertained the members ot the Enthusiastic club Mon day afternoon. Miss Grace Beebe has , returned home from a month's visit with friends lu St. Joseph , Mo. Mo.Mr. \Mr. \ George F. Camp Is In Wisconsin on a pleasure trip , Mr , and Mrs. Andrew Clattcrbuck re turned Monday from Idaho , where they bad spent the winter Mr. F. H , Orcutt is In Philadelphia. Mr. George Crane of Park avenue , accom panied by his daughter Miss May , IE visiting In the cast. They are expected back the curly part of this week , Mrs. Mary K. Hoagland Is visiting friends In Wichita , Kan. Mrs. I. V. Howard , accompanied by her niece , Mrs , Tall. IB visiting In Denver , Cole , LMIts Fannie Barnes has goiin to Butte , Mont. , where she 'Will spend the summer with her elstor , Mrs. 15. G. Stlghner. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Squires returned Fri day from an extended trip to Florida and the Bahamas. Mrs , Klleu Hooper Finch loft Thursday for Pueblo , Colo. , accompanied by her nleco , MU.i Emma 1'lsher. Mrs. Dalley and family have moved from their home on Second avenue to apartments on Bancroft terrace. MUs Jeaslo Wright U seriously 111 , being threatened with pneumonia. She is at the homo of her nunt , Mrs. George Brown , on Third avenue. i Mr. and Mr , Fred Schlfsrly have removed from hero to St. Joseph , ( Mo. I Mrs. Kncpper has returned from ft visit ' with friends In Walnut , In. Mr. N. P. Dodge returned homo Thursday from a ten wet-ks' trip In Texas. Mr. Spencer Smith , Jr. , Is taking a trip through old Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. John N , Baldwin and son , Jack , left Friday evening for Washington , D. C. Mrs. J. E. Hunter has ns her guest her sister , Mrs , Robert Reynolds , of Denver , Colo. Colo.Mr. . nnd Mra. Wadsworth of Blair , Neb. , are the guests of their son , Mr. J. O. Wadsworth and family. Mrs. A. J. Mandcison left Wednesday for n visit with relatives nnd friends nt Los An geles and San Francisco. Miss Julia Scahlll of 202 Stutsman street leaves today for Wcston , where she will visit ! her brother. Miss Agnes Coyne , who has been teaching In Panama , la. , Is home for the spring va- J cation , j Mr. John Samuels of Rlverton , la. , wna i the guest Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pnyno of Avenue A. Miss Genevieve Murphy of Avenue H haa returned home after a visit of several ' months In Cumberland , In. I iMr. nnd Mrs. Curtis ot 2302 Avenue A ) epcnt Thursday in Fremont , Nob. i Mrs. Fred Spotman Is seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Benson and son elI I Dubuque are visiting Mrs. Bonson's parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. George F. Wright. Mrs. Alexander Moore of Malvern , Ift. , was the guest the last week of Mrs. James Mor- tenson of Benton street and Mrs. H. F. I Keller ot Fnlrmount avcnuo. ; The members of Palm Grove Woodmen circle gave a very enjoyable fancy dross ball Tuesday night at Woodman hall. Many ot the costumes were exceptionally pretty , whllo not a few of them wcro quite original. The dance was largely attended and proved ono of the features of an otherwise exceed ingly dull week. Hazel camp , 'Modern ' Woodmen of Amer ica , gave a well attended dance and Juvenile cake walk Thursday night at Knights of Pythias hall. Mr. W. S. Swanson and Mrs. Esta M. Aaron , ibotb of tills city , -wero married1 last Sunday nt the Christian Tabernacle , Rev. S. M. Perkins performing the ceremony , which was witnessed 'by ' a large gathering ot relatives and friends of the happy couple. Mr. nnd Mrs. Swanson will make their homo nt 609 North Eighth street. The Misses Caroline and' ' Ella Dodge are planning a European trip and according to their present arrangements will sail from New York about Aiprll 20. Judge and Mrs. A. S. Wilson of Sioux City are the guests of their daughter , Mrs. W. L. Douglas , at the Grand. Chambers' Creole May-time opera , given so successfully for the benefit of All Saints' church , Omaha , will 'be ' given in Dohany opera house April 7 , under the auspices ot Unity guild. For sale , a six-room cottace nt 611 Bluff street. Inquire ot C. P. Rallsback. Klein sells the best cigars. Finest oysters at Sullivan's. Cluiroli IVoti-n. Rev. J. W. Wilson , pastor of the First Congregational church , will take as the subject of his sermon this morning "Tho Worldwide Mission ot Christianity. " In the evening his thoma will toe "Some of the Trl- umplis ot the Gospel. " All services will bo as usual. At the First Presbyterian church this morning the pastor , Rev. W. S. Barnes , "will preach on "Tie Magnetism ot Christ. " At the evening service Ills address will bo de voted to the young people on "Choosing an Occupation. " Sunday school will foe at noon , Junior Endeavor society meeting at I p. nj. , and Young People's meeting at 6:30 : p. m. Rev. R. Venting will preach this morning at the First Baptist church on "Tho Great Commission. " His subject In the evening will be "Tho Brother of the Other Fellow. " Sunday school will < ba nt noon and Young People's Union meeting at 0:30 p. m. At the Christian Tabernacle this morning the pastor , Rev. S. M. Perkins , will preach on "What Manner of Christians Wo Ought to Be , " and in the ovcnin ? on "How to Read the Blblo Intelligently. " Rev. G. W. Snyder will preach at St. John's English Lutheran church at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. today. Palm Sunday serv ice In the morning. Sunday school at noon and young people's meeting at 7 p. m. At the Fifth Avenue Methodist church the pastor , Rev. G. P. Fry , will preach at both morning and evening services. After the evening service there will bo an evange listic meeting. Sunday school will bo at noon , Junior league meeting at 3 p. m. and Kpworth league meeting at 6:30 : p , in. MornIng - Ing class will bo at 9:45 : o'clock. Rev , Alexander Llthorland , pastor of tlio Second Presbyterian church , announces that services will be held In the old church on Harmony street as usual today. On Wednes day evening will be preparation for the holy communion and on Friday evening the farewell - well service will bo held in the little church , preparatory to moving Into the new build ing. The new church will bo dedicated "on Easier afternoon , eo as not to conflict with the regular services In other churches. At the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints morning service will be at 10:30 : , Sunday school at noon , 55. R. L. fioclety meeting at 6 p. m. nnd evening serv ice at 7:30 : , nt which Elder Cushman of Omaha will speak. The services nt Grnco Episcopal church today will bo as follows : Sunday school nt 9:45 : a , m , , morning prayer and scrmou at II o'clock , evening prayer nnd sermon at 7:30 : o'clock. During the week the services will ho as follows : Wednesday evening at 7:30 : ; Thursday , holy communion at 10 a , m. ; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : ; Friday morning , prayer and sermon nt 10 o'clock , and evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 o'clock , At St. Paul's Episcopal church , Rev. G. K. Walk , rector , the serviced today will bo as follows : iMornlns prayer and sermon at 10:30 : o'clcck , evening prayer nnd , sermon at 7:30 : , The weekday Lenten services will be resumed as follows ; Tuesday , Wednes day and Thursday nt 4:30 : p. m. On Good Friday the services will commence at 10:30 : n. in. , closing with the three hours' agony service from 12 to 3 o'clock. At the Broadway iMcthcdlst church this morning Elder D. C. Franklin will jireach , to be followed by the sacrament of the Lord's supper. The ipastor , Rev. Myron C. Wnddell , will preach at the evening service. Mornlnfj prayer meeting will 'bo ' at 7 o'clock and SumTuy echoc ) at noon. Berwick bay oysters at Sullvan'e. More Money I.out. Charles W. Guldager , a business man from Davenport , dropped $310 In Mils yes- Whitelaw & Gardiner Boston Store , 401 to 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. Tomorrow , Monday Evening Between 7 and A full line of colored Satin Ribbons , width from Nos. 12 , 16 and 22 to 60 , worth 1212c to 35c a yard , our special sale price 5c per yard all widths. We will have on display the finest assortment of plants and cut flowers ever shown in the west , Also a nice line of Easter novelties , and the finest line of can dies in the city. EVERYBODY WELCOME. Any of the above goods expressed to all parts of the United States. J. Telephone 99. 521 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. terday afternoon on Broadway. The money was in two rolls , $200 In one and $50 in the other. The .wad . containing the larger amount waa picked up l > y a Mrs. C. B. Sackett , the wlfo of a laborer employed by ono of the railroads , gho at once took the money to a ( bank and notifying the cashier of how she found It deposited it with instructions ( structions that it > be turned over to the rightful owner. This -was done after Mr. Guldager had proven his rightful ownership. The other $50 has not yet been recovered and Mr. Guldager has advertised , offering a reward for Its return. Solid packed oysters nt Sullivan's. The wheel won by Martin Volmer In the second Bee wheel contest is on display nt The Bee office. Don't put the old carpets down on your doors again. Come and see wlintve can sell you now ones for , and ( lie chances are you will never use Hie old ones again. Wo are selling carpets so low Unit every one who sees our line of goods and gets the prices are surprised. Tlicy won der why they have done without a carpet BO long. AVc can't be surpassed for excellent goods , low prices and doing prompt work. In fact , we nro the lead ers In Carpets , Rugs , Z/ace Curtains , JPorfcieres , J3to. You cannot miss it by calling and In specting our goods. Odd Fellows Temple , Council , Bluffs. Ono to 250 horsc.power. Send for cata- loL'iio and price , DAVID IIIIAIH.KV A CO. , Council IllulTH , - loivii. Take Care of Your Teeth It does'nt cost much Gold Filling $1.00 und up. Gold Alloy Killing 1.00 Gold Crowns 5.00 Set of Tooth 5.00 Best Teeth 7.50 Painless extraction. DR. A. 0 MUDGE. 330.388 Broartwiy , Second lloor , Council Bluffs. Would be a fitting tiling for Easter. It Is up-to-date in style , with vesting top or nil kid tan or black with the latest toes. toes.'S 111 : mi o AD WAY. t ? . If you will call at. our store we will g ivc you a catalogue of It contains testimonials from over fifty of the prominent riders of Council Bluffs who rode the League last season. We have reduced ( he price on the League to On payments. Liberal discount for ons li. The 18 ! ) ! ) model is a beauty. Strictly high grade and up-to-date in every purt Iciilar , with options lo suit all. Leagua riders are satisfied riders. Here's another tcstimonal : I- - take great pleasure in writing to a dvlno you that the LiWAGUH Bicycle purchased from you last May , nijtwiths landing ( he hard and constant riding it went through last seahon , Is in excellent condition this season , and I am pleased to say Unit It has never been in the repal r nhop since 1 have had It. It Is lust as yon recommended It. TIIKODOIUO U. TIJOLL ; We sell Columbian , Leagues , Imperials and Pathfinder Bicycles. The larueHt line of Bicycles and .Sundries In the city. Knamellng and Itepalrlii ; , ' , COLE & COLE , Council Bluffs. la. 41 Main Street. Big Brown , Bouncing Bed Bugs Bit Beautiful Betty By era Badly. Betty Bet ter Beat Bugs By Buying Big Bottle "DUAl ) SHOT" from 0. R. GILBERT COMPANY , Taxidermists and Tannery , ir > 0 ] Went IlruiuluiiI'D il in-II IlIulTM , And give the Job to one who will do It neatly nnd nt a moderate cost. We can suit you both ways. Our reputation IH built upon the work done right hero nt home. Then after painting let us IlKiiro on paper ing the rooms In your home. We can give you un estimate on both Jobs at the samu time If you eo desire. U'e have the finest line of wall paper In town. A MILLER , .M\V ! MMMTlll.V , , ' 107 II roil il MID , Ciiiiiiull II Infra , 1' . C. Mlll.iil , .Milminor. WM. WELCH TRANSFER LINE } Ili lY t * < * ii Council lllulfM mill Uniiiliu. .Rates Rcjmojmble. HatlBfactlon Guaranteed. Council JiluffH cilice , Hu , g North Jlalu letrcot. Tclpphono 12 . Omalm olllco ru- niovt-d to 322 South KlfUenih street. Tele- inhono 1' t. Connections made with Uouth