THE OM MIA DATLT BEE : MTN'DAY , MABCH 2G , 1S99. ! Corner Farnam Corner Farnatti and Fifteenth. KELL and Fifteenth. T TD ATTRACTIONS E DISPLAY IMPORTA "IONS OF EXCLUSIVE - w CLUSIVE AND ORIGINAL DESIGNS ESPECIALLY FOR EASTER * „ * * „ < Waist Silks ! Foulard Silks for Frocks Crepon and Tailor Cloths ! Foulard Silks Th latest French anfl New Tork crea tions of original fleelpuR In dress patterns , J-l&.OO. Liberty Foulard , 11-00 Slnplt pat- teriifi. nfi.OD cxclt.El i Foulard Silks hlgheU grade spring strlec , 7f > c. Foulard SllkB , tl.OO. New Oriental Foulards. 1125. Waist S111.K , 7r.c. Me , tl.OO The latcEt { ashlons of the dnr Crepon ! Sailor Cloths ! Cheviots ! Golf Plaids ! Sicilians ! Bla-i ; Cfl 7ion Our importations of Mo Tailor Cloth , black Venetian J.S 00 hair and Silk uovol varluty , no'w In stock , Cheviot JS 00 Coating "worsted " , SSTiO I17fi. J2.00 , I2.2& , ! 2.fiO. These are direct from the mllle and such as the tailor requires j Single patteme of the most elegant French ' Challles and Organdies Our importations Silk Cretan , $3 00. S3 60 , J4 (10. etc of the aliote are now in oriental effects , During the week Silk Crepon , rich new eilk Btrrjws 45c fil e and 7f > c rtyle , J2.50 , Plain color ChallieE new nhades EOc Bl ck ChflVlotR BK ; Me , tl 2S riO-inoh Plain Summer Wool Batiste and Voile de fihn iken remurkable value on stylleh cloth lalne 4B-inch. B5c ' Sicilians TTrc Br.c , Jl 00 , Tl 2.'i The test New Organdies , best Imported vtriety , 3ric ' English pure mohair Sicilians. Tweeds ! Poplins ! Cheviots ! Venetians ! Skirting Plaids ! Scotch Checks ! Tailoring Tweeds. 7f > c | Armure Pin Cheeks , new tonct , 44-Inch , New Suitings , tailor cloth , 11.00 4Rc , Poplin Checks , J1.50 Hig'h Art Ncrelties Sincle 3 > resB Put- Coi ert Cloth , fiO-inch , tl 00 tern * Guipure. Barege , Silk Raj-ure , and Amazon Cloths. f > 0-lnch , Jl 00 the most varied styles of today's fashions. Cheviots S c , H0c , Jl 2u 50-inch shrunk en , navy und new Wue Novelty , Dress Frontitigs. Rich Emb-oide-pd Satin and Taflrta , rut out Applique effects New Tucl-ed Shirred and Corded Satins and Taflcttit , New Shirred and Tucked Liberty Gauze at JltiO. K : < . $27f > up to JS.fiO a J&rfl. NEW ALL OVER LACES In Pom * dt Venice , Point do Gene and Striped Guipure eflects nt H 00 , tl.26 , fl I'O ' , WOO J4.r.O and 1C OO a jard. ELEGANT POINT DE VENISE Point de Rte and RvnnaiBsanee LBCCB with insertions and bunds to match. NEW POINT DE GENE Point Gauze and Point Applique Lares , flalntj ntv deigns , Inr bltextb. Juboti , etc , at 2iic , ! lOr Kfrc 4tc ( 30c and Tfir a yu il Novelties In Late Applique Emb-oldercd and Spangled Bsiw-Knots and Butterflies New Applique Dress Trimmingsc ( , 7 < "ic , Jl 00 , tl.2u. up to ? S SO New Jotted and Spangled Trimming ? Hie. 25c. Xic. fiOc. T c fldO and Jl.fiD a jard. New Braided Trimmings lf > c Ihc. L'Oc , 25c , r.r.c. MIC 7 c and SI W a jard Narrow &hirrud and ruffled Trimming Rib- lious at T > c , f > c , lOc , 12H-C , If'C , 20c Wifl 2uc jard. Rich Noveltj7- Ribbons Tor millinery trimmings and beltings In new Btrlpfd , clierked , dotted and bniclie eCt-rti , , at l < < c , fic , 3. > c HOc. Tnc and Jl Oil a j-ard Novelties in Llliertj Mull and Lace Ties and JaboU at Tide. GOc , Tf-c , Jl (10 , fl 25 , 11.50 und II 00 each New Bead Chainsat 25c , ri5c , HOc , TUT and Jl 00 each No\ cities in TancMetnl BuclJcs , in cut rteel filifr-ee jeweled and enameled at Idc , POc , eric , "uc Jl 00 , J1.25 J1.50 and S2.00 each Latest Novelties in Ladies1 Embroidered Handkerchiefs Dainty new designs for Easter , scalloped and narrow hemstitched borders , on flue cheer linen lawns shamrock and batiste cloths at irtc 2r > c , sr.c 50c Tf.c . and Jl HO tach. Barcaine Odd and < -ndK in one-half doren lotK try cheap to close out qul-lJj at Ihc 30c cnc 7ftc and B ; E a lot. Don't fail to see them nue to the Elate II it is defeated or muti lated so at to 'be useless the senate majority can offer no poad excutt The defeat cl the Mil -while such a strong ineurance loWby is here at the capitol , and -while the outrages in the insurance department of the auditor s offue are Iresi in the public mind , -nill lea e the senators little room lor explana tions ' In speaUnt ; of the taxation feature this member said "Last year the fire compa nies paid tares on premiums amounting ID JG.UTl 70 The Wea\er bill us it ipashed the bouse w ould b-iup in J2S 000 per 5 ear The life and miscellaneous companies ha\e here tofore paid no taxes on premiums while this bill would produce S30 000 from this source Tie increased Tees for statements would amount to J4.80D jnore than the pres ent law , making a total increase ol ntarlv J60 000 if the 1)111 as jHiBied foj the t > ou-r becomes a law The amendments proposes by the senate -would reduce this fully one- half " OF THE Confcidernlilr "Work Heine l j UIIJXT 1'rnnfb of l-CKifclntiire. LINCOLN March 25 ( Special ) The ten- nte refused to adjourn nt noon todaj until Mondaj afternoon The members tboupht S\c days on important appropriation bills carrying o\er 12 000 000 was bhort enough Standing committees rejiorted H R 2&0 to appropriate money belonging to the State Normal School llbrarj iund for the pur chase of bool.s for the library , to puss , and 41S appropriating tu.OOO to build a standpipe - pipe lor fire protection and lighting re pairs and to furnish tht chapel at the State Normal school , to jiafcE H. R f > GO was in- denitely postponed Steele of Jefferson meted that all ap propriation bills be made a tpeelal order for TueHdaj ut 10 o'clock His motion .pre vailed Talbot of Lancastser moved to nonconcur In the house amendments to S F. 2B ! ) , his resolution of praine to the -\olunteerE He said he wus willing to accept the amend ment cutting out the cabling of thr resolu tions but opposed striking out that part gi\lng special mention to the two wounded oflicers Van Dusen of Douglas fu\nred concurring In the amendments He said he wae alwajs oppLbed to giving the oflicors special men tion , and that the house had ehownd bet ter buuse than the beuate bj striking put that pan of the rfsolutions The motion to nonconcur was lost by a vote cf 4 to 21 The senate then concurred in the nsnodnmentE Senator Talbot moved that the report of tht Judiciarj committee on H R 177 be ruuonEidertid Thr bill had been Indefinite ! } postponed Hit motion carried and the bill wub jilamd on gtmoral file. Cauaduy of Kearney owed to nonconcur in the rt-port cf the railroad committee on H R DGO The bill pravidee that the boon- tanefc of the Board of TniuBpnrtatiou maj draw up their uwn complniuts agaiubt rail roads and trj the charges made under them while the present law oulj ci\e thera power to trj complulnts that third parties tile with thtan i ' Senator Talbut said there was a Justice of the peace once who had an account ' against bib neighbor , that he brought suit i in liis own oourt on ibe account and ren- dared up judgment for his own account , utturward resulting in hit bring oubtad from oSice Jor maUsuiauee In offite He taid thib bill proposed the Btmn thing witli this board Thej oeuld drew up thaJr complaint * , and tit me u ooun In the huaring oj thalr pwn charge * , rwiduring Judgment , while they were bctt jilainiiff and noun. The mutiec did not wikil t > > u Btrict party > cvte , the tMe.\t ) JusioniBts oUng 4n its favor j Tit Ructc leBolution to reB'Jnd and ex- Latest Arrivals IN Wash Goods New Madras Cloth DimitioK Org&ndlct , Lawns Plain White and Figured Pique Satin Stripe Wool Challlc etc , at a coet whltfli if ridiculously low for ponds that shew for twice and in eome lines treble their solliuc priro One cane lmp rtea Tlgured Dimity , the verj acme of daintiness and beaut } , were madt to sell for ISc , our price SHiC yard One cast Imported Satin Stripe and Check Figured Orcuidle these are bright , fresh and fashionable colors and would grace a duchess worth Sue , our price ! C = jC One cast Imported Satin Stripe Domestic Wool Challle all stylee and color * , worth fiOc. our price 2kc yard. Large assortment of Madras Clnth , 'm- braring Just what jou want for either shirt waKt or dress pattern , at 2 c , 30c , 3r > c and S7H * jard All the latest and newest eaves in White and Figured Pique ut 15c , Ihc , 20c , ' 25c , 30c "MC , 40c , 4 < : and Mir jard All the latest colors In died and Striped Linen for ladies' -waists , 24 inches wide , children s drussee etc , at ! Kic jard New imported Colored Noeltv Dattid Swiif suitable lor waists or dresses , 4f > c and tide jard All the later ! colors in Sill Embroidered Poll.o Dr > t Opera Flannel suitable for dressinc ; sacque-E. nt CSc jard White Goods SO pieces of 36-inch India Linen , worth 2uc. now I5c yard. 30 pieces of 30-inch India Linen , worth 2Sc , now IKc yard. Pull line of Check and Striped Dimity , tt ISc , IKc 20c , 25c , 3fic , S c and 40c yard Full line of Persian Lawn at 20c. 2 c , 30c , 3r > c and 40c jard. 4S-inch Frenci Nainsook for ladiee' or children's dresses , at 35c , 40c , TiOc and Grc yard 1 -inch Sheer Opera Batiste , the proper fabric lor ladles' dresses , ZZ > c , 45c , 50c and ( 7ric jard I Two cases of "G-inch Long Cloth , 12 yds | in bolt , at Jl 00 , Two cases Egj-ptian Long Cloth , medium i weight , at ? 1.50 and 5175 bolt- High Art IU Gloves Easter Gloves Of great elegancy Cyrano , Rajrih , Eveque , Cafeine , Gazelle , Antelope , Orleans , Cadet , Acier , Hussar are some of tbe many shades we offer this season. "TrefoUSSB , " 'Perrin'S , ' ' " 'Monarch" comment is needles ? the above renowned "brands are lee well known. "Dent's , " "Slielbourne , " "BcKort" for street \ \ ear. The correct styles to be worn with your tailored frocks. Children's Jackets Dainty and pretty little jackets a surprising variety of effective styles and all colors , $2.25 , 82.50 , $2.75 , S3.25 , S3.75 to § .5.50. I IS BDSY Pntting lorth Every Effort to Defeat the "Weaver Bill , OFFICIALS FROM AUDITOR'S OFFICE HELP Ullcct of Effort * of Third Honne 011 Memlirri * of ilir Srnntr Incur tin l-f Committt-e i Apjiurrnt. LINCOLN. March 25 ( Special. ) ET > ry eflort is nov. being mode to defeat H R , 391 , the Weaver insurance bill , in the sen ate , und to do this the insurance IcJttby and the officials from tbe state auditor's office ore working hand in hand The first ob- joctlon to the bill urged by the insurance companies wab the taxation feature nnd be fore tht- house committet there was a hard fight to hc\e the rate reduced. The ol > - jcctdon made bj fhe auditor is that the 'bill ' will taJe the department out of his con trol. trol.The The lobbj that is here in opposition to the 1)111 IB the strongest that hae infested an ; legislature of recent jeart. and its tffect on the senate insurance committee is ap parent Wemliers ol the committee haie adopted e\ery pretext io delaj tbe report of tbe bill und it now comes to tbe senate as u special order lor nert Monday with the taxation feature BO changed us to l e hardlj incognizable. All the memlters of the com mittee , with tht exception of Senators Crow und Tulbnt , saj thrj were opposed to the changes and on ] } agreed to them in order to gt-t the bill reported to tbe senate where they hoped to hu\p it restored to its original form When the committee reported tire 'bill ' with the taxation feature radically changed tbe htutc auditor and his political deputies and IrlimdK , us U bj pre-concerted signal , com menced an onslaught on tbe bill for tbe rna- win that it was not u good revenue producer , lind home of tbe senators who have concluded to oppose the measure are using thlt Can tie given h ) Stuart s Dvspeiisla Tab lets are the best and most effectual cure for v\er ) form of indigestion Thej artIn the tablet form , which retains their goood qualities indefinitely , while liq uid preparations become stale and usuless with ago. They are convenient , can be carried in the pueket and taken when needed. They art pleasant to tuke After fuch meal dlsaolxe one or two of them In the mouth , und , mingling with the food , they constitute a perfect digestive ab solutely safe for the must senBithe stomach They digest the food before it has time to ferment , thus prel tntlng the formation of gas and kwjilng dbf- blood pure und frtie from tbe poisonous products of fermented , litlf-dlgeBted Jood Stuart' * Djspepsla Tablets ie the only remedy designed tsspeclall } for the cure of Mrnnach troubles and nothing else One disease one rrmedy , the euccessful phj elcian of todaj is the specialist , the suc cessful medicine is tbe medicine prepared especially for one dlsiusc Stuart's Djspejibia Tablets make the com- phaiuii olnar liy ketiplng the bloud pure Thuy Increase fleeh by diget-tinc flesh- furiulng toads A whole package talen at one time would not hurt one. but would simply be waste af goad maituial Over six thousand men and women in the Mate of Michigan olonr ha-ve bt-en sured cf inAlcestlrn and Oyi > i > i > slii b ) tht use of Stu- ati's Djtipt'iitlc Tablets , Sold by all druggists ut ( > cents per pack- Waist lenpths. Ju isrportBd. ri.SS , Jl-SS , J1.T.O . and J200 New Stripe SllkK , drcnswulBt or pottlcoatB , 24-inch , HOO Blacl ; Taffeta , reliable pradc , crtra licavj , 27-lnoh , Jl 00 Gnmadlnes Pattern lengths. Guipure BtripBfc , iron Jrame , Mexican ntrlpes , 45- lech. tlfiO. Chenille Rltfbon stripes , Mexican tm.rre , Guipure , etc. , S2.00 , S2.2i , X2.fiO Black 4B-lnch TaffnUi , melange , 7Hc. New for petticoats ment OB their excuse. The argument as even ' 'being ' used by those who assisted in the mutilation of this part of tbe bill The members who have as } et taken no part in the affair are being tolled one at a time into the office of the auditor or Into the oil room of some insurance lobbyist , where -very smooth talk and sometimes a more tangible argument is used to make them see their way to join the movement in the defeat of the Mil Some Hlntorlral Ercrriitfc. The history of this attempt at Insurance legislation is u curious one Early in the Bession duplicate bills were introduced in the house and senate The senate bill , S F 74 , was introduced by Mr Tulbot on the ICth of January At that time he claimed to tie much in favor of the measure and upon him wus based the principal hope of those interested in "getting the law passed A change come over Senator Talbot along about the first week in Fabruar } A p'-omi- ntiit attorne } und insurance lobbyist came down from Omaha to fight tht bill The senator was notified in advance that if cer tain amendments could be made to the bill the insurance men would not object to its passage An appointment w-ur made and the lobbyist and Senator Tulbot retired to room 112 on the top floor of tbe Lindtll hotel , where a close conference wns htld , lasting two hours Writing materials were sent for , and amendments were drafted to the mutual satisfaction of the two men con cerned At the time this meeting was being held the republicans of the legislature were holding a Joint conference in the build- in ? and were wondering at tbe absence of the senator from Lancaster From this time on Senator Talbot's real to have his insurance bill passed cooled He reudll } saw that it would be well to fchelve the senate bill and give the full right of way to tbe duplicate being considered in tbe house although he still assured tbe friends of H R 1P1 that he was with them heart ixnd soul Drlu ; rd In Committee. When the Weaver bill reached the senutt after having passed the house by an almost unanimous vote it was dtlued in the com- i mittee through the efforts of senators who feud former ! } said they were in favor of the immediate passage of such a measure A utrong fight wus made to have tht bill so amended us to be practically valueless nt a revenue producer und u stronger fight is now being mude to have tht bill killed i The presence of the insurance lobb } is having a strange effect on some members j Some whose political ambitioue reach be- ' } end the confines of a mere representative | district huve been seen of late filling cur- I reptitioua appointments with prominent in- fcutunce men , and in more than one case un arrangement to meet und discuss the merits ( if the bill with its friends has been for gotten b } the senator who went instead to fill a dale with Borne member of the insur ance lobb } The wirTT of the insurance men and the auditor is beuaniing so open us to challenge I the atttntlcn of tlie memlters not in tbe comlblne , and it is quite pro-buble that when the Weaver -bill came up in committee of the whole s-ext Monday there will ibe a prompt move to restore it to its original form and recommend it for immediate passage Whether enough member * , hove been hypnotised Into a Hate v-htsre they are read } to favor the mutilated bill , or ready to vote lor the defeat ttf the whole measure , remains to Tie Been Itt-iuil.llmn Opinion. In dlBcufaMng the matter toda } one of the republican memhars af the senate bald "It w ill be t mistake if the senate f ail to past UhiB bill in lu original form Our pan } ha * been pledged to j u some revenue measures - . ures and up to the present time has Jailed to keep the promise. This % 1 at it came- , from the house wculd brine in a good rev e- punge from the record the former action taken concerning Colonel Stotsenburg fulled to pass bj u vote of B to I * , the prejudice against the officer still being in full force. In committte ol the whole S. F 17C to license brokers to write insurance in com- i panics not nuthorized to do business in I Nebraska , was recommended to pass with ' some amendments S F SB which came TV on its third read ing yeeterdaj but was recommitted for a specific amtndmcnt , was indefinite ! } post- 3 > oned The object of the bill was to provide a fee for count } judges to compensate them for making appointment * ; of Judges and clerks of election but amendments had l > ten mude remotins municipal election * . from the ojieration ol the law and leaving the uppolntmeiit in the hands of the clt } councils as "before " the present law took effect Progress on 'H R 204 , appropriating JSti- 000 for a library building at Peru , -was re ported The ( bill is to lie taken up TuesdB } with the other appropriation ( bills S F 302 , fixing the salaries , of the deputy state oflicere beginning with the governor h prnate srcertary , wsfc under -consideration when the committee arose at noon The bill fixes the annual salaries of state officers' deputies as follows Governor's private secretary , $2,000 , dep uty secictary of state Sl.COD , deputy auditor , flfiOO , deput } treasurer , 11,700 , deput > attorne } general , ll.BOO , deputy land com- micsioneJl.GOO Fowler of Filhnore offered an amendment to cut down the governor's secretar } to fl.GOO JKT annum , the deputy treasurer to ri.dCiO and the deputy attorne } general to n.coo The amendment reducing the frecretary't Enlar } was lost , Fowler und Prout alone voting in favor of it. Tfcc treasurer amend ment was also lost The committee ! wus. discussing the amend- mint to cut down the deputy attorne } gen eral B salary when the committee arose Renolds of Dawt'E offered un amendment making hi * salor } $1.700 Crow of Douglas -moved that when tht tenate adjourn it be till Monde } ut 11 o'cltcl. Senator Canaday amended it to read 2 c'cloi-k with the introducers permission Vun Dnson of Douglas opposed tht ad journment He Bald if the legislature did not rticfcle frcm its agreement to adjourn Friday the members should put in every available houi , including nipht sessions He- called attention to the vast number of ap propriation -bills that tbt house had been discussing cince the 'beginning ' of the set- Bion und which the senate must dispt t ol in u v etk Senator Crpw withdrew his motion und attkud lta\e to be excused this afternoon On motion of Curnf of Custer the senate took u recehK till 2 10 o'clock Senator Barun was also excused if or the rust i f tbe day " 5 would like to be excused , also , " said Farrrfl rf Marrick "The chuir thinks the senator from Mer- rwk should sta } , " replied the president. In committee of tbi whale after dinner S F 2S1 , the charter 'bill for cities of the firet class undtir t'l'.ddO population , was rnoommtmdpd to pass Among other things a IHI commissioner is added to the elective offices F F S02 was recommended to pass us umrudttd All amendments to reduce the utturap } generals salary were defeated An amendment raising the deput } land c-immiEsiouer's talarj from fl.COO to { 1700 carried , but wufc mums ! dared Senator Talbot said expenses were large in Lincoln and good men rould not be secured for less solar } "Do ihofce sums include fodder for the stock' " ut > ked Senator Van Dusen "No 1 understand the land commissioner eelU them fodder at fift cent * . B suck taken off the eapitol campus" While the members were enjojitig these j remarks Laud Commissioner Wolfe had a LADIES' Hosiery AND Underwear THE MLKVTIMI POH LVIIK I.MJ CHll.lmiSN \ I M PnJirlt lorirltt : null Summer. LudicE Silkatlm t'nlnn Suit * tbr Mun- ing In cream and blue hirh neck long sleeve' low netk sleeveless fancj Bilk crochet necl. and Bit eve * perfect fit. best finish onlj fl 75 per suit Ladles' Silkutine Vest * the MunGlnr ; cream und blue , high necl. lone ; Bletvpp low nock , sleeveless npeclul weight for epring wcat all sizes only n 00 each MihRiss1 Sill.atlne Vents the MuuRlni ; cream high neck lout ; sleeves u pretty garment all sizet only " > c each i Easter Hosier } ' ' Our novelties in Ladles Fancy HtiElery are the latest patterns \ cry prnttj ex- i tremelj new I The new Polka Dot in fast colors the new blues also blacl and white dot double sole , heel and toe , onh r.r.c 3 for tl 00 HOC Best Llfile Thread Host all fast col ors the new boot patterns , beautiful colors I black and white dot Mue and white dot lirown and -Rhitt dot Our line of Black Lace and Dropstltch Hose includes special nocities' in fact , our lint of Ladles' Fancj Hone at fittt can not be equalled i SI 2u This is K special oflei Ladles' fast black spun Silk How extra high spliced heel , douiile nole. regular fl ( io line onlj ] II 25 per pair fl.50 Ladies' Pure Thread Silk Fust Blacl Hose tlso a ne line of Fanc Lace Lisle 1 Thread Hone double thread , extremelj pret- U for e\eniug wear bluck und all the lat est evening bhadei onh fl D per pair Our line of Children s Black und Tan Hose Is complete Wt have th best values that money can fruj from lf > c pair to 7ric pair Just received A full line of Misser' Fast Black Fine Ribbed Silk Hose all double knee heel und toe. Speoial Agents for Butterick Pat terns and ail of their Publications , conversation - ith the Lancaster senator. " 3 am oflered a cacU of fodder free to BEJ nothing -more uhout It , " announced Senator Talbot A section WUK added to TiroUde B tl.fiOO salary for the deputj superintendent of pub lic instruction S P 2uS , J Sterling Morton's forestry bill S r 2-50. relating to the Institute for the Feeble Minded at Beatrice , and S F "HO , to refund precinct bonds , were nil recommended to past ; S r 2KT , which provides that counties may adopt voting machines if thej detire. was recommended for passage. S F 2M , 261 and 201 were recommended to pass ( S F 2M provides for the convejance und relinquishing of real proi > erty of inbane pe-r- , BUIIK S F 281 provides that the go\ernor bhull jiurchabe medals lor the Nebraska i'olun- l teers S F 201 relates to the drawing of jurj I ! panels j S F. 191 , relating to the sale of perishable freight by transportation companies , and H R. Ill , relating to school district boards , ftere Indefinite ] } postponed j H R. S30 went oter till Tuesday I H R 192 limiting the hsurs of emploj- jnent ol females to ten hours a < 3uyvar I recommended to puss i H R 2T1. the barber commission bill , was recommended to pass I 1 A substitute for S F 3iil - us rpcom- mendfid to JIUSB and H R IIC2 , the Btatt iair Mil reported to _ go on general file S F Slli was recommitted for amendment The clerk of the house announced the pas- Bagt of S F 203. 13C , IDfi , 117 , ! 'C , 119 , 124. 143 , IS , with amendments , 113 and 29B , H R 2C.4 und 2B& Senator Tulbot moved that the nenate concur in the house amendments to S F 1 IB , which carried PKOCEEDI > G , OF THE HOl'S > E. Hlll Arc firinuid Ont tit LINCOLN , Murth 2' ( Special Teltgram ) VVhru tht house met this morning it at imte got down to businfss pushing bills The following were tnl.en up under tbe order of Wilson third nndinr S F 202 , making the offices of cltj tnor- hhul and city uttw-nej olectite in cities of m er l > M\0 \ iuhubitanti , putwed by u vote of 71 to C S F 1P.C dogs pei ona ) jropcrtj , pntscd , C5 to 7. S F 13S , un umcndment to the mutual fire insurance law , passed , tit to 15 H R 2t > 4 , amending buction C , title 2 , civil code and providing that than thall 1 * no limitation to the time within which counties -municipal corporation * maj be gin un uotlrn Tor the rw-otery of the title or poBteseion of roadb or Ptrtuts , passed , Cl to 10 H R DC2 , appropriating 15,000 for the re lief of Nebraska Citj , fallod to pans 42 * o 36 H R 2BP , requiring saloon l.eepurs to , furnish Euretj oompany bjndb , jiuBsed , S2 to 2B j S F 2B ! ) the resolution of thanl E to the I First regiment at Mauilu , pabMid 2i' ' to 0 ; S F IK , uuthoriring tht organization of mutual surety bond companiespassed. . Cb to 12. B F 11 ° permitting imprisonment nt bard labor for fines uud cents panrid S F 117 , ntluting to modification of judg ment passed S F US ) , rUaticg to aotion agulnet joint tenants passed S F 124 , to pre\cnt the careless setting out of fire ? , pusned H R. SC8 , the Mjert compulbory Mutation bill , was uO Mimed to a third roadlnc The bouse adjourned to 2 e'olocL Mundu ) lifternoon 7'hunl.k to tlt - i'lrmt > lirn Lu. LINCOLN Mart-h 25 ( Sps-iul i One of the Wit jiaseed by thf house this m > rn- Silk Waists Skirts and Tailored Suits Jackets On Moiidav for tbe first time we sell : Cheviot nnvy or Ma rk Bill , lined Jacl rtt Kllk or eatln Eton Suits r , , rrr , _ ir Ktjlr t.UrtK braided or button trinrmed fiy front $15 and $16. tliise fittlnr and box in Venetians , bcrrlnplKinr utrlpfR. b-oad- cloth , chcviotr and tweed checl.R. $18 and 520 Enpllbh twed cloth , ft perfection of tht taJlnrt * t.Ulh tic new- cut Marer and Eton i-ffectp sill , lined Jncl.etR. Btrllnh ratio Collegian Suit Arlmtned and rreod also fly , clom- fitting or Irax. rtlU lined throughout , lor tl ! ' 00 Very Special Navy cheviot , new Eton Jacl.ot. filll. lined , Mlk faced rilL 5 > t > lt" tunc ! El'lrtElll I'ff'ii ' elaborately rtltched . $27.00 Skirts ! Skirts ! Skirts ! Plaid ? S5. 00 , $6.00 , 7.50 , $8.50 , & 10.00. $13.50. New black and white gray and Mack , Scotch and French and golf Cheviot ? $5.50 , 86.50 , $7.50 , $8.50 , $10.00 to $17.00. Nnvj rojal cadet reds 7ilum black garnet and Scotch mixtures the bettor grades are bilk lined all arc of the latctt cut and Etjle. Crepe $10.00 , $11.50 , $12 00 , $14.00 lo $20.00. j Mbhuir fcllk and mohair , circular or Care gnre eouflle , serpentine , Grecian , Van IMke and tht griatest varhty of the latest French weates lietter gradet. uro Ulk lined all ol them are the perfection of fashion. SilkWaistb ! Silk Waists ! Taffeta tucled or corded skirt or dress rt les plain colors , vlti tucked white jokes and mock * , btripes of t erj stjle Cable cord taCeta , batin Habutal Lnuiseue Taffeta etc $3.25 , $5.00 , $6.00 , $7.50 , $8.50 , 10.50 and $12.00. Shirt Waists 75c Beit Percale new stripes stj-lish tucked all colors Shirt Waist $1.50 Shirt Waist $2.25- "Star" Sujic"-flne Skirting charming new Plain Pique ull shades new madrnr und bhades fashionable ribiion stripes in black Eephyr stripes the popular West End -wuist and white in ull the correct mode's and shades Ladies * and Misses' Jackets. Just received a splendid line of the new and co * ert style * Eton fly trout. tiax. blarer tweeds coxerts Venetians cords diagonal coatings , nerge and cheviot Jj 00 Ju F.O JG 00 J7.HO Sk 50 J30 00 til 00 to J17 00 ing was S F 29B , by Mr Talbot. It wus a vole of thanks to the men ol the First Nebraska regiment lor their braiery in ac tion at Manila and alto an expression of sjmpathj to the two oflicers of the regiment who are suffering from wounds Tbe last section cf the lull , us passed fbj the tenate , reads UE follows I "Resoh ed , Tliat Ihese resolutions be trans mitted by cable to the commanding officer trf the First Nebraska with the request that they be read at the hfad of the regiment , and that a certified copj be also iorwarded to KUh officer " The cable rate to Manil is $2 44 per -word and to cable the resolution so patriotically passed tij the senate would lime cost the stute Jf.SS 20 , besides about JM ) to coxer the expense of the address and the necessary wirds of explanation. When the bill came to considered in the house this last section -BBS objected to and the remark -was made on tht floor of the house that "the tn-nators must be in partnership w ith tht cable companies " An amendment was piomptlj mude pro-viding that the resolution l > e transmitted to Manila , and the bill in this form passed the house today fy unanimous vote MEETS ROBBER WIlH SHOTGUN Cirri. AVlHt Merjiw in tlie P iMofflc - Lr jik One of the ! Mt-ii. \ \ hllf tbe Otln r HHCII ] > < > . . I BRADY ISLAND Neb. March 2 ( Sjtecial Telegram ) Last night at li 4& Willard und Walter Emej wno Bltep In the Btoie in which tbe poBtofhct is loraiefl were awakened bj a noise ut the front duor as of some one attempting to e-nter Waltt-j an se , procured a bh tgun and loaded it and about this time the door vab opcntid bj u ke-j from the outside Two men entered aud one I ptrucl a inai h to locate ttingk Ab tbej advanced Wilhaid fired wilb a revel vur , and as tlic men Etill remi-iued. WaltirCifd with the hhotrun und ont of the burglurb droj > pttd shot through the left thigh The other man escaped , and as j ol it ut large The \ \ ounded man , who gher hit- name as George Reed of Shulby , la. , wus taken to tbe couut/ seat last night j Irriiniol Wlil Ct'Hteft. i FREMONT. Neb , March 2S ( Sjifrlal ) Tbe first of Tht Bte wheel coutcbti ut Fri- mrnt clrnd Thurndaj i\fnliiF , March 23 , having Kturted the This toutest WUB iompleted in the shurtest Fjmti of time e\er coubumfid lij a contest outside of Omi-ha This fuct nrptin ftethe i.nd jirogresbixt- tcndencj of the citirens of the "prtitiest town in the htate" und , abt > - \ < ull it bbows the energ } and ubilltj nt tbe b JF and girls f Fumont Fifttcn tcjncBtanit. entered tht mte , wh'H1 ' nan-cb art us follows Ja > W Bell I'cr"y Frit ? , Leo Delaiiej Harrj Huu her , B J Huughn , P Heggemann Plnjd Feldman Ov In Welch Lee Moeller Archie Fritz Marclur Albcruon , Carl Jamwon Frank Chabi Ltuioia Stults Willie Koberlln Jay Bell t-erured tb ( largest cumbtr of names und won tbt wboil ont of the renowned - nownod Moni-rch male wblch ht fcolected at J McLean E I'nrrj Frlti Biiirid eoond In the list When tbe time frr tht next COD- test arrixeb remeniber to ! on band and i register for "the ourlj bird catches the ! worm" you know and the carlj tmj or girl getb the lndutri rt 6OHUTLHR K b March 25 ( Special ) GBnorul Managw R. M Allen of the Stand ard Sugar oompauj of Ames Nfcb , was iu the citj Tburbdaj fienlng for the purpobe of liitwoBting bcut grn\t.rt in the formation of a co-Dp < traUFt : wimfian } to grow 200 uorts i > T boats in thib xWiiuitj Artie ] us of incor- porution naming a capital utock of Jt.ddl ) urti bttiup olrculutwl and near ! } fiftj failures huvf bten fcubfccrJbed for This point it BO much clober to Amei than other poiuu ( Continued on Fourth Puge ) TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Pair nnd Rorllierlj Wind * lor At brniiVn mill tlir DaUotaK Gt-ocr- nlljLo r 7'eiupt-rntnrf. WASHINGTON , Marci 25 Forecast Jor Sutidaj For Nfl > -abka und the Dukotas Fair ; uorfherlj windb For Iowa Fair , northerly winds For Mibdouri Fair , colder , nortbweetrrly winds For Kansiib Fair colder in eastern portion tion , northerly winds For Wjcming Fair , northerly wlnde General Low pressure is general tonight , except from Nebraska und Wjoming north ward Tht principal ntonn center thus naoxed riuce FriJaj night from tastern Nebraska to the lower lake region -while the et-- ondury tenter still persists in Tcias li will br colder from the Ohio \alley Bouthwept- ward und also wtstward to the Missouri valltn nnd low tem7 > eruture will continut in the ncTt'Ii-west ' and eitreme west Weak , Puny Children % Vonclrfnl HlrkMiic 10 I'uri-titi. to KuoTber - it. u Itciiifd ; tliut Aft- HariiilCHk mid Ctr- tuin to Cure. TRIAL PACKAGE TREE TO ALL. Parents who huw wtul. children with pah flutl.p pool ujijutiiL Heft iioiKB badlv lornifd first to th ub ierite of vicorous muBtular lutivnj or uit iiervout , treifu nnd &k'i'Dless sbould wrnt fur a lift trial S > ac.Ku f of Ijr Uix Ton t TablcU- lit , tiot lie bftaid m UK - tht renid\ ] i wont hurt jour child und ma } Hint ilfc lift OUR LITTLE FRIENDS It is u wand rful Wi BSIIIE to know tlirr * IF HiHb u reniudj ? vtarl } uJ of us bine exjiBriemed tbtaittrntib und lifwildi of trying to iiiid humfthing that will lirlnr ba 1. uu lieurtv laucb und of a chid tbui hhuuld nt > v i lie ethan than full of life uctivJt } und htuth tulilntfl urt email i-wt tt und of pentit u lion The } uie not jmrirutivt hui nidu ( u lieolth } condition ( if tht etoniudi liver arid tiowtu. und f urnwh to the iierv h bl idd boiiej- und raum et > the eleniwitb mat m mi u htronc frame und ublli * } to utilize food to mukt tbt bed } till out Send your iiarat nnd uddresi to HIM es A. Coini 7(21 ( Hull bulldiiip Detroit Mich und the } will utiid } ou li ) mail frt * a tniU jiutkape of the moht jmrfoci itmitid } known or if j ou jirefw } ou can wl u f u d package ut your drugpintt. for onb M CH = ntfc. Tiitffcf tablets hre iguullj valuaiile tt < udu'tfl ' Th * rwa onk liy tlin } cure uit tburoupuM ti.ilujntx ! in u book v tilth uinnut fuL to interest n erj one Write toduj unfl tr } tlithe taideti. free rf row no matter what id tthf < l.lld t-ifn thourn the effort - < > 1 flortors end in < Si ji uavt failed , trj tbe t > tabiea.