10 THE OMAHA DAILY IJETiJ : SIT27DAY , MARCH iiC , 1809 , Auniou OF "The AGATHA WEBB , Leaveiw/oftli / ( I ) Case , " li j < AXXA KAT1IARIXE QREEN. 0 Hiioili | nf I'recL-illiiK Just nftr n bnll at thn Sutherland man nlon ApHtha AVViib nnd hep servant are fount ! ileil , nnd 1'hllemon Wubb , ARnthn'B hUDlmnd who for > i'ars nan been frowlng dumntitcd. Is discovered n l ( l > nt the din ner table A tiaro of blood on his sl < eve j > olnl to him ns the murderer. Mr. Built- prtnntl nnd the local marshal , renton , In- vwUrnlc. AfinthaVebb I * known to but few as n rlrb woman. Tim Uey to her monev drawer IB found c'utched In her ) innd. Miff * Page , in * niece of Suther land's housekeeper , persl ts In remaining nljout the Webb im mlso8 nnd discovers blood on the grnss. Tht- money drawer li found to bo empty ami robbery U added to tha mystery 1'rederlrk Sutherland , n waytvard youth , enlls hla father to wlino M lilH determination to be a bettor man nnd promises not to mnrry Mist Page , by whom lie ha * ban fascinated. MHs Page telh Frederick Hint she. followed him the Jilsht of tb murder nnd knew whern ho had sc- croted a thousand dollar * . Slit- Rives him a week to decld" whether to nmrrv her or be proclnlmed ni the murderer of Acatna Wobb. The vvholo town Is Btlrrcd up bv the double murder and every one telln of tlio roodne-B of Mri , A\Vbb Slchlldron had liccn born to her nnd nil died In Infnney. It In .earned that the money wa * In new bills nnd the keeper of a small itoro tiro- ducc- > one that n strance mtin uavo mm Itvt * the nlBht of the murder Tor a loaf of bread A detective arrives from rtnston anil reports "Slmiile rase. Murd' red for money , rind the man with a llowlnc brard Sus- Dlclon falls upon ono of the Xubol brothers , Kroderlck visits HIP hollow tree I he money H gone. Wattle * , a IJo ton gambler , nrrhes and domain * S-KO - of rrederlek In payment of a cnmlillnB debt KrederleU fe- amount from his cun-it a check for the father and that night as he ! < "boiit to I.MVI homo ho Is stopped bv Mls Page. The Babel brothers are found dead of Htarvatlon , ono of them clutch Ing the el - tnlo loaf , the other a blood-stnlncil knlfp. Tha Uoitnn doteollve declnrcs the. mystery Rolved , but young Swcetwnter j ? " " ' ' 10 ? the company by a new chain of evldonio polntlnK to another perpetrator of the tor- rlblo crime. cii.vrrKti AVI. the room resumed Its The lantern gone , former appearance. Abel , who had been much struck by Swcotwatcr'n mjsterlous maneuvers , drew near nt. Talhot and whlhrored In his ear : "Wo might ihavo done \\Uluwt that fellow from lloston. " To which the coroner replied "Perhaps eo and perliaps not. Swcetwater 1'aa not jet jyrovctl his case ; let us wait till iho explains himself. " Then turning to the constable ho sliowert him an old-fas loned jnlnliUuro wihlch ho had found lying on Jamcfi' breast when "ho " made his lirst ex amination. It was set with pearls and backed with gold and was worth many meals , for the lack of which Its devoted owner had perished. "Agatlia Webb's portrait , " explained Tal- " rather Agatha Ollchrlst's , for I lot , "or. , presume this was painted when she and James were lovers. " "Sho was certainly a beauty , " commented t'ciiton , ns ho bent over the miniature In Iho moonlight. "I do not wonder she qUeoned it over the whole county. " "IIo must have worn It where I found It ( or the last forty years , " mused the doctor. "Anil yet men say that love is a fleeting passion. Well , after coming upon this proof of do\otlon I find It Impossible to be llovo James Zabel accountable for tier death. Sucetwater's Instinct was truer than ' " < Knapp's. "Or ours , " muttered Fcnton. "Gentlemen. Intcrpcsed Abel , pointing to n bright spot that just then made Its appear- itnco In the dark outline of the shade before nlludod to , "do you see that hole ? " It was the sight of that break In the shade which bent Swcptwater outside looking for foot print. : . See ! Now his eye Is to It , " ( as the bright spot became suddenly eclipsed ) "Wo are under examination , sirs , and the next thing wo will hear Is that he's nol thu only person who's been peering Intc this rcom through that hole. " ' Ho was so far right that the first word ; nf Stteetwater on his re-entrance were' "I''s nil 0. K. , sirs. I bave found mj missing clew. James Zobol was not the only person who came up here from UK "Webb cottngo last night " And turning tc Knapr , who was losing some of his super- cllloui manner , lie asked , with significant omiilmsls : "If , of thu full amount Btolet f'.om Agatha Webb , you found ? 20 In tlii possession of ono man nnd $1ISO In tha pos session of nnotihcr , upon which of the tw ( would jou fix as the probable murderer o : this good woman ? " "Upon him who held the lion's share , o course. " "Very good ; then it Is not in this cottagi jou will find the person most wanted. Yoi must look Hut there , first let me give yet a gllmpso of the money. Is there any oni hero ready to accompany mo In search of It I shall hnvo to take him a quarter of i mile further up hill. " "You have seen the money ? You knov where It Is ? " asked Dr. Talbot nnd Mi Teuton In one breath. "Gentlemen , I can put my hand on It li ten minutes. " At this unexpected nnd somewhat sturtlln ntatcmcnt Knapp looked at Dr. Talbot run Dr. Tnlbot looked at the constable , but enl ; the latter spoke. "That Is saying a good deal , nut no mat tcr. I am willing to credit the assertion Lead on , Swcetwater ; I'll go with you. " Sweetwotor seemed to grow on Inch n least , "And Dr. Talbot , " ho suggested. Hut the coroner's duty held him to thl IIOUBO of death and ho decided not to accom pany them. Knapp nnd Abel , howovei yielded to the curiosity which had bee aroused by thcba extraordinary promise nnd soon thcbo four started on their smal expedition up the hill. SuocUator hcadud the procession. Ho ha admonished slluuco and his wish lu thl regard was so well carried out that the looked more llko a group of specters mov ing up the moon-lighted road than n part of eager and Impatient men. Not till the turned Into the oiialn thoroughfare did an ono Epenk. Then Abel could no longer re strain himself nnd he cried out : "Wo arc going to Mr , Sutberland'i. " "I liavo uietl lour % * lu blo CAM'A- KB'JTK and Und thum perfect. Couldn't Uc without them I ha\o Ubrd thorn for xome time forludtgeiillun tiiilblllouincsiandumuon coin plctuly cured KecommenO them , to ctcry ono Once tried , YOU will nerer be without tliem It the family. " Kl T. A MAHX , Albany , N. V. IMentnt. Palatable. I'otent , Taito peed n , QeoO , J Tor blckeuVf ktuor Qrlpe , 10o,2ic.Wc . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . gl rll r lltiit < y t niij , ( Unco. lrt l. ti T t > . t jjf ) Tfl Rip tfoldnnj iMinruntoed br RllUrug HUnIUBAu dvn ' . ulna to 'robacco llablt. Ilut Swectwater quickly undeceived him. "No , " sold he. "only into tha woods op posite his houso. " Ilut at this Mr. Fenton drew him back. 'Aro you sure of yourself , " ho said. "Hnvo you rcn\ly \ econ this money nnd Is It con cealed In this forest ? " "I have scon the money , " Swcetwater solemnly declared , "and It Is hidden In these woods. " Mr. Fcnton dropped his arm nnd they moved on till their way was blocked by the huge trunk ot a fallen tree. "U la here wo nro to look , " cried Sweat- water , pausing and motioning Knapp to turn his lantern on the spot where the shadowa lay thickest. "Now , what do you see ? " he asked , "Tho upturnwl roots of a great tre.c , " said Mr. Fenton. , "And under them ? " "A hole , or , rather , the entrance to ono. " "Very good ; the money Is In that hole , Pull It out , Mr. Fenton. " The assurance with which Swcetwatei spoke was such that Mr. Fenton at once stooped and plunged hU hand into the hole Ilut when , after a hurried search , ho drew It out ngaln , there -was nothing In It ; his hand was empty. Swcetwnter fctared al t'hat ' hand amazed. "Don't you find anything ? " ho asked "Isn't there a roll of bills In that hole ? " "Xo , " was the gloomy answer , after renewed attempt nnd a necond disappoint ment. "There Is nothing to bo found here Vou are laboring under some misap prehension , Sneetwatcr. " "Ilut I can't be. 1 saw the money ; saw it In the hand of the person who hid 1 there. Let me. look for it , constable. : will not give up the eearch till I liavi niDd the place topsy-turvy- " Kneeling down In iMr. Fenton's place hi irust his hand Into the hole. On elthe ; do of him peered the faces of 'Mr. ' Fentoi nd Knapp. ( Abel had slipped away at t hlsper from Swcetnvnter. ) They were 11 Ith a similar expression ot anxious In orest ntul growing < lou'bt. ' His owi uuntcnanco was a study of conflicting nnt y no means cheerful emotions. Suddenl aspect changed. Wlt'h ' a quick twist o It lithe , If awkward body , he threw him elf lengthwise on the ground and begai cm Ing at the earth inslJo iho hole. Ilk burrowing animal. ' 'I cannot bo mistaken. Nothing will mak 10 believe It U not hero. .It has slmpl ; cen burled deeper than I thought. Ah VhiU vlld I itell you ? See here ! And ee ere ! " Bilnglng hU hands Into the full blaz f the light , he showed two rolls of new risr > foil's "They were lying under half a foot < arth , " said he , ' but If they had been burle s deep as Giannlo Fuller's well , I'd bay nearthed them. " Meantime Mr. Fentonwas rapidly countln 'no ' roll and Knapp the other. The resu \as \ an aggregate sum of $980 , Just tl .mount Swcetwater hud promised to Bho hem. "A good stroke ot business , " cried M 'enton. ' "And now , Sweetwater , vvhos i the hand that burled this treasure Vothlng is to bo gained by preserving s enco on this point any longer. " Instantly the young man became vci grave. With a quick glance around , whlc seemed to embrace the secret recesses of tl 'orest lather than the eager faces bcndln ovvard him , ho lowered his voice and quletl > ail ' 'Tho hand that burled this money undi the roots cf this old tree Is the same whlc you saw pointing downward at the spot i ) lood In Agatha Webb's front yard. "Vou do not mean Amabel Page , " cri < M.Fenton , with natural surprise. "Yes , I do. I am glad It is you who ha' named her. " CIIAI'TIJH XVII. A half ho-ur later these men were o closeted with Dr. Talbot In the Zab kitchen. Abel had rejoined them ai Sweetwater was telling his story with gre eagerness and no little show of pride. "Gentlemen , when I charge a your woman of respectable appearance and coi nectlons with such a revolting crlmo i murder , I do so with good reason , as I bo ] presently to make plain to you all , " 'Gentlemen , on the night nnd at the hoi Agatha Webb was killed I was playing vrli four other musicians In Mr. Sutherland hallway. From the place where I sat I cou &eo what -went on In the parlor and all have a clear view of the passageway leadli down to the garden door. As the dancli was going on In the parlor I natural ; looked that way most , and this Is how came to uoto the eagerness with -whlc during the first part of the evening , Krei crick Sutherland and Amabel Page came ti gether In the quadrilles and country dance Sometimes she spoke as she passed him ai sometimes ho answered , but not always , a though ho never failed to show he w , pleased with her orwould have l > cen something perhaps It 'was ' his lack of coi flilcnco in her , sirs had not stood In tl 'way ' of a perfect understanding. She sccmi to notice hn did not always respond , ai after a w hllo showed less inclination speak herself , though eha did not fall watch him and that Intently , nut shedldr watch him any more closely than I did he though I llttlo thought at the time wh would como of my espionage , She wore white dress and white shoes and was as e qucttlsh and seductive as the evil ono mak them. Suddenly 1 misled her. She was the middle of the dnnco ono minute and ei tlrely out of it the next , Naturally I e : pectcd that Bho had slipped nsldo with Fre crick Sutherland , hut no , he was still ' 'light , but looking so palo and so abstract ! I was Buro the young tolas was up to son sort of mischief. Hut what mischief ? Watc ! Ing and waiting , hut no longer confining n attention to the parlor , I presently espl her stealing along the passageway. I hn mentioned carrying n long cloak which si rolled up nnd hid 'behind ' the open doc Then she came back , humming n gay lltt song which didn't deceive mo for a in mont. 'Good ! ' thought I , 'she and that cloi will BOOH join company' And they did , ; 'wo were playing the Harebell mazurka again caught sight of her stealthy white ft uro in that distant doorway. Seizing t ! clonlc , Bho wrapped It round her , and wl just ono furtive look backwards , seen , I wa rant , by no one hut myself , she vanish' ' In the outsldo dark. 'Now to note who fo lows her ! ' thought I But nobody follow her This struck mo as strange , nnd , hnvli a natural love for detective work , In uplto my devotion to the arts , I consulted t clock at the foot of the stairs , and , notli that it was 11,30 , scribbled the hour on t : margin of ray music , with the Intention seeing how Jens my lady would linger ou side alone. Gentlemen , It was two hou before I saw her face again. How she g buck Into the house I do not know. It w not by the garden door , for ray eye soldo loft It ; yet at or near 1:30 : I heard her vol on the etalr above mo and saw her desce and melt lute the crowd ns If she bad n been absent from It for raoro than ft minutes. A half hour later I saw her wl Frederick again. They wore dancing , but not with the same spirit an before , and even whllo I watched them they separated. Now , where was Miss Page during these tw > long hours' I think I know , nnd It Is time I unburdened myself to the police. "nut first I must Inform you of a small discovery I made while the dance was still In progress Miss Page had como dorn fttnlrs , as I have said , from what I now know to have been her own room. Her drcrs was , In all respects , the snmo ns before , with ono exception her whlto slippers hnd been ex changed for blue. once. This seemed to show that they had been rendered unservice able , or at least unsightly , by tha walk oho had taken. This In itself was not remark able , nor would her peculiar escapade have iailo more than n. temporary Impression pen my curiosity if she had not afterward hewn In tny presence such an unaccount- blo and extraordinary Interest lu the inur- er which hod taken place In the tow'n below urlng the very hours of her absence from Ir. Sutherland's ball. This , In considera- lon of her sex , nnd her being a stranger o the person attacked , was remarkable , and , hough perhaps I hnd no business to do what I did , I no sooner saw the house mptlcU of master and servants than I stole oftly back nnd climbed the stairs to her oom. Hnd no good followed this ntruslon , which , I am quite ready to icknowlodgc , was a trlflo prwuinptuoue , 1 hould have heM Tny peace in regard to It ; > ut ns I did make n discovery there which ms , as I believe , nn Important bearing in this affair , I have forced myself to men- ton It. The lights In the house having 'been oft burning , I had no difficulty In finding icr apirtmcnt. I knew it by the foMerols cattcrod about. Hut I dM uot stop tc ook nt thorn , I was on a search for hot Uppers , and presently I came upon them , hrust behind an old picture In the dimmest corner of the room. Taking thorn down , 1 examined them closely. They were not only oiled , gentlemen , but dreadfully cut nntl rubbed. In short , they wore ruined ; and hlnklng that the young 'woman hersell vould be glad to bo rid of them , I quletl ; nit them Into my pocket , and carried there 0 my own home. At > el has just been foi .hem , so you can eco them Tor yourselves nnd , if your Judgment coincides with mine ou will discover something more on then .hnn mud. " Dr. Tnlbot , though ho stared n llttlo at UK young man's confessed theft , took the slip iers Abel -was holding out and carefull ] .urncd them over. They iwcrc , ns Sweet water had said , grievously torn nnd soiled and showed , besides several deep earth stain ; mark or two of n 'bright ' rod color qulti tinmlstakaJblo in character. "Blood , " declared the coroner. "There l < no doubt about It. iMI s Page was whcri blood was spilled last night. " "I have another proof against her , ' Swecitwatcr went on , In full enjoyment o Ills prominence amongst these men who , U ] till now , had barely recognized his. exist cnce. "When , full of the suspicion that Mia Page had had a 3iand In the murder of Mrs Wcibb , I hastened < lown to the scene of th tragedy , I met this young woman Itsulni from the front gate. She had Just > been .mak Ing herself conspicuous ( by pointing out ; trail of blood on the grnss plot. Dr. Talbot who was there , nvlll remember how sh looked on that occasion ; but I doubt If h noticed 'how Abel hero looked , or so muci as remarked the faded flower the silly too ; had stuck In his button hole. " " me , if I did ! " ejaculated the coronei "Yet that flower has a very importan bearing on this case. Ho had found It , a ho will tell you , on the floor near Daisy' skirts , and as soon as I saw it in his coa 1 bade him take it out and keep It , foi gentlemen , it was a very uncommon flowci the llko of which can only bo found In thl town in Mr. Sutherland's conservatory , remember seeing such a one in Miss Page' hair , early In the evening. Have you the flower about you , Abel ? " Abel < iad , and , being filled with Impor tance , too , showed It to the doctor and t Mr. Fenton. It was withered and faded I hue , but it was unmistakably an orchid c the rarest description. "It was lying near Daisy , " explained Abe "I drew Mr. Fenton's ntlonllon lo it nt th time , but ho scarcely noticed It. " "I will make up for my indifference now , said that gentleman. "I should have been shown that flower , put In Knapp. "So you should , " acknowledged Sweei water , "but when the detective instinct aroused it is hard for a man to bo Just 1 his rivals ; besides , I was otherwise occuploi I had Miss Page to watch. Happily for ir It had been decided that she should not t allowed to leave town till after the Inques and so my task became easy. This who ! day I have spent in sight of Mr. Suthci land's house nud at nightfall I was r < warded by detecting her end n prolongi walk in the garden by a hurried dash inl the woods opposite. I followed her an noted carefully all that she did. As she ha Just seen Frederick Sutherland and Mil Halliday disappear up the road togethi she probably felt frep to do as she liked , f ( she walked very directly to the old tree v have Just como from , nnd , kneeling dow beside it , pulled from the hole undcrneal something which rattled in her har with that peculiar sound wo assocla' ' with fresh banknotes. I had npproaehi her as near as I dared and was peerii : around a , tree 'trunk , when she stoopt down again nnd plunged both ham into the holo. She remained In this pot tlon so long that I did not know what I make of It. Hut she rose at last and turm toward home , laughing to herself in a wicki but pleased way that did not tend to nial me think any nloro of foer. The moon wi shining very brightly 1 > y this tlmo nnd could readily perceive every detail of hi person. She held her hands out before hid 0 and | hook them more than once as she tn by mo , so I was sure there was nothing I them , nnd this Is why I was so confide ] t wo B'honld ' find the money still in the hole , "When I saw her enter the house I Bout < a out to find you , 'but ' the court house roe was empty , and it was a long tlrao befoi 3 I learned where to look for you. Dut i last a fellow at Brighton's corner said 1 saw four men go .by on tholr way to Kabel cottage , nnd on the chauco of finding yc amongst them I turned down here. Tl shock you gave me in announcing that yc had discovered the murderer of Agatl Webb knocked 010 over /or the moment , hi now I taope jou realize , as I do , that 1 could never have had an active hand In hi death , notwithstanding the fact that 01 Q of tbo stolen 1 > llls has ibeen found to hai Q been in that wretched man's posscsslo For , and foere la my great point , the pro- - Is not wanting that LMIfH Page visited th houbo as well as ( Mrs. Wobb'fl during In famous escapade ; or at least etood undi the window beneath iwfolch I have Just bet searching. A footprint can too eeen ther sire , a very plain footprint , and if D Talbot will taka the trouble to compare with the slipper ho holds In bis hand , 1 will find it to tmvo IXMU : made by the fo that wore that slipper. " d The coioner , with a quick glance from tl slipper in hla hand up to Sweotwater'a oag ° face , fchoweil a decided disposition to mat the experiment thus suggested. Ilut JJ Fenton , whose 'mind iwa full of the Zab tragedy , interrupted thorn with the quretloi "Hut how do you explain by this hypoth 1 sis the fact of James Zabel trying to pa one of the $20 bills stolen from Mrs. Webl a cupboard ? Do you consider Miss Page gc it erous enough to give htm that money ? " .8n "You ask me that , Mr. Fenton. Do yi .8o wish to know what I think of the coi o nectlon between these two great trag d ; dies ? " ita "Yes ; you have earned a voice In tl ith matter ; speak Swcetwater. " h "Wellthen , I think Miss Page has ma nn effort to throw the blnmo of her own misdoing on ono or both of these unfortu nate old men. She Is sufficiently cold blooded nnd calculating to do so. nnd cir cumstances certainly favored her. Shall I show how ? " Mr. Fonton consulted Knnpp , who nodded his head. The lloston dotectlvo was not without curiosity as to how Swcotwnter would prove his case , "Old James Zabol had seen his brother sinking rapidly from inanition ; this their condition amply shows. He wns weak him self , but John was weaker , nnd in a moment of desperation ho rushed out to ask n crumb f bread from AgathaVobb or po lbly or I hnvo heard gome whispers of nn old ustotn of theirs to Join Philemon nt his early merry-making and so obtain In n atural way the tolto for himself nnd brother 10 pci-haps had not the courage to nk for utrlght. Hut death had been lu the Webb ottago before him , which awful clrctim- tnncc , noting on his nlrendy weakened icrvcs , drove him half Insnno fioni the ouso nnd sent him wandering blindly about ho streets for n good hnlf hour before ho puppenred In hla own house. How do I now this ? rrom ncry simple fact. Abel jero lifts boon to Inquire among other hlngs If Mr. Crnno remembered the tune \o were plnjlng nt the great house when ho came down the main street from visiting Id Widow Walker. Fortunately ho does , or the trip , trip , trip In It struck his ancy , nnd ho has found hlmdclf humming it jver more than once since. Well , that wnlt7 vas plnjcd by us nt n quarter after mid night , which ll\es the time of the cncoun- er nt iMrs. Webb's gateway pretty nccu- ntcly. Ilut , as you will soon see , It wa 2 50 before Jnmcs Zabel knocked nt Loton's door. How tlo I know this ? Dy the same netuod of reasoning by which 1 lotcrmlneil the time of Mr. Crane's encounter. Mrs. Lolon was greatly ) lcased with the music played that night , and had all her windows open In order to icar It , and she says wo woto playing Money Musk' when that knocking cnmo to listunb her. Now , gentlemen , wo played Money Musk' just .before wo were called out to supper , and aswe went to supper promptly nt 1:45 : you can see Just how my calculation was made. Thirty-five minutes hen passed between the moment James Zabel was seen rushing from Mrs. Wobb'e gateway and that In which he appeared at Loton's bakery , demanding a loaf of bread and offering In exchange ono of the bllle which had been stolen from the murdered woman's drawer Thlrty-flvo minutes ! Anil ho nnd his brother were starving. Does II look , then , as if that money was in his possession when ho left Mrs. Webb's house' Would any man who felt the pangs of hungei ns ho did , or who saw a brother perishing for food before his eyes , allow thlrty-flvi minutes to elapse before ho made use of tin monuy that rightfully or wrongfully hai COIUQ into his hand ? No ; and so I say thai ho did not have It when Mr. Crane met him That , Instead of committing crlmo to ob tain it. ho found it in his own home , lylnf on Ills own table , when , after his frenzlei : absence , he returned to tell his dreadful news to the brother he had left behind him Uut how did it como hero ? you ask. Gentle men , remember the fotoyrlnts under thi window. Amabel Page brought It. Havliif seen or perhaps met this old man roani'm ' in or near the Webb cottage during tin time she was there herself , bhe conceived thi plan of throwing upon him the onus of th < crime she had herself committed , ami wit' ' a slyness to bo expected from her btolc uj to his home , made a hole In the shade hang' ing over an open -window , looked into thi room where John sat , saw that ho wa ! there alone nnd asleep , laid on the tabh beside him the $20 bill and the bloody dagge : with which she had just slain Agatha Webb Then she stole out ngaln and In twont ; minutes more was leading the dance agali in Mr. Sutherland's parlor. " "Well reasoned ! " murmured Abel , expect lug the others to echo him. Dut , though Mr Fenton and Dr. Talbot looked almost con vlnced , they said nothing , while Knapp , o course , was qulel as an oyster. Swectwater , with a quiet smile calculate ! to hide his disappointment , went on as i perfectly satisfied. "Meanwhile John awakes , sees the dagge and thinks to end his misery with it , bu finds himself too fceblo. The cut in his vcsl the dent In the floor , prove this , but If yo call for further proof a llttlo fact , whlc some , if not all of you , seem to have over looked , will amply batisfy you that this on at least of my conclusions is correct. Ope the bible , Abel , open it , not to shako it fc w'hat will never fall out from between it leaves , but to ilnd in the bible itself th lines I have declared to you ho wrote as djing1 legacy with that tightly clutche pencil. Have you found them ? " " " Abel's perplexed retort " "No , was ; cannot sco any sign of writing on flyleaf o margin. " "Aro these the only blank places in th sacred hook ? Search the leaves devoted t the family recoid. Now ! What do you fin there ? " Knnpp , who was losing some of his Indli fcrenco , drew neaier and read fet hlmsc the scrawl whlcih now appeared to every ey on the discolored page which Abel hei turned uppermost. "Almost illegible , " ho Bald ; "one can Jus make out these words : Forjrlva no , JJIIK tried to use dagser found 1 > Ins but han wouldn't dying without don t grieve fu men haven't disgraced ouwolvoa Go \lless \ ' . That is nil. " "The effort must tinvn over.-omo him , resumed Swectwnter , In a voiro from v hie he carefully excluded all signs of secret tr umpli , "nnd when James returned , ns he d ] a few minutes later , ho was evidently unab to answer qiicstlons , even If John was In condition to ask them. Hut the fallen il.i | ger told Its own story , for James picked up and put It ( back on the table , nnd It wi nt this mlnuto ho saw , what John had no the | 20 hill l > ing there with Its proinisi ) < llfo and comfort , Hopn revives ; ho catclu up this bill , llles down to I.oton's , procure n loaf of bread nnd "omcs finiitlnlly bad gnawing It us ho runs , for his own hungc Is moro than ho can nurture , rte-entciln his brother's pretence , ho rushes forwnr with llhij hr ° il H'lt the u-llif bos com too Into ; John has died in his absence and James , dizzy with the shock , reels bac and succumbs to his own misery. Gentle men , have you anything to say In contra diction of these various suppositions ? " For a moment Dr. Talbot , Mr. Fenton an oven Knapp stood silent ; then the lattc said , with pardonable dryners : "iAll this Is ingenious , but , unfortunate ] ; it Is upset by a llttlo fact which you youi celt have overlooked , Have you examine > attentively the dogger of which you hai so often spoken , Mr. Sweetwater ? " "Not as I would like to , but I noticed had blood on its edge , and was of the eha ; and Blzo necessary to inflict tbo wound fror which Mrs. Webb died. " "Very good , but there Is Eomethlns eh t of interest to bo observed on it. Fetch i Abel. " Abel , hurrying from the room , BOH brought back the weapon In questlo : Swectwater , with a vague sense of dlsai polntment disturbing him , took it eager ] and studied It very closely. Hut ho on ! shook his heud. 'I ' "lirlne it nearer to the light , " suggestc i Knapp , "and cxnmlnn the llttlo scroll ne : the top of the luindle. " is I Swcetwater did BO , and at once change s color. In the raWst of the scroll were tw i- very small but yet perfectly distinct lettere i they were J. Z. . "How did Amabel Page como by a JagRi marked-with the Zabel initials ? ' ' questlonc i ! j Knapp "Do you think her foresight wei I so far as to provide herself with a daggi Is ostensibly Belonging to one cf ihcse brother ! And then , imve you forgotten that when M o Crane met 'he old man at Mrs. Webb' ' gtilewny ho w tn his hand something that glistened ? Now , what > * as that It not this awcotwater was more disturbed than he cared to noknow lodge , "That Just shows my lack ot experience , ' ha grumbled , "I thought 1 had turned this subject so thoroughly over In my mind that no ono could bring an objection against It , ' Knapp shook hU head nnd smiled "Yoimii enthusiasts llko yourself nro great at forming theories , which well seasoned men llko myself nvust regard na fantas.tlr.tl , However , " ho went on , "there U no doubt that Miss Page was n witness to , wen If she has not profited by , the murder we hnvo been considering. Hut , with this p.ilpablo proof of the Zabols' direct connection with ho affair , I would not recommend her nr- cat ns yet. " "She phoiiljtt bo under surveillance , hough , " intimated the coroner. 'IMost certainly , " acquiesced Knnpp. As for Swcetwnter , ho remained silent till ho opportunity cnmo for him to whisper pnrt to Dr. Tnlbot , when ho said : "For all the palpable proof of which Mr. Cnapp speaks the J , Z. on the dogger and ho possibility of this being the object ho vns seen cnrrylng out of Philemon Webb's gate I maintain that this old man In hla norlbund condition never struck the blow hat killed Agatha Webb. He hadn't strength nough , oven If his lifelong love for her had not been sufficient to prevent him. " The coroner looked thoughtful. "You are right , " said ho ; ' ho hadn't trongth enough. Hut don't expend too nuch energy In tnlk. Walt nnd sco what n ow direct questions will elicit from Mlsa Page. " Sixty new Snlvntlnn Army corps were pened In Great Drltaln last year , nnd opera- Ions commenced In 136 now villages. Christian Kndeavor and Kpworlh league meetings have already been held in H.u-nnn nnd they hnvo been attended by crowds of lonplo. The last Year UooU of the Anglicnn church gives the voluntary offerings of the chnr.-'h as 7,031,778. The new Year Hook shows n argo Increase , making a total of7.nOG,331. . The American Sunday School union Is pro- wing to celebrate Its diamond anniversary n Philadelphia In May. Over 100,000 Sun day schools have been organized by the mlon , and It is still doing n good work. The now theater now In process of con struction at Oherammer.iau for the Panslou : 'lay Is to bo completed by 15)00 ) and will nc- commodato a vcrv large number. It Is mated that mere than 100,000 listen to ( ho old btoiy of the cicss when it is slven. It Is stated In a recent address bv Hov. Dr. Wood of Boston that the First llnnllbt church of Boston two nnd a half ccutuiles old made the first nerslsteut an I victorious stand for religious liberty lu the colony of Massachusetts Hay , and that In her the first missionary society in America was formed , nnd that the first primary SuutHy erhool In the world was established. At 90 years old , and with n pontificate of .wenty-ono yema. Leo XIII comes near to jrcaklng the papal recoid. The wcrnga reign of popes has been only about five years and of the 2G3 who have worn the triple crown only four have done so longer than Leo XIII. to wit : Hadrian I , twcnty-thrco years ; Plus VI. twenty-four years ; Plus VII , twenty-three ycais , and Plus IX , thirty-two years. It Is quite within the limit ot possi bility that Leo XIII will surpass the ucord ; of all except his immediate picdecessor. The Rov. Dr. Willis P. Odcll. pastor of the largest Methodist church In Now Yoik , sug gested nbout a month ago that women of his congregation should be required to remove Ihelr hats while in church nnd the boaid of trustees liking the idea posted this notlco last Sunday : "AH persons worshiping in Lhls church are requested to remove tl-elr head coverings. " Only nine out ot reveral hundred women complied with this request nnd this number will probably bo further In creased. One woman , who refuses , quctes St. Paul's injunction. In First Corinthians : "But every woman that prayeth or propho- sleth with her head uncovered dlshonoreth her head ; for that Is even all ono as if she were shaven. " niirkllirn Arnica Ssl-c. Tlin BEST SALVE in the world for Cute , nrulses. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Hheum. Fever -orefa. Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Coins and all Skin Bruptlons , and positively cure'i ' Pileo , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed 10 RVQ ( perfect eatlsfactlon or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co. CONSU The Wonderful Doctor Slocum System of Treatment is monstrating Every Day to the Entire Civilized World That Consumption is Curable. THOUSANDS HAVi By Special and Particular Arrangement , Four Free Preparations , Embracing the Complete Slocum SystemMay Bepbtained by Ev ery Reader of This Paper. Consumption is curable. The discovery has been made , perfected , triumphantly tested and given to the world by Uio eminent American medical expert- specialist Dr. T. A. Slocuni. Ttio Slocura System is n thoroURh , com plete and comprehensive System of Treat ment consisting of four distinct picpnrn- tlons. Combined , they represent the actual annihilator of Consumption , coughs , colds , usthma , bronchitis , catarrh , weakened and run-down systems , anemic conditions , laryn gitis , grippe and its serious after-effects. First -jMuj Slocum System kills and drives out of the human system every death- dealing germ , thereby rendering it suscept ible to responsive treatment. Second It Introduces a bulldlng-up , fattening , strength-restoring food , which lestorcs the disease-wasted tissues and brings the throat and lungs into active , hcaltliy use. , ( ? hkue t ' - ' Krffltch illamouit Xlr&Bfl. and Only flenulnc. SAFE , alwiji rellfcblt. LADICI aik ll for CbtehciUri hngtiiIlta f ratut la Hed and Gold DulUo\ boxci tf leJ with blue ribbon. Take noolhrr. Jltfuie litngirwii luft ll ru and Imttatirni . ' IB itirapi for wrtlonliri , UitlmoaUli tn4 " ICHlef for T.Bdlr , " ( n Mltr , by rtar , 11.11. 1O.UOO TciilmODltK Xtntfapir. . , leBr.trrCheml lo.Mi ) 1l > < maii rl c'l br ill Ui i Drnuliti. I'HI J.\OA. . I'S Third It stops at once all catarrhal and mucous discharges and kills the cough. Fourth It provides a true tonic liillu- encc , Which invigorates and stimulates , vi talizes all weak spots and brings the entire system back to a healthy , uounnl condition. Ilcst 01 all , this glorious discovery Is yours for the aiklng. Dy a special arrange ment niado with ti s Doctor readers of this paper may obtain the Four Preparations making up the complete Slooura Sybtem , ns Illustrated above , by sending their com plete names , postofllce and express ) address to the Slocum Laboratories , 90 and 08 Pine street , Now York , being sure , to mention this paper. Editorial Advice.Write to the Doctor today , ask tils advice , and ho will give you the benefit of his years of experience. Don't delay , but send your full name , postolllco and express address to Dr. T. A. Slocura , 98 Pine street , New York , N. Y. , and bo sure to say that you read this generous offer In this paper. CURE YOURSELF ! Uio lllglj ! for unnatural illaclmrgM , IntiumumtluuJ , IrrlttttloiiB or ulccratlona of in 11 coll8 iiicinliradri I'ainlem , ami not uitilc- Rent or pultonuun. .SolJ liy ttraeelftm , or cent In plain vtrappir. ty exprcni , prepaid , [ u : ll.in. ur.1 buttles , f.v Circular tent ou requeit. ERCULEAN Neuralgia , Weak Back , Pain HOT-OIL Steam * ; on Chest Croup The Pain RELIEVED OVER NIGHT. Away ONE APPLICATION RELIEVES. & Wo nsk you not to wait weeks or months for relief. Ono r fy slnglo application of Hot Oil will dolt. Wo ask your confidence ! ft ej to try it just onco. Isn't this fair ? tWo do not ask you to spend dollars on our remedy. Wo have BO cent bottles nnd 25 cent bottles , 'If you hu\o notconlldeiico p to Invest In either , tlien write us und wo will scud you n tuinplo k g # bottle entirely frrf r A Wo know tlmt thousands do not believe In patent medicines Are you ono of tlium T Hut w 111 you deny the wondei f ill i lire * | * tlmt heat docs. A hot bottle on the ptomach , euros crumps. A d * ! * hot bottle at your feet , cures colds , Isn't this the best argument r t § for Hot Oil ? fjfa It Is called Hot oil , because it must bo heated bcforo used. V , H Is called Herculean Hut Oil on account of Its power and Z * strength , It drlvei out thr ptitn , d * 2 * Home think an external remedy cannot euro Itlicumutlim. e r * Isn't the proof of the pudding the cntlnir of It ? Hot Oil linn JL ouredItboumuthmof 0eHr8'Btniidlng. Itlmscnroil XenralKiiiln It JL tUl worst forms. It has cuied Weak Hacks In thousands of CHSCH. 10 HfsUlrJ , It docs it quick. It does not inuko you vrult. It o ' $4 relieves ovei night. ri Some pills will euro Hhctimutlsm but they ruin the Etomiith. ia noes It pay to euro ono thliiir und kill imotburV Try Hot Oil. tt Ini cat In ono bottle , Tlmt is nil \vo ink. It is tbo greatest Uu- ry ) tovery In the medical world in years. Why Bpcnd weeks and months Bulferlnir when the famous discovery Hut Oil uillrollcvo jou instantly ? So anxious nro wo tOLOiivineoyou of Its wonderful muiIts , that to these \rlio will wrlto us wo will send iibamplo bottle by mull , entirely frto. Hot Oil does not imio otoiytlilnir , but it does positively cure all dteutsfs derived fiom a cold , und ns nlnc-tcnthu of our Hick , nessujurocauiflitiii that way , you should not bo without u bottlo. Wo positively Kuurnnti o tlmt Hot Oil will euro Itheiimatlsm , Neuralgia , Told on Lmms , Ilrontliltil Troubles , Weak Hack , Sldo Ac'hes , I i ( Jrlppo , Plist Symptoms of Pneumonia , Tonsilltls , Mumps , Croup , Asthma , Hpinlnx , Ilrulsos , Hums , etc. Motlieis , yotibhould never bo without Hot Oil In your house. Your child h npt to cutcli cold , hnvo croup or tonsllltls , or any of the numerous thlnm tlmt befall olilldicn. Hot OH will relieve them Instantly. Will euro over nitiht. Tlioprkolsbut 5 cents for it small bottlo.nnd COccnts font litrKu bottle , but wo will bend you a sumplo bottle entirely frcu If you will wrlto us.ns wo want to piovo to you Its wonderful merits. It is ciirlnir thousands , and It will ciiru y on , Wo hnvo hundreds of U-gtlmonliils , which no will Kindly send you. If youiirusuircring , wrlto in. Don't dohty. Jiun't suffer hours of iiKony. K\ory luiyMulmi fai hut ticntmcnt PUDSUMCS superhuman Influence < noipmnsmid Itilluuiiuutloiis. Tiy Hot Oil , inn. n.i " STEAMS THE PAIN AWAY. " ONE BOTTLE TELLS. iir STRAIGHT TO THE DONE-SOOTHING , STRENGTHENING. ir If you have not confidence to Invist M ) cents fora lariru lint tin , tliun buy a iS5 ri-nt trial bottlo. Ono bottle tells the story , HOT OIIj has now been placed with ) our drutfKlst In your city , or w 111 bo sent prepaid diimt by tliocnmpanv. ( When irrltloi ; please mention thla paper ) IIHIU'I l.U.l.V IHT ) oil , CO. , KIMIIM , N , \ , [ ir Hy bpiciul iimiiijiciiioiii v\itli this jaicr | , wo will scud n sample bottle of Herculean Hot Oil Ircu to renders who will wrlto us nnd cciul tliclr jwjiolllro address. Jt will nol cost you ono cent , as wo jmy postnjro iintl cveryllilng. Jt is merely donu to piovo lo > ou tlio conlldcncu wu Imve in our remedy , nnd I" nil ilii'iiinuthm or oilier BulTercrs who * will writuus , v\u v\ill mull the bottle ut once. / not thii fair ? Adtlrets it TO REKDERS OF THIS PAPER , Tim Huicui.KA.N HOT OIL Co , , * fc > 3r ( Mention this p.iper ) Klinlra N Y W r i ? ' v f- wi SAM' 11V SIIiilMA.V A. .MoCO.N.Mil.l , DIIK ; ( U. , ( ( .MAII.V , Mill ,