Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1899, Page 14, Image 14

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    TTTU mi ATF A TATLV ) 1\WRt STXDAV. MATICIT UO. 1801) ) .
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Klxli-Wlfr SI PK ' f"r ( dililonr I.lfr
' l.itNl I'ocUcM. fJmnly Wiilil Miutn.
NEW YORK. March 23. The deepeit In
terest Cornell now feel Is In tlielr spring
sporting wardrobfs. Moro anxiety Ii dis
played over the cut of the. new Rolf eklrts ,
tlio shape and texture of walking boo ! ? , nnd
tlio proportions of driving coats than over
the ninety and nine tletnlls of dressing tliat
relate to other occasions.
If jou are nn economical woman and
jour head Is longer than jour pursd joU
will go In , so In speak , for one sninrt faccd-
ecrgt ) golf suit , and cycle , drive , walk and
jaolt In tlia1 alim1. If jour purse Is "bot
tomless , then jou can ring a dozen changes
on the golf co.stiimc alom1 , beside Indulging
all jour tnsto and extravaganc.0 In endless
Kindles In cloth , llnon , cotton and Bilk for
the other sporting avocations of your com
ing nunimer.
A KlNli-Wlfr hVrtff.
In tlio event of your deciding upon the
ono suit , by alt means select your goods of
the tough , plckly , handsome Scotch fish-wife
Ecrgc. It Is so wldo and staunch nnd sheds
water like a duck'a back , though it Is not
made waterpioof , nnd therefore hot raid
IIC.UT. About the hips , according to the
latest tailor Improvements , a habit cut Is
given the skirt , allowing no pleats or ful
ness anywhere and practically shaping the
garment like a bell.
Tailors arc using every persuasion In
their power to bring their patrons to jleld
to their judgment in the matter of pockets.
To the tillur the set of a scam Is e\ery-
Ihlng , to the modern clear-headed woman
her comfort comes first and her looks on
the green is a secondary consideration , so
where the skirt fastens , on the Inside of the
hip , the pocket slips In. Tlio pockets ,
though , as we see them In the nicest skirts ,
arc small , reinforced pockets of silk serge ,
just large enough to hold a woman's hand
kerchief and her caddy feu ; n big pocket Is
clumsy and encouraged useless Blulling with
various properties that bulge.
A CON ( mmIn Pltu I'lfiM-x.
'A ' complete golfing suit consists of live
pieces , nnd hence an excuse for the big
prices some tallorn ask , A skirt , shirt ,
waistcoat , coat and ciipo la the full golfing
CQUlpment for 1899. ' The skirt , coat and
capo should bo cut from one piece , the
nalstcoat ought to show gay plall fronts on
an equally gay silk back , and the shirt Is
any cotton you plena ? .
A number of English women have set
the fashion of dolling the coat or capo o
the green nnd playing In shirt bloeves nnd
waistcoat , and very often the waistcoat Is
n flaming hunter's pink or dazzling meadow
rireon cathmeio with rows of gilt buttons
down the front and a gilt buckle in the
strap behind , Such waistcoats , of course
Jmvo no sleeves and are low cut In front , to
tmnblo envious admirers to relish the color
of the smart shirt waist underneath.
The cad ly Is supposed , \\hero the walst- U so prominently Involved , to carry
the player's capo about , and this she lllnl-
< ner her shouldora mhen nho rests. Hur
Jaunty coat In only nut on when she Is
ready to drop Into the clubhouse lor a cup
of tea or a drive , walk , or take the tr.iln
homo. The skirts ore. unusually short this
j'cnr , nix or seven Inches from the ground I.
und the coats run through a variety of
ehapca. They are Hiallopctl and straight
cut at the hip line , n lew nro cut sharply
nway , or buttoned over double .breasted
with oundol , square , or polnteU | Uja
Dyspepsia Cure.
\ Digests what you eat.
' Itartlflciallydlgcststho food and ntds
tttitdro In strengthening and rmm-
Btructln tlio exhausti- < l dlRestlvo or-
KUU3 ; Ittatliolatcstidibcovereddlpest-
ant nnd tonic. No other preparation
'can approach it in etlleiency. It In-
'Btnntly reliuve nnd permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , , Heartburn ,
Inatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
BIcklleadache.GastralKla.Cramps.and .
all other results of imperfectdlRestlon ,
Prtparcd by E. C. DaWIU A Co. , Chicago.
hanging like nn apron or stole ends far
below the twnlst line.
( Ir.ty covertlng , brown Amazon cloth ,
scrgo nnd the Scotch wool cheviot mixtures
nro nil popular goods and the percale nnd
gltigha.-n shirt , with their now tlei , appear
supreme. A word \t \ necessary , of course ,
concerning golfing gloves and haU and
ds. Antelope nnd 'beautifully ' dressed
kangaroo skin am prime favorites with the
club'swlnglng sisterhood who wear gloves
on the links. All these , of course , button
nt the back of the wrist , are open on the
knurkles , nnd the palms are pioporty cor
rugated with little horizontal lines of white
rubber , to give the proper Rrlp without n
slip. Yen can also buy very modish an
telope glovrn of just ono button's- length
to wear with your flno golflug suit when
you nro not playing.
OuttiiK Iln < N mill MiiM'N.
The woman who looks on wears n browner
or gray camel's hair felt slouch or nlplne
hat , trimmed very smartly wllh n scarf of
creamy lace and ono fierce caglo fealher on
the crown , or the whole left side of the
crown Is covered with n shorter of languid
necked deeply purple violets.
The really truly golfer , who makes long
drives nnd sharp putting strokes , takes
kindly to n light cap cut almost on t'ho '
shnpo of that n master of the fox hout.ds
wcnis In En huil , ard made of a bit of
the stuff that composes her skirt. Golfing
shoes nro high or low cut as you please , and
the handsomest are made of very dark
brown leather with uppers of cloth. The
shapo. of a man's cilcketlng shoe , having big
rubber plugs or genuine hob nails In the"
prodigious sole , nro almost Irresistible to
the sporting women ; ttioso who have an
eye to their looks wear brown tics with
the tops of blown cloth picked out In small
black figures.
All that Is said of the golfing woman ap-
pllra to th ? cycling sister , nnd many , n
lady salt will steer iher prow thiough the
foam In 'her ' trusty golfing toggery. Many
yachting diesses already under way for the
opening season , have over-dresses. That
Is to say the skirt of serge or French
vlgorcux Is encircled with diminishing
braids well up above tJio knee and' then
o\er this In front ilrcpa a trlanglo ot goods
llko nn extended and very pointed apron.
The coat worn with this will have a sailor
collar rolling back over the shoulders nnd
extending down In pointed fronts wjll below
the waist line. Collars of rich and brilliant
silk nro set on coats ot the dntkeot blue
goods , and In sharp contradiction to those
gay coats , tliat nre not meant to fasten In
front over the > achtliiB shirts of braided
flannel , are the easy sou'westers made for
boating wraps.
All lliese pleasant shapes ot free and easy
clollhlng for woman tuo dupllcn'cd almost
exactly in white and cotton stuifs. Piques
almost as thick as a board nnd In Innumora-
jlo streaklngs and spellings , nnd dull or
bright colorings arc bounJ to be vcn more
fashionable than ever , so also are the
checked linens and the plain ones bent on
seeing much sport nnd service ! ietweo-i this
rrontn and nett October. Some of the most
admirable water dresses noted , nro very
nca'lv the most beautiful , too are fibhloned
out of heavy navy "blue or roujh-rldor brown
linen faced with n braid ns hard and liilry
as ihempon rope and very hi ndxouie. 1 lie
braid is usually put on In ono tone 1ar\or
tlian the blue or brown of the linen , anil the
mcst attractive ( lark agate buttons are
grouped In appropriate places.
IltMV n Ni'liranlvii Woman Savcil Her
< Hin ] , ! IV nml that of Her Son.
The other day Ihere came out of the De
partment of Justice In Washington a womnn
of attractive appearance , a little past fiO
years old. As she paused a moment on the
steps nnd looked with bright , observant eyes
over at the White House and along Pennsyl
vania avenue , she presented a picture of
comfortable , placid middle age. Ono of the
attorneys from the Indian Depredallon
Claims < lfipartmont accompanied her to the
door , and after she bade him good by ho said
to a Now York Sun correspondent :
'That woman Is Mrs. Sarah L. Larimer of
Nebraska , and she Is making her yearly visit
to Washington. When at the capital she al
ways calls on her friends In the Department
of Justice. The flics of Indian depredation
claims contain no more romantic nnd thrill
ing Incidents than those which relate to the
early llfo of Mrs. Larimer , Those who meet
her now as a womnn of the present day ,
quite nbrenst of the times In which she
lives , interested In all public questions und
full of kindly sympathies , can scarcely
realize that In her youth she was the heroine
of a regular 'dime novel' story of Iho plains.
"In 1SGI Lieutenant Larimer , who had
just been honorably discharged from the
Union army , left his homo in Kansas , ac
companied by his young wife and llttlo
c'hlld , to cross ICio plains for the restoration
< f ( ils health , which 'had ' given out through
hard service in the war. They wore In
company with several olhcr Iravelors anil
lind with them valuable personal belongings ,
consisting of bovernl wngons and horses , ex
pensive clothing , family Jewels , n complete
photographic outfit nnd nearly $4,000 Ir
money. .When In Wyoming tcrrltoiy Hio >
wore surprised by n band of Sioux Indlnns
nho inuriloied three of the party , \\oiirulec
two , Lieutenant Larimer being ono of the
nouudcd , nnd captured Mrs. Lai liner am'
her child. The Indians took the womni
nnd child to their camp , about seventy
inlkfi from the spot where they Iniil attacked
tlio lrn\elcrs.
"A day or two nfter the attack news came
to Iho Eleventh cavalry , stationed at For
LuramleVyo. . , that the Sioux bad at
tacked travelers on the emigrant road ani
I."A carried Mis , Larimer und her child Into
iptlvlt > . Lieutenant Larimer had been
round , nearly dead from arrow wounds , nnd
distracted nt the fate which had befallen
Ms wife and baby. The olllcors of Hio Elev
enth Immediately mo\ed part of their com
mand up the I'latlo rher. and obtained
further information as to where Uio raid
had taken place. Tliey were about to move
against the Indians with n force of two
companies when Mis. Larimer came crawlIng -
Ing Into camp , carrying her child inher
arms. Tholr condition was deplorable. She
and the child were nearly famished. An
soon as Mrs. Larimer was able bho gave a
detailed account of the position of the In
dians , tholr plans and movements , their
designs asalnat the command which they
Unow would bo moving against tlieni , their
numbers nnd the ambuscades which they
had prepared. Her Information was so
valuable that the ofllcers were able to
thwart the designs of the Indians , not only
against the pursuing troops , but against ex
posed points nnd trains that were on th
emigrant road.
'Tho ofllccra found the Information ilro.
Larimer gave as to the position and move
ments of ihe Indians to < bo exactly as t > ho
had eald , nnd marveled at the powers of
observation ana clearness of memory which
_ 1 ad endured through the hours of torture
fho had gone through. The accuracy of her
! statements was particularly verified by the
/ that ono of the lieutenants and a few
cf hla men who dlsrtoeycd orders and fol
lowed n trail apart from the command , fell
Into an ambuscade described by Mrs. Lari
mer find were Killed.
"Mrs. I irlmer was never quite clear ns to
how many hours she had passed with the
Indians. I'rora the moment of captivity ,
when they had started off with her child
and herself in their train , she had concen
trated every faculty on watching for an op-
lortunlty of escape. She- had seen her liiia-
> and struck down by arrows , killed , as ehs
ipposc-J ; had Been the wagons tired and
er friends killed and wounded. She had
cad of the tortures Indicted by Indians
[ ion women captives , never Imagining that
10 day she would be their wretched victim ,
lie was determined if po lblo to got her *
elf and child awny from their clutches and
lie In some other way than by their tor-
urcs. She had alwaj-s been n girl of fear-
ess dlrposltlon , quick In her movements
nd very observant. She pretended to bo
lodlly In a languid nml nlmcst ImmoVable
ate. After hours of waiting and watching
heir dances and listening to thuir plans for
uitlier depredations , when they had ceased
o tihscrvo her , she found ft chance to slip
way teyond the fires Into .the dark bush ,
' 'or hours and hours , through two days and
Ights , the struggled on , faint , nearly dead ,
ntll she fell exhausted , In the camp of the
avnlry. . .
"It was a happy time , of course , when bho
ound her young husband alive. All they
md In the world was gone but alter the
inrrors of their experience liad passed away
little/ , and health was in a measure re-
tored , they , started out afresh. ( Mrs. Larl-
u > r has always'been ' the business manager
> f the firm. ' HeY ( husband never hnd his
icalth , completely restored. After n great
nany years the court cf claims awarded
drs. Larimer a sum of money for her losses
ly Indian depredations and the valuable
nformatlon she had given the United State ?
roops , and during the conduct of her case
ho made 'warm ' friends in the Indian < le-
piodatlon claims department , who are al-
vays ghul to see her when she comes east. "
AM )
I'rolHalilcv KiiNliu-NH lluilt l'i ' > 111th
I.Ktl.Capital. .
A graduate of the Training school of the
New York hpspltal , JUss Hemaen , has made
a specialty of obstetrics. It Is customary
or a trained nurse engaged In confinement
cases to be nt the homo of the prospective
nether several dnjs before the arrival of
he new born. As her salary dates from her
entrance to the household , she Is expected
o make herself useful. i
On ono occasion Miss Remsen discovered' I
hat the aseptic obstetrical paraphernalia
demanded In the sick room by modern
medical science had not been provided. In-
estlng $1.50 In sterilized gauze and cotton , i
she employed hep waiting time fabricating
ho essentials for mother nnd child. Her
success suggested the feasibility of pie-
parlng a like outfit and expressing same tea
a prospective mother residing outside New-
York , nnd whom she was engaged to nurse
during her confinement. The articles
leatly wrapped in sterilized paper and
packed In a largo white pasteb ard box were
luly Bent nnd the delighted mother gladly
paid for the hnmo $12. I
A nurse engaged In some of the wealthiest
s'ow Vork families eventually heard of Miss
Romscn's enterprise and gave her several
orders for similar outfits. Her recom-
nendntlon brought otheis. On the strength
of six ordeis from women of established
reputation In the nursing world this cncr-
petlc and courageous young woman len cd
an office In ono of the most popular shop
ping districts , prepared attractive circulars
endorsed by lending physicians , laid In n
utipply of material and set to work to
fashion the countless essentials to the health
and comfort o-f confinement cases. Tor some
time she made everything with her own
dolt needle , her working day often extend
ing far Into the smalt hourn. Business grow
steadily , until larger quarters wcro neces
sary to store stock to supply orders brought
by mall from all parts of the country.
To Canada and Capo Town , Africa , her
goods have been shipped , reaching tlielr
destination In a perfect condition , which at
tests their seaworthiness. The up-to-dato
doctor demands that everything on the sick
bed or In the sick chamber shall bo sterilized.
This precaution Is taken to kill germs.
There are two methods of sterilization
aseptic and anti-septic. In the. former the
germ Is killed bv steam ; In the latter by
means of a chemical.
Miss Itemscn's articles are submitted to
the aseptic piocess. She maintains that her
nscptlc cbstctrlcal pad pot. which wilt be
shipped to any address for $12 , is an econom
ical Investment for a woman of the modest
purse. It Includes one heavy weight bed
pad , three medium weight bed pads , six
dozen sanitary napkins , one dozen baby nap
kins , four binders , one pound absorbent cot
ton , sterilized gauze , sterilized tape nnd
safety pins. Kach Is thoroughly aseptic ,
absorbent and deodorant. Each Is wrapped
In sterilized parchment paper before being
packed In scaled boxes , and are to bo burned
nfter use. It amply provides for mother and
child during the first two weeks of cojiflno-
ment , thereby dispensing with all delivery
laundry , which every mother knows Is ono
of the most expensive Items attending a
birth. The first wash cannot bo done in
Now York for less than $3. Mlts Rcmscn
claims that the prlco of the obstetrical set Is
less than the average laundry 1)111 covering
the period of confinement , while the cleanli
ness nnd convenience of the whole Is In
calculable , Out of this bright woman's
cleverness in perceiving n want , nnd then
setting about to supply It , has grown a do > .
maud for surgical supplies , nurses supplies ,
delicacies for the convalescent sick nnif a
trained nurse's register , all of which finds
place uuder olllco eaves.
Sonic IiitcrvNtlnur Slatlxdi-s from All
I'artN of lluWorld. .
Women In Great Britain are well repre
sented In the professions and trades , and
about 4,000,000 earn their own living. There
are 124,000 who teadi , 10,000 are bookbind
ers , over 3,000 are printers , nearly 500 act
as editors nnd compilers , (1,300 ( are engaged
In photography , civil service clerks number
2,300 , nearly 38,000 , are engaged In medical
work and nursing and 317 women are black
The oldest banker in the -world Is a
woman , aged 98 ; she Is Deborah Powers ,
the senior partner In the Tnnk of D. Powers
& Sons , Lanslng'borg , England ,
IMIss Cons Is an alderman of the London
county council.
A successful firm of tea merchants In
London Is ccmpcseil entirely of women. The
blenders , tasters and packers are also
w omen.
There are twenty-three English women
practicing medicine In India.
Miss Constance Taylor of London Is n
dog fancier ; some of her orders come from
Central America.
Miss Sprulc" ? of Surrey , England , Is a
lavender distiller.
iMIsa p. R. Wilkinson of London Is a
landscape gardener.
Miss Amy U. Bell Is an English woman
who has taken up stockhroklng.
Miss Constance Blaydes. nn English girl ,
finds goat raising a profitable Industry.
illsi Leigh Spencer of British Columbia
Is a mining broker.
Mrs. Emma E. Forsythe Is engaged In the
ealo of niother-of-peail at New Britain , an
Island In the southern Pacific.
In Germany throe women are employed
na chimney sweeps , seven ns gunsmiths ,
nineteen as brass and bell founders , 147 as
coppersmiths , 370 as farriers and nailers ,
309 as masons , eight as stone cutters , 2,000
In marble , stone and slate quarries. In all ,
(1,500,000 ( women earn their living In tiades
nnd professions.
In Berlin women guides nro employed by
the city.
Every animal slaughtered for food pur
poses in Berlin Is subjected to microscopic
examination by n corps of women mlcro-
scnplnts especially trained to the work.
In Holland women , instead of men , sig
nal railway crossings.
In Austro-Hungary about 3,000,000 women
are engaged In Industrial pursuits.
Austria has many women barbers.
Mmo. Rosa Kcrstlibaum conducts a hos
pital for eye diseases at Vienna.
France employs over C.OOO women In Its
civil service , telephone nnd telegraph
offices. The Bank of Finnco pays salary to
400 women , and 200 women have positions
In the Credit Fonclor. Altogether , 3,750,000
French women support themselves by their
own exertions. '
One railway company In Russia has thirty
women In Its employ.
In central Russia the township of Bc.sju-
hoosclitschliia _ a territory of ten Bqunvo
miles , divided Into seven villages Is run
entirely by clg'ht women , who administer
nil public affaire.
The town of Knaizeff , Russia , Is run by
n woman elarosta or mayor , Alexandra llyne
by name.
A Mohammedan woman U n practicing
Itiyslclan and ourgcon at Odessa. Hr. Razlo
Koutlolnroft-Hanum Is her name , nnd hors
Is the first case on record of n Mohammedan
woman practicing medlclno by western
Women are employed ns telegraphic
clerks nnd ticket agents on the Trnnscas-
plan railroad.
In Turkey a native woman , v 1io studied
In this country , is now practicing medi
In Burmnh nil women of tlio lower
classes hnvo n trade ; nearly all the retail
trade ot the Island Is In their care.
In Chill all cnr conductors , hotel nnd
postoffico clerks nro women.
Onchungn , Now Kenland , has elected Mrs.
Yntes major.
Miss Creo Stanley Is the first woman
member of ttio Sydney , Australia , Trade nnd
Labor council being the delegate of the
remnlo Employes' union.
Aucn ( for 15 TJ tlilnjj
li > llnllroiulN.
That the love of shopping Is llrmty In
grained in the ifemltilno breast almost everyone
ono Is fully aware , but It Is In certain de
partments of purchasing only thnt women
are etippoaod to excel. To find a womnn
liuylng locomotives , flat-cars nnd miles and
miles of steel rails , to say nothing of the
liugo water tanks employed to "water up" i
railroad engines , Is exceedingly rare. Such
purchasing ns this , hcwe\cr , has been le-
contly done nnd Is still ibolng Indulged In
by n Chicago woman , Mrs. ( M. G. Reed.
Sirs. Heed , 'Who has "been " a business
woman only n abort time , never having
"earned a dollar In her life , " to make use of
her own expression , Iboforo November last ,
was not long ago appointed regular pur
chasing agent of the new Pacific & North
ern Idaho railroad , -which Is being built be
tween Welscr , Idaho , nnd the Sevrn Devils'
copper mining district. Mr. Lewis A. Hall
of Bay City , iMIch. , Is the owner of this
railroad , nnd it is to open communication
with the copper region. Thousands of men
and tons and tons of Iron machinery , to
gether with countless Kallons of paint and
millions of railroad ties , steel rails and
similar appuitenances of railway building ,
will be needed for the completion of this
railroad. All of the supplies for the rail
way and Its employes Mrs. Reed Is to pur
She 'began ' her work In this direction with
the purchase of a locomotive , toppu.1 off
her first day's endeavors with the sclwtlon
of n few Hat-cars and water tanks , nnd
cheerfully set about contracting for steel
mils nex.t morning. Bridge boats , fi eight
engines , great plciws , and office furniture
all these things Mrs. Reed has selectfcd for
the new railroad. Gunpowder and dyna
mite she has ordered In largo quantities.
Next week ho will probably begin opera
tions In purchasing the thousands of heavy
shoes and overalls and the Immense amount
of provisions needed toy the numerous work-
era upon the tracks , the materials of which
she hns arranged for.
At the beginning of her term of service
Mrs. Reed knew no more about locomotives
ami bridge boats , plledrivers nnd flat cars
than does the average womnn of city blrtn
and rearing. She was born In Chicago , has
lived there nearly all of her life , and has
never been more than casually interested In
railroads until It became her business to ibe
so Interested. Then she set about her new
nnd unusual study with energy and dis
patch. At the present time she can dis
course learnedly of freight and passenger
engines , frogs , switches and nil the para
phernalia of railroads nnd railroad building ,
nnd really knows something whereof she
speaks. In the Intervals of work nnd study
In behalf of her " 300-mlle-long baby , " as
Bomo of her friends laughingly doscilbo her
now enterprise , she goes right along buying
Easier bonnets , ullk stockings , gingham
aprons and anything and everything else
which her feminine clients desire to have
selected for them , Her Initial purchase ,
made Immediately after the homo-coming of
the professional cards with "purchasing
agent" upon them last autumn , wan a
wooden leg. HnvlnR successfully accom
plished the choosing and purchasing of this
article of merchandise , ehu felt fully com
petent to attack any other kind of shopping
which should bo offoicd to her. She declares
that It is no harder to do ono variety of
buying thun another. The points of n steam
engine , for Instance , are far more easily
mastered than those of a now spring gar
ment , and once mastered , they remain the
eamo for seme time , as a rule , which is
more than can be eald ot the articles of
feminine wearing apparel and household fur-
nltuio , which the professional shopper Is
most frequently commissioned to buy.
Mro. Reed further declares that oho en-
Jo > s buying railroad engines and supplies
hugely , the novelty and unusual character
of her > work giving It a peculiar charm.
She would Just as zo-n "poko around" steel
works and railway simps us attend a bargain
sale , and metal rails anil tunings ara quite
as Interesting to her as BO many yards of
real lace would bo. She sees no reason v.hy
women sluuld not purchase timbers nnd
immense sheet ! , of nmtalllc material quite
as well and readily as fabrics of a softer ,
gentler kind , If they are so Inclined and If
only they are willing to give the same
amount of attention und study to them , and
uho hopes to continue her railroad work In
I-'rIIlN of 1'"a HI I on.
{ Miniatures on Ivory in mother of pearl
frames are popular.
Sterling silver violet clasps are the latest
novelty for Easter.
Pink , vhlto nnd palo violet pond lilies nro
popular flowers In millinery.
Hat pins with hearts , cuplds and rabbits
nre among the many novelties shown for
Busier , I
t '
Turquoises , rhlneslones , emeralds nnd'
rubles are freely used In metal photograph {
frames. f
Bohemian glassware with decorations of' '
engraved tiower work filled In with gold are
popular , | , ,
Buttons are a decided feature of fashion , i
butH _ Is the little button thU time In pol-j
Gelds , Coughs , Asthma , Bron
chitis and All Throat and
Lung Troubles ,
Clotuln of M nt Ira ( oil Vapor arc * In-
liuli-il Ilirouuli ( Ininoiilli nml rinlllcil
fi oni ( lu > nostril1" , I'li'iiiiNlnt ; nml vji-
Illl I IllltllllK'lt Hill ) lIlMIMINIMl
\\lilcli en mint ) > ri'iielU'il hj
int'iUclne till.en Into ( lie xtoniiich.
It roaches the sore spots.
It he.lls the raw plares.
It KOCI to the of dhense.
It peiu'lr.iUH obfcur plnees where diugs
lalccn Inlo the ntomurh cannot ic.ih. .
It uots ns a b.ilm and tonic to the whol.
Hettor than doc-tors.
In rinrldn
Betler than anythlnc ; you ev r tried.
SSamcaiexloit sand Hsasr Specialists.
The brilliant complexions of women in the more exclusivccircles of Nevi
York society arc not explained by the theory that associates beauty and idle
ness. In fnct , many leaders of the woild of fashion me hard workers. Y
they keep their Rood looks even when they are old. How do they inanagi
it ? THE MISSES BELL , of 78 Fifth Avenue , New York , themselves con
nccted with some of the most noted and honored families in the metropolis ,
have answered the question. They have prepared for the use of women ii
general , five preparations for improving the complexion and thcuair. .
i Misses BEILL'S
is nn external application , the presence GOMPLEXSQH SOAP
< of w hleh on the face cannot bo detected.
It Is perfectly harmless c\tn to the most Is made from the pure oil of Iambs"
delicate skin. It Is n sure and quick wool. It is healing undgiatlfylng to the1
cure for all rnughne 3 und eruptions. skin , keeping it nt nil times in a clean1
It acts on the skin us n tonic , producing and healthy state. This Soap is daintily1
n naturally pure complexion. Cosmetics scented , and is a most welcome aid to1
inertly hide blemishes. ThoToulcgets the toilet of fastidious women. The ut
rid cf them. most core Is token in selecting materials
It removes rJmplci , freckles , blackhead and scrupulous cIcanllncFS in the Inbor-
head- . , moth patches , liver snots , eczema , atorj * Insures the purity of ttio product.
redness , olllnrss nnd all dlscoloratlons Price , 25 cents per cake , large four-ounce
and Imperfections of tlie skin. 1'ricc , " size.
, a bottle.
The Misses BELL'S The Misaoa BELL'S
for restoring prematurely gray locks to
cures dandruff nnd prevents nnv return ] their original color.
of it ; stops that middcnlnc itching of , It Is nocn dye norn stnln. It Is n color
the scalp and makes the Imlr suonir , , less llnuld that Ii applied to the roots of
soft and lustrous. It Is especially helpful - , the hair and leaves no telltale signs on
ful to-persotn whoso hair Is thin , dry nnd , the scnlp or forehead.
liable to fall out Iho tonic cleanses , Neither does it change the color of the
the skin about the roots of the hilr : will Jhalr nil at once. Only dyes do that ,
soon cover Mid spots with a handsome Jund they wash off. But Cai > llla-iteno\a
grow th. Price , SI a bottle. will not wash olf. Price , Sl.M i > cr bottlo.
Is a soft , creamy , exquisitely perfumed ointment , which helps the action of the Tonic ,
nnd , In mild c.-vaes of rourhue * ! . redness , pimples , etc. . Is n cute in il'ulf It clears the
pores of thu skin of all impurities and feeds it l > y building up thu texture and making
the lleth beneath it solid and Ilrm. 1'rlcc , 75 ccnupcr Jiir.
A trial l ttlc or package of any of nbove preparations at our
parlors in New York Uty , or by mall 10 any jiddrcss In plain
wmpporupnu nirclpt of eight rents in Blnmps or coin to cover
tins ni.nml cost of jiostnge on each package-
Trliil littles und paekiigos ran lie hecured from our New
York olllci ) only. Our 111:01115 will not supply them.
Corrc i > ondence rordlnlly solicited. Addrets The Aliases Dell ,
78 mill Avenue , New Vork City. >
& 7id/or our new buck , "ftcrelt tif Jlcauty. " free to any addrcis. S
Sole Agents , loth and Douglas Slrceta.
lahed I or engraved metal , and Wedgwood In
stead of cnstnl ,
Line the collar of your fawn-colored coat
with shlned chllTon of the same colors If It
Is a high ono.
Nanow silk fringes with network headings
nre used for trimming gowns and bilk
blouses us well ,
Nun's \clllng , because of Its soft , clinging
jualltln , will bo one of the popular mate
rials this season.
Lawn rulllcs la whlto and palo colors can
Diphtheria and Consumption *
It permeates nvory alt
pasi.ige ,
And nt oni'Ci ilfstriyi
the disease germs.
It I * nn | nv ! < 3 nnn \
tonic to the vltul fo * , a.
A remedy which
soothes , honls nnd In-
It poiltlvoly cmv ca-
Inrrh nd dlseaie o' ihi
jinpnl organs.
11 positively cures < iu.
oases of tliThro it and
It enables you to cure
yourself nt home
It renders unnnoo itry
any cutting , burning or
It destroy. * nt onro the
bacclll of Hronchltls aiul
Its use la followed Im-
tncdintely by n. sense of
It cnnblfs yon to save
doctors' big fees ,
If You Unto ii Coltl , Try II.
If Von HUM- tinCrln , Tr > It.
Ifoti IIIIT > n I'oiiKli. 'fry II.
If \iiii lln % - ClKarrli. Try l ( .
If Von llu % > Sore 'I'liront. Try It.
If Vou llii\ < - N , Tr > It.
PRICE $1.00.
At nil or mulled from our
Munvon'H iHcmedles for sale bv all drng-
glii 57 uure.s lor 57 Ills mostly -'U " a vial
AVrito 1'rof. Jlunyon for medical ndUio
nnd "Guide to Health. " AUSOLUTliLV
Ml .VVO.VS 11. II. 11. CO. ,
ir.lir Arch htrvft , riilliuleliililii.
. leh point and Vonlco point effects are also
ettlly luproduced In tlio cotton embroldor-
H for trimming summer gowns.
JUKI nt present the most attractive gowns
'iiong now models arc those of light-weight
oth , line delicate wool , poplin , rather
b-usht nil hemstitched ieiidy for use ,
" " > tnni'vonr white lawn
gown especially chle , xcallop all the ruflics
In hand cinbroldcry.
J'uu ii and dull colored lucen generally are
one of tlio dcHlrablo dress trimmings. Fawn
colored lace on a silk waist worn with n
fawn cloth suit la the smart thing.
Kino nainsook cmbroldeilea with medal
lions of Inco Introduced hcio nnd there add
pretty variety to the beason's trimmings ,
heavy weaves of bcngallnc , mid satin fou
lard In novel patterns and colorings , i'ney
are ( julU ) as serviceable as those made with
cutaway Jiicltot fronts , postillion backs and
notched roverx ,
Plain tinted organdies will bo very much
woin , nnd something < | ulto novel In a combl-
imtlim of plain whtto and violet In nun
gown. The tiklrt and sleeves are of wlilto ,
and the plultlngti ut the bottom and the
bodice covered with crosswise tucks are cjf
the deep violet organdie.
ltniPliiln : I'nnknwi ! < Coiiiplnti )
liiNli-iirdoiiN , illnurriiiiiri nml ropy or
"U ii ma n nml lOr U'ciikiicimi'M , " to
nit HiilliirorN ,
I will ecnd ths uhovo
KKKE to all who have
"pains In the liack , "
"ili.iyKlnt'-Llowii Hon.
nation. " JU- ' . * * I Jll/CU
or "whiten " - '
, , , t T Ot'
coming evil . crying
fipulLs , dark rlnw in A
der eyc-s , bloutliiB | , un.
'hftnlthy complexion ,
mii ! In ijrt'iiHt , buck of
neck or htud , dynp p.
Hla , iilcfirallon , ncrv-
outmciJH , crcc-plne fccllnij
up plnn , palpita
tion , hot llJXhfH , Irritation , weight In lower
part of abdomen , crarnpw , pain or soreness
in ovurltutc. .
Th ; triatini-nt is easily used , perfectl
ImrinlcHH and doca not Interfere ! with usuu
occupation It IH proscribed by the jihysU
olann at < ho Sanitarium and luillm usu it/
thuriHelves iit IriflliiK expense. All wh
ro i uir.-rlng are Invited to tiddrciin , In uon-
tilltH. KIIKIIA K. .MAY , Hilpl. ,
houlli IICMiil SiiiillaHiini ,
hoalli lluiiil , Iiiil ,
Incorporated under state luwa
i\ursea wairtc-d to list their addresses with u §