FHE OMAHA UNDAY PAGES 13 TO 24 ESTAI5LTSIJED JUNE 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOKNING 20 , 18J)9. ) SINGLE COPY' FIVE CENTS Leading Dry Goods House of the West. Over 30,000 styles nlwavg on hand repre senting the lending manufacturers of the world every yard manufactured for the spring of ' 09 and bought direct so ( lint there Is only one profit between the manu facturer and the consumer which cnnblos us to Bell new goods cheaper than we could buy damaged goods or job lots. Lansdowne Is toado of silk and woo ] , Is 42 Inches whip , comes In GO shades , Is rolled on a La/isdowne board , and the name of the manufacturer Is perforated on every 5 yards It Is usually sold for $1.25 we fell It for $1.19. It Is strictly confined to us for Omaha and can not be found outside our store. Sublime which closely resembles Lans downe in appearance , but not BO heavy , nor BO lustrous , nor will It wear near na well It Is rolled on a common board and Is usually sold by other stores at 11.00 our price Is only SSc. Tailor surtlngs l one of the leading fea tures we have tht largest line ever shown In Omaha ChevlotB Clny Cheviots , M ounce , SB-Inches wide sold everywhere at $250 f OR _ 7 < . J our price Clay Cheviots , 51 Inches wide , IB ounce , very fine goods sold everywhere at $1.75 | O onr price Is only i. * - / A. large line of Si-Inch extra heavy cheviots In nil shndes. nold always nt $1.50 QS r- our price la only i vjw A splsndld line of cheviots In all colors , ex tra weight , 41 Inches wide , shrunk , sponged and finished , and we defy any other house to produce as good for 7oc dLQf our price only 1-'k- Engllsh Whip Cords. English Venetians , French Venetian' ' , English crnvenettes , Ven etians , all from 52 to CO Inches wide , and poodo that tailors ask J4 to Jo per * } C ( k yard < we sell them nt only -tuv The finest line of novelties In ull the latest colorings Henrietta , Serges , Shepperd Checks , Silk Stripes for waists. Coverts and Venetian Cloths , at 25c , OCJpt ti7ir 83c , 4 c , EDc , OJC , T5c. . * SOW IO A OU A litrgo line of high grads novelties In from French , English and German manufacturers In nil the new spring shadlngs tao .co..s.c : ' : . "f : . f.1 : ' ? 8oc to 2.50 Black Dress Goods It Is not necesfcary to describe what 'Priest- ley'is black goods nre We only want to say 'that ' they can only be found In our store In Omahn and that w cariy everything they make over l.uOO styles at from ya ° rd ° . ! ? : :5. : f 65c to 6.25 Crepons In black and colors Priestley's Mohair , Top Crcponp , Halt's Creponw. Rrlggs & New man's Crt-pons ! - nil of Bradford , Encland yard. " " ? ? . ! . . ' : . ! ' . ' : ! ' ? DC tO 5.00 ERE'S Celebrated French Sill : Crf- nro the standard of the world In this we carry ithcm In black and colors ' ' " ' " 1-25 . . 5..0.0. ! . . - to 7.50 MOHAIRS Including Brllllantlno ? . Alpaca .Sicilians. Crvstnlettes , Turnls , etc. , in nil shades nnd Wack at ' ' ° 25C 2.98 tO ya'rd . IT. . . . . EVENING SHADES The largest line of evening shades west of New York over SOO shades , and 60 illfferent cloths at . ? . ! . .p" . . . 25c to 2.50 Silk Headquarters. We lead all other Omaha stores in Silks. Our constant aim to supply you with the best that is made nt the lowest possible price Our gathering of special bargains for Monday's selling will again prove to you that for genuine values HAYDEN'S LEADS THEM ALL IN SILKS. NOW FA'NCY ' SILKS ON 6ALE-100 styles In Plaids , Stripes and Brocades lengths from 4 to 13 yards , worth up to tl.W ) yard on sale at 15 STYLES In Ombro Stripes , new shadlngs at , only t ; STYLES in two-tone 'Stripes very handsome at , only 100 STYLES In Nowcbt Stripes , best $1.50 quality on sale at , only WASHABLE CORDED SILKS In all I YVASHiABLE SWIVEL SILK In printed pretty llifht shades none sold in Omaha d rlpn 3) Incheswlde _ most sen-iceable lets than 49c our price PQr1 I EI ; ! < malle w ° rth oc HOC " \j- * + * Mondav * * on sale CORDED TAFFETAS-the latest novelty we show a complete line of colors also pure TvhltP > foi trimmings. A Little Talk on Taffetas. Wo have tested most of the taffetas in both Foreign nnd Domestic make In order lo procure one which we could Justly recommend and our conclusion is that the WINSLOW TAFFETA is the best In the world Taffetas are at the helghth of pop ularity for linings and the linings of a garment is of vital importance. Therefore you should get the best Most every lady In the land has experienced difficulty with taffetas many of them not wearing at all. WINSLOW TAFFETAS do wear and are recommended .by all the leading drcss- .ajakera. ' Remember that the "Wlnslow la 27 Inches wide. Wo still have a few at $1.00 after April 1st all Wlnslow'a will be $1.10. 19-INCH TAFFETA such as Is so".d | 19-INCH TAFFETA In all colors regular mostly at 83o ftQr > I 75c Quality here SCJn hero only IfifW 1 0nU- > > " - Black Grenadines 011 Sale. 10 STYLUS In neat Stripes , all 44 Inches wide 75C at only 25 STYLES in Stripes and Checks , 44 inches wide special QRc at only We show a complete stock up to $5 yard Many In exclusive patterns. " ANTING GUINET the ' ' "WARRANTED-TO-WEAR BLACK DRESs TAFFETA or crack $1.00. J1.2J , $1.50 , $1. 75 anrtayden's exclusive sale for city , will not cuti QQ brated Froncih maker has given H i.j-u NEW ITALIAN SATINS The flnest made In al' pure silk when buying black sami lie sure and sea this line We guarantee them towear $1.00 , $1.23 , $1.35 , Oi * * ' " $1.50 , $1,75 up to Specials in Black Silks that will go quickly. BU S.veryIAflDn"Ttpcclal BLACK TAFFETABLACK SATIN DUCH- ror Monday flo all pure silk AQc < ESSE a bargain * Qc . " only OVC. oniy * i w at only - - J" MAIL ORDERS FILLED If sent in at once , as many lots will not last long. Sam- flplM of Wlnslow Taffeta sent upon application. New Sttmtner Wash Fabrics Dalntv colored , woven novelty effects , In some of the most charming combinations Scotch "novelty , Madras , Pique , Scotch Ginuhams , Silk Armur * Raye ' , ure a few of the many woven colored cloth we are Showing : , and tha styllah , c'ean cut api > ear- < mrn nnd durability of the colors are simply marvels in Wash Goods IT.nNDAY we will show 330 styles In the "frivst " imported Scotch GlnKham ( Wm. An ' wide tn the swell- ' derson's ) 32-inch , swellflSc eat t > f the now styles , etc. at 25c & - t w Wo have 200 Htyles in the finest Imported Irish Dimity , handsome and sen'25c iceatoo , yard . * " bOO STYLES in fine Imported pattern Or- Kondless 11 , 12. 13 yards to the pat25C . . . . < -i" * tern , a beautiful cloth at , yard.i" WARP WELT SKIHTINGS-ln black , navy. blue , light blue pink , cream and brown , the common price Is Soc 25c our i > rlce , yard . WELT PEKAY for walsts-vi splemlld line nt , yard . BILK GINGHAMS In the daintiest color * , plaids , yard . BILK MADRAS the handsomest Plaids you over saw in washable cloUi yard . CRINKLE STRIPED IMPORTED OR- GANDIRS-very novel effect and a 2Sc wonderfully pretty fabric , yard. . . . * - - * JK ( PIECES of tha best 30-Inch Percales , Shirt AVnlnt nnd Dress Styles , neat Dresden ! * , etc. , light andd dark colors , yard Jewelry Dept , Special Watch Sale This Week. Gents' Nickel Watches , Stem wind and se-t , 9Sc , Genta' Elgin or Waltham Watches , Sllverlne Cases , eold I everywhere for not less than I $5.00 , sale price $2.98. Gents' gold filled , open face Watches , warranted to wear 20 years , Elgin or Waltharn works , a regular ? 15,00 watch , for $ G.9S. Ladles' gold filled , Hunting case Watches , with Elelu or Waltham works , cases war ranted to wear 10 years , a regular $15,00 watch for JC.9S. Ladles' 14-kt. solid gold Hunting case Watch , Klgin or Wnltham works , $17.95 , regular price $25.00. Gents' 14-kt , solid gold U. S. assay , fine , fwll jottelBd , Klgln or Waltham works , a r < Vular $15.00 watch for $29.60 , /Sterling bilver Tea Spoons , $2.S8 set of 6. Rogers Bros , 1847 Knives or Forks , strict ly first quality , set of 12 pieces , $2,7 ! ) . Rogers' Tea Spoons , 63c set of 6 < Solid Oak Eight-day Clocks , Tvitli alarm and half-hour Wrlke , $2.49 , Sterling Silver Nethersole Bracelets , reg ular $2.00 $ etyle , COo each. - rrllng Silver Buckles , 60o each , 'ano ' Chains , Me and 75c , worth $1.00 Jl.t-U. Starling Silver Raster Book Marks , with Anchor , Cru.s uuj Heart , only 19c each. Sterling SlUer Back Combs , 39o eadi , Ladles' or Goats' . SPECIAL OFFERS FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY 1 case fine Madras Qlngham , In 7 styies , corded broken checks , tin ele gant cloth for children's dres e-5 , etc. , worth at leabt 12MC yard as long as they last , yard 50 PIECES of 36-Inch Percales In the newest styles Btripw broken checks , etc. , colors fast , worth easily S' c yard on Sp Monday or until fold , yard 'JW NEW FANCY SKIRTS We are hfadquar- tera for all the newest fancy eff-ects in black nd co'ored cloth i for Petticoaitf 82 colorK In best quality "AH Wool Mo reen" very dressy and almost inCflp. , . Jn destructible , yard BLACK "ME5RCKRIZED SILK" Morwn- 24 Inches wide an elegant and Ber- viceable fabric , yard 32-INCH COLORED VELOURS , finest Moire effect , 17c yard. Fashioned exactly like the wool Moreen , all the new colors- Cerise , Marine , Blue , deep cardinal , | 7r * * w etc. , yard Bee the biff print bargains In basement. Dress Goods In the Basement. Double Fold Cashmeres , all shades , at only Oc per yard. 38-inch Cashmere , all coloro , worth SSc per yard , on Monday ICc. All Wool Novelties , yard wide , worth SOc per yard , on 'Monday only 15c. 40-inci Novelties , -worth 49c per yard , will O on this sale at I ! ) ? . 44-inch Storm Serge , extra heavy , worth SOc per yard , on ( Monday only 19c. No samples tent of 'basement goods , as sale lams only one day. No peddlers or dealers sold at htese prices. Silk Bargains In the Basement. Plain Satins , Plain Chinas , Plain In- dlas , Printed Pongees , on sale 15c Special values In remnants of silk lengths .from 1 yard < o 10 all kinds both plain and fancy on tale . 19e Fancy silk in Stripes , Brocadti. , and also big lot of Plain In bright shades worth up to 75c on sale at 39e Flannel Basement Bargains. GV o Cotton Flannel at SVic yard , Best Double Fold Shirting at 10s yard. 616 Shaker Flannel at 3Vfcc yard. 2 cases outing flannel at 3Vic and 5c yd. Uost Ticking at 4c , 7c , 124c and 15c yard , sale at which you can boy lite newest , 10 brightest and the ! jest merchandise so cheap that you must wonder at oor remarked offers , This week's sales will be the most famous underselling event in the history of Transmississippi merchandising The greatest effort of our business career. Months of planning and buying for spot cash has brought these marvelous bargains within your reach. SEE THE EASTER MILLINERY. AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS , 9 < iM Nobby desirable effects in all the fabrics and colors , We can satisfy your most treasured fancy no matter bow deli cate , stylish tailored suits , made of all wool materials , jack ets silk lined , nice stylish garments , for Our $10 suit is the talk of the town. Ladies' all wool suits , satin lined The greatest variety you ever saw. in browns , blue ? and fan Suits in blue , black , tans , helios , cy mixtures , worth $12. . reds , all the new styles , some all silk Skirts Ladies'all wool * skirts , worth 87.60 lined , worth $18.00 to If * AA jrepon $20.00 for 1JJJ Ladies silk lined ere- pen skirts. § 15 values Ladies' high class man tailored suits ' Ladies' nice high class -braided and trimmed in most arselected A selected plaid skirts , QO tistic styles an elegant assortment worth $7.50 , for He. 3X O latest designs , in eton and jacket Silk skirts , nice brocades , percale styles others ask $30 , 1 A A lined , well made our price. worth $6 , for Spring Jackets , etc. We Lave assembled all the current styles at the most economical prices. Useless to attempt description of the styles. Ladles' Spring Jackets , nt $7.50 , $10 , Ladles nice spring jackets , satin lin $1250 , J15 and ed throughout , worth $6.00 , at ' CHILDREN'S REEFERS New shades , red. blue and tan. at 98c Ladles' covert cloth lackets in new tans , browns and bluea and blacks , Children's reefers , sailor collar , nice worth $8.50. for ly trimmed , worth $2.50 , for 1.50 Ladies' Wash Waists and Wrappers. Largest and most complete line of ladies' wash waists in the western country. 100 dozen ladies' wash waists , well 150 doz. ladles' wash waists in all the new plaids , checks and stripes , at . . made at Ladies' wash waists , at 75c , $1.00 , 100 dozen ladles' Wrappers , in blues , $1.50 and up. . blacks , reds , the greatest assortment 98c 50 dozen ladies' Wrappers , worthI Of" ever shown ; $2.00 values , for 9Sc. tor ± y\s Special Bargains in Ladies' ' anJ Gent's ' Furnishings Men's Medium AVeight Wool Shirts and Drawers , ivorth $1.00 , at 50 : . Men's fine Derby RibbeJ Shirts and Draw- rs , regular 7oo quality , at 39c. Men's White Unlaundered Shirts , with 4- ply all linen Ibosoms , worth 75-c , nt 35c. Men's Colored Laundered Shirts , In all the latest styles , worth tip to $1.25 , at 50c. iMen's Black , Tan and Fancy Socks , full seamless nndwarranted fast colors , at lOc. Men's Suspenders , regular 25c quality , at 12jC. . Men's Sweaters , in blue , -maroon and green , worth 75c , at 39c. Children's Blejclo Hose , with double knee , heel and toe , worth 23c , at 12c. Ladies' Full Seamless Hose , worth 25c , at 12' e. ladles' Corsets , worth up to $1.00 , at 39c. Boys' Shirt Waists at 23c. Ladles' Gowns , regular $1.00 , at 50c. We Are Headquarters F-or Sheeting and Muslin 0-4 heavy Brown Sheeting , lie yard. 9-4 heavy Bleached Sheeting , 14c yard. 4-4 soft finish Bleached Muslin , 4Vic yard , 4-4 extra heavy Brown Muslin , 3ic yard. 4-4 No. CO fine Cambric , 8 l-3c yard. Opening Sale of Wbite Goods 80 India Linen at 5c. Sc Chock Nainsook at 6c. 20c Indian Linen at 12Hc. 25c Sheer India Linen at 15c. Plain Nainsook at 12l4c , 15c and 20c. Ohe > ck and Stripe Nainsook at 8 l-3c , lOc , 12V4c and 15c. Persian Lawn at 20c , 25c and 35c. CS-tncb Organdies at 50c , C5c , "tic and $1 , Long C/loth at lOc , 12V4c nd 15c , Opera Batiste at 35c , 40c and 50c. Warp Welts nt 20c , " . ' > o , 35c up to GOc. Fancy Piques at 20o , 25c. SOc and 40c. 45-lnrti Hand Woven Batiste at 70c , 85c and $1.00 Swiss at 20c , 25c , 35c and SOc. 40-Inch Apron Luwn at "Vic , 12V e and 15c. 40-Inch Black India Linen at lOc. Linen Bargains CO-lnch Scotch Damask , worth S9c , at 27 > c. 04-Inch heavy Holland Damask , worth 60c , at life. 64-Inch SIher Bleached German Damask , 75o quality , nt 49c. 72-Inch full Bleached Irish Damask , worth SOc , at C9c , 68-Inch double Satin Damask Table Linen , worth $1.00 , at 72V4c. 60-Inch All Linen Bleached Damask , 600 quality , at 47V4c. 3-4 IHeached Linen Napkins , at SSc , $1.25 , $1.75 , up to $6.50 dozen. Silver Bleached Linen Napkins , at 69c , SSc , $1.23 , up to $3.00 dozen. All Linen Crash at Cc , "Vic , lOe , 12V c end ICe jard , Colored Damask , worth 39c , at 25c yard. Furniture "One story Is S ° oA untl1 another la told. " You are never satisfied about any purchase until you have seen us. Then you knaw whether you have paid too much or not. To keep posted and make your dollars go as far as posalble you must come here first. We want to tell you about an Iron Bed we have. It is Gl inches high , has 3-inch brass knobs , the posts 1-lnch , and has % -lnch filling , the 'brass rail at head and foot Is : 4-inch , the castings are steel , the bed Is bow foot , and is strong enough to hold up Jumbo. We have this bed In White , Blue and Green Enamel , and the price Is $8.50. Other Beds at $3.S5 , $4.50 , $5.75 and $0.75. $0.75.We have just received a car of Rockford Combination Cases , In golden oak and birch mahogany finish , and offer you now a solid Oak Combination book case , In golden finish , with a French pattern Plato Mirror , ad justable shelves for 'books ' , large writing 'desk ' and top shelf , at $10.50. The same case In birch , mahogany finish , the same price. Large , lull size Baby Carriage , upholstered In denim , ruffle edge parasol , best springs , at $5.00. Go-Carts at $2.50 , $3.25 and $3.83. Solid Oak Extension Table , 3-lnch square fluted legs , 6-foot , $4.85 ; 8-foot , $5.85. Oak Chairs , cane seat , 65c , 75o , 85c and $1.00. Extra large Couch , 6 rows of tufts , 30 Inches wide and Cx4 long , $7.50. New Sideboards and Buffet6 , In the new finish , at very reasonable prices. Now line of Odd Dressers , in oak , bird's- eye maple and mahogany , all have pattern French Plate Mirrors , swell fronts and are up to date In everything. Prices , $7.25 , $7.85 , $8.50 , $10,00. We are agents for the "Royal" Brass and Mahogany Bedstead. This is a brass bed with mahogany side rails , and does away with tiha mattress showing when bed is in use. Wo have also the "Royal" Elastic Book Case , and "will be glad to show you these. If it is a question of saving money on Furniture you will have to come here. New Drug Prices Kllmer'a Swamp Root 7i"c Small 40c Palno's Celery Compound -75c Hood's Sarsaiparllla 75c Warner' * Safe Cure 90c Maltlne Preparations , . . . . . . . . SSc Hall's CUtarrh Cure , . & 5c Packers' Tar Soap 15c Catlcura Soap , , 20i Juvenile Soap , lOc Sassafras Bark , per Ib . . . , lOe Get our prices when wanting anything In the drug line. Can eave you money. Hardware , Stoves and House Furnishing Dept Special Sale ( or Monday Bread and Cake Boxes 37c Rim and Mortice Door Locks lOc Tin Dish Pans uc Japanned Chamber Pails KC Leatherette Lunch Boxes "c 4-tlne Manure Fork 4flc All Iron Frame Wringer $1.00 Good Kindling Hatchet DC Pott's Iron Handles En Dover Egg Beaters 5C Kitchen and Meat Saw lor Knives and Forks , per set 37c 10-quart Granite Dish Pans 27c 4-quart Milk Pans , granite flc 3-quart Dinner Pails , with trays 13c 2-hoIe No. 8 Laundry Stove $2.6& A good No. 8 Cook , warranted $7.85 HEATING STOVES AT NEARLY YOUR OWN PRICE. Bed Spreads 4 Special Numbers , for Monday. No. 1 Extra large crochet eyread 2-ply yarn , both warp and filling , at 50c. No. 2 Marseilles Pattern Crochet Spread , 3-ply , yarn both warp nnd Hiring , at 79c. No. 3 Largo Colored Spread , C different colors , worth $1.7. . , at $1.15. No. 4 Extra heavy Marseilles Spread , satjn finish , sold at $3.00 , at $2.1li. China Dept. I Jardinieres Just received a largo line of I the celebrated Dickens & Louelsa ware , th very finest art goods. In nil sizes , from 5Uc up. Complete metal Kitchen Lamps , with reflector , 29c. Hand Lamps , complete , with safety burners , 15c. 75c FJow blue deco rated Plates , Cups and Saucers , lOc each Incandescent Gas Lamp , complete with man tles , chimneys nnd shades. , 45c ; extra man tles , lOcs , We carry Welebach .and n dozen 1 other kinds. Optie Tumblers , sold regulai | nt 25c per sot , each 2c. Cups nnd Saucers , j 2c each. Plates. 2V1-C. 4 Vic nnd SVfcc. Flow I Blue Oatmeal Bowls. Cc. Fine White China ' Cups and Saucers for decorating , 5' c each ' Fine Cut Wlno Glasses , 2c. Decorated Pin Trays , Olive Dishes. Pickle Trays , etc. , 9c. Wash Bowls and Pitchers , 29Vi-c each. Gal- Ion Milk Crocks , Sc. Wall Paper aad Paints stork la here. The best at prices less than any store in Omaha. The most complete stocks of wall paper , paints , var nishes , stains , enamels , brushes and room ' moldings In the city. Call and get our prices. Wo arc leaders in low prli.es. Sheet Music Always to the front In our Music Depart ment. We carry all the very latest Sheet Music that Is published. All the popular darkey songs and rag time music on band ( and sold at Just halt price. The Easter Bonnet and Where to Get It The new spring1 hatl The new Easter Bonnet , The crowning finish to the now spring costume. The finishing touch to every correct dresser's toilet. WHERE TO FIND THIS IflAT Headwwr embodying the lat est style conceit , the most becoming shape , with the most beau tiful adornments and at the same time at n moderate price la short n creation assuredly correct , unique and exclusive this Is I he thought of the moment. AND THU A.XSW13K Well known to past patrons to thosa who best know the styles Is emphatically : Here at Hayden's Millinery Parlors. You will iind here a veritable forest of bea utiful hate. Sec the new exclusive shapes nnd de signs. Never has millinery been so bewltch- Ingly beautiful , never have shades blended so pleasingly to the eye nor materials been so pretty , nor shades so becoming. A grand > showing of nil that's new nnd desirable In ladles hendwcar. Many French models and hundreds of exquisite creations from our own work rooms. All priced to please. The style is in the Millin ery not in the Prices. In the astonishingly great assortment ; you are sure to find YOUR hat or bonnet. You arc welcome to come and look at the charming exhibi tion of flowers , ornaments , new ehapes and pattern hats , whether you buy or not. The largest , handsomest and most active millinery department In the Transmis sissippi section. EASTER BIBLE SALE We are closing out our entire sto ck of Bibles and Prayer Dooks carried over from the holidays , and as there can bo no nicer Easter Gift than a handsome Bible , we have decided to have a Grand I31bl Sale , continuing all Easter week , at ONE-HALF PRICE Xo. 1502 Elegant 50c Bibles , only 25c . No. 1723 Elegant $1.30 Bibles , only. . CCft Xo. 1200 Elegant $1.00 Ulbles , only. . 50c | No. 1300 Elegant ? 1.75 Bibles , only. . 880 No. 1 Elegant Sunday School Teachers' Bibles , long primer , 8 vo. , regular price ? 2.50 , on sale only $1.25 The same number , 'with patent index , worth $3.00 , on sale $1.50 Oxford Self-Pronouncing , patent index , leather lined , regular price $1.00 , on sale.$2.00 $ S.OO Bibles on sale $4.00$10.00 Bibles on sale $5.00 $12.00 Bibles on sale $ C.OOPrayer Books 10c to $4.50 AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF EASTER CARDS ON SALE. lOc 'Hair ' Pins , per dozen 3c | 75c Fancy Atomizers B5a 50c Fancy Atomizers 2Jc j $1.00 Fancy Atomizers EOo ELEGANT FANCY JEWEL CASES ON SALE. ELEGANT ALL SILK TAFFETA RIBBONS 10c , 15c and 20e Hair Nets on sale at Go Black only , with draw string for ruffling. NEW RIBBONS. NEW LACES. NEW TRIMMINGS , The finest line of DRESS FRONTS In the city. Groceries CAVMSH vncnTAUi < ns , nrc. 3-pound cans solid packed Tomatoes. . . 7'/4c 15c cans White Sugar Corn only Sc White , Swoct Sugar Corn. per can 6c lOc cans Wax or String Beans only. . . 7Vic 3-pound cans olden Pumpkin only. . . . 7' , c 3-pouud cans Baked Pork and Beans. . 7' c Canned Soups , Chicken , Tomato , etc. , etc. , one can make sufficient for elx people Sc Large 'bottles ' ipuie Tomato Catsup 12'/4c Horse Hadnh Mustard , with spoon. . . . lOc Fresh Grated Hoise Radish 7c Imported Chow Chow , per quart . . . . 15c Imported Sweet Plklrs , per quurt 15c Small Cans Baked Beana , only 3Vic Early Juno Peas , per can 7 c Small Sweet June Peas only lOc 2-pound cans Cider Apple Butter 9c Lemon Cling Peachcfc , sliced , per can..l2' : c Pineapple , sliced , eyelet and careless.12'/ Wilto or Black Cherries , per can..12VjC 3-pound can Preserved Raspberries..12Vic Blueberries , Blackberries , Gooseberries , etc. , tall cans , worth 15c lOc Pure Fruit Preserves , strawberry , rasp berry , ipeaeh , etc. , etc. , per jar lOc Mrs. Hopkins' Jaxs. tall glass jars , as sorted kinds , -worth 25c 15c Seedlesa Navel Oranges , dozen lOu Large Seedless Oranges , per dozen. . . . 20j Preserved Strawberries , large oval cans I&B CVAI'OU.VTKII FKIIIT3. Large new Valencia Raisins 5c Now California Prune * , pound lie Seedless Valencia Raisins , pound TVio Largo Black French Prunes , sugar cured 9c Large Yellow Evaporated Peaches 12e. White Golden Evaporated Pears 12c New Evaporated Apples , pound 12Jc New Evaporated Raspberries , red 15c c.\\xin i-'isii , ITI : . Be : nUley's Shredded Codfish , pound package for 20c Mackerel In tomato sauce , large cans. , llic Cove Oysters , solid packed , can Sc Imported Sardines , with key lOc Mustard Sardines , per can 3c Domestic Oil Sardines , per can 3V6c Tall cans Blood Red Salmon lOc Flat cans Blocd Red Salmon 1 " ' .it : lllTTiU ! , iJ : < JH AM ) CIIKIiSi : , Slricitly FrfBh Eggs , dozen lOc Choice Country Roll Butter , lOc and..l2'/ Very best Country Butter HE Fresh Dairy Butler , l c and I4o Finest dairy , equal to creamery , 16c and 10.- Separator Creamery Butter. ITciind. . . . ] Sc Best Elgin and Hygela Creamery -butter 19c Hod Clnud Canadian Cheese 14e Noufchalrl Cream Cheozo 2Vic New York I'uH Cream Cheese . . .12Uc Ijomcsllo Swiss Cheese 14c Imported Swiss Choree , flntet 29c Fancy Brick or Llmberger , 12lic and. , lie Edam Cheese , each , . . & 5c TIJAS A.M ) CdPFHHS , Crushed Java and ( Mocha , only lOc Choice Santos Coffee , only 121-ic Golden Rio Coffee , , . , . lEc High grade Java and .Mocha 25c Fancy iNvw Crop Tea Slftlnga 0s Imperial young Hyson 30s Nuw Eng I h B.caVfast , 35c iloyuno GunpuH'Jcr Tea , , 40c Pianos Just received , the finest and largest Una of Pianos that has ever been shipped to Omaua. Among this elegant assortment of Planes will be found "Tho Great American Piano , " "Chickering" Unrivaled and unsurpassed In tone , touch and workmanship. You will also find a large line of Fischer , Lester , Kurtzman and Franklin. Pianos for sale on monthly payments. New Pianos for rent. Pianos tuned , repaired , moved and packed. Rugs Special sale on made up Rugs 8-3x10-3 Moquetto Rugs , $10.50. Sx aioquettc , $9.00. 8-3x11 Wilton Velvet Rugs , $16.20. flxlU Wilton Velvet Rugs , $20.00. 8-3xS-3 Body Brussels Rugs , $7.70. C-9xlO Brussels , $6.50. Another Ht $5.00. 11-3x13-6 Brussels Rugs at $19.00. 11-3x13-3 Bruesels Rugs at $16.50. Special prices on all Wool and Union Art Squares. We can show you a good nelec tion In Rocm Rugs , In Wiltons , lAxminsters , Body Brussels and Smyrnas. Chenlllo curtains that have been Belling at $2.25 now on sale at $1.C5. Tapestry curtains , regular price $2.50 , it $1.75. Extra heavy fancy effects In tapestry portieres tieres at $3.00. $1.00 , $1.50 nnd $5.00 , Tapestry bruHgels carpets , regular jirics 60c , now 33c yard. 75o and SOc Brussels carpet ut DOe and 60o. All wool ingrains , 45c yard. Art ingrains , SOc > ard. Big Meat Sale Monday No. 1 Breakfast Bacon , fit rip. , flc Choice Pickled Pork 60 PlcUcd Trlpc 3Vio Very choice Ixincless Corned Beef 7V4o Good Salt Pork Co No. 1 Hanib. sugar cured Beit biand Summer Sausage . , . Fresh Pork Sausage , links ' lVt < i Pickled Plgn' fo a 4vo 3 palls best Lard 220 | Bologna Saiibago Co No. 1 Skinned Hams 8'/4o 3 jxiunds Wienerwurst , 25o Boneless Cottage Ham , , , 8'o Chipped Dried Beef 16o Frcth Dressed Chickens Monday. Kl.nrit , UTO. , I5TO. Fancy High Patent Mlniicbota Flour. . 9So Grod White Patent Flour. Back 75o Snow-flake Flour , sack , . , COo Largo sacl > s Puru Graham Flour 29o 10 pounds White or Yellow Cornmeal. . Oo & pouudd Breakfast Oats for 25o Grape-Nuts , the tiow food , package , , . , O'/io 10 bars Armour's Laundry Soap , . . . , . , 25o 10 bars Cudahy'6 Diamond C Soap. . . . 25o 12 bars Whlto Parla Si > | i ilor 25o BicakfaBt Oocoa , iier can 9o Bweot Chorolatc , vanilla flavor , pke. . . to Baking Chocolate , per package. Breakfast Oats , per package , , ,