TITE OarATTA BATTAT BETS ! TnUBSPAT , 23 , 1BOO. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA/ I COUNCIL BLUFFS- MIVOH MI3NTION. David rellfl Klaus. Mooros food kills worms and fattens. C. E Alexandct & Co. , picture frames , lovia rurnliurc n carpet Co. 407 B'way. J. ( . ' Blxhy. hpatttiK , Iimmblnis. Tel 133. C S. IolTcrl left last evening for Joplln , Mo. JtiBlIro Terrier Is miffprlnfc from an attack of the grip John T Stewnrt , Jr . loft lost evening for St. Louli on a short visit. C. II Jacuuomln & Co , Jewelers and op- tlclftn1) 27 South Mnln str et. Got your work done at the popular Eagle laundry , 721 Hro.idwar. 'phono 167 Mr and Mrs C. A. AlUus uero called to Sownrd , Neb. , Bgaln yesterday by the serious Illness of Mr. Atkins' mothur. , T II Miller of Omaha n dealer n tallorn' furnishings , was arrested yesterday morn- big , charged v Ith peddllnK without n llcomo. C II Warren. 119 South First street , hns received news of the death of his mother at York Bench , Me. , nt the advanced nge of 82 jcnra. George II. Dnrrlngton and W. S. Peterson of Pigeon ami Warren HoiiRh of Crescent \\cr\l \ on the Port Aithur roulo excursion from lie ic. II S Storrs of Crcston. assistant superin tendent of the IOVMI lines of the Chicago , Uurllngton & Qulncy railroad , nns In the 'city yesterday. Two new rases of monslps vvrro reported1 to the Hoard of Health jesU'rdnv. They were Meyers , child. 331 IJcnton street ; Arthur Wootl-i. ; ! )1S ) Fifth avenue. I A marring llrens.0as iBBiicd Acstorday to pjcr Stanley , aged < ! G , nnd Martha Denny , I Dgcd 2J. both of Tlldcn , Neb They \\cro married by Justice of the Ponce Ovldo A icn. Hx-Dopiity United States Mnrshil "Wnsh" niler vus In the rlty yesterday from At lantic , attending federal court In comiactlon \vlth a bootlegging cni > o loft over from the former administration Our spring opening of fine millinery nnd fancy grodi will bo given Friday nnd Sat urday. March 24 nnd i5. ! All are Invited. \Vo huvo n eurprlse In store for the women Stork & Cilsp , 341 Hroadwny. | i Waller Young of the United States ship Ban rranclsco , who has been In the nnvy for the last sK ye.irs , has received his lionor- nblo dlBchurgp , and hin nirived home for n , vHIt with his parents. Mr and Mrs. W. N. Young The rcmnlni of the late Miss Jane L Walker were tukcn yesterday afteinoon to Uello Fontaine , O . for Interment. Vunrral dervlcesero held ut the family residence , D31 Fourth otreut , by Hov. W S. Darnes. pastor of the Flint Presbyterian church. C. R Bird nllas "Strololi. " who has been in custody at the city 1nll for several weeks on the charge of complicity in the burglnry nt George Illshop's residence , wnlved exami nation In police court jcstetday morning nnd was hound over to the grand Jury. Judge Aylcsvvoith Ilxod his ball nt $300. Mrs. Elizabeth Fodlsch wife of Hrncst Podlscll , 21 South Fifteenth street , died last evening , aged ! 11 je.irs > . She leaves besides her hutfbaml a baby boy 17 months old. The funeral will bo held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clrck from the German Lutheran church , nnd Interment will bo in Walnut Hill ceme tery. Encampment No S , Union Veteran legion , will hold mi open meeting this evening In Woodmen of the World hall Hev M C. Waddell of the Broadwny Methodist ohincli will deliver an addtess and thiro will bo Blnglng by the choii of the same church. The encampment extends n coidlal Invitation to all old soldiers and their families to at tend. . Whllo the funeral pcrvlces over the re- pains of the late iMlss Jane Walker were being held jesteiday afternoon at the family residence on Fourth street a chimney eaught fire , tilling thci house with smoke. An alarm vns turned In and the department responded , l it a couple of buckets of water did the work and the services of the Ilremen were not needed E. H. MeNeal and H. L Lambert , the two anon arrested Tuesday afternoon as sus picious chuiactors on account of having con siderable clothing In their possession , were discharged from custody yesterday morning Itov. Henry DoLonK stated that hu had given the men the clothing as payment for work they hud done nround the mission on Broad way. The police leained that the same men had pawned a quantity of old clothing , which It vras also sho\vn hud been given them by UeLong. Mrs J M Roth , the woman who cnmo here In search of her lecrcant husband , filed an Information In the uuperlor court yestuday morning charging Iloth and Mrs. Flora Clnimo with adultery. Roth was ar rested yesterday evening In Omaha nnd con sented nt OIIPO to como IncU. Mrs , Clause had a hearing before Judge Aylesworth In the- afternoon nnd the cuso against her dis missed Hoth and his wife had an Interview nt the city Jail last ovenlng and It Is bclloved thu cabo will bo dropped nnd ho will return lior.io with Mrs. Hoth. N. Y , Plumbing company. Tel. 2GO. Do/Is sells drug * 1'ljA.V IMIMIOVKMBVI'S. Hook Ixliiinl HciliKTH UN Hciivy Cruilc AloiiK ( In * Mm * . In nddttlon to the extensive Improvements which the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railroad has commenced to cm r > out in this city It is prepaiing to materially reduce thu heaviest glades between here and Neolu. AH soon us the frost Is out of the grouml ft largo force of men will bo put to work In making the changes. The existing grades 010 between fortv-flve and fifty-two feet par mile nnd It Is proposed to cut them down tit least to thirty foil. The latter gradient will permit the engines now In service on the west division to haul f > 0 per cent greater tonnage over thu line tlian nt present. It Will also enable thu passenger trains to make much greater speed The coi.ipany will also this spring extend the double Hack , now completed to Moccow , to West Libert ) , twelve miles west. ANH < > NNIIU Hit * Knll rlimU. The assessment of the various railroad ! Jn Iowa has been completed by the statt executive council and the assessment H nbout aggregate the eame nmount aa be fore $44,438,78. ! The Omaha Bridge & T p mlnal Hallway company , which line liltherh escaped taxation , lias been assessed ai $3,000 per inllo on 3,5 miles , The lowi ( half of the drawbrldgu In assessed b ] the local assessors. With the ex coptlon of n few minor and unlmportau changes the assessment of the Northwestern Milwaukee , Burlington and Hock Island remains mains as before. Tiho followIIIK transfers wore filed yester day In the abstract , tltlo anil loan otllco o J. W. Squire , 101 1'crirl streets John II. J"chr to Frlodrloh Ilunilt , n'ii ne-U nnd 1 acre In s\t , nc'i 2S-7C-IO , w. d I 3OC John J , Jolmran to William L Hob- win , lots 3 and 4 , block 7 , Town of Macedonia. "W d. . . . Georco I ? . Sellers nndlfo to James Ij. UunUer n\4 of e j of lot 7 , block 10 , Town of Walnut. \ > d . . . . 2.B ( County Treasurer to John A Churchill , lot y. block a. ] ] fiylls' Third ndJ , to Council Ulurr * . t d . . . Shot Iff to Mary ShreAO Hutchlnson , lots 1C und 17 , Purplo'a subdlv of O. V , Jot * . Council Hluffs , s. d . . 3.3 ; Kamc to A.V Way , lot 4 block 1. liujlls.s' Second add. to Council muffs , 8 d , ,4 , ! Total , six transfers , . , .JU l LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGH I'or tiiuli or IiOiuiril OH. I ? . II. SIIJ'AFK & CO. , 6 1'curl Street , Council mufti , I nvi /\n IT PTO Tfi 'Pin i pfi ncMiPwi' OBJECTS 10IIIEASSESSMENI Union Pacific Railroad Gorapnny Desires to Have it Set Aside. APPLIES FOR A RESTRAINING ORDER In to Conic lip llcfore on Mtturiliu ( IriniiiilH ou AVIileli the Application In .Millie. The Union Pacific Railroad company Is dissatisfied with the assessment placed ou Its line" ? In Iowa by the state executive council , consisting of I-enlle SI. Shaw , gov ernor ; ( Jcorgo L Oobsoii , secretary of state , Frank Mcrrlnm , state auditor , nnd John Hcrrlott , state treasurer , and jester- day applied to Judge Mungor in the United States circuit court Ihere for an order re- otralnlng It from certifying to the county auditor of Pottavvnttnmlo county such as- seiHtncnt. Judge Munger hns et next Sat urday for hearing the application. The Union Pacific claim * that such as- Bcssmont Is unfair , unjust , illegal , oxcisslvu and inequitable. In support of these claims It sets forth the following reasons That the asbessed value of the lands I owned by the Union Pacific Railroad com pany is for In excess of the vnluo ot the adjacent lauds as returned b > the osbcssor of the city of Council DlufTs. That the assessed value of the property of the Union Pacific as flxod by the oxecutlvo council la ; .11ti,8SO , and that the total as sessment of all railroad property In Pottn- wnttnmlo county as flxed by the oxecullvo couucll Is $ li2 | , ! > 20 Thus the assessment of the Union Pacific's properly is 22.2-10 per cent of the total , while the mileage of i the Union Puclllc In bald count } . Including the Union avenue "dummy line , " which Is | not operated , Is 3 78-100 miles , as against 141 11-100 miles of railroad , or only 2 2-10 per cent of the total mileage. That the Union Pacific's property Is as sessed at more than 28 pot cent as much as the 137 63-100 miles belonging to the other railway companies In the county with I all their Improvements , right of wny , side ' tracks , rolling stock , deiwt grounds , etc. That the nsseshment us made by the ex ecutive council Is made upon a basis which values the property of the Union Pacific nt a greater value than the cost or icproduc- I tlon. tlon.That the assessed valuation on the Union Pacific's property In Pottawattamlo county ns found by the oxecutlvo council Is ? 31fi- 880 , or 149 per cent of the gross Gainings of the company , wheiens the assessed valua tion of the other railroads on their main i lines in the state of Iowa is less than C5 per cent ot their gioss earnings. That the full value of the property of the Union Pacific In the state of Iowa , nil of which property is In the county of Potta- wattamle , Is ? 5SS.4H , the assessment value of which at 25 per cent would be $117,111. Continuing the petition b ° ts forth that the gross earnings of the Union Pacific In Iowa f < r the > oar ending December 31 , 1898 , wore 5212,256.55 , and that the opeiatlng expenses were 228,753 01 , leaving a deficit of $1C- 4&72G , to Ylilch is added $19,502.87 taxes I 1 aid for the- same year , making the total ' deficit $3G,0)0 ! ) 13. In conclusion the company asks that the executive council be restrained from certi fying fciich assessment to the county auditor mid that it be compelled to assess the com pany's pioperty on a basis to coirpspond with the assessment made on the other rail roads in the state. Think' ' If only thirty people start in on the first Bee wheel contest the average num ber of subscribers they have to get will only be ten. Of com so more will start , and If jou are one of thnm why should you not get n wheel ? You ohooju any make MAY OI'iUP SHVEVI'H HTHIinT. City mill Hock iNlimd Itnml Try < < > < ; ! T < ip ; 'tlirr oil n I'luii. The controvcisy between the city and the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific Hallway * company over South Seventh street , ana which the railroad now offers to amicably settle by opening the contested thoroughfare - faro , provided the olty will vacate that portion tion of Soutli Slxtli sitieet ncropa which the company's tracks are , Is one of many years' standing. A suit In which the railroad com pany seeks to establish Its claim to Sev enth btrcet Is now pending befoio the su- > rcmo court , having been taken up on ap peal by the city. The litigation between Who Rock Island and the city over the possession of Seventh street , where the company'n tiacks cross between Fourteenth and Thirteenth avenues , commenced several jears ago , and It was : iot until last August that the papers were filed in the supreme court City Attorney Wadswortli had expected that the case would io reached nt the May term. The Hock Island road claimed poEHossion of Seventh street and denied the right of the city to order It to lay planking between 1L ralle or do anything else to make the thorough fare passable to the public. The i nil way claimed possession of the street on three grounds- First , that the street was nnvor dedicated to the city ; ficc- and , that it holds a deed for the land com prising tliat portion of the street fiom the late John T. Baldwin and others ; third , that It secured possession by renron of the city having lost Its rights by abandonment , In 1891 the city ordered the street biought to grndo and let the contract for the work , The railroad company nt once went Into court to enjoin the city from doing any work on that portion of the street occupied by 1th tracks. A compromise , however , was effected and the railroad company brought the portion occupied by Its right of way up to grade nnd wlllulrew the Injunction suit , Nothing further was done until 1SU5 , whcr the residents In that locality complained tc the city council and urged that the railway company bo compelled to plank the cross ings between ita tracks and to make the street passable for both teams and fool passengers. In view of this agitation the Uncle Island commenced Injunction proceed ings to restrain the city from Interforlnf with its possession of the street , The cast was tried before Judge Green , who rulec ndvernoly to the city iirul granted the In junction eoueht. It le tlio appeal from this decision that is now pending in the supremi court. In the brief filed by the city In tin supreme court It Is argued that It hat never been necessary for the city to tak < any action whatever for the opening o Sixth , KlfihMi or Ninth streets when crossed by the Hock Islund'u right of way and It Is contended .that If the city had tin right to occupy nnd use tlionu streets It hac for the mime reason nnd with equal locli the right to Seventh street where tin railroad company' * tracks ciofs the thor oughfare. It IB further alleged that thrsi streets nro continuous througli the sumi addition and that the puoplo of Councl llluffa have a right to occupy them fo street purposes. It IB also contended tha the deeds under which the railroad claim possession of that portion of Seventh utreo vvero not wade for several years nftor th' ' streets through the addition named wer < platted and dedicated to the uao of tlip pub Mr. In proof of Its contention that thi Hook Island recognized the fact that Sev entlx street was continuous across its rlgh ot way , the city points to thu fact that whei the company built lt freight house It built clear up to but not bojond the street line. Kio Hock Inland aa n further Inducement to secure the vacation of Sixth street by the city agrees to pave a strip of roadway nnt less than thirty feet wide on the north sldo of UB right of way from the cast line ot Seventh street to the west line of Main street The ordinance submitted by the nt tornojs for the Itock Island at the meeting of the rlt > council last Monday night was paused to Its second rending nnd then re ferred to the committee of the wtiolo The council will moot Monday night , when Interested property owners who are opposed to Lho cloelnpc of Slxtli street will be afforded an opportunity to atnto their objections So far as can bn learned but little opposition has developed ngalnet the closing of the street , although heretofore Sixth strtot has been n main thoroughfnro. cn vunnn "u ITH itoiiitiMi TUB CAIIS. Grorttc 'William * Arromteil mill Much Sloli'ii t'roporlj- > i > ni oreil. It developed yesterday morning that the two suits of clothes found In possession of George Williams , who was arrested Tucs- da > night by OfUcor Ed Smith , were part of n large quantity of olothluR and othnr Roods stolen from n freight car In tha yards of the'Chicago ' & Northwestern road that night. The onr. It Is believed , wan broken Into between Missouri Valley nnd this city Examination yesterday mornlnff showed that several cars bore marks Indicating that i attempts had been made to break open their doors , but without effect. The train stopped ' at Honey Creek to allow another train to pass nnd it Is supposed that the thieves succeeded In breaking open one of the Hide doors of this car and threw out the goods just before reaching the city. A case of clothing consigned to Salem , Ore. , was broken open and the larger part of the con tents stolen. Among other goods stolen was a case of tonnlo rackets. A large stone with which the door was forced open was found in tha car. Some of the missing goods TV ore recovered by the pollco yesterday morning Ten pairs of trousers , twelve vest * and thirteen coats and a dozen tennis rackets were found hld- den under a pile of tics Just north of the Northwestern roundhouse A search of Wll- HamB' house on Avenue M brought to light a case of fancy hair pins whlclh ( had also been stolen from the Fame car. The police arc of the opinion that Wil liams , who has been In the city but a few months , Is only one of a gang of thieves who make a specialty of robbing freight cars Williams told the pollco H number of dlffsrent stories to account for his po sos- nlon of the stolen clothes , all of which have neon proven to tic false He will be held pending further Investigation W. F. Berrj , n young man recently em ployed as a hiok driver , was arroated jes- tenday oiftornoon on suspicion of being Im plicated In the robbery. When he saw the- polios coming ho took to Tils heela and tried to board n passing passenger train In the Northwestern vards , 'but ' was overhauled by OfTlcer Stoolrdale. None of the stolen i goods were found on "him " , but when searched a.t the station he was found to bo carrying a despot-ito looking slungshot. He was booked for cnrrvlng concealed weapons. On-lit Mrn And Famous Wouun and ill kinds of maga zines bound bv Morehouse & Co. Mil. IIUUIvR F1MIMSHRS AJf OPIMOX. AVntvr of Purulent ofVnrrttn < In Hflil ( o Ho I-eiuil. Ait the request of the finance committee of the city council Attorney Flnley Burke had faubmittcd an opinion on tflic question of holders of warrants Issued for current ex penses , waiving tholr rlglvtt of priority as regards payment. The opinion follows- Answering the fuithor question submitted by you to me for my opinion with r feronco ! to city warrants of Council Bluffs , would say : If the holders of the later warrants of the city will waive the priority of payment claimed by them , and will waive this In such a vvav an to bind their assignees , or future holdeis of those wariauts. I think the city would bo safe In paying the old warrants in the older of their presentation But while a city warrant IB not a negotiable Instrument , and hence Innocent holders' are not protected as to defenses the city might have. In the way , for Instance , that innocent purcbubers for vnluu before maturity of com mercial paper would be , still the warrants are governed by the law In force which enters into and becomes part of the con tract , and they would not be charged with notice of n secret walvor of legal provisions. It follows that to make the waiver effec tive agaiiibt futiiic holders or assignees of the paper , that such waiver should bo written across the face of tbo warrants If this is done I would consider It safe to pay the old warrants regardless of how that question shall ultimately bo settled. This plan of getting the holders of current wan ants to wnivo tholr claims of priority of pavment Is in the opinion of many of the city olllclals npt likely to bo successful. In the ( list place it will be almost an Impossi bility to secure waivers fiom all the war rant holders , Inasmuch na a fresh batch of warrants are Iwiued ovcry month and before the city treasurer would be safe in paying any of the old warrants ho would haveto have In Ills po&sotslon waivers from every holdt'i of a current warrant. These could not bo obtained until the close of the fiscal year and even then the city olllolals have grave doubts that It could he accomplished and the plan successfully carried out Most of the city olTlelals are In favor of having another suit similar to the I'lilllpb-IUcd case brought In the district court without any further delay. camp , No. 171 , M. W. A. , will give a dunce nnd juvenllo cake walk Thuisdaj ovenlng , March 23 , nt K. of P. hull. ICAHIi II Vlllimt'IV I'MIAUS ROII.TV AiliultH Hint He Ilmltc Open n I-e < lc-r- liux anil Stole ( InCniilcnlH. . Karl IIaibcrt < s pleaded guilty yesterda ; nfteinoon In the federal court to breaklni Into a private latter box at tha postofllio li this city last July and stealing a number o letters addressed to David Bradley & Co an implement firm , Judge Mungor will pas fcontenco on him today. Harbcrtz , whoso right name is eald b ; I the authorities to bo Theodore Blucher , vva arrested in this city July 22 of last jear I after ho had attempted < o cash n chccl ' pajablo to David Bradley & Co , and bear I Ing the forged endorsement of W. W Loomls , treasurer of the company. Late developments showed that he secured till check and others by breaking open th prlvnto letter box of David Bradley & Cc at the postofflcp It was also shown tha 1 llarborti nmdo a rubber stamp with th 3 I words , "David Bradley & Co , " similar t < f that used by the firm for stamping checks i I i The forgery of Mr. Loom Is' signature vva ( a clums ) one. Hnrbertz urged that he had been give ; 1 the chccl , s by another party to cosh , an u jouug man named Tony Veagh was nt rested , but aa thuie was no evidence outsld of Hnrbertz's htorj to connect him with th robbery or forgery , he was dl&charged. A the Inbt term vf federal court Harhcrtz si cured n continuance of his case on th plea -that ho believed he could obtain ovl denoo that would piovo ho was an Itiuocen party. The trial of T J. Farnham und John Wll eon , churgud with tha robber ) of the post olllco at Uiaj on thu night of Novombur 2 ! wus cominvnccHl. nut little progress bcjon Impamiellug the- Jury was made ycsterda afternoon , This case will conclude the bun ! ness of ( his term , aa all rosca Iti whlc tha dofoudauts uro out ou ball huvo boo continued until next term. One of the cases that goes over IH that of Larry King , the alleged "con" man , charged with having "flash" roll ot hills In bin possession nt the time of his arrest hero lost summer. John Bonrdman , n one-armed veteran j bootlegger , pleaded guilty to breaking the law ngnln In that respect nnd was sentenced to eight months In the county Jail nt Avoca and to pay a fltio of $100. AM > Timu Aviinni. . oons. Tlic Sopoml ronlont IJmlw ntul AVInttor In r.iitllloil tn Online of llli'j ! . The second of The Bee wheel contests cmno to a closp last evening. Llko the first , It was an Interesting race to the end. The llttlo solicitors fr > r The Dee wore In the field early and late and all worked faithfully and with a vim nnd energy that would do credit to the older onefl. The first contest started March 1 nnd ended March 11. It IB a singu lar coincidence that the second ended In cloven days , consuming the earns space of time ns V\M required In the first. The Bee would like to glvo every boy nnd , Hlrl In Council Bluffs a wheel , but wo I ' ' In that manner haven't enough to go 'round and we have started these contests so as to I onabla those who "want a good wheel to earn ono by n little healthful exercise In solicit ing for Bee subscribers. Then , again , the boys and girls who earn wheels by their own oxortlon and enterprise feel prouder of them than they would were they presented with n bicycle by their parents or some friend. The third contest will open this morning and those 'who ' doslro to enter the rnco will oomo to the ofllce , No. 10 Pearl street , and register and get blank order slips nnd sam ple copies. The Instructions have been pub lished In The Bee from day to < lay , so that a great ninny are nlready familiar with ' them. It is an easy wny to get a wheel and j the boys and girls should not let the oppor tunity go by unheeded. The ivlnnor of the wheel in the second oonteat Is Martin Voltner. Ho was one of the workers in the first race and came out second. Having faith In his ability to got i a wheel , ho started In on the next ono nnd j the result of his perseverance la victory. He will be barred from future contests. Ho can [ come to The Bee olllco nnd select his make , of a wheel of the 1899 model. The second I to Mr. Volmer In the race -was Miss Nellie L. Head and Wlntlo Drake came in third. Others In the contest were : Ida Norton , I Nellie Footo , Earle McConncll , Abe Shepard , Kthol Crisp , Homer Henry , Fred Chlzum and Jasper Kirk. . i Hemcmber that the third contest opens this morning. Come In and register and bo among the first In the field. Bluff City laundry. 'Phone 314. They're easy on clothes. UKAI1N UUAI.I2KS 1IOII > A MEETING. ICIeut Olllcorn mid Ileclilc Nut 1u Join ( InMiitloitnl AHUoulntlon. The Drain Dealer ' association of south western loiwa and northern ( Missouri held I its annual meeting nt the Grand hotel here ' jesterday. Two sessions , ( both of which were behind closed doors , were held , ono in the afternoon and Uie other in the evening. At the evening session offlcere for the en- Hiiing year were elected as follows : Presi dent , D. Hunter , Hamburg ; vice president , H. A. Vanseholack , Elliott ; treasurer , J. B. Samuels , Hiverton ; secretary , G. A. &tlb- bens , Coburg ; governing committee , P. ( M. Campbell , Randolph ; E. F. Roee , Coin ; J. II. Hairls , Northboro ; G. II. Currier , Pres.- cott ; J. L. Gwynn , Imogene. Ono of the principal questions under dls- cuHslon was whether1 the association should join the National Grain Doalora' association. On a vote being tnken it was decided not to , ns the association would bo governed by j the laws and rules of the national body , which were believed to bo Ice3 favorable for the association to operate under than Its own. Creston was selected as the place for the next annual meeting. Among thofce in attendance were : rroiu Iowa J. V. Babcock , Ida Grove ; J. Oxlell , W. Koblilns , Farragut ; J. R. Harris , H J. Scott , Northboro ; J. A. Canlen , Wln- flold ; W. W. mils , Vllllsca , G. A. Stlbbens , Coburg ; C. M. Boynton , H S. Storis , Cres ton ; J. W. Shambaugh , Clarlnda ; G. W. Judd , Sidney ; W. C. Slevers , Walnut ; Frank Anderson , Pacific Junction ; H. iA. Van- totiolu.uk , Elliott ; < M. L. Thomson , Earlhara ; G. II. Currier , Prescott ; E. F. Hose , Coin ; J. Gault , Creston , William Cool , G. M. Gwynne , Cumberland ; D. Hunter , Hamburg ; J. S Wright , Binddyvllle ; S. T. Rhodes , Randolph , J. C McKee , Blanchard ; Lansing Gray , Gloversvllle ; W. Dougherty , HO.W- tliorno , O. T. Hurlburd , Burlington ; D. N. IDuulap , W. F. Johnson , Fontauelle ; J. W. Sexton , Bildgewater. Prom Missouri Krick Picker , II. F. Kctchum , W. Ferguson , II. Charters , H Hunter , J. L Wright , St. Louis ; J. F. Cook , Skldmore. Bee blcjcle contests. "You choose any make. cirrs ms MOMJY HACK. 1'our 'J'lioilHiinil of tlif MiNKiiiK Five TlioiiNiiml IN Itudirneil. Charles Officer , caohlcr of the banking firm of Ofllcer & Pusey , who dropped a roll of bills containing $5,000 In Omaha a week erse so ago , was pleasantly surprised last oven lng by a man calling at his house nnd re turning him $4,000 of the amount. The other $1,000 ho kept ns his reward , which bad been offered by Mr. Pusey through the no ws- pnpers to nnyona returning the money. The man , whoso name Mr. Pusoy decllijed to make public , said the money had 'been picked up by n 13-year-old messenger boy who bad hidden It In a barrel of sawdust nt bis homo ever since. According to the man's story ho found out that the boy had the money and gave him $5 , telling htm ho would return it to the rightful owner. It Is believed from what the man snld that he is a member of the Omaha police force. When the fact became known that lao had u-covered his money Sir , Officer was kept busy last night receiving the congratula tions of his friends. VN OPPOSE ARMY P Tompsrance Union Fears it Will Hayo Bad Moral Effect on the Oity. MINISTERS ARE CALLED IN AS ALLIES fiitN ot H nt ' I \\lll Not lie 1'ernilKrd tn Kiiti HrliiMten In 41ic VnrliiiiN DCS MOINI7S , Mnrch 22 ( Special Tele ' gram. ) The four chapters of the Woman's Chrlstliin Temperance union In this city lespcctlvoly nnincd the Temple , Wlllanl , llrcokmlller nnd N'ornino Law , held a Joint sc-fulon this artcrnoon and at the conclusion adopted TOBO- discussion of a most spirited Unions condemning the attempt ot tills city , to socmo a new nrmy post and appointing n committee to fight the location ot nuy such post In Uila city. The women oppose the post because , they say , It would have a bad effect upon the morals ot the city. The Ministerial association will be risked to Join In the movement. The Slate Hoard ot Control nt Its meeting with the superintendents of state Institu tions today decided that after July 1 no superintendents will bo permitted to em ploy relatives In the various Institutions. The county attorney today announced that ho would fllo a demurrer to the temporal y writ ot Injunction -which has been granted the six DCS Molnes Insurance companies op posing the pavrnent of taxes to the couutj They claim that they nro taxed by the state und that to be taxed by the county would bo double taxation , and that under n certain section of the code they nro exempt ftom taxation In the counties The county attor ney will demur upon the ground that thp section ot the code argued Is unconstitu tional. A final decree will be made upon this de murrer In the circuit court and no matter \\hat the ruling Is the case will be appealed to the supreme court either by the county or the Insurance companies. The county holds thnt the state has no right to exempt the Insurance companies from personal tax. H Is believed by the advisors ot the county that the loner court will sustain the de- clslon nnd that If It does not the supreme court will , or U will have to reverse some decisions already made by thd same tribu nal. This case docs not affect the foreign Insurance companies , but lias to do solely with the companies which have their head quarters and nro Incorporated under the law-h ot the stnto ot Iowa. Many companies located in other Iowa cities are Interested. ItOHlrnlnoil from \Vliliiiiliitr Wife. An Injunction was Issued from the district trlct court today restraining a husband from further beating his wife. According to her pleading he has whipped and teat her until she has nearly suffered death. The applicant Is Laura McClellan , the wlfo of George Mc- Clollan , a property owner on the east side of the liver. The Ministerial association of Res Molnes has called a meeting of the ministers of the state for April 3 and 4. The same dates the Iowa Anti-Saloon league will hold Its stnto convention here. The meeting of these two organizations at the same time and place has been called for a consultation with alew of united action in temperance and prohibition questions throughout the state. ' 'It all depends on what the democrats do , " said Chairman Hancock of the repub lican state central committee today. "If Fred Townsend , Its chairman , will call off tholr convention from August 2 I shall eel the date for the rfpubllcan state meeting. Townsend said ho would let me know in a few days. " The date for the state repub lican convention ns set by the committee for August n conflicts 'with ' the state meet ing of the Knights of Pythias , which Is to be held In Davenport. On account ot this there are many leading workers In the re publican paity who want to attend the Knights of Pythias conclave , but are also pel haps state delegates to the party conven tion and possibly candidates for state offices. Therefore Chairman Hancock thought It best to try to arrange another dote. There seems to be n majority in favor of August 2 ae against n later date. rinon for Iliiior Denier * . TORT DODGC , la . March 22. ( Special Telegram. ) The drug store men and liquor dealers of Clare who pleaded guilty to the indictment of maintaining a liquor nuisance at Clare rccched tholr sentence this morn ing from Judge Whittaker , each being fined ? 40l > . The alleged violations were keeping open on Sundajs and holidajs and in other ways transgressing the provisions of the mulct law. The dealers fined were : B. J. .and Raymond Hood , M. J. Haugh , John Hanrahan and M. J. Lahlft. Teaeliern' Ii SIBLHY , la. March 22 ( Special Tele gram. ) The Osceola County Teachers' In- Ktltuto Is In session , 'with an enrollment of 119 , and County Superintendent Redmond , conductor ; Profs. Sabln , Sessions , Johnson and Mrs Mitchell , instructors. Ex-State Superintendent Henry Sabln delivered a lecture this evening on "Thu Education of Democracy. " An active term of district court is in progress , Judge Gaynor presiding. Two trial juries are kept busy. J.emeN Hod ; Inland Itoncl. TOPEKA , Kan. , March 22. J , W Fltz- gibbon , who has been assistant superin tendent of motive power and equipment an the lines west of thu Missouri river of tha Rock Island , with headquarters at Hortnn , Kan. , JIBS resigned and has accepted the position of mipcrlntendcnt of machinery of the Delaware , Ivicknwanna & Westein road , with headquarters at Scranton , Pa. Aililliio : < < > VlNll.le Supply station * . CHICAGO , March 22. After July 1 the visible supply figures made up by the Chicago cage Board of Trade will Include the stocks at Fort William , Ont. Now Orleans and Gnlveston. The New Orleans wheat stock March IS wax 415,000 bushels and the r-orn 1,360,000 bUhhels The Fort William wheat stock Is 2,750,000 bushels. SALE ! j The crowds are coming to 502 Broadway , and arc taking goods away at their price. Wo are satisfied , und the people ought to be. Wo are sorry to be com pelled to Hacrlflce goods , but wn ore determined to sell all the goods purchased from the old firm of Motcalf Bros , and will continue the auction every afternoon and evening till everthing Is sold. In tbo meantime , It will pay you to keep track of the fact that our. new bprlng eults are all In at the old stand. No old goods to be found there. Eveiy- thlng the irvatlon of 1893-99. Successors to Metcalf Bros. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING Friday and Saturday , March 24 and 25. Most olegmil line of pattern huts cvor phown in the oily , MRS. MINNIE PFEIFFER , 202 BROADWAY , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , _ _ , wJv tv < SJ- > < < J > -t V < S ' * > ( * > - * ( | > < J -vS-w- V - > V * w- < - w ( ( ; I The Time for Riding Wheels is at Hand. \ T ] Get One Easy by Joining T H IT 1 I The Third One Opens This Morning. f Do You Use Plasters ? You want the best , the one that relieves and cures. "Which is it ? Allcock's ' ! "Why ? Try it , smell it , compare its fine aromatic odor with the smell of all other plasters. They all smell alike , a nasty , sweetish odor because they are made of cheap materials. "We guarantee ALLOOCK'S ' POROUS PLASTERS to be made of the high est priced and purest of drugs. Don't ' be buncoed. G-et the best Allcoek's. ' H H * am Tom Moore lOc a a r Henry George 5c I > rs TWO JUSTLY POPULAR GIGAfl ! S tao H 5O 5 John G. Woodward & Co. 5vt Council Bluffs , la. , Distributors. vto O mis With a poor looking suit Is anything , but pleas ing. Get the latest thing out in 1899 styles , at moderate prices , at the old reliable tailoring estab lishment ofT T/\ "D"TOkT TT ir" JOHN PE 540 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUf FS. Guarantee Hog Cholera ruro nnd Preventl\e Bold under an absolute Kuuruntcc Try It and savijnur hoes Atfunti w.inttcl everywhere. Write us. Guarantee Cholera Cure Go. COUNCIL BLUFFS. I A. THE NEUMAYER JACOB MiUMAYBR , PIOI | > . IH. 206 , 2' * , 10 , UroiUway , Council Bluffs Hates , } 1 25 per day ; 7t rooms , irlrat-clan li eveiy respect. Motor line to all dcpolt ) . lot.il uKonr/ for the Celebrated HI Loui * A. D C. Beer. Klret-clusa bar In con nection CURE YOURSELF ! U u UlfrU for unnatural IrruiioLi ur ultrrullon > uT inucuiiN u > viil > rahrf I'ulnln * , ami I ot uililc or fnt In plain r | * br tii < r < . < , .pd ) , feZ II l . or ATottlrl , ( Z 71 l/irouiit icui vu r Ul.t. LOANS On Iniiinneil Fauns In lown i rnil f'KNT. With a hmul CominlBslon. SNAI'8 Kor Sale 7-rnntn IIOIIKCJ. city water fi tlirfiKood lotH with fruit tro i ; H In tin" condition , tdtuitul on West rodiiiiy , nciir Twtnt > - ccond street. 51. COM , If Kilil at OIKC f > 0 HITCH fruit luiiil In 'Mills ' county , Iu. , $16 jter u < li' . , M ( ren In Hurrl'on county , In. , $15 p r at ri * J aina guidon land , all under cultivation. innlilo < lt > llmllfl. Jl.'W ' htoik taini < miiB , eight rnlles from ( . ' ( Hindi JHnlTH-frilr jirlcc 7-room house for rent or sale , No , 622 Thliil Htifi-t 6-rooni IIOIIHO for rent on Fleming ave , J5 HouHiof two looms and lot ID ( IB'CB"un > ; addition flm. noil. JIM ) cash. Money Icunul for local Inventors ut 5 ner cent l.let > oui Dtoiiurty with IIH for iwlo or rent. i.ouoni : & LOUOIK N. . llffi South Main 'mi et , Council Hlurfn. Ju. Tcltiihonc 312.