8 TTTE mrATTA DATLT "REE : TTESDAV , INF MJCTT 11 , IftOO. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Divis . . - Moore's food hills worms and Uttan * . 0 C. Alexander & Co , picture frames , Iowa Kurulture tt Carpet Co , 407 ll'way. J. 0. Hlxby , hentlne , plurnblnc Tel. 193. r U Jacenicmln & Co , Jewelers and op- tie-inn * . 27 South Main street. 'let jour tvork done at the popular Ragle Ifttmdrj. 724 llroadwaj. 'phono 157. H H WMdm-in of PlntUmouth , Neb. , 6j/"nl Sunday in the city visiting friends. William Doolcy nnd Mary Heidi , both of Bouth Omaha , were married In thla city yes- tnday , Justice Terrier ofllclatlnc J K. Hnrnnrd , who recently reinove'd with It K family from thin city to St. Joseph. Mo. , tin hod here on a buelnois trip Itist i vcnlng. The 1'rnnsj iMinln club will meet thla evening nt Woodman hall , when n program of niiiBleal and vocal numbcia will be given unl rcfictdimc'iils Reived George II Stouart , assistant United States proHocutliiB attorney , arrived yesterday afternoon form Kort Madison to prop ire for tlio March term of federal court , which open * heie this morning with Judge Mungor of Omnhn on the bench. At tbc annual election of the Ganymede "tthocl club , huld lust night , the following ofllrpis were olc'ctud. President. K. 11. Scnrlu , vice president , Hay \V Hlxhy , scc- retui > , i : A Ingolsby , treasurer , J P Mull- liollnnd , captain , ( Jeorge E Williamson At the annual meeting of the ' 'oiinrll Illuffs Honing nusoclnllou , held last night , the following Hoard of Directors wns elected1 } ' A lluckmnn , R. A. Wlckhnm , J. T. Tldd , AR. . Shepard , Rmmct Tlnley , J M. Ken- lou , II C linns , P. D Rmpkio and Victor \\hlte \ , Omnlm The dlrc-ctors will meet in the near future and elect olllcers. Mrn Mnrgaiet Ward , wife of R A. Ward of CM rrnnklln avenue- , died jesUrd ly morn ing of consumption , ngcd 33 sears The funoial will bo held tomorrow afternoon nt 2 o'cleick fiom thu residence The services will be conducted by Uev J W. Wilson of the First Congregational church and Inter ment will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery. Mis. Virginia L IJock of ISO Glen avenue died suddenlj fiom heart dlBcnse Sunday morning nt St. Paul , iMlnn , where she went u week tigo on a visit The remains will arrive he-re Thursdiiv morning nt S15 o clock over the Chicago & Northwestern railway and will be tnken direct to rnlrvlow ceme tery , whc'ie seivlcos will bo conducted by Hev. 0 r. Walk of St Paul's Rplscopal chilich Deceased was f.G yean , of ago The case of Sam Hiriu" ? , chaigcd with be- Inir Implicated In the burglary of Chai es HiHliim'i lesldence , will come up In police court this inclining The police claim to linvo Bocured additional evidence against Dailies In the shape of n gun cover wblcli was on the illle stolen from Hlshop s heiiifcc. ThlH cover hns been found nt n second-band Htore in Omaha where D.irneb Is Slid to bnvc sold the gun. The gun has tint been recovered as It was sold by the dealer. The Insanity commissioner will rrcet this morning to take net Ion In the caseof Mary Nelbon , against whom nn Infoniiitlon barging hci with being mentally ranged has been nied by her brother , Chr s P. Nel son a farmer of lloomer township The jou'ng woman linn been at the vVonian & Christian Association hospital , bho Is 28 ieirs ot nge and formerly resided with her parents in Iloomor towiiBhlp. but went to moved to live with hei brother when they Shelby county William Willelt nnd Prank Keiinely. nr- rrated on Biihpklon of bavliiK robbed U. A. WvnmiiB residence Sunday afteinojn. will have a heirlng this morning in J " " | Identified li > Vlcn's court Wlllett has bcon Mr Wymnn's as the party ho of n young son i\iw \ leaving the house shortly before the Kennedy was nr- discovered robbery was Estedbee uho found In Wlllett's company suspicion that ho knew something mid on robbery The watch and m.no > nbe ut the from the house have net been le- covered. company. Tel. 250. Plumbing N. Y. THE BEE WHEEL CONTESTS The- StoreIliat Uiiti-r tlir C'mitextN , tiniiiNlcr tinWinflu Will lie "Won. Rvery boy and girl will want to ride n wheel this spring nnd The Dee Is going to glvo you a Uiuncei to get one In n very simple way. What Is more , It Is going to let jou pick out any make wheel jou wnnt , for it Knows you nil wnnt a certain make , "which In the only mnko on earth " Now- let us tell you how The Hoe Is going to glvo the wheels nwny. Wo want a lot of t new subscribers to The Bee In Council I Bluffs. As boon as the llrst 300 orders have been handed into our olllce , the first con- tp.it clobes nnd we will nvvnrd the wheel to > the ono bringing the most orders out nf t " this 300 Then Contest No. l"clobcs and Cou- tett No. 2 opens on tbo next 300 orders. Just sen how easy this Is Say only thirty girls nnd boys stml out on March 1 to get mibscrlbers They onlj have tr- average ten , npleco to mnko the totnl , so the winner will I not have to get very many orders , you see. You want lo start In cnily nnd hand In your in ders ns soon as powdbie Now about the orders. Rach order must bo for un actual now Council Bluffs sub scriber. Rach subset Ibcr must take The Bee foi at Ifast three weeks and pay for It In order to bo counted. It Is better , but not necessary , to pay In advance , only no order will bo counted until the subscription Is paid for. If the subscription Is paid for In advance It will count one on > our score for each three weeks for wnlch It Is prepaid Tor example If a mibscrlbcr pujs In nd- vance for six weeks , it counts two ; If he ] inys for twelve weeks , It will count four , If ho pu > a for one > ear. It will count seven teen. On outers which me not paid In ad- A mice It will count only ono on your score no matter how long ho continues lo take it. There , that Is plain , isn't It' Now see what you can do The llrst contest begins March 1. Slnccruh jours , OMAHA DAILY I1KR , . . Council Illuffs Department. X. n , Cnll ut The Hue olllco. 10 Pearl Btreet , to register and get samples copies No one connected with The Heo will ba allowed to enter this contest Heal IjMtale * TraiiNfrm , The following transfers vvere filed jester- da ) In the nbstrnct , title nnd loan ofllce ol J W. Seiuiro , 101 Pearl street : Admlnlitrnlnr of Mury A lUas to Winnie' ' .MeCiuthj , lot 2 , Tlbhlts & Urrld'H mitnl , adm d I 1,000 Josvi.h D. Davis to Thomas r. Dan- ford , JIM'S ' ne'4 2I-7VIO , vv d . . . . 2,000 Oac.ir 13 Mallury and vvlfo to Alhton it Alston , pnrt of sw-4 nw'i ' 2-7l-li ) , \ \ . d , , . . f > 0 Juntos 31. Smith nnd wife to Mary Wokeislcn , pan of ne'4 su > 4 3-77-JJ , w d IH Jlelrs of Hobert 1'rrclvM to W. H , I'll tPitt of lot K block 15 , Haylls ' Socoiul ndd . w d. . . . . 1W William C'nlso und wife * to biiapp , Held & Co loin ' . to li. block "H. " nnd lot K , block 7 , Cnrson. vv. d. . . . . . 3,500 iil.i : K Cupp > nml iiusbind to Joshun iVavlH , n fixt of lot 9. Davis Park , ul < | . vv d 950 Tovvu Loan and Trii't Compiui ) to Al- bi-rt J. ScMiman. und InteroM In 4 lots In Kern's ndd and one lot In Howard's ndd. . ci c- . il . . . $3 Rdwaid CannJiiB nml vvlf to l < ininiiii II Sherman , lot 3 , block S , beiulres d l.COO ndd . vv ' ' iiim iller 'anil 'liiinbandto Junies jiKenbin. ? lot 4 , bloik 15. llall'H ndd . 1.150 A i\nlnUtrntoi"of'lX'totln ' A. 'Price to < fiforiu l"nsAVIU. und. ii of uii nw'l 1074-.W. ndm d 1,400 F. 1'rleu to sunie. name , q. 1 Twelve tiansfers , totnl The moro people who enter The Bee wheel tonU'btn the easier the wheels will be \ > ou Start In early and > im can got \vheel. . FAVOR A NEW HIGH SCHOOL People of Council Bluffs Vote Their Convictions on the Subject. PROJECT CARRIES BY OVER TWO TO ONE Mil n > AVoiiiun Unroll Up lo tlio I'olln iinil CIIH ! Tliclr llullolw lloiiiili- llciuifi In a Major ) ! } on llicevv Hoard. At the nchool election jestordny the pco- plo of found ! Illuffa demonstrntcd In n most decisive manner thnt the > wore In favor of having n new High school building and the proposition to Issue bonds In the amount of $0',000 to erect ono was carried by a majority of over 1,000 votes. J. P. Hess and Charles Swnlne , the republican candidate * for the Hoard of Rducatlon , were elected by snfo majorities over the ' democratic nominees , Dr. Donald Macrae and R P Searle. The two propositions to Issue bonds In the sum of $2,000 for the erection of a school "building " In Cut-Off and to levy a tnx of $1B.OOO $ for the school house fund to be used In pnjmcnt of in tercut on the bonded Indebtedness both car ried with overwhelming majorities. The vote on the members of the Donrtl of Education was ns follows- Hess ( rep ) , 1,370 ; Svvnlne frep ) , 1,321 , Macrae ( dem ) , 1,081 ; Scarle ( dcm. ) , 1,023 The vote on the now High school was- Kor , 2,147 ; against , 1,021. The vote on the Cut-Off school wnsFor , 2,101 ; agnlnst , SIC. The vote on the tnx levy was : For , 2,064 ; against , 8SC The figures show tint 078 women voted , of whom X2S cast their ballots for the High school proposition and 150 agalimt In the Fourth precinct 102 women voted against the now High school The men's vote on the High school proposition wns 1,219 In favor of It nnd 871 against. A feature of the election was the largo number of women who went to the polls and voted In favor of the new High school , but the results show that the vote of the men would have carried the proposition by a safe majority without their aid. The High school ofldetB were much In evidence In all the prexlncts ) and did yeoman service In aid of the High school proposition toy I getting the women out nnd seeing to It j that they made no mistakes In marking i their ballots correctly The vote cast j throughout the city was , despite the In- I tercst shown In the High school proposition , a light one The vote In the First pre- 1 clnct for school board directors was con siderable of n surprise The precinct was expected to roll up n good big majority for the democratic candidates , but the fig ures tell a very different story. Hess , re publican , secured two more votes than Ma- crae , democrat , and Swaine , republican , I wns only one vote behind Senrle , democrat. Comparatively little"scratching" was done In any of the precincts IteiiillilleiiiiN In Control. i The election of Hnss and Swnino will place the board in the hands of the re publicans again The board will be comprised - ] prised as follows Sims , Henry , Hess , | Swaine , republicans , Moore , Cooper , Stew art , democrats The lellrlm ; members are 1 Thomas , democrat , and Spruit , republican. I Jacob Sims , It Is uncloistood , will bo the | president of the coard when It reorganizes. The \ote by precincts follows : Kim precinct .Hess. . 270. Swnlne , 253 ; Macrae. 2G8 , Scarlo , Kfi. for High school , 443 , against High echool. 275 ; for Cut-Off school , 44G , against Cut-Off school , 25 ! ) , for tax levy , 4.17 , against tax levj , 2./l ; woman vote for High school , 191 , woman vote against High school , 15 Second precinct Hess 308 , Swaine , 211 ; Macrae , 173 , Searle , 148 , for High fccliool , 470 , against High school , 150 , for Cut-Off school. 4fiO agnlnst Cut-Oft school , 147 ; for tax levy , lir > , against tax levj127 ; woman vote for High school , 177 , woman vote against High school , 12. Third precinct Hess , 41. , , Swnlne , 3S7 , Marrae. 2SO. Searle' , 2V ) , for High school , 772 , agilnst High school , 273 , for Cut-Off school , i,40 , against Cut-Off school , 275 , for ta\ levy , CCO , against tax levy , 23D , woman vote for High school , 205 , woman vote against High bchool , 14 Fourth precinct Hess , 279 , Swaine , 2S1 ; Macrae , 2.V. , Searle , 238 ; for High school , J01 , against High school , 210 , for Cut-Off school , 371 , against Cut-Olf nchool , 120 , for tnx levy , .122 , against tax levy , 132 ; woman vote for High school , llti ; woman vote agalnnt High bchoo ] , 102 Fifth pioclnet < HCSH. 101 , Swalnp , 107 , Macrae 105 , Seaile , 101. for High school , 155. against High school. 107. for Cut-OIT hchool. 179 , against Cut-Off school , 15 ; for tax levy , lCi4. against tax levy , 33 , woman vote for High school , in , woman vote against High tchool , 7. Think1 If only thirty people start In on the first Boo wheel content the average num ber of subscribers they have to get will only bo ten. Of cow SB more will start , and If you nro ono of them why should you not get n wheel ? You ehooso any maJo ; Hcmember the exposition by getting some copies of Snap Shots at the Council Dluffd olllce of The Dee. Ten cents each. Davis sells drugs. Bee blcyclo con tests. You choose any make. riinv OKT TWO i i\us KVCII. , liiilK < * TlioriH'll I > | MIONIN of a Couple of I'lilitUim TIllrvoN. The trial of John Lawrence nnd II. B Tracy on the charge of breaking Into n bchool houiic In Lewis township on the night that they raided 12 M Loruiu's hen conps and can led off over 100 chickens uud turkeys wiiu brought to nu abrupt , and considering tliu hard fight the defendants have put up. an unlooked-for termination yesterday morning As soon nb court con vened the attornny for the defendants In formed Judge Thornell that his clients wished to enter n plen of guilty und throw themselves on the mercy of the court This decision was reached In vlrw of the fact of the Jury In the MB In which they wore tried for etoallng Loronz's fowl * having brought in ft verdict of guilty. Ttio attor ney further nnnounccd that his clients waived all rights to a motion for n now trial or iippoal nnd that they were nn\lous lo have the ugony over us soon as possible und their sentences Imposed. Judge Thornoll ut once Imposed sentence , giving each of the defendants eighteen months in the penitentiary at Fort Mudlbon on the first charge nnd six mouths on the second , making n totnl of two ypnra Law rence Imd evident ! ) expected n heavier sen- tencins ho thanked the court for Its leniency. True ) did not and on being taken buck to the count ) JM1 told Lanrenco that he did not see that ho had an ) thing to thank the judge for. Frnnk FOSOII , the negro charged with complicity In the robbing of J W Hamil ton , u white farmer of Oak Hill , Kan , on the night of November 7 last was then placed on trial At ttio December term r court his wife , Lulu Fry > on , pleaded guilty to the robber ) and U now toning n 8un- ttinco of eighteen mouths In the pcnlleu- tlnry The strongest evidence agnlnfit Fry- son wns the testimony of n young colored wonrvn who said she aw Frsons wire niter she had robbed Hamilton hand him the money. Knud Jonnon commenced suit ngnlnat the Omaha & St Louis railway yesterday for damages In the sum nf $1,090 for nlltxed personal Injuries Jensen wns cleaning a car In the compnny's local yards on De cember 1 of Ins ! venr when n switch engine backed down on the car. Ttio force of the collision threw Jensen ugulnst a stove nnd he olnlms to hnve received Injuries which Are of n permanent chnmcter. N M. Pusey. ns administrator of the estate - tate of thn late Dr Samuel M Ballard , has fllod n motion asking that the helm of the Into Mn Pnrnh J. Ballnrd who filed objec tions to hla final report bo compelled to furnlHh n more spi-rlflc statement , setting out the oxnct Horns lu the report to which they tcok exceptions William D Hnrdln filed his final report an guardian of Frnnk C Force , Insane. I2dwntd Lincoln , the negro convicted of robbing George Templar , n white man , tiled n motion for n new trial yesterday morning The case of Henry A. I2vort , the sewing machine ngent charged with assaulting his wife by attomptlng to smother her , wns continued in Justice Terrier's court yeeter- dny for thirty dajs. Mrs. Evert served no tice of suit for divorce jestordny on her husband. When you ride a wheel why not rldo the beat ? Bue bicycle contests March 1st. You cheese nuy make. A dance nnd cake wnlkvlll be Riven at W. O. W. hnll on Saturday , March 18. MAY MAKE REPAIRS AT JAIL Alrirrnmn Oirlolriium IJtainliicn the Iliilltllitic ami "Will lloport to Council. If the expense does not prove too great It Is likely that the needed Improvements at the city jail may bo made. Alderman Chrlstonseu , chilrnuin of the committee on police and health , mndo an examination of the building jietorday with n vlow to nsccr-1 talnlng what Is most needed to put It In a fit condition. Ho will have estimates made of the cost of tbo proposed Improvements and report at the next meeting of the city council. The second floor of the Jail , -where women are confined and where the tramps are provided with shultor at night , is in n deplorable condition. Its construction id suc-h that it Is practically Impossible to keep It clean. Some time ORO Chief Blxby called the at tention of the city couuoll to the bad condi tion of the building and suggested that part of It nt least ( bo remodeled , Among other tilings he recommended that the wooden | partitions on the second floor be removed ) and replaced with sheet or lattice steel ; that i the wooden beds be replaced with iron beds i In the room reserved for female prlsdnera ' and that the wooden bunk In the large room reserved for lodgers be replaced with | Iron ones that could T > p folded up during the day , the VTOoden lloor tnkon up nnd rcrplnced with one of tilca or cement so ns to permit of being properly flushed He further recom mended that the second floor be so divided as to provide ono department for transient lodgers and % ngs , ono for minors , one for women and one that could be used ns nn emergency wnrd In the ca e of sick or in jured persons requiring attention nt ths jail. jail.At At present the Jail is heated by stoves. Chief BKby suggested that a bteam or hot water plant be put In that would bo able to heat the patrol house as well as the jail. Uderman Chrihtcnsun , after exiiminlng the building , expressed himself as dtrougly ID favor of remodeling the Jail , but to what extent the needed Improvement would be carried out , he said , depended in all prob ability on the cost Bee blcjcle contests begin March 1st. You cheese any make. Bluff City laundry , 'phone 314. High grade work only. Licenses to wed wore Issued yesterday to the following persons Name and Residence Age. Charles , A Topping , Council Hluffs HI Jennie McCourt , Council Illuffs 33 Oeorge Hanson , rourcll Hluffs "S Slgne S Peterson , Council Hluffs 24 A Donning. Pottnvvnttnmlo 2t Phoebe Larison , Pottnwnttamlo IS William Dooley , South Omaha 37 Mary Klelds , South Omaha .13 Stanford Robinson , Pottawattnmlo 23 Mary C. Nixon , Pottawattnmlo 22 I Bee blcjclo contests "iou cheese any make. ' IIOHSn CAI'SKS OWMJII'S IIKATII. Viiliiuil .Ii-rUN Man Ilolilliiu llnltrr In Proul ol l.ooiiiiidtl\ . KI2OKUK , la , March 1.1 ( Speclnl Tele gram ) Aubert Wjilck was Instantly killed by n Hock Island freight tinin this evening nt Hlnsdale in Leo count ) . Ho was moving to a new fnim today nnd as ho was attemptIng - Ing to lead n horse ucrobs the track the animal Jerked back and pulled Wyrlck directly in front of an approaching trnln. Vniiujr Mini Cutn HIM Throat. MASON CITY. In . March 13 ( Special Tolcgiam ) Henry Peterson , nged about 25 , cut his throat In his room at the National hotel nt noon today He nrrlvcd in the city Fridny. All Mint is known of the ca o Is that on Satuidnv ho called Dr. Stockman lo his room for treatment. Ho then told the dm tor that both his parents were dead. Ihls morning ho sent for the doctor nml the landlord and told them ho had made n inlBstntenicnt. Hint his parents lived nt Kolle ) , la , but Intel ) had parted. Petersen was nn intelligent ) oung man nnd was well dressed 'Mill ! Oil IIM'IIMICtlKHllllll , HUMBOLDT. Nob. Maich 13 ( Special ) The temperance or antl-llconse forces last night held tholt caucus and placed in nom ination the following candidates for city olncers during the coining ) oar : Mayor , C K Nlins ; councilman , ( leorgo Hnnsell , U S Cope ; clerk , C O. Teague , treasurer , I' n Buttorfiold , pollco judge , H. T. Hull , city onKinooi1 , King Thompson. The license party Mill name. UK candidates Wednosda ) night. Tbo anti-license people won last year and tbo contest this spring will bo n warm ono Do you wnnt n high grndo wheolT If > ou huve no mono ) , get ono In The Bee blcyclo contests You choose nuy make. > CM I'oHtollli'o at Port Doilirr , FOKT DODGi ; . In. Mnrrh 13 ( Special ) The poslofllcn authorities have boon noti fied that the Pogtnlllce department has de cided upon tlio establishment of n station In West Fort Dodge , to bo known as the West Foil Dodge btatlcm The office will bo opened April 1 , and bo In the store or Andrew Mop , who will bo the clerk In chaigo. Will ) ou ride a ! rec Bee blcyclo contest wheel ? You chooio any make , I'll 11 uro of I'l iiiiiiiirni Mrrcliuiil , FOHT DODOI2 , In. . Mnroh 13 ( Special. ) A petition in bankruptcy was filed nt noon Saturday for C F Wennerstrum. n promi nent boot and shoo merchant rf this city The liabilities nro jn 408 with nsneta atmunilng to $1.'rCO Mrinntr < trum is ( niffertnn from i rv ( i- , j rn inxtiou br > UJht : on ) wirr ) over hia ' 10 = 3 affairs and In5 condition u con Uend irai'-aL. MUSTER OF NATIONAL GUARD Three Companies of the Reorganized Body Enter the Service. FORTY-NINTH WILL SOON BE DISCHARGED TrnvoHnic Snlpimninnii l're i' pllcallnii to Stale TrmHInw ANKoHlttllttl Hint ! Htv Ilt-vatirtv of Mor Se DD3 MOINR5. March 13 ( Special Tele gram. ) Three companies have been mus tered Into the now Fifty-second lown regi ment , Company n of Terry nml Companies II ana L of Sioux City. The new com panies nnd their ofllcers nro as followH Company n , 1'errj , thirty-two men , captain. John McKoan ; first lieutenant. John n Donohue ; second lieutenant , WlllouRhb } AV. I'hllllps. Company II , Sioux City , forty-one men , captnln , Joseph It. Haley ; first lieu tenant , Fred C. Hood ; second lieutenant. William H. Giuilt , Jr. Company L , Sioux City , thirty-six men , captnln , Do Forest Pomoroj ; first lieutenant , Henry D. Nichols ; eecond lieutenant , George Wllklns. Within the next four weeks the Forty- ninth lownlll be mustered out In Des Molnca. It Is expected that tomorrow there will bo issued in Washington from the War department RII order to that effect. At the Btnto house Indirect Information to this effect was given out today. The Forty- ninth is now at Marlauao , a suburb n few miles out of Havana. The application for membership of Miss Rdna N Davis of Chicaso was received b > the oIllcoiB of the loAva Stnto Traveling Jlen's association jcsterdny , she being the traveling saleswoman fur an Ink bouse. No provision for her case was made In the constitution and the JOUIIK woman V > .IB ic- Jected. It Is inld she received tlio same treatment In Nebraska. She BO Impressed nn nctho member of the organization In this city with her point ofview on this subject , liowover , that steps "Kill bo tafccn In Io\\.i \\hlch may admit women as members of the association in the future. or IIUIIMM : GASOMM ; . Tent Cnup to T - te'r : Orilliiaiioc For bidding UN UMI- . FORT DODGH , la. . March 13. ( Special Telegrnin ) An Interesting test case Is to bo brought hero Invohlng the legality of use of gasoline/ buildings for lighting purposes. The new code prohibits Its use o\copt In the Wolsbach burner and this , according to the opinion of Attorney Gon- ornl Itemloy , Is also Illegal , so that Its use In any manner Is prohibited. Tlie Economy gasoline lamp has been sold here by Victor Dlomgren and Deputy Oil Inspector specter C. F. Gullixon has ordered their discontinuance. Upon Mr. niomgrun's re fusal the oil inspector has decided to bring n test case against Blomgren , who uses the lamp In bis own house. ATTUMl'TUO hUlCIDU A \Vifc ; HoltlN StrmiKlliiK Illackiiuttli I nll Heln Arrli I > H. AMDS , la , March 13. ( Special Telegram ) William Allen , a blacksmith , while Intoxi cated last night , attempted suicide by hang ing In his shop. He was discovered by tils wife , who hold him until help arrived nnd ho was cut down. " He Is In n precarious condition today. 7)l\orco Suit IM Ilt'opciicd. FORT DODOB , In. , March 13. ( Special Telegram ) Papprs were- filed here today by attorneys for Mrs May Hlalr , who sues for n divorce from her husband , William Ulnlr This case was first tried In 1893 , when It was decided In ellstilct court In favor of the plaintiff , but the decision wns reversed by the supreme court In 1S9S. Tfie plaintiff's attornejs claim that new evi dence ban been discovered and the case- will bo teoppned. The plaintiff charges her husband with cruel and Inhuman treat ment and with adultery. On account of the prominence nnd wealth of the parties the case Is attiactlng universal Interest c'il In n bmillitii Stieiim , AMDS , la. , March 13. ( Special Tele gram ) News reached this cltj this morning of the reath by drowning of Mrs Join Luth and her -1-year-old child near Goose Lnko this county Saturday evening. The family had bcon to town In the afternoon and evening nnd while returning home drove Into a creek that had been badly swollen by the rain. The team , buggy rim loocupints vvere carried nwa > . Cries fo 'help were hcaid and men succeeded In rescuing Luth but the mothci nnd chile were drowned PlrM Ti-Nl nl lIaiilcriiitiM | Iaw. FORT DODOR , In , March 11 ( Special ) The first meeting of the creditors of IJr J II Palmer , whoso case Is. the first to tome up under the new voluntary bankruptcy liiw , was held today. The claims presented against Dr. Palmar varied all the way from a $1 50 plumbing claim to the J2EOf ) Judgment ob tained In the last term of the district court by Knus W. Tobey In the famous suit which Mr. Tobey brought against Palmer on the charge of alienating the affections of his wife. Conl Tlili-f Scat to Jail. TORT DOI1GK la , March 1.1 ( Special Telegram. ) Detective Welch of the Illinois Central last night captured J. M Se-hrnnll stealing coal from the railroad jards Con- sldeiablo coal hns boon lost by the company In this way and a close watch luu been kept upon It In consequence S-hmoll was brought before Justice of the Peneo Mc- Gowan this morning and received n line , In default of which he went to jnll. I'roiiiIniMll ( iroi'i'r M MRDIAPOUS. la. Mnrrh 13 ( Special Telegram ) The Mends of John D. rit-m- enls , a prominent groer , uro pcar'-hlng for him , Ho ellsarpeiied last Wednesday and no trace of him can bo found. The Hchool election passed over quietly to day. There was no pnlltlcnl Interest nt stake. > IMN Iroiu lotta rilj. IOWA CITY , la , March 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) The O. S. Kelly company of Ohio today decided to erect a $100,000 factory hero. Ocoigo If , Preston , n pioneer of the county , aged 70 jears , vns found dead on the llnor of his bedroom this morning. Dllilitlici III AIIIOIIKT tln > I il Mil in- . INDRPRN'DUN'rR , la , March ia ( .Special Telegram ) Diphtheria has luoken out at the State Hospital for the Insane The re ported sick ntu In the mnln building with the officers' families \ strict quarantine Is being maintained. ICE CAKES FLOAT IN STREETS TOM II Of I'rONlllll MltllTN lll'lltll } fllllll riodil anil Kfli-ctN of HroKi'ii ] < < Jam. PRKSTON. Minn , March 13 All the south and east part of town has been under water ns a result of the storm An Ice Jam formed nbovo the Conkey inllldam nnd when It broke the largo cakes of Ice eomo , iwt > nt > by thlrt > feet and three feet thick were carpi d over thf- Hats The streets south d Mmn Btrtci wt-ro fllltd with kc niillduni cutt of the tow a Is greatly nnd mnny wagon brldRod nre wntlied nxny Thr Iron bridge oronlng iloot river en'tt of I'renlon ' ! urt'iitljr d m- aged A great doll nf lumber n wnshrd Into the channel of the river nnd floated away. HOW OIL TRUST MAKES MONEY I'miliiel from Our 'tank mill It I iiili-r Nntiic of Ilf- IV lent llram ! * , O , Mmeh IS The of testimony In tlio suits nKnlnt the Stnnd- nnl Oil company was resumed todiy II A. Matthews , the locnl mnnnKor of ttio com pany. wan on the Kin nil. Letters which hnd been written to tiRi'iili in Ohio , nsldng for unities of competitors nnd Information con- cernliiK them , VVITO presented lo tlio wit- ntnl 1m wns nslinl lo Identify Ills Bli- nnturo , ntlnrhcil to them Tlio most liu would snv nan lie thought the slKnnturo must lie his ow n. nbrlRht , nn omplojc , testified Hint whllo tlio flRht ngnliiBt tlio 1'nritRon OH company wns In prepress tlio prlco of oils reduced 3 cents on tlio Rnllon. Ho nlso slut eil that oil taken from one tank wni sold ns different brands DARING HOLDUP IN NEW YORK ll ItolllHTN Illllll 1tlltloj ON Hill ! Illou O pi-il Safe Without So. WAV12HLY , N Y. , March 13. A holdup In true western bandit style occurred hereabout about 2 o'clock this morning. At that hour eleven masked nnd nrmed men entered the power house of the Wavcrlv , Sners nnd Athens Traction company nnd ordetlng the three omplocs to hold up their hands , bound them securely and placed them In an empty car , where the workmen were secured hj ropes around their necks attached to the handle bar nbovo them. Then , leaving ono man to guard them , the robbers blew open the three safes In the olllce nnd secured $17u In cn.sh. Nothing but money was taken About 1 o'clock one of the men succeeded lu freeing his hands nnd nil were qulckl > cut loose. The pollco were summoned , tut there is no clow. ORDER THEIR ENGINES HERE rrrnrli roiiiinlNsloii Hi'iirrnciitlnn IIc- liulillc's ltiillmi\N liiiix AMicrlrim SjNlriu * PHILADELPHIA , March IS. The French state rnllwn > s , operated under the control of the Fremti government , today placed an older with the Baldwin Locomotive works of this city for iten high speed passenger locomotives to bo finished In n few months. A commission representing the French railway has been In this countr ) for sotno time with the object of plnclng such an order. The commission will leave Now York on. a tour of Inspection of Amerlcnn rall- wns From New Yoik they go to Altoonn , Pa , to visit the evtenslvo Pennsjlvnnla railway ftiops theie , thence to Plttsburg , Milwaukee , Chicago and St. PAU ! . DO NOT RECOGNIZE ASSEMBLY Coiiu-7- litCarilril Out Midi Ike ( i < Mi < * ralN Alii. CIIICAOO , March 13 A special from Washington bnsThis countrj lias never recognbed the Cuban assembly ns anything more than n voluntary association of certain CubnnS , hence Its action ui to General Gomez will not Interfere with the plans of the United States regarding the disbandment - ment nnd pajment or the. so-cnlled Cuban army. The nrrnngoment wns mndo with Gomez and It will bo carried out with him. He agreed to disband his troops and they will be paid on that < 'IIN < lion IMpe TriiNl l.tiuiifhoil. CLKVEIvAXD , O. March 13 Colonel Claience E DuiUe. one of the promotuia ot the cast iron pipe trust , states th.it the big deal h.is been consummated nnd that prnc tlcally nil the pipe foundries In the countrj aie Included In the combine , which has been incorporated with a capital stock of | ,10,000. 000 "The object of the new company " said Colonel Burlce , "will not be to advance prices , n-t we will simply follow the pilces of pig lion nnd be governed by them We slmll s-oek to ship from the nearest foundry to the point of consumption jnd will not enter the terrltoij of one foundry with the products of another None of the plants will be closed down unless the mnikct compels it General Samuel Thomas will probably be prehldent of the company " \\i > M3nsoN MJW OHIIANS Tit vi ic. TIM Titian \Vnl I a CMIN n\oiic > ruti > il Iroiu lllaiiuk In 'l'ro\.l > r Ioli. NIW OKI.IA\TS , M.urii -owing to tr.irlt rumoM which trndi-d to ronnent W M Wallace , the well linnvvn vvesttin tuit- inan , v Itli tln < ilownfall of .locktv 'Iioxl r who wai iiiled oft on Bnturdnj for II igi nit nilbcnndiiit In tlio Kexlnxton BtaKi-i , the tevvnrdH purhiicd tholr Invrtstipitlon Inio thi > case I'm the ] .it MiVnllnres solicita tion and tills aftornonn inudc jmlilli the rPMilt M' Wallace afforded the Htpuurd * n full oiportunlt ] > to cKimliio ill tnl grains tllod lj ) him nnd other piipoit , lucetsirv lo j t4io suocosi of the Inquln 'I lu itevv < ndA llnd thnt all Mr Wallace tinnsutlonH VVMH poifcetly fall and above board and that them U not the sllKhtoht ground fm ponnoctliiK him with the Tioxler nffali Frank Itegnn thn ovvnor of Alex , who w if a favrlt * ' In the IIKP nddrffaed a IcttM to tlio slcwaicls expressing c-onvlct'ou ' tb.it All Wall ice was In no vvnv tnnmittd with tlio fraud ThP vventlior WIH line nnd the titk henvv from jcslcida > s inln T-abouiet wns the onlv winning t.ivorlto. Hf" > nlts I rirnt i ace , Hlx furloiiK" Tabouret won Mcuy Oi > second , .lolin Hoone Ililnl Tim 1 1' ' ) Second rai o Hclllnt ; , mile nnd twMity vincU. t'lliniic IIH won Vignette net end I'hlern third. Time 1.50i4 Third ru' * . Holllntf , mile * and tliroo- idfrhllis. Adinelus won , Planter MHOIK ! School Ctrl tllllil Time. 2 U Fourth race handle nu , ono mile Ulkln won , Douhlo niniiiny Hocond , Aunt laggle third Tinif. 1 51 riflh iiuo , selllnn , six furllns Idih won l.ojalottn hfcond , Ilortlm Nell thirl Jmo ! 1 id\ Hixtb iu"o , helling hlx furloniro Jousc S won , WhlrinnnU line second , C'lint ut 5In thlid. Time 1 19'n , pIIIM : > 't'livM sTvis VT Ti'liriiii S JM | li < > Mac A > III Nol 4.11 lo M , l.oiilN. ChiVii : : < AND. Miucli 11 'You ran fiiy olllclnllv ' Hiilil Mnnngor Oliver Teln-au tn- dnj , "Unit the ( Mfvc'and toiiin will pi iv In Cleveland tind not In M. hauls tblH ' > enr "Thnt Information Is ollldal. " oontlniu'il the olovflnnd inanuger "nnd the ponpie can rest assured the t'levolind It inn vvil not only play In Cleveland , but will UJHO Ixi one of the inont formidable hidiiris f 'i ' rhninploiiHhlp lionoih 1 inner bad an > doubt that the team would nmaln In Clevunnd , noUvithslnndliiK nil the rrportH thnt liavi been ilrculitd ( Oiuornlng tin- removal of liu , club In Ht I-nuin ' Tebcnii l > n dlctn thnt till , will l > i lo iMimcr .vr'ir In tlio hlfit < jr > of bafc bill Tim Cliivoland < lull left hero thl.n after noon for Hot Springs Ilaliluln to Mroe ( InTurk. . Olllri'i ) ) nn HiMuln IB In tialniiiK for bis iintllni ; with llndll the Turk on .Mnreb . ' : , Ho clorH not hopu to ovcrlhrcjw lljilli , hut IntcndH to ifin.iln on his foot In the ring ua loni' us ; > OSH'C | | ! ! < vvn1 * Heon In th'1 ginnn8luin nt thu nolle [ Htnllon Mnnda > Hfteinoon AlthoiiKli he lias dune nu wreMllliig fen Boviral HUTU , IICIHOIU who inn ui > uiralnMt him in < iflen BiirjirlHid at hln nullity and tinliardneM of hlH He triiiiH to bag puiu hint , ' . vvelgbtH , lifting of hcav > ilumb In HP wrrhlllnx nnd tuinli- ling lie wns a en to ral-e i > ui'l > a 17&- 48 years of success prove. these troches to bo the best for Coughs , Colds , Hoarseness , Uronchitis , Asthma. In boiefl neTrriold lu bt Ik iximul dumb bill nvi > r lil < hra < l wttli onf Imnd T.nlrr hr look a nine tflvt > | i < nn I bell IIVP fcpt In Iriiglli , Iiy OIH end nn 1 inli > oil It miunrrlv t\f\t , \ It hnd hoi U pi , valid li > ihn ( ro"w < ' nii ciloii II Id nn trli k r. > r lilm lo inm thf > < - diimli HcIlK nrcmml n < m\p Wniill hiindlp H lifl'chllll 111 * Wind tx p-M > , l nnd an lie If very lilft > on hi * foot the Turk will hnvp to move nuloklj to ovc-rlnkc him llililwln linn born n prof < K lemnl \vnxr | | nnd knows all tlio tricks In vogtin em the > nvit , III.OWT TIM ) IN < | , > lli ) : 'IIIVCIC. Praiie-lxi-o tiliiitn Oril liinmiI'ru - lilliltlim Ml Ili-lllnu. HAN rilANCISC'C ) . Mnrrh 13 The * nrilinitifc prohibiting pool vpllliiK , bunk srllliiR or bcMtliiK on IIOMP or iluc n. < s wn passeii by the Itmird of Sup. r- M iir ( ted iv and signed bv Mavor IMinl in H I rninidprod thnt the iirnlilhltlon of Pool H llliiK nt loi-nl hoi-sp rnecs nnd e-ours- IIJK iuit.li."i . meins the dpntli of thp liisli- slelcri. . ' . tint-k . .mil of the liitle' : ldp oours- ln f ti.uk thehotting on whl.li . ove-nts at- tTii. ting HIP throng * , whoso money imvn , to a larist' oxtrnl tin. O\IOD ] C of thp Instltu- tlnns Thnt I lip ordinance will lip put to u ol courts Is uniiuevtloiiid 111'1 ' lUKle.ild. . ' in. . Ing ppople lm\ei In- VPKt.'d nlnio'.t jv > i M In bulldliiK tintrn. . k | nml It Is unllkPlv that they will permit HIP cst ilillHhmi-tit to bp cloMftl without ninUlnif ' n sironcr rp .lstnncp In the murl . Thp or.llnnii.p will K < ' Into efte'rt nt onrp it main's violations of UM provision * a inN- il.'iiiianor and inovldes a penalty of n tim er not more thnn V > 0 > and imprisonment for not tnnrp thin smnntlii | , DiirltiK' the. last vvpfk Ihero hnj * bo. n runinis Hint a ricp tinrk would IIP bull In San Muteo eountv. Just across the Kiin 1 i.uiclico boun.lnij . line. riiic'liiiiall Allll n I'lillurr. C1XC1XXATI , Mntoli -Two llphts wore pulled off Itpforc the P. oplo' Atlllotlr dub ' 111. llrst. between Kid Asho of Clnclnnill nnd Joe Hopkins of Now York , wn foiiKlu cut In ii-ii rounds to n elmw Asho stood up tip I'tiHt Hopkins well 'I IIP KO liptwi'eii Uviin and Pnddy I'lirtoll w-is a Krlevoim dlKippolntmoiH I'urtell tbroiichout ni'lpd llk n da ed mnn nnd Ilic Unlit rtiiled In the fourth round liv Purtoll s Mcnli.l . , ( . ' ( iliiiollv , throw IHK UP tilesponge - to slop tbo uproai whleli bnel continued In tluv liml e from the l > mltinlti . Siioi t uors fnim the tlist HhoutPil "fake ' < ind hl'spd The utti inline , vv is smnll mostlv In tlio Bnllerv The Hvnn-l'urte 11 llilit ; excited 1111- Tliri'tnrNHj Cnnlesr - On" . CIIICAOO Mriieh n-Chlt.iRn unlvoifitv will not ) ) la.v foot ball this > onr with tin Unlvcisltv of MlililK.in. I'nlveisltv ot \ \ K- oonsln , nor the t'nlvoisliv of Illinois , MS li b.is done lor spveial ve-ar Inst.nd nf It * re-Kiilnr ' 1 Iinnk'-Klvlni ; dnv KIIIIP with Mi. li- ; , , It will pltiv lirovvn iml\wrilt > on thnt dale Its olikf yime outside of Urow n will lie with the t'nlverMtv of I'e nn v h ml i The eloc'l'ilon not to pln\ with the thr. < stnt ( > unlvorsltlos Is b isod on the flit III it tb.v all elvm uided return Kninis an. . I ( hi- cn o would not plav IliPin unleFH thev weio to be plived In tills cltThe three1 iinl- vclMtles would not ncrree to tills nnd coiue- eiuontly C'hkajjo will not plnj them at all LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT I'mtiNli or l.oiiiu'il On. i : . il. SIIFAPK ! co. , . ' I'oarl Mrrt-t , Cuuiirll llllllVN , Ion n. Mis. I'mli Horkolj.Snllnn , Rn > s- " < ) ni > nf nij grniitle'hilihon liml n SPVPIO rn c > nf Sfrofnln , vvlu't'li Hproml nml fnriiii-tl son * * nil OVIT lior body HIM- j t > s vvt'tv ntlnckt-it , ntul vvo fc-nrr-el sln < would lo n lu'f Right. Tln > lie-si pliv iciniiH trontrtl lii-r , luit lui iicvvori , ntul her IMISO SIM-llll-ll | > | | iH-l \Vf > tlll'tl lll1- oi.iotl to trj Svvifi's Spe'c-ilio , mill Unit me-eliomo nt muin . nil o u ceim- filotn fun- lie lnn iii-vi < r lintl a sign nf tinilisi n si- tore > t urn " * * for The IH UUHl'lltllCI-tl c , ntul vvillotirt-anj blond t\\ tIt \ \ It innltors not how obstliinte1 or tloup- pcnti-il tl > case > Valualilc- books wilt free by Suift Siicciliu Cu. , Atlanta , Ga , .1,1- * * . " " Kntnonpj In advance \Vcnl , , , EuOfX fC ? I stllulc < l slirunkenaiidfccliltl h Ml P IP t tltirtl" 3 < 1f fie bixly quIeVlj u UuractXp inlars'.l and ftrcMFthciifl. Mctlicnu-s nml liKtriuuciii spin on u-lal Medic-Hi In .Inf.pniPiil . * . Pnrtlpuliin tent In plain scalnd letter 0 i-r ] inilcnrp ) cnnlulciitlal. CHIC MEDICAL CO. . BUFFALO. N.Y. , WELCH TRANSFER LINE rrn roiim-ll lllun > nml Ilianlin. Hates Hetisori'ible Hatlpfnctloi ; Guaranteed. Council lilufts olIHu , f.n. S North Main Btreet. Tclpphono 12S. Dmnlin olllce removed - moved to 322 Snutti rifteenth street. Tele- ilionp nos ronitcctlons mndo with South Omnlm One to 2"o liois ( povvii Pend for iata IOL.UO an 1 pi ILO I ) VII ) UKIII.1M A CO. , ( ( Illlicll MlUllN , . . . FOR MEDIGIXE. Send it with vour ordir lor four full qu.irts ol our ID.nr old Kjo for $3.15 , KXPKESS PKUPAID , nnd we will send 'ou HU K Ol UlAKGli hvo sample bottles , cine 13 and one 15- ) car old U > c , a corkscrew andi gold tipped whiskv R ! is , We make > ou tills oflor simp ) , top. t ) ou to trv tliOKoculs \ \ ealso hive this simo brands 5 ears old , w hull we will dispose o ( . t $3.50 PL re illon.m lutooltvxoor inoro Rallons at one shipment \\c also ii\e nrnplchoi \ , R ] s and corkscrew with thesegoods If roods nre not satisfactorv von canre-ini tlirni at our expenseinnd wawillRhrURN VOUK MONEY lO Ot. ' ' 1 h v po ids are shipped duect Irom theillstillliiijcompany.vvInch guaiantec"eir ! ! p n tv and SIMS middle nun iprolit. References , any express coni | > mi , as tlic > li die tlious inds of oui padcagcs. KELLERSTRASS DISTILLING CO. Hth and Main Sts. , KANSAS CITY , HO. NOTE Orders for Ariz , Colo. , Calif , Idaho Mnnt , Ncv . N Mcx. , Ore. Utah , Wash.V > o. , must call for tvvintj quarts bj freight , prtpaid ( jfo has just begun The early bird gets the wheel- m STAilT OUT ARID GET I You Choose Asiy Make 58 * ? { * $ r Children's Rubbers 8 cents Misses' Rubbers IS cents Women's Rubbers 20 cents Aden's Rubbers 35 cents 412 Broadway. It's Easy to See SPLENDID UIME OP Tlnit our u.ill iiapcr paltcmin are ns HCW its sunn tiling Illflt'n Jllh ! IlllIlpOIIOll , IIS hlllKlllgl.V ll.Uldstiiijf ; ih | lli'lllJl'h | , { IH \ . II It'll IIS IIIIV ( Hill tuillll \VlHll , Jlllll sliovvn In iliu > iiiiilltIcH | ul' pupcr , ' 1'liuiu Ih no r.uiii en si.vlc ( if iiiintiiii | | | tli't oration tut'vhleli vvtcaiiniit nn iiiii | | < 'inliiic ( li'hl ii Our jirko | lbt runs Item ' > ' ci nth a mil up O- M.U ! . ( V'UI > \ , l > 7 llioaiMvii ) I on uc 1 1 jutr | | , V. V. Mil I. Pit ,