Tin ; cmAIIA DAILY BEE $ SVXDAT , MARCH 12 , isoo. o DES NOISES AT THE RACES Eiwllent Track to Be Provided and Spwdy Hortes Are Ezjwoted. LARGE TAX SHOWING OF IOWA ROADS * 4 llrtiirn or Vinil.11 1'or Mltf I 3tni1e In tlie MnliCane nt AVi'H Klunvn Al- toriK-y fur llrt-nt'li if Trliii it ltcln - llfiirit. DKS SiQlKBS. March 11. ( m1nl Tel- Grain. ) Two big race meeting * will be given la beg Moln this year. The firm meet will be held this spring ana the other later in llie summer , potwlbljr following the Dav enport meeting in July. The meeting * win bo under tha management ot Alexander & lilisli , backed by the a e rapltaltiu as the Senl-Om-Sed meeting of latt fall. The Orel move In tbo matter of bringing about a local meeting wa * the leasing today of th * mile track west of the dty. The owner * cf the track have loused it to Alexander & Hush for a term of year * , and it la the in tention of the backers of the enterprise to create an Interest in horse racing In this city. The exact dates of the meetings have cot been decided , but already blanks are being printed for entries to the races. It Is understood that large purses will be of- fcrod for the events. The meeting will be under the American Racing association , but ivlll not be In the western circuit. Judge lllshop refused to appoint a receiver tot the German Savings bank nnd refuse- ! to enjoin It from collecting assessments on Block , In a decision handed down today In the cnso of Cooper and forty others against the Hank , seeking the two orders which the court refuses. The court held the bank to bu In good condition and commended the work of the directors In reorganizing the institution. The railroads of Iowa paid thV state , county and municipal governments ot this Btato U,389,000.7D In taxes during the year ending Juno 30 , 1SD8. That was at the rate of JIGG.ll per mllo. These figures , given out today , are compiled from the forthcom ing report of the Iowa Railroad commls- Elon. Elon.Of Of the $1,393,000.70 paid In taxes the trunk lines of and running through the state paid about } 1 , 200 , 000 as follows : Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern , n28,213 ; Dur- llngtou. $174,4'J9 ; Great Western , $70.841 ; Milwaukee , $230,378 ; Rock Island , J225.125 ; Northwestern , $22t > ,347 ; Illinois Central , J4DS.239 ; Iowa Central , f43.9S7. In Michigan the rate is $81.57 per mile. In Missouri ! ' is T1G7.C5 , in South Dakota $89.52 , in Minnesota seta $1SO nnd in Nebraska $100. Client > I Illw The case of William C. Barber ngalnst George H. Olmsted is now drawing to a close. OhiiBtud , who was county attorney for four years until January 1 of this year , is charged with having taken $3,000 in money belonging to Barber a year ago and placing It in trust in a safety deposit vault. Olmsted , It is charged , then proceeded to us the $3,000 himself. This suit , whlcb Ibas lasted Fince February 14 , has been one of the most sensational ever held in the county. Today A. N. Boeye opened for the plain tiff. He commenced his argument with an impassioned plea for the purification of the bar of Hamilton county and urged the court to make an example that would not bo for- Kotten soon of the attorney who had violated lated his oath In trying to swindle a client out of $3,000. When Boeye flnhtied ho was vigorously applauded by the crowd. Cady then began for the defendant. He paid ho wanted the case stripped of popular rireju'dlco .and decided In accordance with Ihn'law and evidence. When he was in thu midst ot his argument the court adjourned till Monday , the Judge stating that the case would bo finished the last of the week. Edward Burton , colored , escaped from the police today while being taken from tUe city jail to the police court , where he waste to bo tried for attempting to kill his wife. MKITI.\C nitiinins. I'IIJUTN ami Shearing : and AMES , la. . March 11. ( Special. ) The program for the sheep shearing festival and ilaughterlng contest of the Iowa Sheer Breeders' association is being issued. It will be a three days' session , from April S to 7 , inclusive. On Wednesday , the 5th , shearing will commence at 1 p. m. There will bo flvo classes and the prizes In this contest will aggregate $50. The evening ol this day will bo spent in addresses nnO papers. Among the speakers will be Pres ident BenrdBbear of the Agricultural col lege , President G. AV. Franklin of the breedoro' association , Hon. J. Lewis Drapei of Chicago nnd W. O. Trltchman of Musca- tine , April G papers will bo read by II Skinner of Ames , on "Tho Care of a Pur < Bred Flock ; " by J. G. Rogers of Moulton ou "Shelter for Sheep In Southern Iowa , ' end by Jacob Holtz of Ottumwa , on "Diffi culties Confronting the Future Sheep In dustry of Iowa , " and others. Officers will be elected at thia day's business session. During tbo afternoon will occur tin slaughtering contest , uhicli will be some thing novel and unusually interesting aui ! Instructive. There will be live classes ani For Three Years. Nights Itching and Burning Terrible. WifoSuggestsCUTKfURA. Uses it. Presto ! What a Change. Feels Like Kicking Doctors for Three Years' Suffering. The itching nnd burning I Buffered in my feet and limb * for llirevyrariin-vro terrible. Alulfbt they wuru WOIHB , und would keen me iiwuU' a greater I'un of the iileut. 1 counullrd di > ctor uftcr doctor , us I wan truvdllui : ou tliti load mort of my time , uUo one of our city durtorn. .Noie of the doctorn Luewvimt lliu truublovne. . 1 pol a lut of tuu dlttcrtut arui > U'0 of lhe tiu'diclvcs 1 hud been mint : . 1 fouud them of to uiuny different Mudi , that 1 concluded I would limo to go to n UiiidnuiHl boepiul bcfutu 1 would crt rellff. 1 bud frequently born urpiHl to try Oo- TICI'IU Kcjir.mr.fl , but I huil u < > futtu In them My wife finally prevailed upon motutry them. I'rfstol Wlml u clintigu. 1 urn now cured , and it U n pnrinuunil ruru. I fuel like LlcUuc omo doctor or myn'lf for uCferlns three years when I could have u ed I'rnci'iu reiuxdteii. it. 11 , lb9S. II. JEXKIN9. Mldtllcboro , Ky. BABY'S ' FACEOLID SORE My little nephew , John Btaucton , wa ufillcti'd with lb wontt torn I r r aw nil ovrr ht body. lilt head and face at tlmci were a solid tcab and he ultrcil dreadrulljr . lletrunpltlable lht. Jill lattier u > ed nil thr remedlei tbtl he hrard of , uud doclored with ftll the doctor ) . } Ie wore a tar cap , blia , which did no good , but { rot no relief until ho nied tus CPTICCKA ( ointment ) and CCTIOUEA 6oir. Kow hu i a clean , healthy child. March 8 , 13'JS. 1' E FOLTZ. I'ligh's Itcn , Va. CUTICURA Begins with the Blood and Ends with The Skin and Scalp. That Ji to nay , Crrii't u * I'.ISOLVKKT. preateM of blued purlflrn nd humor exwlter. . . nurlli.it the blond uiidcirculattoi ! fluids onlnioK ljke , and thu rrmuvvt lUo i-atuf , while M-arin bMln wltn CUTIPURI. fa.P , and ieutle auolutliijrt wiU CUTIOUKi iotutmeni ) , ; ri-ate t ot mo < livta Wia curiclrau B tlie nklti and ecalp of ciuiU and icalvi. allay liriaiit. liurntnt ; , and inninnuatloo , fcootlie aud heat TUu are peedlly.l' rnm eaty , and ( vooontleaUy rured Hie 11101 torturiiiK. dt- ScurlBK bumor of ! heawm. n lp. and blood , wUU low gf Ualr , vhca all oluer reinudlea fall. Foil thraiuftaut tbt wotU. l < arrie D f IB . U w to Curt Vmj Itumot , " tnc. CAUC V'nilD ClflM iils.it and Hair.bjr OflVt lUUK OMll cvwcw * fcoiT * T - v I ! arg t-j i' J < The i.'K ' . ! % " i i , , i tr.t ( I.UPE The fpBturp * of thp evening mill I * on tcpic-s of broodln ? and itn addren by Hoti. Peter Janwn of jRns n , Neb. Priaay the slaughtering content will be pomli.ued , with additional jirUps. Swep- tUkoa will be determined atid pr-lm awarded. No entry fee will be charged unfl-the lit of entries Is alt-end ? very large. All in- lerMftM In tltwp en find IK > better onpor- tunltj- for undying 11 the breeds under the most favorable conditions. Various np- illRticeii for handling -wool aad sheep will MI exhibited and a itieep shearing machine will be on exhibition. It 1 expected that this meeting trill call out every wool ( rower In the state. DAMAttKS roll TAILOn'S PI\RI2IIS. KCI-IKTS Anlicil tit I'ny for tlic Dltcli1 < if Atnlrcxv I'nlrc. SIOVX CITY , la. . Mart * 11. ( Special. ) Four Sioux City erloon hoopers find thcm- Brlveg defendants In four { 10.000 damage Bulls because they sold liquor to a man who was later badly frost-bitten. The .InlntlfT ID the suit is Mrs. Andrew Fnlre , ft-hoie hucbancl suffered the lose of all his Ingers and several toes from spending the ulght in the enow. He is a tailor by trade , and so la Incapacitated for work. The tlc- 'endants io the suits arc John Mander- Btdeld , John Arcnsdorf , David Rltz and K. J. IteKscKlou. Under the law the wife is thought to be entitled to damages. Garret ion IJocx Into Journal INHI. SIOVX CITV , la. . March 11. ( Special Telegram. ) A. S. Garrotson , the Sioux City promoter and the man who failed tor sev eral millions In 1803 , IB going into news paper work. He will EO to the Paris es- lositlon as special correspondent for a num- wr ot western jiapcrs , which ones he de clined to say at present. Mr. Garretson Is one of the best ) ; no\vn men In tile north- weet and last fall made the rare on the fusion ticket for congress from the Eleventh district of Iowa. He was defeated by Lot Thomas of Storm Lake. OIKTB Ilotivr Knijiloj StrlUo. SIOVX CITY , la , , March 11. ( Special. ) Manager A. B. Bcnll of the Grand opera house of Sioux City has n difference with his stage employes regarding wages and the men have struck. Tlio manager has put a non-union force of men to work. The striking stage hands have appealed to the other labor organizations of the city to help them and are making a decided effort to get a boycott placed on the house. Collcnilrr AVIII Ilullil a School House. FORT DODGE , la.March 11. ( Special. ) The town of Collendcr held an election this week for the Issue of new school bonds. H voted to issue school bonds to the amount of ? 4,000 and a new brick school house will bo erected. H. W. Sutler , the present prin cipal , has tendered ihis resignation to the school board and the place will be filled by C. M. Erlckson of Dayton. / T pnT < r r > nr < n MUTIT/MIPI GOES FREE ( Continued from Eighth Page. ) this year the actual cash value of the prop erty has been fixed by the appraisers under the state inheritance tax law at $16,000. A fourth of this would be ? 4,000 and on this basis it must be assessed -by ilr. Hardln. In this case , therefore , there will be a reduc tion of ? 2,000. These two instances will show that there Is good cause for the city authorities to feel alarmed at the prospect of the city's assessed valuation shrinking from $4,500,000 to about $3,000,000. Big , juicy oranges at Klein's. Plenty e oysters at Sullivan's. Think ! If only thirty people start In on the first Bee wheel contest the average num ber of subscribers they have to get will only bo tun. Of course more will start , and if you arc one of them why should you not get a wheel ? You choose aay make Church Xotex. At the First Congregational church this morning the pastor. Rev. G. W. Wilson , will preach on "AStrange Idea of Pros perity. " In the evening his address will b ( for the young people on the theme "Th < Triumphs of Youth the Inspiration of Age. ' Sunday school will bo at noon and Christiai Endeavor society meeting at C:30 : p. m. The regular services will bo held todaj at the Broadway Methodist church wltt preaching by the pastor. Rev. Myron C Waddell , both morning and evening. Sun day school will be at noon and Epwortl League meeting at 0:30 : o'clock. Rev. G. W. Snyder will preach nt St John's English Lutheran church at thi morning service at 10:30 : o'clock. At thi evening service the children of the Sundai school will render a foreign mission servici prepared especially for the occasion. Sun day school will be at noon and Young Pee plo's meeting at 7 p. m. At the Fifth Avenue Methodist church thi pastor , Rev. Q. P. Fry , will preach at 10:31 a. in. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school will hi at noon. Junior League meeting at 3 p. m and Epworth League meeting at C:30 : p. in Morning class will be at 9:45. : The services at Grace Episcopal churcl will be as follows today : Sunday school a 9:15 : a. m. , morning service and sermon a 11 o'clock , evening prayer and sermon a 7:30 : o'clock Rev. Alexander Litherland , pastor of thi i Second Presbyterian church , will take ai the subject of his sermon this morning "Limitations of Sin. " and in the evenlni "Limitations of Selfishness. " At the First Presbyterian church thli morning the pastor. Rev. W. S. Barnes , wll preach on "Our Cleansing from Sin. " Ii the evening ho will deliver nn address t < the young people on "Companions. " AI services will be as usual. The services at St. Paul's Eplscopa church. Hev. George E. Walk , rector , wil be ns follows today : Morning prayer , lltan : and sermon , 10:30 : o'clock ; evening praye : nnd sermon. 7SO : o'clock. Sunday school wll bo held at the close of morning prayer. At the First Baptist church there will bi regular preaching sorvfces nt 10:30 : a. m. am 7:30 : p. m. ; bible school nt 12 o'clock noon Baptist Youns People's Union jneotlng a 0:30 : p. m. Sunday school at Bethany Mis Bion , corner of Sixteenth avenue and Hlgl street , at 3 p. m. , and prpachlng at 7:30 : p. m If you can't find 'em anywhere else thai Is , froah fish and oysters always come tc Sullivan , the grocer. Ho keeps plenty o : both. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If vnu flon't cat meat during Lent tr : foroe'of those JiKo fresh flsh at Sullivan's the grocer. Davis sells drug * . Oyst&rs at Sullivan's. W Broadway. l tvllli n A.P. . Calkins , a clerical looking old mat who removed to this city about three weeki ago from Glenwood , was arroatod yc-sterdaj afternoon at his residence , 021 South Slxtl street , at the request of the authorities o Fremont county , He Is wanted to answer i charge of cmbczrleroout from a fraternal so ciety in Sidney. He v.as taken to Sidnej last evening toy Sheriff Tate of Frernon county , who arrived here with a warrant fo : him. Calkins , who claims to have been for merly a mUUiter In the Sleihodist church said ths charge was entirely untoundei aud tie would have no difflculty in provlni his innocence. Te ) nhaas 161 for oygturs That's Sullivan Ort'islMm : , And Famous Winoen and all kinds of maga bound by llorehouwi & Co. Get oysters at ulloau's. the grocer. SIX TO FOUR IS THE SCORE' ' Americans Corns Ont Ahead with Flying Colors in the Silent Game. GREAT ENTHUSIASM OF THE SPECTATORS AnifrlcntiR Cpl Itc t 1'unttlon on the .Miijurlt } ' i > t Ilonrilx * llnrry nn l llmlmtlic I/cnil- T Tlie NEW YOUK , March 11. The American chcS players came out with flying colors against the Britishers In the cable chess mat h which wu begun In London nnd Brooklyn on Friday morning nnd concluded this evening at 0:30 : o'clock , the score being C to 4. Nearly from the start of this great annual contest the Americans seemed to get the better positions on the majority of boards and although only three matadors , namely , Showallcr , Barry and Hodges , scored awin for America on each of the boards that they were engaged on , no fewer than six games were drawn , but Champion Plllsbury had to resign his game against the British cham pion , Blackburne. Following are the results as recorded : United Slates. Won. Great Britain. Won. J. H. Ulackburne. . . ! J. II. Shotvalter. . . , ! 11. ii Atkins 0 J. F. Harry 1 T. F. Lawrence 0 A. U. Ilodgcs 1 12. Jackson 0 E. Hynvs U D. H. Mills 1,4 ir. P. Volght 1..IH. Jacobs b. P. Johnston u r. D. Locock H F. J. Marshall UG. ; K Walnwrlght. . , O. J. Newman H'G. ' K. ReJHngham. . . " - D. G. Balrd uU. | W. Trenchard. . . H Total 0 I Total 4 The match at this end was played nt the assembly rooms of the Brooklyn Academy of Music and today the "big " hall was filled with an enthusiastic crowd of spectators throughout the hours of play. It Is needless to say that every result of the game , whether won Iby an American player or only drawn , was cheered to the echo. Very often moves which were registered on the giant boards came In for hearty rounds of applause when the spectators thought the move was a # oed one. The games today pro ceeded as follows : During the morning session It became evi dent that Pillsbury could do no more than draw against Blackburne. The latter , how ever , played splendid chess and downed his man on his first "board " after seventy-one moves. Shawalter's brilliant play on the second board against Atkins caused general admiration and 'when at his forty-fifth move he announced a mate in seven moves the spectators nearly -went crazy -with excite ment. 'Atkins ' , of course , resigned. Barry , too , played excellent chess today and after fifty-one moves lhe had beaten Lawrence on the third table. On the fourth board Hodges played very strongly and managed to beat Jackson after fifty-one moves. Voight , who at first tried to play lor a win against Jacobs , had to be satisfied with a draw after forty-five moves. The Brooklyn champion , Marshall , let an opportunity slip to win his game right out and he , too , had to be satisfied with a draw- after sixty-two moves against Walnwright. Newman and Bellingham , who contested their game right up to the finish , ended on a draw alter sixty-six moves and Baird and Trenchard also drew their game after sev enty-one moves. After the conclusion of the match dis patches of thanks were exchanged by the clubs and by promoters of the contest. LONDON , March 11. A great crowd of American and British spectators watched the conclusion of the match and the keen est 'interest ' was manifested in the game between Blackburne and Pillsbury , continu ing until the close of the contest. Secretary Cooper's announcement of the draw between Marshall and Walnwrlght was received with surprise and cheers ? " Mar shall's play throughout was highly praised. The best of feeling prevailed throughout and the Americans were heartily cheered when the play was finished. XOTUE UAMIS I10YS IVI \ OUT. Get Thirty-Six Points in Chicago' * 28 Mile llun a Ffitturc. SOUTH BEND , Ind. , March ll.-Notre Dame won the triangular meet with Chicago - : cage and I.llnois here today. The tlnal re- suUs were : Xotre Dame , 00 ; Chicago , -A ; Illinois , la. ! Bach event was hotly contested and the victory was not won until the last event had taken place. The meet today marked the dedication of the new Notre Dame Fymn.aFlum nnd lhe Barnes were witnessed by 1,000 people. Th-a sensational work of the day was in tna mile run. Connor made a brilliant spurt on the last lap and was just ready to step ahead of Smith when he fell from"ex haustion , within three feet of the tape. Besides the regular m Jas : offered for first and second places a magnificent loving cup was presented to the Chicago team for I winning the relay race. Each actor was also ; presented with a crown of olive leaves , as a I sr-eclal honor. Officials of the mcvt were : Dr. George K. Herman , First regiment , Chicago , referee ; Judges , George Wor- then , Jr. , University of Illinois ; Karl P. AVatcner Purdue ; J. E. Raycroft. University of Chicago , ilarter , O. E. Dupless. Sum maries : Forty-yard dash : Borden , Illinois , won ; I FuJr , Chicago , second ; Donoghue , Illinois , third. Time : 0:044-5. : One-mile run : Smith , Chicago , won ; Rus sell , Chicago , second. Time : 4:39. : Running high Jump : Powers , Notre Dame , won ; Smith , Illinois , second ; Byrne , Chicago , third. Distance : 5 feet 11 inches. 440-yard race : Maloney , Chicago , won ; I H-errlck. IT.lnolp. second ; White , Chicago , I third. Time : 0:57. : I Pole vault ; Powers" , Notre Dame , won ; , Herschberger. Chicago , sscond ; Smith , Illi- ! nots. third. Distance : 10 feet. j Forty-yard hurdles : Hoover , Illinois , won ; Boyd , Illinois , second ; Calhoun , Chi- I cugo , third. Time : 0:054-5. : Sixteen-pound shot put : Powers , Notre Dame , won ; Kggvman. Notre Dame , BCC- i end ; Sutler , Illinois , third. Distance : 41 , feet C Inches. I Running broad Jump : Powers , Notre . Dame , won ; Kealor , Illinois , second : Gllnn. ! Notre Dame , third. Distance : lil feet Cft ] inches. I :20-yard : dash : Duane , Notre Dame , won ; ; O'lJrien , Notrp Dame , second ; Fair , Chl- 1 case , third. Time : 0t52-5. ! 1 hSO-yard run : Maloney , Chicago , won ; I Hwbert. Notre Dame , second ; Corcoran , Notre Dame , third. Time : 1:21. : WI.VVUIIS OX M3W OUli\XS TIIACIC. rent U rr of lh > Cnril U Trolley Ilaiiill- t-iii Won li > - flu-rry I-cal. NEW ORLEANS. March 11. The J10.000 Trolley handicap in a mile was the feature of toduy'H card. Cherry Leaf , the favorite , landed .he prize by an extremely narrow margin. Eva lilct. who wus coupled with Laureate , both being trained In the same i stable , set the pace , to the etretfh , where Cherry L at came through under t-troug persuas-lun nnd won out by a nock In l:4ft4 : , at the fastest mile of the meeting. Bright Night was the only other winning favorite. Weather showery , track fast. Result * : First race , handicap , one mile : King Bar- Jsycorn won , Gold Fox second , Elmer S third. Time : 1W . Second race : 2-year-olds , four furlongs : Jack Willis won. Panjutte second , Counteata I third. Time : 0CO : ; . . Third race , selling , nix furlongs : Bright Mglu won. Sheik second. Colonel Eades , third. Time : J:1G. : i Fourth race : Trolley handicap , one mile : Cherry Leaf won , Alfresco second , Eva Rice third. Time : l:40j. : ? i Fifth race , selling , six and one-half fur longs : K C' won. Princ e Zeno gecnd , ToNe No Se third. Time : l:2v : . , Sixth race , gelling , srvrn furlong ? : Lillian Belle won. Torn Klngsley second , Mordecal 1 third. Time : 1 SbU. ci.ivniAMi in v.s JIIKK GHIITJ.V. He lU-fuxfn to IIiivp 1IU Snlnry Cut on Ilrouklyii Tram. NEW YORK , March ll.-MIke Griffln , who refusml to sign with the Brooklyn Hasa Ba..l club for lesj than $8.500 , IIBK btien released to Cleveland for Jl.OUO. He has t. * n aeked to report to President Robinson on Monday. Griffln was secured Ian De cember to manage tind captain the Brook lyn team His salary was fixed at l > ut when Hanion tout charge this 1 > .u : n > u < : : i ! . ; .1 ' o-i iim i r , > Urlflln Was ofT'rcj to lh ( N.w ork i uli by M nap > -r Hanlon. but An < lrw I'rcdmari rofud 10 bu > him and the cifvtlanj * at once opened friini Tlirep NEW YORK , M rch 11-Yale , Trlmrton slid Oolunibla K.vmn Hs ! met in friendly t-cimpftltlon last niirht In th ? big rytnnoJhim on ilornlnjtflil ? Heights. Whllf It was purely an exhibition , rivalry between th * three teams wag very kfn. Innfmuch as dlft-rent Hct. were donp by different ool- IcgrM. there was tie way nt pomparlnn the woik of the team * . The Princeton men went In larpe'y ' tnr trapeeo work , which al ways Is Sippoiaoular , while Yale and Colum bia dlsplsypd thslr > klll on th * > rinr i. IIBI- and slue horse ? . In some things Ynle tx- t-plled , in others Princeton , and in others Columbia. Smith AVIU X nv Itcllri- . SAN FRANCISCO , March Jl.-"My - terlouf" Hilly Smith nnnounceO today in nn interview with B reporter that hevoi d retire from the ritiK in July. He will neht Wnlpott and possibly Tom Trary before he casts the ploves aslds forv r. nnd will Journey east to me * * Wa. ' . xrtt RJ Boon as arrangements can be tnade. He will flRht Tracy anywhere , but prefers to meet him in this city. Will HIMV Slny ttO. ITHACA , N' . Y. , March 11. Cornel's row Int ; authorities ! today announced the date of the Cornell-Pennsylvania f ? poiid crew races as May 30. It will be decided at a meetlnc to tx > held in Philadelphia Monday whethfcT the crew wl'l meet on the Srhuyl- UI11 river or Lake Cayusn. The distance has been fixed at two miles. Snlr of St. l.oiliH Unit 1'ark. ST. LOl'lS , Mart-h ll.-The disposal of the SportJinan's Park nnd club property at sheriff's ; > ale will take plnre from th ? front door of the St. Louis court hou ; < > on Tues day next. On that day , It Is announced , all the players of the Cleveland club have been ordered to report in St. Louis. Monn Hctiirns to NEW YORK , March ll.-"Tod" Sloan , the Jockey , sailed for England today on the. Lucanla. He will ride for th ? prince of Wales nt the Enster rao-s , nnd will con tinue to ride for the Bcrpsford stables. For frost bites , bums , indolent sores , eczema , skin disease , and especially Piles , Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to Imitate and counterfeit It. It's their endorsement of a good article. Ladies' shirtwaists and skirts made to order , modern and stylish. Burgess & Co. , 43S-438 Paxton block. SUPREMh COURT PROCEEDINGS LINCOLN , March " . Court met pur uant to adjournment. Ilowne ugsiinst Peet-e , Omaha Savings Hank against Phillips , Omaha Savings Bank ucalnst English , Stev ens against Bunk , New Churi-h Board of Publishers ngalnst Rich : Nebraska State Bank against Abbott and Kramer against Knudstn , allirmed. Omaha Carpet Com pany against Mc-Tague. First National Bank of Elm Creek against Lumlt-y. Stead against Dotmer , Gardner against Woods. Omaha Savings Bank against Chase , Nebraska Mortgage Company against Gordon and Mc- Call against Nebraska Loan and Trust Company , dismissed. AVoodard against State ex rel Tomssen. leave to file addi tional transcript. Wild- against Homan , Dufrene agalmt Johnson and Omaha Sav ings Bank against Chase , ( two cases ) , orders ot revlvor. Society of Home for Friendless against State , advanced. March S. Clark against Missouri , Kansas and Texas Trust Company , motion for order to lilo briefs overruled. Biddle against Spatz. suggestion of dlmunltlon allowed. Meng against Coffee , motions to advance and dismiss overruled. Cobb nglanst Had- ley , motion to dismiss overruled. Warren against Wales , motion for receiver over ruled. Barry against State ex rel Hampton , motion for rehearing o\erruled , injunction dissolved. Goodlng against Ransom and Hargadlne , etc. . Company against Krug , dismissed unless plalnt'ffs ' serve and file briefs in thirty days. AVlley against Wiley , restraining order continued in force. Laune against Hauser , cross-appeal advanced. Ankeney against Rawhouser , motion to ad vance overruled. Christie against Wagner , motion to submit overruled. Pettibono against Fitzgerald , motion to dismiss over ruled. Nelson against Farmland Security Company and Nelson against Ailing , mo tions to set causes for hearing overruUd. Lincoln Street Railway Company against Lincoln , suggestion of dlmunltlon allowed ; cause advanced for hearing at the Septem ber term. Pprrllng against Ailing , atiirmed. March 9 Meyers against Smith , advanced. S. S. Bishop , esq. , admitted to practice. Court adjourned until March 21. when the following cases will be called : Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Company against Newman. Murphy against Illinois Savings Bank ( two cases ) , Doak against Reynolds , Sands against Evre.tt. Globe Loan nnd Trust Company against Wond. Dillon against Chicago. Kansas & Northern Rail road Company. Folsom against Palling , City National Bank of York against Vandruff. Root against Fast , Home Fire Insurance Company ngalnst Kuhlman , Mercantile Trust Company against O'Hanlon , Van Wagncn against Cooper , Rom'.ne against Stephan , Hofmann against Tucker. Bur- chard against Walther , Turner-Frazer Mercantile Company against Henshaw , Kemptretc. . . Company acainst Renshaw , Chadron Loan and Building Association against Smith. Richardson against Missouri , Kansas and Texas Trust Company. All- bright ngalnst Peters. Vernon asralnst Union Life Insurance Company , Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company against Richter , Adams against Conrad. Enterprise Ditch Company against Mofiltt , LaBonty against Lundgren. Walker against Allen , Chapel against Franklin County , Fletcher ncninst -Co-op-ratlvo PuWi-hlncr Company. Wilson against Vnndruff. Clark against McDowell , Flske against Osgood , Farmers' and Mer chants' insurance Company against Jensen , Blacoagainst State. Wooflard against State ex rel Tomssen. First National BanU of Omaha against Goodman. Booknau aguinst Clark. Suiiri'iiio Court Syllnlil. No. S7&3. Langdon against Wlntersteen. Alilrmed Error from Gage county. Irvine. C. 1. Affidavits usfd on the hearing of a mo tion for n new trial In order to be considered - ered In this court must be embodied In a bill of exceptions. 2. To lay a foundation for the admission of testimony as to the value of goods in common use it is sufficient to show that the witness , by purchasing nnd by pricing similar goods , is In n general way familiar with their value. The weight of the opin ion then given is for th > jury. 3. Where error Is assigned to the admis sion of a large number of written instru ments en masse the assignment Is bad un- le's nil were Improperly admitted. 4. An instruction is not prejudicially er- rrneous although awkward in phraseology and ungrammatlcal , provided its meaning is clear. 5 It is the duty of n mortgagee of chattels in selling under foreclosure to give a reason able opportunity to persons desiring to pur chase to ere the good ? and to offer bids. Falling in this the mortgagor may hold him accountable for the sacrifice thereby result ing C. It is not error to refuse nn instruction the substance of which has been already given. No. 10-117. State ex rel Pankonln against Cass county. Affirmed. Error from Cass county. Ryan. C. 1 The adjudication In Button ngalnst State. 42 Neb. 04 , held to determine this case. 2. Ordinarily , whsre a stream of water constitutes the. boundary line between two political subdivisions , each subdivision holds to the middle of the stream and accord ingly Is liable for bridge repairs , as Jalil down in Dutton against Stuto. 42 Neb. MU. irrespective of th > volume of flowage being nearer one bank than the other. No. 8749. Nebraska National Bank against Clark. Affirmed. Appeal from Douglas countr. HarrUon , C. J. 1. Directors of a corporation oaoh made a loan of money to It , with the understand ing or agreement tha in payment or en forcement of the debts thereby created no one should have or obtain a preference over another. It was subsequently ordered , all being present and acting , that negotiable promissory notes be executed and delivered to the partlee evidencing the debts which originated in the loan transactions. Held , that the later adjustment was under such circumstances and attendant facts as evinced the intention to annul and abro gate the agreement which accompanied the loans. 2A director of an Insolvent corporation may not through any advantage gained by reason thereof or which jnsy be tak--n of his dlre orhir > obtain or securt a prefer ence of debts of the corporation to him erin in which he is materially interested , but a judgment for uch debt secured without any such advantage will be upheld , even though it may work a preference of the S One of the director * of the corporation who had made it a loan and who. under the eider of the managing board relative to issuance of promissory notes to member * who bad made loans to the cumpany , was ontltlud to recri\e such H note , dted and hl fen was ai > pont-fd ! administrator of the estate : also became a director of the company and applied for and there was ex ecuted and delivered to him as adminUtra- tor a note o/ the corporation In the amount of thi loan dt-bi Thiuriurati'n Ir&me insolvent u&d tovu.xfi.ttt tUeit ; was n-tuv- t r 1 a ju..gnvn i. n ' ' ; favor of the ailtintii-i'--.tc ) ' \ - . , tor t'f amount iliif ou ill- i oie Ht.vl. fivin 1ii ovldfncp that therp ha < 1 l < e n no advantage taken by the i < on of thp < lrreaj ? d director and admlfiltrator of his estat * of the for mer's position of difM tor of the corpora tion to obtain in the suit nnd judgment nn the note * preference- over other cred itors of the corporation , No. SlJn. O'Nel.l against Flnod. Af firmed. Krror from Dougloa county. Nor val. J. 1. In a fause submitted under wwtlon 1 of Mile 2 of the supreme court on an ngreM Wintefl abstract the court will not looK beyond the abstract , and. unless error f flrmntlvely appears therefrow , the Judg ment below will be affirmed , \Vhert a CHUSP brought to this court on error is submitted under section 1 or rule 2 the printed abstract must include the petition in error or an abstract of the assignment of error therein contained , and a failure In that regard will worle an af- Mnnance ot the judgment , No. 8769.-fhlcato , lloi-X Island A Pacific Railroad Company ag ln t O'Neill. Af- flrtned. Error from Lancaster county. Sul livan. J. 1. When a railroad has been constructed and put in operation an adjacent land ownei may su at once for ooniwqurntiaJ damages to his property and recover In the action full compensation for all In juries which he hns sustained , or which wl'l ever afterwards accrue , from a pru dent and careful operation of the road. 5. Hut such action need not be , com menced Immediately. A party may wait , within the period of limitation , until the extent and character of the Injury to his property has ben ascertained by experi ence and made susceptible of absolute jiroof , 3. Whcro property has been talen or dam- used for a public use , the owner is entitled to recover as compensation the difference buwpcn the value of such property Imme diately before and Immediately after the completion of 'he Improvement from which the injury results. 4. The jury , Ir fixing the damages sus tained by a land owner in conw-'quence of the. appropriation or Injury of his property for a public use , may take Into account every element of annoyance and disadvan tage remltlng from the improvement which would Influence an Intending purchuc-r's estimate or the market value of eui-h prop erty f > AVherc evidence Improperly received Is afterward stricken out and expres ly with drawn from the consideration ot the jury the frror Involved In Its reception is or dinarily cured. C Where distinct causes of action or ? blended In the petition the only appropriate , rsmedv is a motion for an order requiring a seuarate statement and designation. 7. It is a general rul < ? , to which the rotor-l In this cas ? presents no exception , that ob jections not urced In the trial court will not be considered here. No. S7S7. Tldball agalns-l Young. Re versed. Error from Sallno county. Ra- znn , C. 1. To constitute a valid administrator's bond some person or olllcer must be np'm > a therein as obllcee. 2. A writing purporting to be nn adm'n- ' istrator's bond signed by a principal .inii sureties approved and filed by the proli.it t court In which no person or olllcer is nanu-1 us obligee is neither a statutory m > r a common law liond : it Is simply a promise in writing , made to no one , and is void. No S7S5 Cate against Hutchinson. Rp- verscd. Error from Nuckolls county. Sul livan. J. 1. An answer. In an action on an account for services , which contains a genera ! de ntal of the essential facts of the ivetUk.ii and avers that the charges in the itemlz-0 account are unreaionable nnd unjust , dors imt present inconsistent defenses. 2. A defendant may plead ns many rrounds of defense as he m&y have , pro vided they are not so repugnant that if one be true another must be false. 5. Prejudicial error cannot be predicated of an order allowing a pleud'ng to be amended when the amendment does not change the issues nor affect the quantum of proof as to any material fact. 4. In an action to recover lor services rendered it Is error to exclude the testi mony of a witness who has shown himself qualified and competent to testify as to the character and value of the services. No. S773. Davis agn'nt ' Culver. Affirmed. Error from Lancaster county. Ragan , C. 1 Under a general denial In replevin the defendant may prove any fact which amounts to a defense to the plaintiff's cause of action. 2. Evidence examined and held to sustain the findlncr of the jury that the plaintiff In error and hlc assignor purchased the note in suit after Its maturity. 3. That when the action was brought there was nothing due on tire note. 4. In a replevin action for property cov ered by a chattel mortgage given to secure ths payment of a note owned by plaintiff the defendant undsr a. general denial may . show that plaintiff at tr.e commencement ! of the suit was and still is indebted to him for labor in an amount equal to the amount due on the not- ? . No. S7SO. Chase County ngalnst Chicago , Burlington & Quinsy Rr.'lroad Company. Affirmed. Error from Chase county. Ir vine , C. The statutes provide two methods of re covering back illegal taxes paid under pro test. When the tax Is Imposed on land not | subject thereto or which has been twice , assessed for the same year , the prson payIng - Ing the tax must present a claim to the I county board , and , if ! t be not allowed , ho 1 mutt , if he wishes further to contest , np- I peal to the district court , but If the tax be levied for an Illegal or unauthorized pur- ixise , or if the tax be' bad for any other i causa not falling within the first clar , ! he may maintain on original action tbere- I for. ( Chicago , rtur'ington & Qulncy Rail road Company -Mnst Ncmaha County , 50 Neb. . 293 , followed. ) 2. When taxes levied by a county exceed the maximum permitted by the constitu tion the excess is levied for an illegal and unauthorized purpose. ( Same cose fol lowed ) 3. The constitution permits a levy of taxes by a county In exceps of 15 mills on the dollar valuation in only two classes of cases : First , to pay debts existing when the constitution was adopted , and , sec ondly , when authorized by a vote of the I people. This brings within the general limitation taxes levied to pay judgments rendered ngalnst the county on fl.bts not contracted before the constitution was adopted , wh-cn such additional levy has not been authorized by vote of the people. No. 10340. Slobodlsky against Curtis. Af firmed. Error from Douglas county. Nor- val , J. 1. The filing of a petition In error In the puprenie court is alone insufficient to in vest jurisdiction. It IB lndlspen able to jurisdiction that there should be filed with the petition In error , and within the time fixed by statute , a transcript of the pro ceedings of the district court containing the tlnal judgment sought to be reviewed. 2. Wht-re n party files a petition in error within the time limited by the law for the prosecution of error proceeding he thereby abandons the appeal which lie had pre- vioufilv docketed in the cose. 3. The mere failure to file n motion for a new trial In the court below is not of Itself sufficient reason for dismissing a pe tition in error by the supreme court. 4.he rullns : of thr > district court on a motion to require its clerk to pay out moneys In his hands may be reviewed , al though there was mod-i no motion for a n6w trial. D. An order drawn on a particular fund creates -equitable assignment thereof , al though not accepted by the drawee. No. 1GS47. Hunter against Union Life In surance Company. Motion overruled. Er ror from Dousrlas county. Harrison , C. J. 1. If there 4s room for construction , that given to its rules by a court or a judge thereof will generally be accepted as con clusive. 2. Notice of an application to a judge of the district court for an extension of Urns within wbich to prepare and servo n bill of exceptions is not indispensable to juris diction. 3. The rules of this court or * not neces sarily governable in matttrs befor ? the dis trict courts or the judge * thereof. The portion tion of section 93 , Code of Civil Pro cedure , which made them BO applicable wh n enacted , to the courts as thn c < r- ganlze'd and the existing : conditions , but the constitutional changes In the organi zation of the courts and the changes in the conditions have rendered It inapplicable. 4. No notlco of the presentment of the bill of exceptions to the trial judge for settlement und allowance Is required un less amendments to the bill have been pro posed and not accei'ltd. No. Mil ) . Western Union Telegraph Com pany against Call Publishing Company. Affirmed. Error from Lancaster county. HurrlBon , C. J. 1. rhe clrcumstancpB t..ifler which the contract by which the telegraph company ntrreed to transmit to the other party to the i-ontract the news re-ports of the Asso ciated press examined and ild not to uliow the contract to be elemtntal of the con sideration of the agreement by the A o- clated press to furnish the new reports to the party to th& first mentioned contract other than the teltErajih company. " . A public service corporation Is ame nable to the rules of thr common law rel ative to discrimination In ratwe brtwet-n patron * for like Mate or interstate etrv- lew * rendt-rod under like condition * , the latter In the. absence of eongrreaiilonal leg islation on th * subject , and courts will en force the rules of general Jurisprudence in such mutters. S The evidence In regard to the difference in night and day ratal for * vral certain clashes of fervli : s held to furnlfch u , bai-is fur uscwtaiiunnjit of the m a ure of the difference in wleht hr.d day rale. * in ths service * involved In WlBBtion. In the ab sence of evidence to show reason for a -r uter distinction Nu. luitl iitiiElitS i ! u.un Sluts. lie- HAVE NO EXCUSE For Suffering with Coughs. , Colds , Catarrh , or Bronchitis HYOMEI CURES THESE DISEASES OR MONEY IS REFUNDED lloMon. M ' . .r . 11. T. Iloolli fo.t ( iriitlcniiMiinir "lljoinrl" iiroimrntloiiK nrr flulirnt Hint I lin\r foiinil , I'ttlicr In Uiiropr or Anicrlen , for I Inlliroat and liiiiu * . M. iniill | nr < > \l.slim | ( ullli Momlrr-fnl MiicpriN. II lum i-iirod imp of lirom-lillU , niiolli of iltMlflU'ixo. You ( li'Hcr i' Miri'l-s" , n 11 yomrl IO < * N < i ftrrat ili-nl more limit yon o In I in for It. In HIT opinion It In a viilunlilc M-nicilj. 'Mo-.l ( jrntrf iillr J'llUfN , AMI.I\A ui : nr.iitj i.oKCiiti\ . Tciu'licr of Mniilnu. 1-Jll Trcinonl M. Your physician will tell you that "Hyomcl" Is the only germicide which can pir.or the brotirhinl tubes aud lungs. It is Guaranteed and Cures by lulinlnt.on. HYOMEI trial outfit complt'ie , loc. Kogular outfit complete , Jl.OO. Extra bot- tlcj , tiOc. HYOMI31 Halm ( a wonderful licalor ) , 2. cents. All HYOM12I nt druggists or sent by mall. The Story of Hyomcl free for the asking. Hyomcl Dyspepsia Cure complete ' 3 different treatments ) , do cents. No one tnblct can embrace all the Ingredients HP - sary for the cure of the various forms of Dyppcjeln. With Hyomcl wo glvo three or- ferent treatments covering nil the various forms nnd adapted to any case. If your druggist docs not have itu - will send It to > ou by mail on receipt of price , 60 reuti. THfi R. T. BOOTH CO. , Auditorium Building. Chlcngo. JRree.f Free/ Two thousand bottles of HYOMEI11 ! N > givrn aav nlischitob free nt SHERMAN & McCONMU DRUG CO. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb. beginning Man i l th or.J i nnnuiug for i nt ww-K aiso KKEE TKKVTMENTS with HVOMKI ill be given to all who call fpa FOR MEDICINE. CUT THIS err , Send It vith vour order for four full quarts of our ixmt-olj l\ > c t T $3.15 , rXPKESS PKEl'AlD. and we will send jou FRT E OK CHAKUli 1 srmple l > 'tiles ' , one 12 end ons 15-1 ear old K > t. acutts-crc-.v audagoUi tipped wluskx ( .IH- . We malce > nu this otlerBimp' ' ? t- > ret you to trv the goods. VYenlsu have tinP.I i o J-mdB ) ve'ars old , Inch we ill ditposeoi t * . } J.5 ° percallon.m | ( . -cilt iioi m.-te gallons at one shipment.Ve also give sample bottles. R ! SS and cmk screw with thesecond" ; 11 cooda are not satitlnrtory\c'U can return them lit our exptnse nnd e < lf RETURN YOUR MONEY TO YOU Thrsi- Roods aic slnpped direi t Ir , m tlirir nf I . miTtllc mrn ' - pri > nu thedisttllinccompanv.\\hlch guarantees j > tv nn s.aM Kefcicoces , any express compauv. n > . thcli.m.lle tliuufiuias ol ouipactagcs. , KELLERSTRASS DISTILLING CO. I4th und Alain Sts. . KAN5AS CITY , HO. KOTE Orders lor Ariz , Colo. , Calif. , Idaho. Mont . N , N Mex. , Ore. Utah , Wash.Vyo. . , must call for twenty quarts bj Ireicl.t. prepaid. Z3SZS3S3 v&iMnrrrn. < * f.'tjv.isiK < r * * & < t&-'y'siT : vtrsfvl. Error from Washington county Su In an. J 1. in the trial of a criminal case th" court Is not ordinarily justified In assuming th" existence of any material fact put In Issue by the ple.i of not guilty , but there Is not an assumption of any fact In an instruction plainly professing to lie a mere statement of the material averments of th * informa tion. 2. In criminal prosecution it is revers ible error to instruct the jury , upon the question of Insanity , that the burden of proof shifts from the prisoner to the state during the progress of tht trio ; . 3. But the court in its charge may prop erly say that when the presumption of san ity encounters opposing proof , the burden Is upon the state to satisfy the jury by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused was sane at the time he com mitted the alleged criminal act. 4. One suffering under a defect of reason to such an extent that he was incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong with respect to a particular act Is not amenable to the laws against crlmo for havlnir committed such act. 5. And it is prejudicially -erroneous to in form the jury in a criminal case , where the defense is Insanity , that want of ca pacity on the part of the prisoner to under stand the nature of the act in queMlon at the time of Us commission is neeassary to pander him Irrespon.iihle. 0. Whether the court might properly per mit private counsel , in a criminal case , to make an argument to the jury on behalf of the state when such counsel did not appear in his professional character until the < -vld&nco was closed , quaere. 7. It Is competent to prove the ownership of a store building by parole evident- ? when it does not appear that fuch building is real estate. 8. Where a parson Is charged with the com mission of a specific crime testimony may be received of other i imilar acts , commit ted about the same time , for the purpose only of establishing the criminal Intent of th * accused. S. On the trial of n person Informed against for burning property with intent to prejudice nn insurance company , -where the accused refuses to produce the yjoUcles of insurance , secondary evidence IB compt- tent to show the contents of the policies , that they were- made out < tnd delivered by an authorized agent of the companies and that defendant was claiming indemnity 1 under thorn. i N'o. 824B. State ex rel Itroatch against | Moorcs. Irvine , C. Sullivan , J. , dissenting. I The question of the sufficiency of a p- ' tliion or Information to state a cause of action Is , when the defect IP substantial , open for consideration throughout the pro- I eeedlnga. and may even be raised on u motion for rehorlnr. : 2. Want of legal capacity to su refers to a general legal disability. If such do nut ] exist the failure of a plaintiff in thow a ! right of action in himself gos to the Fiif- i flclwicy of the pleading to state adU.cv of 1 action , and Is not waived by failurtto ' demur for want of capacity. I 8. The provisions of Session Laws of 1 ! )7 ) I page 54. chapter 10 , the so-calle \ ihan r i.f I cities of the metropolitan class xatmn < 1 and held to demand that In r pc of tue'- ' IgiblHty of the person receiving the ii.grht I number of votes at the first general tlt < - tlon for mayor the president of th"oui > ' . ' should excrcbe the ofilce , and not th * for mer incumb'nt. No. S789. Wakelcy against Omaha P.- versed. Appeal from Douglas county Ryan. C. 1. Notice of the sitting of the f-itv coum .1 as a board of equalization under jctl ( n 2" . . chanter 13 , pace 1H , Session * LIIWS IVS j for at least fix flays prior thi'tfn , i jr. Indispensable prerequisite to legal ai tion i. The mere fact that -tn owner r-f au- Jacc-nt property nlgna a piMitlun lor j .ixme a street In a prescribed mann- il irs ri.it furnish grounds for the prc-fcimiptloti that the petitioner assents to lrrguli.r < r \c..3 iroeeedinjrs of the city couwil in ilit- per formance of such duties as muy iltvcivo u ; > on it after the pavement slmi : be com muted. 3. A void special assessment is not vali dated by the mere fact thit payments thereon have been voluntarily made. No. 10I7B. Mulloy against Stale. Af firmed. Error from Box Butte county. Niwval , j. 1. An Information will sustain a convic tion of a lower offense Involved In that charged. 8. An Information for an ussau't with in tent to commit great bodily Injury , fram d under faction 17b of the Criminal Code , i will sudain a conviction for , .n Bsault and I battery when the information dlsclobis , by i uroxter averments , thjt ? ih minor offcns-e was , in fact , included in the commission of the one charcod. 3. S" tion 4TS of the Crirninul Code is not confined in its application to prosfcuiloiit for crimes thp punishment for which t he- statute had than made provision , but ex tends as well to prosecutions for offenses sub * " < iu'nt'y created , 4. I'ndrr said S-ctlon , where the crime charged embraces dlfft-rt-nt degrees , I. e. . Inrhiih'S one nr more less--r offenses , the act-us d. when justified by the evidence. may be convicted of any on ; ot the dt'ijrei'ur offenses. jPREVENTINEand DOUCHE SYRINGE IS * o Sold entirely upon its merits and guaranteed to do all we claim of it or money refunded. Ladles are invited to call at our offices where we will be peased to give you any information re garding our remedies. Our oOlcee are in charge of lady attendants who will be pleas ed to make appointments with you by tele phone. Call 'I'hone 2270. All correspond ence confidential. Send stomp for book on WOMEN. Agents wanted. Preventine Medicine Co , , 316 Ramuo 01k , Omaha. Women use hat pins for everything They even pull cherries out of oo Uta 11 with them , but when it comes to using Krug Cafoimet Lager Beer the hat pin isn't in it. But Krug Cairns t is for women Just ns much as a hat r < It builds up a woman makes her si rene and healthy. As a tonic and stimulant it can't bo beaten. Don't you want a ca > e sent home ? riiii ) KIUG HHISWIM ; co. . Tel 420. 1007 Jiukson Sv'-eet IF YOU LEAVE . . . OMAHA. TODAY . .VI V. . UNION PACIFIC you will iirrl ve in SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO OR PORTLAND SOOM2U than If you l.-f ( - . in un > otlirr line > rNlcnluj . C'ily Ticket Ofllce , l.'JOl ! Pannim J > ret has no terrors for ji Bee uilding Tenants i Why don't you get into t a building where every thing is absolutely safe ? A few first class offices left in The Bee Building. i Apply ! R. C. PETERS & CO. . k Ground Floor Corner , ! 17th and Farntuu ,