I ) Til IS OMAHA DAILY hl3J-'J ' : SUNDAY , MAllCIt 12 , 18JM ) . END OF LENT DRAWS NEAR BooUly to Enter Upon lha SsAson of Unin- tarrupted Pleasure. . FUHJRE : is FULL or BRIGHT PROMISE VIIHIIK AVoinmi \ VluiiiIllrllitlnj' Kill I * on St. ViilrlnU' * Hay Slmwi HIT Ill-Kuril for tlio ( inuil Old .tin . Never In the memory of woman hai n Jycnlon season been so delightfully arranged tor OB this iircpcnt one , or the once uni formly uninviting and uninteresting paths of this period of mourning boon o lavishly strewn with appetizing morsels for tlio mlird , culled from the graver pursuits of life , which can nt present lay claim to the unusual honor of occupying the minds of these who nt one tlmo completely nnd sys tematically Ignored tlielr existence oven. It is an undisputed fact that the wornont dames and belles are only too gladly avail ing themselves of the brief period of freedom from their really arduous duties which name Society , owing to the pressure brought to bear by King Lent , grudgingly nllowfl them. Tlio popularity of upon air exercise and recreation of every khiil per mitted by that most unreliable and unac commodating of beings , this elnrk of the wenthor , Is fully attested by the number of the gay world who participate In nil Hindu of sports nnd excel therein. Their heart * ore full of gratitude for benefits derived therefrom , to the sad and austere ruler , for stopping In so opportunely nnd making It possible for thorn to Indulge therein by absolving them from their multitudinous nodal duties. A girl whose birthday falls on March 17 , rumoinhorlng that It was St. Patrick's day. determined that the party given In her liouor should also show regard for the good oalnt. As n luncheon had 1 > een decided on , in writing the Invitations a postscript wns added , requesting each guest to como pre pared to toll an Irish nnecdoto or story , or rootle a poem about St. Patrick. When the day and the guosta arrived they gathered around a table profusely decorated ! with soft green foliage. A harp , wound gracefully with umllax anil Its strings of tiny white "Immortelles , " formed the center piece , raised on a mound covered with ferns , The dishes holding bonbons , small cakes and salted almonds were all \vreallic-d with Hinllax and delicate ground pine , nnd the name cards were painted with and cut In the slmpo of the shamrock so green. The bonbons were merely round sticks of ohocolnto nix Inches long , made thicker atone ono end by the confectioner , nt the request of the young hoRteau , In order to resemble the blackthorn or bog-oak "shlllalah , " while the little cakes were excellent "praties , " their surface covered with chocolate dust , and having bits of almonds for eyes. Tlio candelabra wcro trimmed with sml- lax , nnd the candle shades made of ram 11 tissue paper Irish flags crimped Into Bhapo. The menu could only be made to conform to the prevailing character In two or throe dishes. Tlio single entree was a most savory nnd highly seasoned Irish stew , served very bet In little silver saucepans. At that stage of a luncheon where a vege table Is served as a separate course , Instead of asparagus or celery , n silver salver was brought in garnished with much parsley , and fccapcd high with potatoes In their "Jackets , " which appeared to bo so tight thnl their white meat was bursting through. The Ice cream took the form of "the gln- tlomun who pays the rlnt" a white , well- fed , prosperous-looking porker , who stood firmly on his four short legs , and when laid low by the sacrificial knife revealed all sorts of dellclousness in the form of maroons nnd candled fruits. Stories , nnecdotcs and Irish wit followed this feast , nnd one young woman itstonlshcd the company by asserting that St. Patrick was not an Irish , but n Scotch lad. who in the fifth century was stolen by a wild band of Irish pirates and who , when Dually re stored to his homo , could not forgot the heathens of the hind of his captivity , nnd o returned to them as a missionary , de voting Ills life to their conversion. Host and lost before goodbyes wore said , a harp woa brought in ami one of the guests , taking Jior seat , sang in a plaintive voice , Kathleen Mavournoen. Tlio fast approaching advent of ttio pop ular saint of the Emerald Isle Is hailed with delight by all the gay world , irrespect ive of nationality , as the appearance on the Lenten scone of his Jocular though visionary person IB always the signal for merry making nnd general Jollillc-aUon. The deco rations proper to his day will be. largely Aught nftor nnd many fair young belles and lovely matrons whoso charms are In their prime will adorn themselves with the pretty shamrock nnd nttlro themselves in his own color , while the sterner sex will possess themselves of formidable looking shlllalahs and oven fnetcn a leaf of the tlinmrock In their buttonholes and wear ties of vivid line in their CBgerness not to be outdone by the fair eex In the "wearln" of the green. " These who nre fortunate enough to perform on the saint's favorite Instrument , the harp , will bo In great request nt attain * given In his honor , and all nro busy resurrecting ' 'Kathleen Mavourneou , " "Como Hack to Brln" and other patriotic and melodious ballads. Sntiiriliiy Mulit ( "lull. The Saturday Night club , which Is com posed of the very young members of nu merous well known families , with Mr. Wal ter Iloburts ns president , guvo n charming masquerade hall nt Mornml'n on Saturday evening. Any number of Oalnty costumes wore noticed , among thorn being Miss Joanna Wnkcfleld's who was a charming picture ns n morning star , In a costume of pale blue tarleton , sprinkled with silver stars , over pale blue silk ; above her fore- hoail hung a star and in her hair she wore a rhlnestouo crescent. Miss llesslo llrady was an Ideal representative of Juno , In n dlaphanoim gown of white , with white hat , and carrying n basket of ilowcru. SIlss Ada Klrhcndall wore a gypsy coatumo of green and red , skirt of green nnd sash nnd Jacket of vivid red. MUses Marian Connwll and Henrietta nartlatt were delightful twin babies , with white dresses nnd caps and sashes of pink. Miss Vivian McDowell was u.stately colonial dame and Miss Laura Cong , don n fetching summer girl. Mr. John Hay was a romantic looking Mexican. Mr. Harry Weaks a monk , Mr. Philip Iteed was one of Xlnclo Barn's loldlcrs nnd Mr. Arthur Jayncs a most picturesque Japanese girl. Ooethe's Faus < was represented by Mr. Harry Clay ton. Sir , Smith' * SJiiK 1'nrty. At his 'home , llaBohlll'ill , near Ilenson. last Sunday aftoruoou , n unique Mag party w.tn given by Axel ? mltti. nftod 02 , In honor o ? his brother , fritz Smith , nisetl 71 , who wfin vKHIns Mm ironi Stockholm , Sweden. Mr. Smith lives nl Ilotehlll In bachelor lux ury nnd lakes cnre of a comfortnblp home. Ho Ir. , In addition , on excellent cook. On tills otcaMnn ho Invited a few Intimate friends to dinner. After an enjoyable after noon of cigars , cards and mutilc , n splendidly appointed , pcifectly cooked and most de licious rtpnst , prepared entirely by the genlnl host , wns served to the guests. Mr. Frltr. Smith left on Tuesday for Stockholm. IJiitrrliiliuiifMilM of tlii < Wi-oh. ( Mr. nnd Mm. W. S. Poppleton entertained the Chafing Dish club yesterday evening. Mrs. B. H. Harris entertained Informally on Krlday afternoon In honor of Miss Van Sickle. Mrs. W , J. Ilradbury nnd Miss Hlch en- trrtaln d n largo number of their friends at cards on Wednesday. The Wednesday Whist club wns enter- tnlnod by Mro. Albeit Tabu In a charming manner. The trophy button on that occasion was won by Mrs. M. Long. Mrs , F. M. March entertained charmingly nt cards on Tuesday. High Five was the game chosnn , prizes for which were won by Mesdames Welch nnd Dlnnlnc. Miss Tlllle Hlcber celebrated her sixth birthday , which occurred on Wednenday , by entertaining a number of her llttlo friends nt her home , 027 South Fifteenth street. The Ladles' J. T. Coffee elnb were very pleasantly entertained on Thursday after noon by Mrs. Oils Kuenne. The next meet ing of the club will bo hold nt the home of Mrs. Stratinnu. A pleasant dancing parly was given by the T. H. T. club of Kountzo Place , Tuesday evening at Idlewlld hall. The hall was tastefully decorated. Lcmonndo nnd wafers were served for refreshments. j Miss Ida Mlttaucr was pleasantly stir- | prised on Tuesday evening by n number of ! her friends. A good tlmo wns enjoyed by nil and the selections playc l by the Omaha Mandolin club were thoroughly appreciated. I ( Mr. and Mrs. Ourdon W. Wattles outer- I tallied at dinner on Krldny evening. The decorations , which were very beautiful , con- | slsted of rod roses. After dinner the party witnessed the performance of the "Hon. John Orlgsby" nt lloyd's. | I I The Thursday Night High Klvo cluh met last week nt the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Sutlon , 2115 Leavenworth street , and as UHUal n very delightful evening was spent. Mrs. Underlain ! carried on" the first Indies' prir.o , Mrs , Connoran the second and Mrs. Karnwley the consolation ; Mr. Hcrgstrom the llrst gentlemen's prize. Mr. Connoran the second and Air. Lluzcndorf . the consolation. I I nml F.iiunuiciiifiitM. On Sunday evening Mr. August Doll nnd Hertha Oahlo were milted In marrlago. The groom Is a son of Leopold Doll , one of Douglas county's prosperous nnd most sub stantial farmers. The brldo Is the daugh ter of highly respectable parents and Is well cultured in all the arts that go toward mak ing a charming wife. The newly wedded pair will ttiko up their residence In a few days on a farm west or the city , recently presented to them by the groom's father. .MoviMiirutn < i ( Soi-loly Kolkx. Mr. nnd ' .Mrs. II. 3. Jaynos are in Chicago. Miss Amy Darker Is still visiting in St. Louis. Miss Llla Alexander IB visiting friends In Lincoln. Mrs. C. H. Downs nnd Miss Downs nro In St. Louis. Miss Holland Is spending a tow weeks in , Now York City. I Mrs. 13. H. Tcrrlll is expected home from New York Tuesday. .Mrs. Edward V. Lewis Is spending n week with friends in Chicago. Mrs. R. E. McKelvy has quite recovered : from n three-weeks' illness. Mrs. Arthur Hemlngton returned on Sun day from a visit In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. 13. H. Branch have gone to Des Mollies for n few days. ' .Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kelly nnd Miss Kelly liavc returned from the east. Miss Ornco Allen returned on Sunday from a delightful visit In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ilancker went cast last Saturday for a month's visit hi New York. Mr. J. 13. Utt is still very 111 , though he has mndo some progress toward recovery. Mrs. Louise Sinclair and Miss Marie Stephens returned from Now York 0:1 : Fri i day. I day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ' .McCormlck left on Thursday for their ranch near Sharld.m , I Wyo. | Mr. and Mrs. A. Newman have moved Into their new homo at 311t > North Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Euclid Martin left last week for West Iladen , Ind. , whither he has gone in search of health. Hev. and .Mrs. Percy Silver have taken up their residence for the present nt 1S12 Wlrt street. Miss .McKenna and Miss Forcpaugh lipve gone on n short tilp to Denver and Colorado rado Springs. Mr. Edward Heed nnd daughter , JIargaret , have gone for n six-weeks' stay at Hot Springs , Ark. Mr. William Tupper Wyman loft on Tues day for Colorado Springs , where ho will Join Mrs. Wyman. -Miss Helen Hlgby has returned from Washington , In which city she wns the guest of Mrs. W. E. Aniiln. Mrs , K. M. O'Llnn and Miss O'LInn have returned from a two-weeks' visit In the northwestern part of the state. Hon. James M. Wool worth is slowly re covering from n severe attack of gilp , which culminated in painful oar trouble. Mr. Thomas J. Rogers , accompanied by his daughter , Janet , left on Tuesday evenIng - Ing for Los Angeles , where they expect to re in a In about three weeks. The many friends of Gerald A. Wharton of this city , who Is now attending Princeton college , will be glad to hear that he has taken honors in the freshman class in his examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Slelcalf hare rctuv.io'l from Chicago. Mr. Matculf la rapidly ueninlng his normal health. While there Mrs. Mot- calf enjoyed grand opera , Marches ! , Ciirieno , and the Thomas orchestra conceit. Mrs. A. U. Wyman , who Is spending the winter In Washington , will not return to Omaha until the closing of the Now England Conservatory of Music , where her daughter , Mist ) Ileleno , has boon placed for culture. I Out of Town ( ilK'ntx. Miss Van Sickle left yesterday for her , homo In Now Jersey. Mrs. Charles Hurr of Lincoln , who Is the . guest of Mrs. J. E. Ilaum , will return home \ on Monday. I i Miss nolle H. Lewis of Lincoln is tho' ' guest of iMIss Slmonds , 1C1S Chicago street , for a few days. Mr. Clmrles O. Winter of Newark , N. J. , was tbo guest of Mr. Guy H. Cramer dur ing part of Inst week. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Rusfcll nnd their daughter , Miss Helen , are the guests of Mr. and Mra. Gurdon W. Wattles. j I Lieutenant Howard Hlckok of the Ninth j cavalry nnd Mrs. Hickok were the guests ' last week of Mr. and Mrs. George W. HoldroKe. Mr. II. I ) . Fisher and daughter , Miss l.aurn , of Florence , WIs. , arrived In Omaha Saturday. Miss Fisher left the same day for Salt Laku City , where she will remain for several weeks. On flu * Sooliil CiiliMulnr. Mrs. n. E. Welch will entertain nt cards on Tuesday. Mrs. E. L. Patterson will entertain the Wednesday Lunch club on March IK , assisted by Mra. William C. GOBS. The XXIV T. IX club will bo entertained BAKING Makes the food more delicious and wholesome aovti etxisa Ki-tnii eo. , w vom. i on Tuesday by Mcadamoa Black and Burgess At the homo of the former. O.MAIIA M lit HUM. llriiMiin. Mrs. W. C. Mulford of Omaha spent last Sunday visiting with friends In Benson. The Northwestern Social club gave n mnsk ball at the Benson town hall on March 3. Mrs. A. Vivians nnd child of Pllger visited with friends In Benson during the week. Ml so Lyda Hlllynrd of St. Joseph , Mo. , visited with friends In Benson Inst Sunday. Miss Olda Hawkins of Omaha wns n guest | for n few days at the homo of her brother , Gcorgo Hawkins. I | Services will be held nt the Methodist ' church today nt U n , m. , Sunday school nt . 12 m. Rev. P. Bross , pastor. I I The Ladles' Aid society met nt the homo ' of Mrs. S. H. Hoffman Thursday afternoon of Inst week. It will meet nt the homo of Mrs J. 1. Kelfns In two weeks. ! | ' Tin- Fraternal Union , lodge No. 110 , held Us regular meeting last Monday night. The members nro making preparations to give a literary entertainment nt the town { i hall on the night of March 21. i ' Last Friday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlcfl B. Dodson entertained a party of young i friends of this plnco nnd Oinnhn nt their | ' home. Music and dancing wcro Indulged In , and light refreshments were served. | KloriMKT. Everett iMnrtln of Omaha visited with the family of Dr. J. F. Tracy Tuesday. H. P. Hills wont to Blnlr Saturday morn ing to transact Homo business there. W. II. Onrmlcr of Grand Island , Nob. , wna n business visitor here Krldny and Snturday. ' Sam Wallace of .Montlcello , WIs. , is hero , visiting with the family of Dr. J. F. Tracy. Miss Eunlco Trncy left Thursday for Lin- coin , where shu will bo absent for a week visiting friends. . Mrs. Hnttlo i.Murtln , who has been visiting friends hero for the Inst week , went to Lin coln Wednesday. Mrs. Larkln Tucker nnd daughter , Hulda , went to Do Solo , Neb. , Friday to visit rela tives for n week. Mra. J. H. Robb visited her parents In Omaha Thursday and Krlday , returning home Frlduy night. Wiley King , Janitor ul the school buildIng - Ing , was sick for n few days of tills week , but is able to attend to his duties now. Charles Craft , who has been n resident of this vicinity for the last nlno years , goes to Holt 'county next week to make It hla future homo. Tlio BChool teachers employed hero In the public schools. Miss Ida Miller , Miss Mattlo Tucker , IMIss LJlllo Bondesson nnd Mrs. W. U. Backus ' , visited the schools In Omaha ! Friday. | The republican primaries nro called for March 1C for the purpose of putting In nom ination a mayor , two councilman for the north ward , ono councilman for the south ward , treasurer and city clerk for the elec tion to be held April I. , Fort Crook. There Is not much going on this week except the recruiting nnd filling up of tbo regiment , outdoor drills and field exercise. John K. Klein , bandmaster , is getting up mi excellent program for n grand concert at SchllU roof garden Saturday , March 18 , at 8 p. ni. , given by the Sixteenth United States I Infantry band. The program for the concert nt the post today is ns follows : March Liberty Bell Sousa Overture Flotto Burscho Suppo Ballet Music From Faust Gounod Alr-Varia My Old Kentucky Home..Foster Quintet Bablllngc , Loin Du Bal Olllet Medley French Follies Witt Ml.IN Diicy Will display a full line ot spring millinery Tuesday and Wednesday , March 14 and 15. 315 South Fifteenth street. TEN WAGONLOADS OF MONEY 'I'llr < - < ' 'MIIlloii Dollar * for tlif Cnlinii Army Is Silft'ly Colidurlod on Hoard the Coin-nil Mrndc. NBW YORK , March 11. A squad of thirty picked men from Company B , Thirteenth regulars , under command of Captain Llttell , went to the subtreasury today and the $3- 000,000 for the Cuban army was loaded Into ton trucks , Two armed private guards. three soldiers and police were detailed to each truck. The trucks were driven to the government tug General Melgs and the money was transferred on It to the govern ment transport General Meade. Only half of the total , or $1,500,000 , was taken from the sub-treasury In the morn ing. The other half may bo taken awny this afternoon or may bo held until next week and bo sent on another transport. .Millinery Oii > iiliiK Monday and Tuesday , March 13 and 14. .Misses Kahl & Johnson. LEE REFUSES SENATORSHIP HIM Drslrc IH to Hciiinlii In tin- Army n lid IIi > DDCH Not AVuiit 1IU \IIIIIC ! L'MI-d , RICHMOND , W. Va. , Slarch 11. A letter from General B. C. James is mndo public In .which General Leo authorizes Gcnernl James to say to his friends that It Is his deslro that his name not be mentioned as n candidate for the United States senate to succeed Senator Martin. Ho gives as his reason for this course his duties In the army nnd the uncertainty of their duration. .Millinery. Grand opening , Thursday , Krldny and Snt urday ; all new advanced spring styles. Sirs. Davles , 1511 Douglas. 1 ! HARRISBURO. Pa. , March 11. The forty- 1 sixth ballot for United Slates senator today resulted : Quay , 0 ; Jenks , 4 ; Dalzell. 1 ; Irvln , 1 ; no quorum. DOVER , Del. , Mnrch 11. The ninety- eighth ballot for United States senator to day resulted as follows : Addlcks , union re publican , IS ; Anthony Illgglns , regular re publican , 10 ; George Gray , democrat , ! ) ; Wll- Innl Snulsbury , democrat. 5 ; Irvln Handy , silver democrat. 4 ; John F. Saulsbury. silver democrat , 1 ; absent , -I ; total vote , -17 ; nocos- bury to n choice , 24. The ninety-ninth bnl- 'lot ' resulted : Addlcks , IS ; Gray , 7 ; Higglns , 'C | ; Dupont , 4 ; Saulsbury , 7 ; Handy. 4. By a vote of 24 to 23 the joint assembly sepa- latod until Monday. I'liro Kood Drill , IIIN ! rllllon , All this week the Omaha Tea and Coffee company , 1407 Douglas street , will give demonstrations with the Beurdsley pure foods and Invllo their many friends to avail thmiiflelves of this opportunity of getting a light lunch whllo down shopping. The Benrdsley pure foods consist of shredded cod , sliced smoked beef nnd canned herring , Wafers nnd their famous Mocha blond coffee \\I11 bo oervcd. { Illllli-y nt Iliifflllo. BUFFALO. N. Y. . March 11. Representa tive Jrnepli W. Bailey of Texas , leader of the minority In the house , was the niiodt of the Independent club at its March din ner tonight. About 300 members of the club nnd Invited guests assembled In the Imn- quot loom of the club to welcome the dis tinguished guest. An Interesting feature of the occasion was the welcome ixmnufii 'o ' Mr. Bailey by Mayor Conrad Dlehl on be half of tli9 city and the Pan-American Ex pedition Incorporntors. After this Mr. Bailey was introduced nnd spoke on "Imperialism. " Miss Buttorllcld has postponed her exhibi tion of china painting at 722 New York Life to Monday all day on account of the in clemency of the weather All Invited. ItulliiK Kiivttr * Di'iiiirliiiriil Moron , CHICAGO. March 11. Judge Chetlaln of the superior court today decided that Charles Notcht'r , proprietor of a department store , U not guilty of violating any law In selling meats , fruits , vegetables , etc. , under the B.inui roof with dry goods , jewelry and othur merchandise. The prosecution was based upon nn ordinance passed by the city coun cil u&sassliiK heavy fines and practically contemplating the ending of department stores. Spring opening of flno millinery. Thursday , Friday and Saturday , at Mrs. Uavied , 1511 Douglas street , SOLVES THE MURDER MYSTERY I'ollri" of t'tilrnu" \ < HV Convinced that A KUR ( A. llroki-r lluleli- rr Ml III * AVIfr. CHICAGO. Mnrrh It. Ily the discovery of n portion of n huinnn body nnd a torn scrap of black dress goods under the barn floor of August A. IJcckcr'S homo nt C017 Rock well street the police nre satisfied that they liavo nt last found the key to the mystery surrounding the murder of Mrs. Theresa Decker. The police now declare that without doubt the butcher killed his wife In the barn and disposed of tlio remains , after cutting them up , by burying them or thruji'lng them in the Chicago river. The piece of lung found today Is nbout the size of n man's hand and n portion of the 'bronchial tube Is at tached to U. The dress goods has been .dcnllflod by Mrs. Tllllo Manthy as a portion tion of the blnck dross which -Mrs. Hooker wore nround the house nnd which has been vainly sought for by the police slnco llecker confessed to murdering his wife. The cloth Is cut In eight places , seemingly ns If n sharp knife had been repeatedly thrust through it. Now spring goods nt V. M. Schodcll R. Co. Opening dny announced later. ox THU AvnmciiV wA sn SYSTISSI. Muro Mom-y Hprtil for I.liinor When Knililn.vrn An1'nlil Monthly. WASHINGTON , March It. Robert How ard , ox-secretory of the National Spinners' union , 'was "boforo the Industrial commission today. Ho said that the southern mills could not bo seriously considered ns com- IwUtors of the northern mills because they produced a different class of articles nnd locnuso ) the southern workmen could not bo pressed to expedition as could the northern operatives. Ho quoted a foreman In n southern mill as eaying that If he should tell an operative In his Institution to hasten lier work she was liable to bo after htm soon with n Winchester rlflo or n shotgun. Mr. Howard , who at ono time had been n member of the Massachusetts state sen ate , told of the difficulties encountered in getting the legislation providing for weekly payments to laborers. The manufacturers had opposed the measure on the ground that U was n species of socialism nnd that It would produce drunkenness. The measure , however , had proved n success and instead of causing an increase of drunkenness It had proved a promoter of temperance. There was not so much temptation to spend money for liquor when received weekly as when the entlro mouth's wages wcro received in a lump sum. THI3I CONDITION OK IIISWKY'S FM3I3T linn llcon In AHlnt1c for TirP YcnrN. WASHINGTON , March 11. The Navy dc- purtmc-nt has been Informed that the care which Admiral Dewey hns given to the fleet on the Asiatic station is shown in the condition of the vessels , which is much better than would bo expected , owing to the long service they have undergone far from repair stations. With the same Information come reports that the shipyards nt Cavlto Imvo been re established and that under the direction of American mechanics the native workmen have been able to irtako all the ordinary re pairs which the ships need. For cleaning the bottoms they have to be taken to Hong Kong nnd docked , but the other routine work has been done nt Cavitc. The ma chinery nnd tools used In the Cnvlte shops nro the same as these used by the Spanish and have little that is modern except some obtulued from English manufacturers. Regarding the administration of Admiral Dewey , the Olympla is cited as a ship that has been In Aslntta waters for three years , Is ( still In good condition nnd has needed llttlo in the way of repairs. XO PLACE KOK OI'TICGHS' FAMILIES. Xo More to .lie Allowed to Go to the 1'llllllUllllpN. WASHINGTON , March 11. The War de partment today Issued the following : Commanding General , Department of the East , Governor's Island , Now S'ork : The following cablegram received from General Otis : Manila not a safe place for odlJers1 fami lies. Considerable dlfllculty experienced in caring for these now hero and their safety Is ono of the chief causes of nnxlety. Olll- cers' families should remain in the United States. Under such conditions the secretary of war regrets that no more fnnilllns of ofllcors or enlisted men will bo permitted to accom pany the troops. Families of officers and noncommissioned ofllcers for which quar ters are logically provided will be permitted to retain their quarters nt the posts from which troops depart , according to the pro visions of memorandum ' Irculnr dated nt the adjutant general's oIHco January 1 , 18:19. : By command Major General Miles. H. C. COHMIN , Adjutant General. A copy of this order has been sent to all generals commanding departments of the army. I'KXSIOXS FOIl WHSTEIIV VKTKIIAXS. Survivor * of Civil AViir Hompmbereil by CeiK-rnl tiiivi'rninviit. WASHINGTON , March 11. ( Special. ) The following western pensions have been granted : Issue of February 25 : Nebraska : Increase John Wilson , Hayes Center , ? 14 to $24 ; James n. Moore , Lyons , f'J ' to J10. Iowa : Original Merwln Senior. DCS Molnes , $8 ; John Laybold. Soldiers' Home , Marshall , $8 ; Daniel E. Pond , Montlcello , $ C , Additional Benjamin Anderson , Pav- onport , $4 to $8. Increase Thomas Waste , Fayttte , $10 to $12 ; John OldfleM. Hnres- ton. ? C to J8 : Henry King. Colfnx , $15 to * 17. Original widows , etc. Catherine Illodgett , Oreoley , $8 ; Rose D. Mayhow. Afton , ? 8 ; Augusta M. Colwcll , Fontanello , JS. South Dakota : Original widows , etc. Hannah Elfrink. Rce Heights. $8. Wyoming : Spanish war widows , etc. . Llllu Parks Palmer. Cheyenne , $ : ' 0. Colorado : Original Charles Cox , Denver , $ S ; Oscar Allen , Cripple Creek. $0. Increase William Wllhelm , $10 to | 11. IliToiiimfiuli'il fur a Mpii WASHINGTON , March 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) Senator Kyle has recommended Sergeant A. Harr , Second United States regiment , for n lieutenancy to the credit of South Dakota under the organization of the army act. Ilnrr Is from Aberdeen and ( listliiKUliljed himself with his regiment nt SsA Juan. On recommendation of Senator Kyle Dr. Frances Woods , daughter of Colonel J. M. Woods of Rapid City , 1ms boon granted n commission as a trained nurse. She hns been serving In Manila for some time under the Rod Cross. Private Charles Crlswoll , Company K , nnd Corporal Ulysses E. Pearson. Company M , Third Nebraska regiment , have been or dered discharged. to I'onlollU'i'K. WASHINGTON , March II. ( Special TcP cgram. ) The postolllce receipts at Omaha for February last aggregate $27,202. against $23.868 for the corre pondlng month of 1S9S. Receipts nt Pes Molnes were $20,964 , as compared with $1S,8C6 for February , 1S9S. Postmasters appointed : Nebraska B. J. Long , nt Rugan , Harden county , vlco James If. Carroll , relieved , nnd Martin J. Conbry. nt Rogers , Colfax county , vice John C. Ber- deremoved. . South Dakota W. O. Preston , at Hills- view , Mcrhersou county. llilllr TrriiMiirKtnti'lHPlit. . WASHJNTON. ( March 11. Today's state ment of the * condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $ :65.237.1S6 ; gold reserve , $230,769.762. Mri , Ston > .Miii'li Worm- . The condition of Mrs. Dr R M Siono was reported last iilgbt to be alarmingly worse. SEWER RATS ATTACK INFANTS I'lirlM 11 f Hi "lillilmt'ft Kiirrft unit l.linlpn I'nrtlnlly Kittt'ti mill Wound * Mny I'roviKntnl. . I10STON. Mnrrh 11. Sewer rats attacked two steeping children today In a. house In DorcheMor and probably Inflicted f 4al wounds. Mrs. Woodwnrd left her two itill- dren , Elslf , aged 3 , and Emma , aged 1 year , nslcep In their bed while she went to the grocery store. Returning half an hour later she found them covered with 'blood ' and ex amination showed parts of the fnco and limbs had been partially cat en. SUSPICIOUS DEATH OF WIFE Found AVrllliliiK In Klnnir * nml vtlth Wound * on Her llrmtVlilfli llun- linnit Cnniint Explain. SIIAI.ON , 1'a. , Mnrch 11. Mrs. Maggie Smith , wife of Homer Smith , aged 33 years , wns found last night nt her residence with two wounds on her head nnd her clothes burned from her body. Her husband claims ho was awakened by nn explosion nnd found his wife writhing In llnmcs on the floor with the lamp burning. He smothered the Harness ! but not before she wns burned. Smith nt the Inquest tonight told n very disconnected story. Ho wns remanded to Jail to awnlt the result ot n post mortem examination or dered by the Jury. PISTOL DUEL IN THE DARK llllHlillliil Atllii'Un ItlN Knlnc H I'nriiiiioiir nnil IvIIlM Him In ST. LOUIS , Mnrch 11. A special to the Republic from Waco , Tex. , says : Ed Fogg tonight killed Leo Pearson , whom ho found In n room with Mrs. Fogg , after a bloody duel In which Fogg wns wounded. Fogg crawled through n transom Into the room nnd In tlio dark ho nnd Pearson opened fire. Fogg sprang toward the flash of his antagonist's pistol nnd by chance seized the weapon Just us 'ho ' wns shot through the shoulder. Ho then placed his own weapon against Pearson's heart nnd killed him. He then surrendered. lop CoiiciTii Im-oriiornted. NEW YORK , Mnrch 11. The certificate of Incorporation of the American Ice company , capitalized nt $60,000,000 , was filed today In Jersey City by the Corporation Trust com pany. This Is the company which sought incorporation in Maine. On the defeat of the bill providing for the Incorporation In that state It was decided to gut the neces sary papers In New Jersey. I'ri'xlilciit llecomvK Oiiiinllnii. CANTON , O. , March 11. President Mc- Klnloy has been appointed guardian of John D. , William M. and Kate D. Barber , The president is the children's uncle. They , with the adult children of Mr. nnd Mrs. llarber , nre heirs to property left by George D. Saxton , for whose murder Anna E. George will soon bo tried. Omaha has a first class and up-to-date Ladies' Shirt Waist and Skirt Maker. The new firm Burgess & Co. , gives its entire attention to the above two specialties in silk and wash goods. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies to visit their parlors , 438- 439 Paxton block. Wo are offering a Ladles' Ring at Fifty Dollars that is particularly good value. The diamond Is a beauty absolutely perfect In color apd entirely free from flaws. We select the stones for these rings A very carefully. ( ? ) Do not expect to see a "very & showy" ring , for It Is mounted speJ J dally for these of rich and quiet < V taste , In 11 karat Tiffany sotting. S Sent by mall on receipt of price. $ Money refunded If not satisfactory. 9 1 A , EDHOLM , JEWELER. if 107 X. JCIth St. , 0ii. | P. 0. $ tiloss White Paint A beautiful WHITI3 paint is the hardest of all paints to get juet right , but tlio SHRKWIN-WILLIAMS CO > fully appreciate this nnd make white mixed paints adapted for every purpose. There Is the beautiful OLOSS WHITR for OUTSIDB use nnd the OLOSS WHITE for Insldo use. nnd the "China" gloss white , etc. It's ( ho same way 'nil through the SherwIn-WllllnmB line of paints. The wearing qualities nre OUAR- ANTKKD equal to any mixed paint made , or any paint that can bo mixed from any material. > ,6 pint cans , any color . IBc > 4 pint bicycle enamel ( beautiful colors ) 2oc H and 1 pint buggy paint , . . . 25c and 45c \b \ pint vornlsh stains . 2uc Quart cans floor paints . 40c Call for Colcr Cards. Sherman & McConncll Drug Co. 1513 Dodge St. . Omaha , Neb. Arthur Delmore Cheney TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE AND ARTISTIC SINGING , .v c.vniini , AMI TIIOHOKJII I'dt.v- D.YTIO.V TO A 1.1 , IIIHJI.VMIItS , hl'KCI.U , ATTi.VI'IO.V ( JIVI5X TO 15X - MSII OII.VTOHIO. TISTID I'lii'i : . Slmlloi ; 105 lluil'n Thru I re. EXPLOSION OF NATURAL GAS Trunk lloulK. Knuliirrr f Oilnr llniilil. ' , In. , IN Klllril nt I'hloimo , CHICAGO , March 11. A terrific explosion of natural gns Iriat night under the Wn- bash nvcnuo sldewurk of A. C. MeClurg & Co. tore open for'.y foot of the utone paving and blow down a section of the tottering east wall of tlio burned building. Ono nmn was killed by the falling debris nnd wvoral others bnroly csc.ijKd with their lives , The de-ad : PHAN'K HHWITT. 26 yours , engineer , homo at Cedar Itaplds , la. , died oo his way to the hospital. Chilli In llurnil < DonUi. MANSKIBLD , WIs. . March 11. A shock ing tragedy has occurred at Mllladore. Mrs. Krhnrd , a widow , loft her homo to call on a neighbor nnd locked her two children , n girl nnd boy , aged 3 nnd B years , respect ively , In the house. The llttlo girl wont to bed j nnd complained of being cold. Her llttlo j brother j thereupon went to the stove , I scraped i n few llvo cnals together nnd laid I them I on the bed beside his sister. The bod- clothing ' Ignited nnd burned tlio little ono to ' n crisp. Happy Is the man or woman wiio can cat a good , hearty meal without suffering after- ! ward. If you cannot do It , take Kodol Dys- ' pepsin ; Curo. H digests What you eat , and cures all forms of Dyspepsia and Indigestion. ' TOPI3KA , Kan. , March 11. The supreme court this nfternoon handed down n unan imous opinion that the extra session of the . legislature called by Governor Leedy In December - I comber Is legal. riiuiu iiiiiiiitnu snMM'ois iii-iii. AVAUSAU. WIs. , March 11. John Kelly and J. Hums were arrested today suspected ot being Implicated in the Amhcrst bank robbery. When Marched ovrr fl.SOOviu found'in their poMvwdnn. Several OMU-IH were rounded up after nn cxphdtiw of shot , nnd ? lf > 0 moro recovered. The prisoners vlii bo held. _ Mm. Uflfcr In Vi-ry l.nw. SI'RINUFIELD. O.- March 11. Mrs. J Warren Kelfer. wife of Genera J.arret Kelfer. had n sinking spell this nflernnoi nnd It Is feared the end Is nt hand. HP' condition Is extremely critical , allhougi friends sUll have hope. J Now spring peed * nro belnp received every dny nt our store nnd you will make no mistake If you come to us for your StMT , WAIST or SKIRT , ns every garment that finds n jtlnco In our house mnut liiivc style , quality and work manship to recommend It. Remember wo are showing new things In veiling , ties , fronts , collars and cults , drew shields nnd Indies' furnishings , .CLOAtf&SlHTCO. 1510 DOUGLAS STREET. Who gets left ? A customer who buys n $300.00 piano from Schmoller & Mueller for $250.00 or ono who pays "Glltedgo" KiOO.OO for n $2oO.OO piano ? Schmoller & Mueller's customer has certainly $250 left , while the "Glltedgo" has n big profit. Buy your piano from Schmoller & Mueller- Tile longest pinno dealers in the west and save from $75 to $1.50. "Wo nro Western Iloprcsoutatlvcs for Stelnwny , Ivors & Pond , Vose , Emer- eon , Sterling , Sieger , Pease , Singer anil Gllmoro pianos nnd will until further notice retail nil instruments at wholesale prices. Ebony Pease Upright , $85. Chickeriiig , rosewood case , $95. Cabinet Grand Upright , $118 , 2 sample pianos , fancy cases , $138 and $168. " Kimball , Mathershek , Haynes and Chickeriiig square pianos at $35 , $48 , $59 and $68. Organs , . $5 , $12 , $18 , $26 and $35. Easy monthly payments If desired , Pianos rented , tuned , repaired , exchanged - changed and stored. Lowest terms. Telephone 1625. Please take notice every pinno Is warranted as represented nnd If not sat isfactory may bo exchanged or money refunded. Write for our bargain list , catalogue , prices and terms. Itemember we represent the STEINWAY PIANOS , the STANDARD PIANOS of the WORLD. The Leading Money Saving Piano Dealers , 1313 Farnam Street , South 16th St. Cut Price Sale of Corsets We've got too big a stock of Corsets and we're going to close some of the lines out below cost. Two styles of W. C. C. $1.00 Corsets for f/o ) B. B. New Model $1.00 Short Corsets for GDc American Lady $1.00 Corsets for coc Taller Made Short Hip $1.00 Corsets for f. GOc American Lady $1.23 Corsets for ' . 7 c Loomer's Cutaway Hip $ l.-3 Corsets for 7fic Loomcr's Mode Bust Dress Komi $1.50 Corsets for ( lac American Lady French Gore.d Hip $1.25 Corsets for O5o J. B. Fancy Flowered $1.75 Corsets for $1.00 R. & G. two dllferent styles $1.75 Corsets for $1.00 R. & G. $2.25 Corsets for $1.50 P. N. Cork Steel Protector $2.00 Corsets for $1.50 Some broken lines of Corsets nnd Waists for 35c nnd 50c Broken lines in Children's Waists I5c , 23c and 35c The Millinery Opening on Monday and Tuesday The Misses Kahl and Johnston will have their millinery opening on our s cond floor , regardless of the elements , You are most cordially invited And on Monday at JO o'clock we shall sell in our basement salesrooms , JOO dozen of genuine lamb gloves , all shades , all sizes , at 59c pair. These are fresh , clean goods , absolutely perfect , without spot or blemish AND GUARANTEED. Will fit after sale day , but we request you to be particu lar to get exact size , for these goods cannot be ex changed. To add to the interest and excitement , will of fer one case more of the Percale mill ends at 5c. One case more of the seersuckers and ginghams , in \ short lengths at 5c , and the last lot of thin white goods at 5c. . . . . After the millinery opening visit suit depart ment. New jackets and suits ready for your inspection , Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.