& 2 t EDITORIAL. T UNDAY PAGES 13 TO 24. rxr MULSHED .JUNE in , ISTI. OMAHA , < f , M.UU'II 1L , 1SOJ . SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. The Leading of the West. Over 80.000 style * of Press Goods always on hand the most complete ' toi-k in Omaha. Two special pales for next week. Tailor poods on Monday and crepons on Tuesday. Owing to the lateness of the season and an overload of these poods we will unload at once at prices thai will astonish this town. - bfc HI - - On Monday Tailor Suiting Sale. AH our 7fr uod fr-c Venetians and S etch Homespuns will RO nt . . 49c All our Jl no Covcitn , $100 Claj Worsteds and nil suitings that sold for ' ' ° will go nt . .n 75c AH our J1.2S , $1.30 , $1.10. Jl.&O Suitings , Venetians , English Chocks , etc , r.old for up to Jl.fiO everything will go without reserve ut . : ha:98c : All our 11.98 , Jl 75 , $1.05 , J1.50 Suitings , Including cheviots camels' hair , checks und all cither buttings , that Bold up to { 2.00 , all will go at $1.25 All our $2.25 , JS.f.O , $275 , J2.flR Suitings whipcords , Venetians , fraven- ettcB and all suitings that sold up to $3 00 you can buy any of them for Monday only at $1.75 All our J3.25 , $3.50 , J4.00 , $4/10 , $5 On Suitings , Including our Trench Venetians , our Ilradford Suitings , nngllsh pin check , etc. , and all the tailor suitings that bold up to $5 00 per yard your choice in thlb bale at $2,50 Crepon Sale Tuesday Morning. Everybody knows Hoyden's fine line of Grepons look at these prices this will be your isst chance to buy a Priestley nt these prices. All our $1.00 Crepons will go at one price for Tuesday fill mall ciders until Prida > uud selection must be left to us No dealer * ' or peddlers will bo bold to ut these prices. Positively not one yard of nbo\e goods will be bold at these prices only on the days named. ' Dress Goods in Basement. 200pieces of double fold Cashmeres , in 2C shades , new from factory onlv 5c per yard Extra heavy yard iIdo Cashmcreh in Mondaj onlv , r > < All bhacles , all wool Novelties. 40 itiibus wide onlv 1'ic 1 cast Storm Serge , 44 inOieb wide in red black blue green and brown , worth 50c. per > u. d , on sale ut only 1S ( No peddlers at these prices is where we The largest cloak department and more nice , fresh , stylish , new goods , than any house between Chicago and San Francisco. We absolutely guaran tee a saving of 40 1o 50 per cent on ladies' tailor made suits , skirts and waists. A few eye openers for Monday. 100 ladies' tailor made suits , in all wool materials , jackets silk lined , skirts percal- ine lined , worth at least $10. for $4.98. Our $10 suits are the talk of the town ! They are the greatest bargains ever offered. They come in all colors and black at $10. 200 ladies' tailor made suits , new Eton and jacket effects , braided , and plaid appli que effects , in all the new shades , a grand collection of high class garments , others ask you 830 , our price $15. 5 ° ladies' heav > r black brocaded silk worth s -sjs * * 4 ffi3s- a * S&J2ts r § 6 , as long as they last you can have them Nai $2 OS One to n customer. inn Luclicn' Silk Sklrte. in pros grain , taffeta and satin , worth $10.00. nt ? 4-9S. Ladies' Ciepou Dress Skirts , in the late styles , man tailored , worth ut leabt SS 00 lor $4 ' .is Ludieh' Skirts , In flui'Ht quality imported njionpe crepon , silk lined , at 110 00 Jl" 00 nnd ? ir , uu Ladies' Silk Wulgto for lens than you tan buy the matorlal We have civen partic ular attention to this line of silk walbtt that no\er falls to please our customers 275 Silk Waists , in funi-j stripes and checks and plain colors , In all the new sill : novoltleb an eleKunt collection of garments at f4. ! S. 200 Ladles' WiilBtB. in stripes , < 'hoi-ks , nnd plain bluckti , worth SO 00 nt S33S 100 Silk Waists In colors , ut K US One to n customer None to dealers. ftu dnazi-n A\ nippers , bizeb H2 to 44 , ut Hflc. 100 dozen Wrappers , with ruffle over shoulder , ut 6ic. ! 150 doziu Wrappers , In all the newest styles , worth Jl 7'j , ut tiSc. Emml Bargains Swausdown wrapper and dressing sacque flannels , worth lf > c per yard , lOc ; extra fine white flannel at yd , 20c , L'fte , 30c , 3fC , 40c , 45c , f > 0c , ofC ) and (50c ( ; wrapjjer flannelettes , all desirable jiat- terns and colors , per yard ] 0c : cases H9 IntheBvlde , outliie flannel , worth I2H-0 and Ific , nt > ard , lOc ; cotton and shuk- cr flannul nt yard , S'mc , fie , CVsc , Sc and 30r ; bi'iiutlful denlgns of crotonncE , ut yard , JOc , 12Vio n < 3 Itc. Bed Blankets. J5S pair all wool 11-4 royal gray blankets , at pair , $8.75 ; 1 case 11-4 white tufted cotton blankets , at pair , 75c ; 85 pair all wool scarlet blankets , at pair , $ H.2f > ; ' , ) pair extra fine nil wool white blankets , size 11-4 , no bettor 00 blanket , special , ut pair , $4.76 , 40 ft p ir nil wool blue mi it'll bliinknts ut pair , x ; DO , Un puii all wool whitt ) KusoU blaiik- CIE , eiirw heavj fancy bordtir , worth JS.7D , Ot piiir , H.r.U. Bed Comforters. We can show you the big- 0 p-est 15nu of bed comforts , at each , 75c , S5c , $1.00 , $1.2f ) , $1.85 , | 1..15 , $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.M ; Down comforts worth Si.fji ) at ? ' 5,50. Jewelry Oepf. Gent's gold filled open face watch , warranted to wear 20 years , Elgin or Wai tham works , $7.Sb. ) Gent's gold filled hunting case watch , warrant ed to wear 20 years , Elgin 01 Waltham movements 8lO.f ' ) > . GentV silverine dust proo : cases , with Elgin or Waltham works , $3.08. Gent's t-'ilverine stem wind watch , good timekeeper , Ohc. Ladies' gold filled hunting case watch , with fine Elgin or Walt ham works , $6.95 up. Ladies14k ! solid gold watch , hunting case , fine Elgin or Waltham works , $18,50 ; regu lar price & 80. Sterling silver teaspoons 49c each. 4-piece quadruple plated silver tea set , $8,05. Rogers' 12 Dwt. knives or forks , $1.25 for G. Kogers' 1847 knives or forks $2.70 per set of 12 pieces , Kogers' teaspoons , GOc oet. All itu luu-si notriuee > u butu- Jit" , b"a clcts iruiBB ct , Beautiful assortments of the newest styles for spring and summer of j 99 are already displayed at the Big Store. To learn all the new fashions I ions you must see the Big Store's new goods. Prices are marked fully one third lower than the next lowest , owing to our immense spot cash buying , The vast assortments make buying a pleasure here. See the Ladies' new suits on second floor. Visit the basement bargain counter. Agents for Butterick patterns. Wash Dress Fabries The mot popular of all Wash Goods for tin' ? spring is undoubtedly the Woven Fab rics , scotch Ginghams , Scotch Madras , Woven Batiste , etc. , and we have now on display over 5,000 different effects in thee fine , fashionable cloths ; the Manchester , Eng. , and Glasgow manufacturers are represented here by some of their swellest fabrics. Scotch Ginghams and Mad ras 82-in. wide the nearest to perfect laundering colors to he had in any known cotton cloth - swell stiipes , fancy checks , etc , 25c to 45c yard. English Novelty Woven Batistes , 2S-in. and 32-in. in the very newest creations , 30c , 35c and 30c yard. Silk Armure Eaye 2S-in. wide in Stripes only ; the swell-j est of shirt waist cloths , is perfectly washable , 50c yard. 500 pieces of the best per cales , all new styles , colors light and dark , the best in the market , 12Ac yard. Mail orders receive prompt consideration. See ! See ! See ! Have you seen the latest sensation on our basement bar gain counters , Only look at the prices of some of the bar gains. 25,000 yards best bleached muslin and cambric of all kinds , worth as high as 15c and ISc , at 5c. 350 jackets , closed out to make room , at 29c. 150 dozen gent's half hose , slightly soiled in ship ment , at 2 c pair. 2500 ladies1 and boys' linen collars at Ic each. 750 pieces lace striped dimities , worth 12ic , at 5c. 250 pieces Hamburg imported edgings , worth up * to 35c , Monday 3c , 5c and lOc. 850 dress plaids , worth lOc to 12Ac Monday 4c. 5000 pieces ex tra print cloths , pretty and stylish patterns , worth 8c and 9c , Monday 3 c. 75c , SI and up to $2 silks , at 19c , 20c and 4'c ' ) , on the basement bargain counters. 500 ladies' and misses1 pocketbooks , worth 25c and 50c , on the bargain coun ters for . ' 5c. Ladies and gent's silk neckties , worth 25c and 50c , go at 1C" , ocand lOc. Sil ver plated looking glasses , tooth and hair brushes , worth. 25c and 50c , go at 7c. A big lot of remnants of dress goods , slightly damaged , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 to 10 yards , go at Ic and 2c yd. Hundreds of other useful things. Dou't fail to visit our basement bargain counters. It will pay you. Carpet Sales If you have your mind on a new carpet this spring , come in and let us show you how we can save you money. All wool Ingrains 45c yard ; all wool Ingrains 55c and 60c , best quality. Brus > els carpet , the best ever offered for 4Be ; some extra good things at 05c and 70c. Choice Moquettes and Axminster 8f > c yard. We lead in matting , 100 styles from 12Ac up. Furniture. Harbingers of spring. A j few prices that are only fore runners of what we will do later on. Full size carriage , full size steel wheels , best springs , parasol , § 3.85 ; full size carriage , upholstered in denim , denim parasol to match , ruffle edge , best ( springs , also brake , § 5.00 ; large , handsome go-cart , four wheels , good springs , 82.50 ; full tire white Iron bed , strongest , best finished bed oil the market , Jl ! ) j. Golden oak cobbler scat rocker , rodded arms , well made and finished. Jl ! > r . Pollbhed oak chiffonier , has C drawers nnd hat box , special reduction , $8 93. Ladies' golden oak dressing | table , Trench pattern plate mirror , large I draw fir , $6.50. The housekeepers' friend , j the kitchen cabinet , holds even-thing , saves j a thousand steps , $4 2f > . Oak barce arm chair cane 6 at , 6oc. The handy book shell , small blze , J1.25 ; large size , Jl 85. 10,000 pboto frames , In all the latest shades of color. In mats and moulding. " 05 each Ijjr.amed pic- turps , oOc , 7&c. $100 Everything new in pictures for wedding and birthday presents. Oak wheel high chair , very handy and use ful , $2 50 New lot of India seats , In mahog any , golden oak and blrdseye maple. When out on a hunt for bargains you need no pointer to direct you here. You come here naturally Sale ( Hi Brap&ries In the drapery department we are showing all the ad vance styles in curtains and drapery materials of all kinds. Full size rope portieres , all new colorings and styles , $2.25 to 86.00. Tapestry portieres , 81.75 and 82.00 pair ; tapesti'y portieres , some elegant new things , at 83.25 to 85.50 pair. Ruffled muslin curtains , 75c up In nottlnghams we ha\e some of the best thingb ever shown at J2 , $2.60 and $3. Oriental couch covers , full size , ? 2.)5. ! ) Silk- aline denims and all light draperies in end less variety. i Fire. Did uol damage these goods , but an ovor- of elegant born hairpins , worth 20c jier dozen , compels UB to H ll them at , ' .i , per dozzon It'c line horn hairpins at Co per dozen. 2."ic olegunt pearl button * , uc. per dozen 50c double frame jiurses , 2."ic each. 5c basting cottons , Ic spool 7. > c hand bags , 25c each 100 engraved vibit- I Ing cuids with plate , 4r.c. lOc I'OO yards liutn tbrtadB , 5c 10t torchon laces , L'Vjc ' vurd I'tc tonhon laces , DC yard U5c toi- chn lutes , lOc ynid 60L pillow tops and back l"'i pun OIHNU IUDBON SALE MONDAY. Special Sale on Lamps Complete costal btuud lamps , with burner and chimney , 1D ( Large size crjutal fitand j lamp , with security burner and chimney , 25c. i Solid nickel center draft lamp , \\tth new pa out wick lifting deUce Jl 25 The Dres- ; < lon the very latest thing in n center draft lamp , solid nickel , UBBB a small size viU ; I nnd makes a 3CO-cainlle power light , $1 76 Vase lump , with filmdp to match , il.25. The Dainty night lamp , shade to match , X5c. 20- Inch high jiarlor vase lump , with 10-inch decorated globe , comer diuft burner , a reg ular $10 lamp. | 3.i5. ! Opalescent vinegar cruetB , lOt Opalescent yrup JugB , lUc Opalescent cake and t-urd trays , lOc Tumb lers , 2c. Cup utitl eaucers , each , " < - I'lutes , S c. Wini1 glua eb 2t La-nip chimneys , 2t i Fruit huucer , ii White china cups and j saucers , each 4 .i Waii Paper and Paints All the iipw denlgiib for bpring are hen We rriclM'd a lev , duvt ugo two ourloadb I ol the iutfbt und finest patienib and are j selling them ut unheard-of low prices Now . IE the time to make your beleutiou. We I ! BO leceiU'd one carloud of ready-mixed 1 piihiu , which we are belling ut unheard-of I low piBee. . This woeli we will lia\e spnciul j bali'k , of room moulding. Call and get tumie ! burguitis. Shirts and Furnishings r > < > 0 doz. men's fine fhirts in Griffon brand , Stanley and Pride of the town worth up to $1.50 at Sample shirts worth up to $1.50 , at 50c. Men's fine shirts in all the latent styles and best makes at 75c. 500 dozen men's line white unlaundered shirts with 4-ply , all linen bosoms , worth 75c , at 35c or 3 for $1. Sam ple shirts in light and dark colors , In cheviot and sateen , -worth up to Jl.OO , at 25c Men's fine medium -weight wool underwear , legular Jl 00 quality , at 50c Men's socks , In black , bro\\n and fancy colors , at lOc , ? for "Tc. Men's line siifa- genders , worth 2 , " > c , at l"zc Men's silka- llne handkerchiefs 12H c qualltj , at tic. Special Sale bleached sheeting , 2 } yards wide , 17c ; Gicsoft finish bleached muslin , 5c yd. ; Go extra heavy brown muslin , 4c yd. ; 12Ac extra fine cambric. S -c yd. ; ] 5c heavy brown sheeting , 2 yd. wide , 31c yd. ; bleached ready to use sheets , torn , not cut , size 2J x'2/r / , at 87ic : ready to use pillow hlij- ! . size 45x3G , 5c. 'J'urkey red damask at 12 full bleached union damask , 20c ; heavy Scotch damask , " 7J4c , 72-inch bleached lush damask , Ii9c , C4-iuch extra heavy Austrian damask , , ' ! ! ) c. Big Bargains in Bed Spreads 75c quality crochet spreads 40c ; OOc quality crochet spreads (50c : $1.25 quality crochet P/reads ] / , 80c ; $1.50 qudlitv < hoihi't spreads , OSt , J2.25 qualn > Marseilles Bpiradb $1 4J. , $ Ii , " )0 quality Mar- seillcb spreads , $2 1 ! ' seises' Fmisfegs Ladie ' kid gloves worth § v at 40c. Ladie.- ' fine kid gloves in all the new shades , worth up to § 1.25 , at 75c. Ladies' fine seamiest hose in blacks , tans and balbriggans , regular 20c quality , at 12 c. Chil dren's bicycle hose in best black , full seamless , worth 25c at 12 c. fepecial eale ladies' muslin underwear , Gowns at 30c , 50c and 75c. Skirts 50c and OSc. Draweib lOc. 25c and 35c. Ladies' fancy corsets , in pinkri and blues , 50c. Boys' shiit waists , regular 50c quality , at 25c. i , | Big Sale on Sheet Musie Monduj morning v.e will pluce on wale 'o\er ' iOU copieb of jiopulur bheet music ut ] Uc JMT copy. Thlb muBU 1ms ulwa'n IJWH bold fiom 4dc to fiftt l > er cap ) Slonduj 'while ' it lasui only UK per copy Among i thlb lot are Home very late uonge , two etepB | and waltzes , such seloi'tlons OB Fifty Yearn ago , by Harris. When the Llghtfe Went Out. by Harris , rjoronce. bs HurrlB , New Hullj nnd Cruppy Dun , both durky Ming hltc , nung by Muy Iruin. 7'hle luutiic is not cata logued New Silks "NEW New Silks for Waists. lor Trimmings , ; New Silks SILKSNew Silks for Dresses SILKS lor Linings. | WSrtefrni/ - - are 2" inches wide thisnewsilk WiRSiOW lOlTClab has rapidly grown in popularity and K todaj the inoM talked of silk in the city of Omaha. You have often noticed how narrow the t a Hot a silks are that are being shown everywhere you have had difficulty with them , many not wear'intr at all. Winslow Taffetas do wear aud are the be > t silk that is made. Kemember this : all other tail'etas only 10 in. wide Winslow Taffeta 27 in. wide * r * * jtYaanificetit Showinu of New Fancy Silks. Special in White Silks , Which Can Only Be Had at Haydens' ' , White Taftetli , 27lnHr $1 Hfi White and Cream Uhortv Satins , J1.25. White Gros Grain , 27-ln wide and \or\ heav$1 , " 0 While 1'eau do Sole , $175. White Crystal Deugaline , M-ry heaeorcl $1 f.O SEE THE NEW WHITO SILKS. Specials in Black Silks. All Silks are ad-umi itic nc\ei tln'lr ss w p ur < - pushing' down the prlc.es and you wlU find here the b-t MIL * that arc nmde ut qumathns that imawu > below competition. Monday's Special in Black Satin. Black Satin Duchesse Black Satin Duchesse Black Satin Duchesse 20-in. wlclf , line ( iunllt\ , Lv7-im h ViltH excellent The bot-t tbat is made prudeimu. . < ll\ wild , it Jl 'J.i bpnutiful finish worth S9c , wxirtb $1 r > f > tlip bargiUti AA t huionl > u llmltiMl on sale Mondm nt qu.inllton mil < MonJuy of bargain ! ! on sale at 59c 75c $1.00 PLAIN BLACK TAFFETAS We show a line that has no equal < T > c , TBc , S5c , ! > Sc , worth from S."ntl > to $1 X > The Ant-nne Gulnot Hliuk Drevi Tarte-tas are guaranteed they ure pure dye and are abiolutvlv the best $1 ( X ) , $1.25 , $1 50 , $1. 75. Black India Wash Silk Plain Black Tatfeta BLACK BROCADE Silks and Satins Makes the tooe'.t and Extra Value. most servlrcaliU \ \ Hist S | > e < lal foi worth ui ) to $2.00 on sale extra foi Monday s Haltut Monday , at 39c 49c 89c We have lust iccolved anotlier shipment of BLACK WINSLOW TATFETA. Silks in the Basement. ion plecf ! plain , strijx-s and fane > silk , worth up 17. . nipc-e' ) of bopt Plain 50 pieces VELVET on sale to Tot on sale | { "lr- Silk'- in basement at ut bargain on j MAIL ORPEHS A1.AA ATS IlLT-EIVE OT'R IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Part le-- out ot town hhoiild i ikt advantage of our spec la ! Bale and l.irpe uisortinenlB write to u. for whut \ KU Vwint Hardware , Stoves and 3C Kousefurnishitig Dept. Special Monday Bargains. Gnuruuieeil for r > > ears In fvcrjjiurt Hoiinil iniTinr < . A\ tKtrrnVn lir. . S y 4 Pertion clothrp horfps 5 feet high . liHi Bread or CaKe BOX < T . . . . ' , rn All willow ( othc" . Iwf-kfts . . -n Nuki'l Plated No S T"U Kerttlep 4'ti 10-quait GrunitDl h puns . ! Tin Tui Ktits . . ] i < Granite Aat T I'jillp : ! 'J Siiiuut T'liiner ' I'.illswith tra uud oof- 4 auurt Granite Milk T'anM . 3K ( fee can ] fi 4-quari Granite Sauie I'ans . 151 Nii-k ( 1 Plated Cuspidors i : Large Granite Chumbeis IK I Cti-U > Det'ira-ted Plour Cans 4Di Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. We are Belling more Bteel ranges than anv other hoiiRe In Omaha. Come nnd pee them Can htll vou u vt rv fini steel ranrf with hlpb hhcll low worming closet large OMII I , No s IK I s , all complet * with enume lpd reservoir for 127.75 , We sel the ielt-br.it-d M & D Stef 1 Runge the fin nt und best on eunth , with hlrh fchell lurcf iin i , holes , with water-front , all complete Sold regularly for J43i ( our jnln $ i'J ) . " > Do \ < n UHI n ill' \ \ - brol , ( tbe truht Thev me going up fafter than a horho cuti run , but our1un temp down Not * inept prices 20 L ) Naila , J"1E ; 10 D Nulls , S2.2U , h D Nails t" i" Si n J u . \ our m.til orcierb SpedaEm \ ® Sale. Continuing one week. Includ ed in this sale will be many of the very best pianos made at prices lower than ever be fore oflered , as we must make room for the shipment daily being received , and others held for us at factories Every piano Ruur- anteed to you If proving unsatisfactory to he returned aud money cheerfully refunded. Terms to suit your convenience. Pull line of elegant Chlckcr- Ing , richer , Lefltei , Sneetraann , Franklin and twenty other excellent makes. This sale will also include' a number of excellent organs and u line line of handbome stools nud benches. Call and bo convinced thut now is your opportunity to supply yourself with u piano , but come and see them whether you wish to buj or not. See ultio our elegant btoc k of piuutib for rent. I'laiioa tuned , mo\ed uud repaired. Telephone , Monday's Prices in our I'NEEDA UlSOt'lT , jier package Co . " 5i .1 Ibs Glugei Snaps A C. Soda Orackorfi . . . . . . , , , , Ct A n. C Oj-Btor Cracorn ) ; , CL Newport FluliL'B . . . .it l"c Bromucr'b Lunch HlBCult . . . . 'J < - Shredded Wheat BiHuult . . . . . , . . . . , , , , , . lie Eultuna Fruit Crnckere , , , . , . . , . . , . , , , . I4c Maultou Fig Wufcrs , , , . , Me Anlmul CraikerB 3Cc Oatmeal und Graham CracUerg . . . . . . . ] 0c I'rotzelu . . . . . . .t. . . . . . . . lOc Italetou'g Health DlBOUlt . . . . , . . , . . , , , . , 2c Barrel Ginger Bnupe . ' . . . . . . . . , , , , . , , , SSc Lemon and Vnnltlu Wafore Jf.c Butter rrucl.urt v. CV c Fine Mixed CooKiiw lOc Kenned ) 8 Mill , IJu cuit ] 0t We tarry tht lurpe stoik of crutl.cru In iho wcbt Our"is Uroseries. Strictly fresh eggs 12c. Sweet country butter 12 c. Individual country creamery 14c. Fancy country creamery IBc. Beardsley's shredded cod fish 7c package. Picnic hams 5Ac. High jmtent MinnesotH flour 08c. High grade Java and Mocha coflee 25. Fancy new navy beans , 10 pounds for 25c. 12 pound sack best fan cy Graham flour 20c. Con densed milk , can , 7Ac. 10 pounds granulated cornmcal 8c. New California prunes 5 cents big large French prunes , worth 15c , at Oc. 2 sacks fine table Bait 5c. 15c cans C. K. salmon only Oc. Scodlogfi naval nrangeB , lOc dozen. PJutmii haddieb , per pound , Re Smol.od eel , wlnu Huh , eulmon , Hturgeou , herring , etc. , at low pric-uH 10 burs < 'udah > t > Ulumond C , /i mour'f or un > brand of lutinilrj boap , for SM Uans § ! lams ! Hams , IS'o. 1 hamfa.Migar cured 8Jc : California hams 5Ac. No. 1 light hams , sugar cured lc. ( ) \ Cottage hams bAc. Bonelehrf hamB 8Ac. New England cooked hamsOu Boiled lianir , boneless 12Ac. Best pork sau sage , in link Glc. 3 < pound pails 1)est lard 20c. Good salt pork 5c. Choice pickled pork Gio. Pickled trjpe 8 pounds for 1 ( Our rhoiti poll , bui on , verj Iftun 10i FruEl 'urt buusugf fcii < Id jiuuud piulg tiet lui 1 7