Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1899, Part I, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 TTI13 OMATTA DAILY , MAHCTI 12 , 180f ) .
Bring Vour
S. W , Corner 15th nnd rannnm.
Peyton's Pharmacy ,
21th and Lcavcnworth.
King Pharmacy ,
27th and Leavcmvorth.
PEYTON , PH. 0. Prop.
" \Vlirro tltpy will IIP coimiouniloil li >
iinoisTnunn I IIAIIMACIST& oni > .
There is Good Money
And there is bad money There nre good
rlgars and there are bad clgnrs One of
the good clgnrs Is the
In fnct UB the best has no equal for thnt
price Many JOe cigars not ns good.
Paxton Block Cigar Store ,
Jacob Jasknlck , Prop
16th , near Fnrnam.
Strange Features of Life in tbo Province of
Matte Grosso.
Aunt I'orpNlN AHouHli \Vllel A ill nulls
anil lllrilN How Cntllo TnUr ( he
rinre of IlornoH Ciirliiiin
Indian Trllicw.
( CopjrlKht , 1S09 , by Frank G. Carpenter )
ASUNCION , Paraguay , Jan 10 , 1809
( Specl ii Correspondence ot Tlio Bee ) The
wonders of the Parana sjstem grow upon me.
I am now on the Paraguay , which Hews 2,000
inllc from Its source In iBraz.ll before it
loses Itself In the Parana. The Paraguay
lias a network of tributaries above AMIII-
elon up which you can fciill for thousands
of mill's. On some of these rivers you
can go In canora bo close to the tributaries
of thei Aimuon that you can carry your bunt
ft short distance and go out to the Atlantic
thrjiibh that mighty stream
The Parana proper , which I left about
300 mllrs south , at the town ot Conlcntes ,
< > > ten Is moro than a thotiKaml miles further
north , hounding south Paraguay and run
ning on Into Brazil. It Is navigable fern
n mill I steamers during a part of Us course ,
lint It has 400 miles of rocky rapids , and
In the future It may be ono of the great
pletuicsfjuei routes of the world. It has
waterfalls which are said to surpass
ot Niagara. These nro on the borders of
1'nniguay and Brazil , nnd nro known ns
the Salto Gnayra. They nro , I nm told ,
far moro grand than the fnllo of Ygvazu ,
whk'tt are sometimes called the Niagara of
South Ajnerlca ,
I hnvo already written how In coming to
Asuncion I tnile l as far as from Now
York City to Omaha on largo river steam
ers I can go Just aa much further by
ntenm Into the veiy heart ot this continent ,
or further than from Philadelphia to Salt
Italic City. The limit of steam uivlgatlon
IH now Cnynba , Brazil , thu capital of Mntto
Orosso , and the > metropolis of a vast coun
try of undeveloped resources.
The first man to penetrate this region by
r , tea in was nn American. Ills name was
Captnln Thomas J Pago. Ho was com-
innndor of the Btcam launch Alpha of our
nnv } , anil upon this little ship In ISM ho
jnihhed his way Inland " ,700 miles from the
Atlantic. Today Brazilian mall eteamers
go over the same route twice n ninnth , nnd
tliero nro Bte > ame < rs leaving here weekly for
Cuyoba. The Paraguay rlvor for half the
Journey Is everywhere twenty feet deep ,
while Its average depth Is said to bo forty-
Jho feet.
In the llrnvt ( if llrncll.
In going from Asuncion to Cuyaba you
pats through a region which Is most pie- Crossing the boundary of Para
guay , jem enter the great province of Matte
Grosse , which Js an empire In ftself. As you
go north the l > araguay river narrows , the
nconcry becomes wild , and jou steam in
nnd out among mountains upon the bases ot
whleli grow fcvn trees and giant palms.
The banks are covered with a wooded mass
of vegetation. Thetrrps are tall nnd bound
together with vines and creepers You
could not maKe jour way through ithera with
an ax or a knife.
Them are all kinds ot wild birds , and you
get many HhMs from tlio steamer. There
arn alligators everywhere , and If you rise
early you ma ) now and -then BOO tigers
ewlmmliiK across the river
Further north. If j-ou throw n djnamlto
cartridco into the water ttio dead llsU will
Removes all
. germs. P r o-
vides perfectly
pure water for
all domestic uses at a cost of loss
than Ic per barrel , lias the
capacity of a $100 iilter , Price
§ 10 put on. Sold only by
Nebraska Plumbing ,1,1,1 , ,
13KJ Douglas
Heating Co j 'Phone 2070.
Established In 1880.
la tin
Steam Heating
Telephone 1146
403 South 15th Street ,
Insist upon having ours. They
will grow in any soil and do
not cost any more than poor
1305) FARNAM.
Henry O Wlnd'nolm , Minagor
soon rise on all sides of jou and > ou can
within a few minutes pick up enough o
and there > you
halt nil your boat. Hero
pass fnrm houses cut out ot the woods.
At some ot these the boat stops for fresn
meat , taking the beeves on board amd kill
ing them there. There are frequent forests
ot pal mi. scattered along the river.
' Asuncion , just
About two das' ride from
over the niazillan line , a forest-covered
Island , 1,300 feet high , springs up ahead of
> ou and seems to stop jour progress As
rthat there Is a
you approach It jou see
channel at the wchtsldo wide enough for tlio
IsHnd 1s known
boat to go through This
as the Mountain 0 ito The land about It Is
said to bo so unhealthy that , ns ono of the
authorities stntes , even the trees nro pot
bellied and dropbical. Some of the tinman
nelghboihood certainly areAs
beings In the
As jou proceed further the animal life In
creases Deer nre frequently seen and
white. The
among them some almost pure
birds are of the most gorgeous plumage , the
toucans being resplendent In the brightest
let's and blues The alligators now become
more numerous nnd you nre frequently
appioichcd by Indians who have tiger skins
foi sale A good skin will bilng from $ r > to
$10 In addition te > this there Is sometimes
a bounty paid for nuch skins There Is
ono man on the river who has made quite a
little foituno b } killing tigers Ho has
killed l' ' > 3 nnd has received In the neighbor
hood of $1,000 for them Ho got $10 aplot.0
for the skins nnd the cattle owners paid
him n bounty of $ " > per tiger
Other things offered for sale are parrots
nnd monkoH. The pi ices are low and you
can have them almost for the nsklng. You
can ulxo buy bows nud arrows , Indian
baskotH and hammocks , The hammocka
nro expensive. Some are made of the bill-
llant feathers of tropical birds and cost aa
high as $200 $ apiece.
From ANiuiuloii ( o Mu o RFONNO.
The province of Matte Grosse Is ono of
the largest In Brazil It Is as largo as ono-
slxth of the whnlo United States , not In
cluding our outljlng possessions. It forms
the southern cential half of the country ,
The greater part of It has never been ex
plored and It Is as wild today as It was
when Sebastian Cabot made his way up the
Paraguay river oul } n few jcars after
America was discovered
Mntto Grosse is n land of gold nnd diamonds
mends , of vast pastures , of Impenetrable
forttUa , ot rubber nnd cacao , and , in fact , In
Its possibilities , ono of the richest lands ot
the globe.
This territory Is to bo reached only by
the Parana nnd Paraguay river sstems. U
lias io railroads connecting It with the lest
ot llrazir , and Its people relj for their sup
plies upon the steamers of thu Parana s > n-
tom Hvory bit of Imports Is hiought over
2,700 miles by river boats , and the otllclalu ,
who as a rule como from Hlo Janeiro , miibt
ti.ivel a thousand inllc-a further.
Leaving Asuncion on jour way to Matte
Orosso , jou first pass Villa Conception , the
biggest city of north Paraguay. Intro is a
white cubtom house on the banks , and back
of this the town Conception contains
nbout 6 COO people H Is made up of stuc-
copil buildings and tHatched huts. It is a
business center , exporting laigo emnntltles
of Mnto or Paragua ) an tea , nnd hides There
uro moro Indians and negroes Uiero than In
Asuncion , end von nnd that the Indians and
negroes Increxisc as jou go north.
At Colmbra , Hrnzll , J.SIO miles from
Duenos Ajres , sou see- upon the wcsst bank of
the Paraguay the first -Ullage of any Ue
for a distance of 700 miles on that side ol
the river. So far all the settlements have
boon on the cast bank ot the river , the
countrj to the west being almost entirety
wild At Colmbra there Is n Iirazllmn fort
Further on > ou como to the Jmlo Mllago
Office Supplies
niiiNo CASES
Wo carry at all times n complete line of
supplies for tlio above machines.
Megeath Stationery Company ,
1308 rarimmStrcct
"Phone 234.
Theater Parties a Specialty.
The finest noonday lunch in
the city for 2c.
Kith u nil Hnrney Sts.
J , E. HESf Proprietor ,
T * YOU WANT the best
plumbing steam hot
water heaters gas fitting and
fixtures call on Free & Black
They are ready at all times
to do it for you at reasonable
Plumbers and Gas Fitters ,
Telephone IO49.
of Albuquerque , TV 1th , low. wooded moun
tains behind It , and about 175 miles further
tlio steamer stops at Corumba.
I hlef Port ill South Ilrurll.
Corumba is over 2,200 miles from the At
lantic. It Is almost as far Inland byRater
.is Salt Lake City is from New York by
rail. It Is the chief port of Matte Grosso.
Here is located the only ctibtom house of
the province , nud the officers corno on board
und open your luggage.
The steamer stops Ions enough for 5011 to
get a good view of the tltj It is situated
on a hill , commanding the cuimtry for miles.
There are woods about the tlty , and the
place is picturesque. It hits the usual
Spanish buildings of .stucco and tiles , with
palm trees growing hero and tliero In the
There Is a beautiful plaza in the center of
Corumba , about uhlcli are some of the prin
cipal stoics. There is a great deal of thrift
to be observed among the merchants. The
lit } dues a largo business , the most of which
Is maniged by rrciich , Italians and Stras-
buig Jews.
Goodb are sent out from hero to different
parts of the Interior. Tliero is a niulo route
to Hollvla , the nearest town being San Jose
de Chuqulto , which is 2SO miles away. The
Journey takes fourteen days , und it Is very
expensive. Mules are costly , and je > u can
not got a good ono for less than $100 in
gold You must lay In a coed supply of
canned coeds , for those who try to live elf
the country fare poorly. There nro few
hoists. The } are subject to a peculiar dis
ease , which affects their hind quarters , and
their place 1ms been largely taken by con a
and bulls. Bullocks are used for catts and
also for riding , a good riding bullock tiring-
Ing a cooel pi Ice. The bullock Is not n bid
saddle animal. Its gait is a shambling
trot or pace , and , Hftor jou become tibed to
It , it is not at all unpleasant. The iinlnmla
aio directed by reins which are tied to their
horns They are often used to pack gooilti ,
and , indeed , take the places that horses
have In our country.
Ilrn/lliiin Tint it of Cuynlin.
It la shortly after > ou leave Corumba that
jou pnss out of the Paraguay river and
enter the San Ixjrtn/o , The San Lorenzo Is
not so big as the Paraguay In the
Paragua ) proper steamers draw as much
as n I mi feet , while these to which you
change nt Corumba do not draw over five.
It takes about twelve hours to reach the
Sail Lorenzo river from Corumha , and jou
tall n day and a half upon It before you
enter the Cujaba ihor , up which jou bteam
to the city.
The steamers nro always crowded , 200
often being taken In ono little boat. The
whole Journey from Cornmba to Cujaba re
quires nix elnjs , and the fate Is $7 In gold
It is ono of the cheapest steamship trips of
the world. This price Includes jour nu Us
coffee In the moinlng , bieakfast at 10 a. m
and dinner in the evening.
The s < enery of the San Lorenzo and Cuy-
aba rivers is very tropical. There are many
palms. There are cotton trees which have
balls of cotton upon them as big as oranges
Others have blossoms of a fclllty fiber which
hang down In great cones of white. Tills
stuff is used by the people for making
pillow a
Cu > aba has about 20,000 people It Is a sur
prisingly good cltv for its location and very
much up-to-date. It has newspapers ,
hospitals and schools. It has water works , a
street car line and a cathedral. In its college -
lego Trench , English and Portuguese are
taught , and In Its orphan asjhiin there are
300 bo > s. The town was founded in 172J ,
being laid out In Portuguese t > tlo with a
very pretty plaza and park It Is situated
about two miles from the river and jou can
rldo to It on one of the tame cows or you
may go on a street car drawn b ) mules.
The country surrounding Cujaba U rich
ngilculturally , and I am told there Is much
For Women Only
It Is the value that makes folks buy the
nr w No n tthopler & Wilson Sewing Mn-
t hlne Cnst trillc" mor than nowpipc-r
machine1 ! , but worth double No oilier ma
chine can bo compared with II Hotatlng
motion and bill bearing puts It In a rlnss
by Itself It is the best possible machine
to 1 > o hud and the. prlrp at vvhlth It Is sold
makes It the most economical to buy. Bold
1620 Capitol Ave.
1 If you do not
pay your debts the
608 Bee Building , Omaha , Neb
will put your
name on the
I The right variety and
plenty of wedding rings too.
By the way , who repairs your
watch ? Do we ?
1520 Douglas St. 21 and M St. S. Omaha
gold In the hills about the city. The
cathedral is said to stand over a gold lode ,
and on the edge of the town there are
mines which are still worked by the Portu
guese. I have mot several Americans who
have been mining gold In this part of
Ilrazll , but BO far none of them have struck
It very ilch It does not need very sharp
eyes to see that gold exists , for after a heavy
tropical rain the bojs go out and search
for grains ot gold in the street. It is said
that they are often well paid for their
trouble. There are also diamond mines not
far off In the interior , but I am told that
the best diamonds have so far been found
much further north.
TinCluiuo. .
In going to Matte firosso jou skirt one
of the least known parts of South America.
This Is the vast region known ns the Cliaco ,
lying west of the Paraguay river and south
of Hollvla. The noithorn part of It belongs
to Paraguay and the rest to the Argentine
Keptibllc. The part belonging to the Argen
tine lies south of tha Pllcom.iyo river and
comprises a tciritory bigger than California
and Miibhachusotts combined , and enough
to make three states as big aa Ohio.
The only sottlpmontB in this vast region
are along the raiagua } . They consist of
hero and there an estancla or farm nnd a
few scattering -villages The chief town in
the Piirnguiian Chaeo ii Villa IIaes ,
which IB In sight from Asuncion and which
has now about ninet-ono families of
foreigners. Thny are chlelly Swiss , Kiench
and Italians , who are engaged In raising
sugar cane and sweet potatoes and In manu
facturing brandy.
There arc two largo rivers which run
through the Cliaco. The Pllconmyo winds
about like a corkscrew from the Dollvlan
Andes to the Paraguay river. It Is full of
rapids and can novcr bo navigable. Tlio
Veimojo or the Vormllllon river enters the
Paraguay further bouth It In at just about
the bottom of the country. Its waters are
no red that they discolor those of the Para
guay for some miles. The Vormejo is about
1,200 mllrs long nnd Is navigable for only
a short distance.
Just what these countries contain In the
wn } of resources is yet to bo discovered , I
have mot mon who have traveled over parts
of them. They tell mo that the forests have
much line timber , nnd that thnro are good
pastures scattered among them The land
will hardly bo developed before railroads
are built , nnd today there nro not. I venture ,
r.0,000 vvlillo people in the whole territory.
llalrli-NH lliiiiiiuiN of ( Ine lini'ii ,
The Inhabitants of the Cliaco are thus
almost altogether Indians. There nro said
to bo more than 100,000 of thorn They are
among the moat curious of the Indians of
the world , and some tribes nro practically
unknown to our ethnologists Some of the
Cliaco Indiana go naked from one ) ear's
end to thft other , unrt some are so opposed
to any covering that they will not even
allow their hair to grow. They pull out
oveay hair on their bodies except these on
their heads. Their faces , arms , bosoms ,
legs , nnd in fact nil parts of their bodies ,
nro keipt as linlili'ss ns they wore when
they were beirn I have heard It often
stated that the people of n certain tribe are
naturally haliless It is tale ! they nro born
so , nnd the hairs never grow except on
the'lr heads. This has been often reported ,
but until I see nn Indian grown to order to
te-st the matter I bhall continue to doubt
whether the reports nro correct.
Some of these Indians are fine looking
Tnko the Tubas , for Jnbtance I have Been
many of them during my travels on the
Paraguay river , They are ns line looking
ns any of the Indians of North America
They are as straight na our pine trees nnd
as proud in their bearing as " > ' Indian
chief of the west They huvn high ohctk
bonrs , copper-colored skins nnd straight ,
black hair.
The ) Tobas commonly TV ear no clothes ex. *
In ordering groceries don't Insist on
overthing the cheapest but get the best
nt the lowest price Wo Keep only tlio best
known standard brands and you nro sure
to be satisfied If we 1111 the order Glvo us
n trial.
Meat Fish Game
24th and Farnam Sts.
IMionc 1511 Phone 16 < tt )
For Meats For Groceries.
See the name' Yes , we're still
In the same old stand , still striving
for unequalled excellence In work-
mnuslilp nnd stock , have just fin
ished sorting a tremendous , bra ml
now stock of this season's latest
handsnmo and brilliant effects In
Wall Papers. Is jour tnsto faulty ,
in jour opinion ? Our saleslady un-
elerstanda harmony and color
schemes thoroughly nnd will help
you select.
109 South 14th Street.
Phone 4:1. :
What's for
Breakfast ?
This market is full of suggestions that
help out the perplexed housewife.
The finest home-cured bacon , cut In the
thinnest of thin slices , without a bit of rind
or waste , frying dellclously crisp and appe
Then wo have the finest sausage made
pork chops porterhouse steak , etc.
Better como and look us over if you want
the choicest meats In the city.
Tii , . 71O. 1.T1 KC Street.
ccpt when they como into the presence
of white people or cross over to Paraguay
to trnde. At such times the women wear
white sheets draped nbout their bodies.
At homo they have nothing except n
blanket about the waist , that Is , when they
are in full dress. The men are satisfied
with a band tied nbout the head. 1 have
many photognphs of them , but all are too
nude for public ition.
Tdo } oungcr women are very flne > looking ,
nnd the joting braves arc among the noblest
ot tlielr race. Hoth se8 age early , nnd
after 30 the -women look old.
Among most of the tilbcs polygamy Is
common , but I am told tlrat the women get
along peaceably nnd thnt a new and young
wlfo Is welcomed into the family. This maybe
bo from the fact that the women do all tlio
work , and 'the ' more women the Irts work.
It Is the woman who plants the crops , tooks
tlio meals , make's ( lie fishing nets and weaves
the blankets.
The men only hunt , fish nnd fight. They
nio skllleU in , the use of the bow and aro.
It Is said , vei } brave > in battle They do
not senlp , but cut off the heads of tholr
dead and cuio thorn In suth a wa } thnt they
can use the skulls for drinking cups As a
rule they kill tlio grownups of the tilbcs
1Cio } cemqueir , but save tlio children for
braves and wives
Tlio marilago customs of the Chnco In-
diaiih are stiange Giovanni IVUaschl , an
Italian , who haw traveled iimong them , nays
that when ono of the * Tobns wants to mair }
ho paints bib check bouts , UpB and the
hollows of his COB red Ho then struts
about the Unt of his sweetheart , and later
on bilngs nil the tficep , chlckciiB , skins und
ether property which ho pob8esse > to the
} oung woman and onVrs them to her ns u
present If fiho accepts them the marriage
is on and he ean wimo in nml llvo with her
family , shortly afterwnrd removing to a
hut of his own. If she refiiBPB ho goet , else
where. I am fold that sueii marriages nro
happy , thatlho WOIIKII nro faithful nnd that
they mnko good mothers.
Three Indians nro not very Intelligent
Tlioy cannot count moio than four. They
hnvo no money nnd theilr trailing Is alto
gether by barter. A community of Inter
ests seems to prevail , and If one of the
women ge-ts n piee of ilncry from a for-
olgnor Hht- has to divide It with her HlHtere.
her couhlns and her mints
Tlif WlKunuiN "f I In * rinn'O.
The wlgivnmrt of the Cliaco nro different
from these of our savage * A village often
has Us huts built together , so that one
thateh can cover a number of dwellings.
Ono ot the-bo common houses looks juucli
like a gieit hay wagon , fiineral families liv
ing In the different apartments under It
Ono part of cadi hut is used for reeking
and another for sleeping The people slce-p
upon skins when thev have them , othei-
wlso on the bare ground The huts are so
will made that they do not leak. Tlie > } are
built b > the women , nnd when completed
ono of the braves craw In upon the roof and
stamps about to bee If ho can make the )
thatch break through. Jf ho cannot , the
hut Is all right , but If the roof gives , he
tells his wlfo to get up nnd go to work
The Indian women are gale ! to bo geol
cooks They ute pots and spits for cook
ing , and I am told they always wash their
pots after using them. They use shells or
gourds for spoons , forks are unknown and
the man IH happy who has bis own knife.
Some of thooo Indians have odd was of
taking care of their dead. If a man is rich
at the time of his death his corp o U put
Into a clay jar. This is burled In the hut
nnd a flro Is kept burning over It to consume -
sumo the gases as the body decays
Yyliiilirr the cuoking Is < lone on the tmmo
1 nro I do not know.
The Indians like to keep their dead with
The Pantorium
has just added a now depart-
inont devoted exclusively to
the cleaning of port lores and
silk draperies. Women's tail
or made suits and evening
dresses cleaned by our new
French dry cleaning process.
Pantoriuin Co.
N. E. Corner 1'lth ami Furiinm Sts.
Telopnonc 003.
Work Galled For and Delivered ,
Now publication Now Idea.
A full nnd complete monthly reporter
or all now Amprli an bonks Publish
ed at Omaha Neb Otlli e COS Bea
Building Subsirlption pi lie 50 cents
pel year.
The Amerlrin Hook Reporter will bo
sent for ono jear postp ild to any
one. ordering through it anv book or
books , mentioned therein , the price of
which is $1 00 or inoie.
"U'rlto for free sample copy.
To tlie
Gentlemen I desire to thank } ou for the
KrKit kindness shown to us In our late
berea\ement We can truly say of the Hod
Cross League that it is the greatest of
blessings to all classes
I desire to say that the service furnished
was of strictly first-class character , the
contract being In every way carried out ex
actly as rppicsentcd.
MRS. BEN W1TTIG , 1618 No. 32d St.
804 New York Life Bldg.
Carrington & Karling ,
Managers ,
Telephone 2IKI1.
them , and In the case of the poor the corpse
is burled in the hut and the family live
outsldo until the body has so far decom
posed that it docs not cause a bad smell.
Although General AVade Hampton is more
than SO jears old ho perfoimed a feat the
other morning that proved him to bo still
active and vigorous Discovering that thereof
roof of his house in Columbia , S. C , was
on flic , without pcimlttlng of the household
to be awakened , ho hastened out and himself
proceeded to .climb . to extinguish the llamcs
It was not until the breakfast houi tint
any of the household were aware of the flro
or of the aged soldier's ribky but effective
climb upon the roof
Roibcrt II Hnlllgnn of Chicago , who Is snld
to have made a Midden foituno In Womlng
copper mines , has begun to talk and sas ,
among othei things "I'm so rich I
can't count my money , hut I have an offer
of ? 20,000,000 foi mining propeity that I ktr-v
is worth at least $40,000,000. I'll have
John 1) . llotkefeller beaten to n standstill
In a 5cat's time , and yet MX weeks ago I
was woith only $2,000 , nnd had to pawn my
watch ono Saturday night for $5. " Mr
Ilalligan has ottered tlio University of Ken-
tuck } $500,000 If It will change Its iiamo to
tlio Mulligan university.
"When tlio Ilov. Dr. Chailrs H. Park-
hurst was In Amhribt , " bis the Springfield
Union , "ho boarded In the homo of Mrs.
Charles n. Admits In these das the college -
lego boaiding houses were fat dlflerrnt from
what they are now. When the 'bo } ' vvt'io
a part of the family , anil If need were the
'landlady' then an unknown term pl.oed
the role of mother III Pnrkhurst , Homy
Ward Hoecher , General Thomas , and miiny
another student who slnco tiecamo famous ,
roomed In the Adams homestead. Helen
Hunt , when n } oung womun , unwittingly
left a relic which sineo became noted In
nn Idle moment slu > BClatched her name with
a pin on the wall hrsldc a hack stairway. "
"Senator-Meet I'onci .1 Mcfumbnr , " sajs
n North Dnl.otn mm. 'is a hustler , for ho
Unick Dakota In ISSO without a dollar to
his name , but ( hotk full of law and deter
mination lln dad nn olllce In a ehacK that
hadn't moio than $10 worth of lumber in U ,
all told. Mcfiimhcr. however , buckled
down to work In that Hhinty and guo the
follow B with $5 cnscs Just nx good and Jimt
ns much law na the $50 fellow s , und It didn't
taKe long for hlH reputation as a worker to
spread horn \Vahpcton nil over the state.
Ho was just the toil nf mnn the Uakotans
wanted , for ho worked for them day and
night Just us hard as ho worked later when
ho was after the 'blind pie' proprietors. "
There wrro fourteen University of Michi
gan men in the rift-lifth congrrss Ono
of tliego In In the bonnto and the other thir
teen were in the house of representatives.
The ) are Senator Cushman K Davis of
Minnesota and the following representa
tives Samuel \V. Smith , Horace 0 Snover ,
Kredlnaml Ilrurlcor , Hoswoll I' . Dluhop , Wil-
llum S Mcnlcli nnd John J Lentz represent
ing Michigan districts , Winflrld S Kcjrr
and Marriott UroshiB , representing Ohio dis
tricts , Marlon Do Vries of the Second Cali
fornia dlblrlct , Jo1m K Slmfroth , represent
ing the I'irst Colorado district , David II
Manor of the Second Nebraska dUtrlct :
William H King , ropretontntlvo-at-largo
from Ttah. and Thoobold Otjen , who repre
sents the rourttonth Wisconsin dlntrlct. In
the Klfty-slxth tongrcsB the UnlvcrBlty of
Michigan will have two more of its gradu
ates in the senate , Joseph V Quarlcs of
Wisronain nnd I'ortcr J McCumbcr of Nortli
Dakota. In the house will albo bo two
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others , Janus C. Nccdbam , representing the
Seventh California district , and Abraham L > .
IJrlck of the Thirteenth Indiana district.
Ono ot the faculty of the General Thco
logical Bomlnary , New York , tells a char
acteristic story cf the late Bishop Williams.
A brother bishop from the west asked tlm
venerable Connecticut diocesan' "Bishop ,
will you tell mo what you consider the beat
bit of work jou have done In Connecticut
during jour long cplscopito tliero ? " Thu
bishop replied "Well , perhaps the beat
work I ill el for the diocese , and for tha
church as well , was to keep a number of
men out of the ininlstrj. "
The crn o over heroic advertisement
deems to have been run into the ground
toy some ardent crank in Jnspei , liid. A
notice of a icllgloiM revival nt that place
jeads as follows. "Struck by lightning !
Jasper nil on lire' l"lio started In tha
'Amen corner' of the Tree Methodist chuich
last Sunday , insisted by the Ilev Lubor-
tcaux of Jasper , asglHtcd by the Hum's
Horn band of Adi Ian anil othera The devil's
IIro dopaitment from hell , assisted by linok
nnd ladder compaii } , can't stop It. Glo
rious di play ot light and heat every night !
All nre invited to e-omo nnd liivi ; the Icicles
molted fiom their houlb. Mothers have spo-
olal Invitation to como and bring their cryIng -
Ing 'lu.blefi ' No terrestrial loafers allowed
on the scene. "
Perhons believing In moro practical Chris
tianity 'may ' see a moral In the following :
A tramp , who Raid ho wa out of work tem
porarily , call IN ] nt the klUhi'ii door of a re-a-
idonco in AVost 'Philadelphia. ' He was all
nshtver with eold und face , hands nnd poorly
clad feet wcio benumbed. It > o happened
that the rook anil other servants being eiway
the mistress of the house opened the door
and heard JIH ! pica for .1 "bit to rat. " Being
a good woman , and remembering the day
nnd the greatest of the three Chrlfltlnn vir
tues , she went to the lardeir and then re
turned to the door with a half loaf of bread.
"Hare1 , " uho paid to the tramp , "ttiko this ,
but , " nho added , "you nhould not forget I
glvo it to you not only for jour own sake ,
but for Christ's , for tliln IH Ills da ) . "
"Thank jou , ma'nm , " replied the tramp , ns
ho extended Ills linnd und looked the good
Samaritan In the eye , "but don't jou think
thnt for His Kulio you might put some butter
on It ? "
Detiolt Journal. IntrrcourHo with Christ
mas had given the navaga it taMe not only
for rum , but for dialectic suhtlctle > g no
wetl I
"I spare jour life' , " ho bald to the cap-
"Thank joti , " the cnptlvo replied , not for
getting his manneTs
"Ho you owe mo your life , don't you ? "
aske > d the cavngo.
"Oh. JOB. " Bald thn captive.
"Well. thon. If I take jour life I won't
ho stealing , will I ? " exclaimed the sav
age.It was rlear this benighted person took
a truly civilized ek'llght in buncoing ) IH !
ethical senslbllHlcH for the 1 > encfH of his
Tin' .Sinlllfii
Detroit Journal The heathen who ID
hpeaklng ns our story eipcns wenra n white
I'edura nnd a skirt of palm leaves ; whether
by accident or In thu full consciousness
that n high hat newer goes with u business
milt , wo know not.
"Think of the millions , " he exclaims ,
"that nro Bpent to oend missionaries to
The other heathen U vUlbly affected.
"It makes mo feel guilty ! " falters the
latter "Ileally I suppose wei ought to net
along with refrigerated beef during the hard
Units , at least ! "