TTTE OMATTA DATLT T5EE : STXHAV , MARCH 12 , SPORTS OF THE SEASON' ilali Adali , the Latest Terrible Turk , Coiuiug to Omaha. BICYCLE SHOW SOON TO BE HELD Stndi * ot ( lie IOIIIIK MPII'H ClirlMInn AfiMirlnlloit Atlilftlo rirlil Oilier < < 1 < lN nnil for ( lie Spud ran ton has arranged qullp a pro- Kriim for his sporting entertainment that 18 to take plaro In the Trocadero on Jlartd 23 nnd In which the burly Turk , Hall Adall , \vlll bo the bright particular conslcllatlon. Tllrco boxing bouts will form the border for the star event , and between thcso glove nffras and the bnttlo on the mat a little sporting carnival will bo offered for the delectation of Omaha's icdhots that will surpass anything that hoe been attempted in thla clly for a goo'l ' many jcars. Adall , who IB nccrodlled willi having tossed the burly Yousot about like a feather In the das when neither had her , como famous , will have qulto n task cut out for him In the evening's work. Ho Is to meet Danny Baldwin , the local strong man and wrestler , nnd n giant from the South Omaha packing houses , and ho must throw each of them fairly and squarely twice within ninety minutes or forfeit Ilia purse that Is to bo put up. The Turk ia a brute in size and btrenglh , but Baldwin has so long dallied with Iron balls weigh ing n ton moro or less that the sultan's lion will ha\o Ills hands full In laying him on his back a couple ot times during the evening. Adall has enjoyed ono continual round ot victory slnco ho migrated to ttils country and ns a consequence ho Is now carrying around with him Innumerable. . American nlmoleons. It was reported last week that ho had been thrown In Boston by llocber , the alleged American champion , but this story has been dlscoveicd to bo a canard , Adall being In Clilcago at the time ho was said lo have been defeated. The Turk has wrestled several men on the same conditions on which Iio will meet the Omalmns , and only once has ho failed to win out. The entertainment Is to open with a go between Kid Dlxon of this city and Tred Whltton of Kansas City , a couple ot Uover lltllo 112-pounders , who will box for five rounds. The Turk will bo put on after this number nnd the bout will bo followed by another sparring match between Dave Kimball - ball and Fred O'Neill , two well-known lo cal men. Klmball has Just returned from New York , where ho practically completed arrangements for a malch with Oscar Gardner , although tCio place and tlmo of the setlo have not yet been fixed. While In giddy Gotham Klmball was offered a fight with the antipodean recently sent to dreamland by Dlxon , Young Pluto , but do- ellncil-Alth thanks because of the small size ot the purse offered. Klmball will go six rounds with O'Neill. The final number on the program -will bo a leu-round baltlo between Marlon Mcln- tyrc , tlio Lincoln boxer , who Is well known in thla city , nnd Paul Murray , the colored Slovenian. This couple are fast nnd clever and they nro likely to furnish nn Interesting and even mill. On account of an apparent waning of wheel Interest In this city Itwas generally ex pected that this season would pass without n bicycle show , but after all Omaha is to enjoy n function ot this character. The sponsor of the affair -will bo the Young Men's Christian association , or rather the Trlanglo Wheel club , the cycling adjunct of the association. It is to be held in the parlors of Iho association building and Is to take place on March 23 , 21 and 25. Ath letic Director Barnes Is engaged In making all the arrangements for the show at the present time. lie has already received as surances from nil the dealers In the city that they will bo represented In the fullest way nnd therefore the blcyelo cranks of the city will have an opportunity of seeing the latest models and sundries that will bo on the market this beason. The show is to bo something moro than n show It will bo the social blcyelo 'func tion of the season. As oilglnally planned , It was the purpose to hold simply n gathering of the wheeling members of the Young Men's Christian association , but It was finally determined to tender a reception to all wheelmen in the city. Consequently the opening night of the show , March 23 , will bo of n social character Invitations to at tend will bo issued to the members of all the clubs In the city. On the other two nights an cnterlalnlng program , conslsllng largely of music , will be offered the visitors On thcso Iwo evenings , however , Iho cranks will have moro ot nn opportunity to ex- amlno the exhibits. The plans of the athletic park , which Iho Young Men's Christian association proposes to build on the Ames avenue bait park silo , will bo completed in time for submis sion to a meeting of the Hoard of Direc tors ot the association next Tuesday oven- Ing. At tlto same time Athletic Director Barnes will report that ho has succeeded In raining by bubscrlption some $ SOO to pay the cost of the work. Under these circum stances there seems to be llltlo question that the dlrectoiy will bo favorable to the scheme. "J hope that the matter will bo favorably considered by the directors , " says Mr. Barnos. "Omah.i Is prelty nearly ns doail ns the proverbial door nail whan It comes to amateur npoit and 1 think thill It can bo revivified with Just such grounds as wu propoBo to build. If iho matter Is actci ! upon favorably , woik will bo commenccil about the 1st of May and will bo pushed BO that tha grounds will bo ready far tieo In fifteen or twenty daa , They will be formally opened with a bicycle meeting on Decoration day. " That irrepressible character of the c > clo racing game , who was well known In Omaha in the old days of the ordinary , "Hugger Who are Willing to Pay When Convinced of Cure. A scientific combined medical and mechanlc-ul euro baa been elise-ov creel for Wiakne * of Men " Tlia proprietors announce that they will eoncl it on HliU rcint'JIeiuud appli ance without advance pa > mcnl- > to any honest man if nov ull that ! s clalrae.l-all sou wlili-w-nd U baek-tuat ends H pay nothing I This combined treatment cures quickly , thorouKiil ) and foreman eBet'ts of early evil habit * , later ex- reswsoTuruorV , worryeta Here- aim laalth. ktrenxth , TlUllty , BUS- Ulutnc lowers , uud restores vrcak and undevelopeil jmrtlnns of body to natural dimensions and function * . Any mun vtrltlui ? In earnest will rccelvo description and references In a pUlnn-ulel envelope rrofe- OBW tional ennfideucc No C O.D tie- ( option nor lmv ) Ulou ot any nature. A na- u > nal reputation bucVs this oftcr. Address Erie Medical Go.,3uffaloNY. Hill" Martin , has again wandered from I American shore1 ! . Ho h In D'.Xrban Xatal , vhero he arrived on No\ ember K > , and ommonced training at once. He role a match on December 10 against a Dutchrran who tips the beam at 250 pounds and i six cot three Inches In height. Needless to say , 'I'luggor" landed on top and he nlio won n the same day first prizes In the five nd ten-mllo events Krom his present topping place Martin will journey to Jo- lannosburg.- after which hn will try his peed against the riders ot India "Plus- ger" Is the unlauo character In tinme - ng world. Ho Is almoit10 jears old , has Idden on almost every hlcyclo track In he world , Including the ovals In this coun- ry , Europe , Australia find Asia , nnd Is aid to bo worth $20,000 , all en which hems ms won since he took up the racing pa-no. to has won six-day races and can sprint vllh the best men In the world , Last year 10 lowered the colors of Bald , Cooper and lardncr In the short events , defeated Hour ) Klkea In n fifty-mile paeed race In lloston ( and Incidentally lowered a number of rec ords at unpaced work. "IMugger mil , " ns 10 is called owing to his stjlo of riding and attributed also to the fact that he plugged" acry officious official at an Aus- rallau meet , has ouo leg longer than It cally ought to be. His left leg Is more ban an Inch shorter than his right , caused by an accident In a sU-daja' race at Minne apolis , when he persisted In finishing the contest after straining the leg , The first annual meet of the Nebraska ntcrscholastlc Held association , which was ormcd at Lincoln last January , has been fixed to take place In this city on Ma > 23. t Is hoped that by that tlmo the athletic grounds that the Young Men's Chi'sU.iu ' as sociation will "build on the site of the Ames avenue ball park will bo completed nnd the games can bo pulled oft there. At present 10 lorecast can bo made of the number of ads that will enter In the competitions , but t Is hoped that a number of the high bchools In the vicinity ot Omaha will send cams. The Omaha-High bchool boya have buun working for n month to get lulu traln- for the affair , using the gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian association for he puipose. As soon as the weather mod erates enough to permit of outdoor train- tit ! the team will bo put to work on iho : Ilgh bchool grounds Athletic DIrec'or Darnes of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation Is acting as coach. The proposed trip of the basket ball team ot the Young .Men's Christian association to .ho south may be declared off. It had been Intended to play a series of three gjmos , one each In Kansas City , Topeka and Iho University of Kansas. Topeka , however , uis Informed Athletic Director Unrnea that t cannot arrange the date. There Is . .till i possibility that arrangements can bo nade for dates with Kansas Cltj ana Kan sas unlveislty. Api II S has been offered to the University of Xebiaska as tile date for a dual liulooi athletic meet between Its athletic team and v.ho team ot the Young Men's Christian asso ciation , the affair to take place In the cjm- iiaslum of the association. If this "date proves satisfactory an entertaining competi tion in jumping , running and other spoils will bo given. The winners are to be awarded medals. SOME CHAT WITH THE FANS Talk Aliout HIIHU Hall Mattcm Pre liminary lo the SCIIHOII ( hat Mill .Soon OIKMI. Next Tuesday Is the day upon which the absetb of the St. Louis club nro to bo hawked from the auction block and much In both the National and Western league depends upon the Identity of the successful jldder. If the winner proves to be any body In any way distasteful to the nabobs ) C the major organization the map of ttio eagtio is likely to be somewhat changed 3t. Louis Is bound lo be out out and there is a question whether the result will bo a ten-club league or whether some other city may replace St. Louis , possibly Detroit or Milwaukee. The chances are , however , that the game of bluff will not be brought to such a showdown According to all re- ; iorls , Tom Loftus is the mosl prominent of [ fie prospective bidders against the Iloblsons nnd n ialo la wafted westward that Loftus has been bought off. That Is. If ho seems to bo the only one In the field against the ex-Cloveland magnates he will llo down be- Toro them nnd as a reward will bo given Uio rorcat City franchise nnd whatever plajers are left over after the big Icaguo magnates select the pick of the Spiders and Iho Drowns. As soon as this sale Is brought to pass the big le-aguo managert > will hold their mooting to dec'ilo ' what they will do The Western league Is also holding off and will not hold its usual spring scsslon until the latlcr part of this month The western magnates nro hoping against hope that they will bo able to gather Cleveland within the circle. It has been definitely settled , how ever , thai Iho Western league beason will open n eouplo ot weeks later than last year The first game will bo placd but a very few das before Slay 1. That the opening of the season Is but n month off is Indicated by the actions of the big league placrb All the teams aio preparing to commence their month of sprint ? practice and In another week or no the telegraphic columns of the npwbpapors will commence to chronicle the scores of the exhibition games "Old Hellablo" Jim McGulie- , the back bone ot the Senators , Is llkiMy to go the way of Sclbnch and Is almost certain to bo we-ailng some other rigging than that which decorates the slmpeb of ttio Washington players. Two offers have been made for the hard hitting backstop , one ot $3,500 by Plttsburg and the other of $ r > .000 and sovcinl plaors by Cincinnati The offer from I'orkopolls will probably bo accepted. It Is not fctnte-d who the Clnelnnatlans In the deal nre , but the ciltlcs figure that these to bo sent to the capital city aio Vaughn nnd some of the farm hands who nro now eiirrlng Iho Indianapolis banner It tills tianeactlon Is consummated thcro Is no doubt that Brush Is thinking ot count- lug In the championship race next season Last year the weak balling of llio Heds had moro lo do with Iholr backward gait than aiilhlng else , and with Iwo Michstick- , era as Selbach nnd Mcflulru the Heds will bo hugely Gtrongtdcncd. Thomas Tend rtainRcy , who Is reputed to have been the best southpaw that over tossed the horsehldo from the slab , la to bo given ono more llmo on earth by In dianapolis duilng the coming season Thcro was a llmo back in the early 80s when Ramsey -was able to Svcngall pretty nearly every batsman that stepped before him The famous St. Louis Drowns fanned eight een times before him on ono memorable occasion , and on another he gent the Cin cinnati Ileds out on strikes for three suc cessive Innings. Dut the high balla be could put over nnd around the plate were nothing to these he could toss under his belt and in his endeavor to fulfill a con tract to drink all the whisky manufactured he acquired a glass arm This , together with the fact lhat the blab was moved live feet hick on him , killed his wins and he retired to a farm , so it Is said Manager Allen of the HooElers takes n chance that there are some kinks left in big wing ) ct and will try him on the rubber once more. Perry Werden , the veteran first baseman , whoso career stretched back almost to tlw early years of the ccntur ) when Frank Dandle and Huss McKelvy used to frisk about the emerald diamond , will bo back In the ranks again uuxt season , donned ia the spangles of ihe Minneapolis club. The accident in Kansas f Ity last iinimer , which resulted in the breakage of XVerdrn'a Knea cap , was CKpedcd to put him out nt the game forever , but \\crden Immediately laid off and did not attempt to u e hii leg again 1 during the rest of the ) enr This good care has brought the Injured member around again and It Is stld to bo as good as now. PALAVER OF THE PUGILISTS Illil * for ( lie ril - < liiiiiioii-.len rle * I'lKlit I o\iH' Mcill > l.nrKi Otlii'r .Ncni of Hie Sliorl-llnlieel. The admirers of the glove men are being almost deprived of their breath nt the of- Tera that are being made for the Jeffries- ritzslmmons battle that Is blated to take place this spring. The Inky-haired Herciilca from the I'.iclflc coast , Jeffries , WHB so gen erally supposed to be- nothing more than a big blto of pie for the champion that It was not expected thnt fight promoters would raise much of a sweat In sprinting after the light. This sentiment up to a week ago seemed well founded from the fact that bidders - dors wore scarce and lying low. Since that time , however , things have changed and when the time for receiving bids arrived last week no less than half a dozen offers of big money were handed In. The largest comes from Hergen Beach , N. J , the proprietors of which resort have In dicated that they will put up a purse of $10,000 In order to advertise their jolt , , San Tronclsco conies forward with a $30,000 of fer and Unite , Mont , ranks next \vlth $23- 000. The Wcstchcstcr Athletic club of Xe-v York and the- Triangle club of Chicago give $21,000 each , the Coney Island club $20 000 and the Trl-Clty club of Davenport , la , $15,000 Outside of the Chicago and the Davenport otters the sportsmen of Omaha will be most Interested In the $25,000 $ purse that has boon offered bj the Hullo people ThU was jincle possible b > Ihe fact that the Montani legis lature has passed a law permitting finish contests to \ > o pulled off In that elate. The Dutte club seems to bo In earnest from the fact that It has Intimated tint it Is willing to Increase Us bid In order to get the flg'n Ihoio Is some suspicion that Dan Stunt , who engineered the Coibett-ntz entertain ment , Is behind thU Hullo proposition The vision of these shekels has alrcidj caused the Mrawberrj blonde blacksmith to prepare for the coming battle , and hela talking of n new- blow , the "rig-rat ; , " which Ih to rank with his solar plexus , the "cork screw.vlth which McCoj did not put ShaiKcy to sleep , the "boomerang" and the other read } steps to victor ) that the pugs have been fond of advertising. A little thunder cloud , however , has arisen In the Fltzslmmons horlson which ma > put an end to this ntfray with Jeffries The other dij the doctors , ivith the aid of the X lav , ells- coveiod that the clnmplon's elbow "fumi ) bone1 Is cracked nnd the ) advised him uot to fight for two months at least ntz de- clans that he will meet Jcffiips , "funny bone" or no "funny bone" but this injuiv may result In n postponement of the light It was. sustained ' during one of PIU's &par- ring exhibitions with Yank Kennej , the champion being hit on the elbow while wauling off one of Konney's blows I'll ? will pose as one of the stellar attrac tions at the Paris exposition , according to Manager Martin Julian. The latter was re cently Interviewed as follows regarding a European tour for his " pet "As soon as we step foot on the other bide we are going to Issue a challenge In behalf of ritzslmmons to fight all comers in the middle and heav- wclghl divisions. Americans pay little heed to the foreign fighters and It wouldn't sur- piise mo at all if there were a big bunch of unknowns nil over the continent , as well ab in Great Britain , who would bo only too eager to get a chance to face the pride of the United States Of course this challenge will be flamed In the regulation sort of vvnj and I Imagine that clubs will pop up here and there offering big purses Naturally It will bo our aim to arrange matters so that the fight can be pulled eft near Parlh Im agine the immense crowd we would surely have Thousands of visitors would bo at the exposition , with lots of money , and thej would pay well to see a great fight If some big nflalr like this cannot be niranged we intend to make a trip across some of the countries and match ntz against the best men wherever we may go" Gardner , the Omaha kid , has given It out that he proposes to Invade the tight little Isle this spring nnd beard the pugilistic lion of England in his own don He desires to meet the winner of the Palmer-ttotchford bout , which takes place before the National Athletic club "I am stuck rn seeing the old country berauso I have heard my father say so much about it , " says Gardner "I am ot an old Lancashire family nnd m > father came- over to this country in the steerage when ho was a kid His son will go back on a Ural-class cabin ticket , though Gardner , Jr , will not have a valet like Sloan Though the National club cannot nflord to offer such a fancy purse as O'Uourke's club , I will be satisfied to sign articles for any kind of a purse they will offer. I want to have the satisfaction of saying about forty years from now , when my pants aie baggy about the knees and my face bpoits a network of wind destrojors , tint 1 fought at the swellest club in London I heard from I'edlar Palmer a few weeks ago through Dr. Ordway , the Amoikan icp- resentatlvo cf the club , and ho tells mo tint Palmer ilienda the sea vojagp and prc-feis to meet all American comers In London. My friends ask mo If 1 can diaw down to lie and bo btrong nt that weight I guess I am constructed on the KIt/sImmons plin I ran weigh In at 116 and be stiong , or I can stay nt 122 and go the distance , though I never detected any difference In the weight. Pal mer and nennlc Jordan , who beat Dlxon , are the cleverest little men In England nnd If I should prove so liaky as to run Mist In a heat with Palmer I would agree to a treaty of glove war with Jordan. " According to the local reports of the fight one of the brainiest conlllcts over put up b ) a llghlwelghl was foughl by Erne In San rrauclsco a week ago lasl Friday ani II foists him above llio raajorlt ) of the aspliauts for the honors In the 133-pobni ] class. Hawklnb' fellow townsmen male him the favorite In the betting that avoi- agcd luO to SO. Dal cut an offensive pace Immediately after the battle slatted and had IJrno on the backward talt ; till the sudden rally In the seventh I2rno delayed meet ing Hawkins' offensive work and when he reversed his tactics In the seventh nund he farlly paral/ed the joung California , who was not e\pcctlng such a reversal Joe fi.iiia , Jack Daly nnd Champion Kid La- \ Igne are now the mast dangerous of Krno s rivals in Iho 133-pound class Kruo evened honors with Lavlgne In a tweut-round meeting nt Coney island last September and a return battle between the Swiss and the Henchman Is now In or der If Hrno ever wrests the laurels from Lavlgno he will be the on ! ) Swire pugilist In the history of the American ring whoever over won a championship. Gus Iluhlln , the Akron heavyweight , was born In Switzer land of German parentage. Erne and Huh- lln are the enl > children of the Alps who ever achieved distinction In the squared circle. Gus nuhlln had a whack at Joe Goddard , the barrier champion , last week and ho found some mighty easy picking It was anticipated that the pair would put up an old-fashioned , gore-painted argument , rlfo with body and Jaw swats. In a measure this anticipation came true , but only on the big Swiss' part The man of the anti podean barriers found his opponent too j much for him and earl > in the game flung out the blondlne feather of defeat Six rounds enl > the bout lasted being awarded to Kuulm through GodJaiCi a fulling to ci- rapp pi nl hrnent. nnl during the half . Innings the bonier champion wag sent to or sought the floor no less than nn cvcu dozen times. Another game of quilting as perpetrated by Australian Jimmy 11nn } down In Ar kansas last week. Hyan was matched to go i short journey with Tommy Han ) , but when the gong was to be struck ho ball e 1 Dornuse there was not enough money In the IIOUEO Tommy offered to put up a JKO purse If the other Iljan would stay , but o latter was appoicntly able to touch his heart b > sticking his finger down his throat and the offraj was therefore called oft. "CHESS. Delay has been caused In the negotiations for thd cable chess match between Columbia , Harvard , Yale and Princeton In this conntrv , and Oxford and Cambridge In England , by the recent letter from the Hrltlsh collegia suggesting changes In Iho rules offered by the Americans regarding eligibility of play ers. The Uiltlsh desire , that the- limit ot five vpars bo made from the entrance of n mm Into his university , while the Americans allo seven ) ears In the rules of the inter collegiate tournaments between the four great universities , thus taking In post graduate students. Dr. L IJroughton , Jr , who lepresents the Amcilcan committee In the negotiations , wrote to EngHnd last week stating the cause of the dela ) . It Is probable that the American committee will await an answer to Dr. Hrougton's letler by cable befoie reaching a decision. The contest for the trophy offered by Sir George Xcvvncs , piesldent of the Hrltlsh Chess club , Is being contested for on ten boards by the best plijcrs In America and Great Urltaln The first match , In ISOfi , was won b\ the Americans , but the second and third matches , plavcd In 197 and 1S9S , were won b > the Urlllshers. The contest begun Trldav was all the moie impoitnnt because another vlctoiy for the Hrltlshers would have won for Uicm the trophy Many metro politan experts were present In the assembly i com of the UrooMjn Acndcmv of Music , where this end of the match was plajed , under the auspices of the Urookljn Chess club At tha latesl account \lctory for the Amoileans seemed piobablc. Shortly after the pla > was lesumed ycster- dn > it was announced that the game at boarl No 2 had been won bj Showaltei over At- Klus In thlrty-nlno moves. Voight end Jacobs , table No 0 , diew nfte'r foit'-ono moves The score then stood two games to one in favor of the Americans. The following i ihu twenty-sKth game completed In the Nebraska Chess associa tion coiroapondenco touinameiit , between 0 Q DC Trance of Lincoln and Nehoii Hald of DannebiOt ? The opening moved nio these of u eentei gambit White attempted to j develop according to Yotin sud IIowoll's i "Minor Tactics of Chess" ( open primal j base 1 A ) and made a failure of It in the face of Dlack's play. \\lilte-De Tianec lla ! ( k llald. 1-P to K I 1-1- to K 4 ! - ! ' to Q 1 L'-l > takes P. J Q takes P 3 Kt to Q 13 J. 4-lJ to Q ( .n ) I Kt to U 3. 5 to Q J 5-1 ! to Q 1 ! 4. 0-15 to K I ( b ) 0 H lake * II 7 1' takes 13 7 Kt takes P. -Q to Kt 4 ( t 1 S Kt to Kt 4. 9-1' to 1C II I ( d ) 9 Kt to 1C 1 10-Kt to Q 2 10 P to Q 3 11 Kt to K 2. 11 Q to 1C J. 12 Q to Kt ! 12 It to Q 2 13 P to Q 13 3 n I'astles ( Q U ) 14 Castles ( K U ) 11 P to 1C K 4 li Kt to 1C C 3 15 Kt to Q I ! 4. Id Kt to 1C 1I.-Q II to 1C. 17 K to 13 2 ( e ) 17-Kt to K 1 IS 1C to Kt 18 Kt ( H 4) ) takes n 13 Ue-l < ; iis ( a ) Q to 1C 3 Is the usual move In the center gauiblt. ( b ) Should have been delajed until aftci castling , which would give White a much better game. ( > ? ) A foolish move. Kt to 1C 2 was better ( d ) Not any better than White's eighth ( e ) A loss of time The twenty-seventh game between Nelson HalT of Dannebrog nnd E K Tjson of Nebraska - braska City was as follows. Whites twentj-sUth move was written P to Q 1 , an Illegal move , upon being notified to move K , he resigned , loss of Q ami the game he- Ing Inevitable RUY LOPEZ White Hild. Black T ) son 1-P to 1C 1 1-P to 1C I 2 Kt to 1C n 3 2 Kt to Q 13 " , . 3 H to Kt 5 3 Kt to U 4 Castles 4 Kt takes P. B P to Q 1. 5-15 to K 1. fi-Q to 1C 2 C-Kt to Q ! 7 H tnk s Kt. 7 Kt 1' tnke i 15. 8 P takes P. S-Kt to Kt 2 9-ICt to I ! . ! 9-CnJtle-s. IV-Kt K I ( JO-P I - to u ) - to Q 11 Kt to Kt "i 11 Kt to H 4 12 It , to 1C 12 It to Kt E 1-P ! to 1C 11 1 1"-I3 take0 Kt 14-Q takes I ! 14-ICt to 1C 3 15 Q to Kt 4 15 K to K li * > P to 1C 15 I , Ifi Kt to Q 5 17-Kt to 13 5 17-Kt takes Kt IS Q takes Kt. I1 ! 13 to 1 ! 4 ( til ) 11 r to ic : i i1) ) n to ict ! 20 li takt-s B. 20 B I' ttikes 15. 21-U to 1C 3 21-Q to 1C 2 22-Q n to 1C 22-Q to 1C 23 P to 1C Kt I 25 I1 to Q r. 24-H (1C ( i ) to 1C 2 24-P to Q B 1 25 1' to K Kt 5 25-Q to 1C . ! . 2C Kolsns ; ( a ) All "book" play to here , the \aila- lion leading to e-qmlity. Problem N'o 02 by II 'A ' Elms , blx points for correct milutlnu. White to jiliy and mate In three moves I3LACIC * M&m m is m m m m m m * i/ n'i Fm f & ! * W WV m W'KM u Kpy move to problem N'o. CO , Kt to Kt 3 The fcoro In the problem touiney , Includ ing problem Xo CO , Is as follovvb Harriet K Mead. Lincoln , K2 ; T N. HarUoll , Kearney , 52 , N 0. Grltnn , St Hdwaid , .12 , | S n Camp , Geneva , 52 , j ; . A. Ilullock , Norfolk , 52 , M. Thompson , Omaha , It , P W. Diddle , Omaha , , " ! > , A. Kiismussen , South Omaha , 31 , J. J Weiss , Woodbine- . , 2C ; J. M. Crobby , I'rcrnonl , 21 , J. M. Uruner , Omaha , S. H. K. Ilicga , Callaway , S , Dr. G. N. Seeley , Norfolk , f > M r. Winchester of Dannobrog enter * complaint that Dr G. N Seeley ot Kearney has exceeded the llmo limit In their match game over u week Dr Seeley bab been notified to prcbent his unswer. ( lllI'MllCIIIH "Illl AllHMl-lN. WAVNiJ , Maich 0 To the Spoiling editor of The Hep (1) ( ) Has the gome luvv of 1S9T been repealed' (2) ( ) Has the Alexander game bill been signed by the governor(3) / ( ) If so , v\htn \ docs It go inio effect ? Weber Hroj. Ans. (1) ( ) No , only amended. (2) ( ) Yes , on Triday (3) ( ) Ninety da > s after the legis lature adjourns OMAHA , .March 10j-To the Sporting Kdltor of The Hoe Is there a section lii the state game law- that forbids shooting ducks or geese over decoa ? A Header. Ans Neither in the present law nor the Alexander bill Jubt passed OMAHA , Marrh 0 To the Sporting Kdltor of The llee. (1) ( ) Hid Agulnaldo ever olfer bis services to Howe ) ? (2) ( ) If BO , what 10- Ply did Uowey make ? (3) ( ) Did Uovvey allow Agulnaldo on bis ship from Hong Kong to Manila' (4) ( ) Did Agulnaldo pilot any of , r > we > 's ileet into Manila7 ( G ) Of what nationality is Aguinaldo7 Ans tl and "t Agulunldo made no such offer to Hovvpy but is said to have made it to Consul Wlldman of Hong Kong It U clam J tint \\ildnian accepted tlu > propo but \\ildwau taja ho did but. (3 ( , I nnd f > ) His frlimU ? a > ho la the' son of a Pi-anlil ! general and a native woman his enemies an ert that bo Is the offspring of n cllMdlu'c * Jesuit priest Pome Chinese blood Is enld to be In bis vrlns WiST : POINT. Neb , March 3 To the Sporting Hdltor of The lleo Joe K and Polo J wpro shaking the dice and Pete Kol two fives Joe bet a disinterested party that IIP would beat tint shake nnd also pot two lives Who wins HIP bet' A Sub- scrlbpr 11S _ TIP disinterested party , because Joe did not beat the shake. IN THE "WHEEliNG WORLD 1 , ennuirrriiiiriillmii for < ' ' < SPHHIMI MnMiTM of lieiiernl The controlling power of the League of American Wheelmen Is pulling bU ma chine in order tor the summer campaign Uace control being the chief object of ex- Istcncc. receive attention first Chair man Molt Is out ot It. frcd Gerlac1 ! ot Chicago Is the now Klnghlvo selected hv President Keenon. He ? Is B cn charge of the central etnte-s , and Is named chairman of the racing board. W. I Doty of lien- ver , a member of the old board , U given charge ot all states west ot ihe MI Mislppl An eastern authority sa > s Gerlach has sought the position for three voars past. and until this vcar landed on the wrong eldo of the fence. "He does not comp to the position very well recommended , for he had the reputation while on the Oldcon raclnn board of bolng entirely lee drastic In his work , nnd on many occasions showed a lack of Judgment even In small matters His presence Is not magnetic , nnd Ihero are these who know him who think that he ha3 too exalted an opinion of one , I'red Oe-r- lach However , It liny ho said for n eer- talnt > that the president had good reasons for placing him ut the head ot the racing department. " H Is thp Intention of the new combination ot thp bo- tion to move against the woiks called outlaw racers at once. President Kcenan proposes to light them to a finish. and the Plttsburg man Is said to be a fighter from Tighten ille. Whenver there la a cetsatlon of hostilities the. managers will give attention to other matters than riclng One of the schemes Is to bo engineered committee , which will gineered by a press send out avlvance notices to the newspapers nnd thus endcavcr to convp ) the Impres sion that the League Is Interested In other things than racing Some radical methods meinbe-r- are nc'ce'siiry to check decreasing shlp \\lthln a yeai the total diopped from 102,000 to 70,000 , and is going down btead- The C ) cling Wcsl of Denver saS "The appointment of D J. O'nrlen of Omaha , Nt'b , to the chairmanship ot the C ntlonnl League of American Wheelmen committee on rules and i emulations wu& about the. only creditable result of the political potpouuiat Pi evidence' . O'Hrlon IB one of the plover- est , cleanest and most brainy men in the League and would administer any chaigo with ciedlt to himself and dlgnlt ) to It" The position of the leigue legirdlng "good roads" and "side paths" Is clearly detiued In the follow In ? e\lract from "Cclo Paths , a practical handbook by Isaac IJ. Potter , pub lished by the league "Ever ) cycle path Is a protest against bad loads , a sort ot public notice that the public wagonwas are unfit for public travel , a wit bharpener to every highway ofllcci who has sen-en holes In his head , and a splendid ex ample of the charming relations which the wheel and the real way may be made to sustain to each other H is a declaration of independence , which , for the time being , lifts the blcCle out of the mud and puts the wheelman on a iiimer ground ot argu ment for good roadb , takes from his critics the charge that the c > dial's warfare la a selfish one , and supplies to every traveler an Impiessivo exhibition of the value of a good wheel way "And so , until the day of good roads shall ccme , I believe that CCle piths should be laid , and I believe that the League ot Ameri can Wheelmen , in pursuit of its constitutional ' the general Interests tional objects , 'to promote terests of c ) cling' nnd 'to facilitate touring- Is bound to exert Ha splendid energies to quicken , to regulate and to sstematirc the making , and to govern the proper use of these paths "I do not for a moment admit that this work foi cycle paths can bo substituted for the wheelman's agitation for better roads , but rather do I regard It as n valued auxllllary for the greater cause , which seems to have taken new impetus In those sections whom Cdo paths have been put down ( Jood roads for all Is the ultimate end of league work It la the motto which ) cnr.s ago was nailed upon the topmost rampart of the league citadel , and thcro 1 hope It may remain till the end ot time. " The United States Consulai department , In answer to Inquiries made by .a Chicago trade Journal , his prepared .a report on "Hicyclps In Toriign Countries , " which shows the introduction of the wheel Into the remotest countiles seems to bo general The European reports nro from France , Switzerland and Sweden nnd contain the In formation that the bicycle has outgrown Its former place ns the luxuiy of the rich anrt is In use b ) llio common people Reports from Aden , Madagascar and the Htialts settlements show that bicycles follow the Europeans , but are being only slowly adopted by natives The California Cycleway company Is to build a cycleway that will bo a flowed bl = ) clo path ten feet wide nnd nine miles long , extending from Paendena to Los Angeles , elovateJ nbovo Ihe ground from three to fifty feet , nccoiellng to grade , and Inclosed on the ships for safety with a wire netting. The whole path will bo piactically on a level. The steepcsl grade In the whole' ' length will bo only 3 per cent , and that fern n distance of but 2,000 fept. the grade aveiagoa l'/l per cent. Thu Moor will bo as smooth as a cement sidewalk ( a thai I ride on which costs him $ "i In the municipal court ) , and the p ) clew ay will bo wide enough to permit four bicyclists to ride 1 abreast. At night It will bo brilliantly lighted from end to end by Incandescent I electric lamps , placed 200 feet apart over the center of the wheeling space. In the spring It N often found that thcro nro loose spokes In the wheels and thai Ihey nro oul of true nxnmlnallon of them should thcioforo not bo forgotten To tighten Bpokps and properly true up a wheel Is a neat Job and rne that It U beat to leave to a repair man unless tno rider Is oxpetl- cnced or naturally apt ut mechanical woik. With tires there is little to elo except Innate them and ece If they nre all right If de fective becaubo of having been left flat have them repaired or get new uncs. It is a good Idea , however , to turn the wheel slowly nnd Investigate whether the tire is firm on the rlin , for If the cement luia weakened the tire may "creep" and cut the valve stem oft Ihe llrat time the wheel gees out Most rldeis who do nol Keep Ihcli wheulti in commission from fall to fcprlng find that the tires do not hold air EO well when brought out ot the ganet. In a majorlt ) of cases this is be- catibo there Is trouble at tbo valve slcm Often the valve will be found leak ) because of the plunger in It being clogged b ) dust. A bristle is helpful in such cases , though often tbo pump will forre the dutt away. When It Is tightly lodged aiiup of water usually does iho irlck. Oil never should bo used. In lubricating the blcyelo after over hauling it' ' the pedals should not be for gotten , although the ) usually are The head bearings also should bo remembered , clso the rider vvill find himself a member of the "squeaky nquud who are In evidence every where on the rvuJs iu spring The saddla Sterling as imi ° h < lifforeneo in bioyclra ns there ia in anything else. In buying a bicycle , look at the forky , the hubs , the chain and the tires. We will bo pluapod to yhovv you these parts on the Sterling , then you will bo convinced it if superior to any other make. 1899- * Man son Sterling > ; 1898- The best wheel ever sold Stcrling for k'sa limn 850 , and 1899 Manson $32 bolter than most $50 wheels. 1899 Mars SUPPLIES , Special $13.50 RENTING , REPAIRING , Bicycle Co. , Eil. T. llaydcn , Mgr. COK. 10TH AM ) CHICAGO ST. sjmmmmmmmmtnmmmminmmK tm 40 AND $50 3 The finest , strongest nnil ino t porfoot bicycle over built. ORICNT , $50.00. CIUINLESS , $75.00. Other nwlces from Sll-.OO up. Cash or Easy Payments , 'Phone ' 493 , and Dod < re > Streets. Columbia AND Rambler Sterns , $45.00 Gcndron , $35.00 Other Makes , S16.00 For $1 00 we vvi 1 get your wheel and thor oughly i lean thi < bearings Second-hand Sewing.Machines from $300 in Jl & . W Tires , $023 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Gro W. Mlrkcl , MSI. Cor. 15th < md Ilurney Streets. and saddle post nio usually overlooked It the saddle has springs and Is lust ) or dlrly It may become the seat of a bquoak that will pester the rider for days to locate1. After giving a wheel an overhauling too much care cannot bo taken to BPO that every part is properly replaced nnd set up tight. H Is better to make certain by a trlplo survey than to meet with accident because of an oversight The becret of hill-climbing Is the continual application of power If the rider jumps to his vvoik on a long hill , utlng great force for a tlmo he tiios himself and does not get ns good results as when , catching the pedal at tlie top of the stroke and using the ankle motion , ho follows it almost through the complete revolution. IJy consistently ob serving the prnctleo of this melhod ho utlll/es not only the powers ot the thigh muscles , but the calf muselcs as well. A Cicrman doctor bus been Investigating and has found that hill-ellmblng sends the plusp from the normal ( bl\ty-llvo to eighty boats per minute ) up to 1CP to ISO per minute In lung-e'ontlnucd liill-rllmbing or loug-dlstanca raeing at lilgn speed this must necessarily do damage to the machinery in the region of the heart. The faet thai fco many racing men get Bloul caally proves , ralher Ihan disproves , ibis fact. The following advertisement actually np- praied In n lecent IKSUO of a ( lerman paper devoted to matrimony : " 'Owing to the dealh of my wife , n scat on my tnnilem Is vacant. Candidates for the scat may send in their names to Scorcher , in care of this paper. " Richmond , Va , will not impose a tax on bicycles. The ordinance Introduced in the common council having this end in view has been rejected , under the advice of Iho clly attorney. That olllclal adv Iscd that accord ing to the law the bicycle was a vehicle and could only bo taxed in common with other vehicles. Two more American rldirs liuvo decided to try for some of the ilth prUcs offered abroad. H. II. Hills , Jr. , and 1) . lieiivvay , well known Now England ilderu , who re cently cast their lot with the professionals , will leavu for Europe this week. They will try their epccd af.'alntt the stars of Uugland and rianec. If llioir trip proves successful they will vibll South Africa , where "I'lugger Dill" Martin Is at present w lulling fame * Hills Mid IH'nvvny will at nit iH thin scabon of the ) car In order ( o get acclimated before < the racing seatoa begins. Martin , who at piescnt IH at Cape Town , 1s probably better known than any of the racers. Ho Is 3d jcaiB old and lias computed on every Impor tant track In Amcika , I'uropo , Asia and Australia , and la reported to have \von more than 120,000 Iri prUea He is as good In long-distance events as he Is In sprints , hav ing icoreil victories In six-day races , includ ing the race on the high wheels In Madison Square garden about faeven ) eur are Onl > last freason ho defeated Gardiner , Uald uud Cooper in sprint races , a.nd also di'fea'td Harry Kikes in a llfty-mllo paced race iu lioston. "Give me a livci regulator and I can regu late the world said a genius The dru lut handed him a boHIo of Ie Witt a Little Uarly lusers , the farnuus Uule pills. , 13 t ry Klot'lrle licit anil Appliance lU'foro 1 on nxaniliic llr. Ilflilietfn I ImKc lompnrlNoii HtM\iirc tit ( ounUM-frHx Viiy Aillcl < - Coulitcr- fclleil lln.s .Hoi-I ThlilI. . ! Almiil This. "Apioiios of the question , 'How' to pre vent old age'1 Di. Julius Altlmus , the eminent specialist , sns the onlv way Is to be cnieful to uppioprlato iind us tin ) fil\nnl ( iitrieiit which he- his studied nnd cxpc'iImenlpU upon oven forty ) uars , nnil ln > s the chaigc njri'nst doctors ot liavlng1 far too lonp neglected el'ctrlilly In cases of deblllly and e\lmusllon , in which ho him self has often obtained results llo has known ineinaturply aged men look ten > eais > oung i after trrilnienl , become iCHtored In tempei anil take a fresh Interc I in life. " The authoillv riled nbovo Is most high Is iibed a.s cor- i oboratlv u ev 1- denco sustain ing1 the claim that my tile. Belt , is tlu on'y proper m e a n n ot a p p 1 i 1 n I3LIJC TIUC- I'lV to the buman ys- teni T h e > meeiical pro- fesslon Imvn been tome- what tardy in recognlz- Inj ; UloeUIi- itv n the KieaUHt curt - nllvo power t h e w 01 III will ever know , but at I h > have bi n forced to In- tallty may 1)0 ilrilnwl fioni the cyste-in by Indlscip- lions , exci'h- M s nnel iieilrlclty : In Iho Vita ! and Neive i'oree ot human beiltiK - It is Life it * If and onee lost there is no way ot reHtorltjg It exi-opt tluoUBli the medium of a. huhanlu curicnt. Dr , Bennett's ' Electric Beit Today Is the on'v known means ot prop- eily applying ULUC'l HKMTY to the human wwtom. Jt has Haft , .silken , Uiuinol cov- eicd sponge Icetiode's , my exclusive patent. cannot liurn and blister i\ \ do the bare me-tnl olcctiodes lined on all other makes of belts. Electricity eaanoi pcnci- latc llio s ) tem lhrouth bare in talIt Id iitiliucl upon thi > suifui e hcnio the burns. There Is a poet louiiterfelt of my Jloctrodc ) out do not bo misled When otliern ul- tumpl in ) methods , do they not virtually 111- UL/I.J. m * nt. ' \ < > u cannot afford to experiment Get the genuine. The prlcea ot my lii UH , 1 hope , ure within the icach of all the nlllleteil only about half tbu prkc ot the old st > IP. My Ulettrlc Hell is no experiment It Is the HlmpltHl and most n.ituial remedy upon earth , I hav studied Ulictrlclty fop ) carH and know lo a frucllon Just the quantity needed in ( acli system to euro the illseaiA child eun regulate thla i urrent when applied through my Hell , I gtiuianUo the euro in oveiy tube vvhcro 1 it commend the lie.itmenl ot my Hell It It will not euro yuii I will not sull It to 1011 , i have no diusatlslied patients nor will I havft any Ciiaraiiltdl to euro Sexual Jmpotency , Lost Manhood , Varlrotel' , Spermator rhoea nnd all Sexual Weaknesses In either HCX ; restores Shrunken 01 Undeveloped or gans'and Vitality , cuns Kldnc ) , Liver and , liladd r TroubUs , Chronic Constipation , Py-pepsla , Gfiiunl and Nervous Uoblltty , all IVmale Coniplalnt-s etc M > Helt mil be i mewed whin liuine < l out for only Va ccnlsno otlur belt can f- renewed for any priee , and when liuincil out Is worth less My licit Is Kunranti- one year When > ou Inwln treatment with my Jllc-ctrle Kelt you arlighting1 dlHcano and ph ) lcal debility with u weapon jou can trtiMt Its effe Is aie not doubtful Jti results uro not iiiicc-rlalii It perform * i urc.s < vcrv day anil jou can talk fa > e to lacu with the peupl It 1m * cured it has a euro In ovtry town In Colorado M > iiatknta eun be readied by letter any llmo and they would bo glad to have you wrlto to them Th y ore grateful because tluy Jmvo t < ome- IbliiK lo bo grateful for They are willing witnesses and are unanimous in thf-lr tesil- nioii ) If Urn high character of my Hell Is nol already known to ) ou the cures cm be known That It what you want. Write to inn about It , JJo not el 1 ly fall upon or vvrlto today. I will wml > ou I < "HiO for the a kint ; my Hook About niectrlrity , symptom blunku , testimonials cite. < . 'orre.sp < inden < o and < .on- tulatlon Hiicrc-dly confidential My Ulcctrla Sunpi usury for the pennant nt euro of the \.irluus vvfakn sued of men fri to every male ) pun hnsi r of one f in > Helm Adv lea eusts > ou nothing KM unl > by Electric Bennett Company , lloniiiHO nnilI DiniuliiN Illoelt , Ouiulnii JVrlir.i Kllli a nil Uoilu" blreeli. Uiirn fiuiu HiitU n , in , tu ( t i ) , in , i ; e-ii- IIIK * , 7 p. in. ( o HiltO p , in , 11 * HI UJi ( U & Hi M