TTTE O r/VTTA DAILY BEE : SFNDAT , FAIKMT 12 , CONDii'lON OF OMAHA TRADE Merchant * Are All' Well SatisGed with the Spring Business. MONEY PLENTY AND CUSTOMERS MANY Indications All I'olnt to Our of tlic , Mo t I'mapi'i OHB HCIIMIIIIN That the Slnlo Ilnn 12 % er Experienced. The nr t two week1) ) In March haVe Wit- jies = icii an active movement In practically all 0 r rimmls ot merchandising Tlu ! llder \ \ ainor naturally turned the attention of IAP umiiM In Uiu direction of spring pur- ci t and a few warm daya would un- d'.rntPdiy effect a large Improvement In tin * retail trade , which Is already good. As It is lending retailers of tile rity express themselves us well wttlsiled with curent b'islfoss and as more than pleased with tii prospects of the near future. In the j iiii.inu district only the most etirour.iglni ? rnmrts are to bo hunrd on oveiy Hide. 13\Ty line of business appears to be In a tn-'St nourishing condition , with the country ( I'm i ml of liberal proportions as to It ii I've ryono fully occupied. Money ap- ] ' "to be easy and consumers are seem- I' i v in easy financial circumstances , no ih'j are able to treat theniM Kes quite 1 ily lu tliu matter of puiclusrs With - nt tin InesH of such u highly Batls- f > i .i > character. It IB only natural that n > Ii nits p'cture ' to themselves a most I ) iti'liliiK business with the coming of roil tpni K-lIKe ) weather. All tint they ask Is a r > isrmnlily ( .ally spilng with conditions fuorablo for the commenc mcnt of farm work The large falling off In bank clearings is jio r' llotlon upon the condition of trade as tt Is duo entirely to a change In clearing licusr- methods through which the South Uinulia busltuss Is held out. I'lriu liioeiiry Mnrltct. hole-sale. grocers report very favorably n L mllng the condition of trade during the Insi we. k On the warmui d.iys especially tl > r w I1 * a big rush of business ami many d all rs found they had about all they could do I. ) lill their orders prompth The mai- hot is in the same strong position It has UP n In for s unu time pant and Just about th < * usuiil number of advances were re- jioiltd Among the more Impoitant changes Is the advance In the entlru Hueof sugars am nntlne to a full > 4 cent. The. market la \ crstrnng at the advance and jobbers are tnlting hold freely. The general opinion HC n > s to bo th it still higher prices will rule In tlio lutiire Corn syrup was ail- van 1 1 etnt pi i gillon last week owing to 11 msloc rablc liter useIn the demand , and th. presi nt high price ot coin , lle.ins are HI ill Ruing up tin advance last week nm mnti cl to 2' ' , ; cents per bushel. The mal ic. t on sonic brands of package coffee , how- < v r , Is a trlllo weak , as is shown by the tin Ine of H cent pel pound on the Arlosa ami Bee bnmls. 'J h" market on Callfornl i evaporated fruits continues to Ilrm up. especially Is this true Ljof peaches , which are hlghoi than tliev vv ic > a week ago , and thoie seems to be jncrn buyers than sell is Anything Ilko fumy stock Is very seaice and \ety dlf- Jlcult to obtain. 1 ho effects of the high pliers ithat have prc\ ailed for some time pa-i on practically all kinds of dried ando ipotated finits is b'glnnlng to be felt on Ulu maiket for pi lines. The supply ot prunes Is larger than that of mo'.t other fruits and consequently the price has not niH muni as rapldlj. Thib fact has naturally Increased the consumption ot prunes and prices are now llrinlng up and Jilcher prices are anticipated for the. near future Evaporated raplicrrlerf also ad- \aiued ' < cent last week. MniiiifacturcTN Ilc'liliitl OriU-rn. Hardware men also cnioyed a nice trade last week and say that the volume of thoii business Is limited only by their ability to weenie goods to sell. In s pite of the fact that erv lactory in the. countiy is turnIng - Ing out goods at , rapidly as possible , rftlll there is a shortage , much more marked than it was a year ago. In many lines of bpimg goo < l and a few t.taples as % ve 1. The whortago Is greatest In lion and steel goods nnd In borne ca es amounts almost to a 1 imlne U Is said that mills -\\hlch aie in n condition to make quick dellveiles can obtain most any price they ask. The cost of goods han oeabed to be the important point , us the diniculty now lies In iindlng a mill whlih has anything to se'l It IH said that sheet mills , plato mill' , pipe mil -j and In fnct practically all kinds h.-ue so'd all the coocls they can tui i out betTfcen now and July The situatlc i is wol' shown by the follow Ing , which is taken from a prlco list sent out to the tiade : "Prices quoted dn this report aio tluww prevailing at the tlmu It Is written. Within forty-eight hours thj may be $1 or $2 a ton too low. " Hut , while the demand at the present time Is creator than the capacity of the. mill- . . otlll loc-a ! Jobbers are well piepared , as they hu\o large stocltB on hand in moat lines and consequently will bo able to linndlo their ttade in good shape. The mono Important advances which took plate last week are as follows : Steel goods , 15 per cent , till and cabinet locks , 10 per cent. iraKanUed Iron , 10 p'r cent , and bolts and hinges , 15 per cent. There are many other too numerous to mention 'iho mo t Mil prising feature of the tiade , however , -was the dec-lino of I4c per pound on zinc For t ome time the zinc maiket has boon In avery stiong position and hus b ( en advancing the same as Iron , though IchS rapld ! > . The diop of last week was consequently rather unexpected. Local job- bciii however , are not .ooklng for any of the opinion that Hir oils dec line and are < lw. iccuit fall is cautjed by the market I , , ing foiced up too rapidly. This Is the onlj ia-0 , as far at teamed , Inwhich any v , .ikncMi has developed. The CM client condition of trade locally Is well bhown by the statement made by ] . adlnu Jobbers , to the.olfeut . that the vo umo of buslncsB so far this month Is 2j in-r cent better than It was a jear ago , and last jear was one of the best years over oxiieiicnced. \Variu Wciitliisr Ilc-lps Out Tlio diy goods trade Is booming riwht along , the B-anu us it been foi the last jear of moie. Thowsum days of the last week ha\o stimulated the buying ot sum mer goods and Jobber. ! Una they hive about all the business thev can handle- . The vo umo of trade to far this year is way ahead of what It was last year and pios- luits for a continuation of .such conditions aio apuarcntlj .very favoiablo. The mar ket is. not much different fioni what It -\\.is n week ago. Prices on cotton goods uio Jlrm all aloiiK the line and advices fiom oastcrn polnia ahow an extremely heathy condition The volume of business actually bung tiansactcd is not so cxcc.ssivo , but there arc. plenty of Tnqulrles and the In dependence of the sellers Is the only th ng that piovonts more being so.d. woolen dress goods are also advancing and storks nro well sold up. Tills Is true of Bilks and 4n fact the sumo may be said of pi.ic- tli-ally every line of goods on the market Nothing of a veiy stalling nature took iilaco last week with boot and bhoe Job bers Trade conditions Beem to bo % eiy eatls'factory and a big Improvement la noted o\cr last jeui 'Hie bulk of the ciirlnc ordeis aio now llllfd. but there are ulwais a good many dealers who put off mninir unit. Uiu last moment , but thu waim weather of last \\uek bi ought winy of on the market. This has been u ry mitisfactoo season \\Hh local Jol > - beiH as busline hus come to them moio " .iblly than usual and lotallers put tlnough thu country uio better prepared to pay lor tht'lr stocks than e\ur before , whloli Is a Kitsit help to thu wliol saer. There Is not vuiy much doing Just at sent in lubber goods , but c\oiy snow pi t biliiBS In H few aiders and when tlio Hprlnl- iiiliw bugln there will Uoubtletis bo ciulto a. trade , I.uiiilivr Slen UiilMK AVell. The lumb-r situation Is also very satis- fin tor ) Liberal orders are being rccchud from o\ei > bcotlon anJ leading Joliiors say thc > uru doing Su pur cent mor buslnuss thun tlu-y did a > uar ugo. Hetulleia who hu\o put off bu > inK until late In the season llncl thiit their stock Is costing them con- uldoriibly more than it would a few \\eekn ago IK-i aubo of tlic nmnj ad\ances macio li > manufiicturers local Jobbers udvancid their lUts onMarch 1 to coi respond tu thu agiw'd lists of both < thu yellow and \Vhlo : j > rno inumifKctuuMd. Uy thia it is im-mt that retailers In NebiasKa or surrounding htales can buy lumber In Omaha for thu wiime llRUie. tint tliej uan gut It for by ordering dlrsetly from the inutiufaiturcrb In the north or south , as u comparison of the lists will show If retailers thoroughly understood this point It Is doubtful If they would place- their aiders In moiu distant markets Omaha Is bound to become , an Important lumber market anil the fcuon-r dealers in the mrroundlng country bei ome acqualnteil with the advantages offered SAG lietter It will bo for all concerned There la nothing to report regarding the hida market. aH prlros romaln about steady nnd trade rather dull. I'l-iilt mill 1 * roil no i' , Commission men as a general thing spoke very favorably ot the. . condition of trade dur ing the last week. There was more activity to thu trade thun has been noted for somu time patt u d U begins to look a ; though thf January and February luM was about or wan. 'Ihe main feature of last wfek'i trade was the upward tendency of prices ort potatoes \\hat Ims ) irr\ iou i > b on anld reiardlni ! the dlfllc ult > ' 'xi * nencc-d In securing stock l slill trui and nhnt llttlo there Is to be had Is lii-ld at almost fabulous price * This Is especially true ( if Colorado stock At th = preient time choice stock Barked Is quoted her nt 65 c ents , nnd Minnesota ilur- bunks at luj/sii cicjits while t'olorados ore worth WttfiS cc-nt < < . i ; rly Ohio seed potatoes are now on the miu-kut at $1. I lorldft tomatoei re still to b had nnd are quoted at $1 OOfW.SO Cabbage Is getting rather scarce and Is .telling at 3 cents New California cabbagi , howe\cr , Is beginning to come and Is quoted about the same as the old stock. . Orangm nru bcglnnliijr to firm up , as an ticipated , but noery marked change has tnkun pla e ns yet , Kggs took quite a ttimlile last week , owing to heavy receipts and not ncry active , de mand Supplies In all market. * were liberal and bujers all semned to bp wating for lower prices. About the middle of the week th market went down to12 cents , where It remained the rest of the week. On Satur day , however , there was a big local demand and practically evtrything1 was cleared up at 13 rents. Poultry , on the other hand , was rather scino , and the market was Ilrm nt quota tions No change In butter was reported. The demand for llsh Is still very hen\y ami pome kinds of fresh wit r llsh were ad- \ancMl the first of the Week. Still higher prices ore expected Oj.stcrs nru the tame as report = d a week ago. OMAHA ( ; IMICAI : ; , M Condition of Tritili * anil ( ) iioalons ( on Staple- nil riuii-j 1'roiliiee. Eons Receipts heavy , market , 12c. IJUTTER-Common to fair. 11i12c ( ; choice , ; separator , S0cj g-ithered creamery , . POULTRY-Hen" , live. 7J(7 ( > ic ; dres cd , S S7S' ' c ; old roosters , 11 % c , 4c ; dressed , r > c ; spring chickens , 'Ive , 7 7Tl < ! c ; dressed , Sfj 1 < > c1 ducks , ll\e , C'i'ii'c , dressed , 9c , gvO8o , ll\c , r''i'cdressed , 9c ; turkejs , live , 7QSc ; dies ed , Iflfdlo I'KSKONS Live , per doz. , 75Q90C. VnAIL'hoire , 8Ji9e. OYSTiitS-Dulk Standard , per gal. , $1.10 ; mediums per can , I3c , Standard , per can , JOc , n\tra Select , per can , 23c ; Xew York Counts i r can , 30c. nuSH WATHU FISH White fish , 9c ; ake trout , 9c ; small trout , green , lOc ; yellow lilkc , 7c ; plckere' . winter cauirht , 6c : silver lierrlng , 4c ; perch , scaled and drcHSed. Cc ; perch , skinned and driwcd , 7c ; nortiiern crupple , lOc ; bullh ads , drcBScd , lOo ; black : > ass , verv scaice , 13c. SHA I.MSH Kloiindcrs , 8c ; haddock , Sc ; Columbia river salmon , lie ; halibut. He ; No. 1 smelts , lOc , blue llsh. lOc. Spanish mackerel , lOc , red snapper , lOc ; extra largo nackerel , 30c each. each.IMIUITS. IMIUITS. APPLES-Ben Davl ° , per bill. , $4.505500 ; Genltons , $1 ; New York Baldwins , Oreen- ngs and others , choice , per bbl. , Jo , western l3o\eil , $1 7 , " > ftl So CUANHHUKIUS Jernay , JSOOSG.K ; large , > Gj01ii.75 , per crate , $2.23. VKGETABLKS. TOMATOKS Per crate , $4000450. SPINACHNonu in market LCTTUCn Home anwu. per doz. bunches , lor ONIONS Home grown , per doz. bunches , 30cWATEncnnSS16qt. $1 CO WATEncnnSS-16-qt. cases , rlJMJKY California , good stock , 25s ; choice , 35c ; fane } , f > 0c , extra largo , 75c ; MlchiKan , rhoicu stock , ST.1J3SC. CAHBAOE Ciated. per lb. , 3c. CAULlFLOWnil Per erate , $2.75. ONIONS Per bu. , 90cQ$1.00. UHANS Ilani'-picked , navy , per bu. , $1 CO © ICO POTA TOHS- Choice , sacked , C3c ; poorer stock , COtifiOe : Minnesota Burbanks , 75JJSoc ( ; Colorado , U05i 5c ; Uarly Ohio seed potatoes , $1.00. SWEET POTATOnS Per bbl , $2 0052.23. TROPICAL FRUITS. LESIONS California , fancy , $1 75 4 00 ; choice , $3.30ff3.757 ; Messina , tancy , $1 00fc4.23. OIIANOUS Nnvels , fancv. $3 2oJ3 50 , cholc > . $ ,00 1 3.25 , seedlings , $2 33S2 50. HAN ANAS Choice , ciated , largo stock , p r bunch , $2 OOQJ.25 ; madlum blzed bunches , $1 75ft.00. . DATK Halloweo , CO to 70-'b. boxes , Cc ; Salr , 3'i.c , raid , 9-lb bolOc. . MISCELLANEOUS. Nt'TS Almonds , per lb , 17c , Brazils , per lb . 9'10 , English walnut" , per lb. , fancy soft shel . llfdic , stand irds , lOc ; tilberts , per lb lie , pecans , polished , 7@Sc ; cocoanuts - nuts , per JOO , $4 , peanuts. . , raw , BlJ.'Qeej ' 10 isteil , t > 1ii7i - . CHJElt Per half bbl , $3 SAt'EUKRAUT Per half bbl. , $2. HONEY Choice white , IJcjlJi c. MAPLE SMU'P Five-gal , cans , each , $2.50 , gal. cms , pure , per do , : , $12 ; half-gal. cans , Jii.i'i , quart cans , $350. JIAPLE Sl'GAIl Choice , in boxes. OSlOc. KIGS unrorted , none , California , 10-lb. boxes , $1.405150 HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7Ue ; No. 2 croen hides , CHc , No. 1 F.-uted hides.8vtc ; No 2 salted hides , 73ic , No. 1 veal calf , S to U Ibs , 10cNo. . 2 vc-jl calf 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 3Uc , tallow , No. 2 2c ; rough ta'low , 1'ic ; white grease , i' oc , yellow and brown gi < ase , IMirtWc. PURS Mink , 10T(73c ( ; beir ( black or brown ) , $300 < Q2000 , ott- 1 $1.50 800 ; beaver , $1 00f7i > 00 , skunk , 15'i75u ' ! , mn krat , raeeoon , InfiSOc ; led fox , 23c. il 25 , giay fox , ZJ ioOi welt ( tlmbei ) , 23c5t$2.50 ; wolf ( prill le ) , rojote , WiiZOc , wildcat , 10Q2gc , badgir , fifilOc , silvoi fox , ? 30 00fn3 00 SHEEP PKLTS Green salted , each , 13j > 73c , green baited shearings ( short woo'cd odily skins ) , each , lijc , dry shearings ( shoit woolcd c.uly skins ) . No 1 , each , 3e ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4fi5c , dry Hint , Kansas and NVbiaska murialn wool pelts , per lb. , acttia weight , Stllc , dry Hint , Colorado rado butiher wool pelts , pei lb. , actual weljrht , 4'Q3c , dry Hint , Colorado mm rain wool pelts , per lb . actual weight , 3iflc. St. I.iiulM ST. LOUIS , Jluich 11 FLOUR-Steady , uiichnngcd WHEAT Options weak , unsettled and lower. Spot lower ; No 2 red , cash , ele vator , 71' ( , track , 7Jfj73c ; March 71Hc , May , 73'/j(7J ! ( : sc , July , ( Mil'GG c bid ; No. 2 hard , (7c ( , CORN Options fractlonallv lower : spot OOJM No 2 cash , 31c bid , track. 3lc , Jlarch , 3i' o. Mav , 33fi3T bid , July , 'M" > c asked. ( j ATS futures easj ; fiactionally lower ; ppot Him , No 2 c.ihh , 2Sc bid ; ti.ick , 29c , Mm ch , 2Sc ; Jlay , 27'4c' ' atked ; July , 2J'/ic askul , No. 2 wlilte , 32c. HY E Nominal , 58Cif'9c. Sl'EDS Flax&eed , no market. Prime tim othy. ? 2 ' 0 CORNMEAL $1 70Q1 75 I1RAN Weaker , sacked , east track , COc. HAY Quiet , steady , timothy , $ bOO ; prai rie , JlilOfiiSOD HirpTER Flim ; creamery , lSJ(22c ( ; dairy , ' WHISKY Sleadvl 20. PKOVlSlONS-Poik , steady ; Btnndard mess , Jobbing , new , $ ) 2ri , old , $ S 37'i. ' Lard , quiet , prime hteam , J5 10. choice , $3 17'/ ' . Dry salt nuats , boxed hhmilders , $4.23 ; e\ti.i shorts , $4 75 : ribs , $1 87V' ' . shorts , $5,00. liacon , boxul nhonldeis , $ , " > 00 ; extra , ohorts , $5J3 libtB17 < . shorts. J5 DO. RECEIPTS-l'lout , 1,000 bbl ; wheat , 12- 000 bu , i 01 n 2S.OiiO Im ; oats , 29,000 bu. SIllPMENTS-riour , 0,000 bbls ; wheat , 20,000 bu. , coin , 4"i,000 , oath , 13,000 bu , llllUlliioi-i- RALTIMORK , Mirch 11 FLOUR Du'l , unehantred , receipts , 10.4 0 bbls. ; exports , 20 fW bbls WHEAT Weak and lower : spot and month , 74' < .fi7114c ; April , 74 ( ! T73i' : Slay , 7l'uf'75c ; oleamer , No 2 red , "O'ii770-yic. ' re ceipts , 10,720 bu ; exports , none , southern , by untile. 70Ci73'Jc. CORN WeuK and lower ; spot and month , 37'WfiV ' . Api 11. 37Vff3Sc ; May , 3S ( TffJo | ; sKMmer mKeri , Sb SAVic- : receipts 10i,17sbu. ( ; exports , 179,019 bu ; southern white and yel- 'ow , SS' ' e OATS-null : No. 2 white , sr/ffflCc ; No. 2 mixed , 315)33'/.c ; icceiptB , 22,180 bu ; ex- portn none , RYE Easier ; receipts , 2,237 bu , ; exports , none. SUGAR Strong unchanged. ISl'TTER-Steady , unchanged. EliGS Finn. 12c CHEESE-Steady , unchanged. K.IIINIIN rit > Cii-nlii mill I'rovlNlnnN , KANSAS CITY March -WHEAT-l" < -'i ? 2e lowjr. No 2 haul , C2WfC2aic ( ; No , 3 cOi ? No 2 red , 74Vic ; No. 3 , 69S72e ; No. 'J " CORN-Him : No 2 mixed , 32 lQ33cj No. 1 2 white , Sli-lc No 3 , j-2 . . * > .ifc. . OATS-Dull'a No. 2 white , 29Hc. RYE-Kjc up ; No 2. Sfi'/jc. HAY Dull unc-hanged. HUTT13K Unchanged EHGW 3 lowei , fresh , 10'c , RErEIPTS-Wheat , 03,000 bu , ; corn. 14.- CH ) bu ; out" r > ( iM bu SHlPMENTS-Wheat , 4D.SOO bu.j corn , B.DOObll. , oats , 4,000 bu. Toli'dn TOLL'PO. O Starch 11 , -WHEAT-I/owcr and weak No 2. ctJli 7U o. Slny , 72Hc CORN ActUo and lower. No. 2 mixed. 31c. OATS Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed. 2Sc. RYE Dull and stonily. No. 2 cash , 67"-c CLQVnuSEED-Actlve nd lower ; prime cabh. old $3.47',4 ; new. cash , Slarch and April , $3.75. IVorlu 'MiirUt-t. PiORIA , Slarch 11. CORN Dull ; No. 2 , 33e. OATS-Dull : No. 3 white , 2SHc. WHISKY-Ftrm , on the basin of 1.2fl for finished goods. COMMERCIAL AN'D FINANCIAL Demoralization Sets in in Full Swing in the Grain Markets. NEARLY A CENT LOSS ON LARGE HOLDINGS l'roIMotn CoinpnrntH ( . ) } Stcudy , CliisliiK Mlth n I.IIMM of PHc nnd I.nril nml Itllii T\\o mill n Unit CcnlH , CHICAGO , March 11. On Ing to the bear ish government figures on faun reserve * ! UIio lonjrs In wheat , corn nnd uili threw hands up today and al owf-d the shorts full Hwlng. Tile losses for tlie day were "itleu ! bushel on 8,000,000 or 10,000,000 bushels whcttt , 7fcc on from 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 bii'hels corn nnd lUc on about 3 000,000 bushels oats. Provisions were comparatively steady , pork closing with a loss of Gc , and lard and ribs Wuc < each. The 19.000,000 bushels of wheat In farmers' hands In this country March 1 , aw reported by the government yestctdny , uas a good deal moie than the national bureau was ex.- peclcel to acknowledge nnd over 27,000,000 bushc'U in excess of the record-breaking total of 1M > 2 The Liverpool market VMS iiflectod to the c'xtent of n dec'lne In whcU futuieM of Ti.d and 1'arls noted declines ot from 30 to 40 centimes a. bushel. Under such conditions May wheat started licie % iilKc ( lower nt fiom C9Vu < i9'fcc , down to GJ'fcc ' nnd the maikot became heavy , May cettlii" down to l > 9c In the ; com so of an hour troni the opening A vast quantity of lonj : wheat was sold out and an cqu il amount of shorts were covcicil the leadl- ness with which the holders of thu bitter contracts accepted the offering' being the on y thing that prevented a mote surious decline. Chicago received Ef > cai of whleli 8 were graded contract. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts amounted to BIS carloads , compared with 376 the bume daj a year ago. Prlmarv western market receipts amounted to BM.OOO bushels , compared with 458,000 bushels last year. Atlantic port earances weio 45iVX ( > bushels. The worlds ship ments elm Ing the wee'k were estimated at about 8,000000 , half ot which eamo from this countiy. The general expectation re garding the -visible supp y statement was lor some Increase. Near the end of tlui session May recovered from G9c to C018o and closed at G91i'3G9'18c. The government figures on corn reserves of SOO.000,000 bushels were a surpilse , as It had been expected the amount would be le-s than last year's. Longs became dlH- critsteel and sold out. The maiket ruled heavv throughout , with shorts buying at the dec Ine Receipts weio 3i9 cats Mav onened VaHc lower nt from So'sc down to S5'c. declined to 34 ic and closed with buy- ° lThet weakness of wheat and corn caused a decline in the oats market Ihere was general liquidation and everv drop In ciders Receipts prices brought out stop-lofs begun \c ceipts were huge , 230 cars May to " 80 lower at fiom 27c down to 2tir > 8c nnd diopped to 2G T i o , closing figure. steady almost Provisions were remarkably , most holding their own in spite ottho de moralization In all the grain markets Buv- by packers and better prlccH for hogs ng May the strengthening intluonces were opened a shade , lower at $9 lj , rose to pork closed at $9.10 ® J51 20. dec ined to $9.10 and 012U. 'Ihe range In lard and ribs was nar- 10Ts'tmated ! receipts for Monday : Wheat , IK carsTcorn , G05 cais. oaU. 270 cars ; hogs. 'LeadYifg ' 'futures ranged as follows- Arllcles upon Hlh. Low. Oiose. Yoil'dy oo CO 70' < 08 3BK 34 1 34Ti 3U aaj * 35 1 , SOU ao 27 2GI2H 2GVi 2a 0 1C 920 n 10 912H 917K 035 B BO 930 9 J'-'h 537k- 537 637W 5 424 55'JK , 5 Cn s r ft 5'2't 5 f > 5 u U5 G03 607(4 475 477H 47a 477X 4 85 4 8.1 t. 00 500 4U7K 600 * No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Slow ; winter patents , $3.C5S3.iu ; stiaights , SJ.33ifiJ.43 ; clears , $3.15Ii3.25 ; .spring specials , $4 00tf4.10 , patents , $3.40ii 3.70 ; straights , $2.yOfi3.20 ; bakers. $2.25(52.60. ( WHEAT No 2 spring , < i74JGbc ; No. a skiing. 02fiG7'/ic : ; No 2 red , 70c. CO UN No. 2 , 33)4lie. . No. 2 yellow , 31 ® 34"-c O'ATS No 2 , 2G' ! i72G c ; No. 2 white , ZWQ 30c ; No. 3 white , 2tj , ; < U2J'/.c. ' RYH No. 2. 5Jc BARLEY No. 2 , S943c. SEEDS-No 1 llae' d , $1.15U : northwest , $1.20' $ . Prlmo timothy , $2.40. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.00 79.03. Lard , per 100 Ibh , $5.221 5.30. Short ribs sides ( loose ) . $450 1.70. Dry baited shoulders ( boxed ) . $ i 25&l.J7'/2. Short clear sides ( bo\ed ) , $4.S5Q4.)0. ! ) WHISKY Distillers finished goods , per EBUGARS Cut loaf , ? 3 S3 ; granulated , $5 13 rollowlng are the receipts and shipments : Artkle-s Receipts. Shlpin'ts. riciur bbis i3ouo nooo Wheat bu 33 000 84,000 Corn iu 271 000 1-Jl 000 oatS ; bu. : : : : : .ooo su , 1 > p i i ] . . . * uu\rt } -tUW ' ' ' ' ' ' Bit ley , bu' . . . . . CJWK ) 32,000 On th Produce exchange today the but- tei mirket was steadv , crcnmeile-i , , lift1 ] W.c ; dailies , lli/-t(17c. ( Eggs , st-aely , fiesh , 12'/"c Cheese , i tc.ulv , crtamcrles , lO'jlijllvic. Diesed poultiv , moderate demand , tuikejs , S'-l/llc ; chickens , O' filOe , ducks. Stifle. .MJW YOUIC GKMlIlAIj 3IAUKKT. ( ( iioiatieiiiH for the Day m Ociioral CeiniiiioilltlPN. NEW YORK , March 11. FLOUR Re ceipts , 15,557 bbls. ; exports , 4Sb2 bbU. Dull and weak , at Gljlae decline , w Inter p.U- enth , $ J70 ; winter mialghtH , $ J.50JfJ CO ; Minnesota patents , $390&4.0 ! ; w Intel exitai > $2.BOTi2 > .5. . Mlnnibota bakers , $ J 10 ® 3.2i , wlntr patents , $2 40Q2 G5. CORNMEAL Easier , jellow western , S3Q > S4c , city , S4T ( "e' . RYE Dull , No. 2 western , CS' c , f. o. I ) . , allnat. WHEAT Receipts , G2.400 bu. ; exports , 1.2&S bu , , spot wenk. No 2 red , 77Vic , t o. b , alloat , to at rive. Option * had .1 weak nuclei tone- and light trade nil tlio morning In response lo heavy goveinment llgurew on faim receives , hiipplcmciKed by lower cables and an absence ol distillblng crop new ) rioseil weak nt liM c net lower Milch , SU'k'fit.OVcloseel nt SOVe- , May , 7l'fc ' < f74 ! > 4 , closeel at 74VbC , July , 72''i | 7Jl,8C , closed ab 72'C , September clo'-e-d at 70e. CORN ReeelDts l > 0,095 bu , exports , 51,120 bu. Spot weak , No 2 , 43V.C. f. o b. , allont , old Opllons also weal ; all day , on thu gov einment re'-civo llgures anil lliiuldatlon Cleiseel weak Maich closcel at ll'/ju ; May , S'lVl/IOc. ' / closed at 39r c ; July , 40'i040- > , closed at 40'ic. OATS Receipts , 90,000 bu. ; exportH , 20 510 bu. Spot dull , No. 2 , 3i'ic ' ; No. 2 white , 3ue' , Options dull HOPS Quiet , state , common to choice , 1S90 crop , 7f/Sc , 1S97 crop , lliJ13c ( , JS9S crop , 17 < iilSe ; Pacllle coast , ISHu crop , 10 < Ifllc ; 1S97 ciop , Ili(12c ( ( , 1S9S crop , IbJ/lUi. HIDES Steady ; ( liilveKon , 15 pounds , 10 f(17c. ( Texas , diy , ll J12c ; California , 21 to 25 pounds , U'-jC. WOOlv-Firin ; domestic fleece , 17Q22o ; Texas 134/15C UU'rrER Receipts , 2,373 pkgs ; market , firm , wes em creamery , 15S-Oe'j Elglns , 20e ; factory , 12f14V.-c | CHEESE-riim. state , large , white , 12e ; small white , 'jifl c ; colored , 12c ; small , colored 12'jfil24C ( EGGS-Stead > , 14c. TALLOW Steady ; city (42c per package ) , 4Vic ; country ( pu-hago free ) , 4'ifi4liaC. RICE riim , fair to extra , 4' 'il5c ' ; Japan , MOLASSES-rirm ; New Orleans , open Kettle good to choice , 32f(37c ( COTTONSEED OIL No trace of Impor tance today anil pi lees nominally un changed. Prime crude 21c , nominal , prlmo crude fob. mills. ISTlUe ; pilme summer yellow. R20Uc ; elf summer vellow , SSt ? 'SiVic ; butter gradefl Klf7J2e prlmo winter jellow , 3K ( J2c prlmr whttf , 3Hy32c. METALS The bickers' price for lead Is $1 20 , and for copper Jib 00 .Mllvuiulvoe Cirnlii Market. MILWAUKEE. Mircli 11 WHEAT Lovv-er ; No. 1 northern , G9'ic ; No. 2 north ern , GSc. RYE Ixnver. No. 1 , M' . 'fi56s4c. ' HARLEY Weaker ; No. 2 , 4SfC2c ) ; sample , JOL'lCc. \Vlifiit MINNEAPOLIS. Mirch -WIIHAT i.i y ; March , B7'Jc ; May , C7 G7'ae ; July , OaHc , No. 1 hard , on track , C71ic ; No. 1 northern , CG4C , No. 2 northern , N M1 orU lr > ( iiinlN " > Iin'Kt-t , NHW YORK. March 11 Print cloths have sold during the week enl > In mall ciuantl- tles No sales of regulars have been re ported and odd foods have changed hands to tlio extent of about IJOfOO p'.ei rs Mnm of these were narrow goods. The prko tone , however , hn.s remained \ery strong In nearly n 1 grade . 'I he settlement of the wage question for the time bdiiB. nt least , hns tended to make the market a more stable one In print cloths In other lines tlu > wek nan been a large one. The great number of buvers In town nnd the Blend v demand for stock tlllln ? purposes. In spite- of the ndvanied prices has kept commis sion men and ngent biwy throughout the week i\port : goods have o d weak through the week PintA'l IONS I.N VIOCKS AM ) 1OMS. ( IttiiliittoiiN I'l-ai-lluiially Atint p Yoi- ti't-elaj'M Clove anil M'lir llluhc-M , NEW YORK , March 10 Quotations on the Slock exchange left oft fractionally aboxo ycsterdaj's close and near the high est. Trading nt the outset was of a hei'ltatlng character , showing a. disposition to follow any lno\o in the specialties. This was in dicated by a rise in Sugar , tlio movement In tnis stock canct4ing me carilet el time. 1 no general niuiket moved , sjmpathetically but narrowly , ttubseepientlv theio was a raid on Metropolitan street Rativvaj , wnlcn ilropp.d 6 points This incident stimulated shoit sales in the other stocks , will ! oon- cfcssions eiuito mateilal in Alannattan , Urookljn li.inslt , Sugar and Uay totale Gas. 'Iho latter was particuiaily Inlluciiced by thu action ol the Uoston exchange autlioii- ties in illscontlnuing u ailing in tlie stock , llils action was Mibseeiu IHIJ taken , bj tno guveinors at thu local exchange. The- rail way shares moved \c-iy sluggi'lily ntu * at tempts to Imptovc them wuu letarded by the he.iMn ss of the Union Pacllle issues , In which foreign belling was quite pio- nouiiced. Various pessimistic expressions nito iho probable chaiacter ol tlio bank stalumciit , which had been rife during the week , were partlj eiaellcutcd when tnu btatc'inent was published. Thesallunt fea ture of it was a eonti ictlon in suiplus ic- servo of only $ lj5,125. The loin account showed n. rcuuctluti ot over $3.000,000. Cash decreased $1.413,000 , which lellectc-d sub- tie-asiitj opeiatlons In connection with tlio Cuitiiil Paclllc cfltlciiient. "Thu statement was lecclvtid with considerable favor In the stieet and Induced uctivu billing , i.iiBlng tlie. general iuvel of prices above last nlglu. 'Ihe closing was ttiong and activt. 'Ihe stock siieculallon lor the week was largely of a ptofcsslonal character , with sales about $1,000.01,0 less than tlioau of the pievlous week. Willie stocks showing ad vancers vvtiu more numerous than those flaming for declines , gains legisleied in tlio lallwa.vs weio In obscure properties , thu geneinl run of active .share * , paitlcularly the grang-rs and Pacllics , losing giound. Owing to the unusual pioinlnencu and sup- poit extended to the specialties duiing thu week many of these properties show liand- bomo gains. A lluirjin tlu call money mar ket , in which quotations for a time reached 4'fc , Is largely due to the- financing of Uiu Central Paolllc settlcmunt with tlie go\em inent , the Chicago & Alton deal and various Industrial combinations Til money to pay the Cuban troops had no effect on the money maiket , as it was. withdrawn from thu subtieasury. A large amount of countrj bank balances reached New York because of tlie llrmncss In the money lat's , and theio wcie arrivals of lound amount i of gold from the Pacliic coast , and monev gradually eased oft from its high level. While money was in piu- tlcular demand the-re appeared a leflex eas ing In ( sterling exchange , which again strengthened , money became eabler. Third A\enue became strong on the belief that threatened hostile legislation was less likely. Metropolitan retained a n = t gain of U on expected favorable developments Urookljn Transit wasi'trong on tlie lupoits that It was to absorb Long Island railway and the l.attei advanced 5 points Much In terest attach.d to the declaiatlon of the legular quarterly dividend on Sugar and thu stock 'was strong in consequence. Some speculative Inteiests professed disappoint ment at St. Paul's declaration of only th- icguiar dividend and bocauro of the last dividend of 1'fe per cent on Union Pacllle pieferred was not Increased These inci dents , whIU tliej were not different from what had been c'xpected In some quarters , had a depressing Influence on a number of the railways. Continued reports of prog- less in the so-call cl anthracite eleai were given color by the strength display eel for the most part of the week In these proper- tics , Lackawanna retaining G polnLa of an extreme rls of D At one time the political tension In Europe over the adjustment of questions ailslng in China had an unfavorable - vorablo Influence fcentliiientally , but sub'e- quently advices wer- > that the matters In dispute had been amicably adjusted at least for the present The Increases In expen-ts Incurred by the lailways during the Feb- mary stoims were expected to reduce the1 net showings for the month , in which the gross earnings showed a slight falling oft , except In the case of th granger roads. This Intelpretation of the railway showings had made impressing Influence. The continued good demand for Iron prod ucts was nn example of the encouraging tiad ? advices In many other industries. The bond market followed the tendency of stock prices pietty closely , which cnu.sed consldcrablo irregularity In the dealings. Thu market ns a whole showed aery nub- tstantlal undeitono and some striking gains were recorded In Issues , which do not fic- qifntly assume much prominence in the trading , particuiaily the Missouri Pacific mortgages Special inlluences wero. instiu- mental in effecting wide changes in numer ous cases United States old is , registered , declined ' / - ' pci cent , the new 4s * K , the 5 and tlio old tJ , coupon , ai and the 3s > ,4 per cent In the b'd pi Ice The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram B.IV&"Tlio : markets hero continue inactive , but the tone today was good Ameileans were exceptionally dull The bulls wtro disappointed by tlie Union Pacific dividend. Union Paclllc and Cential Paclllc were the weakest features , while tlie coalers , Noi them l > ac Hie , Atcni- son wer * steady. Spanish 1- were htrong at 573i Coppeis weno Iractlonallv lower The Credit Ljonnaise did Its llrst arbitrage business in Anncondas , with New Yoik todav. Eight thousand pounds ster ling In gold arrived from Austiall.i " 'Ihe following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exrlinnge today : , AlciiiLjn ! ! l' > elo 2d iifel Si'J ilo pfd . . . l l\j St L S , S. W . . . ! nilllinoie & Ohio. CO do ] > Jd 27 % J lai idi I'4ijrt . . . 87'1 fct Paul 1271 CMnail i Souilmn . . Wi's do pM lf ' 'i Ccnlral l'a < illo . . MV fat 1' . & - Oin I'liesi. & . Ohio All do pfd. . . . Chi .1. Alton 1" ! So. 1'nclllo Jin C , H & Q . 13'js - > o Kallwaj 12V Chi. & . U 111 C7Hdo I'M 4Si do jifd 122 Te\us S , IMclllo. . . . " 4it CTii nV l-'t Ijiilun Pacific 4i' ' ( Jill Iml. & l < 8 do pld 78V , lo pfd -13 "IT. T. U. .V O . 12 Gill & N W 141'ial > J8li i'/i elo jifd 1'Jl do nrd i. 5Hi c. c c. & . st. L . rijijinicoi. . & . L n. . . . nVj do ] ifd tiC's uo T'fil 32Vs I > el & Hudson. . . . IH'/a ' Vcteins U\ Ul Del 1. & . \f 101 American Kx Ill De-n. i. Illo Cl . . Sl'i Unltiel Mates Hx M'i " " ' " ' ' irlo ( non ) . . . . . . ! 14 > 4 A c ot Oil S6h do Jt > t pfil , . . . ' ' > I do J'f'l > - 1't Wayne 178 Amen. ! plilt3 35 lit Noi pfd Itn-Mj do pfd Wit IloclthiK Vul 5K Amcr. 'Jcdiacco . .l 7V4 IlllnolH e'onuiil . . 114u elo pfil ll < UiKo Drlc & . W. . . IS'i ' fans ( ! ' { h do jifel tit Cam C\ible Co liS Iiil-n Wiore 2 < ) i > Col r. Iron. . . . 3i'/4 ' Ixuils d Ntafcli. . . OTi eJiu pM ' 14 Jlanuitun L. . . 10J Ocn Hlewtrlo 118 Me'l f-l _ . . . -2 Havi-nll Com Co . 7SU Mlihlirmi ctiitrul. . Ill IiiooKlyii 'llaiult. . OJ Minn V SI L . . . 61 Inter Taper . . . . 62Va do Isl pM. . . . W do pfil 0 Jlo 1'aelllc IS i Ln e'lcelo Dun f.2 MobileS. . Ohio . . . . "t " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Mo. K. & T U'2 ' Ilo . . . . . . . . . ' di > pfd l > it 1,111 oil 4Mi N. .1 re-niral . . . . H2' ' < . , -uci. c Mali * * * N Y. Central . . . 134'j I' , plt''n OHP J14V4 N. Y. Clil & HI L UVi I'ulli'.nii I'rl 158 , dii aet pM C-'i < llMr e'ert S ' 4 I ilo 2.1 pfd ! ! Sninilard 1' & T. . 84 Xor.Vcsl IS SiiKar IJJM. No A n ii t _ o ( > o elD j.M---- ' Xo Paclllo II * . T c' & Iron . . . 47 do pfd 7k } ! U. S. leather Ontario .v , W 17" do pM. . . Ore. H S. Nnv 45 U. S HublxT Ore Klioit Line . . . 42ij do 1'ac Coast 1st I'M. fS UVttcrn Union . . . . ' ilo 2J pfJ < < 1 il < T4l Sieel f > H4 i I'ltlDhiiru 1FO elo jifil S" i lle.iillni ; "I Amir Steel & W. M ; do fHt pfd . . . . Cii do Jifd 10I' It. a. W SO Orei Nnv pfil 70 ilo pM . . . . . . . . . 75 1'ac Coast . . . . . . - , ; . , . llock IfilunU 110 % do U pM"j ' bt. I . & h. r n t Colorado Southern. 7 do ) ) fa. . . 7U4I Ju Ptd Wts " Klrst asit. paid. * * Second aast. paid. The total sale's of stocks today worn 315 400 hhaies , liiLlu-liiiK : Atohl on pieforred , 11- 675 ; Central Paclllc , 6,000 , Uiirllnaton , 3,893 , Jlanhattan , 4525 , .Miitropolltan Slrect Hall way , 1,4(15 ; lUadlng 1st preferred. 'J,7uO ; Union Paclllc , UUO ; Ontallo A : Weytein. 7.1JU , St Paul , 10,055 : Amei lean Steel and Wire , lU.OSO , Amei lean Spliits preferitd , Tennebbco Coal and lion , S.COO , Illlllllllllll , NEW YORK , Slarch 11 The. following are the losing prle era fur mining bhaics : . . . I'rottii I'olnl . 1" . Oilhlr . 100 Con I'nl anj Ya . 160 1'lymuiitli . . . l" neacluocxl . 45 ( Jouia & Currje ; . . 35 dp i > M . o > llala & . Xorcrow , 30 li-rra Xovaclu . . . . IS1 * H'andari . 3VO Silver . W I'nion Con . 45 Mexican . 05 Yellow . . . 15 IVe-eMj Haul ; Stali'lili'iit , NEW YORK. March 11Tho weekly bank late-incut tshovv the following changed. Surplus ro1tf decrease , 1137' IZu loons , drore adif,1 nf-.on rt v re ! < se Jl.ZOfi 900 , de- posin ' decrease. l lirOtX > . circulation , de crease. $26 701 The batiks now hold $33,203- 000 In KCP < S of legal roqulrcmpnts Ni-vi \ ork Moiipy MnrUct. Ni\V YOllK. Mann 11-MONMJY ON TALI/ Steady , at 2'sfi,1) ) p'r cent ; last loan , 3 per rent PillMH MimCANTIt.n PAPnil-3 per cent. 9T13HL1NO DXCHANCJn Steady. \vlth actual buiiness In bankers' bills at $1 $ SB 4W 4 1 15\ for demand and at $1 3siT.g4 | fejr f V divs , posted rates , $ l.x4'4tf4 , and $1 bC < sW 4S7 , commercial bills , $1 M'fcifM.SI SILVKU CI3KTlKICATiS : Nominally . llAR SILi-c. MEXICAN not.IARS-li'4e. ' „ liONUS CIov erturiein bond ? , easy : roll- road bonds , easier , ftilt'rt States 3" , 107 ; Sun Priim-fNru MlnliiK ( luotiitlotiN. SAX FRANCISCO , Match 11. Th ofllclal closing quotations for mlnlim stocks today were as follows : Slhcr bars , 59sjc ; Moxu-an dollars , < 7V > ® 4Sc. Urafts , sig-ht , IGc , telegraph , I.iiluloli Moulc ( tiKitntloiiD. LONDON , Match 11. 4. p. m Closing : Con 'o ! s , money. . 110 7-1C V. Central Conol" , nect . UO"B c j mid Ian l'.w.illo . 90'i ' 15-lo . . . . lti < , Union Pac pfd ilo 1st pfJ . . . S % llllntils I'Miiral n , , I. \ . V N'oriheni 1'uc ptd st' . Grand Trunk bt 1'aul amiunon liO % BAR SILVHR Steady at 27d. . MONh\- , per cent. Rate of discount in open market for short and three months' bills , 214Q21i per cent. Kliiniioinlntci. . NEW YORK , Match 11 The Imports of specie hist wok were J.,719 ! in gold and W.1CO in silver The oxpoits of gold and slher from this port to all countries for this -week aggregate ; SI , 121,447 , silver bars and coin , and J.iOj.WI gold NEW ORLEANS. March 11. Clearings , SlB31S.'l ; New York exchange , bank , $1 pie- mliim , conim rclal , 25c premium. CINCINNATI. March II. Moncv , ZWSS per cent. New Yoik exchange , 33c discount , ST LOUIS , March 11 Clearings , $3,769- 7T ? , balances , SDUI.Sa'J , mono , oti7 per cent ; Now York exchange , 15c discount bid , par asked OHK'AGO , Mnich 11. Stocks active ; Straw bonid , 32 , Allev L , 7tJIi- , Diamond Match , H7 , Nortli Plilcago , 220 , West Chicago cage , 91'i , National Biscuit , common , 50'J ; National BIcult , preterrcd , 11J , clearings , SlS.t,1) ) " 307 , bilanees , $2,803 , 93 ; New Yoik e\- ihangre , 30c discount , sterling exchange , posted rates , ? l Sj'fl.S7 ' ( , actual rates , $4.Wi t < 4 S B , ti\ty da\s , Jl.SSfrl S4" . . I'HILADULPHIAHich 11. Clearings , J1B.70010I. balances. $2 001.7M. XI5W YOliK , Maiih -dealings , $213- SuSu9'J , bilanees , JlttMi4 10s. BOSTON Much 11. Clearings , $22,848,371 ; balances , , $2,5S1CM. ! ' < > rt-Imi I'ln.-ini-liil. PARIS , M-irch 11 Pikes - ere nrm on the bom so today , Spanish 4s ilslng substan tially undei the inlluenec of otions | , spec u- lution in view of appioicli'iiK settlement and hoa\y bear co\eiliiis Othci Intel na tional sicuiltlos were -laB'nant Rio llntos weio heja\j on the r poi t of a laige holder of these se'curitles De Beers woie in good demand and reecneied Kalllrs weio Ilrm , with th1 exception of Hast Rands Char tered securities were In Rood demand on Cecil Rhodes' vls't ' to Berlin Three per cent rentes , 101f 17'ic t'oi the account , e\- ch ingj on London J > s 21c for checks. Span- lull 4- closed nt 5S W. IXJNDON , Manh 11. Oold premium at Buenos A\res. lid JO. Amount of bullion taken Into the Bunk of Ihml.mJ cm bilaiints today. JLS.OOO The market for American so- vuiltlts , after a dull and rather weak open ing on Now Yoik selling oid iwas ilimer , but the close was weaker. Spanish Is closed at 74.73 BU11LIN , Mot ch 11 International securi ties were Ilrm on the bourse today and Spanish 4.5 advanced fihnply In i espouse to w tern niUlces. Amer'c-aiis and Cann- dan ! Parities were dull. Ix > ual bccmltles were Ilrm. AVoul LONDON , Mnich -Tho b = st selection of the borles was offered at the wool aur- tlon salm today. The offcilnjrs were ] J 41W bales , Inelinllng good lines < if llne-lnliul Now South Wii'cs , QueeiiHlind and Vlitorli merinos , which w ° ie laicelv taken by the rrench , German and Belt'l in buyois after a spliited competition A f i w c-holco Rus sian orossbrrds and some grades of Oee- IOIIK weio taken prlnclnilh by the home trade. During tlu week Dii 000 Inle-s wuo sold To lowing me today" s-alis , NI w South W le.i 9 'WO biles , sroured. Oil ,0s ; greasy , 4' ' ( Kilsld Qiieeii'lind 1UO bales ; scoured Is'uls J'-.d. ' grinsv. 6fj9d Victor ! i , 1,200 bales , scouit'd 10' . .d5Is 2'-.d . ; greasy , CM/ South Austral ! i , (0) ( bales , grca v , fiUf(7l ( > , \VtstAustrala "CO bales , scoured , ln"lUiftilB3 > < d. N w Zealand , 3S"0 biles , scoured , ( , Uil5ls2d. | greasy , l 4Q10'jd ' t'apo of Good Hope and Nitnl , 1 WX ) bale's , sc-omed , fld'iliiM ; ureusy , b'S'siO'id. The oneilnss fai ne\t wvek's Bales amount to 75,700 bales ' 1 arilvals to date for the next werli s cons'st of 7.1 MJ bales , ln ' udlng 23500 bales lorwarded direct. Im ports dining the week wire afl follows : Now South \\uhB , l'Ji,53 , liti-H , Queensland , 2,837 bales ; Melbourne , < < 92S bales , .SniUh Aus- tralli , 3J1 ( bhle- , New Xt-iland 3liO : ! ba 03 ; Capo of quod Hope and N.Uti . b iil bales , Biisith , 931 bales , Slntrupore , 1,001 bales ; Dmiklik 719 bales , ilnewhoie , 72ri bules ST LOUIS , March -WOOJ.r-Dull and cju'et ; medium ISftlM-.c. light Ijnt * . 12ulDc ; heavy line , { Jjl3c , tub waslod , liftluc. NHW YORK. Man h -C'Oin''in-pp- - thns ste-udy nt unehungeff prleos , and while quiet H showed a hcalthj undertone thioughovt the session Foreign cnblos were difuppolntlini. , Iiiuzllinn roctlpts full and spot demand 'lafk , l u these factoiH were offpot l > y jiHte-rdij'B big reduction In th" long IntMviPs very heavy warehouse ) delUerios and the- belief that short account was unlubllflublv large Ploged steady , un changed to 0 pulnls higher Sale * , 9,750 bags , ineludlmr March $3 CO Apr I. $5 00. Ma > , $310 , July , Su25 , .September , jj 15 , Oc tober , J."if.O ; No\ umber , $3K. Dcconiber , J5CS Spot i-offie , Rio. dull1 No. 7 invoice , UH.C ; No. 7 Jobbing , C5ic Mild , ciulet ; Coi- dova , Drli'tl I'rultx , NISW YORK March ll.-CALU'ORNIA DR113D 1'UUITS Steady. livapniatcd ap. ple . common , DttTe : chulcc' , aHJiO c. fancy , [ tfcSjlOc. 1'runes l&10c Ajuliot.s , Rojal , 12M" Mror Pirk IWITcPeachcu , un- peeled. Ofille ; po ltd. 23ii2tC. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Jinn of Oattlo Is Fair for a Sat- urday. PRICES ON GOOD STUFF HOLD UP WELL > K Arc In fiuiiil Drmuiul with ( In * Value * Up Unit a nlnio llluher 'I'll II u I'.nrlj lit Ihu Week. SOUTH OMAHA , Mnrcl ) 11. Catll ; . Hogs Shocp. Receipts today . 334 P.2IO 4l ! > OlllclnlMoiulny . S o 1,131 t.lJo Uillclal Tuesday . . . . . 2,17f B.OIO 4.254 Olllclnl Wednesday . 2,0b2 C.K.2 12,3 3 Olllelal Thin sda > . 2,213 , S.227 C.Jll Olllclal Friday . 1.405 S.3SS 2,32.1 SK days this week . ! Uo7 3 637 30131 Same dnys last week . . .12,145 39.2M 3JM > 2 Samp davs week liefore. . fi sua 32,104 30.7IS Siuno tlirco weeks a no .12.3IG 30t,93 30i)2s Average price paid for IIOKS for the last se\cral days with comparisons : Indicates Simdai. The olllclal number of cars of block biought In today by each road was : , , . . Cattle. Hogs. O. o r & St. L. Uy Missouri Pacific 4 " Union Paclllcn System 1 10 1 C & N W. Uy i F , E k M. V U U C 12 B. & M. U. U U 7 ID C. , B. & Q Uy 4 C. . U , I. & P. Uy. , W . . 4 ! ! Clippies and driven In 13 40 190 Total cars l7 Si l The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows each bujer pinchablng the num ber of head Indicated : Cattlo. Hogs Sheep Omaha Packing Co 497 Tlie G. II. Hammond Co. . 21 1,000 Swift and Company 39 710 The ) Cudahy Packing- . . &S 41 P D. Aimoui 15 1,057 Vuiibant iS Co 14 Lobman & Hothtclillds . . . 9 W. 1 Stephens 2 Huston & Co 4 Hill & Huntzltmer 2 L. F. Husz 70 Livingston & Sohaler . . . . 1 Swift , from the country 250 Other buyers S3 Totals 354 4,155 291 CATTLE-Once- sreat while cattle sell well on a Satind y but It it not often and shippers are foolish to stnd cattle on the last day of the week to this maiket or any other Ihere IB no reason whj packeis should buy cattle on Saturday to be carried over until Monda ) unless they could bu > them at a reduction. For that reason It had come * to. be the cnse in all the markets of the country that there is practically no mar ket on the last da > of the week Today there were only a few cattle of any kind hero and few were wanted. In other woids , it was a tjplcal Saturday's marn.e't. No one seemed to care for the five or sl\ loads of beef cattle In the yaids and there was practically no maikot. There hns been a fair run of cattle this weuk , as compared with recent weeks The market on all kinds of beef steers excepting good cattle Is 10f(13c lower than last wccit. As there Is only occasionally a load of gond cattle coming to this market almost c\en- thing sold lower the last of the we.k In the wnj of beef steers The maiket on desirable kinds of cows and heifers has not been \ery much low T this neck , but on the general run salues aie about 10iil5c lower. The most noticeable change of the wtek has been in the case of luills , which have declined on an a\ciigo fully 25e nnd were \ory slow sale at that. Veal calves sold well all the week at the sam * old prices , that Is at JU.50S6.75 lor the best Stockers and feeders , If choice , were good sellers all the week , the demand be ng especially actlv for good light yen ling stuff. Prices on that kinds of stock cattlj art- very high. On one or two days of the week feeder liuyers took hold of the warmed-up cattle quite wll and in that way helped out the beef market Representative sales. cncr STUURS. HOCiS Today's imirkct was 3 7'ic ' tlmu yoitorilny and fairly activeat the ad vance , so that practically all HIP hosj-i chantrod hnmlt In Bond Mason The prlct < nald tniiKCd from $ T " > to $370 , as afrilnit } l 42'-jJViJf'iteiilav ! ' ! ) ( LlKlltandllRlit inlved loads Hold today lit $ .ICVii3(0 ( , and vcsttiiluv the hfime v\clfi-hlH lnaiiKllt W 421L0 ! & < , < Thu. . hi'iivlor mixed loads old todiy at $1 ( Mt 3 OJ'i , and jesteuhi ) they went at $ ! rJli ) i 3571.- Some ffood IIP ivy loud- and KJU ! hutclier vvelnhtB bold up to $ J Cl , with one nilnie lifavy at $ i"0 , wlilch was the top , na iiRainst $ ! .K'i. M.steiday. The lioif in.irltpt this week Rtnrtod out vvlth v lines rather ow. and gradually viorked hlKlie'r until on Wfil'iesilaj , when the hlKh point of UKvvcek vs m tone IK cl Then values ea'i'il off until 1'rlilny , v\lun the low iioint of the week was reached \\Ith tlio dote uf tlip vvtek v.ilueH nro just about 5c liighu than tltu > "wore at the opn- In ' A careful examination eif tlie accom- panyiiiK t iljlo ol aveiage prlc-e- . v\lll Hliovv the amount of the \irlatlon In values fium SHI3I3P Ther * was nolhlng hero to make a market The one car recelve-d wan con signed direct to a packer and wab not olfcred for gale , BO that tlic-ro was ( lutlupg to make a test of the market. The sheep market this week has not been In bad shape by any means , though on iomu days It WBB lather slow. One thing la certain and that Is that the South Omaha market would compare favorably whn any othf > r mnrkft Hnndj weight ihefp hnvt be-on In good deniHliel on limit lay.n if the work and have sold nt fun ; , itc.i Iv PIICM. Hc.u > sheep litiv > be en ne lc i M to emi > evtrnt bv packers and In all probability would luive sold lower had It not been for mitildo Mippott lo the market Ai it wins lieavv sliwp were barely steady for th w rek. Lnmln have been good sellixfl. anel the miikct Is 1M20c hlRher than If wns a ve k ago \7oslern lambs that sold last v.itk at M7rt went n.i high as JI.W un Frleliy of this week Quotations areOood to choice fed west ern wethers , $ ! 20fil26 , fair to gooel , 51 1 W 4 2(1 ( , choice \vesterii vearllliK''i $ l.20B4S- " ! O fnlr to Ronl western jearllngs. $1,15 420 ; good to chnlceveiiern e-w s , f370f3iO ? ! , fnlr to good western ewe * , ft BOJTH 70 ; good to choice native lambs. $ lWei4.90 ; good to clio'c-e ' vvosirrn Inml s , $ | 76 f4 < 5 , fnlr lo KOOd . .VTJo.r2.lini' ] W1T.0 fppor wfttprs , } l COeTl S5 ; feeder lnmb < r $1 OOff I 40. cull * HotMi. $2 eons 00 ; cull lambs. } 3 00 3 60. itciircsonia * MVP sales : No AV. l r. , f ) mil ewes 93 tj p , ) 2 Intnlw CO 4 W MV1J .STOCK .MAIlKMl' . Cattle Se-lt nt t iH'liiuiue-tl l'rlcellnnn In Ai'tl\r lli'iiuiiid , CIlIOAno , March 11. The few offprint " , ) of cattle that came on HIP market toilnj' weio sold nt uiiphaiiRpd prices , lulos lielntf on a b.islt of $1V.Ij590 . for the roniliioncst to tlio best Blades of nillvc sleers. There1 wns nn active dpmnml fet IIOBH fit nn advance of 2V. Bale * bilnir nt $3 fOJf3.i'i ! ) for commoner lnt up to $1Wi395 for the best dimes. The bulk of offerings solel nt $ i75y390 and plijjj went lartfely at $3.131 ? [ J63 ! Most ot the sheep and lambs received to day wore consignee ! direct to packets , so , there w re few cattle on the market. Prices Were Uliehaimeel , sheep being quotable ) tit $1TO'i4 ( la , jearllngs , $1 10Tf4. 0 , and lambs nt Rpci-Ipis : Cattle' , 400 head ; hogs , 21t 0 head , sheep , 4,000 lipnel KaiimiN flt.t l.ltu s < oeli. KANSAS CITY , Mnrrh 11-CATTLE llpcelpts 90 head , supplv too llKht to KO nround , prices unchanged Active demand this week for llnlshed MUniRhterlnir Htock , nil ill sit able offtrinss splllni ; remit v ot lirin prices Liberal Hiipply of imtlnfsheel cattle that were slow si p and omo of the le-a t desirable binichrs 'nt lov\er prlcet. Ilea\y natlvp Hirers , $5 ififiif.O ; . , ineelliim steers $ I40T(5,15. llKht\volht ( stpprs. $120S ( ) C.OO , stoiKri.M and fee'ders , $ .1GOT(5nO ( ; oan- 1101" . $22VilOO , bulls , $ TOOfi425. eu ves. $ j.fO (17GOO ( KM e-\\t. western steers , $37iV3r > 00 ; Tesaus } 3 S-'iliB 00 UOCtS Rei lits. | 43TO head Market openexl hluher , rioted weak with the ad vance lost. The lliht Kiipplv thl week liai slightly stlmil ated pi Ices the net liiernihe inaltie nmountliiR to about Be. Sales to dav Heavv , $ Jf,31SO. . iiii\ed packeis , $3 fwfi.l 75 , lights 53 15j3 TO. SHIMReielpto ! , Js5 head. Prices stead } , model ate MJpplv of sheep this week Htrenglheiipil the demand and piopcrly ilnlshed lambs advanceil 205i25e Good unit- tons active at Htm pi Ices Limlit , $1 EOW 4 D , Mnr'lngs. $120111 50 wethers. $3 705JI 425 , ewes , JJ.OOSJs , " , stoekeis and feeders , $2 OOIj I 25. St. I. mil * ll\e Slin-l. . ST I.OflS , March 11 CATTLE ne- ceipts , , ; iw heud , includliiK 100 Texans Mar f ket practically unchanged from one week ago icji natives , TP.VUIS stroiis mid lilghei : fair lo fancy native shipping and e\poit steers. $ IV fjB75. bulk of wiles , $476fi5r 0 ; dressed beef and butcher sneer * . $375yr > 10. bulk of hales40Til75 ! , steers , under l.OuO Ibs , $ Tlri1i4lO bulk of sules J4.00i74 25 ; stocKcis and feeelers , $325ii4S5 , bulk of Mies , $ ' ! 5y > il50 cows and heifers , $200j4iiOt } bulk of cows , $2 "Sal 10 , bulk of heifers $1 ( > i ) ft I 00 cniinlng I'ows , $150Si275. bullss f 2 35W 4 75 , Texas and Indian steers , $ J 00f5 10 , bulk of "ales , $1300470 ; cows and heifers , $235 ( Sioo HOGS Receipts. R 100 head Market stioiiK , plgb and lights , fl r,013 75 , packois , $3 fw-iiS SO , butchers $3 Vi " ! l.Vj SlinUP Receipts. 900" head Market titp.idv , natlvo mutton' . $ I2.WI50 ; lamlis $5 OO'iio 30 , bucks. $2 75ii3.75 , Texas' ' and Mexi can blicep , $3601(4.00 ( NEW YORK. March 11 HEnVES Re ceipt , 2C1 hend , nolhlmr cloini ; ; feeling stead ) expoits , 010 head cattle , 20 head bhecp and j ! ii > quaiteis of beef. CALVES Receipts , 2 head , nominal ; veal , $075 SHEEP AND LAMDS Steady. Lnmbs ' .owcr , t-hf-ep $42505.00 , lambs , $5.45T5.S3 ; mainly. $ ? thiTf fi STi HOGS Receipts , 1,702 head ; none for sale ; quotitloiibj , $1 101i I 25 Cliicliiniill I.It ( ! Moc'Ir. CINCINNATf. March 11. HOGS-Strong , higher. $ i25T90 CATTLE Stfndy. $2 75175.10 SHEEP AND L-AMHS Sheep , steady , $2.25ii425. Lambs , .steady , $ IOO'ff535. Stock In Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets foi March 11 : C.'ttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Til 9.J11 44S ChliMgo 400 21,00) ) 4,001 Kansas City 90 4310 St. Louis 300 H10J Totals 1,121 39.CI9 ll\ ( iriiiii ami I'roi | HIIIIN. LIVERPOOL , M.uch 11 WHEAT Dull , Tifild lower. March , 5s D'4d , May , Cs 5'id ; Juh , SriVl CORN Hull rid lower ; March , 3s Gd ; JI.iv Is 4'Hd Julv 3s Oil PROVISIONS rice f , dull ; extra India moss , nis , pi line mess , COs Pork , dull , prlmo m ss , line wcstein , 47s Od , pr'mo ' me\s- , me dium western Ij-i Hams , slioit cut , steady , 33s Cd I ! u on , short libs Ilrm 27s Od , long cleir middles he-avv , bteid.v. 27s , long clear middle , light , steadj , 27s ( d , short clear backs , US lo lb Ibs. , steady. 27s Cd , clear bel- Iks , stc'iely , ills Id Shoulders , siiuuru , si ady , 21s. Laid , inline vvestern , easy , 273 Del P LOUR St. Louis fancy winter , steady , ' HOPS At London ( Paclllo coast ) , firm , 4 15sfS , r.s CIirrSE rirmAinorlean ; finest whlto and coined , KOs TALLOW Prlmo steam , clly , 23s Cd OILS < "ottonsced. Llvcipool rellntd , Ilrm , IGs 9d Linseed , 1'Jf. UUTTKR Flncbt United States , 1)03 ) ; goo4. S3sI'EASCanadlan , fs 10.1. CIlK'Inlilltl Mltrl.el. CINCINNATI , Mnrth H.-PLOUR-Dull , ' " \\IEAT | Ea"y ; No 2 red 73c CORN teaelv. No. 2 mUoel , HGo. OA'lH-Stenih No. ! > mixed , M'/.c. ' RYE Easy. No 2 , GOe PROVIMONK Lnid. e isy1 12' ' * . Hulk meat ! ' Him , $17" Huron , qultt , 3ii,70 , WHISK Y Stenly , $1.20. UUlTEH-Qllle't EC1H" E isier lOc. -Mlniii-Mii.ills Win-lit MINNEAPOLIS. March II FLOUR Sti'iul ) . Hi1 ! patents , \K \ > lii3tr , . second pat en IN $ l45TCirir. Ilrtt e-lenr $2TOt(2.70. ( HIIAN III hulk , $11007(1130. l'lillllilllih In I'roeliii'i * PHILADELPHIA. March 11 - HUTTER Slemb fumy wcHt'rn cii'iuneiy , 2Qc. EGGK Weak and 2u lowei , we-tern , 12'/4c. ' CllEESK-rirm. NEW YORK , March 11-SUGAR-RaW , strong , with niiw irel lend ncy , filr irflnlng , llfi-lCe , ic'iitllfiignl , W te-st 4 13-IGc : mo- \uneu \ Hii ar , 31.-10o ! Re-lined Hi in ; No. 6 , 49-lCc No 7 , l''C ' , No X , 17-llc , No. 9 , HkC , No 10. 4)ie , No 11 , 15-10 , No 12 , IG-li > p No H , lfi-1Gc. No. 4 I G-1G < ; mniild A 53-IGr , Htandaid A , Bi. confi'ctloneifi A , Cc , cut oaf , f/U. crushed Cr' ' P , powdered , 5'ic- granulated , T.'KC ' , i lilies , 5''iC. ' NEVV" ORLEANS Manh II-SUGAR Open kettle , 37ie , open kettle , rantrifuenl , arl-init ( o-loi , ceiitiirii'jal yellow I > 4Jp 411-lle si'c onels , 2l4/ii | 15-lGc. Mo'.ahHC'S , centilfusal , lirm , 75jlOe mm DDYD * G9. , 'J'clcpliotiu lo ; ! ! ) . Oninli.t , Neb COMMISSION , CHAIN , I'HOVISJONS and STOCKS UOAII ) 01' TIIAIIl ! . Dlrcl wir * < * lt > eiiiiui ! . , -'i New York. John A Warrtr. tt Co. rot.r 1053 HRPEHMEYaCO. RPOrMHnirEBLDQ. BRANCH I03BH&T OrUllA ntD UHCOUt MED SHARES SOLD V Something m-w In aloekii and IjondB , pa > 200 per cent pf-r > ear on lu\-Htini nt ; tiny iiiiiouni , investors < oturcd , payable any ( line , no speculation , beat re.feronc'i Write for particulars. Investors' Truut , 1221 Arch Bt. , Philadelphia , I'o.